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2009-06-05, 04:30 PM
the year is 4358837. M38. The place, the infinite reaches of space, somewhere in the northernmost galaxy.

The Merchant of the Eye broods. Within his newly acquired fortress, the Space Hulk Shadebastion, he plots to tear the empire asunder. with his powerful young ally, The Bloody Rook, at his side, he now intends to strike a crippling blow, and reduce a verdant Agri-world to dust and ashes...

On the Planet Dopao, Colonel Leona Grey works. In their bureaucracy, the Departmento Munitorium have assigned her to command of the defences of the planet Dopao. Though she attends to her duties with dilligence and effeciency, she is about to enter the most difficult chapter of her life...

Deep in the Webway, hidden from all other races, Qrezinak the Unforgivable plots. None can know his motives or his thoughts, all is hidden behind a masque of Eldar bone...

Elsewhere, a sergeant of the Space Marines leads his squad on their unending tour of duty. Soon, he will enter into a conflict that will see him to heights of magnificence and heroism, or consume his very soul...

Still Elsewhere, an Inquisitor prepares for yet another Inspection. He does not know just what it is he will find...

In the Officer's Barracks of Dopao, Edward Telios does his duty. though displeased at the loss of his Baneblade, he has not yet begun to experience the trials the Emperor has in store for him...

2009-06-05, 08:43 PM
Nestra, Dopoa's Capital, PDF HQ


a pause "Yes, I understand that. Yes I understand that the Adeptus Mechanis is not beholden to-" she stopped as she was cut off "Yes, I understand. Ye-, yes, thank you Engineseer."

Colonel Grey put down the communicator and rested her head on the desk with a sigh. She had known that leadership was difficult, but at least as a Colonel she could avoid most of the bureaucratic nonsense.

"So, what is the news sir?" asked a man in his early forties. His close auborn hair was hidden under his officers cap. He smiled as he sat in the chair across from his commanding officer.

Grey sat straighter, her blond ponytail falling down her back. She fixed him with her almost famous piercing blue eyes "The Engineseer will be setting up new defensive emplacements at these key areas"

She pulled out a situation map that detailed the the status of the Capital of Dopoa, Nestra. Black lines and green troop formations outlined the position of soldiers and defenses. She, with the help of a good engineering corp, had turned Nestra and other strategically important places on the world into veritable strongholds. Lines of trenches, autocannons, heavy artillery emplacements...

It was a attackers worse nightmare "What about the Hydra AA emplacements" inquired Kane. He was probably her biggest help in the mapping and defense of the cities.

Together they had created a system known as the causeway. It allowed for easy internal troop movement, while making the enemy bleed for any attacks made, whether from the air, or by land. Precautions were being taken care off as charges were set at certain chokepoints in case the intricate network of tranches were compromised.

The new Tarantula emplacements were specialized anti-armor bunkers to place at logical intersections around the city. Though, it was like pulling teeth to get the necessary expertise.

Grey cracked her neck, and began to plan....

2009-06-05, 09:51 PM
Brother-Sergeant Baadradir

The five Marines thumped forward, thick armoured boots squelching in the grimy terrain. Five Marines. To assist an entire Imperial Guard regiment in it's defence of a planet. Baadradir thought it strange, but the Eye of Terror had been acting up recently and the Hammers of Thor were in the midst of a Crusade.

Ah well, it was up to the great Chapter Master Grenador for the proper deployment of thier forces. One of the Imperial chokepoints on the path from the space port to Nestra loomed ahead, he crunched off the gravel side of the street-way and onto the solid plasicrete, the stomp of his brothers' boots followed his as he proceeded through the awed troopers, the grit-worn, the vetrans, the green recruits. It was something that he had developed immunity over time, ignoring the amazed gazes.

Over time he found the quarters being used as the Regimental HQ, and pulled the sturdy steel door open with a careless effort, "Stay here." His second, a Brother Rohdar, nodded and the Marines stood two to either side of the door, hands resting on the hilts of thier swords.

He touched the locks on either side of his garrote, raising the lightning-stylized face shield to lock over his white helmet and it's red laurel. "Brother-Seargent Baadradir. I am to report to the planetary commander." He eyed the two officers leaning over the map specuatively.

2009-06-05, 10:02 PM

Grey had stopped talking as the Space Marine had entered the room and at his words she straigtened. "I am Colonel Grey, PDF commander"

She raises her right hand in greeting, which is easily recognizable as a well made cybernetic arm. She looks the Space Marine over quickly "You are the Sergeant from the Hammers of Thor, yes?"

2009-06-05, 10:23 PM
The two Black Ships silently left the Warp. Archarus watched silently, brooding in his quarters. The only member of his retinue in attendance was Alexis. The redeemed Witch was at his side at all times. She was his defense against psychic attacks, and he was her method of repenting for her sins.

"Come. I need to speak to Sister Nare."

Archarus got up, Alexis falling in behind him silently. She rarely spoke. Archarus preferred it that way. Her purpose was not to speak. Her purpose was to contemplate her crimes and sins, and suffer for them. Darris was waiting outside, like always. Archarus trusted Darris, as much as an Ordo Hereticus Inquistor trusted anyone. He asked no questions, disagreed with no orders, and simply sought to protect Archarus. If the Imperial Guard had been crafted entirely of men like him, the Imperium would have put down all threats long ago.

But that is a worry for another day.

Archarus walked through the halls quietly. The Crew of the Black Ship was used to presence of Inquistors. They gave them deference, and left them alone. They had seperate purposes. Archarus did not believe them above heresy of course, but they were less to be suspected then most men. Their duty culled the weak from their ranks quickly. Archarus quickly found himself at the Quarters that had been assigned to the Sisters. He signaled his intent to enter, and the door immedietely opened. Both Sister's appeared to have been praying, something Archarus approved of.

"Sister Nare, how long until we are in Orbit around Dopoa?"

The taller and thinner of the Sisters appeared to think for only a moment, before responding.

"It should be, at most, an hour, Inquistor."

Archarus nodded.

"Come then. We shall make the Aquila ready for landing. The Sisters of Battle will remain in the Ships, unless they are needed."

Archarus nodded at Darris. Among his many skills, the man was a competent pilot. He could be trusted to deliver them safely.


Archarus entered the PDF Headquarters, smiling at the reaction of the men. Some of the watching Veteran's chuckled. He to, drew the awe that Space Marines had. But above that, there was fear. Of course, the Veteran's themselves felt it as well. Inquistors were powerful allies, but they could turn at a moment's notice. His retinue followed behind him. Alexis was ignored, though if they could have seen her as she once was, they would have fled in terror. The Sister's were curiosities, nothing more. They didn't wear the Power Armor of the Orders Militant. Darris just nodded.

But I am the man to be feared.

He saw the Space Marine's guarding the door with a smile. He didn't know their chapter at a glance, but the presence of the Adeptus Astares was a pleasant suprise.

"Good day, Marines."

Archarus opened the door as well, motioning that his retinue should follow him.

"I am Inquistor Archarus Vroth. I need to speak to the commander of the Planetary Defense Forces here on Dopoa."

2009-06-05, 10:43 PM
Major Kane glanced at the door, then chuckled "It seems that you are getting mighty popular around her Colonel"

"Shut up Kane, thats an order"

"Yes sir"

Colonel Grey looks over "I am Colonel Leona Grey, PDF commander" she gestured at the space marine "I was just greeting the good sergeant here"
She sat at her chair, then stared at the newcomer with a tad of interest "You were one of the ones at Lyn IV weren't you?"

She glances at Kane who simply nods and leaves.

2009-06-05, 10:58 PM
Archarus turned his gaze on Kane. If Kane hadn't been ordered to leave, he might have requested it. Few liked to be stared at by an Inquistor. However, Grey's comment forced him to turn his attention back to her. Her name and face clicked.

"Yes I was. I was assigned along with another Inquistor from Ordo Xenos to that situation."

Archarus turned to the Space Marine Sargeant, and inclined his head slightly.

"As you may not know, I am Archarus Vroth, from Ordo Hereticus. I've been briefed on the situation."

Archarus turned back to Grey, remembering what he could of the woman. He wasn't sure how she had managed to find herself in command of the PDF forces of some backwater, but it was for the best now.

"What preperations have you made?"

Arq Kujos
2009-06-06, 07:17 AM
Nestra, Dopoa's Capital, Officers' Quarters

It had been a long a difficult trip to Dopoa. Colonel Edward Telious had brought what was left of regiment, The 127th Quienos, also known as "The Sons of Thunder". They were providing support for a Space Marine assault against a world on the brink of falling to chaos with 7 other regiments when they received new orders to assist at Dopoa.

Edward did not like going into these backwater planets very much. They reminded him of his own planet, a small moon that circled Quienos called Whith. Whith, along with two other moons, was destroyed by the forces of Chaos. Before his forces had even left for Dopoa he had already made his voe that he would not let it happen again.

His men had arrived one week before the others, and most of his men were out supervising the Planetary Defense Forces and helping prepare the defenses. Edward had just finished the process of trying to order a replacement for his destroyed Baneblade Super Heavy, "Thor's Ire". Whether or not his request would be granted, or if it even got through to Mars would take some time. He allowed himself to slouch for a moment, and rubbed his eyes.

Then, a knock came at the door. Without moving, Edward said "Enter." The door creaked open to reveal a young woman wearing a flowing green robe with hood and carrying a long staff topped the symbol of the Emperor atop an eye, the symbol for a Sanctioned Psyker. "Sir," she said in a quiet voice, "Sir, it is time we go."

2009-06-06, 07:29 AM
Qrezinak The Unforgivable

Sitting on his stunningly crafted Wraithbone throne, Qrezinak pondered the human world that glittered like a gem before him. His ships took on the appearance and broadcasted the signals of mere merchants at the edge of the sector. They would attract no more attention than a meteor going well past the planet.

The world below was beautiful, in it's own way, but his true prize was not the world itself. Other beings may conquer and claim, but Qrezinak sought the souls of the Mon-Keigh that infested this gem of a world, like an infestation of Rats. It was to be their fate to sell their souls to She-Who-Thirsts to buy his own. Of course, that wasn't necessarily his ONLY goal here...

2009-06-06, 08:34 AM
"Ah, straight to the point" she gestures for the two to come closer and displays two maps, one of Nestra and another of the planet in general. She begins to describe the preparations made, especially the importance of the causway systems in the cities.

She looked at the two "We have three main objectives if attacked, one is to make sure that the food produced by this planet is not accessible to the enemy, but only to our troops, two is to protect the promethium stockpiles here and here" she points to two heavily defended areas " and third is to hold these cities as bastions until we receive reinforcements."

She goes into as much detail as she can of the defensive works. "I know that I have no jurisdiction over the Adeptus Asartus or the Ordo Herectus but I hope that we will be able to cooperate"

Arq Kujos
2009-06-06, 10:04 AM
Together, Edward and the woman walked down a long, poorly lit hallway. She was Fiona Taylor, a woman of special talents. She was tall for a woman, and her robes were long. She leaned slightly on her staff, though, making her seem shorter than she was. She preferred to keep her hair short, hanging right above her shoulders. Fiona was a psyker, and a powerful one at that. She normally served as Edward defense against other psykers, but she also helped advise him on more dangerous battlefields.

Edward was wearing his officer's uniform and a traditional officer's hat. His sword and pistol hung loosely at his sides, and a few medals hung from his chest, including a Medallion Crimson and Macharian Cross. He earned both while serving as a storm trooper commander for his previous CO.

The pair walked slowly, at the pace of the psyker. When they arrived at Colonel Grey's office, he could hear a meeting going on. With a quick salute, he and his advisor walked into Colonel Grey's office.

"Forgive me for my tardiness ma'am." He said with a salute. Then, taking a moment to scan the room, he noticed both the Inquisitor and the Space Marine. "Colonel Edward Telios and Major Fiona Taylor, reporting for duty." He saluted the Space Marine respectfully, and then saluted the Inquisitor.

Edward was not a fan of Inquisitors, though that did not seem to be a very rare opinion among Imperial officers. "I was hoping we could go over the plans for placing my storm troopers, but if this is a bad time ma'am, I can come back later."

2009-06-06, 10:38 AM
Colonel Grey looks up and almost sighs, but she recovers and simply nods "No, we were just going over the disposition of troops anyway"

She points to the Nestra map "Your troops Colonel will be stationed here, protecting the warehouse district near the shuttle field, in case of a need for rapid redeployment. You will be assisting the 32nd Dopoa regulars in protecting the manufactoriums and Promethium stockpiles that we can't move"

Arq Kujos
2009-06-06, 11:05 AM
Also, I'd like to report that I am keeping a squad of my best drop troopers ready in orbit to attack any enemy positions that make it to the planet. Along with my men, I have two drop pods modified with heavy weapons inside of them to help clear the area. He turned to Fiona and she nodded.

2009-06-06, 02:45 PM
The Space Hulk blew into realspace like a boulder into a pond.
"So that's Dopao..."
Mercutio was pleased.
"Alright, beach the hulk. we'll get to our objective quicker, and if the point defenses survive we can use them to set up our beachead. Fire the missles at the planet surface, I dont care where. I want this planet in a shambles, and I want it that way immediately."

Yes, My lord. Cicero replied. He was Mercutio's Sorcerer, Adjutant, second in command, and right hand. Course set for one click south of Gavisport. Generating missle trajectories... Cicero had written the Algorithm himself, and was very proud of it. Missles away. two hundred and eighty-seven seconds to landing...


The missles were the first shots fired in the battle of Dopao. the first casualties were a team of gardeners in an orchard. A Missle screamed out from the heavens like a dying beast, impacting on the surface of the planet with a deafening explosion. The shockwave pulverized the gardeners, shattered the trees and smashed the transit station, the gardener's quarters, and the warehouse where the harvest waited to be sent across the continent to ships that would take it to a dozen worlds the Imperium over. The price of Delnan Pears would rise considerably all over the Segmentum Obscurus in the following months.

2009-06-06, 03:52 PM
Archarus looked at Grey and smiled. Unsuprisingly, this didn't make him look any kinder. In fact, it might have been more dangerous of a look then the angriest grimace.

"I have a disposition of troops from the Adeptas Sororitas with me, along with a few attached Squads of Guard. They are in orbit. They will remain there for now. If the situation requires, they will land."

Archarus nodded, and smiled slightly wider as he continued.

"For now, let us see if we cannot prevent there from being fighting on the Surface at all. Does this world possess any Orbital Defenses at all?"

2009-06-06, 05:17 PM
"No, I-"

Suddenly the room filled with the sound of ringing and throughout the building monitors went off. Quickly Grey picked up her phone "What is the meaning off" her face paled "What!? Gavenport you say? Damn it where is the fleet"

She slammed down the phone "Gentlemen, a Space Hulk has jumped into orbit and begun to fire on the surface. Their first barrage seems to be hitting the Agri-city of Gavensport. It sounds like their will be a battle here after all"

She turns to her fellow Colonel "Have your drop troopers on standby, they may be needed for a counterattack" she turns to the Space Marine "How fast can you you be ready to fly to a town called Shoenburg. It is a hour flight from here, but it is within quick attack range of Gavensport if they decide to land their"

She turns to the Inquisitor "You may do as you wish, but I would appreciate it if your ship can give me any information on the Space Hulk"

She then turns and begins to call and plan, setting red alert immediate mobilization of all forces, and to try to get in contact with any of the nearby Imperial Ships.

2009-06-06, 05:51 PM
She turns to her fellow Colonel "Have your drop troopers on standby, they may be needed for a counterattack" she turns to the Space Marine "How fast can you you be ready to fly to a town called Shoenburg. It is a hour flight from here, but it is within quick attack range of Gavensport if they decide to land their"

"We are always ready to grant the Emporer's Justice." The face-plate snapped shut over his face. His head looked away a fraction, "Do you have a dropship?"

He thumped out the door without awaiting an anwser, "Battle brothers! The grand enemy is soon to be upon us. We shall meet them upon the field, and engage them first, before thier corrupting presense has an ill-effect on the Guardsmen."
He clicked the vox, "Where is the pick-up site, Colonel?'

2009-06-06, 06:16 PM
"One of my Valkyries will take you, I'll contact him on your way to Shuttleport three"

2009-06-06, 06:23 PM
The Inquistor nodded, removing his Vox and speaking to the two ships in orbit. He told the Sisters to scamble to their Landers, and then spoke to the Vessel's Captains.

"The Sister's will be able to touch down before the Hulk manages to, hopefully. As for the Hulk itself, it is as expected. A fused together lump of different ships. It appears to have controlled motion, an unusual, but not unprecented quality. We can't tell much about it from this range, beyond it's heading, which confirms the area around Gavisport, unless it elects to change heading. The two ships in orbit will not be able to destroy it alone."

The Inquistor sighed.

"I shall go as well. It is likely they will have more then just arms to face your men. I can aide against those."

2009-06-06, 06:42 PM
"Excellent, I will remain here in case something unexpected occurs, The capitol must be defended" she sits at her desk and picks up her communicator "Good luck, and good hunting"

2009-06-06, 07:14 PM
The five Marines gathered at the Valkyrie, filing into it and standing packed together, thier jumppacks not allowing them to sit, and the low cieling had them crouching.

Baadradir banged on the side of the airship, and activated his vox, "Go. We must engage them first." The vox snapped off, "My brothers, soon we shall engage them most foul enemy. We have faced the Xenos Tau, and the ancient Necrons, but we are the Emporer's Fist, the Tip of His Sword, and as we did not falter against the pathetic alien, so shall we defeat the traitor and heretic, we shall smash thier bodies, and show them the truth of thier despicable souls, for we are..." "The Hammers of Thor!" Thier fists smashed against the ceramite chest plates in unison.

2009-06-06, 07:21 PM
Lietenut Kyle Havers looked in awe for a second at the space marines, before he shook his head. He had a job to do for his Colonel, and he knew he was the best. He would get the marines in and out as best he can.

"For the Emperor"

2009-06-07, 06:48 AM
Qrezinak the Unforgivable

Behind his mask, his face was unreadable. Many would think he was smiling, cruelly, as many of his kind are wont to do in such situations. They would be wrong, of course, but in spirit they were not far off the mark. Flipping closed an ancient time-piece built by Mon-Keigh hands, Qrezinak's mind whispered to his crew. He knew they thought his little curio odd, but he thought it deliciously ironic in it's own way.

Storing the pocket watch in a pocket of his suit, his mind-voice echoed eerily as though he were speaking in a cavern. "Right in schedule. Take us to the far side of the world from that great Hulk. Our work, begins." The order was out, and was being relayed to their escorts even as the mind-voice finished ringing in the minds of his followers, and the three "Merchants" powered off far from the Chaos Hulk.

2009-06-07, 07:01 AM
The Inquisitor nodded at Colonel Grey. He smiled, and motioned with his hand, his Servo Skull drifting over toward the woman. His smile didn't waver.

"My Servo-Skull will remain here, Colonel. If you aren't familiar with them, it is essentially me. Everything it sees and hears, I see and hear. I can speak through it as well. This way, I can remain in contact with you."

And observe the command. Heresy abounds. If it has taken root here, I shall find it and destroy it.

With that, Archarus turned to Darris, motioning outward. His retinue quickly boarded the Aquila Lander, Darris opening communications with Haver's Valkyrie.

"Guard Valkyrie, this is Guardsman Darris, currently attached to Inquisitor Vroth. We will follow you to the combat zone."

In the meantime, the Servo Skull bobbed rather ghoulishly just over Colonel Grey's shoulder, doing and saying nothing.

2009-06-07, 07:17 AM
Colonel Grey simply nodded, her face blank.

I hate it when I am being watched...

Lieutenant Havers heard and nodded, hitting the comm "Rodger that"

Arq Kujos
2009-06-07, 01:24 PM
After receiving orders from Colonel Grey, Edward and Fiona made there way out her office and back to his quarters. "If there is going to be battle, those marines are going to need aid. Have our storm troopers on alert. I need to contact Admiral Canas. I need to know where he is and where my drop troopers are." When they reached the officer's quarters, Edward went to his locker and threw it open. Inside was his personal battle gear, including his hellpistol, a suit of Heavy Carapace armor, and a few frag grenades. He removed his laspistol and placed it in his case. "Go and make sure Marcus is ready. I need to get my real uniform on."

5 minutes later, Edward was dressed for battle. A knock came on his door as he adjusted his his helmet. He removed his helmet and said "Enter." The door opened to reveal Fiona standing next to a man in similar armor with a shotgun on his back. "Sir, we're ready to go. A Valkyrie is waiting for us on the transport pad. Edward smiled cruelly, excited about the battle to come. "Go. I'll contact Colonel Grey and let her know of our plans." As the two left, Edward walked to a wall communicator and dialed the Colonel. "Ma'am, I'm going to take personal command over my men. They are all ready to go, so just point us in the right direction and let us do what we do best." He ended the call and meet his team on the landing strip. "Let's go." he said, boarding the Valkyrie.

2009-06-07, 02:04 PM
Grey nodded and said "Head to the Gavisport city hall, its near their 3rd shuttleport. From their be on call for further orders or be able to respond to any crisis that occurs. Stay frosty out their Colonel"

2009-06-07, 10:53 PM
Mercutio could barely contain his emotions. In fact, he was a hairsbreath away from breaking into inconherent hooting and shouting like some brain-dead Ork. Flaming blasts from the planet's surface flew up to intercept the hulk, blasting into it with incredible force. it didnt do the imperials any good. the hulk plummeted out of the sky like a torpedo, unstoppable. even though the hulk fell more slowly than a drop pod, it was a great deal bigger, and when it hit the imperial line, it hit a great deal harder. the shockwave sent guardsmen all around for a mile tumbling down to the ground. the ones standing nearest did not have time to lament the loss of their hearing as their bodies were broken by the sheer force of the impact.

seconds later, Dagon was unleashed.

the bloodthirsty young champion and his retinue burst from a top hatch with a roaring prayer to the blood god. they flew through the air on their jetpacks, roaring praise to knorne and firing their pistols at random. the imperials scrambled to try to contain the Gore-Crows, but luck was with Dagon, or perhaps the bloody rook was not so far descended into mad idiocy as he seemed. the Rook slashed through the Planetary Defense Troopers like straw mannikins, and left them dead on the ground. The imperials scuttled and dashed to and fro to try and contain the warriors, but they could not match the speed and mobility of their jet-packs as the gore-crows killed their way south.

Mercutio did not care. Dagon was a pawn, a distraction. Mercutio himself led the Rogue Angels and Servants of the Rogue through a hatch at ground level. Cicero was at his side, sword out and blazing. with carefully controlled bursts, the Chaos Space Marines eliminated the few stragglers who tried to reman their posts at the gun nests. moving swiftly, they struck out to the north, slaughtering the scattered PDF troopers. Mercutio's forces had prepared specifically for this march for months, and it had paid off. they moved with murderous efficiency, cutting a swathe of death to Gavisport.

It's working too well. we haven't had our snag yet. there's always at least one, and the later the bigger. I just hope it's not the Dark Eldar or something. the last thing I need is complications.

2009-06-07, 11:01 PM
Baadradir slammed his fist against the bulkhead, distorting the metal as he cursed floridly, vox chatter coming in a wave of voices yelling over one another. He cut them all, switching to a private short-wave channel to the pilot, "Bring us around, above those heretic jump-troops. Don't bother trying to land, we can make the final descent ourselves."

"The Emperor sees all from his Holy Throne on Terra, and even now he judges us, the Strength of men, thier faith and will, and to fight in his name is to spit in the eye of thier false and dark gods, thier daemons and heresies. To fall now, in battle, is not something to mourn. For we shall join Him in the Final Battle, where we shall vanquish the Grand Enemy. For you are the men and women of His Imperium, and you shall find your place with him." His brothers gave a solemn salute, and he leaned out the opening hatch, looking at the ground far below. "On my mark, jump."


2009-06-07, 11:16 PM
Archarus looked at the Battle ground, spotting the Sister's Landing on the Eastern Edge.

"Darris, take us there. We will bring the Sister's into the north, and deal with the ones cutting their way out.

Archarus smiled grimly as the Aquila touched down. The Sister's light units were touching down first. The others would be along shortly. Archarus quickly unloaded, Darris instructing the Aquila to return to it's ship of Origin as Archarus and his retinue filedout. He faced the Sister's smiling widely.


With that the Sisters charged into the Path of the Chaos Marines. Archarus hung back, preparing his own place. In a rolling Voice, he began to speak quotes from the Liber Doctrina, focusing all his power on forcing the Chaos Troops to break and flee. He doubted he could force them all to break, but the Charge of the Sisters, and a few breaking in the right places would force the Chaos Marines to engage them directly.

2009-06-08, 05:38 AM
Grey analyzed the Space Hulk with cold eyes. It had landed, and then the Chaos warriors began to spill from it and began massacring her troops. She looked at her latest Situation map, the Space Marines had jumped out to engage the enemy assault troops while the Sisters engaged the larger land force.

With a few quick phone calls she ordered the 2nd Dopoa Armored Unit to assist the Sisters and the 5th Dopoan Regulars to assist the Battle brothers. The 5th had a good amount of sharpshooters and she was hoping they could manage to pick some of the corrupted marines off.

She then ordered the Gavo 3rd Fast Strike force to make their way to the city in a ateempt to prevent this from turning into a complete bloodbath.

2009-06-09, 11:24 AM
Dagon had run up against a hard place. The loyalist Space Marines had caught them, and now they couldnt' escape. the loyalists were outnumbered, but whether by luck or by whim of the gods, the Gore-Crows could not break them. This was partly thanks to the loyalist sargeant, who had engaged Dagon Idar in a duel. Dagon's claws were faster and more precise than the Imperial's hammer, but he couldnt effectively block for fear of snapping his claws, and the Imperial had the advantage of reach. He used this advantage to great effect, keeping the Bloody Rook at arm's length. Dagon, on the other hand, was becoming frustrated. Mercutio had used him as another man uses a grenade; cast it at your foe and forget about it. Dagon wouldn't stand for it. He fully intended to survive, and come back to rub the Rogue's face in it.


Mercutio cut down a PDF trooper with a single precise shot from his bolter. Some damnable psyker had come to the battlefield, bringing irritating quotes and waves of despair and panic to bear on his troops.
Cicero, Counter that psyker! I don't care what you have to do, but stop that damnable yammering!
Cicero's helm was ornate, stolen from a Sorceror of the Thousand Sons millenia past. It gave no hint of the Sorceror's expression.
Of course, my lord.
Cicero's method was uncharacteristically direct; he raised his sword above his head and, murmuring a word of power, swept it downward, spewing a wave of daemonic flames at the psyker. He then raised his pistol and proceeded to shoot at the psyker.
Mercutio didn't wait to see the outcome of his vassal's efforts.
To me, Brothers! Mercutio led the Rogue Angels, his Brothers since before the Horus Heresy, forward, into the midst of the Sisters. Power swords and electro-maces crackled into life, blowing through the power armour of the seraphim like wet paper. Mercutio himself seized one of the sisters by the leg, crunching it into a gory mess in a fraction of a second. He backhanded another sister who charged him with pistols ready to strike, smashing through her body and armour to pierce her jet pack.

Mercutio's armour robbed the explosion of its killing power, so that he merely tottered backward for a second.

2009-06-09, 01:01 PM
A battle brother fell, being pushed by a chaos marine. Before the blood-crazed warrior could finish the momentarily stunned Space Marine a las bolt hit him in the shoulder.

He laughed and turned to see, nothing. Two more blasts came from the surrouding buildings one bouncing of his rune encrusted battle armor, the other entering the eye socket of the twisted servant of Chaos.

Corporal Jonas Duran, of the Dopoan 5th grinned and took aim again, he and his fellow guardsmen giving their allies aid through sniper fire.

On the other side of the battle, the Lemonrusses and Chimeras of the 2nd armor came roaring up. It was relativly small, but it was still an armored unit. They hoped to smash the Rogue where he stood.

I hope this is fine, because I ordered them into them into the fray. If not, then you can always tell me to repost

2009-06-09, 02:10 PM
With a roar, he took the next sweep of the blazing claws across the meteoric iron pommel of his hammer, letting it blaze shiny gouges along it, then snapping the end into the traitor's face, stepping into the move and following with a headbutt that shattered the enemy's nose in a burst of blackened, bubbling blood. "FOR THE EMPEROR!" He rumbled in a deep bass, making a full offhand sweep to keep the other Raptors from encircling him, firing his plasma pistol at one who dared stray too close.

The hum of power sword meeting power sword, the hiss of ancient machine spirits feuding as the loyalist Marines duelled thier dark brethern. One of his Battlebrothers, Thalois, was fighting for his life, missing his left arm from just below the shoulder. His jump-pack flared to life, and he effectively tackled the madman he was fighting, the two caught in a steel embrace, flying across the battlefield before skipping off the mud, and slamming headfirst into the plasticrete wall of a trench. There was a sickening crunch.

2009-06-09, 02:17 PM
Medical officer Hun's face fell as he saw the marine slam into the plasticret wall and made a decision. He jumped up out of the trench, much to his collegues displeasure and ran full tilt across the battle field.

He reached the fallen marine with only a couple burns and he kneeled down to try to pull him from the wall. It took some tugging but he finally did. The helmet was broken and smashed and he pulled it off gingeraly, grimacing as he saw the wreck of the man's face.

Miraculousy he felt a pulse and began to apply morphia and try to stop the stump from bleeding.

Bolter rounds chittered over his head, but Hun didn't care. He would help the Emperor's finest one way or another.

2009-06-09, 03:03 PM
Qrezinak the Unforgivable

This was just the sort of distraction Dark Eldar loved. Chaos and mayhem were being sown by the Hulks descent. Even now, landers were flying down into the atmosphere, appearing as freighters and transports, no doubt taking the last merchandise or ferrying civilians away from the world, or so anyone would think if they saw the ships on their sensors.

However, in truth it was Qrezinaks army, beginning their landing procedures. Had they time, one might wonder why these transports were landing outside the population centers, instead of heading straight for the spaceports. Much to Qrezinaks unrepresented delight however, few if any had time for such considerations, and those who did no doubt put such trivial questions out of their minds in light of the great threat assailing them.

Arq Kujos
2009-06-09, 07:13 PM
Edward reached Gavisport with little trouble. His forces, trained and ready for battle, had already set up Hydra anti-air guns, loaned from the PDF, and their tanks in a perimeter around the area of the city. According to recent reports, Chaos Space Marines were tearing through Imperial forces in what seemed to be a desperate attempt to get to Gavisport. Edward knew better though, and he was prepared. If the enemy wanted this city, they would have to pry it from Edward's cold, dead hands.

After a quick call to Admiral Canas, Edward confirmed that his drop troops were in place. His storm troopers had already fortified the land in front of Gavisport with trenches and mines. Mortar placements meant that anyone approaching by land would be blow of the face of the planet, and anti-air craft guns and tanks rounds would do the same to those attacking by air.

His own personal team, "The Lightning Chasers", were double checking their Hotshot Lasguns and resecuring their grenades when Edward walked in. Nicknamed for their tendency to chase down foes to extremes, each of these men had served under different commanders as storm troopers before Edward picked them up. They carried mostly standard weaponry for storm troopers, like Hotshot Lasguns and Grenade Launchers. One carried a Plasma Cannon for emergencies, but overall, the team was ready for anything.

"When the enemy hits us, we will return the favor, hard and fast." Edward had his team standing around a map of the area as he gave out battle plans. "If what is happening to the Inquistior's forces is any indication of what we are in for, then you might want to prepare yourselves to meet the Emperor. The enemy is strong, fast, and utterly unafraid to die. Let's show them why they should be afraid." With that, his team left the conference room and took their places.

2009-06-09, 07:35 PM
Archarus didn't even blink at the Daemonic Flames, knowing what would happen. Just as they came near him, the flames swirled, caught in scared wards, and funneled straight at the bent form of the woman beside him, Alexis' head snapping back, and giving a cry, before collapsing in pained shock. The Pistol Attack rang off his Shield, the Inquistor's smile only growing wider.

"Sister Pellart, see to her. If she'll live, do what you can to get her back on her feet. It would be best to have her ready to protect us against the next attack. If not, kill her. She will filled her purpose."

Archarus turned back, beginning his litany once more, pounding at the Morale of the Chaos Marines. The Sisters were strong, and well armed, but the Chaos Marines were stronger yet.

But even if we all die, we will do it fighting against chaos.


The Sisters did not quail before the fury of the Assualt. Each one who died, did so in their service of the Emperor. What more could be asked? Their fiath gave the strength to resist, and the refused to break, their flamers, and Boltguns meeting the Charge.

2009-06-09, 07:39 PM
Thaolis, his eyes full of blood reached with one massive, searching hand, making a mess of the medical case until his hand closed on a thin instrument, and with a buzz he turned the little bonesaw on, and jammed it into the Chaos Marine's neck that was trapped under him in the dirt.

"The... Emperor... Protects." Then the world faded for him, turning to soft shades of grey as his eyes rolled back and he collapsed into unconciousness.

2009-06-09, 09:59 PM
Hun stared in awe at the Space Marine, he hadn't even thought that the Chaos worshiper might be alve. With a prayer to the Emperor, he shook his head and took back the saw, though it was now damaged beyond all repair.


Colonel Grey was neck deep in reports and tactical maps as the odd call came in. It documented strange transport movements. She almost laughed and set it aside when she heisetated. A similar occurance had happened back on Lyn IV. Traitors in league with the Genestealers had piloted their ships past Planetary defenses, then created havok behind Imperial lines.

She checked her rosters. The 102nd Dopoan Homeguards were stationed in the area, and she sent them an order to investigate any ships. She shrugged and turned back to her other work. Those men were under trained, but if there was something wrong, better safe then sorry.

2009-06-10, 02:51 PM
Qrezinak the Unforgivable

It was a singularly unfortunate event, that one would actually happen to check and affirm the odd landing patterns. However, it was not, as one might assume, unfortunate for Qrezinaks forces. For, even at close ranges the Dark Eldar Shadow Technology successfully cast the illusion of an Imperial Transport. Perhaps, if the Dark Eldar had had time to attack and raid at their pleasure, the eventual Imperial response would have taken into account at the least the presence of positive hostile forces.

As it turned out, the Dapoan Homeguard that came to secure the area were informed only of suspicious Imperial Landers. Thus, it came as a considerable and fatal surprise, when advanced Xenos weaponry well beyond the construction of such a simple transportation craft lanced outward from the ships.

The attackers had waited until the Dapoan Homeguard were committed enough that retreat would well be fatal, and had attacked swiftly so as to enforce the need for fear. As the forces of the 102nd Dapoan Homeguard crested a hill leading to the landing craft, and began to fully embark on the other side of the hilly region, spears of darkly colored energies began to rip through their ranks. The blasts were lightning quick and unpredictable, striking at targets of opportunity seemingly at random.

The weaponry sowed chaos wherever it could, separating and disorganizing the troops and vehicles of the Homeguard. As the blasts continued to rake through the troopers, their lethal cargo was deployed. By now, the landers had lost any sense of their former illusion. Where once bulky freighter-transports had belched steam and fire in their groaning efforts to land, now huge spiked edifices hovered gracefully above the ground, monuments to cruelty and sophisticated barbarism, the artfully crafted murder-ships had the hateful edged, and yet gracefully curved look of all Dark Eldar works.

From their bellies dropped skimmer-craft, each containing a number of Dark Eldar troops with a gun mounted on the front. Beside them, similar craft but more heavily armored with larger guns dropped as well. These vehicles streaked toward the confused Imperial lines, they moved with far greater speed than one would think possible. In mere moments, they were streaking among the Imperial lines, shrieking whoops of the Dark Eldar could be heard. Each vehicle blasted all they could see, troopers opening fire at will. The gunmen on the vehicles targeted clustered targets, and the armored ones danced around what vehicles the Homeguard had, raking them with devastating energy blasts.

And so it was that the forces of Qrezinak the Unforgivable, Dread Archon of the Kabal of the Bloody Depths entered the fray.

(I hope you don't mind me sorta ripping apart your guys. As a note, I'm not saying they're all dead or that most of them were slaughtered or anything, they're just getting hit hard. I sort of noticed I don't have all that many guys compared to everyone else :smalltongue:)

2009-06-10, 03:39 PM
(No worries, that is why I sent a Homeguard instead of real troops, wanted to get you in the action faster)

Corporal Jacob Thom screamed as the Dark Eldar weaponry fired over his head. Within minutes his squad had been cut down and the rest of the 102nd were in dire straights. He zig-zagged through ruined Chimera's and Sentinels.

"Hey, Thom, get your a** over here" waved Sergeant Foron.

Thom smiled and dove behind the burning transport "Good to see you sarge, I thought the Xenos got you"
A man wearing a lietenut's uniform cut off any further pleasentries "Did any of you see what happened to the Colonel?"

"Winters has gone to the Emperor" said a young woman, an engineer named Halee Loruna "He went down in the barrage from the Xenos craft"
"Alright we have to get news back to Commander Grey, anyone have a vox?" Lietenut Ricards looked around and sighed at the men who all shook their heads no "Alright, then we need a plan"

"What about the Command Chimera" Thom said "It should have a communications relay, but it might need some time to repair... I saw the transport get hit"
Halee looked up "I can do that"

Richards looked and then nodded "Alright" he drew is powersword and looked at the others "We have to buy her time then"

He looked to Thom "Guard her with your life" As Thom nodded the others turned and left.

The Dark Eldar may be vaguely suprised to see that the humans were not only fighting, but making a counter attack. It is foolish, almost suicidal, but come the humans did.

Richards waved the sword above his head while hoisting the regimental colours "To me 102nd! Lets make these Xenos bastards pay!"

2009-06-15, 06:11 PM
OOC: sorry about my abscence, fighting a cold. I have an appointment to keep soon, so I'll update this with Dagon and Cicero's actions probably tomorrow afternoon.

Mercutio looked at the tank. it was huge, it was heavily armed, it was one of two contenders for the enviable title of the finest tank in the Imperium, and it was headed straight for him.


Mercutio did not flinch. He merely racked the arming slide on his underslung melta, aimed carefully, and waited. the tank was moving at full speed, giving Mercutio cause to thank the dark gods that the battlecannon mounted on top was not shooting at him. It was obviously attempting to run him down.

When the tank was mere metres away from him, Mercutio fired.

The combi-melta hummed, and a ray of beyond murderous heat blazed forth, tunneling through the tank's formidable front armor and on to the core of the tank. Fire spurted from every opening in the great vehicle, but it did not explode outright. the tank continued to slide toward Mercutio, but his shot had robbed it of most of its momentum. Because of this, Mercutio was able to stop the smoking hulk of the Leman Russ completely by the simple expedient of a haymaker to its conveniently raised dozer blade. Mercutio slid back a foot to the massive inertia of the thing even so, but he had done it. He had single-handedly destroyed a Leman Russ tank.

Mercutio stood up straight and glanced about. The Rogue Angels were also assaulting the tanks, utilizing combi-weapons, power fists, and one chainfist to deadly effect. the Leman Russes were being swiftly torn apart, but the Chimeras had begun to disgorge masses of soldiers, who charged Mercutio's forces with lasguns blazing.

Damn. we're stagnating. I can't afford that! We have to get to the hive or we've got no hope of fighting them in small enough increments to survive!

behind his helmet, Cicero scowled. The Imperial psyker was protected by formidable wards, and his mundane marksmanship was very subpar this morning for some reason. shaking his head as if to clear it of water, he stabbed his sword into the ground and took aim two-handed. sighting carefully down the engraved sight, Cicero squeezed off a smooth double-tap.
DIE, you spineless pet, die.


Dagon was bleeding from the mouth and nose, his squad had stagnated, and his men were being slaughtered at an alarming rate.
" Disengage! we'll backtrack to Mercutio and make a stand with him! I'm not dying on this miserable backwater!
As Dagon said this, he gunned his jetpack for all it was worth as he and the rest of the Gore-Crows fled. the Imperials, thankfully, were not prepared for the suddeness of the Gore-Crows' retreat, giving Dagons' forces a few precious seconds to get as far away as possible.

OOC: I hope that last bit isn't a problem, Dagon has a definite role to play in the future and so I'm trying to minimize casualties. I understand that Aer has even less to work with, so I'm not explicitly stating the damage I do against him, so as to keep this in some state resembling a balanced game.

2009-06-15, 08:32 PM
Against Mercutio
Commiser Reginold Porter raised his chainsword "And for the Imperium, we sell our lives for the betterment of others. We will hunt down and kill the heretic and the mutant."
Suddenly the Chimera's door fell open and he and the rest of the troops rushed out just in time to see the Armored Company get decimated. Oh, they were inflicting some casulties but the Traitor's simply were too skilled.

The commisser gulped, then a stoic look of defience crossed his weathered features and he pointed across towards Mercutio's men "To me, men of the Imperium!"
And he ran forward. With a surge the Imperial line began to move forward step by step, lasguns blazing.

The Commisser ran hed long into the Chaos line with a scores of other angry guardsmen, firing and attacking with sword, and bayonet.

2009-06-15, 08:42 PM
Unfortunately for the would-be message bearers, the Raiders were themselves serving as distraction for another breed of Darkling creature. Skulking in the shadows, Daemon-faced murderers skittered and crawled. Invisible and monstrous, they stalked their prey...

Meanwhile, the rag-tag defense was being cut down mercilessly by the Dark Eldar skimmers. Many were being wounded non-fatally, knocked numb or unconscious, to be collected later. Those who died in the suicidal counter-attack would be counted as lucky compared with the fates of the "survivors"

As the battle still raged, a perhaps sufficient distraction for the blood-hungry Dark Eldar warriors, the daemon-things hunt was at an end. As the Imperials made their way as quickly as they could while doing their best to hide, a pitiful attempt compared to their hunters who remained unknown to those fleeing, the beast-eldar has already reached their location.

As they made the last ditch run toward the command Chimera, they stalked from the unseen darkness. Oily-skinned monsters, shimmering an nigh unseen in the flickering shadow-light of the battlefield, inky eyes trained on the Imperial servants the Mandrakes opened their too-daemon like mouths filled with rows of needle sharp fangs and let out a screeching wail of triumph that would would chill a mans soul to it's very core. They streaked forward, clawed hands ripping, needle-fangs tearing flesh.

Their prey stood no chance, they didn't even have the time to let out a scream, let alone warn their commanders of the doom of their so-called Homeguard.

2009-06-15, 08:52 PM
The Engineer died first, but she was a brave one. As the mandrakes tore at her and the entrails poured from her slashed stomach, she pulled a pin on her grenade. The resulting explosion tore a mandrake apart and launched Corporal Thom into the, fragments slicing through the poor mans leg.

He landed, miraculously, inside the Command Chimera. He climbed up, blood pouring from his wounds.

He clicked the vox reciever button.


"This is *cough* Corporal Thom of the Homeguard. I *cough* don't have much time, their everywhere. Xenos, they might be El-"

His words were cut off by his scream and the vox went dead.

Colonel Grey stared in horror at her communicator. She turned "Get me the 3rd Gunship patrol"
She ordered the three gunships to investigate the area, but she worried she would be to late.

2009-06-15, 09:01 PM
Unfortunately for the commander, her worries proved true. Upon their arrival, the gunships did not find the xeno-raiders that had utterly destroyed the Homeguard. Nor did they find any trace of the homeguard itself, or indeed any trace of the battlefield. No burning wrecks, no dead men. The only evidence of a fight were places of dead burned fields and scorched rents in the ground where powerful beams of energy had raked the ground.

So, too, were the merchant ships gone. The landing craft had disappeared, the merchant ships had broke orbit and apparently left the system, and the aliens had left no trace of where they had headed or of those they had defeated. Were it not for the scattered evidence of war, and the message from the desperate man, it was as if the Kabal of the Bloody Depths had never come.

2009-06-15, 09:34 PM
"This is Echo 3-9er, reporting no sign of the Homeguard. Repeat, sign of battle, but no sign of hostiles or homeguard"

Back at HQ Grey slammed a fist into the ground "Damn it all to the Warp!"

Arq Kujos
2009-06-30, 10:21 AM
((I know it has been awhile, so let me know if this doesn't work for everyone.))

The time was right. Edward had been waiting for the right moment to launch his attack, and now that the Chaos forces had stalled, his forces would attack.

All forces under my command, commence attack. With that, his forces rolled out of Gavisport and into the bloody battle. His three Chimeras rolled straight up the middle, smashing deep into the heart of the Chaos force. Flanked on either side were two Lemon Russ battle tanks. Cutting open a path for the rest of his troops to follow, Edward and his men exited the Chimeras and began clearing a space. As soon as they exited, two of the Chimeras were destroyed, but Edward had expected that. He pulled out a vox caster and contacted Admiral Canas on the bridge of the The Moljner.

The signal was clear, and no words were needed for the message to be understood. The ship's drop pods roared to life as they rocketed down towards the ground, ready to reinforce the dying PDF and Imperial forces.

Edward and his men took cover behind the wreckage of the destroyed Chimeras. His tanks had since left him to join the fray, and he knew that they were more valuable out on the battle field than standing still and vulnerable to protect him. He scanned the area, looking for the enemy commander.