View Full Version : Return of the Iron Star (Group B, IC)

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2009-08-30, 12:04 PM
I've been busy packing up and moving to college for the past few days. Classes start soon.


The pirate steps forward and feints towards Tyreus' side, and then slashes at his neck.

5-foot step to close the distance.
Move Action: [roll0]
Standard Action: [roll1]

2009-08-30, 06:04 PM

Seeing the pirate still battling Tyreus, Elwynn shouts down the corridor;

"If you have any intention of getting out of this alive, you need to be going now - we'll get Tyreus, but not now!"

Elwynn then takes up the wand and casts Invisibility from it, giving the pirate a few seconds to decide between fight or flight before she herself turns to leave.

Elwynn casts invisibility then doesn't take any action the rest of the round. Next round she'll run with or without Malcolm in tow.

2009-08-30, 07:04 PM
MalcomTyreus is distracted once more by Mal's tactics, but this time his armor protects him from the cutting blade in the pirate's hand. He steps out of Mal's range once more, retrieving a final potion from his belt pouch and imbibing it. Before Mal's very eyes, the guard captain slowly dissolves into a fine mist.

ElwynnElwynn is just a little too far away to make out the details properly, but it appears that Captain Tyreus has just transformed into a translucent mist.

Johann, Varga, and Joseph"RooooooAAAAWK!"

After Johann's slash, the owlbear again attempts to strike at its armored foe, but between the distraction of the crowd and its wounds, the creature just scrapes over his armor ineffectually.

TonveressAfter a few minutes of searching the lightly-forested area to the south, the group finds a suitable-looking clearing. The gray render looks around contentedly, and then turns to Tonveress and the kids.

"Looks like this is goodbye, render," Cedric says softly. The gray render seems to understand the gist of what the child is saying, judging by the wistful look on its face.

Keld Denar
2009-08-30, 07:32 PM

Don't look so down. Its not like he's really going anywhere. I'm sure you boys can come out and visit him in the future. Just don't let anyone follow you out here. Besides, you should probably give him a name!

2009-08-30, 09:23 PM

The pirate stops short, blinking in surprise. What the bloody hell? Did he just kill himself? He prods the mist suspiciously with his cutlass, which swirls predictably like normal mist would.

He scratches his head, and then turns to look at the hooded figure that had sicced Tyreus on them, but it appears the figure has vanished without Mal noticing. "Right, you're next!" he accuses, and moves aggressively towards him.

Mal simply stands there, looking confused for a few moments. Finally, he sighs and spits out an expletive. "Ah, piece of piss..." he mutters.

I hate Gaseous Form, lol. But Mal has no idea what that is, so...

2009-08-31, 03:35 PM

Johann presses on, relentlessly attacking the owlbear, elated by his success so far.

Power Attack for 3, as before.
EDIT: Well, the dice roller decided to spoil me in this fight.:smallbiggrin:

2009-09-01, 12:53 AM

Joseph watches as Johann hacks away at the owlbear with ruthless efficiency. It is actually quite exciting to watch.

"Hoho, look at this! Look at the fur and feathers fly! Haha!"


2009-09-01, 04:40 AM

"Snap out of it and get moving dammit! Unless you feel like drowning in rats?!" Elwynn shouts to the man in an exasperated voice. "I'm invisible, so just head back the way you came in, I'll be right in front of you."

Elwynn then turns and begins walking toward the exit.

2009-09-01, 09:39 AM

The owlish beast looks as if it's on its last legs. Varga decides against going down now for his money; he doesn't want to seem too assured and put a curse on Johann.

"This is my last guy, m'lord," Varga whispers to the aristocratic Osric. "Is there anything else to do in town? I can't gamble with all my money!"

2009-09-01, 07:31 PM
Tonveress"What should we name it?" Cedric says thoughtfully. Brotter likewise seems to ponder it for a few moments.

"How about Ash?" Cedric says, looking at the render. Brotter grins and nods slowly. "I like that," the dwarf says. "How about it?" he says to the gray render. "Shall we call you Ash?"

The gray render gives an affirmative grunt.

"Ash it is," says Cedric. Turning to Tonveress, he says, "Shall we head back to the city, then?"

Malcom and ElwynnThe mist swirls briefly before flowing into a pipe. A large swarm of rats emerges from the direction Tyreus had gone, while a second, smaller swarm approaches from the direction from which the group had arrived. Both groups number in the hundreds, making menacing squeaks as they draw near.

Johann, Joseph, and VargaThe creature finally staggers and falls from Johann's last blow.

"Looks like Johann has triumphed at last!" the announcer says. "Let's give him a big hand!"

Officials move into the pit to drag away the owlbear.

JohannOne official says to Johann, "Good fight. If you think you can last another match, stay here."

Joseph and VargaOsric smirks. "You could always watch a play," he says. "Just for tonight, I hear one of the eating halls is providing free dinners. Doesn't sound like a bad deal."

EllisFor a moment, Ellis can hear the sound of rats from beneath his feet. It seems that a great number of them are congregating in the sewers below.

2009-09-01, 07:42 PM

The pirate takes a step back. "Bloody hell!" he exclaims. He backs away from the horde towards the exit.

2009-09-01, 08:13 PM

"Time to go!"

Elwynn sprints off down the corridor toward the exit at top speed.

I may be wrong, but, we can just shove our way through the rats right? Stopping to fight them seems like a terrible idea given th e number coming the other way >.< but there may be no choice... I've never faced a swarm before <'x'>;

2009-09-01, 08:26 PM

Ellis tips his head, concentrating on the sound.
"Rats?" he mutters, uncertain of what the swarming might indicate.

2009-09-02, 09:16 AM

Johann winces and spits something red.
I'll stay.

2009-09-02, 11:30 AM

Joseph chuckles at the nobleman's comment.

"I assure you, once you have been involved in a campaign you learn to cherish every opportunity to stuff your belly. Free food is always welcome. You wouldn't happen to know which hall is the one?"


Keld Denar
2009-09-02, 02:02 PM

Ton gives the Render one last bow A pleasure to meet you, Ash. Don't worry, I'm sure we'll be back. Ton turns to the boys I think we've had enough excitement for one day. If your parents find out you befriended a Grey Render and faught not one, but 2 vampires, with a near complete stranger, all before lunch time, I'm thinking that I'll probably get strung up in the Duke's courtyard for Reckless Endangerment of Minor's or something...

2009-09-03, 04:44 PM

"Free dinners, eh?" Varga says to Osric. "You wouldn't know where I can find this hall," Dog barks excitedly. I hope it's all-you-can-eat.

Varga clambers down from his seat; Dog is right by his side, anxious not to be left behind. "I'm going down to collect my winnings. Nice talking to ya, m'lord, Joseph."

2009-09-03, 07:01 PM
Joseph and Varga"I believe 'Eights' is the name of the establishment," Osric replies. "I've never been there before," he says.

Johann, Joseph, and VargaOnce the owlbear is removed, the announcer speaks again. "Looks like Johann's not quite ready to call it a day yet, folks!"

There is a sudden clang as a trio of weapons drop onto the resting metal platform - a sawtoothed glaive, a halberd, and a bec de corbin, all a little smaller than normal, as though designed for halflings.

Malcom and ElwynnThe duo manages to get to the trapdoor safely, although the rats are not far behind, their infernal squeaks echoing down the tunnel as they draw nearer.

EllisFor a moment, the sound fades until the half-elf can no longer hear it, but a few seconds later, it returns even louder, enough that the other gladiators can percieve it. The bloodied dwarf warily stands and draws a warhammer. "You hearin' that?" he asks Ellis. "I don't like the sound of that."

Tonveress"Aww," Cedric jokes, "you mean I can't have the troubadors compose a ballad about it tonight?" He smiles and says, "We can keep a secret, Tonveress."

"Speaking of lunch," says Brotter, "I hear Eights is serving free vittles tonight."

2009-09-03, 09:51 PM

The pirate glances back down the tunnel, and then flings open the trapdoor and darts up it as fast as he can.

2009-09-03, 10:53 PM

Ellis straightens, the wildness of his features disappearing in the blink of an eye.
"Yeah, I do hear it. I don't think I've ever heard so many rats in one place before."

Noting the dwarf's hammer, he draws his sword and stands at the ready.

2009-09-03, 11:51 PM
Elwynn sticks next to Malcolm, running alongside invisibly.

Keld Denar
2009-09-04, 11:35 AM

Ton follows the boys, his stomach starting to grumble. Nothing like a bit of adventuring to make you hungry!

2009-09-04, 06:31 PM

Varga wants to head downstairs and collect his winnings, but Dog stops him by placing one heavy paw onto the hem of his cloak. He pauses, and notices that there seems to be another fight in the works. I hope he ain't pushing his luck... He thinks to himself. "Alright, Dog, we can watch this next fight. But I really need some eats!"

2009-09-07, 12:07 PM

Joseph watches the preparations for the next fight and wonders.

"Weapons? Seems like the next opponents will have more brains then that owlbear. Hopefully less brawn though."


2009-09-07, 04:43 PM
EllisThere is a bang as the trapdoor in the adjacent room slams open. A man rapidly emerges from the trapdoor, his visage resembling that of Duke, the loud squeaking sounds following behind him. Duke gives his duplicate a confused glance, before turning his gaze to the trapdoor, where the squeaking grows louder yet.

MalcomAs the pirate emerges from the trapdoor, he can see a trio of armed and armored men standing at the ready. One is the man who had stopped them at the entrance, the one that the swashbuckler now resembles. Another is Ellis, looking cautious and clutching a two-handed blade. The third is a slightly bloodied dwarven warrior, holding a warhammer. The man in banded mail looks confusedly at Malcom, before turning his gaze to the trapdoor, where the squeaking grows louder yet.

ElwynnAs the sorceress emerges from the trapdoor, she can see a trio of armed and armored men standing at the ready. One is the man in banded mail, whom the swashbuckler now resembles. Another is a lean half-elf, looking cautious and clutching a two-handed blade. The third is a slightly bloodied dwarven warrior, holding a warhammer. The man in banded mail looks confusedly at his duplicate, before turning his gaze to the trapdoor, where the squeaking grows louder yet.

Tonveress"Thanks again for your help," Cedric says as they walk.

"What about the vampires, though?" Brotter asks, giving another look in the direction of the cave. "Obviously, their elimination wasn't as complete as the guardsmen believed."

Varga, Joseph, and JohannA trio of goblins emerge at the gate, swearing loudly in Goblin. As the announcer shouts for the match to begin, two of them rush at the grid in the center, eager to snag the weapons there.

Keld Denar
2009-09-07, 05:37 PM

I'll talk to the guard. Don't worry.

2009-09-08, 12:19 PM
Wait, I thought the hat was disguised as well when I activate it? :smallconfused:


Glancing around at all the faces, Malcolm does his best to think up something on the fly. "Rats!" He blurts. "They attacked Captain Tyreus! They're coming this way! Quick, he needs your help, men!"

[roll0] - YES!

2009-09-08, 03:39 PM
Now that Varga has earned some money and is confident about Johann's chances of winning again, he begins to regard the fight with the same disaffected amusement that he imagines Lord Osric to share. "Those three fellows down there could be my cousins, I reckon." He frowns. "Very distant cousins, I'd imagine, but still..." He raises his voice and calls down at the new warriors in the arena. "It ain't too late to give up, little goblins!"

2009-09-09, 03:43 AM

Elwynn stays near Malcolm, remaining invisible and trying to make sure she's in a secluded corner where, if she becomes visible suddenly she might feign to have just been standing there the whole time.

2009-09-09, 08:30 AM

Johann watches the goblins and charges as soon as one of them is within his reach. If none of them gets close enough, he waits for them to strike.
Charge the nearest goblin if he gets within range if none of them does, total defense.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Power Attack for 2

2009-09-10, 03:30 AM

"Hmm. Definitly less brawn then before. Wonder how they will fight. If they are crafty enough, they could really cause trouble. So what are they anyways, convicts?"


2009-09-11, 11:52 AM
Tonveress"Thanks," Brotter says. "So, Tonveress, have you ever dined at Eights? It's not the best around, but the prices are decent enough."

Malcom, Elwynn, and EllisThe armored human looks like he's about to interject, but then looks to the trapdoor, where rats are already beginning to erupt from it. Taking a step back, he sheathes his blade and draws a hefty-looking greatclub. The dwarf likewise takes a step back, readying his hammer to strike at the swarm.

JohannAs Johann fells the goblin in one swing, he can suddenly hear squeaking, as though a plague of rats was on the move. The other goblins seem to hear it too, giving a brief look to the gate from which Johann had emerged as they arm themselves. "Wait a second," says one of the goblins nervously. "That's not a good sound, human. Do you hear it?"

Varga and Joseph"They're criminals from Stisson," Osric explains as Johann fells one goblin. The remaining two arm themselves with the sawtooth glaive and the halberd. The one with the halberd appears to say something, but the noise of the crowd prevents his words from being heard.

2009-09-11, 02:34 PM

The half-elf contemplates following the example of the other fighters, but decides to stick wth his sword. He sets himself into a basic stance, blade poised to strike.

ready an action to attack the rat swarm

2009-09-11, 03:41 PM

Elwynn invisibly moves behind the line of fighters, checking the area immediately behind her to make certain no one is watching.

Keld Denar
2009-09-11, 03:53 PM

Sounds tasty. Lead on!

2009-09-11, 04:02 PM

Your tricks will not sway my- yes, I hear it too. This sudden interruption leaves Johann bemused.

2009-09-11, 04:15 PM

"Right, you lot! Have at it!" Malcolm shouts. With the warriors distracted by the rats, he quickly ducks past them. and continues fleeing. Once he is certain he's out of their sight, he touches his hat again. His outline wavers, blurs, and suddenly a bedraggled old beggar (http://fc04.deviantart.com/fs18/f/2007/188/7/8/Beggar_by_mojette.jpg) is standing in his place, wearing tattered sackcloth and a torn-up old cloak. The old man glances about furtively, and then scurries off, heading for the exit.

2009-09-11, 07:19 PM

"Criminals... so capital punishment and entertainment rolled into one. I wonder who thought of that..."

Joseph isn't much a fan of gladiatorial combat. Even if it is only for show. It gives people a wrong impression about violence. And then there is this chivalric ideal about fighting for good and justice and not for the heck of it.

Still, it's a fact of life and the crowd seems to enjoy the spectacle.

There seems to be a small delay in the slaughter. Seems like one of the goblins tries to not-get-killed(-immediately) by talking. Yeah, that's gonna work. Can't blame the poor thing for trying though.


2009-09-11, 07:25 PM

Stisson, eh? Ain't no good reason for a countryman to sign up for this place. Varga thinks grimly to himself. Despite his size, he wasn't a brawler himself -- he always preferred to watch. And he had the build of a full orc, not some puny goblin.

"I wonder if they allow forfeits," Varga muses aloud.

2009-09-11, 09:54 PM
TonveressIt's a bit of a walk back to town, but the journey is fairly uneventful. When the trio gets back to the main gate, the guardsman gives Tonveress a suspicious glance for a second, but admits him inside. "Enjoy the festival," he says.

Cedric gives a sudden grin as the trio makes their way to Eights. "I just thought of something," he says. "Remember how you changed the color of that orange, Ton? Can you change the other properties of food, as well?"

The establishment the group seeks is only a block or so ahead; the sorcerer can already see the eating-hall's sign which is, appropriately enough, a large black "8." A thin, scarecrow-like figure, clad in black armor, stands next to the sign. It is completely motionless.

MalcomMalcom manages to slip away from the fight undetected, thanks to the distraction the rats provide. In his new disguise, the pirate reaches the door.

Ellis and ElwynnAs the rats approach, the half-elf's blade strikes true, slashing through several of the screeching rodents. The other warriors also attack the rats as they draw nearer, taking out a good portion of them. More of the rodents pour forth from the trapdoor, swarming right over their fallen compatriots to attack the group.

(You may make an attack of opportunity if you wish; if you choose to do so, post your rolls in the OOC thread, and I will edit this appropriately.)

JohannThe noise grows louder, followed by the sounds of battle. The goblins raise their weapons defensively, but do not attack. "Whatever it is, I don't think it's supposed to be on the schedule," one muses, a cautious look on his face.

Joseph and VargaThe goblins raise their weapons defensively, but do not attack the perplexed gladiator as he makes his inaudible reply.

"I don't know," Osric admits, a little distracted.

Keld Denar
2009-09-12, 08:23 PM

I can change taste, to a small degree, such as adding spices or similar, if thats what you are implying...what...exactly are you implying?

Ton looks over the thin man, unsure if he recognizes him from somewhere.

2009-09-12, 10:36 PM
Malcolm slips out the door and into the streets, fleeing the scene.

2009-09-13, 03:26 PM

Johann is confused. The goblins haven't attacked yet, which probably means it's not a trick. But talking to creatures you were supposed to fight is strange. Then, he recognizes the sound of battle.
What the..?

2009-09-13, 05:42 PM

Elwynn steps back a few more feet, formulating a plan as she does so.

Elwynn wants to position herself so that when she drops her invisibility spell, she can easily be mistaken for having come from the same direction she initially came from when the guards stopped her on her way to the sewers.

Basically so instead of looking like she came out of the sewers, it'll look like she's rushing to the aid of the guards. (Cover her arse basically, plus she does have some loyalty for the guards, being former military - but what she found is too important to get caught, and the guards can probably hold the rats for one more round without help.)

2009-09-13, 07:47 PM

"Heh, looks like this bloody scrap's turning into a free-for-all debate." Varga chuckles. This city was just absurd. And deep down, he was a little relieved. Somewhere deep in his half-and-half brain, he feels a sort of kinship with the goblins, conflicting with his support for Johann in the brawl. "I wonder what they're talking about down there?" He leans forward in his seat, trying to pick up any snatches of conversation.

[OOC: Listen check 28 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6927417&postcount=276)]

2009-09-14, 04:41 PM

Joseph just watches what is going on, unaware of anything being amiss.


2009-09-15, 06:20 AM

Varga scratches his head as he listens to what is going down in the arena. "Uh, folks?" He says to Osric and Joseph. "I'm new in town and I ain't sure if this is normal, but does anyone else here that there weird squeaking sound? It sounds like a whole mess of rats is heading straight for the arena."

From the way Dog is shivering, Varga can tell that he can either hear the sound as well or is reacting to his master's nervousness. Varga keeps listening. "It don't seem to be part of the fight. What's going on?"

2009-09-16, 08:41 PM

Swinging his sword in an arc through the rat swarm, the half-elf attempts to keep the rats at bay.


2009-09-17, 11:36 PM
Tonveress"Was just curious. If nothing else, it guarantees we can enjoy a non-bland meal." He smiles. "I'll have to learn that trick sometime."

The rail-thin figure begins to move as Tonveress looks at it. He turns his head to meet the sorcerer's gaze. "Good afternoon," the man says.

EllisSeveral of the rats disperse under the half-elf's blade, but most of the swarms remain, pouring forth from the trapdoor and enveloping the trio, inflicting some pain in the process. Some of the rats seem a little strange; Ellis spots a few with glowing red eyes amidst the plague of rodents. The odd ones seem more resistant to his attacks, as well as those of Orick and Duke. Some of the rats move toward the south gate of the arena, although the strange ones are not among them.

(You take [roll0] damage. Make me two Fortitude saves)

ElwynnThe sorceress manages to successfully move into position as the rats envelop the trio of warriors, some moving up to the south gate of the arena, easily going through the bars of the gate.

Johann, Joseph, and VargaA plethora of rats suddenly pushes through the bars of the south gate, streaming into the arena. The goblins swear loudly, backing away from the advancing swarm, and the audience gives a few startled shouts.

2009-09-18, 03:10 PM

Joseph notes the sudden appearance of the rats and wonders what is up with that...

"Huh? Do these belong to the show?"


2009-09-19, 08:46 AM

Johann stands his ground against the oncoming swarm.

Initiative roll in case it's needed: [roll0]

Keld Denar
2009-09-19, 11:10 AM

G'day! Could we please get a table? Something near a window. I'll have a mug of hot coffee, black please, if you have any, and the boy's'll take some kinda fruit juice...what'ya got?

2009-09-19, 03:49 PM

"The goblins don't know nothing about it." Varga says. He shouts as the rats swarm out of the southern gate and onto the arena. Dog chimes in as well, barking angrily at them as if that would accomplish anything. "Where's the City Guard when you need 'em, Osric?"

2009-09-20, 12:26 PM

Elwynn allows the invisibility spell drop around her, waiting a half-breath before executing the next phase of her plan.

A moment later she sprints into the fight from behind the embattled warriors, sword drawn and swinging in wide arcs to help stem the tide of rats.

"I knew I heard something! I came as quick as I could... what the hells is happening here?!" she shouts to the others already engaged.

Initiative (If needed) - [roll0]
Attack Roll - [roll1] (Normally +6, but charged)
Damage Roll if Hit - [roll2]

Die ye scurvy rats <.<

2009-09-20, 12:28 PM
Ooo, threat! I don't know if crits affect swarms, but just in case I'll roll to confirm.

Confirmation [roll0]

Extra damage if confirmed [roll1]

C'mon confirm... I've not had a crit in ages <,<

2009-09-20, 01:01 PM

A swarm has no clear front or back and no discernable anatomy, so it is not subject to critical hits or flanking.


2009-09-20, 01:15 PM

"Kill the ones with red eyes!"
Leading by example, Ellis attempts to bisect some of the red-eyed rats.



2009-09-20, 03:20 PM

lolsob <T_T> I shouldn't be surprised... but somehow I am <;_;> ahh well

2009-09-21, 11:15 AM
Varga and JosephOsric looks down at the rats swarming through the gates, looking somewhat pale. Other audience members seem fearful as well, unsettled by this sudden occurence. "This is definitely not part of the entertainment," he murmurs to himself.

"Ladies and gentlemen," says the voice of the announcer, "please exit the arena in a calm and orderly fashion. We seem to be experiencing some problems, but the city guard is on their way." Down below, the goblins sidestep around the rat swarms and strike at the rodents.

Johann"Ladies and gentlemen," says the voice of the announcer, "please exit the arena in a calm and orderly fashion. We seem to be experiencing some problems, but the city guard is on their way."

As the swarm moves forward, the goblins make their move, sidestepping around the rodents and striking with their reach weapons. Their weapons do little against the vast numbers, but nonetheless the swarm loses some of its number.

TonveressThe figure chuckles, the sound echoing inside the armor. "Oh, good sir," he says, "it appears you have mistaken me for someone else. My name is Jaden Kane." He gives Tonveress a light bow of his head. "I do not work here. My apologies for the misunderstanding." Jaden turns his head toward the establishment. "I don't think they serve fruit juice this late in the day, anyway... perhaps I will see you again, later." With that, the scarecrow heads away from the eating hall.

"Hi!" says a figure from inside, a human woman with orcish features. "Welcome to Eights. Please have a seat."

Several long tables adorn this hall, with several patrons already seated at the benches, eating their fill of rye bread with some sort of soft cheese.

Elwynn and EllisThe crimson-eyed rodents seem to be almost supernaturally resistant to the group's weapons. Even after many of the mundane rats have fallen, all of the strange ones are still up. It's at this point that a voice, presumably that of the announcer, sounds. "Ladies and gentlemen, please exit the arena in a calm and orderly fashion. We seem to be experiencing some problems, but the city guard is on the way."

MalcomAs Mal clears the arena, he hears the faint voice of the announcer. "Ladies and gentlemen, please exit the arena in a calm and orderly fashion. We seem to be experiencing some problems, but the city guard is on the way."

2009-09-21, 11:21 AM

Phew, Malcolm thinks to himself. A nice clean getaway. Good thing I got out when I did. Let's see what else happens...

The "old man" shuffles to a street corner and plops himself down at the side of the road by the arena exit. Holding out a grimy cup for spare copper pieces (because Malcolm knows that nothing will get a beggar ignored faster than asking for money), he keeps a watchful eye over the arena exit and quietly observes everything.

2009-09-21, 11:50 AM

While fighting rats isn't very honorable, running away from them would put him in shame for the rest of his life. Johann charges the swarm.

Attack roll: [roll]1d20+7[roll]
Damage roll: [roll0]
Power attacking for 3, I haven't included the bonus from charging because I don't know if there's enough space for this.

Keld Denar
2009-09-21, 12:03 PM

Ton orders a cup of coffee and whatever the boys want (no booze). What else is going on with the faire?

2009-09-21, 02:18 PM

Joseph hears the announcer and answers with a sigh of his own.

"... a knight's work is never done."

He gets up and looks for a quick way down into the arena to assist his fellow knight in his pest control duties.

So... how deep is it simply going over the wall and drop into the arena?


2009-09-21, 07:04 PM

"Y'all wanna amscray, m'lord." Varga advises Osric tersely. He doesn't mean to be rude, but the presence of so many squeaking, revolting vermin swarming over the field has him on edge. He isn't sure what to do at first, but when he sees Joseph about to vault into the fray he decides to go for it as well. About time I got to bash skulls rather than just watching.

Before he goes, he snaps his fingers. "Dog. Go with m'lord and get out of here. I'll come and find you. Don't eat anything I wouldn't eat." He says to Dog. Dog heels and barks.

"Alright, sir. Let's squash some heads!"

2009-09-23, 04:14 AM

"The ones with the red eyes? Alright I'll try!"

Elwynn lunges at one of the red-eyed rats, trying to skewer it on her longsword.

Attack [roll0]

Damage if Hit [roll1]

Btw, I don't know that it'll mean anything, but my longsword is Alchemical Silver >.> (That's why it does only +1 damage instead of +2 for my 14 strength); so if Silver means anything, it's there <@_@> if not... oh well <._.>;

2009-09-24, 07:11 AM
EllisThe half-elf's sword again cuts into the swarms, the sickening swarms continuing to damage him. Orick makes a sound of revulsion before he begins to retreat, too wounded to continue combat. Duke grunts with exertion as he pries a flaming sconce from the wall, and hurls it into the swarm, causing the unpleasant odor of roasted rat to fill the room. "Does anyone else have fire?" he asks as he takes a step back.

(You take [roll0] damage. Can I get another Fortitude save?)

ElwynnThe sorceress' sword hits a rat, but it feels as though her target is tougher than leather, her blade failing to penetrate its hide. The armored dwarf makes a sound of revulsion before he begins to retreat, too wounded to continue combat. The human in banded mail grunts with exertion as he pries a flaming sconce from the wall, and hurls it into the swarm, causing the unpleasant odor of roasted rat to fill the room. "Does anyone else have fire?" he asks as he takes a step back.

Tonveress"What else, sir? Well, the archery tournament is over for today, as is the jousting tournament." She fetches Ton's drink, and then says, "I hear the mages plan on studying the comet tonight."

Brotter looks at the menu pictured on the wall. "I'll have the cut of gammon, please," he says. Cedric makes the same order.

Johann(Yes, there was enough for a charge.)

Johann's weapon is somewhat less effective against the numbers, but he damages the swarm nonetheless. The plethora of rodents moves to envelop him, provoking strikes from the goblins and Johann himself in the process.

(You take [roll1] damage. Make me two Fortitude saves, please.)

Varga and Joseph"I'll meet you at Eights," says Osric as he exits, followed by the canine. Down below, Johann charges at the swarm, hacking into their numbers, only for them to envelop him while the goblins strike at the mass of rats.

MalcomSure enough, the approaching guards ignore the disguised pirate, making their way past him to the arena. Patrons exit the arena at a steady rate down the right set of stairs, while the guards head down the left. One of the patrons appears to have a dog following him.

2009-09-24, 08:43 AM

Gritting his teeth and standing his ground, Ellis swings his sword with determination.

It's times like this that remind me why I like characters versatile enough to do more than whack at things with a sharp piece of metal.



Keld Denar
2009-09-24, 11:03 AM

Comet you say...that sounds interesting. I think I would be interested in seeing that.

2009-09-24, 01:47 PM

"Alms...alms for the poor....alms, alms for the poor..." the old beggar croaks gamely. Sure enough, the crowd ignores him.

Malcolm stares worriedly at the dog as it passes. They couldn't be breaking out search dogs, could they? No, no. They're only using it to kill the rats, Malcolm reassures himself. That makes sense. They don't know you're even here.

Stifling his instinctive paranoia, Malcolm continues sitting by the side of the road, rattling his tin cup for alms and keeping a close eye on the situation.

2009-09-24, 03:28 PM

Joseph rushes down to the lower stands to climb over the edge and reach the arena floor.

Then he realizes that this is actually a 30' drop.

(... on second thought...)

"Quick, there must be a way down! Stairs or something!"


2009-09-25, 04:44 AM

"My sword's no good against them... fire however I can do!"

Elwynn grins broadly, beginning the incantation that will send a meteoric chunk of flaming rock into the heart of the swarm.

If it works...

Elwynn steps back from the horde of rats as best she can (If possible backing up a whole 30ft; but if not that,t hen as far as she's able - away from where the rats are coming from)

Then she's going to fire a Kelgore's Firebolt right into the lot of em. It's single target, so it's not going to do a whole lot >.< but rats hate fire right? Maybe it'll scare em at least. (Why did I not take Burning Hands? <T.T> Gah! Oh well! Live and learn. Hopefully live >.<)

Fire Damage [roll0]

Reflex for half, DC 15 >.>

2009-09-25, 09:14 AM

Johann keeps swinging his sword in a wide, low arcs, trying to cut through as many rats as he can.

Fortitude save: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Power attack for 3.

2009-09-25, 03:59 PM

After seeing Dog and the nobleman off, Varga charges down the stairs after them, his cloak billowing behind him. Clutched in his arms is a small handax; he usually uses it to chop wood, but the blade is still plenty sharp enough to make an end to some vermin. And if it isn't, well, he has a few other tricks up his sleeve.

Once he makes it down the flight of stairs, he charges into the normal seats. He casts his gaze around, looking for a shorter way to get down into the arena.

Spot check 17 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6999451#post6999451)

2009-09-26, 06:29 PM
Ellis and ElwynnThe red-cloaked woman's blast of fire significantly damages the swarm. There is a brief pause from the swarming rats, and then all of the red-eyed rodents dissipate into a cloud of mist, which begins to retreat to the trapdoor leading down into the sewers. The other rodents remain, but their numbers have been reduced to the point that the half-elf's swing causes them to disperse.

Tonveress"You're a lucky man, then," she says, "as it's only supposed to appear for three days every five hundred years." She looks to Tonveress. "So," she says, "what'll you have?"

MalcomThe dog dutifully follows the noble-looking fellow, until it notices something on the ground. It stops for a moment to consume whatever it is, and then resumes following him down the street.

After a few seconds, Mal is approached by a bedraggled man wearing a tattered vest. "You new here?" he asks suspiciously.

Joseph and Varga(I'm assuming you're going down the half-stairs to the 15-foot drop. Make me a Jump check, DC 15, to negate some damage.)

One of the goblins looks up to the duo and frantically waves as Johann and his companion cut into the swarm.

JohannOne of the goblins begins waving frantically into the stands, where an orc and an armored knight are descending a half-set of stairs that leads to a brief drop into the pit. The rodents continue to swarm over Johann as the goblins harriedly hack at them.

(Another Fort save, please.)

2009-09-26, 07:06 PM

[roll0] (Jump check to beat some of the damage)

Varga flings himself straight down, falling like a stone into the arena below.

Keld Denar
2009-09-26, 07:46 PM

I dunno. Something with meat. I'm hungry after todays adventures! And potatoes if you've got em!

2009-09-27, 12:40 AM

Joseph looks around frantically for a way down that doesn't include multiple fractures. Especially since his metal armour would make those injuries even worse...

Then he spots a flight of stair leading to some lower stands. Hurrying those down leads to a low wall, marking an only 15' deep drop into the arena. Still a bit cringe worthy, but a look at the rat-covered form of his fellow knight convinces Joseph of the urgency of the situation.

So Joseph climbs over the wall, tries to hang down a bit from the ledge and lets go...

Jump: [roll0]


2009-09-27, 04:55 AM

The "old beggar"s face lights up. "Please, sir," he wheedles. "One more coin, and I can git me a new pair of shoes. Just one coin, sir!"

2009-09-27, 04:24 PM

The knight is still fending off the swarm, but notices Joseph and Varga. He waves at them in between the slashes.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]
Fortitude save: [roll2]

2009-09-28, 06:29 AM

On seeing the rats turn and flee, Elwynn resheathes her silver longsword; breathing heavily after the exertion of fighting both Tyreus and now the rats.

"What the nine hells was that?!" She asks the nearby soldiers incredulously; genuinely surprised at the rat swarm.

2009-09-28, 04:15 PM
Johann, Varga, and JosephThe pair of warriors lands in the sand floor of the arena, managing to avoid serious injury in the process. Both even manage to land on their feet.

Johann's last blow is forceful enough to disperse the remaining rodents, although another mass of them appears to be pushing through the south gate. The rats roll right over the remaining two goblins; there is a scream from within the swarm, and when the duo can be seen again, only one of them is up, using his weapon to prop himself up. The other is on the ground, bleeding, still covered in rats.

Ellis and ElwynnOrick fishes through his pack, looking for something. "I don't know what those rats were doing up here," he says, retreiving a vial and quaffing it, "but I'm thankful enough for your assistance. They surely would've killed us."

Duke looks to Elwynn. "The, um, other fellow - the one who looked like me - he said they attacked Captain Tyreus... did he make it out all right?"

MalcomThe man picks at something in his beard. "Ain't got any coins, but you don't mind a pair o' shoes with a hole or two, I might be able to help.," he says, examining his discovery for a moment before flicking it away. The bum sits down next to Mal. "Pelor shines on us today, though; I hear Eights is havin' free eats tonight."

Tonveress"Adventures?" she asks, looking curious. "Mind sharing your story with us, oh master adventurer?" The woman briefly moves to fetch Ton's order.

2009-09-29, 02:28 AM

"I don't know, I didn't see him. I came from that way..." Elwynn points toward the entryway, opposite the sewer entrance. "... where was he?"

>.> I hope I'm not misreading but - he doesn't know I came out of the sewer does he? Since I was invisible and approached from behind when the rats came?

I could be misunderstanding <>.<>

Keld Denar
2009-09-30, 12:43 AM

Ton recounts a thrilling story about the time he and some companions were surrounded by kobalds deep in a cave. Only through strong application of offensive magic on behalf of none other than Tonveress were enough of the kobalds disabled that the party could mop up the remaining kobalds.


2009-10-01, 02:28 AM
Wait, the other guy is a bum too? Whoops, I didn't realize. If I did, I wouldn't have tried begging from him. Oh, well.


"Ho yes, yessir sure!" Malcolm bobs his head eagerly. "That sounds luverly. Shoes and free eats? Sign me up, eh?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he keeps an eye on the arena situation, trying to gauge what else is happening.

"Sounds like an awful lot of rats running around," he adds. "From what I hear, they don't make bad eating neither."

2009-10-01, 04:32 AM

Joseph lands on the arena floor pretty unceremonously. And if it hadn't been for the wall behind him, he'd even have landed on his behind and not his feet.

With all the weight of his armour and whatnot, his poor, abused ankles hurt enough as it was anyway.

It takes Joseph a moment to regain his bearings, but then he charges off drawing his sword to help his fellow knight diseprse the ravenous rodents.


2009-10-02, 11:09 AM

"Rats, to the right of us! Rights, to the left of us!" Varga screams as he lands hard into the arena. He draws his axe and jumps into the melee right behind Joseph. I bet these rats taste as good as the ones back home... Varga muses just before his attack.

2009-10-02, 12:03 PM

Johann follows Joseph in the attack against the new group of rats.

Attack rolls, in case they're needed:
To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-10-02, 01:06 PM

"Am I the only one that's confused about strangely tough red-eyed rats turning into a cloud and blowing away without any wind?"

2009-10-02, 01:44 PM
Joseph, Johann, and VargaThe group manages to wipe out the rats with their combined efforts, taking only minimal damage in the process.

Ellis and Elwynn"I'm thinking it was a vampire," Duke says with a sigh. "We had a couple in the sewers a little while back, but the city guard supposedly took care of them. I suppose this means they missed one."

He turns to the red-cloaked woman, about to say something when a group of armed guardsmen enter, weapons drawn. Noticing the scorched, slashed, and crushed rat remains, one of the guards looks to the group. "Looks like we missed out on the action," he says. "Is everyone okay?"

TonveressTonveress' tale impresses the group sufficiently. The waitress places the mage's order before him with a smile. "Impressive," she says. "So, mighty mage, are you from around these parts?"

Malcom"Rats?" the human says confusedly. "Heh, they do fine when you've got nothing else, but ya eat too many of 'em, and you'll end up like Old Johlf." He smirks and climbs to his feet with a bit of trouble. "Fella's got this lovely box o' cats he's raising, he thinks they're baby dragons." Chuckling, he asks, "So, which do you want first, shoes or eats?"

2009-10-02, 01:46 PM

Joseph bravely (ha!) charges the mass of rats swarming around the arena and starts hacking away at the mass off furry, disease-ridden critters.

While each swing cuts a rat or three in half, this is little more then a drop in the bucket considering the sheer numbers of rats attacking.

Still, even drops will fill a bucket over time and the drops start to add up with the number of fighters hacking away at the swarm.

Fortitude: [roll0]

2009-10-02, 02:52 PM

Johann dives into the rat swarm alongside Joseph and begins to make low, sweeping blows with his swords, combined with heavy steps to crush the rats. While doing so, he sustains a number of minor bites, as some rats manage to reach his flesh through cracks in armor.

Fortitude save: [roll0]

2009-10-02, 03:46 PM

"Vampires? Huh... Hey wait, wasn't there some sort of city guard thing going on down there?"
He looks over at Elwynn.
"Didn't you pass through here before with that guy in the hat? What happened down there?"

Keld Denar
2009-10-02, 06:45 PM

No, I was just passing through town when I came across your wonderful faire. Its already been a rather interesting and adventureful event, let me assure you! I'm looking forward to actually taking part in some festivities tomorrow, and the comet watching sounds very entertaining!

2009-10-03, 03:48 PM

Elwynn turns to the guards.

"Other than being covered in rat guts, never better." She shoots them a lopsided grin.

2009-10-03, 04:46 PM

Varga runs around, chopping the heads off of various rats and stomping the ones that look small enough to be trodden safely underfoot. After he is done, he takes the time to wipe his axe blade off on the ground and absently scratches the numerous rat bites with its hilt.

"Ain't this something, guys?" He bellows as the last of the vermin is vanquished. "I came here to see that Iron Star festival, and now I'm helping two other guys make hash out of a bunch of rats. It's like we're the town exterminators or somethin'!" He looks around to see if the goblins are still around.

2009-10-04, 03:23 PM
Elwynn and EllisFor a second, the guardsman looks like he's going to ask another question, but he signals to his men, and they begin to make their way up the ramp to the pit. From up there, one shouts, "Somebody get this gate open!" Duke and the armored dwarf sigh and rush to help them, leaving just the half-elf and the red-cloaked woman.

Joseph, Johann, and Varga"Somebody get this gate open!"

Several armored guardsmen stand on the other side of the south gate. As the gate slowly opens, one runs in, noticing the dead rats and unconscious goblins. "Looks like we're a bit late," he says. "Anything we can do to help?"

Tonveress"Glad to hear it," she says. She smirks and looks down at Cedric and Brotter. "So, did the boys have a grand adventure, too?"

2009-10-05, 01:16 PM

Elwynn pointedly ignores the half-elves question initially, waiting until the guards have gotten out of earshot before turning to him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude; but the situation is... complicated. Look, I don't know that I can trust you; but since you know where I've actually been, I don't have much option.

Here however, is not a good place to have this conversation. Come with me."

Elwynn turns to leave, hoping Ellis will follow her lead. Just the same she listens very intently in case he draws a weapon or fails to follow.

2009-10-05, 03:38 PM

"Uh, sure. I'm guessing my bout will have been called off because of this..."

Quickly cleaning and sheathing his blade, Ellis follows the mage.

2009-10-05, 03:51 PM

Varga sniffles. "Gimme a hand with these goblins." He grunts. It was just typical that the guards would show up once the rats were rousted. "And directions to the Eights. I got a friend to pick up."

2009-10-05, 10:29 PM

Elwynn talks to Ellis without turning back to face him as they walk.

"Unfortunately I would say so. If there were a way for you to have your bout it would be best... it would avoid the suspicion this is going to cause; but there's not enough time for that."

Elwynn continues on to Harold's with Ellis in tow.

2009-10-06, 06:09 AM

Johann gnashes his teeth, but refrains from commenting on the guards' timing, wiping his sword clean from rat blood. Not if you don't know where did the rats come from.

2009-10-07, 11:54 AM

After all the rats are either killed or drievn off, Joseph pauses to take stock of the situation.

"Rats,eh? I suppose they came from the sewers. Where there are sewers, there are rats. Kinda makes you wonder if they are worth the trouble..."

Looking over the fallen goblins , Joseph doesn't seem to be too keen on helping them "Don't bother, they were convicts anyway. Save them for what, so they can die another day? ... Although, if this was meant to be 'trial by combat', they kinda were cheated out of their fighting chance..."


2009-10-08, 04:10 PM
Elwynn and EllisAs it turns out, the lanky Harold is just outside, frowning and shaking his head. When he notices the red-cloaked woman, he turns his attention to her. He looks like he's going to say something, until he spots Ellis. "I'm afraid we'll have to postpone your match," he says to the would-be gladiator. "Think you can fight tomorrow?"

Johann, Varga, and JosephAssessing the situation, one of the guards squats down next to one of the unconcious goblins. Taking a healer's kit from his bag, he begins to bandage the goblin's wounds. "We'll likely have to take this up with a magistrate," the man says. "They might get executed, released back to Stisson, or even pardoned of their crimes." He moves to the other goblin, attempting to stabilize the gladiator. "Does anyone else need medical attention?" he asks.

Malcom(Assuming you follow him to Eights...)

The bum leads Mal to an eating-hall, adorned with a sign with a large black "8" on it. On the inside are several rows of long tables, some of the benches already occupied. The patrons are eating bread, cheese, and cuts of gammon, while a human woman with orcish features, presumably the waitress, talks with a man at a table. Also at the table are two children, one human and the other a dwarf. The woman turns her attention to Malcom and the bum.

TonveressThe waitress suddenly turns her attention to two men at the entrance, bedraggled fellows dressed in tattered clothing.

Malcom and Tonveress"Hello, Mick," the waitress says casually to one of the bums. "I hope you and your friend brought your appetites!"

2009-10-08, 04:41 PM

"Thanks for your help." Varga says to the guard. "Tell your... uh... your magistrate that these little goblins fought like real orcs out there. They kinda did your job a little, no offense."

He scratches idly at his wounds. "I got a few scratches from them rats. Nothing serious, but I need directions to the place called the Eight."

2009-10-09, 11:18 PM

Before Ellis can respond to Harold's question, Elwynn butts in.

"Harold, you were right; and this man here has unfortunately become involved. Let's go inside, we have a lot to talk about."

2009-10-10, 04:45 AM

Joseph checks himself out to see if he is actually injured. Nope, just some scratches, seems like the rats didn't manage to get between his greaves or climb up on him to reach a vulnerable spot after all.

After his self-inspection, Joseph regards the only other person who joined him in the fight against the rodents curiously.

"Thank you for your help. A lone warrior might have been overwhelmed by the rats. It would still have been hard work for two. But between the three of us, we made short work of them. Who did I have the honour to fight beside?"


Keld Denar
2009-10-10, 05:28 AM

Ton watches the newcomers enter the bar, taking no extra notice of them than any of the other patrons of the place.

2009-10-10, 09:32 AM

"Wait, Harold, you know something about what's going on? That makes me feel a little bit better about this. No offense lady, but you were acting a bit strange back there. Where are we going?"

2009-10-10, 01:12 PM

Just a few scratches, says Johann. Did this happen anywhere else?

2009-10-10, 01:27 PM

"Name's Varga." He says to Joseph. "Hail from over by Stisson, where the weather's cold and the people -- if'n you like to call 'em that -- are even colder. And you?"

2009-10-11, 03:11 PM

"I'm Joseph. Sir Joseph technically but don't worry about it. Also, I'm a native. And the people around here can be a nasty bunch too. Although the last war dampened the spirits a bit. Turns out that being too nasty to the wrong sort of people can make you dead. Why, even our bandits and highwaymen have enough sense to start running when a sword on a horse comes along."

Joseph looks over Varga, apparently appraising him. If he likes what he sees or not is hard to tell though.

"Well, most do anyway. The rest, I tend to collect a bounty on. So you do seem no stranger to fighting yourself. You a forester or something?"


2009-10-12, 12:22 AM
TonveressCedric and Brotter finish their meals, and then Ced looks to the sorcerer. "It was fun hanging out with you today, Ton," he says, "but me and Brotter are gonna go now. See ya later."

Malcom and TonveressThe two children get up and begin to walk out. Meanwhile, Mick chuckles and claps his companion on the back. "Dun' he look hungry? I sees 'im in my sittin'-spot a bit ago, thought he could use a bite!" He sits down at one of the empty tables. "On that note, can I get a cuppa coffee? Make it like his," he says, gesturing to the man the waitress had been speaking to previously, "he looks like he's havin' a good time."

"I'll get you boys some food," the waitress says, and starts to move into the back.

Johann, Varga, and Joseph"Not as far as I can tell," replies the guard to Johann. "We'll be keeping an eye out, though." He gestures to the other guardsmen, who begin to depart, taking the goblins with them.

One of the remaining guards approaches Varga and Joseph. "Err, did you mean 'Eights?' It's an eating-hall; I know where that is, but I haven't been there in a couple of weeks." He proceeds to give the half-orc directions to the establishment.

Ellis and Elwynn"I only know a bit," Harold says, "but I might as well tell you about it." He gestures down the street. "Rurik wants to meet with me at Eights to talk about what we're going to do about the fight wagers - we can talk there."

2009-10-12, 08:22 AM

Ellis gets a sheepish and slightly embarrassed look on his face.
"Hey, uh, I gotta swing by the marketplace first. I told my father I would be back for dinner, and I don't want him to worry about me. You're welcome to come along if you want. You might even like some of his wares."
As he mentions his father's wares, he taps the hilt of his sword, which is protruding above his shoulder.

2009-10-12, 06:36 PM

He answers Joseph: "Part-time forester and patrolman." Varga says. "Never thought I'd wind up kneedeep in rat guts during my time off."

The half-orc inclines his head respectfully to the guard who answered his question. "An eating hall? Thank you kindly." He grins. "Ozzy picked a real fine place to hide. Dog'll probably eat 'em out of house and home by now." Varga chuckles. He turns to Joseph and Johann. "Say, y'all two wouldn't want to come over to Eights with me? After all this, I wouldn't turn down a tall cold one."

2009-10-13, 03:30 AM

"Oh, thankee, kind miss!" The "old bum" quavers. "That'd be ever so nice, yesser indeedee!"

Mentally, Malcolm sighs and shrugs to himself. Am I laying it on too thick? Oh, well. At least it's a clean getaway. No way I'll be found now. Now I just have to choke down whatever they give me, make an exit, change personas, and I'm a free man. Maybe I'll lay low somewhere and watch. Something's clearly going on in this town...

2009-10-13, 03:19 PM

Johann leans on his sword. Well, I've certainly had a busy day. I think I'll go rest now, he says to noone in particular.

2009-10-14, 05:22 PM

Joseph looks between his fellow fighters and suggests "Let's go to that eating hall. Between the jousting tournament and... this... I'm quite hungry. A knight can't live just from knightly ideals alone."


2009-10-14, 07:44 PM

"I am not entirely certain we have time for this, the situation is rather serious and... urgent... How long will this take?"

2009-10-14, 10:10 PM

"Not long. I just need to stop by and let him know. Just a couple minutes, tops. Less if the market is on the way."

Keld Denar
2009-10-14, 11:17 PM

Ton leans back in his bench against the wall, sipping his drink and casually watching the other patrons for a source of amusement.

2009-10-15, 09:24 PM
MalcomIt isn't long before the disguised pirate is presented with a plate of fresh roasted gammon and potatoes. "Enjoy," the waitress says to Mal. She gives a wave as a dwarf enters; Mal recognizes him as the fellow who was taking bets at the arena.

"So," Mick says to the other fellow, "what's your story, friend?"

TonveressIt isn't long before the bums are given some fresh food. "Enjoy," the waitress says. She gives a wave as a dwarf enters.

"So," Mick says to Tonveress, "what's your story, friend?"

Johann, Joseph, and Varga"I get the feeling that you three aren't too familiar with Imperia," he says. "I can take you to Eights, if you want."

Ellis and Elwynn"I'm afraid the market is a couple of minutes out of the way," Harold says. "You go and talk to your father, and Elwynn and I will wait for you at Eights."

2009-10-16, 04:05 AM

"I think we should stick together actually. Just to be on the safe side. I don't expect anything out in the open, but better together than not I think... we'll go to the market first then."

2009-10-17, 04:27 AM

Joseph nods at the guard "Ywa, I usually patrol along the northern borders. This is the first time I'm here. So please, show us the way."


2009-10-18, 07:25 AM

Lead on, then, says Johann.

2009-10-18, 01:19 PM

The "old bum" waves his spoon animatedly as he talks. "Ah, it's a long and tragic tale, friend. I used to be a man of wealth and leisure. Owned an estate in the countryside, fields, servants...I was a rich old bachelor, always reading stories and poems and tales and legends about heroics and derring-do. When a man lives along for a long time, you understand, things aren't quite right in the head.

I got the idea to try to become my own warrior, a valorous knight! A noble protector of the weak atop my valorous steed! Well, things didn't work out the way I planned. I was just a rich nobleman, certainly no warrior. I came upon some bandits in the road accosting a young woman, demanding her money. I rode nobly to her rescue, sword glittering in the sun! Of course, it was all more appearance than reality, so when the bandits put my sword and armor to the test, I was outmatched and outnumbered. They stole everything I had and rode off on my own horse. The woman I rescued took me into her home and tended for me, nursing me back to health. When I was strong enough, I returned the favor and took her into my own home. We didn't know it at first, but it was love.

I married her the following year, and things were looking up. We raised a beautiful home together and were happy as could be. One day, out riding, she suddenly took a spill from her horse and was knocked unconscious. I rushed to her side, and on her shoulder I saw a brand, a mark that she had kept hidden from me all this time. It was a symbol, a black mark that indicated those who were to be executed for murder. When she woke up, she swore she was innocent and wrongly accused, but I didn't believe her. I summoned the guards. Even as they dragged her away to her death, she was still professing her undying love for me. I never saw her again.

However, now, without two owners, the estates were far too large for me alone to maintain, even with my servants. I fell deep into debt and never managed to climb out of it. The creditors took everything I had. I used the lsat of my money to buy myself passage to the city here, and for the past 2 years I've been begging on the streets..."

He trails off and digs at his food morosely. Inwardly, the pirate congratulates himself for thinking up such a story on the spot.

Keld Denar
2009-10-18, 10:18 PM

I'm on vacation, although its been a rather interesting one. I just came into town for the fair. I heard there is supposed to be an interesting celestial event coming up. Do you know anything about that?

2009-10-19, 05:19 PM

Varga nods. It will be good to see Dog again; magic and sentiment linked him to the little animal, and it felt strange not knowing what Dog was doing or even exactly where he was. Besides, he was looking forward to knocking some decent alcohol back, if only to wash down the taste of that cheap gnome swill he'd had earlier.

2009-10-19, 09:25 PM

Nodding, Ellis takes a moment to orient himself and then leads the way to his father's temporary shop.

2009-10-20, 02:43 PM
Tonveress and MalcomThe dwarf is followed by a nobleman, a dog following at his heels. They seat themselves at separate tables. The dwarf seems mildly interested in the bum's tale, but says nothing.

"Hmm," Mick says to the vacationer, beginning on his own meal. "Celestial - ain't that the place where the angels come from? Don't know much about that, sorry."

Johann, Joseph, and Varga"Free eats are never bad," the guard says with a chuckle. He leads the trio of armored fellows to an eating-hall, with a large wooden sign with a black eight painted on it. Inside is a variety of patrons; a pair of bums eat gammon and potatoes while one talks to another fellow about angels. The dwarf who arranged the bets at the arena is seated at one of the benches, looking at the waitress, who looks to be human, except for some orcish facial features. A nobleman moves to sit down; a dog nearby him looks eagerly toward the group that has just entered.

Malcom and TonveressA group of four armored men enter; three are human and clad in heavy armor, while the fourth is an orc in light armor. "Free eats are never bad," says one with a chuckle. The decorations on his armor suggest that he is a guardsman.

Ellis and ElwynnIt's not far to the rented spot where Ellis' father is finishing up. "Was startin' to worry you wouldn't show up," he says with a smile.

2009-10-20, 03:57 PM

"Sorry to make you worry."
He says, returning the middle-aged smith's smile.

"I got second place in the archery contest today."
Stepping forward, he lends a hand putting away the racks of high-quality weaponry that line the walls of the stall.

"So, I was thinking, I know you haven't had much of a chance to catch up with your friends from the guild, and a couple of new friends have invited me out. So I figure you can have dinner with your friends and I'll have dinner with mine. I'm not sure when I'll be back, so don't wait up for me, ok?"
He gives the broad-shouldered man a quick hug. The proximity of the two emphasizes that they really look nothing alike.

Barely waiting for an answer, he turns to Harold & Elwynn.
"Ok, I'm ready to go."

2009-10-20, 05:28 PM

The disguised pirate sits quietly at his table, eating and listening.

2009-10-22, 12:33 AM

Joseph nods at the guard and smiles gratefully. "Thank you, now we can take it from here. And boy am I hungry. Come on people, lets find a table."

And Joseph strides ahead to do just this, looking left and right. He is confident, in his experience a suit of armour has no problem to find a place to sit down at all. Squishy people are always very polite to a suit of armour...


Keld Denar
2009-10-22, 03:55 AM

No, celestial as in high above the ground. Think like stars, planets, suns, and this comet I heard about. Should be interesting to watch, at least. Tell me of the tourny today. Was it exciting? I didn't get to watch most of it, but I did make my way through some of the faire vendors.

2009-10-22, 06:12 AM

Elwynn waits silently for Ellis, simply following him and Harold once they leave the shop.

2009-10-23, 10:36 AM

Johann follows Joseph to the table, glancing around, and no doubt drawing some stares himself, what with his blood-covered armor and sword.

2009-10-23, 10:41 PM

Varga doesn't feel even a little self-conscious. He plops down beside Joseph and Johann and calls to Dog. "Ya made it!" Varga yells. "Boy, howdy, have I got a story for you! I ain't never seen this many rats in one place before, no sir!"

2009-10-24, 03:07 PM
Joseph, Johann, and VargaThe grizzled canine eagerly pads over to Varga and sits, looking up interestedly as Varga speaks.

"You boys look like you've been in a tussle," the half-orc waitress says as she approaches. "Are you okay? We have a couple of basins, if you'd like to freshen up... also, I'd prefer it if you put your weapons away."

As she speaks, a pair of humans and an elf-like fellow enter. One of the humans seems familiar; he looks like the fellow who was arranging fights at the arena. He gives them a wave, and then sits down with the dwarf.

Tonveress and Malcom"Tournies, eh? Now that's somethin' I do know about." Mick chuckles. "Not as good at lookin' up, since I fell off that roof. Anyway, couldn' afford a seat for the jousting, but I got to watch the archery tourney. This elf, he nocks his bow," he says, miming the act as he speaks, "fires, you never seen such skill!" He takes another swig of his drink. "But then this other fellow, a human, lines up his shots, and ties with him exactly, point for point even! They have to do a tie-breaker; the human wins this one."

As the bum finishes his tale, two humans and an elven-looking fellow enter the eating-hall. The waitress seems distracted with telling the quartet of armored fighters to freshen up, however. One of the humans sits down with the dwarf and says something about "evacuation."

Ellis and Elwynn"All right, son," he says warmly, "although I'll want to hear the details shot-by-shot on that archery contest when you get back," the half-elf's "father" replies.

Harold leads Ellis and Elwynn to an eating hall, a handpainted wooden sign in front painted with a black eight. The smell of hot gammon and potatoes wafts through the air. The eight long tables already have a number of people seated on the benches. A human woman with orcish features, presumably the waitress, is asking a group of armored warriors if they'd like to freshen up in the back. A grizzled old bum talks to an elegantly-dressed man with a shaved head, regaling the events of an archery tourney in detail while another bum seems to be listening. Harold gives a wave to the fighters, and then sits down with Rurik.

"You're a bit late," the dwarf says.

"Was dealing with Ellis here," Harold replies, nudging the half-elf. "He didn't get to fight his opponent because of the evacuation."

2009-10-24, 03:09 PM

Malcolm keeps sitting, eating and watching, having no real motivation to engage any of these strangers in conversation.

2009-10-25, 07:17 AM

Joseph looks over his rat-parts-splattered armour. Well, not that splattered really but still... Usually waltzing into places in full gear assured that people would give him a wide berth. And even the most bellingerent hooligans thing twice about starting something with someone in full battle gear.

But this place is not a seedy dive full of cutthroats, this is a public eating hall in the capital. So some civility would not be amiss.

So Joseph smiles at the waitress and asks "Indeed. Some freshing up would be nice. And it would actually be nice to get out of my armour. Do you have rooms?"


2009-10-25, 07:49 AM

Hearing the bum's tale of the archery tournament, Ellis feels a blush creeping up his face. Glancing away from the storytelling bum, he takes a deep breath and tries to recover his composure. Sitting next to Harold, he involves himself in the conversation to try to take his mind off of the thought of people talking about him.

"It's not really that big of a deal to me. Signing up was kind of an impulsive decision anyway."

2009-10-26, 05:07 PM

"Sure thing, ma'am." He says, suddenly noticing how he must look in civilized company. "I'd order a room too, if'n my money's good here. I won mighty big at them fights."

2009-10-28, 10:39 AM

Johann examines his own blood-covered armor. Some lodgings and refreshment would be nice, indeed.

Keld Denar
2009-10-28, 03:24 PM

Getting another mug, Ton moves from the table over to a chair near the fire. Stairing into the coals, he listens to everything else going on around the room.

2009-10-28, 06:10 PM

Elwynn eyes both Ellis and Harold coldly, peering over her steepled fingers at them. She finally speaks after Harold and Ellis have had a few minutes to settle in.

"Right... now that we're here, listen closel.

Harold - you were right. I tracked Tyrius down in the sewers, along with another man he was talking to. Given what happened, I'm convinced Tyius is working with the vampires in the sewers. He may even be one of them.

Unfortunately I had an un-invited guest who I still need to track down, and said guest got us caught. We fought with Tyrius briefly; and then he unleashed that horde of rats that attacked everyone.

Needless to say, this is... bad. Very bad."

Elwynn turns toward Ellis.

"And this is, unfortunately, what you've gotten mixed up in. At the very least, the captain of the guard is involved in something heinous down there; and it could be a lot worse than even that.

Oh, Harold - I don't know what it was... but there was some strange creature down there - dead it seemed - and a lot of blood in the water. I'm not going to pretend I understand what it means, but I figure I should tell someone just in case. It's bound to be important.

Now then, I'll give you two a minute to digest that before we go any further."

Elwynn sits back in her chair, letting he words sink in.

I am very very sorry for taking so long >.<

2009-10-28, 09:11 PM

Dimly hearing Elwynn's words from a few tables away, the "old bum" stops eating and listens intently for the rest of the conversation.

2009-10-28, 10:03 PM

He starts, then stops, his hazel eyes distant as he processes all of the information.
"This is not my fight..."
His face betrays an inner conflict.
"I... I am not so involved that... I couldn't just... walk away..."
His face goes blank.
He sighs.
"If I were someone else. But I'm not. I don't know the first thing about guard captains or vampires or sewers, but I do know myself, and I can't just walk away and let innocent people get hurt."
Shaking his head, his eyes regain their focus.
"Tell me what I can do to help."

2009-10-29, 10:50 AM
Johann, Joseph, and Varga"I'm afraid I'm not in charge of renting the upstairs area," she admits. "Timmons is the guy you'll want to talk to, when he gets here." She gestures to some nearby doors. "In the meantime, though, here's where you can wash up. I'll fix you up some gammon while you do that."

TonveressTon overhears a bit of whispered conversation occuring between a lanky-looking man, a blonde woman, a dwarven fellow, and a man with human and elven features.

Malcom, Ellis, Elwynn, and Tonveress"I never suspected it was that bad," the lanky man admits. "My guess was that he had found treasure down there or something, but if he's working with the vampires in the sewers, that's a pretty bad sign..." He pauses for a few moments. "I've said it before, I'm no expert on vampires. I'm not really sure what we can do about this, other than go to an official and tell them what you saw."

2009-10-29, 04:01 PM

"I'm not sure that's a good option Harold... I mean you're right; I'm not sure what to do about this either... but Tyreus is an influential man. We'll need some kind of proof - I doubt my testimony alone would be enough. I also imagine if the sewer-dwellers were smart, they've moved deeper in or to another section...

As for you Ellis*... thank you. I know you aren't happy being mixed up in this, but if you'd decided to ignore the situation, it would have been dangerous for us all - especially yourself. Tyreus doesn't know about you yet, but he knows about me, and that means anyone who has knowledge of me is in some form of danger. That's why I'm insisting we stick together right now - together we'd maybe stand a chance if it came to a fight, though we should avoid that.

We need allies, that's for sure. Harold, do you know anyone in the government who might be sympathetic to us uncovering something about Tyreus? Getting official backing would be easiest if someone were already inclined to listen I think."

2009-10-29, 05:17 PM

Joseph nods at the waitres with a smile "I'll sure do that, thanks."

"I'm going to make myself a bit more presentable, you coming?" he asks of the other two.

Whether they join him or not, Joseph heads for the washing room to clean himself and his gear off. And to relocate his arsenal to less agressive locations (sword to the back and such).


Keld Denar
2009-10-29, 05:59 PM

Ton continues to hang out for a while, then gets a room and goes to bed if nothing interesting happens.

2009-10-30, 01:16 PM

Good idea, says Johann and follows Joseph to clean his equipment as well.

2009-10-30, 03:45 PM

Varga and Dog join Johann and Joseph, briefly musing as to what exactly "gammon" is. "Whatever it is, it sounds delicious."

2009-11-03, 05:55 PM
Ellis, Elwynn, Malcom, and Tonveress"Perhaps one of the fellows in the Academy could help us obtain proof," he muses in reply. "I'm sure the church of Pelor would be willing to help, but they can get a bit fanatic about it in a way that our king generally doesn't approve of. As for finding someone sympathetic to our cause, we might talk to Cassius Gold, the administrator of trade. He's not too fond of Tyreus, if my memory serves me, so he might be inclined to listen to us."

Joseph, Johann, and VargaWhen the group of warriors returns from washing up, their places have been set and their plates laden with ham and potatoes. The noble smirks as they return, almost finished with his meal. "I'd like to stay and talk some more," he says, giving his leftovers to Varga's dog to finish, "but I have business to attend to at Emerseye." He gets up to leave and gives the trio a friendly wave.

Keld Denar
2009-11-04, 01:38 AM

Turning away from the fire, Ton speaks up. You said vampires in the sewer? I was down there myself looking into another matter, and we encountered something I'd wager was a vampire. Me and my associates managed to dispatch the creature, but it turned to mist and drifted off to safety. I also encountered a more monsterous version converted from a minotaur just outside the city, in a cave structure. Similarly, we dispatched the creature, but again it turned to mist and fled. If you wish me to speak on behalf of your plea, let me know, and I'll see if I can lend credance.

2009-11-04, 02:52 AM

Elwynn's ears burn when Tonverness speaks up; as she's clearly embarassed at being overheard so easily. Still, hearing his story, she turns to face the newcommer.

"Hmm... what's your name sir? Certainly it would be of use to have additional testimony; and it's good to know at least something more of this threat. A minotaur though? That's... not good."

She then inclines her head back toward Harald.

"Harald... we'll contact this Gold fellow first though... we don't want a bloody pogrom in the streets or anything; but let's keep the church in mind. Much as I hate the notion we may very well need them."

2009-11-04, 02:57 PM

Johann waves back and turns to the others. All things considered, it was a good fight after all, he says.

2009-11-04, 07:03 PM

Joseph nods at the departing noble with a smile. Someone who gives his leftovers to a dog can't be a totally bad guy either.

Picking up on Johann's remark, he replies with a smirk "Yes, a very good joust. Got me into the final round too... Oh you mean our little rat-hacking fest? Well, every fight you live through is a good one. Even better if all parts are still attached though."

Seating himself again, Joseph goes on to dig into his plate of food. His hunger will make it taste extra good.


2009-11-04, 07:15 PM

"Amen!" Varga growls between mouthfuls of food. He manages to wave Lord Osric off; he might have been a blueblood, but he was a good companion at the brawls. Then again, everyone's equal when you're watching a bunch of poor saps tear each other apart for fun.

He looks up at Joseph and Johann after he's halfway through his meal. "Y'all ever heard of this place, Emerseye? I wonder if'n they'll have steady employment."

Keld Denar
2009-11-05, 09:54 PM

My name is Tonveress. I'm not from around here. I came into town for the faire. Unfortunately, I've told you all I know about the creatures I have faced, but if you wish, I would be willing to speak on your behalf, assuming it doesn't interfere with my enjoyment of the rest of the faire. I missed so much of it today.


When is the skywatching supposed to start? I wanted to hit that up!

2009-11-05, 10:27 PM
Knowledge Local: 18 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7262888&postcount=306)

Varga rolls the word around in his head as he nibbles thoughtfully. Emerseye. It sounds familiar to him, somehow. But I reckon I just could have it mixed up with some other place. "A stranger in a strange land..." He murmurs to himself.

2009-11-06, 05:12 PM

I meant both, actually. Johann laughs. I had no idea rats could put up a fight. Can't say I expected it when I entered the tourney.

2009-11-08, 05:18 AM

Elwynn looks at him quizzically.

He doesn't want us to interrupt his festival time!? The city is at stake and... calm down Elwynn; it's not like you can make things happen faster by freaking out.

She offers him a shrug and finally speaks up.

"Well we can certainly try to avoid any trouble until after the faire. That said, this is a dangerous situation - if anyone other than us knows you know... Just be safe. That's all I'm saying. Keep your eyes and ears open.

We should probably set up some kind of meeting place for when you've finished with the festivities - it'll be best if we all arrive as a group; it'll help our case and make anyone involved in the plot more wary of engaging us.


2009-11-08, 07:14 AM

"Yes. You make plans and then life happens. Didn't figure I would end up a knight myself. But it beats being one of the countless casualties of the war, so I don't complain."

2009-11-13, 09:53 AM

Johann chuckles. I had no real choice but to be a knight. Can't say I'm unhappy with it, though.

2009-11-13, 12:17 PM

Joseph looks at Johann over his dinner and quirks an eyebrow.

"No choice? Runs in the family, eh? Guess your old man wants you to 'earn your inheritance'?"


2009-11-13, 05:30 PM

Johann suddenly looks uneasy.
I'm... not sure what does my father want from me. But I am trying to prove my worth in his eyes.

2009-11-13, 06:30 PM

"Well, you'll definitely make it as a ratcatcher, sir." Varga remarks dryly. He snaps up another bite of his meal.

2009-11-17, 01:34 AM

"No offense, but is hardly the glamorous carrer path a noble father would envision for his offspring. Still, a competent warrior needs to be able to deal with all sorts of threats." Joseph remarks with a chuckle.

Eventually finished with his meal, Joseph looks between the other two and asks "Hmm. That sure hit the spot. And good food too. And best of all, it was free. Pity the Iron Star only comes around every 500 years, I could get used to that."


2009-11-25, 09:28 AM

"Hey, don't you go knockin' ratcatching now," Varga scolds, with a wry smile on his orcish face. "My grandpappy Mouler, my brother Borbo, and my sister Borba used to make extra money catching rats." He chuckles softly. "It's good eatin' too -- go tell your pappy that!"

He finishes his plate with a snap. "What's so great about this Iron Star anyway? As far as I reckon, it ain't no better than any other thing in the sky."

2009-11-26, 06:39 PM

"Let's hear it from the bards then. They should know the story."

Joseph doesn't really know that much about the story of the Iron Star himself. As far as he's concerned, it could as well just be an excuse to have a real great festival once half a millenium.


2009-11-28, 11:08 AM

Johann is visibly angered by Joseph's and Varga's comments, but decides to let it drop for now. I admit I don't know too much about it either.

2009-12-01, 08:56 PM
(Sorry about the long haiatus, guys - been busy with Thanksgiving, making a documentary, a brief spot of sickness, and picking up Exalted. Hopefully we can resume...)

Johann, Varga, and JosephThe guardsman at the table takes a pull at his drink. After he finishes, he looks at the group. "Well, I'm no troubador," he says, "but the story I heard is that the Iron Star is the visiting presence of a goddess of good." He leans in close as he speaks, lowering his voice. "She spent centuries in the sky, watching over us, until one of the evil gods scarred her beauty. Now she hides from the world, but still longs to watch it, which is why she appears every five hundred years. That's why none of the wizards can use their magic to see her, they say." He smiles and leans up. "Of course, like I said, the story varies; some tellings say it's a god, not a goddess. Others say that it was demons that scarred her. Some just say it's all bunk, and that the only reason for the festivity is to provide a great day for getting wasted."

Tonveress, Ellis, Elwynn, and MalcomHarold is startled to see Tonveress initially, but at the offer of aid, he calms down a bit. "We've actually got some time before the starwatching," he says. "It's not even dark yet, after all... on that note, what's to be done about the vampires? I don't think the guard captain is a vampire himself; they're not supposed to like sunlight, and I've seen him walking around during the day. Can they control people, I wonder?"

Tonveress, Ellis, Elwynn, Malcom, Joseph, Johann, and VargaThere is a sudden female scream from the kitchen, and then the waitress with orcish features stumbles backward through the entrance, apparently entangled in the arms of a man in the armor of a high-ranking guardsman. The armored figure then drops facedown on the floor and does not move.

Elwynn and MalcomYou recognize this figure to be Captain Tyreus.

2009-12-02, 12:02 AM
((WOOOHOOO! Back in action! <^_^> I was worried the game would be dead for good!))


Elwynn stands, puts her hand on her sword's grip, but does not draw just yet. She steps over to the fallen guardsman and turns him over to see who it is. Seeing that it's Tyreus, she keeps the blade in the sheathe but just barely.

Elwynn leans back to the others.

"This just got very interesting. It's Tyreus..."

Is there any way to know what's wrong with him? Is it the injuries we gave him earlier or is something else wrong?


Thanks Fendrin <;_;> I read to fast and didn't notice the name on the bottom box ><

Keld Denar
2009-12-02, 01:34 AM

Ton looks toward the woman, ready to cast a spell.

2009-12-02, 07:56 AM

The young half-elf leaps up and hurries over to the waitress.

"Are you ok? What did you see?"

OOC: Hey Mist, you missed the last spoiler block in the update... I'm not sure why Ellis didn't recognize him, but Elwynn sure did...

2009-12-02, 12:14 PM

Joseph doesn't quite grasp the relevance of what is happening at first and therefore just sits and watches what all the sudden commotion is about.

"Huh, seems like someone had a bit too much to drink...?"


2009-12-04, 10:10 AM

Johann opens his mouth to say something about the story, but then the armored figure falls flat on the floor. A guardsman, in fact. He quickly stands up from his seat and quickly approaches the man.

2009-12-04, 03:25 PM

"Aw, Hell." Varga growls as he swoops over and kneels beside the fallen man. At first, he tries to listen for signs of breathing and if he sees any sign of life he will attempt first aid.

First Aid Heal Check -- to stabilize the guard if he's losing hitpoints -- [roll0]

2009-12-05, 03:38 AM
The orcish fellow's quick thinking is enough to save the guardsman from death. His body is covered in burns, and his armor has deep gouges where chunks of rock are embedded, melted into the metal. There are also slashes along his relatively unprotected sides. Even though he has been saved from death, it will probably be a while before he awakens.

The waitress looks at the group. "He just appeared out of nowhere, slumped against the wall. I tapped him to see if he was awake, and he fell on me. Sorry about the scream."

The guardsman that came in with the warriors looks down, concerned. "That's the captain," he explains. "Looks like he was in quite a fight."

2009-12-05, 05:47 PM

"Naw, really? 'Looks like'!?" Varga snaps. "Git going and call a medic for your boss! NOW!" The orc slams his huge, meaty paw into the ground to punctuate his command. Dog appears at his side as if by magic, his hackles raised by his master's flaring temper.

2009-12-06, 04:29 PM

Johann kneels next to the guard captain as well.
These don't look like the kind of wounds city thugs would make.
((I don't think that needed a Heal check to determine.))

2009-12-06, 10:57 PM

Elwynn stands in the middle of the group, particularly eying the concerned guardsman.

"I would recommend no one leaving just yet... The situation is more complicated than it looks. I had hoped to have time to gather evidence before presenting things to the upper echelons... but it appears that I don't have that luxury anymore."

Elwynn moves to the center of the room.

"Captain Tyreus there was not wounded in just any fight.

I was hired to pursue the truth as to whether the vampire problem in the city sewers persists, and ascertain whether or not the good captain was now in league with said creatures. Sadly, my employer's suspicions were proven right.

Some of you were attacked today by hordes of screeching vermin from the sewers; some of whom were particularly vile and who's eyes glowed with malevolent crimson. I know this because I not only fought them - I saw who unleashed them to begin with.

Captain Tyreus was in the sewers comporting with some vile creature - a vampire I think though I could not be certain. Unfortunately before I could much I was discovered and forced to fight. As the fight drug on, Tyreus' cohort unleashed the rat swarm, forcing me to flee back up into the city.

As I said - I planned initially to gather more evidence of the conspiracy before presenting my findings; but since fate has forced my hand; it's time people know what's going on down there.

Whatever is happening in the sewers, I believe it to be a threat to this entire city. I didn't want to have to explain it in a situation like this; but to say nothing now would be irresponsible and even more dangerous than the risks of speaking up.

So there you have it. That's how Tyreus got here, and in this state. I admit, he didn't seemed to be nearly as hurt at the time I engaged him - it's entirely possible something transpired between our battle and his arrival here; but nevertheless that's what I know of the situation."

I am so terrible at explaining things <T_T> At least I'm getting to ham it up <'x'> That's not wrong is it?

2009-12-08, 03:59 PM

Johann listens to Elwynn's tale with a stern expression.
So that's when those rats came from. We need to descend to the sewers and put an end to it!

2009-12-09, 08:33 AM

Joseph watches the proceedings and only slowly begins to realize what is going on. And then that woman speaks of vampires in the sewers...

Joseph doesn`t know much about vampires, only that they are bad news.

(*sigh* The work of a knight is never done...)

So he raises from his seat and approaches the small group.

"I donīt know how much help I can be, but if you will have me, well, a knight fights evil wherever it shows up."

I am so terrible at explaining things <T_T> At least I'm getting to ham it up <'x'> That's not wrong is it?
Donīt worry, that was one fine speech. Me likes. :smallwink:

Keld Denar
2009-12-10, 03:09 PM

Ton relaxes a little, but continues watching.

2009-12-11, 01:20 PM

Elwynn turns to Johann.

"I'm glad to hear that enthusiasm - we will need it most assuredly. However, as simple as that sounds - and believe me, I love a simple plan; it wouldn't be advisable. The corridors down there are cramped and filled with potential pitfalls. That's not to say we won't be going down there though... I for one have every intention of seeing those monsters out of this city.

That said, before anyone does anything, we need to see the magistrate. Like I said, I planned to collect evidence before going to him; but since that's no longer an option. Still, we should speak to him first, because if we don't things will get very complicated. After all, Tyreus is still captain of the guard, and it's possible - even probable, that he has other allies in similar high positions."

Elwynn then turns to Joseph.

"I'd certainly be glad of your help as well, you volunteer for a dangerous task - and for that I am immensely grateful."

Elwynn addresses the room as a whole again.

"If anyone here wishes to assist, I will not turn you away. If you have courage, steel, or are just mule-headed and stubborn enough, come with us - first to the magistrate; then to the enemy!"

Feed Me! (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FeedMe) >.>

Yes I am having too much fun with this <'x'> (I never, ever, ever get the spotlight when roleplaying; and when I rarely do actually get it, I usually screw up... I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts hehe <>.<>)

2009-12-11, 11:13 PM

"Courage, steel, and stubbornness... I certainly have all of those. And my father will probably call me mule-headed if he ever finds out about it, so I'm definitely qualified, and willing. Except... I know nothing of fighting vampires. Does anyone here know how to fight them?"

2009-12-11, 11:15 PM

An old beggar raises his head and smiles at Elwynn. "To the enemy?" he queries. "You mean to say the rats? Or is it something else?"

2009-12-12, 05:10 AM
The guardsman goes to run for help at Varga's words, not sticking around long enough to hear the entirety of Elwynn's confession, nor her call to action against the vampires.

The other bum replies to the query of the first one. "I think the young lady means the vampires, if I heard her right. Don't know nothin' about 'em, myself." He takes a pull of his drink, and then scratches at something beneath his vest before continuing. "I mean, there's stories, but that's nothin' to rely on."

Only a few seconds later, the guardsman stumbles back in, pointing out Tyreus to a muscular man in red-and-white priestly vestments, a follower of Kord, judging by the holy symbol around his neck.

2009-12-12, 03:48 PM

You have my sword, says Johann. Then he turns to face the cleric of Kord.

2009-12-12, 06:04 PM

Varga listens silently to the woman's words, his face not betraying any expression except a brief smile at the comment about being 'mule-headed and stubborn'. He is about to say something when the cleric of Kord arrives.

"This is your man, I think," Varga says, gesturing at the prone form of the guardsman. "And I'm ready to stomp the undead straight back into the grave."

Keld Denar
2009-12-13, 02:45 AM

Ton hangs back and continues to observe.

2009-12-13, 10:11 AM

Joseph nods "Between my sword, shield and armour Iīve got a lot of steel to offer. This should make up for any lack of stubbornes."

He does try not to show it but this talk about vampires is not very reassuring. What little he knows (or believes to know) is simply folklore.

And according to that, cold steel alone wonīt save them...


2009-12-18, 03:20 AM

Elwynn turns to the beggar man who asked about the rats.

"No, not the rats. The vampires who sent the little beasties. Why go after a symptom when you can cure the disease?"

I hope this works...

"As for fighting vampires - I am afraid I know little as of right now. However I don't plan to lead us in their blind. Most of us should go speak to the magistrate; and since I seem to have gotten the ball rolling here I'll need to be there as well. However among you who've volunteered; I'd like to ask if anyone is either already knowledgable ont he subject or - more likely, has the academic abilities necessary to give us an edge on our nocturnal foe?

So, who's up for hitting the books?"

sorry for being so late with this ><

2009-12-18, 05:03 AM
An old man approaches the group with a cackle. "Vampires, eh? I've known a few things or two about them in my time. I'd be happy to tag along with you library folk."

2009-12-18, 08:27 AM

Ellis pales, and for the first time, at least since anyone in the room has known him, a brief look of fear passes across his face.

"Uh, it's not that I can't read, it's just that... well, I'm not very good at it. I guess I'll go talk with the Magistrate with you."

2009-12-18, 09:02 AM

"I might not know much about vampires, but I am certain that with two knights of the realm backing you up," Joseph declares, nodding at Johann, "you should find the magistrate actually listening to you."

Joseph smiles at Elwynn, encouraging her to go on with her plan.


2009-12-19, 03:37 PM
"The Academy should know a few things about vampires," Harold points out. "Of course, given their ban on dark magic, we'd have to word our request carefully."

Meanwhile, the priest of Kord kneels over Tyreus and briefly mutters to himself. "He's already been stabilized," he says, turning to the guard. "He should be fine for now. Take him to the guardhouse, and I'll be over in a few minutes."

After the guard is gone, the priest of Kord gives a brief look to Ellis. "Looks like you didn't die after all," he muses. "Good on you! And keep that holy symbol - I have a feeling that your need for Kord's protection has not run out yet."

Heading for the door, he gives a last look to the rest of the group. "Blessings of the Brawler to you all."

2009-12-19, 06:55 PM

"Didn't die? I barely fought. Those rats weren't all that tough. Not compared to what's ahead..."

Looking at Johann, Ellis does a double-take.

He's the one that signed up for the arena and fought just before the rat attack. I seem to be running into the same people all over the place.

2009-12-20, 08:59 AM

"I don't mind paying a visit to the library," Varga says, once he realizes that enough people will be going to the magistrate.

2009-12-20, 10:59 AM

I'll go speak to the magistrate, says Johann. I don't deal with books.

2009-12-22, 11:22 PM

"Alright then. If everyone is ready, we should get to it.

Remember this - until this menace is removed, we must all stick together; no one should be without at least one other person at all times. I may not know a great deal about the capability of vampires; but I know precisely what an enemy is capable of if you give them a shot at your backside; so don't do it!

Be safe, and get to work; we'll meet up here again tomorrow to figure out where we go from here, sound alright?"

2009-12-23, 05:12 AM
The old man nods eagerly. "So who exactly is in which group?" he quavers.

2009-12-23, 09:47 AM

"Lead on, Lady... actually, I don't think I've gotten your name."

2009-12-27, 04:15 PM

Johann rubs his hands. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]Let's not waste time, then.[COLOR]

2009-12-30, 03:11 PM

"Oh, right, my name - I probably should have mentioned that. My name is Elwynn, Elwynn Erynae. As you can probably guess I've been a little pre-occupied to worry about ettiquete of late, so please accept my appologies for not mentioning that sooner. Now that I think of it, I should probably ask your names as well..."

I'm back~ Wooo~~ <.< computer is fixed!

2009-12-31, 11:23 PM

Joseph nods at Elwynn and introduces himself with a bow.

"Very well Lady Erynae, allow me to introduce myself then: I am Sir Joseph, Knight of the Realm. I usually patrol our northern borders to keep the roads safe for travellers. But for something that happens twice a millenium, I hope it is excuseable to take a short outtime to attend to it."


2010-01-03, 09:17 AM

My name is Johann Falkenhayn and I am a knight of the realm as well. Johann gives a deep bow.

2010-01-05, 04:03 PM
(Assuming everyone gets introduced in some manner or another...)

Magistrate GroupThe magistrate's office is located in Emerseye Palace, the illustrious home of King Stephen. It's more than a bit of a walk from the eating-hall, since the tall palace is ringed by the estates of several nobles. Two guardsmen, one wearing a chain shirt, and the other a breastplate, stand at the entrance to the grounds. "What's your business here in Emerseye?" the one in the breastplate asks. The other guard produces a thin amber wand from his belt and stands at the ready.

Research GroupThe Academy's library is often the first (and only) stop for eager researchers. Located safely away from the area where mages practice and develop their spells, the library is a vast and well-secured fount of knowledge. Standing confidently between two vast stone statues at the entrance is an aged gnome. "Welcome to the library," he says, looking up to the group. "I'm afraid you all look unfamiliar to me. Do any of you have a library card?"

2010-01-07, 07:07 PM
Group-wise, are we just going to have people assign themselves to groups then? Or do we want to use the list from the OOC thread? (I'm putting there here rather than there to make sure it doesn't get missed)

2010-01-08, 07:55 PM

The half-orc scratches the back of his head sheepishly as he faces off against the wizened gnome. Liberry card? What in tha name of the thirty-two Hells is that? He thinks to himself. Out loud, he inclines his head respectfully and says, "Ah, sir, I think I left my card back at my... manor," After clearing his throat, he adds, "Do you reckon I could slip inside without one? It's really important."

1d20-2 (Yeah, bluff check. This was here all along! :smallbiggrin:)

2010-01-10, 10:56 AM

"Well met guardsmen. I do not have a great deal of time, and I cannot elaborate in the street; but I come with news most urgent for the magistrate. The threat to the city is dire."

Why do I get the feeling they won't believe me? Still, have to try...

2010-01-10, 03:14 PM
[roll0] (Yeah, bluff check. This was here all along! )

2010-01-12, 03:30 PM

Joseph decides to help Elwynn out a bit.

"Ia m Sir Joseph, Knight of the Realm, and I dare say, her tale is dire indeed. I am certain the magistrate wants to hear about it."

Aid aid aid, aid the nice woman's diplomacy: [roll0]


2010-01-13, 12:31 PM

My companions speak the truth, adds Johann, the magistrate must hear of it at once.

2010-01-14, 06:56 PM
Totally forgot my diplomacy check in the first place >.<


2010-01-15, 02:29 AM
Magistrate Group"All right," says the more heavily-armored fellow, "you've got me convinced. Jez here will escort you there, provided you're willing to let us hold onto any weaponry you've got."

The one in the chain shirt, presumably "Jez," puts the wand away and gives a friendly nod.

Research Group"I'm afraid not," the little fellow proclaims, eyeing Varga for just a few seconds. "Only members of the Academy, or those who purchase a card, are allowed to peruse our pages, as it were. However, if you're after some particular knowledge, I might be able to help your group out. Tell me, what are you intending to research, sir?"

2010-01-15, 08:48 AM

"You want our weapons? But..."

Well, they are trying to keep people safe, I guess I would do the same in their place. I just hope we don't get attacked while we're here. Something tells me that vampires wouldn't have much difficulty getting through here with their weapons. Do vampires use weapons?

He shrugs, then starts disarming himself.

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Take care of these though. They were made by my father, and he'd be very mad at me if I lost them."

OOC: It's amazing what happens when you take a serious look at your character sheet after a long time. Not only did I discover that I had not put the modifier from Ellis' vest of resistance on his saves, but I also rediscovered that he has Favored Enemy (Undead). I have a feeling that'll come in handy!

2010-01-15, 09:20 PM

Varga can tell that the gnome isn't buying his explanations. That's jes' as well, cause I ain't much for trickiness. He clears his throats and straightens up to his full height.

"Well, sir, it's just a triflin' matter. I'm sorry that I'm even having to bother you with this, but we're looking for some information on vampires. I don't suppose you could help us with that?"

[roll0] (Diplomacy Check might help... also, is there anyone else in the research group?)

Keld Denar
2010-01-15, 11:21 PM

Ton pulls the crossbow from his thigh, makes a show of clearing the action, and then hands it, butt first, to the guard.

This should be interesting...

2010-01-16, 08:06 PM

"Thank you - with luck we can avert much of the catastrophe before any serious damage is done. I just hope the magistrate will listen."

Elwynn unbuckles sword belt and hands it, along with the still-sheathed blade, to the guardsman.

"Be careful with that please; it's rather important to me."

Could be a trap... please don't be a trap...

2010-01-17, 07:32 AM

Joseph dutyfully hands over his sword and also remembers his dagger in his boot. Since his lance and crossbow are with his horse at the stable, he is now weaponless.

Except that he can still give somebody a good beating with his fists. Gauntleted fists even.

But it certainly should not come to this.


2010-01-19, 01:26 PM

Johann gives away his sword, also hoping it's not a trap.

2010-02-06, 05:10 PM
Magistrate GroupOnce the weapons are collected, Jez gives a little bow of his head and proceeds to lead the group inside. Past the palace grounds, across the drawbridge, and down a half-dozen halls and passages, Jez takes the group to the magistrate's office. The office is well-appointed, but showing little signs of decoration. The magistrate himself is a man of average height, with hair that's just starting to grey. He appears to be stamping the wax seal of a letter with his signet ring, at which point he looks up at those gathered. "What brings so large a gathering to my door?" he asks casually, placing the letter in a tray and then folding his hands.

Varga... Just VargaThe wizened fellow's eyes narrow for a few moments, as if trying to judge Varga in some way, and then gives a little nod. "Very well," he says. "I'll try and keep it simple. Vampires are creatures that dwell in the dark and feed on the blood of the living. They're hard to kill, because they are very strong, resistant to normal weapons, and heal quickly. They can even change their shape. However, they also have a few weaknesses that you can take advantage of. Vampires are vulnerable to sunlight; enough of it will kill them, and they can't directly attack someone displaying a holy symbol."

After a pause, he asks, "Is that enough information for you?"

2010-02-06, 06:38 PM

Varga beams. "It's a mighty good start, sir. Thank you kindly!" He bows awkwardly for a moment before straightening up. "But I figger I might as well take the opportunity to clear up a few more things that I noticed. In the first part, d'you reckon that there are any of these vampires in the sewers a'neath this city?" As if the gnome needed any help, the half-orc taps his foot into the earth to indicate where the sewers are. "And in the second part, d'you figger that vampires could've controlled them rats that attacked the arena a while back?"

He decides to hold off on actually asking for entry into the library to search for books at this point. The gnome was being helpful (if not a mite reticent) and he didn't want to risk him losing patience.

2010-02-07, 11:54 AM

There is a great evil threatening the city, sir, says Johann. Vampires have been seen in the sewers and they have been directing beasts to attack the fighters and spectators on the arena.

Keld Denar
2010-02-07, 01:23 PM

Ton hangs back and observes.

2010-02-08, 12:34 PM

Elwynn gives a brief bow before speaking.

"It is as Johann says sir. I have seen them, and Tyreus himself is in league with them. I had been gathering evidence covertly in order to present it to you in full; but fate has forced my hand early and so I must bring this to your attention now.

The threat in the sewers is dire; and I suspect I have seen only the tip of the metaphorical iceberg that waits down there."

2010-02-09, 09:40 AM

"It was rats, sir, uh, in the arena. They swarmed up out of the sewer and disrupted the, uh, festivities. Attacked the cityfolk, caused a panic. Rats with red glowing eyes. Definitely not natural. We did our best to keep your folk safe, but I'm sure got hurt in the panic and all."

2010-02-09, 01:55 PM

Joseph nods to emphasis Elli's words.

"Yes, they suddenly swarmed the arena. I myself together with some other stalwart hero joined the fight to drive back the tide of vermin."


2010-02-09, 04:15 PM
Varga"Well," he answers reluctantly, "it was my understanding that the city guard eliminated the vampire problem long before the festival. I hadn't heard very much on the attack in the arena, but from your description, I'd say that a vampire could be responsible for it. They're quite adept at controlling lesser creatures of the night. The question, then, is did the vampire evade the guards, or did it just recently move in?" He frowns and puts a hand to his chin, lost in thought.

Magistrate GroupThe magistrate sits up straighter at the group's words. "I'd heard that something had happened in the arena today; this is grave news. Vampires?" He pauses for a few moments, looking at each of the people in his office. "Vampires... and you say our guard captain was in league with them? That's a very serious charge, of course, but... do you have proof of his doings? It was my understanding that the guards had purged the sewers of vampires - I suppose they might have missed one... I don't know what to make of the rats with red eyes, though; that's new to me."

2010-02-09, 04:40 PM

"You say that guards took care of it?" Varga said. He hesitated, wondering if he should reveal this last part. "Alright, I figger I can trust you." He leaned in and whispered conspiratorially: "Y'know a guard named Cap'n Tyreus? Me and a few of the guys down at the bar reckon that he might be, er, in league with the vampires. It's just a rumor now, but I heard it from some mighty lofty places. He coulda let the vampires get away."

2010-02-10, 03:05 PM

Johann folds his arms across his chest, not happy that he's accused of slander. He's a noble. But he decides to let others, who are both more verbose and have been to the sewers, speak.

2010-02-11, 08:08 AM

"As I said sir; I was gathering evidence before I presented my case... I know full well that it is a heavy accusation to lay. Unfortunately at the moment I have little evidence save my words - I realize asking you to trust me on something so large is a bit much; but I don't see much choice.

Before I ask that of you though let me lay out precisely what I saw down there - it will, at the very least, give your lordship some idea of what is brewing under your streets.

I had been hired to check on the good Captain Tyreus - it was suggested that he was acting a little strangely and that perhaps something was amiss. I personally felt my employer was probably just paranoid; but coin is coin after all, and you can't get a much easier job than following someone invisibly. Unfortunately my employer was rather correct in his assertion...

I followed Tyreus into the sewers, which in places now drip with gore and run with blood - and there I watched him meet with one of the creatures. Unfortunately another man, also following Tyreus though for reasons of his own that I did not have time to ascertain; bungled the whole thing and got himself caught. I, being magically invisible at the time, could probably have just watched the poor fool be gutted; but all things considered I'd rather not have that on my conscience... and to be fair when the vampire summoned the rats - not magically to my knowledge... some kind of trap door or something... well lets just say I was caught as well.

The vampire who summoned the horde of rodents ran off deeper into it's lair, and I, and the other man, fought with Tyreus. He seemed, at the time, to have been in rather good condition for the beating we'd given him... but the rats came and we fled.

Given that the captain of the guard now knew that I knew of his sinister truck with the vampires; there wasn't much choice. I had to act first so that I could make the situation known before he'd have the chance to get me thrown in a cell. It's far harder to get someone to believe you that the captain of the guard is in league with vampires if you're already in a jail cell... sounds a little bit far fetched that way when you've got everything to gain and nothing to lose.

As evidence of my sincerity in this; I'll ask you this: If I were not telling the truth, why would I not simply flee? I'm a sorceress after all, I could be for away from here - moving invisibly if necessary - before Tyreus could ever accuse me. Instead I come to you bearing an unlikely story about a trusted captain. If I had interest in my own safety or freedom, I would be gone - not standing before you with these fine souls in tow, explaining the danger of the moment.


Also - sorry I didn't get this posted yesterday, was a VERY busy day for me <X_X>

Keld Denar
2010-02-11, 01:58 PM

Ton steps forward, extending his hand to the man. Greetings. My name is Tonveress, freelance adventurer. The problem isn't just in the sewers. I felt a little claustophobic in the city during the games, so I decided to take a stroll outside the city in the nearby countryside. While there, me and a couple companions encountered a monstrous vampire, a creature that used to be a minotaur, in a cave just south of the city. Luckily we startled the creature, but one of my companions was hurt by the creature, and it seemed as if his life-energy was sapped straight out of his being! With liberal application of incantation, however, the creature was subdued and fled in gaseous form into a part of the cave we could not persue. To have such powerful advesaries in such proximity to the city, especially while it is over crowded with the fair, and given the multiplicative process of vampire reproduction, I do believe that you sir have a rather dire situation on your hands!

2010-02-14, 10:22 PM
VargaThe little fellow frowns at the half-orc's suggestion. "If that's true," he says gravely, "it's bad news for all of us... however, it may not be that Tyreus is corrupt; did you know that vampires can also sometimes dominate the living with their gaze? If there's a vampire, it could be controlling his actions." Shuddering a little, he says, "Very distressing, either way. I take it, since you've come to me for information, that you and 'a few of the guys down at the bar' intend to do something about it?"

Magistrate GroupThe magistrate listens intently to Tonveress and Elwynn. "Very well," he says. "I can't say I like what I'm hearing, but if what you say is correct, then you may well have saved a number of lives by coming here." He stands. "I shall see to it that the situation is taken care of; Tyreus will be questioned, and I'll consult with the Mages' Academy for a solution to the vampire problem."

Keld Denar
2010-02-15, 12:14 AM

Crossing his fingers before him, Ton replies: The truth cares not that we like it, meerly that we heed it.

2010-02-16, 11:12 AM

"Thank you magistrate; I hope we are fast enough to prevent this... menace... from further threatening our city.

If I might ask, and I speak for no others in this... I would request to join the effort. Bringing this information before you is good; but I have little doubt the fighting will be hard. I may not be the strongest sword arm nor the greatest of sorceresses... but I'm capable, and willing to help."

2010-02-16, 02:38 PM

"I am a Knight of the Realm. Whether I serve by patroling our borders or hunt down undead vermin in the sewers makes little difference to me." Joseph offers, with an encouraging nod to his fellow knight.


2010-02-16, 02:44 PM

The half-orc tries to keep his jaw from dropping at the gnome's revelation. "No sir, I didn't know that." It was nice to know that Captain Tyreus might not have been a bad guy after all. They were from different realms, but they were both watchmen, bold and faithful. That was why he had been so bent on getting a healer for him when the Captain had turned up injured. "See, I figgered he was a decent guy, the whole time." At the gnome's last question, Varga paused. "Well, that's the idea, I reckon. The rest of the gang is down at the mag-- the magister's place, trying to get help."

With the gnome's revelation, he has yet another question. "This vampire power -- can it work on more than one feller at a time? I'm worried that the vampire might have put the whammy on more'n just the Captain. Like maybe the other guards, or..." He frowned. "Or maybe that their mag--er---magistrate."

2010-02-17, 12:05 AM

Ellis nods when Elwynn requests to assist.
"I may only come to this city once a year, but I will put my life at stake to defend it's people."

2010-02-17, 11:22 AM

Johann strikes his chest with his fist. I too offer my sword in the defense of the townsfolk, which is my duty of the knight of the realm.

2010-02-17, 04:52 PM
Varga"There's actually no limit on how many people a vampire can control," he replies. "However, the control only lasts for a few days. The vampire would have to have a way to visit his victims and re-establish control before the duration of the original control expires. Controlling a lot of victims would be complicated, because the more people you control, the higher the risk that the duration on one expires due to unforeseen circumstances." He looks from Varga to Dog for a moment or two, and says, "I suppose we really should discuss this inside, away from any listening ears..."

Magistrate Group"All right," he says. "I'll alert the Academy about this; with any luck, they might have a few items to help you out. We'll need to hurry, though; we need to get this done by nightfall." He takes out a quill and paper and immediately starts writing something down. "If you wouldn't mind heading over, the mages should be aware of the situation by the time you get there."

2010-02-17, 06:32 PM

Joseph looks concerned. "By nightfall you say? Why the hurry?Should we not take time to properly prepare ourselves? Is there something we are missing here?"

2010-02-18, 04:43 PM

I think time is of the essence, says Johann, I don't know much about vampires and similar creatures, but they're likely to strike at night.

2010-02-18, 05:42 PM

"That's good with me." Varga says. In all honesty, he had wanted to go inside from the start, and had only agreed to talk outside because the gnome seemed reluctant to admit him.

With a gesture, he calls to his Dog, who had before then been snoozing between his legs. Irritated, Dog follows Varga into the library.

As they walk, Varga thinks up more questions. "I know it's a mighty imposition, but I don't suppose you could help me figure out a way to put paid to a vampire. You mentioned that sunlight can kill them, but from the way the folks back at the bar were talking I just know they're gonna want to go down into the sewers to fight the blasted thing. Is there any sort of weapon or spell I could find that would put a vampire down hard?"

Varga wants to gather up all the information he can so that when he regroups he can supply his comrades with buckets of information.

2010-02-19, 06:19 AM

Elwynn nods to Johann.

"Agreed. While I need to recover my magics before we engage them; the faster we prepare ourselves the better. After all - every minute we delay is a minute they prepare; they can probably guess we'll be coming for them... they may even be fully prepared."

With that she turns to the magistrate and sketches a brief salute.

"Thank you again for listening sir. We'll head to the Academy presently."

Keld Denar
2010-02-19, 06:33 AM

Having spoken enough for the time being, Ton follows the others wordlessly.

2010-02-20, 07:59 AM

Seeing that they are apparently done here for the time being, Joseph also just heads for the academy with the group.

2010-02-20, 12:07 PM
Magistrate Group"One thing I learned during the previous attempt at vampire eradication is that they can't tolerate sunlight; at night, though, they can walk around freely. Obviously, killing the vampire would be much more difficult after the sun has set." As the group moves to leave, he continues writing.

Outside, the group sees a tall, dark-haired man of roughly middle age, likely a noble, judging by the finery he wears. "My apologies," he says in a rich, baritone voice, "but I couldn't help but overhear your predicament. You see, I've recently become aware of the problem in the sewers as well. If you intend on taking care of the problem, I might be able to assist you."

JosephYou recognize this man as Enian, the travelling arcanist.

VargaThe inside of the library is a gleaming repository of knowledge; a few arcanists are poring over tomes in silence, not paying attention as Varga enters.

The gnome speaks softly within the library, indicating that Varga should do the same. "As a matter of fact, the Academy has knowledge of methods to do exactly that. However, it's still not easy: a vampire is resistant to damage, heals quickly, and has supernatural powers. To get past its resistance to damage, you need a weapon that is both magical and made of silver, its rapid recovery can be supressed with sufficient battle damage; its suite of powers are a separate issue entirely."

Walking past a display case, he says, "Its dominating gaze can be negated by the presence of a mirrored or reflective surface. Brandishing a holy symbol can prevent a vampire from touching you. Last, but not least, a wooden stake driven through the vampire's heart will immobilize it entirely, allowing you to finish it off for good."