View Full Version : Undead Campaign - IC Thread!

2009-06-19, 05:21 PM
The crypt of is cold, dark, and full of unlife. No draught, or any source of fresh air has passed into it for over a hundred years. As a result of this, the place seems unnaturally still, quiet, and dusty.
Your character finds themselves inside a coffin, or similar object. Hundreds of these are scattered throughout the crypt, and if you sit up and look into the darkness, they can be seen in all directions, against walls, on top of stone slabs, or lying broken on the ground.
Any memory of your coming here is faint, or has vanished, in the great amount of time spent staring into the dark.
The event that has caused you to wake after your long imprisonment was a loud noise at a far point of the crypt. Those of you with better memories will recall it to be in the direction of the enterance, or one of them, since the crypt has many doors.

So, the choice is yours, do you stay in the dark depths of the crypt, or ventre out onto the dead surface of the land?

[[All your characters begin in some sort of coffin, in various points of the crypt. The crypt consists of a large central area, which is rectangular in shape. There are also four paths leading off of the main area, which lead downwards to more rooms, or else up toward the surface. You can start at any point in the crypt you wish. Enjoy!]]

2009-06-19, 05:28 PM
Hisakin stares at the inside of the coffin lid that it is situated in, darkness is no barrier to it's magically augmented sensory organs.

I am awake...I am alive? No...still dead. But aware...did the ritual work? It...it must have. Amazing...I feel...anew.

It looks to it's left, and finds that it was buried with the ceremonial weapon of his race, a long, double-bladed halberd, known as an Etherblade.
One of Hisakin's hands curls around the grip.

But...what...shall I do...now?

Hisakin falls back into a kind of slumber, for a few minutes, as it's brain begins to cope with life again after so long.

2009-06-19, 05:36 PM
"Master!" Lia calls out, hearing the sound. Her hand flies to her side, feeling the longsword lying beside her in the sarcophagus.

"I am... aware," the sword rumbles in reply, a deep voice echoing from the dull metal, "let us investigate this... change. How long has it been?"

Lia easily lifts the stone lid, carefully sliding it to one side, before carefully climbing out and sheathing the sword on her back. "Too long. It is time for us to go." Reaching down, she works two fingers into a worn spot between the stones of the floor, pulling up a pinch of soil from the gap, and drops it into her belt pouch. "I'm ready, Master."

2009-06-19, 05:42 PM
Hisakin awakens from his sleep after exactly sixteen seconds, roused by the sound of a voice, near to it.

Others...are here? I...must...identify them.

Hisakin focuses it's odd senses and tries to sense what exactly is outside, but fails...clearly it is still too tired.

I...failed. If only...magic...the magic, yes...

It twitches it's arms feebly, and clearly fails to produce the effect it was hoping for.

Despite the lack of ability with it's arms, Hisakin's face-tentacles are much more dextrous, producing a small cube, it spends the next minute staring into it's depths, and recalling the arcane knowledge it had once wielded long ago.

[[I'm preparing spells, the ones i've written on my character sheet]]

2009-06-19, 05:47 PM
All of you hear the muffled sounds of movement throughout the crypt. Lia can see and hear better than the others, since she is awake and standing.
There appear to be shapes moving in the darkness, Lia counts about three, then four.

Keld Denar
2009-06-19, 05:47 PM

Scratches emerge from inside of another coffin as its lid slides aside.


Growing more lucid as the stasis wears off, Gryss looks down at his ragged clothes and tattered flesh. This....will not do. and with the tip of his magical hat, his skin again flushes with the colours of life and a flowing green robe clads his body.

Much much much better! And now for some lunch.

Gryss looks around, finding the others staggering out of their coffins. Well well well, look what the undertaker drug in. I don't suppose you chaps have a spot to eat with ya? A little something living and wiggly?

Keld Denar
2009-06-19, 05:49 PM
[roll0] to look human...and alive.

2009-06-19, 05:49 PM
Etoko's body lies on the floor between two coffins in the central room, his glaive standing against the wall beside him.
He does not stir, but anyone looking closely might notice the movement of his eyes beneath his eyelids, as if he were dreaming.

2009-06-19, 05:51 PM
Anyone who can see the other undead in the crypt see them as mindless undead, mostly skeletons, but with a mix of zombies.

When Gryss becomes more lifelike, several of them turn and begin to stumble towards him. Ancient bones and muscles stiff, despite whatever magic it is that supports their movement.

2009-06-19, 06:03 PM
Lia quickly takes in the moving forms, including those emerging from the crypts around her. Identifying no immediate threat, she turns to the newcomer. "You look... delicious, but you smell wrong." She then slowly turns, taking in all corners of the room.

"There seem to be nothing living here now, although these will be good as fodder." the voice emerging from the sword says. "Turn so I can see them!"

Lia turns so that the sword on her back faces away from Gryss and towards the undead, and a vile black wave of energy pours out of it.

[[Rebuking Check: [roll0]
Rebuking Damage: [roll1]

I rebuked a maximum of 17HD creatures, up to 25 total HD worth, and command any undead less than 6HD based on that. Also, this should all probably be in the OOC forum, right? :smallconfused: ]]

2009-06-19, 06:06 PM
The wave of black energy causes thirteen of the shapes to stop in their tracks, and stare at the walls, as if not knowing what to do now.
You feel a small link to each of them form, as they come under your control.

[[Sorry. That better?]]

2009-06-19, 06:12 PM
"Excellent." The sword pauses, as if gathering its thoughts. "I am... Last Rites, doombringer, and end of life. This is my... asssistant, Lia." Lia bows momentarily, then turns her back on Gryss, so that he faces the sword.

[[Send the fodder off towards the entrance to investigate the noise we heard earlier.]]

2009-06-19, 06:13 PM
The collection of skeletons and zombies shuffles off toward the enterance, moving faster this time, now that they have a new purpose.

Keld Denar
2009-06-19, 06:20 PM

Before they go, Gryss reaches out and nabs a couple minions for himself.

Rebuke Undead [roll0]
Rebuke Damage [roll1]
Score, rebuke as an 8th level cleric, controlling 4 HD undead to a grand total of 17 HD worth. I want zombies...skeletons are too hard to conceal!

2009-06-19, 06:23 PM
Gryss gains control of two skeletons.

2009-06-19, 06:24 PM
Having seen the two figures of Gryss and Lia, doing what they did, Etoko quickly pushes his glaive into a bag of holding situated around his waist, and turns into shadow.

[[I'm turning on Shadow Form]]

2009-06-19, 06:29 PM
Hisakin continues to manipulate the spell cube with it's mandibles, feeling the arcane power trickle back into it's brain.

2009-06-19, 06:29 PM
Lia looks around the rest of the crypt expectantly. "Permission to search this place, Master?"


Carefully, Lia moves from coffin to coffin, tomb to tomb, opening each and looking inside.

This was a good idea, so I'm stealin' it!

Lia is searching the central crypt area, where I assume we are. Anything moving she will leave alone (as well as anything near it). As a (former) elf, she has a chance to locate secret doors just by passing within 5' of them. Her search modifier is +10; her roll to search the place is [roll0]. Just looking for anything interesting or useful.

2009-06-19, 06:31 PM
Lia finds a great many coffins, and feels one secret door located to the north end of the rectangular area.
She also discovers a small clicking sound within one of the coffins, as if a large insect were moving about lightly.

2009-06-19, 06:46 PM
I'm trying not to dominate things here, but how do we proceed from here? It might be good if we can all get on the same page.

2009-06-19, 06:49 PM

Etoko ends his shadowform effect, and walks towards Lia.

What...is happening? Why did I wake? Why was I asleep? I don't understand!

2009-06-19, 06:53 PM
Hisakin finishes analysing it's spellcube, it's mind is now full of arcane power.

It...is time to find out what is happening. it thinks, the spellcube has allowed it to regain most of it's mental ability, it just needs a little longer to reach it's usual intelligence.

With a little waggle of it's facial appendages, magic shrouds it in a form similar to a vampiric human, two of which it senses outside the coffin.
Another waggle, and the front of the coffin disappears, turning into a small cloud of dust that joins the carpet on the floor.

[[I cast disintegrate]]

The figure steps out of the coffin, and stops.

Keld Denar
2009-06-19, 06:59 PM

Hearing the clicking noise, Gryss approaches and listens further.


PS, KatanaBlade...you stole my colour! Look above in the thread.

2009-06-19, 07:02 PM
Lia looks at the others, and then speaks over her shoulder to the sword. "There is a secret door to the north."

"We are awake," the sword replies to Etoko, "That is all that matters. I am ready to resume my mission, although I do not know how long I... slumbered. I fear the world is not as I left it. What of the rest of you? Are you ready to stride from this place without knowledge of what will face you?"

Keld Denar
2009-06-19, 07:10 PM

Well, if I don't stride from here, I won't be striding anywhere. Gryss says as he starts feeling around the secret door. Hmmm, what do we have here?

[roll0] for traps.


Gravetouched Ghouls are diet dependant per the rules in Libris Mortis. Homie needs a sandwich...and fast!

2009-06-19, 07:20 PM
"Hungry one, I believe the entrance of the crypt would be the fastest way towards sustenance," the sword remarks dryly. "Let us head that direction. As I stated before, I am Last Rites, and my companion is Lia. The rest of you are....?"

Lia begins moving towards the front of the crypt, watching and listening for any sign of disturbance.

Lia's Spot: [roll0] Listen [roll1]

Did Last Rites notice losing connection with any zombies/skeletons?

Keld Denar
2009-06-19, 07:24 PM
OOC to Jaberwok

I wasn't tryin to steal any of your deaders, was just trying to pick up a couple spares for myself. My rebuke level is so low, I don't think I could steal anything from you if I wanted since my base effective cleric level is 4.

2009-06-19, 07:28 PM
Keld: no offense taken; I consider those guys complete fodder. I was hoping that if adventurers were breaking into the crypt we could get advanced notice as they destroyed them. That would allow us to set up a nice ambush for them further in.

[[edited cause I can be a bit dense.]]

2009-06-20, 04:16 AM
You do not lose contact with any of them, they continue moving upwards toward the enterance. They'll get there in a few rounds.

As for the secret door, it consists of a wooden trap-door in the floor. When searching for traps, you notice that there is a small piece of metallic wire leading up to the side of the trapdoor facing you, which is then glued or melted into the metal bindings of the trapdoor. Pulling the trapdoor open will pull the wire, basically, it is a crude trap.

2009-06-20, 04:19 AM
The clicking noise stops when I cast the illusion spell to make myself look as a vampire.

Hisakin steps out of the coffin, and it's voice is heard inside your heads, Hail, fellow undead. Explain to me what has occured here!

It walks toward Gryss, and stops a few paces away.

2009-06-20, 04:38 AM
Sorry, Keld Denar, I'll change my font colour.

Etoko pulls his glaive from his bag of holding, the blade of which seems to move unnaturally gravefully through the air.

What is your mission...sword?

2009-06-20, 04:40 AM

Speaking telepathically again, Hisakin says:

[I]Is there anything of interest in here? I see no reason to not return to the surface immediately, and try to discover what has happened here.

2009-06-20, 04:44 AM
Your detect magic spell shows powerful necromanctic magic present within all the members of the party, and faint necromancy in the crypt walls.
You also notice a small square shaped object. in the floor, that is crawling with abjuration and evocation magic.

2009-06-20, 07:12 AM
Hisakin walks towards the magical square shaped object in the floor, and looks closer.


2009-06-20, 07:15 AM
Hisakin recieves the same description that Gryss did regarding the secret trap-door.

As for the secret door, it consists of a wooden trap-door in the floor. When searching for traps, you notice that there is a small piece of metallic wire leading up to the side of the trapdoor facing you, which is then glued or melted into the metal bindings of the trapdoor. Pulling the trapdoor open will pull the wire, basically, it is a crude trap.

Keld Denar
2009-06-20, 09:12 AM

Allow me?


As for what's goin on here, I don't think any 'o us know. I mean, I have memories o' the last thousand years or so, but the end o' its all kinda fuzzy. I dun know what I was doin before I was trapped in that box, but I'm about to go out an find me some delicious brain to snack on, maybe with a side o' liver soon as I take a looksie what's down here. Gryss then pulls up the trap door and takes a quick look inside.

2009-06-20, 09:41 AM
You successfully disable the trap, splitting the wire and ensuring that it will not cause anything to occur when you lift the door.

Beyond the door is a short shaft going down about fifteen meters, you see a small patch of ground through the shaft. There is a ladder, made of rusting metal.

2009-06-20, 09:50 AM
What is it? What has the hungry man found? Hisakin says, telepathically to Gryss.

Keld Denar
2009-06-20, 09:52 AM

Awww crap on a stick. I'm guessin that this way don't lead to a quick lunch, do ya? I'm gettin ready to fry up my own if I thought it'd make the hunger go away...

What'ya all think. Down, or up?

2009-06-20, 10:00 AM
It is unlikely that there is food down there. If food is a problem, then I can help you with that...

Now...I guess the question is what do we do now? Do we go up into the light, or explore this new area of the crypt?

2009-06-20, 10:06 AM
I'd rather not spend the whole day arguing about it. Lets just check out whatever is down here, and then head to the surface.

Etoko jumps down the hole, activating his ring of featherfalling before he hits the ground.
When he is at the bottom, he activates his ring of invisibility and looks around.

Spot Check

2009-06-20, 10:08 AM
Etoko seems a room smaller than the one above, but of a similar design. There is another large difference, there are no coffins here.
In the center of the room, there is an altar, against a wall, there is a skeleton of a human. The skeleton is dead, and holding a book against it's bones in the same pose as it died in. A pendant with the symbol of the sun hangs around it's neck.

2009-06-20, 12:18 PM
Lia stops at the entrance to the room, as everyone else gathers around the door she found. The sword lets out what almost sounds like a sigh. "Wait for the others, my dear." it grumbles. "Do you have names, all of you? Or shall I be making up nicknames to refer to you?"

Lia moves to the side of the doorway, shielding herself from been seen from outside of the room. Meanwhile, Last Rites continues watching the rest of the gang.

Hide check for Lia next to the door: [roll0]

2009-06-20, 01:12 PM
You may call me Hisakin, which is as close to my real name as you are likely to be able to pronounce. the vampire says, telepathically as usual.

I should like a few minutes to prepare my magical defences. Perhaps you would wait for me to complete them before moving on? I guess my best chance of survival is to remain with you four.

Hisakin stands a few steps away from the shaft, twirling it's etherblade expertly in it's hand for a few seconds, and then gazing at Lia, waiting for her to do something.

Keld Denar
2009-06-20, 04:13 PM

I am Gryss, servant of Doresain, hungriest of lords, and I have no freakin clue what I'm doin down here with ya bunch o' deaders. Gryss jumps into the whole, grabbing the ladder on the way down, and swings into the room. He approaches the walls and starts poking around them, feeling for cracks or seams.

[roll0] with Trapfinding.

2009-06-20, 04:14 PM
You find no traps on the walls, you conclude that they thought the easily defeated trap above was enough protection for the place.

Keld Denar
2009-06-20, 04:22 PM
And the book? Is that trapped too? Trapfinding allows for the location of magical traps. DC is 25 + spell level.

2009-06-20, 04:23 PM
The book is not trapped, it is just resting on the skeleton.

Keld Denar
2009-06-20, 04:26 PM

Well chaps, s'all looks fine. I'm not one for readin, but you can check out the book if you'd like. Might garner a bit o' information on why we're down here.

Vamp, you might want to start an OOC thread for OOC questions and discussion. They go on the OOC forum, adjacent to this one.

2009-06-20, 05:06 PM
[[I have already started an OOC thread. I put a link in the recruitment thread, next to the IC link...

2009-06-21, 01:00 AM
"Very well." The sword lifts out of the scabbard, and floats slowly towards the trapdoor. "Lia, watch for activity... especially lights."

"Of course," she says, a little annoyed.

For whatever reason, that link did not work for me. It keeps giving me an empty page. Would you please repost the link?

Keld Denar
2009-06-21, 01:04 AM

I had to go to the OOC forum page and ctr + f to the 2nd page to find it.

2009-06-21, 05:23 AM
Hmm, sorry about that. I'm not sure why that didn't work. Perhaps I copy+pasted the link incorrectly. Worked for me when I clicked it, though :smallconfused:

Keld Denar
2009-06-21, 10:19 AM

Well, if nobody's gonna take a looksie at the booksie, I guess I'll just take a peek myself. Gryss pulls the book gently from the hands of the skeleton and flips it open.

2009-06-21, 10:31 AM
The book appears to be the diary of the man who now lies dead in the room, the first page dates back to Starsday 15th, Month of Nerull, Year of 1232.

The first page details the skeleton's life when he began his training at the church to become a cleric of Pelor.

Well, I've joined the church. They say i'll be a fully qualified and educated cleric of Pelor within six or seven years. What a stroke of luck that I was able to be included in the order!
Brother Santi tells me that if I work hard, I'll have a long and glorious career performing the will of Pelor, and then, an eternity by His side.
One problem though, we have to wake up far too early for moning prayer! When the sun has barely peeked her head over the horizon!
They gave me my robes, and a holy symbol of the order...it feels heavy, but despite being made of metal, it is warm against my skin.

Brother Santi is calling me, I must go and attend to my duties, and then he has promised to teach me of the first chapter of the Book of Pelor, apparently there are truths in it's pages that far outstip anything taught to me at church when I was younger.

This concludes the first page.

Keld Denar
2009-06-21, 10:57 AM

Gryss flips ahead to the good part. If this ends up bein a worthless waste o' my time, I swear by the Ghoul King that I'll devour every last bone of that long dead sun-pansy.

2009-06-21, 11:03 AM
The last entry reads:

Firesday 21th, Month of the Travler, Year of 1265.

Well, we finally got here. The city of the necromancers, we have laid seige to their walls, overcome their defenders, and fought against the very creatures of undeath!

I have been given the task of consecrating the crypt underneath the city. There are all manner of undead creatures that we have stored down there...too many for us to defeat. Brother Slithus' spell has caused them all to fall into a deep sleep, all that remains is for me to stay here and keep the spell together until more of us can arrive to fully consecrate the city.

This isn't what I thought i'd end up doing, sitting in a dark hole in the ground, preparing a spell, when I signed up for the order of the sun-bright one, but...if this is what I must do to protect all the living, then...it is a good use of my existance.

Here, the diary ends.

2009-06-21, 11:21 AM
Last Rites floats over to the hole. "You have found a book... and anything else?"

Keld Denar
2009-06-21, 12:17 PM

Cruching sounds can be heard from below as Gryss picks up the dead man's rib cage and starts munching. Miraculous! Most of the flavor has still been locked inside! Mouth half full, he tells the others about the contents of the book. Grabbing the book and a femur for the road, Gryss climbs back out of the pit. I think it's time we be having a looksie upstairs.

2009-06-21, 12:53 PM
The sword spins thoughtfully. "So, you have been held asleep by the forces of the sun god. It HAS been a long time, if nothing but bones are left of this priest. Let us see how the world has changed, then." Last Rites begins his slow floating journey back towards Lia.

Keld Denar
2009-06-21, 02:23 PM

Well, shall we see what kinda trouble a lot o' deaders like us can get ourselves into? Might want to invest in a bit o' disguise...

Gryss casts Undetectable Alignment on himself for the next 24 hours.

2009-06-21, 03:59 PM
"Agreed! And good idea!" The sword says enthusiastically. Lia puts her hand out, and Last Rites settles into it. "So, we're finally leaving this accursed place?" she says, as the sword casts a spell on her. "I'm hungry."

Spell Info:

Last Rites is casting Still Undetectable Alignment on Lia, then on himself.

2009-06-22, 07:58 AM
There is nothing left for us in here...so let us go to the surface. says Hisakin.

Keld Denar
2009-06-22, 11:07 AM

Picking leftover marrow from his teeth with a sharpened bone splinter, Gryss walks over to the entrance where he sent his undead minions and pauses. I don't suppose any of ya deaders know much about magic? I'd be lookin for a spot o' something that can enchant up these old claws o' mine.

Looking for a Greater Magic Weapon? Anyone? Beuler?

2009-06-22, 01:42 PM
"Let us see if there is actually anything to get excited about, first," the sword rumbles.

Lia steps forward cautiously, and begins sneaking her way towards the entrance of the crypt.

Dice, if you want them.

She is moving at half speed (20ft).
Lias' Hide: [roll0]
Lia's Move Silently: [roll1]

Lia's Listen: [roll2]
Lia's Spot: [roll3]
Last Rites' Listen: [roll4]
Last Rites' Spot: [roll5]

*throw the virtual dice back into the bucket in disgust*

2009-06-22, 01:50 PM
You hear nothing but the shuffling of the undead, and the wind outside.

You see crypt walls, coffins, and undead on your way to the enterance. As well as a few broken and unanimated skeletons on the ground.

Keld Denar
2009-06-22, 02:20 PM

Gryss continues down the hall until something of relevance comes up.

Is there any point in stealth at this moment? I assume the whole party isn't as adept as some of us are in the art of not making a ****-ton of racket?

2009-06-22, 03:59 PM
Well, something made the racket we heard earlier. Hopefully the less sneaky ones will stay back until we either reach the entrance or run into something/someone.

IF we reach the entrance without problem or encounter:
IF it's nighttime:
IF we don't see anyone outside
we'll head outside to get our first good look at the world.
we'll hide inside the crypt and check them out
we'll retire back into the crypt, avoiding the sun

By the way, let me know if you prefer this format or not; I can adjust it.

2009-07-03, 05:32 PM
You meet nothing hostile on your way out, and it is night-time.

Keld Denar
2009-07-03, 06:35 PM

Looking around for something else to snack on, Gryss checks out the area around the enterance of the crypt. Interesting....

2009-07-04, 04:38 AM
The area outside the crypt is dark, gravestones line the vaguely grassy areas outside. There is evidence of some of the graves being broken open, and here and there, skeletons fight free of the clutches of the earth and walk out into the cold air.
There is a low wall running around the graveyard, made of stone, and in need of repair in a lot of places. This is probably due to age, you think.
There are paths leading out of the graveyard to the west, east and south. To the north, there are lines of gravestones stretching across the field.

Keld Denar
2009-07-04, 06:37 PM

Lets settle this the ol' fasion way! Gryss pulls out a 3-sided coin.

1 = W
2 = S
3 = E


Righto! South it is! You chaps with me?

2009-07-05, 05:36 PM
Lia shrugs. "I don't particularly care," she says. "South is fine with me," Last Rites agrees. Lia begins walking down the path to the south. "So," Lia begins awkwardly as they walk, "how'd you end up in there, Gryss?"