View Full Version : The Spiders' Game

2009-06-05, 10:46 AM
You arrive in the fields north of the Crossroads to report for duty. Pushing your way through the crowds of soldiers and mercenaries you make your way to your unit’s designated area. Horns sound across the assembling army as the regular units begin to march north, those who would be manning the front lines. You find Yogan riding a black steed around a nearly a dozen men and women, your fellow troops, checking names and making them on the scroll he carries.

“Good,” he says to the squire riding beside him. “Everyone showed. That’s an encouraging start.” His voice grows grimmer as he begins to the unit’s orders and the situation. “Now, I’m sure you are all aware of the situation in the northern passes. Let me remind you of the gravity of this situation. The northern outpost normally houses a hundred men, experienced trackers and skirmishers, who are tasked with keeping the northern passes open. Because of the events of recent months, more had been sent. There were nearly five hundred men stationed there when the fort was attacked. Five hundred strong and able soldiers. Those who made it back to us barely made it. The fort was completely overrun.

“The council of the Crossroads is determined to take back the outpost and the major passes through the Spines. Look around you. What you see is over half of the Crossroad’s forces, over six thousand soldiers, mercenaries, and brave citizens. This is not a group of raiders we march on, but a seemingly well prepared army. We suspect the enemy only had half our number, but they have the fortifications on their side. If you believe in any god, then start praying that most of these men make it back.

“We have half a day’s march ahead of us. Ten miles to the forests of the foothills. There we will camp for the night before pushing the last few miles to retake the pass. If you have never traveled through the north before, you won’t know how difficult retaking it will be. At its narrowest point, it is unlikely we could have as few as thirty men fighting side be side. May the gods have mercy on us if the enemy has prepared for us there.

“Thankfully for you, we will not be in the first waves of battle. We may break through their lines before we see action. We may not. If you can follow my orders and work together, we may be fortune enough to march home.”

Yogan looks up as the units nearby begin to march away. “Time to move!” he shouts, pointing northward. “I don’t expect perfect ranks with the number of mercenaries in our unit, but I do expect everyone to stay together and close by. Now, move!”

As you begin the march north, Yogan and his elven squire, Jacobi, circle around the unit making sure everyone keeps up and stays in the rather loose ranks. For the first few miles, there is little else but the sounds of commanders shouting instructions, the thumps of footfalls, and clouds of dust as the army makes it march. At last Yogan nods. “It looks as if you sods have gotten it. Good. This is going to be a long march if we maintain strict military tradition. Personally, I would rather make use of this time. Many of us have never met before today, but if we hope to succeed we need to know who we are with and what they are capable of. Everyone take a moment to introduce yourselves to me and your fellow soldiers.

“For those who don’t know anything other than my name and rank, you should know I am a native to the Crossroads. My father was part of an ambassador’s entourage from Buchant, my mother was an Elf of the Twilight Leaves who was traveling with her father on a trade negotiation. Neither ever left the Crossroads. I’ve been involved with the militia since I was old enough to lift a sword. I’ve been trained in the sword and in tactics. You may have noticed I'm not strict with the rules, but the fact remains: the Crossroads is my home. Always has been, always will be. And I’ll be damned if bunch of orcs are going to overrun my home!”

Jacobi nods. “Technically, I’m what you humans might call... how is it worded? Yogan's uncle-in-law?” he says with a smirk. “I’ve been travel through this pass since before some of your parents were born. I know the trails of the northern passes of the Crown like they were the points on my ears. I am an expert with sword and arrow and can track and scout through the mountains without leaving so much as a shadow behind.”

Yogan nods to one of the solders to introduce himself. One by one your fellow soldiers begin to speak up. The first to speak up is a loud, excitable gnome, who introduces himself as Garlmaxtrikstakall Bearer of Many Titles, of which he started listing. Yogan cut him off after the fifth unnecessarily long title and motioned for another soldier to introduce themselves. Several others do so: Pachisa, a human mage appetence apparently out to make a name for herself; Tharax, a dwarf apparently anxious for nothing more than to sink his axe into some orc; Tindutang, an elves archer; Gres, a human warrior; and Thein, a large man from the north, who’s carefully chosen words beguiles the size of his arms and blade.

((Introduce your character as you see fit))

OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6223713#post6223713)

2009-06-05, 01:22 PM
From somewhere in the ranks, a towering figure speaks, he deep bass voice carrying well over the ambient noise of marching soldiers.

"My name is Blue. I fight to protect my home and to prove my worth." Quick and to the point. If he ever had any trouble with the syllables that don't occur in his native tongue, he doesn't show it now.

((Full description))
Portrait (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v35/Proven_Paradox/Bluebearer.jpg)

Standing 7'8" tall and weighing 275 pounds, Blue is an imposing figure. His skin is obsidian black over most of his body, with a few splotches of dark gray on his back and legs. Bulky, powerful muscles cover his body--by goliath standards he is actually fairly lithe as well, but smaller races would think him clumsy by comparison (save for perhaps dwarves). His face is dominated by his eyes, sky blue with a subtle glow. As with most goliath men, he has absolutely no hair, revealing an unusually smooth cranium for a goliath. His head is mostly free of lithoderms, and the few he has (one on his chin and three at the base of his neck) do not have his namesake sapphire--they seem to be composed of standard granite. His face is heavily pierced, with a small quarts crystal hanging from the lobe of his right ear, and three simple rings of bone through the ridges of both ears. His brows are pierced as well; three bone rings on his right brow, and three bone and one that seems to be made of polished obsidian in his left. A set of three large, metallic quarter-rings hang from a piercing in his lower lip, curving around his squared chin so that they seem to be running up through his square chin as well, though they actually end before they can penetrate his lower jaw.

Sapphire lithoderms appear in his tall torso. They mostly line his sides, going up to his shoulders from his waist in a roughly linear pattern. A few more sapphire studded lithoderms appear on his arms in random places, as well as on his back.

On his upper body, he wears a simple chain shirt with a white vest that looks to be made of cotton over it. His leggings are plain, and appear to be made of silk, leading to heavy leather boots covering his feet. A sturdy but simple quarterstaff that was obviously built for battle hangs in a harness on his back.

2009-06-05, 02:15 PM

Plainsong looks about himself in wonder at the sheer mass of humanity moving about. As the rest of the soldiers introduce themselves he speaks up, "My name is Plainsong." He says curtly. As with everything in the desert, he wastes no words.

Full description:
Portrait (http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/9895/elvensorcerer.jpg)

His long silver hair flows down his back, and his eyes flash violet in the sunlight. He is tall and slender, appearing to be of elven descent, apart from his hair. His skin is tan and weathered, speaking of a life in the sun. His clothes are flowing and cover his whole body, in the style of the desert to protect from the sun. He carries a large falchion, and has a pouch of strange components on his belt.

2009-06-05, 03:22 PM
Yumii rubs the thick scar on her cheek for a moment before responding, using the idle gesture to buy time for thought.

"My name is Yumii Northedge... odd name I know, but that's what it is." she offers a shrug. "I've seen too many people lose their homes... and lives. I can't let it happen again without at least trying to make a difference."

Full Description:
Yumii stands 4'11" tall. Her build is compact and muscular, earned from harsh training and the wandering life. She has a rounded and wide face with a heavy scar running from the bridge of her nose down her right cheek all the way to the jawline.

Her hair is roughly terracotta in color, and is cut in a simple bob. More unusual are her golden feline ears, tipped with white. A tail, also golden colored and tipped with white is present as well.

Her skin tone is a medium-dark tan. Her eyes are a mild blue.

She wears a red tunic, and loose white pants tucked into a pair of simple leather boots. Over the tunic is worn a light chain shirt with a single pauldron on the right shoulder.

Her katana and wakizashi are both unadorned beyond a simple maker's mark just above the hilt on each, though the katana's alchemical silver blade is unusually reflective. She also carries a small but potent bow over one shoulder, and a heavy quiver filled with arrows.

As with most mercenaries, she carries a boot knife, and a good deal of traveling gear as well.

*edit* Portrait (http://mistharm.deviantart.com/art/Yumii-New-Portrait-Colored-50078528) (It's not the best but I haven't drawn in ages, so I'm using an older version. Maybe I'll whip up a newer one later on though.)

2009-06-05, 04:20 PM
Brushing her hair out of her face (and muttering quietly to herself about the annoying wind), an Aasimar introduces her self. "Hello, I'm Adrienna Angelbourne, Sun-Touched servant of the Radiant Pelor, and I'll be the one keeping your sorry behinds on this side of the great divide." Her voice carries a definite edge of confidence, though there isn't a lot of good humor in it at the moment.

Standing a full 6 feet tall, Adrienna's Aasimar heritage manifests in two ways. Both her hair and eyes are golden in color, and brighter than they have any right to be. As well, she seems to glow with a soft golden light during the daytime.

Her hair is nearly down to her waist, and she rarely bothers to tie it back. Her clothes are new (and somewhat plain, made for function and not appearance), but her armor is not standard issue, and contains small personal touches that would imply that it was either made for her specifically, or that she made it herself.

2009-06-05, 05:40 PM
The one dwarven face among the irregulars has been given a wide berth in the march, due to the mountain lion following close at his heels; this beast nearly stands as tall as him at the shoulder and sports a mean looking scar across the flank. He's been pretty quiet (the dwarf; the big cat keeps snarling now and again), and seems to have had little trouble keeping up with the others.

Until a few moments after the other introductions have been made. "Call me Corroar Forreststone. The cute one," he jerks a thumb at the cat, "Answers to Sickle." Hearing his name the cat eyes the others, disdainfully it feels like, and continues to pad along.

And that's it. No explanations, nothing. He gets back to eying the path ahead, hand resting on a long dirk strapped to his belt.

Lean but broad shouldered, Corroar lacks some stock and fat due to clean living outdoors. He also looks to bathe and clean on at least a weekly basis. Dressed exclusively in black and dark green, he wears a helmet made from a bigger skull and leather, fingerless gloves, thick trousers and tunic. His beard is trimmed, but woven into a single short braid. All of his equipment is well cared for and as such is entirely reliable despite the wear. Notably wears a black and green belt of leather and cord, with a shoulder strap and sheath for his offhand knife. His good dirk, a hiltless long blade with a mithral ring pommel is always on his right hip and he never lets anyone touch it.

2009-06-05, 11:39 PM
Xuong-La marches closer to the wildcat than most of the other recruits are comfortable with, with a rather wicked polearm slung casually across his shoulders. "I am called Roi Xuong-La, and I have been in your Crossroads for only some months now- but in all of my time wandering the world, I have never seen its equal! It is my honor and pleasure to fight for her, and for the freedom of her people!"

Xuong-La is short, and somewhat scrawnily built, with brown eyes and a remarkably long black ponytail. He wears a long leather jacket over his chain shirt, and strapped to his body are a set of bandoleers with easily a dozen knives and bottles

2009-06-05, 11:48 PM
"Other than the gnome, we seem to have a quite bunch," Jacobi remarks.

Yogan grins slightly and shakes his head. "Well it will be a pleasure to serve with all of you. Seems like we have a few strong blades and faithful mind among us. You are all free to talk among yourselves if you can keep in ranks. Ask Jacobi and I any questions you'd like, I don't believe there is much room for secrets on the battlefield. The more informed you are, the better our chances."

2009-06-06, 09:28 AM
After a few moments marching in relative quiet, Yumii pipes up again with a question.

"Do you suppose either of you could tell us anything about the enemy's disposition? Do we know if it's just orcs? And do you think they've had time to really dig in and put up siege equipment?

2009-06-06, 10:24 AM
"The greenskins were starting to move through at the time I left the hills. When I'm done scouting, you and the superiors of this company'll know everythin' they need to know."

The statement, not a request, is offered by the green and black clad dwarf. "They have a face? Some leader or commander feller who's reigning in all the orcs into a mockery of an army?

2009-06-06, 05:33 PM
Yogan considers Yumii's words for a moment before replying. "We believe the main force is orcs, but we have had reports of goblinoids involved with raids as well. Jacobi has surveyed some of he remains of the caravans as well. He believes they also have larger allies. We're not sure exactly what they are up to. We thought it was just a matter of greed or malice at first, but since they have taken territory now, it seems they have a larger design."

"From the first, they have always been, ummm, strange," Jacobi adds. "They take prisoners, not just goods and supplies from their raids. We do not know if they keep them alive, of course, but most raiders kill rather than take."

Yogan frowns and nods. "They have had four days now to fortify themselves. I personally haven't heard the reports from the scouts, so I'm not sure if or how they may have."

The commander grins at Jacobi as the dwarf speaks up. "Looks like you have someone to scout with this time." Jacobi's expression remains impassive, however. Turning his attention to Corroar Yogan continues with a wink, "I'm glad I didn't end up with my elven-side's lack of humor.

"We don't know who may be leading the orcs. A war band this large is usually lead by a orc whom they believe is chosen by there god..."

"Gruumsh," Pachisa absentmindedly interrupts, blushing a little when she realizes she has spoken out loud.

"Yes, Gruemush," Yogan repeats, struggling with the orcish name. "But I don't think anyone has ever heard of one their champions using a spider as a symbol..."

2009-06-06, 05:41 PM
"A spider? Not really sure what that would mean. Doesn't sound very orcish at all though... Yumii goes quiet, thinking about what the spider symbol could mean.

2009-06-06, 07:21 PM
"In the end, it matters little, no? Attacking traders and now with enough numbers to conquer a stronghold?" Blue shrugs. "Whatever god or cause they revere, they seek to make war on those who would rather have peace. They must be stopped."

2009-06-06, 07:33 PM
"True enough. The result is the same either way. Still, something is, pardon the pun, bugging me about it." Yumii finally shrugs. "Oh well. If it's remotely important I suppsoe we'll find out soon enough, eh?"

2009-06-06, 07:47 PM
"Spiders are arachnids. Not bugs'r insects." Corroar rolls his eyes, seeming to be wishing himself away from the crowd as he speaks. It's nae an orcish tendency to revere spiders; they're patient, graceful an' poisonous. Nothin like a burly greenskin who can't put 'is sandals on the right way."

The dwarf leaves the rest of his thought process unsaid, a fear trickling into his mind that if it's not a banner orcs came up with something worse leads...

2009-06-06, 08:03 PM
"Ha! Either way, I refuse to be intimidated by something I can step on." Xuong-La practically cackles- then looks behind him as a thought occurs. "Do we have a standard?"

2009-06-06, 08:53 PM
Adrienna listens to the conversations, then adds "Well, that's fine as long as the spider in question isn't the size of a horse. Stepping on it then really doesn't do much... And I feel we will learn more than we want to know about the orcs motivations soon enough."

2009-06-07, 01:16 AM

Plainsong remains silent throughout the conversation, feeling no desire to join in the seemingly pointless babble. He simply walks silently, enjoying the freedom of the open road, after the closeness of the city.

Why would anyone choose to live in a box such as that? He wonders to himself, I suppose it makes them feel safe.... it would drive me mad! He listens to the inane conversation for a while longer, By Pelor I wish that they would be silent. Can they not appreciate the beauty of the day for a moment? Ahh, I suppose I shall have to learn to deal with my discomfort, as this seems to be destined to be long, horrible war. He sighs with regret.

He turns to Yogan and says quietly, "I have a question, captain. When we arrive at the stronghold, how long shall we have to prepare? Are we expecting to engage the creatures immediately? This would seem to be the wisest choice, as time is not our ally in this situation. Perhaps we should discuss our plans for when we arrive?" He waits, knowing that many opinions will be voiced, bracing himself for the barrage of comments.

He sighs, The question had to be asked, but I do so wish that they were not quite so loud.

2009-06-07, 10:18 AM
Jacobi answers Xuong-La's question, simply replying in his slow, deliberate manner of speaking, "Only the regular units have standards. We just march under the... Crest of the Crossroads. A crown around three staves; one of wood, one of granite, and one of sandstone."

"I hope we make it to the stronghold," Yogan replies to plainsong. "We will almost certainly be fighting before then. We hope to hide in the woods tonight and be charging on their positions by daybreak. May we be fortunate enough to find them unprepared or have abandoned the outpost, but I hold little hope for that."

2009-06-07, 09:15 PM
"Hmm. So setting traps for the greenskins is out," Corroar hangs onto Yogan's words, strategizing in his mind while paying attention. "You and the 'regulars aren't gonna order me to stay put tonight, are ya? Know the woods like the length of m' beard; it'll be easy for me to get a good lay of things as they stand..."

2009-06-07, 10:06 PM
"It'd be useful to get some idea of what we're up against. "Lots of Orcs" is rather vague and all... Yumii thinks a moment, eying the rough dwarf and his powerfully built feline companion.

"Besides, the orcs probably know we're coming, so even if he gets caught we're not out much; and Corroar... that's the name right? He looks like he could take care of himself if he gets into any trouble. Not my call or anything, but I think it's a good idea anyway.

After another pause...

"If it's alright, I think I'll patrol the camp when we stop tonight. I see pretty well in the dark, and I can almost guarantee nobody'll see me. That way if the orcs have any outriders or try some kind of sabotage we might keep em from doing too much damage. Keep the regular pickets though - if they see them they won't be expecting me.

... Sorry, I tend to ramble when I'm thinking, that's not going to be too much of a problem right?

Yumii winces slightly, realizing she's inadvertently jabbered on far longer than intended.

2009-06-08, 03:37 PM
"Don't concern yourself, Yumii, as all think in different ways. If it means talking aloud, well, there are worse sounds than the sound of a friendly voice. Don't Orcs see well at night too, though? If they do, we should be prepared for an attack tonight. It's what I'd do if most of my enemies were at a disadvantage. Plus, if it's only a feint, we will lose sleep, and they can rest easy..."

2009-06-08, 04:20 PM
Blue marches on silently, looking to the others conversing with a bemused grin. Seems he has nothing to add to the conversation for now.

2009-06-09, 11:25 AM
"I like your edge... no... eagerness, but our skills aren't required," Jacobi comments with a touch of bitterness.

His nephew rides over and slaps a hand onto Jacobi's shoulder, as action the elf is obviously uncomfortable with. "Don't worry," Yogan says, loud enough that its apparent he is addressing everyone. "Soon enough you'll be asking for a break so you can rest your skills."

"Ha!" Tharax replies. "Shows wat ye knows! A dwarf c'n split blas'ed orc heads f'om dusk till dawn an' not break a sweat! Is'n that righ'?!" He elbows Corroar's arm and gives a him an approving nod.

((Probably going to move this march into fast forward tomorrow morning if no one as any objections.))

2009-06-11, 12:57 AM
As they day turns to evening, the day's march begins to slow as the units in the front begin to spread out in the woods and set up camp. Yogan leads your unit far off the road to make camp surrounded on three sides but other camps but only wilderness on the eastern side of camp.

"You're free to set up tents if you like, but no fires or lights." the captain instructs. "We're close enough to the mountains that smoke will be obvious and the trees may not hide any lights. Out scouts have come across small groups of orcs out here, so sleep light. Get a good sleep, we will be marching to battle before the sun rises."

Yogan rides off to report to the commander while Jacobi busies himself with their tent.

Tharax sits down heavily against a tree with a lough grunt. "Ack," he complains, "I came 'ere for da fightin'. This marchin' jus' takes it outta me."

"I can see why the dwarves always build such strong doors to their mines," Gres comments. "You like trouble to come to you, eh?"

Tindutang shakes his head as Tharax begins to snore, fast asleep in his armor against the tree. "He will be sore tomorrow if we leave him like that," he comments as he carefully inspected his arrows' fletching. The elven archer doesn't make a move to wake the dwarf however.

Thein throws down his bed roll and sits down, digging out a pack of rations from his backpack. Pachisa finds a comfortable spot and pulls out her spell book. "Oh," she says to herself after a moment, "what do you prepare for a war?"

Garlmaxtrikstakall Bearer, Honored Graduate of the Mighty Grimtorack's House of Magical Arts and Arcane Industry, happily hops over to her and begins to lecture her on the virtues of spells on the battlefield, although his expertise doesn't seem to extend beyond the most basic of illusion and charm spells. Soon Pachisa is looking around for some excuse to get away from the garrulous gnome.

2009-06-11, 12:40 PM

Plainsong wanders off a bit from the rest of the group, sitting next to a tree. He gazes into the forest, remembering his life in the desert, before the attack.

2009-06-11, 01:23 PM

Corroar instead finds and climbs up into a big sturdy tree, hopefully one close by to the others. It may seem as odd as can be, but he manages surprisingly well, making nary a sound once good and high off the ground. Sickle the mountain lion rests at the tree's roots lazily, eager for the rest. Corroar hangs most of his gear right above him on a branch well within reach, if one can even see him through the branches but close by as always is the ring pommel dirk he seems particular about. Doesn't say a word to anyone otherwise either...

2009-06-11, 01:43 PM

Yumii unravels her bedroll at the base of a tree toward the center of camp, and then sets her backpack and supplies next to it, keeping only her katana and wakizashi for the moment.

With a sleeping place prepared she takes a walk around the perimeter of the camp a few times, trying to ease her nerves a bit so she can actually rest. Something at the back of her mind is giving her jitters, though she can't be sure if it's just pre-battle edge or something else altogether.

Eventually though she forces herself to go back to her bedroll and attempt to sleep, keeping her wakizashi under the blankets with her, just in case.

2009-06-11, 04:55 PM

With little enough healing to do, Adrienna finds a spot and curls up, falling into a light sleep almost immediately, one hand still on her spear.

2009-06-11, 08:54 PM
As camp begins set up, Blue begins doing a series of stretches and jumping exercises. The large man is surprisingly limber, and he jumps higher from a standstill than many athletes can manage after a good running start.

A few moments in, and he notices the distress of the wizard nearby. He approaches Pachisa, heedless of the long-winded gnome, and takes a seat near her. He gives a silly looking grin and says, "I'm no expert wizard, but I have a few ideas...

For one, just about anyone can find a way to hurt another. Pick up something heavy and swing it, fire a crossbow, throw rocks... Truly, harming someone is not so hard. Any of us can do it. So think little of that, avoid spells that just hurt a man. Tell me, what else can you do?"

2009-06-13, 04:54 AM
Xuong-La practically guffaws at Blue's advice.

"Ha! Causing harm is not so hard- but only monsters and tyrants fight to cause harm. No injury can stop a man who still has the will to do evil! Why should it? As you say, it is easy! Ha!"

"Make no mistake, friend," he concludes, pointing dramatically, "We fight to destroy their will, or their bodies- and that takes a lot of rocks!"

2009-06-13, 11:57 AM
The easy going smile is gone from Blue's face as Xuong-La speaks."Then let those of us who can do nothing but throw stones throw many! I know that as long as I draw breath, I will tear foes apart on the killing fields; there is nothing else I can do here. But tell me, if a soldier can do more than that, would you have them be just another stone thrower? I'm no master tactician, but that strikes me as foolish.

Though perhaps I am wrong?" He turns back Pachisa. "Again I ask... what all can you do? It's hard to make a choice when you don't know the options, isn't it?"

2009-06-14, 10:27 AM
"Yes! Exactly!" The small man enthusiastically slaps the Goliath on his sapphire encrusted back. "I like you, friend! Many rocks!"

2009-06-14, 10:32 AM
Pachisa looks at the human then up at the goliath beside her. "Umm," she says somewhat apologetically, "I don't think I have any spells to throw stones... I can throw magic missiles, but, well, it seems so ineffective to target just one enemy. I mean, how many are we looking at fighting?"

She pauses for a second and thinks. "I don't think I can keep my other spells from hitting some of you though. I mean, I don't want to put you to sleep or have you slip and fall..."

Jacobi waders over from the completed tent. "A difference of spells is best. We don't know what we face, other than orc, so it is difficult to prepare. Make the choices and get some sleep. Morning will come quicker than you think."

2009-06-15, 05:39 PM
Jacobi’s words prove true as the morning arrives. The sky is still lit only by the great blue and white orb of Lawemoh when the army of the Crossroads prepares to march. Unit makes move around, shaking awake those still sleeping and getting their gear in order. Jacobi moves around the camp, hurrying everyone to get their bed rolls packed and their equipment in order.

As your assorted crew shuffles into their marching ranks, Yogan explains the orders of the day. “The trees thin as we approach the pass, so we are taking the last three miles as quickly as possible to give the enemy as little warning as we can. We’re not on the front lines, but we will be on the flanks, so you’ll need to keep on your toes and be ready to move forward at any time.”

For several minutes you stand waiting to march. Finally the shouted to command to march reaches your unit and the march begins, the order being echoed by another caller behind you. The army moves at a decent pace across growing hills, starting out at little more than a jog but picking up speed at it moves forward. Shouts and the sounds of skirmishes sound through the trees as they start to thin. Soon you run pass a dozen dead orcs, apparently scouts or hunters, along with a four fallen soldiers of the Crossroads.

The pass hasn’t quite come into view by the time your march ends. You hear the sounds of heavy fighting ahead, but the remaining trees and rising curve of the lass hill block your view of the actual battle. The freshly cut tree stumps you can see, however, tell you that the pass has likely been fortified by the invading orcs.

Tharax grumbles as you stand there, trying to stretch out his sore muscles, waiting to for news on how the front is advancing. “You know I spent an apprentice ship in a healing house in…”Garlmaxtrikstakall nerviously begins, before stern looks from from both Yogan and Jacobi silence him.

Plainsong, Bluebearer, & Corroar:
Over the clamor of the front lines you can just make out grunted, if hushed, orders given in orc much closer to you. A little rustling to your left warns you that there is an attack coming from your side, but you fail to spot the orcs among the trees and underbrush.

Xuong-La & Adrienna:
Your sharp eyes are caught by something moving to your left. You quickly spot a a group of orcs moving through the shadows of the trees and undergrowth about sixty feet away, armed with spears and arrows. They seem focused on trying to be seen as they try to pick their targets and haven’t realized they have been spotted and they lift their bows and spears.

(If you have a ranged weapon you can try to attack them before they strike. Remember to roll for concealment as they have cover.)

It sounds like there’s a lot of fighting going on ahead. (Sorry Squirrel)

[Roll initiative and, since you didn’t have to chance before, list any buffs you may have used prior]

2009-06-15, 07:09 PM
"The enemy is close, comrades! There, in the trees!"

If possible, since she lacks a ranged weapon, Adrienna will cast Bless (+1 attack and saves vs fear, 4 minutes) as she shouts her warning. If not, there really isn't a lot she can do...

Oh, and she lacks any long term buffs, so no spells active at the start.

[roll0] Initiative

2009-06-15, 09:56 PM

Yumii's ears perk as they catch the sound of clashing steel. Quickly and efficiently she unlimbers her shortbow and knocks an arrow, leaving the string still undrawn.

So here we are then... was this really a good idea Yu? Too late for doubts now...

Yumii looks for cover where she can fire her bow toward the pass unobstructed. Possibly one of the large stumps left from the orcish woodchoppers.

Sorry bug? <@.@> What, I roll low and fail my listen? <,< ... not like I'd notice anyway. Ohh.. shiny! >.> *bats a jingly toy* muwahaha...

2009-06-15, 10:49 PM
Xuong-La moves towards the treeside, staying close to the group but getting between them and the enemy- with a dramatic and unnecessary twirl of the guisarme. "I see you, cowards! Face me, if any of you dare! Ha!"

No buffs up yet, but spending 1pp on a Wild Surged Vigor for 15 temp hp.

2009-06-16, 01:18 AM
Forgot initiative >< gah! sorry!

Initiative [roll0]

2009-06-16, 11:48 AM

"Nn... *spits* I'll take care of these odds... Watch yer steps, th' lot of ya in a few moments."

The dwarf scrams. Or more correctly, he grabs the nearest tree branch and swings up, beckoning Sickle to follow both make their way upwards into the boughs.

Initiative: [roll0] On his turn, both Corroar and Sickle head up into the trees. I'm assuming there's enough branches to move around with Brachiation but he'll use full move to get as high as he can with a good view.

Climb checks: Corroar: [roll1] And if Sickle can just take ten (Leopard ability, giving him 21), no roll for him necessary.

2009-06-18, 01:48 PM
As soon as Blue hears the nearby orders being exchanged by presumably unfriendly forces, he crosses his arms. His eyes flash blue and a corona of multi-colored light filters away from him for a moment, and suddenly there are claws at his knuckles, holes in his hands where the claws came from. He turns to face the direction he hears the voices coming from and mentally prepares to do battle.

<Swift> Manifesting Claws of the Beast augmented up to 3, 8/11 PP remaining.
Initiative: (1d20+1=16) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2125960/)
HP 32/32, AC 18/Touch 13/FF 18, Fort 7 Ref 3 Will 6
Stance: Island of Blades (Flank with anyone threatening opponent)
Used maneuvers: None

2009-06-19, 10:36 AM
Arrows fly out of the bushes toward you army. All along the line, troops are caught unprepared. Garlmaxtrikstakall and Pachisa throw themselves to the ground, narrowly missing injury. A single arrow bounces off Gres' shield while Thein accepts a single arrow in the arm with a grunt. Another arrow grazes Plainsong, clinking against his chain mail with to no effect. Xuong-La's taunt earns him a small hit by one of the arrows fired in his direction, while Yumii, caught unprepared, is hit cleanly by an arrow. The remaining arrows fly through your squad with no effect. Only Tindutang returns fire on the orcs, his single arrow's flight ending in a orcish howl.

With the rattling of shields and blades, the army adjusts to face the archers hidden among the trees. The Rosette Commander shouts, "Get them orc off our flank! Stilus! Yogan! Lead the charge! Grego and Hasil cover the flanks!"

Yogan yells, "You heard the man! After those orcs!"

Xuong-La - 2 damage
Yumii - 4 damage

((I ran into a problem with the map for this battle... so no map. The orc are around 60 feet to the west of your group taking cover in the bushes and trees. They are armed with bows and spears.))

2009-06-20, 05:17 PM

"Augh... how the hell did they get over there?!"

Yumii returns fire with her shortbow, aiming for the nearest of the orcs. After firing she tries to regain some cover against this new direction of attack.

Attack Roll [roll0]

Damage if I hit [roll1] (It's a Mighty 3 shortbow)

After firing, see if there's any cover nearby that's appropriate and get behind it.

2009-06-20, 09:19 PM

The glancing blow from the orcish arrow draws a bloody red line across his arm, but Xuong-La seems more amused by the injury than anything else. "We fight!" he yells, charging off into the mass of orcs.

Using his 40' move speed, Xuong tries to double-move to a place where he can threaten two or more orcs with his Guisarme- settling for one, if he has to.

Once there, he manifests Adrenaline Boost, spending 2pp and Wild Surging for +2. [roll0]

This boosts both his Strength and Dexterity to 16 for the rest of the round, and turns on his Surging Euphoria- he gets 3 Attacks of Opportunity, which are all Trips and Power Attacks: A touch attack at +5, an opposed Strength Check at +7, and if successful, an attack against prone AC for 2d4+14

2009-06-20, 11:24 PM
Blue focuses his mind for a moment, and those around him hear a faint chime as he manifests Psionic Lion's Charge. He leaps into the fray silently, striking at the two nearest orcs with his claws.

Claw attack/damage x2: (1d20+10=30, 1d8+5=7, 1d20+10=17, 1d8+5=12) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2129390/)
Crit confirmation/damage: (1d20+10=23, 1d8+5=12) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2129392/)

(HP 32/32, AC 18/13/18, PP 5/11)

2009-06-22, 02:20 PM

Moving through the branches towards the greenskins, Corroar motions for Sickle to move ahead in case anyone is missed by what he's about to do. The front lines of orcs are about to get a nasty surprise...

Moving 15 feet from the first tree using brachiation and then casting Entangle on the thickest patch of orcs moving on our spot. Sickle is preparing a pounce from the trees on the first one that manages to escape the spell's fate. Not an actual pounce special ability (unless the drop from from the tree is high enough)

In case I need to make a hide check: [roll0], forgot the bonus from having cover, but add that in.

Sickle's attack: Bite: [roll1] [roll2] Grapple:[roll3] Rake:[roll4] [roll5]

2009-06-23, 06:58 AM
Adrienna looks concerned that her charges are not sticking together, making her job much more difficult. With a soft sigh, she chooses to follow those who have charged forward, since they will likely take the worst of the attack.

Moving 30', readying an action to attack should any orcs attempt to close with her (she has 10' reach). Likely behind Xuong-La, though a fair distance back of course.

2009-06-23, 04:37 PM
Gah! Sorry, apparently my brain broke temporarily. Won't happen again. I am here to stay now.
Plainsong has an Extended Mage Armor cast on himself, lasts 8 hours. He casts it as soon as he wakes up in the morning.
Dang, I forgot that I changed the plan about halfway through character creation. I don't even have Mage Armor. Instead I have my Chain Shirt. So Plainsong's AC is 15 while he is enlarged (-1 Size, -1 Dex decrease), his attack stays at +7 (-1 size, +1 Str increase). His damage goes to 2d6+5. Sorry for the confusion.
Initiative: [roll0]
The first round he will cast Enlarge Person on himself (lasts 4 minutes) and move 40' towards the orcs.

Plainsong draws his sword and mutters the words to a spell. He doubles in size, and shouts, "May the glory of the sun sear your flesh, fiends!" Before charging at the orcs at full speed.

2009-06-24, 03:18 AM
As Yumii's arrow fly pass, the ambushing orcs attempt to brace their spears, readying themselves for the army's charge lead by the enlarged Plansong. The enemy is caught by surprise as the forest around them comes alive, curtsy of Corroar's spell. The very bushes they were using for cover twist and grow around their legs. Chaos breaks out in the orcish ranks as their unity breaks down. Most struggle against the plants, while other try to escape the area. A few continue to press the attack as shouted orcish orders roar through the trees.

Bluebearer is the first to break into the enemy ranks, charging in as the bushes take hold of the area. His claws easily lay two orcs down, nearly ripping the arm off one unfortunate archer. Tharax rushes in just behind the goliath, swinging his battle axe with both hands to knock down an orc struggling with the grass wrapping around his ankles and knees. The streak of Tindutang's arrow and the glimmer of Pachisa's magic missle fly into the orcish ranks, leaving two orcs injured and struggling to escape through the wild underbrush.

The others prepare a defensive line a dozen feet away, preparing for any orc that may charge. Several that escape Corroar's spell oblige. The leading orc tumbles to the ground as a heavy mass drops out of the trees on top of him. Sickle easily pins the orc with his jaws and rips the life out of it. One orc stops and tries to help its comrade, stabbing the spear at the mountain lion, scoring a small hit on the cat's back.

Gres cuts a bloody gash across the arm of one of the charging orcs, but is far from a fatal blow. The bleeding orc sneers and jabs at the warrior with his spear, catching Gres in the side as he tries to bring his shield up to block.

A scarred orc and an orc with an braided beard a dwarf could be proud of, step up to challenge Blue. The scarred one thrusts its spear at Blue, but the spear tip scratches across the goliath's chain shirt, not even bruising the warrior's tough skin. The bearded orc struggles to swing his spear in the entanglement and doesn't come close to striking him.

Arrows continue to fly from the orc ranks, though in much fewer numbers and with less accuracy. A lucky shot strikes Xuong-La in the leg as he is setting up his stance. Garlmaxtrikstakall takes a hit in the shoulder, but the bubbly gnome just grits his teeth and ignores it, leaving the arrow protruding from his shoulder as he slashes at an orc with his pick, taring sleeve of the creature, but drawing no blood. In back of the group, Pachisa is hit by an arrow, and the young mage drops to her knees, gripping the arrow and gasping.

Thein takes a powerful blow from an orcish spear, the bloody tip of the weapon sticking out of his back. It was a blow that would have felled a normal man, but the large man from the north mearly grunts and slams his warhammer into the orc's face, breaking the creature's fangs but leaving the humanoid standing, until Yogan's blade slashes across it chest, laying the creature low.

Three more orcs attack the front lines, but fail to score any hits. Three more struggle out of the entanglements and begin moving toward the defensive line. The orc shouting the orders appears through the trees at the back of Corroar's spell, flanked by two others.

"Jacobi!" Yogan shouts. "How many?"

"No more than two score," Jacobi replies, scanning the forest with his sharp eyes.

Beside your unit, Stilus' squad forms their defensive line, clashing with a larger number of orcs that were unslowed by spells. Arrows fly in from Grego's group, helping Stilus from being overwhelmed. Hasil's troops also let their arrows fly, clearing out some of the orcs held down by the entanglement spell.

Xuong-La: 2 damage
Sickle: 4 damage

Fishy your initiative was lower than the orcs, so technically your action wasn't readied before they moved into aoo range... but there are more coming and you're set till your next action, so go ahead and roll out those aoo along with your next action.

Such a long post... I'm sure I forgot something... :smalleek:

Edit 3-ish: Hmm... guess I didn't hit "Save Changes" after Edit 2....


Quick rule note: To count the number of enemy troops, or to spot a leader in a situation or distance were it isn't obvious (like it is here), you use your spot skill. Remember active use of the spot skill is a move action. :smallwink:

2009-06-24, 07:11 AM
Blue shouts as he strikes the first orc, "One!" And then the second, "Two!" He has a silly looking grin on his face--he's not one to revel in taking life, but like most goliaths, he cannot resist the lure of a good competition.

He crosses his arms across his chest for a moment, and his claws erupt in blue flames. He strikes again; aiming first for the scarred orc, then for the one with the impressive beard--for a moment his smile turns wistful; having no hair means he would never be able to match this orc's beard, and for that his foe deserves recognition.
<Swift> Burning Blade boost; successful melee attacks deal 1d6+5 extra fire damage. [edit]Whoops, misread my sheet; it's 1d6+3 extra damage, not 5. <<
<Full> Full attack; go for the spear wielder first. He'll only attack the bearded orc if his first attack drops the spear wielder.
Claw attack/damage/Burning Blade x2: (1d20+10=22, 1d8+5=9, 1d6+5=6, 1d20+10=21, 1d8+5=8, 1d6+5=10) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2134193/) Factoring in my screw-up, first claw is attack 22, 9 slashing, 4 fire damage, and the second claw is attack 21, 8 slashing, 8 fire damage.

What is the situation around the leader orc and his guards? Would Blue have a clean path to them if he gets past these two orcs?
(HP 32/32, AC 18/13/18, PP 5/11)

2009-06-24, 03:33 PM
((The leader orc and his two guards are about 10 feet into the otherside of the entangle spell, or 30 feet away. Right now I'm considering Blue to be just at the edge of the spell, so if you want to move toward them, you'll have to roll DC 13 reflex save to prevent being entangled yourself and can only move at half speed. You have a line of sight/effect, however))

2009-06-24, 03:46 PM
Plainsong moves towards the nearest orc, hacking at them with his falchion, standing just out of reach of the orc, putting his longer reach to use. "Foul creature," he snarls, "May the deities of light smite you with fire!"

Moving towards the closest orc, preferably where I can threaten more than one. I stop ten feet away, since I have longer reach as Large.
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-06-24, 05:00 PM
Adrienna surveys the battlefield once more, trying to place herself where she can do the most good. Those skirmishing with the enemy seem to be doing fine without healing, but those on the defensive line are not doing quite so well. Both Thein and Pachisa have clearly been wounded badly, and could no doubt use some of her divine power. Hoping the mage is slightly more durable than many of her ilk, Adrienna moves quickly to where Thein is, and begins channeling her healing abilities. She grunts as the absorbs the pain from the wound, then sighs as it disappears again.

Move 30' (or less) to Thein, casting Cure Light Wounds from her Healer list, healing [roll0] damage.

2009-06-25, 07:49 AM

Yumii drops her bow and draws her sword before charging headlong into the fray. She rushes for the nearest orc, attempting to cut him from shoulder to hip.

Charge Attack if there's anything within 80ft of me to charge, if not, use my standard action to move close to the fighting so I can engage next turn.

Charge Attack Roll [roll0]

Damage roll if I hit [roll1]

2009-06-26, 12:56 PM


[Doc Brown]Please excuse the crudity of this model, I didn't have time to build it to scale or to paint it. [/Doc Brown]

Everyone is on a star matching their chat color with the first letter of their name on it. The brown ones are you allies, the black stains are the orcs (the leader is, of course, the star).

Yeah, the character markers will improve after this combat, I promises! :smalleek:

2009-06-26, 01:10 PM
>.> Am I the tan star or the dark red arrow? Dark Red is my chat color, but you said stars are PCs?

<~_~> Sorry for being a pain, just trying to figure out which so I can plan my next move hehe - also, did this take into account my last turn, or is this from the turn before?

2009-06-26, 01:18 PM
Also, I should be 10' away from the orcs, not 5.

2009-06-26, 07:02 PM
Yeah, was late (for me) when I finished up.

Yumii is the arrow as she's actually just off the map on that side.

I'll get Plainsong moved.

The green squiggles are where the trees are too large/close together to pass through, though there are trees throughout the map.

The red circle is, if you hadn't guesses, the entangle spell.

2009-06-28, 11:04 AM
Never one to be outdone, Xuong-La pulls a potion off of his belt and downs it, quickly growing to match Plainsong's size- the two of them form a defensive line almost all by themselves.

Xuong-La should be 10' away as well, because of the Guisarme. And Enlarging makes his reach more ridiculous, so.

Five foot step a little bit north, standard action to down the potion- might provoke an AoO or two if the orcs have longspears.

Swift action to Wild Surge Adrenaline Boost again.


And might as well make a Spot check to see how we're doing, numbers-wise. [roll2]

HP: 35/35 + 13, AC: 16

2009-06-30, 10:48 PM
From the back, Yumii charges forward, but, unable to find a clear path through her allies, she squeezes between Thein and Plainsong, her blade flashing out and opening the orc's throat.

Plainsong brings his giant falchion downward, attempting to cleave an orc in half. The orc barely manages to step out of the way of the deadly blade, and the ground shakes as the falchion bites into the dirt and roots of the ground.

At the edge of the entangle spell, Blue's psionic claws burst into flames and rake across his two opponents, knocking both to the ground, where they lay unmoving.

Trusting in his lion's prowess, Corroar pulls his bow from his back and conks an arrow, taking aim at one of the archers trapped in his spell. The arrow pierces the humanoid's shoulder, leaving it badly wounded. Beneath him, Sickle proves its companion's trust true, as it tears apart the orc foolish enough to attack him.

Adrienna hurries forward to heal Thein of his grievous wound. The large man grunts and thanks and moves forward, bracing himself for the approach of the scourge wielding orc.

The orcs continue to press forward, moving as best they can through the wild underbrush. Three more orc rush the front lines, jabbing their crude spears at Plainsong and Yumii. Arrows continue from their backs, though many still fly wide of their targets as the archers fight the weeds grasping at their legs. Yogan take a hit in the leg, however, but his armor seems to deflect most of the arrow's damage.

The scourge wielding leader and his minions continue to push forward, moving through the bushes at an unnatural speed.

Xuong-La increases her size, moving into a better position and pushing Garlmaxtrikstakall behind him in the process. The long winded gnome doesn't seem to complain however.

Tindutang fires a careful shot between his giant sized troop mates, catching an orc through the eye. The creature wails in shock and pain for a moment as he falls to the ground where he breaths no more. Yogan, Jacobi and Gres move forward, reversing the arc of the defensive line to give them a clearer line of attack.

Hasil's troops continue to support your squad with arrow fire, managing to bring low two more orcs.

From the front lines of the army, you hear the sounds of heavy impacts fallowed by the panicked screams of men.

Hits and Misses

Yumii - One attack on you with a spear, misses.
Plainsong - Two attacks at you with spears, one hit, one miss. 8 damage
Blue - Hit by one arrow. 5 damage


Surveying the battlefield, you count 24 orcs remaining between your line and Stilus' line. Stilus' troops appear to be down two men.


2009-06-30, 11:29 PM
"Three, four!" Blue shouts as the two orcs fall, enjoying himself far more than he probably should be. He catches sight of the arrow flying towards him just in time to block it with his right fore-arm; far better than the bullseye on his chest it would've gotten otherwise. He gives a loud grunt, taking a moment to try and find the orc that had fired it and saying, "Mmph, nice shot!" He slices off the arrow's shaft with the claws of his other hand and seems to pay it no further heed.

Apparently quick to forgive and forget--or perhaps lured by the promise of a greater kill--Blue moves towards the apparent leader, approaching with claws before him. If he can get straight to the leader, he will, but otherwise he will settle his sights on one of the guards.

The leader and his guards still in the entanglement field? The description suggests not to me. If he is, let me know and I may readjust my actions.

Blue will approach with a move action, doing his best to get into range without taking any AoOs from anyone on the field. Once there, he will activate a Wolf Fang Strike to get an attack with both of his claws. If he can hit the leader with both of these, he will; otherwise he will target the guards as appropriate. He's going for the leader kill bonus here if he can. Both attacks will be trip attempts, with follow-up attacks from Improved Trip if they succeed.

Trip 1 touch attack/trip attempt: (1d20+8=27, 1d20+16=17) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2143316/) (Dammit!)
In the likely even that fails: Counter trip resist: (1d20+16=32) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2143317/)
In the unlikely even that succeeds: Claw attack/damage: (1d20+10=17, 1d8+5=9) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2143319/) (Prone bonuses not included)

Trip 2 touch attack/trip attempt: (1d20+8=26, 1d20+16=27) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2143323/)
If that fails: Resist counter-trip: (1d20+16=35) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2143324/)
If that succeeds: Claw attack/damage: (1d20+10=12, 1d8+5=11) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2143325/)

(HP 27/32, AC 18/13/18, PP 5/11)

2009-07-01, 01:16 PM
Plainsong growls as his falchion misses the orc in front of him. He wrenches it from the ground where it was stuck and swings it again with all his strength.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2009-07-01, 06:06 PM

Yumii twists around the clumsy orcish spear thrust, rolling with the blow such that she is now between a pair of the beasts. Without a moment's hesitation she brings her blade low, slashing at the creature's inner thigh before returning to a ready stance.

Yumii is taking a 5 foot step from P9 to P8.

Then as a swift action, initiating Island of Blades (stance), that means me and Plainsong both get Flanking benefits against the orc at P7.

Yumii however will attack the orc at O8 with a normal attack;

Attack Roll [roll0]

Damage if it hits [roll1]


Also - I just realized something that's gonna be a bit tough to deal with: Counters. Counters are designed to let me interrupt a foe's action >.< which in a format like this is a little trickier.

We can talk about that in the OOC thread though - I don't need any at the moment.

2009-07-02, 11:35 PM
Xuong laughs down at the tiny orc in front of him, and slams him off his feet with his guisarme.


EDIT: Sorry, 'fails miserably at his attempt to slam him off his feet.'

2009-07-05, 06:49 PM

Being ignored by the orcs and left to do her job suited Adrienna well, as she ran over to Pachisa, and imbued the poor mage with healing energies.

[roll0] damage healed.

2009-07-05, 09:22 PM
Twisting around the attacking orcs, Yumii takes her position between their ranks, lashing out with her blade to cut deep into the creature's thigh. The orc howls with pain, his eyes blazing with hate as he tries to shift his weight off his injured side, but Yumii's whirling blades make it difficult for both he and his fellow orc. The other orc doesn't have to struggle long however, as Plainsong's massive blade sweeps through his chest, killing the brute instantly.

Blue, Corroar, and Sickle turn their attention to the leader of the group, leveling their attacks at his guards. Blue charges into the entangling plants to slash at one of the guards with his claws, attempting to sweep the orc's legs out from under him. The orc easily resists being pulled down by Blue's first claw, but is caught off guard as the goliath strikes out with his second attack. Bluebearer's follow up rips the spider symbol from the cloth over the orc's studded leather, leaving four gashes in the armor underneath, but doesn't draw any blood.

Corroar levels at arrow at the other guard, letting it fly, but the guard's struggles through the plants make his movements hard to predict, and the short passes by him harmlessly. Sickle pounces forward at the same guard, catching the orc with its powerful jaws and pulling it to the ground, attempting to rake the monster with its claws, though to no apparent effect.

In the back lines, Adrienna quickly heals Pachisa's wounds, restoring her to her full health. "Thanks," Pachisa says, apparently still dazed by her near death experience.

Although both his guards are pinned to the ground, the orc leader continues to press forward, hos scourge glistening with poison. He ignors the blue goliath and the mountain lion, and charging recklessly toward the two giants of the battlefield. He stop short, however, to launch a wide swing at Yumii with scourge and sword.

The orc struggling with Sickle manages to kick the lion, injuring it slightly, but unable to manage much else under the animal's assault. The prone orc, completely entangled by Corroar's spell, tries feebly to attack Blue, but he barely manages to keep his sword free of the underbrush.

With their leader on the front lines, the other orcs seem encouraged to fight harder. Two of the orcs leap at Yumii and Xuong-La with their spears, jabbing at them and grinning wickedly. The few remaining archers finally coordinate their shots, three of them taking aim at Blue, while another takes a shot at Sickle, hitting the animal in the side. One archer chooses to struggle free of the spell, pulling out of its area of effect, only to be cut down by Hasil's arrows.

Your squad mates move into attack the orcs and their leaders. Thein, Yogan, and Jacobi move in to attack the orc attacking Yumii, each taking a swipe at the injured creature. Yogan's sword finishes the brute's life. Tharax rushes around Xuong-La, a warcry issuing from his lips as he swings his axe at the orc standing there. The orc barely manages, to pull his spear away from attacking the giant-sized human to deflect the blow. Gres moves forward to aid Sickle, trying to jab at the orc the lion holds, but not finding an opening.

Xuong-La brings her guisarme into a low sweep, trying to knock the orc off its feet, but the orc, now on the defensive from Tharax's assault, easily leaps over the blow.

The sounds of heavy impacts continue from the front lines of the battle, though the seems to be lessening in frequency.

Hits and Misses

Back rounds for the orcs. They didn't hit anyone but the cat! Poor cat!
3 arrows shot at Blue
Two scourges and a short sword attack on Yumii from the leader, and a spear from the injured orc.
A spear attack on Xuong-La
Sickle: 8 damage

Random note

I had typed out an nice decription of the orc leader and his two guards... but it seems that it was lost somewhere in making the post! :smalleek:

Anyhow... the orc leader is wearing a finely made and maintained suit of black studded leather and is carrying a scourge in one hand and a short sword in the other. His guards both carry long swords and have a cloth over their armor bearing the spider symbol the orc army is apparently rallying under.



2009-07-06, 05:07 AM
Instinctively sensing the approaching arrows, Blue positions himself in such a way that all the arrows fly harmlessly past him, requiring minimal movement on his part. He points the claws of his left hand at the orc he'd tripped, now hopelessly entangled in the vines, and growls, "Stay." Taunting orders issued,he sprints into a position so that he flanks the leader with Yumii. From behind, he attempts to sweep the orc off his feet.

No flanking bonuses are included here. Trip attempt.
Touch attack/trip attempt: (1d20+8=26, 1d20+16=20) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2150031/)
Trip resist: (1d20+16=20) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2150032/) (If that fails)
Claw attack/damage: (1d20+10=15, 1d8+5=7) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2150034/) (If that works.)
...What the hell dice? Geez.

2009-07-06, 11:32 AM
Plainsong grins as his sword cleaves the orc. He feels a rush of power, and a prayer springs to his lips, "Guide my strikes, oh Sun. Let mine enemies feel the power of thy glare. Let thy searing light make them tremble in terror. May thy dominance last forever!" As he mutters these words, he lashes at the orc leader with his falchion, calling to his god for aid.

Smite Evil on the orc leader.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2009-07-06, 10:24 PM

Seeing the others engage the orcish leader from his flanks, Yumii takes the opportunity, planting herself firmly in front of him. She waits a half-second for the orc to attempt a strike, then attempts to drive her blade into his shoulder.

Yumii is going to take another 5-foot step from P8 to P7.

Then she'll use Disarming Strike to attempt to remove the Orc's scourge by piercing through the shoulder front-to-back.

Attack Roll [roll0]

Damage Roll [roll1]

Disarm Attempt [roll2]

Note: This maneuver does not allow an attack of opportunity, and even if I fail to disarm, the orc doesn't get to attempt to disarm me - Essentially it's a normal attack with a free Disarm tossed in.

2009-07-09, 08:50 PM
Adrienna survey's the field of battle, concerned for the other soldiers. But her focus has to be her own squad first, and they seem to be doing fine for now.

Casting Bless, all allies within 50 feet get +1 to attacks and saves vs fear. I'd put in more detail, but I'm confused how she has None listed for gods, as a Favored Soul... Anyway, 5 minute duration.

2009-07-13, 12:10 AM
Yumii slips slightly to the orc leader's left, crouching down and reading a strike. As the orc turns to follow the catfolk's movement, Yumii lunges forward with her katana, piecing the orc's shoulder with its sharpened tip. The orc roars in pain and anger as his arm goes limp for a moment, dropping the poisoned scourge from his numbed hand.

Plainsong takes a step to the side in order to attempt a holy blow against the vile orc. His blade glows with his righteous glory, but the orc, on guard after Yumii's well placed strike, spots the strike coming and steps out of its way.

Pulling himself free of the entangling plants, Blue approaches the orcish leader from behind, scoping low to try to sweep the leader's feet out from under him. Unprepared for an attack from behind, the orc stumbles and lands hard on his face with a loud snap as one of his large tusk-like fangs breaks in the impact. With the orc prone, Blue easily claws a large gash across his back.

Corroar, concerned about the arrows aimed at his companion, moves through the treetops and drops down between the great cat and the archers, dropping his bow and pulling out one of his daggers and he falls, slashing out at the nearest archer and catching the creature in the throat, ending its life. Sickle, meanwhile, continues to tear at the orc guard, who feebly tries to free itself from the cat's grip.

Adrienna's words of blessing carry over the small battleground, giveing everyone renewed strength and clarity.

Xuong-La puts the blessing to immediate use, stepping back to let her Guisarme swing down into an orc, finishing off the injured foot soldier.

Yogan slashes low with his blade, catching the remaining foot solder in the gut, laying the monster low. Thein kicks the dying creature aside and moves into its place, quickly slamming the but of his great sword into the orc leader's hand, causing the creature to drop its remaining weapon.

Now with a clear view of the orc leader, Tharax curses, "Moradin's grave! A Bloodscourge! Careful lads, thes'uns be fanatics!" He ends with a swing of his great axe, trying to behead the orc, but his aim is poor and his blow glances off the orc's shoulder.

As if to prove the dwarf's words, the orc balls up and mutters a prayers to Gruumsh, ending in a deafening shout that rattles armor and bone. The orc smiles briefly before coughing up blood. His eyes roll back and he falls forward, the damage from his own spell finishing him off. The Thein and Tharax, both large proud warriors, grunt as the sonic burst slams into them, but remain standing and ready for more.

Jacobi and Garlmaxtrikstakall both pull out their ranged weapons, a fine elven bow, and a complicated crossbow of obvious gnome design, and try to find clean shots at the archers. To the south Hasil's troop move forward, taking new angles at the orcs and peppering the remaining few with arrows. A half-hearted victory cry comes out from the north as Stilus' opponents are routed.

Hits and Misses

Yumii - 6 sonic damage
Blue - 4 sonic damage

((This battle is over, only the guard Blue left entangled is left alive. Note to self: make bosses tougher))

2009-07-13, 05:38 AM

Yumii staggers as the sonic blast disorients her, and it takes several seconds before she can recover fully, blinking hard to right her vision and holding her hands over her ears.

As she recovers, she first shakes the blood off her sword, then returns it to her scabbard; then begins to survey the battlefield.

Could have been worse I suppose... everyone seems to be alright. I'm alright, other than this stupid arrow...

Her adrenaline fading, she remembers most painfully the arrow she got hit with earlier - carefully pulling it out and then looking for a bandage for the wound.

Ouch! Gods dammit... gotta be more careful...

Yumii's going to first try to find a medic of some type (or even just a decent strip of cloth) and try to staunch the bleeding from the arrow. (I won't bother with a heal check since technically I don't actually need to worry about it; but it just feels right for it to be a concern in-character)

Afterword she's going to go back to the spot where she dropped her bow, behind the tree trunk, so she can pick it back up.

2009-07-13, 08:53 AM

The battle mostly over, Adrienna launches into full on healer mode, moving from person to person, Bandaging those who are mostly fine, using her magic on the others. Any who are unconscious get first priority, but she will tend to everyone she can. She will try to conserve her magic for now, since there are likely more battles to be fought today, but sometimes, it's just faster. "If you need healing badly, let me know. Pity the orc commander is dead, I'd have rather him be taken alive..."

It should be noted that once she has done what she can for her allies, she will be inspecting the orcs, and keeping as many of them alive as she can as well. If any are by the time she gets to them.

2009-07-14, 09:49 PM
Blue barely shows any pain from the orc's spell. He keeps his claws extended and looks around--not just on this field, but to allied units to see if other battles are still being fought.

2009-07-15, 06:33 PM
"Ha!" Tharax shouts. "Showed 'em, didn't we?!" The rowdy dwarf holds his battleaxe high in triumph, but nearly drops it as his sore muscles complain. Looking mollified, the dwarf busies himself trying to work a knot out of his shoulder.

Looking around it seems the fight is over in this area. The orcs skirmishers are either incapacitated or running. The sounds of battle from the front lines seem to have lessened as well, though the sounds of impacts still thunder through the trees from time to time.

Adrienna does her best to heal the surviving orcs, but they are few and far between. One of the leader's guards is still in healthy condition, and with the help of Jacobi and Thein, he is restrained and captured.

To the north, Stilus' squad is busy licking it wounds.

Thien tears the cloth off the guards armor and examines it, easily keeping the orc restrained with one large arm. "So this is the sign of our enemy," he says, passing the scrap of cloth around. "Not very exceptional. Any clues?"

As everyone catches their breath from the fight, the Rosette Commander rides over and calls Yogan, Stilus, and Hasil over to him. Yogan and Hasil hurry over, but Stilus' assistant is the one the represents the squad to your north. Apparently their squad had a harder time with the orcs and the captain was injured in the fight.

As the four leaders talk, you take a chance to gather what you can from the battle field. It doesn't seem like you'll have much time to rest by the look of your captain's face.

XP and loot:

Everyone receives:
400 xp
50 gp

Other findings:
Two masterwork longswords
One masterwork shortsword
One scourge of curious craftmanship
Bows and arrows

The spider symbol:


2009-07-16, 06:03 AM

After hearing Adrienna's call, Yumii moves over toward her, holding the arrow wound.

"I could use a little healing. It's not too bad; but it'll get worse if I don't get it taken care of." Yumii grimaces a bit. "Especially if we have to move out again right way."

Inside Yumii's brain - Ow ow ow ow ow!!! Stupid orcs with bows! OW!!

Query: Are there any longspears in the bunch?

2009-07-16, 06:35 AM
((Just boring plain old orcish-made™ spears, neither long or short))

2009-07-16, 04:24 PM

Pausing from her work on yet another dying Orc, she looks over the wound. "Ouch. Nasty mean Orcs. Lets get that arrow out, and repair the damage." With deft fingers, she gets the arrow out with as little pain as possible, then begins channeling her healing talent. A soft golden slow lights up the wound, then becomes a nimbus of shining light. Seconds pass slowly, but when she is done, the skin is as good as new. In fact, you'd never know there had been an arrow there at all.

Cure Light Wounds, from Healer list: [roll0]

2009-07-17, 11:23 AM

"Ahh... thanks, I appreciate it."

Yumii gives a sigh of relief and a quick nod to Adrienna, then tries to find a place in line so she'll be ready when the troop marches again.

2009-07-20, 08:56 PM
Whistling for his horse to be brought over, Yogan removes to folded sacks out of its saddle packs and returns to the squad.

"I hope you're all ready for more," he announces. "We've been given a special assignment. The orcs have giants in their ranks, at least three or four of them. They are on the mountainside above the pass raining rocks down on the front lines. Because of Jacobi's experience in this route, we've been asked to lead an attack on the giants' position."

He tosses Adrienna one of the folded sacks. "We need to move quickly up the mountain. If you don't need it for combat or climbing, put it in one of these sacks. They will hold a couple hundred pounds before ever showing a bulge. Plainsong, Xuong-La, Yumii, Corroar, and Blue use the bad Adrienna has, the rest of you use this one.

"Hasil will be joining us in this mission. Stilus' troops will be joining our squads, as it seems Stilus has been seriously injured by the attack. Those who can scout should report to Jacobi and he'll determine if he wants you in the scouting party.

"Prepare yourselves. We march in a few minutes. If we don't take those giants down, our front line will continue to suffer heavy losses and the pass may not be retaken.

"Any questions or concerns before we move out?"

Rejoining the group, Corroar asks Adrienna if she can spare any healing for his animal companion.

((The bag is a Bag of Holding I))

2009-07-20, 10:42 PM

With a nod to Corroar, Adrienna approaches the cat with calm and confidence. "Why, I would consider it an honour to assist such a noble creature." Her healing energies cause another bright glow, both in her hands and eyes, and the cat's wounds close up again.

[roll0] damage healed.

2009-07-21, 01:22 AM
Blue walks up to the medic, presenting the broken arrow in his arm to her and saying, "It would make a good scar, but we've no time to let it heal naturally... If you would?"

As orders are given out, Blue speaks. "I am good at getting into hard-to-reach places, but not so good at doing so quietly; probably not the best scout. If giants are our targets, then point me to them and I will slay them."

2009-07-21, 12:04 PM
Looking over the wound, Adrienna nods."It would indeed make an impressive scar. Perhaps next time." She deftly removes the arrow, and the now familiar golden glow appearing once more. However, this one takes a bit more effort on her part, and she looks tired as she finishes.

"Now, if everyone can keep from getting hit too many more times today, we should be fine. I fear much of my magical energies have been expended."

[roll0] Cure Light Wounds, from Healer list. 1 left.

2009-07-21, 08:10 PM

A few moments after hearing Yogan's orders, Yumii pipes up.

"I can help scout. I'm fairly quiet. Don't worry about the gear either; I always travel light."

She then goes to find Jacobi.

Upon finding him, she reports for duty -

"Sir? Yogan said you could use some good scouts. I'm here to volunteer."

2009-07-24, 10:44 AM
"Alight," Yogan says, seeing that everyone is clear, or at least clear enough on the objective, "it looks like we're ready to move out. Jacobi, do you have your team assembled?"

Jacobi replies affirmatively. "Corroar, Yumii, and," he says, considering his last choice, "Gar..mastrik"

"Garlmaxtrikstakall," the gnome quickly corrects.

Jacobi nods in the gnome's direction. "They will accompany in the front."

Yogan nods, confused by the inclusion of the noisy, excitable gnome, but not questioning his uncle's judgment. He waves Hasil and his men over to join you. "Jacobi, if you would..."

The elf nods. "If you are unfamiliar with the pass, you should must know that the pass is sided by steep mountains. Difficult to climb for most. The mountain is more manageable to the west, where there is a trail that leads up above the pass. It is... narrow at paces... places, no more than two man wide when just above the pass. Lots or rocks, however, so we can be hidden from the giants until we are almost on them. If they are not guarding it."

Yogan nods. "We will expect it. Yogan will take the lead with a small team of men form my squad. My men, including those of you from Stilus' squad assigned directly under my command, will follow. Those of you following Hasil will take up the rear. The longer we wait the more our front lines are stalled and the more men we lose. Jacobi, lead the way!"

Jacobi waves for Corroar, Yumii, and Garl to follow and takes off into the woods up to the base of the mountain, Yogan and the rest following a dozen yards behind. The path quickly becomes steeper, and the trail, while distinct at first, begins to become less obvious as the trees and shrubs give away to a rocky, graveled covered terrain. Soon the path begins to zig-zag upwards, making a laborious uphill march. As you come around the last jutting of rock on the switchback path, you get your first glimpse of the front lines.

Looking down at the battle field from you high vantage point, you can only see the bodies of Crossroads men in the triangular gully leading up to the narrowest part of the pass. Several walls of timber block the pass, the occasional orc head or torso rising up from behind the barricades to launch a javelin or arrow at crossroads front lines proving each wall is defended. From time to time you hear a grunt and a small boulder flies overhead to smash into the group below, shattering itself and the ground underneath, but falling short of the Crossroad's army's current front line. The giants are close.

From ahead Jacobi signals for everyone to be quiet, as he crouches down and continues ahead with Yumii, Corror, and Garl. Boulders and large rocky outcroppings litter the mountainside above you, and to the east the incline is so steep it could almost be considered a cliff. Between the rocks and the slide downward, there is little room to move about, just as Jacobi had warned. Yogan quietly orders the troop to march in a tight single file, passing the word down to continue to be as quiet as possible as you move ahead.

((Let's get some move silently checks from Yumii and Corroar (well if he manages to make it back) and spot and listen checks from everyone!))

2009-07-24, 05:04 PM
Adrienna moves along quietly enough, her eyes darting about, expecting an ambush.

[roll0] Listen, [roll1] Spot.

2009-07-24, 05:25 PM

Yumii slips in immediately behind Jacobi, moving as quietly as possible.

Stay calm... no slipping, no screwups...

Hide [roll0]

Move Silently [roll1]

2009-07-27, 02:07 PM
Plainsong stands back as the battle ends, preferring to simply listen and observe, rather than speak. After she is finished with the others, he quietly approaches Adrienna, "Ma'am, I have been slightly wounded in the skirmish, and I would be much obliged if you would be so kind as to mend me." He says in a low voice with a slight bow of his head.

As the group moves out to attack the giants, he tags along behind, staying out of the way as much as possible. When the call goes out for scouts, he simply smirks and mutters to himself, "Ha, I would be useless there, that's for certain!"

2009-07-27, 05:07 PM
"It is an honor to assist you, and thus fulfill my purpose here," Adrienna says with a smile. Her words to Pelor are familiar, comforting, and draw forth another golden glow like the sun. Her gentle touch mends the wounds and draws away the pain.

[roll0] healing.

2009-07-27, 08:25 PM
Plainsong bows to Adrienna, "My deepest gratitude, m'lady." He turns to the rest of the group, "Now. I believe we have some giants to bring down, no?"

2009-07-28, 10:21 AM
Yumii, Adrienna, & Blue

Over the impacts of the boulders, the grunts of the giants, and noises of your marching troops, a sound catches your ears. From the rocks higher up on the mountains side you make out the sounds of movement, loose rocks kicked free, the occasional creak of leather, and weapons being made ready.

How many there are and how prepared they are to strike are mysteries. Although the mountainside is steep, you might be able to catch them unawares before they press the advantages of the higher ground and surprise, but you could cause them to spring their ambush prematurely...


You spot and orcish head peeking out carefully from between the rocks on the upper slope. The orc takes a quick glance at the scouting party and you're fairly certain that he hasn't noticed he has been spotted. Studying the mountainside carefully you spot several stones rolling down around the rocks, most likely kicked loose by orc feet. It seems the scouting party has passed by most of them, but the main force of your army is almost directly underneath the hidden orcs.

2009-08-01, 01:58 AM

Yumii nudges Jacobi to get his opinion of the situation.


"Looks like there's two ways to do this sir; what do you think?"

2009-08-01, 05:57 PM
Xuong-La keeps his keen eyes on the surroundings, even though the loud, flamboyant and ambiguously tendered man know he has no place in a proper stealthy scouting mission.

In fact, it's all he can do to keep from crying out when he does notice something. Instead, he gives Blue, his lifelong friend of two hours, a firm but stealthy whack on the back.

"Orcs, Many-Rocks! We move and they see us, they move and we lose the scouts," he hisses, urgently.

2009-08-02, 10:05 AM
Jacobi glaces up as Yumii points out he orcs. "Good eyes," he comments. "I not had noticed them." He points toward a large rock ahead and then points up the hill. "We are best to force them to attack before they are ready. We will try to circle up their sides and route them of the rocks before the main force is all below them."

Holding his elven blade firmly in hand, Jacobi crouches low as he passes the rock and moves up the mountainside as stealthily and quietly as he can, but the loose rocks and gravel that cover the mountainside make moving up the slope difficult. Gripping the rock he pulls himself forward, motioning for the other scouts to follow and get ready to strike.

2009-08-03, 02:08 PM

Yumii follows Jacobi close, only a few paces behind. She draws her wakizashi as she moves, knowing the smaller blade will be easier to handle while climbing.

Otherwise she remains as silent as possible, waiting for Jacobi's signal.

2009-08-04, 11:57 AM
Blue follows swiftly and as quietly as he can manage. Being a mountain dwelling people, the goliath have acclimated to climbing difficult rocks such as these, and Blue is no exception--though he does have to slow his pace to keep quiet. His face shows an eager smile; though his claws remain retracted, it would take only a thought to bring them out again.

2009-08-04, 11:59 AM
Jacobi and his scouts motion for the troops to be careful and veer off the path and up the mountainside. Jacobi, Yumii, and Garl move as quickly as they can, but the loose gravel makes travel difficult. Only Corroar, with the help of Sickle's four extra legs, makes it up easily. As they sneak around the rocks, the orc forces come into easy view along with a cave in the mountainside.

This group of orcs wear dark leather armor, smeared with a brown substance to help them blend into the mountainside. Spiked shoulder pads, bracers, boots, elbow and knee guards, and any other piece of clothing that spikes could be attached to cover the armor. They don't appear to have any large weapons; only a few of them seem to hold daggers, the others appear to be unarmed.

The orcs seem to have either not noticed the scouting party or chose to focus on the main forces instead, and for a moment none of them notice the small group coming up beside them, until the nearest orc catches them out of the corner of his eye. With a shout he alerts the others, and the orcs stand up to charge, their ambushed ruined, but the attack still launching.



Moving up the hill is difficult and movement is halved. Moving onto the shaded paces on the left (past column N) means you are falling or sliding down the mountainside.

Remember there is no longer initiative. You have the first moves, in the order you post, and the NPCs move last.

2009-08-04, 01:20 PM

Raising her holy symbol into the air, Adrienna speaks. "Pelor's hand guide you aim, and his light shine through the darkness!" The presence of the Light is almost visible near her, and suddenly the enemy can be discerned much easier.

And, that'd be a Bless spell again, from Favored Soul side, last level 1 spell there. All allies in 50' get +1 morale to hit and saves vs Fear, lasts 4 minutes.

2009-08-04, 02:55 PM
Plainsong growls deep in his throat. He steps towards the nearest orc, brandishing his falchion and shouting a battle cry, "Stand aside, creature of Darkness! The powers of light have spoken, and you have been found unworthy of life!" He slashes at the creature's face with his sword, hacking downwards.

Moving to I20, attacking the orc at H21. Two spaces W (assuming that the top of the map is north) and one space SW. Three spaces, 15 feet. 1/2 move. Attacking the orc:

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

This forum hates me more than words can express....Have I had a good attack roll yet?

2009-08-05, 01:28 PM
Blue grins as the battle begins, extending his claws and taking a quick step towards the nearest orc. Blue flames cover the blades in his hands as he attempts to sweep the orc's feet out from under him.

Okay, IC is down right now so I'll just use the forum rollers.
<Free> Five foot step SW
<Swift> Initiate Burning Blade boost; attacks deal an extra 1d6+3 damage this round.
<Full round> Full attack, power attacking for -1, +1 damage. First attempting to trip.
[roll0] - touch attack
[roll1] - strength check
If that works...
[roll2] - attack roll
[roll3] - claw damage
[roll4] - fire damage
If it doesn't...
[roll5] - resisting counter trip

If he's already prone by this point, second attack...
[roll6] - attack roll
[roll7] - claw damage
[roll8] - fire damage

If not, 'nother trip attempt.
[roll9] - touch attack
[roll10] - strength check
If that works...
[roll11] - attack roll
[roll12] - claw damage
[roll13] - fire damage
If it doesn't...
[roll14] - resisting counter trip
HP: 32/32 AC: 18/13/18 PP: 5/11

2009-08-06, 05:14 PM

So much for stealth... nothing for it now I guess.

Yumii makes a diving roll at the yet-oblivious orc not far from her position, rushing as quickly as possible before making a lunging stab with her wakizashi, attempting to drive the blade into the greenskin's guts. She shouts at the last moment, and as the blade closes the distance it begins to glow, first red, then orange, then finally blazing white hot.

Yumii is going to tumble to G5 as a move action, then as a swift action use Burning Blade (Boost), and finally make a standard attack on the orc at H6.


Rolls -

Tumble [roll0]

Attack [roll1]

Damage if hit [roll2] piercing [roll3] fire damage.

*crosses fingers >.<*


@Elistan <,< heh, that's usually my luck too <'x'> been lucky in this game so far, but I doubt it'll hold <x,x>

2009-08-08, 08:36 PM
Plainsong charges up the hill, struggling with the loose gravel. He takes a powerful swing at the orc, but is off balance from the charge and his swing goes wide.

Blue, unfazed by the terrain, takes a broad step up the mountainside, his claws lashing out at the orc's legs, easily catching them and tearing them out from underneath the creature. The orc tumbles to the gravel, sliding down the hill. Blue's second claw lashes out and rips through the orc's armor. The orc slides heavily into the bolder and lays still.

Yumii, dives forwards, sliding and rolling across the rocks, her blade lashing out as she comes around, barely striking the orc's left shoulder. Although off its mark, the attack does substantial damage, ripping through the shoulder and leaving it blackened and bloody. The orc roars in anger and pain, his now hanging limp at his side.

Corroar and Sickle work their way farther up the slope, ready for any orc to come their way.

Xuong-La struggles up the mountainside, trying to find an angle to attack with his guisarme, but struggling with the terrain, he is able to find a position, instead choosing to steady himself to attack as soon as an orc moves into his weapon's range.

Thein follows Xuong-La up the slope, his great sword at the ready. Father down the line, Tharax pushes up the hill, flumbling with is axe and cursing all the way about his sore muscles. Tindutang takes a step onto the unstable mountainside and lets two arrows fly at the orcs, but the monsters duck behind the rocks and the projectile bury themselves harmlessly into the gravel above.

Pachisa frets around behind the rock, quietly reviewing the spells she has prepared, and trying to see where the orcs are behind the rocks. Garlmaxtrikstakall continues up the mountainside, stopping only to load his crossbow.

"Hasil," Yogan calls, "keep the troops in order! Brings them forward slowly and keep their eyes on the rocks!"

Hasil beings issuing orders to the troops farther down the path, but the orcs battle cry, barely distinguishable form the roars of some wild beasts, drown him out as they charge down the mountainside. The orcs leaps over the rocks, running recklessly down the slope and using the added speed to add speed and impact to their charge.

Xuong-La's guisarme lashes out at and orc coming over the rock at him. He leaves the orc with a bloody cut across his chest, but the orc hardly slows his charge as he leaps from the rock at him. The other orcs pour out around the mountain side, charging toward the closest warriors, trying to grapple.

Two orcs angle their charges toward the apparent leaders of the your group, leaping at them feral roars, grabbing the captains and pushing them with all their might. Yogan and Hasil struggle against their attackers, taking numerous cuts from the orcs' armor spikes, but the powerful orcs manage to push them back. The troops around Hasil gasp and try to stab the orc on their captain, but the brute refuses to let go as he continues to try to push the captain over off the path.



Attacks on players

Orcs are attempting to grapple Yumii, Corroar, Xuong-La, Blue, and Plainsong. These orcs specialize in grappling and have the improved grapple feat.

Yumii - The orc fails to grab her

Corroar - Make a grapple check vs 18, or you are grappled and take 4 bludgeoning and 4 piercing damage

Xuong-La - Make a grapple check vs 22, or you are grappled and take 3 bludgeoning and 1 piercing damage

Blue - Make a grapple check vs 5 :smallredface:, or you are grappled and 4 bludgeoningtake and 2 piercing damage

Plainsong - Make a grapple check vs 12, or you are grappled and take 3 bludgeoning and 1 piercing damage

2009-08-09, 03:41 PM

Narrowly dodging the other orc's grasp, Yumii ducks low and delivers a vicious slash toward the new opponent's midsection.

Activating Step of the Wind stance as a Swift Action.

(Step of the Wind stance = No penalties to movement for difficult terrain, no skill check penalties etc... I also gain +2 to hit against foes in rough terrain unless they are unaffected by it somehow as well; also a +4 bonus to Strength or Dex to trip against foes suffering penalties from rough terrain.)

Using Sapphire Nightmare Blade:

Concentration vs enemy AC: [roll0]

Attack Roll (Foe is Flatfooted if Concentration Check succeeded): [roll1] Subtract 2 if Concentration failed.

Damage Roll if hit: [roll2]

Extra Damage if Concentration Succeeded: [roll3]

Counters for the round:

If Charged - Use Counter Charge
(Opposed Dexterity Checks, roll if needed [roll4])

Whew >.> that's a lot of crunch.

2009-08-10, 04:20 PM
Grapple Check: [roll0]

Plainsong struggles as the orc attempts to grab him, and begins casting a spell.

Casting Mirror Image. If I am grappled that entails a Concentration Check, no? And if not, I need to make one anyway to cast defensively.

Concentration: [roll1]

Is there a reason this roller hates me so bad? :smallfurious::smallfrown::smalleek:

2009-08-10, 05:14 PM
Blue pushes the orc back, his size advantage more than the greenskin can handle. Surveying his first kill, he grins and once again shouts out, "One!"

He begins moving now, diving further into the battlefield apparently without regard to his safety. He keeps his eyes on the orc that had just attempted to grab him as he moves to a position between the two nearest orcs.

Grapple: (1d20+8=12) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2202942/) To resist the initial grapple.

Quick to act dodge on the orc at J24.

<Move> J24, I23. This'll provoke an attack of opportunity from the orc I just ungrappled with. In case that AoO is used to try another grapple...
Note that I had forgotten to add in my BAB before. Turns out Blue's modifier is actually 12, heh.
Grapple: (1d20+12=14) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2202946/) F*cking hell...

If he's not grappled at this point...
<Standard> Initiate wolf fang strike, hitting the orc at J23 and H22. Both start with trip attempts.
For J23...
Touch attack/trip: (1d20+8=21, 1d20+16=32) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2202949/)
Resist counter trip: (1d20+16=33) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2202952/) --on a fail.
Attack/damage: (1d20+14=33, 1d8+5=10) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2202963/)

For H22...
Touch attack/trip: (1d20+8=17, 1d20+16=17) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2202951/)
Resist counter trip: (1d20+16=28) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2202954/) --on the fail that I'm sure is coming; I'm not going to bother rolling an attack for this one.
HP: 32/32 AC: 18/13/18 (19/14/19 against J23) PP: 5/11

2009-08-12, 08:18 PM
Xuong-La cackles with relish as the orc comes headon.

[roll0] This looks bad...

2009-08-12, 08:38 PM
Xuong-La grabs the orc's shoulders, his muscles straining, and finds that he can't break the greenskin's grip. His face lights up with glee- "Aha-HA! You are strong, my friend, but let me show you the TRUE STRENGTH OF A MAN WHOSE CAUSE IS JUSTICE!"

Xuong-La expends his psionic focus to 'take 15' on a Concentration check: he casts Animal Affinity and automatically succeeds, for +4 to his Strength. His next Grapple check is +7, which is still pretty terrible, but wait for it.

2009-08-13, 06:33 PM
Pushing the orc away, Yumii quickly shifts her stance and lashes out with her wakizsashi, leaving a bloody gash across the orc's chest. From above the orc, Jacobi slashes out with a pair of short sword, adding several shallow cuts to the orc's shoulders and head.

Held by another orc, Plainsong tires to cast a spell, but is unable to form the proper signs and motions as he struggles with his attacker.

Throwing the orc backwards, Blue swings around his opponent, easily sidestepping a heavy hook punch from the stumbling orc. Given into the feral nature of his training, he strikes out his his claws, sending the stumbling orc tumbling to the ground with a savage swipe. Spinning around, he tries to take the legs out from under another orc, but the second orc kicks the attack away.

Xuong-La does his best to hold back his opponent as he unleashes the power held in reserve in his mind. He seems to take on a more bestial appearance as psionic energy washes over his body, strengthening him as he shouts his challenge.

Corroar is bested by the orc attacking him, but the dwarven scout isn't alone to fight his opponent. Sickle leaps on the orc, tearing at the creature's back with claw and fang. Corroar grunts with the extra weight, trying to maintain his footing on the slippery mountainside.

Adrienna frets in the back lines, quietly reviewing the spells left to her as she surveys the battleground.

Garl's crossbow lets a bold loose, catching the orc near Yumii in the arm. The orc hardly seems to notice and it presses forward, bold sticking out of it arm, at Yumii, coming low to grab at the catfolk's waist. The other orc by Yumii staggers a but from its wounds, but, finding its feat, launches itself up the short rocky outcropping at Jacobi, trying to grab the elf's legs, but missing as the elf jumps away.

Thien manages to push his orc assailant backwards with little effort. The orc grins at the large man and charges back in, laughing with delight. Tharax loudly complains and curses as he struggles with his orc, choosing to headbutt the orc instead of breaking the grapple.

With a roar, the orc struggling with Hasil pushes the captain backwards, shoving him off the path and down the mountainside. The captain yells as he tumbles uncontrollable down the steep incline. Yogan lets out a short shout of effort as he manages to prevent the other orc from doing to same to him, receiving a face full of spittle from the orc laughs at his efforts. Gres rushes to his captains aid, slashing at the orc's back.

The remains orc continue their attempts to crush their opponents, doing their best to injure the victims they hold.

Hasil's troops, stunned by the sudden loss of their commander, attack the orc in their ranks feebly.

Hits and Misses and Grapples and Such

Corroar - Grapple check vs 23 or take 3 bludgeoning and 4 piercing damage
Yumii - Grapple check vs 18 or you are grappled and take 2 bludgeoning and 4 piercing damage
Plainsong - Grapple check vs 13 or you are pushed back to L20 (and are still grappled)
Blue - Grapple check vs 12 or take 1 bludgeoning and 3 piercing damage
Xuong-La - Grapple check vs 14 or take 2 bludgeoning and 4 piercing damage

Paradox, I believe Wolf Strike is suppose to be against one opponent, but we'll let it slide, just like trying to cast spells with a somatic component while being grapple. *cough*Elistan*cough*



2009-08-13, 08:15 PM
Opposed grapple >.< *pray*


2009-08-13, 08:27 PM

In pushing the orc off her, Yumii forces the opportunity and attempts to cut the orc's momentarily exposed throat.

"Don't touch me you stinking bastard!"

Sorry for the double post, had to know if I was grappled before I could take my action >.<

Making a normal attack to get back maneuvers >.<


Damage if needed [roll1]

2009-08-13, 10:34 PM
Blue easily slaps away the orc trying to grab him--between his superior size and his better footing in this terrain, getting a hold on him is going to be tough.

But the golaith has no intention of giving them a chance. He clentches his fist an points to the orc that remains standing, and a small flame appears behind him, harrying him and hopefully distracting him long enough for Blue to strike.

((Ah, you're right about WFS. In addition, I'd forgotten the -2 to both attacks. Apologies, that won't happen again.))
Grapple: (1d20+12=21) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2208203/)

<Swift> Initiate Distracting Ember on the one that's still up.
<Full>Full attack. First strike is a trip attempt on the one I just embered. Power attacking for -2 hit, +2 damage.
Touch attack/trip/resist counter trip (if failed trip); attack/damage: (1d20+8=26, 1d20+14=28, 1d20+14=21, 1d20+14=28, 1d8+7=12) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2208208/)
Second attack is going for the same target, but will not be a trip attempt.
Attack/damage: (1d20+14=19, 1d8+7=13) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2208209/) (If he's not prone, -4 to attack for a total of 15.)

HP: 32/32 AC: 18/13/18 (19/14/19 against J23) PP: 5/11

2009-08-13, 11:02 PM

Taking a gamble and manifesting Adrenaline Surge.


2009-08-13, 11:27 PM
That's a 'no enervation, but lose the spell anyway'. Alright.

Xuong-La continues to shout, fume and rage, but to no real effect- so he opts for simply stabbing the orc in the gut.

On failure: [roll1]
On Success: [roll2]

2009-08-17, 08:17 PM
Yumii's flashing blade misses the orc's throat as the creature jerks away, but pressing pressing forward with her swing, she manages to catch the orc on the side of the neck, cutting deeply just above the collar of the orc's armor. A bold from Garl's cross bow finishes the job.

Farther south, Bluebearer easily shoves his attacker away. The goliath wastes no time to follow up, conjuring a small fire elemental beside the orc. The ugly beast lets out a roar of surprise and panic and it adjusts to the sudden, new threat. Blue's distraction works perfectly, however, as the orc suddenly finds itself on the ground, bleeding from two vicious swipes of the psychic warrior's claws and struggling to remain conscious.

Xuong-La continues to wrestle with his opponent, trying to gain an upper hand, but the orc manages to keep control of the fight, keeping him distracted and preventing the warrior from drawing his dagger.

Despite the orc's best effort, Plainsong manages to keep himself rooted to where he stands. The failure to push the tall aasimar down the mountainside only seem to enrage the shorter orc and it clings to Plainsong fiercely, preventing him from breaking free of the orc's grasp.

Up on the hill, Sickle claws at the orc's back. With a grunt the orc goes limp and falls off of Corroar, sliding off a bloodied dagger in the dwarf's hand.

Snapping out of their surprise, Adrienna and Pachisa move into action. Adrienna, pulling the long spear from her back, grimaces and tries to jab the orc rising up behind Blue. Her angle of attack is poor however, and her thrust goes wide, the spearhead burying itself into the gravel instead of the orc.

Pachisa moves forward to help her commander, quickly casting a spell to cause fatigue and waiting for a moment she can touch the orc fighting with Yogan. Seeing an opening, the young mage transfers the magical power to the brute and its head seems to bob briefly before snapping back up, apparently shaking off the spell.

Yogan continues to push against the orc, managing to keep himself from being thrown off the mountainside like Hasil was. He almost manages to free himself from the orc's grasp, but a quick twist from the orc on his arm breaks the captain's momentum and reestablishes the orc's dominance in the fight.

Gres gives the orc another slash on the back before he is tackled from behind by one of the orcs advancing up the path. The human warrior lets out a roar of anger as he is pinned from behind, the sharpened spikes of the orc's armor digging into his back.

Jacobi meanwhile kicks his orc attacker away, bringing his sword down into its shoulder and ending its life.

Thein shoves his orc assailant away, shoving it with such force that it slams into a nearby outcropping. Drawing his great sword, Thein follows up with a slash across the orc's chest. Shaking its head, the orc seems to finally be questioning the value of continuing to challenge the large man, but when its ally charges up the slope to grab Thein from the side, the orc regains confidence and dies at the human with renewed vigor.

Tharax and his orc seem to fight to a standstill, neither able to get the upper hand and both swearing profusely in their native tongues.

The orc knocked down by Blue earlier regains its feet, roaring a challenge as it leaps to grab the goliath from behind.

The orc who threw Hasil down the mountainside, roars and presses its attack on Hasil's troops, grabbing the closest soldier. Tindutang's bowstring twangs as he lets arrows fly at the orc's back, his aim a little uncertain as he tries not to hit his allied troops.

A howl issues from the cave and three canine heads emerge from the darkness. The fur of these three large wolves is crossed with bald scars and one of the beasts is missing an eye. They drool and have a crazed look in their eyes, as if there were mad, perhaps from starvation given their lean appearance. An iron collar circles their necks, a heavy chain trailing behind. An orcish voice shouts orders from somewhere behind them.

Hits and Misses and Grapples

Xoung-La - Grapple vs DC [roll0] or take [roll1] bludgeoning and [roll2] piecing.
Blue - Grapple vs DC [roll3] or take [roll4] bludgeoning and [roll5] piecing.
Plainsong - Grapple vs DC [roll6] or take [roll7] bludgeoning and [roll8] piecing.

Keep meaning to try rolling in these posts... hopefully I don't break my rolls with all my double and triple checking...

Edit: Woot! Success!



2009-08-18, 04:36 AM

Yumii replaces her wakizashi in it's scabbard and draws her katana.

Just a few seconds more...

2009-08-18, 04:09 PM

Let's try this again, then: Wild Surge'd Adrenaline Boost.


2009-08-18, 04:26 PM
Woo, success!

Free action: Whirling Frenzy! Between the Frenzy and the Adrenaline Boost and the Surging Euphoria and the Animal Affinity, let's see if we can't break this hold.

Full attack!


On failure, try again. [roll1]

On success, 5-foot step out of the way, Quick Draw the guisarme if necessary, and smash one of the orcs grappling with Thein.


2009-08-19, 02:03 PM
Watching his latest target go down, Blue grins and shouts, "Two!" As he's about to finish the orc though, the one behind him leaps up, and Blue takes a swipe at that opening. As the orc grabs at him, the goliath shoves him away and follows up with two swipes, as always starting off with an attempt to sweep his foe off his feet.

Unless the orc is doing something with a feat or skill trick as he gets up, he provokes an AoO from Blue. I can't use that to re-trip him since the attack happens before the action that provoked it, but it is still made as if he's prone. Power attack from last round is still active on the AoO.
AoO attack/damage: (1d20+12=15, 1d8+7=13) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2216191/)

Grapple: (1d20+12=26) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2216194/)

Full attack, start with a trip attempt.
Touch attack/trip attempt/resist counter trip (on fail)/attack/damage (on success): (1d20+8=25, 1d20+14=32, 1d20+14=34, 1d20+14=32, 1d8+5=10) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2216195/) (Note that I reused the previous post's roll without compensating for the lack of flanking/power attack. The text in this post is correct; clicking on the link will show a roll with damage being two higher than it actually should be. Sorry about that.)
Second attack is normal. I'm presuming the trip worked; if not, subtract four from the attack.
Attack/damage: (1d20+14=23, 1d8+5=11) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2216199/)
HP: 32/32 AC: 18/13/18 (19/14/19 against nearest attacking orc) PP: 5/11

2009-08-19, 06:27 PM
Switch her smaller wakizashi for her shining katana, Yumii prepares herself for the new threats emerging from the cave. Up the mountain from her, Corroar also switches weapons, placing his dagger back into the sheathe and pulling his bow from his back, nocking an arrow.

Xuong-La continues to struggle with her assailant. He manages to gain his concentration and uses his training to boost the strength of his body. The orc's eyes siden in surprise as Xuong-La suddenly overwhelms it and breaks free. Xuong-La's guisarme flashes into his hand as he steps around the orc and spins around to strike one of Thein's attackers. The attack bites deep into the orc, but the creature stubbornly continues to cling to Thein.

Blue hardly has time to savor his victory over the first orc when he hears the shuffling of the orc behind him rising. Spinning low, the goliath scrapes his claws across the creature's face. Blinded by its own blood, the orc lunges forward to grab the Blue, but the large warrior pushes it away, swiping out with his claws once again to drop the monster to the ground. A quick followup with each of his claws insures the creature will not rise again.

Seeing the large Thein bloodied and struggling (again), Adrienna hurries around Pachisa, navigating along the loose rocks as she moves toward Thein.

Plainsong is grappled by the orc for a moment, taking additional injuries from the armor spikes and orc crushing grip, but manages to find the upper hand and breaks free, bringing his freed Falchion up defensively.

Thein tries to shake himself free of the orcs, but his poor footing makes it impossible. the orcs continue to cling to their victim. Gres, struggles with the orc on his back, managing it hold it off long enough to drop his sword and pull a dagger from his belt.

Pachisa calls forth more arcane power to splash the orc attacking Yogan with acid. "Oh. Oh! I'm sorry!" she exclaims a bit of the acid lands on Yogan's arm. Her worried apology quickly turns to panicked horror as the orc gains the upper hand in the struggle, shoving Yogan down the mountainside.

Jacobi spots this from his higher vantage point. A pained look crosses his face as he glances between the battle field and his falling nephew. "I'm sorry," he mutters to Yumii. Dropping his short sword, Jacobi races down the mountainside, fumbling with the rope and hook tied to his belt. Pulling them free, he throws himself onto the steep slope, dragging the grappling hook behind him as he tries to control the slide, angling toward the tumbling captain.

Toward the bulk of your army, the lone orc continues to assault the front of the line, grappling another solder while the other soldiers try to break bring it down. Tindutang continues to loose carefully places arrows into the orc, who is weakening quickly. Tharax and his orc continue their struggle, each taking turns headbutting the other and spitting out curses in their respective languages.

The wolves above make their move, one breaking to the north after the group of scouts, while the other took take off high along the mountainside, heading for the main force, each training the chain form their collars. Another orc comes out of the cave with a snug look. it is wrapped in wolf hides and clutches a barbed whip in its hand. It looks at the state of its allies and laughs, "You Spikefists are useless," he taunts in heavily accented common. "Torn apparent by a bunch of weak pink-skins! The spider should have left it up to Gruumsh's Fangs to hold this pass! I will show these pinkies how a real orc fights!"

The Spikefists roar at the newcomer's words, the two out of grapples spitting in his direction and shifting their stances and roaring with the indignity of the Fang's words and each pulling out a pair of daggers, preparing to press a greater threat.

No attacks on players this round.



2009-08-20, 02:37 PM

Dammit! I guess I'll have to cause a distraction or something...

Yumii spots a figure moving between two rocks some distance ahead, and an idea forms. She sprints along the rocky area, nimbly leaping across the broken terrain at a seemingly impossible pace.

At the last moment she attempts to run the hidden enemy through.

Charging from G5 to F16

[roll0] +2 more if the orc is unnable to ignore the terrain penalty

Damage if it hits [roll1] +2 more if the orc is unnable to ignore the terrain penalty

(The star IS an orc right? The grey diamond is the orc we just killed last round isn't it? If not it gets an attack of opportunity, but I'll just have to accept that.)

2009-08-20, 04:50 PM
((The star is the orc; the diamonds are the wolves. Neither are sneaking or hiding. Also I'll work on improving the icons for the next encounter so they're clearer, or, at the very least, put a key on the map.))

2009-08-23, 11:57 AM
As yet another orc falls to his claws, Blue happily announces, "Three!" Then the new orc--obviously a leader--appears. Of course, Blue only sees bonus points. He focuses his inner energies on bolstering his body against the blows that are liable to occur from the reckless actions he's about to take, then bolts through the battlefield without regard to his own safety to close the distance between himself and this newcomer.

<Standard action> Manifesting Vigor augmented to the full 4 PP for 20 temporary HP.

<Move action>Pull hella AoOs! Move NW NW N N NW (That's 30') landing at F18. This will pull AoOs from H21 and H18. If these guys have combat reflexes, H21 can get up to three AoOs from this. If these attacks are grapple attempts, feel free to roll Blue's resist grapple yourself; his modifier is +12.
HP: 52/32 AC: 18/13/18 (19/14/19 against F17 (leader)) PP: 1/11

2009-08-25, 06:31 PM
Xuong-La barely notes the arrival of the lead orc, rather consumed with the gleeful task of reducing the orcs grappling with Thein to mincemeat.

Full Round Action: Whirling Frenzy, Power Attacking for 2, targeting the wounded orc first.



Free action: 5-foot step to I19

2009-08-26, 06:52 PM
((Sorry about the long delay this week/weekend. Been a busy one for me.))

Yumii charges past the wolf, aiming for the orc beast master. The wolf tries to snap at the catfolk as she runs by, but slips and gets a mouthful of rocks instead. Her katana lashes out at the orc, but the beast is on the defensive, and steps out of the way.

Blue also charges toward the orc. The newly armed Spikefists lash out with their daggers as he rushes by, nicking him once on his charge.

Not tempted by the arrivial of the new orc, Xuong-La continues his assault on the orcs attacking Thein. Two precise thrusts at the orc clinging to Thein's side drop the creature to the ground, where it lays still.

Plainsong makes another attack at his opponent, swinging his falchion in a powerful arc toward the creature's uppor torso, but the orc drops low beneath the blow and lunges forward with its daggers, scoring a hit with one of them.

Adrienna focuses her divine powers to try to seal some of Thein's wounds, expending her last light curing spell of the day. The large warrior barely manages a grunt of thanks and he continues to fight against the spiked orc still grabbing at him, finally managing to push free of the brute.

Corroar and Sickle move forward to attack the wolf, sliding down to it and scoring a powerful bow with dagger and fang. Behind them, Garl complains about his lost shot and moves up the mountain some to try to line his crossbow up with another enemy.

Gres manages to turn the tables of the orc attempting to push him off the mountainside, instead trowing the orc tumbling after Yogan on the steep mountainside.

Tindutang and the other soldiers manage to take down the orc attacking their front ranks. Tindutang then turns his attention to the Tharax and the orc that seem to be licked in a perpetual series of headbutts and insults.

Sensing an opening, an orc attacks Xuong-La's side, catching him in the side with a dagger, but unable to draw blood with his second dagger. The orc attacking Plainsong has no better luck, also scoring only one notable hit.

Pachisa lets out a shout of alarm as an orc, having dispatched the obvious leader of the group, turns its attentions to her, easily grabbing the frail woman and injuring her severely.

The two wolves to the south continue toward the main body of your forces, jumping down in to the mists of them and causing chaos. With their leadership gone, the men begin to panic.

The third wolf turns on sickle, apparently sensing an age old enemy. The starving beast tries to grab the great cat's neck, but fails to get a solid bite.

The whips wielding orc hardly seems fazed about being flanked by the catgirl and the goliath. Its whip snaps out at Yumii aiming for her legs, but the nimble catfolk leaps clear of the attack.

Hits and misses

Blue - One dagger hit: [roll0]
Xuong-La - One dagger hit: [roll1]
Plainsong - One dagger hit: [roll2]

The DM was making bad rolls all around this round, both for orc and ally.



2009-08-26, 08:20 PM
Blue grins as he sees Yumii rush towards the orc leader, apparently utterly heedless of the tiny scratch he'd recieved on the way--in fact, it heals up almost as soon as it is opened. He looks like he's having FAR more fun than anyone engaged in a life or death battle against evil creatures wearing spiked armor should ever rightfully be having. "Together now!" he shouts, and his left claw glows a bright blue. Almost faster than the eye can follow, he sweeps the claw at the orc's legs.

Initiating Sapphire Nightmare Blade on the orc leader, and expending psionic focus to take 15 on the concentration check for a result of 25 vs. the orc's AC. If this works, he's flat footed against my attack, and if it fails I take a -2 penalty to this otherwise normal attack (and also he has an AC above 25 so we should probably run). Either way, the attack will begin a trip attempt. Power attacking for -2 attack, +2 damage.

Touch attack/trip attempt/resist counter trip (on fail)/free attack (on success)/claw damage/SNB extra: (1d20+8=10, 1d20+16=18, 1d20+16=27, 1d20+10=22, 1d8+7=14, 1d6=6) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2228953/)
...Aw hell. A 2 on the touch attack to start it all. Nice, really.
HP: 50/32 AC: 18/13/18 (19/14/19 against F17 (leader)) PP: 1/11

2009-08-27, 12:18 AM
Xuong-La meant to 5-foot step to I19, so that he wouldn't draw a ton of AoOs when he does his super move (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eFKDEd8__o)

Xuong-La glares at the orc who slashed him with the dagger, who obviously still hasn't felt the TRUE STRENGTH OF JUSTICE.

Weightlessly, he twirls his Guisarme around one arm, behind his neck, then hurls to into the air- in the time it takes for the weapon to fall, he hurls a pair of daggers at the orc, leaps up to snatch the polearm out of the sky and smashes it into the orc's chest on the way down. "HRAAGH!"

Free action: 5-foot step to J20.
Full attack with Whirling Frenzy and Rapid Shot!




Now watch as all of those miss!

Also, he has two AoOs this round, that he'll use on Trip attempts, if it comes up.

HP: 16/35, PP: 11/23, AC: 18/13/17, Saves: 8/6/6

2009-08-27, 12:19 AM
Oh, hey, a dagger crit!


2009-08-27, 07:06 PM

Yumii grins broadly seeing Blue begin his attack, and shifts her stance slightly to follow suit, making a rising attack from hip to shoulder while Blue goes for the orc's legs.

Initiating Sapphire Nightmare Blade >.>

Concentration Roll - [roll0] - As with Blue's, if it beats it, he's flatfooted and takes the extra damage, if not, I take a -2 penalty and he doesn't take the extra damage. Attack is otherwise normal.

Attack Roll [roll1] +2 more if the orc is unnable to ignore the terrain penalty. (The +2 for flanking is in the roll, so deduct it if he can't be flanked.)

Normal Damage[roll2] +2 if he can't ignore terrain penalties.

Extra Damage if Concentration beat AC [roll3]

C'mon good rolls... >.< *crosses fingers*

*edit* Woo! Nice rolls!

2009-08-27, 08:51 PM
The orc ignores Blue's flashy but wild and ill-aimed attack, instead continuing to focus on the catfolk. Using an identical power, Yumii strikes out with her katana, glowing blue with power, and strikes the orc across the chest, leaving a bloody wound across it and leaving the wolf hides singed in its wake.

Xuong-La, growing ever more skillful, not to mention louder, as the fight moves forward, bursts forth into an amazing flurry of dagger and guisarme. Although one thrown dagger goes wide, the other stikes the orc in the face, bringing a howl of pain from the stubborn creature, one that ends quickly as Xuong-La's guisarme removes the creature's head.

Plainsong swings his enchanted falchion at his opponent again, but the dagger wielding orc again dodges the large weapon. The orc lunges forward with his daggers again, but his slashes are no more accurate than Plainsong's swing.

Adrienna moves up the mountainside, focusing her healing powers once again, this time reaching out for Xoung-La and letting the energy flow into the human's injured body.

Farther up the slope, Corroar and Sickle continue to fight the ferocious wolf, scoring hits with daggers, fangs, and claws. Sickle tries to hold the wolf down, but the crazed beast manages to squirm away, biting the cat in the process. A bolt from Garl's crossbow strikes the wolf as the canine pulls away.

With a roar, Thein brings his greatsword down to end the life of his final opponent. As if not to be outdone, Tharax shouts a loud dwarven curse and smashes his head into the grappling orc again accompanied by a loud crack as the orc slumps to the gravel.

Gres moves quickly to help Pachisa, slashing open the orc's back with his longsword. The wizard, meanwhile, manages to cast a spell despite the grabbing orc. Flames burst from Pachisa's fingertips to lick at the orc's armor. The orc howls in pain from the combined attacks, but continues to press forward, further injuring Pachisa, who barely manages to remains standing.

The Gruumsh's Fang snarls as the two heroes press in on him. Dropping his whip he grabs a morning star hanging from his belt, a twisted wooden thing fashioned from a large twisted tree branch and wolves fangs, and swings it at Yumii.

As the two wolves continue to tear into your army's ranks, the men give into a full panic, splitting and running both north and south on the path to get clear of the berserk beasts.

Hits and Misses and Notes
One club attack against Yumii misses.
Two dagger misses on Plainsong.
Xuong-La heals [roll0]

Not sure Fishy's action is completely valid by the rules, but its was so awesome I don't really care.

Time for someone or ones to take charge of the troops with the commanders missing. Anyone who's interested roll 1d20+cha mod, +2 if you have 5 ranks in diplomacy or intimidate.



2009-08-27, 09:14 PM
Hmm. Xuong-La has Intimidate and a pretty good CHA score (for a fightar). He's Raging right now, which means he can't use activities that require concentration or mental skills- other than Intimidate. Could he attempt to rally the troops? And if so, does it take an action?

2009-08-27, 09:30 PM
Since its just yelling out encouraging words, its a free action. Xuong-La certainly can try since he can shout out intimidating words. You know, if you don't mind being a harsh leader. :smallbiggrin:

2009-08-28, 06:58 PM

Immediately after her upward strike against the orcish leader, Yumii leaps into the air and reverses the direction of the blade, attempting to cross the other cut with one from shoulder to hip.

"Got ya!" she shouts as she makes the swing.

Using a Swift action to change stances to Punishing Stance -

I have -2 AC, but deal 1d6 extra damage per hit.

Using Claw at the Moon:

Jump Check: [roll0] - If this beats his AC I deal 2d6 extra damage, and if I critically threat after succeeding on this check, I have a +4 bonus to confirm.

Attack Roll [roll1] (Includes Flanking bonuses)

Normal Damage [roll2]

Punishing Stance damage [roll3]

Claw at the Moon damage (if Jump Check succeeds) [roll4]

Whew that's a lot of stuff <o.@> Also my IC writing is terrible right now <T.T> sorry)

2009-08-28, 07:32 PM

The strain of channeling so much divine energy has left its mark on Adrienna, and she looks somewhat haggard. But, with their mage nearly down, she moves to assist once more. Trusting her feet to keep her upright, she scrambles back, channeling power once more. With a touch, golden healing energies flow into the poor woman. Her glare is cold, as she mutters to the orc "Your days are numbered, beast. Best to flee now."

Move to G22, cast Cure Moderate Wounds (2/4), healing Pachisa for [roll0].

2009-08-28, 09:01 PM
Blue growls in frustration as his swipe goes wide. He lashes out twice more, determined to get this orc knocked to the ground before he can do more harm.
Full attacking. First strike is a trip attempt. No power attack this time.
Touch attack/trip/resist counter trip (if fail): (1d20+10=12, 1d20+16=30, 1d20+16=26) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2230132/) FFFFFF--
If that somehow manages to work (and hey, it's a touch attack, so maybe?)
Attack/damage: (1d20+16=18, 1d8+5=12) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2230135/) --UUUUUU--

In the very likely case that attack misses,
Touch attack/trip/resist counter trip (if fail): (1d20+10=27, 1d20+16=30, 1d20+16=22) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2230133/) --Okay that's better.
Follow-up attack...
Attack/damage: (1d20+16=22, 1d8+5=11) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2230136/)
Prone and flanking bonuses are included for all of these.
HP: 50/32 AC: 18/13/18 (19/14/19 against F17 (leader)) PP: 1/11

2009-08-29, 12:13 AM
Continuing the display of athleticism, Roi Xuong-La vaults back into the road, planting himself firmly in the way of the panicking soldiers.

"I thought I was fighting with MEN," he growls, casually slamming his weapon into the Spikefist still struggling with the spellcaster.


That done, he turns his full attention to the troops- "Those things behind you are Beasts- they know nothing of Honor, or Justice, or COURAGE!



Bit long for a free action, we can save the last line for the next round if we have to. Let's see if it works! [roll2]

HP: 32/35, PP: 11/23, AC: 18/13/17, Saves: 8/6/6

2009-08-29, 07:23 AM
Oops, forgot my [roll0] check.

2009-09-03, 09:40 PM
Yumii and Blue unleash a devastating combo on the Fang orc, the catfolk leaping high while the Goliath sweeps low. The orc roars and watches Yumii skyward, reading his morning star to counter, but Yumii's devastating blow leaves the orc staggering, only to knocked to the ground and clwed into unconsciousness by Blue.

Xoung-La leaps down the mountainside, seemingly poking the orc struggling with Pachisa gently with his guisarme. The blade easily slips into the injured and burned orc's side, ending the creature's life as Adrienna's magic washes over the young mage.

Plainsong deals a blow to the Spikefist before him as Thein marches up beside him, adding the blows of greatsword to Plainsong's falchion, bringing the orc down. Corroar, Sickle, and Garl continue fighting the mad wolf, mercifully ending the poor, abused creature's suffering in a blur of daggers, bolts, and claws.

The men continue to panic, despite Xoung;La's efforts. The wolves, berzerk from torment continue to bring men down in the middle of the splitting troops.

Notes and XP
The the Gruumsh's Fang completely devastated by Yumii and Blue, and the others on their last legs seemed like a good place to end the combat anyhow.

Still need someone to get the troops in order. Course you're no longer distracted by combat yourselves, so you can better pick your words.

Edit: Or you could run down the path and take care of the wolves yourselves.

Everyone receives 800 xp.


You make out the sounds of whimpering and rattling chains in the cave. They seem to be humanoid voices, trying to be quiet despite their panic and fear.

2009-09-04, 12:00 AM

As soon as the orc is down, Yumii leans up against the nearby rock wall to take a minute's breath and giving Blue an exhausted by satisfied grin.

"We did pretty good, eh?" she asks.

A second later she finally remembers her still-drawn sword and shakes the blood from it before re-sheathing it, and finally getting her adrenaline back under control.

Her relaxed stance doesn't last long, as her ears perk at the sounds coming from the nearby cave.

"... did you hear that?" she asks her goliath companion.

While she's taking the break I can swap maneuvers, right? The book says you need "About 5 minutes of exercise"; is it reasonable to get that much time right now?

2009-09-04, 12:24 AM
Xuong-La has one round left of his Frenzy and a few minutes left of Animal Affinity: I feel like we ought to go back there and beat on the wolves for a bit, but it's not exactly a dramatically interesting conflict...

2009-09-04, 06:23 PM
We can always split the party - you go beat the wolves, Yumii'll catch her breath. Then we can investigate the caves together.

I have to wait ~5 minutes if I'm going to swap my maneuvers, which in rounds is eternity >.>

2009-09-04, 08:31 PM
Seems like an odd time to take a 5 minute break, but no, there's nothing preventing you from doing so.

Handle it however you guys would like.

2009-09-04, 09:22 PM
Well from the description I was assuming (perhaps wrongly <.<) that the fighting in our area had collapsed (thus why I was able to hear the people in the cave) and the orcs were starting to route - but that there are still wolves left further on.

I misinterpret? <;_;>

2009-09-05, 01:02 AM
Well yeah, in the immediate area... but not too far away you have a pair of rampaging wolves scattering the regular troops, your commanders have tumbled down the side of the mountains, their fates unknown, and there's obviously something alive inside the cave... just strikes me as an odd time for a few minutes of exercise is all. :smalltongue:

2009-09-05, 04:39 AM
I guess I misunderstood >.< my logic was that the battle itself was pretty much over, and thus it was OK to relax a moment. (I never liked the 'exercise' description, since to me it makes more sense for it to be more a matter of taking a breather >< but it's in the book so...)

I guess I won't take a break then >.< On to da wolves I suppose!

2009-09-08, 09:58 AM
Oh jeeze, were we waiting on me? Sorry, guys.

"Ha! Fine, then," Xuong-La chortles in amusement as men continue to panic around him. "Don't believe in yourselves, then- Believe in Me! Believe in THIS!" He whirls his guisarme through the air in another elaborate kata, and takes off at a sprint towards the wolves.


EDITED TO ADD: Oh, come on.

2009-09-10, 12:09 PM
We weren't' really waiting for you Fishy, I think we just all kinda lulled this week. Personally its been a pretty bumpy week for me, was unable to connect to the internet for more than a few minute for a couple days and had my computer completely inoperable for a day or so. :smallannoyed:

I'm going to get right on finding some people and getting things rolling agian though. :smallbiggrin:

2009-09-17, 04:21 PM
Despite Xuong-La's best efforts, the men continue to panic. Tindutang tries his best to line up his arrows with the wolves, but can't find a clean shot through the rocks and panicking solders. Finally, however, two brave men push their way through the ranks to the wolves. One, Hasil's lieutenant [Avern], who had been walking his stead in the rear of the march, shouts out and finally rallies the troops. The other [Rhah] summons forth arcane powers to strike one of the wolves down. With their moral restored and aided by their two heroes, the last wolf is quickly dealt with.

With the combat decisively over, everyone takes a moment to examine their standing. Gres and Pachisa peer over the edge of the path and down the steep mountainside. "They're alright!" Pachisa shouts excitedly, pointing down the mountainside.

About eighty feet below, Jacobi and Yogan crouch on a small ledge. Covered in dust and bruises, the pair are alive but injured. Jacobi's arm, pulled above him and wrapped in the rope attached to a grappling hook stuck around a rock higher up on the slope, seems limp and the elf winces as he tries to untangle his arm with his free hand. Yogan seems focused on his leg, trying his best to fashion a split around it without loosing his balance on the thing outcropping. Farther down, Hasil clings to a rock. He is covered in cuts a bruises, but seems awake and aware as he stubbornly holds on.

"Ack!" Tharax exclaims, watching the two human heroes of Hasil's squad. "First'n its Bloodscourge, now Spikefists n' Gruumsh's Fangs! We mus' be fight'n all tha tribes o' the Three-Spines!" Tharax goes to sit down, almost sitting on his fallen orc opponent, before catching himself and carefully moving away from the spike-clad orc.

2009-09-18, 09:28 PM
Avern Kales

A heavily armored rider with a lieutenant's badge reins in his horse, and quickly dismounts. Throwing off his helmet, he immediately rummages through his pack to take out a long coil of silken rope, throwing one end down and holding to the other end. He looks around for a few strong soldiers and waves them over, telling them to hold tightly to the rope. Carefully sticking his head over the side of the cliff, Avern directs the rope to Hasil, who looks to be in the most imminent danger. "Grab on, sir!" he calls out, and then takes this end of the rope along with the other men he picked, and started pulling. "Come on men! Let's get them to safety!"

2009-09-19, 02:01 AM
Rhah Talec

A long, lean man with his raven black hair ponytailed around his neck, Rhah dusts himself off as he gazes at the last wolf he has put out of its misery. As he raises his head to observe the battlefield, he spots an evacuation is being managed and goes off to watch it. He looks contemplative for a second.

Question. Rhah has a spell called Earthen Grasp (from Complete Arcane), which brings forth a stony hand from the ground to grapple his opponents. Can he use that to help the people on the ledge, give them leverage?

2009-09-19, 11:11 AM
Hearing the commotion overhead, Yogan looks up to see the rescue attempts. Seeing that the rope is too short and glancing down at where Hasil hangs he grabs Jacobi's arm to get direct his attention to the hanging captain. Freeing his arm from the rope, the elf carefully dig through his backpack, pinning it against as he digs through it with his one good hand for another length of rope.

As another volley of boulders fly overhead to crash down near the Crossroad's battered front lines, Yogan looks up. "We're take care of Hasil!" he calls out. "Even if you manage to pull us up, we're in no condition to fight! Those giants need to be taken down! Continue with the mission! We'll catch up when we can!"

Limping to the rescue group, Pachisa, the young mage of Yogan's squad, calls for Avan's attention. "S-sir," she says, "I... I think I can help them." She starts to fumble with a scroll case at her side, digging through the sheets of paper. "I haven't, umm, been much help on the front lines, but I think I have a scroll here that can get them down safely. But only down... I, umm, don't think its strong enough to bring them up... I could stay here and see them safely to the larger rocks below them. Umm, with your permission, of course, sir."

2009-09-19, 07:08 PM

This just keeps getting worse and worse...

Yumii turns to Blue, just across from her.

"Okay so, we've got two options here big guy... One, we can report to the lieutenant about this cave so the column isn't flanked if whatever is inside comes out... but that means if there are prisoners inside; and I think there are.... we might be too late if we wait until we've dealt with the giants.

Option two, we grab someone, send them to report to the lieutenant, and deal with whatever's inside ourselves.

What do you think?"

2009-09-20, 12:11 AM

Frustrated by the failure of his last plan, Avern begins looking around for something else, until he was interrupted by the mage's words. Annoyed by the interruption at first, he contemplates afterward and finally, after realizing that he had no better plan and that the mission indeed needed to be completed, he nodded to the mage and turned away to remount his horse.

Looking to the scattered troops around him, he begins to shout, "Well? You all heard the Captain! We can't just stand here and let those giants assault our front lines with impunity. We've come this far, there's no turning back now!" He shouts some more encouragements to get the troops reorganized after that fight, and begins marching forward towards the completion of their mission.

2009-09-20, 04:13 PM
The men look to each other at Avern's instructions for a moment, a little hesitant to follow a new commander so quickly, but the marshal's encouraging words quickly along with Yogan's instruction quickly convince them to shuffle back into the marching order on the narrow mountain trail.

Staying at the edge of the trail, Pachisa mumbles to herself as she organizes her scrolls. "Feather fall, ok. Only one levitate. Jump? Spider climb? Animate rope... why did I pack this spell in here..."

Higher up on the mountainside, Blue watches the rescue attempts briefly. In response to Yumii's question, he turns to inspect his hands and claws for nicks and scratches, then holding them up before him, simply grins and nods toward the cave mouth. Blue and Yumii disappear into the shadows of the cave.


You can't help but winch from the fouls smells that fill the cave. Apparently the orc had used the cave for everything from butchery to latrine, and the terrible mix of odors is sickening.

The cave proves to be short and shallow, turning slowly into the mountain for only three dozen feet. The orcs' camp is in the very back, a mess of furs and half eaten food. A small cart sits near the back wall, two large open crates sitting on it, while two others sit splintered open near by. Three of the crates bare the crest of the Crossroads, presumably taken from the captured fort, while the third has a metal crest attached to it, a dull metallic representation of the spider symbol the orcs have rallied around. From what you can see without digging through the crates, it would seem they were packed randomly, each showing a mix of weapons, rations, and even gemstones peeking out of the top. The orcs likely through whatever they could grab into the crates rather than planning for an expedition.

Several metal rings have been pounded into the walls to the left of the cart. The ones farther out from the cart show wear from chains having been looped through them. The leaves and torn furs, as well as a few half-gnawed bones, tell you this is where the Fang's wolves were likely kept.

A fearful whimper and the rattling of chains draw you to the rings set closer to the cart. Hiding behind the cart, you find a trio of goblins. They wear little but rags and small harnesses, probably designed for wolves, which were likely used to pull the cart along the trail. They are covered in bruises and each bear a few scars. Upon seeing you and the goliath, they lose what little composure then had, their attempts not to whimper vanish. One of them stretches the chains as far as he can as he gives a panic yell and tries to crawl under the cart, another curls up and shivers, while the third runs forward and throws himself on the ground before you, gushing out pleading and fearful words in what sounds like a mixture of goblin and orc.

2009-09-21, 01:11 AM
After dispatching the wolves with typical aplomb, Xuong-La stands by himself on the battlefield for a brief moment. Adrenaline draining out of his system, he tries to center himself and ready the mental energy to go back to cajoling the troops- and his face lights up with gleeful surprise when someone else does it for him.

He quickly trots along after Avern and his horse- "Ha! A man of action and words, yes? Well done, friend!"

2009-09-21, 04:08 AM

Unwittingly, Avern's face starts to grin at the comment, but he quickly coughs when he realizes what he's doing and assumes what he thinks to be a more dignified look. "Thank you for your kind words, friend, though I'm afraid I do not know your name. Are you with Yogan's group? Well to introduce myself, I am Lieutenant Avern Kales," he holds out a hand, "And you?"

2009-09-23, 04:01 AM

Yumii slips into the cave as quietly as possible just ahead of Blue. She instantly recoils from the vile stench, and is temporarily overcome by a bought of nausea before turning back to get a good look at the cave.

Gods... that smell... eugh...

Seeing the pitiable goblins in the corner and no orcs immediately present, Yumii quickly re-sheathes her sword - moving slowly toward the goblins with her palms facing them.

"Easy... can you speak common? I'm not here to hurt you, ok?"

She remains at a short distance, out of reach of the goblins while waiting for a response.

Sorry I've been so slow >< Would you believe I've had 'writer's block' for RPing? >.<

2009-09-23, 03:54 PM
As the two squads get organized again, Corroar and Garlmaxtrikstakall, who had been operating as scouts on this mission, make their way to Avern, Corroar's mountain lion pacing on a nearby rock. The gnome snaps a smart salute at the new commanding officer and bubblers, "Garlmaxtrikstakall, gnomish expert at scouting, infiltration, and tracking, bearer of her majesty Sellanimiplex the gaudy triple bauble metal of bejewled distinguishment, graduate of the famous Rugglefoot's guild of tricks and tactics, veteran of..."

Corroar rolls his eyes and elbows as he steps forward. "Two of our members are checking out the cave that the orcs attack from," the well spoken dwarf explains. "Two strong warriors. Would hate to leave them behind."


From the goblins continued panic, you assume that they don't understand common or are too afraid to try.

While you try to coax the goblins out from behind the cart, Blue walks over to inspect the crates. Finding what appears to be a crude crowbar, fashioned out of some kind of petrified bone, he begins to pry off the part of the crate bearing the spider symbol.

2009-09-23, 04:34 PM

The desperate need over, Adrienna makes haste toward the fallen soldiers, working to bandage those who need it, Healing those in the most desperate shape. The natural soft glow that was present in the morning is slowly fading, and she is growing more visibly weary as her divine gifts are used.

Once she has done what she can for the soldiers, she heads back to look at the commanders, and considers staying with Pachisa, to help get them back to the fight, but only for a moment. Their orders are to take the giants, then take the giants we shall, she thinks, her tired face assuming a determined expression.

And that expression quickly changed to worried, until Corroar's statement assures her that some of their squad aren't in fact missing, just busy. She heads for the cave, hoping to make sure the two survive, only to hear Goblins...

Which, coincidentally, is her only bonus language! :smallwink:

Should I mark off the 6 Cure Minor Wounds now? They are enough to stabilize the dying, but little more...

2009-09-24, 05:13 AM

Shaking his head against the inexperience of the mage woman, Rhah shrugs and returns to see the mounted lieutenant joined by more people even as he watches. Wondering what is the commotion, he slowly nears them and listens, hoping not to get spotted by the officer. He simply hates saluting.

2009-09-24, 08:56 AM
Unwittingly, Avern's face starts to grin at the comment, but he quickly coughs when he realizes what he's doing and assumes what he thinks to be a more dignified look. "Thank you for your kind words, friend, though I'm afraid I do not know your name. Are you with Yogan's group? Well to introduce myself, I am Lieutenant Avern Kales," he holds out a hand, "And you?"

The short, scrawny warrior twirls his guisarme again, casually slinging the bloody weapon over his shoulders. "I am called Roi Xuong-La, and I stand with Yogan and with all who oppose tyranny! We will throw many rocks at them!" he adds, chortling to himself.

2009-09-25, 06:24 AM

Please don't panic, please don't panic...

Yumii steps toward the goblins very, very slowly, keeping her hands outstretched and empty and talking quietly even if they can't understand.

"I'll get you out of here, okay? Just be patient, let me undo your chains, alright?"

She moves for the rings at the back of the wall where the goblins aer attached, seeing if she can either find a key or a latch of some kind, or barring that maybe some means of simply breaking them loose.

2009-09-25, 10:24 AM
Yumii & Adrienna
As Yumii approaches the goblins, their panic only increases. Their wailing grows louder and they seems to try to shrink into the ground.

Adrienna has some trouble making sense out of the cacophony of loud and quick goblin words, but sorts it out as Yumii looks for a way to free them. The goblins are pleading the catfolk not to beat them. The lead goblin is panickedly trying to explain that the will serve their new masters loyally, that they don't need to be "taught obedience" again.

Yumii finds that the goblin's chains are firmly attached to the rings in the wall. The rings would have to be chisel free to free that end. Most of the goblins try to avoid her touch as she tires to see if they can be unchained from their harnesses, but the groveling goblin doesn't try to dodge her touch as he bursts into tears.

The chains are attached to their harnesses by a pair of metal pegs, tightly hammered together. Yumii is barely able to move them, but with the help of the stronger Bluebearer, the first goblin is set free. Rather then rejoicing the goblin continues to lay on the ground, shaking in fear.

2009-09-25, 10:59 AM

"Well met, Xuong-La. Rocks, javelins, arrows, and warriors, we'll throw all we have at our enemies, and overwhelm them with might. But one moment," he says, seeing Corroar and the gnome approach.

The gnome snaps a smart salute at the new commanding officer and bubblers, "Garlmaxtrikstakall, gnomish expert at scouting, infiltration, and tracking, bearer of her majesty Sellanimiplex the gaudy triple bauble metal of bejewled distinguishment, graduate of the famous Rugglefoot's guild of tricks and tactics, veteran of..."

Forcing down the urge to burst into laughter, Avern gives a salute back and cuts off the gnome quickly, "Eh, well met, Garlma- uh, Garl. I am glad I have such... distinguished personnel scouting ahead, warning me of danger. If I'd known that Yogan had such talented soldiers under his command, I would of been jealous!"

Corroar rolls his eyes and elbows as he steps forward. "Two of our members are checking out the cave that the orcs attack from," the well spoken dwarf explains. "Two strong warriors. Would hate to leave them behind."

Avern frowns, seeing that things are getting serious now. "Hmm, well I can't fault them for their courage and initiative, but I wish they'd cleared that with me first. You're right of course; we should scout into the cave to make sure no other orcs remain in it, waiting to ambush us from behind. And I'd like to meet these bold warriors for myself. Hmm," he pauses for a moment, and thinks, then quickly comes to a decision.

"Your name?" he asks of the dwarf, and receives an answer. "Well Corroar, in the absence of other officers, I name you acting commander of our remaining forces until I or another officer becomes available. Keep the men organized and march them towards the giants, but do not engage. March slowly and keep a minimal safe distance until we return or until it becomes obvious that we shall not return. If I do not come back, lead the troops to battle against the giants and afterward, lead them to the best of your ability. Got it? Good."

Ignoring any protests, Avern now turns to Xuong-La, "I shall need some strong blades guarding my back. Care to come to adventure and danger? You can come too, Garl."

2009-09-27, 10:02 AM
"To hell and back, my friend," Xuong-La replies, instantly, then glances upwards as more boulders streak through the skies towards their hapless targets. "There's no time to lose- Let's make some giants learn the taste of our fingers, yes? Ha!"

2009-09-27, 07:09 PM
Corroar grunts at his sudden promotion. "Its your decision to make," he replies, "but I ain't much for being a leader." Garl, for his own part, offers a smart salute, rocking back so far on his heels in an attempt to stand tall and straight that your afraid he is about fall over backwards.

Making your way up to the cave, the cries of distress from goblins meet your ears, along with the attempts of Yumii and Adrienna to calm them down. One goblin lays groveling on the ground, shaking and crying. Another attempts to hide itselves behind a small cart that sits near the back of the small cave. A third goblin is running around at the length of its chain, trying to keep away from Yumii, at least until Blue grabs the chain and pulls the goblin to him.

((I assume Adrienna will translate between common and goblin for whomever wants to talk to the goblins))

2009-09-27, 10:37 PM

Leaving his horse guarding the cave entrance, Avern makes his way into the foul cave, gasping at the sickening air inside. Cautiously grasping his sword hilt, he slowly walks across the littered ground, stopping as soon as he spots the three along with the goblins. Recognizing the three of them by Garl's excited chitterings, and seeing that the goblins are no threat, Avern lowers his guard and begins to speak.

"I presume you are the valiant warriors of whom Corroar, and Garl here, have told me so much about? Now, I appreciate the initiative, but I'd prefer if you had told a commanding officer about what you're doing, or at least about the potential threat of this cave. Can't reprimand you for bravery though, so I'll commend you three there. Introductions are in order, but this is hardly the place to do it, so let me make this quick by saying that I am Lieutenant Avern Kales, from Hasil's squad, currently the commanding officer of these units. Now, a report on what you've found in this cave. Have you discovered anything?"

Avern also speaks Goblin.

2009-09-28, 06:40 AM

Yumii turns to face Avern, somewhat surprised at the approach from behind.

"It looks like this was a supply dump before we got here. The goblin slaves and the err... 'decor'; make that seem like a logical conclusion anyway. I haven't found anything spectacularly important though, we've not been here long and other than the goblins, it was empty when we arrived."

Yumii sizes up the lieutenant, taking a measure of his height and especially his bearing and confidence.

"Oh, and I guess I should introduce myself, uhh, my name's Yumii Northedge - and I'm kinda 'freelancing' I guess you could say. I joined up to help out with the orc problem."

After a half second of silence she adds... "Sir, that is."

2009-09-28, 07:57 AM

Rhah inconspicuously tails Avern's group into the caves, not wanting to miss out on anything odd that might happen. He looks around in the dank cave and curiously eyes the goblins, but otherwise keeps silent and at the back.

2009-09-28, 04:20 PM

Avern looks slightly amused at Yumii's reluctant addendum, "It's good to meet you, Yumii, but this is hardly the place to hang on decorum. Drop the 'sir,' and yes that is an order." He grins, then grows serious again as he studies the goblins. Bending down towards them and using a soothing voice to make himself appear as nonthreatening as possible, he begins to speak, "I'm not here to harm you; I want to help you, but I need some help from you first, answering some questions. Do you understand? I need to make sure that those bad orcs aren't here anymore. Do you know how deep this cave goes? Are there any other orcs below? Anything of importance?"


2009-09-29, 10:05 AM

Xuong-La dutifully follows his new lifelong friend into the cave, keeping one eye on the entrance and one eye on the darkness of the cave.

2009-09-29, 10:46 AM
The lead goblin looks up from the ground and shakes his head, glancing at those around him. Swallowing hard, the goblin finally seems to believe Avern's assurances that he means no harm. "I understand. Caves don't go deeper. No orcs in caves. No more wolves. Important? Ummm..." The goblin looks around at the other two goblins and then at the crates and the cart, apparently trying hard to come up with an answer.

With the goblins free, Blue resumes his work with the spider-marked crate, pulling the boards with the symbol free and bringing it closer to the fire to have a look. Corroar wanders over to examine it with him. "Well now," Corroar remarks, "that is an odd metal. Not sure I've seen its likes in the dwarven smithies."




You feel a very slight tingle when entering the cave. There's magic present, although weak. Gazing around the cave you are able to see that there apparently enchanted items mixed in the piles of items thrown into the crates.


2009-09-29, 11:11 AM
His curiosity piqued, Xuong-La joins Corroar in inspecting the crate, while making a diplomatic effort to keep the gory end of his guisarme out of sight from the goblins.

[roll0] If the metal's not Dwarfy, is it something Xuong-La might have seen on his many travels? Does the sign resemble the flag of a country he's been through?

(Yeah, I know, it's a stretch)

2009-09-29, 01:25 PM


Rhah takes a step forward, clearing his throat. He glances one more time at the crates to be sure, and gestures at them. A slightly roguish grin can be seen on his face.

"There is magic emanating from those crates, probably the result of some enchanted items. Let me point them out," he says, closing on.

2009-09-30, 01:12 AM

"Right, well uh... I guess I'll guard the entrance while you all rummage. Never hurts to have a rearguard eh?"

Yumii lets the others get on with their search, stepping out of the cave and leaning against the rock around it's entryway; keeping a vague look out for anything suspicious; but primarily trying to let herself finally calm down from the battle.

See? You made it... no screw ups...

2009-10-02, 07:25 PM
((Sorry for the delay everyone))

Xuong-La examines the metal, but has no idea of what kind of metal it is. The silvery metal doesn't' seem particularly strong, especially as thin as the crest is, but, once polished from the smoke and grime, is almost as reflective as an expensive mirror.

Rhah sets about sorting through the crates, throwing separating the mundane from the magical. Taking a moment to meditation on each enchanted item he finds, he is easily able to call out their magical properties to his mind and identify them. Although the crates contain rations and bits and pieces of weapons, this particular group of orcs seems to have had an interest in gemstones, and a number of gems are in the crates, including more than a few magical ones mixed in.


Split this up as you see fit. I'm including the estimated value of these items to use to help determine who gets what if you choose to do so by value.

Pearl of Power (1st) - 1,000 gp
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (20 charges) - 300 gp
Cognizance Crystal (1) - 1,000 gp
Boots of Stomping - 600 gp
Potion of Vigor - 750 gp
Iron Ward Diamond* - 750 gp
4 Crystals of Cleaving (lesser)** - 2,000 gp ea.

2700 gp worth of gemstones

*When attached to an armor, gives the wearer DR 1/- until 10 damage is prevented each day
**Anyone wielding a weapons with one of these crystals attached gain the Cleave feat

2009-10-03, 07:36 AM

Sorting and explaining through the various items, Rhah, after a while, finishes with the crate and finally steps back for the items to be distributed. He brushes off the idea of palming a few of the gems for himself, because these people around him didn't have the look of rank-and-file soldiers, and there's no need to risk things off this early.

2009-10-05, 01:09 PM

Yumii continues to wait outside the cave for several more minutes until she's at last calmed down from the battle and her heart no longer threatens to pound through her chest.

After a few more moments of waiting she begins to wonder why the others are taking so long and turns back into the cave entrance.

"Well there don't seem to be any more orcs headed our way. We find something good?" she asks everyone gathered around the crate.

2009-10-05, 10:19 PM
As Yumii reenters the cave, a grumbling Tharax is just behind her. After a loud curse at the mountain after slipping on some loose stones, the dwarven warrior marches into the cave. "Tha troops," he announces, "are ready ta march!" He stops and looks around the small cave. "Eh, wha's all this? Goblins? Wha are they doin' 'ere?"

"Slaves? Ack, these orc keep gettin' stranger! Firs' its Bloodscourges! They come from tha far said o' the spine, ya know, than its tha blasted Spikefists! An' ta top it all off, Gruumsh's Fangs! Ne'er thought I'd see ta day tha a Bloodscourge and a Fang be working together! Both zealots! Both see thamsel'es as Gruumsh's chosen an' don't see eye ta eye of course.

"But slave? Heh, I'd hear o' Bloodscourges tak'n prisioners befo', but for Spikefists and Fangs to be lettin' anyone who isain't them... neve' hear o' that!"

2009-10-06, 12:39 PM

Drawing his sword, Avern walks up to the goblins and slams down with his weapon, smashing the chains that held them one by one. Sheathing his blade after the work, he points out the cave and speaks, "You're free to go. I'd suggest you try to avoid the orcs, as well as our forces too; if you encounter them, there might be 'misunderstandings.' Go back to your homes or just get as far away from here as you can."

Turning back to the others, he says, "Come, we should get back to the main forces. There's a battle ahead."

2009-10-07, 12:12 PM
"Gruumsh's chosen can't see eye to eye with anyone, yes? Ha!" Xuong-La makes a gesture with two fingers, flicking them back and forth in front of his face from one eye to the other.

He helps himself to a pair of the gems, fixing one to his guisarme, just under the blade, and fixes it in place with a length of blue ribbon. "What else do you know of these tribes, friend?" he remarks to the dwarf as he works. "There are many surprises today, but perhaps we could have a few less, yes?"

2009-10-08, 05:35 PM
"Aye," Tharax replies, "I knows me orc tribes. Canna say th're much about these tribes. Bloodscourges like their poison'd scourges and magics, Fangs train half-mad wolves 'n' wrogs, Spikefists like ta hug ya ta death. There be hundreds o' orc tribes out thar. Hard ta say wha' other tribes be lurking in th's blasted army!"

2009-10-09, 11:23 PM

"Huh, I never knew that." Yumii says, only semi-paying attention.

She steps forward to the crate everyone is huddled around.

"Hmm... what do we have here?"

She fiddles with the contents, eventually fishing out one of the Cleave gems, turning it over in her hands and holding it up to the light - examining it for luster as best someone with no training can.

"Huh... musta got these from raiding caravans, eh?"

A moment later she notices the one Xuong-La has affixed to his glaive.

"There something I don't know about these?"

2009-10-10, 02:51 AM

Turning from the crate to the approaching Yumii, Rhah grins his best grin and points at the gem she's fiddling with.

"What you're holding there is a magical gem," he repeats as he has told the same to the others, "...that gives your weapon the ability to carry on the strength of some of your blows, allowing you to fell one man and strike on the second with the same swing."

"Quite useful, if you haven't already mastered those kinds of techniques."

2009-10-10, 11:41 AM

Yumii looks at Rhah and blinks twice.

"Ah-hah. Well then, I guess that will be useful. I suppose it's alright if I take one?" she nods toward Xuong-La.

2009-10-11, 07:27 PM
After another quick search of the cave for anything else of importance, you gather the remaining valuables into Adrienna's bag of holding, leaving behind most of the rations and basic supplies for the trio of goblins. The goblins still seem confused and fearful, and you're not sure they completely understand that they are free, but with the supplies they will be able to hide safely in the cave for some time and are unlikely to wander out into the battlefields.

With Yumii, Corroar, and Garl assuming scouting positions again, the army moves forward along the trail toward the plateau the giants are launching their attacks from. The stealth seems unnecessary however, as the trail takes a steep turn upwards into a large outcropping of rocks and makeshift barricades that completely blocks your troops from view. The piles of crates and rocks that form the barricades are unmanned; apparently the orcs had confidence in the spikefist ambush to keep any invaders away. There is also no lack of noise to hide the army's approach either, as the giants bellow out to one another, apparently comparing shots and demanding more rocks to throw, orc voices bark out orders or loudly argue with one another, and higher pitched goblin voices grunting and occasionally crying out in distress.

Peeking over the rocks and barricades you find an troop of orcs as large as your own. Most of the orcs huddles around small fires roasting meat or makeshift tables tossing bones (gambling) or tending to their equipment. A few orcs, lead by a bloodscourge, oversee a group of goblins, apparently tasked with rolling the large stones over to the three giants. Toward the back of the orc encampment, a Gruumsh's Fang sits near the back of the camp, sneering at the bloodscourge. The Fang a cage sitting near him with several goblins stuffed inside. His beast, a nasty looking worg snaps at the goblins in the cage, but is held just out of biting range by the chain held by its orc master.

2009-10-13, 04:29 PM

Careful to keep his voice low enough to not be heard by the orcs, Avern starts positioning the troops for battle. "Okay, the plan is simple: have archers and scouts sneak around the camp and take positions from where they can spread chaos and confusion within the orcish camp. Once we're all ready, begin firing into the camp, sniping at priority targets like giants, wolves, casters, or officers, and shooting fire arrows at tents, supplies, and anything else that appears flammable in their camp.

"For scouts, I have four Smokesticks here that you can hurl into the camp in order to block off their vision and prevent the enemy from organizing. Try to get the giants with smoke first of all, but otherwise aim for any place where there are a large concentration of troops. Once the enemy camp is thoroughly in disarray, I and the remaining troops shall charge into the distracted enemy and wipe out the camp. Simple. Any questions?

"Rhah," he says now, turning to the sorcerer, "Is there anything you can do to spread even more confusion into their midst? I am not too familiar with the capabilities of spellcasters, but if you have any spells that can make it more difficult for the enemy to retaliate, now would be a good time to use them."

2009-10-13, 05:10 PM

Stirring with anticipation, Rhah manages to listen Avern's tactics and focuses when he calls his name.

"I may have several spells of that accord, but most of them have a rather short range, so I need to somehow get close enough to cast them," he explains a bit bitterly.

"Besides that, I can mimic the effect of those smokesticks in your hands, though only around myself, or snipe at them at medium range with some inconvenient after-effects," he adds a little slowly, like a parlor trickster who is afraid of letting out his secrets.

2009-10-14, 04:11 PM

Avern thinks for a moment, then responds, "The smokestick effects would be useful, but it would be too difficult to send you in alone just for that. Unless you come up with a better use of your talents, just stay with the archers and snipe with your spells."

2009-10-14, 04:40 PM

"Yes, that would be better. My spells can prove useful in covering the archers' front too," Rhah says, nodding. With that, he keeps looking at the giants' camp and back, waiting for the moment to come.

2009-10-15, 06:25 AM

Yumii, only half paying attention, turns to the lieutenant at the realization that she's just been given orders.

"Right. Blind them, then bring them down. I'm assuming you want the giants dead at some point, right?"

2009-10-15, 07:47 AM
As you move into position and prepare to attack, one of the goblins stumbles and trips. As the goblin gets back up to its feet, the Bloodscourge lunges forward, roaring an insult as it slashes its poisoned scourge across the goblins back. With a howl of pain the goblin falls back to the ground, twitching as the poison works through its body.

At the back of the camp, the Gruumsh's Fang stands and roars with laughter. Tharax translates the orc's words for those who dont' understand, "Yes! You killed another! Now I'm in charge and I won't go easy on the humans, like you weak impostors!" With his final words, the Fang smashing his fist against a crate beside him. The orcs nearest the Fang flinch, apparently ready to jump away.

The Bloodscourge glares at the other orc zealot and snarls. Bending down the Bloodscourge slaps his hand on the goblin's torn back, grumbling out a prayer to Gruumsh. The goblin stops twitching. The Scourge roughly pulls the goblin back to its feet and shoves it back into line. The Fang scowls as the Bloodscourge gives him a challenging glare.



http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/adsogw/The%20Spiders%20Game/GenericOrc.gif - Generic Orc
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/adsogw/The%20Spiders%20Game/Scourge.gif - Blood Scourge
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/adsogw/The%20Spiders%20Game/Fang.gif - Gruumsh's Fang
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/adsogw/The%20Spiders%20Game/Worg.gif - Worg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/adsogw/The%20Spiders%20Game/HillGiant.gif - Hill Giant
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/adsogw/The%20Spiders%20Game/Goblin.gif - Goblin

((Attack when you're ready, just throw the dice. Your starting position can be anywhere in rows 19, 20, 21, and 22. Keep in mind you have another eighteen solders with you awaiting orders on what you want them to attack or who to help. And feel free to dig up your own sprite for your character. Page I'm using to get them. (http://www.videogamesprites.net/)))

2009-10-17, 11:30 AM
((Sorry about the delay, really busy week. Also, wow, that's a lot of dudes. Is there enough time for Xuong-La to fire off an Animal Affinity before the attack actually happens? Or some sort of brief buff distribution period?))

2009-10-17, 04:37 PM
((The fight doesn't start till someone on your side starts it, so feel free to buff up without worry))

2009-10-21, 03:44 PM

I guess I'll go ahead and lead off then >.>

Yumii carefully moves into position on the left flank of the forward barricade, but waits until the fighting starts to engage.

Yumii is going to start at 19-C and hold her turn until others engage. That way someone else can take the heat while I go blind the giants >.>

2009-10-22, 02:56 AM

Rhah silently tries to move to a spot that is both barricaded well and close to the front lines.

"I can conjure stationary elementals into anywhere you like, before we attack," Rhah whispers around him, especially to Avern. "Several, in fact. Just point to the location."

Move to 20-E.

I might have missed something, but what does the southeast section represent? I'll edit my post accordingly to the answer.

By the way, isn't 19-D(where Yumii moved) blocked with crates?

2009-10-22, 06:10 AM
<T_T> Yes, I mis-read the chart by one space >_<; 19-C is where I was meaning to go. Fixed it! (Thank you for catching that)

2009-10-22, 07:52 AM
I might have missed something, but what does the southeast section represent? I'll edit my post accordingly to the answer. The big black/grey blob is a long drop off the mountainside. The less gravity restrictive side of a cliff in other words...))

Tharax and Thein creep up to the front lines with Yumii, eager for the fight. "We are prepared to charge on your mark," Thein says with a nod to Yumii.

"Jus don' make me wait too long," the eager dwarf adds.

2009-10-23, 04:44 PM

Only rarely in the past had Adrienna managed to use so much of her divine magic in a single day. Already, she had used more than she would often use in a week, and it was showing in her personality. She had been mostly silent since the cave, though quite grateful for the small pearl (which she had already used to restore a spell). Certainly part of it was the nature of her connection to the divine Pelor, and her inexperience in drawing so much power, but she knew what was coming. This fight would test her abilities, she had known that from the start, and she knew that at some point, they would fail her, and she would have to fight, not hide behind her allies.

Her face set, spear held at the ready, she prepared to move forward in the center of the lines, to face her duty, hopeful that she wouldn't fail utterly.

She will be at F21, and waits for someone competent to start the actual fight.:smallwink:

2009-10-23, 08:41 PM
Xuong-La hisses through his teeth when he gets a look at the strength of the enemy position- but nevertheless prepares himself to take them all on at once, head on.

Manifest Animal Affinity for +4 Dex, take position at around E20ish, and as soon as everyone is ready to go, move to F19 and down a potion of Enlarge Person to start us off

2009-10-24, 12:28 PM

Yumii gives one last glance around, making sure everyone is in position before taking a deep breath and drawing her sword in one hand and readying the smoke-stick in the other.

Here goes nothing...

She stands and goes into a dead sprint toward the nearest giant, hoping to get close enough to blind it with the smoke-stick before engaging the nearby orcs.

Yumii is taking a double-move from 19-C to 17-K.

If possible I'll throw the smoke-stick at the giant, if I'm out of range I'll wait till next turn though >.< Do I need to make an attack roll for that?

2009-10-24, 04:38 PM
OOC: Uh, wasn't throwing the sticks a safer option?

2009-10-24, 05:03 PM

Well I think he's trying to get into melee range with some orcs at the same time...

Anyhow, yeah you're suppose to roll a to hit, though the AC of a square is usually so low you practically have to roll a 1 to miss (unless your a wizard trying to throw it a couple dozen feet). :smalltongue:

2009-10-25, 11:44 AM
Actually it's just that a smoke-stick is, to my knowledge, an improvised throwing weapon >.< meaning if I have to make an attack roll it'd take a -2 penalty for every 10ft passed the first 10ft. Meaning if I tossed it from where I'd been sitting, I might miss >.<; but then I was also thinking of the Giant's AC, not the AC of the square he was in >.< cause I was tired at the time I was posting.

That and it puts me in a better position to go after the nearby enemies after he's blinded.

2009-10-25, 04:06 PM
Okay then, I was just checking it out. By the way, Yumii, or any other melee fighter could have me cast an Enlarge Person on them (I have a wand). If you'd wish, we could timewarp it somehow (I hope), since we started somewhat hastily because of the inactivity problems.


Seeing Yumii dashing onwards and taking point, Rhah sprawls into action as well, but rather from the relative safety of his position. He chants a quick spell, and points a finger at the Bloodscourge.

Casting Grease (http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/resources/systems/pennpaper/dnd35/soveliorsage/spellsFtoG.html#grease) in the area 14-15 G-H (10 ft. square). Reflex save DC 15.

2009-10-27, 02:54 AM

Mounted atop his horse, Avern watches the troops assemble with anticipation. Trevor stirs nervously as they prepare for battle, mirroring the nervousness in his rider. This wasn't Avern's first battle, but it is, perhaps, the first one in which his decisions would matter so much, since he has never been the commanding officer in a battle before. A feeling of dread swells inside when he thinks about the consequences of failure, a feeling that he quickly represses as he reminds himself to look calm for the sake of the troops. Steeling his resolve and pressing down his fears, Avern pats his horse reassuringly, and waits.

Finally, after about a year of waiting, he sees signals that indicate everybody being ready and in position. Well, here goes nothing, he thinks, and draws his lance. With a swift gesture, he spurs his horse to charge, and yells to the troops behind him a single word, "Charge!"

I'll begin in 19I, with soldiers behind me in rows 20 and 21. The archers should start somewhere behind or around that, and just snipe at priority targets. I'll activate my Over the Top minor aura, Motivate Attack major aura, and Leading the Charge stance, and use Battle Leader's Charge maneuver, assuming all the other soldiers are charging with me as well.

I will charge directly for K17 to attack the giant, while the soldiers behind me charge for the closest targets: E16, F15, J16, K16, or the giant. My maneuver allows me to deal an extra 10 damage on the giant, as well as keep me from provoking AoOs for the movement of the charge.

Active Effects on allies:

Leading the Charge (60 ft): Charging allies deal +4 damage.
Over the Top (70 ft): Charges deal +4 extra damage.
Motivate Attack (70 ft): +1 to melee attack rolls.

My attack against the giant:

[roll1] (Triple normal damage from lance+Spirited Charge; Cleave attack if that kills.)

Horse attack against K16 (Ride check automatically succeeds):


2009-10-31, 03:29 PM

Caught up in the moment, and needing to protect their new commander, she charges with the rest of the soldiers, spear at the ready, thrusting at one of the orcs that block her path to the giant.

Charging the orc at K16, stopping 10' away thanks to the long spear.
[roll0] to hit (includes +2 for the charge, +1 for the aura), [roll1] damage (includes the +8 from Avern's auras and maneuvers)

2009-11-28, 10:48 PM
Confusion breaks out in the camp as your small troop charges over the stones and crates to attack. Leading the charge, Yumii breaks for the closest giant, throwing a smoke stick into the surprised brute's face, blinding it. Riding in hard behind the brave catfolk, Avern makes a devastating blow against the giant, impelling the creature on his lance and leaving it grievously wounded. Adrienna move in behind the newly appointed captain, lunging out with her long spear to catch the giant in the side, just above Avern's mighty blow.

Rhah's grease spell takes the feet out from under most of the goblin slaves, by the orcish scourge manages to keep his feet, surprise passing over his face for a moment, before roaring with anger.

The other soldiers charge in, Tharax and Thein leading the way as they combine their efforts to slay an orc. Garl climbs onto some crates and levels his crossbow at the nearest giant, but his shot goes hide, flying off the mountainside. Gres moves forward with another group of soldiers on the westerns side of the path, managing to take down another orc. Tindutang forms a small line of archers along the mountainside, raining arrows down into the middle of the orc camp, wounding several of the unprepared orcs.

The orcs scatter, unsheathing or lunging for their nearby weapons. The Scourge yells out orders, trying to get the orc camp to counterattack, but his commands are often broken as he slips on the grease spell and as to regain his balance. The Fang at the rear of the camp simply roars with laughter. The two farther hill giants stop and stare at their wounding and howling companion dumbly, their slow minds not quite catching up to the action just yet.

((Scooted some of you around a square or two so no one is trampling anyone else))


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/adsogw/The%20Spiders%20Game/YumiiNorthedge.gif - Yumii Northedge
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/adsogw/The%20Spiders%20Game/RoiXuong-La.gif - Roi Xuong-La
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/adsogw/The%20Spiders%20Game/RhahTalec.gif - Rhah Talec
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/adsogw/The%20Spiders%20Game/AvernKalessm.gif - Avern Kales
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/adsogw/The%20Spiders%20Game/AdriennaAngelbourne.gif - Adrienna Angelbourne

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/adsogw/The%20Spiders%20Game/Tindutang.gif - Tindutang
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/adsogw/The%20Spiders%20Game/Thein.gif - Thein
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/adsogw/The%20Spiders%20Game/Tharax.gif - Tharax
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/adsogw/The%20Spiders%20Game/Gres.gif - Gres
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/adsogw/The%20Spiders%20Game/Garl.gif - Garlmaxtrikstakall
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/adsogw/The%20Spiders%20Game/AlliedSoldier.gif - Crossroads Soldier

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/adsogw/The%20Spiders%20Game/GenericOrc.gif - Generic Orc
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/adsogw/The%20Spiders%20Game/Scourge.gif - Blood Scourge
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/adsogw/The%20Spiders%20Game/Fang.gif - Gruumsh's Fang
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/adsogw/The%20Spiders%20Game/Worg.gif - Worg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/adsogw/The%20Spiders%20Game/HillGiant.gif - Hill Giant
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/adsogw/The%20Spiders%20Game/Goblin.gif - Goblin

2009-12-07, 05:34 PM

Seeing no fresh injuries to heal, Adrienna thrusts her spear at the giant again, hoping to bring the brute down before he causes further damage.

[roll0] to hit (includes +1 Aura), [roll1] damage.

2009-12-08, 02:40 AM

Seeing the Giant successfully blinded by the smoke stick, Yumii makes a dangerous jumping attack, attempting to cut the veins in the creatures thigh.

Switching to Punishing Stance (-2 AC +1d6 damage) as a swift action.

Using Claw at the Moon:

Jump Check vs AC: [roll0]

Attack Roll: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]

Bonus Damage (If Jump Check succeeds): [roll3]

Punishing Stance Damage: [roll4]

2009-12-08, 03:22 AM

Glad that his simple spell has worked out, Rhah concentrates a while upon the battlefield, trying to decide on what to do. Just a moment later, he conjures another spell, which he fires at the Scourge in the form of a sickly green beam of magical energy.

Can Rhah climb on a barricade to have a free shot? If he can, he moves at K 19 and casts Ray of Enfeeblement on the Scourge. Fortunately it's a touch attack so he can manage it. If this is not possible, I can post another action quickly.