View Full Version : Loophole Closing Task force, IC Thread

2009-06-21, 10:25 PM
Each of you received the invitation letter, remarkably brief for a communique from the Fraternity of Order, it consisted of merely a time, and an address within the Lady's Ward. It was a house, a mansion really, built in the Greco-Roman style as was popular among the upper class of Sigil when much of this district was constructed. Twin stone pillars stand on either side of the main entrance, a huge oaken door tall and wide enough to accommodate a small giant.

Each of you were given similar greetings, the door was opened by tall, aged human dressed more finely than most prime material noblemen might have managed. He remained quiet except for the standard words of greeting, and led you through a main hall just as opulent as the exterior of the mansion. The floor was made from white stone, and covered with a rug so thick you almost feel it could be more comfortable than some beds you've slept on. Portraits and tapestries line the walls, depicting famous famous scenes from across the Multiverse; Thousands of Modrons pouring across the Planes on the Great Modron March, an artists depiction of the final victory of the Gith rebellion against the Illithid, a rough map of the Great Ring (inasmuch as the Great Ring CAN be mapped) - and many more.

The end of your journey through the palatial house comes in a small room dominated by a large rectangular table. Seven chairs are at the table, three on each side and one at the head, though room remains for many more. The walls here are notably bare and featureless, with no windows or fixtures beyond four wall-mounted lamps. A strange device lies at the center of the table, it's blue, hemisphere-shaped, and about twice the size of an upside-down dinner plate.

Also of note, and perhaps most important, is the tall silver-skinned man of regal bearing and indeterminate age. He greets each member of the Task Force as they arrive with a stiff handshake and an identical statement, "Welcome to my home, your prompt attendance is noted. I am Factor Thrasymachus, the administrator of your expeditionary force. We will begin as soon as the entire Force has arrived. Until then, you may wish to become acquainted with your teammates, as we will be moving very rapidly once everyone is here."

Night Monkey
2009-06-21, 11:23 PM
His confidence bolstered by the familiarity of the building's architectural style, Hierocles Makryatos is the first to enter the room. Although his well trained sense take in the whole environment quickly, he is unable to break his focus on the man with the silver skin, Factor Thrasymachus. Until this moment, Hierocles had only met one individual bearing such a rank in the Fraternity of Order; his beloved mentor Daebran Illur. Nevertheless, he recognises the man the moment he sets eyes upon him, having committed to memory the portraits of every high-ranking Fraternity member, so that he would not inadvertantly breach protocol in the event that he should meet one of them without introduction. In response to the handshake, Hierocles gives a low bow, his eyes downcast. All his being is awash with reverence, and his heart pulses with zealous devotion as he speaks.

"I will serve you with all that I am, Factor."

2009-06-22, 12:10 AM
Nacmafee walks into the room as formally as he can manage, which is not up to Hierocles's standards. He bows to the Factor, saying "It is a great honor to be here, Factor, thank you for inviting me."

That done, he hops up onto the back of one of the chairs and turns to the others: "And hello new comrades! My name is Nacmafee and my specialty is violence."

2009-06-22, 07:27 AM
Azi'dean steps into the building, lifting one thin-fingered hand to his face to make certain the mask hasn't slipped. Appearing for all the world as a healthy, robust elf of indeterminate age, he takes hold of the proffered hand and gives it a quick shake, the factor a smile, and a nod to show he understands.

"Aye, I await your pleasure, Factor," says the elf in a strangely dark voice before moving further into the room. His eyes drift across those who are to be his companions, mentally noting their behavior.

"Azi'dean, mage," he says by way of introducing himself, stepping away from the group and clasping his hands behind his back to study each of their 'companions' as they enter.

Now I've just got to act the part of a sodding Mercykiller. Easy enough...

2009-06-22, 04:23 PM
Perched on the shoulder of its companion, the corollax hopped a bit, almost losing his balance as the Task Force member bowed to he Factor.

"Wark! The rules never change but that the guvners see!"

Spot check DC 28 to see that I'm not really a corrollax (+17 base modifier, taking ten, +3 from Cunning Knowledge, -2 for different species)

2009-06-22, 08:07 PM
Wearing a long dark brown leather longcoat and standing casually in the corner of the room, Dietrich Karstan didn't seem entirely pleased with the opulence of the ceremony. Something about it grated on him. The bowing, the scraping, the unnecessary flourishes. He sighed inaudibly to himself and stepped up to the Factor. He shook his hand and bowed his greetings.

An honor and a privilege, Factor. I look forward to serving in my utmost capacity.

With that, he turned to the assembled group of... unusual adventurers. Of course, he was no less unusual - with his vestigial horns, his bat-like wings streaked with red and black, and his gleaming red eyes, Dietrich hardly resembled a typical member of the Order.

Detective Dietrich Karstan, friends. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'd say that we'd be quite the spectacle walking down the streets of Sigil together, but... you know, it's Sigil. Most people wouldn't bat an eye.

2009-06-22, 09:42 PM
Factor Thrasymachus moved swiftly to the head of the table after greeting Dietrich Karstan, and took a seat, motioning everyone assembled to sit, directing Hierocles specifically to sit at the seat closest to Thrasymachus on his right. When he spoke, his face remained impassive, his tone flat and sleep-inducing, "Welcome all of you, I deeply regret that we do not have time for the standard team-building exercises or formal introductions, as this expeditionary force has been assembled with a great deal of haste. Nevertheless, I must open this meeting with the announcement that Hierocles Makryatos has been chosen as the field leader for your group. His word will be as law during field expeditions, carrying with it my authority, and the authority of Factol Hashkar himself above me."

"Nevertheless, we have little time for formalities," Thrasymachus reached out to manipulate something on the hemispherical device on the table, activating a series of lights that quickly focused into a free-floating map that hung over the table:


Thrasymachus continued speaking, "This is the city of Blackwell, on an isolated Prime Material World called Edolus. Eight hours ago, we recieved a report from one of our recon teams. Normally, they would be here to brief you in person, and field questions, but they have voluntarily quarantined themselves on Edolus in order to prevent contamination of the Task Force, Sigil, and the Planes beyond.

The loophole under investigation was uncovered by a human male named Maerik. He became infected with a well-known magical illness called "Festering Anger," a disease which increases the physical strength of the afflicted victim while at the same time destroying their mind. Soon after, Maerik discovered a method of remaining immune to the negative effects of the disease, while continuing to benefit from the increased physical strength.

Moreover, since acquiring this immunity, Maerik has intentionally exposed himself to additional magical diseases, including one called, "Vile Rigidity," a disease that has thickened his skin to form a nearly impenetrable armor. While it is known that Maerik has been infected with other magical and mundane diseases, it is unknown what those might be.

What is known is the multitude of diseases festering inside Maerik's body has resulted in a plague on Edolus, which has already consumed the city of Blackwell. The Plague shows characteristics of a magical disease, and a curse, and has proven incurable by the arcane and clerical magics available to the Prime Material inhabitants of Blackwell, as well as those available to our recon force.

The disease transforms those afflicted into creatures similar to what Maerik has become: mindless giants with supernatural strength and armored bodies, over a period of two to four days. The Recon team was exposed to this disease, and confirmed as infected, only twelve hours ago.

We have acquired five charms, Periapts of Health, which we have determined will protect you from becoming infected, they will do nothing for the recon team which has already been infected however. You will be given a Periapt when you leave this room, ensure you always wear it while on Edolus

Therefore, your orders are to travel to Blackwell, make contact with the Recon team to determine what additional information they can provide, infiltrate the inner keep where Maerik has consolidated his forces, and destroy him.

Your secondary objective is to find a cure for this disease, especially for our recon team. The team's report indicates that, while Maerik himself benefits from effectively unlimited growth, the lesser infected will reach a limit. Therefore, while they are very dangerous and should be cured or eliminated for the good of the Multiverse, their elimination is not the primary purposes of your expeditionary force.

We have time for questions, but keep them quick, and to the point. Every moment we delay is another moment less we have to find a cure for the recon force."

Night Monkey
2009-06-22, 10:29 PM
The Archon considers for a moment, taking in the details of the situation as well as attempting to do the same with his new associates, before speaking."What is known about how Maerik discovered how to negate the detrimental aspect of his disease?" Any leads on how people had been acquiring this sort of information could prove valuable.

2009-06-23, 07:31 PM
"Unfortunately, we do not know. Maerik came to our attention after he had already acquired his immunity, and the recon team was dispatched to acquire that information. You might be able to get more information from the recon team once you meet up with them, however.

2009-06-24, 01:48 AM
"There is one minor problem," Nacmafee says, rather embarrassedly, "I have forsworn all material possessions and cannot wear the amulet. I don't know if you can find another form of protection. If not, I will have to trust to what is within me, and if I die, I die."

Under his breath, but loud enough to be heard by any listening carefully, he mutters "I knew I should have focused more on the Iron Heart path. Next opportunity."

2009-06-24, 03:52 PM
"So, when do we leave?" Azi'dean asks, looking around at those gathered. He had no fear of the disease; an amulet that protected against such things, however, would surely bring a decent price on the open market. He kept the slight smile that threatened to emerge from his lips.

2009-06-25, 09:49 AM
Thrasymachus scowls noticeably, This... Limitation, was not mentioned in your letter of recommendation, Nacmafee. I shall have words with Factor Vetis on this matter.

Nevertheless, we do not have time to research an alternate method of ensuring your safety. You may, without shame or judgment, rescind your membership of this expeditionary force because of this, if you wish."

After this, Thrasymachus' face returns to the impassive mask he normally wears, answering Azi'dean, "You will leave as soon as you are finished with these questions. As I have said, time is of the essence in this mission."

DC 20 Knowledge: The Planes or Knowledge: Nobility check

Factor Vetis is a powerful, though infamous, Factor in the Fraternity of Order. Officially, he is the liaison between the Baatezu and the Fraternity. Unofficially, most of his power within the faction comes from favors owed to him by other high-ranking officials, as well as (it's suspected) outright blackmail.

Naturally, nothing can be proven, and if asked himself, he would reject that out of hand as "Stereotypes and discrimination against Baatezu."

2009-06-25, 06:24 PM
Then we won't waste any more time with questions. I fully trust that you've given us all the information you've deemed necessary and relevant to the mission, and that any more delving into trivial particulars will be an exercise in futility and possibly failure, if time is truly of the essence.

Dietrich stands up and bows once more.

Factol Thrasymachus, Commander Makryatos, with your permission? Let us be on our way.

2009-06-26, 01:12 AM
"I wish to remain. And I believe we are all ready to get underway."

Night Monkey
2009-06-28, 06:29 AM
Hierocles stands up from his chair, "I concur with my new comrades," he says. "I am ready to depart at the Factor's will."

2009-06-28, 09:00 AM
"Wark! As the factol says, we obey!"

2009-06-29, 02:02 PM
"I've no questions, as it seems there's little chant to be had from further probing the dark," Azi'dean says calmly. "The sooner we go, the sooner we finish this."