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Halna LeGavilk
2009-06-23, 11:51 AM
The sun is slowly setting on the nearly idyllic forest. The baggage train you are with has begun to set up camp, gathering deadwood to make fires, putting up tents, bedding down the horses and mules. Crickets chirp and buzz around you, the soft sound of the insects providing a good backdrop to a fine day.

Several people gather around the first started fire, others trying to make their own, when the guide of the caravan, a halfling named Jorran Distar calls. "Gather around, everybody! I have an announcement to make!"

2009-06-23, 11:59 AM
Xierash, Xeph Rogue

"WassupDistar?Howlongtildinner?" the xeph inquires in his regular lack-of-any-pauses way. Xierash can occasionally slow his speech down when needed, but if he does not have to focus on it he does not do so.

2009-06-23, 12:00 PM
Sirus, Halfling Sorcerer

Sirus is suddenly pulled out of his daydream and looks around to Jorran
"And wha-" he begins in Halfling, then remembers he should be speaking in Common "-t would that be?"
(anything under the dashes is OOC btw)
So are we RPing in present or past tense?

2009-06-23, 12:17 PM
Strongarm, Human Fighter

"This might be interesting..." says Pete, "What's this announcement about then, halfling?

2009-06-23, 01:40 PM
Trent Nalen, Psychic Warrior

At the call of the halfling, Trent reluctantly focuses his attention outward. Stretching as he arises, Trent slowly ambles his way toward the fire. When he arrives at the group, he glances excitedly into the fire looking for a pot.
"I hope this means, dinner is done."

2009-06-23, 01:52 PM
Daergon, hearing the halfling, moves away from the fire he was trying to start, and over to the crowd.

An announcement, eh?

Halna LeGavilk
2009-06-25, 12:59 PM
As people gather round, Jorran stands on a wagon, looking out over the crowd of people. "Alright, everybody. Tomorrow we start venturing into orc territory. They're tribal, and very territorial, so I want everybody to be on their guards, watching out, and with weapons unsheathed. Got that?" He starts to step down, but then remembers something, and steps back up. "Also, dinner will be served in about 15 minutes. Get some rest, everbody."

2009-06-25, 01:20 PM
Trent Nalen

Trent was listening expressionlessly, till the halfling mention orc territory. A slight frown spread at that tidbit of news, and it only grew at the mention of having weapons drawn. "Why not just say we are going to be attacked. Maybe a watch should be set up.". At the mention of dinner, the frown quickly disappears.

2009-06-25, 01:30 PM
Sirus, Halfling Sorcerer

Sirus glances at the ground at mention of the possibility of battle and mutters something incoherent to what seems to be a grey area of soil.
"I'm not particularly hungry, but I'll have some dinner all the same, though it seems Trent may be slightly more optimistic about the idea of food"

If you haven't guessed I'm talking to my familiar, sending him off to scout ahead... Well as far as he can understand, being a snake

2009-06-26, 10:19 AM
Battle? Hmm.

Daergon enters deep thought, but quickly breaks out of it when the smell of food reaches his nose, as he scrambled up and walks decisively towards the food.

2009-06-26, 11:13 AM
Ah, battle. Excellent. I need some more practice, and Orcs, if any attack us will be great target practice "Oh, and Halfling, I do not use a weapon! Now... What's for dinner?"

2009-06-26, 11:17 AM
Xierash, Xeph Rogue

"Oooohreally?Dyathinkwe'llmeet'em? I'vebeensoboredboredboredlately," Xierash says as he makes his way with the others towards the expected meal.

2009-06-26, 12:05 PM
Trent strolled with the group toward the awaiting meal, Food finally, still this is the most exciting thing to happen all day. A change of pace would be ni-...
Trent didn't even have to complete his thought. As the zippy Xeph did it for him. ''I couldn't agree more. Allow me to introduce myself, Trent Nalen is the name.''

2009-06-26, 12:12 PM
Xierash, Xeph Rogue

"XierashKurushTrent! Nicetomeetyou!" the xeph replies. He pauses a moment before repeating himself, albeit with a little more care and at a slower pace, almost exaggerating each syllable: "Xierash Kurush, Trent! Nice to meet you!"

2009-06-26, 12:16 PM
Sirus, Halfling Sorcerer

"Why, hello there Xierash," says Sirus, walking over to the two in conversation, "I already knew Trent's name form someone saying it earlier, but allow me to introduce myself, Sirus is the name, pleased to meet you both!" He smiles while holding out his hand in a gesture of friendship.

2009-06-26, 12:29 PM
"The pleasure is all mine Xierash." Grasping the halfling's extended hand, "Why hello there Sirius, it is also a pleasure to meet you." Releasing Sirus' hand Trent glances briefly at the caravan says, "Most of these people aren't warriors."

2009-06-26, 12:31 PM
"Xierash, Sirus, Trent, nice to meet you all. I'm Strongarm." says Pete, who moves a little closer, to shake all of their hands or pseudo-hands. "I hit things. What do you do that would be of help guarding the caravan?" he says, attempting to make smalltalk.

2009-06-26, 12:33 PM
Stuffing food into his mouth, Daergon pausing momentarily to talk to the group.

Well this is very cosy ... Trent, Xeriash, Sirus, Strongarm ... I am Daergon. Please to meet you all.

2009-06-26, 12:35 PM
Xierash, Xeph Rogue

"Thehorizon! Theunkno-- The unknown," Xierash replies in his normal pace before correcting himself with a dry chuckle and grin. The long topknot-braid shakes as it reaches just above his waist, swaying side to side like a horse, which is what the xeph resembles: a scrawny chestnut mustang, ready to run off into the distance, leaving those slower far behind.

2009-06-26, 12:41 PM
Slightly irked at Strongarm's comment, Trent replies curtly
"The sword on my back isn't just for show. I'm handy with my great sword, or whatever weapon happens to be around. So you hit things with your fist. Even armored things, doesn't that hurt?"

2009-06-26, 12:46 PM
Xierash, Xeph Rogue

The xeph laughs at Trent's comment. "Atleasthedoesn'thit'emwithhisface! That'dhurtmoreI'msure." He nods to Daergon and Strongarm. "I'mascoutand-" he shakes his head and pauses once more before continuing more slowly once more: "I'm a scout and skirmisher."

2009-06-26, 12:54 PM
With a short nod to the dwarf, Trent helps himself to some food. He begins wolfing it down, speaking in between mouthfuls says,"What brings you all here. I'm journeying to hone my skills, and maybe make a little money while doing that."

2009-06-26, 02:53 PM
Sirus, Halfling Sorcerer

"Why, hello there as well, Strongarm and Daergon!" Sirus exclaims jubilantly while shaking their hands, "Incidentally, I can be of use to the caravan by my use of the magic that runs in my veins, I can also do a bit of damage with these darts as well," he says, pointing to his belt, with 20 darts attached to it. "And I'm just here to make a living and master my magic..."
Introductions over, Sirus settles down to eat, throwing the occasional bit to the floor, which dissapears instantly.

Halna LeGavilk
2009-06-27, 11:45 PM
Jorran approaches your group, a frown on his face. "You guys wanna guard the caravan? We only have a few guards, for some reason. Bastards in the city are cheap. We're gonna need help."

2009-06-28, 01:13 AM
Sirus, Halfling Sorcerer

"Well, yeah, we came to guard this thing, so guarding it is what we'll do. right guys?" He said slightly loftily. "Besides, I'm pretty sure the six of us can beat any average group of Orcs.!

2009-06-28, 02:35 AM
Aye, I'll help guard. As for the Orcs? It depends ... They may be no regular rabble. I just hope their armour isn't thick and their shields broad. I doubt we'd last the night.

Anybody get it? ^^

2009-06-28, 08:20 AM
Sirus, Halfling Sorcerer

"Daergon, I believe that line was in a book I read once, that main character was also a Halfling..."

2009-06-28, 10:40 AM
"You have my sword Jorran. What are our chances of being attacked under the cover of darkness. Should a watch be set up?"A slight smile spreads across his face, turning to Daergon and Sirus "A book about a halfling, it must have been a short tale."

2009-06-28, 10:45 AM
Sirus, Halfling Sorcerer

"Hey, I resent that..." Says Sirus jokingly.
"And a watch you say, why I've got the perfect man for the job!" He then turns to the floor again and mumbles something.
"Cinder will alert me if we're attacked during the night, and then I'll wake the rest of you up as soon as possible. Trust me, I will, I couldn't take on an Orc mano-a-mano if my life depended on it."

Halna LeGavilk
2009-06-28, 10:25 PM
Jorran raises an eyebrow. "Cinder...?"

2009-06-29, 01:38 AM
Sirus, Halfling Sorcerer

"Oh, yeah you won't be able to see him," Sirus says, frowning, "But all you need to know is he's a little friend who won't betray us."

2009-06-29, 08:35 AM
Xierash, Xeph Rogue

Chuckling, Xierash shakes his head, sending his braid swaying. "Wellthat'scertainlyhelpful! Aninvisiblewatchalarm?" he turns to Jorran. "OfocurseI'min. WhateverIcandoI'lldo!"

Halna LeGavilk
2009-06-30, 11:43 PM
Jorran nods at the group's confirmation. "Alright. I'm gonna take a look around the camp, you guys decide on watches."

2009-07-01, 09:00 AM
"I'll take first watch, would anyone like to accompany me?"

2009-07-01, 09:09 AM
"I would rather wait and take watch with someone weaker than yourself, since they need protecting."

2009-07-01, 12:22 PM
Sirus, Halfling Sorcerer

"Ok, I'll send Cinder to the back where he can watch on his own, also for our side, I'll take watch with Trent, that is, if you don't mind?"

2009-07-01, 02:14 PM
Xierash, Xeph Rogue

The xeph taps Strongarm on the shoulder. "I'vegotthebrainsyou'vegotthebrawn let'smakelotsofmoney!" he says in a very fast sing-song voice. "Kidding! Ithinkwecouldmatchupwellthough!" Xierash's chuckle is nearly as fast as his speech.

2009-07-01, 06:42 PM
"Of course Sirius, I'm sure we will be more than adequate. In fact I believe we will take first shift. If that's alright with you."

2009-07-02, 01:10 AM
Sirus, Halfling Sorcerer

"Well, I'm fine with that..."

2009-07-06, 10:42 AM
Sirus, Halfling Sorcerer

"So then, we might as well start the watch now then?" he said, gesturing to Cinder to take up his own post

Halna LeGavilk
2009-07-08, 10:22 AM
Your watch slips by uneventfully, crickets chirping and smalls animals rustling in the distance.

2009-07-11, 08:41 AM
Awaking just before the first watch ends, Daergon dons his armour and grabs his morningstar and walks over to the Halfling, stumbling slightly.

Get some sleep lad, I'll take watch now.

With that, he takes a sip of water from his waterskin, and replaces it on his belt, before beginning to pace up and down.

Halna LeGavilk
2009-07-12, 12:00 AM
Make a listen and spot check.

Halna LeGavilk
2009-07-14, 10:20 PM
In the forest, you see large, humanoid creatures lurking about. Orcs.

You can shout a warning, or take a surprise round to draw weapons and ready without the orcs noticing.

2009-07-15, 08:56 AM
Spotting the Orcs, Daergon turns to the sleeping group. Get yer backsides up here! We've got ORCS!

With that, he turns to face them, morningstar at the ready.

2009-07-15, 10:31 AM

Sirus runs, awakened from his not very deep slumber, as fast as his short legs can carry him to Daergon's post, shouting out to Cinder to stay at his post, and come if Orcs come from the other side.

Initiative Roll:
Wow totally awful initiative there...

2009-07-15, 10:36 AM
Hearing Daergon warning, Trent springs up and heads toward the source of the commotion, drawing his greatsword along the way.


2009-07-18, 05:17 PM
Strongarm gets up, having slept in his chain shirt. He springs to attention.

Halna LeGavilk
2009-07-23, 10:47 AM
The orcs are in the forest towards the east, in a semi-circular pattarn, all of them facing the campsite.

Daergon, you go first.