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2009-06-23, 03:44 AM
"A Herald! My lord, I can see a herald! He's coming here!"

The rough voice of Per Pyper, the old gatekeeper cuts through the sticky air of the summer afternoon. The sky over the sea is grey as iron, and every color looks brighter under the grey sky, the red of the poppy blossoms radiate like blood drops around the golden fields, and the green of the pasture shines in the afternoon sun that bleeds through the incoming clouds. It looks like a thunderstorm is coming, it smells like a thunderstorm is coming, and the sweaty stickyness of the last days let the whole land - and you as well - anticipate the rain and the coolness it may bring.

But before the storm, there will be a messenger.

The crimson-and-gold doublet of the herald - and the banner he carries, featuring the roaring lion of Lannister - shines through the grey afternoon, let him stand out while he roads on the coastal road towards the gates of Stony Watch.

2009-06-23, 05:04 AM
Bowynn stopped for an instant as he was walking with the guards along the wall. The conversation that had been going on about the usual, tedious work that had to be done and the repairs that had to be ordered was cut short as the golden messenger lit up the grey afternoon like what seemed to Bowynn as a bright, miniature sun against the coarse, coastal road.

He made a sly remark to the two guards standing behind him about the bright colours of the fading lion and got a genuine laughter in reply. He did however curse the humid air and wiped moist off his brow, -"I'd rather be down in the Seven Hells than let a Lannister errandboy see me sweat!" he thought to himself, and he'd be damned if he let the guards think he was getting out of shape aswell. But everyone knew that the brewing storm did that to people, the damp air was enough to bring water to anyones brow.

It didn't take him long to get to where his brother usually recieved messengers, but long enough to make him curse the clammy air again. He had walked down in the clothes he had taken his rounds in, a well-made but still notched chainmail. The leather belt that was tied around his waist supported his scabbard that hang loosely at his side, and in it his longsword, long and sharp. Hopefully atleast as long and sharp as the messengers message. As long and sharp as his.

2009-06-23, 05:43 AM
Pyrce sat in the Chambers laid aside for him. He was lucky in that his room had a small window. If not, he didn't know how he could have stood it. Pyrce was from further south, and had dealt with heat and humidity before. But he hadn't been wearing his damnable Robes.

You know why you wear them all the time. You don't look like a Maester. If you took them off, someone would mistake you for a servant.

Pyrce heard the cry of Per, standing up quickly. He should be there when the messenger was recieved. Pyrce looked about, striding over to the door.

"Mavrid, come along."

The Large White Raven took off from it's perch, following Pyrce through the door. The bird took off down the halls, circling while it waited to see where Pyrce would go. For his part, Pyrce took the steps down to the ground floor, and headed quickly for the main entrance to the Keep. He would wait for the Lord there.

2009-06-23, 07:42 AM
Lord Harald Kenning stood, arms crossed, in the shade of the training yard as he watched his youngest son Henrik spar with one of his household guards.

He wore a plain dark doublet and seemed unaffected by the weather. "Keep your shield up, Henrik!" he shouted as his launched a swing at his foe. "Don't let your opponent get his feet set!" he hid a scowl as Henrik over-extended and stumbled as the guard side-stepped his thrust.

He turned his head towards the battlements as he heard Per yell out and frowned. "That'll do for today, son" he said to Henrik "Run along now and get changed for dinner...after you thank Alyn for sparring with you" he continued as Henrik turned to leave and then quickly flushed and mumbled some thanks to the guard who bowed briefly to them both before returning the practice swords and shields to their places. "Alyn, tell Per to bring the herald to the main hall when his needs have been seen to" he said as he followed his young son inside.

A short time later, he sat in his chair in the main hall, dressed in a more formal doublet enscribed with his house crest, as he waited for the messenger to be brought to him.

2009-06-23, 08:17 AM
As he comes closer, it becomes obvious that the herald is a very young man who desperately tries to make an imposing impression. He slowly trods through the castle gate, while the soldies and smallfolk in the court watch curiously.
He features a small tff of hair on his upper lip in the same sand color as his hair, and he tries hard to look tough and blasé, but you can see that he sweats just like everybody else. And perhaps he would be a handsome boy, if there weren't all the pimples that let his face appear almost as red as his crimson doublet.

Greetings. I come from the Rock and carry a message for his lordship. Is there anyone here who can take care of my horse?

You can hear the breaking of his voice even during these few sentences. He carries the banner, crest and signal horn of a herald, but he looks like a squire.

2009-06-23, 02:02 PM
Domenic Kenning sat in his the solar, hunched over a map of the Westerlands, with small figurines on it's surface, and held down by open books on either end. Light poured in through the windows, but so did waves of the humid air, only adding to his discomfort. Suddenly, he stood up with a curse "Damn all men and maps to the seven hells. Ah, but for the old days when one man could take a castle with a small party, one horseback or a longship." he sighed heavily. "Now it's all armies and hosts, tactics and careful planning." Domenic paced for a few minutes before returning to his study. He had spent most of last night questioning and prodding the master at arms, the former sellsword, Jor Calthran over dinner and afterwards. It helped, but he still struggled to understand how these things worked.

As he sat and brooded, he heard the herald cry out for an audience. He stood up wearily, wiping his brow of the infernal heat, and and briefly considered putting on new clothing. No matter, he decided, the herald was a mere boy by the sound of his voice. No one to judge him. He headed down the stairs to see what news the herald had. Despite the oppressive heat, he shuddered. "Dark wings bring dark words, but if Lannister sent a herald, it is worse news than any raven will bring us."

2009-06-23, 02:30 PM
It's a goddamn lordship! There's got to be some way to squeeze out a little profit.

Bent over his books with a look of absolute concentration on his face, Edric had been sitting in his chambers all day, examining the house finances. No matter how hard he tried though, all the small expenses somehow managed to add up and become quite a high number, much higher than he would have preferred. His pondering was abruptly ended however, as the cry from Per almost made him fall off his chair. He had been leaning too much forward.

Startled by a mere gatekeeper! I'm working too hard again, should probably try to get out some more. Though what could anypne possibly want to come here for?

Even though he had found the room way too hot a minute ago, Edric sensed a slight chill moving down his spine as he was walking hastily down the stairs, heading for the main hall.

2009-06-23, 02:52 PM
After a stable hand took care of his horse, the boy in a herald's dress tries again to make an impressive posture -and fails almost as bad as on the back of his gelding and with a stride which is obviously meant to look determined and fastidious and energetic, he follows a guardsman into the castle's hall.

It is obviously that the guardsmen and castlefolk is highly amused by the boy and more than one silly joke about him looking for a chamber pot are murmured. The boy recognizes enough of the mockeries to turn even redder, but he tries not to sho his embarasment and with large steps, he enters the hall.

"Greetings Lord Kenning. I bear good news from the Rock."

With a gesture which looks exactly as if he had trained it many times, he pulls out a folded parchment from his bag and with a slight bow, he offers it to Lord Harald.

"Your liege and the Warden of the West, the Lion of Lannister himself, Lord Tytos invites all his retainers and loyal men to a great tourney to Lannisport."

2009-06-23, 05:07 PM
Lord Harald ignores the titters of his retainers at the green boy's embarrassment and nods to his maester to take the parchment from him.

"Of course we shall be delighted to honour our Lord of Lannister at tourney. May we ask what occassion Lord Tytos sees fit to celebrate?" he asks cordially enough whilst sending pointed glances at his sniggering guardsmen.

2009-06-23, 07:13 PM
Bowynn stopped listening to the conversation after the mention of the word tourney, - "I always wanted to join in on one of those..." he thought quietly. - "Perhaps I'll finally get my big adventure before I grow stuck here in the Hideous Hold."

The idea of fighting in the great melee of a tourney appealed greatly to him, and now that it seemed his lord brother was going to travel to the Lannisters to kiss arse there would be no exscuse to stay behind, and he suspected Lord Harald would grant him permission to travel with him, despite his duties as castellan.

As he was waiting for a reply to Lord Harald's question he watched the nervous young man and lowered his shoulders. He had half been expecting some sort of giant beast to come walking up his steps, not this boy not even free from his mothers teat. He decided to pity the poor kid and leaned casually towards to the person standing closest to him and muttered just loudly enough so the boy was bound to hear, attempting to sound as truthful and genuine as possible. The movement of his lips were barely visible through his coarse beard so only his characteristic, deep voice was recognizable:

"This messenger's definately alot better than the last one, he's actually doing a good job he is..."

2009-06-23, 07:42 PM
"A tourney!" Dominec shouted, his mouth breaking into a grin. His eyes were smiling, but behind them, there was as much fear as excitement. Would the Lannisters attempt to pay back the Tarbecks? If so, how would House Kenning have to respond? Tytos wasn't that type of person, but he had counselors as cold and hard as the parapets of Casterly Rock in the winter. His head ran with images of treachery and death amid the glittering lists and pavilions, as he waited for the herald to reply to his lord father's question

2009-06-23, 07:51 PM
Pryce wasn't one of those laughing. Honestly, it hadn't been to long since he had been like that, so he felt nothing but a little of pity for the boy. But for his part, he had to stand still and impassive. Mayvrid was an impressive figure, settling on a chair near Pyrce, the Raven's presence offering some dignity to the Maester. But still, he needed every bit of help he could.

I need a beard. That, I think, would be the key.

Pyrce nodded at Harald's question, approving. What on earth was Tytos up to? The Lannister's were a great house, and even if the fortunes had fallen recently, they could most likely afford it, but why?

2009-06-24, 01:08 AM
You can see that the herald is grateful for Haralds repsectful gesture and tries to smile while he regains a bit of his pride.

"The tourney is a part of the festivities... Young Kevan, the second son Lord Tytos is betrothed to the young Maiden Dorna of House Swyft."

2009-06-24, 04:06 AM
Harald raised his eyebrows at the news. "Kevan is betrothed? That...is glad news indeed" he replied. He paused for a moment, thinking of the ramifications of the news and trying to remember what little he knew of 'House' Swyft. "I am sure that Ser Harys and all of Cornfield will be overjoyed at the news" he contined. And no wonder, he thought, in a stroke they raise their power considerably. That puffed up hedge knight must be near as preening as the bantam stitched across his fat gut! he ground his teeth in a sudden burst of anger at the realisation that this match may well take 'House Swyft' into a tier on a par or even above that of House Kenning! He cursed his ill luck gloomily.

He saw the eager young herald still waiting below him and quickly said "We shall make our preparations and set off for Lannisport in due course. Please send our thanks and acceptance back to Lord Tytos for his invitation. Bowynn, make sure the herald's needs are attended to before he leaves" he said brusquely as he stood to leave.

2009-06-24, 04:21 AM
Pyrce didn't show a sign, standing impassively, but he was at a loss. Kevan betrothed at 10. And not even to a member of a noble family. Pyrce didn't know that much about the Swyfts, comparatively. There were any number of families of Knights out there, and he couldn't study them all.

Has Lord Tytos lost his mind? If Kevan was a bit older, I'd guess that some kind of foolishness was at the heart, but he's to young for that.

Pyrce listened to Harald's response. The Lord Kenning appeared just as suprised as Pyrce. At least he hadn't been keeping things secret.

Still... what is Tytos thinking?

2009-06-24, 06:13 AM
Counting a tourney as fairly good news, Edric was first relieved by the herald's message. But when he hears the reason for the festivities, his eyes widen in shock.

Kevan to be married into House SWYFT? Whatever the reason is, it can't possibly be good for us. Lord Tytos going mad and elevating our rivals in the process... Just what we needed.

2009-06-24, 06:53 AM
The political consequences of the marriage flew right over Bowynn's head, and he could not care less. All he could consentrate on was the following drinking, whoring and fighting that would follow in the wake of a tourney.

At first he was taken slightly aback by his brothers brusque order, something about the tone of his voice didn't appeal to him. Nevertheless he answered correctly with a polite nod, - "Yes m'lord brother, ofcourse."

He went towards the messenger and put a friendly hand on his shoulder, -"Is there anything you need after your long ride? A bed to sleep in? Some wine? Food?". Bowynn gestures the boy towards the door and without a halt continues to talk, - "I do happen to know a blacksmith that could get you a particularily good strongwine and quite a fair wench if you'd ever need one. And I do apologize for the armour, nothing to greet a Lannister in I know. Please, if there is anything you need feel free to tell me or any of our servants, no one is going to say that House Kenning's hospitality is not the best in the land!"

When Bowynn passes Edric Thyrr the steward, he winks and makes a quick remark to him, - "If there was anything between those ears of yours you'd start buying up all the moontea in Lannisport! Hah!"

2009-06-24, 10:20 AM
"Thank you my lord, a night's rest and a meal would be all I need". The herald has turned a bit red as you mentioned the 'fair wench', but it is obvious that feels more comfortable now after he had his message delivered.

"In the morrow, I will have to travel on- Lord Preston's hall is my next target, but i would be very grateful for a place to rest for me and my mount."

Outside, a thunder can be heard, and shortly afterwards, it starts to rain heavily.

2009-06-24, 05:57 PM
As look of shock passed over the court's face, Dominec stood for a moment as he tried to figure out the source of the amazement. As the the things that weighed against the marriage added up in his mind, he too wore the astonished mask. There had been an uproar when Lord Tytos had married his daughter off to a minor Frey. But to marry his second son, who would be heir if Tywin were to die, to a house of upjumped landed knights... It was simply unthinkable.

The rain fell from the sky in a great rush, just as suddenly as he had realized the strangeness of this betrothal, and in the back of his head, Dominec appreciated the symbolism. Not for long however. Things needed to be attended too. He ran quickly, not a stately site for a short person, and caught up with the his father. "Father, might I suggest calling a counsel? There is much that needs be discussed, and some of out retainers and family were not on hand to hear the news."


A sea eagle flies over the holdings of House Kenning. Over the pastures, where the herds graze, and over Stony Watch. The rain falls and the thunder rolls, so it turns coastward, flying along the shoreline, searching for food. It watched a small fishing boat trawl along for fish, and swooped down to gather some leavetakings. Up it flew again, passing a ship from the Free Cities, en route to the Iron Islands. It flew over the town of Kayce, all port and little town, if truth be told. In the center of the town proper, was the seven walled sept of Kayce, a once handsome building now somewhat shabby with years. Thy sea eagle flew over it without interest, but perhaps had he known what went on, he might have lingered.

A throng stood inside the Sept, and some stood outside it. Where one stood was a sadistic choice. Those standing outside knew that at any moment, the rain, already visible in the distance, would soak them to the bone. Those inside prayed for an end to the oppresive heat, made all the worse by the packing of bodies.

There had been seven births in the last month, and two of them were twins. While the monthly anointing day would have have drawn a crowd on any day, such an auspicious number, and twins born to a local merchant in good standing, meant that this was an anointing to remember. Malfred uttered a blessing as he anointed the last of them with the seven oils, a fisherman's daughter named Emera, large for one so newly born. When he finished, the crows broke into a cheer.

Everyone walked a short distance, to a long hall used by the villagers for every important occasion from tax collection to celebration. The rain hit just before everyone got inside, sparking much laughter and playful screams. A suckling pig lay on the table, which the proud merchant father had bought and killed to celebrate.. "He might have been less pleased if he knew the twins might well be his manservant's" Malfred muttered under his breath.

A few people tried there hand at entrainment, mostly local villagers with crude instruments or well worn stories, but a few were down from Stony Watch itself. Malfred stood in the middle of it all with mixed feelings. On one hand, he had become a septon to escape peasant life, not to embrace it. Every time he went down to the town of Kayce, it was a reminder of how far he fell. On the other hand, the people were pleasant in their own rough, homespun way, and the food wasn't as bad as he remembered it.

He sampled some of the roast pig, and a few of the town's people's dishes. He would have left for Stony Watch immediately, but the rain held him in town for the moment. Instead, he moved lightly from bench to bench, listening to gossip and tall tales. Benjen had caught a massive fish the other day, and one of the castle's men at arms had come into a bakery the day before that, taking a loaf of bread without payment. On one end of the table, the possible cuckolding of the merchant was the main topic, but on the other end, where he sat in the place of honor, it wasn't mentioned at all. Malfred filed away the soldier's name for future use, but otherwise, he was simply bored. When the rain finally let up, he rode back to Stony Watch.

2009-06-24, 06:39 PM
(Heh, just realized the thread had started).

Ser Jor Calthran was not pleased. The unfortunate household guard was glancing around desperatally for some way out.
"Um, well, you see, I thought I had heard somthing happening down in the kitchens, so I told Thom to watch my post for a second while I investigated, then..."
"Did Tom take your trousers"
"Then where are they, perhaps they ran off with the part of your brain that reminds you why you don't abandon your post and trust a drunken porter to watch it while you spend some quality time with a kitchen maid"
The color had completally drained from the Guard's face. But he was rescued, albiet temporarily, by a hard faced man in a guardsman's uniform who appeared at the door.
Jor Calthran had been a knight for some time now, but the vetern sellswords that he followed him into Lord Kenning's service still called him "Captain".
"What is it Ridard?"
"A Herald for lord Kenning, from The Rock."
"Very well, I'll go check it out."
the hapless guard almost breathed a sigh of relief as Jor turned towards the door, only for it to catch in his throat as the knight spoke again.
"Oh, and Riddard, I'm putting you in charge of what to do with him." Jor jerked a thumb towards the cowering guard. "Get creative."
Riddard grinned "Yes sir. Creative it is."
A minute later Jor entered the main hall and saluted Lord Kenning.
"I heard a herald came here from the Rock. Does he have any news I should know about, lord?"

2009-06-25, 03:11 AM
Finally thunder rode the skies. The rumbling, crackling sound forced Bowynn to stop for an instant, he closed his eyes and lost himself completely in the sound, he simply loved the sound of thunder. It was as if the first sound the thunder made immedeatly lifted the clammy tension that had lain thick in the air around him, and a relieved sigh escaped him.

"By the sound of it, I believe the Prestons have to wait for awhile.You should stay for a few days until the rain lifts. Your mount is already being taken care of, and I'll have someone see to it that you have a good bed aswell, in the meanwhile feel free to ask the servants for whatever food you might need, I'm sure that long ride left you quite hungry eh?"

As the conversation flowed, Bowynn's thoughts drifted. They did not stay in one place until he realized that he had not seen Lady Kenning today, not even in the greeting hall, perchance that was the reason his brother had seemed so irritable, perhaps there had been some sort of quarrel? He found himself hoping so, and feeling guilty for it at the same time. He continued by leading the messenger to a servant that would find him his room, he wished him a good day's rest and invited him to join the dinner that was bound to be served sooner or later. Then he returned to the greeting hall to see where his brother had gone.

Listening to this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlOJr1csOR4&feature=related) really got me into the mood of the moment, just thought I'd share it. It's worth an honest listen, especially at 0:48 and outwards. Make sure to turn your volume up :smallsmile:.

2009-06-25, 07:02 AM
The rain fell from the sky in a great rush, just as suddenly as he had realized the strangeness of this betrothal, and in the back of his head, Dominec appreciated the symbolism. Not for long however. Things needed to be attended too. He ran quickly, not a stately site for a short person, and caught up with the his father. "Father, might I suggest calling a counsel? There is much that needs be discussed, and some of out retainers and family were not on hand to hear the news."

Harald hide a smile beneath his hand as his rubbed his chin and mouth thoughtfully. He had just been about to suggest a gathering of his key retainers when his son had spoke and was pleased & proud to see his thinking was mirrored by his firstborn.
"Yes Dominec, I think we will need to discuss our response in the Painted Solar" he replied, referring to the larger tower room which he sometimes used as a private meeting room.

A minute later Jor entered the main hall and saluted Lord Kenning.
"I heard a herald came here from the Rock. Does he have any news I should know about, lord?"

Spotting Calthan approaching he continued "Ah Jor, good timing as always. Join us upstairs if you please" he gestured to a nearby retainer saying "Send for my brother Bowynn, Maester Pyrce and Edric as well" and tell them where we will be meeting.

The three of them climbed the tower staircase until Harald opened a large oaken door carved with . Inside was a large room, with a large oval oak table surrounded by 12 chairs. The room was decorated with the tapestries and paintings which gave the room it's name. In the corner, by the fireplace, sat his wife and daughter with half-finished embroidery in their laps. "Please" Harald spoke to them "Do not leave, your counsel would be welcome" he briefly mentioned the herald and his message to them both as the others began to arrive.

2009-06-25, 11:18 AM
The Maester was near enough to Lord Harald to hear what the man had said. Pyrce was glad enough of that fact. He didn't believe Ser Jor liked him. He had been Citadel Trained for a while, but he had left the order before forging his first link. Pyrce had never heard it explained why, and he wasn't about to ask.

For now, to the Tower.

Pyrce stood up, signaling the Raven to come along with him. The bird and he left the hall swiftly, quickly coming to the Solar. He bowed to the Ladies Kenning.

"Good evening, Lady Kenning and Lady Kenning."

Pryce's face revealed little about if he was being ironic. He turned to Harald, bowing again.

"Lord Harald, you had me summoned here?"

Mayvrid, for the time being, flew over to the Mantle of the Fireplace, staring at the various furnishings and inhabitants of the room, before moving on.

2009-06-26, 02:19 PM
Edric did as Lord Harald requested, following him up to the solar.

This is quite a puzzle. It will be interesting to hear what the others think.

After delivering the standard formalities to the Ladies, a brief nod to Maester Pyrce and a deep bow to Lord Harald, Edric remained silent. He just stood there in silence, waiting for the rest to arrive.

2009-06-26, 02:30 PM
Dominec plopped himself into one the chairs. "Before we discuss whether the old lion is out of his mind, or if that vicious little lion club will try to have us all slaughtered in our sleep, I have a question for the good steward. Namely, just how much money we have in our coffers. There will be travel expenses I suppose, but that's not what worries me. A tourney is an opportunity to win fame, renown and coin for our family, but it is also a danger. I want to know what we can afford in the way of ransoms."

2009-06-26, 03:09 PM
Bowynn had closed the door to his room and was now leaning out of a window, just watching the downpour when he could hear the sound of a knock. When he opened the door a servant told him his brother wanted him at a counsel. He quickly threw off his chainmail and donned a simple but stylish dark-blue linen shirt, with golden embroiderments at the edges. Then he tossed cold water from a bowl in his face and ran the remaining water through his hair.He shuddered slightly before he sighed again, letting the water run through his hair and beard.

Feeling refreshed he rushed to the counsel-room, arriving just in time to hear Connington begin to talk, with a polite nod and a warm smile to Lady Kenning he subtly sat down in the appropriate chair.

2009-06-26, 03:59 PM
Jor nodded a greeting to Bowynn as he heard Dominec's words. He held a healthy amount of respect for all the Kenning brothers, even if Dominec had trouble grasping how to pull off a proper starve-out siege and lacked patience for hearing about lines of supply and how to build a proper chain of command.
"Good thinking. While we are going down that path, I'm a bit rusty in terms of politics. Who is likely to use this tourney to take a swing at us, and who can we count on for help. Provided the Lion himself isn't after our blood, we should be decently safe in his den. To have a guest there for his son's tourney killed or kidnapped would hurt his reputation. However, if you think he is, allow me to recommend you come down with something, and have Maester Pryce declare you unfit to travel."

2009-06-27, 05:51 AM
"It is most unlikely that anyone will attempt such a drastic thing as a kidnapping at the tourney. As Jor said, it would be a great offense towards Lord Tytos. But seeing as the man appears to have gone mad, it's not easy to predict what might happen."

Edric took a moment to consider the expenses of the journey, before saying:

"As for your question, Dominec, we have enough gold to cover the cost of the journey, but any sudden loss of money, such as a ransom, could prove disastrous. We have just enough to keep up with the household expenses as it is, and any significant blow to our economy would be devastating."

2009-06-27, 08:14 AM
Dominec sat up his chair as he answered Jor. "The Lannisters have no cause against us, and we've been loyal enough. The Tarbecks however, chose to try Casterly Rock over some piddling coins. they won, but I can't help but think that the Lannisters might try to pay the back, and my sweet sister is a Tarbeck now." Thinking about it for a moment, he sank back into his chair, sighing. "No, you give good counsel. If our new relations are attacked, it will be on the road, and we won't be able to to stop it. May the Maiden watch over Eloise, and the Warrior over her husband and kin.

Turning to the steward, he looked at him like a boy told their would be no treat after supper. Surely, there is some way around that? I understand that money is tight, but to attend a tourney without taking part would sully our House's honor."

2009-06-27, 08:37 AM
Pyrce decided the time to speak up was now. He needed to put this business abed.

"Lord Tytos is unlikely to fall on the Tarbeck's now. The man is generous to a fault, and I very much doubt he would use his son's wedding as a trap. Such cold bloodedness isn't in the man."

Lord Tywin however...

"If it is at all possible, it would be best if you attend the Tourney. Given your connection to the Tarbeck's, appearing reticent to attend the wedding of young Kevan would not reflect well on your house. As well, I may be able to discover what Lord Tytos is thinking in marrying off young Kevan. I will speak with his Maester, and see if he knows why Lord Tytos has taken such a strange course of action."

Pyrce fell silent. He hoped Tytos had at least spoken with his Maester. If the Old Lion had gone crazy, things would very swiftly become uncomfortable for all of them.

2009-06-27, 01:50 PM
Realising he had misinterpreted Domiec's question, Edric is quick to say:

"Ah, you meant tourney ransoms! Pardon me, I thought you were talking about kidnappings. Tourneys have never been my specialty.

We can afford the ransoms for the tourney, but I suggest that we avoid to be too extravagant. Just enough too make it seem our coffers are filled. It would probably be a good investment, provided we doesn't make a shame of ourselves in the competiton."

2009-06-27, 02:38 PM
Bowynn was sitting casually, almost lazilly in his chair with a nonchalant hand raised into the air, gesturing as he spoke, - "I honestly do not see where this, suspicion, towards Tywin comes from, why are you all so afraid he or his father would want anything ill towards House Kenning?"

He continued by turning to Dominec with a grin, and said with a teasing tone in his voice common to uncles adressing their nephews, - "And you're not honestly planning on losing in that melee are you? Although I have heard of some demon with a sword called Barristan something, I fail to recollect his surname, so perhaps it's best you stay at the sideline? If you're afraid of losing that is? It would however be a horrible disappointment if your old uncle did not get a shot at shaming you in that melee..."

2009-06-27, 03:50 PM
Dominec's booming laughter filled the room. "Why uncle! I'm shocked. I make provisions so that you may still compete while in your dotery, and this is the thanks I get? Your lack of gratitude astounds me.

Turning more grim, he turned to the matter of treachery. Tytos Lannister is a toothless lion. The man wouldn't order a fly killed. But there are others. His son, rumor has it, will be a harsh man. And he has no love for our newly minted kinsmen. All in all however however, I suspect the danger to us is slight. Conciliatory as he is, Lord Tytos would probably offer me a bride to makeup for a dead sister.He sat pensively for a minute, considering that, then brightened,.

"But come, let us talk of brighter things. The Swyfts, as lowly as they are, have had good luck. That is hardly an offense to us. Remember, Aunt Saehera is one of them now, and Delryn, the steward of my personal "castle", squired with them. Perhaps I should have talk with him, he might have some insight as to where this strange match sprung from.

2009-06-27, 09:05 PM
Jor chuckled.
"Sorry for bringing up such a dark topic. I must seem like a paranoid fool. Sometimes I think I don't know how to be in a castle that's not under siege. Please, let us return to lighter talk."

2009-06-28, 08:16 AM
Bowynn was sitting casually, almost lazilly in his chair with a nonchalant hand raised into the air, gesturing as he spoke, - "I honestly do not see where this, suspicion, towards Tywin comes from, why are you all so afraid he or his father would want anything ill towards House Kenning?"

He continued by turning to Dominec with a grin, and said with a teasing tone in his voice common to uncles adressing their nephews, - "And you're not honestly planning on losing in that melee are you? Although I have heard of some demon with a sword called Barristan something, I fail to recollect his surname, so perhaps it's best you stay at the sideline? If you're afraid of losing that is? It would however be a horrible disappointment if your old uncle did not get a shot at shaming you in that melee..."

Harald sat, listening to his advisors and family discuss the matter, before speaking himself.

"Tywin may be the heir to the Rock, but he is barely passed boyhood himself" he waved disparagingly. "The real issue at hand is how we can turn this development to our advantage. Any wins at tourney would help our finances slightly but we need a more secure source of coin. Had I realised how lax Tytos has grown, I would have tried to match Eloise with Kevan but that is water under the bridge now" he brooded for a moment and continued "We need to consider wedding gifts as well of course, though we can barely afford to do so, it needs to be of a sufficient size so as to not cause offense. I was thinking a matched pair of palfrey's from our stables, if they are of the right quality?" he glanced at Edric for a response on that. "And if you think we can get some sort of clue as to how Ser Harys managed to snag a lion, we could turn that to our advantage somehow. Especially if we uncover some sort of dishonour as the cause. Perhaps Tytos got a Swyft wench pregnant and this was the price of silence" he snorted at the idea.

2009-06-28, 05:40 PM
In reply to Haralds proposal, Edric said:

"I think we should have a suitable pair of horses in the stables, and I believe we will be able to manage without them, provided we doesn't lose a lot of horses anytime soon."

"And should we discover some dishonour to lie behind this match, there are great profits to be made, but also quite a bit of danger. If Lord Tytos feel that we, or anyone else, are pushing him too hard, he may decide it is easier to simply eliminate us than to give in. The fact that he is acting odd makes the game even more unpredictable."

2009-06-29, 01:42 AM
Pyrce shook his head. Edric was a good man, but he evidently didn't know much about Tytos. The Old Lion was toothless.

"If Lord Tytos was going to do something like that, the Farman's of Faircastle or the Reyne's would have had action taken against them. Discovering one more dishonorable thing will hardly hurt the Lannister's more then they already have been. Lord Tytos openly consorts with whores, and let's his Vassal's run rampant. He has little honor left to take."

Pyrce continued. He didn't like the speculation that Tytos had impregnated one of the Swyft's. It was possible, but he found something else far more probable.

"I think the reason for this match lies elsewhere, Lord Kenning. Lord Tytos spends coin like water, and even with all the Gold of Casterly Rock, has managed to put himself deep into debt. The Swyft's, for all that they are not Nobleborn, are rich. Lord Tytos might be more interested in the Dowry then anything else."

2009-06-29, 10:48 AM
Harald nodded at his steward "I hope we are not so careless as to misplace any horses soon" he gave a slight smile "Well that takes care of the bethrothal gifts at least"

"I agree with the maester though, Lord Tytos is too meek to bite, elst Faircastle would not be so fair anymore. And if it is coin he sought, that makes the match even more queer. The Swyfts have coin, it is true but the Reynes, and Tarbecks especially, have more - and have prickly tempers to boot" he sighed "Well, it will make for an interesting tourney I trust. So Dominec, Jor & Bowynn both seem to fancy their chances in the melee and joust. Is there any others we could put forward? Askhan has the size and strength to do well in the melee, but I cannot speak for his skill with the blade..?

2009-06-29, 12:43 PM
Jor chuckled.
"Sorry for bringing up such a dark topic. I must seem like a paranoid fool. Sometimes I think I don't know how to be in a castle that's not under siege. Please, let us return to lighter talk."

"Put that paranoia to good use Ser. When we're at the tourney, I want a guard on our equipment. A little youthful vandalism or an attempt at cheating may be less exciting than a kidnapping, but far more likely and just as embarrassing.

2009-06-30, 08:12 AM
"Put that paranoia to good use Ser. When we're at the tourney, I want a guard on our equipment. A little youthful vandalism or an attempt at cheating may be less exciting than a kidnapping, but far more likely and just as embarrassing.

"Of course. It will be tricky, as the guards are likely to get distracted when surrounded by so much festivity. It's hard to be at a tourney, but be told to guard some equipment. However, I think I know a few lads who won't disappoint us. Also, I've never ridden in a tourney before, though I've used a proper lance a couple times, so I should be able to hold my own. I wouldn't mind a little practice before we go of course. The melee on the other hand sounds like my type of contest. I saw a couple tournaments when me and my brother were working near Highgarden, and in one of the melees there..."
Jor stopped, realizing he was getting off topic.
"But I digress. That's a story for another time."

2009-07-01, 04:36 PM
In reply to Jor's sidetracking Bowynn nods and says, - "Aye, save that one for the road. I'm sure a few cups of wine will make you tell one heck of a story though, and I do believe we'll all need some motivation before we actually get there. Especially if this rain keeps going on!"

When he finishes, he turns to the others and says, - "Isn't it about time we stopped being jealous of the Swyfts about now? We should be happy for the young lad! Even if there is some sort of political plan behind all of this, we never had a chance at marrying off one of us to the Lannisters anyway. They are rich, and fancy themselves an important house in the Westerlands. We are poor and well, to be honest, are not important to anyone but our merchants and the farmers who live on our land. Our economy is a matter that we should discuss far more in depth than the fact that mad Lord Tytos is marrying off his youngest son before his oldest."

2009-07-02, 06:45 PM
"Of course. It will be tricky, as the guards are likely to get distracted when surrounded by so much festivity. It's hard to be at a tourney, but be told to guard some equipment. However, I think I know a few lads who won't disappoint us. Also, I've never ridden in a tourney before, though I've used a proper lance a couple times, so I should be able to hold my own. I wouldn't mind a little practice before we go of course. The melee on the other hand sounds like my type of contest. I saw a couple tournaments when me and my brother were working near Highgarden, and in one of the melees there..."
Jor stopped, realizing he was getting off topic.
"But I digress. That's a story for another time."

Yes, I hadn't really thought to take the soldier's boredom and surroundings into account. I'll need to remember that.

2009-07-02, 07:35 PM
Yes, I hadn't really thought to take the soldier's boredom and surroundings into account. I'll need to remember that.
"The trick is to use two men that dislike each other, there's more to it, but that's a lesson for the road."
Jor moved to stand.
"If all that's left is politics my lord, I'd like to start getting things organized. I assume you want to leave for lannisport soon, and it will take time to get everything together."

2009-07-03, 12:20 PM
Harald nodded "We could sit for hours and not fathom the thinking of Lord Tytos. Edric, ready the palfreys for a betrothal gift and see to it we have sufficient coin for the tourney and the time away from Kayce. If no-one else has anything to add I suggest we make our preparations and set off in the morning?" he looked around the table to see if anyone else had something to add.

2009-07-03, 12:44 PM
Pyrce looked over at Harald for a moment, before speaking again. There was a question that suggested itself.

"Lord Kenning, who will you leave in command here while you and the younger Lord Kenning attend the Tourney?"

2009-07-03, 02:58 PM
Suddenly a look of surprise spread on Bowynns face, although it might just aswell be panick. He sat still for a few seconds before speaking, but when he did he did so before his brother could give Pyrce an answer, - "A good question! Normally that would be me, but I would humbly request permission to attend the tourney if my brother could find a replacement? "

Bowynns eyes quickly searched the room before they fell on Lady Kenning, for no more than the half of a blink of an eye they lingered on her. To anyone not sitting in her position it would appear as if he stared into the fireplace. Nevertheless he turned to his brother and continued, - "However, if you feel the castle would be too naked without it's castellan I would stay. Honour and duty before pleasure and all that y'know"

2009-07-03, 06:37 PM
Pyrce looked over at Harald for a moment, before speaking again. There was a question that suggested itself.

"Lord Kenning, who will you leave in command here while you and the younger Lord Kenning attend the Tourney?"

"I dare say my lady wife could handle most matters, with the help of Gogol & Theoderic if needed. I would like Eloise to attend the tourney however. It is important she sees how noble ladies deport themselves and to also make a name for herself in her own right. Perhaps she could even be crowned 'Queen of Beauty' at this tourney" he smiled indulgently at his daughter.

"I shall ask to be kept up to date, should any critical matters arise which need my attention. Ravens are not so slow, after all" he continued

2009-07-03, 06:40 PM
Maester Pyrce looked over at Lord Kenning, suprised. He had thought he would be attending the Tourney as well. Perhaps it was better that he stay here, though. Lady Kenning would need advice.

"Then I will remain as well, Lord Kenning? Tending the Raven's is the first among my duties, after all."

2009-07-05, 05:07 PM
Maester Pyrce looked over at Lord Kenning, suprised. He had thought he would be attending the Tourney as well. Perhaps it was better that he stay here, though. Lady Kenning would need advice.

"Then I will remain as well, Lord Kenning? Tending the Raven's is the first among my duties, after all."

"Your dedication to your charges is admirable, maester" Harald replied "But on this occasion I will need you with us at the tourney. Perhaps you could speak with your colleague in Lannisport. I know that all maester's are sworn to keep the secrets of their adopted House, but perhaps Lord Tytos' maester is more loose-lipped than most"

2009-07-05, 05:32 PM
When Lord Kenning finished speaking, Bowynn rose to his feet and said, -"If that would be all m'brother, I think all of us have other matters to attend to?"

Already everything that would need to be arranged was flying through Bowynns mind. So many orders that would be in need of giving, little things the guards would have to take care of in their abscence. Lastly, the preparations of his equipment, horse and everything else. Tourneys were always a lot of work...

2009-07-05, 05:37 PM
The Maester nodded, bowing. That had been his first idea as well. And Maesters were also sworn to follow their Houses best interests. If Tytos' Maester could be shown that the best interest of House Lannister was to reveal the reasoning behind this Strange Match, he might tell.

"As you command, Lord Kenning."

2009-07-07, 11:44 AM
"Well, in that case unless there is anything else to discuss I suggest we make our preparations to leave" Harald said as he stood to dismiss them.

2009-07-08, 05:58 PM
"As you wish, Lord Kenning. I will go to the stables and begin the preparations immediately."

With a hasty bow, Edric headed down to the stables, and found Varwen, the stable boy.

"Ah, you will do, boy. I need for you to prepare the fine pair of palfreys, you know which ones I'm talking about. They are to be a betrothal gift for Kevan Lannisters wedding, so I want them to shine, you hear me? Now off you go."

Edric did not linger long at the stables. Soon he were busy preparing for the journey, making sure money, food and other necessities were in order.