View Full Version : [Spoilers] Drag Me to Hell -- Scariest film of the year, or the Universe?

2009-06-17, 02:50 AM
OK, so, along with the apparent majority of people with internet connections, I hate the modern, 'buckets of blood' slasher/torture porn movies that churn out at the speed of quick profits (which is fast). Luckily, I knew that Drag Me to Hell would be different.

I mean, it was masterfully directed by Sam Raimi of Evil Dead fame, and he would never give in to the trendy, boring horror in today's industry. In fact, I didn't approach Drag Me to Hell as something 'scary' at all. I expected to laugh out loud, especially since my brother saw it before I could and lied like the black hearted son of evil he is, telling me to expect another Raimi comedy.

Spoilers start here: This film is terrifying in a way no film I've seen before has been. Audiences will like Christine, because she is likeable, capable, and able to carry out her job with skill despite the sexist nature of her workplace, a bank. So when Hell itself takes an interest in her, you hope against futile hope she'll be OK, no matter how increasingly obvious it is she never stood a chance.

An old gypsy woman's house has been foreclosed and she begs Christine to give here a third extension to get some money. When Christine refuses to act tough and win a promotion, she finds herself the personification of all the old gypsy woman's hate. This lady, Ganush, is evil. Not to mention badass. But mostly a resourceful and implacable evil. She ambushes Christine in the parking lot after work and the battle they have has nothing of the supernatural to it, but is frightening as, well, Hell.

After that Ganush curses Christine and she has to deal with visions, phantom noises, Ganush's spirit (the old woman doesn't survive her home's foreclosure) and a demon known as Lamia, 'The Black Goat'. END SPOILERS.

If this movie sounds campy it's because it is. But Sam Raimi is so good at the crafting of horror stories, and finally has a good budget to work with thanks to 'Ol Webhead's success in film, that the so called camp scares you. The sillier this movie gets the more the viewer stops analyzing it and judging it by it's plot strength. Instead the viewer helplessly hopes Christine lives as she draws closer and closer to her fate.

I was rattled by this movie. Long after it ended, I'm still just grateful my house is secure. Most movies don't stay with me beyond a visceral 'cool' level this long after the credits roll.

In short: Don't be intimidated, don't be prejudiced, and don't miss this film.

2009-06-17, 03:12 AM
Audiences will like Christine, because she is likeable, capable, and able to carry out her job with skill despite the sexist nature of her workplace, a bank. So when Hell itself takes an interest in her, you hope against futile hope she'll be OK, no matter how increasingly obvious it is she never stood a chance.

Oh hells nah.

Christine is a bitch. She didn't refuse to act tough, she got tough just cause Steve was making her uncomfortable. Christine forecloses the woman's home just to make an example of her and prove herself to the bank manager. She kills her cat, contemplates damning an innocent old man and, worst of all, is Justin Long's girlfriend.

Maybe she didn't deserve it all up front, but as Ganush said "YOU SHAMED ME!"

2009-06-17, 03:21 AM
Oh hells nah.

Christine is a bitch. She didn't refuse to act tough, she got tough just cause Steve was making her uncomfortable. Christine forecloses the woman's home just to make an example of her and prove herself to the bank manager. She kills her cat, contemplates damning an innocent old man and, worst of all, is Justin Long's girlfriend.

Maybe she didn't deserve it all up front, but as Ganush said "YOU SHAMED ME!"

OK, obviously there is no excuse good enough to date Justin Long.

But I liked her. She was innocent and no matter how cruel you have to be to foreclose on an old lady and then kick her out of your car while calling her a bitch I still really didn't want to see her in hell. And the kitten killing? I'm as much a friend to the animals as the next fellow, but after her visitation I would have sacrificed a thousand screaming kittens while they begged if I could be free.

(And yeah, she screwed up huge at the bank. She admits it too.. eventually).

2009-06-17, 03:50 AM
...Are you kidding?

Seriously, while the movie was great at the jump-out-of-your-seat style of "scary"... there was no visceral horror there. It was a comedy that frequently startled you. It was good at that, but it was no more a "proper" horror movie than was Evil Dead.

I didn't care what happened to the main character. I'm astonished that anyone would. Not because she's a heartless bitch or deserved to be damned... just because she's not there to be cared about, she's there to suffer amusing misfortunes. (Nor does it make any sense to me to feel sympathy for Ganush. This is a "frail, helpless old woman" who's willing and able to physically assault and then damn to eternal torment those who cross her.)

Highly entertaining movie? Yes. Terrifying horror? Huh?

2009-06-17, 03:55 AM
...Are you kidding?

Seriously, while the movie was great at the jump-out-of-your-seat style of "scary"... there was no visceral horror there. It was a comedy that frequently startled you. It was good at that, but it was no more a "proper" horror movie than was Evil Dead.

I didn't care what happened to the main character. I'm astonished that anyone would. Not because she's a heartless bitch or deserved to be damned... just because she's not there to be cared about, she's there to suffer amusing misfortunes. (Nor does it make any sense to me to feel sympathy for Ganush. This is a "frail, helpless old woman" who's willing and able to physically assault and then damn to eternal torment those who cross her.)

Highly entertaining movie? Yes. Terrifying horror? Huh?

That's a valid way of seeing it too. And I don't know how I communicated sympathy for Ganush. Respect, maybe.

I think the biggest difference in our perspectives is that I was won over by Lohman's performance while it didn't work for you on more than a comedic level.

Also, did anyone else meticulously keep track of and feel joy at all the Evil Dead references?

2009-06-17, 04:05 AM
And I don't know how I communicated sympathy for Ganush. Respect, maybe.

That wasn't really directed at you, but at LordofDucks. Who, now that I look again, is really saying Christine was unsympathetic in her own right rather than because Ganush was sympathetic.

2009-06-17, 06:11 AM
Drag me to hell was a great movie up until neat the end of the film where they all got together an had a tea party with a talking goat.

From there it went down hill rapidly....I just could'nt get scared no more.

2009-06-17, 11:50 AM
The film felt like total garbage to me. My brother and I recently started torrenting horror movies online either from hidden cams or dvds as a fun pastime. He found Drag Me to Hell and wanted to watch it with me even though I said it was probably going to suck. I humored him and sat through it.

I watch movies with an open mind so don't tell me just because I didn't think I was going to like it I'm suddenly ridiculously biased and my opinion is worthless because I had a coherent idea of what it might be like before I watched it.

Anyways, I watched it and it sucked (for me) as I expected it to. There is nothing even a little scary to me about what happened. There was nothing creative either. Almost everything is extremely cliched, underwhelming or both.

Here's a list of bad stuff:
1. The girl gets thrown around in her house and her furniture is tossed about as well. That's standard poltergeist stuff. Nothing special. What makes this worse than regular ghostly attacks is that in the beginning of the movie they show the people that are going to try to help her later being punched and slapped by invisible forces. I think the main character gets slapped too. This is really lame. I rather not be given the impression that some big bad invisible demon is punching and slapping people. It's extremely mundane and leaves very little to the imagination. Anyone can punch or slap someone. Seeing people start convulsing is much more frightening and impressive. It's supposed to be a demon attacking them, not the invisible man.

2. The other big recurring problem is the girl hallucinating. These hallucinations aren't anything special either. Her vision is blurred and the voices of people around her are slurred. The worst thing she sees is her boyfriend looking like a demon and attacking her. Two things make this problem extremely cliche and lame. There's a point in the movie where she goes to her boyfriend's house to meet his rich family and specifically to try to get his mother to like her since she's very controlling and looks down on her for being raised on a farm when she was young. The hallucinations start before this and we obviously know they are going to ruin her meeting with them. It's ridiculously anticlimactic. I felt like leaving the room because everything was so obvious and contrived. The way the hallucinations messed everything up was terribly boring. Slurred speech, blurred vision and food looking creepy. Come on. Food looking creepy is such a lame thing. Eventually the food actually became contaminated with flies and bugs. Extremely weak.

3. The handkerchief of the old women that cursed the girl constantly comes after her. It flies around and gets in her mouth, blocks her vision and at one point messes up her car. Yawn. What is this supposed to make me think? "Oh no I'm never going to look at a handkerchief the same way again. A flying piece of white cloth is so scary!!!"

4. The old women's dead body falls on her twice. Super cliche and predictable. The first time it happens she bumps into the corpse while the gypsies have it sitting in their house during a funeral gathering. The next time it happens it is extremely contrived because it occurs after she digs up the woman's corpse during the night and it conveniently rains. She of course has trouble getting out of the grave and the corpse floats upwards as if it was alive. Yawn.

5. She has a giant nosebleed at one point in front of her boss. What's there to say? It's weak.

6. She is pestered by flies while she's asleep and they go in her nose and come out the opposite nostril they came in. "Ooooh, so gross!" Extremely bad.

7. She attends a cliched séance and people around her get thrown around some more. One guy has a bunch of blood drain out of him after being possessed but its just cheesy computer graphics. He actually ends up perfectly fine afterwards. The old lady leading the séance dies from shock. Big deal. Oh and the demon possesses a goat and talks like a person doing a goat imitation. Gasp! So scary!

8. She is dragged to hell. You might think this is cool but it's not. A flaming hole opens up and she gets sucked. The hole magically seals shut and all traces of it are gone. Weak. Let me see some hideous cursed people pulling her down. Maybe my memory is wrong but I think she just gets sucked down by an invisible force.

9. The old woman assaults her and her disgusting body falls on top of her. Nasty teeth, messed up eye, spittle, etc. Her corpse spews bile the first time it falls on the girl.

The girl sucks. Plain and simple. Reasons?
1. She's just dumb and undecided about everything. She isn't consciously a total jerk possibly deserving of going to hell and she isn't all innocent either. I'm not saying she should be one of the above extremes but the maker chose a poor middle path. She's just a stupid generic girl. Average confidence and not too bright. I don't find myself saying "Yeah, let her suffer!" or "No! She doesn't deserve that!" I just think "Whatever. Good riddance." Specifically she thinks about giving an old practically helpless man with a respirator a button that will send him to hell but reconsiders because she sees he has someone with him. I think it was his wife but I can't confidently remember if it was. He might have had crutches too. That's just stupid. Who cares if he doesn't have long to live and he needs medical support to live? He's probably suffered much more than the average person so why send him to hell when he's so close to probably going to heaven? Send someone you know is a real jerk instead. She gets the opportunity to in the form of her conniving coworker that sabotages her work and tries to steal a promotion away from her. He sucks up to their boss and purposely makes her look bad by doing obnoxious things but because he cries like a baby she doesn't do it. Later the fortune teller she originally turned to for help tells her she can give the button to a dead person so she decides to give it to the woman that cursed her. That was stupid. Why not ask if there are clever ways to get out of the problem like that before running around aimlessly?

The ending was terrible. She gets dragged down all because she gave the wrong envelope to the dead woman's corpse. The one she gave her didn't have the cursed button in it. So she goes to hell because she's too dumb to check inside an envelope to see if it contains something that she knows will decide her fate. A bunch of papers get jostled around in her car and she doesn't check inside the envelope to confirm it's the right one afterwards.

The general way the movie progressed sucked. Her boyfriend naturally thinks she's acting crazy and she is too stupid to keep calm and make him take her seriously. He eventually decides to believe in her but only because he's a nice guy. She could've ended up in a mental institution otherwise if he wasn't so understanding and she wasn't going to hell in 3 days.

2009-06-17, 12:08 PM
I watch movies with an open mind so don't tell me just because I didn't think I was going to like it I'm suddenly ridiculously biased and my opinion is worthless because I had a coherent idea of what it might be like before I watched it.

Okay. But can I tell you that it sounds like you were expecting the movie to be a completely different thing to what it was trying to be?

It was supposed to be entertainingly over-the-top and silly. I think it succeeded admirably in that. It wasn't, so far as I a) expected going in or b) found while watching it, supposed to be subtle, or genuinely frightening in some deep and abiding sense. It didn't take itself seriously, you weren't meant to either.

Have you watched, and did you enjoy, the Evil Dead movies?

2009-06-17, 12:13 PM
It certainly wasn't funny to me. What is funny about throwing a million tired, boring, lackluster and mundane cliches together and playing them straight?

No one was cracking jokes in the movie and the bad things that happened to the girl didn't look to me like they like were done with humor in mind. The only thing I believe the maker might have intentionally tried to do was say "Hey kids! Here's how you make a bad movie!"

I shouldn't have to watch Evil Dead to like it. There may be a million references to it in this movie but they don't seem to be witty or funny to me. "Oh look X happened just like it did in Y movie." My response is: "Ok, so? Was it a cool reenactment? Was it cleverly done?" I've seen plenty of horror movies and this one just uses a bunch of very generic characteristics also found in them. The movie might as well be a bad homage to a million movies. I could ask you, have you seen A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, etc movies? This one is a lot like those.

2009-06-17, 12:24 PM
I shouldn't have to watch Evil Dead to like it. There may be a million references to it in this movie but they don't seem to witty or funny to me. "Oh look X happened just like it did in Y movie." My response is: "Ok, so? Was it a cool reenactment? Was it cleverly done?"

Steady on there, fella. I didn't say you had to have seen Evil Dead in order to enjoy this movie. I'm sure there were plenty of references, but I didn't pick up on any. My question was whether you had seen Evil Dead and whether, if you had, you'd liked it. I asked because they're similar movies (though the Evil Dead movies are, IMO, superior), and a) if you had seen Evil Dead, I'd be surprised that you'd go in to this with the expectations it seems you did, and b) if you'd liked Evil Dead, I'd be surprised that you didn't find this a laugh.

As to the rest, I can only disagree. It seemed quite obvious to me that all the absurd violence and misfortune in the movie was done with tongue firmly in cheek. You didn't enjoy it? You didn't find it funny? Okay; humour is a pretty personal thing. But it seems to me that you're damning the movie for not being something (http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2006/09/04/) it never tried or pretended to be.

2009-06-17, 12:35 PM
How is all the misfortune done humorously? It doesn't feel over the top in the sense that I'd say "Wow, that's so ridiculous I can't help but laugh." It feels to me like the movie is dragging on. There was no obvious gratuitous blood splatter that made it clear the movie was intended for laughs. The corpse conveniently spewing stuff from its mouth when it fell on her didn't feel comical. It felt like bad execution. Even if I had gone into the movie looking for laughs I don't think I would've found any. The food transforming scene wasn't over the top or a joke to me either. Also apparently the original poster thought this movie was intended to scare. What was he "rattled" by after watching the movie, laughter?

2009-06-17, 12:41 PM
I've already said that I found the OP's reaction bizarre.

As to the rest of it, okay, so you didn't find it funny then. Fair enough. It's perfectly legitimate to criticize it on those grounds. I did find it funny, though I agree that any part of it could have been better executed. What I found illegitimate was criticizing it for not being scary enough.

2009-06-17, 01:28 PM
I think the movie was intended to scare and amuse in equal parts. I never said it wasn't cliched and mundane, because it absolutely was. It was retro, a new chapter in the Evil Dead saga with modern effects.

It for sure beats all of the grotesque and boring other films from this decade I might have seen.

I think the most telling reason for our difference in opinion, nothingclever, was when you listed how the "old woman assaults her and her disgusting body falls on top of her". That was good, and when you think about it, legitimately a scary situation.

However, you don't say why there was something wrong there, suggesting that you found the scene itself a bad idea. Obviously our tastes diverge dramatically on the subject of what's scary.

So yes, I thought it wasn't just funny, but scary. I'm not alone, even if I may be on these forums. This was what Evil Dead one tried to be before Sam Raimi gave up and just made the hilarious sequels. This is the film he's wanted to make for over twenty years, and I'll be happy I saw it in theaters long from now.

2009-06-17, 01:56 PM
I think the movie was intended to scare and amuse in equal parts. I never said it wasn't cliched and mundane, because it absolutely was. It was retro, a new chapter in the Evil Dead saga with modern effects.

It for sure beats all of the grotesque and boring other films from this decade I might have seen.

I think the most telling reason for our difference in opinion, nothingclever, was when you listed how the "old woman assaults her and her disgusting body falls on top of her". That was good, and when you think about it, legitimately a scary situation.

However, you don't say why there was something wrong there, suggesting that you found the scene itself a bad idea. Obviously our tastes diverge dramatically on the subject of what's scary.

So yes, I thought it wasn't just funny, but scary. I'm not alone, even if I may be on these forums. This was what Evil Dead one tried to be before Sam Raimi gave up and just made the hilarious sequels. This is the film he's wanted to make for over twenty years, and I'll be happy I saw it in theaters long from now.

Well, I'd say the first Evil Dead was a success.

Thing was king of the drive in, scared Stephan King, and got a coveted 4 stars from Joe Bob Brigs, the nation's leading Drive In critic.

If that ain't success...

Neko Toast
2009-06-17, 02:24 PM
I've already said that I found the OP's reaction bizarre.

As to the rest of it, okay, so you didn't find it funny then. Fair enough. It's perfectly legitimate to criticize it on those grounds. I did find it funny, though I agree that any part of it could have been better executed. What I found illegitimate was criticizing it for not being scary enough.

I'd try not to take his opinion to heart, if I were you. He has a tendency to rattle others (a similar situation happened in the 'Up' thread).

As for my opinion of the movie, I haven't seen it, and wasn't planning to. Horror, be it terrifying, or silly and over-the-top, just isn't for me. I would have been more interested in the movie if it hadn't been so over-advertised.

Illiterate Scribe
2009-06-17, 04:06 PM
Meh, I found it pretty offensive and antiziganist. You wouldn't get away with a film that was 'the blood libel - but true', or any other blatant ethnic stereotype, so why is it that you're allowed to have one that plays into the 'satanic curseflinging gypsy' myth?

Scary, in the sense that you can get away with making a film like that, and it gets maybe a couple of oblique references in reviews.

Was I the only one?

2009-06-17, 07:51 PM
I blame cultural ignorance. Hollywood appears to be under the impression that gypsies are either completely mythical beings, like elves or hobgoblins, or an ancient and now-extinct order, like the Knights Templar or Illuminati.

2009-06-17, 08:09 PM
Meh, I found it pretty offensive and antiziganist. You wouldn't get away with a film that was 'the blood libel - but true', or any other blatant ethnic stereotype, so why is it that you're allowed to have one that plays into the 'satanic curseflinging gypsy' myth?

Scary, in the sense that you can get away with making a film like that, and it gets maybe a couple of oblique references in reviews.

Was I the only one?
You're totally not alone there. I'm not someone that really gets offended by anything in movies like racism and stereotyping of people but I thought that was sort of in poor taste. The lady was a total jerk and her curse in a way didn't make sense simply from a mechanical perspective. The curse on the little kid in the beginning didn't make sense as well in general. In the case of the girl, considering how big a jerk this gypsy was being how the heck is it fair that she can send her to hell? I guess her being evil is an explanation for why but what I mean is, the slight against her was very minor in comparison. If she was killed by her I'd understand. Then there's the kid in the very beginning that gets dragged to hell just because he stole a necklace or some other jewelery. Really? Like come on. Whether the movie portrayed gypsies badly or not this is just ridiculous. Sending a kid to hell over such a trivial thing is stupid. Why don't gypsies rule the world then if they have no care for human life and they have super curse powers? Heck, get a gypsy elected as president. There's no way they can lose. Just keep killing any other candidates. Who's going to believe you're responsible? It'd make more sense if gypsies had to give up something substantial to curse people that bad or if they had to be terribly slighted. Another offensive thing is the gambling and probably illegal activity going on in the basement of her house. It looks like a ton of people are stashed down there. I know it was a special event and these people are supposed to be scummy but they just make them look bad when it isn't necessary. I'd be fine with the old woman being evil and her relatives feeling sympathetic for her but they were pretty much all demonized.

Neko Toast
2009-06-17, 08:43 PM
Guys, don't you think you're taking this gypsy stereotype thing way too seriously? I mean, you said yourself earlier that the movie was incredibly cliche. What's more cliche than a gypsy cursing someone? It wasn't meant to offend anyone; it was supposed to add to the camp/over-the-top value.

Lighten up.

2009-06-17, 09:17 PM
I'm fine with it. I just think when you look at it that way you have even more to complain about.

Neko Toast
2009-06-17, 11:41 PM
I'm fine with it. I just think when you look at it that way you have even more to complain about.

Dude, do you ever do anything other than complain? Of the two threads that I've seen you in, the only thing you seem to do is critisize.

So let's just all take a deep breath, and stop nit-picking at the movie. It's just a movie. Let's just go back to talking about the movie in and of itself.

Illiterate Scribe
2009-06-18, 12:52 AM
Guys, don't you think you're taking this gypsy stereotype thing way too seriously? I mean, you said yourself earlier that the movie was incredibly cliche. What's more cliche than a gypsy cursing someone? It wasn't meant to offend anyone; it was supposed to add to the camp/over-the-top value.


So let's just all take a deep breath, and stop nit-picking at the movie. It's just a movie. Let's just go back to talking about the movie in and of itself.

Would you say the same thing about a movie where the 'horror' was that, say, Jewish people were stealing the main character's baby and planning to ritually cannibalise it? Despite the comparatively acceptable nature of anti-gypsy prejudice, it's a fairly equivalent canard. I'd say that's a very valid complaint.

2009-06-18, 01:52 AM
I thought the movie was great. Period. I loved Evil Dead, and thought this was just as good but with a lot less vine rapping and pencil stabbing...which is good.

The projectile vomit was ridiculous, but awesome. The car fight is one of the best fight scenes. Ever. Who said Horror needed tons of blood and gore, I think that makes a horror movie worse most of the time…except with zombies.

2009-06-18, 10:20 AM
I loved Evil Dead, and thought this was just as good but with a lot less vine rapping

:smalleek: I'd heard of a pretty horrible scene in Evil Dead, but the vines rap?! That's worse than I'd ever imagined!

Neko Toast
2009-06-18, 11:20 AM
Would you say the same thing about a movie where the 'horror' was that, say, Jewish people were stealing the main character's baby and planning to ritually cannibalise it?

Yes. Yes I would say the same thing.

Despite the comparatively acceptable nature of anti-gypsy prejudice, it's a fairly equivalent canard. I'd say that's a very valid complaint.

I still believe that you are taking this way too seriously. Now, I believe that this discussion should end now before we derail the thread.

2009-06-23, 04:48 PM
I don't ge the being offended by the Gypsy thing, everyone knows that all gypsies fling curses at anyone who annoys them and said gypsies also hang out at the carnival. Besides I'm gust happy to see Sam is back into the horror comedy thing,(If other posters are correct) just in time to work on Evil Dead 4....please?

The Vorpal Tribble
2009-06-23, 04:58 PM
Edit: NothingClever, you summed it up for me a lot better than I just did...

I'm going to have to go along with the Trash Rated group. I went only having seen half a trailer and thought it was at least going to be moderately serious... and it could have been. It had the potential for being a decent, if not utterly depressing, horror flick. They through things in it that just made it stupid.

I'm a huge fan of a show called Supernatural, and y'know what, though they are normally serious, they have the occasional horror humor, and it's hilarious. This... this was just dumb.

Now, here comes the bit where I know I'm being too serious, but I sincerely detested that gypsy lady. More so because I know people like her actually exist. Those who are shamed, or in this case THINK they've been shamed, and the would seriously want to damn you for it. As if a moment or two of 'shame' is enough to warrant eternal torture. That kind of mentality sparks a burning loathing in me.

And btw, the main gal, she was not cute and sweet. She was a piece of trash herself.

What got me in particular was actually after the movie was over. I stood up... and noticed that though there weren't many in the theatre all of them were goths. As in leather wearing, spiked necklace emos. Apparently they knew exactly what they were coming to watch...

2009-06-23, 11:53 PM
Geez. And here I thought this was going to be a positive thread.

It's horror-comedy, guys. It isn't meant to be taken seriously, like OMG THIS MOVIE IS SERIOUSLY SCARY STUFF. It's supposed to be campy. Didn't that clue in for you somewhere in around the evil talking goat?

I went into the movie and enjoyed it. But then, I knew going in that it wasn't going to be terribly serious. I laughed at the "Here, kitty, kitty" scene. I giggled at the evil gypsy woman who seemed IMPOSSIBLE TO KILL (though not, as it turns out). And I chuckled everytime some disgusting substance found its way into the main character's mouth (which seemed to happen every twelve seconds).

Cliché-ridden? I guess. But I think that's supposed to be part of the fun.

As to the girl being halfway between likeable and unlikeable, well ... did she really do anything that deserved an eternity of unspeakable torment in Hell? Would you wish that on anybody who wasn't a complete monster?

Avilan the Grey
2009-06-24, 02:14 AM
The problem for me when it comes to horror is that it usually comes in three forms:

1. The Old Fashioned Horror Movie. Which usually crosses into Horror Comedy way too easily, mostly because everyone watching is too Genre-Savy these days. Plus it tends to be cheesy anyway.

2. Gistusting-horror. Hostel, Saw, etc. Not scary. Only disgusting. Pointless to watch, I might as well look at close-ups from a trainwreck... Has absolutely no entertaining qualities whatsoever (to me).

3. The Horror-comedy. Same as 1, but the writers are aware that they are unable to stay away from the funny, and runs with it. Tends to be extremely predictable, just like 1, but even less scary.

...To me, the scariest movie I have ever seen was probably Alien.

This is also why my list of preferred entertainment for Halloween is not full of movies like Friday 13, Freddy goes to Hollywood :smallwink: or Hostel part nineteen, now with more sex and gore.

2009-06-25, 01:29 AM
I thought this movie was HILARIOUS. Specially the fact that the main character couldn't seem to keep her mouth closed, as stuff kept getting into it. Embalming fluid, maggots, eyeballs, an entire fist, you name it, she's had it in her mouth. Heh.