View Full Version : Morning Has Broken...

2009-06-23, 10:43 PM
The rosy light of dawn trickles through my window, illuminating the desk at where I sit.

Apparently, I've been sitting here, talking to a friend of mine, for eight hours through the night. Hooray? Would you believe it, I'm rather sleepy...

2009-06-23, 10:46 PM
Ooh, I love it when that happens! It always sucks about 3 hours after you realize it because you wind up exhausted and generally have to hold on quite a while before bed's a feasible option, but...

The conversations you tend to have during those nights are just so wonderfully fascinating! ^_^

2009-06-23, 10:47 PM
I’ve done that before, only we weren’t tired afterward. I guess just sitting and talking was rest enough. We decided to crash anyway.

2009-06-23, 10:58 PM
Some of the best moments I had with my friends involved just talking around a table untill we realized that the big thing in the sky we could'nt figure out what the hell was, was acyually the sun and that the night was over. (And some others involved guitar hero). So yeah

2009-06-23, 11:13 PM
So why don't you fix it?

2009-06-23, 11:27 PM
Morning Has Broken...
And how soon before you can fix it?

2009-06-24, 01:16 AM
Judging by the prevailing winds and the size of the bonfires going last night, it'll be several more hours before the sky is back to normal.

2009-06-24, 01:17 AM
Judging by the prevailing winds and the size of the bonfires going last night, it'll be several more hours before the sky is back to normal.

:smallconfused: Nothing serious, I hope? As a Californian, I associate summer fires that change the sky as dangerous things that can easily ravage many communities before they're put in check. So this sort of thing makes me worry.

Edit: To be clear, I'm asking after whether it's anything serious.

2009-06-24, 01:19 AM
Judging by the prevailing winds and the size of the bonfires going last night, it'll be several more hours before the sky is back to normal.

Bonfires big enough to blacken the sky? :smalleek:

...I miss having people to talk to like that, Mr. Damned Irish Man OP Person Guy. Now my nights when I'm stuck awake are a lonely affair.

2009-06-24, 02:08 AM
For some can't-read-a-calendar reason, the Midsummer bonfires (read: piles of semi-flammable junk piled up on every bit of waste ground where it's accumulated over the year) were all lit last night instead of on the weekend. I live on the lip of a valley, so all those streaks of smoke ranging from light gray all the way to charcoal-black tend to mingle and collect up at this level, including the fumes from the old-kitchen-appliances fire on the other lip of the valley. It's a metalhead's fantasy, that night.

2009-06-24, 02:11 AM
...They don't even know what's for burning and what's not for burning?

...Bloody Savages....:smallfurious:...Setting plastics and treated metals on fire....

2009-06-24, 02:14 AM
It has been such a long time since I last did something like that.
I agree that it's awesome. Maybe when I am on vacations... or at GenCon. :smallsmile:

2009-06-24, 02:25 AM
For some can't-read-a-calendar reason, the Midsummer bonfires (read: piles of semi-flammable junk piled up on every bit of waste ground where it's accumulated over the year) were all lit last night instead of on the weekend. I live on the lip of a valley, so all those streaks of smoke ranging from light gray all the way to charcoal-black tend to mingle and collect up at this level, including the fumes from the old-kitchen-appliances fire on the other lip of the valley. It's a metalhead's fantasy, that night.

Neat. I learned several things today. :smallsmile:

2009-06-24, 05:39 AM
Aw, I was hoping for a discussion on favorite church sons
Morning has brokennnnnnnnnnnnnn like the first morninggggggggggggggggggg
Blackbird has spokennnnnnnnnnnnn like the first birdddddddddddddd
and so on.
I understand what you mean, considering that I have yet to go asleep.
As part of a madden scheme my sleep deprived brain has come up with, in order to get myself back on a regular sleep schedule (Hah, like that will work) I've decided to simply stay up throughout the night and on into the day, forgoing my usual six or seven AM bedtime.

Also, I miss bonfires

2009-06-24, 05:46 AM
Aw, I was hoping for a discussion on favorite church songs.
Also, I miss bonfires

and the voice of the turtle is heard, through the land!
Wait, what?
You mean we arn't singing?
No bonfire?

But yea, I've been awake for roughly forty hours.
Yay insomnia!

2009-06-24, 06:11 AM
i see dawn break almost every day and still it gives me pause.

2009-06-24, 06:12 AM
I haven't slept all night. No, there's no reason, save that I'm depressed. *shrug* Be glad, DamnedIrishman, you have friends to talk to. I'm all alone in the dark, not even a stuffed animal to hug. :smallfrown: God that's pathetic

2009-06-24, 06:13 AM
I haven't slept all night. No, there's no reason, save that I'm depressed. *shrug* Be glad, DamnedIrishman, you have friends to talk to. I'm all alone in the dark, not even a stuffed animal to hug. :smallfrown: God that's pathetic

*hands him the cat*

2009-06-24, 06:14 AM
Ah, staying up until daybreak always gives me a big goofy smile. ^_____^
The sun's been up for a little while yet over here, but the morning is gorgeous and I'm biking over to the river to videotape my wife rowing her single. Should be pretty relaxing. :smallsmile:

2009-06-24, 06:15 AM
*hands him the cat*
Heh, my kitty is at my girlfriend's apartment, and I don't have a car. I do love cats though. :smallredface: Thanks, in any case.

-expletivedeleted- depression! >_<

2009-06-24, 06:27 AM
Heh... and now it's morning here.

2009-06-24, 06:31 AM
Morning has brokennnnnnnnnnnnnn like the first morninggggggggggggggggggg
Blackbird has spokennnnnnnnnnnnn like the first birdddddddddddddd
and so on.

I instantly thought of that. If it wasn't for my PC's sound card being utterly dead, I would be listening to Cat Stevens rendition of it right now. *closes his eyes and imagines*

But yeah, I have nights like that on the odd occasion. Normally with a brand new friend I haven't met before 'n' such.

2009-06-24, 06:37 AM
Ah, dawn. Beautiful, but bittersweet, as for me, every dawn I see is another time I remember I should get off my lazy ass the day before and exert myself so I can sleep the next night...

2009-06-24, 07:11 AM
Just face it... Morning is broken. It requires us to get up, and move on with our lives every day.

2009-06-24, 08:09 AM
...They don't even know what's for burning and what's not for burning?

...Bloody Savages....:smallfurious:...Setting plastics and treated metals on fire....
I'm not sure you understand...everything is for burning! Burn it all! Burn it to the ground!

2009-06-24, 08:44 AM
Just face it... Morning is broken. It requires us to get up, and move on with our lives every day.

speak for yourself, human, us vampires don't have to get up till 5 pm

2009-06-24, 09:13 AM
I'm not sure you understand...everything is for burning! Burn it all! Burn it to the ground!

Join us at Arsonists Anonymous. We meet at the old cigarette lighter factory.

2009-06-24, 09:22 AM


2009-06-24, 09:37 AM
I have done that a few time recently... staying up talking to friends or having sex (having sex with friends!?), thinking, I'm getting tired, it must be nearly midnight, I check the time on my phone and I have to leave for work in two hours. At that point I know I'm going to be worse off if I try and sleep.

It's a great feeling until about midday when you just sort of die.

I am having that exact feeling now. urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhh

"Slurred Zombie Tech Support Co *yaaaawwwnn*, How can I hellllppppppppurrrrrrgggghhhhhhbraaaaaaaaaaaiiiiii innnnnnnss"

2009-06-24, 10:06 AM
(having sex with friends!?)

Friends with benefits.:smalltongue:

2009-06-24, 10:10 AM
I woke up an hour before I meant to. I am tired as well.

2009-06-24, 12:54 PM
I have done that a few time recently... staying up talking to friends or having sex (having sex with friends!?), thinking, I'm getting tired, it must be nearly midnight, I check the time on my phone and I have to leave for work in two hours. At that point I know I'm going to be worse off if I try and sleep.

It's a great feeling until about midday when you just sort of die.

I am having that exact feeling now. urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhh

"Slurred Zombie Tech Support Co *yaaaawwwnn*, How can I hellllppppppppurrrrrrgggghhhhhhbraaaaaaaaaaaiiiiii innnnnnnss"

mmm... I generally prefer sex with friends myself.

and yeah. I'm half-shambling after staying up for about two days straight with maybe a four hour nap yesterday.

2009-06-24, 06:13 PM
mmm... I generally prefer sex with friends myself.

and yeah. I'm half-shambling after staying up for about two days straight with maybe a four hour nap yesterday.

Really? You should try having more sex with your enemies. Talk about sexual tension...

2009-06-25, 02:04 AM
Did it again last night, Had a bonfire and watched the sun rise, although I did get a good 2 1/2 hours sleep after that (Up again for work now)

No sex this time (You people are obsessed!), Just a bonfire in the field next to York university, Although we did all get naked, do some fire-jumping and "Micheal McIntyre" skipping around the field.

2009-06-25, 02:47 AM
^: Did you do any naked hiking? ...I ask this because I just found a shirt that had been given to me awhile back that says:

Hike Naked
It adds color to your cheeks

Really? You should try having more sex with your enemies. Talk about sexual tension...

... I think they call that rape. :smalleek:

2009-06-25, 04:02 AM
... I think they call that rape. :smalleek:

There's a difference between sex with enemies and nonconsensual sex...

2009-06-25, 05:31 AM
There's a difference between sex with enemies and nonconsensual sex...

I don't see being able to prove it without some extensive documentation though...

2009-06-25, 05:49 AM
The sun beginning to climb is one thing, but it's really the birds' singing that makes me go "Aw, you've done it again."

What I've done is usually play pool till 5 am with friends. Though I'm starting an internship soon so I'll have to quit being nocturnal. It's a good thing I'm getting paid in exchange for that sacrifice.

2009-06-25, 09:37 AM
I don't see being able to prove it without some extensive documentation though...

Me and my current, er..., sexual partner can't stand each other. She literally hates me, and I despise her. She's hot though, so we kindof just get into bed every now and again.

Afterwards, one of us leaves quietly, and the next day we're back to despising one another. We have needs that need to met, and it might as well be as with each other.

2009-06-25, 01:49 PM
Me and my current, er..., sexual partner can't stand each other. She literally hates me, and I despise her. She's hot though, so we kindof just get into bed every now and again.

Afterwards, one of us leaves quietly, and the next day we're back to despising one another. We have needs that need to met, and it might as well be as with each other.

No angry spooning?

...sometimes I wish I had this.

2009-06-25, 03:22 PM
DammedIrishMan: I know this isn't RWaA, but I've seen (non)relationships similar to what you've described, and they have rarely ended well. One even resulted in the coinage of the term, 'Psycho B*tch from Hell'. (We made the lady in question a custom Magic:The Gathering card in honour of her Psycho B*tch from Hell-ness. She liked it very much.)

I instantly thought of that. If it wasn't for my PC's sound card being utterly dead, I would be listening to Cat Stevens rendition of it right now. *closes his eyes and imagines*...
It's the Mary O'Hara version I can hear.

Original topic: During my early twenties I spent many and many and many a night dancing, singing, talking, and playing the night away with my friends. For years on end the only sunrises I saw were from the wrong side.

Have you ever noticed how a sunrise you're seeing after an all-nighter is a beautiful ethereal thing, but a sunrise you've had to get out of your bed to view is usually dull, grey, and blank?

Nowadays, all-nighters usually only happen when I have a work-crisis to resolve. Much more boring.

2009-06-25, 06:04 PM
DammedIrishMan: I know this isn't RWaA, but I've seen (non)relationships similar to what you've described, and they have rarely ended well. One even resulted in the coinage of the term, 'Psycho B*tch from Hell'. (We made the lady in question a custom Magic:The Gathering card in honour of her Psycho B*tch from Hell-ness. She liked it very much.)

I should imagine so.


2009-06-26, 04:45 AM
Friends with benefits.:smalltongue:

...is a terrible idea.

No angry spooning?

Congratulations, for some reason this is one of the most amusing things I have read in a while.

Maybe I'm just tired.

2009-06-26, 06:31 AM
OT: It seems to work when it's Me+Husband+n where n is other people, usually in relationships with each other.

On Topic: It was quite amusing when we were sitting there, having run out of wood thinking "why isn't it darker now the fire's died dow...." *looks up* "..ooooh! Sun!"

There wasn't naked hiking, we just Michael McIntyred round the field. (for those who don't know, it's a sort of arm swingy skipping thing) as well as naked fire jumping. I found an Violin in the back of my car that I had forgotten existed and someone else brought their guitar. There were marshmallows and everything...

Edit: I might be worth saying that this field is about a mile square and is surrounded by housing on two sides and a university on another... this is hardly the back and beyond miles from civilisation!

2009-06-26, 09:41 AM
as well as naked fire jumping.

As amusing as this can be, last time I tried it all of the hairs on my legs (and there are many) got singed, and I was itching like crazy for the whole of the rest of the night.

2009-06-26, 09:43 AM
I instantly thought of that. If it wasn't for my PC's sound card being utterly dead, I would be listening to Cat Stevens rendition of it right now. *closes his eyes and imagines*


Someone who's not me actually brought up Cat Stevens.

*happy dance*