View Full Version : [BleachITP] Episode 5: The Desert Judge

2009-06-20, 10:50 AM
I am totally winging this. Please bear with me, and if I do anything wrong please let me know so I can fix it. Thank you in advance!

This thread is to chronicle the return to Soul Society of my character, Kambei Shimada, The Gentle Judge. He has been away on a mission for a huge length of time. He is a former captain.

"It's been a long time, Soul Society." Kambei mused slightly. His two Zanpakutou, Mercy and Justice, were sheathed at his waist. Mercy stood behind his left shoulder in her spirit form, a beautiful young woman in a long, flowing white dress. Justice stood behind his right, wearing his normal shinigami captain's robes, his face disapproving.

"Why are we back here?" He asked calmly.

"Because I finished my mission, and something is telling me to come back here." Kambei replied quietly. "That is all you need to know."

Mercy smiled behind him, and carefully covered that smile with a hand. No need for the uptight Justice to see her laugh at him.

Kambei eyed them both carefully. They were the same Zanpakutou, really, but two different aspects of it. He shrugged slightly, and decided he would say nothing. No point.

The former captain sighed as he continued to walk. No need to hurry. No one was going to die while he was gone, or anything like that. No hurry. He'd been hunting hollows for years. No need to hurry anymore.

"Can we hurry up?" Justice asked plaintively.

"No." Kambei smiled at him. "We can't. You can. If you somehow get off my hip."

Mercy laughed, then quickly quieted herself. Even Justice was forced to smile.

Kambei popped his neck, letting the bones in his neck crack slightly. He flexed his hands, and adjusted his small, silver glasses. He did speed up a little, though.

Kambei's powerful eyes narrowed slightly as he felt a strange chill go through the air, then fade abruptly. He was still a ways away from Soul Society, but still felt the pulse of the reiatsu behind that cold.

"Huh." He muttered. "Huh."

Justice groaned. He, had he been able to control Kambei, would immediately have shunpoed straight to Soul Society.

Kambei was not about to do anything except continue to walk.

After a period of time, he arrived at Soul Society. He let his concentration slip, so relieved was he to see his old home.

And of course, his reiatsu slipped out, thanks to that lack of concentration.

Justice and Mercy tried not to scream at him. Justice in particular.

"Oops." Kambei told them with a smile. He grinned at stepped in.

"Home!" He grinned at the world, arms extended, eyes closed. Then he opened his eyes, and was immediately besieged by a small, annoying shinigami with a tight bun of hair and a tight face.

"Sirsirsirsirsirsirsir!" She cried.

"Whatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhat?" Kambei asked her. Mercy and Justice flashed away behind him.

"Soul Society is..." She began, then stuttered and her eyes welled up in tears.

Kambei sank down to his knees, suddenly exactly at eye level. He put a massive hand on her shoulder. "What is it, little one?"

"Soul Society is AT WAR." She burst out.

Kambei went absolutely pale. "At war, you say?"

"Yes." The little research assistant bobbed her head. "At war."

Kambei stood up, and tapped her on the head. "Thank you. Excuse me now."

He shunpoed away.

Straight to 12th Division headquarters.

Kambei Shimada burst into the Headquarters, midnight blue reiatsu positively dripping off of him.

"Someone give me a good explanation of what's going on here!" He snarled. "Now."

Kambei Shimada, the laid-back Former-Captain was gone. In his place stood Kambei Shimada, The Desert Judge.

2009-06-20, 11:34 AM
"Former Captain!" A shinigami in a standard research uniform came forward, pointing down a hallway toward the observation labs while gesturing for the Desert Judge to follow. "The latest attack is all but repelled, the Captain-Commander is taking care of the last one. You'll be formally debriefed in good time but- Oh, you won't believe our luck! We have a prisoner! Tactical data, research data, it's really rather exciting!"

OOC: Feel free to control the 12th squad NPC leading your guy to Mia's cell, explaining the precautions taken, such as garganta inhibition fields (which need to surround the subject area, and are thus impractical for a combat environment,) artificial Danku barriers to block ceros and balas, Mia's zanpaktou being stored in a seperate location, etc.

2009-06-20, 12:45 PM
Kambei eyed him calmly and carefully, sizing him up. "Exciting is one word." He finally said.

"I want the best security here. I want that enemy held down and that zanpakutou taken away. Keep it in a safe place or give it to me." Kambei told him. Mercy and Justice materialized behind him, and the shinigami's eyes bugged out.

Mercy frowned. "Must you take all these harsh precautions?"

"He is doing the right thing." Justice approved. "If nothing else, it keeps everyone safer."

Kambei smiled. "All right, Shinigami. Take me to the captive."

The shinigami escorted him through the multiple rooms of the 12th Division Headquarters, finally arriving where the captive was held. He jabbered all the way through.

"She's surrounded by Danku fields, sir." He babbled. "To stop ceros and balas. There are also garganta inhibition fields everywhere, which will inhibit combat in the area. She's a powerful one sir, an arrancar."

"Great." Kambei murmured. "Positively delightful."

The captive was surrounded by Danku barriers on all sides, blocking all cero and balas, and two shinigami stood to one side, holding her zanpakutou. Kambei approached them and held out his hand. He said nothing.

He didn't need to.

The captive's zanpakutou in hand, Mercy, Justice and him walked up to the edge of the barriers to stare at the captive. He tapped the barrier lightly with a knuckle, and the captive awoke.

"How are you today?" Kambei asked politely. He hefted her zanpakutou. "What's your name? Who do you work for? I'm a captain. And you are going to tell me everything you know."

His smile was no longer friendly, and Mercy behind him did not look happy.

Justice did.

2009-06-20, 01:01 PM
Mia stirred. She must have been knocked out by that shinigami's rain. She slowly pulled herself upright, taking in her surroundings. She was soon very much awake, as she realized she was not in Hueco Mundo, let alone Las Noches. She snapped upright, her mind abuzz as she struggled to sort past from present. Not again... Not again... Not again...

She was in a cage of iron bars- No, that was past. These were transparent barriers... Danku? Outside... shinigami, multiple. There was only one man in the past. From the look of things, it seemed she was in one of the division headquarters. Judging by the complex technology, Squad 12. Not again. Not again. Not again.

She quickly attempted to open a garganta, smirking confidently. "As much as I enjoy civil discourse, I must-"

The garganta wouldn't open, and fear pulsed across the Fraccion's face. Not again! Not again! Not again!

Her eyes slowly turned toward Kambei, widening in shock and dread as she heard his voice, but not his words. For the briefest moment, his face blurred to that from her past.

Kanbei would see a steady volley of orange balas hammering against the danku in front of him in vain, as Mia cried out in rage and fear with each shot fired, the desperation in her voice slowly rising. "NOT AGAIN! NOT AGAIN! NOT AGAIN! NOT AGAIN!"

2009-06-20, 01:08 PM
Kambei's eyes widened, and he instantly had the room cleared. "Out, all of you!" He barked. Behind him, Justice had paled considerably and Mercy looked absolutely horrified.

"Let her out!" She cried. "Let her go!"

"Not until she is judged." Justice snapped. "She is innocent until proven guilty, but there is heavy evidence against her."

"Both of you shut up." Kambei rumbled. He took of his silver glasses and fixed a gentle stare on Mia.

"Not again?" He asked gently, his voice soothing and not at all accusing. "What do you mean?"

Orange balas continued to hammer the walls.

Kambei sighed, and drew Mercy.

"Mercy preserve us." He growled. Instantly, 10 midnight blue shields appeared inside the barriers and began to close in on Mia.

2009-06-20, 01:11 PM
Mia screamed. Not in rage, not in fear, but in pure, emotional pain. She sonidos away from the circle of shields, slamming into the furthest danku barrier with the force of the motion. She then crawls into the furthest corner she can, curling into a ball and wrapping her arms around her legs, squeezing her eyes shut to try to hold in the tears. "Nonodon'tpleasedon'tnotagainpleaseno..."

2009-06-20, 01:16 PM
The shields vanished, and Kambei sheathed Mercy, unsure of what to do. He stared hard at the shattered arrancar before him.

"Shinigami." He called. The research team ran back in.

"Release the fields. Release her." He snapped. Behind him, Justice went purple and Mercy clapped her hands in delight.

"But sir..." One of the shinigami began to speak.

"Do it! NOW!" Kambei roared. As they did so, he drew Mercy from her sheath again.

"Mercy, preserve her." He muttered again as the shields disappeared. Instantly, Mia was walled in by 10 of his shields.

"You will calm down, and you will talk, or these shields will hold you while my other sword tests your innocence. Is that clear?" Kambei asked in a polite tone. "If it is not, then I will simply have the fields reinstated." He lifted a hand.

2009-06-20, 01:23 PM
Mia was uncertain as to her situation at first. The cage was gone, the man was talking...

"...or these shields will hold you while my other sword tests your innocence."


Mia's mind raced. He would do it to her, or at least that's how it sounded, unless... She needed to calm down.

Mia began taking heavy breathes, tears still running down her face, but she was no longer in a panic. "My mortal life ended in similiar conditions."

Connor Darkdart
2009-06-20, 01:25 PM
[[Not to be a bitch or anything, but Episode 3 is reserved for Love's Debacle. If you just change the title to Episode 4 that will be fine.]]

2009-06-20, 01:26 PM
((Episode 5, 4 is the fight between Carcharadon and the 6th Captain.))

Connor Darkdart
2009-06-20, 01:31 PM
Connor walked into Division 12 HQ, he needed to check on the prisoner before seeing someone about the mask. He had felt so strong using it, but then it had just dissapeared after about half an hour.

He walked forward towards the area where Mia was being kept.

2009-06-20, 02:42 PM
Kambei inclined his head slightly. "I see. Look. I'm not interested in hurting or killing you unless I am forced to. Please, just cooperate with me. Tell me everything about the assault on Soul Society."

Kambei's ears pricked suddenly, and he heard the footsteps of someone approaching. He dismissed the thought and focused his mind. He couldn't afford to let his concentration slip.

2009-06-20, 02:46 PM
"When your people launched an attack on our home, those of us who weren't engaged in combat were ordered to attack Soul Society while it was vulnerable. Well, more so than usual. I followed orders and-" Mia glances toward the door as she hears the footsteps approaching. Recognizing the reiatsu, she struggles to wipe her tears away on the shoulder of her uniform. "...and after a brief skirmish with the approaching vice-captain, I was knocked out by a female captain with some sort of sleep technique."

Connor Darkdart
2009-06-20, 02:48 PM
Connor arrives at the cell to find the guard team huddled around the cell. He extended his consciousness and felt no barriers.

ARE YOU ALL TRYING TO GET US KILLED? GET THE BARRIERS UP! NOW! he puts on a strict face. This Arrancar was their only subject and a good hostage against the Espada. He didn't care what was happening, Now was not the time for people to relax.

2009-06-20, 02:51 PM
Kambei nodded slightly. "I see, and I understand." His ears pricked up, and he hardened the ten shields around Mia and turned to the shouting newcomer.

"Can I help you?" He said politely.

2009-06-20, 02:54 PM
In response to Connor's arrival, Mia attempts to straighten herself up, struggling to maintain as much dignity as possible despite being bound and disarmed. "This attack wasn't the first time I've fought him, by the way."

Connor Darkdart
2009-06-20, 02:54 PM
Yes, you can Newcomer. You can step out here and allow the team to resume the barriers, because I know... as he says this, his rage grows and you can see his mask starting to appear at the edges of his face.

This monster to escape. She can feed you whatever lies she likes, but I will NOT allow her to escape. You should also realise, that since you seem to not be wearing a captain jacket or a vice captains armstrap, that I outrank you. Therefore. I would ask you continue your conversation WITH the barriers up.

How are you Arrancar? Enjoying captivity?

2009-06-20, 02:57 PM
Mia gives him a wayward glance. "Did I mention he gained his Hollow mask in our last fight? I don't know how long I was out, but I doubt it was long enough to undergo proper control training."

Inwardly, Mia was scared. If the vice-captain lost control while she was helpless... Not again...

2009-06-20, 02:58 PM
Kambei eyes him judiciously. "No."

He turns his head slightly to look at Mia. "If you'll forgive me, dear."

The 10 shields come together and harden, making a tight container that cannot be seen through. Kambei turns back to the other shinigami.

"I am Kambei Shimada, Former Captain of the Gotei 13. I am The Desert Judge. What is your name?"

((OOC: Kambei wears a captain's jacket, though he is but a former captain. The main reason for this is unknown, but I promise it will make sense later.))

Connor Darkdart
2009-06-20, 03:00 PM
Connor Darkdart, Vice Captain of the 8th Squad, and most definetly interested in keeping this Fraccion of the one who damn near killed my captain.

Listen, you can talk to her, she might feed you lies and make out as pitiful, but the nicest thing we can do for her is to stick a Zanpakuto in her head and turn her into a Plus again. I know that if she got even a second unrestrained she would try to kill me. As for the Hollow mask, yes I have a Hollow Mask, not sure what it means, but I need to talk to the Commander-General about that at some point.

2009-06-20, 03:03 PM
Kambei cocked his head to one side. "Justice, do you see evil in this man?"

"No." Justice replied. "No more than in anyone else."

"Excellent." Kambei muttered. "Look, Darkdart. I appreciate what you're trying to do here, but I can handle myself. Please don't make me fight you. My shields will hold Mia, and they can certainly hold you if needbe. Hollow mask or not, I will win this battle. Do not start it."

2009-06-20, 03:04 PM
Although she couldn't see, she could hear. If she became a Plus, that would mean being taken from her family by her captor. Not again.

Balas. Punches. Kicks. Headbutts. Mia struggled and raged against the shields, trying to escape the fates she feared. She was chanting that mantra again, but this time with a calm and collected voice straining to hold back a hinted panic. "Not again. Not again. Not again. Not again."

Connor Darkdart
2009-06-20, 03:05 PM
Huh, so not only are you an ex-captain, but you come back from gods know where, and you are threatening a Vice Captain for attempting to keep safe an important resource of Seireite?

Listen, I have no grudge with you. Just talk with the Shields up, it wont change anything, I promise.

Hearing the struggle from inside, he motioned to the guards to put up the shield and garganta restrictor.

2009-06-20, 03:06 PM
The shields barely held Mia. Kambei focused on Mercy and channeled as much of his reiatsu into the blade so the shields held. They were already far past the norm. Actually, every time one of Mia's blows hit a shield, it was destroyed, but Kambei was tapping into his huge pool of reiatsu to constantly create shields to hold her in.

2009-06-20, 03:10 PM
Closing in... No matter how much she fought... Mia's efforts continued, but her technique became sloppier as desperation and exhaustion gradually got the better of her. "Not again! Not again! Not again! Not again!"

2009-06-20, 03:11 PM
As the fury of Mia's assault increased, the shields that Kambei had been holding finally shattered. He swore and turned, face pale as he saw Mia break free.

Connor Darkdart
2009-06-20, 03:12 PM
EDIT: Whoops.

Connor sees the shields fall and immediately swears. GARGANTA STOPPERS UP NOW! The guards work as fast as possible to set the Garganta stoppers up.

Connor runs into the cell and draws his Zanpakuto.

2009-06-20, 03:14 PM
Mia dropped to a knee as she regained her position, tears running down her face from her desperate struggle. Her eyes darted around, and she saw her sword in Kambei's hands. She then realized the vice-captain who wanted to kill her was standing right there, eager to fight. "If you keep the vice-captain away from me, I'll cooperate fully from here out."

2009-06-20, 03:14 PM
Kambei follows him before he can be stopped, and Mercy and Justice follow. "Mercy preserve her." He snaps. Shields immediately appear all around Mia, holding her still and protecting her.

Connor Darkdart
2009-06-20, 03:17 PM
Mia dropped to a knee as she regained her position, tears running down her face from her desperate struggle. Her eyes darted around, and she saw her sword in Kambei's hands. She then realized the vice-captain who wanted to kill her was standing right there, eager to fight. "If you keep the vice-captain away from me, I'll cooperate fully from here out."

Arrancar, do you have any idea where you are? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT SITUATION YOU ARE IN?



The mask is forming over Connors face.

2009-06-20, 03:19 PM
Kambei hurled himself into the white cloud, Mia's zanpakutou in one hand, Mercy in the other. Already, force fields were between the two combatants, but the former captain was not taking any chances now. He sheathed Mia's zanpakutou in his belt and pulled out Justice with his left hand.

"Back off, Vice Captain."

Connor Darkdart
2009-06-20, 03:21 PM
Kambei hurled himself into the white cloud, Mia's zanpakutou in one hand, Mercy in the other. Already, force fields were between the two combatants, but the former captain was not taking any chances now. He sheathed Mia's zanpakutou in his belt and pulled out Justice with his left hand.

"Back off, Vice Captain."

[[OOC: Theres no white cloud, and if there was it would be impenetrable, just a heads up, shall I take it you do those actions, sans the white cloud bit?]]

2009-06-20, 03:22 PM
Mia is exhausted, barely able to stand. So, she crawls. She gets within the protection of the shields, coiled so that she can leap away from his opening strike. "Killer doesn't have the cage's key this time, not again, not again."

2009-06-20, 03:22 PM
((Whoops. Yes, do that thanks))

Connor Darkdart
2009-06-20, 03:25 PM
Kambei hurled himself into the white cloud, Mia's zanpakutou in one hand, Mercy in the other. Already, force fields were between the two combatants, but the former captain was not taking any chances now. He sheathed Mia's zanpakutou in his belt and pulled out Justice with his left hand.

"Back off, Vice Captain."

Vice Captain isn't here right now, leave a message after the blood.

Get out of the way Shinigami!

2009-06-20, 03:27 PM
Kambei aims both his blades straight at Darkdart's mask. Justice leaves a trail of blue fire in the air as it arcs downwards.

2009-06-20, 03:28 PM
Mia quietly crawls into the corner that gives her the best cover behind the former captain, and deadtimes while chanting that mantra under her breath, looking at Ronnoc like hell itself has broken loose.

2009-06-20, 03:37 PM
Those near the entrance to the 12th Division feels a sudden breeze.

Then Satoshi is in between Ronnoc and Kambei.

He's in Bankai with his mask on.

"Vice Captain...hm. Looks like the Hollow's steering. Ah well. You, stay back."
This is tossed back at Kambei.

With that, Satoshi is suddenly in Ronnoc's face, his fist flying at the mask formed on his face.

2009-06-20, 03:40 PM
Kambei smiles. "You handle him. I'll look after the captive." He turns and closes the shield around Mia. She can now no longer see outside the massive blue rectangle he has encased her in. All she sees is darkness.

Connor Darkdart
2009-06-20, 04:22 PM
The fist hits, partially smashing the mask, showing part of Connor's face.

OOOOH, 2 Shinigami, am I going to eat well tonigh!

2009-06-20, 08:55 PM
Kambei turned and hurled Justice straight at the Vizard. The blow was not aimed to cut, or even shatter the mask.

All it needed to do was touch.

2009-06-20, 11:25 PM
Darkness actually works rather well for Mia. Her original prison constantly had a light on, even when she wanted to sleep. Perhaps that's why her void ink disrupted so many senses. She shifted into a meditative sitting position, smiled softly, and closed her eyes.

So long as darkness surrounded her, Mia thought she was safe.

Connor Darkdart
2009-06-21, 01:54 AM
Kambei turned and hurled Justice straight at the Vizard. The blow was not aimed to cut, or even shatter the mask.

All it needed to do was touch.

Ronnoc moves his arm incredibly fast up and deflects the blade. He looks at Satoshi. Huh, another mask? But you dont seem to be under control fellow hollow...

2009-06-21, 07:33 AM
Ronnoc moves his arm incredibly fast up and deflects the blade. He looks at Satoshi. Huh, another mask? But you dont seem to be under control fellow hollow...

Satoshi says nothing.

His fist, moving faster than the eye can follow, throws several punches in the space of a second. The force is precisely enough to break mask, but not hurt face. Much.

Connor Darkdart
2009-06-21, 07:46 AM
All of the punches hit, throwing Connor/Ronnoc backwards towards the other side of the cell. His mask is gone, but he is unconscious.

2009-06-21, 08:17 AM
Satoshi immediately calls out to the surrounding 12th members, "Restraints, now! Then get him to 4th Division. Keep him restrained, and have them restrain him further when they receive him. We'll sort it out later."

With that, he turns, his mask crumbling away, but his armor remaining.

"And you would be...who? And here why?"

(OOC:And...deadtime again.:smalltongue:)

2009-06-21, 11:12 AM
From inside the shields, Satoshi would hear a voice he might recognize from the beach. "Mia von Geister, daughter and Fraccion of the Cuarta Espada, Erscheinung von Geister. I'm here because I was taken prisoner... Although the vice-captain has different ideas, apparently. I strongly suggest he see a therapist."

2009-06-21, 11:34 AM
"I am Former Captain Kambei Shimada. I was the former captain of 12th division. Not that you will tell anyone that. I have been away on a mission for several years. Of course, I managed to return just as we are in a war. I apologize for the fiasco here, but your methods were not gaining anything from the arrancar. At least I gained some answers." Kambei said. He drew Mia's zanpakutou from his waist. "Here. Take it. What do you wish me to do, Captain?"

2009-06-21, 11:39 AM
(5th would mean you were a captain some 1000 years ago. Since Toho was the 5th division captain and he sort of defected.

I suggest choosing another division.)

2009-06-21, 11:41 AM
((Whoops. I missed that. Thank you so much for the correction!))

2009-06-21, 01:56 PM
Satoshi frowned. Then his bankai faded.

"Re-secure that Arrancar. We're going to have them set up a secured guest list, so we avoid incidents like this in the future. Have that sword stored somewhere outside of this room. After you do that, and make sure she's secured outside the use of your abilities, report to 1st Division. We can't afford to be any more disorganized that we already are."

Satoshi walks towards the trapped Arrancar. He stays silent for a moment.

"Right then, Mia. You'll remain a prisoner for a while. I personally guarantee your safety while a prisoner; no torture will be undertaken, tempting as it may be fore some. All tests will be non-invasive barring stated permission. After a time, you'll likely be given a trial of some sort according to due process. If you cooperate and don't try escaping, or harming anyone, I'd wager things will got much more smoothly for you. We may well talk later."

With that, Satoshi gave some quick orders to 12th Division members present, including setting up a restricted visitor list. Currently, it was Satoshi, Daisuke, and the Captain of the 12th. All others needed approval of Satoshi or Daisuke to be granted list access. As well, they were to immediately raise the various containment shields for the prisoner.

He then blurred away.

Connor Darkdart
2009-06-21, 01:59 PM
[[OOC: Where is Connor now? Here or in Soul Society thread?]]

2009-06-21, 02:11 PM
OOC: Since this thread is less about Mia's imprisonment and more about Kambei's establishment, I think you're back in the Soul Society thread. What with the orders you be shipped to 4th squad headquarters, and Kambei being ordered to 1st Squad's headquarters for assignment. Still, Kambei hasn't left yet, so Mia's still here for the moment.

"Fair enough." Mia returned to her meditative behavior, trying to block everything out for now. It was like before in that she was caged, but her treatment was humane. However, that wasn't the key difference.

Father is alive.

2009-06-21, 02:21 PM
[[OOC: Where is Connor now? Here or in Soul Society thread?]]

((OOC:Soul Society. I had you shipped off in a straightjacket to 4th Division.))

2009-06-21, 03:02 PM
Kambei tucked Mia's zanpakutou into his belt. He would keep it with him at all times. If nothing else, he felt safer with it near him. The former captain sheathed both his blades and also blurred away, straight to 1st division headquarters.

Ducking slightly, the brown-haired shinigami ducked into the headquarters and looked around.