View Full Version : Phoenix Requiem

2009-06-12, 02:36 AM

A Victorianesqe story drifting towards fantasy, by Sarah Ellerton. With really great art and a very... feminine feeling. By that I mean that the author has given more thought to the presonalities and psychological motivations of her characters than most men really care to. Also, I like the dialogues, the language is very appropriate to the setting.
Anybody reads it?

2009-06-12, 04:43 PM
Yes. The story is interesting and the art is truly great. Before, Ellerton completed Inverloch (http://inverloch.seraph-inn.com/) which had nice art already but if you compare both you'll see the progress she made, moving away from the generic (but quality already) manga style to a quasi photo-realistic one. She's also drawing Dreamless (http://dreamless.keenspot.com/), also worth a look (though at the moment I type this message, it's down).

2009-06-12, 07:58 PM
I read this regularly, but I must admit that Ellerton's strengths lie much farther in art than they do in writing; in fact, if the art wasn't as good as it is I probably wouldn't read it. I see what she's trying to do with the dialogue, but it's at times ham handed and painful, though mostly it's too unspectacular to comment either way. She's getting better at this; Inverloch was, in my opinion, almost unreadable. I started it several times, hardly able to get past the first chapter, but I kept hearing about it so finally I muscled my way through it. It got better, but not much; it was mostly just readable.

Her art is, in some senses similar, only moved up a few notches. When it's good it's spectacular, but every so often there's a glaring flaw that I can't seem to stop looking at. She also tends to exaggerate facial expressions to nearly the point of comedy, but I think that's more because of the aforementioned writing problem than an artist failure.

So, yes, very flawed but exceedingly nice to look at and still somewhat compelling is how I find it.

Edit: Dreamless isn't very far along, but I like it a lot so far. It's absolutely beautiful and, though I don't care for the expositional style presented so far, it's still quite good.

2009-06-13, 02:00 AM
On the one hand, that was incredibly creepy. On the other hand, it was pretty cool.