View Full Version : I need an artist. Dunno if you can help.

2009-06-12, 09:39 AM
Apologies if this is in the wrong section, but as I'm not quite an artist and this isn't quite a commission, I felt this was a better place.

I need an artist. I'm going to make a webcomic. And this seems like a good place to ask, or at least to ask for help on finding what I'm looking for. Which is:

- Someone capable of doing background work. I know that many artists are good at backgrounds or people and not both; obviously there needs to be some quality for people for just about any standard comic, but I have storyboarded a few shots and I know I'm going to need someone who has the ability to do backgrounds well.

- Someone capable of working regularly. The most successful webcomics I know of all update at least three times a week. That is my goal. Stability picks up readers, instability costs them, so I'd rather not do an 'update as I may' schedule.

- Someone who does not have an art style which bears a very close resemblance to the popular - or if it does, they are very good at it. Part of getting a name is being distinctive, so I'd like to stay away from styles that bear a real close resemblance to medium-grade Shonen Jump art, OotS-style stuff, etc. The art needs to be eye-catching, and that can be accomplished either through sheer quality or an aspect of the artwork that is highly unusual.

I'll add more if I think of them.

Here's what I have in mind for this:

- Urban fantasy. (See: 'The Anteheroes'). This is a realm I have some experience with; my website details my first attempts at web publishing, the quality often varied as did my schedule, but I picked up a lot from it, and I've had a few years. This would in fact be a revisit to the same universe, only with a few more years of thought and experience and a better ability to plan ahead since less plot ground gets covered in a webcomic update than in a decent-sized text update. There'll be a certain amount of wit, but I have a rather serious outline constructed.

- 'Comic page' format (Dr. McNinja, Questionable Content, Order of the Stick) as opposed to newspaper strip (see: Penny Arcade, Sluggy Freelance). Feel it advances a bit more plot per update, allows bigger chunks without a punchline.

- I want to make a large backlog before we even begin posting; for starters, I'll need to revise my website properly, take down what's already there and make room for the newborn. It doesn't help that I've forgotten a bit about the site and I don't know jack about PHP. I'd like us to make a two week backlog so we have time to revise and deal with RL problems.

- I will be doing stick figure storyboarding and written scripting a lot. I fully expect and hope that anyone I work with would be just as willing to shove back on the writing. Most really great two-person teams don't strictly stratify the roles.

So yeah. If any of you are interested, know someone who would be, or have good, specific places to look? Would love to hear from you. I apologize if this sounds harsh or anything like that to anyone. Thanks!

Mr. Mud
2009-06-12, 09:47 AM
Firstly, I think this is in the wrong section, but no matter, he who slings guns will move it soon enough, I suppose :smalltongue:...

Now, on the art, I can't really help you there, but I do know professional (would you pay them? If not at first, eventually?) artists that are unbelievably gifted, and depending on the pay/workload/storyline/how well I butter them up, I could probably get one or two to help you out.

The PhP, however, I can help with. Not very regularly, but I've good for forums, just a little smaller for this one, and they take most of my time... and now that it's summer, I'm not sure how much I'm going to be home, but if you need any PhP help, I'll give you my best :smallbiggrin:.

I hope this works out, as it seems intersting... Count me in as a reader :smalltongue:.

All the best.

2009-06-12, 09:55 AM
Pay... would be goodfaith. I'm not very strong on money (by which I mean my wallet and I are not on speaking terms) and would like to run this as a donation and merchandising basis until we have enough to begin printing. Money would go first into website upkeep, then be split pretty evenly. The medium-term goal (since it's definitely not short-term) is to build up a name and reputation as leverage.

Mr. Mud
2009-06-12, 09:59 AM
Pay... would be goodfaith. I'm not very strong on money (by which I mean my wallet and I are not on speaking terms) and would like to run this as a donation and merchandising basis until we have enough to begin printing. Money would go first into website upkeep, then be split pretty evenly. The medium-term goal (since it's definitely not short-term) is to build up a name and reputation as leverage.

Ah okay. Well I mean, coding isn't really all that hard, so I'd work probono, but I'm not sure if my friends, as nice as they are, would have time/energy to add a another project, for free, on the side... I'll definitely will talk to them...

2009-06-12, 10:00 AM
I appreciate the coding offer. Someone else wrote the PHP redesign for me originally, but I've forgotten passwords and it was originally a site design optimized for text. I could really use the retooling a lot. I never got back into personal web design after about 96, so I still find CSS scary and new, even if I did do -that- particular update myself.

Mr. Mud
2009-06-12, 10:07 AM
Okay, I'm not sure how often, I can actually help you out, but I;ll get started soon... PM me the URL when you're ready :smalltongue:.

2009-06-12, 10:13 AM
I might be able to give it a try. I'm not that good, but I'm better than nothing. Well at least I hope I am. Anyways I could just fill in untill you get someone better.


2009-06-12, 10:18 AM
Okay, I'm not sure how often, I can actually help you out, but I;ll get started soon... PM me the URL when you're ready :smalltongue:.

Oh, sorry. It's http://www.theanteheroes.com/. I thought I still had the URL linked in my sig and not just the banner... I don't need anything complicated, I like a basic black and gold style that's functional.

I might be able to give it a try. I'm not that good, but I'm better than nothing. Well at least I hope I am. Anyways I could just fill in untill you get someone better.


You got any samples? And I appreciate the offer. :)

2009-06-12, 11:15 AM
Here's something I whipped up really quick.http://i383.photobucket.com/albums/oo272/Gourtox_comic/someguy2-1.jpg

2009-06-12, 11:31 AM
I appreciate the offer, but I think I'll pass. It's a little too jagged and oekaki for me. Thanks for the kind thoughts, though. :)

2009-06-12, 11:36 AM
Hmmm...can you give me a sample script (PM it or post it here)? I'm willing to take a shot at this, but I'd need to see what I'm doing first.

Also, any preferences as to style? Is simplistic/stylized okay? Do you want something more realistic?

-The Djinn

2009-06-12, 07:19 PM
Simplistic is cool as long as you are able to go detailed when a story demands without it feeling incongruous.

Fr. ex: Here (http://sluggy.com/images/comics/090611a.gif), we have panels where there are no details in the background; they're unnecessary to the story there and setting up the tone of the scene. Not quite the same trick here since I'm planning on using a larger canvas than Sluggy does, but it's the same principle applying. I think in general I tend towards something that's going to be more consistently eye-catching, so it really depends on how you stylize.

Two storyboards and their accompanying comments. Yes, I know my 'sketch' is terrible. Having a broken mouse doesn't help. :P

2009-06-14, 12:53 PM
Guess they felt it did need to be moved. Up!

2009-06-14, 01:05 PM
Kruznil, I'm actually interested........

2009-06-15, 05:37 PM
...Kruznil? *confused*

2009-06-15, 11:12 PM
It's just a series of letters that carries no meaning...........

2009-06-16, 07:52 AM
Hmm, do you have anything inked (digitally, or otherwise - just not so sketchy) I could look at?