View Full Version : Quick Question on Mount and Blade

2009-06-21, 11:48 AM
Simply put, can older mods like the last days work in the newer game?

(it's such a short question that I added this line to make it longer)

warty goblin
2009-06-21, 12:16 PM
No, tragically they do not. On the other hand, you can find the old versions of the game if you dig around enough.

2009-06-21, 12:38 PM
IIRC, the Mount & Blade File Repository (found here (http://www.mbrepository.com/modules/PDdownloads/)) tends to store older mods.

And yes, as Warty Says, mods almost always HAVE to be of the same version as the vanilla. If the mod is for, say, v.901, then it won't work for any other version, sometimes not even for nearly identical versions like v.902 or 900.

warty goblin
2009-06-21, 02:00 PM
Which really sucks, because TLD is some of the most fun I've had in gaming in quite a while, mowing down orcs as Rohirrim simply never gets old. Even with the disgustingly overpowered archers, which always caused my thought process when looking at an enemy stack to go something like this:

17 Isengard Pikemen: Not a problem
23 Orc Warriors: Grist for the mill.
55 Uruk-Hai: Cannon Fodder.
4 Orc Archers: I'm totally and irrevocably screwed now.

Part of this was that I always use horse, sword and shield, or just a horse and a two-hander, which tends to make me exceptionally archer-vulnerable, since I have to get close and drop my guard to actually hit them.

2009-06-21, 02:06 PM
Hmm...I find that heavy cavalry is the best way to deal with archers. Maybe next time, you could have your cavalry Follow You, ride around enemy heavy infantry, and charge the archers?

2009-06-21, 02:34 PM
There's also the way of riding directly on to the archer, and just at the moment your horse tackles him and opens his guard, sharp turn to the left (slowing down too, if possible) and hack with your sword. Do it at slow to medium speed for best effect.

warty goblin
2009-06-22, 09:14 AM
I do all of these things, and they work just fine in vanilla. The problem is that in TLD, the archers are built like a PC, and thus have pretty much all of their skills focused on archery. Know how when you play an archer, you always one-shot horse dudes out of the saddle (or else shoot their saddle out from under them)? Yeah, they do that as well.