View Full Version : Rekindling (4e)

King Tius
2009-06-20, 02:16 AM
There is only one place to begin the telling of this tale: the mountains. Known by many tongues to many peoples, stretching across endless miles of ancient lands, they stand as timeless sentinels to the turbulent lands bellow. In these later, darker times they are most often called the Arrow Mountains, for were you to view them from the heavens, you would see that they run arrow-straight from their tapered point in the uncharted East to their flared end in the West, their fletchings forming a dense cluster of peaks that have yet to see the footprints of mortal ilk. The Arrow peaks are sharp and capped in white, a column of arrowheads that cuts the world in twain.

Among these ancient crags lie a pair of mountains, brother and sister, that reach towards the sky with all their might. So great is their upward pull that their faces are nearly cliffs, almost unscalable to all but the most sure-footed mountain beasts. These two are known as the Pillars (East and West) and stretch so far abreast that to pass around them would take weeks. Fortunately for all those not born with wings, the Pillars are thus named not only for their stature, but also because between them lies a pass. While still treacherous and fraught with all the perils of mountain travel, this gap, the Pillar Pass, is the best route across the Arrows within two fortnights in either direction.

With this being the main vein of travel through the mountains (located just amid the Arrow’s shaft), it is not surprising that a city lies on either side of it. We shall turn our attention upon the southern city, known as Echo Bend. Located along the western banks of the Horseshoe River which springs from West Pillar, Echo Bend is the first place along the river where it is safe to dock boats. This bend in the river came to be known as Echo Bend due to its proximity to the sheer faces of the Pillars, off of which all manners of sounds will bounce (even from a great distance).

As the first place to launch a boat for the southern trade route, Echo Bend also serves as the last bastion of civilization for northbound caravans braving the pass. The city’s population swells with the seasons like the river beside it. During fair weather the city is teaming as the Great Road bustles with traffic to and from Cliffshade (Echo’s northern sister). As winter approaches the population dwindles as the pass becomes inhospitable. Many a caravan is left stranded in Echo Bend in late Septembyr* and the city’s population is full of travelers who decided to wait out the winter and never bothered to leave.

It is at this time, just as the last bold caravans are departing for Pillar Pass, that our story begins. The city boasts a large contingent of hunters, trackers, and guides, all ready to assist travelers across the pass for the right coin. Most of the town is human and Dwarven. The stout mountain men run a mine in West Pillar and the sounds of their quarry often come rumbling down on the city. For whatever reason, our adventurers have found themselves (stranded) in Echo Bend with signs of a harsh winter on the air. In these darker months the city’s population is such that those with skills such as yours find it hard to go completely unnoticed. Though you have turned down several frivolous or suicidal job opportunities, you cannot help but investigate the one that has just been presented to each of you.

Written in the script of someone who clearly makes their trade with a quill, you receive a letter which briefly details your individual skill sets and requests your participation in a research expedition. No additional information is given, other than a meeting place and time. The letter is signed “ Trygal Runestone, Assistant Archivist, Hammerfist Hold** Historical Hall.” It requests you meet at the local tavern at three in the afternoon of the day you receive the letter.

Upon entering the Frozen Flagon, you find the place to be nearly deserted save for the barkeep and four patrons. The first is a rather annoyed looking Dragonborn who sits at a table with all manner of adventuring equipment splayed out on the table. He cleans his greatsword with steadied practice and pays you no attention as any of you enter. The second patron is a young Dwarven woman who sits in the corner of the establishment, surrounded by stacks of books on her table. She wears the sort of glasses that make her eyes seem impossibly large and is so engrossed in the tome she is studying that she does not seem to be aware of what goes on around her. The final two patrons are (apparently) unemployed half-elf trail guides who are doing their best to get absolutely wasted before four pm rolls around.

In this fantasy world the months are just like ours with “y”s for the “e”s.
** Please throw a Knowledge check in your first post to try and ID where/what this is.

The Party
{table=head] Character | Player | Class | Race
Bastian Scarrow (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=127589) | Qualia | Wizard | Human
Ganaul (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=25911)| MountainKing | Cleric | Human
Avus the Iron Hound (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=125724) | Fishy | Paladin | Human
Breigna | King Tius | Ranger | Half-Orc

2009-06-20, 08:30 AM

Ganaul paused outside the door, savoring the cold wind outside. Winter was no longer just approaching, it was *here*. The ground would be frozen in this place, which was good; the frozen earth made the labor difficult, which was good for the spirit. Smiling softly, the priest of the Raven Queen entered the tavern quietly, pondering the name "Hammerfist Hold"...

Well... I guess we try all three, though I have a feeling only History applies.

History: [roll0]
Arcana: [roll1]
Religion: [roll2]

As he pondered, he approached the bar, not desiring to pester any of the patrons just yet; particularly not the dragonborn. Ganaul wasn't in the mood for fighting just yet. When the bartender approached, he greeted him, as he would in his homeland, or anywhere else.

"Hail, friend. Dost thou serve hot cider?"

2009-06-21, 12:32 PM
Bastian Scarrow

Bastian opened the door wide just as a blast of freezing wind hit the Flagon. He stepped in and stamped his feet as he rubbed his hands together. He cast his eye around the room.

"The Freezing Flagon eh ... this place appears well named."

He makes his way over to the bar and smiles at his fellow patron before addressing the barkeep.

"Afternoon my good fellow, I wonder if I could trouble you for a mug of ale."

He turns his head quickly and speaks in hushed tones.

"There's nothing wrong with ale. You should try som ... Look, all I'm saying ... fine, have it your way."

He turns back to the barkeep, forcing a smile.

"Terribly sorry to bother you, could I, perhaps, change my order. I'd be most obliged if you could get me a mug of your finest .. fermented honey milk."

He pulls a face.

"I don't suppose you have any monkey nuts do you?"

He turns his head again, speaking in a hushed whisper

"They're not for me, they're for Fingers ... Yes I'm sure that's true."

He turns again to the barkeep.

"Thank you so much. I don't suppose you know a Trygal .. Trygal Runestone."

He glances towards the young Dwarven woman, wondering is she was, she.

Knowledge Check


King Tius
2009-06-22, 09:31 AM
OOG: Hammerfist Hold is an active Dwarven city located many, many miles away to the south.

The barkeep slides Ganaul a hot cider and smiles at him. "Judging by your accent, I'd say you're from way over the Pass. Get stuck trying to get back home, or are you here on business?"

To Bastian the barkeep raises an eyebrow, apparently finding the mage quite odd. He pours him a glass of honey milk and puts it down before pointing towards the Dwarf woman. "She's Ms. Runestone, and that'll be one gold."

2009-06-23, 10:20 PM
Avus the Iron Hound


Avus- Not Very Smart.

Avus enters the tavern not much later, and takes a moment to survey its occupants. He waves amiably at the barkeeper- a decent man, providing an important service- but his attention is quickly drawn to the dwarven scholar in the corner.

As quietly and unobtrusively as a man of his stature and armor can manage, Avus steps over to stand by the Archivist's table, waiting patiently for her to look up from her book.

This usually takes some time. He doesn't mind.

2009-06-24, 05:56 AM
Bastian Scarrow

Bastian smiles at the barkeep

"No nuts? Fingers will be sad. Nevermind."

He starts rummaging through his pounches with both hands when a coin is flicked onto the counter. A careful eye might spot a third hand disappear under his cloak.

He picks up the honey milk and raises it to his lips, pausing as the smell reaches his nose, causing it to wrinkle. He lowers the glass and turns to the dwarven scholar, catching sight of the tall armoured man standing patiently beside her. He turns his head quizzically

"Was he here before? Now what does that mean? Nevermind, I'm sorry I brought it up."

He makes his way over towards her, flashing the bodyguard a smile as he picks up a stool and places it by the table. He slides into the seat and raises the glass in salute to her,

"Your very good health."

He brings the glass to his lips and takes a small sip before his face screws up at the taste and he quickly puts the glass down on the table.

"Is it Ms Runestone, or do you prefer Trygal? You signed the letter Trygal, so I assume thats how you like to be known, but perhaps you were just being formal. The barman may know you better, but then maybe he was just being polite..."

Bastian turns his head to the empty space

"What?! Well why didn't you say something earlier?"

He turns back to Ms Runestone, an apologetic smile on his face as he half stands.

"Terribly sorry, can't believe I forgot to introduce myself. Bastian Scarow, at your service."

2009-06-24, 10:07 AM

"Ah, indeed, friend, I come from just such a place," Ganaul smiled a little, taking the mug and placing a single gold piece on the countertop, "I am come forthwith to answer a summons, by the same as yon gentleman, it seems." The priest took a sip of his drink, his eyes brightening a little, "Alas, thou hast the best cider I have partaken in since the Octobyr last! I should miss it dearly, if mine travels wouldst taketh me away," Ganaul drew out his moneypurse, setting his mug down a moment.

"Before I go, friend, pray, hast thou perchance a small cask thou canst part with? I should like to purchase one for the road ahead."

King Tius
2009-06-28, 09:32 AM
Additional Hammerfist Hold Info: It is the "newest" of the Dwarven cities, though it is still hundreds of years old. You don't remember why, but it was originally a refugee camp for a Dwarven clan that was displaced from their home (hint, hint) somewhere up north. Their chief exports include diamonds, metals, weapons, armor, jewelry, beer, and of course kittens.

The barkeep smiles at Ganaul's question. "I'll have to head downstairs and check the cellar. Give me a few minutes to see if I have one to spare."

As the three of you make your way over towards Trygal, she finally realizes your presence and starts waving you over hurriedly.

"Please! Please call me Trygal! Go grab drinks, all of you, and have yourselves a seat. We're still waiting on our tracker and I don't want to have to repeat myself."

She dives back into her book, flipping the pages and scouring the text with renewed fervor. After several more minutes the door to the tavern opens again, this time admitting what appears to be a human woman dressed in leathers against the cold. A hood obscures most of her face and she makes her way quietly to the bar where she waits for the barkeep to return.

2009-06-29, 05:07 AM
"Thank you, learned friend," Avus rumbles as he gives the dwarf a slow respectful nod, then goes to the bar, dismissed. "And another mug of the famous cider if you could, my good man," he calls out for the barkeep, smiling broadly.

2009-06-29, 09:31 AM

The priest seated himself, his mug of cider still steaming a little; priest of the goddess of death and winter he might be, but drinking his cider hot was far from something Ganaul disliked. He sipped his drink, the fingers on his left hand slowly running through his onyx prayer beads. They were tied about his hand and wrist in such a way that, when one knew what they were doing, if they pulled the beads one way and pray through each bead without ever pulling them tight; instead, the entire string would rustle softly as it moved around his hand. Ganaul remained quiet for now, sipping his drink and silently praying, while he waited for this "tracker"... Trygal didn't want to repeat herself, so Ganaul would ask no questions.

King Tius
2009-06-30, 10:11 PM
The woman who entered the tavern finishes her conversation with the barkeep and makes her way over to Trygal. Pulling her hood down, you can see that she has very angular features and is oddly beautiful in a wild type of way. She has the faintest hint of two larger front teeth pointing out from her bottom lip, betraying her half-orc heritage.

Trygal waves everyone back to the table and smiles broadly. "How about we make some introductions? I'm Trygal Runestone, Assistant Archivist of Hammerfist Hold waaaay down to the South."

The half-orc girl nods to the group and introduces herself. "Breigna. Local tracker and scout."

2009-07-01, 06:09 AM

Bastian looks on smiling before being nudged by some invisible force.

"What? But I already .. oh"

He turned to Breigna, beamed with a cheesy grin, and, after another nudge, clambered quickly to his feet. He pushes his long black hair out of his face, revealing a strange tattoo over his left left eye

"Pleased to meet you Breigna, my name is Bastian Scarrow, wizard extraodinaire."

He attempts to sit down but jumps back up with a yelp. An animated hand crawls up over his shoulder and performs a small wave.

"That is fingers, and the person to my right you can't see is called Zhjaeve."

He sits back down as Fingers disappears into the folds of his cloak. He turns to his right and begins whispering.

"Well it's true, they can't see you ... You're invisible ... You're the one who said I shouldn't be rude ... Well it's too late now, I've done it."

2009-07-01, 08:36 AM

The priest's fingers slowed, the rustling and clinking of his prayer beads slowing accordingly as Ganaul stared at the animated hand, then glanced to the empty space that this... "Bastion Scarrow" referred to. Discretely, the priest took his holy symbol into his palm, closing his hand into a fist around it. If this man consorted with the undead, he would naturally have to be brought to justice... but they could discuss this later, at a time when they weren't taking up the archivist's time.

"Thou may call me Ganaul, milady," he nodded politely to Breigna, "And madame." Another nod, directed to Trygal.

2009-07-01, 11:11 AM

Avus helps himself to a sip of his cider as the others make their introductions, warming his hands with the mug. "I am called Avus, of the Iron Hounds. If you would have me, it would be an honor and pleasure to assist you, learned friend."

To Bastian and his 'friends', he spares a nod and a slight smile. The wizard is clearly a man of learning himself, just... one of the 'special' ones. Wouldn't be the first.

King Tius
2009-07-04, 08:28 PM
Trygal smiles and nods all around. "Excellent, excellent! Let's get down to business then, shall we?" She grabs a tome and drags it into the middle of the table, opening it at one of its myriad bookmarks. The picture is of two massive stone doors that stand open in a mountainside. By the size of the town sitting outside of them, it is clear that they are supposed to be at least a hundred feet high.

"There was once a great Dwarven city cut deep into the Arrows. The small town that sat on top of it was nothing in comparison to the vast inverted tower of a city below it. Massive caverns containing small forests and untold wonders were hewn from the earth by my greatest of ancestors. The city thrived for years untold as its tunnels crept outward like tree roots. Then, my ancestors dug too deep, uncovering holes into the dark places of the world that nobody should tread. A horde of demons was unleashed upon the city, attacking from below like some beast in the oceans. With all of its defenses near the surface, the city fell before anyone above ground knew what happened. This city was known for its magics, and fortunately those near the surface were able to seal the great doors, keeping the demons trapped under stone and rune. For over a thousand years the location of this city has been lost to us Runestones, but I've found it! I've found it here, in my books! I've tried to convince my kin to help me retake the city, but they've no interest in it. However, a few have agreed that if I can prove the city exists and can establish a camp nearby, they will send me aid to retake what was ours! I've hired you to help me do just that." She pauses in her story, now panting from excitement. "Any questions? Surely you must have some."

2009-07-04, 09:33 PM

The priest considered his words quietly for a moment, before speaking.

"Pray, what makest thou so certain the demons are there no longer? Wouldst thou have us fight the armies of damnation?"

2009-07-05, 09:07 AM

"Certainty comes from action, friend," Avus gently suggests to the priest. "If the runes have fallen and demons own the Arrows, we'll catch sight of them long before we reach their stronghold. If we find ruins and no demons, we tread lightly, acquire our proof, and leave, and if we find nothing, then that is a kind of knowledge as well."

"It would be an honor to assist you, for as long as you would require of me, learned friend. From what you have described, this would be the discovery of a hundred lifetimes. I would very much like to hear how you came by this find- though perhaps another time."

King Tius
2009-07-06, 11:39 PM
"Aye, he has the rub of it. If the Demons have overrun the city, we'll know from afar. Besides, my plan isn't to set up camp in the city square. There are a series of outposts that form a sort-of ring around the city at a wide perimeter. There is one in particular that has a vantage point on the city that would serve as a great base of operations. I want to take that outpost back from whatever demons or mountain monsters have inhabited it and set up there."

"As for how I found all this, in my duties shelving books and dusting racks I found a secret room hidden behind an old shelf. When I went inside I found all this literature on Hammercliff Hall. You'd think that a discovery like this would have gotten me promoted to Archivist, or even a researcher position! Instead, they kicked me out and tried to hush me up! So, I stole the books and a few other manuscripts and made my way up here. If we can prove my theories about this city right, we'll be rich beyond our wildest dreams and I'll be able to buy that stupid library myself!"

You begin to realize that "Assistant Archivist" is fancy for "Assistant Librarian" or even "Shelf Wench"

2009-07-07, 02:39 AM


The large man falls silent for a while, thinking of the most diplomatic way to word this.

"Have you given any thought to... how you might fund this expedition in the unlikely event that the city is not where the manuscripts say it is?"

2009-07-07, 02:13 PM

When Trygal informed everyone that, not only were the records she had not intended to be public knowledge, but she had also *stolen* them, he frowned with disapproval. This mission was beginning to look more and more like a bad idea... Glancing at the others who had gathered, Ganaul began to realize that, they might not see things the way he was... and it may not be the time yet for their threads to be cut. He would have to ask the Raven Queen for guidance, but... he would go with them.

2009-07-10, 04:17 AM

A smile starts to spread across the wizard's face as the plan starts to fall into place.

"Did your studies uncover what manner of demon overtook the city? I have some experience .."

he stops mid-stream as his eyes roll up into his skull and sibilant whispering issues forth from his lips. This continues for almost a minute before ending as abruptly as it began.

"So when do we leave?"

King Tius
2009-07-12, 02:04 PM
I haven't figured out what types of demons are there. Odds are they are still trapped inside the undercity, else they would have swarmed out over the land by now. As for funding, many of the books I took were of great value. I sold most of them to other trusted libraries and academic institutions down south. I don't have a dragon's horde, but it should be enough for our supplies and to reward you for your efforts. We'll leave in two day's time should you agree. Breigna here is preparing the gear for our expedition."

The half-orc woman nods seriously. "I've spent my life mountaineering the Arrows. It'll be a dangerous trip, especially this close to winter, but that might serve to our advantage. The creatures of the mountains burrow deep in the winter. Were it the summer we might be facing much greater problems with the migrations and local barbaric tribes."

Trygal turns back to the rest of you, palms up. "So, are you in? Anything we find along the expedition that isn't a sacred relic of my ancestors is part of your payment. What say you?"

2009-07-12, 02:59 PM

"The Raven Queen will preserve our company," Ganaul intoned quietly, "You hath mine protection, for as long as the Raven Queen dictates." The priest glanced at the wizard; if he really was consorting with the undead, he may show some sign upon hearing the winter goddess' name.

2009-07-13, 06:18 AM

The mage turns his heasd to the side, nodding his head as he listens to the voices in the ether. He then confers with the animated hand before looking up with a smile.

"We're in!"

2009-07-13, 12:01 PM

Avus gives the other holy man a respectful nod, raising his glass. "It would be an honor to travel with you all. To new horizons, then."

King Tius
2009-07-15, 10:00 AM
"Splendid! We'll meet at dawn by the North Gate."

OOG: Anything you want to do or still ask, go ahead. Next post, adventure!

King Tius
2009-07-18, 03:02 PM
OK. Showtime!

You meet Trygal and Breigna at the north gate at the appointed time. The young dwarf rides on a stout donkey and there are two other pack mules fully laden with supplies. You four will be traveling on foot it seems. You set out and head north for a day's time before cutting East, across the river. Breigna informs you that your destination is near a mountain that is about two weeks travel along the Arrows. You will stay as far away from the mountains as you travel to avoid difficult terrain. The first three days pass by without incident. On the third day you are following a small trail that skirts the edge of a small cliff. The cliff drops about 60 feet into a moderate river (a tributary to the larger one you just crossed) and a very steep, boulder-filled slope leads upwards on the other side of the path, giving you only about 15 feet of flat ground to travel on. Breigna suddenly calls for a stop and drops to a crouch, her hand sweeps the ground lightly. Looking to what she is studying, you see a faint footprint in the light gravel. Breigna lets out a slight growl and mutters "Orcs. Be on the lookout, this is the perfect place for an ambush."

2009-07-18, 10:17 PM

The priest, who had spent his time in silent reflection thus far, dropped his hand to his sword, his prayer beads rustling softly against his other hand. Though he was not a trained tracker, he had decent senses. Now that he was on the alert, however, he just might be able to pick up more detail than before.

"The Raven Queen watches over our company," he murmured, "How close dost thou think they be?"

2009-07-21, 05:24 AM

"Either that, or a good tracker," Avus notes. "Well spotted." Keeping a little distance from Breigna so as not to disturb the tracks, by clomping around in armor, he nevertheless tries to see what he can make of them. [roll0]
Any idea how many orcs? Or how recently they came by?

King Tius
2010-01-28, 10:14 PM
RUMBLE RUMBLE RUMBLE RUMBLE. Hear that motor starting up again?

Avus sees that it is just a lone orc footprint, though it looks rather fresh. Breigna stands and looks back behind you, seemingly off into the distance. She glances at the group and says "I think it is time you meet Beorn." With that, she puts her fingers to her mouth and give a loud whistle. At first it seems that this Beorn is not coming, but very soon a rumbling sound is heard and a brown bear comes barreling up the trail behind you. It runs till it is nearly on top of you before rearing back on its hind legs and letting out a ferocious roar. Breigna walks over and scratches the bear behind the ear before turning back to you. "Beorn is like my brother; you have nothing to fear from him." With a feral growl she draws her blades and begins to slink forward, Beorn next to her.


You guys know the drill. Light Green is flat ground. Brown-Green is difficult terrain. Gray is cliff face. Black are boulders. Yellow are pack mules. Blue is river (duh).

Everyone make Perception checks and roll Initiative (Fishy, you can reroll or keep that, up to you).

2010-01-29, 06:14 AM

"I don't agree ... bears are never safe .. I will not go and scratch it's ..."

The wizard continued his conversation with his invisible friend, keeping a safe distance from the bear. His hands were continually moving a small orb that radiated a gentle warmth.

Perception [roll0]

Initiative [roll1]

2010-01-29, 07:32 AM

Ganaul keeps his hand resting on his sword, the prayer beads rustling slowly around his left hand.

"Midnight Lady, I beseech thy boon protection, in the very heart of thine domain. Pray, watch over us," he whispered.

Perception: [roll0]
Initiative: [roll1]

2010-01-29, 10:12 AM

Avus reaches for the axe neatly tucked into a sheathe on his belt. He clutches it in both hands- and in a motion that hurts the eye to look at directly, pulls two copies of the enchanted weapon in separate directions.

"Be that as it may, learned friend, I would rather fight with him by our side than..." Avus' voice trails off as he realises that Bastian's comments weren't directed at him. Or at anyone who is visible. Or confirmed to exist.

"Right, then."


King Tius
2010-01-30, 12:30 AM
Bastian and Avus spot some orcs hiding up behind the rocks (in and around E4). You can't tell how many but you definitely spot at least two hiding there. You get to go as part of a surprise round. You each get one action, be it move, minor, or standard. Mythweavers is down, so I can't access sheets, but that should be fixed by the time I update for combat.

2010-02-02, 04:42 AM

"Orcs? Why are you bringing up orcs?"

He stops walking and turns to face his mentor.

"Perhaps they are friend's of our guide. I heard that orcs liked bea.."

Bastian eyes roll as he receives a lecture

"Well if you're such an expert, why don't you go over there and find out."

Call Spirit Companion to I1 (Zhjaeve vetoed F5)

With wrinkled yellow skin and small black eyes, Zhjaeve appears wearing a wide brimmed hat and robe. He leans on a small staff, crooked with age.

King Tius
2010-02-05, 01:51 PM
Avus draws his axe while Bastian summons his Sprit Guide up near the rocks. With the element of surprise blown, the orcs spring into action. Zhjaeve sees the large group of orcs that were lying in wait. 8 minion-type orcs take off across the top of the hill, moving into position behind the boulders (D#s). 4 other orcs come sprinting down the hill at you. 2 of them are big and burly, carrying greataxes. The other two are currently running with handaxes, which they hurl at you as they move.

Handaxe at Avus: Attack vs. AC [roll0], Damage [roll1]
Handaxe at Beorn: Attack vs. AC [roll2], Damage [roll3]

OOG1: Everyone keep track of your own HPs and post them in your combat posts. I will be rolling on the board for all the attacks. I will account for things like cover and such in the enemies’ rolls. It is up to you to keep track of bonuses to your AC from spells and effects.

OOG2: Combat actions will be resolved in the order they are posted. As always, I will adjust your posts if needed should your target die.

OOG3: I have to point out that the Ds are minions!



2010-02-08, 09:00 AM
AC 16 (18 vs 1st attack) HP 18

As the ambush springs to life, Bastian reacts by spinning his orb to unleash a pair of icy rays at the charging greataxe wielding orcs. Two bolts of brilliant blue-white energy explode out of the orb and uneeringly race towards them.

Bastian then takes a step back to J20 and looks around for other threats.

Intelligence vs Reflex
Bolt 1 [roll0]
Bolt 2 [roll1]

Damage rolls
Bolt 1 [roll2]
Bolt 2 [roll3]

+ if hit, both are immobilised until the end of my next turn

Zhjaeve hobbles over to I3, then leans against the boulder to watch the battle.

2010-02-08, 11:32 AM
Avus HP: 40 AC: 21 Fort: 17 Ref: 16 Will: 15

Avus uses the flat of his axes to ward the blow away from his face, and then charges into the fray, swinging at both orcs with a savage sweep of his blades. "Get back, you rats!"

Move: to M15, going through Beorn rather than the difficult terrain.
Standard: Arcing Smite!
[roll0] On hit: [roll1]
[roll2] On hit: [roll3]
Minor: Divine Challenge to mark one of the orcs, if I miss.

2010-02-11, 11:19 PM
I couldn't post because I didn't have my 4E books; now I do!


"Foul creatures... thou hast breathed thine last," Ganaul murmured, gripping his holy symbol firmly and murmuring a soft-spoken prayer. His words fell upon the chill air as lightly as new fallen snow as his sword hissed in time with the rustling of his prayer beads. Gripping the weapon tightly in one hand, the priest willed the chill air to sink deeper into the enemy's flesh.

Ganaul will draw his sword and cast Lance of Faith on the orc attacking Avus. Wisdom vs. Reflex, and hopefully the King would be so kind as to re-flavor the energy used by my spells to be more fitting for a cleric of the Raven Queen. :smallsmile:

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

...I think I did that right.

King Tius
2010-02-14, 12:38 AM
The wizard unleashes a pair of icy rays, striking both of the rushing berserkers and immobilizing them (Squares turned blue as an indicator). He then takes a step back as his sprit companion moves as well.

OOG: 13 matches his reflex, nice roll!

Rushing forward, Avus manages to score a hit on both of the orcs, just like Bastian. The two are now marked!

OOG: 15 matches his AC, you guys are squeaking these rolls in!

The cleric, too, manages to lance B1 with his chilly, divine light. He may grant a +2 to whoever’s next attack he chooses. The Berserker is now bloodied!

OOG: The re-flavor is just fine, though the energy type should still be radiant, is that ok?

Beorn rumbles up the hill to get above B2, Breigna rushes forward to get into range (Avus gets flanking bonuses from Beorn). Breigna draws her longswords and uses them to distract B2 as Beorn takes a swipe at him. The bear delivers a nasty gash, bloodying the second berserker!

The two berserkers take their first swings at Avus:
Attack1: [roll0] vs. AC
Attack2: [roll1] vs. AC
Damage1: [roll2]
Damage2: [roll3]
(If their attacks hit, they regain HP)
EDIT: OH MAN, they do an extra d12 on crit, so we're going to add 12 to both of these rolls, leading to a total of 53 damage!

The two raiders redirect their courses slightly, running towards Bastian. They both hurl their axes at him as they run.

Attack1: [roll4] vs. AC
Attack2: [roll5] vs. AC
Damage1: [roll6]
Damage2: [roll7]

Most of the drudges stay behind their boulders. D3 and D4 readjust and start to push the giant boulder in front of them, getting it to the lip of the slope.

The scared Dwarf continues to cower on top of her donkey.



2010-02-14, 01:08 AM

Ganaul murmured the last words of the prayer, beseeching the Lady to guide the wizard's hand... but his eyes went wide at the horrifying sound of orc axes crashing into Avus' body. Dropping his sword, the sturdy Northman attempted to catch the falling man's body; sturdy Ganaul may be, but Avus, armored and powerfully built as he was, was heavy. Sinking to his knees, a litany of healing was already rushing from Ganaul's lips, his arms hooked under Avus'.

"Holy Lady, Queen of the frozen lands, guide and guardian of body and spirit, I beseech thee, giveth this man your blessing. I beseech thee, sovereign benevolent, watcher o'er life and death, breath thine life into the fallen..."

Ganaul was well aware that, with his head behind Avus' shoulders, he couldn't see what was about to unfold, but that didn't matter to the Northern priest. This was not Avus' day to pass on; not if the Raven Queen did not will it be so.

ohshi-... Healing Word, granting Avus the ability to spend one healing surge and gain an additional [roll0] hit points as my Minor Action, then using Cure Light Wounds as my Standard Action, healing Avus for an amount equal to a healing surge plus an additional 4.

If I can take more than one minor action per round (I don't think I can), I'll also burn my Daily use from my Symbol of Life to boost the healing from Cure Light Wounds by a further [roll1]. DISREGARD THIS ROLL IF I ONLY GET ONE MINOR ACTION. Otherwise, more healz for Avus.

King Tius
2010-02-14, 01:17 AM
FYI, Healing Word is Close Burst 5, so you can give him teh healzorz from up to 5 squares away. Just thought I'd point it out in case you want to stay back from the berserkers.

2010-02-15, 04:14 PM
Bastian Scarrow
AC 16 HP 9 (Bloodied)

The wizard is doubled over by an axe to the stomach, but that misfortune saves him from being hit between the eyes by the second axe. He lets out a low moan as he tries to right himself. He stands aloft, swaying slightly, but he does not fall. He stares at the axe thrower, and begins to mouth a curse in Deep Speech.

As he chants, a phantasmal skull begins to form in front of him, glowing with a baleful green fire. The fire burns hotter until it explodes with a scream towards R1, hitting him in the face and knocking him sideways one square (I12).

Phantasmal Bolt
Attack [roll0] vs Will
Damage [roll1]

Fingers crawls out of hia shirt, and pulls the axe out of his stomach as his eyes roll up into his head. His hand shoots out fingers rigid like a claw and shakes slightly before closing abruptly into a fist, calling forth a vertical column of emerald green flame that consumes both axemen.

Spend an Action Point and lay the smack down on both their candy asses with a Scorching Burst that should catch them both, even if the Bolt misses.

Attack on R1 [roll2]
Damage to R1 [roll3]

Attack on R2 [roll4]
Damage on R2 [roll5]

As the magical energy whips around him, his cloak whistles around him, rippling from an arcane wind that leaves everything else unmoved.

Spend a minor action to activate my cloak of resistance

2010-02-23, 11:04 AM
Avus HP: 35 AC: 21 Fort: 17 Ref: 16 Will: 15

Avus' whirling axes are crudely interrupted by a pair of axes to his chest, sending him staggering backwards into Ganaul's arms. His body fails. His mind shuts down. His will does not.

"Is that all you have?!" roars the Iron Hound, leaping to his feet with divine power coursing through his body and blades.

This is a terrible, terrible idea, but NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO KILL AVUS.

Move Action: Stand up from prone.
Standard action: Piercing Smite R2: [roll0] [roll1] and both orcs adjacent to him are Marked.
Minor Action: Divine Challenge R2.
Free action: Action Point!
Standard Action: Throw a handaxe as a Ranged Basic attack against R2, to keep him Divinely Challenged. [roll2] [roll3]
This provokes an AoO from both berserkers. Of course.
Free Action: If one or both hits, blow the Daily Power of his Dwarven Armor and spend another Healing Surge. If not, thank Erathis.

King Tius
2010-02-25, 07:19 PM
The Northern priest rushes to the fallen paladin and imbues him with both his Healing Word and his Cure Light Wounds (you can have more than one Minor, but only if you give up a move or standard). The massive amounts of healing magic brings the Paladin back to consciousness and his eyes snap open, ready to get back in the fight. Fortunately, due to his positioning and the fact that the orcs are immobilized by the ice, they are unable to get their opportunity attacks in.

Bastian’s phantasmal bolt causes the first orc raider to stumble sidewise. Unfortunately the scorching burst that follows fails to hit him, though it does catch his ally. The wizard also activates his cloak, granting him some resistance. The berserkers are no longer immobilized.

OOG: Unfortunately Piercing Smite is a melee attack, so instead of R2, I’m going to have you hit B2, let me know if I’m somehow misreading this.

The rejuvenated Paladin gets to his feat and hacks at B2, marking both of the berserkers next to him. With a ray of shining light from his handaxe, Avus marks R2 and follows it up with an attack from the same axe. The attack crits, though it draws Attacks of Opportunity from the two Berserkers.

Opportunity Attack1: [roll0] vs AC, damage: [roll1]
Opportunity Attack2: [roll2] vs AC, damage: [roll3]
OOG: OMG another crit? What is it with you? That makes it 20 damage instead.

The ranger and her bear companion execute a Synchronized Strike, both striking at B2 and landing hits. The combined attack brings the berserker down.

The remaining berserker lets loose on Avus again.
Attack on Avus: [roll4] vs AC, damage: [roll5]

R1 and R2 turn and move laterally across the hill, throwing axes at Bastian again.

Attack1: [roll6] vs AC, damage: [roll7]
Attack2: [roll8] vs AC, damage: [roll9]

The Drudges push one of the boulders off the hill. It begins to roll down the hill, headed straight for Bastian!

Trygal screams and tries to get the mules to move at the sight of the boulder.

The Map


2010-02-26, 07:05 AM
Bastian Scarrow
AC 16 HP 6 (Bloodied)

Thankful that his cloak allowed him to escape the worst of the latest axeblow, the wizard has his face turned by his familiar, to alert him to the danger from the rolling boulder. He spins to dodge clear of the boulder, and hopefully use it as some form of cover to protect him from the axemen.


The wizard calls out for help from his mentor and takes a quick look into his orb to try and take stock of the situation.

He notices his mentor stop leaning on the boulder.

"I wasn't shouting a warning ... I could use some help here"

Complaining quietly to Fingers "Well if I have to do everything myself.." the wizard calls down more emerald fire on the axemen, hoping they run out of axes before he runs out of magic.

Attack on R1 [roll0]
Damage to R1 [roll1]

Attack on R2 [roll2]
Damage on R2 [roll3]

2010-02-26, 09:10 AM

The northern priest whispered his thanks to the Raven Queen as Avus stood and bellowed his challenge. Picking up his sword, he fell back toward the wizard, murmuring,

"Thine grace beist endless like unto the sea, Queen of Ravens, mistress of winter, thine wisdom separates the wheat apart from the chaff. Though this man be questionable, lendst me thine life-giving once more, for his sake."

I don't think I can make it back to Bastion in one round, so standing up from half-prone, grabbing my sword, and moving back toward Bastion.

2010-02-27, 05:29 AM
Avus HP: 16 AC: 21 Fort: 17 Ref: 16 Will: 15 Surges: 9/11

After the sudden burst of exertion, Avus pauses for a moment, and catches sight of the boulder crashing its way down the hillside. "Lady Runestone!" he calls out in alarm- and hacks his way through the remaining orcs almost as an afterthought.

Keep in mind that since R2 was Divinely Challenged, he takes 5 damage and a -2 attack penalty when he attacks Bastian.

Avus delays his turn until after Breigna and her bear have done their thing and hopefully taken down B1.

If B2 is dead after Breigna's turn, Avus will throw another Ranged Basic at R2 to keep up the Divine Challenge: [roll0] On hit: [roll1]

If B1 is still standing, Avus will Holy Strike him: [roll2], On hit: [roll3] This means that R2's Challenge expires, and Avus can't use it next turn.

Either way, Avus will also use Lay On Hands on himself to spend a Healing Surge as a minor action. (I checked, and it targets 'creature' and not 'ally')