View Full Version : NCIS - Just got into it.

2009-06-14, 12:00 PM
Just started getting into this show. It's not bad for a crime show, I like the fact that it's a dramedy instead of very serious, since the market for serious crimeshows is rather oversaturated. Definitely picks up by late Season 2, so far has the unusual trait of getting better with each season I watch, I'm about halfway in to Season 4 now, missing a few episodes. When I was just watching casually, I liked Cate more than Ziva, but I've come to like Ziva more. The dynamic between Tony-Ziva-McGee just seems to work a lot better and more varied than Cate-Tony-McGee.

So, with that background over - am I the only one who can't stand Abby? She just grates me to the point that half the time I fast forward or flip the channel 'til she's off-screen. Every other recurring character I like - I think it's because she's so ... cartoony. Also selfish as hell, the bit where Gibbs forgets her birthday and she freaks out in the middle of a murder investigation is a bit much. She's so... fake-cute and it kinda disgusts me.

2009-06-14, 12:24 PM
I like it a lot, mostly because it's really centered around the characters and relationships rather than the "science". They know they're blowing smoke on the forensics, especially the computer stuff, but they do it in service to the story to keep things moving.

Some really great arcs these past couple seasons, you'll like them. :)

2009-06-14, 12:35 PM
As an Abby-fan here, I have to say that I know a person who has that "cartoony" behaviour in real life. And while I haven't watched the the episode with the birthday... it seems like a thing that at least half the cast would do (Cate, Tony and Ducky). If you solve murders for a living, you can't let it get close to you all the time. Otherwise you walk right down the road to heavy depression and possibly suicide.
Anyway, my favourite character is Ducky. And the only bad thing about the series is that there is pretty much no character development at all (a little with McGee, but that's about it).

2009-06-14, 12:40 PM
I like it because, even though it's exactly the same as every other police detective show, the characters and interpersonal relationships are well-done enough to be entertaining outside of the cliché murder-of-the-week plot. Plus, it's on basically all day on USA, and I'm home a lot lately.

As for Abby...I like her as a character, she's endearing as hell, but I really have to mentally scream HOW AND WHY IS THIS PERSON WORKING FOR THE NAVY every time she's on the screen.

2009-06-14, 12:46 PM

BECAUSE SHE"S GOOD AT HER JOB. I don't watch the show regularly, but from what I've seen, Abby is a good character. Yeap.

2009-06-14, 12:50 PM
It's not that I find her unbelievable as a person, it's pretty much that I find her existence as a Federal forensic scientist unbelievable. Also, everyone else lets her walk all over them a way they wouldn't let anyone else. I don't get that...

Regarding character development, DiNozzo and McGee seem to get a bit, DiNozzo especially - he's a bit more serious and focused than he used to be. Ziva a little bit.

2009-06-14, 12:54 PM
I've been watching for a bit and all I can tell you is you'll eventualy beable to stand Abby, or any other character you don't like (for me it was the Director).

2009-06-14, 12:56 PM
...I don't think so. :P I actually liked Abby at first.

2009-06-14, 01:09 PM
It's not that I find her unbelievable as a person, it's pretty much that I find her existence as a Federal forensic scientist unbelievable. Also, everyone else lets her walk all over them a way they wouldn't let anyone else. I don't get that... Yeah, that. Although I guess they get walked all over because she's disarmingly cute but conversationally aggressive. Generally, though, I just shrug it off and go with the show. It's not like they're emulating a federal agency terribly well in the first place with the ridiculously familiar atmosphere.

2009-06-17, 05:28 AM
So, with that background over - am I the only one who can't stand Abby? She just grates me to the point that half the time I fast forward or flip the channel 'til she's off-screen. Every other recurring character I like - I think it's because she's so ... cartoony. Also selfish as hell, the bit where Gibbs forgets her birthday and she freaks out in the middle of a murder investigation is a bit much. She's so... fake-cute and it kinda disgusts me.

You will take that back :smallfurious: :smalltongue:

Sorry, I had a big thing for Abby during the first series (I know it's pathetic, but it's ok because I'm pathetic).

I haven't watched the new series, but I really liked NCIS over CSI or Law & Order because of the more comedic feel of it. That and Gibbs looks exactly like my dad 10 years ago. Seriously, it was uncanny.

2009-06-18, 05:13 AM
NCIS is probably one of my favorite shows. As has been said, the fact that it has such great characters contributes largely to it.

And by the way, was I the only one who was disappointed of the conclusion to theAgent Leestory arc?

2009-06-18, 08:23 AM
My brother has had it on nonstop over the past few weeks, it's totally grown on me. I understand what some are saying about Abby, it doesn't really make sense for her to be there. Then again, she can do EVERYTHING, so the Navy is doing a very good thing by keeping her in its employ as the 1 resident forensic tech. S'got to be a big budget savings when someone can do fingerprint, DNA, advanced programming, hacking, basketweaving, everyone's laundry... :smallbiggrin:

Avilan the Grey
2009-06-18, 12:37 PM
So, with that background over - am I the only one who can't stand Abby? She just grates me to the point that half the time I fast forward or flip the channel 'til she's off-screen. Every other recurring character I like - I think it's because she's so ... cartoony. Also selfish as hell, the bit where Gibbs forgets her birthday and she freaks out in the middle of a murder investigation is a bit much. She's so... fake-cute and it kinda disgusts me.

If Abby quit the show I would stop watching it.

2009-06-20, 05:43 AM
NCIS is probably one of the most unique shows on the air that deals with the whole "Crime Investigation" paradigm. I've seen (and own) all of the first five seasons. I have also caught 3-4 episodes of season 6 (plan on bying it on DVD when it comes out).

Gibbs seems a little over the top at times, but to me it is more about Mark Harmon's acting style than his character. He brings some pretty heavy star power to the set. That, and he makes a very believable badass.

DiNozzo is alright, I guess. I just get tired of the fact that his character (with the exception of the Jeanne Benoit relationship) doesn't really seem to change. Five years and he is still the sober (most of the time) frat boy.

Ziva is a really cool character. The only issue I have is that they make her a badass is one episode then make her an emotional wreck in the next. She doesn't have a lot of consistency. She has killed dozens of people (including her own brother) and yet she gets freaked out when she has to pop a serial killer in his chest. I don't get it.

McGee is probably one of my favorite characters because he is starting not to take Tony's crap. It was fun for a while, but now it just gets irritating.

Ducky = Awesome. Nuff said.

Palmer is just downright funny. I love the autopsy gremlin.

Director: Morrow was the best. Period. Jenny Shepard sucked on so many levels. Lauren Holly can't act worth crap and was ENTIRELY wrong for the role. I did not like the kind of face time she kept getting. Morrow just bounced in ever now and again as needed. Shepard was lame. Vance is alright, but I only tolerate him because I like Rocky Carrol.

Kate: I loved her in season one. I liked the back and forth between her and Tony, but it got old after a while. In season two it seemed like she was just going through the motions. She seemed bored most of the time. I have to admit, I laughed when she died.

Fornell is just freaking cool. He has some great one liners (Season 4: Smoked: "You got that mustache in a box, don't you?" I laughed my butt off).

Abby is awesome for three reasons: 1) Her skirts keep getting shorter and she has great legs. 2) She's a nice break from the norm as far as the forensic techs go on similar shows (CSI, CSI Miami, CSI New York, CSI Menzobarrenzan . . . oh wait, they haven't done that one yet. Well they should. The theme song could be Boris the Spider by the Who). I like the fact that is a nerd, but doesn't dress the part. Its kind of refreshing. 3) Pauley Purrette is actually a full on forensic scientist. In the episode Hung Out To Dry, she explains how she got into forensics to Kate. This is actually Pauley's real backstory and childhood. I find that kind of cool.

2009-06-20, 06:02 AM
Pauley also recorded the song played at the end of the season 6 finale.

2009-06-21, 05:45 AM
I can see why Abby would annoy some people, but at the same time I think it would be bad to see her go, though a fair few people have tried to get at her. Ducky is probably my favorite character cause he really does have a story for everything, and half the time they are completely irrelevant but then sometimes they aid the story a bit.

2009-06-21, 10:46 AM
Wow, I just got into the show this past week. Talk about parallel evolution. Normally I don't really like mainstream crime drama either, but the comedy elements make it much more watchable than Law And Order or CSI. As a fan of BSG and Firefly, I was pleasantly surprised by the character-focused plot.

Also, Gibbs is a badass.

2009-06-22, 01:49 AM
Why does the navy hire Abby? She's highly competent. She does everything that isn't autopsy. And she's good at it.
Why does she work for the navy? Have you seen her lab? It has an electron microscope. Normally you work at a big college and you get to share one electron mircoscope with every other professer there. She gets her own. That lab is awesome.
Anyway I think Abby is cool.

I think thats it is a great show. Glad to hear it gets better as it goes.:smallbiggrin:

Avilan the Grey
2009-06-22, 02:20 AM
Why does the navy hire Abby? She's highly competent. She does everything that isn't autopsy. And she's good at it.
Why does she work for the navy? Have you seen her lab? It has an electron microscope. Normally you work at a big college and you get to share one electron mircoscope with every other professer there. She gets her own. That lab is awesome.
Anyway I think Abby is cool.

I think thats it is a great show. Glad to hear it gets better as it goes.:smallbiggrin:

Plus, for those who have missed the obvious: Abby is Gibs "replacement" for his dead daughter; she is the same age as she would have been if she was alive. And as far as I can tell, the relationship is the same the other way around; Abby seems to view Gibs as a stand-in for her father. I have a feeling Gibs handpicked her and the "original" director accepted it.

2009-06-22, 03:39 AM
Plus these are civilian employees of the Navy, not part of the enlisted or officer command structure and discipline. When they hired Abby, aside from her tattoo, I'm not sure they knew what they were getting. :smallwink:

Neat scene about that, spoilered for people still working through the episodes
There was an episode where a new director, I think when Vance first arrived, tried to get "everybody" (read: Abby) to comply with the dress code. Gibbs walked in, saw her really uncomfortable and nervous in the normal clothes, she showed him the memo, he ripped it up. :smallamused:

@Avilan, exactly. That why I'm really disturbed that on the CBS message boards for the show, there are a few Gibbs/Abby shippers. ewwwwwww :smalleek:

2009-06-22, 04:54 AM
As for Abby...I like her as a character, she's endearing as hell, but I really have to mentally scream HOW AND WHY IS THIS PERSON WORKING FOR THE NAVY every time she's on the screen.

I had a drill sergeant during my basic military service that was pretty much like Abby + military fetish. Of course she tried to cover it up from the people who were in basic training, but after roughly a month everyone knew about it (that she was quoting "The Simpsons" all the time probably helped there :smallsmile:).

Avilan the Grey
2009-06-22, 05:10 AM
As for Abby...I like her as a character, she's endearing as hell, but I really have to mentally scream HOW AND WHY IS THIS PERSON WORKING FOR THE NAVY every time she's on the screen.

Oh and again, as others have pointed out: She is a civilian; they all are. Only Gibs is a Marine.

2009-06-22, 06:12 AM
@Avilan, exactly. That why I'm really disturbed that on the CBS message boards for the show, there are a few Gibbs/Abby shippers. ewwwwwww :smalleek:

More than a few, actually.

Oh and again, as others have pointed out: She is a civilian; they all are. Only Gibs is a Marine.

Really? I was under the impression that all the other field agents were military.

2009-06-22, 08:50 AM
I can't forgive the show for the sins it committed in one of the earliest episodes which was (partly) set in Wichita, Kansas. They got so much wrong about Wichita. It was obvious that the writers had never been there and couldn't be bothered to quickly look up some simple information (like which county Wichita is in) and wound up making some pretty stupid errors. If that episode serves as any indication of the effort put into research in the rest of the series, then I don't expect that the show is a very good one.

2009-06-22, 12:32 PM
Really? I was under the impression that all the other field agents were military.

Some of the minor (single episode guest) agents are military, some are not. The ones who are, are generally in uniform.

Gibbs and Ducky are the only major characters with military backgrounds.

If that episode serves as any indication of the effort put into research in the rest of the series, then I don't expect that the show is a very good one.

If your criteria for whether or a not a show is any good is based primarily on how well they research things like that, then stay far away. Of course, if that is an important criteria for you then turn off your TV - even news programs rarely bother doing basic research anymore.

And on a related note, if a show visits a city that isn't one of the major eastern seaboard cities or LA it is guaranteed that they will get the details wrong unless the writer actually lived there.

2009-06-22, 01:13 PM
Oh and again, as others have pointed out: She is a civilian; they all are. Only Gibs is a Marine.Technically, they're all employees of the United States Navy. However, you're right, none of them are actual enlisted/commissioned soldiers. You are also right in saying that only Gibbs (and Ducky I think) were recruited from anywhere in the US military.

I was just amazed that the Navy would hire and retain someone with Abby's personal quirks as a contractor, given what my civilian contractor friend has told me about the culture in that kind of work (admittedly, she worked for the Marine Corps).