View Full Version : Undefined Campaign - Group 2

2009-06-17, 03:47 PM
[[This thread is for the benefit of Niezck's character. Who will be pursuing his own adventures amongst the atoms of my campaign world.]]

[[Niezck, post as you wish!]]

When you wake up the next day, it is due to raindrops pattering against the ground you lie on. It is still dark, the sun just peeking over the horizon. The sky is cloudy, and it looks like it will rain harder soon.

2009-06-17, 04:53 PM

Valandil stands up after noticing the first glimmer of sunlight.

Another day, another struggle.

With that, he takes a large breath of air, before readying himself as he usually does. Sitting down, he clears his mind of all thoughts, and begins meditating for an hour. Alneth, at this point, is simply sat by his side, lazing around.

[[Preparing spells & refreshing wild shapes]]

After getting himself mentally ready for the day, he opens his eyes before standing once more, and walking towards the nearby stream. A wash came next, followed by the donning of armour and equipping for the day. With that done, he begins walking back to where he recently found the hunters, hoping to perhaps find a trail he could follow.

2009-06-17, 04:57 PM
You find tracks belonging to the hunters you met yesterday throughout a sizable section of the forest. Their remaining footprints and other signs lead you to several corpses of deer and a couple of other animals, most of them hastily thrown into various bushes or other plant type cover.

The trail loops around to a point near that which they left by, and goes back in the direction of the city.

Two hours have passed since you woke up, a trail of smoke can be seen winding it's way up into the sky a couple of miles to the north-east, perhaps indicating a small settlement.

2009-06-17, 05:04 PM
Smoke? I don't like the look of that ... Come Alneth, I think it's time we investigated.

And so, the druid and the bear set off towards the origin of the smoke, unsure what they will find.

2009-06-17, 05:07 PM
The two mile distance between yourself and the source of the smoke is mostly covered in grass, untouched by civilization. About two thirds of the way through your journey, you come across a line of grass, crushed underfoot by hundreds of people over the years, leading toward the smoke, and away in the other direction toward the city.

Following the path, you eventually come to a small village mostly made of dirt or wooden buildings, or a combination of the two building materials.
Due to the early hour, few people are visible outside their huts. An elderly woman is seen with a few other women of younger age tending a fire in the center of the village, apparently cooking. This is the source of the smoke.

2009-06-17, 05:12 PM
Waiting at the edge of the village, Valandil takes a long look around, trying to take everything in.

Spot - [roll0]

Then, ordering Alneth to stay where he is [[via the trick]], he slowly creeps towards the village, trying to remain hidden as he does.

Hide - [roll1]

2009-06-17, 05:18 PM
There are somewhere between ten and fifteen houses, all of which of similar construction.

Eight women are now tending to the wood-burning fire in the center of the village, two are tending a pot which is sitting on the flames, you don't know what is cooking.

Every house has room for family of about five or six, possibly more, and they all possess the basic things you'd expect for a home of that time, such as doors, and thatched coverings over one or two of them.

After a minute or two, two small boys come running out of one of their houses, and then run toward a woman with black hair [most of them have black hair] yelling that they were going to go and play in the mountains for a while, and they'd be back about noon. She warned them to be careful, and they rushed off.
The people of the village are dressed in simple woven clothes, of similar design, judging from the women and children.

You remain undetected.

2009-06-18, 01:33 PM
Seeing the children run, Valandil makes a mental note to invesgiate them later. Then, still attemtping to stay hidden, he slowly moves behind a nearby house, trying to listen to any conversations.

Hide - [roll0], Listen - [roll1]

2009-06-18, 01:39 PM
You remain hidden, the only conversation within hearing distance is the conversation of the women around the fire.

Two of them are talking about the cooking, arguing about which herbs to apply to the pot to make it taste the best.

Several of the other women are chatting to another one, who is apparently pregnant, and is expecting her fourth child. They all seem to be excited, though one of the women keeps expressing her misfortune at not having a child yet, despite being married for over a nine-months, and who is convinced that the Gods are angry with her for not marrying sooner.

Nothing else of interest is talked about.

2009-06-18, 01:44 PM
A brilliant flash of green light is once again released, as the elf takes the form of a small deer. Then, in his new form, Valandil happily skips out from behind the house, towards the group of women.

2009-06-18, 01:47 PM
One of the women screams, Oh! A deer!

The others rush up to the doors of the nearest houses, and rap on them, soon several men come rushing out of the houses, some carrying wooden sticks or basic metal impliments such as spades and pitchforks.

Heh, you women are scared of a deer? Ha! We'll get it for you.

Two of them run towards, you the others watch and laugh.

2009-06-18, 01:48 PM
The deer, being shocked by this spectacle, runs back towards the forest as fast as possible.

2009-06-18, 01:49 PM
One of the men throws his pitchfork at you run past.
Hah! Take that, pest! he yells.


Assuming it hits:

2009-06-18, 01:54 PM
The familiar flash of brilliant green light engulfs the village for a split-second, as an Elf stands where the deer was, a large gash in his left arm.

That was a mistake.

Valandil slowly withdraws his swords, making sure to not avert his gaze from the man who threw the pitchfork.

2009-06-18, 01:56 PM
Three of the men shout, and rush toward you, the rest run away with the women, clearly they aren't used to seeing deer turn into slightly bloodied elves.

Hah! Prepare to die, my 'deer' elf. the man laughs at his own joke, the others giggle a bit, in a manly way of course!

They surround you.

2009-06-18, 02:03 PM
I am no mere elf. I am the keeper of the forest, and you would do well to run. Right ... now.

With that, he whistles an exceptionally eerie tune, and Alneth runs towards him, ending up at the side of Valandil, growling at the men.

This is Alneth, lord of the woodland bears. As you can see, he is not best pleased.

Valandil then positions himself defensively, waiting for the men to come closer.

If you choose to stand, I will not allow you mercy, nor will Alneth. If you choose to stand, you choose to die.

[[Ready an action to attack any of the men who enters reach.]]

2009-06-18, 02:07 PM
Is that...a bear? says one of them.

He must be one of those 'druid' types...the elder said they can command beasts to help them. says another.

I'm...errm... A third one runs off, the fourth follows him, quickly.

Cowards! ... we'll show you how it's done! says the first.

The two remaining citizens of the town rush toward you, each holding metal farming implements.

[[Roll init. please.]]

Commoner 1 : [roll0]
Commoner 2 : [roll1]

2009-06-18, 02:10 PM
[[Valandil - [roll0], Alneth - [roll1]]]

You would do well to follow your friends. Consider this your first warning. There will be two more. Each and every time you violate nature, I will be here, to exact revenge. Upon commiting your third act of cruelty towards the world, there will be harsh consequences.

2009-06-18, 02:32 PM
Is it a crime to live now? Don't we count as part of nature?

2009-06-18, 02:41 PM
You did not try to kill that poor deer for food, it was a mere sport. You were 'getting it' for a woman, not for food. And for that, you will suffer.

With that, he swings his swords around his head and into the man infront of him.


Attack 1 - [roll0]
Confirm Crit - [roll1]
Damage 1 - [roll2]

Attack 2 - [roll3]
Confirm Crit - [roll4]
Damage 2 - [roll5]


2009-06-18, 02:44 PM
The man falls to the ground, screaming and holding his arms around his chest.

The other one hits you:



With a pitchfork.

2009-06-18, 02:48 PM
The elf, taken aback by the sudden impact of the pitchfork into his torso, brings his swords round once more.

He slashes the man four times, aiming for his arms and chest, trying to cripple him.


[roll0] Attack 1
[roll1] Crit Confirm
[roll2] Damage 1

[roll3] Attack 2
[roll4] Crit Confirm
[roll5] Damage 2

[roll6] Attack 3
[roll7] Crit Confirm
[roll8] Damage 3

[roll9] Attack 4
[roll10] Crit Confirm
[roll11] Damage 4


2009-06-18, 02:50 PM
Okay. The commoner disintergrates and falls to the floor, in multiple pieces.

2009-06-18, 02:55 PM
Alneth, teach them never to violate nature again!

The bear, hearing this, begins ravaging the man currently clutching himself on the floor.


[roll0] Claw 1
[roll1] Crit
[roll2] Damage 1

[roll3] Claw 2
[roll4] Crit
[roll5] Damage 2

[roll6] Bite
[roll7] Crit
[roll8] Damage 3


2009-06-18, 02:57 PM
The man's screams are cut off as a bear lands on his face, and tears him apart.

2009-06-18, 03:00 PM
Valandil stands, triumphant, before shouting out to the village in general.

Let this be a warning to you. The animals of the forest are not here for your enjoyment! Any further violations of nature, and I will be here. Each and every time.

[[If there are no replies or actions taken by the villagers]] With that, Valandil begins walking slowly back towards the forest, Alneth staying in step.

2009-06-18, 03:02 PM
An old man strides toward you, after stumbling from the other side of the village.

Hail Travler. Why do you kill our citizens?

2009-06-18, 03:05 PM
Are you deaf? They violated nature, and I am her agent. Would these men have assaulted a child within a city, they would be charged and a sentence carried out. I simply performed that task.

2009-06-18, 03:10 PM
Naturally, but they did not assault a child. They assaulted a deer, for our benefit. We do not kill children for food, we kill deer for food. Does your pet bear not eat meat? We do a similar thing.

Now. Leave our village. We shall continue as we have, our ways work for us. You will not tell us how to act.

2009-06-18, 03:15 PM
They assaulted a baby deer, because their women were scared. At the time of the attack, there was no benefit to be gained, as the deer was already fleeing from them. My bear does eat meat, to survive, and that is acceptable. I do not punish you for the meat you're cooking, as that in a requirement. Hunting that deer however, was not.

Now, my warning remains, whether you choose to listen or not. I warn you, do not test my word.

2009-06-18, 03:18 PM
This is where you are mistaken, my ... 'deer' druid.

Where do you think we get meat from? Animals, naturally. We need a constant supply to survive. So...if an animal wanders into our camp, it saves us time hunting later.

If our population enjoys the hunting, then why is that a bad thing. It yields the same results, and improves morale.

2009-06-18, 03:19 PM
You seem to misunderstand me. This is not a debate. This is a warning. Now, heed it.

With that, Valandil begins walking away, as Alneth growls at the man and follows in step.

2009-06-18, 03:21 PM
No...it is a debate. You tried to use reason to support your actions, the MURDER of two of my village's men. Your reasoning is flawed, and so is your attempt to enforce your rules upon us.

We shall not heed your words, and if you return here, you shall die. That is all I have to say

With that, he turns back to the village, and strides off.

2009-06-18, 03:34 PM
Valandil begins strolling back to the forest, before an idea hits him. Then, breaking into a sprint, he runs for the woodlands.

Once there, he looks to the ground, picking up a small leaf.

Bears ...

And off he goes, following the trail.

2009-06-18, 03:35 PM
You locate four bears in a clearing, thee cubs, and one female bear. The tracks in the area indicate a larger, probably male, bear. The bears are black in colour.

They don't notice you.

2009-06-18, 03:40 PM
Ordering Alneth to stay where he is, Valandil takes the form of a jet black bear, still somewhat injured following his fight with the villagers.

He begins staggering over to the female bear, trying to appear more badly injured than he is.

Help ...

The bear takes a few more steps, before collapsing on the floor.

2009-06-18, 03:42 PM
The bear looks at you, then turns and runs away in terror.

In a couple of seconds time, three men burst into the clearing, holding bows.

Well well well, what have we 'ere?

They are the hunters from the other day...

2009-06-18, 03:45 PM
The familiar flash of green light dazes them temporarily, as the collapsed bear transforms once again into the elf, crouching on the floor.


Signalling secretly to Alneth, he bounds over, standing by the elf's side.

Meet Alneth, king of the bears.

2009-06-18, 03:48 PM
Bears have a monarchy now? one of them asks, confused.

You again... says the leader.

Well, I guess you're going to try more of your lightning tricks. So...before you can do that...FIRE!!!


Archer 1 : [roll0]
Archer 2 : [roll1]
Archer 3 : [roll2]

2009-06-18, 03:50 PM
Alneth is king, as he is the most ferocious bear to exist. Now, I warned you not to come back ...


Valandil - [roll0]
Alneth - [roll1]

2009-06-18, 03:57 PM
Two of the archers open fire upon you.

Take him down!

Archer 1:



Archer 2:



Roll a fortitude save for anything that damages you.

2009-06-18, 04:02 PM
[[[roll0] Fort save]]

Valandil, taking one arrow to the chest, releases a cry of rage. Then, swords drawn, he charges forwards towards the lead archer.

[[Move towards him, and attack

[roll1] - Attack 1
[roll2] - Crit
[roll3] - Damage 1

[roll4] - Attack 2
[roll5] - Crit
[roll6] - Damage 2


Alneth, seeing his master injured, charges the archer nearest to him, growling wildly as he does.


[roll7] - Claw
[roll8] - Confirm Crit
[roll9] Damage


2009-06-18, 04:03 PM
The third archer fires at you.



2009-06-18, 04:07 PM
The first archer drops his bow and tries to pull out his sword, he doesn't attack this round, due to failing.

Archer 2:



2009-06-18, 04:12 PM
[[[roll0] Fort Save]]

Alneth, seeing an opportunity to strike the man once more, claws at the archer as he fires at Valandil.

[[Attack of Opportunity

[roll1] Claw
[roll2] Crit
[roll3] Damage]]

Then, bring his blades to bear on the archer infront of him, Valandil releases a flurry of strikes against the human.

[[Full attack

[roll4] Attack 1
[roll5] Crit
[roll6] Damage 1

[roll7] Attack 2
[roll8] Crit
[roll9] Damage 2

[roll10] Attack 3
[roll11] Crit
[roll12] Damage 3

[roll13] Attack 4
[roll14] Crit
[roll15] Damage 4


Alneth, following his master's example, tears into the human infront of him.

[[Full attack

[roll16] Claw 1
[roll17] Crit
[roll18] Damage 1

[roll19] Claw 2
[roll20] Crit
[roll21] Damage 2

[roll22] Bite
[roll23] Crit
[roll24] Damage

2009-06-18, 04:21 PM
The two men that you attacked die, falling onto the ground.

The other archer looks very scared, and drops his bow onto the ground. He stands still, sobbing slightly, and staring at the bear, then the elf, then the bear again.

2009-06-18, 04:25 PM
I warned you not to come back ... This forest is guarded, and you hunters will stop coming here. Do you understand?

Ignoring the sobbing man's responce, Valandil moves towards him, until he's close enough to whisper.

Now run you idiot, before Alneth decides he's hungry.

2009-06-18, 04:26 PM
He pulls out his dagger, and stabs blindly at the air infront of him, missing you totally. Tears stream down his face. You killed my friends!! Now, I'll kill you too! he doesn't sound angry, his tears make his voice go high-pitched.

2009-06-18, 04:28 PM
That was a mistake.

With that, Valandil swings his swords artfully, and slices into the sobbing man.

[[Full attack

[roll0] - Attack 1
[roll1] - Crit
[roll2] - Damage 1

[roll3] - Attack 2
[roll4] - Crit
[roll5] - Damage 2

[roll6] - Attack 3
[roll7] - Crit
[roll8] - Damage 3

[roll9] - Attack 4
[roll10] - Crit
[roll11] - Damage 4


2009-06-18, 04:29 PM
The man slumps to the ground at your feet, blood pooling over his tunic and onto your boots.

2009-06-18, 04:36 PM
Gathering up their possessions into his new-found bag of holding, Valandil takes everything he can from them, before tossing the deer meat they've collected to Alneth.

Here, have this, I know you haven't eaten all day.

Then, he drags the lead archer out of the forest, towards the village he visited earlier, making sure to leave an easily trackable trail on his way.

Valandil leaves the man, stripped of clothes and posessions, sat up on the grass infront of the village. Then, dipping his fingers in the man's blood, he writes the following message on his chest 'This man violated nature.'

With that, he does the same with the other two men, leaving them by the sides of the first man. He then writes the same message on them, before returning to the forest to rest.

2009-06-18, 04:42 PM
The paper you looted from the men has words written onto them:

The first sheet is clearly a hunting quota for the next month, with some circles drawn around some of the figures on it. It doesn't interest you much, so you move on to the next paper.

The second sheet is an invitation to join the Dock Defence Force, including a small picture of a pirate ship being blown up by a cannon. A caption says "Your city needs YOU".

The third sheet is an advertisment, looks similar to the ones used in the mercenaries guild, apparently a man named Aortal wants some help performing small tasks around a graveyard, for a small payment. There are details of where to find him and how to apply, as well as a request to bring along as many friends as you like...

The others are blank.

2009-06-18, 04:45 PM
Reading the notes, Valandil is somewhat intruiged by the last one, and pockets it for future reference.

Then, being quite tired after the day's events, he orders Alneth to guard their area, and meditates for the night, before awaking and guarding Alneth as he sleeps.

2009-06-18, 04:48 PM
You successfully meditate.

The sky changes from dark to light again, and a new day occurs. The weather is similar to the previous day, but a little dryer.

2009-06-19, 03:57 PM
Awaking once more to the sounds of the woodland, Valandil gathers up his belongings and heads out towards the village. Sticking to the edges of the woodland, he looks out to the horizon, trying to see what's happening there.

[[Spot - [roll0]]]

2009-06-19, 03:59 PM
You see much the same scene as the previous day. Women getting up to cook.
Though, on this day, there are several men up and pacing around, staring out onto the plains for any sign of attack. Some of them holding weaponry.

The bodies of the previous day are gone, there is still a small red patch on the grass.

2009-06-19, 04:02 PM
Seeing this, Valandil orders Alneth to stay where he is, and begins his transformation into a majestic eagle. In this form, he takes to the skies, soaring high above the village.

[[Around 40ft above the village.]]

2009-06-19, 04:03 PM
You are now flying over the village. No one cares about an eagle.

You notice the same scene as described above, but from a different angle.

2009-06-19, 04:06 PM
A few squawks and wing flaps later, three seperate flashes of green light slightly dazzle the villagers below, as three fully grown black bears appear in the centre of the village, confused about the whole situation.

2009-06-19, 04:08 PM
Nerull! What is wrong with that Druid! Why does he do this to us?! screams the village elder.

All the other commoners flee in various directions, all of which are away from the bears.

Their meal is ruined :smallfrown:

2009-06-19, 04:11 PM
The eagle, flying down towards the bears, changes shape once more into the familiar elven druid.

This is no punishment, fear not. I simply prefer to have protection, should you decide to assault me once more. Now, did you find my gift?

2009-06-19, 04:15 PM
The elder, who is the only one to have stayed behind, says, after walking up to you:

Fear not?! You just made three bears appear in our village! Are you insane?!
Also - Protection? You just cut up two of our best men yesterday. I doubt you need protection from us.
Gift?! Is this what you call ruining our lives? Get out of our village! Leave!

2009-06-19, 04:18 PM
They were your best men? Wow, you people need to practise more. Now, onto the matter at hand ... I will not leave until your lesson is learned. I do not come with the intent to ruin your lives, I simply come to enlighten you about the ways of nature.

2009-06-19, 04:21 PM
The ways of nature?! What would you teach us? that it is wrong to hunt? How, then are we to get food to sustain our village!

Your ways do not help us, we will exist the way we have existed for my lifetime, and my father's lifetime, and my grandfather's lifetime prior to that!

Do not speak ill of the dead, they were amongst my friends, and some of the hardest workers in our village. There are more attributes that give value to a person than their fighting prowess, druid.

2009-06-19, 04:22 PM
No, you will change how you live. I will not stop until my task is accomplished, and I fear you will not appreciate my methods. Now, it is fine to hunt for food, but hunting for sport? No, that is why I killed your men. And I will continue to do so, until you learn.

2009-06-19, 04:28 PM
You continue to fail to understand - We did not hunt that ... deer, which was actually you - for sport. It was for food. Our supplies are running low, due to some problems with the city...they are over-hunting the area, which causes problems for us and the environment, which we respect.

2009-06-20, 01:37 PM
Oh, so now you care about the environment? Pah, I will not listen to your lies. You will learn to respect nature, and I will be your teacher. Be warned, I am always watching.

With that, the familiar flash of light dazzles the elder as an eagle soars high above the village, and flies back towards the forest. Shortly after, the three black bears vanish into thin air, leaving the village in peace once more.

2009-06-20, 01:50 PM
Flying back into the forest, Valandil shifts once more into his elven form, landing gracefully next to Alneth.

Come, we have much work to do. The forest must be awoken.

With that, he looks to the ground, in search of tracks to aid in his search for the family of black bears he found the previous day. A short while later, he was in pursuit of these bears, following their trail through the forest.

Wait here, Alneth, I must do this alone.

He crept forward, certain the tracks were to end soon.

2009-06-20, 01:51 PM
You find the same family of bears as yesterday, the mother and her three cubs, lying in a clearing.

2009-06-20, 03:30 PM
Walking closer, Valandil shifts into black bear form, trying not to frighten or anger the female bear.

Once closer, he moves to her, communicating on his way.

My name is Valandil, and I am the watcher of this forest. You must believe me when I say, you are in danger.

2009-06-20, 03:32 PM
The bears stand up, and look towards you.

2009-06-20, 03:34 PM
Those hunters that came here yesterday, they came for me. I stopped them hunting for sport the day before, and they wanted to exact revenge. I fear they will return in greater numbes.

2009-06-20, 04:01 PM
The bears nod, as if they understand your wiggling and dancin'.