View Full Version : OOTS: Reallife casting

2009-06-09, 12:55 PM
If there is a thread like this, feel free to delete this but:

Who would you see as each character if they could do an OOTS live action movie:

Here are Mine: (Usually how I picture their voices)

Belkar: Jack Black

Durkon: Kyle Gass

Elan: Neil Patrick Harris

Haley: Allison hannigan

Roy: Don Cheadle

V: David Hyde Pierce

Xykon: (voice of wayne knight)

Eh eh? What do you guys think?

2009-06-09, 03:55 PM
I don't think there's been a thread with so many comedians for the casting :D

2009-06-09, 03:57 PM
There have been thousands.

2009-06-09, 04:00 PM
Wayne Knight Xykon? Has got to be a first.

2009-06-09, 06:21 PM
I just always picture Xykon with a horrible horrible newman accent only with voice modulation to make it a slightly lower pitch.


2009-06-09, 06:28 PM
Belkar: Jack Black

I'm going to be honest and say that this is the worst idea I've heard in a very long time. He is completely unsuited to the role.

Daniel Day-Lewis for anyone, because he's such a good actor he could pull off any part. Even Celia.

2009-06-09, 07:23 PM
Neil Patrick Harris for Elan is actually a pretty good idea. But Jack Black as Belkar? Really?

2009-06-09, 07:28 PM
NPH for Elan is a Good Idea; he definitely has the requisite singing voice and he's also hilarious.

The Extinguisher
2009-06-09, 07:50 PM
I think my old list was lost, so here are the ones I can remember.

Roy: Bruce Willis
Belkar: Johnny Depp
Shojo: Alan Rickman
Xykon: John Cleese
Redcloak: Simon Pegg
Tsukiko: Kathy Coppola

2009-06-09, 09:02 PM
Elan: Neil Patrick Harris for sure!
Nale: Also Neil Patrick Harris. It's PERFECT.

Roy: Will Smith. He does action, comedy, drama, he's a great actor and he looks the part enough.

Haley: Alison Hannigan and Kirsten Dunst would be great. And... don't hate me... Kristen Stewart would probably do a pretty good job of it.

Durkon: Sure. John Rhys-Davies. Why not?

Vaarsuvius: Eddie Izzard. For those of you who don't know, he's a hilarious cross-dressing British comedian. With the right makeup, the purple hair, the robes, raising his voice a little bit, he could make a terrific Vaarsuvius.

Belkar: I have no idea.

Sabine: Halle Berry. Done deal.

That's all I have for now. :smallsmile:

2009-06-09, 09:08 PM
ctrl-f NPH found - thread succeeds. It'd be nice if Nathan Fillion could be squeezed in somewhere as well :smallbiggrin:

And Felicia Day as Haley :smallwink:

2009-06-09, 09:16 PM
And Chow Yun Fat as O-Chul, and Jackie Chan as Hinjo.... with Lucy Liu as Miko...

2009-06-09, 09:27 PM
Some people really like their older actors for the 20 something characters. Will Smith and Lucy Liu are both 40 soon to be 41, Neil is 36, and Jackie Chan is actually older than Chow Yun-Fat (if only slightly). I find that rather interesting.

2009-06-09, 10:18 PM
I can only read 100 or so of these before I comment: (compiled in less than 5 minutes) and trying to come up with age appropriate actors.

Roy: Jaleel White.

Haley: Jewel Staite, Kirsten Dunst, Kristen Bell. Red / brown haired actresses that are in the mid 20’s that came to my mind.

Elan: Some teen boy from the Disney channel. Zach Efron or a Jonas brother should due.

V: ????

Durkon: ????

Belkar: drawing a blank Michael C Hall comes to mind.

Xykon: Ian McShane, because he is good at playing mean pricks.

Redcloak: Eddie Izzard, a good actor and comedian. V isn’t very funny and Eddie doesn’t really look gender ambiguous when he cross dresses.

2009-06-09, 10:28 PM
i want to see jack black play elan =)

Grey Watcher
2009-06-09, 10:36 PM
Some people really like their older actors for the 20 something characters. Will Smith and Lucy Liu are both 40 soon to be 41, Neil is 36, and Jackie Chan is actually older than Chow Yun-Fat (if only slightly). I find that rather interesting.

Part of the problem is that very few actors in their twenties are all that well-known, and those that are are usually ridiculed (fairly or otherwise) as being no-talent pretty boys/girls. Plus, given the nature of the art, it's a little hard to get a decent read on the characters' actual ages (unless, for example, it's actually spoken/written somewhere).

2009-06-09, 10:38 PM
I can't believe nobody has said this yet O' Chul as......Chuck Norris, with his hair dyed.

2009-06-09, 10:49 PM
Roy: Omar Epps
Haley: Felicia Day / Rose McGowan
Durkon: Ian McKellen
Elan: NPH
V: Skeet Ulrich
Belkar: Mark Wahlberg
Xykon: Bruce Campbell

Rae Artemi
2009-06-09, 11:12 PM
Roy- Will smith or Samuel L Jackson

Belkar- Verne Troyer

V- Tara Strong using a deeper version of her Raven voice. loose robes are a must.

Durkon- Hornswoggle.

Elan/nale- Neil Patrick Harris, apparently

Haley- Bryce Dallas Howard

Thog- Lou Ferrigno

Sabine- Halle berry all the way

Shojo- Chow Yun Fat

Hinjo- Jet Li

Miko- Lucy Liu or Brenda Song

Lien- Same as above

O-chul- Jason Statham

Redcloak- Sean Connery. You know it's awesome

Xykon- Jeff Dunham.

Roaches- also Jeff Dunham.

Tsukiko- Kristen Bell

Mitd- Matt Hill (voice of Ed on Ed Edd & Eddie)

Did I forget anyone?

2009-06-09, 11:15 PM
Here's an idea. Billy Connolly as Durkon. He's a Scottish comedian with a nigh-unintelligible accent, and while he is rather on the tall side, a little digital editing can fix that just fine.

And I know someone once suggested Rowan Atkinson as Redcloak, so why not go whole hog and pair him up with a complete curveball... wait for it...

Robin Williams as Xykon.

Can't think of any others right now; too tired.

2009-06-09, 11:19 PM
Ooh, I like Jet Li as Hinjo and Lou Ferrigno as Thog. Good ones.

Mystic Muse
2009-06-09, 11:57 PM
I think an OOTS movie would kind of suck. the giant would have to help with the prodcution. otherwise there'll be a few dead people in hollywood.

robin williams playing xykon would be hilarious.

2009-06-10, 12:22 AM
Xykon- Jeff Dunham.

Roaches- also Jeff Dunham.

:xykon: Shut up! I kill you! Boom

:redcloak: Leaving food around like that isn't good!
:mitd: Why?
:redcloak: It will attract roaches.
:mitd: Oh.
:roach: Hola.
:mitd: :smalleek: Who are you?!
:roach: I'm a roach....on a stick.
:redcloak: :smallfurious:


MitD also has to be Jeff Dunham....PEANUT!

2009-06-10, 12:28 AM
For everyone talking about NPH as Elan, please review my sig.

As for the rest, I found my old list. Also, here's the old thread, if anyone needs their list: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=92069

The Order

:roy: (undecided)
:elan: Neil Patrick Harris. Perfect for the role.
:haley: (undecided)
:belkar: Jamie Bell, sure.
:vaarsuvius: Don't really have any idea, but I do believe a man should play V.
:durkon: (undecided)
Team Evil

:xykon: Mark Hamill (The Hanukkah zombie voice is almost exactly what I had in mind, but a bit lower)
:redcloak: Maurice Lamarche
:mitd: Billy West
:roach: (undecided)

Linear Guild

:nale: Neil Patrick Harris (duh)
:sabine: Angelina Jolie, obvious reasons. (I have changed this to either Zoe Saldana or Chrystee Pharris
:thog: (undecided)


2009-06-10, 03:29 AM
*Gasp* Wayne Knight! That's it, that's it exactly! More sinister than he was in Toy Story 2 of course, but that's perfect! Everyone's been saying Vincent Price, and some of my friends believe Christopher Lee, but dammit all if Wayne Knight isn't the perfect Xyklon, I'll eat my foot. My delicious, delicious foot.

2009-06-10, 03:58 AM
:belkar: - Jim Carrey if it was an animated. I like his voice. Otherwise... No clue.
:durkon: - Robin Williams.
:haley: - (???)
:roy: - Will Smith, or Disel, I guess. Smith might be getting a bit old, and Disel... isn't black enough.
:miko: - (???)
:nale:/:elan: - NPH, because it has to be!
:thog: - It could be... One of the two guys that aren't George Clooney from O Brother, Where Art Thou.
:vaarsuvius: - (???)
:xykon: - Hm... How about... Geoffrey Rush.
:redcloak: - (???)
Hinjo : - Tom Hanks, if he's still young enough. I guess Cruise would do in a pinch.
Shojo - Hugh Laurie, yes. He had a comedic past. And I want to see him with Mister Scruffy.

2009-06-10, 05:58 AM
And I know someone once suggested Rowan Atkinson as Redcloak, so why not go whole hog and pair him up with a complete curveball... wait for it...

Robin Williams as Xykon.

Why not the other way around? I think Rowan Atkinson would be brilliant as Xykon. Redcloak sounds more like a Robin Williams role to me.

Also, I like Will Smith as Roy. Not a clue about the others.

2009-06-10, 06:35 AM
I have always thought that Alan Rickman should voice Vaarsuvius... and Bill Nighy should voice Xykon.

2009-06-10, 07:13 AM

I mean, I know he's older, but I just can't picture anyone BUT Samuel L. Jackson for Roy. Only other bet I've got would be Lawrence Fishburne (Morpheus of the Matrix.)

Shojo? Sir Ian McKellan. Hee. I mean...manipulative, amusing jerkward? Seriously. After Magneto and what's-his-name from DaVinci Code...it's almost a non-debate.

Robin Williams as Xykon, Jeff Dunham as MitD...very good calls. Redcloak, hrrm. Guy who did Toad in the X-Men movies. Can't remember his name...played Darth Maul in the Trilogy That Wasn't, as well, if I recall.

Sabine...Halle Berry? Heh. Kinda works. NPH as Elan/Nale, may as well. Thog...Liev Schriber? Schriver? Something like that. He does well with big hulking brutes.

As for Belkar, I can't recall the guy's name offhand, but he's playing Tyrion for the HBO version of A Game of Thrones - I read up on him, once, seems like he'd be well suited (happens he's a little folk as well.)

Julia Roberts is too old for Haley, and not really the right type of actress. Kirsten Dunst or Allison Hannigan wouldn't suck, though.

V...hm. I wonder if Boy George does acting. Heh. Maybe RuPaul if we could deal with a slightly darker V.

Durkon...no clue. Not even familiar with any of the names put forth. Probably try someone new, this is already looking to be an insanely all-star cast, getting them all with open schedules at the same time would be naught short of a nightmare.

O-Chul would be amusing as Bruce Willis. I mean, talk about typecasting, but still...I'm lost on Hinjo or Miko, although I suppose Lucy Liu (or Lucy Lawless for that matter) would work fine. Maybe Jim Carrey or Lewis Black to voice the roaches. Heh. Actually, Lewis Black wouldn't make a bad Redcloak, either.

Hinjo, can't guess. I can't see Hanks or Cruise doing it, and Willis makes a better O-Chul. James-what's-his-name that played Harry Osborne from the Spider-Man flicks'd be about the right age, though, no? If he's older, might be Michael Douglas.

Too bad Eugene is such a jerkwad that casting Morgan Freeman wouldn't work. Hrm. Can't come up with someone black, that age, who plays jerks well. Maybe Rihanna for Julia Greenhilt? Not sure if she acts, either. Probably will. Heh. Robert Duvall for the Cliffport Chief of Police.

I dunno, this might have to be an animated feature anyhow...I'm not sure if OotS would "work" with live actors...would feel way different. In which case half my casting choices probably go out the window, as then we're only casting voices.

2009-06-10, 07:35 AM
...:Redcloak: Simon Pegg...

I approve of this idea.

:belkar: - Martin Klebba

Only one I can think of.

2009-06-10, 07:58 AM
I definitely thought this thread was going to be about casting spells in real life. There goes my skeptical interest..

2009-06-10, 08:33 AM
I can't believe nobody has said this yet O' Chul as......Chuck Norris, with his hair dyed.

No. Noooo.

For one thing, O'Chul is bald. For another thing, O'Chul is both good looking and a good man, as opposed to the hate-filled person that is Chuck Norris. (Seriously, look up his political perspective. He's one of the most right-winged celebrities.)

Crabs Magee
2009-06-10, 08:40 AM
I hope I'm not the only one who thinks there should NEVER EVER be an OotS movie...

Movies made from books tend to be horrible, and I don't even want to imagine what a movie made from a webcomic would be like...*shudder*.

No. Noooo.

For one thing, O'Chul is bald. For another thing, O'Chul is both good looking and a good man, as opposed to the hate-filled person that is Chuck Norris. (Seriously, look up his political perspective. He's one of the most right-winged celebrities.)

So...right-winged celebrities are hate-filled now?

2009-06-10, 08:42 AM
Aw man, there's been lots and lots of threads like this... Oh well.

Roy: Samuel Jackson
Haley: Keira Knightley
Elan & Nale: Shia LaBoeuf
Belkar: Mario Cantone
Vaarsuvius: Craig Sechler
Durkon: John Rhys-Davies

Miko: Cate Blanchett

Xykon: Paul Bandey
Redcloak: Dwight Schulz
Sabine: Angelina Jolie
Thog: Vin Diesel

2009-06-10, 12:45 PM
Kudos to those who picked Martin Klebba for Belkar and Jet Li for Hinjo. Those are perfect choices. And Chow Yun Fat is probably the best you're likely to find for O-Chul.

Here are a few more thoughts:

Brendan Gleeson as Durkon (Alright, he's Irish, not Scottish, but that didn't stop them from casting him in Braveheart. And to those who suggested John Rhys-Davis... come on, grow an imagination!)

John Cameron Mitchell as Varsuuvius (Type-casting, maybe? Yeah, but he could pull it off.)

Ziyi Zhang as Miko Miyazaki
James Hong as Lord Shojo
Jim Cummings as Xykon (Since he'll just be a voice, why not get a voice actor?)

And yeah, I truly hope (and fully expect) that no one will ever try to make a movie out of OotS. But it's fun to cast anyway.

2009-06-10, 12:52 PM
Durkon=Frankie Boyle

If you don't know who that is, he's a Scottish (sp?, may only have one t) comedian.

Also Dan Green as anyone who only needs VAing

2009-06-10, 10:12 PM
A few more ideas

Leonard Roberts as Roy Greenhilt

Richard Roundtree as Horace Greenhilt (They say that Greenhilt is one bad mutha--).

James Earl Jones as the Monster in the Darkness
Ken Watanabe as Daimyo Kubota
Mena Suvari as Celia

Redcloak is genuinely tough to cast. Someone who can be a straightman, can do over-the-top rage as well as moral superiority, and can emote well enough to be believable even in heavy goblin makeup. Maybe Kevin Spacey?

Alyson Hannigan is totally wrong for Haley, despite having red hair. But she would probably make a pretty cool Therkla.

Incidentally, has anyone ever made a voting thread for this question? Where people would nominate a cast and vote for each member individually? I think that would be fun.

2009-06-10, 10:35 PM
So...right-winged celebrities are hate-filled now?

Given how much they tend to be anti-homosexual and such?

Yes, I'd say so.

2009-06-10, 10:48 PM
Some people really like their older actors for the 20 something characters. Will Smith and Lucy Liu are both 40 soon to be 41, Neil is 36, and Jackie Chan is actually older than Chow Yun-Fat (if only slightly). I find that rather interesting.

Hey, some of us on the forum are 40 soon to be 41. Because of this, we know that actors our age are the most talented, funny, and attractive, so naturally we prefer them.

2009-06-10, 10:52 PM
You need to fit Nathan Fillion in there somewhere.

2009-06-10, 10:54 PM
This was my earlier post on the subject from last year (note that it was a thread for an animated version, so this was voice acting--most of my suggestions don't look the part at all and are too old anyway:

Roy - Harrison Ford
Elan/Nale - Ron Howard
Haley - Christina Applegate
V - Linda Hunt
Belkar - Fred Willard
Durkon - Ian McKellen
Roy's Dad - Peter Boyle
Xykon - Christopher Walken
Redcloak - Michael Keaton
MitD - McCaulay Culkin
Celia - Yeardly Smith
Sabine - Helena Bonham-Carter
Thog - Richard Moll

If we're talking live action, it's a different story.

For Roy, Omar Epps maybe? He's more of a character actor than a leading man, which is a negative, because I think whoever plays Roy should be a leading man type, but the black leading men are mostly too old.

Elan/Nale: Neil Patrick Harris would be OK I guess.

Haley: ?

V: Hilary Swank, maybe. Or Jay Davison.

Belkar: ?

Durkon: ?

Eugene: Melvin Van Peebles, maybe?

Xykon: Since the character would probably have to be CGI, Walken would still work. Keaton would still work for Redclock, even if the Goblin costume ends up just being green facepaint. We don't need someone in their 20's for the part. I guess since we don't actually see the MitD, Caulkin would still work, too.

Celia: ?

Sabine: ?

Thog: Richard Moll is old, but I think he could pull this off anyway.

Some others:

Shojo: James Hong.

O-Chul: Chow Yun-Fat.

Julio Scoundrel: Sean Connery. Come on, you know he was the inspiration for the charater in the first place.

Horace: Like the idea of Richard Roundtree for the role.

Crystal: Christina Ricci.

Cleric of Loki: John Cleese.

2009-06-10, 11:03 PM
I saw the title of real life "casting" and assumed this would be a thread about spells.


The Glyphstone
2009-06-10, 11:18 PM
Vern Troyer for Belkar, if he'd be willing to put up with it. The poor guy probably doesn't get any roles that don't involve being short...

Mr. Mud
2009-06-10, 11:21 PM
How about Chris Rock for MitD! :smallbiggrin:.

2009-06-10, 11:35 PM
This looks like fun.

Roy Greenhilt: Dwayne Johnson
Elan: because everyone else is saying it, Neil Patrick Harris
Haley Starshine: Anna Paquin
Belkar Bitterleaf: Christian Bale
Vaarsuvius: Jim Carrey
Durkon Thundershield: Sean Connery
Xykon: Jeremy Irons
Redcloak: Chris Tucker
Hinjo: Jet Li
Nale: Neil Patrick Harris
Celia: Sarah Carter
Miko Miyazaki: Lucy Liu
Monster in the Darkness: Michael Richards
Sabine: Zoe Saldana
Thog: Bill Goldberg
Mr. Scruffy: CLHCA0045 from the Animal Actors Agency
Demon Roaches: voiced by Patrick Stewart and others
O-Chul: Jackie Chan
Daigo Da-: Ernie Reyes Jr.
Lien: Linda Park
Shojo: George Takei
Qarr: voiced by Gilbert Gottfried
Eugene Greenhilt: Samuel L. Jackson
Kazumi Kato: Natassia Malthe
Tsukiko: Kristin Kreuk

That's the top 25 from the Number of Appearances thread... seemed like a good starting point anyway.

2009-06-10, 11:48 PM
My picks:

RedCloak - Karl Urban
Elan - Owen Wilson
Nale - Luke Wilson
Therkla - Michelle Rodriguez
Celia - Reese Witherspoon
MITD - Ethan Suplee
Haley - Natalie Portman or Rebecca Romijn
Xykon - Ron Perlman
Belkar - Seth MacFarlane (using his Stewie voice)
Cliffport Police Chief - Dennis Franz
Oracle - Billy Crystal

2009-06-11, 02:58 PM
Just have two but here they are

Xykon makes reference to sounding like James Earl Jones when he is first turned in to a litch in SoD so maybe that would be a good guide for the voice

Also for some reason when I try to picture Belkar I keep picturing the Jakie Earle Haley, don't know if he has the comedy chops for the bit, but visually I can't shake the idea.

2009-06-11, 03:22 PM
:roy: - Samuel L Jackson. During the gender change: "Do. I. Look. Like. A. *****?"
:durkon: - Brian Blessed
:haley: - Kate Benckinsale
:vaarsuvius: - Claudia Christian
:elan: - NPH. can't disagree.
:belkar: - Gilbert Gottfried
:miko: - Roxann Dawson

:nale: - NPH.
:sabine: - Zoe Saldana
:thog: - Michael Dorn

:xykon: - John DiMaggio
:redcloak: - Wil Wheaton
:mitd: - Nathon Fillion

2009-06-11, 04:07 PM
:roy: - Samuel L Jackson.

You do realize that Samuel L. Jackson is over 60 years old, right? He'd make a much better Horace, or even Eugene, than Roy.

Dork Lord
2009-06-11, 04:13 PM
You do realize that Samuel L. Jackson is over 60 years old, right? He'd make a much better Horace, or even Eugene, than Roy.

People will still cast characters as people like Samuel L. Jackson or Chuck Norris even though they're well past their prime, just because they've got such a long history/rep of being tough guys. I could add Charles Bronson to the list as well, and he's dead!

Off topic a bit, but a friend once told me that you can easily create a tough guy name for a character by taking a one syllable man's name and making the last name a hard substance. Names like Jake Bullet, Mark Stone or John Steel... of course it doesn't always work. No one would take Frank Linoleum seriously.

2009-06-11, 04:15 PM
People will still cast characters as people like Samuel L. Jackson or Chuck Norris even though they're well past their prime, just because they've got such a long history/rep of being tough guys. I could add Charles Bronson to the list as well, and he's dead!

Off topic a bit, but a friend once told me that you can easily create a tough guy name for a character by taking a one syllable man's name and making the last name a hard substance. Names like Jake Bullet, Mark Stone or John Steel... of course it doesn't always work. No one would take Frank Linoleum seriously.

Let's not forget the ever popular Rock Rock.

2009-06-11, 06:54 PM
Samuel L. Jackson is IDEAL for Horace! Old guy, bad a** with attitude! YEAH!!!

2009-06-12, 07:11 AM
You do realize that Samuel L. Jackson is over 60 years old, right? He'd make a much better Horace, or even Eugene, than Roy.

My cast list has Samuel L. Jackson as Eugene. :smallsmile:

2009-06-12, 08:59 AM
Here are the ideas for voice acting, somehow I can't imagine any real-life actor as a oots character:

Belkar - Bruce Campbell
Eugene - Keith David
Horace - Danny Glover
Roy - Will Smith
Thog - Brad Garrett
Shojo - Hugh Laurie
MitD - Jack Black
Thor - Brian Blessed
Soon - Patrick Stewart
Durkon - John Rhys-Davies
Roy's Archon - Douglas Rain (voice of HAL 9000)
Kubota - Rowan Atkinson
O-Chul - Vin Diesel
Elan - Orlando Bloom
Vaarsuvius - Chris Barrie

Scarlet Knight
2009-06-12, 01:08 PM
Given how much they tend to be anti-homosexual and such?

Yes, I'd say so.

I don't know. Many country music stars would be considered right wing without being hateful.

Ok , I think my choices (adjusted from the last thread) would be:
:roy: Michael Dorn
:belkar: Joe Pesci
:durkon: Billy Connolly
:vaarsuvius: David Bowie
:haley: Jennifer Gardner
:elan: & :nale: Cary Elwes

:miko: Lucy Liu

:xykon: if we don't choose James Earl Jones, I like Christopher Walken

:thog: Brad Garrett
:sabine: Angelina Jolie
:mitd: Tim Curry
:roach: Michael Palin, Eric Idle, Terry Jones
:redcloak: Christopher Lee

2009-06-12, 01:19 PM
Elan: Some teen boy from the Disney channel. Zach Efron or a Jonas brother should due.

that is insulting. what did Elan ever do to you?

2009-06-17, 05:33 PM
George Carlin would be an AMAZING Xykon, if only he hadn't passed away last year.

The Blackbird
2009-06-17, 06:38 PM
I'm going to be honest and say that this is the worst idea I've heard in a very long time. He is completely unsuited to the role.

But Jack Black as Belkar? Really?


that is insulting. what did Elan ever do to you?


2009-06-17, 07:20 PM
:roy: ?
:haley: Lindsey Lohan
:durkon: Brian Blessed or John Rhys-Davies
:vaarsuvius: Julian Clary
:belkar: Vernon Troyer (Mini-me)
:elan: Orlando Bloom

:miko: Lucy Liu
:sabine: Halle Berry
Celia: Mena Suvari

Scarlet Knight
2009-06-18, 08:16 AM
George Carlin would be an AMAZING Xykon, if only he hadn't passed away last year.

"Now that's casting, Bubbie! Xykon is dead...George is dead...I love the synergy!" :smallwink:

2009-06-18, 09:50 AM
I'd tap into some T.V. actors for this probably.

Xykon - Wayne Pygram. He played Scorpius in Farscape, and was hilarious, yet extremely evil. He even kinda looks like a Lich when in makeup. He'd be my pick.

Elan/Nale - I'd stick with NPH. He's a great pick.

Belkar - He's hard to pick, but I'd probably go with Ben Browder. He can play a wide range of rolls, including total psycho.

Haley - Maybe Jewel Staite. Not sure with Haley.

Roy - Christopher Judge. Played Teal'c on SG:1 and while almost always serious in that role, he had some great comedic timing.

Vaarsuvius - If age didn't matter: Hugo Weaving! He's played an elf before already (Elrond) but he also played a drag queen in the early 90's and was hilarious. Cillian Murphy (Batman Begins, 28 Days Later) Could also fit the bill. He looks androgynous enough, and is a good actor.

Durkon - Brendan Gleeson. Wrong accent, but he could fit I think.

That's all I can think of for now. In the end a movie for OoTS would probably be horrible, since a lot of the comedy would be hard to put on-screen, but it's still fun to pick a cast.

2009-06-18, 10:29 AM
:vaarsuvius: - Johnny Depp - I am not a gigantic Depp fan, but I truly believe he would OWN this role

2009-06-18, 11:09 AM
Roy: ?

Durkon: Gerard Butler (That beard from 300, his accent...shave his head and shrink him down a bit, and he is durkon.)

Haley: ?

Elan: NPH

Vaarsuvius: ?

Belkar: ?

Xykon: Michael Ironside (His voice would be PERFECT for xykon. I'm surprised he hasn't been mentioned.)

RedCloak: ?

MitD: John Di Maggio

Shojo: Alan Rickman

Miko: Summer Glau (Though she might be too likeable. Does have the "insane killer woman" thing down, though.)

Hinjo: Stephen Moyer

O-Chul: Adam Baldwin (Just picture Jayne, only bald...and not evil)

Lien: ?

2009-06-18, 11:28 AM
:vaarsuvius: - Johnny Depp - I am not a gigantic Depp fan, but I truly believe he would OWN this role

You're not wrong.

I really don't think Neil Patrick Harris is as perfect for Elan as people seem to think. He's a good actor, a decent singer, and very funny, but he's way too old and not nearly drop-dead gorgeous enough. Maybe ten years ago. Can Clay Aiken act? He'd fit the bill (at least as far as cute, talented and dumb).

Oh, and I pick Hilary Swank as Haley, to add to my previous castings.

Scarlet Knight
2009-06-18, 02:58 PM
Clay Aiken as Elan? Oh dear God in heaven , NO!

Hilary Swank is both pretty enough & athletic enough for Haley, but she could be a VERY good Vaarsuvius.

2009-06-18, 07:36 PM
You're not wrong.

I really don't think Neil Patrick Harris is as perfect for Elan as people seem to think. He's a good actor, a decent singer, and very funny, but he's way too old and not nearly drop-dead gorgeous enough. Maybe ten years ago. Can Clay Aiken act? He'd fit the bill (at least as far as cute, talented and dumb).

Oh, and I pick Hilary Swank as Haley, to add to my previous castings.

You know Neil Patrick Harris is only one year older than Hilary Swank?

I still think Dwayne Johnson would be the best possible Roy.

2009-06-18, 07:39 PM
You know Neil Patrick Harris is only one year older than Hilary Swank?

I do now, yes. However, 1) Hilary Swank looks a fair bit younger than NPH and 2) I have no issue with Haley being somewhat older than Elan. If nothing else, it's a physical representation of how she's the mature one in the relationship.

2009-06-18, 08:44 PM
You're not wrong.

I really don't think Neil Patrick Harris is as perfect for Elan as people seem to think. He's a good actor, a decent singer, and very funny, but he's way too old and not nearly drop-dead gorgeous enough. Maybe ten years ago. Can Clay Aiken act? He'd fit the bill (at least as far as cute, talented and dumb).

Oh, and I pick Hilary Swank as Haley, to add to my previous castings.The age difference between Aiken and NPH is only around five years and he is at least as good looking as Aiken.

2009-06-18, 08:50 PM
The age difference between Aiken and NPH is only around five years and he is at least as good looking as Aiken.

To the objective eye, maybe. But to millions of screaming teenaged (half-orc ninja) girls? No contest. Anyway, I know Clay Aiken is a dumb choice, so I won't bother defending him anymore. I'm just sure that there's someone better than NPH for that role. Ryan Gosling's not quite thirty yet, he might do. Or that kid from Twilight. I haven't seen it, but I gather the chicks love him.

EDIT: You know, if you actually look closely at him, Clay Aiken is kind of grotesque. Like Peewee Herman crossed with Fozzie the Bear. Officially rescinded!

2009-06-18, 09:13 PM
Although I have no problem with NPH as Elan, I suppose I can see where you're coming from.

So I would now like to suggest Robert McClure for the role. He is currently starring in the touring version of Avenue Q, so not only is he a great singer and actor, but he has the added benefit of being a trained puppeteer.

2009-06-18, 09:24 PM
Xykon: Bruce Campbell

I want this, so bad now. Dang, now I bet that whenever I read Xykon it'll be in Campbell's voice.

The Blackbird
2009-06-18, 10:02 PM
I want this, so bad now. Dang, now I bet that whenever I read Xykon it'll be in Campbell's voice.

Whenever I here Xykon speak I always here the song "Bringing sexy back" in the backround, because he has high Cha.

+1 cookie for the reference:smallwink:

2009-06-20, 01:32 PM
Neil Patrick Harris for Elan is actually a pretty good idea. But Jack Black as Belkar? Really?

I think Nale would be better. Then again, he could easily do both.

2009-06-20, 01:36 PM
I think Nale would be better. Then again, he could easily do both.I think that who ever plays Elan would also play Nale is the current working assumption.

2009-06-20, 02:28 PM
MitD = Brian Blessed

O-Chul = Yul Brynner (Yes, I know he's dead)

Xykon = Jackie Earle Haley (come on, as Rorschach he already looked very haggard, just picture him even skinnier)

Redcloak = Stephen Fry

Right-Eye (old) = Harrison Ford

2009-06-20, 03:14 PM
Roy: Omar Epps
Xykon: Jon Stewert
Belkar: Bruce Cambell
Shojo: George Takai
Eugene: Kevin Michael Richardson
Miko: Jenifer Hale
Haley: Jewl Slate
Elan: Neil Patrick Harris
Nale: Simon Pegg
Oracle: Billy Crystal

Just my cp

2009-06-20, 04:24 PM
I'm gonna have to agree on Christopher Judge has Roy. He seems perfect for the part.

Mainly because he looks good bald.

Edit: Hes getting old though.

Also Jaye Davidson has V, if you lightened up his skin some. But thats what makeup is for, he has that i dunno guy/girl look.

2009-06-20, 07:26 PM
Xykon = Jackie Earle Haley (come on, as Rorschach he already looked very haggard, just picture him even skinnier)
I don't know, I still think he could make an awesome Belkar, just think he could pull of the whole tiny psycho thing.

2009-06-21, 12:59 AM
Light bulb: Al Pacino as Redcloak

It's a little crazy, putting such an eminent actor in what is ultimately a secondary role, but it's fantasy casting, so I can do what I want. Pacino is one of the few actors I can think of who could do justice to this (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0545.html)scene (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0547.html), or the line:

"Your city? Oh, I'm sorry, I thought someone would have told you by now. See, this is MY city now, paladin! I figure you owe me one village plus 35 years interest, so this is a good start!"

As an added bonus, we already know that he can comic-book act under ridiculous heavy makeup. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P44Cx-00FYI)

2009-06-21, 06:37 AM
Al Pacino as Belkar.

2009-06-21, 08:36 AM
How about Anna Friel as :haley: ? (Chuck from Pushing Daisies for those in the States)

still only 33, and a really good actor, plus able to do funny and sassy with ease.

Also maximum hotness, surely a factor in casting Haley!

2009-06-21, 09:31 AM
Stephen Fry as Xykon, Hugh Laurie as MitD, Rowan Atkinson as Blackcloak.

2009-06-21, 02:55 PM
Everyone is hung up on NPH of Elan, I dunno..part of me would like to see someone like David Tennant try it, he does flighty better.

2009-06-21, 03:58 PM
Everyone is hung up on NPH of Elan, I dunno..part of me would like to see someone like David Tennant try it, he does flighty better.
oooh, David Tennant, that's an interesting idea.

2009-06-21, 09:15 PM
Here is my more-or-less complete fantasy cast list for the Order of the Stick movie that will probably and hopefully never be made. I succeeded in meeting my goal of not casting anyone who was in Lord of the Rings, and only two or three people from the various incarnations of Star Trek. Credit is given where I stole ideas from people earlier in this thread.

I intentionally left out Zz'dtri, Yikyik and Yokyok, because they bore me. Some of my explanations are in previous posts. I explain my casting of Xykon at the bottom of this one. Anyone else, just ask and I'll defend to the death. To the death!

The Order of the Stick

Mekhi Phifer as Roy Greenhilt
Hilary Swank as Haley Starshine
Ryan Gosling as Elan
Johnny Depp as Vaarsuvius (fishguy)
Brendan Gleeson as Durkon Thundershield
Martin Klebba as Belkar Bitterleaf (Kobold-Bard)

Team Evil

Rene Auberjonois as Xykon
Al Pacino as Redcloak
James Earl Jones as The Monster in the Darkness
Chiaki Kuriyama as Tsukiko
Robin Williams as the Demon Roaches

The Linear Guild

Ryan Gosling as Nale
Halle Berry as Sabine (mockingbyrd7)
Brad Garrett as Thog (MalikT)
Ashley Jensen as Hilgya Firehelm
Tony Cox as Leeky Windstaff
Martin Spanjers as Pompey

The Azurites

James Hong as Lord Shojo
John Cho as Hinjo
Ziyi Zhang as Miko Miyazaki
Kelly Hu as Lien
Chow Yun-Fat as O-Chul (Dalenthas)
Yunjin Kim as Kazumi Kato
Dante Basco as Daigo
Ken Watanabe as Daimyo Kubota
Wallace Shawn as Qarr
Alyson Hannigan as Therkla

The Greenhilts

Bill Cobbs as Eugene Greenhilt
Gabrielle Union as Sarah Greenhilt
Richard Roundtree as Horace Greenhilt
Dana Davis as Julia Greenhilt

Other Characters

Mena Suvari as Celia
Maurice LaMarche as Roy's Archon
Steve Buscemi as the Oracle
Christina Ricci as Crystal (dps)

Why Rene Auberjonois for Xykon?
First of all, he's damn talented. Get that out of the way early. He can do comedy and righteous wrath, and can be pretty scary when he needs to.

Second, if they wanted to show him as a human at any point, he looks the part.


Plus, he's got experience as a talking skeleton (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrR9pZ2ErOQ&feature=PlayList&p=48C9574ED07D9925&index=17), and that's got to count for something.

2009-06-21, 11:56 PM
Whenever I here Xykon speak I always here the song "Bringing sexy back" in the backround, because he has high Cha.

+1 cookie for the reference:smallwink:

Hi, I'm Duke Devlin. My game uses dice.

Anyways, Depp as V would be hilarious.

The Extinguisher
2009-06-22, 12:54 AM
You're not wrong.

I really don't think Neil Patrick Harris is as perfect for Elan as people seem to think. He's a good actor, a decent singer, and very funny, but he's way too old and not nearly drop-dead gorgeous enough. Maybe ten years ago. Can Clay Aiken act? He'd fit the bill (at least as far as cute, talented and dumb).

I can support this. I saw Aiken in Spamalot. He's good.

2009-06-22, 02:12 AM
NPH as Elan?

I could always see Russell Howard doing it.

2009-06-22, 04:02 AM
Shojo (Chow Yun Fat)
Miko (Lucie Liu)
Hinjo (Jackie Chan)
O-Chul - Bruce lee (Cloned from the dead)

Roy - The Rock
Eugene - Samuel L Jackson

Xykon - Sean Connery (Who else? Think about how awesome that would be.)
Redcloak - Al Pacino
MitD - Dunno, probably CGI'd, with a childlike but deep voice.

Well I'm already tapped.

Morgan Wick
2009-06-22, 07:18 PM
I can support this. I saw Aiken in Spamalot. He's good.

Wait, wait, wait. CLAY FREAKING AIKEN did the MONTY PYTHON musical?!?!?!?!?

2009-06-22, 08:04 PM
My picks:

MitD: Stephen Fry

Xycon: Hugh Laurie
Redcloack: Omar Epps

(Yeah, Xycon and Readcloack sarcastic conversations always remind me of House MD episodes)

V: The most androgynous person in the world: Brian Molko (the Placebo girl, huh, guy... you get it).

2009-06-22, 08:40 PM
Here's an idea. Billy Connolly as Durkon. He's a Scottish comedian with a nigh-unintelligible accent, and while he is rather on the tall side, a little digital editing can fix that just fine.

Unintelligible? You don't even know the meaning of the word. There are English people (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlUb8jt0WP0) less intelligible than him. Bloody Janet bloody Street bloody Porter.

Now if it's unintelligible Scots you're after, then you'd be better off talking to Gregor Fisher. He plays the character of Rab C. Nesbitt (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8k7VoFiagfs) in a popular comedy series of the same name: the Glaswegian accents are quite spectacular.

2009-06-22, 10:22 PM
My picks:

MitD: Stephen Fry

Xycon: Hugh Laurie
Redcloack: Omar Epps

Fan of House, are we?

EDIT: Oh wait, Stephen Fry is on Bones, not House... then we must be fans of both House and Blackadder. Or perhaps House and A Bit of Fry and Laurie (if we like obscure British sketch comedy).

2009-06-22, 11:06 PM
You guys are forgetting the most important part


(and the other gods)

perhaps we could have the guy who did yoda :D

2009-06-22, 11:50 PM
Man, Stephen Fry is a brilliant choice for MitD. He has a lovely voice and can play the naif innocent quite well, but if his character is angry he'd bring his considerably vocal strength to bear.

Some of my choices:

Elan: Orlando Bloom (though he's a little too old now)
Haley: Amy Adams
Roy: Omar Epps
Durkon: Billy Connolly
Belkar: Peter Dinklage
Vaarsuvius: Wow, this was a tough one. I'm inclined to pick a woman, but I can't think of any. (A younger Jen Saunders would be funny.) So I'll go with Elijah Wood. Definitely pretty enough to look feminine, short enough to suit V's diminutive height, otherworldly enough to be creepy, and has experience at looking crappy and haunted.

Xykon: Kevin Spacey or Chris Walken
Redcloak: Rowan Atkinson or Kevin Spacey
MitD: Stephen Fry, as mentioned

2009-06-23, 12:36 PM
V: The most androgynous person in the world: Brian Molko (the Placebo girl, huh, guy... you get it).Ooo, I've never heard of this guy(?) before, but after a google search to see what he looks like I have to say I'm seeing it.

2009-06-23, 10:17 PM
Okay, first, here's how I "Live action cast" (My prior experience in this area includes both Dilbert and Discworld)

1. Only living people. It's a LIVE action cast.
2. An attempt must be made to keep the appearances similar. A drastic change in appearance can be made ONLY in favor of a Perfect Performance.

Much of my list is lovingly ripped from previous ones in this thread. For appropiate idea-giving props, read all previous posts.

Anyway, here goes:

Roy Greenhilt: Omar Epps. He's around the right age, wouldn't look ridiculous swinging a sword or club, and can pull off Roy's attitude quite easily.
Elan/Nale: Neil Patrick Harris. This need not be discussed.
Haley Starshine: Alysson Hannigan or Rose McGowan
Belkar Bitterleaf: Verne Troyer, a.k.a. "Mini-me"
Vaarsuvius: Tough one, but I'll have to stick with Jim Carrey, because he can be serious in a movie (Simon Birch, for example), and pull off a gender-neutral voice.
Durkon Thundershield: Having heard Robin Williams' Scottish accent impression from one of his specials, I have no qualms about him as Durkon; AND he could put real terror into Durkon's voice talking about trees, which I don't know that many actors could do as well as him.
Xykon: I've always imagined him with a gravelly sort of voice, due to being only bones. His tone, especially when he gets mad, and his manic side, all point to Tommy Lee Jones. (Similar in performance to his "Batman Forever" role.)
Redcloak: Tim Curry. He can easily handle the authoritative arrogance, as well as being a good enough actor to handle the more complex bits.
Hinjo: Jet Li
Celia: Maybe I'm just biased because my fiance made me watch Legally Blonde with her recently, but Reese Witherspoon has just enough bubble in her acting to pull it off, without it being too much.
Miko Miyazaki: Asian-descent attractive adventurer-whupping woman? Spells Lucy Liu to me!
Monster in the Darkness: Based entirely on the voice I imagine for him when I read the comics: Barry Bostwick (The Mayor in "Spin City")
Sabine: Halle Berry
Thog: Again basing it on imagined voice, and also on size: Brad Garrett (The brother of the Raymond that everybody loves.)
Mr. Scruffy: Dr. Evil's cat, or one just like it.
Demon Roaches: Cheech and Chong, mainly.
O-Chul: Jackie Chan
Shojo: George Takei
Qarr: Voiced by Gilbert Gottfried. Who else?
Eugene Greenhilt: Samuel L. Jackson as Omar Epps' father. We'd have to makeup Jackson to make him look older. (The comic makes fun of the fact he's still a grouchy old man, even in paradise.) But it would work very nicely.
Tsukiko: Kristin Kreuk
Horace Greenhilt: Morgan Freeman or James Earl Jones
Lawyers Jones and Rodriguez: Jeff Dunham and George Lopez
Julia Greenhilt: Gabrielle Union
Voice of Roy's Archon: Jude Law
Where to Cast Nathan Fillion: Captain Julio Scoundrel, of course!

2009-06-23, 10:34 PM
Lot of interesting choices, but I'll pick on the ones I'm not so sure about.

Vaarsuvius: Tough one, but I'll have to stick with Jim Carrey, because he can be serious in a movie (Simon Birch, for example), and pull off a gender-neutral voice.

Wouldn't do a bad job, as long as you're okay with V being three inches taller than the rest of the OotS.

Qarr: Voiced by Gilbert Gottfried. Who else?

Oh there's a big surprise! That's an incredible - I think I'm going to have a heart attack and die from that surprise!

Lawyers Jones and Rodriguez: Jeff Dunham and George Lopez

Ok, Lopez I can see, but why would you ever cast Jeff Dunham in a role that doesn't involve puppets. I see Jones more as a Steve Carell type.

Julia Greenhilt: Gabrielle Union

A little old on the old side, no? Oddly, Gabrielle Union was the woman I cast as Sarah Greenhilt (Roy and Julia's mother). Funny world.

Where to Cast Nathan Fillion: Captain Julio Scoundrel, of course!

If you really must cast Nathan Fillion... if the universe will somehow implode on itself if he doesn't bring his own brand of slack-jawed ham acting to this project... then this is a decent, inoffensive role for him. Antonio Banderas would be better, though.

The Vorpal Tribble
2009-06-23, 10:46 PM
Oh man, my sides are splitting from reading this thread... I thought was gonna die when I heard 'Clay Aiken' :smallbiggrin:

Edit: Kyronea, I'd like to start now on becoming the best friend of the Giant just so I can say certain things to you without bannage.

2009-06-24, 04:13 AM
You know, thinking about it again, the MitD's role is to be somewhat vacuous mentally and surprised by just about everything around it. Know who'd be perfect for that role?

Keanu Reeves.

Maybe the last role he'd be good in before retiring.

2009-06-24, 06:05 AM
He may not be very well suited for the role, but I can't get the idea of BRIAN BLESSED! as MitD out of my head.

Lowkey Lyesmith
2009-06-24, 08:45 AM
If we are talking live actors so.

Roy: ?
Elan/ Nale: NPH( it works).
Durkon: ?
V: Johnny Depp
Belkar: Michael C. Hall
Haley: Bryce Dallas Howard

Miko: Chiaki Kuriyama( crazy enough and it would explain why everyone not thinking with the trouser titan would think she is, well, crazy).
O'shul: Chow Yun-Fat
Hinjo: Jet Li
Shojo: James Hong!

Not sure about the rest of the Azurites.

Sabine: Rihanna if she can act.
Thog: Lou Ferrigno

Xykon: Christopher lee
Redcloak: Kelsey Grammer

Lowkey Lyesmith
2009-06-24, 01:29 PM
Skip Bryce Dallas Howard for Haley.

Christina Hendricks would be alot better. Just think of her performance as Saffron in firefly.

2009-06-24, 01:33 PM
Skip Bryce Dallas Howard for Haley.

Christina Hendricks would be alot better. Just think of her performance as Saffron in firefly.
I don't know she has a bit more of a... figure then I would picture Haley having.

Lowkey Lyesmith
2009-06-24, 01:54 PM
Yes, that is true. But she showed she is definantly agile enough in that part. And she is very good at acting as a conartist.

And think about this, is there anyone of the women in oots that seems curvy?
It is stick figures after all.

2009-06-24, 03:25 PM
Fan of House, are we?

EDIT: Oh wait, Stephen Fry is on Bones, not House... then we must be fans of both House and Blackadder. Or perhaps House and A Bit of Fry and Laurie (if we like obscure British sketch comedy).

Answers: yes, yes, and yes.

Actually, at first I was just a fan of House and Stephen Fry. Then I've been told about a Bit of Fry and Laurie and Blackadder. You know, those haven't been shown in Brazil :smallfrown:

2009-06-24, 06:02 PM
You know, thinking about it again, the MitD's role is to be somewhat vacuous mentally and surprised by just about everything around it. Know who'd be perfect for that role?

Keanu Reeves.

Maybe the last role he'd be good in before retiring.

OMG! Hold the presses! That means... MitD is actually Ted "Theodore" Logan !! :smalleek:

It would be fun if next Plane Shift spell is represented by a phone booth. :smallwink:

2009-06-29, 06:25 PM
Does anyone know which actors the Giant would have in mind if a movie was made?

Also, I think Tommy Lister might make a good Roy as well. Thoughts on that?

2009-06-29, 07:50 PM
Where will we sneak William Shatner into the cast? Perhaps the dirt farmer rescued from those trolls shortly after meeting Miko.

Scarlet Knight
2009-06-29, 08:17 PM
You guys are forgetting the most important part


(and the other gods)

perhaps we could have the guy who did yoda :D

"The role tonight of Banjo will be played by Lambchop..."

Scarlet Knight
2009-06-29, 08:20 PM
Where will we sneak William Shatner into the cast? Perhaps the dirt farmer rescued from those trolls shortly after meeting Miko.

How about as Goblin Dan? "And ..THAT...is how I made my ...first ...million."

2009-06-29, 09:05 PM
Vaarsuvius: Eddie Izzard. For those of you who don't know, he's a hilarious cross-dressing British comedian. With the right makeup, the purple hair, the robes, raising his voice a little bit, he could make a terrific Vaarsuvius.

You haven't seen him LATELY have you?

He's a great actor and a brilliant comedian, but I think his androgyny days are long since passed.

The Adder
2009-06-29, 09:07 PM
The Order of the Stick:

Roy: Will Smith or Omar Epps

Elan: Neil Patrick Harris

Belkar: Tony Cox if you don't care that he doesn't look the part skin color-wise. Otherwise Danny Woodburn.

Varsuvius: What I want to know is why people keep casting, not just men, but blatant men as Varsuvius? He is, after all, supposed to be gender neutral in appearance. I don't know who I'd cast, but I know who I wouldn't.

Haley: ?

Durkon: John Rhys-Davies, I guess

Team Evil

Xykon: Robin Williams

Red Cloak: Hugh Laurie

MitD: Aaron Dismuke

2009-06-29, 09:10 PM
Red Cloak: Hugh Laurie

If you cast Hugh Laurie as Red Cloak, then Xykon HAS to be Stephen Fry.

2009-06-29, 09:13 PM

Rowan Atkinson as Edmund Blackadder as Redcloak would be brilliant.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2009-06-29, 09:56 PM
I can totally see Rowan Atkinson being Redcloak.

2009-06-29, 10:15 PM
Varsuvius: What I want to know is why people keep casting, not just men, but blatant men as Varsuvius? He is, after all, supposed to be gender neutral in appearance. I don't know who I'd cast, but I know who I wouldn't.

Haley: ?

Maybe Maggie Gyllenhaal for Haley?

And Suvie... i have no idea how to cast hir. Maybe Constantin Maroulis if he waxed his face.

Constant would be a good Elan too.

2009-06-29, 10:42 PM
If you really must cast Nathan Fillion... if the universe will somehow implode on itself if he doesn't bring his own brand of slack-jawed ham acting to this project... then this is a decent, inoffensive role for him. Antonio Banderas would be better, though.

You're lucky this isn't the XKCD forums, or else you probably would have been shot. Actually, I'm kinda surprised you haven't been yet by the Playgrounders. Hm.

As for me, I think Nathan Fillion is a fantastic actor, but doesn't really fit into any of the roles presented by OotS. Julio Scoundrel is a bit too old. If it were later, then yes. Well, perhaps with the right amount of cheesieness he could pull it off, but it seems a stretch.

Also, William Shatner as any small role, acting as "William Shatner" as possible, would be hilarious.

However, for Belkar, I would like to suggest Martin Klebba. He was Randall from Scrubs and the midget pirate in PotC 3. Just look at his face and how he played Randall. He definitely seems the way to go with Belkar rather than Verne Troyer.

2009-07-01, 09:43 AM
I have been wracking my brain for weeks, trying to figure out how we can have this tremendous, comedic cast, but not have found any role for the irreplaceable Patrick Warburton. There didn't seem to be any part, until suddenly it came to me:

Gortok! (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0132.html)


"Let Gortok answer your question with a question. Who will be the moron after Gortok's white hot anger crushes your body into a mangled bloody pulp while Gortok sings a jaunty tune to accompany your unanswered cries for mercy?"

Poppy Appletree
2009-07-01, 09:58 AM
Or perhaps House and A Bit of Fry and Laurie (if we like obscure British sketch comedy).

Obscure? :smallconfused:

2009-07-01, 10:30 AM
I think Steven Colbert and George Lopez would be the lawyers, if I were in charge.

No matter what, Steven Colbert needs a role, somwhere.

2009-07-01, 10:44 AM
I have been wracking my brain for weeks, trying to figure out how we can have this tremendous, comedic cast, but not have found any role for the irreplaceable Patrick Warburton.

You don't think he could be :thog:?

2009-07-01, 11:33 AM
You don't think he could be :thog:?

Brad Garrett would be better.

2009-07-01, 12:03 PM
Brad Garrett would be better.


yeah. but I still think Patrick Warburton should be in a bigger role than that.

For Gortok, I imagine the voice of Mark from Fairly Oddparents - who's... Rob Paulsen again. (for the record, I was thinking the voice of Pinky from ~ and the Brain for :mitd:)

What does he look like, anyway?

Or maybe Matt Hill (voice of Ed from ~, Edd, and Eddy).

2009-07-02, 07:19 PM
for the record, I was thinking the voice of Pinky from ~ and the Brain for :mitd:)

Ewwwww...high-pitched british voice for MitD? No thanks.

Man I wish this movie could happen.

2009-07-03, 03:16 PM
How about Andy Serkis for Belkar? (Smeagol from LotR, but what really made me wonder is his look on the poster for Inkheart....) Mostly I've noticed that he has pretty much the same features I give Belkar when I draw him, the eyebrows and eyes in particular. I think we could really have something here.

And V should totally be played by a woman. Aside from the difficulties of finding someone male who actually LOOKS androgynous AND elf-ish, both build and feature-wise, I don't think a man could pull off the androgyny in a manner that seems truly natural rather than disturbing and out-of-place.
I'd suggest Cate Blanchett (Bob Dylan in I'm Not There, anyone? She can pull off the obsessive and cold type, as well) or perhaps, dare I say it, Keira Knightley, because I think she has exactly the type of face that can be transformed with very little effort. Some experience in acting someone proud and determined, too.

2009-07-04, 11:10 PM
My input on a few of these.....I have yet to see a better Haley recommendation...

Roy: Samuel L Jackson/Lawrence Fishburne
Eugene: Danny Glover
Horace: Lawrence Fishburne/S.L.J

Haley: Amanda Righetti (http://images.askmen.com/galleries/actress/amanda-righetti/pictures/amanda-righetti-picture-3.jpg) -- From The Mentalist

Shojo: Pat Morita, from The Karate Kid, would be amazing, but sadly he died a few years back.

The Extinguisher
2009-07-05, 12:25 AM
Wait, wait, wait. CLAY FREAKING AIKEN did the MONTY PYTHON musical?!?!?!?!?

Yes. And honestly, he was quite good.
I was shocked.

Also, wouldn't this thread be better off thinking of this as an animated movie? That way you could get people playing someone half their age.

Except that Samuel L Jackson can only play Eugene. No one else.

2009-07-05, 01:50 AM
Durkon: The guy who played Gimli in Lord of the Rings would do just fine.

Miko: Brenda Song would do the part but I do think she's a bit young and I'm not sure if she's suited to the more serious role. In the Suite Life she's always been an artificial comedic character.

2009-07-05, 07:12 AM
Belkar shall be voiced by Joe Pesci lest the world explodes.

2009-07-05, 07:49 AM
:thog: Richard Moll. He might be a bit old for it now, but when he portrayed Bull on Night Court, he had that mix of gentle innocence and a mean streak that I think works perfectly for the character.

:haley: Gabrielle Anwar from "Burn Notice" plays a character (Fiona) who is very Haley-like in many ways.

I think other people covered most of the ones I could think of...