View Full Version : Here's a mind-fudging thought...

2009-06-07, 11:17 AM
We all know (alright, most of us know) that if somebody or something is worshipped enough then they transcend to goddom, yes? So here's a fun, brain-destroying thought... What would happen if the Snarl was mass-worshipped as a god? Hmmm?

2009-06-07, 11:19 AM
I would laugh at all those who try. The snarl would destroy all it's worshippers.

Foryn Gilnith
2009-06-07, 11:19 AM
It would kill itself.

I don't think anything would happen, because (this is grossly oversimplified) the bonuses would stack. It's like a Fiendish Osyluth - adding the template is redundant and not terribly useful.

2009-06-07, 11:22 AM
We all know (alright, most of us know) that if somebody or something is worshipped enough then they transcend to goddom, yes? So here's a fun, brain-destroying thought... What would happen if the Snarl was mass-worshipped as a god? Hmmm?

the snarl would rip out its own godhood and consume it, probably lightly sweetened with nutmeg, or bathe in its blood along with lavender bath gel and a nice loofa

[TS] Shadow
2009-06-07, 11:24 AM
Who would WANT to worship the Snarl? There are plenty of other things to worship; things that actually make sense. But then again, the churches of Morgan Freeman and Chuck Norris haven't really taken off yet...

Surfing HalfOrc
2009-06-07, 12:15 PM
Shadow;6236839']Who would WANT to worship the Snarl? There are plenty of other things to worship; things that actually make sense. But then again, the churches of Morgan Freeman and Chuck Norris haven't really taken off yet...

There are Tharzidun worshipers in Core D&D, or at least there has been since 1st Ed. (I'm not opposed to 4th Ed, and this isn't a "My Edition is Better than Yours post. I don't own 4th Ed, so I'm not going to talk about something I don't have a basic knowledge of.). If I understand Tharzidun correctly, he is as dedicated to mindless destruction as the Snarl.

So if Tharzidun can have worshippers, I don't see why the Snarl wouldn't end up with a cult of his own.

2009-06-07, 12:25 PM
I think the Holey brother hood from order of the scribble did just that. I don't think it paid attention.

2009-06-07, 12:27 PM
Even some of the Elder Evils have worshippers (Sertrous the Obyrith lord in the Elder Evils sourcebooks)

As world-devastating monstrosities, they fill the Snarl niche quite nicely.

so, if beings worshipped the Snarl en masse they might gain divine powers. Whether the Snarl would be promoted is a different question- probably not- like archdevils or demon lords, it could maybe grant power without being a true divinity.

Raenir Salazar
2009-06-07, 12:27 PM
held have worshippers the same way Chtullu would have worshippers, pawns to be used and discarded.

2009-06-07, 12:32 PM
So if Tharzidun can have worshippers, I don't see why the Snarl wouldn't end up with a cult of his own.

Heck. Erythnul in 3.x: God of slaughter and destruction.

2009-06-07, 12:35 PM
I think the Holey brother hood from order of the scribble did just that.
No, they believed in the inherent right for holes to exist. What was behind this particular hole wasn't of interest to them.

2009-06-07, 12:43 PM
My thoughts on the matter:

1. The Snarl cannot ascend to Godhood. It has no link to divinity and is basically the mirror opposite of a diety. (Also, I think to ascend to Godhood you have to be a mortal first)
2. The Snarl wont get any worshippers. Some people worship destriction, true, but the Snarl doesn't destroy, it un-makes. No afterlife, no nothing. Nobody wants that, as there's nothing in it for them. It's not even fun to do.
3. Prayers can pass through the planes, but not to the Snarl. The same force that keeps the Snarl in keeps everything out. So, no prayers would reach it enabling it to transend.

2009-06-07, 12:47 PM
it may depend on the setting. Orcus, a demon lord, has gained (and lost) divinity at least once.

Enemies of the gods have been worshipped in D&D, in 3.5 and 4th ed. This doesn't mean that they are deities, or gain divine rank from being worshipped, but it does mean that its not implausible.

2009-06-07, 01:22 PM
held have worshippers the same way Chtullu would have worshippers, pawns to be used and discarded.

Except that the Snarl is a being of pure chaos, and wouldn't be using pawns or even have a plan besides "destroy!". It doesn't even know it's imprisoned, from what we can tell.

I don't think it would do anything if it ascended to god hood. It would still be imprisoned, it wouldn't be able to recognize it's status, and it's already able to kill gods, so it most likely wouldn't change anything.

David Argall
2009-06-07, 01:25 PM
We all know (alright, most of us know) that if somebody or something is worshipped enough then they transcend to goddom, yes? So here's a fun, brain-destroying thought... What would happen if the Snarl was mass-worshipped as a god? Hmmm?
The theory on what causes godhood is left rather vague and worship is not a requirement to become a god. It may well be a way, but we have no proof on the point.

The Snarl is already a mega-god. It seems unlikely such worship would affect it.

Raenir Salazar
2009-06-07, 01:41 PM
Actually a couple of you are severly underestimating peoples wills to be "unmade" look for example at Buddhism. The goal IS to be void and unmade, existence in some philosophies IS the curse.

2009-06-07, 02:01 PM
I would laugh at all those who try. The snarl would destroy all it's worshippers.
In the same way that the god elders would destroy all it's worshippers in those Call of Cuthulu games? Doesn't stop hundreds of thousands of worshippers from existing.

2009-06-07, 09:26 PM
2. The Snarl wont get any worshippers. Some people worship destriction, true, but the Snarl doesn't destroy, it un-makes. No afterlife, no nothing. Nobody wants that, as there's nothing in it for them. It's not even fun to do.

Not that prayers would do anything, but the Snarl could be worshipped as a deity of pure nihilism.

2009-06-07, 09:49 PM
no, i think that only applies to mortals. in SoD there are only mortals that ascended to godhood, nothing that was already cosmically significant.

2009-06-08, 09:51 AM
I would laugh at all those who try. The snarl would destroy all it's worshippers.

Yes but we worshippers would be destroyed happily :)

Blue Ghost
2009-06-08, 12:16 PM
I see no reason why the Snarl can't be worshipped. Anyone who wants to worship the Snarl would have to be pretty deranged, though. But we get plenty of those mad cultists in standard D&D. Having worshippers probably won't ascend the Snarl to godhood, for reasons already stated. But these theoretical cultists would probably be trying to free the Snarl. And with the gates being all that keeps the Snarl at bay, it won't be too difficult to do that. So, with a large enough following, the Snarl probably could get itself released. Of course, this is all purely theoretical. None of us would be crazy enough to worship the Snarl... right?

David Demola
2009-06-08, 03:22 PM
My thoughts on the matter:

1. The Snarl cannot ascend to Godhood. It has no link to divinity and is basically the mirror opposite of a diety. (Also, I think to ascend to Godhood you have to be a mortal first)
2. The Snarl wont get any worshippers. Some people worship destriction, true, but the Snarl doesn't destroy, it un-makes. No afterlife, no nothing. Nobody wants that, as there's nothing in it for them. It's not even fun to do.
3. Prayers can pass through the planes, but not to the Snarl. The same force that keeps the Snarl in keeps everything out. So, no prayers would reach it enabling it to transend.

1. Banjo The Puppet God. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0080.html)

2. People worship power. The Snarl, being able to take people out of the cycle of life, is immensely powerful. They would pray for him to pass over them without taking their lives/souls.

3. There's nothing talking about prayers being unable to reach the Snarl. EDIT: at least, to my knowledge. Unless there's a book out there with the info on it.


2009-06-08, 03:28 PM
Actually a couple of you are severly underestimating peoples wills to be "unmade" look for example at Buddhism. The goal IS to be void and unmade, existence in some philosophies IS the curse.

That's a different kind of un-making. If all Buddhists believed existence was the curse, suicide would also be one of their core beliefs.

2009-06-08, 03:35 PM
That's a different kind of un-making. If all Buddhists believed existence was the curse, suicide would also be one of their core beliefs.
Not when you come back after you die, through reincarnation.

2009-06-08, 04:01 PM
In the same way that the god elders would destroy all it's worshippers in those Call of Cuthulu games? Doesn't stop hundreds of thousands of worshippers from existing.

Exactly, so I laugh at them. Just like I'm laughing at the comment below.

Yes but we worshippers would be destroyed happily :)


2009-06-08, 04:16 PM
On a more serious note, belief in bringing about the end of the world is a rare but no unheard of occurrence in the real world (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doomsday_cult). So it's use in fiction or RPG is not so far-fetched. Plus it makes for great dramatic moments, eg stop the evil cultists or the terror of ___ is unleashed on the world. (Always prepare ___ in case the PCs fail the first go round.)

2009-06-08, 05:10 PM
"Some humans would do anything to see if it was possible to do it. If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it saying 'End-of-the-World Switch. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH,' the paint wouldn't even have time to dry."
— Terry Pratchett

Some people would help out the world-destroying abomination.... just to see what would happen. Don't need to be insane or anything :smallbiggrin:

2009-06-08, 05:43 PM
Isn't there a deity in Faerun, that's basically a giant sphere of destruction that's going to unmake Faerun when it bowls over them? From what I remember, it's worshipped by a family who hates arcane casters, but their temple is encased in a sphere of glass.

2009-06-09, 01:03 PM
Its Tiamat in disguise.

(To be precise, Tiamat is the voice that speaks through the oversized sphere and grants spells to the clerics of it)

2009-06-10, 05:04 PM
Its Tiamat in disguise.

(To be precise, Tiamat is the voice that speaks through the oversized sphere and grants spells to the clerics of it)

Are you serious, or joking?

2009-06-10, 05:48 PM
I doubt the Snarl in even rational or even aware of it's own existence. It's a being of pure Chaos.

2009-06-10, 06:02 PM
Worshippers of the Snarl would be akin to Azathoth's worshippers in the Cthulhu Mythos: lone madmen, some with the potential for terrible insights no sane being could ever grasp fully.

2009-06-10, 06:20 PM
Are you serious, or joking?
He's serious. The "Cult of Entropy" in Faerūn, which is what you were referring to, is nothing but a convenient way for Tiamat to acquire more worshipers, however few they may be. The Sphere itself is nothing but an unusually large Sphere of Annihilation, and its worshipers are simply misguided fools.

A better analog to worshiping the Snarl would be worshiping the Forgotten Realms Overgod, Ao. He doesn't care about mortals, won't answer prayers, doesn't even speak with the Gods very often, and almost nobody even knows he exists anyway.


Dairun Cates
2009-06-10, 06:26 PM
I would laugh at all those who try. The snarl would destroy all it's worshippers.

Ia ia Snarl fhtagn!