View Full Version : Through the Portal [TOWN PLOT]

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2009-06-08, 08:55 PM
Stepping through the portals, you all arrive in what appears to be a very advanced labrotory, except it looks trashed. Like someone tried to destroy it in a hurry.

There is no apparent exit, but there is a large computer terminal on the opposite wall.

(FYI Bergett/Falgorn there is a third, deadtimed, person here too.)

2009-06-08, 08:59 PM
Isaac steps in and looks around.
What happened here?

2009-06-08, 10:35 PM
Joneleth looks around and jumps at the man behind him.
How did you get here? But I don't know, I just got here a few seconds ago myself, it was already like this.

((How did they get here? And are Alex and that man visible anywhere?))

2009-06-09, 06:07 PM
I don't know...
Alex's arms came looking for help or something...
I pressed the button and POOF next thing I know I'm here...
Where am I?

2009-06-09, 06:31 PM
Some sort of lab. He dusts himself off. You search that side of the room, I'll look over here.
He does go off to the right and looks around through everything.

2009-06-09, 06:39 PM
He looks around glancing at any notes he finds to see if they are owned by anyone.

2009-06-10, 09:42 PM
There is no one in the room except yourselves.

There are many scattered and ripped blueprints and other notes that appear to be written by Alex. They all have lab reports or experimental designs on them, one of which has scribbled writings on top of it, reading:


Don't look at my dia-.

The note stops.

There are also assorted gadgets, ranging from big to small. If any of you have good technological knowledge, (like maybe Issac?) they might be able to identify some of them.

2009-06-10, 10:49 PM
He tries to identify some of the gadgets laying around he might know what they are.
Who would want to destroy this?

2009-06-11, 08:13 AM
Many are too foreign to be identified, and several more are destroyed beyond repair, but the salvageable items include:

A small energy knife (The blade being only 3" long.)
Two "Walkie Talkie" like devices
2 smokebombs
and a laser pointer.

2009-06-11, 11:29 AM
Rox notes the knife and smoke bombs. He tries to take them and put them in his pockets. Where are we?

2009-06-11, 05:09 PM
Well he tries but since Isaac found them...
He hands him one of the smoke bombs.
He keeps the knife though.
Not sure, I think this is Alex's lab...
Don't know for sure though.

2009-06-11, 05:12 PM
The computer in the corner sputters a bit.

Intruders! Identify purpose...


2009-06-11, 05:14 PM
Isaac's eyes widen.
Woah woah woah!
We're here to help out Alex!
She let us here.

2009-06-11, 05:19 PM
Beings unknown...



2009-06-11, 05:21 PM
Alex is the smartest person in the world...
Alex is a genius!

2009-06-11, 05:24 PM
Password rejected. Maximum characters: 5



2009-06-11, 05:28 PM
Oh geez...
Isaac takes cover behind one of the expected overturned desks.

2009-06-11, 07:26 PM
39875? Joneleth yells and jumps behind another desk.
((I may not be able to post for a few days though))

2009-06-11, 09:36 PM

Creator not detected...

Deploy W.E.S.? . . .

It asks.

2009-06-12, 02:51 PM
He slowly comes out from behind the table. Well that was lucky.
What do you people think? I'm leaning towards 'yes', but I really have no idea what it would do.

2009-06-12, 05:04 PM
Wow I didn't think of that password.
He stands up and walks over.
Umm well first of all...
What's W.E.S.?
He asks the computer.

2009-06-12, 05:49 PM
W.E.S. -- Wireless Electronic Servant

Definition: AI program developed to make communication between system and user easier.

2009-06-12, 11:16 PM
Sounds good to me.
Isaac shrugs.

2009-06-13, 09:55 AM
Inference servers interpret answer as affermitive.

Loading W.E.S. . . .

Two small pods detach from the wall. They come closer together and project a hologram between them.

http://public4.tektek.org/img/av/0906/d13/0956/e2fa917.png (http://tektek.org/avatar/27871184)

Hey, welcome to the lab. What's up?

2009-06-13, 12:20 PM
Yes I think you can.
You see we're here to find Alex,
she sent a message of help from her arm things, and we ='re here to figure out what's going on.
First of all what happened here?

2009-06-13, 01:35 PM
It was a lucky guess.
Like he said, we're looking for Alex. She was kidnapped and taken through this place just moments before we got here. He glances about
And are there any weapons here? Mine were eaten by rust monsters.
So do you know what happened here or where they went?

2009-06-13, 05:31 PM
Ah, yes. Before our security cameras were destroyed, I did see what appeared to be a member of the royal army, Alex in tow. She couldn't activate me, but I saw her leave the password, apparently for you guys. Smart girl.

My guess is that she was taken to the castle to be executed, but knowing the beaurocracy involved, we probably have time to plan.

Here are my features:
I can opperate any device in here, well, working ones anyway...
I can guide you to Lyontica castle, where she's most likely being held.
I can provide you with proper disguises, because you do look out of place.
I'm an excellent conversationalist.

What kind of weapon do you use?
He throws in at the last second.

2009-06-13, 05:37 PM
Maybe we can stop by to chat some other time.
What can you tell us about Lyontica castle?

And a short-sword if you have one, but I think that I can manage about whatever you've got if you have something more useful.

2009-06-13, 05:41 PM
Well, I've got this.

Some arms extend from the wall and pick up a sword that was lying in some sort of case. (Which was opaque, thus why you didn't see it.)

Alex was trying to... Actually, I don't know what she was doing, but it's still a sword!

The sword appears to be of excellent craftmanship.

2009-06-13, 06:12 PM
Joneleth picks the sword up and studies it.
This is going to do something weird, isn't it? :smallsigh:
Oh well, it's a very good sword. Thank you.
But about the castle?

2009-06-13, 06:19 PM
Undoubtly, This is Alex, after all.

Well, the castle is located a few miles that way.
He says pointing east.

They are heavilly fortified, but I believe we still have some of our vehicles online. If we want to lay siege, I'd call it a fair fight. Or we could sneak in. I've determined there is a small underground passage we could slip into unnoticed. I don't know where Alex is being kept.

I will acompany you, but...
He puts his hand through a table.

I can't directly assist with anything.:smallsigh:

2009-06-13, 06:26 PM
Well, with three people and an illusion, I'd say we sneak in. Any objections?

And do you have any bugs around here?
I suppose that's probably too much to hope for. He looks around, as if they might suddenly appear.

((Just have it do whatever when it'll be interesting, unless you want me to think of something.))

2009-06-13, 06:31 PM
Bugs? Oh, no. This is a secure facility, no one is eavesdropping.

(Don't worry, I will.:smalltongue:
Also, we can't leave without Bergett, so if you have any more questions, feel free to ask them.)

2009-06-13, 06:32 PM
On the contrary. I was listening the whole time. Rox says, shrugging off the deadtime.

2009-06-13, 06:34 PM
Yes, well, I believed that you were a part of this little party, so I was speaking to you, ergo, HAH!

(By the way, what's up with the gender-change?)

2009-06-13, 06:39 PM
No, no. he laughs.
Wasps, flies, beetles, so on. Insects.
I get along well with them. They could help find Alex.

2009-06-13, 06:41 PM
Oh. I have it on good faith that there are some outside, not that I've ever been. By the way, what do you think of the plan?
He asks Falgorn.

(What do your guys look like again?)

2009-06-13, 06:53 PM
http://public4.tektek.org/img/av/0906/d03/1550/ed77329.png That was the old sword though.:smalltongue:
Alright, I'll find some then.

2009-06-14, 12:41 PM
Something like this...
http://public4.tektek.org/img/av/0906/d14/1240/b3c9466.png (http://tektek.org/avatar/27911449)

Isaac raises an eyebrow.
yes all of these options are available, but what about just talking to them? Figure out their position first and maybe get some intel first before we try to sneak in. Maybe even negotiate to get Alex back. Or even be able to get in the facility without sneaking through any sewers.
He shrugs

2009-06-14, 02:01 PM
W.E.S. shrugs.
Well, suit yourself, but you'll be killed on sight for sure.

Plus, they're going to execute her on charge of treason, so I doubt they will let her go that easily.

Good luck though!

2009-06-14, 02:02 PM
Why would I get killed on sight?
they must be at least willing to talk.

2009-06-14, 02:11 PM
Um, what's the best way to put this...

Look at yourself, and compare yourself to this gentleman.
He motions to Joneleth.

Despite your fashion sense, what differences do you possess?

2009-06-14, 02:15 PM
I don't know...
Maybe different ideals, age, different pasts.
He probably still has both his natural eyes
He gestures to his red eye.
There's probably a few other things why?

2009-06-14, 02:16 PM
Alright, I'm not used to talking to people from other planes, so I'll try to be as simple as possible.

This world is too simple.

2009-06-14, 02:20 PM
What are you trying to say? :smallconfused:

2009-06-14, 02:26 PM
Computer, activate primary monitor and display frontal wall.

The computer shows an image of what appears to be a countryside resembling mediedvel England in the 1200's

Might I also add that she's being charged with Witchcraft?

2009-06-14, 02:40 PM
Ok, so they are just trying to execute her regardless of anyting we try?

2009-06-14, 02:42 PM
Well, I am quite familiar with the laws of physics, and it stands to reason that if she's not within the castle, they can't execute her.

I'm just saying...:smallamused:

2009-06-14, 02:44 PM
Well I ment if we DIDN'T save her,
but yeah...
No negotiating?
Well lets avoid any unnecessary bloodshed then...
He sighs.

2009-06-14, 02:51 PM
Alright, then, since that guy's asleep and never posts, we just have to wait for your friend...
He mentions Joneleth.

...then we can go. You're gonna want a disguise though... Hmmm...

2009-06-14, 02:53 PM
Right then.
He waits.

2009-06-14, 05:05 PM
Eh, I'm sure he'll come along with us. He wants to help, right?
Let's go. I'll ask any bugs to help. Not sure what exactly you all can do, but that looks dangerous. He points at the gun.
((Ready when We're all online))

2009-06-14, 08:55 PM
Yeah lets go I guess.

2009-06-14, 10:47 PM
Alright. He looks around.
So how do we get out of this place?

2009-06-14, 10:53 PM
I am unsure.
He pulls out his machine gun that he uses over his other laser/plasma-thingy for no adequately explored reason.

2009-06-15, 07:53 AM
That's W.E.S.

Wireless Elecronic Sidekick.

And, if I may...
Computer! Open Weapons Vault 9: Override code 48502!

A piece on the wall slides open revealing a large room filled with medieval weaponary.

Take your pick, may I suggest a crossbow?

2009-06-15, 10:20 AM
You might, it's what I would have taken anyway.
He grabs a repeating crossbow off the rack and checks it.
But the door out?

2009-06-15, 05:10 PM
Isaac grabs a crossbow too.
Certainly a lot quieter than a machine gun...
All right where to?

2009-06-15, 07:11 PM
Computer. Open frontal doors.

A large double door opens in the wall leading outside.

When we are clear, activate emergency procedure 3C429F.

Procedure not found. . .

Emergency Override code 4353FDS09SG96V4H935FN7539BGVN4C
4933894758974C43M9056720938475847834M920756C237573 2
4933894758974C43M9056720938475847834M920756C237573 2
4933894758974C43M9056720938475847834M920756C237573 2
4933894758974C43M9056720938475847834M920756C237573 2


2009-06-15, 07:14 PM
Joneleth blinks in the light and steps out.
Maybe you should lead the way, W.E.S.?

2009-06-15, 09:13 PM
I think that would be a good idea too.
He shields his eyes with his arm a bit.
he follows him out.

2009-06-16, 05:50 AM
W.E.S. leads you all out to a small grassy plain, looking behind, the lab appears to be disguised as a hill of sorts.

After everyone leaves, W.E.S. turns around.
Computer, we are clear.

The doors shut again.

Alright, so if we're sneaking in, we should go that way.
He says gesturing East.

Then he turns to Issac.
Damn! We forgot to get you a disguise!

(By the way, there was a slight timing error in the last post. I edited it, and it shouldn't affect anything, but if you want to look...)

2009-06-16, 09:06 AM
Can't you project an illusion like yourself around him or something?

2009-06-18, 01:29 PM
Well, I suppose if I were to stand directly on top of him, I could obscure him, but I'm not exactly camoflauged either.
He says, gesturing at both his labcoat and the giant floating metal pieces on his hips.

Well, there's a tailor that's a personal friend of mine in a village on our way. We can stop there.

2009-06-18, 01:57 PM
Alright. He starts off walking toward the castle. We'll see what we can think of on the way. What else can you tell us about the castle?

2009-06-18, 06:59 PM
Like history? tactical knowledge?

2009-06-18, 07:06 PM
I was thinking tactical, but I suppose anything might be helpful.
What do you know?

2009-06-18, 11:05 PM
Also the layout of the castle, seeing as we really have no idea what we're doing...

2009-06-19, 10:20 AM
Well, it's not like I have a map or anything, but there's a spot coming up where we can access the castle dungeon, which, incidently, the king knows nothing about. It has a secret passage into the castle somewhere. After we make it inside, we find the throne room and save Alex's ass... and the rest of her too.

(I'm assuming we're walking while talking, any objections?)

2009-06-19, 10:57 AM
:smallsigh: Alright. Just like everybody does.
He walks a bit away to look for any bugs.
((No, no problem))

2009-06-19, 02:32 PM
He finds bugs, not an extrodinary amount, but what you'd expect from wandering outside.

2009-06-19, 02:40 PM
He whispers at them a bit, and the start flying and walking towards the castle.

2009-06-19, 04:03 PM
You'd think kings of their own castles would see these critical structural flaws...
Isaac says following.

2009-06-19, 04:04 PM
Well, if he doesn't even know about all of it, I doubt that it's really his.

2009-06-19, 04:05 PM
I suppose.
still kinda important you'd think someone would tell him...

2009-06-19, 04:08 PM
Maybe they just execute everybody, no dungeon needed?
He winces a bit.

2009-06-19, 05:09 PM
Well, it's not really a dungeon, just ruins.

The castle was built on top of some ancient ruins, but I don't know why. The only reason we know they exist is because of sonar, so it's possible we're the only ones who know at all.

2009-06-19, 05:15 PM
Alright. So how long till we get the disguises and to the castle, would you say?

2009-06-19, 05:16 PM
I'd say, a half-hour's pace to the tailor and another such length to the passage.

Just an estimate though.

2009-06-19, 05:42 PM
Good. We'll be there in no time!

2009-06-20, 06:48 PM
As short while later, the party happens upon a small cottage with smoke coming out of the chimney.

Here it is. I'm sure he'll help us.

2009-06-20, 06:50 PM
Joneleth goes up and knocks on the door.

2009-06-20, 07:13 PM
Isaac stands by not saying anything.

2009-06-20, 07:24 PM
A middle aged man opens the door.

Can I help you, sir?

2009-06-20, 07:35 PM
We need a disguise for this man here. He points at Iaasac
Do you think you could help us?

2009-06-20, 07:39 PM
Isaac waves a bit.
Can you?

2009-06-20, 07:39 PM
Well, you certainly do. Are you another of Alex's friends?

You got it Pops!
W.E.S. says hovering into view.

The man says falling backwards.
I hate it when you sneak up on me like that!

Well, come on inside.

2009-06-20, 07:41 PM
Isaac walks in.
So how do you know Alex?

2009-06-20, 07:42 PM
Oh, I raised her when she was a little girl.

It all started with that one order...

(Sorry about the illegible writing. I wanted to show that he was speaking softly, and I overdid it.)

2009-06-20, 07:46 PM
Which order might that be?

2009-06-20, 07:47 PM
What order was that?

((Do any characters speak in White?))

2009-06-20, 07:51 PM
Well, she was seven at the time. We used to have a profitable business, my wife and I, in Lyontica. We recieved a rather large order of tunics for the coming winter and Alex insisted upon helping us with them.

After a few, she decided that it was too much work and quit. She came back the next day with an odd contraption. She called it a "Steam Engine". It used water to provide power. She said it could complete our order in half the time.
He starts to sound sad.

One of my characters: Kaylee used to.

2009-06-20, 07:53 PM
The steam engine was a key invention in our civilization where I come from, what was the problem?

2009-06-20, 07:56 PM
Did it ruin the order somehow? Or is it just that engines change things? They've always been around where I live, but when they first invented them...

2009-06-20, 08:07 PM
Well, it wasn't the engine per se. More when the king's Men Accused US OF WITCHCRAFT, KILLED MY WIFE AND SENT ME INTO EXILE!!!

He's very bitter about this, but you can tell he isn't yelling at you.

2009-06-20, 08:12 PM
I'm so sorry...

2009-06-20, 08:12 PM
I'm sorry. Would that be the king of that castle over there?((short deadtime))

2009-06-20, 08:16 PM
That it would. If either of you are unsure as to my alliegence, I should hope that cleared up any doubts.

Now let's get your measurements.

The man comes at Issac with a tape measure with attempt to measure.

2009-06-20, 08:42 PM
Isaac holds out his arms to allow him to take the measurements.
I always agreed that people who are killed for what they invent is wrong. It's all just leads to ignorance...

2009-06-20, 08:46 PM
It is terrible, but what can we do? We can't just kill or arrest the king or law enforcement here. I mean, in general people can promote science and so on, but here, nothing.

2009-06-20, 08:49 PM
The only problem is that she kept going. She moved out and started building more things. Now I hear she's going to be executed for Treason?! It makes me sick inside.

He finishes.

There is a coat in the back that will fit you. I'll return shortly.

2009-06-20, 08:51 PM
Ah, right. Never mind what I said. We are here to rescue a 'traitor', so maybe a new order would help out. How often are people executed for such things?

2009-06-20, 08:52 PM
Isaac puts on the coat.
Well at least what we mean to do this will at least show this king we mean business.

2009-06-21, 05:25 PM
The man comes back with a somewhat ragged coat.

There you go. Take these too.

He hands him a black hat and eyepatch.

If anyone asks, say you're a pirate. They'll think you're joking and nobody will ask about your eye.

2009-06-21, 07:28 PM
Well, I suppose it could work. He looks at the disguise critically.
Thanks for your help.

2009-06-21, 09:16 PM
Isaac looks at the disguse with a "Really?" look.
Ummm thanks?

2009-06-21, 09:18 PM
Hey. We don't know this place, he's probably right.
Joneleth walks to the door.

2009-06-21, 09:20 PM
I certainly hope so...
See ya later old man, we'll go spring Alex...

2009-06-21, 09:24 PM
I hope so too. The other possibility is all of us dying. So try to be optimistic, alright? He walks out the door, and waites for WES.

2009-06-21, 09:34 PM

W.E.S. leaves too and points the next direction and begins to walk.

2009-06-21, 09:38 PM
Jon walks along beside him.
Anything to tell us at the last minute?

2009-06-21, 09:39 PM
Well, we still have to pass through a town before reaching the entry site. That's why we had to get our friend a disguise.

2009-06-22, 12:03 PM
He puts on the hat and the eyepatch.
This seems like it would attract more attention than keep me hidden...
He makes sure he has cloth wrapped around where his rifle sticks out of his pack.

2009-06-22, 02:05 PM
People would notice you anyways. This gives you an explanation. He speeds up a bit.

2009-06-22, 02:06 PM
I certainly hope so.
Isaac keeps up with him.

2009-06-22, 02:09 PM
Would people being carried away by giant bugs perhaps be less conspicuous?
((Short deadtime))

2009-06-22, 02:27 PM
I really don't think it would.

2009-06-22, 02:28 PM
... Yes.
W.E.S. says sarcastically.

You approach the top of a hill overlooking a large town at the coast of what appears to be a very large lake.

Here we are: Firus. We just have to pass through and we're practically there.

Any last questions? Ask them now before it's too late.

2009-06-22, 03:34 PM
Who's Firus?
And no, let's go on. He starts off down the hill.

2009-06-22, 03:55 PM
I think I'm good.
This is gonna be tough but I'm sure we can pull this off.
A two man raid on a castle.
I've had worse.
Not really...

2009-06-22, 06:38 PM
No, I'm sure too, I really am. I've, well I haven't seen worse either, but it can't be that bad. Besides, we have advice.

2009-06-22, 06:43 PM
(Sorry, I forgot a colon, Firus is the name of the village.)

Alright, then, after you get through, continue straight until you reach a small creek. I'll meet you there.

W.E.S. disappears and the two projectors fly away.

2009-06-22, 08:15 PM
I suppose the WES would attract their attention. Too bad though. He goes to walk through the town.

2009-06-22, 08:48 PM
Hey, WES is it such a good ide you're out in the open like this? I was under the impression we were trying to stay UNDER the radar....

2009-06-22, 08:57 PM
(W.E.S. disappeared. May I assume you both enter the town?)

2009-06-22, 09:00 PM
Isaac does trying to keep his head low and not attract attention.

2009-06-22, 09:29 PM
I enter the town anyways. Joneleth gathers his coat around him and looks down.

2009-06-23, 08:25 AM
The streets are crowded and noisy as the hustle and bustle of the market is underway. Strange exotic smells fill the air, and the clinking of coin is only outheard by the haggling over said sound.

After a minute or so of walking, you both see several men dressed in regal armor carrying weapons. You don't think they've seen you, but they're heading toward you and will be upon the party soon.

2009-06-23, 10:08 AM
Jon slowly turns around and walk the other way, looking for a side street he can use to get around them. This way. he whispers.

2009-06-23, 12:27 PM
Isaac follows with his head down.

2009-06-23, 01:30 PM
Side street is found. There is a small alley that looks like it would loop around the soldiers perfectly. There is only one person in it and he looks preoccupied.

2009-06-23, 01:32 PM
Jon ducks down the side street, keeping an eye on the person in the alley.

2009-06-23, 01:33 PM
Isaac ducks into the ally too.

2009-06-23, 02:35 PM
The figure is an older man. Seeing the two of you approach he turns away from what he was doing and looks at Issac.

What're you supposed to be? Some sort of pirate?

(You both can tell that any kind of commotion, such as a fight or fleeing, will attract the guards attention.)

2009-06-23, 08:31 PM
But it's kind of a long story...
Now if you'll excuse me.
He tries to keep going.

((Quick! Selm! Coalbear report!))

2009-06-23, 08:36 PM
It's just all he had left to wear. So we're going back to pick up some less ridiculous clothes. So if you don't mind?...

2009-06-23, 09:03 PM
They're free streets, I'm not about to stop you, but I wouldn't go that way.

He says moving out of your path.

2009-06-23, 09:04 PM
Why not? I don't remember there being anything wrong with this path.
He keeps walking, but slows down.

2009-06-23, 09:07 PM
Nothing wrong with the path, just the gateway to the seedier parts of town.
He says.

The guards continue walking. They don't see you at all, but block the other way out of the alley.

2009-06-23, 09:07 PM
Well I'm sure we'll be fine.
He slows down a bit too.

2009-06-23, 09:09 PM
We can handle it. Thanks for the warning though; I guess things've changed. He speeds back up, but keeps his hand near his crossbow.

2009-06-23, 09:11 PM
You both make it to the other side of the alley. It seems slightly darker (It's late afternoon) here, but you can't put your finger on it.

There are several groups of people, but they glare at you and look away. Obvious exits consist of where you just came from and a path through a plaza about 20' ahead of you.

2009-06-23, 09:13 PM
He looks around for less obvious exits while crossing the plaza through the center.

2009-06-23, 09:13 PM
Isaac looks for the way where they needed to go while following Joneth.

2009-06-23, 10:05 PM
Suddenly, you both feel unseen people from behind trying to grab you,.

Heh, fresh meat!
one of them says.

2009-06-23, 10:07 PM
Joneleth drops to the ground, trying to pull out his crossbow and turn around.
I need to listen to rambling old men more often.

2009-06-23, 10:14 PM
You dodge, but I'm waiting for Bergett to go into the fight scene.
(You're OOC post hurts because it's true...:smallsigh:)

You see two burly men, you're not quite sure why you didn't notice them before, but you can be fairly sure that the GM had a good reason. :smallamused:

2009-06-23, 10:16 PM
Now, let's you two back away and everybody goes home with their lives.
((Here, Bergett, Bergett, Bergett. Here penguin.))

2009-06-23, 10:49 PM
Isaac is grabbed.
Do you enjoy life?
He says without turning around.

2009-06-24, 09:15 AM
Watch out. That one's slippery.
The one who held Jon says.

Well this one talks too much!
The first one throws a punch at the (presumably?) grabbed Issac.

2009-06-24, 10:45 AM
Isaac tries to duck down and tries to elbow the one grappling him in the stomach.
You know we don't actually have to be doing this...

2009-06-24, 11:10 AM
So it's the hard way, huh?
He raises the crossbow and fires at the man who tried to grab him.

2009-06-24, 12:52 PM
Both shots hit.

The punctured guy stops his punch.

The other guy takes the elbow, but is unfazed by it.
Heh, that was pathetic!

He tries to headbut Issac.

(I should mention that Issac is being held between Jon and the guy.)

2009-06-24, 01:22 PM
Jon shoots at him once more and then tries to step away from Isaac to get a shot at the other man.

2009-06-24, 03:57 PM
Isaac is head butted and will probably fall over.
He'll try to pull out his crossbow here.

2009-06-24, 04:42 PM
Issac is still too close for the crossbow to be effective, but his falling over opened up Jon's shot, which I assume he takes.

Thug #2 takes a shot to the eye, which results in a fairly loud scream.
We might need some backup!

Thug #1 (the first one shot who is currently not engaged with anyone) pulls out a whistle.

2009-06-24, 05:32 PM
Isaac tries to turn and shoot the thug with the whistle.

2009-06-24, 07:04 PM
Yeah, he takes the shot. And two more if he can, before going to reload it.
Don't make us start treating this seriously.

2009-06-24, 08:58 PM
Issac's shot was deflected by Thug #2's skull.

The other shots hit, but since they didn't kill him, and they would've happened before he took out the whistle, it did not disrupt him.


2009-06-24, 09:01 PM
How tough are these guys?
If he managed to get a new set of bolts, he turns and looks for anyone else. Otherwise he keeps reloading.

2009-06-25, 08:06 PM
Ahh geez.
I say we start running now.

2009-06-25, 08:55 PM
No kidding.
He shoot 5 more bolts at the whistle guy, and then runs for the other side of the plaza.

2009-06-25, 09:09 PM
Isaac doesn't even shoot he just starts running.

2009-06-28, 07:06 PM
(Sorry about the dramatic pause guys. :smalltongue:)

Thugs run out from all over, not counting the original guys (one of which is practically dead anyway) there are 7.

Two are blocking your exit, but if you keep running, you might be able to bowl them over (depends on how strong you are, I'll leave it up to you to decide.)

2009-06-28, 07:07 PM
(Sorry about the dramatic pause guys. :smalltongue:)

Thugs run out from all over, not counting the original guys (one of which is practically dead anyway) there are 7.

Two are blocking your exit, but if you keep running, you might be able to bowl them over (depends on how strong you are, I'll leave it up to you to decide.)

Clanking sounds are heard from the direction you entered.

2009-06-28, 07:25 PM
Jon raises the crossbow.
You guys want to die too? Feel free to stay in my way and end up like your friend. He jerks his head at the thug with 7 crossbow bolts in him.
Besides, sounds like the guards are coming. Do you really want to be here when they arrive?
((Are they holding or wearing any visible metal?))

2009-06-28, 07:34 PM
(The thugs? No. Well, nothing that would clank at least.)

You don't scare us! We'se got better numbers, see?

Hey, Louie, those might be the guards...
One thug, who looks remarkable less thugish hangs back. The rest advance.

*sigh* I warned 'em.

(There's still time for Issac to try to plow through.)

2009-06-28, 08:59 PM
Ahh screw it...
so unless there are any guards in the area Isaac will stop reach to his pack and pull out a pistol and shoot at the two thugs then put it back.
If there are guards the he will try to tackle the one on the left as hard as he can.

2009-06-28, 09:00 PM
(You see no guards, but the clanging could concievably be them. Let me know what you do directly.)

2009-06-28, 09:02 PM
Isaac still tries for the gun maybe theirs enough chaos...

2009-06-28, 09:06 PM
No, see; you've got numbers, but we've got everything else. He aims at that guys head and shoots twice.
((short deadtime))

2009-07-01, 07:39 PM
(Whoa guys, sorry! I forgot about this!)

Jon's shots pierce Louie's head sending him to the ground.

Issac whips out his gun and fires. The thugs are flabbergasted by the foreign technology.

This guy's some sort of warlock!

The enlightened one sighs.
I told you all to stand down.
He says.

Several of the men before in plate come from the same way you both did.

By order of the Throne of Lyontica, stand down!
One looks in your direction.
Do not worry civilians! We shall rescue you!
They haven't noticed the gun yet.

2009-07-01, 07:48 PM
Isaac will quickly put away his pistol and turn around.
Thank you we were in trouble here!

2009-07-01, 08:35 PM
He hides the crossbow as well as he can and turns to the guard.
O thank goodness you arrived. I thought it was hopeless.

2009-07-01, 08:48 PM
The thugs scatter.

The smart one looks at the two of you and you both should hear a voice in your heads.

Good work, you've passed... for now.

He doesn't move at the guards approach.

Are you injured?
A guard asks.

2009-07-01, 08:58 PM
What the...what are you?

No, I think I'm alright. Just shaken.
((Jon deadtimes until Bergett hows up.))

2009-07-01, 11:46 PM
I think I'll be fine too.

2009-07-02, 10:52 AM
You should know. I don't read minds.
He walks and stands directly in front of the back way out.

Allow us to escort you to your destination!

Where are the two of you headed?

2009-07-02, 11:01 AM
That way. He points

2009-07-02, 11:19 AM
(... in which direction?)

2009-07-02, 11:20 AM
(Towards the castle.)

2009-07-02, 11:21 AM
You wish to go to the castle? Do you have business with the Lord, our King?

2009-07-02, 11:24 AM
Yes, we do. Thank you for your offer of help.

2009-07-02, 11:37 AM
yes thank you.

2009-07-02, 11:38 AM
Well, I cannot take you to the king himself, but I can take you to get an appointment to see him.

He and his men start walking towards the exit that the creepy guy is standing in front of.

2009-07-02, 12:52 PM
I think that will be fine.

2009-07-02, 02:24 PM
That should be fine. Thank you.
He follows the guards.

2009-07-02, 07:42 PM
The guards walk straight through the creepy guy like he wasn't even there.

Alright, I shall take you to the royal scheduler.

2009-07-02, 07:50 PM
Isaac nods and follows.

2009-07-02, 07:54 PM
Jon walks after them, watching the creepy guy the whole time.

2009-07-02, 08:01 PM
He watches you as well, but doesn't move from his spot.

After a couple minutes of walking through town, the guards take you to a small house.

Here lives the royal scheduler.

Guards leave.

2009-07-02, 08:06 PM
Thank you for your help.
Jon turns to go inside, then calls out to his bugs that he sent to scout. Are they still here to hear him?
Should we bother with this guy, Isaac?

2009-07-02, 08:09 PM
Maybe, if we set up a meeting with the king, we can get into the castle, and see it for ourselves.
We might not need to go through the ruins at all.
But that's my opinion, we don't have to.

2009-07-02, 08:11 PM
Well, I suppose it couldn't hurt. WES said we'd have time before the execution.
He shrugs and knocks on the door.

2009-07-02, 08:12 PM
Sorry, Are you asking if the bugs are still here? Or the guards?

The guards are walking away paying no attention to you.

The bugs are probably here, but if you call up a swarm then it will cause panic.

2009-07-02, 08:14 PM
((The bugs. Then he'll just check that they're there))
EDIT:Jon keeps knocking on the schedular's door.
EDIT2: ((Short deadtime.))

2009-07-02, 08:14 PM
Isaac waits.

2009-07-02, 08:16 PM
A small elderly man opens the door.

Yes, yes, come in. I'm assuming you want to see the king.

He walks back into the building and sits at a desk.

2009-07-02, 08:18 PM
Isaac walks in.
Yeah you could say that, nothing special, just wish to speak to him about a couple things.

2009-07-02, 08:19 PM
He pulls out several sheets of official looking paper.

He asks without looking up.

2009-07-02, 08:22 PM
Isaac Lesterdon.

2009-07-02, 08:51 PM
Erel Sitsyen

2009-07-03, 09:10 AM
He records them.

He says impatiently, he's obviously done this before.

2009-07-03, 10:42 AM
Jon waits for Isaac to explain their reason, or come up with a believable fake, as he can't think of one.
((deadtime soon))

2009-07-03, 10:46 AM
Setting up trade routes with my village, we just struck a silver mine.
Maybe get some imports ourselves, also we have a bit of a bandit problem I'd also want to speak to him about tat.

2009-07-03, 10:48 AM
Ahh, foreign dignatary, very nice, very nice. I'm sorry, what village did you say you were from?
He asks.

2009-07-03, 10:53 AM
Valamoor is the one.

2009-07-03, 10:57 AM
Never heard of it, but I'm no mapmaker...

Finally, when would you like this appointment?

2009-07-03, 11:06 AM
Ehh, it's a relatively new village.
When? As soon as possible actually.

2009-07-03, 11:20 AM
Well, he's executing a heathen in an hour, but I can pencil you in after that. Sound good?

2009-07-03, 11:21 AM
Isaac turns to Joneth.
What do you think Erel?

2009-07-03, 01:09 PM
Would it be possible to get in before the execution? It shouldn't take us long. We know where we stand.

2009-07-03, 01:23 PM
I'm afraid that that since the exection is ofa heathen, there are several other preparations. I'm afraid there's nothing I can do.

2009-07-03, 01:30 PM
Well, schedule us for afterwards then. Thank you for your help. And where should we wait for the audience? He backs up a bit, getting ready to leave.

2009-07-03, 01:34 PM
He holds a sheet of parchment at them.

Give this to the guard. He'll let you in.

2009-07-03, 01:35 PM
Thank you, sir.
He takes the parchment and walks out, then waits for Isaac to join him.

2009-07-06, 10:54 AM
(Alright, I'm assuming Issac follows. If he doesn't let me know and I will edit it out.)

You step outside to the same town as before. You have about an hour left.

2009-07-06, 12:08 PM
Isaac is following Joneth.
All right we don't have a lot of time left we got to move.

2009-07-06, 04:42 PM
Right. He walks towards the castle quickly, trying to get away from all the people.

2009-07-07, 07:36 PM
While most likely bumping into several people, the two of you make it to the castle gates in about 5 minutes.

Several burly guards in shining armor guard the main gate.

2009-07-07, 07:58 PM
Isaac walks up to the door seeing if they'll just be let in or need to explain.

2009-07-07, 08:08 PM
Jon holds out the paper in case they need it here.

2009-07-08, 01:15 PM
The guards seem a little taken aback about the random peoples coming up and shoving a paper in their face, but...

Pardon me, but it appears that your appointment isn't for another hour.

2009-07-08, 01:35 PM
Yeah we know, we were just going to stay through the execution before our appointment.
we like to be early.

2009-07-08, 02:06 PM
Jon nods at Isaacs words. It would be worse to be late, clearly.

2009-07-08, 07:34 PM
Two of the guards converse for a moment.

Well, it is against regulations, but we could let you inside. We are not allowed to take you to the Throne Room of course, but there is a antechamber you could stay in.

They step aside slightly so as to let the two pass.

2009-07-08, 07:36 PM
He retracts the paper and steps inside.

2009-07-08, 08:11 PM
That'll be fine.
Isaac nods and walks in.

2009-07-09, 10:35 AM
The guards lead you to a door. The halls seem strangely empty.

One guard goes to unlock the door and open it.

You can wait here, then we will get you for your time.

2009-07-09, 11:10 AM
Are there any other door leading out of the room?
Jon steps inside, cautious.

2009-07-12, 10:33 AM
The room has several chairs in it, and is decorated quite nicely with some sort of fancy rug, several portraits on the wall, etc. There is no alternate exit as far as you can tell however.

Assuming that Issac walks in too, the guards close the door and footsteps are heard leaving.

2009-07-12, 11:27 AM
Okay, time to go. Follow them?
Jon goes to carefully open the door.

2009-07-12, 08:38 PM
Wait a bit for them to get father away.
He checks over some of his equipment.
Ah geez, no silencers...
Oh well.

2009-07-12, 08:56 PM
Jon waits for a bit, then continues.

2009-07-13, 11:07 AM
The door does not open. It appears to either be locked or stuck.

Several clanging noises are heard from beneath the floor, under the rug.

2009-07-13, 11:09 AM
Isaac looks at Jon, then shrugs and takes a peek under the rug.

2009-07-13, 12:22 PM
Jon sighs and goes to the rug.

2009-07-13, 01:01 PM
There is a small hole in the floor where two familiar metal objects fly out.

About time!

2009-07-13, 01:02 PM
Well excuse me...

2009-07-13, 05:58 PM
What took you so long? And is there a way to where we need to go through there, or should I start breaking the door? Jon walks back towards it.

2009-07-13, 07:21 PM
I thought the plan was to meet me at a hill. On the other side of town!

He sighs.

Follow me.
He goes back intot he floor. The hole is approxomatly 1' wide, but you can see that it widens out significantly after about half a foot. It's wood.

2009-07-13, 07:59 PM
Jon follows him in. Where does this lead?

2009-07-13, 08:44 PM
Isaac looks at the hole.
I don't think I can fit in there...

2009-07-13, 09:05 PM
Sure you can. Just squeeze through, put one arm along with your head and turn your hips. It gets a lot wider right quick.

2009-07-13, 09:06 PM
You first then.

2009-07-13, 09:08 PM
I'm already down here. But if you really can't fit... He puts a hand on the wooden walls, concentrates a minute, and they should shift and widen.

2009-07-13, 09:11 PM
How the heck did you do that?
He says trying to make his way through, sending his pack through first.

2009-07-13, 09:14 PM
Jon takes the pack and sets it at the side of the tunnel. Magic. I also have an understanding with plants and the elements.
He gestures vaguely.
Not the same as with the bugs though. I had to work for this, and I won't be able to do that again soon.

2009-07-13, 09:20 PM
I'll take your word for it.
He keeps squeezing through.

2009-07-13, 09:20 PM
Jon shrugs and hands him his pack when he gets in.