View Full Version : Summer of Horizons / Maw of Gold IC (MapTool Logs) [Wall of Text Kablooie]

2009-06-14, 09:32 PM
Out of Character Topic (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=114684)

This may be a bit of an awkward In Character topic, as this Campaign is on MapTool instead of Play-by-Post. I'm keeping this updated with our various session logs, so if any new recruits come, they can know what has been going on, and those willing can review actions and notable quotations.

This is currently a text dump, I will add in links to map pictures later on. Please post in the OOC thread if you have any suggestions on how to make this more pretty.

Session 1 (June 12)

Mirku: Let's go team!
Skylar Warden: I call red ranger
Mirku: I call green
Skylar Warden: that was a smiley
Mirku: that it was
Skylar Warden: hmm only two rangers, smallest team ever
It is early afternoon in the port town of New Anchoragium Town. The birds are being annoying little chirpy birds, and the town market, usually robust with even more annoying shopkeepers, is significantly more quiet than usual. In fact, the town itself seems a bit more locked up than its normal pleasant ways.
Taidyn Voul: (( where in the town are we, and are we in a group yet? ))
Skylar Warden: Skylar, unperturbed by the odd serenity, reads his Grimoire Arcanamacha near the docks.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( You're in the town as far as you've developed in your character's bio. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Not in a group yet, but in the same town. ))
Taidyn Voul: Taidyn is wandering the market, wondering what everyone's so worried about
* Jared Termidious wanders down the main market square, searching for any suspicious characters. Having just arrived, he is on the lookout for any unusual activity.
* Taidyn Voul testing
Mirku: is that like /me
Taidyn Voul: (( aha, maptool does have the /me command ))
Mirku: or
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Taidyn and Jared both see one shopkeep, setting up his wares for the afternoon.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The other Market stalls are closing, or unoccupied and unstocked.
* Jared Termidious walks over towards the shop, sizing up the shopkeeper.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The shopkeeper is a scrawny little fishermen, it seems his stock is pretty limited to some strangely-red colored fish.
* Skylar Warden Skylar gestures oddly through the air and mutters the words printed on the page of his book, but to no avail, and continues reading.
* Taidyn Voul walks over to the shop
* Näilo Faust is wandering the docks, looking for any news about the current situation
Taidyn Voul: Good evening, old chap, I don't suppose you could tell me what's got this town so... subdued?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The shopkeep responds, "Not from around these parts, huh?"
* Jared Termidious watches the interection between the shopkeeper and Taidyn interesdedly
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: "Ever since that hideous monster showed up two weeks ago, everyone's talking about how the place has gone to hell in a handbasket."
* Skylar Warden tries his incantation again after finding a missing element he'd skipped on accident, but fails again and grumbles in frustration.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: "Just look at this, the only fish I can find are these puny herrings."
Taidyn Voul: No, just got here recently. What's this hideous monster you speak of?
* Teyn wanders out of an alley and peers at the fish. "They don't look that bad. How much for 5?"
* Näilo Faust approaches Skylar curiously after hearing his grumbling, "May I ask what it is your reading?"
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: "Haven't seen it myself. The governor's got all the people involved walled up on the beach. I've heard it exhales blood when it breathes, though."
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The shopkeep turns to Teyn, leaning over the counter. "10 copper."
Jared Termidious: \me has heard all he needs and heads to the beach.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: He turns back to Taidyn. "They don't want the people worried about that thing. What a wonderful job they've done on that."
* Teyn nods and hands over a silver piece, then waves one arm in the air. A few seconds later, a large eagle lands next to her.
Taidyn Voul: (very dry tone) I can tell
Skylar Warden: "Heh, the Grimoire Arcanamacha. If you've ever heard of it, be happy your the first I've met."
Taidyn Voul: Exhales blood, huh?
Taidyn Voul: Heard anything else about it?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: "Well..."
* Teyn starts tossing fish to the eagle, idly listening to the conversation.
Bakkan says to the GM: Not sure how long it will take to get to the docks, waiting on your estimation.
Näilo Faust: I have to say I haven't heard of it.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: "Now, you don't go telling this to anyone, as this is real under-the-cover info, but I hear tell it's got eight eyes."
You have no one to which to reply.
Player "null" is not connected.
Skylar Warden: "Well, it's an old book. No one does. I picked it up to practice my Ancient Suloise. Fascinating to say the least."
Näilo Faust: Is it that rare a book?
"who" Unknown command. Try /help for a list of commands.
coDM-deathslayer7: (back)
Skylar Warden: "Oh, quite rare."
You whisper to Bakkan: I'll have everyone enter that map at once, as it's an encounter map.
Taidyn Voul: Ick. So what's it doing? Eating the wildlife, harassing travellers, devouring the local guard?
You whisper to Bakkan: From there on after, there's no "Boring" waiting stuff.
Näilo Faust: Fascinating indeed, the only books I read are common elven and draconion books on the arcane.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: "Well, it wouldn't be a coincidence that my fish are red, and blood is red, too. They also don't want any ships going in or out while it's here."
Skylar Warden: "Everyone reads those."
* Skylar Warden tries his spell again, with another failure.
Taidyn Voul: Hmm. So if I wanted to take a look at it - from a safe distance of course - where would you suggest I go?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: "Like I said, they've got a wall up on the beach, it's a real eyesore. The thing was put up overnight, though, I doubt that it doesn't have a few holes in it.
Näilo Faust: They might not be rare but I can learn quick when studying them. Also, do you have any idea on what the current situation in this town is? It seems.. disturbed.
Skylar and Nailo both hear a heavy hammering sound from down the beach.
Teyn: Does it have a roof?
Taidyn Voul: Ah. Thank you.
Skylar Warden: "Giant fish surrounded by a wall."
Näilo Faust: What was that?!
Skylar Warden: "The giant fish."
Näilo Faust: It came from the beach.
* Taidyn Voul tosses him a silver piece and heads to the beach
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: "I'm a fishermen, not a bird.
Skylar Warden: "Yeah. Giant Fish."
Skylar Warden: ((brb))
* Teyn hops onto Crow and starts strapping herself to the saddle. "Guess I'll find out then."
Näilo Faust: I don't know about you but I'm going to take a look. Curiousity is the first step to knowledge.
* Näilo Faust heads down the beach
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Okay, everyone has a reason to go to the beach, right? ))
Teyn: *after a few hops down the empty street, Crow takes to the air and heads toward the beach*
Mirku: Best wait till skilar's back
Mirku: I gotta take 5 too, nature's callin'
Mirku: back

Encounter 1
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Taidyn 8 13 Faust 21 8 Orium 8 6 Jared 16 Teyn 21 19 Skylar 10
Taidyn Voul: (( so that's how to scroll the map - right click and drag ))
Mirku: Improved inniative, man's best friend
coDM-deathslayer7: (yes)
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Teyn has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Everyone is on the actual beach map now, right? ))
Sallera: (( Aye ))
Taidyn Voul: (( yes ))
Jared Termidious: (( Yep ))
Skylar Warden: I headed there with Faust, we'll say
Mirku: It was pretty much going in that direction
So, one way or another, you all arrive at a suspicious-looking chunk of the aforementioned wall. Freshly-planted trees have been added, which is all too silly considering how the town's been acting lately.
Skylar Warden: "Odd decore."
a monstrous crab scuttles along an opening in the wall.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Teyn, you're up for initiative. ))
Teyn: Well, this thing looks like it's causing trouble. *fly to 20ft above crab*
Teyn: Ret. Spear
Teyn: Attack 21 Damage 18
Skylar Warden: ((I can't see teh giant flying crow))
Näilo Faust: (sight might be being blocked)
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The spear skewers the crab. It stumbles into a standing position and clacks its attack claw menacingly.
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: ((I know, but I can't see the GIANT FLYING CROW))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Yeah, your vision is blocked by the tree. ))
Skylar Warden: (( the giatn flying crow?))
Näilo Faust: Big trees
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Fine then.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Better? ))
Skylar Warden: ((there it is))
Taidyn Voul: (( wrong tree ))
* Näilo Faust moves to target the crab properly
* Näilo Faust with a gesture of his wand he let's 5 missiles of pure force fly towards the crab
* Mirku rolls: 5d4+5 Force Damage => 13 + 5 = 18
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Its exoskeleton cracks open and it falls apart in one mushy mess that some people might find enjoyable.
Crow has received initiative.
Sallera: Crow's not supposed to have initiative >>
Sallera: Least not while I'm riding him.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Yeah, I'm skipping that, but you can't see me skip it to the NPCs.
Skylar Warden: ((It moves with Teyn))
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: Look out, there's another one inside the building!
Sallera: (( does it have a roof? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Yes.
Jared Termidious: \ooc That was two move actions, I'm done
Arrak has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( let me know if your familiars/companions aren't doing anything, so I know to drop to the next turn. ))
Taidyn Voul: (( unless this structure is open from the top, skip my familiar ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: So, a female pirate comes out of the opening, and screams "Scupperin' barnacles, we're under attack!"
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: She draws a rapier, and strikes at Jared! 28 to hit 7 damage
* Teyn tilts her head to the side and calls down "Was that your pet?"
Jared Termidious: (( Seems like someone should get an AoO against her for that movement. ))
* Jared Termidious winces as the rapier pierces his armor.
Skylar Warden: "Wait, I know that voice... Hmm didn't expect her here."
Sallera: ((I'm 20 ft up and my spear's in the crab until my next turn ))
Anxious Amy: Real pirates have no pets, we just have the sea and the wind on our backs!
Skylar Warden: "Too true, unfortunately."
Kermit has received initiative.
Näilo Faust: Kermit sits quietly in Faust's pocket, doing toad stuff.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: Acidic Splatter - Attack: 1d20+8 = 18 Damage: 4d6 = 16
* Taidyn Voul throws a glob of acid at the pirate
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The Pirate screams in agony, and steels herself up to a stance.
Teyn has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Wait, that's not right...
Skylar Warden: ((Me?))
Näilo Faust: that's cold dude
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Skylar, go.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Sorry about that,
Näilo Faust:
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: You would have gone before anxious amy, for the record. Sorry, I messed up the initiative setup, my bad.
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Crow has received initiative.
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Arrak has received initiative.
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: There, that's fixed now.
Skylar Warden: yeah, and I can't move
Näilo Faust: well it'll be round 3 when it's 2
Skylar Warden: how do you decide to move someplace, it keeps screwing with me
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Do you have your interaction tool (The uh, sewing needle thing) selected? You've got ownership.
Sallera: Sorry.
Skylar Warden: Acid Splash To Hit 17 Damage 3
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Anxious Amy Angelically Avoids Acid.
Kermit has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: Touch attack at Amy. "Hey, I knew this place was backwater, but I didn't know it was this bad."
Taidyn Voul: (( that's vs touch AC, btw ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Ah, sorry. Yeah, it hits. ))
Taidyn Voul: (( my turn again already? ))
Teyn has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: "Got dirt like you running about."
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: No, I just needed to get things cleaned up from my mistake.
Anxious Amy: Ain't no dirt on me, just salt from the sea!
Skylar Warden: "You always were mental."
* Teyn grabs her spear as it wrenches itself from the crab's corpse, then starts chanting a spell as Crow glides to the ground.
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Please let me know if your turn ends without an action, it's hard to watch both the initiative, chat, and map at the same time. ))
* Näilo Faust moves with great speed and aims his wand at the female pirate.
* Näilo Faust aims his wand at anxious amy
* Mirku rolls: 5d4+5 Force Damage => 13 + 5 = 18
Näilo Faust: (18 again)
Taidyn Voul: (( you realize you're spending 135 gold every time you use that ))
Skylar Warden: ((better than a spell slot))
Anxious Amy: Yeowch! I'm a Sailor, not a canonneer!
Näilo Faust: (yes, mother)
Crow has received initiative.
Blistering Bob: What's all this going on!?
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: "He's new."
Jared Termidious: Well this is clearly getting out of hand.
Jared Termidious: Sword Attack: 17Anxious Amy Sword Damage: 2
Anxious Amy: Hey, watch where you swing that thing, you might hit somebody... If you're lucky!
Arrak has received initiative.
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: Now why are a bunch of pirates here?
Skylar Warden: "Don't know. Hello Amy."
Taidyn Voul: All we heard about was some horrendous monster
Skylar Warden: Kelgore's Fire Bolt To Hit 17 Damage 16
Anxious Amy: Wheree'er thar's booty to plunder-
Blistering Bob: Shut yer mouth, amy!
Näilo Faust: "This is my 98th birthday all over again!"
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: And shut her mouth that fire bolt did.
Kermit has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: "She always was annoying."
Jared Termidious: You knew her?
Skylar Warden: "Old adversary for a while."
Taidyn Voul: Pirates out for booty at the expense of others get no sympathy from me
Taidyn Voul: Acidic Splatter - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+8 = 12 Damage: 4d6 = 16
Taidyn Voul: (( at bob ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Bob ducks the acidic splatter.
Skylar Warden: "Don't knock it till you try it. It's thrilling work."
Blistering Bob: Adversary? She was the finest set of treasure chests this side of the great blue beyond!
* Jared Termidious glares at Skylar, unsure about his new acquaintance.
Teyn has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: "You like your women dumb and violent I take it."
Teyn: *finishing her incantation, Teyn looks around for a target of opportunity*
Blistering Bob: Strong and Salty, the same way I like me rum!
Teyn: 6 lightning damage, Reflex 17 for half
Teyn: ((on the crab))
Skylar Warden: "So dumb and violent."
Teyn: Attack 28
Damage 14
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 15
Teyn: ((on bob))
Sallera: ehm wait, sorry, on the crab too
Sallera: move action to get out of that saddle
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The crab gets a good ol' fashion shocking.
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Sallera: ((that spear hit?))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Yes.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Oh, sorry, didn't see the second attack roll. It gets shocked, and keels over.
* Näilo Faust casts a quick incantation followed by two rays shooting from his hand aimed at Bob.
* Mirku rolls: d20+8 First Ray => 4 + 8 = 12
* Mirku rolls: d20+8 Second Ray => 13 + 8 = 21
* Mirku rolls: 4d6 Fire dmage 1 => 12
* Mirku rolls: 4d6 Fire damage 2 => 16
Sallera: Yeh, sorry, that was call lightning finishing, then the spear toss.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Blistering bob dodges the first ray directly into the second ray, giving him a whole nother kind of blister to worry about.
Crow has received initiative.
Blistering Bob: This one's for Amy!
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Bob pulls out a siangham, and strikes at Nailo. 14for hit, 4damage
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: "Wrong target."
Skylar Warden: "Back here."
Näilo Faust: You need more then that to hit me, oh foolish one.
Jared Termidious: We may be able to glean some information from this miscreant.
Jared Termidious: Halt, Blistering Bob!((Hold Person, DC 18 or be paralyzed for 7 rounds. New saving throw every round.))
Näilo Faust: Good thinking
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 23
Jared Termidious: Blast!
Blistering Bob: You'll need more than that to hit me, oh foolish one!
Skylar Warden: "It was a good thought."
Jared Termidious: (( Ends turn ))
Arrak has received initiative.
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
* Teyn giggles. "Let's feed him to Crow."
Skylar Warden: Scimitar To Hit 24 Damage 7
Skylar Warden: "Yo, Bob."
Blistering Bob: That... Was significantly enough to hit me.
Skylar Warden: "Shut up and die, Bob."
Kermit has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
* Taidyn Voul continues launching balls of acid at Bob
Taidyn Voul: Acidic Splatter - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+4 = 24 Damage: 4d6 = 13
Taidyn Voul: (( ooh, crit threat ))
Taidyn Voul: Acidic Splatter - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+4 = 22 Damage: 4d6 = 12
Näilo Faust: ouwch
Blistering Bob: Only the Cap'n gets to tell me to shut- Wargbargabarghel!
Teyn has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: "Thank you, Bob."
Teyn: "Oh, sod it. Stop -moving- already."
Skylar Warden: "He's dead, Friend."
Teyn: 33 attack, 15 cold, Fort 18 or stun for 2
Taidyn Voul: (( I don't see a red X on him ))
Blistering Bob: I'm not in Davy Jones' Locker ye-
Teyn: *a spear of ice impales Bob handily*
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The freezing ray is too much for Blistering Bob. He falls over, frosted.
Skylar Warden: "Okay, now he's dead."
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
* Näilo Faust moves into the house, you can never be sure with pirates!
Skylar Warden: "Brave little squishy elf."
Pokey Pete: Get 'im!
Näilo Faust: Guys you'd better come in here!
Skylar Warden: "Thank you, BLSE."
* Jared Termidious mutters "idiot."
* Näilo Faust aims his wand at Bob "Eat force!"
* Mirku rolls: 5d4+5 Force Damage => 9 + 5 = 14
Taidyn Voul: (( bob's dead already ))
Skylar Warden: ((Pete))
Näilo Faust: err Pete
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Those're some forks you got there!
Crow has received initiative.
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: "Forks?"
Näilo Faust: "And I'm the idiot?"
Skylar Warden: "Yes, yes you are."
Jared Termidious: (( ends turn ))
Arrak has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: ((Familiar))
Pokey Pete: Here's a fork of my own! Rapier 11 to hit, 4 to damage
Näilo Faust: Nobodies poking me tonight
Skylar Warden: "Rephrase that, please."
Näilo Faust: "Never."
Skylar Warden: "You're loss. You know it's noon, right?"
Mr. Pinchy: (( I pinch the squishy one! )) 17 to hit, 7 damage
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: Burning Hands Damage 10
Näilo Faust: "I.. shut up!"
Näilo Faust: (please don't burn me )
Skylar Warden: Sorry, redo that.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Am I right in thinking that you're hitting two crabs, the pirate, and0 ah, yeah. ))
Skylar Warden: there, sorry for mixing up your token
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 8 11 15
Skylar Warden: "Forks have no place in combat."
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: And the cone of fire scorches all of the known targets!
Kermit has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
* Taidyn Voul casts Fell Drain Magic Missile
Skylar Warden: ((ow, fell drain? harsh))
Taidyn Voul: 2 to pinchy, 3 to pinchie, 8 to pete, and a negative level to each
Taidyn Voul: (( never mind, that would take a full round action ))
* Taidyn Voul casts grease instead
Näilo Faust: give em the slip
Taidyn Voul: (( DC 17 reflex or fall prone ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 6 12 12
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: And they all fall prone on their buttocks.
Teyn has received initiative.
Teyn: They almost match the terrain, you know. Maybe we can make the resemblance closer?
Teyn: F18 or 7 con damage
Sallera: ((dehydrate on petey))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 9
Taidyn Voul: (( wow, it really sucks to be him ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Ayup, Pete's really hurtin' now.
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: "You idiot, he's a pirate he's already... Dry. Nevermind."
Pokey Pete: Aw, fork this!
Skylar Warden: "NO FORKS!"
Näilo Faust: Sigh
Skylar Warden: "Force is allowed, BLSE."
* Näilo Faust draws his longsword and attacks the prone Mr pinchy, before taking a 5foot step.
* Mirku rolls: 1d20+5 attack => 9 + 5 = 14
* Mirku rolls: 1d8+1 damage => 8 + 1 = 9
* Mirku rolls: 1d20+5 Critical Check => 18 + 5 = 23
* Mirku rolls: 1d8+1 crit damage => 2 + 1 = 3
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Poor Mr. Pinchy. He had so many things to pinch, but only so little time.
Crow has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Ms Pinchie pinches skylar! 17 for hit, 7 damage
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: "Shove off, you."
Ms. Pinchie: ooc he's not very pinchable.
* Jared Termidious casts Detect Evil and looks north, in an attempt to detect any other pirates in the area.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Detect Evil detects nothing to the north, other than the already established Pokey Pete.
Arrak has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: ((hey, not all pirates are evil, you classist cleric))
* Jared Termidious looks south for good measure
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Naught to the south, either.
Jared Termidious: (( yeah, but if they were evil, we would know ))
Skylar Warden: ((good point))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Pokey Pete is trying to stand up. Skylar, attack of opportunity?
Skylar Warden: Yes please.
Skylar Warden: Scimitar To Hit 12 Damage 4
Skylar Warden: ... ow a two.
Skylar Warden: "Stay put, landlubber."
Sallera: ((incidentally, I noticed I hadn't given Crow his feat for 6HD, so he can hover now))
Pokey Pete: Quit poking me and let me poke you!
Skylar Warden: "No chance."
Mirku: "Not on the first encounter."
Skylar Warden: "Thanks."
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 27 to hit, 4 damage
Skylar Warden: "Bastard."
Pokey Pete: Your fork does nothing againt my poking!
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: "Hey, lubber. Notice what you're mucking around in?"
Skylar Warden: Scorching Ray To Hit 30 Damage 11
Pokey Pete: Gyaaaaaaaaagh!
Skylar Warden: ((19, so close, but at the floor at anyrate to light the greasy pitch))
Skylar Warden: no, wait he works, he'll light it anyway.
Pokey Pete: ...Smells like fresh crab.
Kermit has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: "Deckswabber."
Taidyn Voul: Acidic Splatter - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+4 = 9 Damage: 4d6 = 14
* Taidyn Voul misses horribly
Teyn has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: (( new saves for grease ))
Sallera: ((well, balance checks at least))
Taidyn Voul: (( nope, saves ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( the grease was burned up. ))
Skylar Warden: ((for a good cause))
Sallera: ((...this is true))
Taidyn Voul: (( so how much damage did it do? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 11.
Skylar Warden: ((enough for the crab, petey's still up, though))
Teyn: Attack 17
Damage 13
Mirku: The fork is strong with him
Skylar Warden: "No forks. Just Force."
Pokey Pete: Ack! That was me bilge eye!
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Pokey, once again, falls over. This time for good. Or so it seems.
Skylar Warden: Kick the body. [1d20+8}
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: 26
Näilo Faust: (They might've gotten away with it if it wasn't for us meddling kis)
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Cutting things short, that's the encounter.
Skylar Warden: ((Wee!))
* Crow smells crab.
Näilo Faust: Go team Awesome
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: You all get 600 hp. Nice impromptu witty banter all around.
Skylar Warden: "Huh, that's done."
Taidyn Voul: hp? wow
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Er, XP. Not hp.
Jared Termidious: (( I will take the 600 hp in lieu oof experience ))
Skylar Warden: HP? AWESOME
Skylar Warden: doh
* Taidyn Voul can almost survive a nuke now... or not
Taidyn Voul:
* Skylar Warden searches the area.
Nuke? Did someone say locate city bomb?
* Teyn skewers the cooked crab and tosses it to Crow.
Skylar Warden: 20
Näilo Faust: So the monster is further along the beach?
Jared Termidious: By the power of Heieronious, I heal Skylar's for 6 points of damage! (CLW)
Jared Termidious: By the power of Heieronious, I heal Jared's for 11 points of damage! (CLW)
Skylar Warden: "Thanks, friend."
Taidyn Voul: Huh, wasn't expecting pirates. Oh well, no sense letting their booty go to waste, however they gained it.
* Taidyn Voul searches the bodies
Skylar Warden: I searched first.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Pokey Pete was carrying some Elven aleeian wine and 500 gp. Do you want his possessions identified?
Skylar Warden: Sure, we can use his cash. The rest of the bodies, too.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Mithril Heavy Shield, Mithral shirt, and a stunningly fine Rapier.
Skylar Warden: "Don't want them. Anyone?
* Taidyn Voul casts Detect Magic and scans all the pirates and their equipment
Teyn: No use to me. Metal.
Skylar Warden: "Oh, a druid. Should have known."
Näilo Faust: I can't imagine being caught wearing armor.
Jared Termidious: I am already well-enough equipped
coDM-deathslayer7: (you seem to be doing fine without me oracle. seeing that i'm not needed, i'll check in later.)
Skylar Warden: "Sell it?"
* Teyn giggles. "It's nice not having to worry about the weight, anyway."
Skylar Warden: "It's mithral, it's not too bad."
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Anxious Amy was carrying 60 gp, the same equipment sans shield, and a 5lb bar of some metal.
Skylar Warden: How do we identify metal?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Appraise check.
coDM-deathslayer7: ill be back later
Skylar Warden: 19
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Thanks for stopping by, deathslayer.
Skylar Warden: later, death
coDM-deathslayer7 is disconnected.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Blistering bob had some shurikens sewn into his pant cuffs. In hindsight, that probably wasn't a good idea.
Skylar Warden: "Sell them, too?"
Taidyn Voul: (( anything magical? ))
Skylar Warden: What about the appraise check?
Teyn: If we can find someone who wants them, aye.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The metal bar appears to be platinum.
Skylar Warden: "This will be enough to split between us all. It's Pure Platinum!"
Teyn: Huh. Wonder where they got that from?
Skylar Warden: "Probably attacked a military vessel. Honorless dogs."
Jared Termidious: If we wish, I can cast a spell that will allow us to interrogate one of these outlaws. Is there anything to gain by doing this?
Skylar Warden: "Maybe, try it."
Taidyn Voul: (( any magic? ))
Jared Termidious: It will take about 10 minutes to cast
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Nothing appears to be magical... Did someone cast detect magic up there?
Taidyn Voul: (( I already cast Detect Magic ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Sorry, didn't see it. Nope, no magical items on the first encounter.
Skylar Warden: nothing else around then?
* Teyn sits down in the corner. "Well, I need to clean the crab off this spear anyway."
Jared Termidious: Reveal to me your secrets! ((Speak with Dead on Pokey Pete, casting time 10 min, Will save DC 19 or answer 3 questions in 7 mins))
Näilo Faust: I want to check out the monster. But I guess I'll wait for you.
* Teyn hums softly as she waits.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( how... can... someone... make a will save if they're dead? ))
Jared Termidious: (( Sorry, as if they were alive. ))
Skylar Warden: "Come on, I'll cover you, BLSE."
Näilo Faust: the will of the soul
Sallera: ((It's their soul making it, presumably))
Taidyn Voul: (( let's see, that's 560 gp, 5 pounds of platinum, one mithral heavy shield, two mithral chain shirts, two masterwork rapiers, and some elven wine, correct? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 7
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( plus 5 masterwork shurikens. ))
Skylar Warden: good money
Jared Termidious: (( If anyone has a suggestion for a question to ask, I'm open to suggestions ))
Taidyn Voul: (( split the money 112 each, pack up the rest to sell? ))
Näilo Faust: (what's the deal with forks?)
* Sallera fries the second crab corpse with a few lightning bolts and wraps some in cloth for later.
Skylar Warden: Why are you here? and yes, that arrangement is good
Skylar Warden: Forks? force? No? Then you don't need to know?
Näilo Faust: What do you know about the monster? is a good one
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( I really want to be a jerk about things and make those the three questions, but no, the spell obviously doesn't work that way. XD ))
Skylar Warden: "Ask about the monster."
Jared Termidious: "I will"
Jared Termidious: (( Anyone have anything else they want to do in the remaining time? Or can we skip to the spell being completed? ))
Skylar Warden: Check out the monster, Right? BLSE?
Jared Termidious: (( What's BLSE? ))
Teyn: ((Brave little squishy elf))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( I'm just waiting for the questions to come from Jared. Since it's not battle-time any more, it doesn't really matter having strict time requirements in. ))
Jared Termidious: (( Sorr yabout that, I thought we were Rp-ing the intervening time ))
Jared Termidious: (to the corpse) "What do you know about the monster?
Jared Termidious: (to the corpse) "Why are you here?"
Pokey Pete: There ain't no monster I know of other than the crabs.
Skylar Warden: "We'll check on that, come on BLSE."
Pokey Pete: I'm 'ere with my buddies to prevent people from seeing the Epimaru. 'Till you barnacles scuppered it up.
Jared Termidious: What is the Epimaru?!
Skylar Warden: "Epimaru... The monster."
Näilo Faust: "Sigh."
Pokey Pete: It's the Cap'n's obsession.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Spell over, please depsit 25 cents to continue. ))
* Jared Termidious drops the again-still body of the pirate to the ground.
Teyn: So... ship? Shiny things? Eh, let's find it anyway.
Jared Termidious: Well, we have a name now. We need to find this Captain guy
Skylar Warden: "He may not be here."
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( 'Kay guys. Do me a favor in a second. ))
Skylar Warden: sure?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Arrange yourselves in that whiteish square so I can easily move the tokens to the next map.
Jared Termidious: Gah! A white rift in spacetime!!
Skylar Warden: "It's cool, these are fun."
Näilo Faust: beam us up, scotty
Skylar Warden: Master Fate, not scotty

Encounter 2
and the adventurers exited the fortress, and saw no monster. However, beyond a rocky section of the beach, they found a tarp...
Skylar Warden: trap?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Taidyn 17 21 Faust 12 16 Orium 16 3 Jared 12 Teyn 18 14 Skylar 23
Skylar Warden: huh, tarp
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( everyone see the new map now? ))
Jared Termidious: (( YEah ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Oh, Jared, roll will save.
Jared Termidious: Will Save: 20
Skylar Warden: wow, a five
Jared Termidious: (( yeah.... do I get to RP insanity now? ))
You whisper to Bakkan: your eyes pierce through the illusion, and see what appears to be a mansion-sized shark-like creature, made out of gold. It shines in the beach sun, and jewes from within the thing's mouth glisten in the darkness.
Jared Termidious whispers: where exactly is it?
You whisper to Bakkan: Ten feet in front of the tarp. Spanning more than the whole map in width.
Skylar Warden: put on your helmet.
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: Theres something there! A very large creature!
Skylar Warden: "Two pirates and two creatures. Plus a Tarp."
Jared Termidious: It looks like a golden shark, but as big as a castle
Jared Termidious: I have been trained in the ways of avoiding deception, my good sir, and I tell you, it is there!
Skylar Warden: "Under the Tarp, I bet."
* Teyn tilts her head curiously. "You're wierd."
Skylar Warden: Detect Thoughts DC 16 Read thoughts of those in range
You whisper to Bakkan: Trained? It's a racial feature! XD
Jared Termidious: No, it's enormous!
Jared Termidious whispers: Though that was my Church Inquisitor feature?
Taidyn Voul: (( you realize it'll take 3 rounds to actually get thoughts from that ))
Player "Bakkan," is not connected.
Skylar Warden: skip it then.
Skylar Warden: Save for later
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: w Bakkan Sorry, you might be right on that.
Skylar Warden: Ray of Enfeeblement To Hit 19 STR Damage 8
Skylar Warden: On closest pirate, then
May Mincemeat: Oy! Scuppering seadogs!?
Skylar Warden: ((touch attack hit?))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Yeah.
Skylar Warden: cool.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Match, the burning bird on the left, lets loose a line of fire!
Skylar Warden: Reflex?
Näilo Faust: hot
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 13 Fire damage to Skylar, reflex 12 for half.
Skylar Warden: 26
Teyn has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: "Damn birds."
Sallera: ((Is the tarp total cover?))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Total cover from the south. ))
Sallera: ((can I see inside from here?))
Sallera: ((from about 15ft up))
You whisper to Sallera: You see the two pirates, and under the tarp, a sorceress who has been chained to the supports of the tarp, and is concentrating on a spell.
* DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing is whispering.
Teyn: Whoops, maybe that would be a bad plan... There's a prisoner down there, guys!
* Teyn stops herself, midspell, switching to a different set of gestures, and an arc of lightning jumps between the two birds.
Teyn: 27 lightning in line between two targets, R19 for half
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 24 8
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: One of the birds dies in a whiff of flame, leaving behind a small obsidian stone.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: "I can't believe I'm going to say it, but, Shocking."
Sallera: ((I -was- going to cast murderous mist, but that might have caused... problems. xD))
* Taidyn Voul speaks a few magic words and blindingly bright glitter blankets the area
Taidyn Voul: (( Glitterdust, DC 18 ))
Teyn: Huh, that's nearly as good as my way of doing it.
Skylar Warden: "Oh, god. He summons the sparkles." *Shutters*
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 29
Taidyn Voul: (( it hits the whole area ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( yeah, that was for something else. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 22 5 19
Taidyn Voul: (( damn lucky rolls ))
Taidyn Voul: (( well, one of them is blind for 8 rounds ))
Sallera: ((aren't there 4?))
Skylar Warden: there are four.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( four plus someone that got a secret GM roll. ))
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: One pirate is down 8 strength as well.
Näilo Faust: Faust awaits patiently.
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious whispers: I'm going to cast Dispel Magic at the creature
Jared Termidious whispers: Dispel roll: 13
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( just a second. ))
Sallera: ((brb))
You whisper to Bakkan: just making this perfectly clear. You're casting it directly targeting the creature, right?
Jared Termidious whispers: yes
Jared Termidious whispers: I should get one Dispel roll vs each magical enhancement currently on it.
Sallera: ((back))
Player "You" is not connected.
You whisper to Bakkan: You cast successfully at the creature, but the illusion hiding it is not an enhancement on the creature.
Jared Termidious whispers: and so my suspicion that an area dispel would be better is perhaps confirmed. Oh well.
* Jared Termidious runs around the rock shouting "Can't you see it? It's right there!"
Skylar Warden: "Where, there?"
* Jared Termidious points north
Jared Termidious: There! It's huge!
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Slithering Samuel draws a crossbow and shoots Crow!
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 14 to hit, 8 damage
Sallera: *the bolt passes harmlessly by*
May Mincemeat: You call that marksmanship!? Yer gettin' sloppy!
* Teyn calls down "Just remember, you hit the bird, I hit you!"
Teyn: And then feed you to the bird.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: May Mincemeat gets a lighter crossbow and attacks the crow, as well. 24 to hit, 8 damage
Skylar Warden: "SHE"LL DO IT!! SHE"S CRAZY!!"
May Mincemeat: Who's hittin who now!?
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
* Teyn glares down at Skylar. "Am not! He's just hungry... all the time."
Taidyn Voul: (( that was a crit threat ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( holy crap, thanks for pointing that out. ))
DM-BanHammah has connected.
DM-BanHammah: (all good and well here?)
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 17
Skylar Warden: Shocking Grasp To Hit 25 Damage 22
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Nope, no crit on that.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( yup, things appear to be going fine, if slower than expected from either of us. XD ))
Skylar Warden: Arcane Channeling it.
Skylar Warden: Scimitar To Hit 17 Damage 8
Sallera: *the bolt passes through Crow's left wing, bloodying him but doing no serious damage*
DM-BanHammah: (how much longer do you plan to run this if i might ask?)
May Mincemeat: I'm... Mincemeat...
Skylar Warden: "Back to the depths with you, hag."
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( We go until someone wishes to stop, I guess. ))
Teyn has received initiative.
Teyn: Feh, now I don't get to stab her.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Match runs around like a blinded chicken.
Teyn: Attack 16
Damage 11
DM-BanHammah: (all right then. I'll check back in around 8 ^^)
Sallera: Spear at Samuel.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Samuel dodges the spear.
DM-BanHammah is disconnected.
Skylar Warden: ((Later Ban Hammah))
Slithering Samuel: And now we're even, eh!?
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: "Hardly..."
Teyn: Unless it hits him on the way back.
* Taidyn Voul lobs another glob of acid at Samuel
Taidyn Voul: Acidic Splatter - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+8 = 21 Damage: 4d6 = 10
Slithering Samuel: Billions of blistering blue barnacles!
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( that hit. ))
Teyn: ... did you hit his eyes?
Skylar Warden: "you're S, not B."
Jared Termidious: (( Epic Tintin reference ))
* Näilo Faust points his wand a samuel. "Do you fear death?"
* Mirku rolls: 5d4+5 Force Damage => 10 + 5 = 15
Slithering Samuel: Not from squishy little elves like you, no!
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: "That's Brave Little Squishy Elf. Fear his foolhardyness."
Jared Termidious whispers: obviously, I'm trying to make the illusion obvious to the others. I can be singele-minded.
Jared Termidious: (( should be /me ))
You whisper to Bakkan: Are you going to try to Dispel the illusion then?
Skylar Warden: ((... Who's turn?))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Jared. He's doing whisper-stuff that you guys shouldn't know about but his character does. ))
Skylar Warden: ((oh, okay... Listen Check?))
Jared Termidious whispers: no I was hoping to throw some sand, have it hit the creature instead of falling, and give some others a chance to disbelieve. Unless I misunderstood where the creature is.
You whisper to Bakkan: Hm, that might work. Give it a shot...
Jared Termidious whispers: should I roll something?
Player "Bakkan," is not connected.
You whisper to Bakkan: well, it would be pretty hard to miss something that big, so, no.
You whisper to Bakkan: but do say something in public.
Jared Termidious whispers: I told them I threw the sand, I don't know if you wanted to tel lthem what happened to it or what
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Jared picks up a handful of sand and throws it 10ft forward. Everyone make will saves.
Teyn: Will Save: 18
Skylar Warden: 15
Taidyn Voul: 25
Sallera: ((eww, a 2))
Skylar Warden: ((blarg, base five))
Crow: Will Save: 11
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( is Mirku AFK? ))
Skylar Warden: ((No clue))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 14
Skylar Warden: ((Well?))
You all see from the edges of your eye, that the sand enters into the square, but then vanishes... Your mind aware of the illusion, you see the beach for what's really there.
Skylar Warden: "Huh, big mouth."
Teyn: With a... ladder? Weh?
Jared Termidious: I *told* you!
Slithering Samuel: The spell! Yer as good as dead, wench!
Näilo Faust: still here
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( (That's to the sorceress) ))
* Teyn shrugs. "You're still weird."
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Slithering Samuel drops his crossbow and draws a sword.
Skylar Warden: "He insulted your Brave, yet little squishyness."
Jared Termidious: Don't let him harm her!
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: He strikes at the sorceress in the tarp 28 11
Teyn: So... is it a good or a bad thing that I didn't blind them all?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The girl screams.
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: just attack the pirate.
Jared Termidious: No!
Teyn: Yeah, that works.
Jared Termidious: (( Not directed at Skylar ))
Skylar Warden: 'Nother Arcane channeled.
Skylar Warden: Shocking Grasp To Hit 17 Damage 24
Skylar Warden: Scimitar To Hit 27 Damage 4
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Slithering Samuel falls over, twitching in staticky goodness.
Näilo Faust: zap
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Match continues to run around in circles blinded.
Skylar Warden: "Attacking a noncombatant, pitiful."
Teyn has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: Is she harmed?
Teyn: ... I suppose I should put the poor little matchstick out of its misery.
Skylar Warden: "You okay, milady?"
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( She is alive, but bleeding and exhausted. ))
* Taidyn Voul starts taking potshots at the bird
Jared Termidious: (( Are we still in combat rounds? ))
Skylar Warden: "Cleric."
Taidyn Voul: (( do we really need to play out the rounds until it's dead? ))
Teyn: Attack 21
Damage 17
Skylar Warden: I think it died
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( NOW we're out of combat. ))
Jared Termidious: Out of my way
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Match erupts in flames, leaving behind a small obsidian stone.
Skylar Warden: "By all means."
Jared Termidious: By the power of Heieronious, I heal Lassimla for 17 points of damage! (CMW)
Skylar Warden: Searching. 13
Taidyn Voul: So, now that we're not busy fighting for someone's life, what IS that thing?
Jared Termidious: Are you all right, my dear? (Activates Detect Evil and scans the area)
Teyn: ... big?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Detect evil detects evil within the big mouth thingy. ))
Jared Termidious: (( Really? /sarcasm off ))
Lassimla: They... They took my children....
Jared Termidious: Where?
Lassimla: There, in that... That... They took everyone in there!
Taidyn Voul: "Everyone"?
Skylar Warden: "In there? Anyone for some monster diving?"
* Jared Termidious motions Skylar over, indicating that he wants to give him some healing
Lassimla: The sailors, the governor... My children...
Jared Termidious: By the power of Heieronious, I heal Skylar for 11 points of damage! (CLW)
Taidyn Voul: Sounds like we have a major rescue operation on our hands
Skylar Warden: "Easy."
* Teyn giggles. "If you say so, sparky."
Jared Termidious: Easy or Hard, it is our duty.
Taidyn Voul: But first, what do these pirates have that might be useful
Skylar Warden: "Sparky, no thanks, try Scholar. The Scholar."
Näilo Faust: I guess I could tag along, this creature is rather fascinating.
Skylar Warden: Yes, searching.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Unless you're interested in nonmagical crossbows, swords, and equipment, there is nothing of interest on the pirates. ))
Taidyn Voul: Do you know how many are in there?
* Teyn tilts her head. "Scholar. Good enough. But I don't see why you get BLSE and I can't say Sparky."
Taidyn Voul: (( maybe if they're masterwork ))
Taidyn Voul: (( otherwise, not valuable enough to be worth the bother imo ))
Skylar Warden: "He brought it on himself, Sparky."
Lassimla: No... I don't know how long they've been here... I wasn't the first or the last...
* Teyn giggles. "'Kay."
Taidyn Voul: We'll see what we can do.
Jared Termidious: (to Lassimla) Do you know how many pirates there are? And will you be all right if we go down there?
Skylar Warden: ((Checking the area around the monster 8))
Teyn: Shoo, Crow. Here, take some crab and go amuse yourself for a while.
Näilo Faust: "I don't want to alazm anyone but we may just be on a time schedule here. Those people maybe dying in there.é
* Lassimla falls down crying.
Lassimla: I don't know!
Skylar Warden: "That's why I say we GO! Monster Dive time!"
Jared Termidious: What about her?
Teyn: Crow can watch.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( you look up into the roof of the mouth, and see jewels glistening in the sunlight reflected off the sands. ))
Skylar Warden: "Send her back to town to warn the others. Maybe with Crow. Hello gems."
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Not so fast, that's the -roof- of the mouth. ))
Skylar Warden: I didn't say grab them, I said hello gems
* Jared Termidious say "Will that be all right?" as he tries to help Lassimla into the eagle's saddle.
* Taidyn Voul Tries to comfort Lassimla
Taidyn Voul: Don't worry, we'll get your kids out
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( You'll have a bit of trouble getting Lassimla into the eagle's saddle if she's chained to the tarp. ))
Skylar Warden: "We're the good guys after all."
Skylar Warden: "Oh, for Pete's-"
* Taidyn Voul dissolves the chains
Teyn: Are we? That's interesting.
Skylar Warden: Kelgore's Fire Bolt To Hit 19 Damage 11
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Sorry, had to do it. ))
Skylar Warden: nevermind the fire bolt
Näilo Faust: Riksing our life's for a random stranger is considered good these days?
* Taidyn Voul has an at will acid attack
Teyn: Well, good, yes. Good -idea-, that's the question.
Skylar Warden: "Yeah, we saved the girl and are about to save the rest of 'em. Right?"
Jared Termidious: It is one of the greatest goods, elf.
Skylar Warden: "His name is BLSE."
* Jared Termidious smirks. "Apologies"
Skylar Warden: "Let's just get in there."
Näilo Faust: "My name is Faust Naïlo, master of the arcane, slayer of fiends and foes."
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( just a second. ))

2009-06-14, 09:36 PM
Encounter 3
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Taidyn 18 11 Faust 26 16 Orium 8 19 Jared 16 Teyn 15 13 Skylar 15
* Teyn grabs one of the dead matchstick rocks before leaving.
Skylar Warden: "Okay BLSE."
Teyn: Scholar, Sparky, Shiny, Squishy... what do we call the guy with the hawk?
Skylar Warden: what's he do?
You enter the mouth of the, uh, beast(?) to find a golden tongue in a mouth acting like a carpet. The mouth is upheld by wooden pillairs.
* Teyn shrugs. "That's the problem. I can't think of anything that fits."
Näilo Faust: Stingy
Teyn: Hey, that works.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Spot checks.
Skylar Warden: "Sure, go with that. the Five S Troupe."
Teyn: 10
* Mirku rolls: 1d20+4 => 2 + 4 = 6
Taidyn Voul: 13
Jared Termidious: Spot 14
Näilo Faust: Typical
Jared Termidious: (( So that's 1, 2, 2,... we're blind as bats ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( also, 640 xp for that last encounter. ))
Skylar Warden: Spot 11
Näilo Faust: Bad spot checks and a comical routine? We're basicly the oots
DM-BanHammah has connected.
Skylar Warden: Uh, no, we're the Five S Troupe.
Jared Termidious: Wait, which S was I? Shiny?
Skylar Warden: ((Ban Hammah!))
Sallera: Yes.
Jared Termidious: Cool.
Two of the back wooden pillairs begin to buckle.
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: "Run!"
Näilo Faust: It's a tarp! I lean trap!
Skylar Warden: ((Move Faust))
Näilo Faust: hmm
Näilo Faust: So what do we do?
Skylar Warden: "Run, Squishy!"
Näilo Faust: okay then
Skylar Warden: "We're saving the people?"
Näilo Faust: I guess wa are
DM-BanHammah: (banhammah over n out!)
DM-BanHammah is disconnected.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( End of your turn? ))
Skylar Warden: Short turn.
Näilo Faust: I suppose so, I keep a reaction to magic missile anythig hostile that moves
Näilo Faust: with wand
Skylar Warden: next
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( one second ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: An acid arrow darts directly towards Skylar 17 touch to hit, 5 damage
Skylar Warden: hit
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Arghbargle's invisibility spell ends.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: (( Faust's readied action goes off ))
Näilo Faust: Idd
Sallera: I guess it doesn't matter that I forgot to cast Listening Lorecall before we entered, then. >>
Skylar Warden: ((and you move))
* Mirku rolls: 5d4+5 Force Damage => 17 + 5 = 22
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The Water Naga reels in pain.
Näilo Faust: "Good."
* Taidyn Voul brings back the sparkles
Skylar Warden: *shutters*
Taidyn Voul: (( DC 18 will save vs blindness for everything in that area, and any more invisible creatures in the area become visible ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 21 28
Skylar Warden: dang
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Well, you reveal Glarbargle, but they're just sparkly, not blindy.
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
* Taidyn Voul is annoyed
* Jared Termidious prays over himself, so that he radiates an aura of pure Good that protects him and his allies ((Magic Circle Against Evil, all allies within 10 ft of target get +2 Deflection bonus to AC, +2 Saves vs evil creatures, blocks possession and summoned creatures. Duration 80 min))
* Jared Termidious calls upoin his hatred of the undead to quicken his spell ((-5 daily turn attempts, cast spell with a swift action))
Jared Termidious: You are doomed! Doomed I say! ((Doom on Glarblargle, Will DC 17 or become shaken (-2 to everything) for 7 minutes))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 9
Skylar Warden: Ah, awesome.
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: Channeling.
Skylar Warden: Shocking Grasp To Hit 16 Damage 23
Skylar Warden: Scimitar To Hit 30 Damage 6
Taidyn Voul: (( nice crit threat ))
Skylar Warden: Scimitar To Hit 29 Damage 7
Skylar Warden: Confrimed crit
Skylar Warden: Scimitar To Hit 22 Damage 7
Skylar Warden: Shocking Grasp To Hit 17 Damage 20
Taidyn Voul: (( the shocking grasp doesn't get multiplied ))
Skylar Warden: ow 20 from scimitar 43 from grasp
Skylar Warden: doh
Taidyn Voul: (( and scimitars are x2, not x3 ))
Skylar Warden: still 43 damage
Skylar Warden: I'm confusing myself, you're right
Taidyn Voul: 36
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Wah, too many numbers, what's the actual total damage done? ))
Skylar Warden: thank you
Skylar Warden: 36
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Yeah, Glarbargle's ticked off now.
Teyn has received initiative.
Teyn: *holds up a small vial of water, and the air around Arghbargle freezes* 3 cold, F17 for half
Skylar Warden: huh, bogus.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 18
Skylar Warden: double bogus
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: It, uh, yeah. I think it choked on an ice cube.
Sallera: xD
Skylar Warden: it did one point, at least.
Taidyn Voul: (( er, was that a level 0 spell? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Glarbargle strikes at Skylar with a full attack!
Sallera: ((Creeping cold, level 2. It takes 2d6 next turn and 3d6 the turn after that... but only half, since it saved >>))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 22 to hit, 16 Damage
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Minus two to both of those.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: It misses.
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: (( Sorry, not -2 to damage ))
Jared Termidious: (( attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. I will update my macro ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Well, it didn't really matter in this instance. ))
Näilo Faust: hmm
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Oh, wait.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The two pillars collapse, and the mouth slams shut.
Näilo Faust: whoaw
Sallera: ((...now I really wish I hadn't forgotten to buff outside))
Skylar Warden: I can see the guy in front of me, I'm good for now.
Näilo Faust: I cast a light spell on my MM wand
Näilo Faust: That's better
Näilo Faust: guess that end my turn
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Skylar, the Acid Arrow deals 5 residual damage.
Skylar Warden: Ow, bastard
Skylar Warden: turn?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Argbargle's
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: It spews an acid arrow at Jared! 22 to hit, 5 Acid damage.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Ack, minus two to hit again.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Ranged touch attack.
Jared Termidious: Miss
Jared Termidious: wait
Skylar Warden: touch, hit.
Jared Termidious: Hit
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: Acidic Splatter - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+8 = 11 Damage: 4d6 = 14
Taidyn Voul: (( at arghbargle ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Arghbargle's skin burns from the acidic splatter. Poetic Justice!
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: By the power of Heieronious, I heal Jared for 12 points of damage! (CLW)
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: Scimitar To Hit 23 Damage 7 Buckler Axe To Hit 21 Damage 5
Teyn: Psst, you're too shiny, you'll ruin the hiding spot!
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Glarbargle gets knocked down, but he's... She's... Um, it's not dead yet.
Teyn has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: Finish Him!
Teyn: *Arghbargle takes 3.5 cold
Teyn: Attack 20
Damage 11
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: You strike at the water naga. One of it's eyes fall out, and it's bleeding profusely, but is still hissing at you.
Skylar Warden: Nice
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Glarbargle strikes again! 14 to hit, 14 damage
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: And misses, again!
Skylar Warden: "Pitiful."
Näilo Faust: "Sheesh just die already!"
* Näilo Faust aims his wand at glarbargle
* Mirku rolls: 5d4+5 Force Damage => 12 + 5 = 17
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( why did I first read that as waving your arms at it? ))
Skylar Warden: ((ooga booga doesn't work))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: It falls over dead. Narrowly missing crushing Skylar.
Näilo Faust: "Rats."
Skylar Warden: "Careful, BLSE."
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Jared, unless CLW gives you temporary HP, you take 5 residual damage from the acid arrow.
Taidyn Voul: (( it doesn't ))
Skylar Warden: ((So he does))
Jared Termidious: (( Owie ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Arghbargle spews another acid arrow at Teyn! 9 to hit, 4 Acid damage.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: MISS!
* Teyn giggles.
Arghbargle: Small targets are harder to hit.
Skylar Warden: I'd still rather be medium.
Näilo Faust: Turns out that SIZE does matter
Taidyn Voul: And large targets are easier. Here, let me demonstrate.
Taidyn Voul: Acidic Splatter - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+8 = 14 Damage: 4d6 = 17
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: It dissolves into a skeletal carcass. Overkill much?
Skylar Warden: No such thing
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 640 xp for everyone.
Skylar Warden: excuse me as I empty my revolver into it's eye sockets.
Teyn: Casting Listening Lorecall and Hawkeye before I forget again.
Teyn: ((I now have blindsense 30ft if it ever becomes relevant))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Okay.
Taidyn Voul: (( I'm getting a little tired ))
Skylar Warden: I gotta turn in soon.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( well, it has been about 4 and a half hours. ))
Skylar Warden: got a big day tomorrow. This was awesome.
Näilo Faust: Tired? It just turned morning for me! ;P
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( I'll be posting in OOC and IC topic in the forums. ))
Skylar Warden: lucky lucky
Jared Termidious: Agree with Skylar. This was great.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( It's been really fun. Sorry if things were really slow, it happens. ))
Taidyn Voul: (( it was fun ))
Näilo Faust: btw guys light's gonna run out, we need to think of that for next
Skylar Warden: IT. WAS. AWESOME.
Näilo Faust: and yes it was fun
Sallera: ((It's fine, more than worth the wait to finally be able to be a player. xD))
Taidyn Voul: (( I have noted spells cast and loot on my online character sheet ))
Näilo Faust: I think this has more of a game sence then pbp
Sallera: ((Great game so far.))
Skylar Warden: Light has ten minutes per CL, we good.
Näilo Faust: guess so
Sallera: And I've got another light if we run out.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Plus, yeah, you see a light coming from down the, uh, throat. ))
Skylar Warden: Got Dancing Lights for an emergency
Jared Termidious: I have a SLA and a bunch of 0th-level slots
Taidyn Voul: (( I'm a sorcerer. Light is one of my spells known. ))
Taidyn Voul: (( Keeping it going will not be a problem. ))
Näilo Faust: I get it
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( But with the mouth closed, how will our adventurers escape this... Thing? Uh, I wouldn't think about that too hard. ))
Näilo Faust: We can blast our way out
Skylar Warden: Damage spells until we're through, I have enough.
Jshock has connected.
Sallera: Not to mention infinite acid.
Skylar Warden: That too
Jshock is disconnected.
douglas: 4d6 acid per round as long as I have a 4th level spell slot remaining
Skylar Warden: don't waste it till we're out
Skylar Warden: what are those reserve feats in anyway?
douglas: Complete Mage
Sallera: CM.
Skylar Warden: damn, need that one
Jared Termidious: Before we end, does anyone need healing?
Sallera: I've not been hit yet, just Crow.
Skylar Warden: I'll shrug through for now.
Näilo Faust: me neither
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: You took residual acid damage, don't forget about that.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (To Jared)
Skylar Warden: I know, I'll shrug through.
douglas: Spending my last highest level spell slot is going to be a very rare event specifically because of the reserve feat
Jared Termidious: Yeah, but I think I'll deal for now.
Näilo Faust: I have a wand of clw btw
Skylar Warden: NOW he tells us.
Näilo Faust: Well who says I plan on sharing ;p
Skylar Warden: Good job, BLSE.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Well, to be honest, you were ragging on how costly those charges of magic missile were per use.
Näilo Faust: well clw is a lot cheaper
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: At least I think it was you. Which means it probably wasn't. XD
Skylar Warden: Me? I don't care, I'll buy him another, if he needs it.
douglas: I'm the one who said something about its cost
Skylar Warden: I have enough left over cash to buy a few.
Näilo Faust: I don't think the mm charges will be spent before the campagnes over
Näilo Faust: Well maybe
Näilo Faust: idk
Sallera: Haven't you gone through 5 or 6 already?
Skylar Warden: fifty going fast with you.
Jared Termidious: Are we going to be resting (IC) before we continue? I am getting moderately low on spells (and honestly, I think I want to switch out some).
Skylar Warden: you can split the orbs too, to hit more targets
Näilo Faust: if we rest those poeple will die
Sallera: Hmm. We were in a bit of a hurry as I recall.
Näilo Faust: prob
douglas: If anyone hasn't recorded spells cast, current hp, charges spent, etc. on your character sheet yet, I suggest you do so now.
Näilo Faust: bad karma
Näilo Faust: that's why I saved the big guns
douglas: And I don't think we have time to rest right now.
Skylar Warden: How much HP did I take?
Sallera: I have a last breath if someone dies, it's all good xD
Sallera: Well, as long as you die within 20ft of me, anyway.
douglas: See you next week, same time
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Wow, this whole villagers thing has become a bigger conundrum than the double regicide I did in my real campaign.
Näilo Faust: same channel
Skylar Warden: same channel
Näilo Faust: lol
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Skylar, I have you as taking 10 damage.
Skylar Warden: heh
douglas is disconnected.
Skylar Warden: I'll record that
Hat-Trick is disconnected.
Mirku is disconnected.
Sallera is disconnected.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Go ahead and disconnect. It's dinner time for me.

2009-06-20, 04:22 PM
Session 2 (June 19)

To recap some of the events of last session, our bold and squishy heroes found themselves stuck facing a pirate cover-up conspiracy, where they just entered the mouth of a monsterous... Not monster-thing, as according to a dead pirate.
They found that various townspeople, as well as a set of children, had been taken alive into the monster, and had just slain two water nagas from the inside of the beast. Unfortunately, the mouth of the beast was closed during the fight.
They now stand looking into the other direction, into the throat, where an eerie light pierces the darkness.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Uh, I'm done recapping now. ))
Sallera: ((Heh, sorry, thought we were going to shift maps again.))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( If you could move your tokens so we could do that? ))
Teyn: Well... Shiny, you shoud reflect the light nicely. Feel like going first?
DM-BanHammah: (Well im out. Sorry I can't stay oracle. Otherwise I might have taken a character off of you. I guess that will be one of my new responsibilities if someone doesnt show up)
Jared Termidious: Why not. Let me at these evil no-do-gooders.
DM-BanHammah: (bye all. have fun.)
Taidyn Voul: (( we intend to ))
Taidyn Voul: I can't say I'm particularly impressed by this pair of guards.
DM-BanHammah is disconnected.
Taidyn Voul: Let's see what they've got farther in

Overview Map:
Enumerated Close-Up #1 (http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/838/map02lrg.png)

The party arrives in a well-dusted hallway, with four Dire Rats and a Snake. No, you don't get to know what kind of snake it was because it died before it was capable of doing anything (It was sleeping at the start of combat), though the name "Hugs" probably gives it away.

In Room #1, the party finds a platform with arcane markings meaning "Up" and "Down".
In Room #2, Teyn finds two containers of salve amongst a few buckets of polish. About twenty minutes later, they identify one of the salves as a Healing Salve, and another as a Salve of Minor Spell Resistance. These were given to Jared.
In Room #3, there is a fountain of stagnant water. Mold has begun to form on it.
In Room #4, Teyn and Faust find a Journal of a chef. The chef was promoted to this area to serve a mistress, alongside a maid.
Nothing was found in Room #5.

Actual Text (Includes Encounter #1):

Our heroes climb down the throat, only to land on a very fine, thick, carpet, in an open room leading towards a hallway.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Taidyn « 1d20+4 = 14 + 4 = 18 » « 1d20+4 = 17 + 4 = 21 » Faust « 1d20+8 = 8 + 8 = 16 » « 1d20+1 = 16 + 1 = 17 » Orium « 1d20+2 = 14 + 2 = 16 » « 1d20+2 = 15 + 2 = 17 » Jared « 1d20+1 = 14 + 1 = 15 » Teyn « 1d20+3 = 10 + 3 = 13 » « 1d20+3 = 10 + 3 = 13 » Skylar « 1d20+4 = 10 + 4 = 14 »
Jared Termidious: (( How do I disable seeing the breakdowns of the rolls and just see the results? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( I think that might have been something I hit when I started the server. ))
Jared Termidious: (( OK ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+5-4 = 11 + 5 - 4 = 12 »
Taidyn Voul: (( do I need to make a spot check to see the snake? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: It's likely out of your vision range.
Näilo Faust: Sounds like it's time for the Brave Squishy Elf again?
Jared Termidious: Brave Little Squishy Elf
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Go ahead and move tokens out of initiative, you're not "In battle" yet. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The party sees a sleeping constrictor snake in the room in front of them, though the remaining rooms to the left and right remain unseen.
Taidyn Voul: (quietly) So who wants to peek around the corner first?
Skylar Warden: It appears that we have a little rat infestation problem here...
Jared Termidious: Well, lets kill them quietly. I don't like snakes.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: Rats? How... unimpressive
Taidyn Voul: Acidic Splatter - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+8 = « 1d20+8 = 19 + 8 = 27 » Damage: 4d6 = « 4d6 = 16 »
Taidyn Voul: (( at jerry ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Jerry is coated with a jelly-like acid. Wouldn't want that on my sandwich.
Tuffy: (( Time to take a bite out of adventurers! « 1d20+5 = 2 + 5 = 7 » to hit « 1d4+1 = 1 + 1 = 2 » ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Dixie follows suit! « 1d20+5 = 14 + 5 = 19 » to hit « 1d4+1 = 4 + 1 = 5 »
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Näilo Faust: Wanded Magic Missile, « 5d6+1 = 16 + 1 = 17 » to Dixie
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: Sword Attack: « 1d20+6+mod = 6 + 6 + 0 = 12 » at « target = rat » Sword Damage: « 1d8+1+mod = 4 + 1 + 0 = 5 »
Jared Termidious: (( Dixie ))
* Taidyn Voul suggests that Skylar step back a bit
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: In true Pixie and Dixie form, Dixie dodges.
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Skylar 5-foot steps back.
Skylar Warden: Is this enough for you?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+10 = 1 + 10 = 11 » Skylar attacks Dixie! « 1d6+2 = 2 + 2 = 4 »
Taidyn Voul: (( oof ))
Skylar Warden: I hate these meeces to pieces...
Teyn has received initiative.
Teyn: Not that I don't appreciate the wall you've formed, but you're making it rather difficult to get a good shot...
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+13+mod = 2 + 13 + -4 = 11 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 2 + 3 + 7 = 12 »
Teyn: ((at dixie, firing into melee penalty))
* Hugs twitches.
Jared Termidious: Uh oh.
Teyn: Oh. Hmm. Well... if it stays asleep just a -little- longer... I should be able to keep it out of our way.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Jerry bites at Taidyn! « 1d20+5 = 18 + 5 = 23 » to hit « 1d4+1 = 3 + 1 = 4 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Pixie bites at Skylar! « 1d20+5 = 20 + 5 = 25 » to hit « 1d4+1 = 3 + 1 = 4 »
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
* Taidyn Voul jerks his leg away from Jerry's teeth, annoyed at the minor scratch
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Hat Trick will be really happy when he finds out that happened. ))
Teyn: Keep the wall in place, I think I can take advantage of that.
Taidyn Voul: Defensive casting check: « 1d20+13 = 7 + 13 = 20 »
* Taidyn Voul sprays a bewildering array of bright colors at the rats
Taidyn Voul: (( Color Spray DC 17, hits all 4 ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Oh gosh, is this going to be a nightmare to track? ))
Teyn: ((I, um, think I can fix that. Next turn.))
Teyn: ((Or I might just make it worse.))
Taidyn Voul: not really, I think
Taidyn Voul: how many hit dice do they have?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( one. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Wait, that can't be right. ))
Taidyn Voul: (( any one hit die critter would have died instantly to my acid attack ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Just a moment, I forgot I advanced these and didn't mark the hit die increase. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Four hit die. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 1d4
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d4 = 1 »
Taidyn Voul: (( failed save = blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, then stunned for another round ))
Taidyn Voul: (( will save DC 17 ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Pixie« 1d20+8 = 3 + 8 = 11 » Dixie « 1d20+8 = 9 + 8 = 17 » Jerry « 1d20+8 = 10 + 8 = 18 » Tuffy « 1d20+8 = 2 + 8 = 10 »
Taidyn Voul: (( so Pixie and Tuffy are pretty much completely out of the combat for 2 rounds ))
Taidyn Voul: (( Dixie and Jerry passed ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Dixie attacks the Church Inquisitor! « 1d20+5 = 6 + 5 = 11 » « 1d4+1 = 4 + 1 = 5 »
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: Not today, rodent!
Kermit: Kermit's doing the Magic Missile this time. « 5d6+1 = 12 + 1 = 13 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Dixie's dead, and he ain't just whistlin' dixie.
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: (( magic missile caster level 9+ is 5d4+5 ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 5d4+5 = 8 + 5 = 13 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Wow.
Teyn: Don't move up.... please.
Jared Termidious: Sword Attack: « 1d20+6+mod = 20 + 6 + 0 = 26 » at « target = Pixie » Sword Damage: « 1d8+1+mod = 6 + 1 + 0 = 7 »
Jared Termidious: Critical confirm: « 1d20+6 = 7 + 6 = 13 »
Jared Termidious: Don't have mods for the blinded and stunned in there
Jared Termidious: Crit damage: « 1d8+1 = 7 + 1 = 8 »
Taidyn Voul: (( blind = pixie's flatfooted ))
Taidyn Voul: (( stunned = he's got -2 AC on top of that ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Still no critical.
Jared Termidious: Rats
Jerry: Who called for rats?
Jared Termidious: (( End turn ))
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: Full attack « 1d20+10 = 18 + 10 = 28 », « 1d6+2 = 3 + 2 = 5 », « 1d20+6 = 8 + 6 = 14 », « 1d6+2 = 2 + 2 = 4 » at Pixie.
Skylar Warden: « 1d20+10 = 9 + 10 = 19 » Crit confirm
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Critical hit on the Scimitar, miss on the Axe Shield. ))
Teyn has received initiative.
* Teyn grabs her spear as it returns, then grounds the point and directs a spell toward the hallway.
Teyn: *a cloud of boiling mist springs up, dealing « 2d6 = 6 » damage and permanent blindness to anyone who fails a DC19 Reflex save*
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+10-4 = 1 + 10 - 4 = 7 » « 1d20+3 = 17 + 3 = 20 » I am assuming stunned creatures don't get a reflex.
Taidyn Voul: (( they do ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( They don't now. ))
Taidyn Voul: (( they just can't take actions ))
* Jared Termidious 's eyes widen as the mist rises up. "I hope you know what you're doing," he mutters.
Teyn: Just don't walk around it in, 'kay?
Teyn: ((*in it))
Jared Termidious: 'kay
"em Wakes up in a blinded and angry fury." Unknown command. Try /help for a list of commands.
* Hugs Wakes up in a blinded and angry fury.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Jerry's the little Dire Rat that could. « 1d20+5 = 20 + 5 = 25 » « 1d4+1 = 4 + 1 = 5 » to Skylar.
Jared Termidious: (( Sorry I forgot till now, but my Magic Circle Against Evil is still active (duration 80 mins) ))
Sallera: ((oh, not that it's much, but it's half damage on save))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+5 = 16 + 5 = 21 » crit confirm
Taidyn Voul: (( rats and other animals, even dire versions, are usually neutral so I doubt the Magic Circle does anything against these ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: No crit there.
Jared Termidious: (( I know, but I wanted to mention it before we engaged Hugs, in case it's evil by some chance ))
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Magic Circle duly noted. ))
* Taidyn Voul decides to put a little more effort into this and casts Fell Drain Magic Missile
Taidyn Voul: « 1d4+1 = 4 + 1 = 5 », « 1d4+1 = 2 + 1 = 3 », « 1d4+1 = 2 + 1 = 3 », « 1d4+1 = 2 + 1 = 3 » to Hugs, Pixie, Jerry, and Tuffy, and a negative level to each.
Taidyn Voul: (( negative level = 5 damage, and a -1 penalty on attacks, saves, and skills ))
Taidyn Voul: (( oh, and the blindness from Color Spray wears off ))
Taidyn Voul: (( Tuffy's still stunned for 1 round, though ))
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Sallera: ((not that it matters when they're permanently blinded))
* Näilo Faust adds another notch to the magic missile wand.
Näilo Faust: « 5d4+5 = 7 + 5 = 12 » to Hugs
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: (( End turn ))
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( forgot about the spell for a moment. ))
Taidyn Voul: (( delay or cast a ranged spell, I'd say ))
Sallera: ((remember that the mist provides concealment))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Give me a moment, I need to keep track of spell usage. ))
Taidyn Voul: (( the mists will move 10' north on Teyn's turn ))
Skylar Warden: Scorching Ray of Superior Destruction! « 1d20+11-4 = 12 + 11 - 4 = 19 » « 4d6 = 18 » « 1d20+11-4 = 18 + 11 - 4 = 25 » « 4d6 = 11 » to Hugs
Teyn has received initiative.
Sallera: ((roll concealment on those?))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Whoops, mixed up concealment and cover again. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d5 = 3 » « 1d5 = 3 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( They hit. ))
Taidyn Voul: (( just one blind and stunned rat remaining ))
Sallera: ((ok, mist moves north, rat is now exposed.))
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+13+mod = 19 + 13 + 0 = 32 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 3 + 5 + 7 = 15 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Let's just call this one. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 640 XP
Taidyn Voul: (( each, or total? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Everyone gets 640 XP.
Taidyn Voul: What kind of pirates keep vermin like that as guards?
the hallway is marked by dusted wall squares, indicative of art works that might once have adorned it.
Sallera: Lazy ones, maybe.
Jared Termidious: There's more going on here than just pirates
Each wing of the hallway has two doors, as well as passages leading north.
* Teyn listens at the door: « 1d20+22 = 15 + 22 = 37 ».
Jared Termidious: Is there anything in the Snake's room, Scholar?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Teyn hears the wood of the door. It's a very fine-sounding door!
Skylar Warden: It's a platform... I haven't seen anything like this.
* Teyn opens the door to take a look around.
Teyn: ((« 1d20+5 = 15 + 5 = 20 » move silently))
Teyn enters a small room with a dresser, and a hammock tied to the wall and a pillar.
* Taidyn Voul opens the door across the hall
Teyn: ((« 1d20 = 12 » search for anything 'interesting'))
* Jared Termidious examines the strange platform
* Taidyn Voul examines whatever this round thing is
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Taydin finds a fountain. The water in it is stagnant, and a thin layer of mold has grown on the outermost edges.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Jared finds arcane markings on the platform.
Taidyn Voul: Huh. Terrible maintenance job here.
Näilo Faust: Anything in those rooms?
Teyn: ((listening again: « 1d20+22 = 17 + 22 = 39 »))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Sounds like teen spirit. Which is to say, nothing at all.
Taidyn Voul: A long neglected fountain in that one
* Taidyn Voul points
Jared Termidious: Scholar, you know what these symbols are?
Teyn: Seems to be just living quarters.
Näilo Faust: Teyn finds a room full of shelves. The shelves themselves are somewhat bear, though there are a few buckets marked "Polish" remaining. There are also containers of salve, one yellow, and one grey.
Näilo Faust: I've found this journal, if it's of any interest to anyone.
Jared Termidious: What's it about?
Sallera: ((what, my crappy search check wasn't good enough? xD))
Näilo Faust: It appears the owner was "Promoted" to this room, to take care of a mistress while an unnamed master was busy.
Näilo Faust: (( It was in the drawers. You didn't have line of sight. ))
Jared Termidious: Hmm... could this "mistress" be the snake?
Sallera: ((probably a good thing I restrained my impulse to stab the drawers then))
Näilo Faust: He was evidently a chef. There appears to be a maid that also worked here, as well.
Näilo Faust: The rest of the pages appear to be love poetry to the maid, although... This man was not very skilled at poetry.
* Jared Termidious chuckles
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Sallera, did you take anything from that Northwest room? ))
Taidyn Voul: Ugh. There is very little worse than a bad poet
Teyn: ((getting there)) Well, there appear to be some cleaning supplies in here. Wonder if they have some means of controlling this thing? I mean, if they're bothering to keep it shiny...
Teyn: Also some unidentifiable liquids that I'm not drinking. Scholar?
Skylar Warden: A good thing you're not drinking those. Salves are topical.
Teyn: I didn't look too closely. Are they good for anything?
Jared Termidious: (to Taidyn and Nailo) do either of you know about arcane symbols? There seem to be some on that platform
Taidyn Voul: Knowledge Arcana: « 1d20+12 = 8 + 12 = 20 »
Skylar Warden: I do have 8 scrolls of identify, if we are going to use them right now.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Taidyn: Generally speaking, you understand some of the symbols to mean "Up" and "Down".
Jared Termidious: (( Would a heal check be appropriate for identifying a salve? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( At best, you'll get a vague description. ))
Taidyn Voul: Hmm, this symbol over here means "up"... and this other one means "down"...
Näilo Faust: I do have Detect Magic prepared.
Taidyn Voul: Not sure about the rest, though
Teyn: ((beats casting identify on something that might not even be magical))
Teyn: ((although if they count as potions it's DC25 spellcraft))
Jared Termidious: Could this be some sort of device to move people up and down?
* Jared Termidious examines the ceiling of the snake's chamber.
Shiny ceiling, shiny shiny ceiling! Of course, there's no hole upwards, in case that's what you were looking for.
Taidyn Voul: That strikes me as a somewhat trivial and simplistic task for whatever this is
Taidyn Voul: I think it's more likely to control the movement of some part of this structure, or possibly the whole thing
Näilo Faust: The yellow salve has a faint conjuration aura. The gray salve has a moderate abjuration aura.
Teyn: Well, they do something then... either of you arcanists feel like taking a closer look?
Teyn: ((by which I mean spellcraft checks with a mod better than 5 >>;; ))
Taidyn Voul: (( according to the magic item compendium, if he beat the spellcraft DC on detect magic by 10 or more, he identifies the item ))
Näilo Faust: « 1d20+15 = 6 + 15 = 21 »
Näilo Faust: Actually, I'll just take ten on that.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Hm... This stuff is quite potent.
Näilo Faust: (( the above was said by me. ))
Näilo Faust: I can't seem to identify either exactly.
Taidyn Voul: Let me see
* Taidyn Voul casts Detect Magic
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Roll Spellcraft. ))
Taidyn Voul: Spellcraft: « 1d20+14 = 16 + 14 = 30 » for the first, « 1d20+14 = 14 + 14 = 28 » for the second
Näilo Faust: Showoff.
Taidyn Voul:
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The grey container is a Salve of Minor Spell resistance, and the yellow container is a healing salve...
Jared Termidious: Hmm, good things to have on hand.
Taidyn Voul: (( do I know how powerful the healing salve is? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The Minor spell resistance contains enough for 1 application, to gain 17 spell resistance.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The healing salve heals 1d8+1 HP of damage per application. Applications can be done in single, double, or triple units, and each of those only takes a standard action. It contains enough salve for 10 single applications.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (Double application- 2d8+3, triple application 3d8+5)
* Skylar Warden could really use some of that, at 23/46 HP.
Jared Termidious: Let's save the salve, let me heal you
Jared Termidious: By the power of Heieronious, I heal « player = Skylar » for « 4d8+7 = 15 + 7 = 22 » points of damage! (CCW)
Skylar Warden: Thank you.

Enumerated Close-Up #2 (http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/8392/map03lrg.png)
(Fun fact, the DM used illustrations of centipedes for tokens instead of actual centipede photos because centipedes CREEP THE DM OUT.)


Teyn breaks down the door to Room #A. It is filled with rotten, spoiled, and just plain no-good food. The party fights 4 magical centipedes here, and Jared finds a note asking the "staff" to look out for a brooch, which the mistress lost. It is evidently needed to operate a "Service Shaft".
Room #B is, well, I think Teyn said it best, "This thing's pretty nicely furnished for a... Whatever-it-is." It contains a dusty empty bookshelf, a fireplace, and a sofa. Taidyn finds a brooch within the sofa's cushions, and Teyn finds a burned scroll with the word "Gnusto" on it.
Room #C is filled with pedestals and jewels. Unfortunately, they're all animated and attack everyone when Teyn picks up one of the jewels.
The party decides to rest in Room #B.

Actual Text (Includes Encounter #2 and #3):

Teyn: ((listen: « 1d20+22 = 18 + 22 = 40 »))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: If we can get moving then?
Taidyn Voul: Shall we continue one?
Taidyn Voul: *on
Jared Termidious: Indeed
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Teyn hears... You gotta wonder how many times she'll hear nothing until it really, really matters.
Teyn: ((I've got a listening lorecall and I may as well use it xD))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: And in the room is nothing, as well.
Teyn: ((listen: « 1d20+22 = 10 + 22 = 32 »))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Just a second. ))
You whisper to Sallera: That's blindsense as well, right?
Teyn whispers: Yes, to 30ft. But it requires LoE.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Teyn hears millions of feet!
Teyn: Well, there's... something in there. Lots of somethings, in fact. Someone else care to go first?
Skylar Warden: The door's jammed shut.
Jared Termidious: Go around the other way or break it down?
* Skylar Warden tries to bust the door down. « 1d20+1 = 9 + 1 = 10 »
Skylar Warden: Won't budge...
* Teyn vaults with her spear and kicks the door with both feet: « 1d20+4 = 11 + 4 = 15 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( well, that's a funny image. ))
the door collapses, and a hideous odor comes from the room! It reeks of rotten food, mold, and more disgusting smells. everyone roll fortitude.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( and then hold up a second. ))
Teyn: Fort Save: « 1d20+16 = 8 + 16 = 24 »
Taidyn Voul: « 1d20+6 = 19 + 6 = 25 »
Jared Termidious: « 1d20+7 = 12 + 7 = 19 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Faust « 1d20+4 = 13 + 4 = 17 » Skylar « 1d20+7 = 13 + 7 = 20 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Jared and Faust are sickened by the scent. (-2 to most everything)
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( just a second. ))
Sallera is disconnected.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Taidyn « 1d20+4 = 5 + 4 = 9 » « 1d20+4 = 7 + 4 = 11 » Faust « 1d20+8 = 3 + 8 = 11 » « 1d20+1 = 12 + 1 = 13 » Orium « 1d20+2 = 18 + 2 = 20 » « 1d20+2 = 7 + 2 = 9 » Jared « 1d20+1 = 13 + 1 = 14 » Teyn « 1d20+3 = 19 + 3 = 22 » « 1d20+3 = 17 + 3 = 20 » Skylar « 1d20+4 = 11 + 4 = 15 »
Taidyn Voul: (( wonder what happend with Sallera ))
Taidyn Voul: (( I don't really like the idea of playing with over half the party absent and played by the DM very much ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Give it a second. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Maybe something on her end crashed, and she needs to restart or something. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( I honestly don't like the idea of playing half the party, either, so I hope she does reconnect. ))
Sallera has connected.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: There we go.
Sallera: Sorry. Wireless adapter overheated again.
Sallera: I miss anything?
Taidyn Voul: just the rolling of initiative
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Well, Jared and Faust are sickened by the rottingness, and then initiative. There are two centipededs underneath the table in that room.
Teyn has received initiative.
Teyn: ... ew.
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+13+mod = Invalid expression: 1d20+13+mod. »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 1 + 6 + 7 = 14 »
Teyn: « 1d20+13 = 4 + 13 = 17 »
Teyn: at the one on the left.
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
* Skylar Warden pinches his nose.
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
* Jared Termidious casts detect evil and scans the area
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( The centipedes are True Neutral. ))
Jared Termidious: (( Also looking to the right, on next turn if necessary. that's the end of my turn ))
* Centuhpede twitches his antennae, flexes his fourth and six legs, and uh, casts Magic Missile. o.o 1d4+1 damage to Teyn.
Centuhpede: « 1d4+1 = 4 + 1 = 5 » Damage
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Teyn: Ow! Magical vermin!
Taidyn Voul: Only one missile? Not very powerful magic vermin
Näilo Faust: Fight fire with fire, force with force. 2d4+2 to centa, 3d4+3 to centuh.
Näilo Faust: Gah.
Näilo Faust: « 2d4+2 = 4 + 2 = 6 » « 3d4+3 = 3 + 3 = 6 »
Teyn: ... it still hurts.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: Yeah, but not as much as I bet this will for them
Taidyn Voul: Acidic Splatter - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+8 = « 1d20+8 = 6 + 8 = 14 » Damage: 4d6 = « 4d6 = 13 »
Taidyn Voul: (( at Centapede ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Good thing he's got an exoskeleton. ))
* Centopede crawls out of the cupbords
"lauches a Magic Missile at Skylar. [1d4+1]" Unknown command. Try /help for a list of commands.
* Centopede lauches a Magic Missile at Skylar. « 1d4+1 = 4 + 1 = 5 »
Jared Termidious: (( Just how many ways *are* there to misspell centipede, I wonder. ))
* Taidyn Voul is trying not to breathe very much
* Centipede also crawls out, and launches another magic missile. This one at Teyn. « 1d4+1 = 2 + 1 = 3 »
There is a note on the door on the inside of the cupboard that Centipede crawled out.
Teyn has received initiative.
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+13+mod = 17 + 13 + 0 = 30 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 5 + 2 + 7 = 14 »
Teyn: ((at Centuhpede))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Teyn breaks one of Centuhpede's legs!
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Teyn: Oh, that's useful....
Taidyn Voul: Great, how many does that leave?
Jared Termidious: Now he only has 99!
Skylar Warden: Striking at Centipede. « 1d20+10 = 14 + 10 = 24 », « 1d6+2 = 4 + 2 = 6 »
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: (( end turn ))
Centuhpede: « 1d20 = 10 » to munch on the halfling, « 1d6-2 = 1 - 2 = -1 »
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Teyn: Eck. How I wish I could summon the storm to wash away this filth...
Näilo Faust: Centi, Cento. « 2d4+2 = 5 + 2 = 7 », Centuh « 1d4+1 = 4 + 1 = 5 »
Näilo Faust: Not quite a storm, but I hope you don't mind.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Teyn: Whatever works.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( that door should have been closed. ))
* Taidyn Voul readies an action to zap cento with acid if it takes a hostile action
Taidyn Voul: (( just in case it casts another magic missile ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Does that go off before or after said action? ))
Taidyn Voul: (( this way, it might lose concentration on it ))
Teyn: ((Before))
Taidyn Voul: (( before ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Take that action, Taidyn.
Taidyn Voul: Acidic Splatter - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+8 = « 1d20+8 = 1 + 8 = 9 » Damage: 4d6 = « 4d6 = 18 »
Taidyn Voul:
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d4+1 = 4 + 1 = 5 » Magic Missile to Taidyn.
* Taidyn Voul melts a hole in the cupboard behind it
* Taidyn Voul grunts and curses his bad aim
* Centipede bites at Skylar. « 1d20 = 5 » « 1d6-2 = 3 - 2 = 1 »
Teyn has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Jumping on the table, or walking underneath it? ))
* Teyn climbs up on the table and flings a spear at Cento.
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+13+mod = 7 + 13 + 0 = 20 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 2 + 1 + 7 = 10 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: You take out three legs.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( He's no longer a valid argument. ))
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: Full attack « 1d20+10 = 16 + 10 = 26 » « 1d6+2 = 6 + 2 = 8 », « 1d20+6 = 10 + 6 = 16 » « 1d6+2 = 3 + 2 = 5 »
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
* Jared Termidious examines the note on the cupboard door
The note reads, "Please keep your eyes open for our Mistress's lost brooch. She needs it to operate the service shaft, and without it, only the master can use it."
Jared Termidious: (( End turn ))
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: So apparently, there'sa brooch around here somkewhere that controls a "service shaft"
Näilo Faust: Let's put an end to this. Something reeks in this room.
Näilo Faust: « 5d4+5 = 13 + 5 = 18 »
Teyn: ... it's the 'everything' in the room, I think.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Everyone gets 640 XP. ))
Teyn: ((listen: « 1d20+22 = 16 + 22 = 38 »))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Sickening is over. ))
* Taidyn Voul wastes no time getting away from the stink
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Teyn leans on the door, and it opens.
Teyn: Oof. Don't these people know how to use latches?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: In room number, whatever we're on now, is a currently empty bookcase, a ash-filled fireplace, and a luxurious sofa.
* Taidyn Voul searches the sofa
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Search check? ))
Taidyn Voul: Small things are always getting lost in furniture like this...
Taidyn Voul: « 1d20+1 = 18 + 1 = 19 »
Teyn: ((aid another, « 1d20 = 4 »))
* Jared Termidious examines the bookshelf ((Search « 1d20 = 8 »))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( For the record, DMBanhammah thought you'd never do this. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Taidyn, you find a brooch!
Jared Termidious: (( Do what? Search the room ))
Jared Termidious: (( ? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Search the sofa. ))
* Taidyn Voul holds up the brooch
Jared Termidious: Aha!
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Jared, you find dust on the bookshelf.
Taidyn Voul: Think this belongs to a certain "Mistress"?
Teyn: Pretty enough little trinket. Hope it proves of use.
* Teyn pokes at the ash with her spear. "This thing's pretty nicely furnished for a.... whatever-it-is."
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Teyn finds a scroll in the ash. Unfortunately, the actual contents of the scroll are mostly charred, and can only read the word "Gnusto" on it. ))
Teyn: And apparently they burn their letters.
Taidyn Voul: That looks like everything of interest in here.
Taidyn Voul: Next door?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( just a moment. ))
Teyn: ((listen, more carefully this time « 1d20+22 = 10 + 22 = 32 »))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Taidyn « 1d20+4 = 1 + 4 = 5 » « 1d20+4 = 9 + 4 = 13 » Faust « 1d20+8 = 4 + 8 = 12 » « 1d20+1 = 6 + 1 = 7 » Orium « 1d20+2 = 17 + 2 = 19 » « 1d20+2 = 2 + 2 = 4 » Jared « 1d20+1 = 4 + 1 = 5 » Teyn « 1d20+3 = 18 + 3 = 21 » « 1d20+3 = 19 + 3 = 22 » Skylar « 1d20+4 = 15 + 4 = 19 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Teyn doesn't hear anything beyond the door.
Taidyn Voul: Careful everyone, the combat music has started!
Teyn: Shiny? You're up.
Taidyn Voul: (( I don't actually say that IC ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Which one's shiny again? ))
Jared Termidious: Me
Jared Termidious: (( I think it's my armor ))
Teyn: ((that and the holyness))
Näilo Faust: Just as long as it's not another kitchen.
Jared Termidious: (( Oh yeah. that too. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( anyone want to open the door and go in? ))
Teyn: ((... Shiny?))
* Jared Termidious opens the door
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: In the room are six pedestals. Five of which hold a green jewel, each. And there's a green jewel on the floor next to the un-adorned pedestal.
Skylar Warden: Looks like Shiny found some shinies.
Teyn: Huh. Wonder... ((detect magic))
* Jared Termidious casts detect evil and looks around the room
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The six pedestals, as well as the jewels, have a magical aura.
Teyn: ((spellcraft: « 1d20+5 = 16 + 5 = 21 »))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Transmutation.
Teyn: Well, they're magical. Transmutation of some sort. Do we... want to finish this?
Taidyn Voul: I'm... not too sure
Teyn: Ah, I know!
* Teyn grabs the jewel and opens the door.
Teyn: Come down here, and one of you stand near the door.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( wait a second! ))
Taidyn Voul: What, going to try tossing it onto the pillar?
Teyn: ((waiting...))
* Stand Slams into Skylar as the jewel is moved! « 1d20+6 = 13 + 6 = 19 », « 1d6+4 = 1 + 4 = 5 »
Teyn has received initiative.
Teyn: Gah! Stupid rocks...
Skylar Warden: Of course, they're animated objects!
* Teyn drops the gem and attempts to destroy it.
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+13+mod = 8 + 13 + 0 = 21 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 3 + 2 + 7 = 12 »
Stand: Reels in pain! Which, uh, is hard to do considering he's a pedestal and all.
Teyn: ((er... I was attacking the gem; did that hurt it?))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Yes. ))
Teyn: ((Ok, just checking.))
* Desk slams at Skylar. « 1d20+6+4 = 5 + 6 + 4 = 15 », « 1d6+4 = 4 + 4 = 8 »
* Stand slams at Teyn. « 1d20+6 = 10 + 6 = 16 », « 1d6+4 = 1 + 4 = 5 »
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: This is a bit ridiculous, isn't it?
Teyn: ... yep. But at least they're slow.
Skylar Warden: Full attack. « 1d20+10 = 18 + 10 = 28 » « 1d6+2 = 6 + 2 = 8 » « 1d20+6 = 17 + 6 = 23 » « 1d6+2 = 5 + 2 = 7 » at Stand
Skylar Warden: Crit confirm. « 1d20+10 = 19 + 10 = 29 »
Taidyn Voul: (( constructs are immune to crits ))
Skylar Warden: (( Whoops, I do that all the time, too. ))
* Pedestal slams into Jared! « 1d20+6 = 1 + 6 = 7 », « 1d6+4 = 4 + 4 = 8 »
* Bureau slams into Faust! « 1d20+6 = 14 + 6 = 20 », « 1d6+4 = 1 + 4 = 5 »
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Näilo Faust: « 5d6+5 = 17 + 5 = 22 » to Bureau.
* Counter Slams into Jared! « 1d20+6 = 9 + 6 = 15 », « 1d6+4 = 4 + 4 = 8 »
* Counter and misses!
Jared Termidious: I'll not take this from furniture!
Slab: Tries brutally attacking Taidyn, the only way furniture knows how! « 1d20+6 = 11 + 6 = 17 », « 1d6+4 = 3 + 4 = 7 »
Jared Termidious: I'm returning you tomorrow!
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: (( Aid another for Teyn vs Stand, +2 to attacks if this roll beats DC 10: « 1d20+6 = 8 + 6 = 14 » ))
Jared Termidious: (( next attack, rather ))
Jared Termidious: (( end turn ))
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: Defensive casting: « 1d20+13 = 1 + 13 = 14 »
Teyn: ((does that count if I stab the gem?))
Jared Termidious: (( ouch ))
* Taidyn Voul attempts to dispel the magic animating these things, but loses the spell
Teyn has received initiative.
Teyn: ((is it considered part of Stand or a seperate object?))
Slab: (( Uh, while I probably shouldn't say this, stabbing the jewel is just like stabbing the stand it is on. ))
Slab: (( and, uh, both are in your range. ))
* Teyn takes advantage of Stand's distraction to stab its gem again.
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+13+mod = 8 + 13 + 2 = 23 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 5 + 4 + 7 = 16 »
* Stand hops up and down infuriatingly.
* Desk draws a club and bludgeons Skylar. Not really, but I wanted to do something half-interesting. « 1d20+6 = 2 + 6 = 8 », « 1d6+4 = 1 + 4 = 5 »
* Stand tries to do a flying kick attack on Teyn! « 1d20+6 = 6 + 6 = 12 », « 1d6+4 = 5 + 4 = 9 »
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Teyn: Hey, that's my technique!
Skylar Warden: Full attack. « 1d20+10 = 2 + 10 = 12 » « 1d6+2 = 6 + 2 = 8 » « 1d20+6 = 18 + 6 = 24 » « 1d6+2 = 5 + 2 = 7 » at Desk.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( phone ))
* Pedestal headbutts Jared! « 1d20+6 = 7 + 6 = 13 », « 1d6+4 = 4 + 4 = 8 »
Pedestal: (( It's not very effective. ))
* Bureau spits its jewel out at Faust! « 1d20+6 = 7 + 6 = 13 », « 1d6+4 = 6 + 4 = 10 »
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
* Jared Termidious laughs at Pedestal's pitiful attempts.
* Näilo Faust impersonates a very powerful centipede with his wand. « 5d4+5 = 12 + 5 = 17 »
* Bureau has seen better days. Anyone know a good furniture restorer?
* Counter bashes into Jared. « 1d20+6 = 3 + 6 = 9 », « 1d6+4 = 1 + 4 = 5 »
Taidyn Voul: I could cast Mending, but I suspect that's a bit too badly damaged for that spell to do the trick
* Slab bashes into Taidyn. « 1d20+6 = 19 + 6 = 25 », « 1d6+4 = 4 + 4 = 8 »
* Taidyn Voul has some significant bruises now
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: 22/39
* Jared Termidious withdraws. It's getting a little crowded for me!
Jared Termidious: (( end of turn ))
Teyn: ((I think you'll still provoke one there from Stand))
Stand: « 1d20+6 = 19 + 6 = 25 », « 1d6+4 = 1 + 4 = 5 »
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: Defensive casting: « 1d20+13 = 1 + 13 = 14 »
* Jared Termidious grunts as Stand finally connects
Taidyn Voul: ...
Teyn: ...
Teyn has received initiative.
Teyn: Dust, damn you!
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+13+mod = 2 + 13 + 0 = 15 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 6 + 5 + 7 = 18 »
Taidyn Voul: (( why'd you have to take the only safe spot within a 5' step of me, Jared? ))
* Stand crumbles, and the corresponding jewel shatters.
* Desk shoots a hadoken at Skylar. « 1d20+6 = 7 + 6 = 13 », « 1d6+4 = 5 + 4 = 9 »
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: (( now there's another one ))
Desk: Full attack. « 1d20+10 = 8 + 10 = 18 » « 1d6+2 = 2 + 2 = 4 » « 1d20+6 = 10 + 6 = 16 » « 1d6+2 = 1 + 2 = 3 » at Desk.
Taidyn Voul: (( testing something, ignore the next line or two ))
Taidyn Voul: Defensive casting: « 1d20+13 = 10 + 13 = 23 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( the above was done by Skylar, not Desk. ))
Taidyn Voul: (( ok, so it doesn't copy the roll result when I repeat a line with a roll by using the up arrow key ))
* Pedestal flips out at Skylar. « 1d20+6 = 20 + 6 = 26 », « 1d6+4 = 4 + 4 = 8 »
Pedestal: « 1d20+6 = 3 + 6 = 9 »
* Bureau honks a bicycle horn. « 1d20+6 = 3 + 6 = 9 », « 1d6+4 = 3 + 4 = 7 »
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Näilo Faust: « 2d4+2 = 3 + 2 = 5 » to Bureau, « 3d4+3 = 10 + 3 = 13 » to Desk.
* Counter does a stand-up comedy routine for Douglas. « 1d20+6 = 17 + 6 = 23 », « 1d6+4 = 5 + 4 = 9 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Ouch. ))
* Taidyn Voul is now seriously hurting
Slab: (( Let's just hope this misses, okay? « 1d20+6 = 2 + 6 = 8 », « 1d6+4 = 4 + 4 = 8 » ))
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: That one really hurt!
Teyn: Don't worry, my friend, if you die, I'll ensure your soul finds an interesting body to inhabit.
Taidyn Voul: Got any more healing?
Jared Termidious: By the power of Heieronious, I heal « player = Taidyn Voul » for « 3d8+7 = 9 + 7 = 16 » points of damage! (CSW)
Taidyn Voul: Thank you
Jared Termidious: (( end turn ))
Jared Termidious: You're welcome
Taidyn Voul: (( and please move ))
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: Sorry, 5 foot step allowed?
Taidyn Voul: (( could you add opening the door and taking a 5' step to that? ))
Taidyn Voul: or just 5' step
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( yeah. ))
Teyn: ((yeh, there's plenty of room to the right))
Jared Termidious: (( I'm spontaneously casting healing spells at this point, which takes a full round ))
Taidyn Voul: (( only if you're applying a metamagic feat to it ))
Taidyn Voul: (( I think ))
* Taidyn Voul attempts to dispel the magic animating the objects
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Yeah, I don't see anything saying it takes a full round to do that.
Taidyn Voul: Dispel checks: « 1d20+8 = 3 + 8 = 11 » « 1d20+8 = 9 + 8 = 17 » « 1d20+8 = 20 + 8 = 28 » « 1d20+8 = 8 + 8 = 16 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( What opposes the dispel check? ))
Teyn: ((CL of the buff))
Taidyn Voul: (( DC 11 + caster level ))
Jared Termidious: (( huh, I was sure I saw that somewhere. Oh well, now I know ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Well, one of them becomes a normal old podium. The jewel still crumbles, though.
Teyn has received initiative.
Teyn: Effective. I like it.
* Teyn stabs the Slab.
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+13+mod = 11 + 13 + 0 = 24 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 1 + 5 + 7 = 13 »
Taidyn Voul: (( now if only I hadn't bombed those two concentration checks ))
Desk: Dances on Bureau's grave! « 1d20+6 = 3 + 6 = 9 », « 1d6+4 = 2 + 4 = 6 »
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Desk: Full attack. « 1d20+10 = 17 + 10 = 27 » « 1d6+2 = 5 + 2 = 7 » « 1d20+6 = 1 + 6 = 7 » « 1d6+2 = 6 + 2 = 8 » at Desk.
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Näilo Faust: « 5d4+5 = 13 + 5 = 18 », Desk.
Desk: Crumbles!
* Counter slams into Teyn! « 1d20+6 = 4 + 6 = 10 », « 1d6+4 = 5 + 4 = 9 »
* Slab slams into Teyn, oldskool style.
Slab: « 1d20+6 = 9 + 6 = 15 », « 1d6+4 = 3 + 4 = 7 »
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
* Teyn does a handstand on the spear, giggling at the clumsy objects.
Jared Termidious: Are you injured, Scholar?
Skylar Warden: I've had better days.
Jared Termidious: By the power of Heieronious, I heal « player = Skylar » for « 2d8+7 = 7 + 7 = 14 » points of damage! (CMW)
Skylar Warden: (( 32/46 ))
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: I love it when I heal for the exact amount needed
Teyn: ((You seem to be good at that. ^^))
* Taidyn Voul tosses acid at counter
Taidyn Voul: Acidic Splatter - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+4 = « 1d20+4 = 15 + 4 = 19 » Damage: 4d6 = « 4d6 = 15 »
Teyn has received initiative.
Teyn: Be dusted!
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+13+mod = 11 + 13 + 0 = 24 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 4 + 2 + 7 = 13 »
* Slab still has plenty of vigor in him. For a table.
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: Full attack. « 1d20+10 = 16 + 10 = 26 » « 1d6+2 = 6 + 2 = 8 » « 1d20+6 = 2 + 6 = 8 » « 1d6+2 = 3 + 2 = 5 » at Desk.
Skylar Warden: (( Or, just that first one. Not a full attack. ))
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Näilo Faust: « 2d4+2 = 5 + 2 = 7 » to counter, « 3d4+3 = 4 + 3 = 7 » to Slab.
* Counter slams into Skylar. « 1d20+6 = 19 + 6 = 25 », « 1d6+4 = 4 + 4 = 8 »
* Slab slams into Teyn. « 1d20+6 = 20 + 6 = 26 », « 1d6+4 = 4 + 4 = 8 »
Slab: « 1d20+6 = 15 + 6 = 21 » Crit confirm.
* Slab does various gymnastics on Teyn.
* Teyn falls back against the wall. "Going to dust you...
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Teyn: ((damage for crit?))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( 16. ))
Teyn: ((usually roll again, but ok))
Jared Termidious: Sword Attack: « 1d20+6+mod = 20 + 6 + 0 = 26 » at « target = Slab » Sword Damage: « 1d8+1+mod = 1 + 1 + 0 = 2 »
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: Acidic Splatter - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+4 = « 1d20+4 = 5 + 4 = 9 » Damage: 4d6 = « 4d6 = 12 »
Taidyn Voul: (( I'm guessing that's a miss ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Yup. ))
Teyn has received initiative.
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+13+mod = 19 + 13 + 2 = 34 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 3 + 3 + 7 = 13 »
* Slab Is looking pretty worn down.
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: Full attack. « 1d20+10 = 7 + 10 = 17 » « 1d6+2 = 3 + 2 = 5 » « 1d20+6 = 10 + 6 = 16 » « 1d6+2 = 5 + 2 = 7 » at Desk.
Skylar Warden: And by counter I mean desk.
Skylar Warden: ...You know what I mean.
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Näilo Faust: « 2d4+2 = 4 + 2 = 6 » to Slab, « 3d4+3 = 9 + 3 = 12 » to Counter.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( 720 Experience to everyone. ))
Jared Termidious: Nice finish, Faust
Näilo Faust: Let's not touch mysterious jewels when they're next to mysterious podiums from now on...
Teyn: ... good plan.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( It's about time to get things wrapped up for the session. ))
Jared Termidious: I am almost out of spells. Does someone want to give me the healing salve so I'm not useless
Teyn: ... and could I use a little of it? My everything hurts.
Skylar Warden: Perhaps we should rest, then? There couldn't be much left to attack us.
Näilo Faust: Don't say that, there's always the ceilings.
Taidyn Voul: They still have hostages, don't forget
Taidyn Voul: children
Skylar Warden: We can't save the hostages if we die first.
Teyn: Aye... and if this 'Master' of theirs can operate the thingy without the shiny, he could still get us. We'll have to at least have someone keep watch, if we must rest.
Näilo Faust: I call dibs on the sofa.
Teyn: Well, that is an easily defensible location. In theory.
Teyn: Provided that stupid door even has a lock.
Näilo Faust: Maybe we could find something to block the door from opening?
Teyn: There is this pedestal you disenchanted.
Teyn: Or rather, Stingy disenchanted.
Taidyn Voul: I do have a name. Taidyn Voul.
Teyn: I've got a name too, you don't see me worrying about it. Either way, shall we?
Jared Termidious: As much as I appreciate our witty banter, I think we really should rest now, so that we may the sooner get on with it.
Skylar Warden: Many people have names.
* Teyn attempts to shove the pedestal over so she can roll it.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Okay, last chance to start a love interest with any players that aren't here. ))
Taidyn Voul: (( not interested, unless one of them spontaneously turns female ))
Jared Termidious: (( same here ))
Teyn: (( just have to get them killed, it'll be a 50% chance ))
Taidyn Voul: (( yeah, but then I might not like the side effects ))
Taidyn Voul: (( you are referring to Reincarnate, right? ))
Teyn: (( Well, last breath, but yeh, it's just reincarnate with no level loss ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Well, it's been a splendid session. Even if we've only played one map. XD ))
* DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing I really needed that sort of thing this week, too.
Teyn: ((well, it was a very big map ^^))
Bakkan says to the GM: Do you need a list of my new prepared spells? If so, how would you prefer to recieve it?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Nice to know battles with constructs go like that even with spellcasters.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Just keep your character sheet updated.
Sallera: Yep, got to find a better spell selection for tomorrow.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Well, the next map's a bit... Yeah, I'm glad supposedly we'll have everyone back for the next one.
Jared Termidious: Same here. I had my spell selection based partly on fluff, so I've got stuff like Zone of Truth prepared.
Taidyn Voul: (( got enough healing left to deal with my remaining 10 damage? ))
Jared Termidious: Oh yeah. Everyone let me know how much healing you need, if any.
Sallera: (( oh, yeh, I've taken 24 if you do have a few spells left ))
Jared Termidious: By the power of Heieronious, I heal « player = Taidyn » for « 1d8+5 = 7 + 5 = 12 » points of damage! (CLW)
Taidyn Voul: (( nice roll ))
Jared Termidious: By the power of Heieronious, I heal « player = Teyn » for « 4d8+7 = 15 + 7 = 22 » points of damage! (CCW)
Sallera: Nice, thanks.
Jared Termidious: Be impressed with my great healing abilities! ((1 single, solitary point of healing to « target = Teyn ». Be grateful.))
Jared Termidious: Be impressed with my great healing abilities! ((1 single, solitary point of healing to « target = Teyn ». Be grateful.))
* Teyn is grateful.
Jared Termidious: By the power of Heieronious, I heal « player = Jared » for « 2d8+7 = 12 + 7 = 19 » points of damage! (CMW)
Taidyn Voul: Ah yes, Cure Minor Wounds
Taidyn Voul: The (almost) useless healing spell
Sallera: It's good for stabilizing unconscious enemies.
douglas: Yeah, good for stabilizing, but for actual healing it's almost nothing
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Oh, I'll be posting in the relevant topic regarding rules for new gear. I assume you want new gear. I mean, you won't get it immediately, but you're close enough (spatially) to levelling.
Sallera: Will we be attacked during the night, or can I redo my spell list?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: You won't be attacked during the night.
Sallera: Alright.
Jared Termidious: (( I have us at 31880 XP, does that sound right? ))
Sallera: Yep.
douglas: huh, I must have missed a batch of 640 somewhere
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Yeah, that sounds right.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Well, thanks for playing. I hope we can all meet on Saturday, then?
Sallera: Do we have a time?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Looks like we can start as early as 1600 GMT]
Sallera: 9AM then, that works.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: We'll have Faust not-wake-up with Skylar's hand over his shoulder. It'll be hilarious.
douglas: That time works for me too
Jared Termidious: OK, then. See you all Saturday. Good night!
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Good night, Bakkan.
douglas: See you next week
Bakkan is disconnected.
douglas is disconnected.
Sallera: Night.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Good night.
Sallera is disconnected.

2009-06-29, 07:22 PM
Session 3 (June 27)

And so our heroes wake up in the lavishly-furnished throat of the monster, uninterrupted from a good night's sleep.
Skylar Warden: "Strong Halfling..."
Teyn: Hey, I have to be to stab things properly.
Skylar Warden: "... Alright, I'll take that."
Jared Termidious: Which way back?
Näilo Faust: Well, whatever our game plan is, we're not going back into the kitchen.
Jared Termidious: Good call

You find stuff.

Diamondskin Decanter
Dust of Dispersion

Also, it is apparent that everyone in here has either played the Tomb of Horrors or has heard stories of playing Tomb of Horrors. Seriously guys, I'm not going to kill the whole dang party just because you pushed an "Up" button on the top floor. I may be fond of old text adventure games, but I'm not that fond of them.

Taidyn Voul: Right. This way.
Näilo Faust: (( Taydin, roll search ))
Taidyn Voul: « 1d20+1 = 19 + 1 = 20 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( There's a sliding secret door in the hallway. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Where Faust is right now. ))
Taidyn Voul: Huh. Wait up a minute folks, there's something hidden in the wall here.
* Taidyn Voul attempts to open the door
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The door slides open to reveal a small room with some items...
Skylar Warden: "Cool."
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: There is some sort of decanter that appears to be covered in dragon scales...
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: A bag of what appears to be dust...
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: And a tiny glass vial of what appears to be perfume.
* Jared Termidious , ever cautious, activates detect evil and looks around the room
Taidyn Voul: Interesting. Looks like we found a secret treasure room.
* Taidyn Voul casts Detect Magic
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: No evil.
* Skylar Warden activates detect magic.
Skylar Warden: nevermind
Taidyn Voul: (( how many spellcraft checks should I be rolling? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Three.
Taidyn Voul: « 1d20+14 = 4 + 14 = 18 », « 1d20+14 = 18 + 14 = 32 », « 1d20+14 = 14 + 14 = 28 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Perfume = faint enchantment
Decanter = moderate abjuration
Dust = faint conjuration, illusion.
Taidyn Voul: (did I beat the DC by 10 on any of those?)
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Just a second
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The Decanter is a Diamondskin decanter, and the dust is a Dust of Dispersion. You do not identify the perfume.
Skylar Warden: Can I try?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: ***Diamondskin Decanter description redacted for being copyrighted information. It's in the Magic Item Compendium.***
Taidyn Voul: Not sure what this perfume is
Skylar Warden: « 1d20+15 = 5 + 15 = 20 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Skylar does not identify the perfume, either. ))
Skylar Warden: "Nothing here. We'll need to get it identified... wait one minute.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Dust of Dispersion creates a 10-foot cube of dust-fog up to 10 feet away that grants 50% miss chance on ranged attacsk. ))
* Skylar Warden rummages in his pack for a bit
* Skylar Warden says "Here," and hands a scroll to Taidyn. Identify."
Taidyn Voul: The dust... minor magic. Throw it once and it'll make targeting arrows and such through it hard for a few minutes, but then it's gone.
Skylar Warden: "Great, use the scroll and identify the perfume."
Taidyn Voul: You want to spend an hour on that now, or after we finish the rescue?
Skylar Warden: "... Good point."
* Skylar Warden puts the scroll back.
Taidyn Voul: The decanter is much more useful. Drink from it and you'll skin will harden for an hour, absorbing part of some blows. Refills itself every day.
Taidyn Voul: *your
Teyn: Good for the BLSE, at least.
Skylar Warden: "I thought you had to pour it on yourself."
Näilo Faust: If you drink it, you're likely pouring it on your tongue. Or at least your throat.
* Teyn giggles. "Trying to poison us, Stingy?"
Taidyn Voul: er, yes, that's correct
Taidyn Voul: (oops)
Skylar Warden: "I hope to not let them get that far into my gullette, thank you."
Teyn: Now, who picked up the shiny?
Taidyn Voul: (Missed that detail in the description, and assumed that a "draught" was always something to drink)
Skylar Warden: "Where's BLSE?"
Skylar Warden: Nevermind
Näilo Faust: That would be Taidyn with the Brooch.
and as Taidyn enters that room, the brooch and platform start glowing.
* Taidyn Voul gets out the brooch and tries to figure out how it works
Jared Termidious: That's interesting
Skylar Warden: "HIt the Deck!"
Teyn: ... eh? Deck?
Näilo Faust: I believe we're in the deck. Or a deck.
Jared Termidious: Ehm, elf? That may not be the best place to stand just now.
Teyn: That's why we call him BLSE.
Taidyn Voul: Since I imagine we're going to be fighting soon, who wants a dose from the decanter?
Jared Termidious: I get that, just don't want him to become DLSE
Taidyn Voul: It's got enough for 3
Jared Termidious: I'll take a single dose
* Näilo Faust stomps on the platform.
Skylar Warden: "Save it."
Näilo Faust: This looks solid enough for me.
Taidyn Voul: Lasts an hour, and recharges at dawn
Skylar Warden: "NOO, you mustn't Stomp on the Platform!"
Jared Termidious: So how does this thing work, then?
* Näilo Faust jumps on the platform.
Teyn: Well, in that case, myself, the Scholar, and Shiny would probably be good targets.
Skylar Warden: "Am I the only one that reads adventure novels?"
Teyn: .... or BLSE.
Näilo Faust: Novels? I thought you were studying a Grimoire?
Skylar Warden: "I read more than one book, mind you."
Taidyn Voul: I imagine this thing allows access to other levels of this structure when someone with the brooch touches one of those two symbols over there.
Taidyn Voul: So, everybody onto the platform and I'll try pressing "up"
Skylar Warden: "ONe of them blows us up, watch."
Teyn: ((casting Hawkeye and Listening Lorecall))
Jared Termidious: Do we have another choice?
Skylar Warden: "Just choose the correct one."
Taidyn Voul: There's also "down"
Taidyn Voul: Got a preference?
* Näilo Faust looks up.
Jared Termidious: There's no way up. I suggest we try down.
Näilo Faust: Well, considering if we go up, we will be crushed by the ceiling, I am voting for down.
Skylar Warden: "Told you one was bad."
* Taidyn Voul passes the decanter around
Skylar Warden: "No thanks, it's not happy hour yet."
Näilo Faust: I must say, however... It is a nice ceiling.
* Taidyn Voul presses "down"
Skylar Warden: "Beautiful, BLSE, Beautiful, now press the button.

Overall Map of B2 (http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/1690/update2map1.png)

Close-Up #1 (http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/981/update2map2.png)

Throw an under-CR'ed monster at a party, and they will spend all of their debuff spells expecting more of them.

Actual Text (Includes Encounter #1):
the platform rumbles.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: And slowly decends deeper into the gullet of the monster.
our heroes find themselves in a room with a hardwood floor. While well-polished, it does not compare to the lavish carpets of the upper level.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Taidyn « 1d20+4 = 14 + 4 = 18 »
Faust « 1d20+8 = 19 + 8 = 27 »
Jared « 1d20+1 = 11 + 1 = 12 »
Teyn « 1d20+3 = 17 + 3 = 20 »
Skylar « 1d20+4 = 12 + 4 = 16 »
Taidyn Voul: (( so, is anyone using the decanter now, or should I just forget about it? ))
Skylar Warden: I didn't
Taidyn Voul: (( I doubt it'll take us an in-game hour to go through the level ))
Jared Termidious: I think we're waiting for a bit, just to be on the safe side
Jared Termidious: (( *ooc ))
Teyn: (( listen « 1d20+22 = 7 + 22 = 29 » ))
Skylar Warden: "I think we need some light."
Taidyn Voul: Looks pretty well lit already to me
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( No, there's actual light, your vision is just being hindered by the closed hallway. ))
Skylar Warden: ah
Skylar Warden: there we go
and an exotic-looking, but unhealthy, four winged bird flies out of the closet!
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: "I found dinner."
Teyn: Ew.
Näilo Faust: Breakfast, Skylar. Breakfast.
Skylar Warden: "It feels like dinner."
* Näilo Faust casts a Scorching ray!
Skylar Warden: "Good choice."
Näilo Faust: « 1d20+8 = 4 + 8 = 12 », « 1d20+8 = 14 + 8 = 22 », « 4d6 = 15 », « 4d6 = 5 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The bird dodges the first ray, and is struck by the second.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have singed the bird at all.
Teyn has received initiative.
Näilo Faust: Hm..
Taidyn Voul: (( wow, 4d6=5. Truly a pathetic roll ))
Taidyn Voul: Acidic Splatter - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+8 = « 1d20+8 = 19 + 8 = 27 » Damage: 4d6 = « 4d6 = 11 »
Skylar Warden: Wall
* Teyn gestures, and a wall of thick black smoke springs up.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Woah, wait, I still have Teyn's turn up... ))
Taidyn Voul: (( er oop, misread who'd received initiative ))
Teyn: ((gives concealment on opposite sides, F16 or nauseated if you pass through))
Jared Termidious: (( is it an illusion or a conjuration? ))
Teyn: ((con))
Skylar Warden: conjuration, my guess
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Can you draw out it's area of effect, or is it just centered on you? ))
Teyn: ((I did, it's the line right in front of the bird))
Skylar Warden: the wall, right in front of the bird
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Oh, now I see it.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
* Taidyn Voul casts Magic Missile
Taidyn Voul: « 4d4+4 = 9 + 4 = 13 »
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: Ready action to fire ray of enfeeblement if it comes through.
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: You are doomed! Doomed I say! ((Doom on « target = Thunderbird », Will DC 17 or become shaken (-2 to attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks) for 7 minutes))
Thunderbird!: « 1d20+9 = 1 + 9 = 10 »
Thunderbird!: Weak.
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Näilo Faust: Magic Missile « 5d4+5 = 12 + 5 = 17 » from Wand.
Teyn has received initiative.
* Teyn closes her fist, and ice springs up around the bird.
Teyn: Fort 15 or « 1d6 = 6 » cold and fatigued
Skylar Warden: nice
Teyn: ((debuff party!))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+6 = 1 + 6 = 7 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Oh gosh. XD I'd better get this out of my dice, then.
* Taidyn Voul laughs
Jared Termidious: (( nice, two auto fails in a row ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The bird looks tired, but it doesn't seem to have been damaged by Teyn's attack.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Teyn: ((if it's immune to cold, it doesn't get fatigued either))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( It isn't. ))
Teyn: ((ah, ok))
Taidyn Voul: (( just wait until you see a bad guy enfeebled, blinded, exhausted, confused, level drained, and entangled all at once ))
Taidyn Voul: Acidic Splatter - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+8 = « 1d20+8 = 9 + 8 = 17 » Damage: 4d6 = « 4d6 = 14 »
Taidyn Voul: Concealment: « 1d100 = 18 » (high hits)
Skylar Warden: miss chance
* Taidyn Voul misses
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: (( Thanks, Teyn ))
* Skylar Warden sits down and readies same action.
Teyn: (( you -could- have cast something without a miss chance ))
Skylar Warden: "Let's wait for it."
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: ready an action to cast Spiritual Weapon next to the bird if it comes through
Taidyn Voul: (( yes, but that would cost a spell slot ))
Skylar Warden: I haven't cast anything, yet.
* Thunderbird! unfolds its wings into an X position, and looses a Ray of Thunderous Electricity upon Taidyn!
« 1d20+13-2 = 12 + 13 - 2 = 23 » Touch Attack to hit, « 2d8 = 13 » damage.
Skylar Warden: miss chance
Thunderbird!: concealment « 1d100 = 91 » high hits
Skylar Warden: ow
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Näilo Faust: That looked particularly nasty...
Taidyn Voul: ouch
Skylar Warden: "Suck it up Stingy."
* Näilo Faust unleashes a Color Spray.
Skylar Warden: "there goes BLSE..."
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+9 = 10 + 9 = 19 »
Thunderbird!: Is stunned.
Teyn has received initiative.
Teyn: If there'll be more of those things around... may as well ward us.
Teyn: ((Mass Resist Energy, resist 20 elec on everyone))
Skylar Warden: cool.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: Acidic Splatter - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+8 = « 1d20+8 = 12 + 8 = 20 » Damage: 4d6 = « 4d6 = 19 »
Teyn: (um... fort save))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Fort save for passing through the thing. ))
Skylar Warden: "Just couldn't wait..."
* Teyn sighs.
Taidyn Voul: (( forgot about that part ))
Teyn: (( clearly ))
Taidyn Voul: (( can I undo the movement? ))
Taidyn Voul: Concealment: « 1d100 = 45 » (high hits)
That's your one undo button.
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: alright
Skylar Warden: Burning Hands Damage « 5d4 = 11 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Fire damage, right? ))
Skylar Warden: yeah
* Thunderbird! braves the ring of fire, only getting a few embers on its feathers. That didn't seem as powerful as you thought.
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: By the power of Heieronious, I heal « player = Taidyn » for « 1d8+5 = 5 + 5 = 10 » points of damage! (CLW)
Skylar Warden: "Someone case grease on the bastard. We'll see how it does cremation."
* Thunderbird! is stunned.
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
* Thunderbird! is now unstunned.
Jared Termidious: It has to come through now, it can't hurt us with its electricity
Taidyn Voul: (( thanks ))
Näilo Faust: I don't think it wants to come through anytime soon.
Skylar Warden: "I wouldn't."
Näilo Faust: Magic Missile (Wand) « 5d4+5 = 13 + 5 = 18 »
and Thunderbird goes down!
320 XP.

DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Taidyn « 1d20+4 = 12 + 4 = 16 »
Faust « 1d20+8 = 20 + 8 = 28 »
Jared « 1d20+1 = 19 + 1 = 20 »
Teyn « 1d20+3 = 15 + 3 = 18 »
Skylar « 1d20+4 = 2 + 4 = 6 »
Skylar Warden: ...that's horrible
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( don't mind that init roll. I'm prerolling for the next encounter. ))
Skylar Warden: still horrible
Teyn: ((Alright, wall comes down after another 30 seconds or so))
Jared Termidious: (( I hate those non-dismissable control spells ))
* Skylar Warden starts waving hat to dispurse the fog.
Jared Termidious: So which way?
Näilo Faust: This... is... A curtain?
Teyn: ((listen « 1d20+22 = 5 + 22 = 27 »))
Näilo Faust: No, there's a wall behind the curtain... We'll have to go around.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Just a moment on that Teyn.
Skylar Warden: "anything in the closets?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Teyn hears approximately 30 small legs, clicking and clattering.
Teyn: ... oh great. More vermin up ahead.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Skylar finds an amulet in the closet. It has a turquoise sculpture of a fish skeleton on it.
Jared Termidious: (( that's either 5 insects or 4 arachnids, one of whom was in a terrible accident ))
Skylar Warden: « 1d20+15 = 4 + 15 = 19 » spellcraft
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Transmutation. However, you can't identify anything other than that.
* Teyn flips a copper piece. « 1d2 = 2 »
Teyn: 'Kay. Let's go this way.

Close Up #2 (http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/9896/update2map3.png)

Summary: In life, we are all actors and the whole world is a stage.

Actual Text (Encounter #2 Act 1, "In the Beginning"):
as the heroes walk through the side passage, they hear the sounds of an orchestra tuning up.
Four thinly-looking, spider like creatures climb down the other side of the curtain. Two of which are missing a leg.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( (The center ones.) ))
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Näilo Faust: Fireball!
Skylar Warden: "Well played."
Näilo Faust: (( Correct me if I'm wrong on this. « 8d6 = 37 » damage? ))
Teyn: Just don't ignite the floor. Or the curtains. Or the walls....
Skylar Warden: "May be a little late for that."
Taidyn Voul: (( wow, great damage roll ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+7 = 8 + 7 = 15 », « 1d20+7 = 1 + 7 = 8 », « 1d20+7 = 17 + 7 = 24 »
Skylar Warden: one made it.
Teyn: If only I were closer... they're so nicely lined up.
* Stomp isn't quite as flammable as you'd think.
* Stomp spins a web to entangle Nailo Faust.
« 1d20+8 = 18 + 8 = 26 » touch attack, target becomes entangled.
(Half speed, -2 to attack rolls, -4 Dexterity.)
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Teyn: Oh great, now they're going to eat BLSE.
Jared Termidious: (( wait, did those other two spider survive the fireball? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Yes.
Skylar Warden: barely.
* Jared Termidious calls out and a magical longsword appears, ready to serve him. ((Spiritual Weapon, Attack bonus: +11, Damage 1d8+2, force effect. Move action to move it to a different target. Max Duration 7 rds))
Taidyn Voul: (( which one does it attack? ))
Jared Termidious: Want it to start just SE of Squish
Jared Termidious: Spiritual Weapon Attack: « 1d20+11 = 7 + 11 = 18 », Damage « 1d8+2 = 2 + 2 = 4 »
Skylar Warden: touch?
Jared Termidious: nope
Skylar Warden: dang
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: It pokes Squish.
Jared Termidious: It is a spell though, so it bypasses all DR, and it's force, so it hits ghosts and such
Skylar Warden: good enough
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Wait.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: ...
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Yeah, let's just pretend those two don't have Spell Resistance.
Jared Termidious: Do you have a token I can use for the sword?
Skylar Warden: well, this got harder
Jared Termidious: Need me to make a caster level check?
Taidyn Voul: That's the strangest looking sword I've ever seen...
Taidyn Voul:
Skylar Warden: THIS IS A SWORD... nice
Jared Termidious: That's cuz it's magical!
Teyn has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: (( The sword is subject to SR if it comes up later ))
Teyn: ((done))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Yeah, just that I already did a Fireball and I don't want to redo turns, so no spell resistance. The other stuff from that template's still going to apply though. ))
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: template... oh, happy day.
Teyn: ((BLSE is one square too close >))
* Taidyn Voul casts glitterdust
Teyn: ((damnit, I want my less than symbol back))
Skylar Warden: ...?
Taidyn Voul: (( DC 18 will vs blindness ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+3 = 6 + 3 = 9 », « 1d20+3 = 20 + 3 = 23 »
Skylar Warden: one nat 20'd it, wow
Jared Termidious: (( That Stomp is one touch cookie ))
Teyn: ((the chatbox interprets less-than as stream assignment, and eats it))
Jared Termidious: (( tough ))
Skylar Warden: a touch cookie? I want one..
Taidyn Voul: <
Squish: Concentration « 1d20+8 = 13 + 8 = 21 »
Skylar Warden:
Skylar Warden: it did eat it
Teyn: \
* Squish begins glowing.
Taidyn Voul: (( use &amplt instead ))
Taidyn Voul: &
Taidyn Voul: (( & lt ))
Teyn: ((oh, html... that'd explain it))
* Splat also begins glowing.
Taidyn Voul: (( & ))
Teyn: ><
Taidyn Voul: (( &lt ))
Taidyn Voul: (( there we go ))
* Smash begins glowing, as well.
Skylar Warden: &amplt >
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: oh right
Taidyn Voul: (( use &lt for < ))
Teyn: Try to stay back.
Skylar Warden: Kelgore's Fire Bolt To Hit « 1d20+11 = 9 + 11 = 20 » Damage « 5d6 = 14 »
Skylar Warden: smash
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Smash is smote by the fire bolt, but seems to have taken the hit just fine.
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: ... wha?
Jared Termidious: Get out of there, BLSE
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( It did damage, but has resistance to that energy. ))
Näilo Faust: Tries to break free of the web. « 1d20+4 = 6 + 4 = 10 »
Skylar Warden: phail
* Näilo Faust is still all stuck up.
* Stomp casts a spell, and now everybody on team not-good is glowy.
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: Spiritual Weapon Attack: « 1d20+11 = 6 + 11 = 17 », Damage « 1d8+2 = 3 + 2 = 5 »
the orchestral music begins to speed up.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Squish dodges the Spiritual weapon.
Taidyn Voul: Spellcraft: « 1d20+14 = 15 + 14 = 29 »
Taidyn Voul: (( what did they cast? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Mage armor.
Teyn has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: (( Wasn't done with turn ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Oh, sorry. Jared, continue your turn. ))
Jared Termidious: You are doomed! Doomed I say! ((Doom on « target = Smash », Will DC 17 or become shaken (-2 to attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks) for 7 minutes))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+3 = 12 + 3 = 15 »
Skylar Warden: heh
Jared Termidious: (( Done ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( I need to come up with official actual status things. ))
Skylar Warden: ...holy...
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Okay, Teyn, your turn. ))
Jared Termidious: I like the look of that
* Teyn stabs the point of her spear into the ground, and a choking, burning mist springs into being.
Teyn: « 2d6 = 5 » and blinded permanently, R19 for half and no blind
Teyn: ((Also, concealment in cloud as usual, but this one moves out of our way.))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+7-2 = 4 + 7 - 2 = 9 », « 1d20+7-2 = 19 + 7 - 2 = 24 ». « 1d20+7-2 = 7 + 7 - 2 = 12 », « 1d20+7-2 = 16 + 7 - 2 = 21 »
Skylar Warden: two are blind
Skylar Warden: we can move freely in the cloud, right? nothing bad to us?
* Smash is looking pretty beat up.
Teyn: ((Same effects, I believe.))
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Teyn: ((So, yeh, don't.))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Something tells me that the holy weapon is immune to that? ))
Taidyn Voul: (( yeah ))
Skylar Warden: yeah, no wielder, no blindness
Teyn: ((would hope so))
Taidyn Voul: Acidic Splatter - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+8 = « 1d20+8 = 4 + 8 = 12 » Damage: 4d6 = « 4d6 = 16 »
Taidyn Voul: (( at smash ))
Taidyn Voul: Concealment: « 1d100 = 52 »
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: Melf's Acid Arrow To Hit « 1d20+11 = 18 + 11 = 29 » Damage « 2d4+1 = 7 + 1 = 8 »
Skylar Warden: stomp
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d100 = 46 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Stomp uses the smokeyness of the smoke to smoke the acid arrow and dodge it. Smoke.
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Teyn: ((Er, only 20% concealment))
Näilo Faust: Escape artist « 1d20+4 = 13 + 4 = 17 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Check that, the acid arrow boomerangs around and hits.
Taidyn Voul: (( conealment is 20% miss chance. Total concealment is 50%, along with we can't even see them at all ))
Skylar Warden: he takes damage later too.
* Näilo Faust is no longer entangled!
Skylar Warden: woot
* Stomp spins a web to entangle Skylar!.
« 1d20+8 = 5 + 8 = 13 » touch attack, target becomes entangled.
(Half speed, -2 to attack rolls, -4 Dexterity.)
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
nymeria: thanks for letting me watch ur game, i have to go now, good luck on ur adventures
Stomp: Bye then.
Skylar Warden: later
nymeria is disconnected.
Skylar Warden: also, he missed
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Yeah, he missed.
Jared Termidious: Spiritual Weapon Attack: « 1d20+11 = 4 + 11 = 15 », Damage « 1d8+2 = 6 + 2 = 8 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: That missed, too.
Jared Termidious: (( Yeah, I figured. Done with turn ))
Teyn has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: again?
Teyn: ((It moves))
Skylar Warden: oh
Teyn: « 2d6 = 9 » and blinded permanently, R19 for half and no blind
Skylar Warden: again?
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+12+mod = 5 + 12 + 0 = 17 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 1 + 5 + 7 = 13 »
Teyn: concealment: « 1d100 = 44 » - high hits
Taidyn Voul: (( I think it's an automatic repeat effect for as long as you stay in the cloud ))
Skylar Warden: ow
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Squish falls.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: Acidic Splatter - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+8 = « 1d20+8 = 20 + 8 = 28 » Damage: 4d6 = « 4d6 = 13 »
Taidyn Voul: (( crit threat ))
Taidyn Voul: Acidic Splatter - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+8 = « 1d20+8 = 4 + 8 = 12 » Damage: 4d6 = « 4d6 = 11 »
Taidyn Voul: (( at stomp ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Does Acidid Splatter -have- crit damage? ))
Taidyn Voul: (( anything that does damage and has an attack roll can crit ))
Skylar Warden: it's a touch attack, which threatens a 20
Taidyn Voul: (( default crit properties are threat range 20, multiplier x2 ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Okay then, that's just enough to kill Stomp.
Skylar Warden: stamp the stomp
Taidyn Voul: I hate vermin
Taidyn Voul: Good riddance to that one
* Splat spins a web, and blindy throws it in Skylar's general direction.
« 1d20+8-4 = 5 + 8 - 4 = 9 » touch attack, target becomes entangled.
(Half speed, -2 to attack rolls, -4 Dexterity.)
« 1d100 = 21 » 50% concealment due to blindness, high hits.
Splat: Misses.
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( No, the way this map is set up, we can't call this fight. ))
Skylar Warden: Acid Splash To Hit « 1d20+11 = 5 + 11 = 16 » Damage « 1d3 = 2 »
Skylar Warden: touch
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d100 = 71 » 20% concealment, high hits.
Skylar Warden: "Can this cloud move faster?"
Teyn: ...nope.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Acid Splash hits.
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Näilo Faust: Magic Missile, « 5d4+5 = 14 + 5 = 19 »
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Teyn: ... if it's any better, I'm all out of clouds for the day.
Jared Termidious: Move action to direct the sword to Splat
Jared Termidious: Spiritual Weapon Attack: « 1d20+11 = 20 + 11 = 31 », Damage « 1d8+2 = 1 + 2 = 3 »
Jared Termidious: Spiritual Weapon Attack: « 1d20+11 = 20 + 11 = 31 », Damage « 1d8+2 = 6 + 2 = 8 »
Näilo Faust: o_O
Skylar Warden: double crit...
Jared Termidious: What happens if I get 3 20s in a row?
Just WHAT has your deity been feeding that sword!?
Teyn: ((It dies.))
Teyn: ^^
Jared Termidious: Spiritual Weapon Attack: « 1d20+11 = 10 + 11 = 21 », Damage « 1d8+2 = 5 + 2 = 7 »
Taidyn Voul: (( RAW, nothing special. The second 20 is just an automatic confirm with no special effect ))
Skylar Warden: the souls of the unjust and corrupt, I think.
Jared Termidious: That's why they call him "the Invincible"!
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: It dies. Not because of the double twenty or anything, the second twenty was enough to kill.
Taidyn Voul: (( 3 20's = instant death is a somewhat common house rule, though ))
Jared Termidious: Good sword!
720 XP

Actual Text (Encounter #2, Act 2, "The Dragon Triplets"):
Skylar Warden: "Now, about that music.
Taidyn Voul: (( brb ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Taidyn « 1d20+4 = 14 + 4 = 18 »
Faust « 1d20+8 = 2 + 8 = 10 »
Jared « 1d20+1 = 20 + 1 = 21 »
Teyn « 1d20+3 = 4 + 3 = 7 »
Skylar « 1d20+4 = 9 + 4 = 13 »
Skylar Warden: ... at least it isn't six
Jared Termidious: (( Are we still in combat rounds? If not, my sword lasts another 18 seconds ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: You're going to be in combat in about 3... 2...
The orchestral music plays a dramatic flourish.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 1...
Skylar Warden: "Fascinating...
Teyn: Nice accompaniment, at least.
Skylar Warden: "Style is everything, no?"
Three youngin' green dragons fly/fall down from the ceiling to the west.
* Teyn is hoping very much that those aren't razorfiends.
Skylar Warden: chartreuse?
Taidyn Voul: You know, it's kinda funny how they keep coming at us piecemeal
Scrawny, thinly green dragons in that. They don't seem to have been fed very well.
Taidyn Voul: Like they want to die
Jared Termidious: It would be rude of us not to oblige them
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Teyn: Well, we are on stage. Perhaps we're the morning's amusement?
Skylar Warden: "I hate gladitorial contest."
Jared Termidious: (( is theis the same round as previously? ))
Skylar Warden: different'
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( It's a new round, with new initiative list. ))
Jared Termidious: (( ok ))
Jared Termidious: Mvoe action, direct sword at -- Chartreuse?
Jared Termidious: Spiritual Weapon Attack: « 1d20+11 = 17 + 11 = 28 », Damage « 1d8+2 = 5 + 2 = 7 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Dang, that sword can move. ))
Jared Termidious: Basically, it can move anywhere in range instantly
Skylar Warden: I want.
* Chartreuse is Sword'd.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
* Taidyn Voul casts glitterdust
Jared Termidious: (( Would we have to make a Knowledge check to know what type of energy green dragons use? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+9 = 4 + 9 = 13 », « 1d20+9 = 14 + 9 = 23 »
Skylar Warden: K(Arcana)
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: « 1d20+8 = 11 + 8 = 19 »
Skylar Warden: Kelgore's Fire Bolt To Hit « 1d20+11 = 16 + 11 = 27 » Damage « 5d6 = 20 »
Skylar Warden: lettuse
Skylar Warden: lettuce, sorry
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Acid. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Does the Holy Weapon get to make attack of Opportunities? ))
Taidyn Voul: (( no ))
* Chartreuse Reels back his head, and expels a 30 foot cone of gas, dealing « 6d6 = 24 » acid damage!
Reflex DC 17 for half damage.
Cannot be used again for « 1d4 = 4 » turn(s).
Jared Termidious: (( What someone should do is be a cleric of a deity that has a ranged favored weapon and get a ranged weapon with a range of 100ft +10ft/ level ))
Skylar Warden: « 1d20+9 = 5 + 9 = 14 »
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Näilo Faust: Scorching Ray!
Näilo Faust: « 1d20+8 = 2 + 8 = 10 », « 1d20+8 = 9 + 8 = 17 », « 4d6 = 21 », « 4d6 = 18 »
* Chartreuse ducks the first ray.
Skylar Warden: hit actually.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( It didn't break the dragon's touch AC? ))
Skylar Warden: equal hits
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Equal hits, then. ))
Teyn has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: Gather near BLSE!
* Teyn pulls out a small crystal and flings a spear of ice at Lettuce.
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+14 = 13 + 14 = 27 », « 6d6 = 23 » cold, Fort 18 or stunned for « 1d4 = 2 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+10 = 3 + 10 = 13 »
Lettuce: Brainfreeze!
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: Why can't I move the sword? It nbeeds to be East of Char
Jared Termidious: Spiritual Weapon Attack: « 1d20+11 = 2 + 11 = 13 », Damage « 1d8+2 = 7 + 2 = 9 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Miss. ))
Jared Termidious: I can't seem to move my token either.
Teyn: ((got pointer selected?))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Do you have the "Intereact" tool selected? The one that looks like a sewing needle? ))
Jared Termidious: doh!
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
* Jared Termidious grants « targets = Taidyn, Teyn, Nailo, and himself » the ability to withstand « energy = acid ». ((Mass Resist Energy, targets gain energy resistance 20. Duration 70 min ))
Skylar Warden: " Thanks..."
Taidyn Voul: (( youre out of range ))
Skylar Warden: you could hold...
* Taidyn Voul mutters something about green dragons and acid, then casts glitterdust
Chartreuse: And you could go nice with a salad!
Teyn: Sorry, I broke the lettuce.
Skylar Warden: "Did I mention green is my least favorite color at the moment?"
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+9 = 20 + 9 = 29 »
* Taidyn Voul is annoyed
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: Resist Energy 50 minutes of energy resistance 10
Skylar Warden: to acid
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Oh, wow, they do have acid immunity. Didn't see that. ))
Skylar Warden: "Fine, I'll do it myself
Jared Termidious: At least step back a few feet so I can slap a cure on you
* Chartreuse very clumsily takes to the sky!
* Chartreuse stares at Mirku, drools, and strikes with a Bite attack!
« 1d20+16 = 13 + 16 = 29 » to hit, « 1d8+3 = 4 + 3 = 7 » Damage.
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Näilo Faust: This just isn't my day, is it?
Skylar Warden: "Don't talk to me about bad days. You didn't get full blast dragon breath."
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Okay, I'm doing this, I think we're all in range to do this. ))
Skylar Warden: We're all going to die aren't we?
Taidyn Voul: (( do what? ))
Teyn: ((haste?))
* Näilo Faust Hastes up the party.
+1 attack, +1 dodge to AC, +30ft movement, 8 rounds.
Taidyn Voul: (( yes, we're all in range for that ))
Näilo Faust: (( Plus the full attack thing, but uh, yeah. ))
Skylar Warden: kick ass.
Skylar Warden: "Bastard Dragon
Teyn: ...eep.
* Olive Reels back his head, and blindly expels a 30 foot cone of gas, dealing « 6d6 = 17 » acid damage! Yeah, I know lots of you have resistance to this, he doesn't, he was blind.
Reflex DC 17 for half damage.
Cannot be used again for « 1d4 = 4 » turn(s).
Skylar Warden: « 1d20+9 = 3 + 9 = 12 »
Taidyn Voul: (( don't we all have resistance 20? ))
Teyn: *skylar is acid attractant*
Skylar Warden: at least I only take seven damage
Teyn has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: I hate 10, because I had to do it myself
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+12+mod = 3 + 12 + 1 = 16 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 6 + 3 + 7 = 16 »
Teyn: ((at char))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: That's a miss.
* Lettuce is still stunned.
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: Spiritual Weapon Attack: « 1d20+11 = 18 + 11 = 29 », Damage « 1d8+2 = 6 + 2 = 8 »
Jared Termidious: By the power of Heieronious, I heal « player = Skylar » for « 4d8+7 = 16 + 7 = 23 » points of damage! (CCW)
* Jared Termidious calls upon his hatred of the undead to quicken his spell ((-5 daily turn attempts, cast spell with a swift action))
Skylar Warden: thanks
Jared Termidious: By the power of Heieronious, I heal « player = Nailo » for « 1d8+5 = 7 + 5 = 12 » points of damage! (CLW)
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: Ray of Enfeeblement - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+8 = « 1d20+4 = 12 + 4 = 16 » Penalty: 1d6+4 = « 1d6+4 = 6 + 4 = 10 »
Jared Termidious: (( I assume sword hits? ))
Taidyn Voul: (( at chartreuse ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Sword hits, enfeeblement hits.
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: Ray of Enfeeblement To Hit « 1d20+11 = 4 + 11 = 15 » STR Damage « 1d6+2 = 2 + 2 = 4 »
Skylar Warden: at Char
Skylar Warden: pile it on.
Teyn: ((ehm, don't those not stack?))
Taidyn Voul: (( it doesn't stack ))
Taidyn Voul: (( and I already got more than your maximum ))
Skylar Warden: darn, Olive then
* Chartreuse stares at Skylar, drools, and strikes with a Bite attack!
« 1d20+16 = 19 + 16 = 35 » to hit, « 1d8+3 = 3 + 3 = 6 » Damage.
Taidyn Voul: (( -5 from enfeeblement ))
Chartreuse: Right.
Skylar Warden: one damage
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( It's a hungry dragon. ))
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: that cant' bite
* Näilo Faust casts Bull's Strength on Skylar.
Skylar Warden: cool
Näilo Faust: (( +4 STR ))
Näilo Faust: 80 min.
Teyn: ((er... 8?))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Uh, yeah, 8 min. XD ))
Skylar Warden: why'd you correct him?
* Olive is stumbling about blindly. Taidyn, would you like to take an Attack of Opportunity?
Taidyn Voul: (( let's see, I do have that quarterstaff ))
Taidyn Voul: « 1d20+4 = 7 + 4 = 11 »
Teyn has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Miss, but hey, it's an AoO.
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+12+mod = 18 + 12 + 1 = 31 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 3 + 4 + 7 = 14 »
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+12+mod = 19 + 12 + 1 = 32 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 6 + 6 + 7 = 19 »
Teyn: ((stabbing the olive))
Jared Termidious: (( Nice ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( So that's 19x3, right? ))
Skylar Warden: you roll again
Skylar Warden: not multiply
Teyn: ((I didn't crit, that was a full attack with haste))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Oh.
Lettuce: (( Last Turn being stunned. ))
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: Last Spiritual Weapon Attack: « 1d20+11 = 6 + 11 = 17 », Damage « 1d8+2 = 7 + 2 = 9 »
Jared Termidious: (( Will wait to see results before taking the rest of my actions ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Miss.
Jared Termidious: (( OK, sword is gone ))
Jared Termidious: Sword Attack: « 1d20+6+mod = 9 + 6 + 1 = 16 » at « target = Chartreuse » Sword Damage: « 1d8+1+mod = 8 + 1 + 0 = 9 »
Jared Termidious: Sword Attack: « 1d20+6+mod = 2 + 6 + 1 = 9 » at « target = Chartreuse » Sword Damage: « 1d8+1+mod = 1 + 1 + 0 = 2 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Also misses.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
* Taidyn Voul attacks olive
Taidyn Voul: « 1d20+5 = 4 + 5 = 9 », « 1d20+5 = 14 + 5 = 19 »
* Taidyn Voul misses
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( if that's a full attack, you still get an additional attack from Haste. ))
Taidyn Voul: (( that was including the Haste attack ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( My bad. ))
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: Scimitar To Hit « 1d20+8 = 19 + 8 = 27 » Damage « 1d6+2 = 2 + 2 = 4 » Buckler Axe To Hit « 1d20+8 = 12 + 8 = 20 » Damage « 1d6+2 = 5 + 2 = 7 »
Skylar Warden: Scimitar To Hit « 1d20+10 = 14 + 10 = 24 » Damage « 1d6+2 = 6 + 2 = 8 »
Skylar Warden: Scimitar To Hit « 1d20+10 = 4 + 10 = 14 » Damage « 1d6+2 = 6 + 2 = 8 »
Skylar Warden: first is a critical, shield hits, second hits, thrid misses
Skylar Warden: Scimitar To Hit « 1d20+10 = 14 + 10 = 24 » Damage « 1d6+2 = 3 + 2 = 5 »
Taidyn Voul: (( don't forget Bull's Strength ))
Skylar Warden: 24 damage in all. plus 6 from the spell is 30 damage
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Yup, I got 30 damage from that, too. ))
Taidyn Voul: (( 31 ))
Skylar Warden: wait 32
Taidyn Voul: (( +4 on crit, +2 on normal scimitar hit, +1 on offhand hit ))
Skylar Warden: 33 then
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 'kay
Taidyn Voul: « 4+2+7+1+8+2+5+2 = 4 + 2 + 7 + 1 + 8 + 2 + 5 + 2 = 31 »
* Chartreuse unleashes the dragon on Skylar!
Bite « 1d20+16-5 = 3 + 16 - 5 = 14 » to hit, « 1d8+3-5 = 8 + 3 - 5 = 6 » damage,
Claws « 1d20+11-5 = 1 + 11 - 5 = 7 » to hit, « 1d6+1-5 = 2 + 1 - 5 = -2 » damage
Skylar Warden: miss all
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: I didn't add the strength to the crit, neither did you. 33.
Taidyn Voul: (( yes, I did ))
Taidyn Voul: (( 31 ))
Skylar Warden: yeah sure, i too confused to argue
Näilo Faust: Scorching ray, « 1d20+9 = 12 + 9 = 21 », « 1d20+9 = 6 + 9 = 15 », « 4d6 = 10 », « 4d6 = 19 »
Näilo Faust: (( at Olive. ))
* Olive desperately tries to hit Taidyn!
Bite « 1d20+16-2 = 2 + 16 - 2 = 16 » to hit, « 1d8+3-2 = 5 + 3 - 2 = 6 » damage,
Claws « 1d20+11-2 = 18 + 11 - 2 = 27 » to hit, « 1d6+1-2 = 4 + 1 - 2 = 3 » damage,
Wings « 1d20+11-2 = 14 + 11 - 2 = 23 » to hit, « 1d4+1-2 = 4 + 1 - 2 = 3 » damage.
Full concealment « 1d100 = 71 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Six damage, the claws and wings.
Teyn: ((isn't each claw and wing a seperate roll? as well as concealment?))
Teyn: ((or is this just faster?))
Skylar Warden: it's faster
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Faster.
Teyn has received initiative.
* Taidyn Voul is buffeted
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+12+mod = 11 + 12 + 3 = 26 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 4 + 1 + 7 = 12 »
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+12+mod = 7 + 12 + 3 = 22 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 6 + 3 + 7 = 16 »
Olive: (( Both attacks hit. This guy's just about done. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Everyone still has energy resistance of some kind, right? ))
Teyn: ((aye))
Skylar Warden: 10 here 20 everywhere else
Teyn: ((10m/level))
* Lettuce Reels back his head, and expels a 30 foot cone of gas, dealing « 6d6 = 28 » acid damage!
Reflex DC 17 for half damage.
Cannot be used again for « 1d4 = 4 » turn(s).
Teyn: Ref Save: « 1d20+8 = 11 + 8 = 19 »
Jared Termidious: Reflexe Save: « 1d20+5+mod = 3 + 5 + 0 = 8 »
Skylar Warden: « 1d20+9 = 3 + 9 = 12 »
Teyn: ((these dragons have horrible luck on their breath recharge >>;)
Skylar Warden: I'm having horrible luck on my reflex saves
Näilo Faust: « 1d20+6 = 6 + 6 = 12 »
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: Sorry
* Jared Termidious calls down the power of Heieroneous on his enemies. ((Holy Smite on « location = 19,22 ». 20-ft radius burst. Damage to Evil: « 4d8 = 29 » Damage to Evil Outsider: « 8d6 = 30 » Half damage to Neutral creatures. Evil creatures are blinded for 1 rd. DC 20 Will save to halve damage and negate blindness))
* Jared Termidious calls upon his hatred of the undead to quicken his spell ((-5 daily turn attempts, cast spell with a swift action))
Jared Termidious: By the power of Heieronious, I heal « player = Skylar » for « 4d8+7 = 27 + 7 = 34 » points of damage! (CCW)
Chartreuse: « 1d20+9 = 11 + 9 = 20 »
Skylar Warden: is that directed?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Is that hitting anyone other than chartruse? ))
Taidyn Voul: (( that should at least hit lettuce too, I think ))
Jared Termidious: Hits Lettuce and Chartreuse, no one else
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Wait, 20 ft. I thought it was 10. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+9 = 16 + 9 = 25 »
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: Ouch. Both take 14 points and neither are blinded
Skylar Warden: it's something
* Chartreuse is on his last legs.
Teyn: ((flame strike is 10; holy smite is 20))
Taidyn Voul: Ray of Enfeeblement - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+8 = « 1d20+4 = 18 + 4 = 22 » Penalty: 1d6+4 = « 1d6+4 = 5 + 4 = 9 »
Taidyn Voul: (( on lettuce ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: He's enfeebled.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Taidyn, a liquid falls on your head from far above. It appears to be some sort of saliva. Harmless, but that's kinda icky.
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: Scimitar To Hit « 1d20+8 = 14 + 8 = 22 » Damage « 1d6+2 = 3 + 2 = 5 » Buckler Axe To Hit « 1d20+8 = 6 + 8 = 14 » Damage « 1d6+2 = 1 + 2 = 3 »
Skylar Warden: Scimitar To Hit « 1d20+10 = 6 + 10 = 16 » Damage « 1d6+2 = 4 + 2 = 6 »
Skylar Warden: Scimitar To Hit « 1d20+10 = 13 + 10 = 23 » Damage « 1d6+2 = 5 + 2 = 7 »
Skylar Strom the Slayer is here to Slay the dragon!
Skylar Warden: first hit shield miss second miss third hit
* douglas rolls: no => Invalid expression: no.
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: Skylar "The Scholar" Warden to you
the orchestra beings playing a heroic tune, the tide of the battle becoming clear.
Näilo Faust: Another notch in the magic missile wand. « 5d4+5 = 8 + 5 = 13 » to Olive
And olive goes DOWN!
Teyn has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: Not as cool as a sword, but it works
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+12+mod = 3 + 12 + 1 = 16 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 6 + 5 + 7 = 18 »
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+12+mod = 8 + 12 + 1 = 21 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 3 + 5 + 7 = 15 »
Teyn: ((ooh, horrible))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Second hits.
* Lettuce unleashes the dragon on Teyn!
Bite « 1d20+16-4 = 10 + 16 - 4 = 22 » to hit, « 1d8+3-4 = 5 + 3 - 4 = 4 » damage,
Claws « 1d20+11-4 = 7 + 11 - 4 = 14 » to hit, « 1d6+1-4 = 6 + 1 - 4 = 3 » damage
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: Sword Attack: « 1d20+6+mod = 17 + 6 + 3 = 26 » at « target = Lettuce » Sword Damage: « 1d8+1+mod = 1 + 1 + 0 = 2 »
Jared Termidious: Sword Attack: « 1d20+6+mod = 16 + 6 + 3 = 25 » at « target = Lettuce » Sword Damage: « 1d8+1+mod = 6 + 1 + 0 = 7 »
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
* Taidyn Voul shoots a crossbow bolt at lettuce
Taidyn Voul: « 1d20+9 = 9 + 9 = 18 »
Skylar Warden: miss
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: Scimitar To Hit « 1d20+10 = 19 + 10 = 29 » Damage « 1d6+2 = 5 + 2 = 7 »
Skylar Warden: Shocking Grasp To Hit « 1d20+8 = 5 + 8 = 13 » Damage « 5d6 = 14 »
Skylar Warden: channeled
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Wait, he's flanked. Taidyn's crossbow hits. ))
Taidyn Voul: (( can't flank with ranged weapons ))
Teyn: ((doesn't count for ranged, does it?))
Skylar Warden: 21 damage, ranged attacks dont get flank
Taidyn Voul: (( roll crit confirm, skylar ))
Skylar Warden: Scimitar To Hit « 1d20+10 = 20 + 10 = 30 » Damage « 1d6+2 = 4 + 2 = 6 »
Taidyn Voul: (( and add Bull's strength ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: ...
Taidyn Voul: (( 31 damage ))
Skylar Warden: 31 again
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Lettuce is at EXACTLY 0 HP right now.
Teyn: ((ooh, last ditch power attack and start bleeding?))
Skylar Warden: quick hit it again, i have to go for a bit, see you in an hour and a half.
Taidyn Voul: (( Bakkan has to go in half an hour IIRC ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Hm...
Jared Termidious: (( Actually, I'm good ))
Jared Termidious: (( Don't have to leave at any specific time today ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Well, there are two more encounters left on the map. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( The next one's... Significantly not three dragons. ))
Teyn: ((may as well finish, then, I guess))
720 XP

2009-06-29, 07:24 PM
Actual Text (Encounter #2, Act 3, "This was Supposed to be Significantly Easier Than Act 2"):
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Taidyn « 1d20+4 = 18 + 4 = 22 »
Faust « 1d20+8 = 12 + 8 = 20 »
Jared « 1d20+1 = 18 + 1 = 19 »
Teyn « 1d20+3 = 6 + 3 = 9 »
Skylar « 1d20+4 = 3 + 4 = 7 »
Teyn: ((all in order xD))
Taidyn Voul: (( fighting things with the "awesome" subtype can be annoying sometimes ))
Taidyn Voul: (( especially when they happen to be immune to your normal fall-back attack ))
Jared Termidious: (( afk one moment ))
Teyn: (( meh, dragons aren't bad until they get large and SR ^^;; ))
the heroic music ends in a flourish.
* Taidyn Voul wonders where the music is coming from
* Taidyn Voul also wonders what drooled on him, and looks up
Suddenly, it transitions into a song remniscent of the Russian Sabre Dance.
from trap doors underneath the stage, two dire bears appear!
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: (( Back ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Looking up, Taidyn only sees blackness.
Taidyn Voul: Right, more piecemeal attacks
Teyn: I hope we're at least keeping the owner amused.
Jared Termidious: I think we're entertainment for someone
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Of course, naturally, you can see the dire bears' ribcages through their flesh. Haven't had a good pic-a-nic basket in a long time. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Taidyn, you saw that you have initiative, right? ))
Taidyn Voul: (( missed that, sorry ))
Taidyn Voul: Ray of Enfeeblement - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+8 = « 1d20+4 = 13 + 4 = 17 » Penalty: 1d6+4 = « 1d6+4 = 1 + 4 = 5 »
Taidyn Voul: (( boo-oob ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: That hits.
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Näilo Faust: This is getting a bit over the top.
Näilo Faust: Magic Missile « 5d4+5 = 16 + 5 = 21 » at Yagi.
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
* Jared Termidious waves his hands and wills « target = Yagi » to believe he is in great danger. ((Bewildering Substitution, target must make a DC 18 Will save or believe his closest ally has been transposed with « ally = Nailo Faust ». Duration 7 rds ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+9 = 11 + 9 = 20 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( That... Would have been interesting. ))
Jared Termidious: (( I know ))
Taidyn Voul: (( wow. I'm not familiar with that one, but it sounds like a great spell ))
Jared Termidious: (( Complete Champion, for Adepts, Clerics, and Shujena ))
Jared Termidious: (( Shugenja* ))
* DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing gives Jared a bear claw, and not one of the good kind.
Claws « 1d20+18-2 = 13 + 18 - 2 = 29 » to hit, « 2d4+10-2 = 6 + 10 - 2 = 14 » damage, « 1d20+23-2 = 17 + 23 - 2 = 38 » grapple attempt on hit.
Jared Termidious: Hit, and ato-success on grapple
Jared Termidious: auto*
* DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing gives Nailo a bear claw, and not one of the good kind.
Claws « 1d20+18 = 10 + 18 = 28 » to hit, « 2d4+10 = 4 + 10 = 14 » damage, « 1d20+23 = 6 + 23 = 29 » grapple attempt on hit.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Autograpple there, too.
Teyn has received initiative.
* Teyn attempts to drain the life from Boo-oob.
Teyn: F18 or « 1d6+2 = 4 + 2 = 6 » con damage
Jared Termidious: Get this creature off me!
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+12 = 20 + 12 = 32 »
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Right, he's gone for a while. ))
* Skylar Warden strikes at Yagi! « 1d20+11 = 15 + 11 = 26 », « 1d6+2 = 2 + 2 = 4 »
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
* Taidyn Voul casts grease on Jared's armor (+10 on checks to resist or escape grapple)
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Näilo Faust: This wand is really useful. « 5d4+5 = 10 + 5 = 15 »
Taidyn Voul: (( he's grappled ))
Taidyn Voul: (( that takes a concentration check ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: You can activate a magic item, as long as the item doesn’t require spell completion activation. You don’t need to make a grapple check to activate the item.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Oh, concentration for that?
Taidyn Voul: (( huh, maybe not ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+13 = 5 + 13 = 18 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: ...Yeah, we'll say that works.
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: Attempt to escape grapple: « 1d20+5+10 = 4 + 5 + 10 = 19 »
Boo-Oob: Oppossing check « 1d20+23-5 = 2 + 23 - 5 = 20 »
Jared Termidious: Gah!
Jared Termidious: (( That's it for me ))
* Boo-Oob gives Jared a bear claw, and not one of the good kind.
Claws « 1d20+18-4-2 = 12 + 18 - 4 - 2 = 24 » to hit, « 2d4+10-2 = 6 + 10 - 2 = 14 » damage. hit.
Jared Termidious: Hit
* Yagi gives Nailo a bear claw, and not one of the good kind.
Claws « 1d20+18-4 = 7 + 18 - 4 = 21 » to hit, « 2d4+10 = 7 + 10 = 17 » damage
Jared Termidious: (( Are we still under the effects of the Haste spell? ))
Teyn: Hang in there, eh? I'll get a new distraction in here soon...
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Yeah.
Jared Termidious: (( Doh! I could have attempted another escape ))
Teyn has received initiative.
* Teyn places both hands together, and sparks of lightning slowly start coalescing into a visible form.
Teyn: ((done))
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: Full attack. Scimitar « 1d20+11 = 6 + 11 = 17 », « 1d6+2 = 1 + 2 = 3 », Scimitar « 1d20+11 = 2 + 11 = 13 », « 1d6+2 = 4 + 2 = 6 », Axe Shield « 1d20+7 = 9 + 7 = 16 » « 1d6+2 = 5 + 2 = 7 »
Taidyn Voul: (( and scimitar again for haste ))
Skylar Warden: (( There's two scimitars there. ))
Teyn: ((he's got BAB 7, doesn't he?))
Taidyn Voul: (( and +2 to everything (+1 for offhand damage) for Bull's Strength ))
Skylar Warden: (( Sorry, character sheet isn't too clear on this. BAB 7, how much is the bonus on the second non-haste Scimitar? ))
Taidyn Voul: (( -5 from the bonus of the first one ))
Taidyn Voul: (( so +6 ))
Taidyn Voul: (( er, +8 including Bull's Strength ))
Skylar Warden: « 1d20+6 = 6 + 6 = 12 » « 1d6+2 = 2 + 2 = 4 » Will take Bull Strength in
Skylar Warden: (( First scimitar and Axe Shield hit. ))
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
* Taidyn Voul casts Fell Drain Magic Missile: « 2d4+2 = 6 + 2 = 8 », « 2d4+2 = 8 + 2 = 10 », and a negative level to each
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Just a second guys. ))
Taidyn Voul: (( don't forget the negative level adds 5 damage ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Noted. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( retrieving a spell component does not require a grapple check. Drawing a light weapon does. What about quaffing a potion? ))
Teyn: ((potions usually drawn the same way as weapons, I believe, since they're in your bag they're harder to get at (aoo, but not relevant in grapple))
Teyn: ((so I'd say yes, grapple check))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Well, no way he's making a grapple check. ))
Näilo Faust: Magic Missile it is then. « 5d4+5 = 12 + 5 = 17 »
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: Attempt to escape grapple: « 1d20+5+10 = 15 + 5 + 10 = 30 »
Näilo Faust: Can someone throw -anything- my way?
Teyn: ... I can throw a bear. Will, in a moment.
Boo-Oob: Opposing « 1d20+23-6 = 17 + 23 - 6 = 34 »
Jared Termidious: Attempt to escape grapple: « 1d20+5+10 = 8 + 5 + 10 = 23 »
Boo-Oob: Opposing « 1d20+23-6 = 18 + 23 - 6 = 35 »
Jared Termidious: Blast!
Jared Termidious: (( I'm done ))
* Boo-Oob gives Jared a bear claw, and not one of the good kind.
Claws « 1d20+18-6-4 = 17 + 18 - 6 - 4 = 25 » to hit, « 2d4+10-1 = 6 + 10 - 1 = 15 » damage
Jared Termidious: I'm at negative HP
Teyn: Well, with luck, I'll get it off of you... or at least distract it.
* Yagi gives Nailo a bear claw, and not one of the good kind.
Claws « 1d20+18-4 = 6 + 18 - 4 = 20 » to hit, « 2d4+10 = 3 + 10 = 13 » damage.
Näilo Faust: (( is at -3 HP. ))
Teyn has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: (( don't summon between them, please ))
Teyn: *a third bear materializes with a jolt of energy and tears into the one on top of Jared*
Teyn: ((I'll put it to the left of Jared then))
Teyn: Claw « 1d20+11 = 9 + 11 = 20 »: « 1d8+8 = 7 + 8 = 15 », claw « 1d20+11 = 2 + 11 = 13 »: « 1d8+8 = 1 + 8 = 9 », bite « 1d20+6 = 19 + 6 = 25 »: « 2d6+4 = 6 + 4 = 10 »
Teyn: ((either claw hit?))
Taidyn Voul: (( a bare what? ))
Taidyn Voul: (( ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: First claw hit, bite hit.
Teyn: Grapple: « 1d20+16 = 2 + 16 = 18 »
Teyn: ((... damn))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+23-6 = 17 + 23 - 6 = 34 »
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Teyn: ((now, question, since Jared is unconscious, do I still have a chance to mistakenly strike him at range?))
Teyn: ((I'm not done))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Sorry, keep going ahead then. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( No, and grapple rules are silly about this sort of thing. ))
Teyn: ((alright, in that case...))
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+14 = 14 + 14 = 28 », « 6d6 = 25 » cold, Fort 18 or stunned for « 1d4 = 1 »
Teyn: ((icelance))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+12-4 = 9 + 12 - 4 = 17 »
Taidyn Voul: (( where's the -4 coming from? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Ray of Enfeeblement.
Taidyn Voul: (( that doesn't affect fort saves ))
Taidyn Voul: (( just strength ))
Teyn: Scholar, you've got the healing salve, right? Care to fix Shiny?
Taidyn Voul: (( the negative level gives -1, but I don't think we've done anything else that would affect their saves ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Okay, just the cold damage, then. Also, I believe Jared has the salve. ))
Teyn: (( Hmm, well, he asked for it, but then we decided to just rest instead, so iunno. ))
Taidyn Voul: Skylar, step back a little please
Skylar Warden: How's that?
Taidyn Voul: Perfect
Skylar Warden: Scimitar « 1d20+13 = 7 + 13 = 20 » « 1d6+4 = 6 + 4 = 10 » Scimitar « 1d20+13 = 17 + 13 = 30 » « 1d6+4 = 3 + 4 = 7 » Scimitar « 1d20+8 = 6 + 8 = 14 » « 1d6+4 = 5 + 4 = 9 » Axe Buckler « 1d20+8 = 4 + 8 = 12 » « 1d6+4 = 1 + 4 = 5 »
Yagi is dead.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: Well, I guess that makes my request meaningless
Taidyn Voul: Acidic Splatter - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+4 = « 1d20+4 = 12 + 4 = 16 » Damage: 4d6 = « 4d6 = 9 »
* Boo-Oob is not doing very well at all.
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Näilo Faust: Stabilizing « 1d100 = 52 »
Näilo Faust: -5 HP
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: Stabilizing « 1d100 = 63 »
Teyn: Careful, I might have to turn you into an elf. >>;;
Jared Termidious: -3 HP
* Boo-Oob breaks grapple. I don't think you want to oppose that.
Taidyn Voul: (( he's unconscious, he can't oppose it ))
Teyn: ... maybe he just doesn't look tasty.
* Boo-Oob claws at the summonned bear!
Claws « 1d20+18 = 14 + 18 = 32 » to hit, « 2d4+10 = 5 + 10 = 15 » damage, « 1d20+23 = 2 + 23 = 25 » grapple attempt on hit.
Teyn: « 1d20+16 = 17 + 16 = 33 » grapple
Boo-Oob: Grapple resisted.
Teyn has received initiative.
Teyn: claw « 1d20+11 = 19 + 11 = 30 »: damage « 1d8+8 = 2 + 8 = 10 », claw « 1d20+11 = 2 + 11 = 13 »: damage « 1d8+8 = 7 + 8 = 15 », bite « 1d20+6 = 9 + 6 = 15 »: damage « 2d6+4 = 8 + 4 = 12 »
Teyn: « 1d20+16 = 14 + 16 = 30 » grapple
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: emit And Boo-oob goes down!
Teyn: ((Teyn takes the salve and uses 3 doses on Jared))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 3d8+5 = 14 + 5 = 19 »
Teyn: « 3d8+5 = 14 + 5 = 19 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Wow, that's...
Jared Termidious: Sacary?
Jared Termidious: Scary?
* Jared Termidious stand up, wheezing. "Did we win?"
Teyn: Sort of. BLSE's still bleeding to death.
Taidyn Voul: I don't know, what does it look like to you?
Jared Termidious: That's a lot of bodies
Teyn: Here, take your salve back.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Yeah, everyone wanna heal up before the last encounter of the day? ))
Taidyn Voul: And heal the wizard before he bleeds out
* Jared Termidious takes the salve and moves over to BLSE, there applying 3 doses
Jared Termidious: « 3d8+5 = 5 + 5 = 10 »
Jared Termidious: By the power of Heieronious, I heal « player = myself » for « 2d8+7 = 2 + 7 = 9 » points of damage! (CMW)
Jared Termidious: Everyone tell me how badly you're hurt
Teyn: Steal Mirku's CLW wand and spam it? We appear to be getting a brief respite...
Jared Termidious: Good idea.
* Jared Termidious finds the CLW wand in Mirku's stuff
* Jared Termidious *searches for
* Taidyn Voul has 9 damage
Näilo Faust: I uh, I'm alive, you know.
Teyn: I'm barely scratched, myself.
Jared Termidious: What?? I guess I am just that good
Taidyn Voul: Yes, but you're an NPC
Näilo Faust: An NPC that still has Maximized Magic Missile.
Teyn: (( shall we assume haste and bear are gone now? ))
Jared Termidious: But seriously, could I get a couple of those CLWs?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Yes. Also, I'm surprised nobody who got drooled on has moved from their position. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Cure light wounds is 1d8+... 3? ))
Jared Termidious: 1
Taidyn Voul: (( 1d8+1 ))
Näilo Faust: Me first. « 1d8+1 = 8 + 1 = 9 », « 1d8+1 = 5 + 1 = 6 », « 1d8+1 = 7 + 1 = 8 », « 1d8+1 = 6 + 1 = 7 »
Teyn: ((Faust can't even use that, can he?))
Näilo Faust: ...
Näilo Faust: I have no idea why that's on his character sheet, then...
Jared Termidious: (( Not unless he has ranks in UMD ))
Teyn: ((Presumably so Jared can use it.))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Nope, no ranks in UMD. We'll assume Jared is using it for those, then. ))
Jared Termidious: (( Sure ))
Näilo Faust: (( 16 damage still. ))
* Jared Termidious casts CLW from the wand on Nailo « 1d8+1 = 5 + 1 = 6 » « 1d8+1 = 5 + 1 = 6 »
Skylar Warden: (( Untouched. ))
Teyn: (( 4 damage ))
Näilo Faust: That'll do.
* Jared Termidious casts CLW from the wand on himself « 1d8+1 = 2 + 1 = 3 » « 1d8+1 = 3 + 1 = 4 » « 1d8+1 = 5 + 1 = 6 »
* Jared Termidious and once more for good measure « 1d8+1 = 6 + 1 = 7 »
Taidyn Voul: Just one for me
* Jared Termidious and on Taidyn « 1d8+1 = 5 + 1 = 6 »
Näilo Faust: Taidyn « 1d20+4 = 2 + 4 = 6 »
Faust « 1d20+8 = 13 + 8 = 21 »
Jared « 1d20+1 = 15 + 1 = 16 »
Teyn « 1d20+3 = 13 + 3 = 16 »
Skylar « 1d20+4 = 12 + 4 = 16 »
Jared Termidious: 11 charges used up, then. and 6 from the salve

Actual Text (Encounter #2, Act 4, "This was Supposed to be Significantly More Dramatic Than That"):
The orchestra's music turns to a dramatic sting.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Taidyn « 1d20+4 = 18 + 4 = 22 »
Faust « 1d20+8 = 1 + 8 = 9 »
Jared « 1d20+1 = 16 + 1 = 17 »
Teyn « 1d20+3 = 8 + 3 = 11 »
Skylar « 1d20+4 = 17 + 4 = 21 »
Teyn: ((er... repeat?))
Jared Termidious: (( May I cast a spell before combat actually starts, or is it too late? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Go ahead, Jared. ))
* Jared Termidious surrounds himself with a glowing divine power ((Nimbus of Light, energy glows like a lantern until released. Max Duration 7 min ))
Jared Termidious: (( OK, I'm good now ))
Jared Termidious: Look at the shiny!
From above, you hear a cage open.
Teyn: Hi there!
Jared Termidious: Another one!
Taidyn Voul: Big dragon this time
Teyn: ((so are we using the first or second set of inis?))
And swoops down a Wyvern! The look in its eyes tells a story: Aasimir breakfast, Human steak lunch, Double-dip of Elven Dinner, and a Halfling shortcake for desert!
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Second, I didn't even see the first one come up. ))
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: Enervation - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+8 = « 1d20+4 = 1 + 4 = 5 » Negative Levels: « 1d4 = 2 »
Taidyn Voul: ...
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: Is this thing carrying any magical aurae? Can anyone tell?
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Näilo Faust: Not that I can tell.
* Jared Termidious calls upon his hatred of the undead to extend his spell ((-2 daily turn attempts, x2 duration on his spell))
Teyn: Does anyone know if these things have ranged attacks?
Jared Termidious: You have been judged. Now if you continue to stray, you shall be brought down! ((Mark of Doom on « target = Wyvern », who takes 1d6 damage every time it takes a hostile action for 7 rounds ))
Jared Termidious: (( 14 rounds, that is ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( No ranged attack, but it does have some nasty strategies. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Teyn, you smell smoke. It's coming from your backpack.
Teyn has received initiative.
* Teyn tosses the bag away, then turns to face the wyvern, summoning the winds to hold it in place. Ref 17.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+10 = 16 + 10 = 26 »
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Teyn: ((wonderful spell, when it works...))
Näilo Faust: Fireball, « 8d6 = 26 »
Wyvvyrn: Reflex « 1d20+10 = 4 + 10 = 14 »
Taidyn Voul: (( ack ))
* Wyvvyrn hungrily attacks « mod = Taidyn » in a fury!
Sting « 1d20+13 = 16 + 13 = 29 » to hit, « 1d6+4 = 4 + 4 = 8 » damage
Wyvvyrn: Poison from Wyvvyrn's Sting circulates through Taidyn's blood...
« 2d6 = 6 » Constitution damage, Fortitude Save 17 to negate.
Teyn: See, this is why I tried to keep it from moving.
Taidyn Voul: « 1d20+6 = 2 + 6 = 8 »
Jared Termidious: Wyvern takes « 1d6 = 1 » damage
Wyvvyrn: (( damage noted ))
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
* Taidyn Voul is at 4 hp
Taidyn Voul: Enervation - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+8 = « 1d20+4 = 10 + 4 = 14 » Negative Levels: « 1d4 = 3 »
Wyvvyrn: (( Miss. ))
Taidyn Voul: (( a 14 touch missed? ))
Wyvvyrn: (( Check that, touch attack. Hit. ))
Taidyn Voul: (( and I apparently put the wrong number in the macro ))
Taidyn Voul: (( that should be +8, not +4 ))
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: Scimitar « 1d20+10 = 17 + 10 = 27 » « 1d6+2 = 2 + 2 = 4 »
* Taidyn Voul is looking very sickly right now
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
* Jared Termidious applies 3 doses of the healing salve to Taidyn « 3d8+5 = 22 + 5 = 27 »
* Taidyn Voul still looks sickly
Teyn has received initiative.
* Taidyn Voul is at his current maximum of 15 hp
Jared Termidious: (( Done ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Teyn has initiative. ))
Jared Termidious: (( I'm blind, nm that ))
* Teyn takes the smoking rock out of her bag and throws it at the wyvern. ((presuming that that's what's smoking, of course...)) « 1d20+9 = 8 + 9 = 17 »
Taidyn Voul: (( what rock? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Oh, blindness? I don't remember you getting blind, but, uh, sure, I'll mark it on your character. ))
Jared Termidious: (( Should have rephrased that.... ))
Teyn: (( Teyn picked up one of the rocks from the dead matchstick birds. I'm guessing that's where the smoke is coming from ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( That was in your bag. You threw your bag away, remember? ))
Teyn: (( Not far, I just moved to it. ))
Teyn: ((Would have taken a standard to throw it any further))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: You open your bag, and isntead of seeing a black rock, you see another flamin' bird!
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Still your initiative turn. ))
Teyn: *cough* Guess I'll throw the spear instead.
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+12+mod = 1 + 12 + 0 = 13 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 6 + 2 + 7 = 15 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Which target? ))
Teyn: ((wyvern))
Teyn: ((not that it matters at the moment))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Miss. ))
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+3 = 3 + 3 = 6 »
Näilo Faust: Maximized Magic Missile. « 4x4+4 = 4 »
Näilo Faust: ...
Näilo Faust: Silly math. 16+4, 20.
Taidyn Voul: (( try * for multiplication instead of x ))
Taidyn Voul: « 4*4+4 = 4 * 4 + 4 = 20 »
* Wyvvyrn is really sick. Sicker than Taidyn.
* Match II breathes a line of fire! « 5d4 = 16 » fire damage to Taidyn and Jared, Reflex 12 for half.
Jared Termidious: Reflexe Save: « 1d20+5+mod = 16 + 5 + 0 = 21 »
Taidyn Voul: « 1d20+8 = 2 + 8 = 10 »
* Taidyn Voul is unconscious
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: :/ That's not the bad news, Taidyn.
Teyn: (( ...probably a good thing you're within 20ft? >>;; ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Poison from Wyvvyrn's Sting circulates through Taidyns blood (Secondary damage)...
« 2d6 = 7 » Constitution damage, Fortitude Save 17 to negate.
Taidyn Voul: (( that doesn't happen until a full minute after the sting ))
Taidyn Voul: (( which is 10 rounds ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Full minute? Dang. Okay, that's the good news. ))
Skylar Warden: I'm back
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Nevermind that, Taidyn. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Wow, just in time, Skylar. ))
Skylar Warden: How almost dead am I?
* DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing hungrily attacks Skylar in a fury!
Sting « 1d20+13 = 2 + 13 = 15 » to hit, « 1d6+4 = 1 + 4 = 5 » damage,
Bite « 1d20+8 = 13 + 8 = 21 » to hit, « 2d8+4 = 10 + 4 = 14 » damage,
Wings « 1d20+8 = 5 + 8 = 13 » to hit, « 1d8+2 = 8 + 2 = 10 » damage,
Talons « 1d20+8 = 12 + 8 = 20 » to hit, « 2d6+4 = 12 + 4 = 16 », damage
Skylar Warden: miss all
Jared Termidious: (( You're actually doing better than anyone so far ))
Skylar Warden: it's the armor, isn't it?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Yup, you dodged all that.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Wyvvyrn takes « 1d6 = 6 » damage
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: ...
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: That actually kills him.
Skylar Warden: Heh
Jared Termidious: Actually it's 1d6 per attack
Jared Termidious: Not that it matters
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: ...Skylar just beat a Wyvern by standing still.
Skylar Warden: really?
Jared Termidious: Woot! Killshot for me
Teyn: ...now for this treacherous little phoenix.
960 XP for everyone. And that was just the midboss!
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Yeah, sure, have at the Phoera if you want. ))
Taidyn Voul: « 1d100 = 95 »
* Taidyn Voul stabilizes
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: (( at -1 ))
Skylar Warden: Scimitar To Hit « 1d20+10 = 18 + 10 = 28 » Damage « 1d6+2 = 2 + 2 = 4 »
Skylar Warden: Shocking Grasp To Hit « 1d20+8 = 6 + 8 = 14 » Damage « 5d6 = 14 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( The, uh, the rock in Teyn's backpack, uh, hatched, I guess. ))
Skylar Warden: Scimitar To Hit « 1d20+10 = 18 + 10 = 28 » Damage « 1d6+2 = 6 + 2 = 8 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( You're really racking up the criticals today. ))
Skylar Warden: 18-20 crit rate
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Match II Goes out in flames, leaving behind a small, black, obsidian rock.
Teyn: 'kay, I won't bring it along this time.

Everyone rests, so Jared can prepare a Restoration for the 8 Max HP Sorcerer.

Actual Text:
Teyn: ((Now then, does Taidyn live?))
Skylar Warden: Kick it
Skylar Warden: he stabilized
Teyn: ((Still poisoned.))
Jared Termidious: By the power of Heieronious, I heal « player = Taidyn » for « 1d8+5 = 5 + 5 = 10 » points of damage! (CLW)
Taidyn Voul: (( I still have secondary con poison coming ))
Skylar Warden: crap
* Jared Termidious grants « target = Taidyn » the guidance of heaven. ((Guidance, +1 competence on single selected attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. Duration 7 mins))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Amazingly, we're the 2% of D&D groups where poison actually managed to be threatening. ))
Taidyn Voul: « 1d20+4 = 5 + 4 = 9 »
Skylar Warden: it's the abundance of arcanists and lack of fighters
Taidyn Voul: (( that was 7 con damage, right? ))
* Teyn sprinkles oil over Taidyn's body, and a new form captures his last breath.
Taidyn Voul: (( that puts me at 1 constitution ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Yeah, 7 Con.
Teyn: Oh, thought that put you at -1
Taidyn Voul: (( 8 max hp, 6 damage ))
Skylar Warden: anyone prepare restoration?
Taidyn Voul: (( I die if I take off my amulet ))
Teyn: ((Oh, I missed the temp stat))
the orchestra plays a celebratory tune, and you hear applause from the same mystical source the music came from. Take a bow!
Jared Termidious: Nope. I can prepare it tomorrow if we can get ahold of 100 gp worth of diamond dust
Skylar Warden: Got it
Teyn: Or just some lesser restorations.
Jared Termidious: You have 13 Con damage Taidyn?
Skylar Warden: does it have to be diamond, or will another presious gem work?
Teyn: Diamond.
Jared Termidious: Spell description says diamond,
* Taidyn Voul croaks out some feeble speech
Taidyn Voul: Yeah, lesser restoration would be good, just prepare several copies of it.
Skylar Warden: blast, because I have rubies emeralds and sapphires
Jared Termidious: 13 Con damage would require a minimum of 4 lesser restorations
Näilo Faust: Well, the above floor's ceiling did have some precious jewels in the ceiling. Perhaps I could fly up there and chip some out?
Taidyn Voul: « 13/2.5 = 13 / 2.5 = 5.2 »
Skylar Warden: maximize it
Jared Termidious: Don't have that MM feat
Skylar Warden: skip my idea then
Näilo Faust: You guys don't think we could make it in show biz, could we?
Jared Termidious: Well, if we rest now, I can prepare a few Lesser Restorations and a Restoration. Maybe we can find some diamond dust around here somewhere.
Jared Termidious: That was too close for me to want to do it regularly
Taidyn Voul: Maybe
Skylar Warden: "Rest, yes. BLSE, you think you can get those diamonds alone?
Taidyn Voul: I'm not going anywhere we haven't already cleared out for a while, though
Näilo Faust: I think it would be best if everyone provides assistance.
Teyn: Well, if we're resting again, we'll want to go up there anyway. Nowhere to sleep down here.
Jared Termidious: Yes, let's move back up to the top level. It should still be cleared of enemies
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Don't get me wrong, I'm just going to have you guys in this room for this, as it won't require actually being on the map. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( and you'll just be going back down here afterwards, anyways. ))
Skylar Warden: "yeah
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Roll Survival checks for finding the diamond. If you have Knowledge (Geology) or similar, you can roll that instead. ))
Teyn: « 1d20+7 = 5 + 7 = 12 »
Skylar Warden: « 1d20 = 20 »
Skylar Warden: I win
Jared Termidious: « 1d20+6 = 19 + 6 = 25 »
Skylar Warden: pirate training
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20-1 = 19 - 1 = 18 »
and yae, didst Skylar and Jared assist Nailo in finding and retreiving a diamond each.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( you need two of them, because how else are you going to grind one into powder? ))
Skylar Warden: kelgore's fire bolt
Skylar Warden: that or true strike
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Diamond, dude, diamond. ))
Skylar Warden: magic rock covered in fire dud
Teyn: (( anyone have any adamantine? ))
Skylar Warden: dude*
Skylar Warden: no
Skylar Warden: guess that's something I need, an adamantine arrow to powder diamonds
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Diamond cuts diamond. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. ))
Teyn: (( Well I do plan on getting an adamantine spear eventually, I just couldn't afford it at chargen ))
Skylar Warden: buying ammo is cheaper. An arrow can be used to carve your way through anything if you have the patience
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( So, shall we say everyone rests and call it a session? ))
Teyn: (( Oh sure, but what about fighting golems? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Adamantine golems it is. ))
Skylar Warden: tactic beat golems, not adamantine
Jared Termidious: Who needs healing so I don't waste spell slots?
Teyn: (( Well, yes, but adamantine helps. ^^ ))
Skylar Warden: what am I at?
Teyn: I could use one CLW.
Teyn: Er, wait, never mind.
* Taidyn Voul has 6 hp damage and 13 con damage
Teyn: I'll recover that through resting.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Skylar's at 4million damage. And I'm only saying that 'cause he's not damaged.
Skylar Warden: cool
Jared Termidious: Nailo?
Näilo Faust: Rest will do me fine. What about you?
Jared Termidious: rest gives 1HP/level, right?
Sallera: Aye.
Skylar Warden: magic needs recharging, that's it. We can identify the perfume while we rest.
Jared Termidious: By the power of Heieronious, I heal « player = myself » for « 2d8+7 = 7 + 7 = 14 » points of damage! (CMW)
Jared Termidious: (( I'm done with everything I need to do ))
Skylar Warden: same time next time?
Sallera: o/
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Let's see... Everyone should be ready to gain a level next session, so be prepared to do that. ))
Taidyn Voul: ok
Jared Termidious: (( Awesome ))
Skylar Warden: sweet
Sallera: Currently at 33600, right?
Jared Termidious: I have 34600
Sallera: Ah, must have screwed up somewhere.
Taidyn Voul: 34600 here, too
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 34600 is correct.
Sallera: Okies, fixed.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Assuming you need 36000 to level up, right?
Sallera: Aye.
Taidyn Voul: correct
Jared Termidious: That's correct
Skylar Warden: yep
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Let's see... Should I try to recruit another person to play or replace Nailo, or just have stuff after this plot arc sat for 4 players and not recruit more people?
Skylar Warden: another person would be good.
Taidyn Voul: doesn't matter to me
Jared Termidious: I think it would be useful to get a tank
Skylar Warden: same with that
Sallera: If we want another, I'll see if Nym wants to join.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Well, Sallera, keep in touch with me via PM on that.
Sallera: Might be able to convince him to play a Warblade or something.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Oh geez. XD
Sallera: Eh?
Skylar Warden: I'd be happy with a knight
Bakkan says to the GM: I sent you a PM on GitP. Just a heads-up
Jared Termidious: Knights can be fun
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: No, I got nothing againt Tome of Battle, I like it.
Skylar Warden: knights can be tanks
Jared Termidious: Even better!
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: I just... Yeah, you can get pretty overwhelmed keeping track of things.
Sallera: Well, I'll see.
Skylar Warden: it's like being a spell caster as a beatstick
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Bakkan, yeah, I got your message. Let's just leave your character fine as-is.
Sallera: Yeh, that's basically why I was thinking of it; he likes casters.
Bakkan says to the GM: OK, thanks
douglas: Crusader would make a better tank if that's what you're going for.
Sallera: Aye, that's a good point.
Skylar Warden: I just want one, better or worse doesn't matter
Skylar Warden: I like knights because they FORCE things to attack them
Sallera: ... of course, with our party, 2/3 of what we fight is blind anyway.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Naked gnomes also force things to attack them, but they usually end up taking more damage than knights that way.
douglas: heh
* douglas chain-casts Glitterdust
Skylar Warden: you can chain that?
douglas: too bad it's only a 10' radius
douglas: "chain-cast" just means casting it over and over again
Skylar Warden: extend or widen?
Sallera: Widen's +3. Not really worth it.
Skylar Warden: hmm
Sallera: Better of heightening it for the save.
Sallera: off*
douglas: No, what's really not worth it is Sudden Quicken
douglas: You have to take pretty much every other Sudden metamagic feat in existence as prerequisites
Skylar Warden: yep
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Let's see...
Sallera: Speaking of which, if I didn't have to take Quick Draw next level, I'd probably take Heighten... DC21 Binding Winds?
On the next episode of Dungeons and D! ... ... ... PIRATES!
Skylar Warden: why do you need quick draw?
Sallera: Ranged full attacks.
Skylar Warden: We have pirates already
douglas: Heighten is really great for spontaneous casters with reserve feats
Sallera: But I might go without to get heighten...
douglas: Acidic Splatter does damage based on the highest level acid spell I have available
douglas: Which is Heightened Acid Splash
Sallera: I mean, I think I've got the highest hp in the group, even though my AC sucks.
Skylar Warden: what's your HP
Sallera: 63
Skylar Warden: yeah, better'n me, but I have 22 ac
Sallera: Aye, I've only got 19.
douglas: See you next week.
Sallera: o/
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Later.
Skylar Warden: later
douglas is disconnected.
Jared Termidious: All right, I have to go do real stuff now. See you guys later.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Later.
Bakkan is disconnected.
Sallera is disconnected.
Skylar Warden: later, then
Hat-Trick is disconnected.

2009-07-15, 03:24 PM
Session 4 (July 11th)
Due to technical difficulties, the chatlog that consisted of... Essentially the entire first encounter and the very begginning of the second encounter was lost.

Close-Up #1 (http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/1482/update301.png)
Summary of Encounter #1:
Everybody descends the stairs to see a really boring pirate next to a thorny brush that has an elvish creature tangled up in its branches. And by boring, I mean boring. This guy's so boring, he puts coffee to sleep. Anyhow, the party spends some time trying to dispatch Sir Boring, and gets all surprised when they find out that the thorny bush itself is mobile. So, then the party ends up trying to fight the bush, while being very careful not to hit the unconscious-looking captive. An off-the wall Command: Drop spell from Jared frees the prisioner, but, instead of falling to the ground, she just kind of hovers there.
Oh, and she registered on Detect Evil. Gee, thanks, that was supposed to be a surprise. :smallbiggrin:
So, yes, it was a horribly elaborate scheme by a Joystealer just to get the saps on you, but, uh, that plan went horribly against her favor.

Teyn puts her head to the door, and hearing some breathing, she barges the door down with a bear.

Close Up #2 (http://img86.imageshack.us/img86/5155/update302.png)


No-Nickname Nathaniel was standing in an antimagic field throughout the battle, launching three arrows a round at anything that moved.
No-Luck Nicholaus called lightning down upon the bear, and tried to smash some skulls in. Sadly, his skull got smashed in.
No-Good Nelly as stuck threatening people with chained eldritch blastses. She got grappled by the bear, and short work was made of her.
Some adult townspeople were found, unconscious but otherwise alive in the tents. Three rounds after Teyn woke them up with summon water, they all drowned.:smalltongue: Not really. They also meet up with Nymeria, a Crusader who's here to slay a dragon. BLSE ends up remaining with the townspeople to make sure they remain safe. In hindsight, he probably should have given some of his stuff to the other party members, but whoops, too late for that.
Teyn and Jared gamble, Teyn gets a +4 Periapt of Wisdom.

Actual Text:
Server started.
douglas has connected.
Sallera has connected.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Sorry about that. Don't know what happened.
Bakkan has connected.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Whew.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Everyone back?
Sallera: Aye.
douglas: yes
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Sorry, I lost the chat log for what's been done so far.
Sallera: Ah well.
Sallera: If it's worth anything, I got an error as soon as I moused over Nelly.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: I think I know the problem...
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: ...Do I still have everyone?
Sallera: Aye.
douglas: yes
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Okay.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Bakkan, are you still there?
Bakkan: Yes
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Okay.
* No-Luck Nicholaus prays to the pirates of old for a bolt of lightning!
(This hits the bear, straight down to Nailo.) Lasting for 7 minutes. « 3d6 = 12 » Electric damage, Reflex for half.
"Bear": Ref: « 1d20+6 = 18 + 6 = 24 »
Bakkan: I don't have a map here
Näilo Faust: « 1d20+8 = 2 + 8 = 10 »
Jared Termidious: (( There we go ))
Näilo Faust: Shocking.
No-Nickname Nathaniel: Get yer scupperin' faces out of my sight!
* DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing unleashes a volley of arrows at the Bear!
« 1d20+12 = 15 + 12 = 27 » to hit, « 1d6 = 1 » damage,
« 1d20+12 = 8 + 12 = 20 » to hit, « 1d6 = 6 » damage,
« 1d20+7 = 2 + 7 = 9 » to hit, « 1d6 = 6 » damage,
* "Bear" now has two arrows in its shoulders.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: Ray of Enfeeblement - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+8 = « 1d20+4 = 13 + 4 = 17 » Penalty: 1d6+4 = « 1d6+4 = 2 + 4 = 6 »
Taidyn Voul: (( on no-luck ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d100 = 71 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Hits.
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: (( So there is a lightning bolt coming down on the bear for the next feq rounds? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Yeah.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Well, the left half of the bear.
"Bear": (( o0 what spell is that? ))
* Jared Termidious grants « targets = his party » the ability to withstand « energy = electricity ». ((Mass Resist Energy, targets gain energy resistance 20. Duration 70 min ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Call Lightning. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Before you ask, it was prepared in advance. ))
Jared Termidious: (( End Turn ))
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
"Bear": (( yeh, but isn't that a vertical line? i.e. nailo's fine?))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( ... I am axis-ily challenged. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Silly 3-Dimensional D&D Battle Rules. ))
Näilo Faust: Magic Missile: « 5d4+5 = 9 + 5 = 14 » to No-Luck Nicholas.
Teyn has received initiative.
"Bear": Claw « 1d20+11 = 9 + 11 = 20 », damage « 1d8+8 = 8 + 8 = 16 ». Grapple if hit: « 1d20+16 = 7 + 16 = 23 ».
No-Luck Nicholaus: Look, Winnie the Pooh, I've wrestled crabs what be tougher than you!
No-Luck Nicholaus: (( Miss. ))
Teyn: ((k, since we can't use templates, assume there's a murderous mist on no-luck and no-nickname))
Teyn: ((just barely missing the "bear"))
Teyn: « 2d6 = 5 » and blinded permanently, R19 for half and no blind
No-Luck Nicholaus: « 1d20+5 = 11 + 5 = 16 »
No-Luck Nicholaus: (( What's the range of your murderous Mist? ))
No-Luck Nicholaus: (( And where's it roughly centered at? ))
Teyn: ((30ft radius cloud, roughly centered near no-nickname))
No-Luck Nicholaus: O_O
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Um, just a second.
Teyn: ((ok, I think it's centered just up and to the left of no-nick))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( This is important, so I want to make sure I'm clear on this. ))
Taidyn Voul: (( that looks right to me ))
Taidyn Voul: (( top left corner of no-nick's square ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Does the mist "Start" in the centered point, and then flow outwards, or does it just appear in the affected area and the center's just an arbitrary point? ))
Teyn: ((says it's a spread, so probably starts in centered point and flows outwards swiftly, then on my turn moves 10ft away from me))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: It appears that the spell, where it is centered upon, fizzles.
Teyn: ((ok))
Teyn: Hmm, that's odd. Guess it'll make the rest of you happy.
Taidyn Voul: (( spellcraft « 1d20+14 = 2 + 14 = 16 » ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Not high enough, Taidyn. ))
Teyn: ((spellcraft « 1d20+5 = 6 + 5 = 11 »))
* No-Luck Nicholaus crests the air with his longsword and troughs through « mod = the Bear »!
« 1d20+10 = 20 + 10 = 30 » to hit, « 1d8+4+2+2-3 = 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 - 3 = 9 » damage.
Taidyn Voul: (( only thing I can think of that would do that is a globe of invulnerability ))
Taidyn Voul: (( and the lesser version would not be sufficient ))
Jared Termidious: (( How about an Antimagic Field? ))
Taidyn Voul: (( that too ))
No-Luck Nicholaus: « 1d20+10 = 2 + 10 = 12 » Crit, « 1d8+4+2+2=6 = 1 + 4 + 2 + 2 = 9 » damage
No-Luck Nicholaus: Only fools hide behind dumb animals!
Teyn: Said "dumb animal" is probably going to eat you, so...
Taidyn Voul: Now what's foolish about putting a big brute between yourself and danger?
No-Nickname Nathaniel: Aw, what's the matter? Can't hit me from here?
* No-Nickname Nathaniel unleashes another volley of arrows at the bear!
« 1d20+12 = 4 + 12 = 16 » to hit, « 1d6 = 2 » damage,
« 1d20+12 = 7 + 12 = 19 » to hit, « 1d6 = 5 » damage,
« 1d20+7 = 8 + 7 = 15 » to hit, « 1d6 = 5 » damage,
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
* "Bear" is starting to resemble a hedgehog.
Taidyn Voul: Enervation - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+8 = « 1d20+8 = 3 + 8 = 11 » Negative Levels: « 1d4 = 2 »
Taidyn Voul: (( on no-nick ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The spell fizzles.
Taidyn Voul: (( spellcraft « 1d20+14 = 3 + 14 = 17 » ))
Taidyn Voul: (( wow ))
Teyn: ((spellcraft « 1d20+5 = 14 + 5 = 19 »))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Teyn, the floor where No Nickname Nathaniel is standing on is producing an Antimagic Field.
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Teyn: Bah, it's antimagic.
* Skylar Warden strikes at Nicholas with his cutlass « 1d20+10 = 12 + 10 = 22 » « 1d6+2 = 3 + 2 = 5 ».
Jared Termidious: Looks like we're going to have to deal with him the old-fashioned way
Skylar Warden: You could say I know a few things about the high seas... And you're just a scrub!
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
No-Luck Nicholaus: Yer blade be as sharp as yer tongue...
* Jared Termidious calls upon his hatred of the undead to extend his spell ((-2 daily turn attempts, x2 duration on his spell))
* Jared Termidious calls out and a magical longsword appears, ready to serve him. ((Spiritual Weapon, Attack bonus: +11, Damage 1d8+2, force effect. Move action to move it to a different target. Max Duration 7 rds))
Jared Termidious: (( Appears next to No-Luck ))
Taidyn Voul: (( lol ))
Jared Termidious: Spiritual Weapon Attack: « 1d20+11 = 11 + 11 = 22 », Damage « 1d8+2 = 4 + 2 = 6 »
Taidyn Voul: (( I was just about to say something about "THIS IS A SWORD" returning ))
Jared Termidious: (( Heh ))
Jared Termidious: (( End Turn ))
No-Luck Nicholaus: What, three against one? And you call me the scoundrel!?
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Can Friendlies occupie the same space? ))
Teyn: ((no))
Teyn: ((just move through))
Näilo Faust: Magic missile, « 5d4+5 = 14 + 5 = 19 » to Nicholaus.
No-Good Nelly: Now, hey there sailor.
* No-Good Nelly channels a sickening blast of raw, eldritch energy to Skylar, and it chains over to the bear!
« 1d20+7 = 11 + 7 = 18 » Touch Attack to hit, « 4d6 = 15 » damage to the first target,
« 1d20+7 = 8 + 7 = 15 » Touch Attack to hit, « (4d6)/2 = 12 / 2 = 6 » damage to the second.
Skylar Warden: (( Oh, yeah. There's three of them. ))
Teyn has received initiative.
"Bear": Claw « 1d20+11 = 2 + 11 = 13 », damage « 1d8+8 = 6 + 8 = 14 », claw « 1d20+11 = 3 + 11 = 14 », damage « 1d8+8 = 6 + 8 = 14 », bite « 1d20+6 = 13 + 6 = 19 », damage « 2d6+4 = 10 + 4 = 14 ». Grapple if claw hit: « 1d20+16 = 9 + 16 = 25 ».
Teyn: Damnit, bear...
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+12+mod = 10 + 12 + -4 = 18 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 6 + 5 + 7 = 18 »
Taidyn Voul: (( oooooooh, the triple whiff ))
No-Luck Nicholaus: A bear has no place on the seas!
Taidyn Voul: (( great maneuver ))
No-Luck Nicholaus: Nor a shrimpling like you!
Teyn: (( bloody firing into melee penalties...))
* No-Luck Nicholaus crests the air with his longsword and troughs through Skylar!
« 1d20+10 = 3 + 10 = 13 » to hit, « 1d8+4+2+2-3 = 8 + 4 + 2 + 2 - 3 = 13 » damage.
Teyn: You're not all that good yourself...
* No-Nickname Nathaniel blows a raspberry at the party.
* No-Nickname Nathaniel unleashes a volley of arrows upon Skylar!
« 1d20+12 = 17 + 12 = 29 » to hit, « 1d6 = 5 » damage,
« 1d20+12 = 5 + 12 = 17 » to hit, « 1d6 = 6 » damage,
« 1d20+7 = 17 + 7 = 24 » to hit, « 1d6 = 2 » damage,
* Skylar Warden brushes off that third arrow.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: Acidic Splatter - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+4 = « 1d20+4 = 19 + 4 = 23 » Damage: 4d6 = « 4d6 = 15 »
Taidyn Voul: (( on no-luck ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d100 = 45 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Hit.
Taidyn Voul: (( Entropic Shield? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Right. ))
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: I think it's time for you to meet Davy Jones.
Skylar Warden: Scimitar: « 1d20+10 = 18 + 10 = 28 », « 1d6+2 = 4 + 2 = 6 »
Scimitar « 1d20+6 = 5 + 6 = 11 », « 1d6+2 = 6 + 2 = 8 »
Axe Shield « 1d20+6 = 12 + 6 = 18 », « 1d6+2 = 2 + 2 = 4 »
No-Luck Nicholaus: I'll see you at the bottom of the seas...
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: (( Delay ))
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
* Näilo Faust casts Protection from Arrows on Skylar.
Näilo Faust: Now crush that annoying guy.
Teyn: Oh look, BLSE's playing meat shield. What a surprise.
No-Good Nelly: Well, hey there, little elf. Is what they say about elves true?
* No-Good Nelly winks.
* No-Good Nelly channels a blast of raw, eldritch energy to Nailo, and it chains over to Skylar!
« 1d20+7 = 13 + 7 = 20 » Touch Attack to hit, « 4d6 = 20 » damage to the first target,
« 1d20+7 = 5 + 7 = 12 » Touch Attack to hit, « (4d6)/2 = 20 / 2 = 10 » damage to the second.
Teyn has received initiative.
"Bear": Claw « 1d20+11 = 10 + 11 = 21 », damage « 1d8+8 = 8 + 8 = 16 ». Grapple if hit: « 1d20+16 = 9 + 16 = 25 ».
No-Good Nelly: (( Miss. ))
Jared Termidious: (( I'll enter initiative after Teyn ))
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+14 = 1 + 14 = 15 », « 6d6 = 19 » cold, Fort 18 or stunned for « 1d4 = 4 »
Teyn: (( ech, more horribleness ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( It's Jared's Turn. Subsequent turns will have his initiative count working normally. ))
Jared Termidious: Spiritual Weapon Attack: « 1d20+11 = 15 + 11 = 26 », Damage « 1d8+2 = 3 + 2 = 5 »
Jared Termidious: (( End turn ))
No-Good Nelly: Oy!? You call that a Hit!?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Eldritch Energies heal some of the wounds from the spiritual weapon. ))
No-Nickname Nathaniel: You back off from Nelly, there!
* No-Nickname Nathaniel unleashes a volley of arrows at the bear again!
« 1d20+12 = 17 + 12 = 29 » to hit, « 1d6 = 2 » damage,
« 1d20+12 = 18 + 12 = 30 » to hit, « 1d6 = 4 » damage,
« 1d20+7 = 4 + 7 = 11 » to hit, « 1d6 = 4 » damage,
* "Bear" sticks out his tongue at Nathaniel.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
* Taidyn Voul readies to hit Nelly with Acidic Splatter the next time she attacks
Taidyn Voul: (( for a loose definition of "attack" ))
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
"Bear": ((do I know where the antimagic field is? is it just the symbol? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Teyn knows it is just the symbol. I don't know if the bear shares your knowledge on that one. ))
"Bear": ((heh, probably not, but Teyn directs it))
Skylar Warden: Scimitar: « 1d20+9 = 16 + 9 = 25 » to hit, « 1d6+1 = 2 + 1 = 3 » damage.
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Näilo Faust: Magic Missile: « 5d4+5 = 10 + 5 = 15 » to Nelly.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Taidyn, Nelly is about to attack. ))
Taidyn Voul: Acidic Splatter - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+4 = « 1d20+4 = 18 + 4 = 22 » Damage: 4d6 = « 4d6 = 11 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Concentration: « 1d20+3 = 3 + 3 = 6 »
Taidyn Voul: (( fizzle ))
No-Good Nelly: Well, shoot.
Teyn has received initiative.
"Bear": Claw « 1d20+11 = 3 + 11 = 14 », damage « 1d8+8 = 4 + 8 = 12 », claw « 1d20+11 = 19 + 11 = 30 », damage « 1d8+8 = 1 + 8 = 9 », bite « 1d20+6 = 5 + 6 = 11 », damage « 2d6+4 = 6 + 4 = 10 ». Grapple if claw hit: « 1d20+16 = 16 + 16 = 32 ».
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: First claw hits.
Taidyn Voul: (( oh, and the bear should get an AoO ))
Taidyn Voul: (( you mean second claw, right? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Er, right, second claw.
"Bear": Claw « 1d20+11 = 5 + 11 = 16 », damage « 1d8+8 = 2 + 8 = 10 ». Grapple if hit: « 1d20+16 = 15 + 16 = 31 ».
"Bear": ((aoo miss))
"Bear": ((so opposed grapple?))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+7 = 10 + 7 = 17 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Grapple it is.
Teyn: F18 or « 1d6+2 = 1 + 2 = 3 » con damage
"Bear": ((on nelly))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+5 = 2 + 5 = 7 »
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: Spiritual Weapon Attack: « 1d20+11 = 6 + 11 = 17 », Damage « 1d8+2 = 8 + 2 = 10 »
Jared Termidious: You are doomed! Doomed I say! ((Doom on « target = Nelly », Will DC 17 or become shaken (-2 to attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks) for 7 minutes))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+5 = 20 + 5 = 25 »
Jared Termidious: (( End Turn ))
No-Good Nelly: Maybe you should start worshipping this bear, instead.
* "Bear" licks Nelly.
Jared Termidious: The bear made out of electritiy that you are currently wrestling with?
No-Nickname Nathaniel: If ye want a swordfight, ye'll get it!
* No-Nickname Nathaniel drops his bow and draws his Cutlass
No-Nickname Nathaniel: « 1d20+10 = 4 + 10 = 14 », « 1d6+4 = 5 + 4 = 9 »
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
* Taidyn Voul readies to magic missile nelly if she tries to use an invocation
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: Draw him out of the circle!
Skylar Warden: Easier said than done.
Teyn: Don't think he's like to cooperate.
Skylar Warden: Scimitar: « 1d20+9 = 10 + 9 = 19 » « 1d6+1 = 6 + 1 = 7 »
Scimitar: « 1d20+5 = 12 + 5 = 17 », « 1d6+1 = 2 + 1 = 3 »,
Axe Shield: « 1d20+5 = 19 + 5 = 24 », « 1d6+1 = 5 + 1 = 6 »
Skylar Warden: (( Fist and third hit. ))
Näilo Faust has received initiative.
Näilo Faust: Hm...
Näilo Faust: Something tells me hitting that general area with a fireball wouldn't be appreciated.
Teyn: ... please don't kill the bear.
Näilo Faust: Magic Missile « 5d4+5 = 13 + 5 = 18 » to Nelly.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Taidyn, she's using an invocation. ))
Taidyn Voul: « 4d4+5 = 9 + 5 = 14 »
Taidyn Voul: (( auto-hit ))
Taidyn Voul: (( er, +4 ))
Taidyn Voul: (( not +5 ))
Teyn has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Still dead. ))
Teyn: Well, I suppose the bear's useless now.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Can it juggle? ))
Teyn: attack « 1d20+11 = 6 + 11 = 17 », damage « 1d6+6 = 3 + 6 = 9 »
No-Nickname Nathaniel: Hey, no fair! This is a gentleman's duel!
Teyn: ((dunno, but I can't do much in an AMF either, since it disenchants my weaponry before I hit him xD ))
Teyn: Oh sod that, if I want to stab you, I stab you. ... or at least try.
No-Nickname Nathaniel: ...You sure you're fighting on the right side?
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
* "Bear" growls at Nathaniel. Intimidate « 1d20-2 = 7 - 2 = 5 »
Jared Termidious: Sword Attack « 1d20+5 = 17 + 5 = 22 » Damage « 1d8 = 4 »
Teyn: Well, we're winning, so I'd say... yes?
No-Nickname Nathaniel: « 1d20 = 9 »
No-Nickname Nathaniel: Woah, three on one? Back off!
Jared Termidious: Evil must be shown no mercy
Teyn: ... you could always back off.
Jared Termidious: (( Sorry, my turn's over ))
No-Nickname Nathaniel: (( Yeah, I'm just checking things. ))
* No-Nickname Nathaniel withdraws.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
* Taidyn Voul casts Magic Missile « 4d4+4 = 14 + 4 = 18 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Wow, yeah, it can actually do that. ))
No-Nickname Nathaniel: Hey! That's not an appropriate place what be hittin' someone in!
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Shoot, did Skylar cast Scorching Ray earlier, or was that Nailo? ))
Teyn: ((Nailo))
Teyn: ((also, brb))
Skylar Warden: Scorching Ray: « 1d20+8 = 8 + 8 = 16 », « 1d20+8 = 10 + 8 = 18 », « 4d6 = 20 », « 4d6 = 17 »
960 Experience points. And if I did everything correctly, congratulations, that's a level up.
Taidyn Voul: (( indeed it is ))
Jared Termidious: (( 36120 XP now? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Yeah, sounds right. ))
Jared Termidious: (( Do we level up now or after we finish the dungeon? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Now, as this is about a half to a third of the dungeon.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Um, this would be approximately where Nymeria would join the party... Does everyone want to keep playing?
Teyn: back
douglas: Let's see, choose class, BAB... Ah, saves, +1 fort and will there
douglas: er, just will, I meant
douglas: argh, got that backwards
douglas: fort and reflex
douglas: hp: « 1d4+2 = 1 + 2 = 3 »
Teyn: « 1d8 = 3 »
douglas: skill points, just keep maxing out...
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Tough luck, douglas... Guess that's what you get in trade for ultimate arcane power that doesn't come from a spellbook.
douglas: Feat...
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Still, ouch.
Jared Termidious: (( Are we rolling HP or taking average? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Rolling.
Jared Termidious: (( « 1d10+1 = 6 + 1 = 7 » ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( It'd be... Significantly unfair to douglas if I said we could take averages now. ))
douglas: Rapid Metamagic: Yay, I can cast Fell Drain Magic Missile without standing still
douglas: Spells/day, +1 3rd and 4th
douglas: Spells known, +1 2nd, 3rd, and 4th
douglas: Sorry, I didn't actually take the time to choose everything in advance
Teyn: How are we doing this with regards to spells prepared?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: I'm just going to trust everyone to update their character sheets appropriately.
Sallera: Aye, but are the new spells we get prepared or not?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Oh, uh... Yeah, sure, they're prepared. Knock yourself out.
Sallera: Ok.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Read: Surprise! The whole universe is an antimagic field from this point on! ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Just kidding. ))
douglas: (( I'd have to have my character commit suicide if you were serious about that ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Is everyone still good to play? For only two encounters, we've been at it a while. ))
Sallera: (( I'm good ))
Jared Termidious: (( Me too ))
douglas: Hmm, Baleful Transposition or Entice Gift?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: If I knew what either of those spells were, I'd offer an opinion.
douglas: Both from Spell Compendium
douglas: Baleful Transposition swaps the position of two creatures, will negates
douglas: Entice Gift forces the target to spend its next action giving me whatever it's holding, will negates
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Oh wow.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: XD
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: That... I'm not going to say that second spell is going to be useful, but I can see potential comedic results happening in a vaccuum which is not this campaign.
douglas: I was thinking of Baleful Transposition specifically for grapple rescues, but it seems Entice Gift would work for that too... "Give me my ally back!"
Bakkan: If you were more of a front-line guy, I would definitely take Entice Gift. That could be hilarious. "I, the Big Bad, will crush you with my mighty sword of slaying!" "Hmm, I like that, give it to me" "'kay"
douglas: Entice Gift it is
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Promise me you're not going to even think about attempting to do something that the Book of Erotic Fantasy would endorse with that spell.
douglas: What, wait for someone to grab his crotch before using it???
douglas: Can't think what else you might be referring to
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Again, this would be roughly the point where Nailo stays behind and Nymeria comes in, so uh...
douglas: Nymeria is Sallera's friend, right?
Sallera: I'm poking him, but he's not answering.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Right. She rolled up a Crusader, I've got the sheet and all.
douglas: (( btw, I decided I was a little too focused on single target stuff ))
douglas: (( so now I have a Fireball equivalent ))
douglas: (( Scintillating Sphere = Fireball except electricity damage instead of fire ))
Nymeria has connected.
Sallera: \o/ more electricity
Nymeria: ^-^
Nymeria: salut
Bakkan: (( Welcome Nymeria! ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Uh, whew.
douglas: Just in time, your character is supposed to appear onscreen any moment now
Skylar Warden: So, uh, not that it's a pressing matter or anything, but there are some unconscious people in this tent.
Näilo Faust: Same here. Tied up, too.
Teyn: ...wonderful. Shall we have someone remove them?
* Teyn summons several gallons of water on top of the unconscious people.
* Jared Termidious casts Detect Evil
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( I am not rolling fortitude saves against drowning for those people. ))
Teyn: (( ... she's only trying to wake them up. xD ))
Taidyn Voul: (( 18 gallons of water splashing on them should do that pretty well ))
Taidyn Voul: (( if they're just asleep, that is ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The people in the tents are local adult townspeople. They briefly explain how their jobs included working on or near the beach, and were kidnapped by the pirates when they saw this golden creature wash ashore.
Jared Termidious: (( No evil? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( No evil. ))
Jared Termidious: Are any of you injured?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: I have a sore tongue!
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: My back aches!
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: I think my leg was bruised!
* Teyn sighs.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: And, of course, among the townspeople, is a suitably-attired Crusader.
Jared Termidious: All right then...
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( That's you, Nym. ))
Nymeria (Crusader): why thank you for saving me!
Teyn: You're an odd one. How'd you end up down here?
Nymeria (Crusader): looking for dragons, but when i got ashore i was ambushed and put down here.
Taidyn Voul: "Looking for dragons"? Sounds dangerous and a bit foolhardy
Näilo Faust: Doesn't sound dangerous at all to me.
Nymeria (Crusader): I... must avenge my parents!
Jared Termidious: You parents were slain by dragons?
Taidyn Voul: ...They were killed by a dragon?
Nymeria (Crusader): aye
Sallera is disconnected.
Jared Termidious: Teyn.....?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Probably just another router issue again, like what happened a few sessions ago. ))
Nymeria (Crusader): (oO i think he dc'd, not on msn anymore either)
Taidyn Voul: So you were looking for a specific dragon?
Skylar Warden: Come to think of things, we did meet a few dragons on our way down here.
Nymeria (Crusader): aye, that I am and it happens that my chase has lead me here.
Taidyn Voul: Green ones. Rather young
Taidyn Voul: What do you know about this particular dragon?
Taidyn Voul: I might be interested in helping hunt it down after we're done here
Nymeria (Crusader): rather large, red, few hundred years old.
Taidyn Voul: « 1d20+13 = 6 + 13 = 19 »
Jared Termidious: I dunno much about dragons, but doesn't that describe a significant number?
Taidyn Voul: (( knowledge arcana ))
Nymeria (Crusader): sadly yes *sigh*
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( What are you aiming for with that knowledge check? ))
Taidyn Voul: (( in general how formidable a "few hundred years old" red dragon is ))
Taidyn Voul: (( just looked it up ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: That would be at least a mature adult, so...
Taidyn Voul: (( if my IC knowledge is anywhere near accurate, I'll be rather pessimistic about it for now ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: ...If even twice of you five attempted to take on such a dragon, the odds would be far significantly against your favor. Let's put it that way.
Taidyn Voul: I, um, er... How sure of this are you? A red that old is... rather powerful.
Taidyn Voul: (( I changed my mind on my 9th level feat, let's make it Spell Penetration instead ))
Nymeria (Crusader): That is why I have been training all these years. I may not be strong enough now... but one day I will be. Would you not try to avenge your parents?
Jared Termidious: Indeed.
Taidyn Voul: Yes, but seeking it out now...
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Excuse me a second, I'll be right back. ))
Taidyn Voul: I am nowhere near so powerful as of yet to consider taking on such a foe
Nymeria (Crusader): I guess i'm endebted to you now though. My seach can wait till my dept is payed off.
Jared Termidious: Are there any more prisoners in this place?
Nymeria (Crusader): None that i am aware of, i came here alone.
Jared Termidious: (at the other prisoners) are there any more of you further down that you know of?
Näilo Faust: These are adults. There don't appear to be any children.
Jared Termidious: Quite so.
Jared Termidious: One of us should escort these citizens back to town. If we leave them, they may be attacked
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( They were unconscious, so, no, they don't know of any other prisioners not with them. ))
Näilo Faust: Back to town, you say? How do you propose we do that?
* Jared Termidious slaps his head. "Idiot," he mutters.
Jared Termidious: I forgot the mouth had closed.
Näilo Faust: Regardless, I'll remain with them, here.
Jared Termidious: Thank you, Nailo
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Hm... No sign of Teyn yet? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Teyn/Sallera. ))
Taidyn Voul: (( I don't suppose you have any non-internet contact information for her, Nymeria? ))
Nymeria: i can text him.. dunno if hey'll answer though >.>
Nymeria: hmms well i sent one.. i'm just hopeing he actually responds.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Would people prefer I play Skylar and Teyn, or would you rather call it a session here if Sallera doesn't respond? ))
Nymeria: (awkward silence)
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Keeping in mind that Nymeria just showed up and hasn't had a chance to partake in combat fun, of course. ))
Jared Termidious: (( I think we should continue, so that we can get at least one combat done before we end ))
Nymeria: "Internet died, and I don't have access to the modem/router. Might not be able to get back until it decides to come back."
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Okay, let's keep going, then... If Sallera can reconnect, she'll re-take-up playing her character.
Nymeria: (am i aloud to use my own token now >.>, i got all the macro's on it already)
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Oh, you have your own token? Go ahead.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Also, Nymeria, would you like to roll for your granted maneuvers during combat, or would you rather I do that? ))
Nymeria: (i'd rather you do it)
Skylar Warden: Well then, if you wouldn't mind, Jared, I did take a few arrows to the face back there.
Jared Termidious: Ah, certainly. Would you say your injurier are Light, Moderate, Serious, or Critical?
Taidyn Voul: (( looking through your macros, Divine Surge's bonus damage is 8d8, not 6d6 ))
Jared Termidious: injuries*
Skylar Warden: Let's go with moderate.
Sallera has connected.
Jared Termidious: By the power of Heieronious, I heal « player = Skylar » for « 2d8+7 = 11 + 7 = 18 » points of damage! (CMW)
Taidyn Voul: (( yay! ))
* Jared Termidious makes a deal with « target = Invalid expression: target. » to share his pain. ((Shield Other, target gains +1 deflection bonus to AC and +1 resistance bonus on saves, and half the damage he takes is transferred to me. Max Duration: 7 hrs. Focus: Two platinum rings (100gp)))
Sallera: Bloody internet.
Jared Termidious: (( sorry ))
Skylar Warden: Your aptitude in healing is quite noteworthy.
Jared Termidious: I thank you
Taidyn Voul: (( that should be +8 now ))
Sallera: What did I miss?
Jared Termidious: (( Didn't take another level of cleric ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Generally, we've met Nymeria, and we've met some townspeople, but not some children. Nailo will be staying behind to keep them safe. ))
Skylar Warden: Shall we get a move on down these stairs? Considering old whatshisname was running down them, something important might be on the next floor.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Douglas, are you still with us? ))
Taidyn Voul: (( yes ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Just a second while I get you all moved down. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Taidyn « 1d20+4 = 12 + 4 = 16 »
Nymeria « 1d20+1 = 19 + 1 = 20 »
Jared « 1d20+1 = 12 + 1 = 13 »
Teyn « 1d20+3 = 12 + 3 = 15 »
Skylar « 1d20+4 = 7 + 4 = 11 »
Taidyn Voul: But first, what did this bunch we just killed have?
Taidyn Voul: Anything worthwhile?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Sure, wait until the DM closes the character sheet to ask. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Just a moment.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Let's see...
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Nelly had a mithral shirt, a light mace, and 1500 GP.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Nathaniel had 75 GP, a quiver of 20 unused arrows, a shortbow, a cutlass, and sectioned armor.
Taidyn Voul: Anything magical?
* Taidyn Voul casts Detect Magic
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The cutlass is magical.
Taidyn Voul: Spellcraft « 1d20+15 = 4 + 15 = 19 »
Jared Termidious: I'll take the shortbow, quiver, and arrows if no-one minds.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: I haven't got around to Nicholas.
* Taidyn Voul does not know it's properties
Taidyn Voul: (( its, not it's, sorry ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Great Armor, a Mithral Heavy Shield, a Periapt, and a Longsword. Periapt is magical.
Taidyn Voul: Spellcraft « 1d20+15 = 14 + 15 = 29 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Taidyn, you do know the cutlass has a Necromantic magic aura. The Periapt is a +4 of Wisdom.
Teyn: Ooh, shiny.
Jared Termidious: Ah!
Taidyn Voul: So, who wants this?
Taidyn Voul: Not much use to me
Jared Termidious: I could definitely make use of that
* Teyn pulls out divination sticks.
Teyn: Roll for it?
Skylar Warden: I think I'll be taking that cutlass.
Jared Termidious: Teyn, do you have a Periapt of Wisdom now?
Teyn: Aye, if you don't have one at all, you can take it.
Jared Termidious: No, I have one. So we roll?
Teyn: « 1d20 = 8 »
Jared Termidious: « 1d20 = 3 »
Jared Termidious: Blast!
Jared Termidious: (( Was the Shortbow masterwork? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Yes, but not magical. ))
Jared Termidious: (( kk ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Well, then, let's get moving on.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Everyone on the new map now? ))
Taidyn Voul: (( yes ))
Jared Termidious: (( yes ))
Teyn: (( aye ))

2009-07-15, 03:27 PM
Close-Up #3 (http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/2205/update303.png)

Oracle of Wuffing gets his first exposure to a Polymorph spell. Fair game, Clowny Jones was a Spiked Chain build.

Also, pirates are trampling up and down some library bookshelves on large prehistoric-type animals. Sickly Zack is trying to crossbow the mages with unfavorable conditions (when he just can't trample people into the ground) while Fishy Frank is a shaman that JUST WON'T DIE ALREADY MY GOSH.

Here's some loot you guys got:

+2 Vampiric Spiked Chain
Sharkskin (Spell resistance 15) armor
Barkskin Ointment
Wand of Bane (20)
Moondraught Potion
Diseased Crossbow
Bolt of Voices x 10

Actual Text:

Skylar Warden: First a theater... Now a Library?
Teyn: They're certainly living well.
our newly-loot-getting heroes climb down the stairs, to meet a number of bookshelves.
Jared Termidious: (( afk one sec ))
Teyn: ((search, aid another on whoever has the highest mod: « 1d20 = 18 »))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Taidyn and Nymeria are seing something. ))
Taidyn Voul: Uh, guys?
Nymeria 1 has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: (( Back ))
* Fishy Frank whispers.
Nymeria 1: *enters stone foot stance*
Nymeria 1: (thats me done)
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d9 = 9 » « 1d9 = 4 »
Nymeria 1: 9?
Teyn: ((um... 9?))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Granted maneuvers are Flanking Maneuver and Stone Vise.
Nymeria 1: (i thought it was 5..)
Teyn: ((it's out of a list of 5 readied, not all the ones known))
Taidyn Voul: (( he may know 9, but only 5 are readied ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Sorry, I'm looking at the character sheet... Which ones are readied? ))
Nymeria: (divine surge,revitalizing strike,bonecrusher,overwhelming mountain strike and battle leaders charge are the ones i have readied)
Taidyn Voul: (( 2 are granted at the start of combat, a third at the end of his first turn ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d5 = 2 », « 1d5 = 5 », « 1d5 = 3 »
Taidyn Voul: (( and if he has Extra Granted Maneuver, which almost every Crusader should have, that would be another one ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Revitalizing Strike, Battle Leader's Charge, and Bonecrusher.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( He doesn't. ))
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
* Taidyn Voul casts glitterdust
Taidyn Voul: (( centered on Whimbat's left ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+6 = 6 + 6 = 12 », « 1d20+7 = 18 + 7 = 25 »
Teyn has received initiative.
Clowny Jones: Oy, I see 'em now, Frank!
Teyn: Baleful Polymorph on Wowmbat, F21 or be turned into a squirrel.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+10 = 2 + 10 = 12 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Wow, sucks to be him.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Are squirrels tiny or diminuitive?
Teyn: ((Tiny, I think.))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Ride « 1d20+15 = 10 + 15 = 25 »
Clowny Jones: Lands safely on the ground, clutching a spiked chain.
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
* Jared Termidious gathers the glowing energy surrounding him into a single beam of light and directs it at « target = Clowny Jones ». ((Nimbus of Light, Ranged Touch Attack: « 1d20+6 = 6 + 6 = 12 » Damage: « 1d8+rds = 7 + 7 = 14 »))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Miss.
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Ride « 1d20+16 = 16 + 16 = 32 »
* DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing Looses a creepy-looking (and sounding) bolts from his crossbow at Teyn!
« 1d20+10+1 = 4 + 10 + 1 = 15 » to hit, « 1d8+3 = 5 + 3 = 8 » damage,
If hit, you must Will Save 16, or you must make a Concentration Check of 16 to cast any spells for « 1d6 = 3 » turns.
If hit, you must Fortitude Save 12, or receive « 1d3 = 1 » temporary Dexterity Damage, and « 1d3 = 3 » temporary Constitution Damage.
* Teyn is not hit.
Sickly Zack: Blast!
Fishy Frank: Ride check: « 1d20+11 = 7 + 11 = 18 »
Fishy Frank: (( Just a second, spell stuff. ))
* Fishy Frank summons an Unholy Blight to strike Taidyn and Nymeria, dealing « 3d8 = 17 » damage to good creatures, and sickness for « 1d4 = 2 » rounds.
Will save 16 to negate sickness and half damage.
Taidyn Voul: « 1d20+9 = 2 + 9 = 11 »
Fishy Frank: My magic is as black as the Jolly Roger himself.
Nymeria: « 1d20+12 = 13 + 12 = 25 »
* Taidyn Voul has an upset stomach
Nymeria 1 has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d5 = 3 »
Taidyn Voul: (( there are only 2 left, you should be rolling 1d2 ))
Taidyn Voul: (( and it doesn't happen until the end of his turn ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( they're listed in a group of five, this makes it slightly easier for me to think, personally. ))
Taidyn Voul: (( ok, but this way you'll have to reroll pretty often ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (Overwhelming Mountain strike will be granted)
Nymeria 1: *uses 4 bab for stone power (8 thp)* and divine surge
Fishy Frank: That's right, line yourself up for this!
Nymeria 1: attack « 1d20+12+mod = 8 + 12 + -4 = 16 », damage« 2d4+1d6+5+mod+8d8 = 2 + 6 + 5 + 0 + 36 = 49 »
Taidyn Voul: (( that's one you don't have granted yet ))
Nymeria 1: it was at the start
Taidyn Voul: (( no, you got "Revitalizing Strike, Battle Leader's Charge, and Bonecrusher." ))
Nymeria 1: f
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Divine Surge was number one, you got 2, 3, and 5. And 4 after this. ))
Nymeria 1: my bad marked the wrong one down i'll just ones revitalizing then (sorry)
Taidyn Voul: (( don't forget to add the Furious Counterstrike bonus ))
Nymeria 1: attack « 1d20+12+mod = 12 + 12 + -4 = 20 », damage« 2d4+1d6+5+mod = 7 + 5 + 5 + 0 = 17 » and heal for « 3d6+9 = 14 + 9 = 23 »
Taidyn Voul: (( currently +1 attack and damage ))
Taidyn Voul: (( and are you healing yourself or me? ))
Fishy Frank: 'Twas a scratch!
Nymeria 1: ((ugh 21 hit and 18 dmg then sorry) and healing you)
Taidyn Voul: (( thank you ))
Taidyn Voul: (( assuming that hit ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Yeah, a hit. Just that these things can take a few hits.
Clowny Jones: Hey, you.
Teyn: Hi, squirrel rider!
* Clowny Jones cracks his spiked chain upon Teyn!
« 1d20+12+1 = 14 + 12 + 1 = 27 » to hit, « 2d4+7 = 6 + 7 = 13 » + « 1d6 = 6 » damage
Roll Fortitude.
Teyn: Fort Save: « 1d20+16 = 11 + 16 = 27 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( You fend off the poison, for now. ))
Clowny Jones: You don't go messin' with other peoples' mounts.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Teyn: Well, apparently I do... but I'm not calling it even until I've stabbed you a few times.
Taidyn Voul: You're no fun, Frank. I'll go play with your friends
* Taidyn Voul casts Entice Gift on Clowny Jones
Taidyn Voul: (( will DC 18 ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+3 = 19 + 3 = 22 »
Taidyn Voul:
Teyn has received initiative.
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+13+mod = 20 + 13 + 0 = 33 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 4 + 3 + 7 = 14 »
Attack « 1d20+8+mod2 = 10 + 8 + 0 = 18 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7+mod3 = 6 + 1 + 7 + 0 = 14 »
Teyn: crit threat « 1d20+13 = 9 + 13 = 22 », extra crit damage « 2d6+14 = 6 + 14 = 20 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Yeowch.
Clowny Jones: $#(*$ @#)( #@&* $#*( @#)$*%!@(
* Teyn giggles.
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: Oy! Watch yer mouth!
Teyn: Putting that sailor heritage to good use, I see.
Clowny Jones: Watch yer #$*@ tongue!
Jared Termidious: Shortbow Full Attack on « target = Fishy Frank ». Attacks: « 1d20+8+amod = 10 + 8 + -4 = 14 », « 1d20+3+amod = 19 + 3 + -4 = 18 » Damage: « 1d6+dmod = 3 + 0 = 3 », « 1d6+dmod = 5 + 0 = 5 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Those are misses.
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Teyn: Do you even know how to use that thing?
Jared Termidious: Apparently not
Skylar Warden: Touch of Fatigue Imbued Scimitar Strike of Friendship and Peace:
Scimitar « 1d20+10 = 19 + 10 = 29 », « 1d6+2 = 6 + 2 = 8 », Fatigue « 1d20+8 = 6 + 8 = 14 »
Skylar Warden: Crit « 1d20+10 = 4 + 10 = 14 » « 1d6+2 = 2 + 2 = 4 »
Taidyn Voul: (( the spell doesn't get its own attack roll, it hits along with the scimitar ))
Skylar Warden: (( Noted for future references. ))
Sickly Zack: (( I'm assuming that if you can't charge, you can't trample. ))
* Sickly Zack Looses some creepy-looking (and sounding) bolts from his crossbow at Teyn and Skylar!
« 1d20+10 = 19 + 10 = 29 » to hit, « 1d8+3 = 3 + 3 = 6 » damage,
« 1d20+5 = 11 + 5 = 16 » to hit, « 1d8+3 = 4 + 3 = 7 » damage.
If hit, you must Will Save 16, or you must make a Concentration Check of 16 to cast any spells for « 1d6 = 5 » turns.
If hit, you must Fortitude Save 12, or receive « 1d3 = 1 » temporary Dexterity Damage, and « 1d3 = 1 » temporary Constitution Damage.
Teyn: (( it's just a standard action as part of a move, I think))
Teyn: Will Save: « 1d20+16 = 16 + 16 = 32 »
Teyn: Fort Save: « 1d20+16 = 13 + 16 = 29 »
Fishy Frank: Ride check: « 1d20+11 = 15 + 11 = 26 »
Fishy Frank: Ahem.
Fishy Frank: Ramming Speed!
* Fishy Frank tramples over Nymeria and Jared with its stinky, sweaty, and ugly bulk for « 2d6+12 = 9 + 12 = 21 » damage!
(You may attempt an Attack of Opportunity at -4 to hit, or Reflex save 22 for half damage.)
Jared Termidious: Reflex Save: « 1d20+5 = 10 + 5 = 15 »
Taidyn Voul: (( Nymeria? ))
Taidyn Voul: (( AoO or reflex save ))
Nymeria 1: attack« 1d20+12+mod = 20 + 12 + 0 = 32 », damage« 2d4+1d6+5+mod = 4 + 1 + 5 + 0 = 10 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Critical, roll again to confirm.
Nymeria 1: attack « 1d20+12+mod = 2 + 12 + 0 = 14 », damage« 2d4+5+mod = 2 + 5 + 0 = 7 »
Nymeria 1: (do i still get a reflex save or nay?)
Taidyn Voul: (( it's either/or ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: No, it's one or the other with trample.
Nymeria 1: ah, okay >.>
Nymeria 1 has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: (( on the plus side, your delayed damage pool is now full ))
Taidyn Voul: (( +3 attack and damage ))
Nymeria 1: (i had 8 thp)
Teyn: (that was taken by the unholy blight)
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (As a reminder, you have everything except revitalizing Strike and Divine Surge.
Taidyn Voul: (( that got taken out by your delayed damage from Unholy Blight\ ))
Nymeria 1: oh alrighty then
Taidyn Voul: (( you currently have 15 delayed damage and 6 hp damage ))
* Nymeria 1 charges after it (4 bab in stone power for 8 thp)
Nymeria 1: attack « 1d20+12+2+mod = 17 + 12 + 2 + 2 = 33 » , damage « 2d4+1d6+5+mod+10 = 6 + 6 + 5 + 0 + 10 = 27 »
Taidyn Voul: (( and +3 Furious Counterstrike ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: That's also a critical threat.
Teyn: ((nah, imp. crit was swapped for stone power, it just didn't save))
Nymeria 1: (ya sorry i redid it before i started but it didn't save the first time i tried :/)
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Okay.
Teyn: ((so 32 hit 30 damage, I think))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Right.
* Clowny Jones lashes out to trip Teyn!
Clowny Jones: « 1d20+11 = 14 + 11 = 25 » Touch attack.
Teyn: opposed str: « 1d20+4 = 10 + 4 = 14 »
Clowny Jones: (( That should be minus four- you're smaller than he is. ))
Teyn: (( ah, right ))
Clowny Jones: « 1d20+4 = 9 + 4 = 13 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( You fall over prone. ))
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
* Taidyn Voul casts Entice Gift on Sickly Zack
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+4 = 19 + 4 = 23 »
Taidyn Voul: (( dammit, why do the bad guys with sucky saves keep getting spectacular rolls? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( because the bad guys with good saves keep getting sucky rolls. ))
Teyn has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Standing up is a move action. ))
Teyn: (( aye, take your aoo ))
Jared Termidious: (( That DR liquid is still active, correct? ))
Clowny Jones: « 1d20+12+4 = 12 + 12 + 4 = 28 », « 2d4+7 = 4 + 7 = 11 »
Teyn: (( ... forgot about that ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( I didn't! ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Yeah, it's still in effect.
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+13+mod = 16 + 13 + 0 = 29 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 5 + 4 + 7 = 16 »
Attack « 1d20+8+mod2 = 15 + 8 + 0 = 23 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7+mod3 = 4 + 6 + 7 + 0 = 17 »
Taidyn Voul: can't full attack this round
Teyn: ((ah, right, just the first one then))
Clowny Jones: *#@( WENCH!
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Teyn: Says the guy who keeps hitting me...
Teyn: That chain hurts, you know.
Wowmbat: (( (Chipmunk sounds.) ))
Jared Termidious: Sword Full Attack on « target = Fishy Frank ». Attacks: « 1d20+7+amod = 5 + 7 + 0 = 12 », « 1d20+2+amod = 18 + 2 + 0 = 20 » Damage: « 1d8+1+dmod = 6 + 1 + 0 = 7 », « 1d8+1+dmod = 2 + 1 + 0 = 3 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Are you targetting Fish Frank, or his mount? ))
Taidyn Voul: (( the squirrel doesn't lose its mind until 24 hours later, but I doubt it can do much in its present form ))
Jared Termidious: (( Frank, if I can without taking penalties ))
Jared Termidious: (( Otherwise, the mount ))
Teyn: (( that, and it didn't have much of a mind to begin with ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Mount it is- he has the high ground. ))
Jared Termidious: (( OK ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Second one hits. ))
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Teyn: ((higher ground only affects the attacker, I think))
Skylar Warden: It's not exactly befitting to use such language in a battle. After all, she did make your critter cuter.
Skylar Warden: Scimitar « 1d20+10 = 7 + 10 = 17 » « 1d6+2 = 2 + 2 = 4 »
Clowny Jones: (Dodges) You'll need to do... Better... Than... That.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Dang, it's a mess to figure out mounted combat rules. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( I'll but the damage on Fishy, then. ))
* DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing Looses some creepy-looking (and sounding) bolts from his crossbow at Jared and Taidyn!
« 1d20+10 = 12 + 10 = 22 » to hit, « 1d8+3 = 7 + 3 = 10 » damage,
« 1d20+5 = 16 + 5 = 21 » to hit, « 1d8+3 = 7 + 3 = 10 » damage.
If hit, you must Will Save 16, or you must make a Concentration Check of 16 to cast any spells for « 1d6 = 5 » turns.
If hit, you must Fortitude Save 12, or receive « 1d3 = 3 » temporary Dexterity Damage, and « 1d3 = 3 » temporary Constitution Damage.
Taidyn Voul: Will: « 1d20+9 = 5 + 9 = 14 » Fort: « 1d20+7 = 10 + 7 = 17 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: You hear voices in your head. They demand that you catch 'em all. Repeatedly.
* Taidyn Voul ignores them, unless he gets a natural 1
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Taidyn, how much HP do you think you have?
Taidyn Voul: (( 32 left ))
Taidyn Voul: (( out of 42 ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Oh, right, the level-up. Whew. ))
Fishy Frank: Let's do it again.
Fishy Frank: Ride check « 1d20+11 = 3 + 11 = 14 »
Fishy Frank: Cheeearrrge!
* Fishy Frank tramples over Jared, Nymeria, and Taidyn with its stinky, sweaty, and ugly bulk for « 2d6+12 = 5 + 12 = 17 » damage!
(You may attempt an Attack of Opportunity at -4 to hit, or Reflex save 22 for half damage.)
Jared Termidious: Reflex Save: « 1d20+5 = 13 + 5 = 18 »
Nymeria 1: reflex save: « 1d20+6 = 20 + 6 = 26 »
Taidyn Voul: « 1d20+9 = 19 + 9 = 28 »
Nymeria 1 has received initiative.
Fishy Frank: And there's more where that came from!
Taidyn Voul: (( you should have Divine Surge now, I believe ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Right. ))
Nymeria 1: what to do what to do
* Nymeria 1 enters martial spirit stance (and uses 5 bab for 10 thp)
Teyn: (( I think you have to attack for that ))
Taidyn Voul: (( yes, you do ))
Nymeria 1: ((ah, darn))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Uh, thanks for being on top of the Tome of Battle stuff, Taidyn and Teyn. ))
Taidyn Voul: (( heavy armor cutting your movespeed down? ))
Nymeria: ((ya.. s'why i can only move 20))
Teyn: (( try Haste today! ))
Taidyn Voul: (( sorry, I don't have that one ))
Teyn: (( heh, it just sounded like the opening of an infomercial ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Are you still switching stances for your turn? ))
Nymeria: aye
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Anything else? ))
Taidyn Voul: (( you could charge, I think ))
Taidyn Voul: (( couldn't use a strike with it, but oh well ))
Nymeria: (nope, and theirs people in the way of my charge)
Taidyn Voul: (( just checked, and even allies block charging ))
Taidyn Voul: (( damn ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( ...Sonofa... I'm going to kill my other dm when I see him again, that lying conniving... ))
Taidyn Voul: (( so, yeah, that's your turn. And maneuvers granted reset to a random 2 ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d5 = 1 » « 1d5 = 2 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Divine Surge and Revitalizing Strike
Clowny Jones: « 1d20+12 = 1 + 12 = 13 » Touch attack to trip Teyn.
Teyn: ((miss))
Clowny Jones: You #$*** $#*$***@ *Hooooooooooonk*
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( You're no longer sick. ))
Taidyn Voul: (( let's try this again ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Gotta catch 'em all
Taidyn Voul: Concentration: « 1d20+14 = 15 + 14 = 29 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all
* Taidyn Voul casts Entice Gift on Zack
Nymeria: pokémon?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+4 = 19 + 4 = 23 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Wow.
Taidyn Voul: ...
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Bolt of Voices.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: It was that, the Song that doesn't end, or the Barney song. You can thank me later.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: ...You sure you don't want to move out of the immediate range of another trample, Taidyn?
Teyn has received initiative.
Teyn: ((It's all good, as long as they're within 20ft of me ^^))
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+13+mod = 18 + 13 + 0 = 31 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 5 + 1 + 7 = 13 »
Attack « 1d20+8+mod2 = 3 + 8 + 0 = 11 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7+mod3 = 5 + 3 + 7 + 0 = 15 »
Clowny Jones: On me tombstone...
Clowny Jones: I want it to say...
Clowny Jones: ****
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Teyn: Finally. Damned squirrel rider was annoying.
squirrel: (( Squirrel Sounds. ))
Jared Termidious: By the power of Heieronious, I heal « player = Teyn » for « 3d8+7 = 22 + 7 = 29 » points of damage! (CSW)
Teyn: Ah, thanks muchly.
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: (( Stupid question, but Squirrels do NOT have 5 foot reach, right? ))
Teyn: Nope, 0.
Jared Termidious: (( Worried about an AoO from a squirrel? ))
Skylar Warden: (( That's why it's a stupid question. ))
Skylar Warden: Scimitar: « 1d20+11 = 16 + 11 = 27 » « 1d6+2 = 4 + 2 = 6 »
Sickly Zack: Ride: « 1d20+16 = 17 + 16 = 33 »
* Wheebat gores Jared! « 1d20+13 = 19 + 13 = 32 » to hit, « 1d8+8 = 4 + 8 = 12 » damage
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Jared, how much HP do you have yourself having? ))
Jared Termidious: Agh! Beastly... Beast!
Jared Termidious: (( 12 atm... ))
Teyn: ((I think you're being overly cautious. I've got rejuvenating cocoon and last breath prepped.))
Fishy Frank: Ride « 1d20+11 = 8 + 11 = 19 »
* Fishy Frank tramples over Skylar with its stinky, sweaty, and ugly bulk for « 2d6+12 = 11 + 12 = 23 » damage!
(You may attempt an Attack of Opportunity at -4 to hit, or Reflex save 22 for half damage.)
Skylar Warden: « 1d20+9 = 7 + 9 = 16 »
Nymeria 1 has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Teyn, it's actually that I keep track of damages, and the levelling up actually threw my numbers off, so I need to check these things. ))
Teyn: (( okies ^^ ))
Nymeria 1: Divine surge:attack « 1d20+12+mod = 14 + 12 + 3 = 29 », damage« 2d4+1d6+5+mod+8d8 = 5 + 6 + 5 + 1 + 29 = 46 »
Nymeria 1: (4 bab for stone power)
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: On the mount, or Zack?
Nymeria 1: (zacks on the other side is he not?)
Taidyn Voul: (( I don't think you've been damaged since your last turn, so no Furious Counterstrike bonus ))
Teyn: ((an abstraction))
Taidyn Voul: (( riders count as sharing their mount's entire space ))
Nymeria 1: ah, well in that case him
Sickly Zack: Ride: « 1d20+16 = 14 + 16 = 30 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Yup, a direct hit upon the Zack Attack.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Gotta Catch 'Em All!
Taidyn Voul: Ah, screw it, their minds bounce everything off like they don't have any
Taidyn Voul: Acidic Splatter - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+4 = « 1d20+4 = 14 + 4 = 18 » Damage: 4d6 = « 4d6 = 12 »
Taidyn Voul: (( on zack ))
Taidyn Voul: (( not actually a spell, so I don't think the concentration check applies ))
Sickly Zack: Ack! Not the face, not the face!
Teyn has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( I'm pretty certain it does, but, uh, with your concentration, it's negligible anyways. ))
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+13+mod = 2 + 13 + 0 = 15 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 4 + 2 + 7 = 13 »
Attack « 1d20+8+mod2 = 19 + 8 + 0 = 27 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7+mod3 = 2 + 3 + 7 + 0 = 12 »
Teyn: ((on zack))
Taidyn Voul: (( oh yeah, you had Martial Spirit active when you made your Divine Surge attack, Nymeria ))
Taidyn Voul: (( who gets the 2 hp healing ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Great. We now have a giant rampaging dinosauric mongose running around with a corpse for a rider.
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: By the power of Heieronious, I heal « player = Jared » for « 4d8+7 = 18 + 7 = 25 » points of damage! (CCW)
Jared Termidious: (( End Turn ))
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: Ray of Frost, « 1d20+11 = 3 + 11 = 14 » to hit, « 1d3 = 2 » cold damage.
Skylar Warden: (( Whimbat. ))
Fishy Frank: Ride « 1d20+11 = 6 + 11 = 17 »
Fishy Frank: The pirates of old will smite those who carry the black flagged tradition!
Fishy Frank: I call upon the ancestors of blackbeard for their unholy vengeance on those that harmed my allies!
Fishy Frank: (( the spirits of Ancestral Vengeance sharply smites Teyn for « 3d6 = 6 » damage, fortitude 14 for half. ))
Teyn: Fort Save: « 1d20+16 = 9 + 16 = 25 »
Fishy Frank: ...Looks like Blackbeard's drunk today.
Taidyn Voul: (( lol ))
Nymeria 1 has received initiative.
Nymeria 1: (do i get any new skills from last round?, i don't recall it being rolled >.)
Taidyn Voul: (( you have Revitalizing Strike and... something else ))
Taidyn Voul: (( neither do I ))
Nymeria 1: (i used divine surge >.>)
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d5 = 4 »
Nymeria 1: Revitalizing Strike: attack « 1d20+12+mod = 12 + 12 + -4 = 20 », damage« 2d4+1d6+5+mod = 5 + 1 + 5 + 8 = 19 » and heal for « 3d6+9 = 7 + 9 = 16 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Revitalizing Strike and Overwhelming Mountain Strike.
Nymeria 1: (power attack with 4)
Nymeria 1: anyone need 16 hp?
Jared Termidious: I do
Taidyn Voul: (( don't forget Martial Spirit ))
Taidyn Voul: (( that adds another 2, plus 2 from last round that you never said who got ))
Nymeria 1: well consider it yours (and i'll take the martial spirit)
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d5 = 5 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: You'll have Battle Leader's charge next round.
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: Thanks much
Taidyn Voul: Let's try this one more time...
* Taidyn Voul casts Hideous Laughter on Frank
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d20+7 = 11 + 7 = 18 »
Taidyn Voul: ...
* Taidyn Voul retroactively Heightens it one level...
Taidyn Voul: (( bah ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Don't feel too bad. He also has Spell Resistance. ))
Teyn has received initiative.
Teyn: ((cast defensively: « 1d20+12 = 11 + 12 = 23 » ))
* Teyn pokes Frank.
Teyn: Touch Attack: « 1d20+10 = 20 + 10 = 30 » Leech: « 1d12+9 = 5 + 9 = 14 »
Teyn: crit confirm
Teyn: Touch Attack: « 1d20+10 = 7 + 10 = 17 » Leech: « 1d12+9 = 2 + 9 = 11 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Roll a Caster Level check.
Teyn: « 1d20+9 = 14 + 9 = 23 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Critical Leech it is.
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
* Teyn grins as the energy heals her wounds.
Jared Termidious: You have been judged. Now if you continue to stray, you shall be brought down! ((Mark of Doom on « target = Fishy Frank », who takes 1d6 damage every time it takes a hostile action for 7 rounds ))
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Fishy Frank: I don't need no judgement to know how to rock.
* Fishy Frank conceals himself in dark armor.
Taidyn Voul: Spellcraft « 1d20+15 = 18 + 15 = 33 »
Fishy Frank: (( Armor of darkness. Grants +3 deflection bonus to AC, plus +1 per 4 caster levels, and +2 against holy, good, and light spells/effects. ))
Nymeria 1 has received initiative.
Nymeria 1: Overwhelming Mountain Strike: attack « 1d20+12+mod = 9 + 12 + -4 = 17 », damage« 2d4+1d6+5+mod+2d6 = 6 + 1 + 5 + 8 + 11 = 31 » fort save (17) or lose move action
Nymeria 1: (power attack with 4)
Wheebat: « 1d20+10 = 8 + 10 = 18 »
Wheebat: Scours and slobbers at you.
Nymeria 1: hearty little thing arent you?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( You have bonecrusher granted now. ))
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
* Taidyn Voul casts Fell Drain Magic Missile
Taidyn Voul: (( one on Whimbat, the rest on Frank ))
Taidyn Voul: SR: « 1d20+11 = 1 + 11 = 12 » Damage: « 1d4+1 = 1 + 1 = 2 », « 4d4+4 = 14 + 4 = 18 »
Taidyn Voul: ...
Teyn: ((... at least you hit Whimbat?))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Wow.
Taidyn Voul: (( well, at least Whimbat takes 2 damage and a negative leve ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Yes, I'm afraid that doesn't penetrate Frank's armor.
Teyn has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: (( I have been rendered almost entirely useless this encounter by ridiculous dice rolling ))
* Teyn attempts to stab Frank.
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+13+mod = 1 + 13 + 0 = 14 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 2 + 5 + 7 = 14 »
Attack « 1d20+8+mod2 = 8 + 8 + 0 = 16 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7+mod3 = 1 + 3 + 7 + 0 = 11 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Clowny Jones suffered the same fate, Taidyn. ))
* Teyn isn't trying very hard.
* Fishy Frank deflects that attack with his DARK POWORS.
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: Shortbow Full Attack on « target = Wheebat ». Attacks: « 1d20+8+amod = 20 + 8 + 0 = 28 », « 1d20+3+amod = 7 + 3 + 0 = 10 » Damage: « 1d6+dmod = 1 + 0 = 1 », « 1d6+dmod = 4 + 0 = 4 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Critical threat.
Jared Termidious: Crit Confirm: « 1d20+8 = 20 + 8 = 28 » Damage +« 2d6 = 5 »
Jared Termidious: Wow, 2 20s on that attack
Wheebat: *WHAM THUD*
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: Scimitar: « 1d20+11 = 10 + 11 = 21 » « 1d6+2 = 3 + 2 = 5 »
Jared Termidious: (( Don't forget flanking bonuses ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( That, alone, hits Whimbat. ))
Fishy Frank: Hm...
Teyn: (( animals don't have the greatest AC *eyes bear with 15* ))
Fishy Frank: I, for one, will not do anything.
Jared Termidious: That's right, you won't
* Whimbat viciously gores Teyn!
Gore: « 1d20+13-4 = 6 + 13 - 4 = 15 » to hit, « 1d8+8 = 7 + 8 = 15 » damage
* Teyn smacks Whimbat on the nose with her spear.
Nymeria 1 has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: (( Whimbat's still blind, I believe ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Doesn't matter, it missed anyway. ))
Nymeria 1: well since i can't really do anyything else might as well smack the squirrel..
Teyn: Hey, that's not nice...
Taidyn Voul: (( the one debuff I did manage to get to work, and it still hasn't had any effect ))
Nymeria 1: attack« 1d20+12+mod = 19 + 12 + -5 = 26 », damage« 2d4+1d6+5+mod = 5 + 1 + 5 + 10 = 21 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( "Smack the squirrel?" Is that what they're calling that these days? XD ))
Nymeria 1: (power with 5)
Teyn: ... was that really necessary? It was harmless...
Nymeria 1: and umm anyone want 2 hp?
Nymeria 1: hey, its a free 2 hp for ummm who ever wants it
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d5 = 3 » « 1d5 = 4 »
* Taidyn Voul is out of range
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Bonecrusher and Battle Leader's charge next round.
Nymeria 1: well jared can have it then ^-^
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: Acidic Splatter - Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20+4 = « 1d20+4 = 15 + 4 = 19 » Damage: 4d6 = « 4d6 = 15 »
Taidyn Voul: (( Frank ))
Jared Termidious: Thanks.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Roll a caster check on that.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (Oh, and gotta catch 'em all).
Taidyn Voul: (( doesn't need one, I'm pretty sure ))
Nymeria 1: (( i just realialized i threatened the squirrel)
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( it's powered by a spell, and that's good enough for me to say it is a spell. ))
Teyn: (( kindly avoid abusing its corpse ))
Taidyn Voul: (( just looked it up, it's explicitly a supernatural ability ))
Taidyn Voul: (( no SR ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Teyn, it still keeps it's old hit points. It's a while from death. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Okay.
Taidyn Voul: (( Complete Mage page 36 for the reference ))
Teyn: (( ah, right, that's not until the 24h mark ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Do deflection bonuses apply to touch AC?
Taidyn Voul: (( yes ))
Teyn: ((yes))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Miss. ))
Teyn has received initiative.
Teyn: ...let's try this again.
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+13+mod = 9 + 13 + 2 = 24 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 3 + 4 + 7 = 14 »
Attack « 1d20+8+mod2 = 11 + 8 + 2 = 21 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 1 + 3 + 7 = 11 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Whimbat or Frank?
Teyn: ((Frank))
Fishy Frank: Behold the power of the black skull and crossbones.
Fishy Frank: (( (Miss) ))
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: (( End turn ))
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Skylar Warden: Full attack: Scimitars: « 1d20+11 = 3 + 11 = 14 », « 1d6+2 = 5 + 2 = 7 », « 1d20+7 = 16 + 7 = 23 », « 1d6+2 = 6 + 2 = 8 », Buckler Axe « 1d20+7 = 3 + 7 = 10 », « 1d6+2 = 6 + 2 = 8 »
Fishy Frank: Ride check « 1d20+11 = 5 + 11 = 16 »
* Fishy Frank safely falls to the ground.
* Fishy Frank casts another spell to defend himself...
Nymeria 1 has received initiative.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (Overwhelming Mountain Strike and Battle Leader's Charge)
Nymeria 1: Overwhelming Mountain Strike: attack « 1d20+12+mod = 1 + 12 + -4 = 9 », damage« 2d4+1d6+5+mod+2d6 = 3 + 4 + 5 + 8 + 9 = 29 » fort save (17) or lose move action
Nymeria 1: (4 power attack)
Fishy Frank: That's more like Overwhelming Mountain of Misses!
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d5 = 5 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (You get bonecrusher granted to you)
Taidyn Voul has received initiative.
Taidyn Voul: Let's see if I can actually do something useful this time
* Taidyn Voul casts Dispel Magic, targeted on Frank
Taidyn Voul: (( how many dispel checks should I be making? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Two
Taidyn Voul: « 1d20+9 = 2 + 9 = 11 », « 1d20+9 = 8 + 9 = 17 »
Taidyn Voul: (( well, if his caster level's 6 or lower, that got one ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Yes, that one hit the most recent spell he casted.
Taidyn Voul: (( oh yeah, what spell was that? « 1d20+15 = 1 + 15 = 16 » ))
Taidyn Voul: (( I have no idea ))
Taidyn Voul: (( unless it was level 1 ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Abjuration.
Teyn has received initiative.
Teyn: Attack « 1d20+13+mod = 4 + 13 + 0 = 17 »
Damage « 1d6+1d6+7 = 1 + 2 + 7 = 10 »
Fishy Frank: Please, child, let the grown-ups do the fighting.
Jared Termidious has received initiative.
* Teyn makes a rather obscene gesture.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Wow, he might actually pull it off to get by that judgement. ))
Teyn: (( brb ))
Jared Termidious: Die, evildoer! Smite Evil Sword Attack: « 1d20+13+mod = 4 + 13 + 2 = 19 » at « target = Fishy Frank » Sword Damage: « 1d8+2+mod = 4 + 2 + 0 = 6 »
Fishy Frank: Evil is awesome, and good is dumb.
Skylar Warden has received initiative.
Jared Termidious: (( He could take an AoO if he wants ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( He's currently unarmed. ))
Skylar Warden: There. Now everyone's flanking.
Teyn: (( back ))
Fishy Frank: Gr...
* Fishy Frank defends himself.
Nymeria 1 has received initiative.
Nymeria 1: Bone Crusher: attack « 1d20+12+mod = 15 + 12 + 2 = 29 », damage« 2d4+1d6+5+mod+4d6 = 5 + 5 + 5 + 0 + 11 = 26 » fort save (16) or skeletal struction becomes massively weakened
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: « 1d5 = 4 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Revitalizing strike next round.
Taidyn Voul: (( he already got that this cycle, I think ))
Nymeria 1: (nope, not yet)
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( By my records, he had bonecrusher, mountain, and battle leaders charge. ))
Nymeria: (( aye))
Fishy Frank: « 1d20+4 = 14 + 4 = 18 »
Nymeria 1: taidyn need 2 hp?
Teyn: That was a troublesome bunch. What are these things they were riding?
Taidyn Voul: sure
Nymeria 1: >.>
Everyone receives 1,215 Experience Points
Taidyn Voul: (( that was a rather long and (for me) frustrating battle ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Ten rounds. ))
Taidyn Voul: (( it's annoying when almost every single spell you cast hits a successful save ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( I was expecting it to go long, but, uh, I thought it'd be more because of the mounts and not because of the SHAMAN THAT WILL NOT DIE. ))
Teyn: (( Aye, the length of it made me wish I'd prepped bite of the weretiger instead of baleful polymorph... but squirrels are always fun ))
Jared Termidious: I still have some healing left, but I am out of 3rd and 4th level spells
* Taidyn Voul has 26/42 hp
Skylar Warden: My spells are dried up, as well.
Jared Termidious: By the power of Heieronious, I heal « player = Taidyn » for « 2d8+7 = 6 + 7 = 13 » points of damage! (CMW)
Skylar Warden: (( Actually, it'd help if the GM would have advanced my spellcasting manually. ))
Teyn: Anything worth taking on these corpses?
Taidyn Voul: I've still got about half of my power left
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Okay, lutes...
Nymeria 1: can i revitalizing strike the squirrel?
* Taidyn Voul casts Detect Magic on everything
Nymeria 1: >.>
Taidyn Voul: (( not unless it's a threat to us ))
Taidyn Voul: (( though technically Martial Spirit lacks that qualifier ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Clowny Jones: Tumbler's Breastplate, 15 gp, spiked chain.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Fishy Frank: Sharkskin (Is magical), 15 GP, Ointment (Magical), Wand (Magical), Spear.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Zack: Mithral Shirt, 95 gp, potion (magical), ointment (magical), Crossbow (Magical), and 5 bolts (Magical).
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Spiked chain is magical, as well, but I have a hunch that nobody's interested in using it. ))
Taidyn Voul: Spellcraft: « 1d20+15 = 13 + 15 = 28 », « 1d20+15 = 8 + 15 = 23 », « 1d20+15 = 7 + 15 = 22 », « 1d20+15 = 11 + 15 = 26 », « 1d20+15 = 15 + 15 = 30 », « 1d20+15 = 5 + 15 = 20 », « 1d20+15 = 18 + 15 = 33 »
Taidyn Voul: and « 1d20+15 = 16 + 15 = 31 »
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: ...NOW you roll high.
* Taidyn Voul is the dispenser of knowledge about loot
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Well, uh, I'm not going to look up all the real checks, so I'm eyeballing this.
Taidyn Voul: (( You folks kill everything, I'll just watch, then come in and tell you what you got for it ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Spiked chain-> +2 Vampiric,
Sharkskin -> Spell resistance 15
Ointments-> Both are Barkskin
wand-> Bane
Crossbow-> Diseased
bolts-> Bolt of Voices
Teyn: ((sharkskin is... hide? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Yes.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Light armor, 4 bonus, 6 dex, 0 check, 30 speed.
Teyn: ((Oh, light... nice.))
Teyn: Anyone else interested in that skin?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Uh, you might need to hem that a little bit, Teyn.
Teyn: ((Oh, right, it's medium. Never mind))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Well, I WILL let you hem it. ))
Teyn: ((Ah, ok.))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: It is hide, after all. You're a druid. It's kind of your thing.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Just only after we take a rest or have some sort of down time. ))
Jared Termidious: Can anyone else use the wand of Bane?
Teyn: ((Yeh, I'll wait till we get back to town and find someone who can work it.))
Taidyn Voul: No, but it seems a rather weak spell
Teyn: ((Doubt anyone in the party has a craft check worth anything.))
Taidyn Voul: (( +1 untrained, here ))
Teyn: ((sharkskin is +1?))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( Just whenever you rest next, I -wil- -let- -you- -have- -it-. Hemming is easy stuff. Even I can do it. ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Yeah, +1.
Taidyn Voul: (( what about the bolts? ))
Teyn: ((Hehe, ok, sorry. I'm a DM, I try to find mechanics for everything. xD ))
Taidyn Voul: (( and crossbow ))
Jared Termidious: It is a weak spell, but let me hold on to it until we get back to town just in case it becomes useful.
Taidyn Voul: (( and the Tumbler's Breatplate, is that a magic property or something mundane? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Mundane.
Jared Termidious: I could use the crossbow, but if there's a ranged specialist who wants it, they would be better with it.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: (( I don't know what's weirder, the fact that Bane is not an evil spell when it counters bless and that's not a good spell, or the fact that it actually makes perfect sense in the status quo. ))
Taidyn Voul: (( any bonus on the crossbow or bolts? ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The bolts are +2 and are what caused the gotta catch em all lingering insanity.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: The crossbow is +1 and passes along a fever to its targets.
Teyn: ((what's the weight on the sharkskin?))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: 15 lb medium, 7.5 lb small.
Taidyn Voul: (( ok, that looks like everything for the loot list ))
Taidyn Voul: (( and I'm getting hungry ))
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Moondraught is the equivalent of 4 Cure Light Wounds.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Shall we call this a session, then?
douglas: yeah
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: I think this was longer than our previous ones. XD
douglas: by a fair bit, yes
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Is the party going to rest?
Teyn: ((Aye, but a day spent playing DnD is a day well spent. ^^))
Jared Termidious: (( I'm adding up the gold we god. I've got 1500+75+15+15+95 = 1700, is that correct? ))
* DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing is BLATANTLY EYEBALLING THIS. Yes.
douglas: yes
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: douglas, is that yes to the resting, or yes to the gold amount?
douglas: the gold amount
douglas: Taidyn is ready to keep going
douglas: don't know about the rest of the party
Sallera: Teyn should be fine.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Okay.
Jared Termidious: Jared has 2 CMWs and 1 CLW left. I can do one more encounter before needing to rest
* Nymeria 1 streatces "that was a nice warm up"
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Well, thanks for playing, again.
douglas: Out of curiosity, what feats does Nymeria have?
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: I'll link her sheet on the Out of Character topic.
DM@Oracle_of_Wuffing: Speaking of, uh, please link me to your updated character sheets in the Out of Character topic, as well.
douglas: Link hasn't changed for me
And on the next episode of Dungeons and D... Everybody roll spot checks!