View Full Version : Ravenspire

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-05, 01:26 PM
I'm sorry, I messed up, but the beginning of this tale can be found here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6224639&posted=1#post6224639).
Let's continue now...

2009-06-05, 01:32 PM
Everon brushes himself off and looks to the others. Leesia stays coiled about his shoulders.

"This is all just a big misunderstanding. Perhaps we can help these kin fo mine to find the missing citizen. If anything they cna help us learn where we are, and maybe figure out how we got here."

2009-06-05, 01:33 PM
Standing up and closing the book, Satex asks Oh? Why the need for abduction then? If you thought we were menacing him, you were surely mistaken. In fact, we do not know why we are here in the first place, nor even where here is! We would be greatly obliged if you were to offer us transportation on your ship, or at least directions, and I would offer my services in locating your missing compatriot, if you were simply to elucidate us as to why you are so desperately searching for him

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-05, 01:35 PM
Also, say: "OOC" to let us know when you're doing so, and post a link to our OOC thread, 'kay?

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-05, 01:45 PM
"Hello, my name is Almanis, and my associates and I are Albrightian Raiders, an elite group of Dervishes. I can see you are in need of some assistance. Would you and your party like to come with us back to Albright?", he says to Satex.

2009-06-05, 01:57 PM
"Oh good sir, I'm afraid that you have mistaken me for the leader of this group. I am merely a Lightbringer of Toresia, and I would be delighted to accompany you out of this heat. Do you have a library in Albright? Also, did you know that Royalton Township is one of the twelve townships of Fulton County, Ohio, United States, and the 2000 census found 1,502 people in the township, 943 of whom lived in the unincorporated portions of the township?

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-05, 02:02 PM
"Wait, you are a priest, and yet, not the leader? I would have thought that followers of any religion would follow their respective priests? Perhaps only followers of Vernas feel that way..."

2009-06-05, 02:03 PM
"I have not actually been to a city before, only small villages. Even my home village only had a few hundred individuals. And I would very much like to learn about these lands. I sense that my goddess has many creatures living in these sands I have yet to see."

Everon strokes Leesia's head and the constrictor tastes the air with her tongue. She is draped on Everon's shoulders, but he seems very fit of body, more so than is expected of an elf.

2009-06-05, 02:03 PM
Thadeus shakes Almanis' hand enthusiastically, as if they'd been good friends for years.

"My name's Thadeus Glitterfeld, gentleman adventurer and entertainer! I'm not sure why you assumed that if your friend was with us we must have been bad people, but all is forgiven and forgotten. Just buy me a beer sometime, you know? And yes, we'll gladly take you up on your offer to take us to Albright!"

Thadeus wisely chose not to make any comments about the religion thing, nor about the arrows he'd rained down on the men earlier.

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6224884&posted=1#post6224884)

2009-06-05, 02:11 PM
"Oh yes, indeed they would sir, but I do not believe these gentlemen have Known Toresia yet."

2009-06-05, 02:14 PM
Nope, never heard of her... I'm hardly the religious type. It tends to interfere with the fun...

"Toresia? Vernas? No, neither rings a bell. What say we continue this conversation on the ship? I mean, this is pretty fun, heh, but the heat's really awful, and I keep getting sand in my teeth"

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-05, 02:17 PM
"Agreed. Let us return now to Albright!"

2009-06-05, 02:19 PM
"Sand in your teeth? How aweful. I haven't noticed the heat too much, its just mildly uncomfortable. But yes, we should get on your... what did you call it? A ship? Yes, we should take shelter from this sun."

Everon whispered to Leesia, who seemed to actually be listening intently as Everon made his way back onto the ship's deck. He absently touches a ring on his left hand, which glimmers when it catches the light. He notices it and repositions his gloves to cover it.

2009-06-05, 02:23 PM
"Marvellous" Thadeus said as he got onboard, "How does this ship work anyways? I mean, it's really a marvel of engineering that you manage to make it move across that thick layer of sand, and fast too"

Thadeus examined the ship closely, clearly interested in it's designs (or merely looking for an open bar).

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-05, 02:24 PM
"Ah yes, and to the elf, you are correct in your assumtion that there are animals here, despite the harsh conditions. In fact, one of the reasons we are here is to hunt Nocris, a species of giant, red, scorpions. They often wander near Albright, and they are a menace. We are not very far from our city, and the scorpions here are the only ones we will hunt, as Vernas' teachings show killing of innocent animals to be sinful."

2009-06-05, 02:26 PM
Overhearing Thadeus, Everon speaks absently, not really even realizing he is talking. His expression makes it seem like he is talking to himself.

"Sand parts similar to water given the right conditions, and magic also adds its touch to propel this ship. I'm sure if this material is not as heavy as for ships that travel on water. But I'm just guessing, of course."

He finds some shade and shapes his fingers as if casting. He begins speaking to Leesia, making hissing noises. She seems to be talking back to him as well.

2009-06-05, 02:26 PM
"We are not very far from our city, and the scorpions here are the only ones we will hunt, as Vernas' teachings show killing of innocent animals to be sinful."

Bloody treehuggers...

"Very noble of you indeed. Does this mean your people are restricted to eating only scorpion? I mean, it's hard to imagine much growing in this wasteland beyond perhaps some cacti"

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-05, 02:28 PM
The ship zooms along, and very soon, you reach the city of Albright!
Golden and made of stone, it's thick walls almost blend in completely with it's desert surroundings. The boat stops outside the walls, and you disembark. The air feels far cooler inside the city, and Almanis tells you it is because of enchantments placed by the Ancient Ones who founded this city. The enchantments protect the city from the rough climate. Almanis had given you each backpacks, and inside you find he has given you each 15gp, and a letter of introduction to a man named Tamjahl, who he tells you is the Head Counselor of Albright. He tells you to visit him, and says he hopes to meet again. The Raiders then disappear.

2009-06-05, 02:31 PM
Thadeus was beginning to think this Almanis guy was pretty impolite. First he left them there to die, then he didn't even apologise for that, and now he was just ignoring everyone's questions and rambling on about that god of his. Plus, there didn't seem to be an open bar at all on the boat. Heck, not even a closed one.

"So, this is Albright? Impressive"

Thadeus looked around to check if the place was impressive.

Heck, throw in some knowledge checks on the desert, the raiders, the god, the scorpions, the city and even that god the party's priest kept talking about.

2009-06-05, 02:35 PM
Everon stands aside from the group now, pretty silent, speaking in hisses to Leesia. He watches everything going on and is always grinning to himself with amazement.

I also want some knowledge checks on the desert, the city, and this group of jungle elves living in the desert, which is very odd indeed.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-05, 02:38 PM
I will answer when the others finally join...

2009-06-05, 02:39 PM
{ I already did, the god is a goddess of knowledge}

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-05, 02:41 PM
Bloody treehuggers...

"Very noble of you indeed. Does this mean your people are restricted to eating only scorpion? I mean, it's hard to imagine much growing in this wasteland beyond perhaps some cacti"

Sorry, I was typing during your question- OOC (http://http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6224661#post6224661)

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-05, 02:48 PM
Thadeus was beginning to think this Almanis guy was pretty impolite. First he left them there to die, then he didn't even apologise for that, and now he was just ignoring everyone's questions and rambling on about that god of his. Plus, there didn't seem to be an open bar at all on the boat. Heck, not even a closed one.

Edited. Look back at post #18...

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-05, 03:20 PM
Forget this- Knowledge checks for all!

Please only read your spoiler!

remembers tales from his childhood, about a strange land wherein jungle elves have lived for centuries. They are a suspicious and careful lot, and are not very hospitable to non-elves. Many of them are magic-users, but a skilled group of elites formed a new class altogether called Dervishes, a fast and deadly sword wielder. The Albrightians had discovered a new pantheon as well...

recalls tales shared by drunken adventurers, in some rather fine taverns, who ventured to this far-flung part of Ravenspire. Not many reach here, as the Talonheat Desert in the harshest in the world, but those who have, speak of the splendor of Albright, and a few even tell of secret dungeons scattered throughout the desert, holding untold riches...

remembers learning of the Albrightian Pantheon in his studies at the Monestary of Toresia. They, too, have a goddess of knowledge, Vernas, as well as; Smothka, the god of weapons and war; Trens, god of agriculture and welfare; Jukla, goddess of mischief and luck; Skarnot, god of the sky and animals; and the king of god, Rhontus, god of alchemy and architecture. The Albrightians are a very religious group, and were able to survive only because of the gods.

Brogack smells some strong creatures under the sand, and is reminded of a giant red scorpion he had fought once. A man had fought alongside him, and told him stories of monsters like these and their weaknesses: Giant poisonous Scarabs with a weak spot under their wings; Enormous Snakes whose scales are vulnerable to fire; and of course the scorpions, whose eyes are covered with scales, but whose mandibles are actually sensitive to cold.

Jem remembers a little about the fighting style of the Dervishes, that they in fact invented flurry of blows, and that they focus mostly on speed.

Xantumal knows nothing of these people.

learned that the Albrightians are very good at making potions, especially damaging potions, like flare vials, or flashfreeze flasks.

2009-06-05, 03:25 PM
Satex approaches the Albrightian who appears to be the the most religious, and starts up a conversation with him about the Albrightian gods. So good sir, I remember learning of the Albrightian Pantheon in my studies at the Monestary of Toresia. You also have a goddess of knowledge, Vernas, as well as; Smothka, the god of weapons and war; Trens, god of agriculture and welfare; Jukla, goddess of mischief and luck; Skarnot, god of the sky and animals; and the king of god, Rhontus, god of alchemy and architecture, correct? Does Vernas maintain a temple in this city? If so I would like to visit it.

2009-06-05, 03:28 PM
"I've heard stories of this place. I think I'm gonna go exploring, maybe learn some more about the surrounding desert and why we have arrived here. And I'll ask about the missing citizen."

He began to make his way into the streets to speak with the commoners. He had a secondary reason to be wandering off: he had gone some time without being with his own kind. He had met other elves before, but not other jungle elves. He smiled as he spoke to people, stopping one to entertain some children.

2009-06-05, 03:42 PM
Ooo! A boat!
Aw, it went away...
Yay! Boat came back!
Lot's of people with pointy ears.

I'm on a boat!

Ooo, big town.
And a free sack of stuff!
I like big towns.

Xantumal stared up at the city for a moment, before heading off to find this 'Tall-Jam' person.

I wonder if he's strawberry flavour?

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-05, 03:43 PM
"I've heard stories of this place. I think I'm gonna go exploring, maybe learn some more about the surrounding desert and why we have arrived here. And I'll ask about the missing citizen."

He began to make his way into the streets to speak with the commoners. He had a secondary reason to be wandering off: he had gone some time without being with his own kind. He had met other elves before, but not other jungle elves. He smiled as he spoke to people, stopping one to entertain some children.

+1 BFF!
The children seem to really enjoy your presence, and their parents are glad for the break. They ask for your name, why you are here, and just generally chat you up.
The people seem to really admire and like you.:smallbiggrin:

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-05, 03:53 PM
Satex approaches the Albrightian who appears to be the the most religious, and starts up a conversation with him about the Albrightian gods. So good sir, I remember learning of the Albrightian Pantheon in my studies at the Monestary of Toresia. You also have a goddess of knowledge, Vernas, as well as; Smothka, the god of weapons and war; Trens, god of agriculture and welfare; Jukla, goddess of mischief and luck; Skarnot, god of the sky and animals; and the king of god, Rhontus, god of alchemy and architecture, correct? Does Vernas maintain a temple in this city? If so I would like to visit it.

For those who weren't paying attention, Satex just gave over his entire knowledge check...
"Why of course you can! You seem to be very interseted in the Albright Pantheon, and I can see from your emblem that you worship Toresia, the sister goddess of knowledge to Vernas. It is also fortunate that you managed to get a ride with the Albrightian Raiders, since the desert is fierce and lethal, but I would advise against riding with them again."
He takes you to the Library of Vernas. Your standing in the eyes of passerby rises slightly, as you are walking with none other than...
"I am Ren-sha, the High Priest of Vernas. Welcome to the Library of Vernas, goddess of knowledge, she who teaches all! Who are you by the way? Some priest of Toresia?"
The people seem to modestly respect you. :smallwink:

2009-06-05, 03:57 PM
Everon seems glad to be among his own kind and speaks eagerly in elvish, he lets the children pet Leesia, who enjoys the affection, as he speaks to the parents.
"I am Everon Delfi, from a small village in an isolated jungle. I heard one of the citizens of this city have gone missing. I'm not quite sure how I arrived in the desert, but as long as I'm here I might as well try and help. Are there any druids in the city? It has been a while since I've spoken to one."

He had taken off his claok and stored it in the new backpack, revealing his leather armor, which was customized in ways only a druid would. Various small teeth an bone was placed in beautiful designs and a number of small vials with the dried up powder of plants and insects hung at his belt. His shield rested on his back over his right shoulder, the symbol of his goddess - a snake coiling about an elven woman who kissed it affectionately - engraved in its outer surface. His sword was worn in its sheath at his side, a dagger hidden in hsi boot. The dagger had a bone handle and thus blended with the decorations on his armor, and the sword was kept in a snake-skin sheath. The red streaks of his hair had snake teeth braided in.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-05, 04:06 PM
Ooo! A boat!
Aw, it went away...
Yay! Boat came back!
Lot's of people with pointy ears.

I'm on a boat!

Ooo, big town.
And a free sack of stuff!
I like big towns.

Xantumal stared up at the city for a moment, before heading off to find this 'Tall-Jam' person.

I wonder if he's strawberry flavour?

I like you.... :smallcool:
You wander around for some time, before realizing that you are lost...:smallfrown:
The people around you stare suspiciously at you, wondering why there is a human lurking around. You have passed this spot multiple times, you realize, and the elves are getting a bit wary...
One of them timidly shuffles up to you and stammers: "C-c-can I h-h-help you with a-a-anything?"

2009-06-05, 04:09 PM
High Priest Ren-sha, I am Satex, Lightbringer of Toresia, charged with spreading knowledge throughout the land. Speaking of which, did you know that in enzymology, an aculeacin-A deacylase (EC is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction that cleaves the amide bond in aculeacin A and related neutral lipopeptide antibiotics, releasing the long-chain fatty acid side chain? I.. am not quite sure why I happened to wander this way, but I am sure Toresia in Her wisdom has a reason."

2009-06-05, 04:10 PM
For those who weren't paying attention, Satex just gave over his entire knowledge check...

Here's what Xantumal heard: So good sir, I remember learning of the all-right pants-he's-in in my studies at the money-stairs of Tory. etc.

Downside: Xantumal still has no idea what any of these people are talking about.

Upside: Runty, King of the Gods!

I like you.... :smallcool:
You wander around for some time, before realizing that you are lost...:smallfrown:
The people around you stare suspiciously at you, wondering why there is a human lurking around. You have passed this spot multiple times, you realize, and the elves are getting a bit wary...
One of them timidly shuffles up to you and stammers: "C-c-can I h-h-help you with a-a-anything?"

:smallcool: :smallbiggrin:

I'm lost!

Xantumal spins around in circles for a moment, trying to get his bearings, but just makes himself dizzy. Then, someone asks a question!
"C-c-can I h-h-help you with a-a-anything?"

Xantumal ponders before smiling at the pointy eared-person and saying,"Maybe! I was looking for a big, strawberry-flavoured jelly-man, but I got lost. Do you know where I can find him?"

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-05, 04:16 PM
Everon seems glad to be among his own kind and speaks eagerly in elvish, he lets the children pet Leesia, who enjoys the affection, as he speaks to the parents.
"I am Everon Delfi, from a small village in an isolated jungle. I heard one of the citizens of this city have gone missing. I'm not quite sure how I arrived in the desert, but as long as I'm here I might as well try and help. Are there any druids in the city? It has been a while since I've spoken to one."

He had taken off his claok and stored it in the new backpack, revealing his leather armor, which was customized in ways only a druid would. Various small teeth an bone was placed in beautiful designs and a number of small vials with the dried up powder of plants and insects hung at his belt. His shield rested on his back over his right shoulder, the symbol of his goddess - a snake coiling about an elven woman who kissed it affectionately - engraved in its outer surface. His sword was worn in its sheath at his side, a dagger hidden in hsi boot. The dagger had a bone handle and thus blended with the decorations on his armor, and the sword was kept in a snake-skin sheath. The red streaks of his hair had snake teeth braided in.

"I've never heard of anyone missing", says one of the children.
"Yeah, but it's a big city... we might have just not heard the news yet...", pipes up another.
"I think I might have heard something...", one of the adults says, "but if you really want to know, go to one of the cities four Plateaus. They are raised platforms which contain stores, inns, taverns and such. They also all have information booths, where, for only two copper pieces, you can get a scroll containing all city news."
"I am a druid", says one of the children "And so is my dad. My name's Dmitri Dewhost, and I have been practicing as a druid for a long time!"
Dmitri opens his robe to reveal the same insignia as Everon's.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-05, 04:20 PM
High Priest Ren-sha, I am Satex, Lightbringer of Toresia, charged with spreading knowledge throughout the land. Speaking of which, did you know that in enzymology, an aculeacin-A deacylase (EC is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction that cleaves the amide bond in aculeacin A and related neutral lipopeptide antibiotics, releasing the long-chain fatty acid side chain? I.. am not quite sure why I happened to wander this way, but I am sure Toresia in Her wisdom has a reason."

"Well then perhaps you would like to visit the Oracle of Vernas to learn of the reason?"

2009-06-05, 04:26 PM
Thadeus wanders around the harbour for a while, informing how to get out of town towards a more interesting area. He didn't really enjoy how barren this place was, and the elves hardly seemed glad to see him. Still, after going around and chatting with some people in the harbour, Thadeus decided he had to make some money and he started singing a song in the local tavern.

"A long time ago, way back in history,
when all there was to drink was nothin but cups of tea.
Along came a man by the name of Charlie Mops,
and he invented a wonderful drink and he made it out of hops.

He must have been an admiral a sultan or a king,
and to his praises we shall always sing.
Look what he has done for us he's filled us up with cheer!
Lord bless Charlie Mops, the man who invented beer beer beer
tiddly beer beer beer.

The Curtis bar, the James' Pub, the Hole in the Wall as well
one thing you can be sure of, its Charlie's beer they sell
so all ye lads a lasses at eleven O'clock ye stop
for five short seconds, remember Charlie Mops 1 2 3 4 5

He must have been an admiral a sultan or a king,
and to his praises we shall always sing.
Look what he has done for us he's filled us up with cheer!
Lord bless Charlie Mops, the man who invented beer beer beer
tiddly beer beer beer.

A barrel of malt, a bushel of hops, you stir it around with a stick,
the kind of lubrication to make your engine tick.
40 pints of wallop a day will keep away the quacks.
Its only eight pence hapenny and one and six in tax, 1 2 3 4 5

He must have been an admiral a sultan or a king,
and to his praises we shall always sing.
Look what he has done for us he's filled us up with cheer!
Lord bless Charlie Mops, the man who invented beer beer beer
tiddly beer beer beer.

The Lord bless Charlie Mops!"

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-05, 04:34 PM
Thadeus wanders around the harbour for a while, informing how to get out of town towards a more interesting area. He didn't really enjoy how barren this place was, and the elves hardly seemed glad to see him. Still, after going around and chatting with some people in the harbour, Thadeus decided he had to make some money and he started singing a song in the local tavern.

"A long time ago, way back in history,
when all there was to drink was nothin but cups of tea.
Along came a man by the name of Charlie Mops,
and he invented a wonderful drink and he made it out of hops.

He must have been an admiral a sultan or a king,
and to his praises we shall always sing.
Look what he has done for us he's filled us up with cheer!
Lord bless Charlie Mops, the man who invented beer beer beer
tiddly beer beer beer.

The Curtis bar, the James' Pub, the Hole in the Wall as well
one thing you can be sure of, its Charlie's beer they sell
so all ye lads a lasses at eleven O'clock ye stop
for five short seconds, remember Charlie Mops 1 2 3 4 5

He must have been an admiral a sultan or a king,
and to his praises we shall always sing.
Look what he has done for us he's filled us up with cheer!
Lord bless Charlie Mops, the man who invented beer beer beer
tiddly beer beer beer.

A barrel of malt, a bushel of hops, you stir it around with a stick,
the kind of lubrication to make your engine tick.
40 pints of wallop a day will keep away the quacks.
Its only eight pence hapenny and one and six in tax, 1 2 3 4 5

He must have been an admiral a sultan or a king,
and to his praises we shall always sing.
Look what he has done for us he's filled us up with cheer!
Lord bless Charlie Mops, the man who invented beer beer beer
tiddly beer beer beer.

The Lord bless Charlie Mops!"

"*Sniff* That was beautiful!"
"You rock dude!"
The various patrons of the bar seem to get over their suspicions of you, as you are a stranger and a human to boot, and throw money and food to you.

You gain: two (2) loaves of bread; ten (10) gold pieces; three (3) silver pieces; one (1) mackeral; four (4) beers; and one (1) strange sealed scroll.

The people seem to think you are funny and talented.:smallbiggrin:

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-05, 04:37 PM
Here's what Xantumal heard: So good sir, I remember learning of the all-right pants-he's-in in my studies at the money-stairs of Tory. etc.

Downside: Xantumal still has no idea what any of these people are talking about.

Upside: Runty, King of the Gods!

:smallcool: :smallbiggrin:

I'm lost!

Xantumal spins around in circles for a moment, trying to get his bearings, but just makes himself dizzy. Then, someone asks a question!
"C-c-can I h-h-help you with a-a-anything?"

Xantumal ponders before smiling at the pointy eared-person and saying,"Maybe! I was looking for a big, strawberry-flavoured jelly-man, but I got lost. Do you know where I can find him?"

"J-j-jelly-man? I-I d-don't know of a-a-any j-j-jelly-man... P-p-perhaps y-you mean T-t-tamjahl?"

2009-06-05, 04:38 PM
"No thank you, I fear that Toresia would not look too kindly on my consulting a foreign oracle to discern Her will. I think I will adjourn to the library, to refer an atlas as to our location, and commune with Toresia."

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-05, 04:44 PM
"No thank you, I fear that Toresia would not look too kindly on my consulting a foreign oracle to discern Her will. I think I will adjourn to the library, to refer an atlas as to our location, and commune with Toresia."

"You are welcome inside, but be warned, that the library is extremely large, and strong worshipers of Vernas may not enjoy your presence. Please try not to get lost in here..."

2009-06-05, 04:44 PM
"J-j-jelly-man? I-I d-don't know of a-a-any j-j-jelly-man... P-p-perhaps y-you mean T-t-tamjahl?"

Xantumal thinks.

"No. It was definitely Tall-Jam, the twelve-foot strawberry jelly man. Do you suppose they're related?"

I bet they are. I bet they're brothers. Twin brothers.

"Can you take me to Tarjar? I bet he can tell me where his brother Tall-Jam is."

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-05, 04:56 PM
Xantumal thinks.

"No. It was definitely Tall-Jam, the twelve-foot strawberry jelly man. Do you suppose they're related?"

"T-t-tamjahl has no b-brothers..."

2009-06-05, 05:00 PM
Entering the Library, Satex glances around for some sort of index, or failing that directions to an atlas and a history of these strange jungle elves that dwell in a desert...

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-05, 05:01 PM
OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6226084&posted=1#post6226084)
Blah, Blah, Blah (posts must be at least ten characters :smallfurious:)

2009-06-05, 05:01 PM
"T-t-tamjahl has no b-brothers..."

Xantumal is confused.

Maybe it's a secret?
I probably wasn't supposed to tell anyone about Tall-Jam.
I'm gonna be in trouble!

"No, no he doesn't. Forget I ever said anything about Tall-Jam, the twelve foot strawberry jelly man. He's definitely not real at all ever."

Xantumal nods to himself.
Boy was that ever close.
"So, should we go see Tarjar than?"

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-05, 05:03 PM
Xantumal thinks.

"No. It was definitely Tall-Jam, the twelve-foot strawberry jelly man. Do you suppose they're related?"

I bet they are. I bet they're brothers. Twin brothers.

"Can you take me to Tarjar? I bet he can tell me where his brother Tall-Jam is."

Boy, this guy is a total nutcase...

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-05, 05:04 PM
Xantumal is confused.

Maybe it's a secret?
I probably wasn't supposed to tell anyone about Tall-Jam.
I'm gonna be in trouble!

"No, no he doesn't. Forget I ever said anything about Tall-Jam, the twelve foot strawberry jelly man. He's definitely not real at all ever."

Xantumal nods to himself.
Boy was that ever close.
"So, should we go see Tarjar than?"

"L-l-let's g-go, th-then..."

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-05, 05:40 PM
Entering the Library, Satex glances around for some sort of index, or failing that directions to an atlas and a history of these strange jungle elves that dwell in a desert...

You see signs in elvish on all the bookcases...
This place is ENORMOUS!
You can see, looking up, that there are at least five floors, and they are large floors at that. The upper floors are open in the middle so the one may look down, and there are beautifully carved wooden railings at the edges so that library patrons don't slip and plummet to their demise......
This floor and the two directly above are packed from floor to ceiling with bookcases, but above that, you can't tell...
There are so many books, quite obviously containing a vast wealth of knowledge, that you grow slightly covetous of the lucky residents of this knowledgeable city. :smallfrown:
You suddenly stop, and remember the teachings of Toresia...Thou shalt not covet the books of thy neighbor...
You pause to think for a moment, but your thoughts are interrupted by a hand on your shoulder.
"Why are you in here, human? You bear the mark of a god other than the great Vernas!"
A strict looking female elf briskly pushes you out the door, despite your protests...
As you are about to go back and explain your presence, you hear a familiar voice...
"Do you think Tarjar would like a pet turtle?"
You turn to see Xantumal striding by, led by a short elf...

2009-06-05, 06:30 PM
"L-l-let's g-go, th-then..."

(ooc: "Moron" <- Someone's catching on.)

Xantumal follows the androgynous, pointy-eared, mystery stutterer through the city, wondering many things. Most of them aloud.

I wonder what Tarjar is like

"I wonder what Tarjar is like."

I wonder where he got the name Tarjar.
Is it like toe jam, but black and in a jar?
Do you suppose he has lots of toes?

"Do you suppose he has lots of toes?"

Does he have to have special shoes made for his many-toed feet?
I want special shoes, but I don't have extra toes.
Maybe Tarjar will help me grow new toes.
He's so nice.
I should get him a present.

"Do you think Tarjar would like a pet turtle?"

And so on.

2009-06-06, 04:36 AM
"Thank ye, thank ye!" Thadeus says, taking a small bow. He then takes a seat at the bar and chomps up one of the loaves of bread while downing two beers. He wondered why some wizard had sent him out to this desolate place. It wasn't like Albright was that awful. The people here knew their music, and the beer wasn't too bad either. Yeah, he could probably get used to this place. Settle down, play in the bar every night to pay for the bills. Then again, that sounded an awful lot like a job. No, he really was a fan of quick cash.
"Barkeep! Tell me, who runs this place? Where could a strong young lad like me get some freelance work. Perhaps someone has a cellar that needs to be cleared of rats? Or maybe they need someone to run along to the next city with some sort of message? Or maybe someone wants me to collect some rabbit spleens?"

He considered this. Those all sounded like awful jobs that would earn but a pittance. He wondered why anyone would take a job like that?
"No, wait, how about this, where can I find some ancient lost ruins with untold riches?"

2009-06-06, 01:28 PM
Everon kneeled down beside the boy and smiled. He had not expected to run into followers of Slisk so far from his homeland. This was surely a sign he was supposed to be in this city.

"Well Dmitri, I would very much like to meet your father. I'm looking for ways to help this city, however I can. I heard there was a great deal of hunting for large red scorpions. I would be very interested in doing that, unless there is something my druid powers could be of more assitance with."

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-06, 09:20 PM
"Thank ye, thank ye!" Thadeus says, taking a small bow. He then takes a seat at the bar and chomps up one of the loaves of bread while downing two beers. He wondered why some wizard had sent him out to this desolate place. It wasn't like Albright was that awful. The people here knew their music, and the beer wasn't too bad either. Yeah, he could probably get used to this place. Settle down, play in the bar every night to pay for the bills. Then again, that sounded an awful lot like a job. No, he really was a fan of quick cash.
"Barkeep! Tell me, who runs this place? Where could a strong young lad like me get some freelance work. Perhaps someone has a cellar that needs to be cleared of rats? Or maybe they need someone to run along to the next city with some sort of message? Or maybe someone wants me to collect some rabbit spleens?"

He considered this. Those all sounded like awful jobs that would earn but a pittance. He wondered why anyone would take a job like that?
"No, wait, how about this, where can I find some ancient lost ruins with untold riches?"

"So, ya' want untold riches do ya'? Well, I couldn't tell ya' much about that, but I do know who could... A friend of mine, D-- oh right, he told me not to tell anyone his name... But, you might find him lurking around somewhere near the City Council Hall. He wears a pendant bearing the insignia of Slisk, so he should be easy to find... If he wants to be found..."

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-06, 09:26 PM
Everon kneeled down beside the boy and smiled. He had not expected to run into followers of Slisk so far from his homeland. This was surely a sign he was supposed to be in this city.

"Well Dmitri, I would very much like to meet your father. I'm looking for ways to help this city, however I can. I heard there was a great deal of hunting for large red scorpions. I would be very interested in doing that, unless there is something my druid powers could be of more assitance with."

At the mention of scorpoins, Dmitri's face fell...

"I *hate* those scorpions... They killed my mother, and my brother ran after them a few days ago. He's really strong- he's a Dervish! I want to go help him, but my dad says I'm too weak... But I'm strong too! A strange man gave me a necklace, and told me it would help me, but he wouldn't tell me with what..."
As he mentions it, he pulls out a pendant bearing the mark of Slisk on it.
I could show him to you if you want- he was near the City Council Hall when I saw him before...

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-06, 09:46 PM
(ooc: "Moron" <- Someone's catching on.)

Xantumal follows the androgynous, pointy-eared, mystery stutterer through the city, wondering many things. Most of them aloud.

I wonder what Tarjar is like

"I wonder what Tarjar is like."

I wonder where he got the name Tarjar.
Is it like toe jam, but black and in a jar?
Do you suppose he has lots of toes?

"Do you suppose he has lots of toes?"

Does he have to have special shoes made for his many-toed feet?
I want special shoes, but I don't have extra toes.
Maybe Tarjar will help me grow new toes.
He's so nice.
I should get him a present.

"Do you think Tarjar would like a pet turtle?"

And so on.

Great, effervescent, Slisk, does this human ever cease his blathering?
We're coming up upon the great Council Hall now... look up!
As you follow his finger, you gaze up at a vast building, made of bronze colored marble. Rather than four walls, there is one circular wall. The roof is glittering with a golden luster, and a mural on the wall depicts a group of elves chanting, and waving their hands, as the city in the background shimmers.

2009-06-06, 09:47 PM
Satex wanders off in search of a history of this city and its inhabitants.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-06, 09:54 PM
Satex wanders off in search of a history of this city and its inhabitants.

Whoops, read my Edit on post #49...

2009-06-06, 10:03 PM
"I'm sorry good sir, but I don't know who Tarjar is, or if he would like a turtle. I do know however, that since turtles have an optimal temperature range of between 71 and 86 degrees, he is not likely to have seen one in this hot desert. Who are you my friend?"

2009-06-06, 10:23 PM
Following was directed at Balthazar:

"Why are you in here, human? You bear the mark of a god other than the great Vernas!"
A strict looking female elf briskly pushes you out the door, despite your protests...
As you are about to go back and explain your presence, you hear a familiar voice...
"Do you think Tarjar would like a pet turtle?"
You turn to see Xantumal striding by, led by a short elf...

Following was Balthazar's response:

"I'm sorry good sir, but I don't know who Tarjar is, or if he would like a turtle. I do know however, that since turtles have an optimal temperature range of between 71 and 86 degrees, he is not likely to have seen one in this hot desert. Who are you my friend?"

Since Xantumal wasn't talking to Satex, and clearly doesn't possess the mental faculties to hold two conversations at once, Xantumal doesn't even register being acknowledged by Satex.
(Id est, this seems confusing, so I fail a listen check. :smallwink:)

Great, effervescent, Slisk, does this human ever cease his blathering?
We're coming up upon the great Council Hall now... look up!
As you follow his finger, you gaze up at a vast building, made of bronze colored marble. Rather than four walls, there is one circular wall. The roof is glittering with a golden luster, and a mural on the wall depicts a group of elves chanting, and waving their hands, as the city in the background shimmers.

Xantumal appreciates the finer points of such refined craftsmanship and artistry. The great level of detail put into each fold of fabric on every elven robe, the way their hands seem to sway through the air, their mouths forming words, truly moves and inspires him.

Ooo, shiny sparkles!

2009-06-07, 02:43 AM
Thadeus heads over to the City Council Hall and spends some time looking for a fellow with a Slisk insignia.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-07, 08:41 AM
Thadeus heads over to the City Council Hall and spends some time looking for a fellow with a Slisk insignia.

Since you have the mental capacity above that of a chipmunk, you find it with little trouble... Along the way, you see a familiar-looking large turtle wandering the streets, and a monk chatting with some female elves, who seem uninterested and walk away...

2009-06-07, 08:42 AM
Hmm, since I am clearly not welcome in the library as a worshiper of Toresia, and I would feel decidedly uncomfortable hiding my allegiance, I should probably find another source for the information I desire. Presumably the learned members of this society would know, and they would also probably reside in the elegant building there. I think I shall inspect it. Satex falls into step behind the fighter and the quivering elf, on the way to the splendorous building.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-07, 08:51 AM
"I'm sorry good sir, but I don't know who Tarjar is, or if he would like a turtle. I do know however, that since turtles have an optimal temperature range of between 71 and 86 degrees, he is not likely to have seen one in this hot desert. Who are you my friend?"

(ooc- whoops, I meant that you overheard him talking to the elf...)
High Priest Ren-sha walks up to you and asks "Did you find what you where looking for? If not, you could always ask the Head Councilman, Tamjahl, although, as he is a proud elf, I would suggest you be on your best behavior to make a good first impression... First impressions mean everything here... Oh! It looks like you and your friends have already decided to talk to Him. Excellent, but remember what I said..."

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-07, 08:57 AM
Thadeus heads over to the City Council Hall and spends some time looking for a fellow with a Slisk insignia.

You see two of the people who were with you in the desert hanging out near the splendorous building, and with them is an unfamiliar elf. They are staring at it's magnificence, but you can't really see why- it's nothing special...

2009-06-07, 09:03 AM
Thadeus heads over to the City Council Hall and spends some time looking for a fellow with a Slisk insignia.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-07, 09:09 AM
Thadeus heads over to the City Council Hall and spends some time looking for a fellow with a Slisk insignia.

I'm getting there, just be patient. I'm waiting for Everon to show up, then something big will happen...

2009-06-07, 10:04 AM
Hey looky it's Jade!

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-07, 02:59 PM
You all turn as you see the mage from the desert materializing from Nowhere. Why he went there will always elude you, but he's here now...

2009-06-07, 03:27 PM
You all turn as you see the mage from the desert materializing from Nowhere. Why he went there will always elude you, but he's here now...

(Ooc: Oh snap, Nowhere-Man. The world is at his command. Also, he came... from... behind. :smalltongue:)

Why are we all standing here staring at a big sparkly building?
Ooo, invisible man!
How can I see him if he's invisible?
I have magic eyes!

"Magic eyes!"

Xantumal dances in a circle chanting 'magic eyes'. With his eyes shut.

I've gone blind!
Someone stole my magic eyes!

Xantumal is now sad.

2009-06-07, 03:49 PM
((Sorry, I was playing Vampire the Masquerade from 10 pm till 6 this morning here, kinda slept in late))

Everon has the child show him the way, eager to discern who this person is. He glances about as he follows the child, admiring the city's beauty. The kid brings him to where everyone else is. He looks around and chuckles. "I wasn't expecting to run into all of you any time soon. This city is qquite amazing. Much larger than any previous one. Why is everyone here?"

2009-06-07, 03:53 PM
Well, I'm here because I was kicked out of the library, and could think of no better place to find out about the history of this place.

2009-06-07, 04:00 PM
Everon has the child show him the way, eager to discern who this person is. He glances about as he follows the child, admiring the city's beauty. The kid brings him to where everyone else is. He looks around and chuckles. "I wasn't expecting to run into all of you any time soon. This city is qquite amazing. Much larger than any previous one. Why is everyone here?"

"Well, first there was a twelve foot tall, strawberry flavoured jelly-man. But he didn't really exist, cause he's a secret. And then we met his twin brother, who has oozing black filth between his toes, that he scrapes off and keeps in a jar. And then we saw a big sparkly building full of chanting pointy-eared people, but then a man came out of nowhere and made it disappear. And now we are here!"

Xantumal smiles wide at the pointy-eared fellow with the snake, obviously quite pleased with how events transpired.

2009-06-07, 04:17 PM
Thadeus shrugs.
"For lack of anything better to do, I'm just seeing the sights. Has one of you got something interesting going on they need help with?"

He continues looking for someone with the sign.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-07, 05:09 PM
"What are you doing, friend?", asks the small elf to Thadeus.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-07, 05:25 PM
Suddenly, a large elf rushes out of the building, shouting "Excuse me, have any of you seen a large furry beast? Our oracle has given word from Vernas that there was a strange beast somewhere in the city!"

2009-06-07, 05:29 PM
"strange how friend? Can you give us a better discription then "furry"? Perhaps I will know what it is."

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-07, 05:50 PM
"Well, it's almost humanoid looking, white, it---- is right over there!"
As he points, you can see a yeti wandering towards you. It looks confused...

2009-06-07, 05:54 PM
"Where are the pagodas, the city build in the mountains, the monks, the llamas and warriors? Wear are the temples and market places?" Yuri asks.

"Why is there so many humans with huge ears running around? I am no longer in the Far Lands am I?"

2009-06-07, 06:06 PM
Jade is confused. He was used to normal conversations, he glances towards the yeti.
Want me to set it on fire?
There is a strange glint in his eyes.

2009-06-07, 06:07 PM
"I should have more power over fire than you." He angrily retorts. The Yeti bears his mace as if he is about to attack. "Do not tempt a disciple of the elements."

2009-06-07, 06:11 PM
"Oh Great Light, that makes all revealed, allow Your servant to understand this beast" Comprehend Languages
{unless he is speaking common..do Yeti's speak common?}

2009-06-07, 06:16 PM
(I thought he would speak common. . . If this world has a common tongue.)

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-07, 06:26 PM
OOC- Down descended the great and powerful Rakim to solve all issues...
Yes, he speaks common. He must, or he is out. The only reason he was thought of strangely by the natives is because he was confused, and simply chose not to speak...

2009-06-07, 06:28 PM
With a dagger, held with the blade hidden behind his arm, in each hand Xantumal steps in between the big fuzzy thing, and the nowhere man, smiles and says,"No need for fighting."

2009-06-07, 06:32 PM
"Well, o.k, just don't threaten me." The yeti thundered. "I am known for being ill-tempered to those who threaten me." He smiled, revealing very strong but human looking teeth. On the other hand, he did wear armor, and he wielded a mace.

2009-06-07, 06:45 PM
'Yes, I agree friend. Perhaps you should join with us in an effort to discover why we are here. You look a bit discomforted. Perhaps this will help" Endure Elements!

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-07, 07:10 PM
CRACK! BOOM! You whirl around to see the tittering little elf who had led Xantumal to the Hall transform into a giant serpent, with shining red eyes. Around it's neck a pendant can be seen glimmering...

2009-06-07, 07:19 PM
"By Toresia's eyes! What manner of beast is this? And where did it come from?" Detect Magic!

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-07, 07:41 PM
There is a strong magical aura emanating from the pendant around it's neck, but there is nothing else...

2009-06-07, 07:43 PM
Yuri backs up and surveys the landscape so he can use the environment to his advantage. Maybe there might be a large rock or something to throw at the enemy snake giant.

If not, he can try to fire a chain lightning spell at the pendant.

2009-06-07, 07:47 PM
Mage hand! Targeting the amulet, attempting to pull it towards me. (And yes, ultimate arcane power is pink ;) )

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-07, 07:54 PM
(And yes, ultimate arcane power is pink ;) )

(Of Course, V's magic is pink:smallsmile:!)

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-07, 07:55 PM
Yuri backs up and surveys the landscape so he can use the environment to his advantage. Maybe there might be a large rock or something to throw at the enemy snake giant.

If not, he can try to fire a chain lightning spell at the pendant.

There are no rocks...

2009-06-07, 07:55 PM
Everon calls to the roots in the earth, which burst forth and grab... his companions!Teh roots restrain everyone and will probably make it very hard to concentrate on casting. Everon bows before the snake, in awe of the massive creature. He speaks in a hissing voice, and only those that cna understand a snake would understand his words.

"Oh great serpant, I am everon Delfi, loyal druid of Slisk. Your presence here is certainly a sign. What do you ask of me?"

2009-06-07, 07:58 PM
Everon calls to the roots in the earth, which burst forth and grab... his companions!Teh roots restrain everyone and will probably make it very hard to concentrate on casting. Everon bows before the snake, in awe of the massive creature. He speaks in a hissing voice, and only those that cna understand a snake would understand his words.

"Oh great serpant, I am everon Delfi, loyal druid of Slisk. Your presence here is certainly a sign. What do you ask of me?"

(ooc: assuming we all get some sort of reflex save esq thing vs. this business.)

(yes, see if your reflex is high enough to avoid entangling roots, a DC base 20 spell, which gains bonuses from my charisma and 1/2 my level... Anyone have +12 to reflex?)

(ooc: considering my dex is 'very high' and we're roughly ecl 8 ... um... yes? :smallconfused:)

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-07, 07:59 PM
Mage hand! Targeting the amulet, attempting to pull it towards me. (And yes, ultimate arcane power is pink ;) )

The necklace pulls toward you, but does not come off the snake. However, You can see clearly the Mark of Silsk on it...

2009-06-07, 07:59 PM
(yes, see if your reflex is high enough to avoid entangling roots, a DC base 20 spell, which gains bonuses from my charisma and 1/2 my level... Anyone have +12 to reflex?)

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-07, 08:00 PM
(ooc: assuming we all get some sort of reflex save esq thing vs. this business.)

What? why would you assume that your "friend" would betray you? Penalties for Reflex my friend!

2009-06-07, 08:03 PM
What? why would you assume that your "friend" would betray you? Penalties for Reflex my friend!

(ooc: cause he's not my friend? he's that pointy-eared guy with the snake. snake+snake=more snake.. duh :smallwink:)

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-07, 08:10 PM
(Now, here comes the awkward part...)
CRACK! BOOM! The Great serpent turns into a cloaked figure, bearing the same pendant...
"Hehehe...fooled you...now...what do you request of the great Zeltzereich?"
With a flick of his gloved hand, the vines disappear.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-07, 08:14 PM
"Hey, that's him!", the kid says excitedly to Everon, pointing to the new figure.

2009-06-07, 08:17 PM
Everon smiles and nods, speaking in elvish.

"Greetings. I am a druid from a distant jungle hidden between two mountains. I have come here, without any knowledge as to how I came to be here, and I asked the young boy here to take me to you so that I could learn more of the druidic ways here in this city."

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-07, 08:27 PM
The cloaked figure beckons to Everon and Dmitri to follow him, walks towards a nearby house, and enters it. Dmitri follows him into the house.

2009-06-08, 07:32 AM
The cloaked figure beckons to Everon and Dmitri to follow him, walks towards a nearby house, and enters it. Dmitri follows him into the house.

Follows, not seeming to be paying attention to what the others are doing. Everon is still amazed that the culture of his small village might have been a part of this alrger city at some point, though this desert has to be a great distance from his jungle-valley home.

2009-06-08, 09:30 AM
Thadeus drops and rolls after being dropped by the vines and dusts off his cloak as if nothing had happened. He then follows the so-called Zeltzereich despite the man's attempts at ignoring him and the lack of a D at the beginning of his name, or anywhere else for that matter. He was still the guy wearing the Slisk pendant, and Thadeus hadn't seen any others around.

"Excuse me, deer fellow, if I might interrupt? My name is Thadeus Glitterfeld, gentleman adventurer and narratorial entrepreneur. A business associate of mine told me I would be able to find you here. You are supposed to have key knowledge on certain business opportunities? I am talking of course of the high risk, high stakes kind of ones, the proverbial dungeon with treasure. Except perhaps not entirely proverbial"

He slipped the man one of his cards.
"May we talk?"

2009-06-08, 10:24 AM
Hmm, Slisk, I do not know much about that god. In fact, there is a lot about this place I do not know of or understand. The LIbrary back home would benefit if I learned more and brought it beck..
"Um, excuse me sir, may I ask you a few questions about your deity?"
Satex trots after the man with the pendant.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-08, 04:48 PM
Thadeus drops and rolls after being dropped by the vines and dusts off his cloak as if nothing had happened. He then follows the so-called Zeltzereich despite the man's attempts at ignoring him and the lack of a D at the beginning of his name, or anywhere else for that matter. He was still the guy wearing the Slisk pendant, and Thadeus hadn't seen any others around.

"Excuse me, deer fellow, if I might interrupt? My name is Thadeus Glitterfeld, gentleman adventurer and narratorial entrepreneur. A business associate of mine told me I would be able to find you here. You are supposed to have key knowledge on certain business opportunities? I am talking of course of the high risk, high stakes kind of ones, the proverbial dungeon with treasure. Except perhaps not entirely proverbial"

He slipped the man one of his cards.
"May we talk?"

He responds: I would feel more comfortable speaking with only the elves for now... We can all speak later...
He closes the door after all three druids have entered.
"Freedom from Scrying"

2009-06-08, 05:05 PM
Thadeus sits around doing absolutely NOTHING.
Eh, what the heck, he'll play some music.

2009-06-08, 05:24 PM
Blast it, I really want to know what's going on inside there! "Blessed Toresia, the revealer of all knowledge, discern between truth and falsity! " Discern Lies! Invisibility! Gaseous Form!
Now invisible and intangible, Satex walks through the walls of the building.

2009-06-08, 05:26 PM
Thadeus looks on interestedly. This could go either way, but considering the power of that rude elf-loving fellow, the cleric'll probably be caught. This was mainly why Thadeus hadn't tried anything. It was better to wait than to make a diplomatic blunder and close negotiations. All he ventured was to listen at the door.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-08, 05:26 PM
Thadeus sits around doing absolutely NOTHING.
Eh, what the heck, he'll play some music.

Your inspired artistic vision attracts a few spectators who throw more stuff at you- 9 gp, a silken gown, and a mallet, which deals (roll, roll, roll...) 14 damage to you! Jk, there aren't any numbers! It just knocks you out cold.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-08, 05:27 PM
Blast it, I really want to know what's going on inside there! "Blessed Toresia, the revealer of all knowledge, discern between truth and falsity! " Discern Lies! Invisibility! Gaseous Form!
Now invisible and intangible, Satex walks through the walls of the building.

The inside of the house is completely empty...

2009-06-08, 05:27 PM
Your inspired artistic vision attracts a few spectators who throw more stuff at you- 9 gp, a silken gown, and a mallet, which deals (roll, roll, roll...) 14 damage to you! Jk, there aren't any numbers! It just knocks you out cold.

Uhm... I'm knocked out cold by a random undodgeable (high dexterity!) mallet that is thrown for no other reason than me playing great music?
(I should be saying Thadeus, not "me", but you said "you", so that would just make it confusing).

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-08, 05:28 PM
Thadeus looks on interestedly. This could go either way, but considering the power of that rude elf-loving fellow, the cleric'll probably be caught. This was mainly why Thadeus hadn't tried anything. It was better to wait than to make a diplomatic blunder and close negotiations. All he ventured was to listen at the door.

You hear nothing...

2009-06-08, 05:29 PM
But, I... True Seeing!

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-08, 05:29 PM
Uhm... I'm knocked out cold by a random undodgeable (high dexterity!) mallet that is thrown for no other reason than me playing great music?
(I should be saying Thadeus, not "me", but you said "you", so that would just make it confusing).

I was JOKING! nobody cared about your lovely ditty...

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-08, 05:30 PM
But, I... True Seeing!

You see the bookcase disappear, as a doorway leading downward takes it's place...

2009-06-08, 05:32 PM
I was JOKING! nobody cared about your lovely ditty...
So no money either? :smallconfused:
I'm not sure I get the joke here.

2009-06-08, 05:32 PM
I walk down the staircase, taking care to move quietly.
{wait, I don't have to be quiet, I'm gaseous. And I can fly!}

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-08, 05:32 PM
(I should be saying Thadeus, not "me", but you said "you", so that would just make it confusing).

(for the purposes of this game, please speak in first person for your characters...)

2009-06-08, 05:33 PM
(for the purposes of this game, please speak in first person for your characters...)
I think this makes no sense.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-08, 05:39 PM
I think this makes no sense.

OOC please.

2009-06-08, 05:40 PM
OOC please.
Nah, that was IC. I was speaking in first person. I was JOKING!
This, however, admittedly, is OOC. Apologies.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-08, 05:45 PM
I walk down the staircase, taking care to move quietly.

At the bottom, you see a large basement, with one stone wall circling the room. You see the three druids sitting at a table at the far end of the room. They are speaking in elvish, making it impossible to understand what they're saying, but you know they are speaking.

2009-06-08, 05:51 PM
Comprehend Languages!

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-08, 06:02 PM
Comprehend Languages!

Personal Message!

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-09, 05:05 PM
Zeltzereich exits the house, and Dmitri follows behind him.
He addresses those still outside: "I now must ask for your forgiveness for my rudeness, and for a favor- you will get an opportunity to collect large treasures, and hone your already powerful skills should you accept..."

2009-06-09, 05:14 PM
I look at the books around the room, looking for any interesting ones. Like an atlas.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-09, 05:37 PM
Amongst the vast collection of old tomes, you find........ An atlas!

2009-06-09, 05:39 PM
Excellent! I look at it, and memorize our location relative to major cities and terrain types. Then go back upstairs.

2009-06-09, 06:30 PM
Zeltzereich exits the house, and Dmitri follows behind him.
He addresses those still outside: "I now must ask for your forgiveness for my rudeness, and for a favor- you will get an opportunity to collect large treasures, and hone your already powerful skills should you accept..."

I'm hungry.
I wish Peas (Pointy-Eared-Androgynous-Stutterer) had let me stop to eat.
Those scorpion-on-a-stick things smelled good.

There is a loud rumble emitting from deep within Xantumal.
"I'm hungry."

2009-06-10, 04:37 AM
Zeltzereich exits the house, and Dmitri follows behind him.
He addresses those still outside: "I now must ask for your forgiveness for my rudeness, and for a favor- you will get an opportunity to collect large treasures, and hone your already powerful skills should you accept..."
Thadeus jumps up.
"Excellent! Do keep talking"

He wondered if this impolite braggart was playing him. He tried to sense if the bugger was lying.

2009-06-10, 11:50 AM
I'm hungry.
I wish Peas (Pointy-Eared-Androgynous-Stutterer) had let me stop to eat.
Those scorpion-on-a-stick things smelled good.

There is a loud rumble emitting from deep within Xantumal.
"I'm hungry."

So, you guys, do any of you know what I'm doing here?" Asked the Yeti Yuri.

2009-06-10, 03:58 PM
Thadeus looked at the yeti. How does he not SWEAT to death down here?

"What you're doing here? How are we supposed to know, if you don't? But don't worry, I don't know why I'm down here either. I'm quickly making it about fast cash though. Say, you look like a strong fellow, care to come along and earn yourself a way out of here?"

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-10, 04:04 PM
Thadeus looked at the yeti. How does he not SWEAT to death down here?

Sorry, I edited.... #18...

2009-06-10, 04:06 PM
Sorry, I edited.... #18...

Oh, c'mon now, there was no possible way to guess that. Also, why aren't you posting in the OOC?

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-10, 04:08 PM
Also, why aren't you posting in the OOC?

What are you talking about?

2009-06-10, 04:09 PM
OOC please.

Well, this IS the IC thread.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-12, 03:15 PM
Sorry, I've been kind of busy with Act Raiser, which is still recruiting btw...
Zeltzereich then says: "Great! Everyone divide into two groups, one accompanying Everon, and one with Dmitri. You have one hour to get ready, then meet at the gate. Then, we will depart together towards the desert, and I will show you the places where you shall adventure. I will go alone..."
He then disappears...

2009-06-12, 03:58 PM
"Hold on!" Thadeus said, "You haven't explained anything yet! Give me some details on what's going on, so I know you're not conning me. And what's with this dividing into groups? C'mon now, you don't expect me to follow a complete stranger's orders for some vague promise of treasure, do you? I mean, make me believe you.This is no way to do business"

2009-06-12, 04:18 PM
"Indeed! This is quite unsatisfactory! We are being led into unknown danger, unarmed and unprepared!

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-12, 04:21 PM
OOC- To both of your responses- That's exactly what adventurers do! Take quests from random strangers, almost always going into unknown dangers, for the sake of the thrill of adventure, and of course, the untold riches.

2009-06-12, 04:25 PM
*Sigh* well I suppose it's the only way we're going to get out of here... "Very well, I will go, but will I have time to rest and proy to Toresia before we leave?"

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-12, 04:34 PM
Dmitri then pipes up, "Since you guys weren't down there, I'll tell you what that strange-named guy said:'I wanted to talk to the two of you alone, because the three of us are elvish druids of Slisk. You see, the local fauna are acting strangely: attacking the city; kidnapping citizens; even stealing valuable artifacts. They have never even come within a hundred meters of the city before. So, what I need, is for the two of you to help me. You will also both need party members, as the quests I require involve going to dangerous places. There are three special artifacts that are needed. Each can only be wielded by a druid. When activated, they will capture the essence of a defeated creature, and seal it in an orb. These artifacts can only be gotten at a certain time of day, and will return to their original locations after an hour or so, which is why I need your help. The essences also expire quickly. So, will you help me?'"


2009-06-12, 04:39 PM
Thadeus shrugs.
"I suppose I don't have anything better lined up now... Sure, I'll help you guys. I'm in the team with the yeti. I've taken a shine to the big furball, and I say that affectionately"

2009-06-12, 04:41 PM
Very well. I will go with Everon, if that is acceptable to him. And would you like to come with us sir Xantamul? Also, Nagaland is a hill state located in the far north-eastern part of India. It borders the state of Assam to the west, Arunachal Pradesh and part of Assam to the north, Burma to the east and Manipur to the south. The state capital is Kohima, and the largest city is Dimapur.

2009-06-12, 10:34 PM
Very well. I will go with Everon, if that is acceptable to him. And would you like to come with us sir Xantamul? Also, Nagaland is a hill state located in the far north-eastern part of India. It borders the state of Assam to the west, Arunachal Pradesh and part of Assam to the north, Burma to the east and Manipur to the south. The state capital is Kohima, and the largest city is Dimapur.

(Ooc: how would Satex know the name Xantumal? My character hasn't introduced himself properly to anyone. :smallconfused:

(Also, Xantumal will be going with Dmitri's group. Seriously, small child vs. pointy-ears-with-snake that attacked him earlier? Zero contest.)

2009-06-12, 11:02 PM
"I hope to help my new friends." He says in a cautious tone. "I really really hope I won't have to use my most powerful magics." Then he adds. "You elves don't consider me fauna do you?" He smiled. Yuri seemed to be nervous. It was as if he was in a dream, and stuck in it. To be asleep, and then to awake with all of this difference in the world. . .

2009-06-13, 03:21 AM
"Okay, so that's me, the yeti and Dmitri in a group, and the rest of you in a group, correct?"
Thadeus just assumes he is right and turns to his companions.
"So, Dmitri, where can we get some proper supplies around here? Also, explosives, do we have access to some?"

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-13, 09:07 PM
(Ooc: how would Satex know the name Xantumal? My character hasn't introduced himself properly to anyone. :smallconfused:

(Also, Xantumal will be going with Dmitri's group. Seriously, small child vs. pointy-ears-with-snake that attacked him earlier? Zero contest.)

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6284892#post6284892)

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-13, 09:11 PM
"Okay, so that's me, the yeti and Dmitri in a group, and the rest of you in a group, correct?"
Thadeus just assumes he is right and turns to his companions.
"So, Dmitri, where can we get some proper supplies around here? Also, explosives, do we have access to some?"

"Well, there is a place in town called 'Big Boom', which my dad goes to every year to buy fireworks to celebrate the Solar Festival. I think they also stock other stuff, but I've never been there..."

2009-06-14, 01:32 AM
"Splendid! Let's go then!" Thadeus said. he wondered how much the small sum of money he'd made would buy him, but then considered he could always try to make some more money if needed.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-14, 06:56 PM
Your thoughts (whatever stray thoughts that could survive in those vacuums you call "heads",) are interrupted by... Ren-sha, high priest of Vernas! He walks up to you and says: "Thank Vernas you have been spared! That man you were with was Zeltzereich, scourge of law and good, and at any second, he could have attacked you! I know not why you were spared his wrath, but it is obviously a sign that you are all of great import. That is why I now request that you come me to the Library of Vernas. I will meet you on the fourth floor in one hour. Tell no one of this meeting..."
He then walks away hurriedly, and seems distressed about something....

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-14, 07:09 PM
You are bewildered, but there is no time to think, as you whirl around to the sound of yet another voice. It belongs to an elf in a group of four other people.
They are all dressed in red and black, and the clothes they wear are very tight fitting. The one who spoke says in a calm, quiet voice: "Good day to you, fellow adventurers. I wish to ask a favor of you. The Church of Vernas has been on our backs for a while, for reasons of which we know not. Perhaps they are perturbed by our slightly....untraditional methods. We would like you to infiltrate their Library, and bring us a certain scroll. It looks at first glance like all the other ones, but it is the only one sealed with a wax skull. Bring it to us, and you will certainly reap a fitting reward...
Here is a small token of what is to come..."
He hands each of you 15 gp....
A black fog rolls in around them, and when it clears, they have vanished....

2009-06-14, 07:23 PM
"Well, it appears we have a choice between the 'scourge of all law and good' (verified by my truth spell, Ren-Sha belives it at least), the black and red mysterious cloaked strangers, with a death fog and a skull-sealed scroll, or aiding the high priest of a goodly god. Tough decision. Also, I wonder if we should murder a box of kittens or help a grandmother across the street. Naturally, I advise following Ren-Sha"

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-14, 07:25 PM
"Yeah, but Zel-zer-ike is soooooo cool! Plus, he gave me this pendant!"

2009-06-14, 08:07 PM
Perhaps you don't quite understand the significance of 'scourge of law and good'. That makes him a bad guy. Also, Tangachromis dhanisi is a species of fish in the Cichlidae family. It is found in Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, and Zambia. Its natural habitat is freshwater lakes.

2009-06-15, 02:05 AM
"I knew there was something fishy about that guy. Also, why does everyone keep wandering off? And how does everyone know who we are? Anyways, I would suggest we head to the meeting and see what he has to say at least. We can still decide to steal the scroll if he offers no interesting deal, though we should check what's on it before handing it over to the mysterious bunch"

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-15, 06:16 AM
"But I wanna go with the other druid.....", whines Dmitri.

2009-06-15, 10:36 AM
"I wonder if it's even ethical to let a kid go with us" Thadeus suddenly realises. Perhaps merely because he doesn't need a voice of conscience nagging at him every turn he takes. Or maybe because if something happens to the kid, out of the giant turtle and the furball, he might be the one held responsible.

2009-06-15, 10:43 AM
"He is a druid. Child though he may seem to you, he's probably twice your age if you are to measure age as a passing of mere years. I myself am just shy of two centuries. Now then, a druid has asked for my assistance. As a fellow druid I see no reason to not help him. Do you agree Leesia?" He smiles at her and she nudges his shoulder with her snout and rests coiled around his shoulders.

2009-06-15, 10:47 AM
"Well, he doesn't quite act like it. And thinking of age as a mere passage of years seems quite base to me. I was thinking of the degree of adulthood the mind had reached"

2009-06-15, 02:26 PM
"Um, excuse me child, but may I see your pendant for a moment?" [aside, to Thadeus] If he resists get ready to steal it. It is eminating a powerful Transmutation aura."

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-15, 04:57 PM
"NO! It's mine! Seltzerliche gave it to me not you!"
The kid then turns around, pouting, obviously hurt by your request....

2009-06-15, 04:58 PM
"Yes, clearly he's acting very maturely..." Thadeus whispers to Everon.

2009-06-15, 08:51 PM
P.e.a.s. was really a giant snake.
And the giant snake was really -another- pointy eared person.
And that pointy eared person wants me to go back out into the desert.
I don't like deserts.

But, another-another pointy eared person, who says that Peas-Snake-Person is the source of Law and Good, wants to meet on the fourth floor of a brier of lies.
How do lies form a thicket?
I don't like heights -or- lies.

And even more pointy eared people, dressed in disgustingly tight clothes that cling in all the wrong places, want me to steal a skull-scroll from the brier of lies.
I don't like stealing.

And I still haven't met Tarjar like Almond told me.
I bet Tarjar would know what to do.
I bet he'll even let me eat before we go.
Tarjar is nice.

Xantumal scratches his head, clearly deep in thought.

"The rest of you can do what you like, I'm gonna go find Tarjar."

Xantumal turns around, and makes for the entrance of the big sparkly building, letter of introduction in hand.

Xantumal wanders off with Thadeus.
You know.

2009-06-16, 10:18 AM
"Yes, clearly he's acting very maturely..." Thadeus whispers to Everon.

Everon sighs and rubs his left ear lobe out of habit as he thinks. "Ok, so how about we stop wasting time and try to go? None of us are going to be getting any younger... and the first person to bring up anti-aging magic I swear I will maul you." He crosses his arms and waits to see if the others will actually try to start their mission.

2009-06-16, 10:36 AM
Thadeus is slightly astonished by Everon's ability to completely ignore his comments, but eventually decides that it doth not matter, because they'll be splitting up soon anyways. Well, rather sooner than later.
"Well, since we've organised ourselves, I say we might as well split up as was asked of us. Yuri, Xantumal, Dmitri, let's go. We're off to buy some fireworks. You like fireworks, right, kid?"
Thadeus has Dmitri lead them to "Big Boom", al the while making sure he's not losing too much time. He is planning to attend the meeting in the library after all.

He was sorry to lose the companionship of Satex, as he seemed like a very sensible and only slightly annoying person, but every step he made also took him further away from Everon, that religious lunatic who'd tried to kill him earlier and seemed to absolutely inaccessible for logic and reason of any kind. Honestly, Dmitri was like a pocketsized, bratty version of Everon. Thadeus was seriously starting to despise druids, particularly those of this snake god.

Thadeus evaluated his group. They seemed capable enough. There was Dmitri, who he was only keeping around because of the amulet and because the kid actually seemed to know what was going on, which tended to be convenient. Then there was Xantumal, who Thadeus considered an especially effective meatshield, and finally Yuri, who was, if not a nice decoy, at least a hilarious sidekick in this particular setting. Thadeus expected things to get heated for Yuri once they returned to the desert. He felt sorry for the guy, but also realised he'd chosen this fate himself. It wouldn't surprise Thadeus in the slightest if the yeti turned out to be a druid too...

2009-06-17, 03:34 PM
Hmm. I think I should see what I can buy around here with 25 GP. Perhaps a bedroll. Satex wanders off in search of a marketplace.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-17, 03:35 PM
"Welcome to Big Boom! Would you care to browse through our extensive collection of intricate and priceless explosives?", says the clerk at the counter.

2009-06-17, 03:38 PM
"Welcome to Big Boom! Would you care to browse through our extensive collection of intricate and priceless explosives?", says the clerk at the counter.

"Not exactly. I'm doing some building and I need to tear some old walls down, so I was looking to purchase some explosives. I was hoping you'd point out your top stuff for me. Skip straight past the frills and show me the real deal, you and I both know what I'm talking about"

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-17, 03:45 PM
"Not exactly. I'm doing some building and I need to tear some old walls down, so I was looking to purchase some explosives. I was hoping you'd point out your top stuff for me. Skip straight past the frills and show me the real deal, you and I both know what I'm talking about"

The man behind the counter smiles and says: "I'm sorry, but I'm not the man for that job. You might try asking my brother, Jalin, as he specializes in explosives. I am Fralin, and am merely filling in for him, as he is out for lunch. I can see if I can find him in the back room if you like."
Fralin then exits through a door behind him, and moments later, a man looking exactly like him steps out and says: " 'Sup? You gonna to buy something, or what?", in the exact same voice.

2009-06-17, 03:53 PM
"I'm doing some building and I need to tear some old walls down, so I was looking to purchase some explosives. I was hoping you'd point out your top stuff for me. Skip straight past the frills and show me the real deal, you and I both know what I'm talking about"

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-17, 03:59 PM
"I'm doing some building and I need to tear some old walls down, so I was looking to purchase some explosives. I was hoping you'd point out your top stuff for me. Skip straight past the frills and show me the real deal, you and I both know what I'm talking about"

"Ah, yeah I thought you'd want the 'good stuff'. Well, sorry, but we just sold out of that stuff a bit ago. I'll go ask my brother, Salin, the one who stocks the shop, to see when our next shipments coming in..."
He steps through the same door, and another man steps out, again looking exactly the same as the other two, and says in the same voice : "H-h-hello? H-h-how c-c-can I h-help you?"

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-17, 04:01 PM
Walking further along, Satex discovers a large plateau, upon which there are many shops...

2009-06-17, 04:09 PM
"I'm doing some building and I need to tear some old walls down, so I was looking to purchase some explosives. I was hoping you'd provide your top stuff for me. Skip straight past the frills and show me the real deal, you and I both know what I'm talking about"

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-17, 04:11 PM
"I am s-s-sorry, s-s-sir. We w-won't h-h-have any of th-the str-str-strong st-stuff for a g-good t-t-two w-weeks."

2009-06-17, 04:15 PM
"I am s-s-sorry, s-s-sir. We w-won't h-h-have any of th-the str-str-strong st-stuff for a g-good t-t-two w-weeks."

"I need something to blow up some walls and doors. Now, you've had me jumping through hoops here, but I'd really appreciate it if I got something out of it. It'd be... bad for business, if word got out how horrible customer service is here"

He plucked the strings of his lute.
"It just so happens to be my job is getting word out"

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-17, 04:20 PM
"I need something to blow up some walls and doors. Now, you've had me jumping through hoops here, but I'd really appreciate it if I got something out of it. It'd be... bad for business, if word got out how horrible customer service is here"

He plucked the strings of his lute.
"It just so happens to be my job is getting word out"

"W-w-well, Kralin m-m-might know s-something that could help y-y-you... I'll g-get him...."
He walks out the front door....

2009-06-17, 04:25 PM
Thadeus browses through the store while he waits, hoping to find anything he could use to produce some powerful explosives.

2009-06-17, 04:30 PM
Hmm, any bookstores? Or do those not exist since you may not have the printing press yet?

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-17, 06:05 PM
You do see a bookstore...

Back to Xantamul-
You enter the building, and see a circular grand hall, with marble walls, gold embroidery, paintings hung about, and the ceiling reaching far above you. Along the walls, you can see balconies, filled with people, who are talking amongst themselves.

2009-06-17, 06:12 PM
You do see a bookstore...

Back to Xantamul-
You enter the building, and see a circular grand hall, with marble walls, gold embroidery, paintings hung about, and the ceiling reaching far above you. Along the walls, you can see balconies, filled with people, who are talking amongst themselves.

Which one is Tarjar?

Xantumal looks around for someone to help him, but everyone seems to be busy talking to someone else.

Guess there's only one way to find out...



Rakim Avishot
2009-06-17, 06:42 PM
Salin returns to the shop, carrying a small box. He hands it to you saying:
"H-h-here. K-kralin is inside th-th-this b-box. P-please d-d-don't open it until y-y-you are outside the c-c-city..."
He then scurries into the back room...

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-17, 06:44 PM
A voice coming from the far corner of the hall booms: "Who is there? Come closer!"

2009-06-18, 03:58 AM
Thadeus follows into the back room.
"Look, I'm going to need some sort of explanation here. I asked for explosives, not some fellow in a box"

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-18, 06:53 AM
Why are you up so early?

The door is locked....

2009-06-18, 07:15 PM
Okay, I enter the bookstore..

2009-06-19, 02:28 AM
A voice coming from the far corner of the hall booms: "Who is there? Come closer!"

Xantumal trots toward the the disembodied voice of explosions.

"Hello! I am Xamata... Xatun... Tanzam... em.. I'm Carter! Almond gave me a fancy paper of greetings."

Xantumal waves about the letter.

"I'm supposed to meet Tarjar, the Grand Vizier of All Feet."

2009-06-19, 06:19 AM
Thadeus arrives at the door before it closes, unless the fellow was gifted with superspeed, in which case he'll knock loudly.

Honestly, customer service in these parts... They don't even have anyone manning their store anymore.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-19, 09:29 AM
An elf pops up from behind the counter, and says: "Greetings, sir. Would you like some assistance?"

2009-06-19, 09:31 AM
"Look, I'm going to need some sort of explanation here. I asked for explosives, not some fellow in a box"

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-19, 09:32 AM
"Well, sir, if you would like an instructive booklet, please look in aisle eight."

2009-06-19, 09:34 AM
"Well, sir, if you would like an instructive booklet, please look in aisle eight."

"Would you please show, me, sir?" Thadeus asks, hoping to prevent yet another elf from running away.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-19, 09:36 AM
"You mean me? My name is Tamjahl. Come here, show me that letter."

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-19, 09:38 AM
"Would you please show, me, sir?" Thadeus asks, hoping to prevent yet another elf from running away.

"Why, certainly, sir!"
The elf, who seems oddly familiar, guides you to an aisle filled with booklets.
"So, you want to learn how to use KRALIN, is that correct?"

2009-06-19, 10:59 AM
"I have no idea. Your colleague was very obscure about it and ran away for no reason before I could ask him. If you'd like, I could open the box and show you?"

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-19, 11:08 AM
"I have no idea. Your colleague was very obscure about it and ran away for no reason before I could ask him. If you'd like, I could open the box and show you?"

"NO!I mean, no, sir, that's quite alright... I'll assume it is KRALIN, for safety purposes. So, here you go..."
He hands you a scroll, and then goes to arrange some books further up the aisle.

2009-06-19, 11:09 AM
...Thadeus reads the scroll.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-19, 12:01 PM
...Thadeus reads the scroll.


"Congratulations, proud owner of KRALIN (Killing, Ripping, Awesome Lacerators, Inside Neurons). You hold in your hands one of the deadliest, most destructive explosives in the world*. It has the power to destroy entire buildings at once, and is reusable. The way to make it work is simple:
1- Place KRALIN in the desired location.
2- Back up really far away.
3- Picture a peaceful scene, a meadow, perhaps with some flowers, birds trilling merrily, butterflies and rabbits frolicking about, sniffing flowers..... NOW IMAGINE A GIGANTIC BOMB DROPPING ONTO THE SCENE, KILLING THE PRISTINE NATURAL BEAUTY, DESTROYING ALL THAT MOTHER NATURE WORKED HARD TO CRAFT.
4- If you are still content with the scene in your head, KRALIN will explode with horrendous force, blowing everything in the vicinity to bits.
5- Stare in horror at the obliteration you have wreaked.
6- Collect KRALIN from the shattered debris.
7- Rinse and repeat.
*KRAIN inc. is not responsible for damages caused by gross negligence on the part of consumers. Side effects may include, but are not limited to: Spontaneous exploding, Severe headaches, Desire to rip oneself apart, Pregnancy, Diarrhea, Hatred of all things Good and Pure, and/or Weakening of the fabric of the universe. KRALIN inc. (TM) Patent pending.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-19, 12:07 PM
Okay, I enter the bookstore..

Inside, you see many shelves of books and scrolls.
"Welcome to Scrolls 'n Stuff! How can I help you?"

2009-06-19, 12:57 PM
"Hi, yes, I was looking for some sort of compendium of dangerous animals and plants around these parts? Speaking of which, did you know arsenic trioxide is readily absorbed by the digestive system: toxic effects are also well known upon inhalation or upon skin contact. Elimination is rapid at first (half-life of 1–2 days), by methylation to cacodylic acid and excretion in the urine, but a certain amount (30–40% in the case of repeated exposure) is incorporated into the bones, muscles, skin, hair and nails (all tissues rich in keratin) and eliminated over a period of weeks or months."

2009-06-19, 01:10 PM
Thadeus seems pleased and leads his little band to the meeting.

2009-06-19, 10:49 PM
"You mean me? My name is Tamjahl. Come here, show me that letter."

"So you're Tamjiil?"

Xantumal hands the letter to Tamjahl.

"I've been looking for you everywhere! Almond told me you were a giant strawberry jelly monster, so I thought you'd be easy to find. But then, when I couldn't find you Peas told me you where a jar of black jam. But Peas turned out to be a giant snake that tried to bite me. But then the giant snake turned into a man named Zucchini, and he wants me to ride scorpions out into the desert."

Xantumal taps his finger on the cleft of his chin.

"Oh! And there's Wren'craw, High Priest of Ferns, he wants to meet in the brier of lies, but there are also some red-black people who want to steal skull-scrolls from the thicket of deceit."

Xantumal smiles at Tamjahl.

"Can we eat now Tamjiil, Sand Counter of All Beach?"

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-29, 04:32 PM
"Yes, yes.... Well, there are a few biology books over there, but they are hardly light reading... And you don't strike me as the druidic type...", the book store clerk says, pointing to a shelf stuffed with extremely large books.

"It says in this letter that you have contacted the Albrightian Raiders, but this is impossible; the Albrightian Raiders have been banished recently, and my spies tell me they have established a hideout at an oasis far away from here, and have not left that spot...
They committed crimes, like thievery and trespassing, nothing too serious, but they had been warned many times, and we were forced to outlaw them. However, you seem to be honorable anyway, and I do have a situation that needs dealing with...would you be interested?"

2009-06-29, 04:53 PM
"It says in this letter that you have contacted the Albrightian Raiders, but this is impossible; the Albrightian Raiders have been banished recently, and my spies tell me they have established a hideout at an oasis far away from here, and have not left that spot...
They committed crimes, like thievery and trespassing, nothing too serious, but they had been warned many times, and we were forced to outlaw them. However, you seem to be honorable anyway, and I do have a situation that needs dealing with...would you be interested?"

(OOC: New post? New post! O.M.G New post!!1one! So rocks didn't fall? Everyone isn't died? Nifty keen jelly bean.

Also, Assuming because of colour that this part is Xantumal related.)

"What kind of a situation?"
I bet the giant strawberry jelly monsters are acting unruly again.
Stealing all the marmalade from the kitchens so that Tamjiil has to eat his morning toast dry.
I hate jelly monsters.

2009-06-30, 03:19 PM
Thadeus seems pleased and leads his little band to the meeting.
Thadeus is annoyed at how long it is taking him and his merry band of nitwits to get to the meeting.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-30, 03:21 PM
First of all, which meeting- Library or Druid?
Secondly, not everyone is ready, although the hour should be up soon...

2009-06-30, 03:23 PM
As mentioned earlier, the one in the library. And I'd say more than an hour has passed since your last post.

Rakim Avishot
2009-06-30, 03:30 PM
The library looms over you, like a cheese pretzel on a hot summer's day. Inside, you can see signs in elvish on all the bookcases...
This place is ENORMOUS!
You can see, looking up, that there are at least five floors, and they are large floors at that. The upper floors are open in the middle so the one may look down, and there are beautifully carved wooden railings at the edges so that library patrons don't slip and plummet to their demise......
This floor and the two directly above are packed from floor to ceiling with bookcases, but above that, you can't tell...
A few yards in front of you, Ren-sha is pacing worriedly...

2009-06-30, 03:37 PM
Everon makes sure he has all his things ready and nods, satisfied that everything is in order. He finds his companion with whom he'll be setting off to find one of the items. "Shall we go then? I'm ready if you are. No reason to stay in the city any longer."

2009-07-01, 10:46 AM
We'll head to "Ren-Sha".

"Hello there, you had some well-paying work for us?" Thadeus said, looking around for the scroll.

2009-07-03, 12:57 PM
'Tsk, I'm running late. I'll take this book please." Satex grabs the nearest biology book, pays the clerk, and hurries off to the library.

Rakim Avishot
2009-07-03, 01:29 PM
As Satex runs into the library, Ren-sha looks up at Thadeus' inquiry.
"There you are at last! You are 100 rounds late! Never mind, let's get down to business. Follow me to the fourth floor."
He walks through an aisle, and at the end, you see a strange, circular platform. He stands on it and says: "Come on! We don't have time to stand around."

2009-07-06, 10:40 AM
Satex follows Ren-sha into the bowels of the library.

2009-07-06, 06:53 PM
Thadeus follows, all the while on the lookout for the scroll. He asks his team to guard the entrance.

2009-07-07, 12:51 PM
Feeling rather bored, and totally unsure as to what the rest of the group is doing, Everon heads back out into the city, exploring and getting to know more about the people and the city, looking for interesting rumors to pop up. He makes sure he has an Animal Messenger ready to send to Satex or one of the others if he finds anything.

2009-07-07, 02:08 PM
Xantumal's eyes glaze over as he imagines the thrilling adventures of
Tamjiil and Xantumal: Rage Against the Evil Jellies

Last time, on R.A.E.J. our heroes where trapped by the Licorice Ooze while attempting a daring rescue of the Grape Princess.
*Visual of room slowly filling with black goo, Xantumal and Tamjiil trapped inside, cut to Grape Princess strapped to table with comically gigantic axe blade swinging back and forth above her*
With time running out for the damsel in distress, and no way out of the vile Ooze's diabolical trap, can our heroes save the day?
*Cut to trusty side kick Tadd scaling the castle walls, Tamjiils Magical Malus of Mighty Might clenched between his teeth, wind whipping about*

Rakim Avishot
2009-07-07, 04:29 PM
"You see, a band of Demon worshipers has been wreaking havoc on the city as of late. No one knows where they came from, and they are very elusive. We have very few resources to expend on this issue, as there are many more problems to deal with, so we would like you and your party to round up these hooligans and bring them to justice. There are eight in all, one from every class except monk, paladin, and wizard. They are all powerful and Evil, so I would recommend the utmost of care. Please gather your party by tonight if they agree to come with you"
Wandering around, you overhear many people conversing, mostly about mundane things.
...Did you hear about little Amtral being attacked by that scorpion? She's alright, but it's going to take a few...
...and he tried to jump the entire set, but he just wound up twisting his...
...I just saw a rogue leaping around in black and red clothes. She stole a ton of stuff from the Russos, and I tried to follow her, but she disappeared...

Who's with you?

2009-07-07, 04:33 PM
Hearing about the theft, Everon approaches the people talking about it.
"hello, I was wondering what you could tell be about this rogue? Perhaps I could be of some assistance in bringing the individual to justice."

2009-07-07, 04:41 PM
Dmitri, Xantamul and Yuri were Thadeus' team. Xantamul left, so that leaves Dmitri and Yuri, both of which he told to wait at the entrance.

2009-07-07, 05:27 PM
Xantumal agrees that hooligans of such a nature should be dealt with, and heads off to find everyone else.

Rakim Avishot
2009-07-07, 05:49 PM
But Dmitri wants to go to Zeltereich...

"Oh, hello. You're Everon right? I saw you playing with my son. Well, I saw a rogue run into my friend, Delcarn Russo's, house, and steal a bunch of valuables. She was dressed in red and black tight fitting clothes, and she looked very Evil. I reported this to the Council, and they said they were aware. If you would like to help, perhaps you could ask them."

2009-07-07, 06:20 PM
But Dmitri wants to go to Zeltereich...
Thadeus doesn't much care what Dmitri wants. As far as he's concerned, Dmitri's a whiny brat.

2009-07-07, 06:33 PM
I believe I have Jade and the snapping turtle.

2009-07-09, 06:01 PM
"So, Ren-Sha, why did you ask us to meet here? Also, Maggie Cogan was the first female horse and buggy driver in New York City's Central Park."