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View Full Version : [4th Edition] Swordmage Optimisation - Just a viewpoint

2009-06-05, 03:32 PM
Good evening, fellow adventurers, be you, Dungeon Masters or Players.

I play for quite a while now, the forth edition of Dungeons and Dragons and I just simply fell in love with the Forgotten Realms class, the Swordmage. Because the Wizard's board now has a stupid parental policy and I cannot ask for advice there, I thus come here to ask and display my thoughts on how to optimize this class for perfect damage and mobility resolution.

Alas, let us begin!

Q1. What is a Swordmage?
A1. Well, a Swordmage, as it's name suggests is an arcane spellcaster that uses a sword to deliver his powerful attacks. Also, according to FR manuals, he is a defender, that uses his arcane powers to protect, defend and otherwise keep from harm's way his party members. Now, in my vision, the Swordmage can, and in the following rows, will become a Mobile Striker as I call it.

Q2. What RACE should a Swordmage be?
A1. Digging through all the manuals, monster race, and the core ones, I come with three main suggestions:
- ELADRIN: Good Defender Swordmage, because he boosts Intelligence and Dexterity. Not much use of Dexterity there, unless you wish for a neat feat called Arcane Reach (will speak of it few rows below). It sure does cover for much needed weapon feats and if you aim towards Wizard multiclass, you might consider Eladrin Sword Wizardry.
- GENASI: Striker? Yes please! Intelligence and Strength, the main attributes for an Assaulting Swordmage, given a right boost, you cover the weapon and armor feats. Also you might consider taking a multiclass in Fighter or Ranger, not necessarily for the powers you might swap but for some neat feats and bonuses (Ranger's ability to wield a Heavy Blade with Off-Hand, for example).
- SHADAR-KAI: Considering it is a Dragon Magazine race and is still in full experiments, one might just smirk at it. I have only one feat for them: Devious Jaunt which adds your Intelligence modifier to the number of squares you teleport. AND become insubstantial until the end of your next turn. AND it is an encounter power! With the right allotment of feats, this can get dangerous.
- GITHYANKI: Best Shielding Swordmages around. Need Constitution? We have a boost. Need Initative? We have that too. You get some neat saves vs. Charm effects, you get a fly 5 squares per encounter (you or an ally) and rounded up, you can become the bacon-savior of your wizard or cleric friend!

Q3. For this build what Aegis you have in mind?
A1. Aegis of Assault. I put all my bets on battlefield mobility, thus I move around my enemies. Aegis of Ensnarement, would bring them to me and Aegis of Shielding is for true defenders. Which I intend not to become one.

Q4. Multiclass-wise, do you have any propositions?
A1. If you are to multiclass a Swordmage, my suggestion would be Wizard. You need quite an stat array to get the most of those wizard feats so I reached that a 16, 15, 13, 13, 10 ,8 is the best array to have, so you may have the weapon feats AND the wizard multiclass feats you would likely aim.

I will now take a sample Mobility Build Shadar-Kai Swordmage/Wizard and explain it. Feel free to criticize and add according to taste.


Stat array (Un-modified): 16, 15, 13, 13, 10 8
Race: Shadar-Kai
Stat array (Modified): 15, 10, 15, 18, 13, 8
-- With this array, you are from the beginning assured that you can take the plethora of feats needed to optimize this build. Though Con, is low and you are a little bit squishy, remember that you work in a party and your role is not PURE defender. You have striker elements and that is your bread and butter.
Class: Swordmage, Aegis of Assault.



Lv. 1 - Devious Jaunt (Dragon Magazine 372)
Lv. 2 - Intelligent Blademaster (FR Player's Guide)
Lv. 4 - Arcane Implement Proficiency: Dagger (Arcane Power)
Lv. 6 - Dual Implement Spellcaster (Arcane Power)
Lv. 8 - Two Weapon Fighting (PHB 1)
Lv. 10 - Weapon Focus: Heavy Blade (PHB 1)

At level 10, you might consider as flavor or even practical use one of the following feats:
Vampiric Heritage (Dragon Magazine 371)
Arcane Familiar (Arcane Power)

Lv. 1
Greenflame Blade: In case of too-many-minions battle.
Sword Burst: Your best friend, now until forever.

Flame Cyclone: Implement powers. Check the feats, then the damage.

Dance of the Sword: If your enemies can't shift into better position or make opportunity attacks, they are a sitting duck. Qwack! Qwack!

Lv. 2
Eldritch Speed: Doubles your initiative check when you most need it.
Ghost Step: Shifting into position with a Rogue or Fighter friend only means more tactical possibilities.

Lv. 3
Incendiary Sword: Swordmages, DO get fireballs. Not so cool fireballs, but fireballs nonetheless.

Lv. 5
Lingering Lightning: Three targets, ongoing damage, implement power and ranged. Why would you NOT get it?

Lv. 6
Quickling Stride: MOVE 12 squares. I think the artillery spellcasters or snipers are kind of ... doomed?

Lv. 7
Thunderclap Strike: Knock's targets around you prone. And deals enough damage to hurt. And it is implement power. And there is no save. Love it.

Lv. 9
Forceful Dismissal: Same as Thunderclap Strike only it is a Close Blast 3 and you push the targets before you knock them prone.

Lv. 10
Feywild's Grace: +2 power bonus to speed, +2 Athletics, Acrobatics and Stealth and ... IGNORE difficult terrain. Mobility: I has it!

**At levels 4 and 8 increase Intelligence and Strength, then Intelligence and Dexterity or Wisdom (whichever suits you).



Paragon Path: Anarch of Shyr
You are a Striker. Strikers do damage. End of discussion.


Lv. 11 - Learned Spellcaster - Ritual Caster - Religion Skill (Arcane Power)
Lv. 12 - Arcane Reach
Lv. 14 - Heavy Blade Opportunity
Lv. 16 - Novice Power (PHB)
Lv. 18 - Acolyte Power (PHB)
Lv. 20 - Adept Power (PHB)


Lv. 13
Fist of Force: You can push away the nasty brute that is near a squishy party member. Loose Flame Cyclone

Lv. 15
Inferno's Sword: Loose Dance of the Sword.

Lv. 16
Ironskin: Resist ALL 5. Damage reduction at it's best.

Lv. 17
Firelasher's Lunge: Can be used in place of a basic melee attack when using Aegis. Loose Thunderclap Strike

Lv. 19
Ward of Scales: Filler until you get something better.

Lv. 18: Replace Firelasher's Lunge with Thunderlance (Remember Arcane Reach? Nice!)

Lv. 19: Replace Quickling Stride with Dimension Door. (Instead of MOVE, you TELEPORT)

Lv. 20: Replace Ward of Scales with either Disintegrate or Cloudkill. (Striker's just got more damage!)

**Increase your stats, at level 14 and 18 as follows: Intelligence and Constitution, then Dexterity and Strength.

Epic Destiny: Demigod
Increases your stats, never run out of encounter powers, gains regeneration ... does this end? Nope.
Choose Intelligence and Strength for your Divine Spark.


Lv. 21: Heavy Blade Mastery (PHB) - More crits, more fun, more damage.
Lv. 22: Greater Swordmage Warding (Arcane Power) - You aren't squishy!
Lv. 24: Total Aegis (FR Player's Guide) - Remember, it is an Arcane power. It IS affected by Arcane reach.
Lv. 26: Quickened Spellcasting (Arcane Power) - Good for strategic use only.
Lv. 28: Enlarge Spell (Arcane Power) - Useful for enemies that are out of reach.
Lv. 30: Weapon Focus (Light Blade) - It adds with Dual Implement Spellcaster. More damage, I say!


Lv. 22
Eye's of the Mage - Try to get invisible, Oni!

Lv. 23
Freezing Swordburst - You can get multiple minions down, or multiple enemies immobilized. Good power. Loose Incendiary Sword.

Lv. 25
Bounding Lightning - Implement, Weapon, Ranged. Replace with Inferno Sword.

Lv. 27
Maelstrom Blade - Although it is a Close Burst, you may use Arcane Reach on it and do a good job. Replace with Freezing Swordburst.

Lv. 29
Mirrorblade Army - Boost a little the Constitution modifier and you get three shadows of you that can use your pool of powers but independent actions. Also remember that Demigods never run out of Encounter Powers. Need to say more?

**Increase Constitution and Dexterity, at level 24 and Intelligence and Strength at level 28.
**For Quickening Spellcasting, use Sword Burst.


Alas, you should look something like this:

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&DI Character Builder ======
Shadar-kai, Swordmage, Anarch of Shyr, Demigod
Swordmage Aegis: Aegis of Assault
Arcane Implement Proficiency: Arcane Implement Proficiency (Dagger)
Divine Spark: Divine Spark Strength
Divine Spark: Divine Spark Intelligence
Quickened Spellcasting: Sword Burst

Str 22, Con 14, Dex 20, Int 26, Wis 15, Cha 10.

Str 15, Con 10, Dex 13, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 8.

AC: 35 Fort: 34 Reflex: 35 Will: 31
HP: 203 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 50

Arcana +28, Athletics +26, History +28, Endurance +22, Religion +28

Acrobatics +22, Bluff +15, Diplomacy +15, Dungeoneering +17, Heal +17, Insight +17, Intimidate +15, Nature +17, Perception +17, Stealth +22, Streetwise +15, Thievery +20

Learned Spellcaster: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Devious Jaunt
Level 2: Intelligent Blademaster
Level 4: Arcane Implement Proficiency
Level 6: Dual Implement Spellcaster
Level 8: Two-Weapon Fighting
Level 10: Weapon Focus (Heavy Blade)
Level 11: Learned Spellcaster
Level 12: Arcane Reach
Level 14: Heavy Blade Opportunity
Level 16: Novice Power
Level 18: Acolyte Power
Level 20: Adept Power
Level 21: Heavy Blade Mastery
Level 22: Greater Swordmage Warding
Level 24: Total Aegis
Level 26: Quickened Spellcasting
Level 28: Arcane Mastery
Level 30: Weapon Focus (Light Blade)

Swordmage at-will 1: Greenflame Blade
Swordmage at-will 1: Sword Burst
Swordmage encounter 1: Flame Cyclone
Swordmage daily 1: Dance of the Sword
Swordmage utility 2: Eldritch Speed
Swordmage encounter 3: Incendiary Sword
Swordmage daily 5: Lingering Lightning
Swordmage utility 6: Quickling Stride (retrained to Dimension Door at Acolyte Power)
Swordmage encounter 7: Thunderclap Strike
Swordmage daily 9: Forceful Dismissal
Swordmage utility 10: Feywild Grace
Swordmage encounter 13: Fist of Force (replaces Flame Cyclone)
Swordmage daily 15: Inferno's Sword (replaces Dance of the Sword)
Swordmage utility 16: Ironskin
Swordmage encounter 17: Firelasher's Lunge (retrained to Thunderlance at Novice Power) (replaces Thunderclap Strike)
Swordmage daily 19: Ward of Scales (retrained to Disintegrate at Adept Power) (replaces Lingering Lightning)
Swordmage utility 22: Eye's of the Mage
Swordmage encounter 23: Freezing Swordburst (replaces Incendiary Sword)
Swordmage daily 25: Bounding Lightning (replaces Inferno's Sword)
Swordmage encounter 27: Maelstrom Blade (replaces Freezing Swordburst)
Swordmage daily 29: Mirrorblade Army (replaces Forceful Dismissal)
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&DI Character Builder ======


The most important aspect of this build is MOBILITY. Thus, I will choose this gear:

Armor: Feyleather Feytouched Armor +5
Weapon - Main: Mithrendain Steel Broadsword +5
Weapon - Off-Hand: Lickblade Dagger +5
Arms: Flame Bracers (epic tier)
Feet: Boots of Speed (epic tier)
Hands: Breaching Gauntlets (epic tier)
Head: Casque of Tactics (epic tier)
Neck: Mantle of Faith +5
Rings: Ring of Fey Travel and Ring of Wizardry
Waist: Belt of Vigor


I await your responses warmly and I hop I can get at last some good advices here.
Thank you.

2009-06-05, 04:22 PM
Lv. 1 - Devious Jaunt (Dragon Magazine 372)
Lv. 2 - Intelligent Blademaster (FR Player's Guide)
Lv. 4 - Arcane Implement Proficiency: Dagger (Arcane Power)
Lv. 6 - Dual Implement Spellcaster (Arcane Power)
Lv. 8 - Two Weapon Fighting (PHB 1)
Lv. 10 - Weapon Focus: Heavy Blade (PHB 1)

Why do you need the Dagger Implement Proficiency? Daggers are Light Blades. Light Blades are Implements for Swordmages. (Furthermore I guess, you'd rather use a heavy blade.)

Now, the only problem I see, is that your character will not do much damage compared to a real striker. Swordmages are actually one of the classes with the lowest damage output.

Also two weapons will limit your Swordmage Warding. One might say, you give up a class feature.

2009-06-06, 01:58 AM
A1. Indeed, Daggers are implements for Swordmages, but without this feat, that dagger won't be taken into account when using wizard powers. I know, it sounds stupid, but the Character Builder won't treat my off-hand dagger as implement for wizard arcane powers, without the feat.

A2. Remember that the build is intended for battlefield mobility and rapid striking Otherwise I wouldn't consider dual implements. Indeed I loose the best of my Warding, but that is why I have taken Greater Swordmage Warding as feat.

A3. If I would've multiclassed into Ranger, I could wield a heavy blade in off-hand. Or I can go Broadsword/Short sword combo, but still, I would loose my ability to channel effectively the wizard powers through my Swordmage implements.

2009-06-06, 05:07 AM
Why Anarch of Shyr?

I would recommend Wizard of the Spiral Tower, which you already qualify for with your heavy weapon proficiency and your wizard mc feat. You also solve multiple implement dependence, and get to use a d8 instead of a d4. Also a power that recharges everytime you hit (Considering that Reflex is usually higher than will).

2009-06-06, 08:30 AM
What was the name of that feat which combines Weapon Expertise and Implement Expertise? This build, like every Swordmage, practically requires it.

Could you explain how exactly is this character built for damage? Because I fail to see that. If you ask me, the best damage-focused Swordmage is a Thundersoul Genasi focusing on thunder powers - and even then he's firmly a defender, not a striker.

2009-06-06, 11:03 AM
As has been alluded to, I honestly think this is the first time I've seen somebody seriously describe the Swordmage as a striker. I wish you luck with this, and am interested to see the final result once everybody's advice is taken into account.

Mando Knight
2009-06-06, 11:58 AM
What was the name of that feat which combines Weapon Expertise and Implement Expertise? This build, like every Swordmage, practically requires it.

Focused Expertise, which lets you choose one weapon that you are proficient in and it will gain the expertise bonus regardless of whether it's used as a weapon or as an implement. For this build, I'd go with Wizard of the Spiral Tower and take Focused Expertise (Longsword).

Both Wizard and Swordmage powers are rather low-damage, though, and the lack of an ability that adds extra damage dice further limits its viability as a Striker. Swordmages are Defender/Controllers, and MCing Wizard only makes them more of a controller.

2009-06-06, 04:19 PM
@Mando Knight
Unfortunately, I cannot wield a Heavy Blade off-hand and even if I take Focused Expertise, it would be for my dagger. Also, a Wizard of the Spiral Tower would be a wiser choice for an Eladrin, which can take Eladrin Sword Wizardry, thus getting the d8 for weapon attacks.
The main reason for picking Arcane Implement Mastery, actually is not only to use it as Implement for Wizard's powers but to add some extra damage, via Dual Implement Spellcaster.
I will try to change the Paragon path and the feat and see the end result which I will post it after a bit of testing.

This build revolves around Implement powers. I found out that the damage numbers that add, are better than damage rolled on chance by dice. So you can have 5d10 +10 which is good, or 5d10 +22 which is better. The main idea is to have some hard damage, no matter the dice, because the dice are ... dicey!
I reiterate the idea: cannot use Heavy blades on Off-Hand. And I need a Weapon on my off-hand so I could make use of the Dual Implement Spellcaster feat.

I have also considered Wandering Swordmage and Battlemage as Paragon paths. But they are still in test, until I find some good powers to suit the Striker-esque flavor of this build. Because no matter how good as defender this class is, I believe that I can find some versatility to add some power to it.

Question: My character builder is a bit out of date, so I ask, where I can find this feat, Focused Expertise?

2009-06-06, 05:25 PM
Alas, I have found out that my Character Builder IS outdated and I don't have the new books for the new feats like Focused Expertise. Also I have changed the Paragon path of my build and I made some slight changes. Please take a look and advise.

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&DI Character Builder ======
Drakkan, level 30
Shadar-kai, Swordmage, Blood Mage, Demigod
Swordmage Aegis: Aegis of Assault
Arcane Implement Proficiency: Arcane Implement Proficiency (Dagger)
Divine Spark: Divine Spark Intelligence
Divine Spark: Divine Spark Strength

Str 22, Con 14, Dex 19, Int 26, Wis 16, Cha 10.

Str 15, Con 10, Dex 13, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 8.

AC: 47 Fort: 39 Reflex: 41 Will: 37
HP: 203 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 52

Arcana +31, Insight +23, Athletics +26, Endurance +24, Religion +28

Acrobatics +21, Bluff +15, Diplomacy +15, Dungeoneering +18, Heal +18, History +23, Intimidate +15, Nature +18, Perception +18, Stealth +21, Streetwise +15, Thievery +19

Learned Spellcaster: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Devious Jaunt
Level 2: Intelligent Blademaster
Level 4: Arcane Implement Proficiency
Level 6: Dual Implement Spellcaster
Level 8: Two-Weapon Fighting
Level 10: Two-Weapon Defense
Level 11: Learned Spellcaster
Level 12: Arcane Reach
Level 14: Heavy Blade Opportunity
Level 16: Novice Power
Level 18: Acolyte Power
Level 20: Adept Power
Level 21: Heavy Blade Mastery
Level 22: Greater Swordmage Warding
Level 24: Total Aegis
Level 26: Weapon Proficiency (Bastard sword)
Level 28: Weapon Focus (Heavy Blade)
Level 30: Weapon Focus (Light Blade)

Swordmage at-will 1: Lightning Lure
Swordmage at-will 1: Sword Burst
Swordmage encounter 1: Flame Cyclone
Swordmage daily 1: Dragon's Teeth
Swordmage utility 2: Ghost Step
Swordmage encounter 3: Incendiary Sword
Swordmage daily 5: Lingering Lightning
Swordmage utility 6: Armathor's Step (retrained to Dimension Door at Acolyte Power)
Swordmage encounter 7: Thunderclap Strike
Swordmage daily 9: Forceful Dismissal
Swordmage utility 10: Feywild Grace
Swordmage encounter 13: Fist of Force (replaces Flame Cyclone)
Swordmage daily 15: Inferno's Sword (replaces Dragon's Teeth)
Swordmage utility 16: Ironskin
Swordmage encounter 17: Thundering Vortex (retrained to Combust at Novice Power) (replaces Thunderclap Strike)
Swordmage daily 19: Ward of Scales (retrained to Disintegrate at Adept Power) (replaces Lingering Lightning)
Swordmage utility 22: Eye's of the Mage
Swordmage encounter 23: Freezing Swordburst (replaces Incendiary Sword)
Swordmage daily 25: Bounding Lightning (replaces Forceful Dismissal)
Swordmage encounter 27: Maelstrom Blade (replaces Freezing Swordburst)
Swordmage daily 29: Mirrorblade Army (replaces Inferno's Sword)

Mithrendain Steel Bastard sword +5, Luckblade Dagger +5, Feytouched Feyleather Armor +5, Breach Bracers (epic tier), Boots of Speed (epic tier), Storm Gauntlets (paragon tier), Helm of Battle (paragon tier), Cloak of Resistance +5, Star Opal Ring (epic tier), Ring of Wizardry (epic tier), Belt of Vigor (paragon tier)
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&DI Character Builder ======

Mando Knight
2009-06-06, 05:49 PM
Question: My character builder is a bit out of date, so I ask, where I can find this feat, Focused Expertise?

Dragon... 375, I believe. It'll probably be published in PHB3. If it's not in Arcane Power.

2009-06-06, 06:05 PM
You may want to consider the possibility of the Melee Training feat from PHBII, allowing you to replace your Strength with your Intelligence (or any other ability score, but you'd probably want Int) when you make a basic attack, and then dumping Str for Con. Since you're already taking Lightning Lure instead of Greenflame Blade in that second build, it shouldn't be too crippling to choose the non-Strength-dependent powers.

Mercenary Pen
2009-06-06, 06:11 PM
The Swordmage already has a class-specific feat that replaces STR with INT when making melee basic attacks- being intelligent blademaster.

2009-06-06, 06:18 PM
The Swordmage already has a class-specific feat that replaces STR with INT when making melee basic attacks- being intelligent blademaster.

Oh right, I missed that he'd taken that.

2009-06-07, 08:48 AM
I've played a few controller builds (although only at low levels) and noticed that as long as I can hit multiple enemies my total damage wasn't that far below the rest of the team.

So you might want to take advantage of the wizard multiclass by going for Enlarge Spell, and combining it with Destructive Wizardry or Eladrin Soldier to offset the damage penalty. I've yet to try it out, but a close burst 2 at will which only hits enemies (Sword Burst) seems kind of neat.

But if you're optimising for level 30 that might not make much of a difference.

2009-06-07, 12:25 PM
I am considering all tiers, here. I have posted all builds to level 30, because I like to plan ahead of time and try to be optimal for a smooth gameplay and combat.
Thus all suggestions for a separate tier is welcome. Thank you.