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2009-06-13, 02:02 PM
Everything has been going smoothly the past few months. Perfectly. The two lords (Arien and Darus) have been fighting openly, both properties plummeting in value. Still little news on Haren Mall, but her network of spies have been working busily. She sits in her private chambers, wiling away the time. One of her servile imps flies in.
"Mistress, there is a messenger at the door. He wishes to speak with you, in person."

2009-06-13, 02:39 PM
Andora looks up from her large, darkwooded desk; she'd been examining the shipping contracts she had with a company in Port White, and had decided that they were charging entirely too much. She may have to go and negotiate in person: It seemed people rarely managed to stand up to her in person. She smiles slightly and drums her manicured nails on the table.

As the imp enters, she puts the contracts in a drawer and nods briskly, remaining seated. "I shall receive him in the lounge, Teremis." Her cold eyes flick over the imp's small and irritatingly visible form. "And you know you are to remain invisible at all times on these grounds; I have mortal servants, after all, and even the most devoted mortals may accidentally mention something to interested ears."

Not even waiting for a response to her reprimand, the air seems to twist around her and she is abruptly and comfortably seated in the downstairs lounge. She gets up smoothly and pours herself a glass of red wine from the exquisite crystal carafe on the sideboard, then turns to the to the door of the room. Her telepathic 'voice', as arresting and clear as her verbal one, stretches back to Teremis. You may have him shown in.

2009-06-13, 02:59 PM
A man walks into the room... or at least you think he's probably a man. He stands at over nine feet tall, easily, tall and lean but not at all well toned. He wears rugged, casual, wrinkled cotton clothes, and smiles in a toothy grin. He looks to be about 50 years old, with white, balding hair, barely anything on top of his head, and leathery skin. Large glasses sit on the bridge of his nose. "Hello there." He steps forward confidently and hands Andora a note, then walks out without a word.

To the illustrious Mz. Andora-

In order to commemorate Mr. Mall's recent acquisition of Messrs Arien and Darus' lands and the renewed tranquility and prosperity thereof, a small fete will be held two weeks from now, on the 4th of Sundas. While Mr. Mall will undoubtedly be unable to attend, being at White Crag on business with the lord there in order to regain amity between the elves and himself, you are cordially invited to attend as our honored guest and representative.


2009-06-13, 04:29 PM
Andora looks at the note and seats herself. She looks at the note again. It was a possibility she'd considered, of course, that someone else would acquire the property, but she had expected warning.

She continues to read the note as the red wine in her glass spontaneously bursts into sparkling flame and burns away. Her eyes narrow, and her piercing telepathy reaches out to her assistant Valarian. She sounds displeased.

You are to join me in the lounge immediately.

She sucks in her cheeks as she waits and considers her next move.


Do we know who this "Brock" fellow is who signed the invitation?

2009-06-13, 06:25 PM
You never even knew Brock was used as a name, let alone someone with the name.
Seconds later, Valerian appears in the room. While normally there is a bare hint of arrogant insolence in his eyes, a twinge of fear runs through him, subtle but plain to see. He tries to cover it up by speaking confidently, failing. "Yes, mistress?"

2009-06-13, 11:42 PM
Andora looks levelly at him. "What type of spies do we have at our disposal, Valarian?" She holds up a single, manicured finger. "That was rhetorical; I will tell you what type of spies we have at our disposal. We have the type that can't even warn me when this is about to happen."

With a flick of her other hand, she sends the invitation spinning towards the falxugon. "The land didn't even go on the open market. I have had agents monitoring this man for at least two months and they caught not a hint of so massive an undertaking as negotiating the bilateral disarmament of two hated foes, then purchasing their land out from under me?"

She pauses for a moment, and her voice gets quieter in manner that somehow has nothing to do with volume and everything to do with the fact that she can suck the life out of sentient creatures with her bare hands. "I am not yet displeased with you, but I need the following things attended to with the utmost skill and swiftness. I need an exhaustive guest list of this party. I need you and our agents to investigate who this 'Brock' is."

She purses her lips. "But, immediately, I need you to retrieve the man who delivered this just a moment ago, and tell him your mistress has further desire to speak with him. He shouldn't even be off the grounds yet. It is a humiliating move... One, unless I miss my guess, that they knew we would take."

She rises and pours herself a glass of wine to replace the one that combusted, and she stretches her telepathy out across the manor again. Orien and Ellora? Lounge.

She turns back to her assistant and runs a finger around the rim of her glass.
"I believe that someone is mocking me, Valerian. And I do not like being mocked."

2009-06-14, 12:36 AM
Valerian listens intently. If he could sweat, he would be dranched by now. When she is finished, he nods and sprints out of the room after the man.

Orien and Ellora walk into the lounge, disguised as two beautiful, fiery, identical but otherwise ordinary humans, longswords strapped to their belts and weapons slung across their backs. They both nod, far less emotional than Valerian.

If you'd like, you can have em with rifles rather than crossbows. Far more posh, far more respectable- it's all the rage in high-end security.

2009-06-14, 12:56 AM
Ooh, I'll take the rifle models, if you please. And I sort of pictured them as a male and a female, if such a concept really applies to the Erinyes in any functional way. Their disguises can vary, at least.

Andora nods to them. "Nothing serious. I simply want you near because I don't know what this man is capable of." She waves a hand. "You may play cards or otherwise amuse yourselves, if you like."

She takes a sip of her glass. "I also expect you to notify me telepathically if my guest is in any way unusual to your magical senses, of course."

She waits either for the messenger or an exceptionally nervous Valarian to re-enter the room.

2009-06-14, 01:13 PM
Ok! They'll each have +1 fast reloading keen rifles of speed. It's a +4 equivalent enchantment. Here's the lowdown.
exotic weapon
1d12 base damage
17-20/x3 critical
150 range
reloads as a full-round action, reduced to standard action w/ rapid reload: rifles (now a free action with fast reload enchantment)
Functions as a ranged touch attack.
Considered adamantine.
So, it's pretty powerful. I just thought it needed to be feat-worthy.:smallcool:

Also- in my cosmology, erinyes are female only. Kindof like a baatezu equivalent of a succubus, but more warlike and tempt with things other than lust. GOD has spoken.

The two women nod, and then go off to do whatever.
Several minutes later Valerian pops in, unattended. He seems at a loss for a moment, gesticulating strangely, then finally speaks.
"Em... the messenger... I couldn't find him."

2009-06-14, 02:26 PM
Andora narrows her eyes. "Of coursssse."

"It seems to me, Valarian, that I will be a poor representative of this 'Brock' if I do not know who he is, yes? One would think they would at least meet us halfway. Get me that guest list and any more information."

She smiles and adds telepathically, And a scroll of scrying, though it may not make a difference. I shall be in my chambers.

She sweeps out of the lounge and retires to her bedroom, contemplating the large mirror on her wall. If they knew anything about her, which they certainly seemed to, they knew she'd try this. The question was, then, how they would have prepared for it: Either they would let her see what they wanted her to see, or they wouldn't.

2009-06-14, 11:52 PM
Valerian nods, and hurries out of the room.
So, what's this mirror? You haven't finished your installments detailing the house yet.
Also, feel free to ask any questions right here in the thread so as to not clog up my PM box.:smallsmile:

2009-06-15, 12:07 AM
The mirror is a required arcane focus for Scrying; I figure that Andora would have one around anyway, because a) spying is good, and b) she is very vain. :smalltongue:
I'm pretty much just going to try and scry on the messenger; gotta know who sent the message and decide if they're friend or foe.

2009-06-15, 12:36 AM
Then the question is.... who are you going to scry? Brock, or the messenger?

2009-06-15, 01:12 AM
Hmmm. Well, I was reading the description of Scrying (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/scrying.htm), and I didn't know if she had enough of a connection with Brock to try and scry him directly. Heck, it's worth a shot, though either or both may be well warded.

I'll revise my direction to Valarian; bring a few scrolls of Greater Scrying, and a few scrolls of Message.

2009-06-15, 01:22 AM
So... you have no means of scrying but with scrolls, and you'll wait until he gets back to do this? Okiedokie...
Actually, you should have a stockpile of scrolls. Go ahead and write up a list of a bunch of scrolls you'd have knocking around.
Anyhow, you're going to scry on both Brock and the messenger? Anything else of note?
Soon after Valerian leaves, one of Andora's imp servants flies into the room, well invisible.
Haren Mall just bought out both pieces of land you were eying, and is holding a banquet to celebrate two weeks from now.

2009-06-15, 01:37 AM
I'll have that list of scrolls (and potions, I suppose) done tomorrow. And I'll send you the info on the second floor. Yaaaay!

Andora rolls her eyes. "A valiant effort at competence. Your next exercise in cudgeling useful information out of this miserable plane is to find out if I'm invited to that little soiree. By him, specifically." She waves a dismissive hand and spends some time pacing, then has the servants prepare a warm bath.

She reclines in the water and broods.

2009-06-15, 01:46 AM
Awww, aren't you just the sweetest. So what now?

2009-06-15, 11:48 AM
Well, first, there is much brooding. Andora has been thrown into a situation in which her information has collapsed and she has little to no idea what is going on. Couple that with the fact that someone may know enough about her plans to mock her about this new turn, and she is not a happy lady.

Erm, and to clarify, my impression at the moment is that the invitation did not come directly from Mall, but from a third party ('Brock'). Is that correct?

She probably has some parties of other people to go to, and I imagine one of the hot topics will be Mall's land puck-up. Mostly, however, I think she needs to just wait for her intelligence networks to yield results. She can try the greater scrying now, because that would be one of the scrolls she'd have a few of.

Andora stands in front of her massive mirror and organizes the few scrolls before her. She looks up and, in a moment of self indulgence, adjusts her hair slightly.

Looking back down, she takes one of the scrolls and unfurls the thick parchment. "Who do we try first, hmmm?" she muses. "This elusive Brock."

She starts to read in a clear commanding voice.

I seem to remember you wanted to do the rolling? Anyway, a scroll of greater scrying would be a DC 34 UMD check, so requires a roll of 4 or higher.

The will save modifiers are here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/scrying.htm). I imagine Brock gets either a +10 or a +5 to his save, unless the invitation counts as one of his possessions.

In any case, the "base" will save DC would be 32 off a sorcerer scroll, which makes the most sense to buy.

2009-06-15, 01:45 PM
The mirror begins to fog, and then it clears, and you see... the messenger. You notice that he was walking before the scrying, but now he is standing still on one of the streets of Port White, the crowds surging around him. He looks up, directly at you.
"Why, Mz. Andora, I presume. If you would like to see me, I'd really prefer to do it in person again."

2009-06-15, 01:57 PM
Andora smiles and clasps her hands. Paradoxically, she feels in control again.

"Of course. I'm afraid you deftly eluded my assistant when I tried to all you back." She raises an eyebrow. "Would you join me for dinner this evening? I'll have the kitchen prepare something extravagant and marvelous."

2009-06-15, 02:36 PM
The man (Brock) smiles and shakes his head. "I'm afraid I'm quite booked for the day." He raises his head, and ***** an eyebrow. "Then again, I suppose I could make some time for one such as yourself. I would love to join you for dinner."

2009-06-15, 03:07 PM
Andora laughs and waves a hand. "Oh, you flatterer. I'll have it prepared for seven o'clock, then. I shall look forward to your company."

Unless her has anything further to say, she dismisses the spell and returns to her study downstairs, ringing a chime to summon the butler.

"I'll be joined this evening by a guest. We shall take our dinner in the small dining room." She considers. "We will begin with carrot and coriander soup, then move on to a small salad of marinated and grilled greens. Our main course will be a peppered beef tenderloin accompanied with a foie gras parfait, and we will conclude with some of the sorbet I believe we have in the icebox. Please have it prepared by seven."

She begins to write notes on a larger menu, preparing her thoughts if she was expected to actually host this party in two weeks. "That will be all."

2009-06-15, 03:09 PM
[Skip ahead to the dinner?]

2009-06-15, 03:12 PM
[Let's do the time warp agaaaaaiiiiinnnnn!]

Andora waits for her guest in the small dining room, dressed spectacularly in white. With a small flick of her fingers, the candelabra on the sideboard ignites itself obediently.

2009-06-15, 03:37 PM

I remeeeeemmmmberrrr
Doing the Time Warrrrp-
Those moments Whennn
The blackness would hit me
And the Void would be calllliinnnnng....
The Time Warp Again....

I just couldn't help it. Love that movie.:smallbiggrin:]

At 7:18, Brock walks in to the manse. He's wearing the exact same clothes as he was earlier that day. One of the servants guides him into the room, and he smiles, nods and seats himself. You realize too late that the chairs are built for a creature far smaller than him, but with some quick, practiced contortions he seems quite at ease in the smaller chair. "So, just us then?" His strangely endearing, goofy looking grin has yet to be released.

2009-06-15, 04:10 PM
Andora's eyes crinkle slightly in good-natured amusement at the man's contortions, and she waves a hand to signal the servants to begin the meal.

"If you'd like, we can have a larger chair brought down. It's no trouble at all." She drags a silver spoon through her soup and brings it to her lips, sipping.

"Yes, I thought it preferable. My assistant has been panicking all day trying to gather information on you, actually, and though he'd normally join us, I think he'll undergo a brief, punitive exile this evening."

She looks up at her dining companion. "So, Messire Brock, perhaps you could enlighten me as to the specifics of this party? If I am, after all, intended to be somewhat dignified, knowledge is always a good place to start."

2009-06-15, 04:30 PM
The man waves his hand and shakes his head. "I'll be fine."
He chuckles at your statement, and then replies, "Oh, it's just like any other banquet. We've already smoothed everything out, all we ask is that you make an appearance, maybe say something, look nice, shake hands... the usual."

2009-06-15, 04:40 PM
Andora smiles brilliantly as she finishes her soup. "Ah, well, all of those things happen to be particular talents of mine."

She waves for the next course to begin, and decisively bisects a grilled vegetable with a casual flick of her knife. "Tell me, I've extended a number of invitations to Mr. Mall and never been graced with his presence at my own events. Why now and why me, Mr. Brock?"

2009-06-15, 04:44 PM
Brock shrugs. "I've never been privy to Haren's reasonings, only his decisions. I suppose you'd have to ask him."

2009-06-15, 05:09 PM
Andora raises an eyebrow. "I hope that was more than simple rhetoric." She puts down her silverware and crosses her hands, her tone turning businesslike. "I'd be honored to participate in his celebration. As a favor in return, I request three things: A guest list for the party for my own information, a description of any particular comments you'd like me to make, and a meeting with Mr. Mall when he returns from his negotiations at White Crag."

She returns to her vegetables. "Does that sound reasonable?"

2009-06-15, 05:30 PM
Brock chews his food, wipes his mouth, and looks over to you.
"The first will be easy. Of course. I will deliver it in person tomorrow.
As for the second, Haren has made it very clear that he would like you to do whatever you see fit. However, in the penumbra of his wording that I have learned to understand over these years, what this means is... he's testing you. If you please him, excellent. If you make a fool of him, that's not good. My advice is, just make sure everyone knows who is really hosting the banquet.
Now, the third is far more complicated. Haren is a very busy man, and I am only his humble servant. All I can promise is that I will do what I can to allow you a meeting with him, but if he does not decide to- and I see no reason why he shouldn't- then I can do nothing about it. Is that fine?"

2009-06-15, 05:38 PM
Andora smiles at the man. "It's good enough for me. Are you expecting to use my home, or have other arrangements been made?"

She waves the entree forward and carefully tries a bit of the foie gras. "Mm. Delightful! I have a new chef that's using a great deal of her native elven technique in her cooking, hence all the vegetables. Imagine my pleasure that they have wonderful recipes for meat, as well."

2009-06-15, 06:01 PM
"Oh, no! Not at all. It will be hosted at a predetermined area between the two plots of land."

2009-06-15, 07:03 PM
"Ah, how very civilized." She continues to enjoy her entree. "Now, it seems as if she's actually used a halfling approach to the beef; how interesting. I find that it contrast the goose most wonderfully, wouldn't you agree?"

[The rest is dinner table conversation. Andora has nothing else specific to say to Brock, really.]

Here's the list of magic supplies. Most are stored, unless I otherwise specify later, in Andora's private suite.

Undetectable Alignment
Deeper Darkness
Dispel Magic (CL 10)
Fireball (CL 10)
Greater Invisibility
Cure Serious Wounds
Detect Magic
Nondetection (CL 10)


1st level:
Protection from Good x5
Protection from Chaos x5

2nd level:
Invisibility x2
Protection from Arrows x2
Touch of Idiocy x2

3rd level:
Arcane sight x2
Protection from Energy x3
Speak with Dead x1

4th level:
Crushing Despair x2
Lesser Globe of Invulnerability x1
Restoration x4
Sending x3
Modify Memory x2

5th level:
Dominate Person x2
Feeblemind x2
Mind Fog x1
Prying Eyes x2
Wall of Force x1
Dispel Good x1
Dispel Chaos x1

6th level:
Antilife Shell x3
Chain Lightining x1
Disintigrate x2
True Seeing x2
Undeath to Death x1
Blasphemy x1

7th level:
Ethereal Jaunt x1
Forcecage x1
Finger of Death x1
Spell Turning x1
Destruction x1

8th level:
Demand x1
Incendiary Cloud x1
Mind Blank x3
Iron Body x1

9th level:
Meteor Swarm x1
Shapechange x1


Cure Moderate Wounds x3
Cure Serious Wounds x3
Haste x3
Water Breathing x1
Barkskin +5 x2
Shield of Faith x2

2009-06-15, 07:18 PM
After a few minutes and it has become abundantly clear that Andora has nothing more important to say, Brock gets up. "Excuse me, but I have a terribly important appointment that I simply must attend." He bows, excuses himself, and leaves.
Throw in a scroll of wish and the above looks good. So, what now? Anything you want to do, or shall we instigate another time warp?

2009-06-15, 07:37 PM
Andora shrugs and completes her meal, communicating her compliments to the chef. She calls in Valarian and explains what happened.

[Aaaaand now it's timewarp time. (You're spaced out on sensation,/ like you're under sedation/ Let's do the Time Warp agaaaaaaaain!)]

2009-06-16, 12:59 AM
The next morning, Andora is interrupted in her breakfast by the doorman. "Excuse me, madame, but there is a group of men at the door... they claim to be from an "Armed Guardian" something or other, and certainly look the part, and want to discuss... security matters with you. Shall I let them in?"

2009-06-16, 07:27 AM
Andora looks surprised, but nods as she finishes her breakfast in the second-floor salon. "I wasn't expecting anyone but Brock this morning." She sighs. "I'll receive them here; when Mr. Brock arrives, please show him directly up."

She makes her way up to the salon, musing about who exactly her surprise guests might be. Orien, Ellora, I'd have you meet me in the salon, please.

She has a maid set out some more fresh fruit and chilled juices as she waits.

2009-06-16, 02:57 PM
The doorman leaves for the door, then returns with three well armed men. "The Armed Guardians, ma'am." He bows, and leaves.

2009-06-16, 05:27 PM
Andora pours tea for herself into a delicately-crafted china cup and seats herself, looking at the three men. "Good morning, gentlemen. I confess myself a little confused about your purpose here; you wanted to speak with me about security?"

Orien, Ellora, I await your surely imminent arrival with interest. Use the door, not teleportation.

2009-06-16, 08:30 PM
One of them steps forward. "Andora, I presume? We were hired to guard you on your way to Haren Mall's banquet. Were you not aware of this? If our information is incorrect, then both your and our time has been wasted. But if what I said is true, then prepare for departure. The sooner we get you there, the happier all of us will be." At the same time, Orien and Ellora enter the room, awaiting your instructions.

2009-06-16, 08:53 PM
Andora raises a perfectly formed eyebrow, but continues to sip her tea and remains placidly seated, in pointed contrast to the man's energetic brusqueness. "I am Lady Andora. And who might you be, my friend?"

She gestures smoothly to Orien and Ellora. "As you can see, I have adequate personal protection already." She looks the two identical and deadly-looking women up and down. "More than adequate, I dare say. However, if Haren saw it fit to retain you, I'm sure you can be of use."

She finishes her tea and delicately sets it on a side table. "There will be a great deal of private security at the party; after all, the most influential people will be there, and they'll all have their own bodyguards. You three can monitor the event as a whole as it progresses and keep me apprised of any unusual personages or occurrences."

"The party itself is in two weeks," she says with dry amusement. "I hardly expect that we need to set out now." She smiles at the three and waves a casual hand at the food on the sideboard. "Help yourselves to some fruit or a beverage, by the by."

2009-06-17, 05:23 PM
These are totally the PC's, aren't they. [/rhetorical]

Mercenaries who show up unannounced and are rude to important people inside their own homes and post after interminable periods... It couldn't be clearer. :smallbiggrin:

Don't worry, I won't give them special treatment either way. If they continue to be particularly belligerent, though, I was planning on making good use of Charm Monster; you may want to think of how to describe that without saying "you've been charmed," I suppose.

2009-06-17, 05:32 PM
Isn't it so obvious, though? Anyhow, we're waiting on them before we continue. And totally use charm monster on them. Use it now if you want. I know how to do that really well- I pull it on my players all the time.

2009-06-17, 05:34 PM
Has there really been no response to my last post? Man... I feel like I should at least let them prove they're narcissistic idiots* before charming them into line.

*Distinguished from Andora in that she is narcissistic, but distinctly not an idiot. :smallbiggrin:

2009-06-17, 05:40 PM
Two people have responded with "let the third do the talking." He's on right now and I just PMd him, but he still hasn't posted.

2009-06-17, 05:47 PM
Aaah. Sadly, I have to go for now... Hopefully, I'll be back later tonight.

2009-06-17, 11:35 PM
I had to get one of the other players to take over for him.
Oh, and by the way- the players are whining about how they aren't doing anything right now, etc. They haven't at all guessed that they're standing in front of the villain. In fact, one of the other groups thinks they're facing the villain right now, when it's just a minor encounter. Highly amusing.

One of them, a goblin, steps forward. "A fireball kills two just as easily as it kills one, Andora, and whomever wants you dead could easily be among the guests." With that, he walks over and grabs an apple from the table. He then gestures to a man decked out in plate mail. "Don, would you explain the value of our assets to the lady?"

The man presents himself. "Well you see, milady, our group specializes in security detail and we have resources beyond what these... ladies can offer. All three of us here are trained professionals highly skilled in the field of personal protection. Xerik is a very talented stealth specialist, able to scout our routes and look for dangers from afar. Rockhound, our little green friend here, is a master of unarmed combat and a skilled hand-to-hand bodyguard. I, the leader of our little group, am knowledgeable in matters of the supernatural and shall protect you using my eldritch abilities. I also have a small force of, um, 'special' bodyguards willing to give their... 'lives' for you. So as you can see, all of us have practical skills well suited for this mission."

Wouldn't it be fun if you proved to them just how good your personal guards are?:smallamused:
Naturally, you really shouldn't if it's not in character, but, nevertheless...

2009-06-17, 11:59 PM
Funny you should say that; I'd been planning a little demonstration if they got uppity.

Andora's eyes narrow slightly as the goblin addresses her informally, omitting the title "lady." She listens impassively to the armored man ("Don") and considers his words silently for a moment. After a few seconds of silence, she picks her empty china teacup up again and runs a finger around the gilded rim. "Ah, yes; the private sector, offering for-hire security services to the wealthy and the high-profile clients who may need their help. Sometimes, after all, our own security forces cannot handle the challenges they may face." Abruptly, and with a smooth flick of her wrist, she sends the small teacup spinning amazingly quickly towards the center of the room.

There are four fast, percussive 'bangs', and a small cloud white dust replaces what was, milliseconds ago, very fine porcelain. It takes a few moments to realize what happened; in fact, the three eventually realize that the two identical women had unslung rifles from their shoulders and each taken two precisely aimed shots at the small cup, reducing it to flying powder before it could travel even two feet.

Andora remains placidly seated, continuing her thought in a quiet but commanding voice. "I assure you, this is not a case in which Orien and Ellora are inadequate. I reiterate that my personal detail is quite to my satisfaction; however, if Haren saw fit to hire you, I will not send you away." Her striking eyes looks them each up and down, addressing them by the names that Don used. "I'm afraid we've rather began on the wrong foot, gentlemen. Don, Xerik, and Rockhound, it is my pleasure to meet you. Please have a seat. I'm expecting one of Haren's assistants to deliver a guest list at some time this morning, and we can wait for him together while I get a clearer idea of your strengths."

She motions to plush, vacant chairs around the room. "Tell me; are you comfortable dressing formally and mixing with high profile guests? Have any of you worked security for parties before?"

Charm Monster was cast when she used each of their names. That's a DC 31.

And now they feel like they're developing their characters, instead of just sitting. Everyone wins! :smallamused:

2009-06-18, 12:26 AM
But they won't get uppity now that you've charmed them...:smallfrown:

2009-06-18, 12:35 AM
They're PCs, they'll mange uppity anyway. :smalltongue:

I'm sure they'll figure it out OOC pretty soon, and then either A) carefully keep OOC and IC knowledge separate and allow things to progress as normal, or B) find a reason for their character to get suspicious and take the opportunity to attack Andora swiftly while she's not prepared.

Little do they know, she's always prepared. (Unless they have {spell name omitted out of paranoia}... hopefully at that point, she'll have warmage levels...)

Oh, and a question: how does the legal system work? Is it independent of the political rulership of the merchant lords? Is it hopelessly corrupt? Is it the merchant lord who owns the land on which the incident occurs?

2009-06-18, 12:43 AM
The merchant lord who owns the land. And please, tell me the spell. Trust me, I won't tell the players. Or if you're afraid of the players reading this and if they are and I suspect so they will rue the day they joined this game, then please PM it to me.

And yes... PCs will be PCs.

And why take levels of warmage? Wouldn't just straight sorceror work better? Though I can understand a dip into warmage for the warmage edge so you can kill a guy with one magic missile with your massive intelligence score.

2009-06-18, 12:44 AM
Oh, by the way-

Oh, and is it just me, or does she seem very villainous right now?:smalltongue:

2009-06-18, 12:55 AM
The spell is Mind Blank. Friggin' Mind Blank. :smalltongue:

I chose warmage for the spell list and the fact that it pretty much compliments her lack of ability to kill besides doing an insane amount of damage with Vampiric Touch. I haven't ruled out Sorcerer, but her insane UMD should shore up most spells that will be occasional utility, and she's pretty much got enchantment nailed down, so Warmage seemed like a solid choice for the destructive flexibility it offers.

Either one has Charisma synergy, which is really the important thing.

re: seeming villainous-
You know why she seems villainous? Because she just pwn'd your punk a$$ with a freaking teacup, that's why! :smallbiggrin:

2009-06-18, 01:09 AM
Oh. Well, yah, mind blank, but you forget that the PCs won't be able to cast that for the next 5 freaking levels.
But really... Andora just doesn't strike me as the warmage-y type.
And technically, it was Orien and Ellora who pwn'd them.:smalltongue:

2009-06-18, 01:32 AM
One of the men, the elf, Xerik, speaks up. "I believe you misunderstand us, Ms. Andora. You see, we're not common bouncers to be dressed up and placed in view. We're professional warriors whose job is to provide for your safety; not to be mingling with guests or what have you."

2009-06-18, 12:44 PM
The man in full plate speaks up. "Xerik, this isn't the badlands and you're not running around on your own anymore. As long as we are under contract we will defend Ms. Andora as she sees fit, not as we do, unless of course she asks our opinion. Meaning if she wants us to blend in rather than stand at the gates swords drawn and undead aflame then that is what we'll do."

He turns to face his employer as he walks around the room. "As a point however, what are your intentions for my life-impared assistants. Without a specific task to accomplish they have a tendency to seek me out, I'm not entirely sure why."

He thinks for a moment before continuing. "If you would like them to they'll do all the work of normal porters, except you don't need to feed them, and since I'm working here anyway, I'll offer them at a discount rate."

As he finishes his offer he returns to his seat and takes another mouthful of the overly sweet drink.

The goblin, Rockhound, steps forward. "My expertise comes more from disrupting such parties and bypassing most traditional bodyguards." While he says that, Rockhound assumes a battle stance, obscuring himself from view. After a moment, he comes back out of his stance, and smiles, saying "Xerik, however, looks just as sharp in regal attire as his tongue is when he speaks."

"Oh I'm sure he does" says the Don, finishing his drink with a satisfied sigh.

Standing again he walks towards one of the armed women. Making sure to have his hands open at his sides, with palms forward to show he isn't meaning it as a threat. As he gets within two arms distance he motions towards the gun. "If I may."

2009-06-18, 01:13 PM
Forgive any crazy errors in this post, I'm typing it from my phone...

Andora smiles thinly at Rockhound's comment. "I should hope so; never in my life have I met a more intransigent employee." She tempers the comment with an amused sparkle in her eye.

She nods to Ellora to turn over the rifle for Don's examination, but speaks to him nonchalantly. "If, in your inane circomlocutions you intend to refer to undead, I will have none of that. They are not welcome at the party, and I will brook no arguement."

She waves a hand to Orien. "Please find me Valarian, I have need of him." The. Woman nods silently and leaves as Andora turns back to the three. "you have convinced me that you three will never properly fit into a crowd, so I congradulate you on getting your way after all." The skin around her eyes crinkled slightly as she smiles. "You will spend most of the evening around me, though I may dispatch you to deal with any issues that may arise. I imagine this should be an adequite showcase for your much-vaunted talents, should they be necessary."

A handsome, dark-haired and well-dressed male elf enters the salon with Andora's other guard and nods deferentially to her. Andora waves a hand from him to the three men. "Don, Xerik, Rockhound, this is Valerian, my personal assistant. He'll take your measurements and pass them on to my personal tailor so you can have appropriate clothing for the party; I hold my servants and security to a high personal standard, and you three are no different."

2009-06-18, 03:35 PM
Rockhound shakes his head. "Yes, my friend is referring to some undead, and despite his wordiness, I'm afraid there won't be an argument, unless you've found a way to reason with undead. I should add that their reputation is their only annoyance since Don figured out how to keep them clean, save, well...." here, Rockhound smirks, remembering his early days with the warlock well, "the fact that we've yet to figure out a way to be rid of them all, for more than a few hours at best. The ogre is particularly persistent. Haren would've been well informed of this detail when he made contact to hire us."

Xerik speaks up. "Would it not be simpler, Ms. Andora, to have our armors glamored so as to fit in with the crowd, so that rather than actually spending the time and money to outfit us like dandies, we would just look the part instead? That way, though we may look completely ineffective in combat and generally useless for anything, we won't actually be so, in the circumstance that danger arises."

Upon hearing Xeriks, comment, Rockhound adds "ndeed, in our line of work, it is unprofessional to ever be unarmed. That's what makes us an necessary addition to your entourage. Ellora has already failed this basic test of the business. It seems your current security forces are best suited for handling the dishes."

After that last comment, well... have fun, buddy.:smallbiggrin:

2009-06-18, 05:55 PM
Oh, that is so it. Unless one of them manages to remember who the **** they're talking to, she'll either have them fired or killed... I haven't decided yet.

Also, don't Erinyes carry longswords as well, making the comment particularly cheeky?

I'll wait to post here until you're online and can confirm that no apology was made... This "two-thread" thing is tricky.

2009-06-18, 10:54 PM
Awww, curses. One of them apologized. Seriously, though, I was telling this guy about how stupid he was being, and he was talking about how "oh, she was so rude first". I don't care if she was being rude, she's powerful and rich and could have you killed.
However, if you'd like to fire the rude one, be my guest. He deserves it.:smallwink:


Examining the weapon, completely convincing in his pretence that he knows what the hell he's looking at.

"An excellent piece of weaponry" he states as he returns it to it's owner. He then turns to his companions, taking care to to turn his back to the elderly woman, his tone far more serious than it has been so far today.

"Xerik if you do not wish to follow the rules of our employment then walk away now. But if you decide to stay you keep a civil tongue at all times, regardless of whom you are speaking to. If this is too difficult for you then we will have problems. Am I clear? And you Rockhound, will you please refrain from insulting our employer's personal guard, whom we will undoubtedly be working closely with over the coming weeks."

Returning his gaze to their employer he keeps his tone formal, but loses the forcefulness immediately.

"While I would prefer my undead to remain with me you are the client, and as such it is your decision. If I may make one request however, rather than simply contain them, which could lead to unforseen consequences, perhaps they could be set to a menial task, well away from yourself of course, that would set their mind elsewhere so to speak.

He pauses for a half second to compose his words. And with regards to our armaments, I am well versed in the art of concealing them from view, both for defensive purposes, as well as to keep up appearances when necessary. I am certain that with careful tailoring both parties can be completely satisfied in this matter."

He falls silent, readying himself for the inevitable rebuttal.

2009-06-18, 11:33 PM
Please point out that Andora is "timeless," not elderly. She's old enough to have plausibly built up one of the most profitable commercial empires in the world, but remains very beautiful. You can link them to the image I showed you a while ago here (http://eletrostars.blogtv.com.pt/img/Image/Eletrostars/2007/Julho/michelle_pfeiffer.jpg).

Ellora and Orien both tense up at Rockhound's flippant comment; as Ellora shifts, it becomes apparent that she was, in fact, still armed with a longsword strapped at her hip. However, both of the guards don't act on his words. They simply turn their heads slightly to look to Andora, though Ellora accepts her rifle back from Don with the briefest of nods.

The stunning woman listens to the three men in turn, and the muscles under her smooth skin tighten. Her face is an impassive mask, as she looks statuesque in the truest sense of the word. With a slight rustle of her white gown, she slowly rises to her feet.

"Don," she says slowly and softly with an edge in her tone, "your professionalism and respect is much appreciated. I will be certain to commend you to the owner of Armed Guardians, who will be joining me for lunch today." Her cold eyes flick over to Valerian and he nods silently. Even if she wasn't meeting with the man before, he would drop everything and arrive at Lady Andora's earliest convenience.

Andora turns to Xerik and Rockhound, letting Don off the hook. "Your disrespect and insubordination are appalling. I will continue to retain you to solely based on Haren Mall's recommendation."

The corners of her mouth twist lightly downward. "As you say, you are useless without your armor. As such, we'll simply shine it so that you can retain that thin veneer of self-respect to which you must cling." Her voice doesn't raise in volume, but becomes more tense, and simultaneously hypnotic and frightening. "From this point forward, the laxity that I tolerated in your address and mannerisms will no longer be permitted in my home or while you are in my employ. You will refer to me as 'Lady Andora,' 'your grace,' or 'my lady'. You will respect my staff, and when they give you orders, they speak with my authority. And," she says, her eyes flashing dangerously at the elf and the goblin, "no matter your personal contempt for the wealth an excess that you mistakenly believe makes me weak and complacent, you will remember that I have built one of the most profitable corporate empires in the world through my intellect sheer force of will. I am not interested in your petty evaluations of my worth, my servants, and my opinions, so you can keep them to yourselves."

She raises her chin slightly and gracefully and raises a perfect eyebrow to Rockhound and Xerik; she looks flawless. "Was there anything else?"

Way to insult the demigoddess of vanity, guys... She likes Don, though.

2009-06-18, 11:43 PM
Also, random thoughts:

I'm giving Andora the [native] subtype, because it prevents her from being banished. Since she has no divine realm, banishment would be very wonky. If she gets that ruby back, she'll drop the subtype.

If it helps your players feel better, you can acknowledge OOC that, yes, Andora's a total b!tch. She took their comments as insubordination.

2009-06-19, 10:19 PM
I can haz reactions?

2009-06-19, 10:57 PM
Xerik, though obviously flustered at the speech, simply shook his head.

"Thank you my lady, it shall be greatly appreciated" Don says with a slight bow. "With your permission me and my associates will depart for now to acquaint ourselves with the event location."

Straightening his clothes to depart a thought crosses his mind. "If I may ask your grace, will we be boarding within the grounds for the duration, or will we be housed within the city." He is careful to ask respectfully, if a little expectantly, he really doesn't want to be back on her bad side.

2009-06-19, 11:52 PM
Andora seats herself again. "You may go investigate the venue. I suppose you may house yourselves in my guest suites should you be in dire need of a room, but I trust you can find something else. I shall see you all here on the morning of the party, and we shall travel together."

"That will be all, gentlemen. Thank you."

The butler stands at attention, prepared to show the three out.

I'll accede to the DM's wishes if you want the PCs to stay in the mansion. And I'll be having lunch with their boss once they leave, don't forget. :smalltongue:

2009-06-20, 09:12 PM
Shortly after the men leave, the doorman brings you a note.

Ms. Andora-
Do forgive me for not arriving in person, but I had urgent business to deal with in Sello. The guest list is enclosed.
Inside, as stated, is a hand-written guest list. It contains largely local men and women of power, most of the more sociable people in either settlement, and curiously, Ellora, Orien and even Valerian.
Anything specific you are looking for?

About an hour later, at lunch, the owner of Armed Guardians arrives- slim, well dressed, and observant looking, and in a black suit. He is tailed by a very competent looking, sharp, pretty half-elf, either a secretary, paramour or both.

2009-06-20, 10:48 PM
Andora works in her study for a while, and when the guest list arrives she look sit over for anyone of particular interest. {Roll know(nobility) if you want to, or if there's anything to find}

She receives the two visitors in the small dining room, and lunch begins with a beef consomme. "Good afternoon. I am Lady Andora."

Mostly, just looking for introductions. :smallbiggrin:

2009-06-21, 12:08 AM
The woman looks at Andora condescendingly. "So I've heard. I usually don't go to lunches with people who I don't know the name of." The man just sighs, with the faintest smile on his face. "I am Corrin- just Corrin- and the snide woman joining us is my secretary, Lasaraleen."

2009-06-21, 01:13 AM
Andora's mouth opens slightly as she's insulted by a secretary. She waves a manicured hand in the air.

"This is simply impossible. I will inform the kitchen to horribly poison the next course, and we can be free of the exquisite misery of each others' company." She smiles slightly, and looks the woman up and down; she seems to be responding much better to being insulted by a woman than by three men. She raises an eyebrow at the half-elf and smiles wider. "And, furthermore, my distressingly pretty and young-looking friend, I don't recall inviting you in the first place. Should you find me beneath your attentions, you may leave."

She returns her attention to Corrin; she seems to esteem him as more an equal. "Two of your employees named Rockhound and Xerik were tremendously rude to me earlier. I was hoping you'd have a conversation with them about what 'customer service' means. Also, I was hoping to get their personnel files, and the file of a gentleman named Don. I'd like to know exactly who is apparently responsible for my safety."

2009-06-21, 01:36 AM
The man shrinks back into his chair at the negative emotions, as Las leans back, purses her lips, and ***** an eyebrow. "Sweetie, you asked to see the owner of Armed Guardians. Here we are." She holds her hands out, as the man shrinks back into his chair even farther. It's obvious she's the dominant one in this situation.
The moment Andora begins to speak of rudeness, Las rolls her eyes. "Goddamnit, I knew this would happen. I wouldn't expect it of Rockhound, but Xerik's been giving me problems all week. What did that bastard do this time?"

2009-06-21, 01:57 AM
Andora examines the two people before her. She's still not totally sure she likes how Las is addressing her, but at the moment, the half-elf is being so audacious that Andora can't help but grin. Andora decides to ignore Corrin.

"Xerick was simply... pushy. There seemed a dearth of respect; I recognize that he may have his own opinions about the most effective mode to utilize his talents, but there is something to be said for a careful and respectful request or suggestion instead of an impatient demand."

"Rockhound was just very rude to my staff, which I don't appreciate at all. Don, on the other hand, was lovely."

Andora waves the next course forward, a simple fruit and spinach salad. She picks up a silver fork and looks at Lasarleen. "You seem to be a demanding shrew; can I count on you to talk to them about that and get me those files?"

She spears a strawberry. "Of course, I'm a demanding shrew, too; I mean it in the best way."

2009-06-21, 04:29 PM
Las leans forward and snatches a strawberry, plopping it into her mouth. "Well, Corrin handles the papers, but we could get those for you easily. Then we'll have to reprimand Rockhound, but I suppose Xerik couldn't help it; he's very... insidious. Best to just ignore him and send him on his way."
She leans back again. "Now, will that be all Ms. Andora? I don't presume you really wanted us to join you for the pleasure of our company." She smirks, and eats another strawberry.

2009-06-21, 05:43 PM
Andora pushes the plate towards Las.

"Why on earth are you introduced as the secretary? If it's a fear of assassination, I have to say, that's not exactly a glowing opinion you hold of your own employees."

She quirks an eyebrow. "And what do you mean by 'insidious'?"

2009-06-22, 01:35 AM
Las puts out her hand on the table, and waves her head a bit. "Because I am the secretary, dear. Is there something wrong with that?"

"Xerik seems to be ok at first glance, but the guy is flat out unstable. Some kind of elvish elitist, I don't know... mentioned something about me being a "half-breed"." Her imitation of Xerik's muttering, brooding voice is spot on, though extremely mocking. She leans back again, and begins to examine her nails. "Anyhow, he's still pretty useful, but we'll be juicing all the worth out of him we can. Nevertheless, it's not long before he starts killing people we don't want him to kill, so I suppose I'll just let him do this mission, collect the payment from Mr. Mall, then fire the bastard and step up security for a bit. Rockhound, we'll probably keep him, but he won;t be getting paid for this mission. Don can take a small bonus, but, well... we like to keep as much as we can." She smiles insidiously.

2009-06-22, 02:05 AM
Andora smiles wider. In the old days, this woman could have been her high priestess.

"If Xerik takes a hack at me, I reserve the right to have my guards blow him into pieces, of course. If he behaves, I promise to try and keep him mostly intact, to protect your investment."

Andora leans back. "I'm sure you're extremely busy, but you're welcome to stay through the remainder of lunch; I believe veal is on the menu, and the chef will be experimenting with a new demiglace. IN any case, an invitation or two for my own parties may find their way to you. I do hope you'll be free to attend."

2009-06-22, 03:14 PM
Las smiles a small smile. "I suppose I could stay a bit longer. Corrin, don't you have some paperwork to do?" The man glares a bit at her, sighs, and leaves. When he's gone:
"It's really rather funny, the man actually believes he is the one in control. He's rather impudent sometimes, but he's worth it- great eye for finances." She smiles, and crumples her napkin.

2009-06-22, 05:42 PM
Andora waves the servant waiting by the door, forward and she places two plates of veal cutlet before each of the women, covered in a slightly sweet and rather intriguing demiglace. Andora begins to eat and raises an eyebrow at Las' last comment.

"After that last performance, I can hardly imagine that he thinks himself in charge; how do you manage it? Is he astonishingly dull, or have you magically brainwashed him?" She pulls a grilled carrot through the sauce. "Also, I confess myself curious: did Mall request this specific group for the job?"

2009-06-22, 11:09 PM
Lasaraleen shrugs. "He's technically smart, good with paperwork... but yes, he is also incredibly dull."
"Mr. Mall asked us to send you a small group of bodyguards, and sent some money. After reducing the payment by processesing and other miscellaneous fees, we selected a group that met the price and weren't currently on a mission or could potentially be on a mission. So, you got them, a group of horrendous misfits... but decent fighters." She shrugs again, and rests back.

2009-06-22, 11:45 PM
Andora laughs. "Well, they can't be worse than the pair of gnomes I had a few decades ago; they couldn't quite get the hang of the rifles, which is odd. I suspect they may in fact have been thin dwarves, in retrospect. Anyway, one ended up shooting me in the knee, and that was the end of that." She continues eating her veal. "Orien and Ellora have proven more than capable, really. I must confess, I was a little surprised when your team arrived; I hadn't been aware that Haren was sending anyone."

2009-06-22, 11:50 PM
Las just smiles. "Our lord Mall works in mysterious ways, Mz. Andora."

2009-06-23, 12:02 AM
Andora raises an eyebrow.

"He does indeed. He does indeed."

She takes a sip from a goblet of water. "Actually, it occurs to me that you might be able to enhance the sorry state of my intelligence network. Not, of course, my informing on Haren Mall; I could hardly ask you to do that."

She looks at the other woman. "Rather, you could keep me apprised as to who you're sending where, who's hiring security, gossip going around the industry? I know its rather gauche to bring up money, and you obviously have plenty, but I do pay rather well."

I'm making the assumption that everyone is spying on everyone else in these rarefied levels of society, so I don't mean to shock her or cross a line. If this isn't something these two would discuss like practical businesswomen, tell me and we can retcon. :smallbiggrin:

2009-06-23, 12:30 AM
Las chews her food, and thinks a moment. "I'm not interested in money, per se, but favors... quid pro quo, you know. You help me, I help you. Or vice versa."
She waits for it to settle in a bit, then continues.
"I couldn't give you all events and missions everywhere- a good portion are specifically paid to be covert. On top of that, we hire and otherwise deal with peoples all over the world- you'd be getting several ledgers every day. However, if you'd ever like to know anything specific, I would be all too happy to oblige." Setting aside her veal, she picks up a grape and begins to meticulously peel the skin off, eating it as she goes, then plopping it in her mouth and grabbing another one.

2009-06-23, 12:44 AM
Andora thinks it over. "Well, favors can get messy, of course; I always prefer to have the price negotiated before the information is given or the favor is done, so as long as we make our expectations of each other clear, my dear Ms. Lasaraleen, I think we'll have a wonderful time."

She notices that Las is essentially done with the veal and waves dessert forward; it is, somewhat conveniently to Las' interest in the fruit, a champagne grape tart. Less peelable, though.

"For now, all I really want is those personnel files, which I imagine you can furnish to me given I'm a client. In terms of information that might not be so publicly available, I confess I'd like to keep close tabs on mercenary jobs hired in my land or in the surrounding territories- including, may I say, those of Lords Arien and Darus. What do you think that would cost me?"

She picks up one of the small tarts in a manicured hand and pops it into her mouth, patting a few crumbs away with her napkin.

2009-06-23, 12:51 AM
Las shrugs. "I have said the files can be arranged. I can get you evey mission planned in that area for the next month- covert or not- for no payment, if you'd like. Just remember... quid pro quo. Beyond that, we can talk some other time."
She takes to the tart quite nicely.

2009-06-23, 01:00 AM
Andora waves a hand.

"Just the files, then. Do come to me if you need anything, and we shall see about haggling over the price for the other things- unless I have an urgent need, I consider it poor business form to write blank checks."

As they finish their desert, Andora smiles. "Well, it was a pleasure to meet you. I shall look forward to doing business with you in the future."

2009-06-23, 01:08 AM
LAs gets up, shrugging. "Suit yourself." With that, she walks off.

2009-06-23, 09:44 AM
Andora sees her out and returns to her office. If nothing on the guest list jumps out at her, she looks for annotations to suggest that music and similar entertainment has already been arranged.

2009-06-23, 02:11 PM
It seems that everything's done- entertainment, refreshments, etc. is all taken care of and paid for. All she'll have to do is arrive.

2009-06-23, 04:53 PM
Weeeeelllll.... I guess I'm ready for a timeskip to the day of the party, though I presume the PCs (hereafter referred to as "The Surly Brigade") are not prepared for such a skip. In lieu of wrenching the time-space continuum in twain, I shall wait. :smalltongue:

Well, I shall wait and read their personnel files, when you have time to give them to me.

2009-06-23, 05:15 PM
A courier arrives later with extensive files on all three of the men.

Rockhound (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=126593)

Don (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=127855)

Xerik ("http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=128046)

2009-06-23, 05:27 PM
Goodness, those are detailed files. :smalltongue:
(Except for Xerik's, which is not loading. I think there's no URL.)

This wasn't the group to send up against someone who can deal large amounts of wisdom damage each turn, was it? :smallamused:

2009-06-23, 05:51 PM
[Hey, Ockham's razor. Why write out something when I can just send you their sheets? But I'll have to count on you not to metagame things like "Oh, they have very little wisdom", etc.
Here's Xerik's.

2009-06-23, 06:31 PM
I will not metagame; I was just commenting on the rather unfortunate coincidence.

Of course, ideally, we won't end up fighting each other at all.

2009-06-23, 06:36 PM
I will not metagame; I was just commenting on the rather unfortunate coincidence.

Of course, ideally, we won't end up fighting each other at all.

Yeah. And, really, you can use all the information there you want except for specific numerical things, if you ever think you might just fight them.

2009-06-23, 07:04 PM
Sooo... I don't know; do we play the waiting game? Does Andora go on an adventure? :smalltongue:

2009-06-23, 07:30 PM
What kind of adventure would you like?:smalltongue:

2009-06-23, 07:49 PM
Seriously, would you like to go off into the woods and fight feral gnolls? Nip off to the blood war to help whip some demons? Chase after Haren Mall? Expand your dominion? I prefer my games to be rather player-centric.

2009-06-23, 07:52 PM
Heh. Testing out Andora's combat abilities might be fun, actually. How she does that is up in the air, although she'd never let anyone on this plane see her use a spell-like ability and survive. Heck, if you want to send some paladins after her or something, we can take her and her bodyguards out for a spin. :smallamused:

2009-06-23, 07:58 PM
Heh. Testing out Andora's combat abilities might be fun, actually. How she does that is up in the air, although she'd never let anyone on this plane see her use a spell-like ability and survive. Heck, if you want to send some paladins after her or something, we can take her and her bodyguards out for a spin. :smallamused:

Well, it's just that, y'see, with all the corruption and emphasis on power and wealth over morality, the whole paladin thing isn't really very... extant.:smalleek:

2009-06-23, 08:10 PM
Well, it's just that, y'see, with all the corruption and emphasis on power and wealth over morality, the whole paladin thing isn't really very... extant.:smalleek:

Oh, right. Yes. Andora likes it that way, what with the 'spiting her divine rivals' bit.

If she has a persuasive reason to, heck yes she'll go off plane to beat stuff up, though. Any CR appropriate Archons or Angels doing anything she could pop in on?

2009-06-23, 08:13 PM
Hm... well, I can't really see her wanting to go off plane for anything, can you? If you'd like, I can just storm the castle.:smallamused:

2009-06-23, 08:28 PM
It gives us a chance to use the map! :smallbiggrin:

Do remember that it's just the two erinyes and Andora who are actually competent to fight. I suppose Valerian will do in a pinch...

It also motivates me to figure out exactly how I control the staff; I'd been thinking mundanely, but maybe that's not realistic.

And, important question: how do you rule Regeneration. Does regeneration 5 heal 5 hit points, or as per RAW, 1 hit point? (I ranted to my other DM today about how that made no sense. Why not just call it Regeneration 1 then!?)

2009-06-23, 08:33 PM
...Then how in the heck is it regeneration 5? What's the difference between regeneration 1 and regeneration 5? Hot damn, that's stupid. I have it work just like fast healing. 5 hit points per round.
Staff as in employees or staff as in long wooden stick?

2009-06-23, 08:35 PM
...Then how in the heck is it regeneration 5? What's the difference between regeneration 1 and regeneration 5? Hot damn, that's stupid. I have it work just like fast healing. 5 hit points per round.
Staff as in employees or staff as in long wooden stick?

Staff as in employees.

... And fast healing 5 actually only heals 1 point per round, too. BUT they don't include that in the ability description; you have to look under "Injury" to find that one out. Anyway, I hate it, and curse whoever wrote such an asinine system to Nessus. Let's go with the logical amount of healing per round.

2009-06-23, 08:38 PM
Staff as in employees.

... And fast healing 5 actually only heals 1 point per round, too. BUT they don't include that in the ability description; you have to look under "Injury" to find that one out. Anyway, I hate it, and curse whoever wrote such an asinine system to Nessus. Let's go with the logical amount of healing per round.

Wait, wait wait wait... then what's the difference between fast healing 2 and fast healing 5? Nothing? Don't curse those bastards to Nessus, curse them to Cthulhu himself.:smallcool:
Talking is a free action:smallwink:, but otherwise I'll be controlling the staff.
So... want to get this little battle started?

2009-06-23, 08:42 PM
Let's get this party started! Or something.

(It might be wise to have warded the furnishings in my home against things like fireballs. Ah, well; we'll have to only let loose fireballs over the marble sections. Also, let's assume she has whatever rudimentary sprinklers exist. :smalltongue:)

(Oh, and remember that there are Pitch Black Luminaries in each room that will emit Deeper Darkness when she gives the command.)

2009-06-23, 08:55 PM
Andora lounges on her bed in the master bedroom, dining on a fine desert and musing alone, when suddenly she notices a glimmer coming from the ceiling... then there is a crack, and a flash of light, and her senses leave her for a moment while she feels a horrible pain, crashing into the wall of her bedroom, suddenly face to face with a grim, powerful looking woman holding a massive, gleaming sword in her hands.
You take 11 damage.
And, of course, we need a picture.

2009-06-23, 09:08 PM
Andora slams into the wall hard. Hard enough that if anyone saw her rise to her feet incredulously, they'd instantly know she was something other than human. This woman, presumably, didn't need any proof; she already had it.

Or she was a more than usually blunt assassin. That was possible, too.

She raises and eyebrow at the woman in disbelief. "Most of my visitors use the door."

Then, in a whirl of fabric almost to quick to track, Andora is back across the room, driving her hand down towards the woman twice as it glows a malevolent red.

Orien, Ellora? Actually under attack here. I'd prefer if you didn't dawdle.

Re: damage- I'll assume that the weapon is silver and good, bypassing damage reduction and regeneration. Accurate?

First, I declare my dodge bonus against her (What? It was a bonus feat...)

Move action to close distance.

Quickened Maximized Vampiric Touch and a regular Vampiric Touch to open things up, both at CL 17 with a touch attack bonus of +18. Also, for each touch that hits, DC 24 fort save or 1d6 wisdom damage; the woman will feel a slight numbness where Andora's hands hit, and her mind will start to cloud.

(Another 1d6 secondary damage one minute later on another failed save.)

2009-06-23, 09:24 PM
68 damage to your foe.

The woman leaps back and holds a hand out, turning her head away and closing her eyes- suddenly, there is a blast of searing light. Everything is white, so white, and you feel a horrible searing envelop you. You feel like you're being torn to shreds. The pain stops, but the whiteness doesn't. You cannot see a thing. You feel Orien and Ellora enter the room, but you still cannot see.
You've taken, heh, 68 damage. You're at full hp-1.:smallbiggrin:

2009-06-23, 09:39 PM
Did that woman save against her aura? Or maybe she has that dreaded Mind Blank. Damnation. :smallsigh:

And remember that Andora has SR 34...

Andora grimaces in pain as the light envelops her. After a moment, when her vision fails to return, her perfect face twists into a mask of rage.

"And here I was going to make small talk with you if you were a good girl..." Her blinded eyes flare wide, and her voice seems to echo slightly.


To her minions, she directs a telepathic piece of advice: I have no idea what just happened. But be careful attacking her!

Greater Command, DC 32. If the woman fails, she stands in one place and can take no actions. For 17 rounds. She gets a will save at the beginning of each round, though.

2009-06-23, 09:50 PM
Actually, I found something that would work well on you that you don't have to be 15th level to cast. Heck, not even 3rd level. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/protectionFromEvil.htm)
You can't really tell what happened, until a few seconds later you feel the same searing pain. Then there is a rattle of bullets from both erinyes, most of which don't seem to hit the assailant.
58 damage.:smallcool:

2009-06-23, 09:59 PM
Huh. Touchè, Messire DM. :smallwink:

I begin to suspect that this light attack is a supernatural ability... How droll..

Andora steps backwards slightly as she's hit with another burst of light.

"Not the- guh!- talkative type, I take it?"

She launches herself again at her opponent, though this time unable to target precisely except by hearing.

Another quickened maximized Vampiric Touch, and then just a Maximized one. +18 attack again, DC 24 fort save against 1d6 wisdom.

Also, if a listen check helps negate some of the concealment from blindness, that's at a +24 mod.

2009-06-23, 10:40 PM
Andora runs forwards, swiping with either hand. The first misses, but the other connects, and she grabs on tight as her poisons seep through the being's clothes and skin. As she holds on, it is suddenly gone, out of her grasp. Several seconds later her vision begins to clear, and she finds Orien huddled in a corner, pale and almost comatose, and Ellora bent double, panting and sweating. Both of their clothes are tattered, and the room is a wreck. All in less than 15 seconds.
Heh, nope, it's actually an absolutely plain spell, as in from spellcasting levels. Who ever said this being was supernatural? As far as you can tell, just a woman with a greatsword and some spellcasting capabilities.:smalltongue:

2009-06-23, 11:14 PM
Andora surveys her servants and feels her body begin to knit itself back together. She vanishes to her secret room, but speaks mentally to Orien and Ellora as she peruses the shelves of magic items. What happened?

Finding the wand of Dispel Magic, she teleports back to the bedroom. Rising slightly off the ground and glancing carelessly at a scroll she grabbed, she vanishes and, wand outstretched, glides silently through her house.

I was OOC suspecting a supernatural ability because the woman's spell just blew Andora's SR 34 away with her eyesight, apparently. I suppose it could have been an SR "no" spell, but I expected Andora's +20/+26/+26 saves to carry her a little bit... I see why people consider Keepers scary. :smalltongue:

Andora is searching the house (under the effects of Invisibility) in case the woman remains; you get to ficure out exactly how much she regenerates over the time it takes her to find the woman if she's still around.

Listen +24
Spot +24
Move Silently (if relevant) +27

2009-06-23, 11:21 PM
1st of all, you have SR 24, not 34. 2nd of all, Assay spell resistance. So, yes, actually, she blew away Andora's SR with her eyesight, if the fluff on ASR is to be believed.:smalltongue:
Andora travels through the various rooms, finding nothing no matter what she does. Ellora informs her that the intruder cast a spell on them. Orien says nothing.

2009-06-23, 11:30 PM
*blinks at tens' place* Oh, hello. I promise I'm literate. :smalltongue:

Andora flicks her wand at the two erinyes. {Dispel checks at +10}
I'm pleased you're alive.

Andora looks at the wand, and makes a mental note to herself to contact her tailor. She should keep this with her as a matter of course.

Returning to her magic items, she selects a familiar scroll off the shelf and glides again through her bedroom to her antechamber, stopping before the large mirror.

"Where's that little bitch gotten to?"

Every villain's best friend, Greater Scrying again. DC 32, with whatever modifiers are relevant.

2009-06-23, 11:36 PM
You see the woman sitting on the ground, cross legged, eyes closed in the desert somewhere. Her sword is stabbed into the ground in front of her, and she seems to be regaining vitality at an alrming rate.

2009-06-23, 11:55 PM
Andora narrows her eyes and speeds back to her scroll room, brandishing her wand and rapidly reading a number of scrolls as she issues telepathic commands to Orien and Ellora. You should be able to see where I vanish to in the mirror; if you find yourselves well enough, follow posthaste. You may use the wands to heal, if you so choose.

With not so much as a noise to indicate her disappearance, she transports herself to the location she sees in the mirror.

She's spent a few rounds buffing, though, and before she casts anything on herself she Dispels the Assay Resistance:
Iron Body (note -6 to Dex changes init and AC, while +6 to Str adds to attack bonus)
Spell Turning
Greater Invisibility

If you'll allow it, though I seem to have omitted it from the scrolls list, she brings along a scroll of Greater Teleport.

I'll also imagine at this point that she's back to her own full health.

When she appears, invisible, she hovers between her prey and the woman's sword, hoping to provoke an AoO if the woman reaches for it. She waves her wand and sends a Dispel streaking towards the woman.

Andora is not normally so, er, eager to fight; she's not wild about having her home invaded, though.

2009-06-24, 12:15 AM
You arrive, and begin to wave the wand. As soon as you are about to cast the spell, the woman leaps to the side, rolls around you well out of reach, grabs her sword, trips you and slashes your back open. Concentration check fail, you're prone, 45 damage.

2009-06-24, 12:23 AM
Andora grimaces as she find herself on the sand. She doesn't even bother to speak out loud.

Ouch. Well played, girl.

She leaps back to her feet; if the woman can see invisibility, as she obviously can; Andora's skin and eyes glint metalically in the sun. With a renewed wave of the wand, Andora narrows her eyes.

When you say "well out or reach" I assume that Andora won't provoke an AoO standing up; if she will, I may want to change my action.

As it stands, another Dispel at +10.

And she regenerates 5, so she's now at 116 hit points. Are you including damage reduction in your calculations?

2009-06-24, 12:32 AM
Why, yes I am. And I just realized that Andora shouldn't be getting a lick of regeneration, because all the damage she's done so far has been good aligned. Oh well, I'll let you keep it.
Andora casts the spell, and the woman seems slowed but not by much; she then suddenly dissapears from view, and then Andora feels herself being tripped once again, plaummeting the the ground, the woman swings her sword wildly, cutting into even Andora's now iron skin with ease, making several deep gashes.
3 attacks, 2 hit for a total of 72 damage.

2009-06-24, 12:37 AM
I asked you at the beginning about regeneration. :smalltongue: Did the woman just take a full attack action and teleport in the same round? :smallconfused:

2009-06-24, 12:44 AM
Yeah, I know, I forgot that good penetrated her regeneration...:smallredface:

Anklets of Translocation, from the MIC allowed this awesome stunt. Able to transport up to 10 feet 2/day as a swift action. Pretty awesome for a mere 1400 gp. (Yes, I know MIC is considered OP- *coughbeltofbattlecoughcough* but some of the stuff in there is just so undeniably cool. Like the blindfold of true darkness- probably one of my favorite items in there, for both aesthetic and mechanical reasons.:smallcool:

2009-06-24, 12:56 AM
Oh, I thought she was more than 10 feet away. My bad.

Andora sighs as she finds herself on the ground again. Yes, she was angry, but she wasn't stupid. She vanishes, bleeding silvery blood, back to her sanctum. {I don't know if I even need to, but she auto-succeeds if she has to do that defensively.}

Once back in her secret chamber, she screams. It's a scream of total frustration and rage.

Whirling again to her shelves, her metallic face burns with humiliation that she has to rely on crutches, on weak little trinkets, to defend herself from a mortal. She grabs a scroll and casts it.

If the slowing the woman down bit was your way of saying the dispel hit her, if her mental defenses went down remember that's he would have had to make a will save to attack Andora. When Andora returns to her secret room, she casts anti-life shell.

It also occurs to me that I didn't mention she was activating the wand defensively; my bad. From this point on, assume she's casting, using items, and SLA's defensively if possible.

2009-06-24, 01:00 AM
Okiedokie. And... Who ever said this being was mortal? As far as you can tell, she could be some powerful outsider with an extensive SLA list.:smalltongue:

2009-06-24, 01:13 AM
Point. As it is, her pride is giving her a hard time with fleeing. This will probably be the last attempt.

Andora grabs the Wand of Cure Serious Wounds and uses it until she's at full health, tucking it away on her person as she grabs the wand of fireball and hangs on to the wand of dispel. As an afterthought, she grabs two scrolls and vanishes away away again.

She reappears hanging in the air 80 feet above where their battle took place minutes ago and looks around for her foe.

Grabbing the mentioned wands, as well as a scroll of forcecage and a scroll of disintegrate.

2009-06-24, 01:24 AM
As soon as she appears, Andora is instantly struck, once again, by the searing pain. As her vision clears, she sees only a ball of glowing light, and recognizes her foe as a Ghaele- a powerful eladrin warrior with potent divine spellcasting ability. A forked bolt of lightning fires out of the ball of light, and Andora manages to mostly dodge it but is nonetheless hit. As soon as this is done, the ball of light sinks into the desert floor.
Precisely 100 damage. Have fun, buddy.

2009-06-24, 01:27 AM
Oh, and by the way- I strongly believe in very difficult, unpredictable battles. I juiced this thing up enough that it could kill you pretty easily unless you pull out all the shots- and believe me, given the chance, it will. And I will let it.

2009-06-24, 02:00 AM
Erk! :smalleek:

Yes, Andora, being CR 11, probably couldn't take a regular Ghaele, much less an advanced version. I know this, and she knows this.

Andora pauses for a moment, reeling in midair as the creature injures her severely. She sneers down at the spot where it used to be. "**** you."

With a frustrated little snapping sound, she returns to her home. Thrice damned incorporeal creatures! She heals herself again and does what she does best; she seethes silently. If it followed her back here... Well, she had no idea what she'd do. She grimly contemplates the possibility as she searches her backroom and finds a massive, dark gem. She looks at it. What absurdity.

The better part of valor. Your move, I suppose.

2009-06-24, 02:07 AM
Andora waits for a moment, and nothing happens. And then she waits some more, and still nothing happens. Nothing keeps happening until nightfall, and then nothing still happens.
Well, kindof advanced. Less advanced in a few ways. And, ehem, I'd put Andora at 3 or 4 CR higher than a regular Pleasure devil, being bedecked in cool magic items and having an arsenal of scrols and wands at her disposal, as well as 34 pt buy in comparison to, ehem, 12 point buy. The Ghaele is similarly powered, but weakened in a few other ways as well. You also have two erinyes with you. I call it an even match- though far, far more powerful than your standard random encounter, which I loathe. Why pit creatures against the players if there's not going to be a very good chance of them getting their asses handed to them?:smallamused:
The reason I do this is more than just being a Call of Cthulhu/Dark Sun frequenter. It makes it that much more satisfying when you actually do win- you feel good about it, feel like you've accomplished something.
So, the scoreboard: Angels 2/Devils 1.:smallcool:

2009-06-24, 09:23 AM
Okay, I concede this round to the heavenly host.:smallsigh:

It was, however, very informative as to Andora's practical weaknesses; when vampiric touch and enchantments won't work, she's really in a world of hurt. I need to figure out a way to smooth the difficulty curve if she can't Greaert Command them into paralysis... First things first, I'm going to at least reach outside of core spells for a wand of Orb of Force. I should also probably consider options for bringing incorporial creatures into corporeality- there's gotta be something somewhere.

Overall, informative, if sobering.:smalltongue:

2009-06-24, 02:01 PM
1st of all, spells will still work on incorporeal- I highly advise spectral hand, as well, for some nice ranged maximized vampiric touch. 48 damage is nothing to sneeze at. I believe there's a spell that forces a creature from it's alternate form, which should force the ghaele into corporeality- but then you have to deal with its spells and sword.

2009-06-24, 05:13 PM
And there I go getting incorporality and etherialness confused. :smallsigh:

Spectral Hand is a great suggestion! Of course, it's not that hard to kill, but it's better than nothing.

Valerian will be instructed to replenish the scrolls already used and add the following items to the stockpile:

1 wand of Spectral Hand

3 scrolls of Alter Self
1 more scroll of Disintigrate
4 scrolls of Orb of Force (CL 10)
4 scrolls of Heal (CL 15)
3 scrolls of Enervation
1 scroll of Energy Drain
1 scroll of Effulgent Erupation

1 Handy Haversack (Andora hates the chipper and cheerful name, but, hey; necessary evils.)

She also has him contract workers to fix the tattered bedroom, and has him contact a wizard and a cleric to place a contingency on Andora; when she would be reduced to 0 hit points or less, automatically cast CL 15 Heal on her.

Andora may be content to leave the ghaele for now, and way want to go visit her cult... Hm. I guess she'll scry when all those things are accomplished and see what's up.

2009-06-24, 05:23 PM
Hee hee! Ahhh, contingency- what cheesiness. But, hey, it works. Well, anyhow, with her super merchant lord powers Andora is capable of getting these things done within 24 hours, and with no attacks by your extraplanar visitor. So, you want to visit your cult now? I'd like you to design it for me- it's your cult after all, not mine. In fact, you can even play the cult membersand describe what's going on and such.

2009-06-24, 05:31 PM
:smallbiggrin: I was wondering if contingency was cheesy (I tend to avoid uber-cheese opportunitues on principle), but then that damn little disco ball did 100 damage and I decided that relative to things I could have set contingent, Heal was pretty innocuous.

I will think about what the cult is/does/ how it operates/ appropriate liturgical methodologies/ write hymns and scripture.

In the interest of keeping things cohesive, have you told any of the PCs about the cult or done any of your own work on it? If so, what?

2009-06-24, 05:39 PM
That's for me to know and for you to find out when there's an incredibly rude adventurer pestering the nice cultists.:smalltongue: They haven't actually dealt with it, though, I'll tell you that much.

2009-06-25, 12:14 AM
Small spoiler to add 5 scrolls of Unholy Aura and 5 scrolls of Assay Spell Resistance to the shopping list.

Aaaaand, here's a writeup on the Cult of The Rose. Yeah, you were probably hoping for human sacrifices or something; it's more like an evil supper club. Read this over and we can collaborate it to tweak it all, okay?

The “Cult of the Rose” is a bit of a misnomer; they operate almost as much as a social club or network as a religious organization. Only some of the people involved pay serious religious devotion to Andora, though everyone at least says cursory prayers.

The Rose Club:
The Club is a fine building in Port White, and is the quintessential social club. There’s a dining room staffed with white-garbed waitstaff, a game room with billiards, cards, roulette, and a high-class bar, and it’s a generally high-class environment in which to socialize and make deals. In order to get into the club, you have to be a member (which entail an actually-pretty-reasonable monthly fee around 150 gold, which effectively excludes manual laborers or unskilled artisans) or be a guest of an existing member. Members are welcome in the Club at any time; all that’s required for admission is to say one’s name, for the guards to check against a list, and to present a small lapel pin in the shape of a rose that’s given to them when they first join.

Members of the Rose Club comprise the largest and most public ring of the Cult; they’re usually either wealthy or talented (or, in the best case, both) and they have very little religious devotion. Most of them have free time and at least casually work to improve a particular talent (see “The Paths of the Rose”, specifically the path of perfection,) be it painting, music, linguistics, or what have you. Most are familiar with the legend of The Rose (see se section titled “The Codex Rosa”). The Club provides plenty of income for the Cult, and the greed, elitism and even the token mentions of the goddess grant Andora a small amount of divine energy, firmly buoyed by the prayers of the true Cult members. That’s not to say, of course, that simple members are innocent people; since they still comprise the upper classes of Aschen, they’re widely mired in the corruption, arrogance, wealth, and questionable ethics that such a position entails.

Andora, incidentally, is a member of the Club, as are a number of other merchant lords in the Port White area; they may not attend many functions, but as members of the elitest elite, they can easily pay the monthly dues and use the Club’s amenities however rarely they choose.

The Cult of the Rose:
The members of the Club who prove to be most talented, charismatic, and interested in advancement are accepted into the liturgical body of the Cult, the inner circle (Arbitrarily, let’s just say that 20% of members are in the Cult proper). Mind you, they don’t do human sacrifices or any such garish ritual, but they attend small services in praise of The Rose (detailed later). They do, however, reap the benefit of the Cult and the Club’s influence in whatever their business and personal pursuits may be.

As such, the Cult is secretive but not secret; people know it exists and more or less who’s in the inner circle, but they have no clear idea of what goes on beyond that there are some sort of religious rituals performed. In actuality, the rituals are rather mundane; there’s incense and a service selected from the Codex Rosa, the collected lore about the rule and the fall of The Rose. Congregants (as the cultists are properly called among the club) recite complex prayers and hymns, and swear to uphold the two paths of The Rose in exchange for success and power.

The Paths of the Rose:
The Codex Rosa prescribes two paths, both equally important, along which a cultist must advance towards the cult’s ideal; the path of power and the path of perfection. The Rose herself is the epitome of the two combined.

The path of perfection- the path of perfection is actually a relatively benign-seeming philosophy, but it progressively drives the worshipper farther into arrogance and vanity. In order to embody the ideal of perfection, cultists develop their charms and talents with oratory, music, literature or conversation, carefully crafting themselves into perfectly witty, charming, and increasingly cold social creatures. Members are aware of this path, and, as mentioned above, most do try to follow it.

The path of power- the path of power is the obviously evil of the two, advocating the type of social Darwinism that hase become common. The path of power preaches the usefulness of merciless business dealings towards inferiors and toadying obeisance to superiors. Mercy is considered a weakness, though advancing allies among the cult is lauded. This path is known only to Congregants, although there are plenty of ruthless members advancing down the path at any given time without the blueprint.

The Codex Rosa:
The original Codex Rosa is held within a vault in the scarlet, chapel-like room in the Rose Club. The original is written on ancient parchment in an archaic predecessor to Common that requires a knowledge of Infernal, Common, and Elvish, as well as a Decipher Script check, to read. To that end, there are a few, more modern translations. The understanding of the Rose legend varies between simple Club members and actual congregants. Both versions are rather twisted, and only about half true; they have a tendency to omit the fact that The Rose was a huge bitch to those she didn’t like, et al.

The members’ understanding-
Long ago, in time immemorial, there existed a goddess or demigoddess known only as The Rose, a creature as near to mental and physical perfection as could be. She looked down on her followers and was harsh but fair, ever bringing them closer to her own state of flawless existence. The other gods, however, became jealous of her perfection and of the elevated state of her followers, and they colluded to strip her of that divine sublimity and bind it in some sort of vessel- the exact manner or form is unknown. Stripped of her own transcendent virtues, The Rose vanished in anguish.

Members don’t really believe The Rose is still around force; rather, they tend to adulate her memory and honor her because of the drive towards personal achievement and perfection she represents.

The Congregants’ story-
The Congregants hear more or less the same story, but their version says the gods were not jealous but scared of the ever-growing group of mortals that worshipped The Rose, and feared the possibility that her power would ever grow to eclipse their own. In this version, Maltael, The Brand, and Lygado are specifically named as the gods who bound her; the first out of both fear and ideological opposition, and Lygado simply because he recognized the competition. This story also elaborates on the so-called vessel of The Rose’s perfection (for almost nobody knows it’s a ruby), naming it in translation from the original Codex as the gods having torn from her “her bloody and perfect heart.”

Furthermore, in the Congregants’ texts, The Rose doesn’t vanish but is cast down to the material plane. The believe (accurately, as it turns out) that if they pray enough and encourage the behaviors laid out in the two paths, The Rose will one day return and bestow upon her loyal followers the divine perfection for which she is famed.


Darien Ravyd-
Darien Ravyd is the chairman of the Rose Club, and manages all of the Club’s finances and events; his occupation the rest of the time is running an exceptionally profitable bank known for the ruthlessness and speed with which they deal with those who default on their mortgages. He’s also a Congregant, but he doesn’t preside over the religious services. He’s a distinguished-looking, middle-aged gnome male who, despite his small size, commands attention and respect when he enters a room. Naturally, he’s always dressed splendidly, and a pair of gold spectacles glitter perpetually on the end of his nose. (If you feel the need, his class is probably rogue or swashbuckler).

Kiera Grey-
Kiera Grey is the high priestess of The Rose, and just as Darien Ravyd manages the secular business of the Club, she’s in charge of the Congregants and leading the liturgical services. (N.B.- The Rose can have either a high priest or a high priestess. So long as they are suitably charismatic, ruthless, and reverent.) A striking half-elf woman with white streaks beginning to show in her hair, her day job is running an intelligence-agency-for-hire. (If she needs class levels, she’s a cleric with the Tyrant and Evil domains.)

2009-06-25, 01:55 AM
Y'know what I find just hilarious? Of all the people in the game who have made their opinions on it to be clear- which is most of them- they unanimously decided out of their own delusions that the upper class is invariably corrupt. You bleeding heart, tree hugging hippies. I never siad anything of the sort- you all just assume that in a capitalist, social darwinist society the wealthy are invariably corrupted. (skip to the last paragraph if you don't want to read my rant on politics).
Now, I'm not mad at you, or meaning anything derrogatory. I think it's funny. But why can't a wealthy businessman be a good sort? Bill Gates is the biggest philanthropist in the world. Amara as of now is an exaggerated view on what I think the world's political system should be like- capitalist. Social darwinist. You get out what you put into the system. It's a rough world, but the most productive and, in my opinion, most practical way to do things. When it comes to politics, I'm violently pragmatic.
Sure, there's corruption in the upper class. Sure, a good portion of the upper class is corrupted, but simply being in the upper class says a world of good things about a person. It tells you that they are smart, talented, and hard working. Being cutthroat is usually a small contributor to thier success- it's largely a lot of elbowgrease. Now, let's look at the lower classes.
The lower classes are given ample opportunity to be successful, but most of the time, they are there because they are either lazy, foolish or lacking any talent whatsoever. Now, this isn't always the case. But the guys you see out there, laying concrete, working their asses off for 8 dollars an hour usually aren't there because of things out of their hands, they're there because they're making up all the time they spent partying and slacking off in school when they should have been studying. Anybody of average intelligence or better should be able to graduate community college and get a decent job if they work hard enough. Remember Raymond K. Hessel. He gave up on himself, that's why he was working that **** job. But when given motivation, we all know he could pull through and become what he dreamed of becoming.
Anyhow, I'm sure if you're the treehugging hippie I so obviously assume you are, what I say won't change a damn thing. And, since I'm the oh-so bigoted, hateful, ignorant capitalist pig I so obviously am, nothing you say will change a damn thing in my viewpoints. Probably.:smallamused:

Amara works much the same way, just with a some more corruption in lacking any real governmental control. Nevertheless, in Amara if you work hard enough, even a saint can become rich, if they're shrewd. In fact, I wouldn't hesitate to say haren Mall isn't a bad man. Not a good man, but not a bad man. Just effing brilliant. Anyhow, we can just say the Rose Club largely attracts the more corrupt side of high society. Other than that, looks good. What now, friend?:smallsmile:

2009-06-25, 06:22 PM
Well, goodness; it's been a while since anyone accused me of empathy. I suppose that's what I get for not choosing my words carefully: "Corrupt" make little sense in a context in which business is the de facto government anyway. The second spoiler clarifies specific things on my intention with that phrase and some ideological Rose stuff. The first contains a response to your interesting observations.

Sociopolitical Thoughts:

It occurs to me that that last sentence could sound pointed, and it's not intend that way. Actually, I think the observation that multiple different people have assumed that a capitalistic political system is inherently despotic to be a fascinating observation.

It would be more than a little absurd to try and make the point that in real life, the upper class is uniformly morally decrepit, and that's not at all what I was trying to say; there's not really a delicate way to say this and you may feel free to ignore it anyway, but I know that's not the case from intimate personal experience. Being somewhat of a pragmatist myself, I'm sorry if that's what I seemed to be implying. :smallsmile:

I think the thing that had me confused was the use of the specific term Social Darwinism; we apparently have differing perceptions of the behavior that implies. As an economics and philosophy double major at the moment, I've done a fair amount of reading on one of the leading social darwinists, John Malthus, and so when you mentioned it I rather foolishly assumed that they were adhering to that brand of the philosophy; if you can't buy food, you're a burden on society and should starve. Since you mentioned Bill Gates, I presume you're thinking of Carnegie and the other tycoons in the U.S. in the latter half of the 19th century, as they adhered to the "Gospel of Wealth." There's the disconnect I think we have; most of the American business leaders of the time rejected the British version's (that is to say, the theory by Herbert Spencer upon his reading of Malthus) lack of sympathy for the poor. Because you mentioned the other linchpins of both beliefs (ruthless business tactics and a "dog-eat-dog" mentality), I just filled in Spencer's version while you were going with the more American one. My bad. :smallredface:

Interestingly, in our personal political philosophies, we seem very close; though if your idealized political system is one without any particular overarching government, then that's where I have a problem. I'm not a hippy, I'm 'The Man'. :smallbiggrin: I find myself persuaded by Hobbs when he writes that the natural state of a society without a string government is a state of nature that is "nasty, brutish, and short." The part of me that's an economist isn't particularly wild about a lack of government because of issues like "the free rider problem" and market failures like externalities. Ever read Brave New World? I'm not wild about some of the elements Huxly writes in, but he was trying to make it a dystopia, after all; on the whole, I think there are ways from a Utilitarian perspective that would make that society work quite nicely as an ideal.

So, yes. Misunderstanding. We can share the heartless bastard banner, but we may be on different ends of it. :smalltongue:

Also, not wild about trees, except as a landscaping element.

Actual Relevant Things:

As I said above, disregard the phrase "corrupted." I used it one, and it was late. A better choice probably would have been to just omit it altogether. Also, I don't think the Club needs to attract the "bad types" from the get-go; rather, as they progress deeper into the cult and along the two paths, they become the "bad types."

It's also just a social club with famous members; I was inspired by Yale's Skull and Bones club as I was brainstorming, actually. An organization with many prominent members who are rumored to help each other out, with a rich history and ever-present whispers of more mysterious, secret practices.

2009-06-25, 07:25 PM
More irrelevant stuff:
"My, what refreshing viewpoints you have, grandmother!"
Seriously, though, sorry for mistaking you for one of the socialistic types I see all too often.:smallredface: You have to understand, I'm living in southern california... going to college... and in several liberal courses. The people who constantly surround me are the types who liberals think are too liberal. These are the people who think that if we have to all be nice and get rid of all the weapons and big bad corporations and just help everyone else and smoke pot everyone will be happy! These are the people who associate capitalism with evil. It's made me very... very cynical. When I stated that I would've liked Ron Paul to win the presidential race, I got this: "Gee, Brandon, you seemed like such a nice guy.":smallannoyed:
Enyhoo... Clarifying what I said before, I believe government is a necessary evil. We can't get by without it; nevertheless, it's good to have as little as possible of it. Government puts controls on the economy, which throws natural selection out of balance, allowing for an inferior product. They create taxes, which hinder and help to demote productivity. Things like price controls and regulations. Now, I'm not ignoring things like, as you said, the free rider problem- government and taxes and regulations are an evil, but a necessary evil. I just believe they should be minimized.
I am a libertarian- essentially, just let the good people do what they want, eh? I believe that you should be allowed to put in your shop window "No n***ers allowed." I believe you should be able to put in your shop window "No crackers allowed". It's your shop, you should be able to do what you want with it. You bought it, you worked for it. And, I hate to quote a videogame, but... "Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?"

Also, hate Brave New World. Hate it. 1984 is superior in every way.
Relevant things:
Well, Amara is a bit of a mix between the American and British Darwinism; most just ignore the poor, and would prefer to kill them than help them. After all, they are a hinderance on society. Sometimes, at least- more public figures hold big charity events so as to look nice in the public eye, but they usually spend more money on the charity party and publicity than the actual charity- not much money goes to the poor, and usually they just pick out a "sponsor"- one poor person- and give them enough money to last the rest of their life. Looks nice, doesn't do much.
In the end, though, there are relatively few poor- just the mentally insane, the truly apathetic and slothful (to the point of serious mental problems) and the crippled. They often starve.
However, there is a sort private welfare system- the church of Maltael. Anyone who goes there will get medical attention, food, shelter, as long as they're not just taking advantage. The only problem is, the churches are a long ways out of the city, so if you've lost your legs... tough luck. There's usually a few charitable Maltael worshippers in the city, but they're sparse enough that you'd need to be quite lucky to find them.
Anyhow, your ideas sound good.

2009-06-25, 08:58 PM

I do feel you pain in having to argue with people who just want to abolish business and form communes of the proletariat.

Also, re: 1984 being better than Brave New World- Lies. Lies and deceit. :smalltongue:

Feeling in need of a little pick-me-up, Andora goes for dinner at The Rose Club. I don't know if you feel the need to play that, but she certainly enjoys the feeling of adulation in the air, imperceptible to most mortal senses. Should she be feeling particularly better, she may even sing or play the harp, both with a +30 mod.

2009-06-25, 10:59 PM
Blasphemy! 1984 is superior in every way. Its dystopia is more interesting, it's better written, and it has far more likeable protagonists and a better plotline.:smallyuk:
Anyhow. I'm not in a very DM-ey mood right now, so yeah, you go there, pomp and circumstance, adulation all around, you play some music, rich people applaud, you go home and feel better. Anything you want to do now, or do I have to push the DMage button?:smalltongue:

2009-06-25, 11:15 PM
Brave New World presents a nuanced and realistic imagination of a dystopia of continued relevance today; and Aldous Huxley wrote it in the 30s.
Also, it's an interesting philosophical case in which I'd argue brainwashing is not merely ethical but optimal. :smalltongue:

And you have to press the DMage button. Or we just sit until your PCs are ready for the party?

I just wish "DMage" didn't look so much like "damage"...

2009-06-26, 05:07 PM
Call me an idealist, but I believe that only under very specific circumstances is brainwashing at all ethical. And I believe 1984 is of far more relevance today than Brave New World.:smallannoyed:

Anyhow, it won't be long before the others are ready for our little fete, and my DM juices are running dry (7 campaigns I'm running in total. 7. That's a lot.) So, unless you have something to do- which you should, considering you're the villain and therefore you're the one to set things into motion, really- but if not, you can just wait. Maybe we'll continue this socio-political-philisophical discussion in the meanwhile.

2009-06-26, 06:40 PM
Good gods man, seven!? Disregarding discussions of darwinism, have you no self-preservational instinct? :smalltongue:

Mostly, Andora needs to be able to mine that land to progress with her plan, so spinning her wheels until the party is all she can do. Well, maybe... I presume that Heran Mall will only meet with her after the party; she needs to talk with him. Hopefully, she can secure mining rights to the territory.

In the meantime, have some RP!

Andora retires to her study and unfurls great maps of the lands of Arien and Darius. Extending her hand over the thick parchment, she exhales and half-closes her eyes, concentrating on the memory of the adulation she felt in the Rose Club, concentrating on the feeling of playing the harp flawlessly. She searches for the comforting touch of more of that flawlessness as she sweeps her hand slowly over the maps on the table.

She wants to find her damn ruby.

2009-06-28, 07:46 PM
Just a bump to say I'm still around.

2009-06-28, 07:50 PM
Consider yourself bumped.

2009-06-28, 08:05 PM
Oh, I shall. Andora might be throwing a party of her own in the intervening time; something that's been on the social calendar for a while, and is just the usual mix of the wealthy and/or interesting people of her acquaintance.

If any NPC (or PC, I suppose) needs to meet with Andora before Mall's party, that would be a good opportunity.

2009-07-01, 06:25 PM
After a while of searching for her ruby, Andora remembers the papers she was working on a day ago, when Brock arrived. Shipping treaties.

She summons Valerian and has him make an appointment at the company with whom she's renegotiating. She'll go into Port White the next day to meet personally with them: if she can, she wants to secure a better rate to some of the cities in Sello that her competitions hasn't already monopolized. Of course, if she gets really good rate, she could actually undercut an challenge them.

Just... Advancin' stuff. You don't have to DM this if you don't want to, given your numerous games.

... Of course, if you don't, I'll just assume that everything goes perfectly according to plan. :smalltongue:

2009-07-01, 10:25 PM
The party that's going to be bodyguarding you had to let off some steam, and one of them kindof... died.:smalleek:
(Ironically, it was at the polite one's hands. Intentionally. Now they're bickering over what'll happen to the corpse's stuff.:smalltongue:)
He's been revived as a ghost, but in the meantime, it's going to be slow going.
I'll DM it so as to stave off boredom.
Entering the port isn't necessarily enjoyable. Due to the lack of horses in Aschen, the roads have not been paved for carts or wagons- all travel must be done by foot. So, Andora is reduced to walking amongst the unclean masses as she goes to the head of the company. And there are certainly masses of them- and unrelenting pulsing, surging mass of people. The small folk, near the beginning, were prone to getting lost among the ocean of bodies- most halflings, gnomes and goblins travel by rooftop. The proud kobolds, despite their miniscule stature, largely refuse to do so, and a trampled body are found every day.
Naturally, Andora is tailed by Orien and Ellora, both holding their rifles, so the masses part much like Moses and the water. On the way, she meets up with another dignitary similarly tailed, by two troll bruisers with massive, crude blades. Probably new money- those types prefer to be flashier. The old money usually have bodyguards even less flashy than Orien and Ellora- just ordinary but highly skilled men, usually talented in covert operations and some sort of magic, be it divine, arcane or even sometimes psionics.
Finally, Andora makes it to the company office- a large building in the popular fashion these days (think greco-roman) made from nicely contrasting alabaster and basalt. Relatively cheap materials, not too flashy, but the one who designed it must've been paid a fortune- it's a very complex weave of the two materials, miraculously melded into a solid structure. Inside a secretary sitting at a maple-wrought table- again, relatively cheap materials but well designed- greets you. Entering, Andora can't help but noticing that the building is cooled against the hot sun- a nice touch.

2009-07-01, 10:55 PM
One of them got killed? And turned into a ghost? :smalleek::smallconfused:

This may change their ability to guard the party without sticking out, you know.

Still, good to know all adventuring parties are about equally stable. :smallbiggrin:

Valerian is also accompanying his mistress. Since she's wearing a silk, grasshopper green dress, he's holding a matching parasol above her head. He carries a leather attaché case in his other hand.

She waves a gloved hand idly at the fellow dignitary; new money or no (though those trolls were gaudy).

Once they arrive in the office, Andora seats herself and Valerian explains that they have an appointment with so-and-so. She tilts her head slightly.

{Orien, please go to my tailor and retrieve an order I placed a few days ago. It should be ready by now.}

The order is question is an order for a pair of shiftweave casting gloves (MIC 84). Basically, they're gloves of storing that let the wearer use items that are stored. It's much more stylish than holding wands.

Shiftweave is just a substance that changes shape; in this case, it will allow the patterns, fits, and styles of the gloves for a modicum of cost efficiency.

2009-07-02, 07:47 PM
[So... what exactly is it you're trying to accomplish here? And yes, the gloves are fine.]

2009-07-02, 09:14 PM
Andora wants at 20% reduction overall in shipping costs of gems to the continent of Aschen, but will provide monetary bonuses to the shipping company if the increased volume helps her increase her market share in those ports.

[In the absence of a party or PCs to kill, and since I can't get my ruby, I guess I have to grow my business.]

2009-07-02, 10:48 PM
Aschen is the big gem mining island. Why would you want to ship gems to Aschen? You should want to ship gems away from Aschen.

2009-07-03, 12:25 AM
Ssssssh. :smalltongue:

An archive dive informs me that I mean Sello, the old world.

2009-07-04, 01:42 AM
You are led to a small meeting room, obviously designed specifically for private chats, designed much like the rest of the room but even more luxurious- the table is made out of one massive chunk of obsidian, and through it runs icy waters to chill the surface. Various exotic fruits are piled in the center of the table in a small divan, just far enough from you so that it would be a bit awkaward and offputting for even the most graceful to reach for some fruit, but from the other end, currently empty, it would be quite easy. A man walks in, obviously the director; he is dressed in a black suit of silkfloss- tough, resistant yet very thin to the point of nonexistence- material. The man is short, about 5'4", but his stature is very powerful and imposing, more than making up for it. He is followed by one of the aforementioned "security experts"- a plain looking man, wearing fine but simple clothing and appearing unassuming, maybe a courier, but carrying himself quite deftly. The former sits down in a luxurious chair, and reaches for a peeled kiwi; popping it into his mouth, he looks you over, relishing the uncomfortable silence. Finally, after about a minute of staring you down, he begins to speak. "Well, Mz. Andora, your offer is quite intriguing. However, for such a... personal deal- and certainly unofficial, we rarely make such offers- I'd like to get to know the woman behind the ledger a bit, first. Why don't you tell me- in your own words- exactly what you want from my fine company." The security expert feigns disinterest, in the conversation, oggling Ellora with raised eyebrows, but you can tell that he is in reality intently listning to every word spoken and keeping a close eye on you and your cohort, more than just some specific parts on one.

2009-07-05, 10:11 PM
Andora seats herself on the divan and examines the carefully-placed bowl of fruit. She's savvy enough to recognize a power play when she saw one, and she's smart enough to recognize an opportunity. After the director enters and finishes speaking, she waves a gloved hand to Ellora; the woman picks a peach from the bowl and slices it efficiently with a pocketknife, handing the pieces to her mistress. It sends a message that Andora is good with all her resources- not just gems.

She smiles at the man. "Of course." Steepling her hands, she closes her eyes gracefully; it's a habit of hers when she's recalling things.

"I've retained your company for the past 4-and-a-half years; as per the contract negotiated between our subordinates, the contract is to be re-examined and re-negotiated before a period exceeding 5 years from initial signing, at which point the contract in question expires."

She opens her eyes. "I've enjoyed my business with your company; your ships are safe and well-insured, you are prompt, and I find it to be altogether satisfactory. Should you find this arrangement not to your liking, I confess that I'm not going to threaten you with taking my business elsewhere; that would be absurd and childish."

"However, I find myself dissatisfied with my market penetration in some of the farther ports of Aschen. I already have an advantage in my cost structure in that my mining fields are close to Port White; the vast majority of my transportation costs come from sea shipping." She levels a finger casually at the man. "You."

"Now, I believe firmly in risk and reward, so I thought up a interesting arrangement. If you discount shipping prices, I can afford to undercut the competition in those cities and grow my market share there. In return, as my market share increases, you will reap a sliding-scale cash reward. The bigger my profit, the bigger your profit. It nicely incentivizes co-operation, don't you agree?"

"Naturally, for this to be worth your while, you need to have the capacity to gain more than you've given. If, for example, you cut prices to a given city by 20%, a 10% increase in my market share in that city will result in a full recoup of your regular rate. Beyond that, I imagine we can progress percentage-for-percentage; that is to say, a 22% increase in share will result in the recoup of your normal rate plus 13% beyond that."

She finishes the peach and dries her hand on a handkerchief silently handed to her by Valerian. "Are those terms acceptable to you?"

The woman didn't get by on looks alone.

That can all be one extended diplomacy check if you'd like, though I always thought it was an absurd and cheap skill.

EDIT: Thought of a villainous plot that the PCs might be able to help with: Andora needs someone to guard a shipment of new and advanced drilling machines coming in from another part of the continent. They'll greatly increase the yield of her land, and when she finds her ruby, it will make getting down to it easier.

2009-07-05, 11:32 PM
Or does she?:smalltongue:
As Ellora pulls out the pocketknife, you notice the man give his expert the slightest of looks; the latter steps forward, reaching out a hand to Ellora. "Excuse me, miss, but drawn blades are strictly forbidden on the premises. Company policy, you understand." The director just smiles and shrugs, keeping to his laid-back standpoint. As you bite into the peach anyways, you realize that it is extremely juicy- another trick. Juice oozes down your chin, and despite your best efforts you end up doing as they intended you- looking like a fool. The man just smiles, the slightest bit of condescension in his look.
As you speak, all the trifles are set aside, and he brings on a more serious look. He ponders for several minutes, leaving you in silence, and then speaks up. "Well, your terms are... interesting. I think I see where this is going. I think I can arrange something along those lines, it should be simple enough, and might just work out nicely." He waves a hand, and his security man leaves, presumably to fetch paperwork. He's smiling again. "Now, just to 'seal the deal', or so to speak, why don't we work out a... personal arrangement."

2009-07-06, 12:09 AM
Andora resists looking dismayed at the issue with the peach. She supposes she'll have to play this ingrate's little game.

At his last words, she raises an eyebrow and smiles slightly. "What kind of personal arrangement, hm?"

Valerian coughs slightly and with apparent discreteness begins to root in the attachè case he carries in response to a telepathic command from Andora; he's looking up who this man's second-in-command is. If she can't charm him surreptitiously, it's always good to be prepared.

2009-07-06, 12:25 AM
There is no second in command, but several people under him with some measure of influence. It should be relatively easy to procue one of them, but nothing big happens without the director's say so.
The man parts his hand, coughs, and smiles. "Oh, I don't know... surprise me." The look on his face is impossible to read, but you can tell he wants something. "Oh, and you still have a bit of peach on your chin there."

2009-07-06, 12:37 AM
Andora can't tell what he wants with a +24 Sense Motive mod? :smallconfused:

Well, if a roll on that doesn't yield anything, I guess we'll just assume he's a pig.

Also, are people aware of when they pass/fail a save? I've had different DM's do different things.

Andora touches the handkerchief to a spot blatantly not plagued by peach juice. "Did I get it?" Presuming he answers in the negative, she holds the handkerchief out to him and smiles. "Would you?"

2009-07-06, 12:56 AM
My dear, you are dealing with a bare minimum level 10 aristocrat, if not level 20. Heck, I made an epic progression for the class specifically for this game. He may not have class levels, but he's got some pretty mean skill points. And will saves.
As for that: I do what I feel is natural. You'll need the proper knowledge or spellcraft roll to know that. However, since you have plenty of points in knowledge:arcane, and I assume you're going for charm person- it depends on the person charmed and the skill of the person doing it. Just about no matter what, however, they'll feel ssomething.
The man walks over to the other side of the table, once again showing off just how short he is, and takes the handkercheif, dabbing at the spot lightly and smiling, again with a hint of condescension. Hopping up and sitting on the table in a clever ploy to mask his height once more, he crosses his legs, giving you a "so?" look.

2009-07-06, 01:15 AM
My dear...

I think some of your RP is sneaking into your spoilers, there. :smalltongue:

Andora takes the handkerchief back and twirls it around a finger before lightly letting it flip through the air in the general direction of Valerian. She stands with a rustle of green silk and sashays her way to the desk and the man. With a slow motion, she removes one of her gloves and runs a bare hand along the man's shoulder. Getting close, she lets him feel her light breath on his mouth as her eyes gaze into his and seek to pull him ever inwards into a place of comfort and pleasure.

Her other glove is discarded, and she leans into him slightly, her other hand running a few fingers under his chin to tilt it upwards just slightly, perilously close to her mouth. "As for my 'personal arragements'... I prefer to conduct that sort of business in private. Perhaps we could handle the paperwork first, and you could join me later this evening?"

Her mind is cold. She's seen this type of power-play before; the type that would suddenly dart forwards for a kiss, the kind that would resist her charms and break away, cackling and gleeful that they got her to debase herself before their petty egos... It was tiresome and repetitive, and one way or the other the man would emerge from the interaction with a sense of self-worth and superiority. It didn't bother her by now; no matter what happened, they would serve her. They might serve her by succumbing to her charms now, the might serve her by scorning her now and then finding eventually that they needed to do it again, to achieve that rush of the beautiful lady desiring them and being turned away. The might even serve her most primal form by succumbing or resisting and then basking in pride and vanity.

The charade was tiresome, but profitable.

That's a Charm Monster, DC 31.

2009-07-06, 05:44 PM
Actually, I tend to use the phrase "my dear" quite a bit; and since the only interaction I've had with you is either gender-neutral or as a female, I've come to regard you as, well, a female. In retrospect, you most likely are not- are you? You don't strike me as one.
The man leans back, lowering his eyes a bit, and snaps his finger. The expert comes in, Hands him a stack of papers, and a few hours later and a few deciper script checks it's all set out. He then straightens his suit, and regards you. "I'm afraid I'm booked tonight, but perhaps we could have lunch... sometime tomorrow?" He says it with feigned disinterest.

2009-07-06, 09:16 PM
I am, in fact, not a female. Though I understand your reasons for thinking so. (In fact, for a while, I thought you were female because your screen name ends with the suffix "-ess", though I quickly realized that I was probably misinterpreting that. To what does your screenname refer?

Andora has gotten her gloves back on. As the contracts are signed, she smiles brilliantly. "Lunch tomorrow would be delightful. I shall expect you at my estate around noon, hm?" She enjoys being back in some modicum of control.

As they sweep out of the building and Valerian again holds the silk parasol to shield her from the sun, she nods at Orien as she rejoins them with a wrapped parcel. {Valerian,} she thinks idly, {see if anyone wants our new friend dead and would pay for the privilege. In disguise, of course. I don't expect to kill him, but you know I like to cover all the angles.}

She shades her eyes with a delicate hand and examines the crowd idly.

I'm okay with a timeskip now if you'd like. How did you feel about my adventure hook that I proposed a few posts back with the guarding the shipment deal?

2009-07-07, 02:31 AM
And just why do you think you were "misinterpreting" that fact there?
It is quite easy to find a large list of people who desire to see the director dead, like any other man in power. Of course, many aren't really willing to pay much- or anything at all- to see it through.
The man arrives, naturally, 20 minutes late.

2009-07-07, 11:27 AM
:smalleek: Er. Citation!

When I stated that I would've liked Ron Paul to win the presidential race, I got this: "Gee, Brandon, you seemed like such a nice guy."

Thus, I assumed you were male.

Andora eats with the man in the small dining room, chatting idly away over lunch. She hasn't yet decided if she was, in fact, going to acquiesce to the man's clumsy advances or not. Maybe she'd see if he wanted a fling with Orien or Ellora instead. Or both.

She finishes her dessert and sets her silverware down with a silvery clink. "Well, what now?"

He's still Charmed, by the way. Charm Monster at CL 17 will last 17 days.

2009-07-07, 03:48 PM
Ahhh, how astute. Yes, you were correct, I am of the male sex. I just wanted to mess with ya.
Gorgondantess, if you must know, is just a flamboyant, unique name I felt like using, as Doctor P. didn't really seem to fit. I think it was the name of some demon in Paradise Lost.
This, as any other character you'll see for more than one post, is fleshed out. So... just how in-detail do you want to get here? Glaze over? Generalities? I'm not going to go X-rated, but I want to know your comfort level with this.

2009-07-07, 04:44 PM
Let's stick with an R-rating. If you couldn't put it on a movies screen without the MPAA freaking out, then skillful "camera cuts" and "scene changes" are probably in order. Implications, etc., are still fine. I'm comfortable with a good deal of stuff, so the above is mostly to keep everyone within forum rules.

Yay rule-compliance!

Andora tilts her head. "I'm afraid, of course, that I can't really attend to you myself." She examines her nails. "I do have an image to maintain. That said, Orien and Ellora have agreed to keep you entertained for a while." She looks at him. "I trust that 'personal arrangement' is satisfactory?"

Andora decided on a course of action. :smallbiggrin:

I'm assuming that Orien and Ellora actually wouldn't mind, given their loyalty to their mistress. Andora won't force them to do anything they mind doing in this regard. If they object, a slight ret-con will be in order.

2009-07-07, 10:48 PM
So, here's the deal.

As per the PM for my application, it's time for me to go to Italy now. I leave early tomorrow and in the next few days I'll be evaluating my access to the internet. I expect to be able to be on every day or every other day, but it's good to be on the same page.

Ciao! :smallbiggrin:

2009-07-10, 07:49 AM
I'll probably be able to access the internet once a day, though weekends might be dodgy depending on where our weekend trips take us.

So, post away, I suppose! Now that I've triple-posted. :smalltongue:

2009-07-10, 02:07 PM
Hey, awesome, have fun! SOunds like a good time. What exactly are you going to be doing in italy?
Anyhow, I'm leaving for a 3-day backpacking trip, so... expect a bit of a wait.
The man huffs a bit, crossing his legs and looking vexed. "I didn't come here for your handmaids."

2009-07-13, 07:24 AM
I'm studing Italian in Siena, a city in Tuscany. I'm with a group, and we take weekends trips to other cities and it's rather fun so far. On the other hand, there is also a good deal of grammar. :smalltongue:

Andora drums a set of manicured fingernails against the table with successive clicking sounds and leans back.

"Well, I'm sure you understand my difficulty here, of course. A powerful man can philander to his heart's content, but a powerful woman has an image to maintain."

She smiles and plays with a gem at the nape of her neck. "I assure you, no man can yet claim to have conquered either Orien or Ellora, let alone both. Still a very impressive tale to tell."

2009-07-13, 10:04 PM
Well, of course you're having fun. Good food there, I presume?:smalltongue: I'd like to go to Italy sometime, either to study at a culinary school or just to see the architecture there. Not just the Roman stuff, but also some of the later, more gothic works (though the best gothic architecture is, sadly, in France.:smallyuk:)
The man huffs a bit more, growing a bit red. You've clearly gotten him quite out of order. He loses most of his charisma, talking in almost a whine. "A man of my stature does not philander amongst these plebians," he says, waving his hands at the two, "But only with the highest. You are grealy dissapointing me."

2009-07-14, 06:00 AM
Yeah, the best that central Italy can do is Gothic style, though some it it is still really lovely. I think Milan, and the other, northen climes, are some nice genuine Gothic structures. (Because they're close to France.) :smallwink:

How was backpacking?

Andora holds back a frown. She's rather fond of her girls, after all, and this little ingrate just insulted them twice. She sighs slightly and raises an eyebrow. It's not that she doesn't enjoy his squirming and whining, it's just that it grows so tiresome after a while.

"Three kisses."

"It takes a unique gentleman to keep my attentions, but if you think you're up to the task..." She shrugs. "They say that my kiss is narcotic; that it blots out restraint and makes a man lose focus. Don't say I didn't warn you."

She stands in a rustle of silk and flicks her finger slightly, commanding him to do the same. The height differnece will be humiliatingly apparent, but he'd be focused on other things.

She smiles sardonically.
"I assume you're not deterred in the slightest?"

2009-07-15, 02:12 PM
He looks at you incredulously, remaining seated. "Three kisses? I have no use for kisses. Now stop wasting my time and offer me something worth m while."

2009-07-16, 06:10 AM
Andora pauses for a moment. She'd really hoped to conduct business cordially and without fuss, but she would not aquiese to his rude and bumbling advances.

The man found himself suddenly on the recieving end of a very narrowed and very sharp 40 Charisma gaze focused on his eyes. "I have tried to conduct myself in a manner that is both graceful and obliging, messire. I have compromised and I have made offers far more generous than I otherwise would."

She seats herself slowly. "You are attraced to me not only for my look but for my power; as you so dismissivly said, you do not dabble with plebians." Her voice suddely becomes razor edged. "You would do well to remember, in that vein, that you are in my home, and that I am a Merchant Lord of the highest order. You have insulted me, you have insulted my staff, and you have acted like a petulat child in the face of my willingness to indulge your fantasies."

Her voice doesn't raise in volume, but doubles in intensity. "Fantasies that, I might add, tread exclusively on my good graces, since we have already signed the contract and, furtermore, that would no doubt be looked down upon by our peers. Trading sexual gratification for business." She waves a hand. "It seems a little tawdry for people of our stature, don't you agree?" There's the slightest stress on our, as if to assure the man that she's not yet enraged enough to actually spread this anecdote around, but she continues quietly.

"Despite this, I am content to give you my business. I am content, like a schoolchild, to wrangle over a kiss. But I am not content to be treated like a common courstesan, with whom you may do as you please."

Her eyes flare slightly. "Do not mistake beauty for foolishness, accomidation for favor, and do not think my patience is boundless."

2009-07-16, 07:31 PM
The man ***** his head, and adjusts his tie. "Well then. 3 kisses would be lovely."
Yeah, true...
Anyhow, backpacking was pretty fun. I swam the river, fished a bit (But the fishes were *******s- you could see 'em through the water, big pools with dozens or more, and they'd just sit there placidly all day. You throw down a lure and they swim up, check it out, sniff it a bit, brush up against it, but nobody in my group could get one bite.:smallsigh:).
Anyhow, it got really interesting when a huge grizzly stole all of our food, taking it to the top of a nearby mountain. We had no food left, so I climbed up the mountain. There the bear told me his name was Ghardulnak, and he was king of the grizzlies. I challenged him to mortal combat, and there on the top of the cliff I wrestled him into submission with my bare hands. But then, unwilling to give up his reign, he called upon his werewolf cohorts, who assailed me all at once with his aid. Knowing that even with my incredible magical powers I was outmatched, I ran to the side of the cliff and leapt off it, whistling to the giant eagles who resided there to aid and save me. They answered the call, and together we defeated the grizzly king and his ninja mountain lion assassins. That night my belly was full with bear meat (and werewolf, and ninja mountain lion) and the grizzlies had no king, so they decided to name the strongest among them as their ruler- me. However, I preferred the simple life of a suburban man, so I declined, giving my rule over to the native peoples. So, yeah, standard backpacking trip.

2009-07-20, 08:31 AM
Hobbes' "state of nature" indeed...

Andora gives the man three kisses; one one each cheek and a final, decisive one on the mouth. After some consideration, she doesn't even poison any of them. She sick of the man already, and she'll forgo the opportunity to make him crumple into a coma for the time being, as satisfying as it would be.

There's enough ambient venom in her lips, though, that he should nonetheless feel an odd and not unplesant tingling sensation where they touch his skin.

Also, you gave no comment on my plan to involve some PC's by transporting mining equimpment I laid out a while back. PC's or no, I want that to happen. Technological advances are important, particularly if they give Andora an edge over the competition.

Also, I remain ready to fast-forward to the party whenever you are.

2009-07-20, 11:52 PM
Sure... golems and hydraulic drills and all that. Nevertheless, it will be quite a drain on your resources- that stuff is effing expensive. You could buy another mansion for the price required for a full set of that (several drills and about 40 stone golems.) Where do you want them shipped to?
The man smiles curtly, supressing any feeling from the kiss. He stands up, and nods. "Well then. I do hope we'll be able to do business again, Mz. Andora." With that, he leaves.

Let's Do the Time Warp Again!
Party Time.

You arrive at the party, bedecked in (presumably) your finest jewels and clothes. As you enter within sight, there is, strangely enough, a knocking at the side of your carriage (you were going along at quite a clip). Opening the door, you are greeted by a hansome, masculine, feline looking fellow, with high cheekbones and slicked back red hair marked with flecks of black and grey. He wears a fine tuxedo. "Greetings, madame. I am known as Eric- just Eric. Haren sent me to be your escort today. Please, step out of the carriage; I am afraid such things are not allowed within party boundaries. Regulations, you see. Now, we can walk, in which case we have set up a place of honor for you and an entrance. Mr. Mall would prefer it this way. However, if you feel you cannot make the journey- 6 miles, by my reckoning- I have a special wand prepared that will magic us there." He speaks with a certain lilt, perhaps an accent you cannot place your finger on- nevertheless, it is beguiling, and you find yourself almost entranced by his voice, listening not to the words but the sounds.

2009-07-21, 03:56 AM
Andora is wearing an impressive black and white ballgown with tasteful but clearly very, very expensive jewelry. Also, of course, she has her gloves, which contain a wand of Scorching Ray and a wand of Dispel Magic. She's buffed with Mind Blank, Undetectable Alignment, Glibness and Nondetection, and Orien carries a bag with all of the wands on the list I gave you (in nice little wand-pockets) as well as some incidental scrolls like Disintigrate, Antilife Shell and Spell Turning.

Andora looks at Eric with a smooth smile. "You've never tried to walk six miles in heels before, have you, Eric? Nonetheless, if that is what our host wishes..."

Ellora and Orien step out of the carriage first and survey the area; this could be an elaborate trap. If all is clear, then Andora steps down with Valerian.

"I trust you have someone who can prestidigitate the grime of the road off me when we get there, of course." She holds out her arm cordially for Eric to take it, and will allow him to lead her along as she thinks.

This is clearly a test; nobody requires a guest to walk six miles to a party over which they're supposed to preside. Andora had a slight edge in the sense that her perfect Outsider biology, more of ideal given flesh than an actual evolved organism, did away with such minor problems as the need to sweat, but that's what Mall would be testing for. Still, if they'd reached this point, Mall already knew that Andora was unusual- or was decently sure, anyway.

Eric, clearly, was more than he seemed; the speed at which he must have been moving assured that. Well, what fun this would be.

The digging equipment can be delivered to whatever serves as Andora's corporate headquarters. Eventually, she hopes to deploy them to dig towards her ruby.

2009-07-22, 07:31 PM
Awww, I'm so proud of you! You're probably the best at scheming and understanding motives of any player I've DMd for.:smallsmile:
Seriously, though- everyone else is totally clueless. They wouldn't get anywhere without maxed ranks in sense motive... and they also tend to be blundering fools.:smallsigh:
Eric bows and takes your hand, effortlessly striding along at quite a magnificent pace. It is all you can do to keep up, as you have to hitch up your dress and go on with a run. Noticing this, he politely slows down... but you're still forced to stride. Finally, you come to the party site; it is all lit up with dancing lights in the air, a constant light show, and from well over a mile away you could smell the intoxicating scent of obviously excellent food; finally, you come to the back of the party, and to the back of a pavillion, quite hidden; there is a flap cut before you to allow entry. Eric smiles and bows again, taking your hand. "Please, excuse the rush, but we are in need of quite some expedience... admittedly, you are a bit late. Nevertheless, you held up far better than expected; for one so beautiful, you have incredible stability." As he speaks, he gesticulates, and it is not until a few sentences in you realize he is casting a spell, and all the grime is magicked away. He gestures to the flap, allowing you entry.
As you walk through, you find yourself on a pedestal, lights shining towards you enough that a lesser person would undoubtedly be blinded. Beyond the pedestal are many, many tables, on which all of high society seems to be, all applauding you and being served by waiters. They all look expectant.

2009-07-23, 06:56 AM
"Very kind of you to say, Eric," Andora says as she makes sure her hair is as flawless as ever. Taking the slightest moment to arrange her thoughts, she takes a flute of champane from a nearby waiter and holds it in her hand. Her mouth arranges itself into a dazzling smile, and she steps regally through the flap.

Once the clapping dies down, she surveys the crows with a smile, and a mischevous glint in her eye. "If brevity is the soul of wit, as they say, then I will try to make this speech very funny indeed." Pause for laughter, and the ice is broken.

"As you all know, our host, Heran Mall, can't be here with us today, being in White Crag for business. It's a testament to his goodwill and industrious nature that he should be working while we celebrate his most recent accomplishment."

Her tone modulates slightly and takes on a serious and suitably grave edge as she searches out Lords Arien and Darius in the crowd; since this is, essentially, a public circus that will force them to behave themselves, she expects to find them seated next to each other.

"Mr. Mall has brought tranquility once again to our continent in reconciling Messires Arien and Darius. In doing so, he has done us all a boon. No longer troubled by internal strife, we can return to our primary business; no matter what we may deal in physically, our business is life." She pauses for a moment, rhetorically, letting that sink in.

"We sell lifestyles, we sell rewards, we sell dreams to the people of Aschen and Sello. We provide employment, and we provide hope. Those are the 'supply lines' that are threatned by conflict, those that promote stability and reward ingenuity and hard work. It is what makes our world great- the drive to develop, the drive to learn, and the drive to succeed. In restoring peace, Mr. Mall has kept the essential promise of self-improvement and self-betterment alive."

She raises her champagne flute in a graceful toast. "To prosperity."

Aww, how sweet of you to say! What, are the rest of your players like, "oh, six miles to a party in dress clothes. Yeah, that makes sense"?

P.S.- I tried to make the speach Social Darwinism-licious, just for you. :smalltongue:

2009-07-24, 08:04 PM
Well, no, they're just lacking any savviness at all. Mostly they just run around, if it seems threatening hit it, if it's not be really rude to it then get all huffy when it gets annoyed and refuses to help them.
And they're also thoughtless social retards. Seriously... last game I DMd I ended up down to 2 players, but they were really, really awesome. Great RPers, smart, good writers... now... not looking so great. So, I'm just gonna be screwing with 'em until you get the chance to.
And there was much rejoicing.
People applauded, Arien and Darus come up to say their own parts, you mingle with the high society for a time, and the mercenaries Mall sent never show up. Aside from that, it's a standard- if a bit more lavish than usual- social banquet.
Things start to die down, and the party reaches the lull when everyone's either tired, drunk or gone.
Well, I've got nuthin'. Go get 'em.

2009-07-29, 06:25 AM
Andora saves a dance for the charming Eric, should he be anywhere to be found. As they twirl around the dance floor (Andora, of course, the epitome of grace), she looks at the young man. "I spoke with a Mr. Brock about seeing Mr. Mall at his earliest convenience. I trust you will help me to schedule that?"

Once the group has returned to Andora's manor, the lady spends the next day lounging in her chambers in a dressing gown, getting various spa treatments from servants who visit the house at her beck and call. She dictates a message for Las to Valerian, to be delivered immediatly: "Your mercenaries didn't show at the party. I'm certainly not put out, given that they surely would have found a way to ruin the evening, but I thought I should let you know. Of course, I wouldn't pass up another chance to yell at them."

Sorry for the longer wait; internet access is getting slightly more restricted. The next thing Andora has to do to advance the plot is to meet with Mall and try to get permission to mine those lands.

2009-07-29, 08:54 PM
Eric, while obviously not being a very practiced dancer, is almost as graceful as Andora herself, making for an interesting experience. "Forgive me, my lady, but I am afraid I do not have the authority to do such a thing. Only Mr. Brock holds that power. The most I can do is tell Mr. Brock of your desires. If you have already made these desires known to him, I assure you, such a thing will be entirely unneccessary for me to do. Once again, forgive me- one must follow due form. However, if it is an especially pressing need, I might be able to make an exception."

Valerian sets off to give the message to Las, and returns with a reply- apparently, noone has heard from the group since they left your home.

2009-08-03, 03:44 AM
Andora smiles at Eric; she suspected that he'd be able to keep up, mysterious as he was. "If you have faith in Mr. Brock, then I am satisfied to have faith in him as well."

Andora raises an eyebrow at Valerian. Examining her nails idly, she decides after a moment to order her spies to keep an eye out for the group of foolhardy mercenaries: it was probably that their own stupidity had gotten them killed, but they had vanished right after visiting her mansion, and Andora was old enough and careful enough not to immediately chalk such things up to coincidence.

Andora will mostly wait for Mall to get back to her now; she has no particularly compelling reason to throw herself at the PC's, after all.

On that note, aren't there supposed to be more of them running around?

2009-08-06, 01:28 AM
Well, you've been a bit slow, so I've been keeping them occupied.
Oh, what fun I've been having! Really, one team got abducted by illithids. They're currently having a philosophical debate with their captor as to why they shouldn't be considered livestock. (The illithid's point was, a mindflayer is as much smarter than a human as a human is smarter than a cow- so, if it's ok for humans to eat cows because they're so much stupider than them, then it's ok for mindflayers to eat humans because they're so much stupider than them.) Enyhoo, quite fun.:smallbiggrin:
Another team... well, they were getting bored, so I decided to sate them by throwing this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6498707&postcount=102) at them, and then when they followed her, I went on with this. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6500485&postcount=107) Now they're naked and trying to get their stuff back! Sadly, one of the party members is a druid, so... not all that hindering.:smallsigh:
Anyhow, for fear of revealing too much, I'm not going to say what's going on with the other party.:smallamused:

You receive a letter the next day, unmarked on te envelope. Opening it, however, you notice a familiar handwriting and prose style:

Mz. Andora-

Do excuse this highly impersonal method of communication, but Mr. Mall is currently in dire need of my constant services. Due to the reasons for this need (which shall remain undisclosed), he is likewise unable to speak with you, though he sends his regards.


2009-08-06, 07:34 AM
Andora looks at the note humorlessly. She hoped that som,ething had exploded somewhere, and that's what was keeping Mall busy. She briefly allowed herself to fantasize over the fall of his empire, then pulled herself together.

Then she exploded in volcanic rage and hurled a few crystal vases against the wall, then decided that in might be better to focus on what to do next and spare the rest of her crystal an abrupt and achitectural fate.

She sits in her office, two tables covered with the maps painstakingly assembled by topographers, divinations, and spies. Her own personal annotations are in red ink, a few circles in seemingly random places at a few cave entrances. These are the precious caverns she suspects might lead to her ruby. She examines the charts, then summons Valerian.

"I want a list of mercenaries pulled together immediatly and anonimously, Valerian; those who could be paid, or bribed, or blackmailed. People a litte dim, but with some talent. People who are utterly expendable. I shall expect it by tomorrow."

((Lies, all lies.))

She seats herself and writes out a note on lightly perfumed paper; nothing that affronts the senses, but a delicate blend that simply makes people sit up and take notice. It's a scent she only uses for personal correspondence, but the letter she writes is businesslike.

Mr. Mall-

Although I regret we are unable to meet face to face, I send my regards and my thanks for your delightful soiree or a few days past. I trust you found my performance adequate.

I wished to discuss with you the profit potential of your new lands: though I am loath to trouble you in what is, according to Mr. Brock, a difficult time, I hope you will find it mutually advantageous to subcontract me and my specialists to begin to mine the gems and other materials of capital interest from the area.

I await your reply. Until then, I am, sincerely yours,

- Lady Andora

She considers for a moment and, in a coy, polite, and we-both-know-what-you-were-doing-there acknowledgement of her own recognition of Mall's test, adds a postscript.

P.S.- Please ask Mr. Brock to pass on my additional greetings and thanks to Mr. Eric; I am afraid I was remiss in not securing his card so I could thank him for his help personally.

She seals the note in an envelope and stamps her business seal into the wax, then puts that into a larger envelope with a note requesting that Mr. Brock deliver this to Mall. She passes the entire thing off to Valerian.

"Get this to Mr. Brock, please."

She sweeps through the parlor up to her private quarters, then turns and looks back at Valerian. "And have our people look into what's occupying Haren Mall. Mr. Brock is not delivering on his end of our bargain."

Fine, you want me to involve the PCs? I will concoct a silly plan in which they could somehow concevably be useful. Mostly as people to scry on as they wander illegally and secretly into subterranian caverns. Andora wouldn't make such an absurd and hasty move, but I suppose if the plot demands it, then there we are.

((Also lies. There is nothing to see here.))

2009-08-06, 01:42 PM
Emm... if Andora normally wouldn't do that, then please, don't do it. Besides, all of them are tied up at the moment...

2009-08-07, 04:41 PM
Some literally tied up, I imagine...

In any case, my previous post has been edited for logical planning and polite correspondance.

2009-08-10, 11:42 PM
So, when are you going to get back from Italy?

Valerian goes out to try to track down Mr. Brock, quite unsuccessfully. He returns at nightfall with no luck; apparently, the man is quite elusive.

2009-08-11, 08:41 AM
I should be happily settled at school in the States by August 25th or so.

Andora will, uh, keep trying to have her message delivered: scrying on Brock worked well enough last time. Other than that, she continues to make money. She also has her spies report if Mall is doing anything to his new land. If he's not, she can wait and wait and wait and wait.

2009-08-13, 02:04 PM
Okay, so over the period of a few days, you get this:
Brock is having quick, extensive mining operations. In the area, nobody ever comes in, and nothing ever comes out; it's patrolled by armed men. No gems are shipped, and they are self sufficient, raising crops for the human supervisors and having mining golems do all the work.
Mall and Brock are quite elusive, and all your scrying attempts are blocked.

2009-08-13, 04:23 PM
Anodra is unamused.

She instructs her spies to begin combing backwards through Mr. Mall's past: looking for any connections to the Rose Club or tow the cults, looking for any other religious affiliation in his life, past or present, as well as trying to discover the same things about those who are known to be near him.

It seems reasonable to believe that he's looking for her ruby as well, though he probably wasn't planning on just turning it over to her with a smile. So what did he want it for?

For her part, she meditates on the stone: she wants to feel where it is, and if it's found.

2009-08-13, 04:29 PM
The most Andora is able to unearth is his past as an entrpeneur- what he's bought, what he's sold, what (and whom) he owns.
As far as she knows, he's never shown any interest whatsoever in the Rose Club, though a good portion of its members belong to him.
The stone is safe... for now.

2009-08-17, 04:16 AM
Well, I have no idea where to go from here. Did you have something in mind?

2009-08-17, 04:38 PM
Think about it for a while, if you can't figure it out, I'll make something happen. Okiedokie?

2009-08-20, 11:44 AM
... Yeah, I got nuthin'.

2009-08-20, 01:48 PM
Oh, come come come now. I expected better of you. Just think: you want that ruby. How are you going to get it? There are a myriad of options at your fingers.

2009-08-24, 03:21 PM
Sorry, I've been on the road, hence the slow responses.

Well, the next plan is to contact Mall and ask nicely, but I've been stymied at every turn there. Andora could ham-handedly do something illegal and jeopardize her position, but unless there's immediate proof that Hall can actually do something to her Ruby besides exhume it, then it's too risky. Where do you want me to take this? At this point, I'm tired of chasing in vain after Heran Mall, who I've been unable to remotely get close to. If he does whatever he's planning and becomes the real villain, so be it.

2009-08-26, 12:58 AM
Okie-dokie. Time Warp then.
Plagues with indecisiveness and inaction, Andora spends the week doing absolutely nothing; and, in her apathy, she atrophies. Finally, there is a visitor; probably something petty, but a visitor nontheless.
She opens the door to find none other than Mr. Brock, with a young man behind him. Brock beams, while the other sniffs lazily and scans the area indifferently, a bored, almost condescending look on his face.
The man stands thin, at just over 6', and wears a fine olive shirt over comfortable but quite casual pants. He is otherwise unadorned. Shoulder length loose brown-red hair lies in thin tangles on his head, while subtle acne scars and uneven stubble adorns his broad, masculine chin that contrasts with an angelic face, with glistening eyes and a petit nose. Endearingly crooked teeth grip onto a thin cigar- the only thing denoting richness about him, the tobacco being of an ostentatiously expensive brand- as he strikes a match against his shirt, lighting it. His mouth hangs slightly open, seeping out the smoke.
Brock steps aside. "This, Mz. Andora, is Haren Mall. Do make it quick, he has quite a busy schedule."
Haren raises his eyebrows, the cigar hanging lazily at the corner of his open mouth. "Well, are you going to invite me in?"

2009-08-26, 09:21 AM
It's not that she's doing nothing; she still has a business empire to run, after all. But the Evil Plans don't advance much.

Andora doesn't answer the door herself, obviously, but when a telepathic message is fired off to tell her who's at the door, it takes her about 10 seconds to array herself splendidly in the upstairs parlor. A tea service materializes from the hands of a prepared servant, and Mall and Brock are shown in.

Andora, of course, rises and offers Mall either tea or something from the well-stocked bar while quietly noting to herself that there was a reason so few people saw him; this was not a 90-year-old man.

"Mr. Mall. What an pleasant surprise." Her eyes flick briefly to Brock, and she wonders if he'll be staying.

2009-08-26, 02:33 PM
Brock is clearly staying, following Mall with every move.

Mall looks down, sighing annoyedly. He takes one last drag, and flicks the cigar perfectly onto the tray of teas. "I'm a busy man, Mz. Andora, and have no time for niceties. Brock told me that you wanted to speak to me, so let's get to business. What is it?"

2009-08-26, 04:18 PM
"Oh, fine."

Andora picks up a bottle of expensive brandy and pours herself a glass of the stuff. She looks at her guest with a practical (but still, of course, very beautiful) expression.

"You claerly have a secret, and, among other things, I can run six miles in a ballgown. As long as we're doing away with social niceties, we may as well be frank with each other. I want the mining rights to the land you recently acquired. Are they for sale?"

2009-08-26, 04:32 PM
Mall shakes his head, saying without hesitation, "No.''

2009-08-26, 10:51 PM
Andora sips her brandy, not missing a beat. "Fine. What do you want?"

2009-08-26, 10:54 PM
Mall lights another cigar, not missing a beat. "Nothing less than Castle White and the area around it. I've put far too much into that land to just hand it over."
One sense motive check later and you learn the second sentence is quite a lie.

2009-08-27, 06:33 AM
"We can probably help each other," Andora says, setting her brandy down with a clink. She looks at the man. "But stop lying to me, Haren."

2009-08-27, 07:55 PM
"Oh, I'm sure we can help each other... but all in all, I'd prefer it to be on my terms. Very well then, I will not lie to you, but I will not tell you the truth either. Doubtless, you are showing me the same respect."

2009-08-27, 08:59 PM
Andora seats herself calmly and speaks plainly and casually, stating simple facts.

"Very well. I want a specific stone that's somewhere in the land you seized. I'm a bit of a collector, and this one is supposed to be impressive."

"I've been trying persistently to use my various spies and avenues to get more information on you, but you've become very good at covering your tracks. I know roughly who and what you own; and impressive collection. On the land you acquired you've been conducting self-sustaining mining operations using golems as labor, and nothing is ever shipped out."

"At your party, you were testing me in various ways, and in what you could not possibly have believed to be a subtle manner. Your man Eric tried to use what I imagine was some sort of Charm on me, which I shall overlook for now."

"You are a man who is more than he seems, which encourages me to think that we could actually form a productive partnership. So don't stall it now by playing coy games. You're a better businessman than that."

2009-08-27, 09:24 PM
Haren just smiles throughout. "You are very perceptive, Mz. Andora; I can see why you got this far. But do not presume my actions and motives.
You want this gem? Very well then. When I find it, I'll sell it to you. Until then, I suppose you have nothing more to ask of me?"

2009-08-28, 07:01 AM
Andora waves a hand. "I would hate to trouble you unduly; I'm reasonably sure I know the area in which it lies. In order to trouble you as little as possible, I can bring my own men and equipment. Once it's safely extracted and examined, I'd gladly pay market price for the stone."

2009-08-29, 12:17 AM
"I'm sorry, Mz. Andora, but my affairs on the land are highly secretive. I assure you, however, I will make sure any unusual or outstanding gems found will be brought to your attention, and that when I am finished with the land I will turn it over to you at half market price. You have a reason to be digging there beyond stones with no practical value, and so do I. Let's just leave it at that, shall we?"

2009-08-30, 07:26 AM
Andora nods. "As you will."

"I'd offer you a meal, but I'm sure you won't take me up on it. So, unless you have more to say to me, good day."

2009-08-30, 12:08 PM
Haren nods. "Very perceptive of you, Mz. Andora." He turns to leaave, Brock following.
Anything you want to do before I hit the big red plot button?

2009-08-30, 07:28 PM
I think the last time you pressed that button, a scary woman fell through the ceiling. But press away.

P.S.- Have you killed the PCs or something? I really don't care, because we're having a grand old time, but really.

2009-08-30, 07:45 PM
Heh. Well, I can assure you, a scary woman won't fall through the ceiling this time.
As for the PCs, I have them embroiled in their own problems. Kinda like you, except they're not having a grand old time, they're coming to terms with their mortality.:smalltongue:
(2/9 have died so far, if you must know, but they'll be/have been resurrected.)
The next day after Haren Mall leaves, there is a knock at the door. A servant answers it, and goes to you, saying that it is extremely important. He is otherwise very vague.

2009-08-30, 09:45 PM
Andora is in her office in a very smart skirt-suit, reviewing some papers. She looks at the servant as if he's an idiot- because he clearly is- and instructs him to show whoever it is into the library. She telepathically summons Orien and Ellora, then walks over to see her guest.

2009-08-30, 10:46 PM
The servant nods vapidly, and goes off to see him in. He seems very odd today.

What walks in the likes of which have never been seen in the home of Andora. It is a 7' (or so) tall humanoid, wrapped in dirt and travel stain covered brown ragged robes. Some of the stains look like blood, and some are completely incomprehensible. The thing carries an 8' staff wrapped in cloth and lever, and leans against it. The thing's head is covered by a large hood, and wrapped in moist, stained cloth so all that can be seen are its eyes- white, piercing, and surrounded by a mottled, bluish, pallid skin. As it enters, it looks around confusedly, and then sets its eyes on you. It speaks in a deep, compelling voice that seems to come from everywhere but the man.
"Ahh... forgive me... Andora?- if that really is your name- but it has been some time since I had to pay heed to social niceties." As it speaks, its clothes become spotlessly clean, followed by the filthy footprints it left on your carpet. "Emm... yes... it's been a while, indeed. Please, stay your seat." It takes back its hood and removes the mask to reveal a pale blue, rubbery betentacled face- an illithid.
Andora knows that illithids were supposedly all destroyed during the expansion to Aschen, and they are not only forgotten but considered extinct.
"I and my people are in control of a certain cavern complex under the grounds currently in control by Haren Mall. We are also aware of a certain gem resting upon a pedestal in one of the deep chambers there, under magical protection we do not dare meddle with. Our diviners, in a fit of supreme audacity, have foudn that you have been linked with this gem... Now, to get to the point. If Haren Mall continues his diggings, it will inevitably lead to our caverns. If we are discovered, we will certainly be all destroyed before we can regain our numbers of old.
As such... I propose a partnership. You aid us as our face in the terran world, and we will help you acquire this gem.

2009-08-31, 08:49 AM
Andora takes a seat and crosses her arms, thinking for a moment.

"Of course, if the price is suitable. I'm a businesswoman. But release my servant immediately."

That complete, she puts a finger to her chin. "What sort of work would you expect me to do for you? And why, of course, would you choose someone who you can't control in your usual vein?"

2009-08-31, 07:48 PM
The illithid chuckles. "Of course, Andora. No, mind control is quite fallible. One does not gain the puppet's skills, or personality... ones close to them can detect a difference... also, most ranking businessmen carry charms to ward against such things. You are powerful, and we have something you desire. It is as simple as that.
Our primary mission is to end Mall's mining of the land above our caverns. We would like you to help us do this."

2009-08-31, 09:37 PM
Andora considers, tilting her head.

"It's almost funny; I made a deal yesterday with Mr. Mall that if he should find my ruby, he would sell it to me. And now you say that you have my ruby, and that you'll give it to me if I stop Mall."

She laughs slightly and waves a hand idly, thinking out loud.

"Of course, I trust both of you about equally; Mall is a devious bastard as far as I can tell, with his own mysterious agenda, and you eat the brains of sentient humanoids." She looks at her guest. "I don't mind, particularly, but it's not the most benign food, you understand."

She makes up her mind. "So, I will help you on a few conditions." She holds up her manicured fingers. "You take me to my ruby, and you throw your people at it until I have it in my hands. Then we stop Mr. Mall's little project."

2009-09-01, 12:51 AM
The illithid quirks an eyebrow as Andora talks of Haren Mall's plans, and waves a hand as she talks of their dietary habits. "An illithid is to a human as a human is to a cow. They are no more than animals to be fed upon or taken... usually."

The anthropomorphic cephalopod glares at Andora as she makes the deal of her own. It stands up, thrusting the butt of its staff into the ground for emphasis. "This I cannot do. My people have dwindled, and our numbers are few. I cannot risk their lives, and food is scarce enough I would not send in more than a few of our cattle. Most of them are helpless and unskilled anyways.
However, I am not so foolish as to walk away just now. Perhaps a compromise can be reached? You have nigh unlimited resources at your disposal. We will lead you to your gem, and tell you what we have learned of it. From there, we will aid you in procuring it, though not at undue risk. I cannot risk the lives of my people." He knocks his staff against the ground once more, his emphasis overwhelming, even to one such as Andora.

2009-09-01, 12:44 PM
Andora smiles. "Those terms are acceptable."

She stands as well, serenely, in counterpoint to the illithid's irate resolve. "Let me prepare my things, and we may depart."

She gathers various scrolls (including a few of Mind Blank, casting one for good measure, and multiple of alter self to act as a disguise). Orien and Ellora will accompany her, likewise disguised and unrecognizable to whoever they might meet.

2009-09-01, 06:30 PM
The illithid nods as you accept his proposal, and politely waits by the door as you get your things together. As soon as you are ready, he nods again, and raises his staff. "Very well then. Let us go." The staff is turned, and suddenly you are in a shack somewhere in the deserts of Aschen. The heat scorches. The shack is run down, and contains little but a bed and a worn rug of tiger fur. He lifts up the rug, revealing... surprisingly, nothing. Just more floor. He waves his hand, and it remains the same. "An illusion. There is a ladder below... after you."

2009-09-01, 07:26 PM
Andora studies the area for a while, assuming that her host will wait patiently. She wants to be able to teleport back here if she needs to.

Orien and Ellora all use scrolls of Alter Self to become delicate but tough-looking even maidens. Andora takes the form of a commanding elven man, her clothes obligingly morphing into stylish but practical adventuring gear.

Orien goes down the ladder first, followed by Andora next and then Ellora.

2009-09-03, 11:17 PM


2009-09-04, 12:20 AM
Bump indeed. Do excuse the lack of posting.
You reach down, finding a set of stairs hewed into damp stone, though it could really be called a ladder.
For quite some time you travel down, eventually coming to a dank, uneven tunnels.
"Erosion carved. I'm afraid we illithids are not very good at dealing with the corporeal- not much of a domicile, but it serves our purposes. It'll be a bit before we reach anything of interest... be ready for a trek."
He speaks true, and not until 4 hours later do you reach an end to the tunnels. Finally, you reach a chamber; inside is some furniture- in fact, very fine furniture, most likely originally at least as fine as Andora's. However, it is strangely damaged, with faded colors and a ruffled texture; most likely water damage. Two other illithids reside in the room; they are smaller and stockier than the one you have met, however. Rather than the rags, however, they wear ornate, extravagant robes- the tailoring is impeccable, and made with gorgeous, ridiculously expensive threads. They both bow.
After an unspoken but obvious communication, the two nod and walk off. He follows after, and about 30 minutes later you come to a large stone seal. The illithids stand near. "Your gem is behind this... it absolutely reeks of the gods. The gods, however, are shamefully unlearned in the powers of the mind... so we've been able to see behind the seal without triggering anything. Beyond is simply a small chamber, domed, approximately 4.2 metres in radius. In the center a massive gem, ostensibly a ruby, but its composition is quite unlike a corporeal ruby. Nothing we know of, however. Beyond that... we're shooting in the dark."

2009-09-04, 01:10 PM
On the long, long journey to interesting parts of the cave, Andora makes as much conversation as her illithid host will tolerate, finding out how they determined the ruby was connected to her and how much they knew about its true nature. And her true nature.

She ('he,' at the moment, physically) examines the area with the door carefully, again remembering it for the purposes of teleportation. She moves from that to examining the seal itself, careful not to get too close, and certainly not to touch it.

Know: Arcana- [roll0]
Know: Planes- [roll1]
Know: Religion- [roll2]

I imagine that nobility and royalty doesn't really apply here, but I can roll it if you'd like. :smalltongue:

Oh, and Spellcraft- [roll3]

EDIT- Wow. Relatively speaking, pitiful knowledge rolls there.

Once she finishes with that, she turns to the three illithids offhandedly. "Very good. I think it's time to throw some of your 'cattle' at this glyph and see what happens. How many can you spare?"

2009-09-06, 02:36 PM
Are we waiting for PCs to catch up here or something?

2009-09-07, 01:14 AM
You're actually rather far ahead, relatively- the others' plot setups are more complex.
Your illithid host is either being elusive or knows nothing- he tells little beyond that he knows it's connected to you, he knows you want it, and he knows it carries divine power.
You cannot recognize the symbols as anything but divine, ineffable writings.
The illithid- who you have come to realize is an ulitharid, a sort of dire illithid, incredibly powerful (in fact, most likely rivaling Andora's current power)- shakes his head slowly. "I am afraid we have little to spare. Unless you can provide us with feed, we need all the cattle we can get. For now, I'll try two."
After a telepathic word, one of the illithids is sent off to fetch the slaves.
While he is out, the ulitharid extends a hand. "Forgive me for not properly introducing myself. My name is Sean- I am the leader of this commune, such as it is."

2009-09-07, 12:39 PM
Andora shakes with a gloved hand. "A pleasure."

"We can see about providing you with food if the need arises. For now, let's see what happens, shall we?" She waits for the two cattle to arrive with outward calm but great excitement within; Orien and Ellora (and probably Sean, assuming he can read people at least competently even when they're psychically warded) will see that Andora is tense and energized, focused on how very, very close she is to her ruby but being careful not to get careless.

2009-09-08, 01:30 AM
Soon enough, the illithid returns with two thralls- a small human man and a half elf woman, both dressed in rags. They stare blankly, obviously dominated. "I believe the best course of action would be to establish a link with one thrall, and have the other tamper with the seal as the first watches. I'll give you a link as well, so you can see. Meanwhile, we'll be quite a distance away."
Assuming you do not object, the illithid takes you over to the room with the furniture, along with his two fellows. He touches your bare skin- your wrist above the glove- and you can see through the other thrall. It's all rather dim and foggy, really, compared to your divinely heightened senses. The other approaches, and touches the seal. Nothing happens. It then strikes the seal, and entirely anticlimactically, it disappears. No fanfare, no flash of light- just one instant there, and the next gone without a trace. Sean, previously rather tense in the shoulders, releases the tension and sighs.

2009-09-08, 08:58 AM
Andora doesn't object, and watches with interest through the murky connection as the salve vanishes. She makes all the previous knowledge and spellcraft checks with the previous bonuses, then disengages her mind from the link thoughtfully.

"How cute. Then never did really develop a proper sense of drama..." She muses to herself, then shakes her head and turns to Sean. "We need intelligent and disposable creatures that will work on the problems themselves, I think. You're the expert- where can I find some?"

2009-09-09, 12:31 AM
Andora doesn't object, and watches with interest through the murky connection as the salve vanishes. She makes all the previous knowledge and spellcraft checks with the previous bonuses, then disengages her mind from the link thoughtfully.

"How cute. Then never did really develop a proper sense of drama..." She muses to herself, then shakes her head and turns to Sean. "We need intelligent and disposable creatures that will work on the problems themselves, I think. You're the expert- where can I find some?"

The illithid wrings its tentacles in a sort of pseudo-smile, shaking its head. "Any intelligent creatures aren't disposable. We must make them more intelligent. However, if you merely want sentient... well, couldn't you hire some mercenaries? Mages, infiltrators, factotums, etcetera... then if any are left over we can take them as cattle."

2009-09-09, 01:39 PM
Andora smiles. "I'm sorry; I should have specified that I wasn't speaking about intelligence on our scale. Just relative to average beings." She blithely ignores the fact that Sean may or may not consider her in his intellectual league- probably not.

She looks around the relatively well-appointed room. "Do you have this area warded against teleportation?"

2009-09-09, 11:18 PM
The illithid raises where his eyebrows should be at her statement, in an amused look. "Of course."

"We have this area heavily warded against outside magics- no divinations, teleportations, conjurations, anything can get in. However, while inside all is easily possible. What were you intending?"

2009-09-10, 09:54 AM
"I was intending on leaving and returning directly here, to save myself a rather tedious four hour walk. I need to find myself some mercenaries, as you say, who are used to risking life and limb, will take any job without asking questions, value a pittance of gold over any other commodity, accept the most absurd situations as quotidian, and won't have the cognitive power to put together the clues until it's entirely too late."


"In short," says Andora, strinking a dynamic pose, "I'm looking for ADVENTURERS!"

2009-09-11, 12:36 AM
The ulitharid shakes his head. "Teleporting out should work fine. Teleporting back should not, though you can come as close as the shack.
As for your suggestion of hirees... well, you're the one footing the bill. It's your choice."

2009-09-11, 01:50 PM
Andora nods and uses scrolls to refresh the Alter Self disguises on both her and her silent bodyguards. "Very good. I'll return in due time. I expect someone will be by the entrance to guide me and my hired hands back." She considers briefly. "Someone who will be able to go along with whatever story I spin for those whom I hire."

She (he?) nods cordially to Sean again and teleports smoothly to the shack, feeling out the area and making sure that she, Orien, and Ellora can find and remember the location without trouble while teleporting. Assuming that works fine, she drops by the manor to grab two actual scrolls of teleport, and then pops off to... somewhere.

If you want to involve some PCs, now would be a good time. I feel as if I'm in dereliction of my duty as a villain.

2009-09-12, 06:31 PM
This is sort of a you-directed moment, Gorgon. If there's a place where a well-dressed elven man can hire himself some PC mercenaries to help him acquire a treasure he's heard about, now is the time to take me there.

2009-09-14, 10:47 PM
Mmmmkay... I'm going to have to take a raincheck on that. Either do something that'll give me some time to consolidate the others, or wait a couple o' weeks.

2009-09-14, 11:00 PM
I can wait. *twiddles thumbs*

Just, y'know, tell me if it's going to be interminable or if you're making progress every so often.

2009-09-14, 11:14 PM
Donno. Depends on the players.

2009-09-22, 11:20 PM
How's it doin, boss? You hanging in there?

2009-09-23, 04:53 PM
Due to my failure at DMing, two of the hero groups have dissolved. One still might. If you'd like to continue this, don't expect to see any heroes. Or if I've also been doing a bad job here, leave yourself and stop wasting both your and my time.

2009-09-24, 12:22 AM
Well, I'm enjoying myself, and we agreed to keep going, so I'll just keep on posting.

Waaaay back in the beginning, you mentioned that there was another villain, then promptly proceeded to pretend to have never mentioned it. As long as we are hero-less, maybe Andora and the other mysterious malefactor can team up to reach their own ends?

2009-09-24, 12:23 AM
So, what now, my dear? If you're going to hire some people, do so by your own methods.:smallcool: