View Full Version : GANTZ: All or Nothing

Walter O'Dim
2009-06-08, 06:23 PM
The man with green hair looked at the filled room behind him. So far it was all new people besides Flint, and that was bad. Rokies where more of burden then help, but people where still being scanned into the room. from the black ball like a fax machine. A single light seemed to copy their body using a single beam of light going side to side, starting from the top down in a blinding speed, almost like a fax machine.

Suddenly another man was scanned into the room. He was a bald African American man with sunglasses, a goatee, and a strange suit. The man was holding an enormous weapon in his left hand. The man glanced around the room, staring at the man with green hair.

"A full house huh? So its just you, Flint, and me left as far as Vets go. Guess the other guys decided to take their chances and split when they reached 100. Hey Mito, what's with the suit?"

Mito shrugged. "If I actually knew when we had missions life would be easier, Vasco. Unfortunately...I don't. And I'm not getting this ruined on the mission."

All of a sudden music (http://www.imeem.com/imissrehab/music/lB5xFXpE/do-the-hustle/) came from the Black Ball.

Then words appeared on the front of it.

j00r l1v35 h4v3 3n3d
h0w u53 j00r
n3w l1v35 15
3n+1r3ly up +0 m3.

+h4+'5 +h3 +h30ry 4nyw4y5.

The screen on the Black Ball changed.

You will now go out and defeat this guy

Cthulu Alien


Extremely Evil

Catastrophic Destruction

"Unglnu'nph k'lyeh r'wnglua hngilu'phth'n, l'yi? Rg'hlia k'gr. F'nath rg'hlia gr'rnua."

The creature was unusually revolting...

If your calmness is
1 - Your character will scream, cry and be highly nauseous upon seeing the creature
2 - Your character will cry and be nauseous upon seeing the creature
3 - Your character will be nauseous upon seeing the creature
4 - Your character will be unsettled upon seeing the creature
5 - Your character will be somewhat disgusted, but not particularly worried.
6 - Your character will not be intimidated at all.
7 - Your character will try to start analyzing hypothetical weak points of the creature

Upon seeing the creature, Flint cupped his hand over her mouth and ran towards the bathroom. Relatively unpleasant sounds of Flint throwing up could be heard by those with keen ears.

Mito turned his head to the side and looked at the creature from the corner of his eyes. "I've seen some pretty bad stuff...but this takes it. I got a bad feeling about this one."

Vasco exhaled loudly. "Maybe it just looks tough." Vasco said, rather unconvincingly. His facial expression revealed a bit of disgust.

Flint, a well built man with a navy tattoo on his arm and a mullet just shook his head, as he looked on from the bathroom. "It's sitting down like a person in that picture. That means it's pretty intelligent. And wings...means the thing can fly."

Vasco looked at the image, still unsure of what he was looking at. "It can't be that intelligent. The idea of that disgusting thing being intelligent isn't something I wanna hear. Besides, it's quote is just a bunch of gibberish growling."

"That's not gibberish." Flint said.

Vasco and Mito looked at Flint.

"Gibberish doesn't have apostrophes or question marks. I've heard enough death cries on hunts to know that they're speaking some sort of language. Just not a human one. Does it really matter? Intelligent or not, it can still die."

Everyone else, just looked at them from across the roo,

Suddenly, the Black Ball opened up. There were weapons and several briefcases.

They were named as follows:

Street Pharmacist
Mustache Pete
Moneybags Jr.
Nerd in Training
Private Gomer Pyle
Mrs. Falls
Blues Clues

"If you have nay questions, now's the time to ask them newbs." Vasco said as he inspected the ball for a moment, and sighed in disgust.

2009-06-08, 06:56 PM
Arthur looked about, fairly curious. He looked about, wondering what the hell was happening to him. This could be a dream. After all, if his memory was correct... well if he lived, he would have to be in a hospital, probably drugged out of his mind if not in a Coma.

Of course, my best guess would have been that I checked out. This is the Afterlife? Could be worse.

He looked about the other people in the room, curious what the hell they were talking about. Of course, it might just be gibberish. Then the Black Ball started playing music, and letters appeared on it l33tspeak. Arthur found the whole operation tiresome, but he could read it. Hard not to on a college campus these days. The Alien freaked him out. It was disgusting. He didn't seem as effected as some of his team mates.

Definitely not a dream. I'm not screwed up enough to dream up that thing.

The the Ball opened up, displaying a bunch of weapons, and what looked like labeled Briefcases.

"I do. What the hell is going on? And, on the off chance you know, am I dead?"

Tar Palantir
2009-06-08, 09:49 PM
Nikolai Ixion A.K.A. Nix

Nix woke up. Or at least he tried to. This definitely seemed like the sort of thing that would happen after being hit in the head, but from what he remembered (and his head was still a little foggy, so that didn't count for much), he should be dead. You don't lose that much blood and walk away from it. Ordinary people didn't, anyway. Nix was far from ordinary. Still, according to Mister Black Ball, he was dead, and apparently had gotten better. So the whole thing came down to a mere change of employer.

Nix looked at the bald man when he asked for questions, and responded, "I have a question as well, Vasco was it? I gather from the terse explanation and the target info that we've been drafted as hit men, in exchange for a second chance, I assume. You don't usually wake up after holding a handful of your own brains. What I want to know is, who's our employer, and why'd he pick us? If this happened to everybody, I'd think there'd be more of us to take on ol' tentacle head."

He waits patiently, accepting whatever answers are provided and not pressing for more information than is forthcoming. These couple of guys seem like they've done this before, so they know what we need to know, and what they need to tell us, as well as anybody. Besides, it'd all work out in the end. It always did.

2009-06-08, 11:07 PM
Howard Dean

"What - what'm I doing here?" Howard clutched his head while cowering to the floor, "Man am I wasted or..." His voice shook, "No, this looks pretty real."

Without warning, he laughed, "What in the ****? Why are both my eyes still in my head? It isn't logical, I thought one of 'em popped out and then all you jerks were looking at me with poor expressions... heh, no, not you... those people at the club."
He shook his head again, still smiling but forlorn, "Nah, none of you probably have any clue what the hell I'm talking about. Nobody ever gave a ****."

If this happened to everybody, I'd think there'd be more of us to take on ol' tentacle head.

"Ol' tentacle head? That's a good name!" He laughed, as if the realization of how good it was only just dawned on him, "I mean... he looks like an old man right? Well nothing even close to human. We oughta fry this squidy son of a bitch." Howard said exhuberantly as he took street pharmacist.

With a smile, he hefted the weapon, and aimed it at a wall.

"I never saw any weapon like this before." Awe drifted into his tone. He then placed the weapon carefully by the floor next to his briefcase, as if mentally making a note to take it apart later, he glanced up at the black ball, "But thanks anyway ninepin."

He then popped the briefcase.

Name: Harold Dean
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian Bostonian
Height: 6'3
Weight: 209
Appearance: Large shoulders, and dark hair cropped like a marine's to centimeter thickness. Very muscular with a slight tan. Wears a (fake) rolex watch and a silk shirt, probably to suit the manner of his persian 'overlords' (the club owners). Square face and large smile with features not unlike that of JFK.
Inventory: Swiss army knife, Ciggarettes, lighter, expensive shoes, liquor canister, blazer and khakis with tie, (fake) rolex, and a notebook of pages (mostly blank except for work related notes)
Background: Used to be in the marine core and met action in Iraq where he earned several medals of unaccountable nature (has slight amnesia). Hailed from boston but chose to move to Chicago for the strippers that were rumored to exist there - supposedly, 'marines get laid' was an old adage passed down by some officers, incuding his father. Became an usher, proceeding to die at a restaurant.
Cause of Death: Fell onto an ungaurded table corner. Died of trauma after losing an eye.

Speed - 5
Strength - 4
Stamina - 5
Luck - 1
Intelligence - 1
Calmness - 5

I don't recall if I'm in hell or...

I don't recall if I'm in hell or if it's some kind of an outer body experience. Although hell probably makes sense, it must be a test. Gotta remember training or it's FUBAR - worse case scenario. Buddies all dead. In a fire. Most painful death imagined and almost experienced. His thoughts become robust and clean edged, like a katana. A careful soldier.

2009-06-08, 11:18 PM
Rei Ishamoto looks around himself, a dull pound resounding through his skull, he had just been hit VERY hard upside the head with a base ball bat, and a sledge hammer had just taken out his knees... What the hell had gone on?!

He looked up at the names trying to figure out which one was his... He had no idea, but he wasn't one to pass up free things.

2009-06-08, 11:26 PM
Howard Dean

There is only me and my weapon, my weapon and I, without my weapon I am useless, without me, my weapon is - Asian kid appearing out of nowhere?

Howard gawked, literally gawked, at Rei Ishamoto.

Without the presence of mind to think of anything better, he expressed shock and awe verbally, "How the **** did you just grow from a laser, kid?! Is that new these days?"

Have I been inexplicably warped to the future? Like an episode in star trek? He didn't even like star trek.

2009-06-08, 11:33 PM
Rei is kind of... :smallconfused: at Howard... If he hadn't taken that English class he wouldn't know WHAT the hell this guy was saying.
"Laser say what now? I just got hit upside the head a few times so I thought this was just the gangs hide out..."

2009-06-08, 11:42 PM
A big awkward caucasian looking male is standing in a corner.
"Oh god, what the hell, where are we ? Is this hell ?"
Arnold stand upright, confused and massging his head. all he remebers is a huge pain at the back of his neck. he takes a few moments to look at the environs.
No somethings tell me I won't get answers to those questions. so maybe something more direct will work.
"Who are you all ? And what are we supposed to do with that ... ball... thing ? I don't understand the weird text.
And that's one hell of an ugly ugly squid, bleah."

Kuma Da
2009-06-09, 12:14 AM
Martin Donahue

I can fix this I can fix this I can fix this I can fix this!

He opens his eyes. Not dead.

"What in the ****?" He looks down. His clothes are slashed and scorched. Parts of them are soaked with drying blood, and there's a faint dusting of glass covering his jeans. "Thanks for the save… god?" Standing up, he takes in the room at a glance.

Magic eight ball on miracle grow. Check. Bunch of dudes standing around, one of them dressed like he goes to the kinds of clubs where 'whipped' isn't an insult. Check. Freaky-*** illustration on the eight ball, looking like…holy crap! Cthulhu! Whoever drew that got it right. Makes my stomach want to hide behind a kidney. Check.

Add that all up and what do you have?

…yeah. I got nothin'.

He decides to address the crowd. "Hey! Anyone wanna explain why we have to go and bughunt an imaginary monster? Am I dead? Did I wake up in Valhalla or some ****? If so, where's the **** beer and *******?"

Martin cracks his knuckles and wanders over to the gantz ball, just in time for it to pop open. He flinches back, but when it doesn't seem like it's about to snap at him, he snags the case marked 'nerd in training.' "That's ******* harsh. 'I visited the afterlife, and all I got for my troubles was this ****** *** souvenir.'"

Popping it open, he studies the contents.

Name: Martin Donahue
Age: 20
Sex: male
Ethnicity: Scottish American
Height: 5'11'
Weight: 160
Appearance: With gray-blue eyes, flat muscles, and a certain hardness to his expression, Martin does not appear to be very approachable. He wears old black slacks and a faded punk t-shirt most of the time, when he's not working.
Inventory: Switchblade, wallet, car keys
Background: Martin has always sort of fancied himself as a catcher in the rye, which goes a long ways towards explaining why he skipped out on college to work a dead end job at a gas station. It gave him time to study to become an EMT. On the day of his certification, while driving home, Martin merged carelessly into traffic and accidentally caused the accident that took his life. His last thoughts while lying on the asphalt were "I can fix this."
Cause of Death: Car accident

Speed - 3
Strength - 3
Stamina - 5
Luck - 2
Intelligence - 3
Calmness - 5

2009-06-09, 12:22 AM
"Laser say what now? I just got hit upside the head a few times so I thought this was just the gangs hide out..."

Howard's talking a little rapidly now, "No. Don't kid at me, kid, I saw you. A laser just made your body out of nothing, like an etch a sketch. Boom. Just like that... I can't explain it any better. Just because you can't feel it doesn't mean it didn't happen, huh?"

His body language becomes animate, "Ever heard of er... morphine? That's the kind of stuff where you lose a limb and you can't feel it, kid. As soon as they inject you with the stuff, boom."

Finished with the lecture, he stretches, "So what's all this for anyway? Do we all got a whole lot of spare time now? I mean, I do have work and all, but then again I could use the break."

He scratches his head rather dullardly, "Being off work means I could use some push ups."

Without warning, he drops to the floor and begins a routine of bouncing off the floor with his arms, and clapping his hands between beats. As he does this, he cranes his head in the direction of the asian kid again, "Hey kid, how old are you?"

His head contorts a little more at the entry of a larger white male (although likely not much bigger than himself), "And how'd you get here?! Seriously, I'm about to give up."

That asian's gonna figure all this out before me. They always got the better grades all throughout school, I swear.

2009-06-09, 12:34 AM
Rei is a little confused by the odd American man, talking rapidly, and weird body language is a sign of coming insanity..."Seventeen, and as far as I can tell, this.. Thing here... It might have teleported our matter somehow across to here from our various death sites... Whatever's in these boxes is obviously some sort of future equipment, and the things with tirggers are obviously guns... If this THING can teleport us here... then he also must have a way of ensuring his new slaves do the job right, and without delays... Although his motive for doing this elludes me."
Rei says pacing about the room frevently, trying the windows, and at one point even seeing if one of the walls will give to a body slam, only to find out painfully it doesn't quite work that way.

2009-06-09, 12:40 AM
Arthur looked over at the little Asian Kid slamming him into walls, and shrugged.

"You are just going to hurt yourself, if you keep doing that. From your conversation, I'm guessing you guys had something happen to you that should have checked you out as well. Oh well, as far as Afterlifes go, this isn't to bad."

Arthur shrugged, wishing he had his I-Pod with him, or something to do.

"And Mr... Pushups, hust because you can feel it doesn't mean it did happen. Life is funny that way."

Arthur walked over to the Weapons and Briefcases, just looking at them.

"I'm guessing there is one Briefcase for each of us. You guys, the ones that seem to know what is going on, you know what it is them?"

The Weapons he ignoreds for the time being. You kill people with them. Seemed pretty obvious.

Walter O'Dim
2009-06-09, 12:51 AM
Mito offered a grim smile. They always did ask that question, and even now he was asking that himself. Maybe one of the first people to play GANTZ's sick games did, but Mito sure as hell didn't

" All I know is what GANTZ tells me, when it comes to why we we where all gathered here, and things dealing with things called motive. But the things we're hunting are real. Those suits and guns...are they only why outside an explosive or something, you'll be able to hurt the aliens though. And you'll need to hurt them, because if you don't kill them they'll kill you. The briefcase's labels are GANTZ's nicknames for each of you. Only the person who's nickname is on the box, can use what's inside...and your going to need it." Mito said walking towards the dust covered closet.

"Look at this he said opening it, revealing three large metal sphere objects. Each one looked those things astronauts or people in an amusement park went into to be spin around like a basketball on a Globe Trotters finger.

"Those are Motorbikes...we use them to travel around the Mission area quickly. Speaking of witch...do not leave the mission area...you'll know from the cell phone looking thingies in your boxes and a ringing in your ears if your outside the area. If you are...get back in your head goes bye bye."

2009-06-09, 01:00 AM
Arthur nodded. He had adopted, shifted. He might be dead, he might be just dreaming, he might be just plain drug addled. But hey, how was that any different from every other day? You learned the rules, and you played along.

"Alright, and what about these things. They look rather special."

Arthur motioned to the weapons.

"Some of them I can guess at. But all of them seem a little high tech to be at the 'point and click' stage."

2009-06-09, 01:41 AM
Jessica returned to the room. She'd fallen, she knew she'd fallen. And then she's standing in this room being told she must fight or something and the ball starts blaring music and flashing pictures and she's soaked to the skin anditsalltoomuch! She had ran from the room in a panic. Now she snuck back in, the taste of a lunch coming the wrong way still lingering in her throat.

"...for each of you. Only the person who's nickname is on the box, can use what's inside...and your going to need it."

The weird guy was still talking about that weird stuff. Jessica looked in the suitcase she assumed was hers from the morbid nickname on the front. It had one of those stupid outfits in it. Still, at least it was dry. Perhaps if she got out of these wet clothes she could start to consider her situation in a more sane light. She took the suit and ducked back round the corner.

Name: Jessica Albee
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Ethnicity: Australian, largely of European stock
Height: 5’ 5”
Weight: 130 pounds
Appearance: Jessica has short blonde hair in an intentionally messy style. She wears loose fitting singlets in bright colours and jeans.
Inventory: Digital Camera, mp3 player, wallet containing approximately $300 US and bank cards, mobile phone, a bag containing some sandwiches and some maps and tour guides,
Background: Just out of high-school and with her whole life ahead of her, Jessica was on top of the world. She had lived a very sheltered life, given all the opportunities the world offered her, and she took them all. She had received a scholarship in law, but had decided to first take a gap year to tour the world with her boyfriend, something they had been saving up for during much of their school life. Shortly after her birthday she fell over Niagara Falls during the US leg of her trip. She didn’t even realised what had happened before she hit the bottom.
Cause of Death: Severe cranial trauma caused by a fall.

Speed - 4
Strength - 3
Stamina - 4
Luck - 3
Intelligence - 5
Calmness - 2

2009-06-09, 03:22 AM
Jonathon Michaels

Jonathon absent-mindedly probed his abdomen as he listened to the conversations around him. He had remembered an intense pain after being attacked by those kids...was I stabbed? He looked down but couldn't see any sign of bloodstains or even tears or marks on his immaculately pressed suit.

He glanced at the image on the screen and looked away quickly, revolted by the strangeness of it's appearance. "Wait..." he said "Are we meant to..kill that thing?" he went up a bit closer to the weird black ball and spotted the briefcases. He picked up the one labelled "Moneybags Jr." and said "Is this some sort of joke?"

Tar Palantir
2009-06-09, 08:15 AM

Nix moves towards the black sphere, taking the case labeled "Mustache Pete." Clicking it open, he begins sorting its contents into three piles: weapons, things he needed to ask about, and things that were easily recognizable. While he does this, he says, "No joke, Dorothy. We ain't in Kansas anymore." He chuckles a little at his own bad joke, still a little struck by the irony of the situation. He dies at a party celebrating how he killed somebody, and now he has to go kill more people. Aliens. Whatever. Still funny.

He asks Mito, "So what's the deal on the weapons? What do they shoot, what kind of kick, do they overheat, how often do we gotta reload, anything I'm not thinking of? Same with the suits. Gotta know this stuff. The smart man makes his own luck."

2009-06-09, 08:57 AM
Jonathon Michaels

Jonathon looked across in puzzlement at the odd comment but didn't reply. The young guy in the expensive suit gave him the creeps for some reason. He reminded him too much of those youths who had attacked him.

He opened the briefcase and began gingerly examining the contents. He still didn't know what was going on, but it didn't look like he was going to wake up anytime soon so he decided to play along for now until a chance came to get out of this somehow.

He took the suit out and tried to work out how to get into it. It looked like some sort of all in one leotard with weird circular devices at certain key points. He carefully removed his jacket and tie and looked around for some area to get changed.

2009-06-10, 02:09 AM
Rei looks around at the suit cases for abit, wondering if it was some kind of weird anagram deal, before he hit himself upside the head, and picked up the one labled "Blue's Clue's", being the only one with any significant portion of his body being blue, this was obvious...
He took out the odd black one piece full body suit, looking it over with a look of confusion, before picking up a X gun, a Y gun, and a controller looking thing, before closing it.
"Well, I guess this is some sort of stealth suit, or killing uniform... Still not sure why this.. thing... wants us to do this."

He then shrugs, he was supposed to be dead, so it really didn't matter what he was doing now, and he went into the room out back (the door leads to a hallway although you cant leave it I don't think.), and gets changed, before coming back in.

2009-06-10, 10:40 AM
Arnold, has stopped thinking. Nothing didn't make any sense but mùaybe after all it didn't had to. he had stepped awy from the fall asking for a new purpose to life, and ended up here. so maybe that was it, his purpose was to fight monster choosed by a big grey ball in the compagny of peoples he never met before ?
Not important, there were others that were more clever than him, he knew that all to well, they would figure it out. This was the sign taht he hed to comme back to a simpler lifde, to let himself caried along and do what he was told.
Plus even if he had wanted to concentrate he wouldn't be able to concentrate, this disco music was really creeping him out.

Thankfully there weren't a lot of briefcases left, so making a choice was easy. he took the one labeled "Insomniac" and looked at the contents.
He turned to Mito. The bald man with seemed to know what he was doing, and Arnold needed somme directions right now.

"So what are these suits for ? They important ?"

Kuma Da
2009-06-10, 12:49 PM
Martin Donahue

This is a lot to take on faith.

Picking an x-gun off the rack, Martin points it at the floor and pulls the top trigger. Nothing.

"Is this some sort of glorified game of laser tag? My gun doesn't--"

He clicks the bottom trigger.

2009-06-11, 12:34 AM
Rei is a little confused by the odd American man, talking rapidly, and weird body language is a sign of coming insanity..."Seventeen, and as far as I can tell, this.. Thing here... It might have teleported our matter somehow across to here from our various death sites... Whatever's in these boxes is obviously some sort of future equipment, and the things with tirggers are obviously guns... If this THING can teleport us here... then he also must have a way of ensuring his new slaves do the job right, and without delays... Although his motive for doing this elludes me."
Rei says pacing about the room frevently, trying the windows, and at one point even seeing if one of the walls will give to a body slam, only to find out painfully it doesn't quite work that way.

God damn asians always catch on before us westerners... wait.

Howard stares Rei down, his suddenly grim expression slowly mouthing words silently until he says, "How do you figure that, kid?" He tries to laugh as he says this but it only comes out as a cough. For the first time in years he feels afraid. Like his heart just got sent through an oven.

****, no, I gotta work with it. I am a warrior. Warrior's are animals. Viscious, savage, bastardized animals and they know no fear. The rifle is their weapon and cynicism their emotion. I am not afraid.

His breathing became slow. He whiped sweat from his brow.

Then he caught Rei trying to arm check a wall for some reason.

"No, no, kid, you don't do it like that! You're only going to hurt yourself. This is what you do." He tried a kick.

"Hnh! **** damn, nothing. Well I'm out."

May as well not try the weapon. Isn't polite I don't think.

Be careful of using the enemy's weapon, even when it is in your own hands. There is no telling what functions it might contain, particularly if it is of a superior technology. He remembered Sergeant Olman dictate to Howard as he stood in a line with 29 others like him - probably not expecting marines to be capable of identifying what constituted superior technology anyway. It was day 91, 1400 hours.

Mito mentions nicknames.

"So... which one's mine?"

Mito says "Blah, blah, head goes bye bye."

Howard coughed nervously. He assumed this man was taking command of the squad. He didn't say anything, except, "One hell of a war we got happening. And sorry, should the first and last words out of my mouth be sir?" These last words are completely serious and without a tinge of sarcasm.

Jessica returned to the room. She'd fallen, she knew she'd fallen. And then she's standing in this room being told she must fight or something and the ball starts blaring music and flashing pictures and she's soaked to the skin anditsalltoomuch! She had ran from the room in a panic. Now she snuck back in, the taste of a lunch coming the wrong way still lingering in her throat.

Howard's speech instantly shifted to that of a rapper's, "Mm... baby, hey where you goin'?" Perhaps he thought it was witty.

When Jessica came back a split second later, he hounded her, "Is that sweat you covered in? I like chicks that sweat. So sweet." His tone shows that he is embarrasingly into the hitting game.

Girls at the clubs had always asked to get lifted by him. Always giggling. This should've been cake on a stick.

Picking an x-gun off the rack, Martin puts it at the floor and pulls the top trigger. Nothing.

"Is this some sort of glorified game of laser tag? My gun doesn't--"

He clicks the bottom trigger.

"Hm... yah, it's always a good idea to test a weapon you've never even witnessed before." If sarcasm could ooze and was sentient, it would've oozed all over the human race with that sentence.

Walter O'Dim
2009-06-11, 01:20 AM
Mito looked at Nix and Auther to answer their question, just as someone pulled the "X-Rifle", a long gun that looked like it came out of a sci fi move, with a long x shaped barrel, and pulled the first trigger.

Of course Mito wasn't alarmed, the first trigger only activated the things scope and scanner, that in its self was harmless. What wasn't harmless, was when he pointed the gun and pulled down on the second trigger. Almost immediately Mito shout out his arm helplessly, like a man trying to grab a three year old kid about to run on a highway during rush hour, while he stood a few hundred feet away. For the first three seconds, a pin cold have dropped and filled the room with noise.

Then a basketball sized portion of the wall exploded where the gun had been pointed, and ashes and dry wall spilled all over everyone in the main room.

" When you press both buttons, nanomachines or something come out the other end, latch onto whatever you pointed it at, and make it explode three seconds later. Just pressing the top trigger activates the scope...witch has X ray vision on it." Mito tried to say dryly, as he grabbed the X-Gun that had fired and pushed the barrel of the gun to the floor.

"That applies to all guns, but the Y shaped gun. It fires a net when you fire all two triggers...and teleports the aliens some place. I don't know where though. The sword has a button on it as well that extends it. Your probably wonder about the gun in Vasco's hand, and why it isn't anywhere else in here, well that's because...." Mito began to say, as a ray from the pitch black ball in the dust covered room, truck him in the head, and began moving side to side, like a type writer of old swinging side to side as letters where mashed into the paper locked in side of it, and down...making everything it hit side to side disapear into thing air.

"Ah, Crap...hurry get your weapons NOW!!!!" Mito screamed in a panic.


Do what the man says, in your next post...grab your weapons and prepare to be teleported into the mission, and post that list in the OOC, or be treated like you brought nothing in for this mission...you have been warned.

2009-06-11, 01:26 AM
Arthur shrugged, and quickly picked up a Sword, one of the Bigger Guns, a strange box thing, and the briefcase saying 'Nerd-in-Training.'

That's probably me...

He opened it up, finding another one of the suits inside. He looked at it carefully, figuring out how to put it on while he waited for the Ball to finish... whatever it was doing.

2009-06-11, 01:42 AM
"Mm... baby, hey where you goin'?"

Jessica paused at the doorway, that big american man had just called out to her

"Is that sweat you covered in? I like chicks that sweat. So sweet."

What! Was this guy some kinda rapist or something.

"You little..."

Her response was cut of by an explosion nearby. Someone had blown a chunk out of the wall! The green haired man in the suit was explaining those guns to them. It might of had something to do with the explosion but suddenly that seemed a lot more important. She wasn't quite sure what the guy was saying. She wasn't really a gun nut. Three seconds, extending swords and firing nets was about all she understood. As the man seemed to have his head cut opened, he yelled in panic,

"Ah, Crap...hurry get your weapons NOW!!!!"

Jessica didn't need any more prompting. She hurrie to the ball and grabbed one of the big guns before that big rapist could get it.

"Freak," she muttered as she passed him.

Grabbing her suitcase, she ducked into the next room to get changed

2009-06-11, 04:25 AM
Jonathon Michaels

Jon was struggling through putting the top half of his suit on when the wall to his right exploded away "Jesus Christ!!" he yelled at Martin "Watch where you point that ****ing thing!" he screamed. He staggered away from the blast area and finished doing up his suit, leaving his own clothes discarded on the floor. He watched in amazement as the green-haired kid began to disappear piece by piece, snatched a few items from his briefcase and managed to grab one of the metal globes which the kid had described as a motorbike before he too began to vanish.

"This is so ****** up" he managed to blurt out before he disappeared into thin air.

2009-06-11, 08:06 AM
Arnold was surprised by the weird explosion as he was putting his suit. Running, his suit still half hanging on his ankles, the top tucked under his arm with one of those weird guns, he just had the time to run and grab one of the swords and run to one of the weird spheres.
"This look like no motorbi.."
he didn't had the time to complete his sentence that he was gaines by the blast.

Starting equipemnt:
Suit, one sword, a X gun and a bike.

Tar Palantir
2009-06-11, 09:15 AM

Nix jumps to full combat readiness at the explosion, stepping back a pace and neatly avoided any debris. He comments dryly, "So that's what they shoot."

At Mito's panic, he springs into action, grabbing his briefcase, an X-gun, a Y-gun, and something which looks like one of those GPS things. He has just enough time to snag his cane with his foot before vanishing.

Kuma Da
2009-06-11, 11:09 AM
Martin Donahue

Martin looks back at Howard with an expression that’s maybe two hairs shy of scornful. “Well, how am I supposed to have seen this fire if no one ever tes—holy ****!”

This is real. It is. I’m dead and I’m alive and nothing feels wrong with me and I’m supposed to become some sort of ******* gladiator for a ball full of guns and… I can’t deal with this right now. I gotta put it aside. Think about it later. Just work on automatic.

First thing to do is get that ******* ridiculous costume on.

“Don’t nobody look. I’m getting naked.” Shedding his pants, Martin struggles into the suit as best he can. It clings to all the wrong places, like a wetsuit, but he manages to get at least half of it around his body. At which point two things happen: he remembers dropping his gun during the blast and he begins to feel a slight breeze blowing across the top of his head.

We’re indoors. What the ****?

He reaches up a hand and finds the top of his head is missing.


Oh balls.

equipment going into the first mission: suit. Nothing else. If I survive, this is going to be the best mission ever.

2009-06-11, 11:53 AM
God damn asians always catch on before us westerners... wait.

Howard stares Rei down, his suddenly grim expression slowly mouthing words silently until he says, "How do you figure that, kid?" He tries to laugh as he says this but it only comes out as a cough. For the first time in years he feels afraid. Like his heart just got sent through an oven.

Rei chuckles abit at this, the things that were happening around them were fairly plain to deduce, although HOW they were happening was beyond him, one merely needed to take in small details from their surronding to get the same information he did.
"Simple really. We're all of different ethnicties, and are all obviously from different regions as shown from our clothing, and mannierisms. That alone already cemented the teleportation, or some other high speed matter transportation method. The fact that my watch says that it's only been 3 hours since the time I checked before I was beaten to death, only served to further prove that to me. The future technology was just proven when I saw the small display on the pistol in my hand, and the explosion, and the laser... thing... just proved my hypothesis. Scientific method. They teach it in 1st year primary school sciences. As for how all th-"
He would have continued, but the laser just struck him in the head as well, and his body was soon dematerialized, and rematerialized in the mission location.

X gun, Y gun, Suit, and controller.

2009-06-11, 10:11 PM
Howard Dean

Martin fires the gun causing an explosion.

Howard makes a smooth effort to get significantly behind Mito, although he is still standing when the explosion reduces wood to dust.

"Huh... more like a grenade than a gun."

"You little..."

Was she talking to him when he said that? She couldn't be. First off, he definitely wasn't little (even in the marines). Second off, he forgot 'second off'.

She was probably ignoring him. Or maybe she didn't hear. He decided to play it smart and not bring the matter to attention. He'd try again later.

Mito says, "Blah, blah, gun fires nanites. Other gun shoots a net."

"Well I'm really more curious with what it can do to squibats. Guess I could find out. No need to waste your time." Squibats were Howard's name for the squid/bat-like creature he just witnessed upon ninepin.

His mouth continued to move awkwardly after he said this, rapidly mouthing silent, invisible words.

"Ah, Crap...hurry get your weapons NOW!!!!" Mito screamed in a panic.

Adrenaline rushed into Howard's veins, and he was taking action before the words left Mito's mouth.

Scooping up Street Pharmacist with his left hand, and a y-gun with his right (assuming the former is an x-gun), he made a dive for his briefcase, managing to cover it with his belly but having no hands to open it up.

That laser had no feeling to it as it ate up his body.

He played with the chance that there might be an alien surprise attack on the other side of laser-portation.

2009-06-14, 05:10 PM
(COUGH, We need the area around us to be described Walter.)

Walter O'Dim
2009-06-22, 10:54 PM
The team looked around themselves. They were at a beach at night. Any other night they could have appreciated the beauty of the full moon shining on the waves. About 400 ft behind them the sandy beach turned into grass and rocks. Further behind that was the road. 200 ft in front of them was the ocean hitting the beach.

Normally one would expect sea-shells on the beach, however, all around them were corpses. Or, more appropriately, pieces of corpses. Some of these corpses had Gantz suits. Other corpses looked like pieces of grey warted flesh. Another bizarre corpse, looked like a satyr on steroids, with ram horns.

The Gantzer's heard a loud shout. "I WON'T GO QUIETLY INTO THAT GOOD NIGHT!!!!"

The Gantzer's saw a group of strange creatures. The looked like grey three legged wart-skinned blobs of flesh, about the size of a Garbage Can, with tentacles sprouting out of them like grass. The creatures had two shark-like mouths on both sides. Quite a few of these creatures were still chewing up people, as the moved closer to the one shouting.

The person shouting in the center was completely surrounded. He had a Gantz suit that had flames air brushed on it where the suit had folds. On the front of his suit in the center of his chest was an airbrushed flaming skull. On his back the words "Red Slaya" were airbrushed in a graffiti style. He was about 5'5" African American with a buzz cut, and looked to be no older than 14 or 15 years old. He wore a skull patterned bandanna around his neck.


The boy extended his G-Sword, and swung in front of him. 6 of the creatures split in half. He took a step forward, and turned around and swung again. 4 of the creatures split in half. There were still 32 creatures surrounding him.

Flint, Rei, and Martin were 20ft east from him towards the beach. There were 12 creatures like the one they say on the screen in the mission room immediately in front of them. One of them was a Satyr-like creature, though somewhat aquatic by nature. It was very muscular, and 12 ft tall. Most disturbingly, this creature had a Gantz Sword in it's hand, and a wicked smile.

Mito, Nix, Arnold, Jonathon and Mito were 60 ft south of him. There were 8 creatures in front of them.

Jessica, Athur and Vasco were 40 ft north of him. There were 2 monsters in front of them, and 1 Satyr-like Creature. It was 11ft tall and it had an H-Gun. The creature aimed it directly at the three of them and smiled.

2009-06-23, 12:06 AM
Howard Dean

The first thing Howard saw was Jessica. In his periphery he caught what looked some sort of arch demon, complete with curly goat horns and a sadistic grin.

Since when are women permitted combat?

Still on his belly, he depressed both triggers (x and y guns) at goat mofo.

2009-06-23, 01:35 AM
Rei looked, and assesed the combat situation, his body was SCREAMING at him to flee, but he had died in the past for helping the under dogs out, and although these things freaked the **** out of him, he felt a similar resolve now. He pulled out the X Gun, and began locking onto those near to him, taking careful aim to slow them down first, then kill them with each lock on.
"Take careful aim, slow the target down so that way it cant reach you in its death throes, then go in for the kill."

2009-06-23, 02:03 AM

Jessica had just finished doing up her suit when she turned up in this nightmare world. Why was all this happening! She must be dead. Things this horrible didn't happen to living people. She hadn't lived a wicked life, why was she here? Was this punishment for being an Athiest? But wasn't she meant to plead her case at the pearly gates or something? That room was a pretty horrible pearly gates if that was correct. She didn't want this! She didn't want to be here!

Jessica turned to run but tripped on a torn corpse. She fell to the ground on her back. There was something soft and cold under her. Perhaps she was about to join them.

((Jess is lying on her back, hopefully out of the creature's crosshairs for the moment))

2009-06-23, 08:01 AM
Jonathon looked around him in slack-jawed horror. He had assumed, obviously wrongly, that there would only be one of those 'Cthulu aliens' to be dealt with and was not at all ready for the hideous looking creatures and corpses around him. He fell onto all fours and promptly threw up.

As he wiped his mouth with the back of one hand he noticed he still had a hold of that weird looking gun. He looked up in panic as he saw one of the creatures turn to (face?) him and quickly aimed and pressed both triggers...

Tar Palantir
2009-06-23, 08:31 AM

As soon as Nix opens his eyes, he swore. They were outnumbered pretty badly, and he hadn't gotten into his suit. He looks at his guns, but his eyes are drawn to the GPS device. Trusting his instincts and sheer dumb luck, he twiddles with the device for a few seconds, before stumbling upon "Stealth Mode." Praying that it works, he clicks the button and dives to the side, moving as quickly as he can away from the thick of the fighting. As soon as none of the alien things are paying attention to him, he begins to strip and get into his suit.

Kuma Da
2009-06-25, 12:07 AM
Martin Donahue

Martin struggles with the suit, dropping to a crouch as he tries to force his arms through the sleeves. Once he manages to slip one through, he feels about in the sand beneath his feet for a rock. "I don't know what you all are, but we've got you surrounded," he calls out, "back away from the kid, and we'll talk."

2009-06-25, 04:31 PM
"I don't know what you all are, but we've got you surrounded," Martin calls out, "back away from the kid, and we'll talk."

"Yah, talk." Howard grins evilly, pointing his x-gun at one of the squibats and letting loose (assuming the satyr in front of Jess is dead/incapacitated), "We're humans by the way, and this is how we communicate!"

2009-06-25, 08:06 PM
Arnold just finishes to put his combinaison. He then look aroud him to find he is almost face to face with an horrible three leged tentacled, shark mouthed creature. Arnold may not be the brightest guy ever but he's pretty sure it's not a good thing for him. It takes all his self control not to drop what he's carrying and flee screaming through the night.
He imediatly jump backward and extend the weird sword thing he is weilding, hopping it will keep the creatures at bay.
"Don't you get closer or I'll cut you in half."