View Full Version : Your Worst Nightmare

2009-06-09, 05:28 PM
So what's the single worst nightmare you've ever had?

I know what mine is. I've reapeatedly had this one where I'm running away from sometihng that is trying to kill me and I wake up just before/as it does. I get up and go to leave the room and just as I do, it pops out of concealment and finishes the job. It's really annoying to wake up and not know if you're actually awake or not. The only way to find out is to open that door...

2009-06-09, 05:33 PM
So what's the single worst nightmare you've ever had?

I know what mine is. I've reapeatedly had this one where I'm running away from sometihng that is trying to kill me and I wake up just before/as it does. I get up and go to leave the room and just as I do, it pops out of concealment and finishes the job. It's really annoying to wake up and not know if you're actually awake or not. The only way to find out is to open that door...

My worst ones are always the ones that have me dreaming my normal routine. They feel so real. I recently had one in which I got up for work and went to the bathroom do to my normal shower/get ready for work system. As soon as I got in the bathroom I turned around and there was this tall, hooded death-like man standing there grinning evilly. My heart about stopped.

My other bad dreams are caused by my stupid ceiling fan. My eyes have a habit of opening partially while sleeping and when they see the fan, they interpret it as a gigantic spider dangling down from its web to land on my face. This always ends by me swatting wildly and dashing out of my bedroom. I'm usually not awake until I'm somewhere in the kitchen, and I used to inspect my room for several minutes before I felt safe enough to sleep again. Took me forever to figure out what was causing that dream to happen over and over.

2009-06-09, 05:33 PM
Some dude busts down the door to my house, holding a knife, and goes, "Time for some fun!!!"

And then I wake up, and check that the door is still there. Call me paranoid.

2009-06-09, 06:08 PM
You know those nightmares, where you try to run, but you can't move?

My worst nightmare, is where that's happening, but I'm just trying to walk home. It's an otherwise ordinary scenario, but I can't move foward. It's worse than any cosmic horror I could and do conceive of.

2009-06-09, 06:11 PM
You know those nightmares, where you try to run, but you can't move?

My worst nightmare, is where that's happening, but I'm just trying to walk home. It's an otherwise ordinary scenario, but I can't move foward. It's worse than any cosmic horror I could and do conceive of.
I used to have that exact dream frequently just prior to high school graduation when I felt like my future wasn't going anywhere. I don't know if all dreams can be so easily interpreted, but that one usually seems to indicate an extreme frustration with your current situation in life.

If you're having that dream in recent days, I'd recommend doing a survey of things and seeing what you can change to get moving again.

2009-06-09, 06:19 PM
I used to have that exact dream frequently just prior to high school graduation when I felt like my future wasn't going anywhere. I don't know if all dreams can be so easily interpreted, but that one usually seems to indicate an extreme frustration with your current situation in life.

If you're having that dream in recent days, I'd recommend doing a survey of things and seeing what you can change to get moving again.

Collin's life never goes anywhere.
In fact, that's what he was thinking about before having that dream... about how he has no particular reason to live, goal, drive, or dream. Limbo.

My subconcious is a genius.

2009-06-09, 06:20 PM
Mine is where there are these little grey spheres on a black background, moving around, being replaced with larger ones, until suddenly there's one that's huge, and I have this really strong feeling of hopelessness at seeing it.

2009-06-09, 06:24 PM
You know those nightmares, where you try to run, but you can't move?

My worst nightmare, is where that's happening, but I'm just trying to walk home. It's an otherwise ordinary scenario, but I can't move foward. It's worse than any cosmic horror I could and do conceive of.

I have dreams when I must run/move swiftly.

And I can move... But my moves are completely slow, clumsy and powerless.

When I'm slowly waking up, I feel how I'm really trying to move, but I can't since my muscles are still blocked beacuse of sleeping.

It's kinda irritating.

2009-06-09, 06:26 PM
A dinosaur once tried to be my best friend. After it escaped, caused mayhem and destruction, and ate my family.

Mauve Shirt
2009-06-09, 06:30 PM
That one where robots were torturing me to induce a seizure and then I had one and now I can't drive. :smallannoyed:

2009-06-09, 06:53 PM
Huh. I just posted about my various 'nightmarish' things in my dreams in the Fear thread... I'll quote it XD .

Then, I've got lots of 'dream fears', if I can call them that. I remember many of my dreams, sometimes quite vividly, and there are recurring unfavorable themes. They include: choking/drowning in my own bile built up in my mouth (and being unable to open my mouth or breathe through my nose), being naked/almost naked in public (distinctly embarrassing and helpless), being chased (various chasers/situations), falling in attempts to fly, being forced to drive a car over ridiculously dangerous terrain without knowing how to drive, finding myself unable to scream or make any noise due to shear raw terror despite attempting to, being lost and alone in some foreign and scary territory, terribly painful and gruesome things happening to my teeth... there may be a couple others, but that's what I remember for now. These are all the 'recurring themes'; one-off scary dreams don't count.

These parts of my dreams tend to feel very vivid, rather realistic, so when I wake up and remember them, I remember it as well as a memory. If pain is involved in the dream (teeth-related ones fit here), sometimes the pain can be quite... er, painful. And you can distinctly feel the time ticking down while it's happening during the dream, you know what I mean? So you feel every long second of it :/ . Grr!

The thing about not being able to walk forward, I've had that a couple times, but it's the 'not being able to scream' thing that's the worst, which is pretty similar.

- - -

My first worst nightmare, which lasted pretty long as #1 worst, was one from when I was a little child, of being in a large cave with my family poor and in rags, and then having this gigantic terrifying Muk-like monster come out and eat my father alive. Very gruesome, many screams from my eaten father and terrified family, and when I woke up my mother had to come and rub my belly and give me that pink medicine stuff.

- - -

After that, there was another one that was from sometime last year, not really 'terrifying' but very worrying on my part, was set in some kind of apocalyptic scenery... red skies, barren red terrain, I think chaos and running people... But I don't even remember why that was happening. It all sort of faded to the background when I was also running away, but saw my father's back from a distance. I came running up to him but saw that he was smoking a cigarette. I was shocked because he'd given up smoking a few months back... he looked at me and said something like "Sorry, but I just can't help it. I just can't quit." I was really upset in the dream, and then I woke up. It worried me, but I never mentioned it. Turns out he really did break, but was keeping it hidden. I learned for certain a few months afterwords.

- - -

And lastly, my definite #1 worst nightmare was a rather recent one (last couple months?). The premise was really silly, but it had felt so vividly real, even more so than usual, the emotions were almost as strong as they'd have probably been had it happened IRL.

My dad was out on the porch, when a bird or something had come down and hit him, straight to the head. It killed him, and I spent a good amount of the time after my dream thinking very distinct, complex, and detailed thoughts (which I can still recall) mulling over what had happened. My mother was hysterical, she didn't know what to do without my dad, and it was very sad. But not as sad as I should have been if my dad really died (which I thought about in-dream and hated myself for, and concluded that I was probably in shock and I should appreciate this for as long as I could before I actually crashed in realization). The scariest thought was trying to comprehend the idea that he was gone and could never, ever come back. The finality was so terrifying that I refused to let myself think about it. I didn't want to believe it, you know?

After that, it gets a bit fuzzy, some stuff happens, and I go out to the store to buy DVDs or something. There's one in particular that I want, but it's at the top of an escalator, so I try to reach it, but the escalator keeps going the opposite direction.

Then my dad comes from the top of the escalator with the DVD in hand and looks at me, cracks one of his jokes or something, and I'm standing there not believing he's alive. I conclude that I must be in some kind of dream, or illusion, or fantasy, and that this isn't actually happening (that my father is alive, not that my father is dead), so I try to take advantage of it, hoping it'll last for as long as possible. We stepped outside together, and then I suddenly grab him full-body, and my mind is screaming "I hate you I hate you I hate you!" because I'm so angry that I know he's dead and gone and that he left us, but out loud I don't want to say that to him so all I can yell is "I love you I love you I love you".

That's when I wake up. The dream felt so real, for a long moment with my eyes closed I still thought my father was dead. When I realized I was in bed, I slowly also realized that it must have been a dream, and I felt so relieved. But I still wasn't sure, so I went straight upstairs to my parent's room and poked my father to make sure he was alive. Yes he was XD . But it made me cry anyway D= . It was the scariest experience I've had in my life.

<3 ali

2009-06-09, 07:19 PM
When I was a kid, I had a dream that I don't remember much of now. I remember being completely alone in the middle of the vast ocean. I was viewing it from third person, like I was seeing through a movie camera. I remember the...'camera' switching from viewing me to viewing a shark gliding along silently. They switched around a bit, different angles etc, until the shark met up with me. It didn't end well.

Words can't describe the pure fear that I experienced nor put the true image of what I saw in the dream into your heads.
I woke up highly disturbed and phobias of water and sharks.

Jack Squat
2009-06-09, 07:31 PM
Back when I was somewhere between 3 and 5, I had a dream that involved one of those crocodile dentist gators. He was animated, and for some reason was out to get me. Then all of the sudden he started dancing changing colors; purple, blue, yellow with red moving stripes, polka doted, with the dots moving around. He also turned into a pear during this. I woke up scared witless. About half an hour later, I threw up, I blame the dream on me being sick.

Years later, I suppose that I can tell people I know what what an acid trip must be like though :smallwink:

2009-06-09, 07:41 PM
I was about to say, that one didn't actually sound like a nightmare at first :smallwink:

2009-06-09, 09:42 PM
I once dreamed that everything was made of spiders... even air. Uuuuuurgh...

2009-06-10, 12:52 PM
Wow, some of these are really good!

I don't tend to have bad dreams, just odd ones, when I dream at all. I suppose my worst dream was the night after I watched the movie about Davy Crockett, and I dreamed he wanted to kill me for some reason.

Thanatos 51-50
2009-06-10, 01:06 PM
When this occured, I was eight.

This is my home. The apartment complex where I have lived for the past two years. I'm normally not supposed to go here, to the "Other Side", because if my mom calls, I can't hear her.
It is awfully dark and cold, right now.

Hey, the fence for the playground is open! It's making that squeaky, needs-oil sound. God, I hate that sound, let me close that.

Hello, <Name>.

Wow, that's a really scary voice, hollow and cold, my arms are prickly, now, like I've just pulled them from a tub of ice water.
Don't close the gate. Come here. I want your blood. I want to drink your blood.

Fear grips my windpipe as I back away. Home, I should go home. Home is safe.
I turn and run.

The... I can only describe it as a Vampire...
The Vampire's loud, malicious laugh follows me as I pump my legs and run, the cold in the air being drawn into my lungs as I run. The coats the inside of my lungs, like a thin sheet of ice crystals.
I tug at the door of the apartment, run inside and lock it.
There is no-one else in the room. I wait and listen for what feels like hours. There is nothing, no sound. I'm safe.

I feel tired and walk to my bed, change into my pajamas and surl up under the covers, fear still inside my skin and ears wide open.
I get more tired, and a chill breeze suddenly creeps up through one arm and down my back.
You left you window open. Thanks for the invite.

Dirk Kris
2009-06-10, 01:07 PM
So what's the single worst nightmare you've ever had?

I know what mine is. I've reapeatedly had this one where I'm running away from sometihng that is trying to kill me and I wake up just before/as it does. I get up and go to leave the room and just as I do, it pops out of concealment and finishes the job. It's really annoying to wake up and not know if you're actually awake or not. The only way to find out is to open that door...

I've had a recurring one very similar ever since I was a kid. It still terrifies me.

2009-06-10, 01:08 PM
I'm walking along a pavement in my village, with a few trees and a green. Two men with black sunglasses in a black van drive up and shoot me. As I'm dying, I see them drive off again.

Always makes me wake up in a sweat. And I always hate walking round that area of my village.

The other bad ones are ones that involve injections. Which is because I am petrified by them (I faint, joy of joys).

Ooo, and there's the dream that petrified me as a kid. I was upstairs in a building in my town, with a window overlooking the street. I knew I had to get out of the building. Mum would sit there just reading, calm and tranquil, not knowing of the danger. There were three doors with pitch black darkness in them. I try and go out through them but always end up back in the room, or scared by the dark and running back.

2009-06-10, 01:18 PM
I haven't had nightmares in a while (like 10 years at least), but from what I can remember, this is the worst one I've ever had.
I dreamt that I was at the circus with my grandfather, and everything was going wonderful. Suddenly, the clowns become vampires and begin to chase us. They catch my grandad and vampirize him. Then my grandad hunts for me on my own, slowly gaining on my small toddler form, fangs bared, ready to drink my precious lifeblood.
Then I woke up.
Take into account that I was like 3/4/5 years old at the time.

2009-06-10, 01:23 PM
I once had a dream that we (I'm not sure who "we" were, but "they" were very important to me) were at war with some other "them."
Anyways, we captured one of them. It was some dark-skinned girl. We tortured her and questioned her, but she was resilient. Eventually, we left her in my room (it was my room from, like, high school.)
Word came down the wire for me to kill her.
At first, I was extremely disturbed. But then, I had a knife in my hand, and she was tied up and crying. Soon, I was crying. I cut through her throat, kosher-style, and she bled all over the place and gurgled. I held her close to me like I loved her, and cried my eyes out, screaming with the pain of feeling a part of your soul die. Someone like my father was standing over me, watching with grim satisfaction. The camera zoomed out, and this bloody guy was holding a dead naked girl, screaming and crying, with some sort of family elder watching him, in my room from high school, and I woke up.

I was like, "oh god, oh god, I killed someone, oh god, oh my god" and my girlfriend hazily woke up and started her half-asleep 'it was only a dream' talk that I always give to her. And I refused to believe it, because it was so real. Eventually I was crying really bad again.

I still feel like that girl was real. Maybe someone else who was asleep, and was dreaming of being tied up, naked, with a man weilding a knife over her throat. Maybe she woke up from it, maybe she didn't. I snap every time I think about it, and get really bitchy. It was far too real, it makes me feel like a murderer.

2009-06-10, 01:23 PM
The last one I can remenber was years ago. Like when I was around 6. I had it after watching an espiode of Puff the magic Dragon. It had to do with an evil Skeleton in an yellow mob sute that followed them everywhere and had something to do with poison. The dream was that he was in this world and he was after me, but he never did get me. Now days he isn't that scary.

Hell Puppi
2009-06-10, 02:09 PM
I recently had one of those dreams where you 'wake up'. I was on my bed and heard a weird hissing/scratching noise, so I lifted up my pillows and looked underneath to find cockroaches.
Lots of them, crawling into my bed.
This was made worse by the fact that we recently had one crawl up though the drain in our bathroom sink :smalleek:

2009-06-10, 02:34 PM
The worst dreams for me are the ones where I dream that my mom is back to life. It's not really the dreams that bother me as they tend to just be regular dreams that mimic the time before she died in a weird way. It's just that when I wake up, I have to remember what's real and what's not. :smallfrown:

2009-06-10, 04:44 PM
I've had some nightmares that are pretty horrific, to the point I do not wish to recant them here, but they all pale before this one:

I was a pigeon. You know, the stupid grey and white birds that no one actually likes and crap all over your car right after you got it washed? Yeah, I was one of those.

In fact, the dream was so long, I lived my entire pigeon-y life out. It was the most horrifying thing I've ever experienced, mostly because I woke up in the morning with an amazingly strong urge to go eat birdseed.

I never EVER want to dream I am a pigeon again. It's just so... boring, you know? Boring to the point that I was pleased when the dream ended, since I was eaten by a hawk in midair (it snatched me out of the sky and ate me).

What does that all say about my subconscious? :smallconfused:

2009-06-10, 04:49 PM
A dinosaur once tried to be my best friend. After it escaped, caused mayhem and destruction, and ate my family.

A lot of people would consider this a really good dream.

2009-06-10, 05:24 PM
As far as I know, I only dream about 10% of every time I actually sleep (no one argue "you forgot", because no one can prove that I actually dreamt it if I forgot...)

Anyway, the two worst ones I remember.

1: I was 11. In the dream, I was standing in my kitchen, and it was a very dark night out. I took a step toward the door, and then lightning flashed for a second. During this second, a hooded figure was clearly glaring at me from it. I got affected by this... Dread. I suddenly went limp, and fell to the floor.
Then, I got up.
This happened at least 5 times. Every time I saw the silhouette, it frightened me more.

2: I think I was 13, but I'm not sure. In this dream, I wasn't there; just watching. Some woman was tied up (sometimes I saw through her eyes) in a chair, and there were several... Mortifying people in front of her. The one in front was taunting her. Jeering at her, but he said something about 'joining'.
He then 'gave her a choice', one that revealed why his followers looked so disgusting; they were living hives. Each of them had some kind of insect in him (one was spiders, though, so one arachnid).
The bugs pushed out the shapes of numbers as he counted off her 'options'. But, she didn't respond, so he picked the worms. Then, to cut it really short, a worm crawled from his mouth, into her throat, and there was a cross-section showing it.

My aunt thought that second one had to do with some movie (that I didn't see). I think that one scarred me for life...

Anywho, it's instances like this that explain why I don't dream (or just forget the dreams themselves, whichever). It's a defense mechanism.

2009-06-10, 05:29 PM
I respect those of you who feel you can share something this personal.Suffice to say my worst actual nightmare was bad enough that I don't like to talk about it, or even think about it.

2009-06-10, 05:51 PM
A lot of people would consider this a really good dream.

Well, things get scary when everyone you know died, and there's no hope for humanity.

2009-06-10, 05:53 PM
I've actually had worse ones that I've repressed, but I only know about these from how bad they got me.

Thanatos 51-50
2009-06-10, 05:55 PM
As far as I know, I only dream about 10% of every time I actually sleep (no one argue "you forgot", because no one can prove that I actually dreamt it if I forgot...)

You forgot. Humans always dream while in REM sleep. Always.

2009-06-10, 06:13 PM
I warn you: this one is ****ed up. Really, really, reall ****ed up.

It may have been a possible aftereffect of listening to Angelspit while drinking absinthe.

Now, I really can't remember much of it. At all. So I'll just put the basic stuff that I remember.

[spoiler]It was basically me going through my life as normal.

However, for some reason, every few days (this was something of a longer dream...) I would randomly perform surgery on myself and cut out a vital organ or two. Started with intestines, went upwards - kidneys, liver, lungs.

It ended when I cut out the heart.

Throughout the whole dream.. it was incredibly real. Except sort of like I was under pernament anaesthetic. I couldn't feel anything, physically, and I felt completely out of it whenever I was chopping and slicing. Except for a sort of feeling of desperation, and something else varying between deep sadness and euphoria.

Meanwhile, I felt this constant embarrassment whenever my dream-self was interacting at all with anyone, almost distant.

Every time something else was removed, I felt a little more hollow. At the end, when I was getting rid of the heart, it was as if I didn't have a chest - at all. Just felt absolutely nothing there.

During it, everything was so... clear. As in, really, really realistic. I actually had total control over my actions, to a certain extent, but not my thought process - sort of "Yeah, I'm going to use a bowie knife to chop my own kidneys out" thoughts appearing in my head, then I did them.

But yeah. Realistic. To the extent that when I woke up at 5AM, me and my sheets covered in a cold, slick sweat, I literally checked myself to make sure there weren't gaping holes, pits or abcesses.

And that was just the stuff I did to my dream-self... I feel like there's something pretty bad missing, and I have this mental image of sort of like cutting into someone else's torso and taking stuff out.

Little bits of that dream have stayed with me for months now. They're all I can remember, but they go together to work out a (hopefully) full picture of it; I don't want to remember it if it was much more messed up than that.

2009-06-10, 06:20 PM
You forgot. Humans always dream while in REM sleep. Always.

Are you sure about that?

What does it mean if someone recalls an excessive number of dreams, or no dreams at all?

In extreme cases of excessive dream recall, or no dream recall at all, there may be chemical imbalances at work. We think we know this because some medications lead people to report to physicians that they are remembering more dreams, and that the dreams are very vivid and realistic, and sometimes very scary.

In extreme cases of no recall, still another thing may be going on. These people may be dreaming very little or not at all. That probably sounds unlikely to most of you who heard growing up that everyone dreams at least during the four or five Rapid Eye Movement (REM) periods of the night. But the people who did that research in the 1950s and early 1960s may have jumped the gun a little because they hadn't studied the full range of people. Based on recent studies, including one using low recallers who were very low on visuospatial skills, it now seems probable again that some people don't dream.

Moreover, some people who suffer lesions in specific parts of the brain are known to lose their ability to dream for varying periods of time. These unusual cases show that it is possible to have the usual amount of REM sleep -- about 20-25% of the night -- and not dream. And to be mentally healthy without ever dreaming.
from http://www.dreamresearch.net/FAQ/index.html

Not that any one source is necessarily a definitive source, but given the huge variation in people I doubt you could make any statement like something "humans always do" and have it be true, at least in terms of mental processing.

Personally over the course of my life I've only remembered a very few dreams. They have all been on the verge of waking (and never durning deep sleep) and I have never remembered anything from being woken up suddenly at night, etc. Of the dreams I do remember, the moment I realise I am dreaming, which is often right away, I have complete control over what happens in them. Because of that I've had very few bad dreams. I can't think of anything even dream like in many years.

2009-06-10, 06:20 PM
The worst I can remember happened about 8-10 years ago (I don't remember the exact date), and it happened a couple of times with slight variations each time.

Basically it goes like this: I'm in some sort of sword/knife against someone. The fight is somewhat cinematic (the first time I had the dream we were both swashbuckler types) and at one point the other person disarms me and presses his sword/knife against my chest right between two ribs. I am shocked and thinking things like "this wasn't supposed to happen" or "I was supposed to win". The other guy then grins evilly and starts pressing the sword harder and slowly into my chest.

I always woke up when the sword pierced my heart.
I don't remember feeling any pain though, only a small pressure where the sword was. The terrifying thing was knowing I was going to die and knowing that there was nothing I could do about it.

Overlord Nicy
2009-06-10, 06:25 PM
A bit long.

It's my house. I'm in the living room. The entire thing is deformed, bulges, dents, everywhere. Everything looks all blocky, like those old crappy 3d games. Every surface is a single, boring color. The panthers. They're here. I can't see them, but I KNOW they're around. My faceless partner with her exploring backpack on tell us to find a hiding spot. We have 14 minutes before the panthers come. Aimless wandering for a long time. My partner is gone. This look like the kitchen. The surfaces are normal, the counter is extremely high. I could climb up there for safety, they won't find me. I almost make it, but the alarm sounds. I look down, sleeping panthers wake up. They jump at me. It does into a third person perspective. They devour my body. I wake up. I head outside. Why is all this stuff everywhere? Just stuff. Why is the sky black? How is everything else stiff bright? Chains. Everywhere. Blood on some of them. I start to walk to the backyard...wait! on the other side of those houses....did a colorful tree house just...fly by? Oh gods, back to the front yard. No, I have to check again....Ah! It just flew by again....exactly as before. Same speed, same direction. It happens again, then starts repeating. Faster and faster. It's too odd, I have to get away....a dog barking? It's close, I can tell, but it sounds so far away...everything suddenly looks very gothic. I need to run. FAST. The barking gets closer. Why am I moving so slow? Run, dammit. A hand grabs my ankle, I fall. I drags me, I dare not look back. I scream...I wake up. A haunted house....a room full of jewelry. Another hand grabs my ankle, and tries to pull me under a table....I wake up. I'm aware....is this another dream? People....everywhere....but no sound at all. I'm in a mall? Everyone turns to a giant window. A growing ball of light. An atom bomb? Oh, that's interesting. I guess we'll all just die now.....but as we all become blinded for a minute, vision starts to return. Noise begins to form. Are-are we alive? How did we do it? Oh, it seems someone stabbed me in the gut. I fall to the ground. Anyone? I'm bleeding...

I woke up, completely paranoid and tried for the entire day. I still dream this every so often. I don't know why it gets to me.

2009-06-10, 06:40 PM
I dreamed I was on this forest set, like one of those old 40's movies that look kind of like it's outside, but you know it's a set. Anyway I had a shovel, and there was a snake, a rattler or some other kind of poisonous creature. Anyway it lunged toward me, so I cut off the head with the shovel. Phew, problem over, right?
Not right.
The disembodied head started flying towards me, literally, it was buzzing through the air, it's mouth gaping, it's fangs practically dripping with venom. I tried to avoid it, but there was a only a limited space to dodge. As I said it was a set. I tried to hit it with the flat of the shovel but it just buzzed over and kept coming. I woke up before it bit me, but that dream still gives me the creeps when I think about it.
I think I have a phobia of large flying insects, like june bugs and crane flies.
I have no phobia of snakes though.

2009-06-10, 06:51 PM
mine is me runing away from nothing then the floor starts falling behind me I look back realy quick then look forward again and the floor falls under me then I kick something/one and wake up.

Mr. Mud
2009-06-10, 06:53 PM
Nageto, Your signature banner, is in violation of Forum Rules... I think.

Here's an online images resizer. (http://www.picresize.com/)

It can be 120 pixels tall and 468 wide, if I'm not mistaken. :smallamused:

2009-06-10, 09:24 PM
I'm always fascinated by the incredible variation in peoples nightmares. I mean, yeah you get some common themes (death in some form or another is pretty common) but the dreams them selves are so different.

2009-06-10, 09:57 PM
Every so often I have a dream that I'm failing all my high school classes, am in class taking a test in a language I don't know, and will never get in a good college. I graduated high school four years ago...

2009-06-10, 10:11 PM
Every so often I have a dream that I'm failing all my high school classes, am in class taking a test in a language I don't know, and will never get in a good college. I graduated high school four years ago...

Appropriate xkcd comic:

2009-06-10, 10:35 PM
I am standing outside my school with a group of friends. We walk up the road for a while. We enter a brothel. Someone is proposing to a prostitute. She walks through a door. The door dispears and I hear her scream. Parts of the brothel are being replaced by featureless wall. We leave. A car starts casing us and runs down my friends. Mist starts rolling in. I reach a roundabout. Their is a hooded child crouching in the middle of the road. I am terrified of him. I run away into the mist, but wherever I run I arrive back at the round about. The child raises his face to look at me. He is bleached and featureless. He is Satan.

I am in my room. I leave my room and the door disapears behind me. I walk downstairs and the stairs are replaced by a featureless wall. I enter the dining room and the doorway dissapears behind me. I try to run but I am trapped in a tiny box. Everything is black.

I am standing in a swamp. The grey water reaches only to my ankles but reflects the indistinct sky. The fog is back. I run in one direction but the swamp is infinite. I'm just as trapped as in the box.

I am standing on the landing outside my mother's room. On the floor is a serverely mutilated fetus. It is alive. It radiates evil. It is the being that is trapping me in this horrible universe. My mum is talking from behind the door. She is blaming me for mulilating the creature. I try telling her that it is the evil one, but she's still blaming me. Is she right? I open the door to her room. She is shriveled and wrinkled.

The dream starts again.

That is definitely my worst nightmare. Nothing else comes close. I eventually managed to scream myself out of it. I feel a little weak revisiting it.

2009-06-10, 10:59 PM
Your worst nightmare (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcGr_RDenjY&feature=related)

2009-06-10, 11:04 PM
Appropriate xkcd comic:

It's freaking true!

2009-06-10, 11:16 PM
Living in the same house with all of my ex-girlfriends.


2009-06-11, 08:58 AM
Apologies in advance for how long this is. :smalleek:

Much to my sorrow, I don't remember my dreams very often, no more than two to three times a month. On the plus side, I almost never have nightmares. I've had 3 that I remember in the last 19 years, and the first two were kind of cool, actually.

Three years ago, I had a real nightmare, but to tell it requires a little setup:
1) In real life, I'm a very calm, collected and rational person. Disasters come and go, and I don't get flustered.
2) One of my best friends, who I'll refer to as "Tren" is a guy who really wants nothing more in the world than for everyone to be friends. He's a good man, though has a reputation as a notorious player, and tends not to think things through as much as he should. To him there should be no other solution to disagreements than reconciliation, promptly followed by a wild party. Ironically, there's a history of bad feelings between Tren and my wife.
3) When I was 18, I started dating a girl who was extremely bad for me. Extremely bad. Bad to me as well, but very very bad for me. I'll refer to her as "Andromeda". She and I dated for three extremely unhealthy years. In the last year, I proposed to her, and a couple months later discovered that she had been cheating on me and had been dishonest with me through most of our relationship. After 6 more months I managed to get my head clear enough to break up with her. After that I spiraled into depression, got kicked out of school and spent months in counseling before the woman who would become my super awesome wife was able to motivate me into getting my $&!# together.
4) About once every two years, Andromeda tries to get back in touch with me online, either through e-mail, through a friend's e-mail or through various social networking sites. I've twice made the mistake of telling myself that she can't hurt me anymore and tried brief friendly conversations with her, and twice I've regretted that decision. She is the reason I terminated my MySpace account and why I have fairly strict security on Facebook.

Anyway, with that setup, I can get to the dream, which was the worst I've ever had.

The dream:

I dream very vividly, and this one was particularly hard to distinguish from reality. Everything seemed plausible and so terribly real.

Life was going on as normal. My wife and I had been very happily married for five years, and things were all happy and good in the dream with no cues that it was actually a dream. I got a call from Tren, who was excited to report that good things had happened to him; he finally had landed an awesome job in the film industry and he had bought a house out in California that he wanted me to come see. He asked me to come out for a guy's weekend so that he could show off the place and so soon I found myself arriving in California.

Tren's place was a beautiful two-story colonial with a nice yard in a fancy neighborhood. He showed me around the yard, and then the house, with us laughing about the kitchen that would never be properly used, and the obscenely lavish entertainment center. He had paid a decorator to furnish the house, or else it'd be a tragedy of broken-down couches and beanbag chairs. Eventually he brought me to the upstairs, showing off the guest rooms and the nicely tiled bathrooms, and finally getting to what was obviously the master suite.

"And this," he said with an expected grin and an expected joke, "is where the magic happens."
Tren opened the door, and it was a beautiful, wide open expanse, with wood paneling, low leather chairs, a hot tub and in the middle was an overwrought four poster bed (http://janeaustensworld.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/four_poster_bed_350b.jpg) piled high with pillows and blankets. Weezer, his favorite band, was playing softly on the stereo system.
I was impressed and amused. It was the ideal bedroom for Tren, who was well known for being able to always find female company for a night or weekend fling. He clapped me on the back and said, "I'm gonna go get a couple drinks. Go ahead and explore."

I stepped into the room and the door gently swung closed behind me - but not in an alarming way. I started to walk toward the room, spinning around to check out all the features and smile at some pictures of Tren with B-List celebrities. There was nothing ominous about the dream at all up to this point, and still nothing to point out that it was just a dream.

As I turned around toward the bed again, the pile of pillows and covers were pushed away, revealing Andromeda: my ex-fiancée and the catalyst for a terribly self-destructive phase of my life. She looked as beautiful, healthy and vibrant as when I first met her, her long auburn hair just slightly curled and wavy the way I once liked it. She wore a slinky white nightie (chemise?) that was dangerously close to letting her ever-impressive bosom spill out, and smiled radiantly at me.

Fear washed over me like a swift-rolling fog and I felt my blood run icy cold. My mouth opened uselessly and I took an involuntary step back, raising my hands up in front of me. TRAP!

"I've missed you so much!" she exclaimed, clearly delighted and unperturbed by my reaction. She turned, so that her legs hung off the side of the bed and hopped down to the soft carpet, then slowly walked toward me, hips and breasts swaying in a manner that would have once been entrancing, but now seemed calculated and dangerous.

Andromeda spoke again, taking advantage of my silence, "Tren thought you and I should be friends again, and he arranged for me to meet you here! Isn't he a good friend?"

She reached out to touch me and I quickly flinched out of he reach, then backed away putting a globe bar stand (http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/517LI6T%2BN%2BL._SL500_AA280_.jpg) between the two of us. I was near-panicked and couldn't speak. Frantic, I looked for exits - three windows and a door.

Andromeda prowled nearer to me. "You said you'd always love me - we should at least be friends again! C'mon... I won't hurt you," she pouted.

She reached out to take my hand again and this time I spun away and sprinted for the door. I threw it open, but Tren blocking my path, terribly proud of himself and holding a tray of mixed drinks. "You're welcome!" he beamed, clueless of my crashing panic.

The way was blocked! I turned again and saw Andromeda getting closer, now with tears running down her cheeks, "All I want is for you to love me! Why can't you love me?"

I screamed and grabbed a small chair, hurling it through the nearest picture window with a shattering crash and, still screaming, leaped out the window after it. I hit the ground, tucked and rolled - pain was ignored - and ran as if my soul depended on it.

I heard her wailing defeat as I leaped a fence and then woke, sitting up sweaty and cold, heart pounding like I had just sprinted a mile.

I've never felt that kind of terror in real life, and I was unreasonably angry with Tren for almost a week afterward, just for what he did in the dream.

2009-06-12, 12:30 PM
Last night I had my first desert nightmare. I was lost, without water, there was absolutely no cover to find shelter from the sun and it was always day time. It felt like the thing went on for days.

Then I woke up and realized that someone had turned off the air conditioning. :smallfrown:

2009-06-15, 06:52 AM

Here is from my childhood:
I was deathly afraid of E.T. (That's right the "loveable" little alien from that Steven Spielberg movie) when I was a little kid. I sort of got over the fear by watching the movie finally but still it isn't the most appealing creature to me. (Though it is cool that they are playing D and D in the first scene).

Anyway, I had a series of recurring nightmares which started with me in my room( at my mom's house now) and I feel supernaturally compelled to drift out into the hallway and down the stairs. I start feeling a drippy ooze of fear tingle down my spine as my hairs go horror show. My kicking feet dangling, my pajamas the exact same as the one's I was wearing when I fell asleep. Sometimes I would even feel like I was waking up and seeing my hallway in real life and it seemed as if I was sleep walking as I would pass my parents room and hear them snoring like hacksaws.

I would drift down the stairs and the sense of dread would shift to over drive. I knew that at the bottom of my stairs there at the front door was something evil wanting to take me away. I tried to fight the force pulling me down but I couldn't. This is where it varied. Sometimes I would have relatives downstairs who would try and usher me away from the doorway or I would just land right in front of the front door.

If my relatives ushered me away at first they would console me and say, "We are going to call the police to get him away from the door". Then they would get devious grins and as I heard laughter from the front door and they would say, "Why don't you go into the dining room and get us something" or something similar to get me to go in front of the door. A few times I would have a relative trustingly hold my hand and say, "Let's fight this together!"

So I would be in front of the door, it was always closed. It would swing open and there staring me down was a pissed off E.T. salivating and pointing his glow finger at me. This is where he would pull me in or my relative would sell me out to him. As he grabbed me I would wake up screaming and would hear noises that sounded like E.T. noises around me.

As I conquered the deathly afraid part by watching the movie repeatably the dreams stopped. I still though have dreams where I feel that whever I am I have to worry about certain doors leading to E.T. and that I will have to fight him off to survive.

Keep in mind, yeah you don't believe me but, I had a haunted picture hanging in my room until I was 12 so aside from those dreams as I got into puberty my worst nightmares shifted to

When I was younger the intensity of the haunted images I was projected almost weekly was something that really scared me. I had a dim nighlight that was behind my wood headboard that bathed the room in an eerie orange glow. To not have that light would have been a death sentence I am convinced, but still it was creepy to begin with. The picture that was haunted was a zoomed in picture of baby Jesus from some church in New York city. Remember this because this will be important later children.

It would cackle and it would transform it's image to a bust of some sort of demon as I would hide under my pillow to avoid what it projected on my window. Alien ships landing in my backyard, chinese demons ripping chinese people to shreds, my priest at my church being tortured by demons in the church, etc...

This is where I would drift off under my pillows, as I had gotten "used" to the terror.
I would be in my room but everything would be infernal and little imps, possed chucky dolls, my realtives dead, something horryfying would be in my room. I would then try to escape my house. As I passed through and headed for the stairs I could usually see some sort of arch demon performing rituals on my family. The walls were all marked with demonic sigils and there were little goat demons roaming around hollering and defecating all over the place.

This is where the dreams started to diverge. As I got older I would eventually get farther until I "escaped" where my neighborhood was revealed to be the entrance to hell. I would see unspeakable horrors. Masses of imps raping my neighbors, large scale battles between tortured enslaved souls getting mercilessly slaughtered, legions of evil dolls marching towards a clown's soul and causing the clown to holler in pain as they stabbed him to death.

The last dream I had like this when I fell asleep. I instead was sitting on a cloud and around me were angles clad in armor and wielding flaming swords. I looked down at my hands and I too had a flaming swords. I felt a love that I never had felt before, as if every fabric of my being was imbued with caring. As we rode the cloud we could see it was the daytime and we were over my hometown. I looked down and saw how right near my house was a large lavaish looking rift that was spilling demons out like a wound. We assumes some sort of swooping attack formation and the largest of the angels screamed "FORWARRRRRD!"

I felt as if I was on the worlds best rollercoaster. The wind sheer was exhilarating as I felt the most control of the the flight I had ever in a dream. We headed straight for my room in my house. We battled the demons back. Killed the arch demon who was trying to sacrifice my family. Saved my house from the demons and possessed dolls, and ran out the door into the street.

There we slaughtered demons like it was nobody's business all the time I could taste the demon blood splatters, it was like regular blood only with the funky mix of garbage juice and a distinct smokey flavor. Everytime I killed one of them I felt more exhillrated.

As we bridged the cleft we did another swoop. From there we decesended deeper into dark caves and fiery pools of sulfur killing demons and saving souls.

Eventually we found would looked to be an infernal palace. Standing outside the palace was a giant stick creature looking thing that hissed at us. I sliced its leg off and pushed it into a nearbye lava pool. When I did this the giant metal doors to the palace opened and out stepped a very animalistic looking satan. His eyes were red with thin slits for pupils. His body was covered in a shaggy brown fur. His gnarled claws were clutching a sword much like ours only it was eminating with dark energies instead of fire. His large jaw was lined with pristine teeth. As we walked closer he projected an image of a crying angel. It was him, before the fall. We all stopped and felt our heads hurt. I Then felt a sword enter my ribcage as Satan stared me down and said, "What are you going to do about it bub".

This is where I woke up.

In the aftermath of that dream. My family were talking and my sister brought up how she had the same experiences I had when that picture was in her room. They transfered it without asking her and she said she remembers telling my dad, "No, no into [my name]'s room".

What happened next is scarier than any dream, because it was real.

So as my my mom began to recount all the times she would be alone doing housework during the day and she would hear strange noises from my room. My dad became really defensive. He kept reiterating how the picture that was in my room was in his room when he was growing up and that, "it is a nice picture celebrating baby jesus". As he yelled his intensity got more and more as his eye color changed from green to blue, he continued, "This was a gift from your great grandmother {name}"!. This was odd because for all the times he went to church with us, my dad was not very religious at all. We eventually decided not to destroy it but to put it on our back porch tucked away from view.

I began having terrible dreams about the back porch after that. I eventually had enough of these dreams and one day I took the picture from the back porch out into the back yard. I first had noticed how my sister had scratched it when she was little in rage. I ripped the top layer of canvas off to reveal that a caricature of a demon had been drawn behind it on the first layer of canvas. It had piercing eyes and a wicked mouth that had a perverse tongue lapping. Disgusted I opened up our charcoal grill and burned it. We never told my father.

A year later my sister was talking to my aunt on the phone and complaining about my father's intensifying mental illness. As she was inside doing this I was outside with my mom talking to the neighbor. All of a sudden were heard, 'HELP ME!" from inside.

We rushed in to see my sister laying on the floor. As we looked we saw that her neck was appearing to have very tiny hand prints causing pressure indents around it and readjusting as it was choking my sister right there, in broad daylight. The hands then started to pinch my sister up and down her arm. You could see the little pinch marks go around. I got pinched as well. I ran to get a blanket to try and cover her up and I saw that a string hanging out of my great grandmother's sewing box that is my mom's now. A string that was hanging out of it was bending at a 90 degree angle and tying itself into knots.

My father got home from work a few moments later as we regaled the tale to him his eyes turned blue again. He saw the knots being tied in the string, I got down next to the sewing box and pointed right at the string. He told me that, "It was a figment of my imagination". I shouted at him that he was insane.

It then occured to me, my great grandmother, my paternal grandmother's mother, was constantly switching churches, was never happy with my grandmother and spoiled my father. She also had blue eyes and tiny hands. I took a rosary and put it around my father. His eyes turned green again and the string stopped. He took it off and threw it against a wall. His eyes turned blue again... That was one uneasy night.

Eventually he fell deeper into madness and my parents divorced. He has been put into a senior living apartment building now. With a very strained relationship with him I have tried to keep the bridge to him open.

When I first visited him in his apartment I noticed something very odd. The picture I had burned was hanging on his wall. In perfect condition. The same scratches my sister had put on them were still there. When I went to the bathroom I took out my pocket knife and peeled a part of the canvas. Right there was the caritcture again.

I don't visit him often.

2009-06-15, 07:18 AM

Here is from my childhood:
I was deathly afraid of E.T. (That's right the "loveable" little alien from that Steven Spielberg movie) when I was a little kid. I sort of got over the fear by watching the movie finally but still it isn't the most appealing creature to me. (Though it is cool that they are playing D and D in the first scene).

Anyway, I had a series of recurring nightmares which started with me in my room( at my mom's house now) and I feel supernaturally compelled to drift out into the hallway and down the stairs. I start feeling a drippy ooze of fear tingle down my spine as my hairs go horror show. My kicking feet dangling, my pajamas the exact same as the one's I was wearing when I fell asleep. Sometimes I would even feel like I was waking up and seeing my hallway in real life and it seemed as if I was sleep walking as I would pass my parents room and hear them snoring like hacksaws.

I would drift down the stairs and the sense of dread would shift to over drive. I knew that at the bottom of my stairs there at the front door was something evil wanting to take me away. I tried to fight the force pulling me down but I couldn't. This is where it varied. Sometimes I would have relatives downstairs who would try and usher me away from the doorway or I would just land right in front of the front door.

If my relatives ushered me away at first they would console me and say, "We are going to call the police to get him away from the door". Then they would get devious grins and as I heard laughter from the front door and they would say, "Why don't you go into the dining room and get us something" or something similar to get me to go in front of the door. A few times I would have a relative trustingly hold my hand and say, "Let's fight this together!"

So I would be in front of the door, it was always closed. It would swing open and there staring me down was a pissed off E.T. salivating and pointing his glow finger at me. This is where he would pull me in or my relative would sell me out to him. As he grabbed me I would wake up screaming and would hear noises that sounded like E.T. noises around me.

As I conquered the deathly afraid part by watching the movie repeatably the dreams stopped. I still though have dreams where I feel that whever I am I have to worry about certain doors leading to E.T. and that I will have to fight him off to survive.

Keep in mind, yeah you don't believe me but, I had a haunted picture hanging in my room until I was 12 so aside from those dreams as I got into puberty my worst nightmares shifted to

When I was younger the intensity of the haunted images I was projected almost weekly was something that really scared me. I had a dim nighlight that was behind my wood headboard that bathed the room in an eerie orange glow. To not have that light would have been a death sentence I am convinced, but still it was creepy to begin with. The picture that was haunted was a zoomed in picture of baby Jesus from some church in New York city. Remember this because this will be important later children.

It would cackle and it would transform it's image to a bust of some sort of demon as I would hide under my pillow to avoid what it projected on my window. Alien ships landing in my backyard, chinese demons ripping chinese people to shreds, my priest at my church being tortured by demons in the church, etc...

This is where I would drift off under my pillows, as I had gotten "used" to the terror.
I would be in my room but everything would be infernal and little imps, possed chucky dolls, my realtives dead, something horryfying would be in my room. I would then try to escape my house. As I passed through and headed for the stairs I could usually see some sort of arch demon performing rituals on my family. The walls were all marked with demonic sigils and there were little goat demons roaming around hollering and defecating all over the place.

This is where the dreams started to diverge. As I got older I would eventually get farther until I "escaped" where my neighborhood was revealed to be the entrance to hell. I would see unspeakable horrors. Masses of imps raping my neighbors, large scale battles between tortured enslaved souls getting mercilessly slaughtered, legions of evil dolls marching towards a clown's soul and causing the clown to holler in pain as they stabbed him to death.

The last dream I had like this when I fell asleep. I instead was sitting on a cloud and around me were angles clad in armor and wielding flaming swords. I looked down at my hands and I too had a flaming swords. I felt a love that I never had felt before, as if every fabric of my being was imbued with caring. As we rode the cloud we could see it was the daytime and we were over my hometown. I looked down and saw how right near my house was a large lavaish looking rift that was spilling demons out like a wound. We assumes some sort of swooping attack formation and the largest of the angels screamed "FORWARRRRRD!"

I felt as if I was on the worlds best rollercoaster. The wind sheer was exhilarating as I felt the most control of the the flight I had ever in a dream. We headed straight for my room in my house. We battled the demons back. Killed the arch demon who was trying to sacrifice my family. Saved my house from the demons and possessed dolls, and ran out the door into the street.

There we slaughtered demons like it was nobody's business all the time I could taste the demon blood splatters, it was like regular blood only with the funky mix of garbage juice and a distinct smokey flavor. Everytime I killed one of them I felt more exhillrated.

As we bridged the cleft we did another swoop. From there we decesended deeper into dark caves and fiery pools of sulfur killing demons and saving souls.

Eventually we found would looked to be an infernal palace. Standing outside the palace was a giant stick creature looking thing that hissed at us. I sliced its leg off and pushed it into a nearbye lava pool. When I did this the giant metal doors to the palace opened and out stepped a very animalistic looking satan. His eyes were red with thin slits for pupils. His body was covered in a shaggy brown fur. His gnarled claws were clutching a sword much like ours only it was eminating with dark energies instead of fire. His large jaw was lined with pristine teeth. As we walked closer he projected an image of a crying angel. It was him, before the fall. We all stopped and felt our heads hurt. I Then felt a sword enter my ribcage as Satan stared me down and said, "What are you going to do about it bub".

This is where I woke up.

In the aftermath of that dream. My family were talking and my sister brought up how she had the same experiences I had when that picture was in her room. They transfered it without asking her and she said she remembers telling my dad, "No, no into [my name]'s room".

What happened next is scarier than any dream, because it was real.

So as my my mom began to recount all the times she would be alone doing housework during the day and she would hear strange noises from my room. My dad became really defensive. He kept reiterating how the picture that was in my room was in his room when he was growing up and that, "it is a nice picture celebrating baby jesus". As he yelled his intensity got more and more as his eye color changed from green to blue, he continued, "This was a gift from your great grandmother {name}"!. This was odd because for all the times he went to church with us, my dad was not very religious at all. We eventually decided not to destroy it but to put it on our back porch tucked away from view.

I began having terrible dreams about the back porch after that. I eventually had enough of these dreams and one day I took the picture from the back porch out into the back yard. I first had noticed how my sister had scratched it when she was little in rage. I ripped the top layer of canvas off to reveal that a caricature of a demon had been drawn behind it on the first layer of canvas. It had piercing eyes and a wicked mouth that had a perverse tongue lapping. Disgusted I opened up our charcoal grill and burned it. We never told my father.

A year later my sister was talking to my aunt on the phone and complaining about my father's intensifying mental illness. As she was inside doing this I was outside with my mom talking to the neighbor. All of a sudden were heard, 'HELP ME!" from inside.

We rushed in to see my sister laying on the floor. As we looked we saw that her neck was appearing to have very tiny hand prints causing pressure indents around it and readjusting as it was choking my sister right there, in broad daylight. The hands then started to pinch my sister up and down her arm. You could see the little pinch marks go around. I got pinched as well. I ran to get a blanket to try and cover her up and I saw that a string hanging out of my great grandmother's sewing box that is my mom's now. A string that was hanging out of it was bending at a 90 degree angle and tying itself into knots.

My father got home from work a few moments later as we regaled the tale to him his eyes turned blue again. He saw the knots being tied in the string, I got down next to the sewing box and pointed right at the string. He told me that, "It was a figment of my imagination". I shouted at him that he was insane.

It then occured to me, my great grandmother, my paternal grandmother's mother, was constantly switching churches, was never happy with my grandmother and spoiled my father. She also had blue eyes and tiny hands. I took a rosary and put it around my father. His eyes turned green again and the string stopped. He took it off and threw it against a wall. His eyes turned blue again... That was one uneasy night.

Eventually he fell deeper into madness and my parents divorced. He has been put into a senior living apartment building now. With a very strained relationship with him I have tried to keep the bridge to him open.

When I first visited him in his apartment I noticed something very odd. The picture I had burned was hanging on his wall. In perfect condition. The same scratches my sister had put on them were still there. When I went to the bathroom I took out my pocket knife and peeled a part of the canvas. Right there was the caritcture again.

I don't visit him often.
:smalleek: Holy smoke, Kjeldor, what an awful set of experiences to relive. You could probably make some money on writing a Hollywood script of that - serious horror movie stuff!

2009-06-15, 10:13 AM
{long scary story goes here}

Step 1 - get a priest
Step 2 - exorcise that thing
Step 3 - destroy it again, just in case
Step 4 - ????
Step 5 - Profit!

2009-06-15, 10:37 AM
The only time I remember my nightmares are when I have a fever.. They are all very abstract and focus on pain.

The worst one is probably where there is this bright light and it just keeps getting brighter. My head starts to hurt more and more until it feels like it will explode....after a few minutes of horrid pain... I'm still asleep and it moves onto another nightmare.

This one I'm trapped in a corner and I feel this horrid fear for no apparent reason.. I feel as if someone is trying to nail a spike into my my nerve centers the main is so bad.

The final one is just a dream of my grinding my teeth... and it hurts a lot.. The pain seems to be get more and more painful with every second.

The worst part is. I can't wake up from these without help or without having lots of sleep. Like 8+ hours. 8 hours of pain..and it doesn't go away when I wake up.

I'm glad I don't have fevers very often any more.

2009-06-15, 10:51 AM

Here is from my childhood:
I was deathly afraid of E.T. (That's right the "loveable" little alien from that Steven Spielberg movie) when I was a little kid. I sort of got over the fear by watching the movie finally but still it isn't the most appealing creature to me. (Though it is cool that they are playing D and D in the first scene).

Anyway, I had a series of recurring nightmares which started with me in my room( at my mom's house now) and I feel supernaturally compelled to drift out into the hallway and down the stairs. I start feeling a drippy ooze of fear tingle down my spine as my hairs go horror show. My kicking feet dangling, my pajamas the exact same as the one's I was wearing when I fell asleep. Sometimes I would even feel like I was waking up and seeing my hallway in real life and it seemed as if I was sleep walking as I would pass my parents room and hear them snoring like hacksaws.

I would drift down the stairs and the sense of dread would shift to over drive. I knew that at the bottom of my stairs there at the front door was something evil wanting to take me away. I tried to fight the force pulling me down but I couldn't. This is where it varied. Sometimes I would have relatives downstairs who would try and usher me away from the doorway or I would just land right in front of the front door.

If my relatives ushered me away at first they would console me and say, "We are going to call the police to get him away from the door". Then they would get devious grins and as I heard laughter from the front door and they would say, "Why don't you go into the dining room and get us something" or something similar to get me to go in front of the door. A few times I would have a relative trustingly hold my hand and say, "Let's fight this together!"

So I would be in front of the door, it was always closed. It would swing open and there staring me down was a pissed off E.T. salivating and pointing his glow finger at me. This is where he would pull me in or my relative would sell me out to him. As he grabbed me I would wake up screaming and would hear noises that sounded like E.T. noises around me.

As I conquered the deathly afraid part by watching the movie repeatably the dreams stopped. I still though have dreams where I feel that whever I am I have to worry about certain doors leading to E.T. and that I will have to fight him off to survive.

Keep in mind, yeah you don't believe me but, I had a haunted picture hanging in my room until I was 12 so aside from those dreams as I got into puberty my worst nightmares shifted to

When I was younger the intensity of the haunted images I was projected almost weekly was something that really scared me. I had a dim nighlight that was behind my wood headboard that bathed the room in an eerie orange glow. To not have that light would have been a death sentence I am convinced, but still it was creepy to begin with. The picture that was haunted was a zoomed in picture of baby Jesus from some church in New York city. Remember this because this will be important later children.

It would cackle and it would transform it's image to a bust of some sort of demon as I would hide under my pillow to avoid what it projected on my window. Alien ships landing in my backyard, chinese demons ripping chinese people to shreds, my priest at my church being tortured by demons in the church, etc...

This is where I would drift off under my pillows, as I had gotten "used" to the terror.
I would be in my room but everything would be infernal and little imps, possed chucky dolls, my realtives dead, something horryfying would be in my room. I would then try to escape my house. As I passed through and headed for the stairs I could usually see some sort of arch demon performing rituals on my family. The walls were all marked with demonic sigils and there were little goat demons roaming around hollering and defecating all over the place.

This is where the dreams started to diverge. As I got older I would eventually get farther until I "escaped" where my neighborhood was revealed to be the entrance to hell. I would see unspeakable horrors. Masses of imps raping my neighbors, large scale battles between tortured enslaved souls getting mercilessly slaughtered, legions of evil dolls marching towards a clown's soul and causing the clown to holler in pain as they stabbed him to death.

The last dream I had like this when I fell asleep. I instead was sitting on a cloud and around me were angles clad in armor and wielding flaming swords. I looked down at my hands and I too had a flaming swords. I felt a love that I never had felt before, as if every fabric of my being was imbued with caring. As we rode the cloud we could see it was the daytime and we were over my hometown. I looked down and saw how right near my house was a large lavaish looking rift that was spilling demons out like a wound. We assumes some sort of swooping attack formation and the largest of the angels screamed "FORWARRRRRD!"

I felt as if I was on the worlds best rollercoaster. The wind sheer was exhilarating as I felt the most control of the the flight I had ever in a dream. We headed straight for my room in my house. We battled the demons back. Killed the arch demon who was trying to sacrifice my family. Saved my house from the demons and possessed dolls, and ran out the door into the street.

There we slaughtered demons like it was nobody's business all the time I could taste the demon blood splatters, it was like regular blood only with the funky mix of garbage juice and a distinct smokey flavor. Everytime I killed one of them I felt more exhillrated.

As we bridged the cleft we did another swoop. From there we decesended deeper into dark caves and fiery pools of sulfur killing demons and saving souls.

Eventually we found would looked to be an infernal palace. Standing outside the palace was a giant stick creature looking thing that hissed at us. I sliced its leg off and pushed it into a nearbye lava pool. When I did this the giant metal doors to the palace opened and out stepped a very animalistic looking satan. His eyes were red with thin slits for pupils. His body was covered in a shaggy brown fur. His gnarled claws were clutching a sword much like ours only it was eminating with dark energies instead of fire. His large jaw was lined with pristine teeth. As we walked closer he projected an image of a crying angel. It was him, before the fall. We all stopped and felt our heads hurt. I Then felt a sword enter my ribcage as Satan stared me down and said, "What are you going to do about it bub".

This is where I woke up.

In the aftermath of that dream. My family were talking and my sister brought up how she had the same experiences I had when that picture was in her room. They transfered it without asking her and she said she remembers telling my dad, "No, no into [my name]'s room".

What happened next is scarier than any dream, because it was real.

So as my my mom began to recount all the times she would be alone doing housework during the day and she would hear strange noises from my room. My dad became really defensive. He kept reiterating how the picture that was in my room was in his room when he was growing up and that, "it is a nice picture celebrating baby jesus". As he yelled his intensity got more and more as his eye color changed from green to blue, he continued, "This was a gift from your great grandmother {name}"!. This was odd because for all the times he went to church with us, my dad was not very religious at all. We eventually decided not to destroy it but to put it on our back porch tucked away from view.

I began having terrible dreams about the back porch after that. I eventually had enough of these dreams and one day I took the picture from the back porch out into the back yard. I first had noticed how my sister had scratched it when she was little in rage. I ripped the top layer of canvas off to reveal that a caricature of a demon had been drawn behind it on the first layer of canvas. It had piercing eyes and a wicked mouth that had a perverse tongue lapping. Disgusted I opened up our charcoal grill and burned it. We never told my father.

A year later my sister was talking to my aunt on the phone and complaining about my father's intensifying mental illness. As she was inside doing this I was outside with my mom talking to the neighbor. All of a sudden were heard, 'HELP ME!" from inside.

We rushed in to see my sister laying on the floor. As we looked we saw that her neck was appearing to have very tiny hand prints causing pressure indents around it and readjusting as it was choking my sister right there, in broad daylight. The hands then started to pinch my sister up and down her arm. You could see the little pinch marks go around. I got pinched as well. I ran to get a blanket to try and cover her up and I saw that a string hanging out of my great grandmother's sewing box that is my mom's now. A string that was hanging out of it was bending at a 90 degree angle and tying itself into knots.

My father got home from work a few moments later as we regaled the tale to him his eyes turned blue again. He saw the knots being tied in the string, I got down next to the sewing box and pointed right at the string. He told me that, "It was a figment of my imagination". I shouted at him that he was insane.

It then occured to me, my great grandmother, my paternal grandmother's mother, was constantly switching churches, was never happy with my grandmother and spoiled my father. She also had blue eyes and tiny hands. I took a rosary and put it around my father. His eyes turned green again and the string stopped. He took it off and threw it against a wall. His eyes turned blue again... That was one uneasy night.

Eventually he fell deeper into madness and my parents divorced. He has been put into a senior living apartment building now. With a very strained relationship with him I have tried to keep the bridge to him open.

When I first visited him in his apartment I noticed something very odd. The picture I had burned was hanging on his wall. In perfect condition. The same scratches my sister had put on them were still there. When I went to the bathroom I took out my pocket knife and peeled a part of the canvas. Right there was the caritcture again.

I don't visit him often.

Oh gods. Thats creepy...

I had a nightmare recently, the problem is that I only remember them for a few hours after waking, after that I don't remember them at all, just the sense of fear and paranoia I had upon waking. :smallannoyed:

2009-06-15, 11:05 AM
I've had some pretty bad nightmares before but most have forgotten. One however (while not the worst I've ever had) is one that I vividly remember from my youth.

I was walking down the main street of a small town and it was pouring down rain. The houses and buildings on either side of the street were either on fire or already burnt to a crisp. I was walking down the middle of the street and no one else was around.

2009-06-15, 12:34 PM
The only time I remember my nightmares are when I have a fever.. They are all very abstract and focus on pain...
The final one is just a dream of my grinding my teeth... and it hurts a lot.. The pain seems to be get more and more painful with every second.

Mine is where there are these little grey spheres on a black background, moving around, being replaced with larger ones, until suddenly there's one that's huge, and I have this really strong feeling of hopelessness at seeing it.

You mix these two nightmares together and you get my fever dreams. So insane.

I feel bad for the people who have trouble remembering their dreams. It is such a good way to remember a lot of reflection that your subconscious is playing out in your head. That is why when I have a vivid dream I always write it down. As I have aged my memory recall wasn't as it used to be. As such my vivid and mostly entertaining dream sequences are something that I want to learn from and help to control. By doing this I have accomplished somewhat the ability to drean with omnipotence. I dream now where I can relate to the fabric of the reality I am in. I realize that I am dreaming and I clutch it.

Even with nightmares now I try to unlock whether or not the forces that are beyond our control tamper with the living while they sleep. I have felt myself capturing what I thought was something trying to interfere with a dream I was having. I awoke as a shadow glinted away and out of my apartment.

In summation, write down your dreams, even the bad ones. It allows you to grapple with your inner ideals on perception and helps to deal with often horrific or disgusting dreams that one might have. It may even help with sleep disorders and consistent bad dreams.

There within the dreary ether of consciousness and sleep can we really unravel the mysteries of things we can't perceive.

2009-06-15, 12:58 PM
I had one a little over a year ago now that's still really vivid...

Me and my BF were being followed once late at night. We tried to lose the person following us but never managed to. We were attacked and my BF was put in the hospital. I spent the next several days trying to find the person who attacked us. I felt like I kept getting closer, or that someone was getting closer to me...

I eventually went to visit him in the hospital and I was sitting there late at night speaking to him. I told him what I had been doing and that I think that the guy is going to try to come and finish us off. I leaned over to give him a hug and glanced upwards towards the ceiling. There the guy was a few feet away from us looking down from where ceiling tiles should have been. He jumped down at us with some really long, nasty looking knives, and stabbed both of us.

My BF had to wake me up because I was screaming in my sleep and woke him up.

I had another one where I had pissed off a group of a radically conservative sect. They threw me in a pit and set monsters on me similar to the ones out of Pitch Black but smaller. They ripped me skin to pieces. Then the cult threw some lamp oil on me and lit me on fire.

Didn't wake up screaming but was close to it.

I don't sleep much during the night because my dreams are almost exclusively nightmares. If I am slightly sleep deprived I don't dream, hence I don't have nightmares. I'd rather be sleep deprived than scared to close my eyes at night.

2009-06-16, 08:28 AM
My worst nightmare has to be when i was younger, i would open my eyes and the celing would be going away from me, it felt like i was shrinking, and it was a completely horrible feeling, nowadays if i get nightmares i dont remember them, i kinda wish i remembered my dreams but i tend to not when i wake up, although i dont think i wake up so this is kinda a dream isnt it .... :P

on a side note - these arnt nightmares but just random dreams that my mind makes up, or waking dreams where im driving and my mind is thinking this up, although those are not that messed up as my woke up but trying to get back to sleep although half asleep dreams ... THOSE are messed all to hell :S they even scare me they are so messed up :P

2009-06-17, 01:19 AM
i dont have a worst per say...not a worst single at least.

Under many different occasions, i dreamt things that later actually happened in life. Deja Vu some might say. Well, i hate the dreams where someone i care about die cause i'm always worried it'll actually happen :smalleek:

the most recent was last week where i walked my dog with my girlfriend.. and she got shot by a drive by. needless to say, i haven't walked my dog except around the yard for a few days after. I just started walking him again.

although.. i categorize any dream that has spiders in it as the worst nightmare ever :smalleek:
:smallconfused: huh.. weird.


2009-06-19, 12:02 AM
Some dude busts down the door to my house, holding a knife, and goes, "Time for some fun!!!"

And then I wake up, and check that the door is still there. Call me paranoid.


I keep having this dream where I'm staring into infinity and my body feels like a thin hair line. Other times it marsh mellows. Well, it isn't actually a dream... just a feeling I get when I'm laying in bed sometimes.

As for actual dreams, I get this one where friggin' bloody mary's lying on top Michelangelo's Cistine Ceiling in the Cistine Chapel.

Yah, and there's another one where I'm running through the street to my house and I'm leaping up to the lamp post. Then I'm clearing the entire hill (the street itself is one big hill called Hill Dr.) with a single bound, running faster, vision's swirling...

When I first visited him in his apartment I noticed something very odd. The picture I had burned was hanging on his wall. In perfect condition. The same scratches my sister had put on them were still there. When I went to the bathroom I took out my pocket knife and peeled a part of the canvas. Right there was the caritcture again.

I think it's up to me to ask... pics or didn't happen.

2009-06-19, 01:32 PM
... So, I take it it's normal to carry a camera around just to take pictures of things that have emotionally scarred you for life? :smallconfused:

2009-06-19, 02:30 PM
My worst nightmare was about being late to something important. I actually checked the day and time after that. Do you know how hard it is to find out the current date&time without access to a computer and you don't trust your mobile phone (because in the dream it showed the wrong time)?

Finaly the TV helped me out of my misery and let me sleep peacefully.

Neko Toast
2009-06-19, 03:00 PM
I looked through my old posts and found a nightmare I had talked about in the Banter Thread back in March.

The events leading up to this are very vague... But the vividness started when I was shot. Twice. One hit at my lower left side, and the other hit my upper right arm. I collapsed onto the ground, in pain. Yeah, I could actually feel it. It obviously wasn't as intense as a real gunshot, but the fact that I felt the pain in the dream scared me somewhat. Well, it wasn't long before someone saw be, obviously. He called 911, and a couple of paramedics came.

Now, here's where things really get weird and freaky. The main issue is that none of them tried to stop the bleeding. They were doing other things. They took out some sort of strange contraption and zapped me with it (it wasn't a defibrillator), they put pads on my forehead that numbed my whole head, all the while I could feel my blood gushing out. I still couldn't understand why they weren't trying to stop it.

Then, for whatever reason, Cesar Millan comes along (yes, the Dog Whisperer) to help. He says he can because he has a license to stab people (?!?!). He pulls out a syringe, with one of the biggest needles I've ever seen. He literally stabs it right into my leg. I think it almost went through my leg.

I think at this point, my mind could no longer handle what was going on, considering I could feel everything that was happening (the shocking, the wounds, the big needle of death), so I finally woke up. I think it was around 7 or 8 in the morning, and I was still rather tired. But I couldn't get any decent sleep after that.

2009-06-19, 03:15 PM
Worst nightmare...

I was walking somewhere, arrived at a roundabout which went under a bridge. Crossed in slightly risky fashion, but nothing too different to what I might do while awake. Then suddenly there was a supermarket there, under the bridge. At some point my brother and a friend had arrived.
So we walk into the supermarket and see some policemen standing there chatting. Slightly nervous, especially when they start walking towards us in an ominous fashion. But I figure, I haven't broken the law at all, it's fine. I continue walking.
One of them stops in front of me, puts a gun in just under my solar plexus, and fires.
A bit vague after that, but I'm pretty sure there was some time of me lying on the ground in pain, and then I died.
Dying in a dream? Highly unsettling.

2009-06-29, 07:40 PM
... So, I take it it's normal to carry a camera around just to take pictures of things that have emotionally scarred you for life? :smallconfused:

Again, pics or it didn't happen. Quite simple.

And, wouldn't he visit his dad again once in awhile? It's not too hard to remember to bring a camera. Also, the fact that his dad 'went insane' sounds nuts.

2009-06-29, 10:14 PM
In order of fear factor:

Mine is where there are these little grey spheres on a black background, moving around, being replaced with larger ones, until suddenly there's one that's huge, and I have this really strong feeling of hopelessness at seeing it.
It's also accompanied by a voice that gets louder and louder and louder and more and mose insane until I'm terrified of going insane myself yet feel hopeless against it.
2. Sleep paralysis. - Not technically a dream.
3. Infestation of flesh eating maggots and spiders. You get so desperate you start cutting them out with a knife but there are just too many and more are coming into the room!

Again, pics or it didn't happen. Quite simple.
Why should he care whether or not you believe him?

2009-06-29, 10:41 PM
My worst nightmares always involve surgery. I've had dozens of surgeries throughout my life, most as an infant, and the last one was a little less than 10 years ago, but I still remember being more scared then than I had ever been.

Anyway, all my worst nightmares involve either unwilling surgery being performed on me without any anesthesia, or people being murdered and having their organs stolen.

2009-06-30, 12:21 AM
I used to have nightmares about a zombie game I witnessed at six. The death wasn't scary. Just that they kept getting back up.

2009-06-30, 01:59 AM
The worst one that I can recall happened fairly recently. My Girlfriend, our friends, and I were driving somewhere near the coast. Now, we had to go go down this big cliff which had really steep kinda sketchy switchbacks as the only way down to the beach. For some reason my girlfriend decided to try and back up down the roads. Needless to say it went terribly and we fell off the side and I remember the sensation of falling and hitting and being the only one left alive. Then it went into third person and I saw the truck smashed with blood coming out of it. Scariest damn dream because I actually worry about falling off the sides of cliffs when I'm driving through the mountains.

2009-06-30, 04:31 AM
I have had a number of dreams over my life that have stood out from the rest due to their startlingly realistic content and treatment of intense subjects. Most of my dreams are hazy and surreal enough that even when I'm dreaming them and being scared by snakes or spiders or whatever, I'm vaguely aware that I'm dreaming, and I soon wake from them with little impression afterwards of what I saw or what scared me.
A few, however, have remained with me in crystal clear memory and been incredibly real while I was having them and afterwards, to the point that I'm quite convinced that I have a good understanding of what it feels like to be shot with a pistol or fall to one's death out of an office building.
Even though I'm conciously aware of how I poorly I would react in a real crisis, I (like most other people, I imagine) sometimes envision myself, while daydreaming, being forced into a situation of danger or a great test of character and of course doing quite well. As well as I'd like to think I might do in real life.

I think my subconcious takes issue with this, and every so often issues a dream to remind me of just how much of a pansy a real crisis would make me.

In one I still remember I was in South Africa, teaching English to a school of kids in a little villiage in the middle of nowhere. With practically no funding and no manpower, I was often the only adult there to look after them (and this was when I was still a teenager), and although I was initially treated with the expected amout of suspicion and derision, over the course of a number of weeks I was able to endear myself to them and craft a bond which grew into respect and admiration, albeit slowly.
Then one day a group of rampaging men with guns, styling themselves as belonging to one of the local warlords, tore into the town and began wrecking havoc because they could. We all took refuge in the school building and hoped to simply wait out the storm, but they found me with my large number of charges, and decided it would be fun to torment the foreigner and his helpless charges. After a little superficial bullying, one of them drew a machette and got down to the heart of the matter: simply because he found it amusing to pose the question, he informed me that he was going to use the machette to cut off the arm of one of the boys in my class, unless I volunteered to save him by offering my arm to be cut off instead.

Needless to say, even with a room full of terrified kids looking up to me, it wasn't something I could do.

2009-06-30, 02:06 PM
Why should he care whether or not you believe him?

I never said he had to. Though I won't believe him until PICS.

No point in lying on these threads.

2009-07-01, 12:55 PM
You know those nightmares, where you try to run, but you can't move?

My worst nightmare, is where that's happening, but I'm just trying to walk home. It's an otherwise ordinary scenario, but I can't move foward. It's worse than any cosmic horror I could and do conceive of.

Definitely agree with that. You try and run but can only move in extremely slow motion and even more bizarrely can go a little faster by leaning really far forward.

In line with that I've recently been dreaming about being burgled, but when I try and shout a warning or a challenge not a sound comes out. Last time this happened I realised that this was a dream and thought "if I close my eyes and wake up then I'll be able to talk."

Closed my eyes, opened them on the same scene shouted out loud and woke myself up!:smallbiggrin:

Lord Loss
2009-07-01, 01:07 PM
I was Six Years Old at the time:

I was in a veird valley-ish place. A valley where the sides (There were these hills but they were so wide they were like walls, and they formed a path) were made of candy, like candy canes and such, the floor was a pretty red and Santa Claus was leading me through there. He took me to meet his friend Mr. Pirate. We talked and played. Then I noticed that the candy was actually piles of skulls and bones. The floor was blood. Santa and Mr. Pirate were skeletons. They dragged me to a tree stump, despite my attempts to flee, and chopped off my head.

This was after a haunted house. The first I ever went to. I then swore I would never read, watch or write anything about horror. I am now a horror freak :smallbiggrin:.

2009-07-01, 05:42 PM
I had a nightmare once.... It was during the Zombie Invasion:xykon:.... I was one of the early victims.... I still had all my thoughts and memories... but no control over my body... I had to watch as i devoured my friends and family.... It all seemed so real....

2009-07-03, 06:08 PM
You try and run but can only move in extremely slow motion and even more bizarrely can go a little faster by leaning really far forward.

That is... hilarious. What was god smoking when he permitted humans to dream these things...

He took me to meet his friend Mr. Pirate.

You mean the ice pirate for socially/politically correct holiday celebrations from Clone High?

Berserk Monk
2009-07-07, 01:57 PM
My worst nightmare is that I'd wake up and be someone not nearly as awesome as myself.*

*This includes just about everyone.

The Vorpal Tribble
2009-07-07, 02:03 PM
Mine is pretty personal, but let's just say many of nightmares are thorough, realistic, and absolutely sadistic.

The worst involved the woman I love dying, her mom bringing over home movies of her when she was little, and my subsequent leap from a high height. Enough said.

2009-07-07, 02:22 PM
Those scarab beetles from the Mummy got my dog. :smalleek:

2009-07-07, 02:27 PM
the clown... the clown came to take me!

It was so terrible that I slept in the living room several times (where my parents were), nowdays it is only plastic squids in cardboard oceans and SPINAL RAPES.
you heard me.
Luckily they are not done to me.
...I am just forced to watch...

2009-07-08, 01:03 AM
It's not quite a nightmare, but every once in a while I unconsciously catalog all the ways I can die in the current situation. It's highly unsettling.

In terms of actual worst nightmare, it involved mind control and rape. Seriously creepy weird.

Mystic Muse
2009-07-08, 01:25 AM
had one where I was at a weird version o my uncle and aunt's house. they had two cats. one o them actually exists. one time in the dream they both crossed my path and I thought it was weird. later they did so again and I said "okay once is just a coincedence. twice is a bad omen." then my mom says something about "is this in reference to the incident with the black headed cat last year?" and as soon as she says this I look and in this empty chair is a big cat with one o those tiger like bodies but it had a hairless black head and its neck was positioned so that its head should have been sideways but it was rightside up. I started screaming but nobody was paying any attention and the cat attacked me. I woke up as I was trying to choke it to death and found myself grabbing my pillow.

2009-07-08, 04:08 AM
I dreamt I was a moron...

Most of my dreams are pretty harmless. I keep a dream diary, actually. Looking back over it, only two of them freak me out. In one I was sat there helpless while this huge object hovered outside my bedroom window. It got closer and closer, and exuded an increasingly bright light. I remember thinking it was a UFO. Fortunately, I woke up before anything happened. The second instance, there was some freaky xenomorph-looking thing hovering over me. I was completely paralysed, except for my eyes. But even blinking was out of the question, since when I opened my eyes the alien loomed closer than ever. My subconscious is apparently pretty merciful 'cause I woke up out of that one before anything happened too. :smalltongue:

2009-07-08, 04:32 AM
The various members of the feminist's league briefly have joint spare time and nothing else to do with and use it to hunt me down and destroy me.

Oh, literal nightmares? Eh, nothing in partic.

2009-07-08, 12:02 PM
I've had two pretty bad ones.

The first one was a little more weird than scary, but it was still pretty bad. I dreamt I was sitting in my basement not really doing anything, when this odd mix of a blue bowling pin and a man grabbed me, sat me down, and started licking my throat. My parents were in the next room, but for some reason whenever I screamed, it didn't come out. That dream freaked me right the heck out.

The second one was just... Odd. I dreamt I was a scientist perfecting this supersoldier creation, when suddenly, out of the blue, the pokémon Kaboutops comes in and chops my head off. It was really odd...