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2009-06-11, 08:31 AM

Kael, Earth Geomancer of the high elves

The power of nature is vast and limitless, and geomancers know that just as much as any other nature-worshipper. While the druid and ranger borrow their powers from nature, geomancers can harness this power at will, albeit to a lesser extent. Their connection to nature grants them power over the lands and seas, such that they are able to command the land itself to aid them.

Other Classes:

Game rule information
Geomancers have the following game statistics.
Abilities: A high Charisma score makes a geomancer’s invocations harder to resist. Good physical stats are needed for any geomancer focused on combat. A high dexterity is useful in order for a geomancer to aim his nature’s blasts, and a good constitution score is also useful.
Alignment: Any neutral.
Hit Die: d8

Class Skills
The Geomancer's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wsi), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex).
Skills Points at 1st Level: (6 + int) x 4
Skill Points at each additional level 6 + Int

Hit Dice: d8

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Invocations known

+2|Nature’s blast 1d6, least invocations, terrain mastery|1

+3|Flawless gait, terrain sense|1

+3|Nature’s blast 2d6|2

+4|Home field 1/day, nature’s armour +2|2

+4|Nature’s blast 3d6, terrain mastery|2

+5|Familiar territory, lesser invocations|3

+5|Nature’s blast 4d6, nature’s resilience|3

+6|Home field 2/day, nature’s armour +3|4

+6|Nature’s blast 5d6|4

+7|Terrain mastery|4

+7|Nature’s blast 6d6, greater invocations|5

+8|Home field 3/day, nature’s armour +4|5

+8|Nature’s blast 7d6|6

+9|Hide in plain sight|6

+9|Nature’s blast 8d6, terrain mastery|6

+10|Dark invocations, home field 4/day, nature’s armour +5|7

+10|Nature’s blast 9d6|7

+11|Nature’s all-seeing eye|8

+11|Nature’s blast 10d6|8

+12|Avatar of nature, home field 5/day, nature’s armour +6|8

Class Features

Weapon and armour proficiencies: The geomancer is proficient with all simple weapons, light armour and shields (but not tower shields). In addition, they are proficient with the shortsword, longsword, greatsword, throwing axe, handaxe, battleaxe and greataxe.

Invocations: A geomancer has a repertoire of attacks, defenses and other special abilities known as nature’s invocations, which allows him to channel the powers of nature . A geomancer may use any invocation he knows at will.
All invocation rules follow the same set of rules for a Warlock (Complete Arcane p5). A geomancer gains special bonus invocations based on his terrain mastery class feature.

Nature’s blast (Sp): At 1st level, a geomancer may channel a small portion of nature’s power, releasing a blast of pure energy to damage its foes (and depending on where it is used, crippling them). The damage of this ability starts out at 1d6 and increases as the geomancer gains levels. A nature’s blast has a range of 60 feet. It is a ranged touch attack that affects a single target, allowing no saving throw.
A nature’s blast is subject to spell resistance, although feats like Spell Penetration and other similar effects apply to it. A nature’s blast deals half damage to objects, golems and undead, things devoid of nature’s energy. Metamagic feats cannot improved nature’s blast (since it is a spell-like ability, not a spell), but the feat Ability Focus increases the DC for all saving throws (if any) associated with it by 2.
The spell level of a nature’s blast is dependent on the nature’s essence applied to it (see the Nature’s Invocations section for more details).

Terrain mastery (Ex): At 1st level, a geomancer chooses a kind of terrain to become familiarized with. Whenever he is on his favoured terrain, he gains a certain number of bonuses, referred to collectively as his terrain mastery bonus. He also gains a bonus nature’s essence depending on the type of terrain selected. This is in addition to the amount of invocations he receives by leveling up and does not count towards the limit of invocations he knows.
The terrain mastery bonus consists of a +1 untyped bonus to attack and damage rolls (even on nature’s blast damage rolls) and a +1 circumstance bonus to Climb, Hide, Knowledge (Nature, Dungeoneering and Geography), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Survival and Swim checks.
At 5th level and every five levels thereafter, a Geomancer selects a different terrain for his terrain mastery ability. In addition, all bonuses granted by this ability increase by 1, and are cumulative with itself. Thus a 5th level geomancer who has selected Forest and Underground as his favoured terrains gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls and a +2 bonus to the above skill checks whenever he is in a forest, jungle or underground.

Available terrains for selection:

Aquatic|seas, oceans, lakes
Desert|badlands, sandy desert
Forest|forest, jungle
Marsh|bog, moor, swamp
Mountain|hills, mountains
Plains|farmland, grassland, steppe, prairie
Skies|clouds, flying under an open sky
Underground|dungeons, caverns
Volcanic|lava, volcanoes

For planar campaigns or campaigns taking place entirely in one environment (such as material from the Planar Handbook, Stormwrack, Sandstorm, Frostburn etc.), more specific terrains can be added. The information below is taken from the Ultimate Classes wiki, and credit should go to whoever wrote them.

Material (Stormwrack) (Sandstorm) (Frostburn)
Sea: Beach Terrain, Tidal Marsh, Coral Reef, Ice Floes, Open Water, Sargasso, Kelp Bed, Ship's Deck.
Desert: Badlands, Barren Waste, Evaporated Sea, Glass Sea, Petrified Forest, Volcanic Terrain.
Artic: Cold Gate, Everfrost Terrain, Frostfell Marsh, Frostfell Mountain, Frozen Sea, Glacier Terrain, Ice Field, Iceberg Terrain, Skyberg Terrain, Snow Field, Taiga Forest, Artic Tundra.
Planar (DMG-190)
by Characteristics: Fiery Plane, Weightless Plane, Cold Plane, Shifting Plane, Aligned Plane, Cavernous Plane, Temporal Plane, Magic Plane, Energy Plane, Fluid Plane, and Other Plane.
by Domain: Astral, Etheral, Shadow, Abyss, Arborea, Baator, Celestia, Elysium, Hades, Limbo, Mechanus or Beastlands.
(see Adventuring On Other Planes, page 147; see Plane Descriptions, page 151; see Creating a Cosmology, page 162). (See Chapter 5: Campaigns and Chapter 6: Characters in Dungeon Master Guide for definitions and samples of these environments).

Flawless gait(Ex): At 2nd level, a geomancer masters the ability to navigate his favoured terrains. While on one of his favoured terrains, the geomancer suffers no impairment to movement from difficult terrain (this does not extend to abilities that duplicates the effects of difficult terrain, such as a knight’s vigilant defender ability). In addition, while on one of his favoured terrains, he leaves no trail and cannot be tracked unless he so desires.

Terrain sense (Ex): At 3rd level, a geomancer becomes more attuned to nature. He gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature, dungeoneering and geography) rolls.

Home field (Su): At 4th level, a geomancer has learned to access his favoured terrain, wherever he may be. Once per day, as a free action, he may treat the area within a 30-ft radius burst centered on him as one of his favoured terrain (chosen upon activation). This ability lasts for 1 round per caster level. He gains an additional use of this ability at 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th level.
At 8th level, a geomancer’s home field radius increases by 10-ft.
At 12th level, the home field’s radius increases by another 10-ft. The duration for this ability is now in minutes per caster level.
At 16th level, the home field’s radius increases by another 10-ft.
At 20th level, the duration for this ability is now 10 minutes per caster level.

If an enemy is not within this radius and not on one of a geomancer’s favoured terrain, he may not apply any nature’s essences to his nature’s blast against that enemy, as normal.

Nature’s armour (Ex): At 4th level, a geomancer learns to use the natural cover his favoured terrain provides. Whenever he is on one of his favoured terrains, a geomancer receives a +2 circumstance bonus to AC. This bonus increases by 1 at 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th level.

Familiar territory (Ex): At 6th level, a geomancer becomes more alert to danger while on his favoured terrain. Whenever he is on one of his favoured terrains, he gains his terrain mastery bonus on all initiative checks.

Nature’s resilience (Su): At 7th level, whenever a geomancer is on one of his favoured terrains, a geomancer gains a bonus equal to his terrain mastery bonus on all saves against extraordinary, spell-like and supernatural abilities.

Hide in plain sight (Ex): At 14th level, a geomancer is able to make a hide check while on one of his favoured terrains, even when observed.

Nature’s all-seeing eyes (Su): At 18th level, nothing can make itself hidden on one of a geomancer’s favoured terrains. He gains the ability to pierce through all kinds of concealment and invisibility, as long as the creature employing such tactics happens to be on one of his favoured terrains.

Nature’s Invocations

Below are a list of all of a geomancer’s invocations and where they can be found. New invocations will follow right below this.

Nature’s essence invocations: Invocations that modify the damage or other effects of the geomancer’s nature’s blast are called nature’s essence invocations. Unless noted otherwise, nature’s blasts modified in this manner deal damage normally in addition to imparting the effects noted in the invocation description. Only one nature’s essence may be applied at a time, though it can be used in conjunction with a blast shape invocation. The save DC for a nature’s blast modified by nature’s essence is either 10 + 1/2 geomancer level + Cha mod or 10 + spell level of blast shape invocation applied + Cha mod, whichever is higher.

Blast shape invocations: Invocations that modify the range and/or area effect of a nature’s blast. Only one blast shape may be applied at a time, though it can be used in conjunction with a nature’s essence.
Essentially, you can learn all of the blast shape invocations that a Warlock can learn.

Least Invocations

Breath of the Night: Fog cloud as the spell. 1st level. Complete Arcane (CArc) p132.
Devil’s Sight: See normally in darkness and magical darkness. 2nd level. CArc p133.
Earthen Grasp: Earthen grasp as the spell. 2nd level. CArc p133.
Endure Exposure: DM p80. Except no mention of breath weapons.
Miasmic Cloud: Cloud of mist grants concealment and fatigues those who enter. 1st. CArc p134.
Swimming the Styx: Gain swim speed and breathe underwater. 2nd. Complete Mage (CMage) p124.

Blast Shapes:
Eldritch Glaive: DM p82.
Eldritch Spear: Blast range increases to 250 feet. 2nd level. CArc p133.
Hideous Blow: 1st level. CArc p134.

Lesser Invocations

Ignore the Pyre: Resistance to acid, cold, electricity, fire or sonic for 24 hours equal to caster level. 4th level. Dragon Magic (DM) p82.
Fell Flight: As the fly spell (self only) for 24 hours. 3rd level. CArc p134.
Stony Grasp: Stony Grasp as the spell. 3rd level. CArc p135.
Weight Utterance: DM p82.
Voidsense: Gain blindsense 30ft for 24 hours. 4th level. CArc p136.

Blast Shapes:
Eldritch Chain: 4th level. CArc p133.

Greater Invocations

Aura of Flame: 6th level. DM p79.
Caustic Mire: 4th level. CMage p123.
Chilling Fog: 6th level. DM p79.
Chilling Tentacles: Evard’s black tentacles as the spell. 5th level. CArc p132.
Nightmares Made Real: 5th level. CMage p124.
Wingstorm: 5th level. DM p81.

Blast Shapes:
Eldritch Cone: 30-ft cone. 5th level. CArc p133.
Eldritch Line: 60-ft line. 5th level. DM p82.

Dark Invocations

Caster’s Lament: 8th level. CMage p123.
Energy Immunity: 8th level. DM p80.
Impenetrable Barrier: 7th level. DM p82.
Instill Vulnerability: 7th level. DM p81.
Path of Shadows: 6th level. CArc p135.

Blast Shapes:
Eldritch Doom: 20-ft radius burst. 8th level. CArc p133.

New Invocations

Nature’s essence invocations: A list of all the nature’s essence invocations and their associated terrain.

Contortion (Mountain): The target of this blast must make a Fortitude save or suffer 1d3+1 Constitution damage.
Ice Beam (Arctic): The blast deals cold damage and the target must make a Fortitude save or be frozen solid for 1 round. If a frozen target is physically attacked before it thaws, it suffers an additional 6d6 cold damage and is flat-footed until its turn.
Magma Surge (Volcanic): The blast deals fire damage and the target must make a Reflex save or catch fire. If it does round catch on fire, it takes 2d6 fire damage per round. The duration of this ability is 1 round per 4 caster levels.
Noxious Fumes (Marsh): The blast deals acid damage and the target must make a Fortitude save or be poisoned. The poison does 2d6 acid damage per round. The duration of this ability is 1 round per 4 caster levels.
Quicksand (Desert): The target of this blast must make a Fortitude save or be slowed for 1 round.
Stampede (Plains): The target of this blast takes an additional 4d6 bludgeoning damage and must make a Fortitude save or be knocked 5-ft per 2 caster levels.
Tanglevine (Forest): The target of this blast must make a Reflex save or be immobilized for 1 round, after which it is entangled for 1d4+2 rounds. If it succeeds on its reflex save, the target is only entangled for half that amount of time. It can make a strength check or an Escape Artist check (DC = DC of the blast) to break out of the entanglement.
Torrent (Aquatic): The target of this blast must make a Fortitude save or take 1d6+1 Strength damage.
Tremor (Underground): The target of this blast takes an additional 4d6 bludgeoning damage and must make a Reflex save or fall prone.
Wind Slash (Skies): The target of this blast takes an additional 2d6 slashing damage and must make a Fortitude save or start bleeding. It takes 5 points of bleeding damage for 1 round per 4 caster levels.

I'm sorry about the lack of fluff. My muse is not with me at the moment. I would, however, very much appreciate any comments on the class' power level, fun level (especially important) and the balance of the nature's essence abilities. I am aiming for a tier 3 class, with the nature's essence invocations falling into the power level of lesser invocations. Many thanks!

2009-09-21, 07:15 PM
I think this class is interesting. It is quite literally a nature version of a Warlock except the various class features could probably be used anywhere except in a city.

One thing, When and where can nature's essence modifications be used? Do you get them at first level or is it a capstone ability? are they restricted to use in the type of terrain? It didn't really seem all that clear to me though it would make sense if it was that way.

Another thing, What the heck is Avatar of Nature?

yes I know this is idea/thread necromancy but I was looking for either a remake or an edit to the original Geomancer Prestige Class. But your changes seemed interesting enough to me.