View Full Version : Updates Three Times Per Week?

2009-06-06, 01:20 AM
Alright. I know I'm being really negative in this post, but I really need to vent. I don't like the fact that the giant says that he posts three times a week when he actually doesn't. Now, I know you all may be thinking, "well, he's sick, and might not post three times a week every week, but he makes up for it on the weeks that he's not sick."

Well, actually according to my calculations, he's a bit closer to two times a week on average. I started reading order of the stick two january's ago. that means that i've been reading it for approximately 70 weeks (probably more, but i don't want to do the math right now and 70 is a conservative estimate). I remember that when I got caught up that January, I got caught up to comic 517. Since then, we're on comic 658. That means that between two January's ago and now, there have been 658 - 517 = 141 comics. 141 comics divided by the 70 weeks that i've been reading is 2 comics per week. If the giant were really writing three comics per week like he claims he does, he would need another 70 comics, which he clearly does not.

Alright. I just wanted to vent about this. I'm willing to be patient. I understand that he's sick, but he definately does not post three comics per week (however, two WOULD be a good estimate).

2009-06-06, 01:32 AM
Where does it say it updates three times a week? I was under the impression Rich had formally rescinded that a while ago, and now went by "updates when it updates."

2009-06-06, 01:33 AM
So think of it as two rather than three, and you'll be pleasantly surprised rather than disappointed.

2009-06-06, 01:35 AM
I just go by "It updates when it updates"

I am pleasantly surprised

2009-06-06, 01:38 AM
Where does it say it updates three times a week? I was under the impression Rich had formally rescinded that a while ago, and now went by "updates when it updates."


Last I checked Giant specifically mentioned the schedule was "Random" until such time as he said otherwise - and I haven't seen an "Otherwise" since.

2009-06-06, 01:50 AM
Then there's the fact of multi-page updates. Probably enough to up the average to around 2.25 pages a week.

Overall, Rich is in the middle range of the "Full Comic Book Page" webcomics out there. Some manage that 3 a week schedule, but 1 per week is pretty common as well.

2009-06-06, 02:14 AM
Um, deathavenger, why exactly did you need to vent this?

2009-06-06, 02:31 AM
I see this ending in a locked thread, but I would like to post my comment to the OP anyway.

First things first, it is against the rules to make threads about the schedule of the comics.

The Giant used to go from a period of updating regularly to the opposite, so he dropped the 3 times a week schedule and changed it to random. Then, he completely dropped this notice as well, but it still remains he updates when he updates. If you were here when we was still updating 3 times a week, then you would have noticed this change.

And come on, this was complain was so out of timing. This last arc has been keeping all of us on edge and the Giant has been updating quite regularly. It is only this last strip that has taken more than usual.

Like many people have stated in the past, why are people complaining for something they get for free? You should also weigh your comments, because at one instant you say you are willing to be patient, but at another one you still feel like venting. And do not think that venting will actually relieve the frustration.

2009-06-06, 02:31 AM
I suppose he wants to vent because he's impatient for the next strip to come out

2009-06-06, 02:34 AM
Where does it say it updates three times a week?

It doesn't. And, in fact, it hasn't said that in a very long time. The only place it says that is buried very deeply in the VERY outdated FAQ.

You know, the one that is over four years out of date.

Why anyone quotes that thing anymore is beyond me. :smalltongue:

The Giant
2009-06-06, 02:39 AM
Alright. I know I'm being really negative in this post, but I really need to vent. I don't like the fact that the giant says that he posts three times a week when he actually doesn't. Now, I know you all may be thinking, "well, he's sick, and might not post three times a week every week, but he makes up for it on the weeks that he's not sick."

Well, actually according to my calculations, he's a bit closer to two times a week on average. I started reading order of the stick two january's ago. that means that i've been reading it for approximately 70 weeks (probably more, but i don't want to do the math right now and 70 is a conservative estimate). I remember that when I got caught up that January, I got caught up to comic 517. Since then, we're on comic 658. That means that between two January's ago and now, there have been 658 - 517 = 141 comics. 141 comics divided by the 70 weeks that i've been reading is 2 comics per week. If the giant were really writing three comics per week like he claims he does, he would need another 70 comics, which he clearly does not.

Alright. I just wanted to vent about this. I'm willing to be patient. I understand that he's sick, but he definately does not post three comics per week (however, two WOULD be a good estimate).

You are behind in your information.

There has not been a schedule for some time, nor will there be one again. The comic is posted when it is posted, with no regard for how many have been published in the same week. Note that I removed the statement about the comic's update schedule from the comic page entirely. Any previous statements about frequency are obsolete and have been for years; the last time I even addressed the issue in the News was on 10/14/2007, at which time I said I "hoped" to do three a week, but that was not necessarily possible and should not be expected. And indeed, it has not been possible and should not have been expected, despite my hopes.

So, sorry you misunderstood, but the "three a week" ship sailed about two years ago and it's not coming back.

Pharaoh's Fist
2009-06-06, 02:42 AM
Alright. I know I'm being really negative in this post, but I really need to vent. I don't like the fact that the giant says that he posts three times a week when he actually doesn't. Now, I know you all may be thinking, "well, he's sick, and might not post three times a week every week, but he makes up for it on the weeks that he's not sick."

Well, actually according to my calculations, he's a bit closer to two times a week on average. I started reading order of the stick two january's ago. that means that i've been reading it for approximately 70 weeks (probably more, but i don't want to do the math right now and 70 is a conservative estimate). I remember that when I got caught up that January, I got caught up to comic 517. Since then, we're on comic 658. That means that between two January's ago and now, there have been 658 - 517 = 141 comics. 141 comics divided by the 70 weeks that i've been reading is 2 comics per week. If the giant were really writing three comics per week like he claims he does, he would need another 70 comics, which he clearly does not.

Alright. I just wanted to vent about this. I'm willing to be patient. I understand that he's sick, but he definately does not post three comics per week (however, two WOULD be a good estimate).

I have better things to do than internet stalk a comic and obsess over slow update schedules. I am willing to bet that you do to. Chillax.

2009-06-06, 02:54 AM
dealing with the giant's tendancy to chain cliff hangers lately maybe be rough, but have some milk, take a walk, you will be fine

eh heh, on that note though, lately when reading oots i have this absurd image of a cliff that looks like a giant stair case with ledges that jut out about every 15 feet or so. and each new strip is some poor bastard hanging by his finger nails, slipping, falling to the next ledge, tripping, and winding up hanging again.

2009-06-06, 03:20 AM
Yes, you're completely justified in getting upset that someone isn't releasing their absolutely free of charge service by your schedule. :smalltongue:

come friend, this is called bitting the hand that feeds you and it is a classic bad form. It's a webcomic and if Rich suddenly decided that he wasn't going to update ever again, it's his choice (please don't do that Rich! :smallbiggrin:)

In the meantime, listen to the other guys here, enjoy it when rich updates. I would suggest subscribing to his RSS feed using some Feed reader (I personally use FeedDemon (http://www.newsgator.com/individuals/feeddemon/default.aspx)) that way when ever he updates you see right away and you don't get pissed by checking back here every day.

2009-06-06, 03:30 AM
I'll say one more thing: I hope the length of time it's taking is going to be proportionate to its awesomeness.

2009-06-06, 03:34 AM
You are behind in your information.

There has not been a schedule for some time, nor will there be one again. The comic is posted when it is posted, with no regard for how many have been published in the same week. Note that I removed the statement about the comic's update schedule from the comic page entirely. Any previous statements about frequency are obsolete and have been for years; the last time I even addressed the issue in the News was on 10/14/2007, at which time I said I "hoped" to do three a week, but that was not necessarily possible and should not be expected. And indeed, it has not been possible and should not have been expected, despite my hopes.

So, sorry you misunderstood, but the "three a week" ship sailed about two years ago and it's not coming back.

Sigh. Now this posting has taken time from The Giant's work. Boo. I want him not to answer these questions and get more done. Even if it is extra pages in books I haven't bought yet...

2009-06-06, 03:37 AM
It doesn't seem to be taking any longer than it normally does to update, and the last fer pages have certainly been worth the wait. (Even if they've all been horribly brilliant cliffhangers.)

Still, it does seem about the time for me to start hoping for an update...

2009-06-06, 03:40 AM
I'll say one more thing: I hope the length of time it's taking is going to be proportionate to its awesomeness.

yeah, one week waiting for the last one, and one week waiting for this. This arc has been so exciting but Im almost getting tired of things always ending in a cliffhanger and then waiting for days for the next one. Not that Im telling rich how to do this comic :smallbiggrin:

and not that he would listen even if I did :smallsmile:

or maybe he would?:smallconfused:

RICH! Do another Q and A strip! :smallbiggrin:

2009-06-06, 04:38 AM
People, just re-define what a "week" is and everything is fine.

"Week" = "the period of time in which three comics get posted by The Giant".

We could even get 20 comics per week that way! What am I talking about, 600 per week!

But seriously, let's do some math: The comic runs for approximatly 310 weeks (I estimated, someone can find out the exact numbers if they wish), with 658 comics posted so far, that's roughly 2.1 per week. Not that bad, no? You new people just missed the times where 4 or even 5 comics per week got posted. ;)

2009-06-06, 04:49 AM
People, just re-define what a "week" is and everything is fine.

"Week" = "the period of time in which three comics get posted by The Giant".

We could even get 20 comics per week that way! What am I talking about, 600 per week!

But seriously, let's do some math: The comic runs for approximatly 310 weeks (I estimated, someone can find out the exact numbers if they wish), with 658 comics posted so far, that's roughly 2.1 per week. Not that bad, no? You new people just missed the times where 4 or even 5 comics per week got posted. ;)

Actually, if you go this way, the comic started at around two updates a week, around the end of book one \ begining of book two went up to three times when Rich saw he can make a living out of the comic and quit his day job, and then went to random schedual when Rich got ill...

2009-06-06, 04:59 AM
I just go by "It updates when it updates"

I am pleasantly surprised

Short and completely true :smallbiggrin:

Mystic Muse
2009-06-06, 05:20 AM
you could also count the prequels which he wrote which adds about 190. (I THINK start of darkness is 11x and I know origin of PCs is 72. I finally bought it.:smallbiggrin:)

which brings the total up to about 850

2009-06-06, 05:21 AM
the only thing that surprises me more than the fact this thread hasn't been locked up yet for breaking the rules is that Rich went and wrote up a respond to it. He must have had a moment of mercy for the OP :smallbiggrin:

Anyway the 20+ guys who posted before me are right. and I second the RSS feed idea.

The Giant
2009-06-06, 05:50 AM
My mistake, I thought I clicked "Close This Thread" when I posted.