View Full Version : Land of the Dragon - IC (Party 2)

2009-06-12, 08:01 PM
You all arrive to the village of Eterna the afternoon before the summer Equinox. The first building you run into is, based on the wooden sign that hangs over the entranceway, The Eternal Pub. The building is rather old, and looks like it could use a serious maintenance job. Depending on how observant you are, it may not even have caught your eye, had it not been for the note pinned to the door. The note, which stood out due to how new and crisp it was, compared to the ratty door, read as follows:

I have made arrangements for anyone responding to my invite to stay here free of charge tonight. Please meet me at my place midday tomorrow.


Please read the OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=114661) before posting IC. Thanks!

2009-06-12, 08:32 PM
Cornelius Bright

A short, dusty elf in a blue robe arrived in Eterna, walking towards the center of town. He blinked and almost ran into a sign before realizing that it was in front of him. When he saw that it had writing on it, he moved closer, straining his eyes to read it.

Cornelius read to himself aloud absentmindedly, "I have made arrangements for anyone responding to my invite to stay here free of charge tonight. Please meet me at my place midday tomorrow... Thamior..." When he realized the implication of the message, he narrowed his golden eyes suspiciously.

What is he trying to pull? Is he delaying in order to lay a trap for me? Does he intend to spy on me during the night with these "arrangements" he so casually spoke of? Or maybe he just wants to torment me one more night with this insatiable curiosity in my soul. I'd avoid an obvious setup such as this... if I had any money to spend elsewhere that is. Bah! Very well, I'll play his little game for now.

With that resolute decision and other dark thoughts in mind, Cornelius stumbled through the door of the tavern, dripping with pessimism, as always.

2009-06-13, 12:29 AM
Derick Kastellon

An attractive human man of average height and build approached The Eternal Pub.

Eternal?, he smirked, his voice dripping with derision. How could a dilapidated dung heap like this come with that moniker. Looks like it's about to fall down at any moment. His face, first a sneer, quickly changes to a jovial smile as he notices two young ladies passing by. Steady old chap, mustn't let the patrons see you acting rudely. Bad for business that is. Well... whatever business can be drummed up in a place like this. I just hope whatever Thamior has in store will be more worthwhile then the few coppers I might earn here.

Realizing he was sneering again Derick Kastellon, Master of Song, blanked his face and quickly entered the common room.

2009-06-13, 07:42 AM
Gyrdin Fleetfoot

The halfling arrived in Eterna early in the morning, spent some time re-aquainting himself with the area, making sure to memorise the locations of easy targets; before at midday, he started to get hungry. I'd better find a place to eat.
After looking around for a while, he reached The Eternal Pub, and saw the note. Free of charge, eh? I hope that includes free food. I'm starving he thought, and entered the pub, one hand in his pocket, holding Shame, "Just in case anyone tries anything stupid", he told himself.

2009-06-13, 12:18 PM
Nahrent Laeonius

As the light blue glow faints from Nahrent...
"Ugh, where am I..."

Nahrent had just been teleported from his prized city thanks to a favor an old friend owed him after a lost bet.

I should really try to get used to that feeling if I'm ever gonna master teleportation, thinks Nahrent as he shakes the nausea off.

It's been so many years, I can't wait to see that old geezer again. Ok, I think a good first step would be remembering where he lives. Wait! he never even told me; and I never even came here before!

"The local tavern should have the information I need", he says out loud without realizing he's talking to himself.

As Nahrent enters the city, he quickly spots the good old tavern.

Eternal Pub, what a cheesy name...
Oh, what's that note?

"Alright... free inn stay!", he says in an expression of joy as he reads the note.

Ummm, I wonder how many guests that alchemist has, I guess bringing all that equipment wasn't such a bad move

Nahrent steps in the tavern, almost instantly forgetting his worries and thinking instead of the pint he'd be savouring in a moment.

2009-06-15, 04:28 AM
Derzhul Doomhand

A cloaked behemoth stands
Of orcish stature
Clad in cloth from strange lands
Silent in the Eternal's shadow
Unmoving, like a carven menhir looming
Over all who pass by the tavern's doors
Be they nobles or whores
Still he stands, watching sure
For those outlanders his saviour'd said
Would soon come hither, by quest's note led

2009-06-15, 11:21 AM
The inn is an average joint, with a dozen or so customers in the place, which looks as though it could hold up to sixty or so, if needed. A dwarf seems to be taking orders and running back and forth to the bar to fetch drinks. In the corner, a narrow staircase runs up to a second floor.

2009-06-15, 01:11 PM
Cornelius Bright

Cornelius looked around the dimly lit inn, not sure where to go. He stood at the entryway for a while, trying to decide what to do, before deciding to talk to the dwarf who seemed to be running things. He walked over.

"Excuse me sir- ah, I'm a fr- acquaintance of Thamior's and I need a room for the night, um, to trance. It's, ah, free, correct? Then I could also use some food, and ah, that should be all." He stumbled through the conversation but eventually reached the point.

2009-06-15, 01:42 PM
Derick waited for the apparently addled elf to make his inquiry, noting with curiosity when the name of Thamior came up.

Well now. Seems like this reunion might be a little more crowded then I first anticipated. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. I'm not the only assistant that Thamior had over the years

Now that the elf was finished, Derick shifted his attention to matters at hand

Good sir dwarf, it would appear that I, as well, am in need of lodging. I've also come at the behest of Thamior, though it would do me the honor of supplementing whatever payment has been arranged already by entertaining your guests tonight in the common room. By your leave or that of the owner, should that not be you, of course.

I would also appreciate a mug of your house ale, and as I'm certain Thamior did not pay in advance for our gratuity here's a few extra silver to ensure my mug stays full tonight. Singing is thirsty work after all!

Slipping the coins into the dwarf's hand, Derick turns with a practiced flourish of his colorful cloak and takes a seat at a table along the wall where he can see the the door and the stairs as well if possible.

2009-06-16, 07:30 PM
Nahrent stepped in and chose a table close to a window, so he could have a view on what's going on outside.

He waited not even a minute before the dwarf came to take his order.

"How's life my good man? I'll take a pint of your finest ale. Oh I just remembered, has Thamior ever released that special ale he was concocting?"

"Aaaaah so you're a guest of the alchemist then, yes of course he did, and it's by far the finest brew we have here lad."

"This is perfect, here's a few silver for your trouble, and I'd like to have the key to my room."

He smiled as he received his beer along with the key.

2009-06-17, 01:46 PM
The looming leviathan
Swathed in serpent-whorled grey
Turns toward the tavern
His cloak in the breeze a-swirl
Green fingers on chalk does curl
On his bound board does burn
A Common missive that does say

"Greetings, my good man
Thamior invited me
But have no money,
I--- thus with woodcutting
My food be paying"
And this to the barkeeping dwarf he gives
Then silent stands again, tusks sharp as shivs

2009-06-17, 01:55 PM
"Well hello there my good fellow!" he moved over and sat by the bar. "I couldn't help but overhear that there were friends of Thamior about. I have been known to make his aquaintance, and I believe he's payed for a free stay here. Now, what have you got to eat?"

2009-06-19, 07:38 PM
In response to the inquiries about the accomodations for the evening, the Dwarf speaks up. The Innkeeper be upstairs, in his room. He don't like ter talk ter people, unless he be getting bookin's from 'em. I take care o' tha food and drinks down here. Walking over to the group, he wipes off a table, which looks as though it had some sort of body fluid on it. Pulling up some chairs, he speaks again. Have yourselves a seat, why don't yer.

All of a sudden, he seized up, as if realizing something for the first time. Now, now, that's not a funny thing ter be saying. Yer shud really be a lil' more 'spectful, the way people be upset and panicky.

2009-06-20, 11:33 PM
Cornelius Bright

Cornelius found an empty table in a corner and sat. Then he realized he hadn't ordered anything yet. "Um..." he started to say, but the dwarf started talking to someone else. In the end, he decided to just sit there for a while and hopefully the dwarf will notice him and come over to take his order.

2009-06-27, 11:14 AM
As if I'll be talking at all... Derzhul silently grumbles as the massive orc gingerly lowers himself into one of the chairs proffered, the wood creaking dangerously under the enormous warrior's weight.

Within his cowls, his great brows rise in incredulity and puzzlement at the dwarf's latter words but before the mute could scribble a question, the barkeep is already out of arm's reach. Heaving a sigh that mists the air about his face, the one once known as "Doomhand" in his bad old days turns his scarlet sight upon the ones also seated at that table with him...

...all the while steepling his fingers in front of him, patiently waiting, his trusty chalk and board easily engulfed in his great green hands, only a sliver of his writing materials showing.