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2009-06-21, 01:10 AM
It's been three since Duke Barrik's castle was transported to the mysterious basin; a fact that would be otherwise impossible to tell if it weren't for water clock enchanted to perpetually track time. The Eternal Sun, a glowing red ball suspended in the air, doesn't rise or fall. The temperature consistently remains a comfortable temperature like that of a spring day. There's no wind, no clouds, and no precipitation. This world, a gigantic basin with impossibly tall mountains around the circumference, feels alive yet oddly artificial.

As the last of the fallen, both man and goblin, and burned the Duke's assistant pays you a personal visit. Up until now you've lived comfortably in your own personal room and treated like a royal guest. You may have insisted otherwise, but no one ordered you to help in the reconstruction and you were fed three square meals a day. Before you can arrive to a conclusion in regards to your own importance, you find yourself standing before the duke with five other humanoids you've only briefly seen around the castle.

The duke is a regal looking human with neatly parted hair, a trimmed goatee, and thick arms. Judging by his stature and commanding air, he must have been a paragon among humans. Perhaps he could have become a hero of legend had he continued the life of adventure over politics.

Clearing his throat, the Duke addresses you.

"Greetings, all of you. I am Duke Hector Barrik, lord of this castle. I wish I could say this during happier times but alas that is not the case. As you know, we've been magically transported to this strange new land. Our enemies, the goblins, have not been seen in the three days we've spent here. Furthermore, we have not established contact with any sentient life assuming there is intelligent life to be had here.

You're probably wondering why I've treated you as honored guests. To be frank, I require your services. You're all strangers to my keep yet you bravely defended the walls even when death was guaranteed. For that I thank you and know that your dedication is just.

There are approximately eight hundred humanoids housed at my castle; a hundred or so abled bodied troops, that number in servants, and the rest are woman, children, and the sick and elderly. All in all, we stocked enough supplies to last two months under siege and that's an optimistic approximate.

We need information. On this land, its creatures, and ultimately how to leave if that's possible. Establishing a reliable supply of food and water is paramount and your first task. I won't force you into this quest, but I pray you understand that without everyone's cooperation no one will survive. If we do manage to find a way back home, you will be well compensated with enough gold and land to support generations of offspring.

My court wizard, Dora Fairweather, is in charge of research. Speak to her for more information on where you should start your investigation. If you need equipment, the quartermaster Slithus Fillison can supply you although our current stocks are low. My high priest and healer Rolf Albert can cure whatever ails you and provide prayer services. You've already met Adolf Adolfson, the best chef in land and chief brewer.

My assistant Alek Larg will act as your aid and guide. Good luck and gods speed. You are dismissed."

After being dismissed Alek guides the group to the main courtyard. The castle is composed of a large keep leading out to an expansive couryard surrounded by walls. Hundreds of simple citizens living in shoddy straw huts tend to animals and repair damaged strucutres. Behind the keep lies the training grounds and barracks where soldiers practice combat, rest, and fire arrows and wooden targets. A small tower along the western wall houses the halfling wizard Dora Fairweather. A small non demoninational shrine lies along the eastern wall. Alek turns to the group of would-be heroes. The gatehouse, leading out to the unexplored land, is tightly guarded by a score of soldiers and lookouts patrolling the walls.

"Well, m'lords. Where shall we go first?"

2009-06-21, 02:52 AM
"Well, m'lords. Where shall we go first?"

Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin", Dwarf Invoker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166)

Running his hands through his carefully combed hair, Jalaan speaks up, "I'd say we start at Ms. Fairweather, see if she has any intelligence for us" Jalaan speaks with barely an accent, strange in a dwarf that has spent but a few months amongst humans, "I can call upon Clanggedin (may his axe stay sharp) for direction as well, but I hesitate to do that without options."

"I will also need to talk to Master Fillison before we leave - I would need a bit more of equipment, at least in the medium run, and I should inform him."

2009-06-21, 09:09 AM
Aydin grins at his new companions, "our pious friend speaks wisely, for knowledge is the key to starting any mission right. But let us not tary long--I can smell adventure right outside these walls."

2009-06-21, 11:24 AM
Random sniggered at Aydin's comment, and said with a wicked grin, "Of course there is adventure outside these walls. There is always adventure, if you know where to find it. Though I must agree with Jalaan, going to the, uh, wizard lady person will tell us all we need to know. She is most probably the information dumper like in the great epics. The person whose sole purpose in the epics is to explain what the heroes need to know."

2009-06-21, 12:49 PM
Alek rolls his eyes and leads the motley group to Dora's lab. The spacious, single room is both a library and laboratory. The walls are aligned with towering bookshelves and magical ballistas aim out the windows over the western wall. The dozen or so stone tables have bottles, beakers, and open tomes scattered about them. The strong smell of chemicals is overpowering.

Dora, a tan-skinned female halfling with short black hair, is levitating in the center of the ceiling fiddling with what looks like a large spyglass. She hovers down and grabs a gold starred cloak from a chair to wrap over her simple clothing. Alek gives a curt bow, the young boy's head barely dipping below the halfling's chest.

"Good day, lady Fairweather. These are the brave warriors that helped defend the castle."

"Ah, yes! Huzzah, we are saved!"

Dora leaps on a table, spilling the contents of a potent smelling elixer. She throws her hand up and prestidigitates fireworks.

"I am Dora Fairweather, wizard extraordinaire! And you must be the unfortunate saps suckered by fate into saving us all! Hmmm... if first impressions are everything, I'd say we're all dead."

She hovers in the air sideways and flops her (blue) tongue out in a dramatic death impression. After a few seconds she bounces back up, and levitates to the ground.

"Ah well, beggars can't be choosers."

You introduce yourselves in turn. Dora appears unimpressed and prestidigitates rude sounds when Kayla speaks.

"Forgive my rudeness but one must remain positive in these situations. Why, one time when I was a simple apprentice I set my master's undergarments aflame--"

Alek cuts in

"M'lady, please."


"Hmmm? Oh, right. As the baron probably mentioned, our first order of business is to establish a permanent food source. No one has left the castle walls in three days so we need information about our surroundings. You look like a dull bunch so let me write it down for you."

Dora uses mage hand to grab parchment and a quill.

"I need samples. A sample of soil, flora and fauna, water, precious metal, insects, and whatever animals you may find. Specifically I'd like any examples of fruits, vegetables, and or herbs. For precious metal, any kind will do. You, dwarf, should have no problem with that. Insects is self explanatory but animals... ah, that might be a little tricky. I'd like to conduct tests on a mammal... you do know what a mammal is, right? If you can find an amphibian and a reptile then even better."

Dora hands Random Chance the parchment and gives him a playful bump on the thigh with her elbow. The parchment reads

*Soil (dirt, you ninnies)
*Flora and Fauna (flowers, weeds, roots, herbs, sprigs, fruits, vegetables, tree bark, the more the better)
*Precious Metal (any will do)
*Insects (arachnids too!)
*Animals (preferably one each of mammal, fish, amphibian, and reptile if any)

Dora gives Karthuk a large sack filled with containers, jugs, and metal strainers. After all is said and done she excuses herself and returns to her large spyglass in the ceiling.

"I don't understand Lady Fairweather. She could have destroyed the entire goblin army single handed. Only the Duke truly understands the reason behind that woman's madness."

"Where to now, m'lords?"

2009-06-21, 01:13 PM
"Why would she want precious metals?" the group's resident reptile Raphael is looking over the list, puzzled. "Wouldn't something workable do better?"

"Oh well, it doesn't matter," he shrugs, "Slithus will probably want something of us as well."

2009-06-21, 02:55 PM
Random breaks out laughing from the talk with Fairweather. After receiving the scroll from her Random gives a dramatic bow and thanks her. "She is quite the character, heheh, but I was wrong about her, she isn't an information dump, she is total comic relief, or perhaps I am, or she is a crazy old wizard person, except she isn't that old, well never mind, I guess we should meet Silth, or whatever the guard person is called, I mean really, why can't they have nice easy names like mine, or even Joe Bob, I mean c'mon those names are ridiculous, Well lets go I guess."

2009-06-21, 04:49 PM
"Why would she want precious metals?" the group's resident reptile Raphael is looking over the list, puzzled. "Wouldn't something workable do better?"

"Oh well, it doesn't matter," he shrugs, "Slithus will probably want something of us as well."

Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin", Dwarf Invoker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166)

"Hell if I know, but we're going to need a cart to carry all that stuff back. Maybe she has the goldlust," Jalaan hazards as a guess, "But I must point out that gold is workable. It' endlessly malleable, in fact. Too soft for a decent weapon, but you can beat it to wafer thickness, thinner than any other metal. Besides, unless I miss my guess, it'll be the quartermaster interested in the weapon-grade metals."

Turning to the young boy, he says, "Mr. Larg, I believe we are ready to visit Mr. Fillison. If you would be so kind as to guide us there?"

2009-06-21, 05:07 PM
"You know what I mean," Raphael answers, though relenting the point. It's a bad idea to argue with a dwarf about the usefulness of gold, he feels. "Maybe she uses it for her magic."

2009-06-21, 05:38 PM
"You know what I mean," Raphael answers, though relenting the point. It's a bad idea to argue with a dwarf about the usefulness of gold, he feels. "Maybe she uses it for her magic."

Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin", Dwarf Invoker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166)

"Yes, or maybe she disolves it in water and drinks it as tonic. But if you want my opinion, I think she's just jerking us around."

2009-06-21, 07:03 PM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin", Dwarf Invoker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166)

"Yes, or maybe she disolves it in water and drinks it as tonic. But if you want my opinion, I think she's just jerking us around."

"That seems entirely fitting with what I know of her so far. Though possibly it she might be doing a get rich quick scheme, or she just wants to guild her lab, or maybe she is studying it in order to do alchemy.

2009-06-21, 07:42 PM
Alek stares incredulously at the bickering "heroes" and their ridiculous conversation before Jalaan snaps him out of his stupor.

"Ah, yes, right this way... sirs."

He mumbles something under his breath and leads the way to the training grounds. Two score human warriors are scattered about sparring, polishing equipment, tending the remaining horses, and firing bolts at makeshift targets (morbidly made up of preserved goblin carcasses). A tall, square shouldered tiefling in shining armor is barking orders. Seeing Alek come up he orders everyone to rest and approaches.

Atypical of tieflings, Slithus carries himself in a heroic, upright manner. He wears golden caps at the end of his horns, his smile is wide and friendly, and his tail has plated armor that gleams under the eternal sun.

"Master Slithus, these are the champions chosen by the Duke."

Each you introduces yourself in turn. Slithus shakes your hand with a tight grip and a hearty pat on the back.

"Haha! Well met! I am Slithus Fillison son of Argus Fillison, captain of the Duke's forces, head quartermaster, chief smith, veteran of a hundred plus one battles, and hero of Tallis Point. Haha! Well met! Well met, all of you!"

Kayla only

Knowledge History: Tallis Point was a pivotal battle in the goblin wars. Slithus led a squad of two dozen cavalry and successfully routed an army of hill giants without suffering any casualties on his side. Had he failed at this battle, the giants would have allied with the goblins and the dwarven strongholds dotting the hills would have been eradicated along with the humans.

"I saw each of you fight valiantly defending the castle walls. Good show! Just a week ago I commanded a thousand troops. Now all that's left is a tenth of that not counting the sick and wounded. Unfortunately, equipment that was dropped or unattended didn't make "the jump" to this strange world. My stocks are empty and my troops ill equipped.

But, there's hope my friends! I'm sure you talked to Dora, yes? That wonderful genius of a woman has perfected the alchemical craft to the point where she can transmute anything. Why, we've already begun tearing down unnecessary structures and she's managed to transmute it into metal alloy! Amazing!

That's where you come in. My stocks are low but you can help equip my stores. Items of like design are better suited for transmutation. In other words, gold and silver can be transmuted into iron and steel with fewer loss in density than if she were to transmute wood to iron. Should you find anything that appears valuable or even if you have unnecessary gold coins on your person, please donate it and I shall begin sorting it for lady Dora. With alloy in my possession, I can relight the forge and begin crafting equipment again.

Until then, I'm afraid I have nothing to offer you. My men have spotted caverns along the mountains and I have picks and hammers left over. Ah, my apologies sir Jalaan, I saw that dwarven gleam in your eye! They're simple mining hammers for pounding rock. Too small and unwieldy for combat.

If you need a horse and cart I can supply you all but please protect them with your life. I only have twenty seven horses left and if things continue poorly we may have to... eat them.

Good day!"

Slithus returns to his training and Alek comes up with four draft horses fully equipped with saddle and bit and bridle. Tagging along is a donkey with a small cart (four medium sized creatures could ride it comfortably).

"*sigh* Where to now, m'lords?"

2009-06-21, 07:54 PM
"Sir Larg," Raphael considers, their supplies and tasks quickly becoming apparent and everything neatly falling into place, "lady Dora wanted some animals, didn't she? Do you know where we could find cages for some?"

2009-06-21, 08:02 PM
"Sir Larg," Raphael considers, their supplies and tasks quickly becoming apparent and everything neatly falling into place, "lady Dora wanted some animals, didn't she? Do you know where we could find cages for some?"

Alek scratches his head.

"You mean to bring them back alive? Well, alright, wait a minute."

Five minutes later Alek returns carrying two metal cages with chicken feathers scattered about. A small creature could fit in each.

"That's all I've got. If you capture anything bigger you might as well hog tie it."

2009-06-21, 08:10 PM
FOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean lets, er, meet the Chef...again.

2009-06-21, 08:32 PM
Aydin laughs heartily, having taken a liking to the whimsical bard. "Agreed, Master Bard! One can't begin a hunt on an empty stomach. Though let us eat quickly, my crossbow is getting weary of this idle chatter"

2009-06-21, 09:52 PM
Adolf Adolfson is a portly dwarf fiery red hair, rosy cheeks, and a beard so long he uses it as a belt. He whips up a pot of chilled vichyssoise (a cream of potato soup with leaks) and a fresh batch of sweet rolls. The choice of drink is a fine red wine and a tankard of hearty ale.

"If ya find a hair in your soup, it's gratis. BWAHA HAHA HA!"

After you have your fill of food, Adolf checks your pack to ensure you have a full waterskin and rations. With a cheery nod he excuses you and prepares lunch for the off going watch rotation.

Alek comes stumbling out of the kitchen red in the face and smelling faintly of alcohol. The church bells strike ten.

"Well... well, well m'lords? Oof, where to now?"

2009-06-21, 09:56 PM
Alek comes stumbling out of the kitchen red in the face and smelling faintly of alcohol. The church bells strike ten.

"Well... well, well m'lords? Oof, where to now?"

"Aren't you a bit young to be drinking? Or are you older then you look?"

2009-06-21, 10:32 PM
"Aren't you a bit young to be drinking? Or are you older then you look?"

"Mindja own business, ya git. I'm fifteen. That makes me uh... uh grown man."

2009-06-22, 01:01 AM
"Well... well, well m'lords? Oof, where to now?"

Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin", Dwarf Invoker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166)

"Out the front door, I'd say, and out of your hair" says Jalaan, looking around at his companions to check they're all ready to go, "Unless any of you want to stop by the chapel to pray, that is. Clanggedin (may his beard grow strong) is better praised with a nice battle, so the quicker we get going, the faster I will please Him."

When walked out the front door, Jalaan asks for a brief pause, "Give me a moment, if you will. We don't have an explorer, so I will call upon Clanggedin (All hail the Great Warrior) to guide us."

Speaking in a deep, sonorous dwarven that sounds like gravel rolling down a rock path, Jalaan calls upon his God, and explains their purpose, how food is the greatest reward so the fight may continue, and ends with a petition to be shown the best way to achieve His purpose.

Seconds after the prayer is ended, a translucent hammer appears in front of the group...

Last section is assuming we do leave now, if not, then this happens whenever we leave.

Use my free daily Hand of Fate to see in what direction lies the highest reward around here (within an hour's distance). This is a God of war, though, so if there is a pile of everything we need in one direction, and the same pile in the opposite guarded by trolls, it'll send us to the second one (technically, it's a limitation on the ritual: sends you to highest reward, regardless of risk. For equal rewards, sends to the highest risk one. Thus, you may want to disagree with the result, although not in this situation in which we really have no idea of where we need to go).

2009-06-22, 02:19 AM
Stepping out of the main gate, the surrounding "countryside" is surprisingly mundane. The grass appears normal, the trees are green, the sky is blue, and aside from the lack of clouds and wind you otherwise feel like you're back home.

Alek waves the group goodbye and stumbles back to the keep. As everyone mounts their steeds and double checks provisions, Jalaan finishes his incantation. The hammer hovers for a moment before pointing towards the north-west (north being a relative direction as compasses do not work in this world; for future reference, the gatehouse is north, the keep is south, Dora's lab is west, and the church is east). Looking off into the distance the hammer points, about three miles away and down a small hill, is a dense copse of trees with a river running through it.

Having asked no further questions, the hammer vanishes.

((DM to players: Marching order, please. Someone must ride alongside the ass to guide it by the reigns.

On a related note; having weapons drawn. In my 3E games, your training in skills determines if you're comfortable with a certain action (as you can't take 10 untrained). In this case, you can't guide a horse 1-handed if you aren't trained in ride. The closest related skill to ride in 4E is athletics which means Jalaan, Random, and Kayla must use both hands to steer their mounts. Aydin, Karthuk, and Raphael may ride one handed. This doesn't stop the non athletic people from drawing weapons and guiding their mounts with their knees in combat but when traveling overland you must maintain control with both hands.

Anyone can guide the donkey one handed as you can grab both sets of reigns easily))

2009-06-22, 05:07 AM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin", Dwarf Invoker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166)

Jalaan eyes the mount wearily, considering just how far he would drop if he fell from the top of it. Looking at the trees pointed at by his god, he realises he will need the mount, and so grabs hold of the saddle and pulls his way up.

"I am not equiped for front line combat, so if there are no objections, I shall remain close to the back of the group," says Jalaan, as he reaches for the reigns, "I can guide the cart if need be, although I will probably have enough trouble as it is controlling my own mount."

Thinking a bit about their tasks ahead, he ask to the group, "So, anyone knows how to recognise all the creatures we are supposed to pick up? I can tell plants apart, and major groups of animals, but hunting them down, or bringing the insects its going to be more challenging."

I'd suggest the following distribution, two abreast:
Raphael, Karthuk: front line (duh)
Kayla, Random: middle, the squishy centre, most protected
Jalaan, Aydin: Back. Ranged capabilities and decent defences mean we are not left out of combat, and if we are attacked from behind we can probably be suitably defensive.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-22, 06:31 AM
Kayla Rillyndare

The young half-elven maiden had stayed relatively quiet the entire time. She didn't like speeches and was easily distracted by the sight of butterflies or the smell of warm bread. She would rather have spent the morning helping the fair folk of the keep, but she understood she had a duty...or at least made it seem like she understood the gravity of the situation.

As the group went through the gate, Kayla tried to guide the horse with only one hand but soon found out how difficult that was. Thus she gripped the reins tightly with both hands.

"Jaalan, sir. I like animals very much. Especially birds. I'd love to fly high above the clouds with them. But I'm not sure I could recognize an ampha...amphu....amphibian."

Kaylo took her place in the marching order near the middle, next to Random's horse. She liked the bard. He was quite entertaining. She smiled at him.

2009-06-22, 06:49 AM
Kayla Rillyndare

"Jaalan, sir. I like animals very much. Especially birds. I'd love to fly high above the clouds with them. But I'm not sure I could recognize an ampha...amphu....amphibian."

Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin", Dwarf Invoker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166)

"Do not worry too much, Miss Rillyndare," answers Jalaan from behind her, "worse comes to worst, we take examples of everything we come across. If a few duplicates get in the way, well, it can't be helped."

As he rides, Jalaan cannot help but wonder what they are getting into. One thing is certain, Moradin hadn't sent him here to pick up specimens for a deranged halfling.

2009-06-22, 09:13 AM
Aydin hops up onto his steed, and sets his crossbow in his lap, on hand ready to use it at a moment's notice. He leads his mount near the cart "If our more magical compatriots must focus on maintaining their control over their mounts, then I shall ride amongst them, and keep an eye out for anything that may want to come behind us and investigate our cart. Let our more durable friends take the lead."

2009-06-22, 10:56 AM
((As I take it, the marching order involves Karthuk taking forward position with the two "riders" Aydin and Raphael taking the left and right flank. Jalaan with the donkey, Kayla, and Chance will ride in the center.))

It takes a good hour to reach the tree copse as the donkey moves at a slow pace. There are insects buzzing around and it would seem that no world is too far or obscure to halt the progression of the mighty mayfly! Coming up to the trees, Karthuk spots a few small mammals (a squirrel and a rabbit) leap about the underbrush.

Continuing into the copse, the terrain becomes rough and everyone moves at half speed. After another ten minutes of riding, the trees become less dense and the river widens to create a small pool about 30' at the circumference before continuing downhill. In the center of the clearing is a boar, wounded, with its leg caught in a snare. The creature tries to wriggle out but it's weak and the snare is strong.

Looking around, there are no other creatures in the clearing. The entire copse is eerily quiet.

2009-06-22, 11:11 AM
Aydin is guiding the cart, and I think he is riding next to Jalaan at the back

As the pass next to different plants and animals, Jalaan calls stops every 10 minutes or so to take a few more samples. Little by little, the cart fills up. When the rabbit appears from the underbrush and makes a run fot ir, Jalaan waves his hand, utters a few dwarfish words and suddenly the rabbit seems like it is trying to jump through tar. It is slow enough, in fact, that someone can just walk up to it and grab it. Jalaan is happy to repeat the prayer as they move along, doing it from the horse.

Continuing into the copse, the terrain becomes rough and everyone moves at half speed. After another ten minutes of riding, the trees become less dense and the river widens to create a small pool about 30' at the circumference before continuing downhill. In the center of the clearing is a boar, wounded, with its leg caught in a snare. The creature tries to wriggle out but it's weak and the snare is strong.

Looking around, there are no other creatures in the clearing. The entire copse is eerily quiet.

"A snare indicates intelligent presence," says Jalaan quietly, looking at the scene, "and this could be as much a bait for us as an actual attempt at hunting. Be careful."

[roll0] to deduce the manufacturer of the trap (golbin? human? elf?), as well as to check if this feels like a hunt or a trap for us

2009-06-22, 11:45 AM
The trap is made from natural components; twine and barbed branches. It's a strong, well made trap but nothing about it indicates anything about the race, culture, or intelligence of its creator.

With great insight of battle and tactics, Jalaan concludes that their current location would make a poor ambush spot. While one could hide in the underbrush leading up to the clearing, the river cuts off movement to the north-west and the large pool takes up the north and north-east portions of the clearing. Unless the enemy rose from the water or somehow avoided the group's trek through the copse and hurridly circled around to flank, they would have been pushed into the open by now.

Using his knowledge of the natural world, Karthuk determines that the trap is set smartly along a path with the least underbrush leading to the pool so as to capture the beast when it went to drink. If Karthuk were to construct the trap himself, he'd know that would be the best place to put it.

2009-06-22, 02:36 PM
OOC: Sorry for the delay I had a pretty busy day yesterday ;)

IC: During all the tour among the keep the tall goliath only mumbled from time to time specially when the halfling wizard gave him the great bag, but otherwise he just nodded and follow his new comrades.

As soon as they left the castle all could see that he relaxed a bit and while they were deeper into the wild he found himself more comfortable.

He stepped down his mount and reached for his greataxe.

"Good spot for trap. Me made on the same place. Better end animal's pain. Good for little magic woman, good for dinner"

He passed the brides of his mount to Aydin and approached the boar.

2009-06-22, 02:41 PM
"Good spot for trap. Me made on the same place. Better end animal's pain. Good for little magic woman, good for dinner"

Random rolled his eyes.

"And so Sayeth the master orator."

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-22, 02:46 PM
Kayla looked uncomfortable.

"Ok...but do it quick. Poor beast..."

The sorceress closed her eyes.

2009-06-22, 02:49 PM
"He doesn't need to sound like a king if he gets the point across," Raphael chides, "if this is a hunter's trap, someone will be bound to check it. We should keep nearby to get a look at our new neighbors."

2009-06-22, 02:51 PM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin", Dwarf Invoker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166)

"Do we really want to take someone else's catch?" Jaleen asks, and then explains, "Not the best way to start off relations with whomever lives around here already. I say we leave it. I'm sure we can find other boars to hunt and take back with us."

"He doesn't need to sound like a king if he gets the point across," Raphael chides, "if this is a hunter's trap, someone will be bound to check it. We should keep nearby to get a look at our new neighbors."

"A good point, Master Rathis," agrees Jalaan, "But it could be days -or however time is measured in this blasted place- until the hunter checks his traps. Karthuk, could you check around, see if you can find where the hunter might be coming from?"

2009-06-22, 02:54 PM
"He doesn't need to sound like a king if he gets the point across," Raphael chides, "if this is a hunter's trap, someone will be bound to check it. We should keep nearby to get a look at our new neighbors."

But I have to sound perfect to get my point across, its my job. And I said nothing about speaking like a King just...you know, would you like me to give you grammar lessons for common Karthuk? I wouldn't mind.

2009-06-22, 03:11 PM
But I have to sound perfect to get my point across, its my job. And I said nothing about speaking like a King just...you know, would you like me to give you grammar lessons for common Karthuk? I wouldn't mind.

Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin", Dwarf Invoker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166)

Jalaan mutters something in dwarfish, then turns to the garish half-elf, "If it is your job, and not his, why make fun of his words? When you speak in giant as well as he speaks in common..."

2009-06-22, 03:16 PM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin", Dwarf Invoker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166)

Jalaan mutters something in dwarfish, then turns to the garish half-elf, "If it is your job, and not his, why make fun of his words? When you speak in giant as well as he speaks in common..."

If I speak Giant, I will ask him for lessons. If I speak Giant I will speak as well as I can. And anyways, I am just trying to be nice with the lessons, the rest was just me joking around. Seriously, can no one take a joke around here.

2009-06-22, 03:22 PM
The bickering almost drowns the sound out but Aydin (and Aydin only) is certain he heard a twig snap. Turning around, he sees a humanoid figure standing motionless in the underbrush behind him, obviously aware of his blunder and looking anxious.

The creature looks relatively human. He's naked, standing a little shorter than six feet with strong arms and a stout body. His skin is a ruddy brown and although he's completely bald his arms and chests are covered with thick hair. In his left hand is a club, little more than a large tree branch, and in his right is a sizeable rock.

Aydin effectively has a "surprise round." What does he do?

2009-06-22, 04:10 PM
Aydin keeps his crossbow ready, but does not aim it at the figure. "Hello there!" he calls to the figure. "I assume this is your kill, my friend. By all means come and claim it, we are new to this land, and would certainly welcome the guidance of a local."

To his companions in a hushed tone, "Perhaps, comrades, we can save the bickering for a time when we are not stranded in a strange land in which we have no knowledge of the kinds of things that may lurk around us."

2009-06-22, 04:20 PM
"Hello there!" he calls to the figure.

Before Aydin can begin his next sentence, the man drops his stone and runs off. So expert is this hairy man's ability at stealth that he disappears in the brush at a full run.

Ignore this post for now.

2009-06-22, 04:25 PM
((I had forgotten Aydin is skilled at diplomacy! He doesn't gain the bonus from Kayla and Random as they're not aware of the man in the brush.))


The man drops his stone and stands upright. He looks curiously at Aydin, scrutinizing him behind a furrowed brow. The hairy man points at the wounded boar, then points at himself. He grunts unintelligibly as he does so.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-22, 04:41 PM
Kayla turns around on her horse and opens her eyes. She speaks softly.

"Oh, how happy I am that we have finally met one of the locals."

She then bows her head.

"Honored to meet you, friend."

2009-06-22, 04:41 PM
(I assume we're aware of him now that Aydin is talking to him.)

If this is the case, Raphael will respectfully step aside to give the hairy man a free path to the boar, and motion to his companions to do the same.

2009-06-22, 04:45 PM
Random steps a side and dramatically bows to the man.

2009-06-22, 04:47 PM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin", Dwarf Invoker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166)

Jalaan slowly backs away from the boar, arms extended and hands open, showing he took nothing. Talking in a calm voice, so as to not spook the local, he says, "Do we have anything we can gift him? If he cannot understand us, we will need some proof that we want to be friends rather than enemies." Looking at the clothing and crude weapons, he suggests, "A dagger, maybe? Metal may be something precious, or even unknown, to his people."

2009-06-22, 04:58 PM
Random takes off his sunglasses and says, "Would this work?"

2009-06-22, 04:59 PM
"Nay, we still don't know for certain we can trust him, best not to arm him until we're sure." Aydin goes over to the cart, and pulls out a small bit of food ((ideally some sort of meat, if we have any)). He holds out the offering to the man.

2009-06-22, 05:01 PM
"Nay, we still don't know for certain we can trust him, best not to arm him until we're sure." Aydin goes over to the cart, and pulls out a small bit of food ((ideally some sort of meat, if we have any)). He holds out the offering to the man.

Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin", Dwarf Invoker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166)

"But he already has food - a whole boar. And a small knife isn't going to suddenly turn him dangerous, compared to his cudgel." Thinking for a second, Jalaan comes up with another idea. Still speaking softly, he says to Aydin, "How about you offer him flint & steel? He'll recognise the flint, I'm sure, and he may be impressed by how much easier is to produce sparks with the steel"

Jalaan continues to slowly move away, trying not to overcrowd the newcomer.

2009-06-22, 05:17 PM
Looking at the clothing and crude weapons

Crude weapons, yes. Clothing? No. He's naked.

He watches with curiosity and hesitates to act. The only food Aydin can offer him are trail rations or the two live beasts. Seeing the creatures in the cage, the man shakes his head and points towards the boar. He walks slowly, staring at each person in turn and gripping his club tightly. He smashes the boar's head in and tears the neck open with his bare hands to bleed it out. He slings the boar over his shoulder and looks at everyone.

He opens his mouth to speak. It's a guttural language with no discernible origin but contain bits of primordial, giant, and draconic. Karthuk, Raph, and Kayla are able to partially translate.

"Strange [Giant for "monster"] riding strange [Giant for "monster"]. This my kill. Very good kill. You be [A word that means "caution" in draconic and "respectful" in giant]. [A word that means "to eat" in primordial] patrol this land. They vicious. Fight like [A word that means "swift" in giant and "terrible" in draconic]."

The hairy man slowly walks back into the underbrush. Regardless of what you say to him in whatever language, he doesn't speak further.

2009-06-22, 05:30 PM
As the hairy man unceremoniously puts an end to the trouble with gifts, Raphael is more than happy to relay his part of what had been said.

"So, dangerous... whatever that word was, around here. It'll be up to the little wizard, but it looks like the world here isn't too far off from our own. The castle could probably set up farms... if we can help teach the predators to fear people."

2009-06-22, 05:38 PM
Aydin gets back on his mount. "Since we now know that there is indeed danger about, we should probably head back to the castle with our current report, lest one of the servants wander out and meet our new quarry before we do."

2009-06-22, 06:27 PM
Karthuk responded to the half-elf before the strange humaoid showed up.

"don't worry. I can take a joke of little man-no elf. We'll see if he can take one of me eh?"

When the humaoid appeared he step aside and let him finish the boar. Then he translated the words in giant as he understood it.
Then when the rest said about giving him something he, said to the humaoid.

"wait" in giant and then slowly hadn his dagger to the humanoid.

"It's good for hunting and for clean the beast skin. Take it"

(OOC: ignore it if the humanoid didn't wait )

"If boars are the most dangerous thing here people at castle can hunt them. Good for eat. But we better not cross that people " said pointing at the direction the humanoid dissapeared.

" Better if we found their village, set borders, if not we fight. Me likes fight but Aydin likes talk.People at the castle tired and weak, better no fight"

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-22, 06:39 PM
"I agree with Karthuk...well, maybe I would have put it in different words, but I agree with the idea..."

2009-06-22, 06:46 PM
Karthuk responded to the half-elf before the strange humaoid showed up.

"don't worry. I can take a joke of little man-no elf. We'll see if he can take one of me eh?"

When the humaoid appeared he step aside and let him finish the boar. Then he translated the words in giant as he understood it.
Then when the rest said about giving him something he, said to the humaoid.

"wait" in giant and then slowly hadn his dagger to the humanoid.

"It's good for hunting and for clean the beast skin. Take it"

(OOC: ignore it if the humanoid didn't wait )

"If boars are the most dangerous thing here people at castle can hunt them. Good for eat. But we better not cross that people " said pointing at the direction the humanoid dissapeared.

" Better if we found their village, set borders, if not we fight. Me likes fight but Aydin likes talk.People at the castle tired and weak, better no fight"

"HEY!!!! I like to talk too. Honestly, Aydin isn't even that good at oratory, performance, or talking to people at all, compared to me at least."

2009-06-22, 06:46 PM
"I agree with Karthuk...well, maybe I would have put it in different words, but I agree with the idea..."

The goliat smiled at the half-elf sorcerer

"You smart"

2009-06-22, 07:04 PM
"It's good for hunting and for clean the beast skin. Take it"

When presented with the dagger he makes a sour face and shakes his head.

"["tools" in giant] of the ["to eat" in primordial]. No good. Prefer hands. Make me strong.

Having plenty samples of water, soil, foliage, and animals, the group prepares to leave the clearing before a powerful war cry rings through the air. Sounds of battle, scuffling feet and grunts of pain, are heard coming from the south.

2009-06-22, 09:47 PM
((before we hear the noise))

Aydin, ever the optimist, laughs loudly. "Well, my towering friend, if you crave action, my crossbow and I would be happy to accompany you. While it is true that I enjoy a good conversation (what limited skills I possess therein as proclaimed by Master Bard) I am always amiable to a good brawl when the situation merits."


"But enough of this, it appears our discussion is rendered moot. I shall go investigate, as I do hold to the claim that discretion is the better part of valor, but worry not, my muscular compatriot, I suspect you shall taste the blood of a worthy foe soon." Aydin rushes off towards the noise (quietly of course)

Stealth check [roll0]

2009-06-22, 10:17 PM
((before we hear the noise))

Aydin, ever the optimist, laughs loudly. "Well, my towering friend, if you crave action, my crossbow and I would be happy to accompany you. While it is true that I enjoy a good conversation (what limited skills I possess therein as proclaimed by Master Bard) I am always amiable to a good brawl when the situation merits."


"But enough of this, it appears our discussion is rendered moot. I shall go investigate, as I do hold to the claim that discretion is the better part of valor, but worry not, my muscular compatriot, I suspect you shall taste the blood of a worthy foe soon." Aydin rushes off towards the noise (quietly of course)

Stealth check [roll0]

Random rolls his eyes.

"So sayeth the master diplomat and pacifist."

2009-06-22, 10:28 PM
As Random is wearing his rather curious set of darkened glasses, Raphael doesn't notice the rampant eyerolling. Or, it would seem, the sarcasm. "Indeed," he claps the bard on the back before mounting up, "you have something to prove? Then go with him."

After all, the bard should be as good at staying silent as he is at talking, right?


2009-06-22, 10:43 PM
As Random is wearing his rather curious set of darkened glasses, Raphael doesn't notice the rampant eyerolling. Or, it would seem, the sarcasm. "Indeed," he claps the bard on the back before mounting up, "you have something to prove? Then go with him."

After all, the bard should be as good at staying silent as he is at talking, right?


"Are you being serious or is that the best sarcasm I ever heard?"

Random shakes his head

"Either way I should probably control Aydin and his bloodthirstiness."

Random follows Aydin as silently as possible.

Stealth check: [roll0]

2009-06-22, 11:07 PM

Aydin comes to the end of the copse and sees the bald, hairy bodied man they had just met skirmishing with several other humanoids. These human-like men are completely hairless except for long, shaggy beards and wild hair from their heads. They wield spears, javelins, and bows holstered with hand made belts and pouches.

Two of the "beastmen" have surrounded the hairy man who dropped his boar and now wields his club two handed. Two more "beastmen" about thirty feet away toss javelins at the hairy man, not particularly trying to hit him but to keep him from running off. A fifth beastman, the largest of them all (rivaling Karthuk in size) laughs menacingly. A sixth beastman, this one naked and leaning on a quarterstaff, watches over the combat with mild amusement.

2009-06-22, 11:10 PM
Aydin hears something crawl up behind him and sees Random inch up. The naked beastman with the staff looks over to where Aydin and Random are crouched down, nudges the big brute to his side, and points. The brute grins, grips his great club, and advancing towards the underbrush. The javelin throwers inch closer while the spear wielders harassing the hairy man continue to cut him off from escaping.

2009-06-22, 11:14 PM
With a wink to Random, Aydin aims his crossbow at the foe advancing towards him. "It seems Karthuk will get his wish after all. Run and inform our friends of the situation, and form a quick attack plan, I'll see if I can slow down our brutish friend coming to pay us a visit"

2009-06-23, 11:46 AM
The hairy man bolts, leaving his boar on the ground. The big beastman waves him off. He calls out, speaking in perfect common.

"I know you're out there, little man. I will use your skull as a bowl for my meals."

Aydin realizes that the beastmen can't pinpoint his location but they're actively trying. He has one action (effectively a surprise action). What does he do?

At this time, Random makes it back to the clearing. It took him 20 seconds (about 3 rounds) running (move speed x4) to get there.

2009-06-23, 11:49 AM
At this time, Random makes it back to the clearing. It took him 20 seconds (about 3 rounds) running (move speed x4) to get there.

Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin", Dwarf Invoker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166)

As soon as he sees the bard running, Jalaan guesses that something is wrong and, without waiting for the bard to catch his breath and tell them, he spurs his horse and has it run towards the noises.

2009-06-23, 02:23 PM
Aydin will sneak attack the brute closest to him.



((At the next possible opportunity, whenever that may be as I am inexperienced with the stealth portions of this game, Aydin will make another stealth check or try to flee to another vantage point))

2009-06-23, 02:49 PM
Likewise seeing the bard running back without Aydin, Raphael rides quickly to intercept him. "Trouble, I take it," he pauses only for a brief response before pushing nearer the source of the battle cries.

2009-06-23, 02:58 PM
((In 4E you're either concealed or not concealed. To hide, you roll a stealth check after you move to conceal yourself (assuming you break line of sight with your target). If you do anything that would reveal yourself, then you're revealed at the end of your turn.))

Aydin's bolt whips through the underbrush, decreasing its momentum and throwing off the trajectory. The bolt hits the brute in the shoulder and he laughs heartily.



2009-06-23, 02:59 PM


Round 1

Aydin is standing in ankle high underbrush. He can step out into the open planes but moving anywhere in the underbrush is difficult terrain (2 square penalty). There are plenty of trees to hide behind but he has to move from his current spot to reach them.

Back at the clearing

The simple draft horses move at 40' (I'm sorry, but I hate "squares." Just multiply your "squares" by 5 to get the appropriate amount of feet). A full gallop will get you to Aydin's position at the end of the 2nd round. Your initiative won't be counted until you actually join the combat.

2009-06-23, 03:17 PM
Aydin will attack again (using Sly Flourish), and then retreat backwards to a nearby tree and take cover.



Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-23, 03:22 PM
Kayla joins the fight (in a few rounds).

2009-06-23, 03:29 PM
Aydin hits the brute again and moves 15' to hide.


The underbrush hinders his otherwise deceptive movements and the beastmen track him easily.

The two archers drop their javelins and move into the 60' range while drawing bows. An arrow whizzes passed Aydin's head but another slams into his thigh for 7 points of damage.

The two spearmen and the brute double move to reach Aydin. They're now 10' from his current position.

The shaman moves 30' towards Aydin, raises his staff and shouts

"No one trespasses on our sacred hunting grounds!"

Barbed vines lash up and wrap themselves around Aydin's waist. He takes 5 points of damage and is slowed (save ends).

Round 2

The rest of the group is halfway to the other side of the copse. They can see the silhouettes of several figures fighting in the distance but can't make out whom.

Aydin is 10' away from two spearman and the injured brute. Judging by their speed, the spearmen are as fast as Aydin but the brute is noticeably slower.

2009-06-23, 03:49 PM
Aydin, seeming to have bitten off more than he can chew, will beat a hasty retreat, using his full turn to run away towards the calvary.

2009-06-23, 04:26 PM
((Saving throws are rolled at the end of your turn. Roll 1d20+ whatever modifiers. If you get 10 or over, then the effect you're under ends.))

Aydin only moves 10' on a double move. The brambles magically grasp his waist, keeping him from moving.


Aydin tries to twist them off but resisting only causes them to hold tighter.

The two archers can't fire through the thick trees. The double move down from their ridge and move closer to Aydin's position.

The brute barks orders

"Cut off his escape! This one is mine."

The two spearmen double move around Aydin's flank. The brute double moves, putting him in melee range with Aydin. The shaman approaches closer.

"Capture him. The Sky Lord only accepts live sacrifice."

A searing bolt of fire springs from the shamans fingertips and strikes Aydin for 7 points of damage.

At the end of the round Jalaan, Karthuk, Random, Kayla, and Raph appear 20' from Aydin and the two spearmen.

Round 3

2009-06-23, 04:37 PM
New Initiative

EDIT: Jalaan's initiative is 18

Aydin sees his companions 20' behind him. He's in melee range of the brute and he's being flanked on both sides by spearmen. He's currently slowed.

2009-06-23, 05:48 PM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin", Dwarf Invoker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166)

As Jalaan rushes forward, he lifts his hands in the air and shouts at the top of his voice, "Begone, foul creatures" The sound carries with it a strange double sound, as if the words were not merely his, but a much more powerful entity shouts it as well

HP 26/26 Healing Surge 6 (0 used /9)
AC 16 Fort 14 Reflex 13 Will 15 Speed 5

Move to N23
Standard: Astral Terror, Close Burst 3 vs Will
[roll3] (psychic damage) (EDIT: +3!)
Those hit get pushed 2 squares - let me know which ones (if any), and I'll edit where to.
N20 gets pushed to N18

2009-06-23, 06:08 PM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin", Dwarf Invoker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166)

As Jalaan rushes forward, he lifts his hands in the air and shouts at the top of his voice, "Begone, foul creatures" The sound carries with it a strange double sound, as if the words were not merely his, but a much more powerful entity shouts it as well

HP 26/26 Healing Surge 6 (0 used /9)
AC 16 Fort 14 Reflex 13 Will 15 Speed 5

Move to N23
Standard: Astral Terror, Close Burst 3 vs Will
[roll3] (psychic damage)
Those hit get pushed 2 squares - let me know which ones (if any), and I'll edit where to.
N20 gets pushed to N18

"Your comment is very racist, now if we all calm down and stop attacking we can just talk this out or leave. How do you know they are, I quote, 'foul beasts'? They are intelligent creatures! Do not refer to them like you did."

2009-06-23, 06:13 PM
"Your comment is very racist, now if we all calm down and stop attacking we can just talk this out or leave. How do you know they are, I quote, 'foul beasts'? They are intelligent creatures! Do not refer to them like you did."

"I can smell their foul bodies from here, and I never called them beasts. Now, are you going to help Aydin?"

2009-06-23, 06:21 PM
"Foul creatures, same difference"

2009-06-23, 06:24 PM
Jalaan's action will take place as described on his turn.

Random calls out "Your comment is very racist, now if we all calm down and stop attacking we can just talk this out--"

((4E doesn't mention it, but I still follow the 1 round = 6 seconds rule.))

2009-06-23, 06:25 PM
Karthuk unsheated his axe as soon as they started to run, when he saw his comrade being attacked he charged to the nearest enemy and tried to chop his head off.

"You lucky man! " he said to Aydin " You can fight at me side now. Hahahaha"

He said as he swing his axe for another attack.

2009-06-23, 10:50 PM
Map Update

2009-06-23, 11:03 PM
((On your turn. Aydin hasn't gone yet. Technically the round hasn't even begun.))

2009-06-24, 12:15 AM
Aydin will shift back towards his allies away from the brute, and fire another Sly Flourish



2009-06-24, 09:47 AM
((since you're new and I don't want to see you fail... yet, I'll give you a freebie but only one!))

With calvary (literally) arriving, Aydin delays knowing that he would be torn apart if he moved from this spot.

One of the archers shouts

"More of them, father!" He takes aim but doesn't fire.

Jalaan's action happens as stated. The two spearmen resist the effect but the brute is blasted back 10'. Bloodied and enraged, he gives a great whooping warcry that incites fear in all that hear it. Aydin steels his mind against the affect but Jalaan's head rattles from the mighty shout. He takes 8 points of damage and is stunned (until the end of his next turn).

Aydin, siezing the opportunity, does a total defense and double moves to the stunned dwarf. He dodges a spear but gets stuck in the side by the other spearman for 4 points of damage.


Aydin manages to break free of the enchanted brambles grasping his body (no longer slowed).

The two spearmen retreat to their leader's side and ready their spears. The second archer, remaining in his current position, takes aim but does not fire.

Karthuk moves in, dodges a readied thrust from a spear, and cuts into the left spearman mightily.

Random's turn (and I'll update the map as soon as possible).

edit: I'm at work and I can't physically update the map right now but here are the only position changes

Brute (pushed to N18)
Jalaan (stunned)(N23)
Aydin (O23)
Karthuk (L23)

2009-06-24, 10:36 AM
Moving his body to avoid beign a clear shot for the archers Karthuk taunted his enemies.
[just roleplay not shift move allowed due to dificult terrain]

"Cam'on! take your chances with me.Me big and me axe's strong! you coward. Tonight your women will cry!!

He attacked the wounded spearmen and his muscles seemed to increase in size while he started to feel the excitement of combat.

2009-06-24, 10:39 AM
Attack: Invigorating strike

If he hits he gain 5 temporary HP

I don't know why it doesn't work on the previous post, sorry for duplicate...

2009-06-24, 11:32 AM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin", Dwarf Invoker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166)

Even as Jalaan staggers back from the shout, a blinding light surrounds him and shoots back, pushing back the fierce warrior even further away. Something is protecting Jalaan even when he cannot defend himself.

Armor of Wrath on his attacker (if he is the big guy and he is 5 squares away). 3 damage and push him back 2 more squares.

2009-06-24, 01:22 PM
The brute is pushed to N16. He appears to be critically injured.

2009-06-24, 02:58 PM
Random rushes forward, to M23 and uses Majestic word on Spearman 1 and slide him to M22. Random then attempts to take Karthuk's Greataxe.

2009-06-24, 03:11 PM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin", Dwarf Invoker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166)

"Traitor!" shouts Jalaan at the actions of the bard, "I will have your head on a pole!"

2009-06-24, 03:29 PM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin", Dwarf Invoker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166)

"Traitor!" shouts Jalaan at the actions of the bard, "I will have your head on a pole!"

"Aydin started this by attacking them and I intend to end this!"

Diplomacy check with Jalaan:

2009-06-24, 03:58 PM
Round 3, Initiative 11: Random Chance

HP: 24/24 (12)[6]
Surge: 0/8
Initiative: +1
Speed: 6 (30')
Perception: 11
Insight: 13
AC: 17
FORT: 11
REF: 13
WILL: 16

Perhaps for the benefit of the half-elf's future health, the wrathful invoker of the dwarven god of war is stunned and thus unaware of his surroundings. If one were to see the world through Jalaan's eyes it would be like trying to look through a lava lamp.

Random Chance moves up and attempts to inspire the beastman spearman with his stunning charisma.

Nothing happens.

Random is wise enough to understand the limitations of his abilities. Only himself or a true ally, a compatriot that fully believes and supports the general safety and concern of the group as a whole, are inspired by his words. Random is intelligent enough to understand that ally or companion is a relative word; whom he calls friend may very well be an enemy and vice versa.

Random tries to snatch Karthuk's axe... the attempt from the physically feeble halfling is about as effective as trying to tear an oak tree out of the ground with one's foot.

Round 3, Initiative 8: Kayla
HP: 26/26 (13)[6]
Surge: 0/8
Initiative: +3
Speed: 6 (30')
Perception: 9
Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light
AC: 15
FORT: 12
REF: 13
WILL: 16

Jalaan is stunned, Random appears to be charmed or defected, and Aydin is knocking on death's door. The spearman Karthuk is fighting is injured and the brute is critically injured.

2009-06-24, 04:30 PM
Updated map to reverse the effect of Jalaan pushing the brute back. (http://i43.tinypic.com/pyhpk.png)

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-24, 04:48 PM
Kayla was nervous...and sweaty. Did Aydin really attack the natives without provocation? How could she know that the strange hairy creatures would listen to the bard? It was too much for her. She closed her eyes for a moment and lost herself to powerful magics. She shot a bright purple bolt at a spearman.

Move behind Jalaan
Shoot a chaos bolt at the injured spearman
[roll0]vs Will
[roll1] psychic

I get a +1 bonus to AC until the end of my next turn.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-24, 05:15 PM
Kayla then felt a more powerful surge that manifested as a shining orb of arcane energy. The orb shot towards the other spearman.

Spend 1 action point
Cast Chromatic Orb
[roll0] vs Reflex
[roll2] Damage is psychic and the target takes -2 penalty to AC (save ends)

2009-06-24, 05:54 PM
The orb explodes violently and spearman 1 is launched off his feet and slams into the ground. Blood flows from his ears and mouth.

Round 3, Initiative 7: Shaman

The shaman beastman shouts in common.

"The Sky Lord accepts you, my brothers. Die with honor shedding the blood of these infidels."

Brambles rise up under Karthuk's horse, shredding its legs and slowing it (save ends).

Round 3, Initiative 6.9: Archer 1

Archer 1 delayed, waiting for the right moment to strike and he takes it. An arrow whizzes through the trees and snaps on Jalaan's armor.

Round 3, Initiative 6.8: Archer 2

Archer 2, who also delayed, fires at the stunned dwarf. His aim is true and the arrow pierces a soft spot in Jalaan's clavicle dealing 9 points of damage. (Jalaan 9 hp remaining)

Round 3, Initiative 6.7: Brute

The brute draws a javelin.

"If I die, you die with me!"

He tosses it at the wounded Aydin, and it impales the man straight through his chest dealing a mighty 10 points of damage (Aydin -2hp). Aydin slumps to his knees and collapses.

Round 3, Initiative 4: Raphael

HP: 31/31 (15)[10]
Surge: 0/12
Initiative: +3
Speed: 5 (25')
Perception: 10
Insight: 10
Senses: Low-light
AC: 19
FORT: 16
REF: 13
WILL: 12

Spearman 1 is down. Aydin is most likely dead (understand that Raph isn't trained in heal so to him an unconscious person with a 3' pole sticking out of their chest probably isn't alive). Jalaan is still stunned and the brute beastman could fall with a single attack.

2009-06-24, 06:13 PM
(And this is why I hate going last! :smalltongue: )

This was all wrong. Aydin had already fallen by the time he had gotten there! He rides up to cover the rest of his companions, dismounting in a flash (not sure what this takes, as 4e doesn't seem to have mounted combat rules). He takes in a deep breath and spits a stream of freezing air at the two front-line combatants.

Moving to O20 and using Dragon's Breath power on Spearman 2 and Brute. S2 and B are Marked until my next turn.

B: [roll0] vs Reflex
S2: [roll1] vs Reflex
Damage: [roll2]

(@V ...right! DMG! I need to read that... >_>)

2009-06-24, 06:15 PM
Rolls, redux:

Since when does previewing bar rolling? Anyway.
B: [roll0] vs reflex
S2: [roll1] vs reflex
Damage: [roll2] cold

2009-06-24, 07:25 PM
((Mounted combat: pg 46 of the DMG. Dismounting is a standard action and the dotted grids are difficult terrain meaning Raph has to advance on his horse to carry out the action))

Raphael covers the fallen rogue and blasts a cone of freezing breath at his foes. The brute ducks behind a tree but the standing spearman is engulfed by the blast.

Round 4, Initiative 18: Jalaan (STUNNED)

HP: 9/26 (13)[6]
Surge: 0/9
Initiative: -1
Speed: 5 (25')
Perception: 14
Insight: 21
Senses: Low-light
AC: 16
FORT: 14
REF: 13
WILL: 15

The spinning world slowly slides back in place. Jalaan blinks and the oblong forms take shape. Aydin is prone with a javelin sticking out of his chest; Jalaan can't tell if he's alive or dead. Jalaan's eyes next focus on the fallen spearman bleeding profusely from the mouth and ears. A sharp pain draws the dwarf's eyes to the arrow sticking an inch from his upper torso.

Jalaan's turn ends and he's no longer stunned.

Round 4, Initiative 17.9: Aydin (DYING)


HP: -2/24 (12)[6]
Surge: 0/7
Initiative: +3
Speed: 6 (30')
Perception: 11
Insight: 11
AC: 15
FORT: 13
REF: 14
WILL: 13

Aydin fights the good fight and clings on to his precious life.

Round 4, Initiative 15: Spearman 2

The spearman beastman moves to N20 and Raphael takes the opportunity to strike him, dealing 7 points. The spearman drops his spear, draws a javelin, and tosses it at Jalaan. Fully aware now, Jalaan smartly dips low on his saddle, using his horse for cover, and the javelin impales itself harmlessly on a saddle bag (spilling horse feed everywhere).

Round 4, Initiative 15: Karthuk

HP: 32/32 (16)[8]
Surge: 0/11
Initiative: +0
Speed: 6 (30')
Perception: 10
Insight: 10
AC: 13
FORT: 16
REF: 11
WILL: 13

Karthuk ((following the action he posted previously to attack the remaining spearman)) moves to M19, putting himself into melee with the spearman and the brute thus cutting off an advance to the squishier members in the back.

Axe goes up. Axe goes down. Blood everywhere. Body fall down.

-Famous Goliath Nursery Rhyme

Round 4, Initiative 11: Random Chance

HP: 24/24 (12)[6]
Surge: 0/8
Initiative: +1
Speed: 6 (30')
Perception: 11
Insight: 13
AC: 17
FORT: 11
REF: 13
WILL: 16

The two spearmen are down, Aydin is dead or dying, Jalaan is in critical condition, and the brute is engaged with Karthuk.

2009-06-24, 07:31 PM
Random uses Majestic Word on Aydin.


Diplomacy check:

2009-06-24, 07:39 PM
Raph pauses a moment as the goliath splatters the enemy's blood everywhere. He hadn't wanted a lethal conflict either, but... "You play cards, Random?" he asks, preparing to carry the assault, "they call this 'pot committed.'"

2009-06-24, 07:47 PM
An audible gasp is heard from Aydin. The javelin slides out of his heaving chest and he coughs up blood. (Aydin HP 11/24, Surges 1/7)

The brute responds to the screaming bard.

"The only solution to vermin is extermination. FOR THE SKY LORD!"

Round 4, Initiative 8: Kayla

HP: 26/26 (13)[6]
Surge: 0/8
Initiative: +3
Speed: 6 (30')
Perception: 9
Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light
AC: 15
FORT: 12
REF: 13
WILL: 16

Jalaan's no longer stunned, Aydin is in incredible pain but breathing, and Random is trying to cool a boiling pot by effectively blowing on it. The half-elf's words are particularly moving, such is the man's striking influence, but the proverbial feces have hit the rotating blades and in this situation steel sings louder than words.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-24, 08:04 PM
"An alternative?"

But these people almost killed our friend, thought Kayla. Perhaps there was a way to reason with the beastmen, but it was already too late in this case. It was better not to think of them as Men. Right now, they are the enemy. The companions are in immediate danger. There is no other option...

"Let the magic flow."

A new, many-colored bolt shot at the brute.

[roll0] vs Will
[roll1] psychic
+1 AC until end of next turn

2009-06-24, 08:59 PM
The spearmen had stronger wills. Not so for the raging sack of meat and muscle. Blood flies from his nose and pours from his tear ducts. As a reaction to the fatal blow, he swings wildly at Karthuk in a final, mighty death throe.

The brute's axe slams into Karthuk's shoulder. The brute leaps in the air and puts all of his weight on the swing, tearing through Karthuk's armor and carving a 6" gash across the goliath's chest for a critical hit dealing 24 points of damage! (Karthuk HP 8/32)

The brute smiles as the momentum from his tremendous swing carries the greataxe from his hand. Karthuk can't tell if it's a smile of satisfaction or simply an involuntary muscle twitch. A final bloody tear runs down the beastman's eye and he collapses.

Round 4, Initiative 7: Shaman

"Let us retreat. The Sky Lord is pleased by this offering of blood."

The shaman touches a lone tree and steps into it. The bark ripples slightly like water and becomes solid again.

Round 4, Initiative 6.9 & 6.8: Archer 1 and 2

The two archers turn and run, covering 16 squares (80' each) and effectively run off the map.

Round 5, Initiative 18: Jalaan

HP: 9/26 (13)[6]
Surge: 0/9
Initiative: -1
Speed: 5 (25')
Perception: 14
Insight: 21
Senses: Low-light
AC: 16
FORT: 14
REF: 13
WILL: 15

Jalaan's turn.

2009-06-24, 09:31 PM
(Hey! You forgot someone! Not like it matters, but...)

Raph will ride to the tree the shaman disappeared into and look around, trying to discern where the beastman had gone.

2009-06-24, 09:53 PM

2009-06-24, 10:49 PM
(Hey! You forgot someone! Not like it matters, but...)

Raph will ride to the tree the shaman disappeared into and look around, trying to discern where the beastman had gone.

Oops, my bad.

Raph investigates the tree and it's a completely mundane tree. Raph knows some creatures like Eladrin have the ability to teleport by taking a shortcut through a different plane of existence. Perhaps these beast-like men can travel through trees?

As Chance explodes in anger at a man who was just dying a few seconds ago, a lone figure slowly makes its way through the underbrush. It's the naked, hairy (yet bald) hunter from before. He slowly makes his way to his boar and picks it up then regards the party with some contemplation. After a minute of silence, he slowly walks over to the fallen warriors and looks at their bodies. A few more seconds pass and he goes into a fit of dancing with tribal like whooping and hollering.

When he's finished his little dance, he speaks in his strange language. It's a long, drawn out conversation that's confusing and hard to understand. When he finishes, Kayla, Raph, and Karthuk combine their own interpretations to get the best translation.

"My name is Swift Foot because I am swift like the cougar and fleet of foot. The men you killed are from the Sky Tribe. We [unintelligible] live in small families in the caves. The Sky Tribe shave their bodies, wear clothing that's hard like a turtle's shell much like your own (he points to Raph when he says this), and fight with weapons that shine like the sun much like your own.

The Sky Tribe believe all of us [unintelligible word] that aren't Sky Tribe [unintelligible word] are vermin like rat or spider. They attack us and steal our food and women to mate. They capture our best hunters to feed to their Sky Lord. They torture and play with our young ones and elders who are not fit to slave in their fields. Sky Tribe is small but very powerful and always hostile if you not also Sky Tribe!

A hunter hunts to live. A hunter respects his prey. A hunter honors his prey even though he must kill his prey. Sky Tribe do not honor prey. They torture prey and enslave prey. They kill prey or play with prey.

(Swift Foot points at Random and Aydin) You saw! They were going to kill me but not yet. They were going to make me dance. Make me make them happy. Then they would have cut my foot off and asked me why name was Swift Foot when I didn't have any foot! We fight on sight but they strong so I run. That's why name is Swift Foot!

I thank you for saving my life. I do not understand you strangers or why you come here. You strong but Sky Tribe strong too. Be careful. Until our hunting path cross again."

Swift Foot runs. True to his name, he's incredibly fast and even the simple draft horses would have trouble matching his speed.

2009-06-24, 11:22 PM
Aydin shakes his head, and takes a few deep breaths. The smile quickly returns to his face. "It is true, Sir Bard, that my actions may indeed have given us a powerful enemy, but I could never ally with creatures who relish in pain such as they. And our hairy friend from earlier had warned us about foul creatures. I chose to throw my lot in with him, as he seemed honorable. I regret none of my actions this day, save the fact that I was not strong enough to be of much use in the battle." Aydin looks at the rest of the group. "I certainly do not want us to become so divided after our first foray into this world. Let us speak calmly about events as they are presented to us now. Having acted on my own at the expense of the group already, I shall now adhere to whatever the collective decision is for our next move."

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-24, 11:23 PM
Kayla dismounted and went to check on the rogue. Once she made sure that he was okay (well, mostly okay), she listened to the native and translated what she could. When he sped off, the young sorceress turned to the group.

"He is fast alright!"

2009-06-25, 12:15 AM
Raphael gives a disgruntled snort at Aydin's explanation.

"Even if your decision turned out to be right, and it did, you could have been killed. Next time in the same situation, run."

"I do not believe we will be able to make peace with these people, not yet," he continues to the group as a whole but especially to Random. "You heard them as well as I did. They have little regard for their own, much less any other, and they dominate the land. If there will be diplomacy, it must come from a position of strength."

2009-06-25, 02:00 AM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin", Dwarf Invoker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166)

Jalaan looks at the half-elf with a look of disgust, and then ignores him as he proceeds to search the bodies of the fallen enemies. Once he has piled anything they are carrying, he loads them on the cart.

"I think we have enough things to satisfy the halfling." he calls out as he lugs the two spearmen under his arms, "Shall we get back, and inform?"

Listening to Raphael, he musses, "Unfortunately, I disagree. Bloodthirsty Gods don't do diplomacy. Believe me, I know. Someone on a position of strength is just a bigger challenge to overcome. But no society is completely monolithic - there may be less fervent members we can approach. Or followers of a brother God that does not shine on live sacrifice."

As he goes back to the larger humanoid he adds, "Indeed, it seems that these and Swift Foot's peoples are one race. They may be the followers we need to approach."

2009-06-25, 02:16 AM
Karthuk ignore his wound, he only test if he could still swing his axe and taste his own blood, much more with curiosity, like a child that hurts his finger witha needle.He translated what he could.

"Me don't like these Sky Tribe. They attacked little Aydin. They cowards, they use their strengh bad. Life and nature are hard, so we're hard.Mountain is no cruel, she's just hard. Fight for your live is good.Hunt for eat is good.If a tribe declare war on you and you win you take their women and children and make them your tribe.You don't steal food or woman or feet of other tribe." The Goliat split over the dead body of the brute who hurted him. " If they enemies of Karthuk now, Karthuk happy.I fight no honor Sky Tribe"

He crossed his arms on his chest indicating to the sulfured bard that he had made his point.

After a couple of minutes and when all the speaking is done Karthuk approached Aydin.

"Me happy you still alive. You are though! Next time you better fight at me side and don't let spears hit you!"

2009-06-25, 10:48 AM
Everyone receives 116xp for surviving the battle.

Jalaan and Karthuk use three healing surges each to bring them to full health. Aydin uses two surges to put him at 23 hit points. Reference sheets updated to include the current situation. Jalaan picks over the fallen warriors and finds:

Two spearmen:
-2 mundane spears (one on each of them)
-4 mundane javelins (two on each)
-2 palm sized discs made out of copper*

-mundane greatax
-3 mundane handaxes
-palm sized disc made from silver**
-A pouch with an assortment of gems that would fetch about 300 gold in the old world.

*The copper discs are imprinted with the image of a great eagle.
**The silver disc is imprinted with the image of a great eagle wreathed in flames.

After loading the dead men and their equipment into the cart, the group heads back to the castle at a slower pace to keep up with the straining donkey. Overhead, a large bird stalks the group. Karthuk, using his knowledge of the natural world, guesses that its wingspan has to be more than thirty feet. Karthuk picks out a longer but safer path that takes the group and the vulnerable donkey through low hills and tree copses should the monstrous bird swoop down and attack.

It takes two hours to cover the five mile detour and the church bells strike one as the party reaches the castle gates. Everyone, guards and refugees alike, halt their work and whisper amongst themselves while staring at the strange haul. When the group reaches the castle courtyard, Dora teleports in and prestidigitates a colorful cloud of confetti.

"You're alive? You're alive! How wonderful, you're not as boneheaded as I thought. A little banged up, but I knew you were damaged goods from the start hehehe."

Dora has a guard take the contents of the cart around the back entrance to her laboratory. Rolf Albert, the bald and portly priest, comes rushing out of his church.

"Oh. My. Goodness. You poor souls, look at this! Tsk, these wounds, how barbaric!"

((Despite being at full hit points, I use how many healing surges you have left as a gauge of your overall health))

"I'm about to hold afternoon mass at two. You're all welcome to join regardless of your denomination."

With all said and done, Duke Barrik calls for a meeting at six bells to discuss further plans. It's currently one. What do you do until then?

2009-06-25, 11:16 AM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin", Dwarf Invoker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166)

On their way back, Jalaan takes a look at the palm-sized disks, examining for clues. He guesses they mostly represent the Sky High tribe, but sometimes there are indications of their Gods or their values. Jalaan tries to match them to anything he knows.

To be clear: Jalaan doesn't expect to recognise them, but there are certain rules to these kind of things: peaceful cultures don't have lions in their icons, for example. Jalaan would be particularly interested in the differences - why the eagle is on fire, and anything else he can learn.

Concentrated on the task, he does not notice the giant bird above for some time. Alerted to it by Aydin, he furrows his brow. "Well, it either has seen the dead bodies we carry, and it's hungry, or that's a spy. I have heard of wizards and shamans that can see through animals' eyes. Wish we could shoot it down before it sees our destination, but it is too far up. Still, we weren't going to be able to keep an entire castle a secret for long"


Later, in the castle, once the cart has been taken away, Jalaan decides to have his wounds looked at by a proffesional and maybe pass by the mess hall for a bite to eat. The service sounds like a relaxing way to pass the time, and so Jalaan decides to attend unless there is something more urgent elsewhere, although as a Hammer of Clanggedin his service to the Gods is far more personal than anything achievable by religious service.

He will also drop by the smithy, see if he can get a few throwing hammers or a battlehammer, although he doesn't really expect to so soon. The rest of the time, unless he is sought out, he will find a quiet place to form of minor meditation that he finds particularly relaxing.

Edit: By the way, I assume they took everything, including the weapons, the disks and the gems, right?

2009-06-25, 01:08 PM
On their way back, Jalaan takes a look at the palm-sized disks, examining for clues. He guesses they mostly represent the Sky High tribe, but sometimes there are indications of their Gods or their values. Jalaan tries to match them to anything he knows.

Based on his roll, Jalaan assumes the discs are symbols of station like how a noble wears jewelry to distinguish themselves from simple courtiers.

Kayla knows that, historically as a symbol, giant eagles are used by countries and kings as a symbol of power, rulership through might, territorial dominance, and freedom of movement.

He will also drop by the smithy, see if he can get a few throwing hammers or a battlehammer, although he doesn't really expect to so soon. The rest of the time, unless he is sought out, he will find a quiet place to form of minor meditation that he finds particularly relaxing.

Slithus is the first to greet you.

"I knew you'd be the first to visit, good Sir Dwarf. The metal from the equipment you found will be melted down and forging will begin right away. Dora has uncovered a revolutionary way to ressuply my warriors and she will explain personally at the meeting."

And yes, Dora took everything the party found unless something was specifically kept secret.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-25, 01:55 PM
Kayla asks Dora if she can be of any help with arcane experiments...or whatever the wizards is doing in there. If not, then the sorceress will wander the keep.

2009-06-25, 02:15 PM
Kayla asks Dora if she can be of any help with arcane experiments...or whatever the wizards is doing in there. If not, then the sorceress will wander the keep.

Dora gives Kayla a sideways glance.

"No thanks, sweetie. You might fart and blow up my lab."

You hear her mumbling something about sorcerers as she walks off.

2009-06-25, 02:23 PM
Everyone, guards and refugees alike, halt their work and whisper amongst themselves while staring at the strange haul. When the group reaches the castle courtyard, Dora teleports in and prestidigitates a colorful cloud of confetti.

"You're alive? You're alive! How wonderful, you're not as boneheaded as I thought. A little banged up, but I knew you were damaged goods from the start hehehe."

Dora has a guard take the contents of the cart around the back entrance to her laboratory. Rolf Albert, the bald and portly priest, comes rushing out of his church.

"Oh. My. Goodness. You poor souls, look at this! Tsk, these wounds, how barbaric!"

((Despite being at full hit points, I use how many healing surges you have left as a gauge of your overall health))

"I'm about to hold afternoon mass at two. You're all welcome to join regardless of your denomination."

With all said and done, Duke Barrik calls for a meeting at six bells to discuss further plans. It's currently one. What do you do until then?

"Not boneheaded!!!" Random turns to Aydin, "APPARENTLY NO ONE HEARD ABOUT WHAT YOU DID OUT THERE!!!"

2009-06-25, 02:28 PM
"Not boneheaded!!!" Random turns to Aydin, "APPARENTLY NO ONE HEARD ABOUT WHAT YOU DID OUT THERE!!!"

Turning towards the bard, Jalaan states, "You know, all of us hear quite well your shrill voice without any need for you to constantly screech your most idiotic thoughts. And I'd be more worried about your actions out there than Aydin's"

After the generic mass (before finding a place to meditate), Jalaan looks up Aydin to get his version of the events - including what he and Random saw when they first arrived when Fleet Foot was chased away.

2009-06-25, 02:30 PM
What do you do until then?

Bicker in the courtyard, apparently.

"Random. Aydin," Raphael takes Aydin by the arm and Random by the ear, "talking in private. Now." The tone of voice (and, you know, the ear pull) makes it quite clear this is not a request. Jaleen (or really anyone who wants to) can come with them if he likes!

2009-06-25, 02:55 PM
Bicker in the courtyard, apparently.

"Random. Aydin," Raphael takes Aydin by the arm and Random by the ear, "talking in private. Now." The tone of voice (and, you know, the ear pull) makes it quite clear this is not a request. Jaleen (or really anyone who wants to) can come with them if he likes!

Jalaan follows before going on to do everything else in his plans.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-25, 03:10 PM
Kayla is going to wander the keep. If anyone would like to get her attention before she leaves the group, now's the time (but he'd have to make it sound interesting).

2009-06-25, 04:55 PM
((If anyone wants to do something before the meeting, simply type it up in a flashback as long as it's nothing plot important))

After the evening meal and a small bit of rest, the Duke invites everyone to his meeting. Alek, Dora, Slithus, and Rolf attend. The Duke, as is customary, is the first to speak.

"Greetings everyone. We are here to discuss our current situation. Lady Dora, you have the floor."

Dora hops up on the table.

"This land is identical to our own minus the never-moving-sun and lack of any kind of atmosphere. The water is drinkable, the soil is rich and fertile despite the lack of rainfall, and the flora and fauna are exactly what we encountered in the old world.

The people, or "beastman" as I will call them, appear to be a sub-species of human. They're nearly identical to the standard homo sapien yet with more primal, animal like features. I'm sure you've noticed the sloping jaw and portruding brow.

As far as equipping ourselves go, my lord, I've found a way to siphon residuum from the rays of this Eternal Sun. It's a slow process but allows me to work on magic equipment again."

The Duke nods his head.

"Slithus tells me that the ore from the weapons the beastmen use is pure. Before I pass the floor to him, I'd like to hear about the adventures our champions have had. Please, tell us how you came across these "beastmen". Be succinct and precise and spare no detail."

2009-06-25, 05:07 PM
"Slithus tells me that the ore from the weapons the beastmen use is pure. Before I pass the floor to him, I'd like to hear about the adventures our champions have had. Please, tell us how you came across these "beastmen". Be succinct and precise and spare no detail."

Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin", Dwarf Invoker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166)

"Yes, my Lord," answers Jalaan, bowing his head respectfully in the Duke's direction, "We had two encounters. The first one, we found a boar in a primitive but well-contructed trap. A hairy beastman arrived as we were examining the place for clues. Aydin convinced him we were peaceful, and the beastman took his boar after warning us about a danger in the nearby lands."

Taking a break to drink some water off a goblet before him, he continues, "We started back, and Aydin and Random scouted ahead. They found a group of six shaven beastmen harassing the first beastman and trying to take his boar. Random ran back to inform, while Aydin attempted to distract the hairless beastmen from attacking the hairy one. By the time we arrived, it had become a full-fledged battle, and Aydin was in trouble, since he was badly outnumbered. We all entered the fight, except for Random that instead impeded our efforts and attempted to heal the enemy. Thankfully, he was not able to carry out this, and after three of the shaven beastmen were brought down, the others fled. Random then proceeded to acuse Aydin, but the original beastman - who said his name is Swift Foot - came back and supported Aydin's version of the events. Once again, he took the boar and left, but before told us that the shaved beastmen - the Sky Tribe - attack and torture them and steal food and women from his tribe."

2009-06-25, 05:22 PM
"Yes, my Lord," answers Jalaan, bowing his head respectfully in the Duke's direction, "We had two encounters. The first one, we found a boar in a primitive but well-contructed trap. A beastman arrived as we were examining the place for clues. Aydin convinced him we were peaceful, and the beastman took his boar after warning us about a danger in the nearby lands."

Taking a break to drink some water off a goblet before him, he continues, "We started back, and Aydin and Random scouted ahead. They found a group of six shaven beastmen harassing the first beastman and trying to take his boar. Random ran back to inform, while Aydin attempted to distract the hairless beastmen from attacking the hairy one. By the time we arrived, it had become a full-fledged battle, and Aydin was in trouble, since he was badly outnumbered. We all entered the fight, except for Random that instead impeded our efforts and attempted to heal the enemy. Thankfully, he was not able to carry out this, and after three of the shaven beastmen were brought down, the others fled. Random then proceeded to accuse Aydin, but the original beastman came back and supported Aydin's version of the events. Once again, he took the boar and left, but before told us that the shaved beastment - the Sky Tribe - attack and steal from his tribe."

Random gives the Duke a theatrical bow. "I was merely attempting to create some sort of starting points of diplomatic relations with the people of the planet. I was angry with Aydin for not attempting other methods of stopping the hairless men from attacking the, uh, haired beastman before attacking."

2009-06-25, 05:31 PM
"My Lord," Aydin bows, not quite as gracefully as the bard, but respectfully, "I take full responsibility for initiating our encounter with the shaven beastmen. I believe that we have made an ally in Swift Foot and likely his whole tribe, but in doing so I have likely given us an enemy as well. Random's motive was just, though his execution perhaps questionable. However, from what we have learned of this Sky Tribe, they seem to be of a barbaric sort for which diplomacy may have no lasting effect. Should My Lord seek to parlay with these creatures, I will stand by his decision, but it is my humble opinion that our lot is much better cast with our current compatriot, Swift Foot."

2009-06-25, 05:41 PM
"My Lord," Aydin bows, not quite as gracefully as the bard, but respectfully, "I take full responsibility for initiating our encounter with the shaven beastmen. I believe that we have made an ally in Swift Foot and likely his whole tribe, but in doing so I have likely given us an enemy as well. Random's motive was just, though his execution perhaps questionable. However, from what we have learned of this Sky Tribe, they seem to be of a barbaric sort for which diplomacy may have no lasting effect. Should My Lord seek to parlay with these creatures, I will stand by his decision, but it is my humble opinion that our lot is much better cast with our current compatriot, Swift Foot."

Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin", Dwarf Invoker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166)

Taking the word again, Jalaan adds, "My Lord, I must disagree with Aydin's assesment. As far as I can tell, his actions in no way significantly altered the attitude of the shaven beastmen, only changed their target. Aydin saved Swift Foot from torture and death, and even if he had not, the Sky Tribe would have seen us as a menace to their dominance, or as a people to exploit like they do Swift Foot's tribe."

2009-06-25, 05:44 PM
"My Lord," Aydin bows, not quite as gracefully as the bard, but respectfully, "I take full responsibility for initiating our encounter with the shaven beastmen. I believe that we have made an ally in Swift Foot and likely his whole tribe, but in doing so I have likely given us an enemy as well. Random's motive was just, though his execution perhaps questionable. However, from what we have learned of this Sky Tribe, they seem to be of a barbaric sort for which diplomacy may have no lasting effect. Should My Lord seek to parlay with these creatures, I will stand by his decision, but it is my humble opinion that our lot is much better cast with our current compatriot, Swift Foot."

Random raises an eyebrow. "It seems I might have misjudged you. Thank you for your analysis of my actions, I shall take that into account next time we go out of the fort."

2009-06-25, 05:46 PM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin", Dwarf Invoker (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166)

Taking the word again, Jalaan adds, "My Lord, I must disagree with Aydin's assesment. As far as I can tell, his actions in no way significantly altered the attitude of the shaven beastmen, only changed their target. Aydin saved Swift Foot from torture and death, and even if he had not, the Sky Tribe would have seen us as a menace to their dominance, or as a people to exploit like they do Swift Foot's tribe."

"It is true," Raphael nods a moment, "we were lucky, if you can call it that, that his interference was with a group of thoroughly dishonorable knaves who care not for the blood of their own kind. Regardless, I have his assurance that he will show more caution in future."

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-25, 05:54 PM
Kayla smiled. No one was sure if she understood everything that was talked about. Or if she cared.

"All I can say, sir, is that these shaven beastmen were asking for bloody sacrifices. Human sacrifices. I don't know many things about foreign cultures, but I guess that they won't stop their evil deeds as long as their god demands tribute."

2009-06-25, 09:16 PM
"Oh, about the hunter himself," Raphael had known they were forgetting something, "he seemed to disdain forged weapons, perhaps out of some grudge against the Sky Tribe. Regardless, his language was a strange mixture of tongues that took three of us to translate."

"This might mean there are many more races in this new land, and that there might be - or might have been - some kind of city where they came together. And also that should you wish to parlay with his people without our efforts, that you bring someone with knowledge of Draconic, Giant and... what was yours called, Lady Kayla?"

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-25, 09:58 PM
"Huh? Me? Oh yeah... Primordial. It was primordial. That means they have had some dealing with elemental beings."

2009-06-25, 10:21 PM
The duke raises his open palm demanding silence.

"Slithus, please tell our young warriors the definition of deadly force."

Slithus stands and pops to attention.

"Deadly force is that force that a person knows causes, or that person knows or should know would create a substantial risk of causing, death or serious bodily harm. It's use is justified only under conditions of extreme necessity as a last resort or when all lesser means have failed.

The three conditions to deadly force authorization is opportunity, capability, and intent."

The Duke motions Slithus to sit.

"Aydin and Random, based on your testimony, the beastmen were had you outnumbered. Opportunity. They were armed with weapons. Capability. Intent is the hardest to prove as our guards walk armed patrols but generally when someone comes running at you with a knife in their hand they're not rushing to get a hug.

I prefer diplomacy in place of spilled blood but that's not always the case especially among an unwilling party. It's very difficult to stop a fight and when one side refuses to yield or listen to reason the only remaining choice is to defend yourself. I understand your intent but based on the testimony of this Swift Foot, this Sky Tribe will not listen reason even if we had presented them with the option to do so. I could have dealt with the goblins and ended the war months ago but my failure to act with might gave them time to ally their tribes and overwhelm us. My failure to strike against a hostile race nearly caused the extinction of our culture.

I've heard enough for now. These shaven beastmen... "Sky Tribe?" They speak common, wield forged equipment, and from what little we know they're malicious and sadistic."

Slithus bows.

"There's more, my lord. Their equipment is of goblin design."

For the first time during the meeting the Duke's face changes from passive interest to outright surprise. He implores Slithus to continue.

"The equipment is relatively new, I wager a year. It's definitely of goblin design. Before you ask, my lord, all unattended equipment wasn't carried over when the rift in the sky sucked us in. Either goblins exist in this world or by some astronomical coincidence these Sky Tribe beastmen know the goblin method of crafting equipment."

The Duke closes his eyes and thinks. Rolf is the next to speak.

"If I may interrupt, my lord, there are no accounts on record about a being known as the Sky Lord. The symbols on the coins, however, are that of a roc; a massive predatorial bird. The flaming bird is a phoenix, a primordial creature native to the elemental plane of chaos. Legends say when it dies it leaves behind a single feather among its ashes before bursting into flames and rising again. This feather can resurrect one from the dead.

As far as the Sky Tribe goes, religious fanatics are impossible to reason with. If they believe we are infidels trespassing on their land nothing will get them to change their minds. We must excercise caution. Not out of fear of straining relationships but out of their fanatical devotion. Men of unquestioned loyalty are the most dangerous."

The Duke inhales deeply.

"We'll deal with this Sky Tribe later. For now, we need to establish supplies. We know the world is livable. I want us to begin farming, scavenging, and hunting. Construct water mills along the river and begin logging. The enemies has metal so there must be natural ore. Your next task is to discover a vein of ore so we may begin mining.

But first, Alek. Please explain our impromptu "shop" setup."

Alek bows.

"Since the "gold piece" is about as valuable as sand in a desert, we've had to come up with a method to keep you equipped while still supporting the keep. Through Lady Dora and Master Slithus' methods, we're capable of recycling just about anything you find. We've assigned our valuables a resale value and give you this value in "credit." "Credit" can be used to request equipment. The more valuable equipment you return that we can melt down or use, the more credit you'll receive."

Alek hands everyone a piece of parchment signed and stamped with the official wax seal of Duke Barrik. Written on everyone's parchment is 120gp.

"I'm in charge of keeping track of your "treasury." Whenever you "purchase" something, I'll deduct the credits from your "account."

The meeting stretches on for thirty more minutes but nothing important is discussed. When all is said and done, Dora stands to walk out.

"See me at your own leisure. I found some equipment you'll find useful."

Before the halfling can exit the room a soldier bursts in.

"Forgive me, my lord, but a strange naked man with a quarterstaff approached us at the gatehouse! He said he wanted to parley but only wished to speak with these five!"

Duke Barrik swiftly stands.

"This is our chance to understand which side this Sky Tribe stands. It may be a trap... but if it is, then we have all the proof in the world proving these are our enemies. I won't send any extra soldiers to intimidate them so you're on your own. Be cautious."

2009-06-25, 10:36 PM
Aydin smiles at Random. "Looks like we'll get to try your method after all."

2009-06-26, 12:13 AM
Jalaan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166), "Hammer of Clanggedin", Dwarf Invoker

Jalaan takes his piece of parchment, looks at it curiously, and then stashes it away. He continues to listen to the Duke with a calm demeanour, elated he has the same impression of the Sky Tribe.

When the soldier announces the presence of the foreigner, he jumps from his chair and, pulling out his carved rod, he says, "We should go. They don't strike me as the most patient of people"

((Unless anyone else talks, Jalaan leaves the room))

2009-06-26, 04:26 AM
"You're alive? You're alive! How wonderful, you're not as boneheaded as I thought. A little banged up, but I knew you were damaged goods from the start hehehe."

Karthuk mumbles... " Me no damaged good. Me no good"

It's obvious that the humor of the wizard is beyond his ability to understand "civilied" behaviors.

Dora has a guard take the contents of the cart around the back entrance to her laboratory. Rolf Albert, the bald and portly priest, comes rushing out of his church.

"Oh. My. Goodness. You poor souls, look at this! Tsk, these wounds, how barbaric!"

"Wounds good. Wounds make you stronger. If you don't know pain, you don't respect pain.If you don't respect pain you don't respect enemy.If you don't respect enemy you no honor.If you no honor you no better than worms."

By his tone it's like he was trying to explain something basic to a slow child.

He just pass by the weaponsmith looking for some stones to polish his axe.

After all had spoke at the meeting is done the Goliath only adds.

"Great bird in sky while we return. Me think is one Roc. Maybe sent by shaman. Sky Tribe will cause problem to farmers and lumbers. I heard shaman tell all intruders would die. We intruders. He would like us dead. Karthuk will search for metal under the earth, is good for weapons. But me search for the Sky Tribe village and kill shaman and chief of Tribe. That will show them, then they left us alone while we look for return home. There are more goblins to kill in home. Karthuk hates to leave a fight in the middle."

When he sees all is spoken and done he left the hall and look for a good bath and then a good ale before they leave again.

2009-06-26, 11:13 AM
"You're alive? You're alive! How wonderful, you're not as boneheaded as I thought. A little banged up, but I knew you were damaged goods from the start hehehe."

Karthuk mumbles... " Me no damaged good. Me no good"

It's obvious that the humor of the wizard is beyond his ability to understand "civilied" behaviors.

Dora has a guard take the contents of the cart around the back entrance to her laboratory. Rolf Albert, the bald and portly priest, comes rushing out of his church.

"Oh. My. Goodness. You poor souls, look at this! Tsk, these wounds, how barbaric!"

"Wounds good. Wounds make you stronger. If you don't know pain, you don't respect pain.If you don't respect pain you don't respect enemy.If you don't respect enemy you no honor.If you no honor you no better than worms."

By his tone it's like he was trying to explain something basic to a slow child.

He just pass by the weaponsmith looking for some stones to polish his axe.

After all had spoke at the meeting is done the Goliath only adds.

"Great bird in sky while we return. Me think is one Roc. Maybe sent by shaman. Sky Tribe will cause problem to farmers and lumbers. I heard shaman tell all intruders would die. We intruders. He would like us dead. Karthuk will search for metal under the earth, is good for weapons. But me search for the Sky Tribe village and kill shaman and chief of Tribe. That will show them, then they left us alone while we look for return home. There are more goblins to kill in home. Karthuk hates to leave a fight in the middle."

When he sees all is spoken and done he left the hall and look for a good bath and then a good ale before they leave again.

Random sighs, "Lets not get all violent on the goblins that might be here. They may be a completely different group then the ones we fought before."

2009-06-26, 11:17 AM
Random sighs, "Lets not get all violent on the goblins that might be here. They may be a completely different group then the ones we fought before."

Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166), Dwarf Invoker

"Tell you what," Jalaan growls, "next time we meet a group of creatures that is looking for a live sacrifice, we'll give you over to them, that way we kill two birds with one stone. By which I mean: stop listening to your own voice, and start listening to what has been said around you."

2009-06-26, 11:29 AM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166), Dwarf Invoker

"Tell you what," Jalaan growls, "next time we meet a group of creatures that is looking for a live sacrifice, we'll give you over to them, that way we kill two birds with one stone. By which I mean: stop listening to your own voice, and start listening to what has been said around you."

Random rolls his eyes, "Yes the sky tribe was talking about live sacrifice, but they are not the goblins that made the equipment. For all we know the goblins might be merchants who trade indiscriminate or their weapons may have just been taken from them. Anyways, we can discuss this later, their is a messenger and/or trap we have to deal with at the moment."

Before anyone can respond Random walks away towards the gatehouse.

2009-06-26, 11:35 AM
Random rolls his eyes, "Yes the sky tribe was talking about live sacrifice, but they are not the goblins that made the equipment. For all we know the goblins might be merchants who trade indiscriminate or their weapons may have just been taken from them. Anyways, we can discuss this later, their is a messenger and/or trap we have to deal with at the moment."

Before anyone can respond Random walks away towards the gatehouse.

Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166), Dwarf Invoker

Grabbing the back of the shirt of the half elf, Jalaan effortlessly lifts him off his feet and turns him around. "You continue to not listen, elfling." he spats, "Karthuk was not taking about any goblins here, but those we left back in out world. Your comments to him, you accusations, in fact, are as baseless as all the others you have been pronouncing so far. Learn. To. Listen. My patience is at an end. The next time you accuse, or imply, anything about your companions, you and I will have more than words."

Dropping him, he proceeds towards the doors.

2009-06-26, 11:42 AM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166), Dwarf Invoker

Grabbing the back of the shirt of the half elf, Jalaan effortlessly lifts him off his feet and turns him around. "You continue to not listen, elfling." he spats, "Karthuk was not taking about any goblins here, but those we left back in out world. Your comments to him, you accusations, in fact, are as baseless as all the others you have been pronouncing so far. Learn. To. Listen. My patience is at an end. The next time you accuse, or imply, anything about your companions, you and I will have more than words."

Dropping him, he proceeds towards the doors.

Random turns around to face Jalaan and says, "I wasn't accusing or implying anything, and I'm sorry to both you and Karthuk if I misheard him."

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-26, 11:47 AM
"Hey you, stop bullying people! I may disagree with the bard, but he's still our brother in arms. We need all the help we can get. And we certainly don't need you two fighting like roosters. If anyone attacks anyone else here, I will burn him to a crisp. Understood?

I also want to point out that the word elfling is offensive to our kind."

Then Kayla smiled. She seemed to regain her usual, naive attitude.

"Let's get going. I hope the beastman has brought welcoming gifts!"

2009-06-26, 11:52 AM
"Hey you, stop bullying people! I may disagree with the bard, but he's still our brother in arms. We need all the help we can get. And we certainly don't need you two fighting like roosters. If anyone attacks anyone else here, I will burn him to a crisp. Understood?"

Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166), Dwarf Invoker

"I will only consider him a brother in arms when he actually lifts his arms in defence of his brothers, instead of accusing, distorting and getting in the way," answers Jalaan, "But I will say this: at least he has apologised for the misunderstanding, and thus do I: if I misunderstood your intent, forgive me." he says to the bard, "But the situation is tense. Try to be careful with your words."

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-26, 11:55 AM
"See? We are a happy bunch!"

2009-06-26, 01:04 PM
"Actions do speak louder," Raphael agrees, "something which you may do well to remember yourself, master dwarf. This is much too dangerous a situation to put too much stock in pride."

"You may conduct what diplomacy you wish, Random, but when battle is joined, your fellows need to be able to count on you," he adds to the bard. "Can both of you agree to that, at least?"

2009-06-26, 01:23 PM
"Actions do speak louder," Raphael agrees, "something which you may do well to remember yourself, master dwarf. This is much too dangerous a situation to put too much stock in pride."

"You may conduct what diplomacy you wish, Random, but when battle is joined, your fellows need to be able to count on you," he adds to the bard. "Can both of you agree to that, at least?"

Random nods, "I can. I swear upon the tortured souls of my mother, father, brother, and sister, that forevermore in war and in peace each and everyone of you can count on me to protect you from harm and support you in your actions, taking only grievance in words and only attempting to stop you through discussions and talk until the time comes that the sacred bond of this friendship and oath are broken by any party, and if I break this sacred oath, may I return to enslavement and prosecution, and may my soul never find rest nor escape pain and punishment."

As Random said the words, an arcane power, a power older then the world, a power from a time of nothingness, moved and created a finality to the words, and sealed his oath in the perpetuity.

2009-06-26, 01:26 PM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166), Dwarf Invoker

"I will only consider him a brother in arms when he actually lifts his arms in defence of his brothers, instead of accusing, distorting and getting in the way," answers Jalaan, "But I will say this: at least he has apologised for the misunderstanding, and thus do I: if I misunderstood your intent, forgive me." he says to the bard, "But the situation is tense. Try to be careful with your words."

"Me agree with Jalaan. He better fight next time not talk " then the massive Goliath turned to face the half-elf, with a cold gaze on his black eyes. "and never try to touch my axe again or you touch it really hard."

Then he walked away with Jalaan.

2009-06-26, 01:56 PM
"Great bird in sky while we return. Me think is one Roc.

Rolf says "Not possible based on your description. Roc's are huge. Once a hatchling reaches maturity and learns to fly, its wingspan is about sixty feet. Twice that of what you described."

Quickly gathering at the gatehouse, the group finds their horses and a guard sergeant waiting. He's a strapping young lad in chain armor with wide shoulders, a thick neck, and black hair in a buzz cut.

"My name's Sergeant Waters. Slithus assigned me to act as a runner in case the beastman turns hostile. He's waiting a mile away from the castle to the north-east. I'll break off about 100' before you reach the beastman so as not to spoil relations."

This man's inclusion doesn't sit well with Jalaan. He understands the importance of the man's job but Jalaan's divine presence grants him keen insight on minor events. This sergeant is a spy. Not an "enemy spy" in the negative sense, but it's clear to Jalaan only that Sergeant Waters' job is primarily to watch the party's actions in this delicate situation.

The ride is quick and takes only ten minutes. Sergeant Waters breaks off 100' from the meeting point and chooses a low hill that grants him concealment from the meeting point. The meeting point itself is a series of small, rolling hills. A single tree, thirty feet high, stands on the highest hill. Passed the tree is a raging river that splits into three smaller rivers.

Fifty feet from the tree it begins to ripple like water and two men step out. The first one is the bearded, naked shaman from the forest encounter. The second is a tall, lanky man garbed in red silks and decorative bird feathers. A red bird mask covers the upper half of his face and he wields a staff with peacock feathers jutting from it.

The bird masked man speaks. "I am Mahuman Zuz, chief of the Sky Tribe. Today you have spilled the blood of three warriors. The Sky Lord isn't pleased. How do we intend to rectify this situation?"

2009-06-26, 02:04 PM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166), Dwarf Invoker

Jalaan dislikes the lack of trust showed by the inclussion of the Sergeant, but understands it is to be expected, given the groups actions. When they arrive before the two shaved beastmen, Jalaan stays a step or two behind the group, observing, paying attention to their words, and silent.

2009-06-26, 02:22 PM
The bird masked man speaks. "I am Mahuman Zuz, chief of the Sky Tribe. Today you have spilled the blood of three warriors. The Sky Lord isn't pleased. How do we intend to rectify this situation?"

Random clears his throat, takes a step forward, and bows deeply to Mahuman Zuz. He uses Words of Friendship on the beastmen. "We apologize for the blood of your warriors we spilled. We were merely defending a new friend of ours, Swift Foot. We saw your warriors attacking him and acted rashly. We are willing to repay for the offence with technology or aid within limits. We hope that this incident does not affect future diplomatic relations between our people as our people may need your great tribe's help to survive."

Diplomacy check:

[roll0] (I meant +18, sorry.)

2009-06-26, 02:34 PM
Raphael steps forward and gives a short bow himself. "With respect, great Chief, we had been given the impression," he looks carefully at the shaman from before, repeating the words that had been said, "that the offering of blood was pleasing to your Sky Lord. I give you my assurance that had we known otherwise, we would have done our utmost to stop the battle, and now that we do, an incident of this nature will not happen again."



2009-06-26, 04:03 PM
Rolf says "Not possible based on your description. Roc's are huge. Once a hatchling reaches maturity and learns to fly, its wingspan is about sixty feet. Twice that of what you described."

Karthuk shruged his shoulders.

"Not importat if Roc o no Roc. Its a spy and shaman magics." He pointed to the halfing wizard " she knows now how powerful shaman is"

The bird masked man speaks. "I am Mahuman Zuz, chief of the Sky Tribe. Today you have spilled the blood of three warriors. The Sky Lord isn't pleased. How do we intend to rectify this situation?"

Karthuk was about to speak when Random started to speak, then Raphael. So he remained back letting the others take the lead and carefully watched the actions of the shaman.

He mumbled so softly that even his friends couldn't hear him and it was the first time he used his own dialect, so if they already heard him they barely understood

"If you want repay then fight me in an honorable way and I'll offer your head and that of your coward shaman to your Sky Lord... we'll see then if he's pleased or not... "

[OOC Just to clarify he says this only to himself anyone hearing at his side would hear something like "mumblemumbleyoumumblemubleskymumblemumble" in any way he wants to disrupt the efforts of the others]

2009-06-26, 08:21 PM
Aydin, wishing to make sure his actions do not cause anymore animosity among the group, stays silent, but stands up front with the other negotiators.

2009-06-27, 06:34 AM
Random clears his throat, takes a step forward, and bows deeply to Mahuman Zuz. He uses Words of Friendship on the beastmen. "We apologize for the blood of your warriors we spilled. We were merely defending a new friend of ours, Swift Foot. We saw your warriors attacking him and acted rashly. We are willing to repay for the offence with technology or aid within limits. We hope that this incident does not affect future diplomatic relations between our people as our people may need your great tribe's help to survive."

Diplomacy check:

[roll0] (I meant +18, sorry.)

Everyone is strangely silent save Raphael who gives a +2 bonus to Random, giving his diplomacy a total result of 31.

Chief Zuz is silent for nearly a minute before speaking.

"You aren't the first to arrive to our lands ignorant of our ways. This 'Swift Foot' is detritus. Scum. Vermin. They reject the Sky Lord and reject our ways. They live in caves and fight with sticks and stones. Much like the crow eats the worm, the Sky Tribe rule over these worms and may do as we please.

Understand this, half-elf. There are no relations between my people and yours. We are the chosen of the Sky Lord. You are not. You are still standing before me unmolested because the Sky Lord has not ruled for your blood to stain this soil. Keep to your own business, infidels, and pray to your heathen gods the Sky Lord doesn't demand the land your castle fell upon.

The Sky Lord, however, is not yet satiated. He demands more blood. From whom doesn't matter. You have served well, my son, but the Sky Lord demands your blood. Show these vermin what it means to die with honor."

Chief Zuz gives the shaman a ceremonial dagger then steps into the tree and vanishes. The naked shaman lowers his head.

"You embarrassed me and now the Sky Lord demands sacrifice. I choose this meeting spot for a reason."

The shaman plunges the dagger deep in his chest. Blood flows from his heart and into the ground.

"Sky Tribe... maxim... before you fall... take your enemies... with you- HURK!"

For several seconds there's silence. Suddenly, what looks like a large pair of claws the length of Raph's arms reaches up and cuts the shaman in half before pulling his two pieces underground. The tunnel created collapses instantly leaving freshly tilled soil and a bloody spot.

2009-06-27, 06:59 AM
Battle Map (http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=r-UklHXkKzB5FbjQwyMQbTg&output=html)

The BLUE tiles are the river. It's shallow enough for the horse to move through it at the cost of 2 squares. Any medium sized creature has to swim.

The black borders represent inclines. Moving out of a black bordered area is free but moving into a black bordered area costs 2 squares of movement.

Jalaan is standing where he is as it's customary in negotiations to include only the speaking party. He stands off to the side during the conversation listening and watching but actively looking for any hostile threats (active perception which acts as a single roll that I made behind the scenes).

Surprise Round, Initiative 23: Monster 1

Jalaan hears a soft rumbling. Suddenly a massive insectoid beast bursts from the ground behind the party at J22. It looks like a heavily armored amalgamation of ant, beetle, and larval antlion. The creature is almost 10' long with 2' snapping pincers.

Surprise Round, Initiative 16: Monster 2

A second chitinous monstrous insect rises from the ground adjacent to Jalaan at M21. Acid drips from its mandibles, burning the ground.

Surprise Round, Initiative 2: Jalaan

Jalaan is adjacent to a large monster. What does he do?

2009-06-27, 07:26 AM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166), Dwarf Invoker

As the vile creatures spring from the ground, including one next to him, Jalaan points at the closest one with his little carved rod and shouts, "Claggedin curse you for your cowardly attack!"

A thunderbolt is produce, exploding behind the giant insect and carving a strange rune mark in its head.

HP 26/26 Healing Surge 6 (3 used /9)
AC 16 Fort 14 Reflex 13 Will 15

Surprise action: Vanguard's Lightning @ M22 (vs. Reflex)

If it hits, the enemy takes an extra 2 lightning damage if it performs an AoO before the end of my next turn (including the one he gets for the use of this power, I understand, but I may be wrong). Does NOT include the AoO for this attack, since it goes before it is completed.
If it hits me with AoO, I'll use the Armor of Wrath to damage it for 3 and push it to L21, and then continue with the attack, this time centered in K22 (I'd roll the other attack roll at that point)

Edit: To be clear, if the creature takes the AoO:
1) Creature attacks
2) if it hits, Armor of Wrath, recenter the attack
3) Perform the attack

2009-06-27, 08:07 AM
In his turn Karthuk literally jumped off the surprise when the massive insectoids creatures appeared then when he was able to recover from the surprise, he acted.

He charged for the creature that was threating the dwarf.

"Here you ugly ant!! I've got an axe lunch for ya!!"

He rised his greataxe over his head and let the heavy weapon hit the insectoid creature.

[Devastating strike:

(1d20+6) [roll0]

(1d12+1d8+6) [roll1] + [roll2] + 6 for damage if he scores]

2009-06-27, 09:33 AM
On his turn (due to the surprise round I don't think I get to sneak attack) Aydin will Sly Flourish the beast at J22, and then back up to K18.

[roll0] vs AC

2009-06-27, 12:45 PM
The creature is surprisingly swift but Jalaan's aim is true and he sears the creature for 7 points of damage.

Round 1, Initiative 22: Monster 1

The monster rears back and sprays a sticky, corrosive acid at Kayla, Random, Raphael, Karthuk, and Aydin. Kayla, Raphael, and Aydin including their horses are burned and slowed. Random and Karthuk manage to duck down in time.

Kayla and horse- Slowed and 5 ongoing acid damage (save ends both), 8 points of damage
Raphael and horse- Slowed and 5 ongoing acid damage (save ends both), 6 points of damage
Aydin and horse- Slowed and 5 ongoing acid damage (save ends both), 8 points of damage

The monster crawls back into the earth and the tunnel collapses behind it leaving nothing but a dirt spot in the grass.

Round 1, Initiative 16: Monster 2

The monster adjacent to Jalaan ignores the dwarf and strikes at the juicy, tender horse. It strikes, dealing heavy damage to it, and wraps its pincers around the horse's body. The monster tries to clamp down and drag the horse but Jalaan tugs hard on the reigns foiling the monster's attempt. The monster releases its grip on Jalaan's horse and dives back into the earth provoking an OA from the dwarf.


Jalaan's boot bounces harmlessly off its hard carapace.

Round 1, Initiative 15: Kayla and horse SLOWED ONGOING 5 ACID (save ends both)

Kayla just barely got her bearings when a giant antlion-beetle thing sprayed her with acid! She takes 5 points of damage from the sticky acid.

There are currently no visible threats. When the insect monsters burrow they leave behind little trace of their existence.

HP: 13/26 (13)[6]
Surge: 0/8
Initiative: +3
Speed: 6 (30')
Perception: 9
Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light
AC: 15
FORT: 12
REF: 13
WILL: 16

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-27, 12:52 PM
Kayla dismounts her horse. She is incredibly scared by the rampaging monsters but finds the courage in heart to fight.

Dismount, then use Second Wind (+6 hp), +2 to all defenses until end of next turn

2009-06-27, 01:03 PM
Kayla and her horse shrug off the acid. (the yellow "hor" is Kayla's horse).

Round 1, Initiative 12: Aydin Slowed and Ongoing 5 Acid (save ends both)

Aydin takes 5 points of acid damage. He and his horse are slowed. There are no visible enemies.

HP: 10/24 (12)[6]
Surge: 3/7
Initiative: +3
Speed: 6 (30')
Perception: 11
Insight: 11
AC: 15
FORT: 13
REF: 14
WILL: 13

2009-06-27, 01:10 PM
Jalaan mutters a curse at the hard exoskeleton of the creatures, and then shouts, "People, scatter! Get ready to hit them when they come back up!"

2009-06-28, 03:50 AM
Letting out a curse on his dialect when he saw the monsters getting underground again, Karthuk dismounted and slapped his horse on the rear to make the animal run away from the danger.

"They too fast and too coward to fight me."

Then he waited, his axe ready and he was paying attention to posiible tremors on the floor that indicates that one of them is coming.

2009-06-29, 12:27 AM
(This is a thread bump!)


Raph is covered in acid and surprised at the method - if not the presence - of the attack. As such, his first action is to listen to the guy giving tactical advice!

As much as he feels for the folk back at the keep, his life is somewhat more important than his steed's. He spurs it away from the group and prepares to attack the moment they surface.

(Moving to H24, (2 squares slowed + incline) and readying an action to Steel Serpent Strike M1 when it resurfaces if it does so adjacent to me, otherwise throw a handaxe.)

Steel Serpent Strike with Handaxe: Mark M1, slow it and make it unable to shift until the beginning of my next turn.
Attack: [roll0] vs. AC
Damage: [roll1]

Throw Handaxe: Mark M1 until the beginning of my next turn.
Attack: [roll2] vs. AC
Damage: [roll3]

Save for slow/acid: [roll4]

2009-06-29, 01:30 AM
((24 hour rule in effect))
Map Updated (Check out the first post in OOC)

Dismounting is a standard action meaning Kayla can't second wind and dismount in the same round. Taking the war devoted dwarf's advice, Kayla moves to G20 and second winds putting her at 19hp. Kayla and her horse shrug off the acid.

Aydin burns from the acid taking 5 points of damage and moves to L22. He draws his crossbow and readies himself to attack the insect monsters when they appear.


Aydin and his horse shrug off the acid.


HP: 10/24 (12)[6]
Surge: 3/7
Initiative: +3
Speed: 6 (30')
Perception: 11
Insight: 11
AC: 15
FORT: 13
REF: 14
WILL: 13

Round 1, Initiative 9: Raphael Slowed and ongoing acid damage 5 (save ends both)

Raphael burns, taking 5 points of damage. Raphael's horse can't make it to H24 on a single move. He moves to H21, draws his handax, and waits.


Raphael shrugs off the acid but his horse continues to burn (and slowed).


HP: 20/31 (15)[10]
Surge: 0/12
Initiative: +3
Speed: 5 (25')
Perception: 10
Insight: 10
Senses: Low-light
AC: 19
FORT: 16
REF: 13
WILL: 12

Round 1, Initiative 6: Karthuk


Ankhegs! Insectoid carnivores that dig through the earth and prey on creatures above. They're normally passive until their brood is hungry in which the parents ferociously hunt. Although they're vicious hunters, they're not malicious. Once their broodlings are satisfied, they retreat to their nest until hungry again.

Ankhegs can spit acid and their glands fill again when they near death. Ankhegs can burrow, they're surprisingly swift and stealthy, and their powerful mandibles let them grab onto prey up to their size and drag it effortlessly across the ground. Ankhegs use hit and run tactics, striking and retreating to wear down their opponent. They always attack the weakest looking foe and rarely fight to the death unless starving or defending their young.

These particular ankhegs appear young. They're weaker than fully grown adults but still a major threat. An ankhegs powerful chitinous shell can be used by an expert smith to reinforce armor.

Because they help aerate the soil, farmers will often leave the runt of their animals on the edge of their estates to promote the migration of ankhegs. Unfortunately, the larger an ankheg gets the hungrier it gets and more than one farmer have lost their entire herd to a huge sized ankheg they over fed.

Karthuk, dismounting is a standard action meaning you can't ready an action. He and his horse are unharmed. What does he do?

2009-06-29, 02:32 AM
Karthuk slapped his horse back making her to leave the battle field.

"Raphael!. You leave the horse there.They want to eat. I wait for one to try to bite the horse. Then I bite him with me axe!"

He approached to the poor beast ( leaving a distance of three squares so he can charge when the beast appears ) and tried to ignore the desesperate cries of the horse and the olour of the burning flesh.

"Rest of you ready to fire at it when he appears, they not bigger but if they grow up they eat castle farmers!"

2009-06-29, 02:36 AM
((I'm confused. Does Karthuk dismount? Where does he move? Dismounting is a standard action meaning he can't also ready an action.))

2009-06-29, 08:45 AM
[ Yes, he dismounts, so he can't get the ready action this turn. He approaches to Raphael's horse leaving 3 squares between him and the horse and hope one of this creatures tried to catch the animal so he can charge when his turn arrives. If nothing happens this round then he'll get the action ready. Sorry for the confusion]

2009-06-29, 09:48 AM
Karthuk dismounts and slaps his horse. It moves 10 squares, going up hill, to K27. Karthuk moves to I17, keeping the basic idea of spreading out and hoping one of the ankhegs appears relatively close.

Round 1, Initiative 4: Random

Aydin is seriously injured and his horse doesn't look like it's faring too well.

2009-06-29, 10:04 PM
As soon as a monster within range comes out of the ground, Random will use blunder.

2009-06-29, 10:37 PM
Round 1, Initiative 2: Jalaan

Jalaan's turn.

2009-06-29, 11:27 PM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166), Dwarf Invoker

Jalaan sits on top of his horse, looking for the first signs of the monsters sufacing. He keeps his power ready like a coiled spring, his carved rod actually glowing from the effort.

HP 26/26 Healing Surge 6 (3 used /9)
AC 16 Fort 14 Reflex 13 Will 15

Ready the following actions for the moment the next monster comes out:

Standard: Grasping Shadows, aimed to hit only the creature if possible.

2009-06-29, 11:36 PM
((A ready action is one or the other. You either ready a single move, standard, or minor action.))

2009-06-29, 11:53 PM
((A ready action is one or the other. You either ready a single move, standard, or minor action.))

((The attack, then))

2009-06-30, 12:21 AM
Round 2, Initiative 22: Ankheg 1

The ankheg pops up at M19.

Aydin uses 'easy target.'

Aydin hits a tough spot, dealing 4 points of damage but the blow distracts the creature giving Aydin combat advantage against it.

Random uses 'blunder.'

Random hits the monster for 9 points. Where does he push the monster?

Jalaan uses 'grasping shards.'

Jalaan hits for 4 points and the creature is slowed (resolved after Random moves the monster).

2009-06-30, 03:29 PM
Random wills the ankheg to stumble away, keeping it from attack. Jalaan takes the opportunity to thrust out with his boot again.


Jalaan kicks the monster square in the feelers, dealing 3 points of damage. As it stumbles back, he hits it with righteous fury, dealing 4 points and slowing it.

The slowed ankheg gives a furious shriek and burrows straight down into the ground and out of sight.

Aydin, Random, and Jalaan's initiative become 23, 22.9, and 22.8 respectively.

Round 2, Initiative 18

The ankheg that had attacked Jalaan earlier pops up out of the ground at O20. It tries to bite the dwarf with its powerful mandibles but fortunately Jalaan's startled horse instinctively leaps back causing the ankheg to miss.

Round 2, Initiative 15

Kayla's turn.

2009-06-30, 03:43 PM
((Didn't I have a readied action in there somewhere...?))

2009-06-30, 04:12 PM
Edit: Raphael tosses his handaxe at ankheg 1 before it digs away.


Before ankheg 1 burrows, Raphael strikes it mightily in the thorax, nearly scoring a critical hit!

Kayla's turn. Ankheg 1 slowly burrowed underground but ankheg 2 is visible and assaulting Jalaan.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-06-30, 05:30 PM
Finally, the ankheg was showing its ugly face! Kayla aimed and shot yet another chaos bolt.

[roll0] vs Will
[roll1] psychic
+1 AC until end of next turn

2009-06-30, 05:48 PM
Kayla hits the ankheg but her wild magic wanes mid flight and the bolt isn't as forceful as she'd like. Such is the way of chaos.

Round 2, Initiative 6: Karthuk

Karthuk's turn.

2009-07-01, 03:36 AM
Karthuk grabbed his axe and head for the beast that his companions had struck before

"You taste this!"

And discharge an upper blow at the bottom of the ankheg, trying to reach the more vulnerable parts of the insect hoping to keep it unbalance.

"Devastating strike"

(1d20+6) [roll0]

Damage: (1d12)+(1d8)+7 [roll1] + [roll2]

2009-07-01, 03:44 AM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166), Dwarf Invoker

Jalaan takes the brief moment after the beast's attack, while it is recovering from its missed strike, to move away from the rest of the group. They are clearly still very vulnerable to be hit by another of those acid splashes.

Jalaan slides 1 square to the east

2009-07-01, 09:32 AM
Karthuk hits with his axe. It's a glancing blow but the goliath's raw strength adds much behind it.

Round 3, Initiative 23: Aydin

2009-07-01, 07:02 PM
Aydin will use a healing surge and then move 2 squares right towards the river ((my map isn't showing coordinates for some reason.))

2009-07-01, 07:46 PM
Aydin moves as noted and uses a healing surge.


HP: 16/24 (12)[6]
Surge: 4/7
Initiative: +3
Speed: 6 (30')
Perception: 11
Insight: 11
AC: 15 (17)
FORT: 13 (15)
REF: 14 (16)
WILL: 13 (15)

Round 3, Initiative 22.9: Raphael

Raphael's horse burns (and is still slowed). The poor beast looks like it won't stand under another attack.

2009-07-01, 08:44 PM
Raphael feels for the steed's plight. Really, he does.

But the best he can do at the moment is to get to the ground and fend off the thing that will almost certainly be trying to attack it. The others seem to have the second bug under control - for now. Best to put down the first quickly.

(Using an action point to dismount, drawing tha warhammer and readying an action to Charge A1 when/if it surfaces.)

2009-07-01, 09:06 PM
Round 3, Initiative 22.8: Random

Go go go!

2009-07-01, 09:21 PM
Random yells a ferocious war cry (Majestic Word on Aydin) and rides his horse to the ankheg and strikes at it, guiding the future strikes of his allies through his defenses.

Roll for guiding strike:

-2 to Reflex

2009-07-02, 02:10 AM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166), Dwarf Invoker

"Good work, Karthuk!" Jalaan shouts his approval at the goliath's charge, "The Gods of battle are pleased".

Nudging his horse back away from the creature, he adds, "It is time to finish this." Raising his carved rod, he shouts, "Fear the Firesoul!" The shout assaults the creatures mind, hopefully causing it pain and moving it away, but it seems that is not Jalaan's primary intent. His body starts glowing, seemingly aflame. Suddenly, a perfect copy of Jalaan, except made out of fire, separates from his body and moves to the insect, burning it.

Jalaan: HP 26/26 Healing Surge 6 (3 used /9)
AC 16 Fort 14 Reflex 13 Will 15

Move: move one square North, away from the insect (if still adjacent - Jalaan would've moved away when the creature missed him)

Standard: Astral Terror
If it hits, push the insect between Karthuk and Aydin (so they are flanking it)

Minor: Summon Angel of Fire (doesn't really fit for a dwarf to call on an angel, that's why I'm using a flaming representation of Jalaan himself). The angel is summened to a square from which it flanks the insect:
If it didn't get pushed: across to the east from Karthuk
If it did get pushed: diagonally north-east from Ayden, one square away from Karthuk

Flaming Soul: HP 13/13 AC 16 Fort 14 Reflex 13 Will 15 Speed 6 Fly (Hover) 6
Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets 1 creature; +5 vs. Reflex; 1d8 + 5 fire damage.

Action point: Order angel of fire to attack
[roll2] (includes CA) (sorry, against Reflex - might even hit, if Random lowered it)

Note: this assumes the map is up to date (which it should, Random didn't mention moving anything), but if something does not fit, adjust as needed.

Note 2: Let's see this thing try and run away when compeltely surrounded by three damage dealers :: evil grin ::

2009-07-02, 01:58 PM
Random inspires Aydin, fully healing him, and moves up to the ankheg to strike it. His javelin doesn't even nick the monster's tough carapace.

Jalaan summons a fiery incarnation of the dwarven god of war Clangeddin ((this is a more fitting aspect, oh deity incarnate)). It swings its burning arms but the large insect proves more dexterous than it appears.

Round 3, Initiative 22: Ankheg 1

The first ankheg should have surfaced by now but nothing happens.

Round 3, Initiative 18: Ankheg 2

The ankheg shifts and sprays its vile acid at Jalaan, Karthuk, and Random.

Karthuk and Random anticipate the attack and deftly dodge it but Jalaan, having finished summoning, reacts too slowly. Jalaan takes 7 points of acid damage, 5 ongoing acid and is slowed (save ends both). Jalaan's horse isn't so lucky as the beast of burden instinctively rears back and takes the full brunt of the spray ((critical hit!)).

The monster crouches down low, spends an action point, and waits.

Round 3, Initiative 15: Kayla

The first ankheg hasn't resurfaced yet and Jalaan (and his horse) got blasted pretty hard.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-02, 02:12 PM

The sorceress walks 15 feet towards the other fighters and looks around. Did the other ankheg flee? Kayla doesn't know much about the creatures, but that seems unlikely. She keeps her eyes open, ready to fire a chaos bolt if necessary.

Move 3 squares east
Ready a Chaos Bolt, trigger is ankheg 1 resurfacing

2009-07-02, 03:02 PM
Kayla closes in on ankheg 2 and waits for its mate to surface.

Round 3, Initiative 6: Karthuk

Karthuk was flanking the ankheg with Aydin before it shifted and blasted him with acid. The other ankheg should have surfaced by now but hasn't.

2009-07-04, 09:38 AM
Karthuk shifts over.

"I smell blood Ankheg's blood. Aydin. Ready flank. WE FINISH THIS!"

Karthuk's eyes flare up with a deep, primal fury. He readies for Aydin to flank the ankheg before flying into a bloodhunt rage.

Round 4, Initiative 24: Ankheg 1

The first ankheg emerges flanking Karthuk. Raphael charges it, flanking it with Karthuk, and uses footwork lure.


Kayla fires a chaos bolt at it.


If Even

2009-07-04, 09:53 AM
Raphael's fancy swordplay draws the ankheg away from Karthuk, breaking the flank it had with the goliath and dealing 6 points of damage. Kayla fires a chaos bolt, nearly overtaking its mind completely, and dealing 12 points of damage.

The ankheg's acid gland immediately begins dripping. With no targets grouped together, it spins around on Jalaan's weakened mount and blasts it with acid. Jalaan predicts the attack and ducks low but his horse takes the full force and collapses, throwing Jalaan off the saddle. The ankheg spends an action point and bites the dwarf in a tender spot around the neck for 12 points of damage. Jalaan glows with divine radiance and pushes the monster back, dealing 3 points of damage to it.

Round 4, Initiative 23: Aydin

Karthuk is waiting for you to set up a flank to take down ankheg 2. Both ankhegs are bloodied and could fall from a well placed attack. What do you do?

2009-07-04, 07:09 PM
Aydin holsters his crossbow and draws his short sword, then runs up to the Ankheg by Karthuk to flank it, and attacks. (use action point as necessary, I forget what changing weapons is these days.

Piercing Strike


2009-07-04, 07:45 PM
Aydin shifts to flank the ankheg. Before he can attack, Karthuk flies into a furious rage and brings down his axe.


Karthuk nearly takes the ankheg's head off. It still stands but its six legs convulse to keep its body balanced.

Aydin attacks but even near death the insect proves too fast and dodges it.

Round 4, Initiative 22.8: Random

Both ankhegs are near death. What do you do?

2009-07-05, 10:15 AM
Random yells to Jalaan something incomprehensible over the noises of the battle, but a surge of power flows, Majestic Word on Jalaan. He rushes forward and strikes the Ankheg, showing a moment of its weakness.

Guiding Strike Hit:

-2 to Reflex until end of turn

2009-07-05, 10:34 AM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166), Dwarf Invoker

As the horse Jalaan is mounted falls unconscious and collapses, Jalaan falls, but his strong legs and low center of gravity allows Jalaan to fall upright. Bleeding profusely and with smoke coming from the acid that covers him, Jalaan is nevertheless ready to make Clanggedin proud. Pointing with his rod at the southernmost ankheg, he barks an order and the firesoul flies to stop the ankheg from approaching Jalaan again. Jalaan then pulls back, trying to catch his breath and making sure he is well outside the ankhegs' range. Then, another order and the firesoul burst into flames, causing the ankheg's tissues to smoke and blister.

Jalaan observes with satisfaction that the acid is thinning, and no longer stings as much. "Clanggedin's will is not so easily denied, beasts!"

HP 13/26 (Bloodied) Healing Surge 6 (4 used /9)
AC 16 Fort 14 Reflex 13 Will 15 Speed 5

[roll0] (See OOC. I was thinking some other healing word)

[roll1] (Sorry, I forgot about this. Man, dwarves rule)

Standard-as-move: stand up (only if ST vs prone fails)

Minor: Move firesoul to engage A1 (on the east side, between the ankheg and Jalaan)

Move: move 5 squares east (next to the river)

Standard: attack with firesoul (only if ST vs prone works)
[roll2] (see OOC - changed to the ankheg NOT attacked by Random)

[roll4] (pity it's not poison for the ultimate dwarf-advantage turn :D)

2009-07-05, 11:54 AM
Random inspires courage in Jalaan, shrugging off his grievous wounds. He moves to flank ankheg 1 with Raphael but the half-elf is still inexperienced in melee combat and his clumsy swing misses entirely.

Jalaan moves as far as he can away from the ankhegs and orders his fiery clone to attack ankheg 2. The flames singe the creature's shell yet still it stands, driven by a primal hunger for fresh flesh.

Round 4, Initiative 16: Ankheg 2

The ankheg has had enough. It burrows into the ground but not before all three warriors get their free swings.




Karthuk's powerful swing hits a hard spot, cracking the shell but dealing no damage. Aydin, taking advantage of the crack, drives his sword deep into the monster's belly. It flips over on its back and kicks its legs wildly before falling still.

2009-07-05, 11:57 AM
Round 5, Initiative 25: Raphael

Raphael is flanking with Random.

2009-07-05, 12:09 PM
Raphael lets loose a roar, bringing all his strength to bear on the ankheg. It's time to finish this!

Brash Strike! Mark A1 and grant it combat advantage against me until the beginning of my next turn.
Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Damage: [roll1]

2009-07-05, 08:51 PM
Raphael nearly beheads the monster. It kicks viciously before rolling on its back and falling still.

End of Combat

In less than a minute, Sergeant Waters appears with his sword and shield drawn.

"I rushed here as fast as I could when I saw the first monster appear. You've dispatched the ankhegs. Fine work, although these were young adults. Had you fought fully grown ankhegs, well, I fear I wouldn't have made it in time."

Ridiculous passive insight check: the seargant is lying about the whole "rushed here" bit. If he truly remained at 100' away like when he broke off, he would have made it in the first few seconds.

"Regardless, I assume you've made up with these beastmen? They don't look too friendly what with the ritualistic suicide bit and all. How we handle them is up to the Captain. Let's bring these monsters with us. The Captain knows how to make a good suit out of it."

Unless anyone has any ground breaking plot revelations, the sergeant takes Karthuk, Random, and Raphael's rope and ties up the dead horse and the two ankhegs.

"Shame we lost a horse but it was male. We can probably cut it up for food."

Returning to the castle, the Duke throws feast. With the immediate layout of the land scoped out and a potential threat identified, the Duke is ready to expand into the country side to support his 823 citizens.

Everyone receives 650xp for recovering the necessary items Dora needed for her research, defeating the ankhegs, and talking your way through a possibly hostile situation. After the feast, everyone takes an extended rest and the benefit of their newly gained experience heightens their minds and spirits.

2009-07-05, 09:45 PM
The next day, Dora is the first to approach the heroes holding a large sack.

"Got some junk for you. It's the remains of my collection after getting sucked into that vortex. Everything else I've had to disenchat to support the castle."

She sniffs

"I miss my black hole. The Duke said "What's the use of a black hole at the bottom of a chamber pot?" Well, with nine hundred people I hope you like smelling **** until we create a proper waste disposal method!"

Her sack contains:

Wand of Ray of Enfeeblement +1 (PH-244)

Magic Orb +1 (PH-238)

Dwarven Chain +1 (PH-229)

Thunderburst Hand Crossbow +1(PH-236)

Goggles of Aura Sight (Adventurer's Vault-141)

Level 5
Item Slot: Head
Property: Gain a +2 item bonus to Heal checks
Power (Encounter): Minor Action. Choose a target within 10 squares of you. Learn the target's current and maximum hit point values, any current disease or poison conditions on the target, and any disease or poison effect the target can deal.

"If there's anything you don't want then give it back. I'll disenchat it and add it to your current credit."

Dora walks off, allowing you to distribute the items as you see fit or visit her if you don't want something.


Jalaan mentioned interest in Slithus once he got his forge running. He finds the tiefling speaking with Sergeant Waters. When Jalaan comes around the corner, the sergeant cuts his conversation short, salutes, and walks off. Slithus greets Jalaan heartily.

"Welcome, good master dwarf! You here to trade in your credit for some equipment? Before you do, I can make something out of those fine ankheg specimen you brought with you. One ankheg can make a single suit of hide armor that protects you from acid. In addition, a ankheg's acid gland still functions in death and I can engineer the armor to corrode the weapons of anyone that strikes you.

One ankheg can also make a light or heavy shield that offers acid resistance. I can modify the acid gland in the shield to allow you to use it like a projectile in combat.

Finally, I can make a suit of plate out of both ankhegs. I can't work the acid gland into it, but you'll still have the resistance and the armor is so light you won't be slowed down like normal plate.

So, that's either two hide suits, one hide and one shield, two shields, or one plate. Each ankheg is worth 200 gold in credit if you don't want them."

2009-07-05, 10:03 PM
"I miss my black hole. The Duke said "What's the use of a black hole at the bottom of a chamber pot?" Well, with nine hundred people I hope you like smelling **** until we create a proper waste disposal method!"

Before Dora leaves, Random asks her,

"How much would the Duke pay someone to develop a proper waste disposal method?"

2009-07-06, 02:21 AM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166), Dwarf Invoker

Jalaan has taken the time since the feast to clean up, patch his wounds (Priest Albert was excellent, and had barely left any scars) and rest from the previous day's exertions. Feeling well rested and ready to face a new day, he checks his mental to-do list and he remembers he still wanted to get a shield from Master Smith Fillison.

"Welcome, good master dwarf! You here to trade in your credit for some equipment? Before you do, I can make something out of those fine ankheg specimen you brought with you. One ankheg can make a single suit of hide armor that protects you from acid. In addition, a ankheg's acid gland still functions in death and I can engineer the armor to corrode the weapons of anyone that strikes you.

One ankheg can also make a light or heavy shield that offers acid resistance. I can modify the acid gland in the shield to allow you to use it like a projectile in combat.

Finally, I can make a suit of plate out of both ankhegs. I can't work the acid gland into it, but you'll still have the resistance and the armor is so light you won't be slowed down like normal plate.

So, that's either two hide suits, one hide and one shield, two shields, or one plate. Each ankheg is worth 200 gold in credit if you don't want them."
After getting his sales pitch, Jalaan answers, "That's very fortunate. I lost my shield a couple of days before we were transported here - it had been battered to the point it was more appropiate as a hat, really - and I've been looking for a replacement since. So I'd like one of those acid spewing shileds you mention. A light one, please."

Then, taking a mesh of chainmail out of his bag, he adds, "This is my chainmail. I was hoping you could fix it. It was sprayed with acid and bit through a couple of times, so it is starting to look a bit worse for wear. I may get hold of a better one that Miss Fairweather has offered us, but even if I do, this is a good chainmail and I'm sure someone will find use for it if I don't."

Jalaan leaves the smith to his work, and retires to a quiet place in one of the look-out towers. The business side taken care of, he needed to commune with his Gods. After what had happened the previous day, he felt in need of assurance. Sitting cross-legged at the top of the tower, he holds up the carved rod closes his eyes, and he feels his consciousness rush to a distant, and yet strangely close, place.

Jalaan opens his eyes in a dream-like world. Before him, a mountain towers impossibly high, and a gigantic dwarf approaches, wearing armour and wielding a hammer and an axe. His beard and hair are wild, and flaming red. He speaks. "Good day to you, Instrument of my Will! We have observed you, and you have done well, but the furtherance of my Purpose requires Change and Adaptation. As one of my Hammers, your Purpose is the Purpose of Righteous Battle, and a warrior must be ever watchful, else the hidden enemy takes him. Thou must sacrifice your learning of runes and enchantment, and learn to observe the world at large around you. The All-Father has decreed it so, but bids me to lift your heart - the time will come when my Purpose here is fulfilled, and at that time you will remember the ways of crafting again. Be well, my Hammer, and know the Dwarven Gods are proud of your efforts!"

Jalaan is overwhelmed by the honour, and kneels to receive his God's blessing. Placing a hand on his head, Clanggedin speaks in the language of creation, and Jalaan feels his spirit lift. The world before wavers.

Opening his eyes once more, Jalaan finds himself back in the tower. Many hours have passed, and his body is pointedly letting him now about urgent needs regarding food and drink. With a solid practicality, Jalaan drops to see Adolf for bread and meat (his old horse turns out to be remarkably tasty and spicy - all the acid in its system, more than likely), and then looks up the man-at-arms of the castle to request training on scouting from the best person available.

During the following week, Jalaan trains hard and, boosted by his God's blessing, he learns fast and well. He also finds time to practice a new invocation, calling down the Aurora Borealis to the battle field to lift spirits.

Level up:
Switch Arcana for Perception, as agreed.
New power: Wall of Light
New Feat: light shield proficiency (fluff-wise, "he had it all along").

2009-07-06, 12:52 PM
Before Dora leaves, Random asks her,

"How much would the Duke pay someone to develop a proper waste disposal method?"

"Nothing. The duke's happy with that nasty aberration in the dungeon that eats all the crap. Me? The vent is right next to my tower and I can't stand it. I'd be grateful if you found a way to dispose of waste that didn't involve a crap eating monster. I might "find" some spare residuum lying around if you get my meaning."

and then looks up the man-at-arms of the castle to request training on scouting from the best person available.

Which happens to be good old Sergeant Waters. He fights more like a rogue than a true fighter, preferring to skulk around the battlefield and taking opponents by surprise. He helps Jalaan understand the difference between a branch snapping under a boot or a bare foot, how to tell when an intruder is approaching by the sound crickets make, how to follow tracks through difficult terrain, and general knowledge of sight and sound that many with lesser skill would take for granted.

2009-07-06, 06:21 PM
"Nothing. The duke's happy with that nasty aberration in the dungeon that eats all the crap. Me? The vent is right next to my tower and I can't stand it. I'd be grateful if you found a way to dispose of waste that didn't involve a crap eating monster. I might "find" some spare residuum lying around if you get my meaning."

Random sighs and rolls his eyes, "What an idiot. Good waste disposal is simple and necessary! Its probably not even that complicated."

Random walks away to his room to meditate, then read some books on various subjects, and do some tai chi.

2009-07-06, 06:57 PM
[OOC: Sorry for the short dissappearance had to go on a short trip and was unable to find even the place or the time to connect :( ]

Khartuk remained silent the most part of their way back to home.

After one day resting he went to see the armorsmith of the fortress.

"You master dwarf, can you make me shoulder protection with hard body of ankheg?"

(not looking for any bonus to AC just a trophy he can wear ;) )

2009-07-08, 09:05 PM
Aydin is much more pleased with his performance in the most recent battle, but is beginning to realize that his soft, squishy flesh is incredibly appealing to the evils of this world. He resolves to train his body to become more fluid, so that he can quickly escape close combat and thus be less of a liability to his companions.

Aydin practices his maneuverability through a series of balancing and tumbling stunts each night in an open field on the castle grounds. His performance is sure to draw a crowd, as he has borrowed much of it from the acrobats he has seen in various taverns previous to their new adventure

2009-07-08, 09:09 PM
Random practices playing his flute in the castle courtyard while he waits for some thing to happen.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-09, 07:46 PM
Kayla sits next to Random. She remains silent, listening to his music.

2009-07-10, 02:15 AM
For the moment, life is good. Raphael permits himself a smile at the feast that only a day ago would have been impossible. Their prospects are no longer so bleak, the duke's erstwhile agents are not continually bickering, and though they will have to fight for survival, he feels certain that they are at least capable of success.

He snaps himself out of this reverie as the armorsmith speaks."If we're going to fight more of those, some protection wouldn't hurt," he says after Khartuk has said his piece, "if you've got the material, a shield for me as well."

He makes sure to take some time to practice drilling with some of the other soldiers, as well. These missions wouldn't have him anywhere near a formation, so he would need to maneuver on his own.

2009-07-10, 10:33 AM
Treasure Layout

Jalaan: goggles, light shield, chain armor.
Aydin: crossbow
Raphael: heavy shield

After breaking down the wand and orb and melting down the hand-me-down armor, shield, and crossbow the total credits left are 223 which Alek evenly distributes among Karthuk, Kayla, and Random. Alek adds 74 creds to your bank notes.

Odd Jobs

Jalaan's best application of his skills is standing watch in the lookout tower although Father Rolf will seek his consul to help him with confession (high insight) and to hold small sermons. No check needed for perception and insight.


Captain Slithus, in addition to helping Raphael and Aydin train, will use the two as training aids. Raphael is intimidating enough to keep the soldiers in line and Aydin skulks around, aiding their training in spotting hidden foes.


Dora doesn't allow Kayla anywhere near her lab unless necessary so she aids Random in entertaining the weary refugees.


2009-07-10, 11:17 AM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166), Dwarf Invoker

Jalaan is very honored when Father Rolf approaches him to lead a few of the services. While Jalaan is closer to a monk than a priest, the fact he does not worship a single God makes him very ecumenical to the diverse people of the keep.

"My friends" he tells them in one such occasion, his deep voice strangely soft, "I know most of you do not follow the Dwarven Gods - some of you probably don't even know of them. But I have spoken to many of you, and have heard you speak of your own Gods, and I have come to know them, if only briefly. I know all our Gods stand by our side, even in this strange land, and in our difference lies our strength, like well-forged steel, the perfect mix of iron and coal, and fire and water creates a metal strong but flexible, sharp but resistant."

"No matter what God you follow, they are here with us. In my prayer, my Gods have come to me, and if you open your hearts, and keep the flame of hope light in your souls, yours will come to you as well. Don't be afraid, and in the darkest hour, remember you are not alone: your friends, everyone in this keep and of course your Gods are with you. Don't be afraid to ask for help. No God wants their followers to suffer."

Jalaan is happy to listen to confessions, too, although he approaches it more as guidance to the right path than forgiveness - he does not speak for any Gods, and thus will not pass judgement. Mostly, however, he talks to those who are loosing hope, and in a manner similar to his sermons, he will patiently explain that hope is far from lost, and that the Gods are with them.

2009-07-10, 12:40 PM
Three weeks go by. The land in a mile radius outside the castle is tilled, irrigated, and seeds are planted. Makeshift garrisons are constructed to fend against monsters although the only beasts to wander close to the castle are wolves and stirges which are easily dispatched with little injuries. Two soldiers died defending a horse plow against giant ants and three more soldiers were killed pushing the ants back. Dora arrived on scene before our "heroes" and eradicated the ants, queen and all, with a magical blizzard.

Karthuk, having nothing to do inside the keep, assists with the planning of the agricultural development. His knowledge of the natural world is high enough to practically lead the entire construction and if he chooses to help out his strength is a great benefit ultimately cutting construction time in half.

Aydin and Raphael's training goes along well. Aydin's training regimen is appreciated but not wholly successful. Raphael, on the other hand, whips the troops into shape. Twenty-two new refugees take up maces as armed guards and the troops as a whole are more disciplined than they previously were.

Kayla and Random's entertainment isn't entirely effective. It's soothing and the children enjoy it but given the current situation people are too depressed to care. Several people among the refugees begin sewing dissent; speaking apocalyptic messages and planning mutiny amongst the Baron. The Baron makes no attempt to quell it and decides that it would only help the dissenter's cause if he threw anyone in the dungeon. He increases the rations by a small portion and while there are still people unhappy with the Baron's actions, the number of dissenters are cut in half. The Baron openly offers a small sum of resources to anyone who wishes to speak with them providing they solve their problems without violence.

Jalaan's actions improve the quality of life for all. More people begin attending mass and Father Rolf moves communion outdoors because his church can no longer house the people. There are at least three score dwarves as refugees that offer Jalaan their mead rations and a group of halfling elders occasionally sneak up on him to touch his beard for luck.

The Baron calls a meeting and tells everyone to visit Alek before seeing him. Alek updates your bank notes.

Jalaan receives 54 credits for his religious services.

Aydin gets 20 credits for helping in the training regimen.

Raphael gets 50 credits for improving the discipline of the entire militia.

Kayla and Random both get 36 credits for helping to improve the overall quality of life.

Karthuk gets 60 credits for practically leading the agricultural expansion by himself.

2009-07-10, 12:46 PM
On the third week, the Baron calls his meeting.

"We've begun planting crops. Assuming we'll have a good harvest, which is difficult to tell due to the lack of atmosphere and constant temperature, then we can begin feeding everyone with half the loss in our stock as normal. We're looking at about four months of survival now vice two."

"Before we expand further, we need more resources. Our weapons are make shift and repairs are made with simple patches. We need to acquire a mine or vein of metal. My scouts have located several caves in the region and plans are being made to send workers to mine them out but first we must scout the interior. Captain Slithus' troops are stretched enough guarding the farms. I need you to scout out these caves and clear them of any threats."

You won't have any horses on this mission as our mounts are being used to plow the fields. Adolf has filled your waterskins and supplied you with 10 rations each."

Captain Slithus stands.

"I've restocked my supply of simple and military weapons. If you need anything before leaving, come by."

The Baron dismisses everyone.

2009-07-10, 01:19 PM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166), Dwarf Invoker

Jalaan's actions improve the quality of life for all. More people begin attending mass and Father Rolf moves communion outdoors because his church can no longer house the people. There are at least three score dwarves as refugees that offer Jalaan their mead rations and a group of halfling elders occasionally sneak up on him to touch his beard for luck.

Jalaan is very pleased he has helped Father Rolf, and is proud that his contribution has helped grow the Community. He very politely returns the mead, by blessing it and handing it back. "My brothers, you are generous in the extreme, but you must keep up your strength, and nothing quite like Adolf's mead and Moradin's blessing!"

He doesn't mind the halfling's attentions, either, but since they clearly enjoy the game of sneaking up on him, he plays along and makes a show of being slightly annoyed at it, which the halfling's expect and look forward to.

On the third week, the Baron calls his meeting.

"Before we expand further, we need more resources. Our weapons are make shift and repairs are made with simple patches. We need to acquire a mine or vein of metal. My scouts have located several caves in the region and plans are being made to send workers to mine them out but first we must scout the interior. Captain Slithus' troops are stretched enough guarding the farms. I need you to scout out these caves and clear them of any threats."

Jalaan listens carefully to the instructions, and makes sure he gets a copy of the crude map that will lead them to the caves. Then, he drops by the smithy to get a couple of throwing hammers and a warhammer. He does not expect to actually find an use for them, but neither will they be in the way. Besides, it is expected of a Hammer of Clanggedin.

As his final stop before being ready to leave, he goes to Father Rolf. "Father, it has been a great pleasure helping you these last few weeks. Please take good care of the people - although I don't expect to be away for very long. You may be the best person to talk to the dissenters. Make them see that just because we are in this strange world, not all is lost. We have overcome much, and things are clearly improving. They just need patience and hope."

After shaking his hand, and listening to a few final words of advice, Jalaan walks over to the castle door, and stands there, waiting for the others to arrive.

2009-07-10, 10:27 PM
After shaking his hand, and listening to a few final words of advice, Jalaan walks over to the castle door, and stands there, waiting for the others to arrive.

Random follows Jalaan out to the castle door.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-10, 10:31 PM
Kayla would rather try and sneak in Dora's lab today, but she feels that this is important. She follows Random.

2009-07-13, 04:04 AM
Karthuk was happy to help with the harvesting and in any way he could. In the nights, or at least when it had to be nightfall, he used to spent some time alone in the woods, but as long as he returned when the works were about to resume nobody asked him.

When the baron asked to the party to sacout one of the caves he asked

"Ha! Me happy to be with friends again. Will be good to go under earth for once. Maybe we could find more of this strange place were never stars in the sky. That's no good"

He prepared himself quickly grabbing his gear and axe and was in the main gate when the others gather.

"I'll try to find best way to cave uh?. We don't want to fight more giant bugs! hahahaha"

He seemed to be on an excellent humor today, perharps the idea of being outdoors and ocuppied pleased him.

2009-07-13, 08:14 AM
Unsurprisingly (to Jalaan, at least) Sgt. Waters is waiting by the gate.

"I'll be going along to act as runner."

Because of the lack of clouds and the nearly flat terrain, visibility is infinite. Sgt. Waters points to the south-east as the best location although his scouts haven't been further than a day's walk outside the castle.

After a twelve hour walk, everyone settles down to rest. You've gotten used to sleeping under the eternal sun and eight hours later you set out towards the nearest hills.

Skill Challenge

You're in the hills but finding a cave is the challenge. Anyone can use any combination of skills they believe would be suitable to finding a cave. Use your imagination. Knowledge nature is obvious but you could climb a tree to get a better view of the land or use perception to spot a cave dwelling animal and follow its tracks. You need three successes before two failures.

2009-07-13, 08:48 AM
Khartuk seemed to be more comfortable at the rocky terrain.

“We must find cave, soldiers didn’t mark it, soldier’s good for stop goblin’s arrows and spears, not for looking caves. Ha!
Caves good for keep you warm when night or winter came, but no winter or night here, no good, so big animal probably not on the cave.Me could track for big bear or big ants they used to live on caves. Me thinks best to look for water, rivers came from mountain, water’s good, water’s dig on the mountains for long long time, so she made great caves. Who help me?”
He started to look the terrain searching for the best place when the slopes of two hills or little mountains superseed for those are the most probably spots to find a cave.

[Nature roll in order I think but I’ll wait to roll for someone’s aid for the bonuses if any ;) ]

2009-07-13, 10:48 AM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166), Dwarf Invoker

Jalaan listens carefully to Karthuk, clearly seeing he is far more competent in finding anything in this strange new world than he ever was in the old one. Jalaan decides to participate in a tangential way - by working to his strengths, particularly requesting help from the Gods. Emptying his mind, he calls for the help of the servants of the Dwarven Gods (this is a matter too trivial to bother the Gods themselves). In particular, he calls for the help of the Mining Dwarves, a group of long-deceased dwarves that dedicate their afterlifes to learning about caves and mining, under Moradin's supervision.

"Masters of Digging and Mining, I beseech your help" he calls out in dwarven, "In this strange world, iron will prove more valuable than gold, at least in the short run. I call upon you to help us locate the best seam available"

Hopefully the Mining Dwarves retain their power to help in this place, Jalaan thinks to himself.


I will save the Hand of Fate for a future occasion, unless this challenge goes horribly wrong and we find ourselves finding no caves, or finding too many.

2009-07-13, 10:56 AM
having no head for religion, Aydin decides to assist Kartuk in his plan.
"A search for water is an excellent idea. First I'll scale a tree to get a better lay of the land, and we'll pool our knowledge to find that stream."

Climb (athletics) [roll0]

nature assist [roll1]

2009-07-14, 04:05 PM
As Aydin and Karthuk prepare to search for the cave, Random mutters a few lines of gibberish in iambic pentameter, weaving his bardic magic into the words.

Inspire competence: +2 Nature.

2009-07-14, 04:11 PM
As Aydin and Karthuk prepare to search for the cave, Random mutters a few lines of gibberish in iambic pentameter, weaving his bardic magic into the words.

Inspire competence: +2 Nature.

((Inspire competence is a minor action. You can still roll a skill of your own if you want. Everyone else: we all get +2 to our next Nature check this encounter, not just Karthuk))

2009-07-14, 06:43 PM
Jalaan's eyes roll in the back of his head as the eternal spirits of the dwarven ancestors inspire him. A few seconds later his eyes refocus and guided by a heavenly power he simply points in a direction.

((This counts as a success.))

After an hour traveling in the direction Jalaan pointed, Aydin manages to climb a large pine and spots a stream.

((+2 bonus to Karthuk's check))

Random inspires Karthuk as posted above for a total of +4 to his knowledge nature check.

2009-07-16, 02:29 AM
The Goliat started to follow the indications that the weird, yet familiar nature of the strange place had for him.

He followed the trails of small animals, checked the trees, smelled the air, listened to the earth, and with the sound of the music in his head, little by little, he started to walk in the direction where he thought the cave was…

Let’s see what the dice had to see… a total of +12 to the roll, +8 for the skill ( had to update the sheet ) and +4 of my friends ;)


2009-07-16, 12:44 PM
Karthuk follows the stream for an hour and discovers a well concealed path through some brush that takes the group to a hilly area with a raging river flowing in an east direction (in relation to the castle).

((Two successes.))

2009-07-17, 09:57 AM
Aydin knows a thing or two about caves and deep, dark places to hide. He uses dungeoneering to navigate the hills and find a suitable location.


Unfortunately, the land is too strange for him to find anything. An hour wasted.

2009-07-17, 03:43 PM
Lack of mounts is hindering the party's search efforts considerably, it would seem. Raphael can split off for short periods and cover ground pretty well if his companions indicate to him that their efforts have revealed more than one direction to look in. At very least, he can help narrow things down.

(Rolling Athletics, if that's an acceptable use. I can stow the shield to negate some ACP as well if it will help. [roll0])

2009-07-17, 03:48 PM
Raphael breaks off and begins hiking up a hill (unless someone stops him). The hike takes 30 minutes and he gets a good lay of the land.

+2 bonus to the next related check.

While climbing back down, Raphael spots a very large bird on the next hill watching him. He can't tell if it was the same bird following them a few weeks ago but the creature's main body alone dwarfs Raphael's tall frame.

2009-07-17, 04:39 PM
The great barbarían kneeled and took a fist of sand. He tried to discover the location of the cave and mantain the group in the right direction.
He paused for a couple of minutes giving the party an opportunity to rest while he worked on the next step.

[roll0] if not active buffs.
Add +2 if inspiring words is in order and/or active or any other possible buffs

2009-07-19, 09:20 AM
With Raphael's aid, Karthuk is able to find a large opening in the side of a rocky cliff. Noting the lack of trails leading to and from the cave, he correctly surmises that it goes deeper than a simple animal den. However, a cave of this magnitude is often populated by eviler, often magical monsters that lurk far below the sun's rays.

The light from the Eternal Sun extends about ten feet into the opening before being engulfed by darkness (hope you guys brought light). There's a CLUNK sound as Sgt. Waters takes off his metal boots.

"You don't mind if we rest, do you? Get some food in our stomachs before continuing on?"

2009-07-19, 09:50 AM
With Raphael's aid, Karthuk is able to find a large opening in the side of a rocky cliff. Noting the lack of trails leading to and from the cave, he correctly surmises that it goes deeper than a simple animal den. However, a cave of this magnitude is often populated by eviler, often magical monsters that lurk far below the sun's rays.

The light from the Eternal Sun extends about ten feet into the opening before being engulfed by darkness (hope you guys brought light). There's a CLUNK sound as Sgt. Waters takes off his metal boots.

"You don't mind if we rest, do you? Get some food in our stomachs before continuing on?"

"Not at all," answers Jalaan, "We've been marching hard, it'll be good to rest. May I suggest inside the cave? Give our eyes time to get used to the darkness? Assuming we don't get jumped the moment we step in, mind you."

Jalaan, not as winded by the long trek, takes a few minutes to check out the entrance to the cave, both its structural integrity as well as his newly learnt abilities to detect important details.

((Take 10 for both: dungeoneering (cave safety): 17 & Perception (lurking enemies): 20))

Not finding any immediate dangers*, he politely insists in moving inside, "I know most of you don't find it inviting," he explains, "but we are all going to need a good half hour until our eyes are used to the darkness again. We might as well spend that time eating and resting."

Taking out his rations, he munches on a cold chicken leg and some bread, and asks Waters, "Sarge, you are coming with us into the caves? I'd expect you'd prefer to stay out here and make sure our exit remains clear"

*(OOC: Will edit if Jalaan does find something, of course)

2009-07-19, 10:04 AM
"I'll be guarding the exit, yes. I have a spare sunrod if nobody brought a form of light."

2009-07-20, 07:42 AM
Khartuk cautiously entered the cave while the rest drop their backpacks.

He didn't want to explore the cave, neither to alert some potential inhabitant of it, he just wanted to feel darkness.

When Jalaan reacehd him he, with his black eyes closed just said in a whisper.

" Darkness is good. All important things happens under the sun, the moon and the stars. But this place had no moon and no stars, that's no good. It's good to feel darkness on skin again" he opened his eyes.
"But no moon yet. Me ready when you are. Me hope there is mineral here"

2009-07-20, 03:16 PM
Random smiles, "Well I guess we should go in then, no epics will be written about us staying outside and doing nothing."

2009-07-21, 12:13 PM
Who has the light? The cave is pitch black rendering low-light vision useless and only Karthuk is comfortable in the darkness. Sgt. Waters won't give up his only sunrod unless no one else has a means of light.

The tunnels are confining for the first hundred yards and then suddenly open wide to a large canyon. Karthuk, being the natural leader in this incursion, manages to spot a nasty drop that would have likely killed anyone who slipped down.

The canyon dips 50' straight down and slopes along the sides. In the center of the canyon is a pool of murky water. Three additional tunnels lead deeper into the cave. Which path do you take?

Simply say tunnel 1, 2, or 3. At a glance there's nothing distinguishing about the tunnels but Jalaan's perception is keen enough to pick up a faint acrid smell from tunnel 2. It's difficult to describe as Jalaan has never encountered the smell before but he can liken it to the smell wafting from a wizard's lab. It's a strange chemical-ey smell.

2009-07-21, 10:22 PM
Raphael has a lantern handy. He's more than happy to let Karthuk take the lead and light the way for the party following.

2009-07-22, 02:06 AM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166), Dwarf Invoker

Jalaan stands just behind Karthuk, his eyes trying to be everywhere at once, particularly examining the walls for any sign of metal. When the group reaches the canyon, Jalaan examines the cave entrances, and announces the acrid smell coming from one of them.

"I cannot say which one would be best," he states plainly, inviting others to give their opinion, "but if we are to use these caves as mines, I think we need to make sure they are safe. Strange smells worry me, and so I would suggest we check that first. Or I could call upon Clanggedin to guide us, if you prefer."

He does not look at the others - instead, he continues to peer into the darkness, while playing with his carved rod. "The water worries me. If there is water, there is life, and it will defend its home ferociously," he explains.

2009-07-22, 02:28 AM
"Jalaan speaks right " said the goliath " water good for hunting. Kharthuk will look water first. Maybe tracks of creatures on water."

He waited for the rest to decide.

2009-07-22, 09:42 AM
Something's floating in the water. Something vaguely humanoid in shape but weighed down so that it doesn't float to the surface. It's difficult to tell how far deep it really is given the inadequate light source but Karthuk guesses this side of the lake is at least 5' deep.

2009-07-22, 10:10 AM
Something's floating in the water. Something vaguely humanoid in shape but weighed down so that it doesn't float to the surface. It's difficult to tell how far deep it really is given the inadequate light source but Karthuk guesses this side of the lake is at least 5' deep.

Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166), Dwarf Invoker

"Shall we fish it out?" asks Jalaan, after spoting the shape. While waiting for an answer, he takes out his rope, and ties one of his trowing hammers at the end of a loop, so it will be weighted down enough to slip the loop around one of the things "limbs", if indeed it is more than a sunken log.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-22, 10:33 AM

Kayla looks around, nervous. She has a sunrod.

"I don't think I have your love of water and caves, Kharthuk."

2009-07-22, 10:40 AM
Khartuk smiled at Kayla

"Do not worry, in caves or water the beasts come to you. In nature you eat or you are eaten. If I am near I not allow you to be eaten jajaja. People at cities more dangerous, they kill for gold, not for food or honor."

Then he turned to Jalaan.

"Good idea Master Dwarf" he nodded "let's find what it is and who killed it. We don't want nay miners eaten and dragged to water don't we?"

2009-07-22, 11:12 AM
"Good idea Master Dwarf" he nodded "let's find what it is and who killed it. We don't want nay miners eaten and dragged to water don't we?"

"Truly. Be ready for anything - it wouldn't be the first time something was lurking underwater to attack passer-bys"

Jalaan throws his rope into the water, trying to hook the shape.

2009-07-22, 01:24 PM
Khartuk unsheated his axe and stay at Jalaan's side.

"Rest be ready to catch him if something big try to eat Master dwarf"

OOC: Ready action if something attacks Jalaan it will taste Khartuk's axe instead ;)

2009-07-22, 01:37 PM
It takes several tries to anchor the hammer around the figure. Each try violently disrupts the water and the ripples are carried from one side of the lake to the next. The canyon's shape carries sound effeciently and even a whisper carries your echoes throughout the cave.

After five minutes Jalaan finally hooks his hammer around something and pulls it out. It's the body of a goblin but not just any ordinary goblin. Kayla recognizes the armor as belonging to the Severing Eye tribe, one of the larger goblin tribes that successfully united the other goblin tribes and started the war.

The goblin's body is stiff and no one has the proper skill to determine how long it lived or what it died from but there are random chunks of flesh missing all across its body. Its right hand is holding a short sword that's of surprising quality and make given that its armor is rusted. Its left hand is clamped around something small.

Judging by the angle of its location in relation to one of the cave openings, Jalaan's insight tells him that the goblin exited one of the caves and either slipped in or something grabbed it. As everyone takes in the scene, the water in the center of the lake along the shadowy edge of Aydin's sunrod ripped and a shadowy figure pops out. The figure drops back in the water after a few seconds and the lake is still again.

2009-07-22, 01:53 PM
Jalaan, "Hammer of Clanggedin" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=134166), Dwarf Invoker

Jalaan pulls the body away from the shore (some ten or so feet), stores away hammer and rope, and pulls out his rod. A quick examination tells him that the armor is useless without extensive work, but his attention is pulled by the weapon. Taking it, he passes it to the sorceress, and says, "This sword does not have a speck of rust yet the armor is all but gone. Would you mind taking a look at it, Miss Kayla? I would expect it to be magical."

Then, he looks at the body itself, "Pulled or fallen, something was eating this goblin. Be careful, everyone, but lets not all watch the lake - the attack may come from elsewhere." Then the strange thing jumps, "There is definetely something in the lake, though. Can anyone think of a way to get a better view?"

Looking back at the body, Jalaan notices the balled fist. Intrigued, he carefully levers against the rigor mortis, careful not to damage whatever it is holding (although when one of the fingers proves too locked to move, he expediently smashes the articulation, removing the whole finger).


After a bit of a struggle, Jalaan breaks open the bloated hand and finds the small piece of mithril. The rest of the world vanishes for a few seconds, as he contemplates the ultimate metal. Picking it up with a deference that verges on the religious, he simply says, "Mithril." Then, he blinks a couple of times and looking around, he says, "Well, if these caves do contain mithril, we better be the one that controls them. Goblins with mithril weapons, no matter how crude, will eat through our defences as if they were parchment."

He carefully stores it away, pulls out his shield and rod, and sets himself for battle. Until now, it was a simple expedition to find ores. Now, he can see a future mining complex, and that requires the stake of a claim. In dwarfdom, this ranks in seriousness somewhere above declarations of war.