View Full Version : [Bleachitp] Episode 10 - My Beloved Eyes

2009-06-25, 10:28 AM
Maeda awoke to his bedside... a new nurse stood at his side and told him, "Maeda-Taicho, your wounds have healed, you may be discharged at your leisure" He sat up in his bed, not caring that he wasn't wearing anything but undergarments and his bandages. Blankets covered him anyway. Would you pass me my clothes? he said, his throat dry. "Of course."

He needed to deal with this problem, his hollow. After exiting the room he would immediately shuunpo to the first division headquarters, seeking to find the Commander General who would be able to fight - or gather others who could do so - his inner hollow.

((Feel free to interupt him, especially if you're a captain. I have a feeling horngeek won't be on for a while))

2009-06-25, 08:21 PM
Liani stops before he nears Maeda, using a Kido to mask his presence. He will follow him and try and discover what is going on.

2009-06-25, 08:26 PM
Though awareness was a strong suit for him, Maeda was preoccupied with finding the commander general and other captains who would be able to deal with his hollow while he was fighting it in his mind. Even if he had noticed the shinigami, he probably wouldn't stop. Stopping everytime he'd sensed something would be imprudent, he wouldn't get anywhere like that.

2009-06-25, 08:34 PM
As he approaches the 1st Division Headquarters, Maeda can see a certain 4th seat just ahead of him dragging a certain former Captain by the sleeve. The former pauses as she notices Captain Maeda, however. "Heading to 1st Division too, Captain?"

2009-06-25, 08:42 PM
He grunts an affirmative, Ah. Noticing the former captain Kambei, he takes a look at the pair. Maeda had still only been new to the job when Kambei was Captain. An excellent candidate. I need to speak with the commander general about arrangements for containing myself while I battle my... darker side. he makes it further apparent the conversation is directed at Kambei,, Kambei, I'm going to need other Captains to fight him while I'm gone. Would you be up for it?

2009-06-25, 08:44 PM
Well this was interesting knowledge to obtain. What else could he learn by following. This was always what made this fun. Finding out what you weren't supposed to.

2009-06-25, 08:44 PM
"Containment is my speciality." Kambei replies. He pats Devotion at his waist lovingly. "Particularly with my new zanpakutou."

2009-06-25, 08:49 PM
"My current duties are delayed until Captain Satoshi is no longer preoccupied with his female friend, so I'm open to provide healing assistence." Taniko glances behind Captain Maeda, getting an off feeling. "Perhaps I could even help in the actual combat. I'm good with keeping things nonlethal."

2009-06-25, 08:57 PM
After Kambei's reply, his lips curved slightly out of his constant grimace. Almost a smile. That's good to know

After the fourth squad member spoke, what was her name again? Tana... Tane... Tanoko? He still wasn't sure, but that wouldn't stop him from worrying about her life. Maeda's eyes wander forward, his gaze steel, remembering when his concsiousness surfaced as the hollow within killed Tatskete. He winces and shakes head.

No... you must give it your all. If that's enough. I don't want any more unnecessary deaths... especially on my hands.

2009-06-25, 09:02 PM
Taniko nods and bows. As she pulls herself upright from the bow, she steps away into a brisk walk. "Understood, Captain Maeda. Shall we continue, then?"

2009-06-25, 09:10 PM
Ah... the same affirmative noise. As they begin walking again, he realized he still didn't know the girl's name. He would have been too embarrassed to ask however, so that was out of the question.

2009-06-25, 09:29 PM
Satoshi is walking along, whistling a happy tune.

Most who see this are freaked out, and stay far away. Dude's never this happy.

He sees the group meandering towards 1st Division. Seeing Taniko, he recalls the paperwork for his new office.

He zips over to 4th Division HQ, pops in his room, grabs it, and zips back, closer this time. After a moment of looking it over, he nods.

Walking over to the group, he says, "I hope I'm not interrupting much. Taniko, here's the paperwork from earlier. It all looks good and in order. Honestly, I trust the judgment of you and yours. Feel free to do what you feel you need to. Do I need to sign anything or some such?"

Seeing Maeda's mood, Satoshi asks, "Maeda, what's up? You seem particularly down right now. Is there anything I can do to help?"

2009-06-25, 09:37 PM
Satoshi? This was too perfect. I was just going to see the Commander general about my... condition. As a matter of fact, we're going to need more people to try to fight me and contain the damage once the hollow comes out. Would you be willing?

((Deadtiming for dinner))

2009-06-25, 09:38 PM
Kambei smiles at Satoshi. For once, he looks totally happy. "Captain Satoshi! Hello!"

2009-06-25, 09:39 PM
Satoshi's eyes widen slightly. Of course.

"Yes, yes, of course I'll help, Maeda. I think I could probably keep up."

Turning to Kambei, Satoshi nods. "Kambei. Greetings. Wasn't there something you wanted to talk to me about?"

2009-06-25, 09:43 PM
"Yes, yes, and this would be the perfect time!" Kambei grins. "I really would like to be part of your squad, sir. Again, in any capacity. Any. You and Taniko have treated me like friends and with more patience than I ever deserved. I'd like to pay that back through service."

Surprisingly, he then ducks his head and bows as well as he can, since he's still being held by Taniko.

2009-06-25, 09:43 PM
Taniko nods and tucks the paperwork into the Hammerspace of her uniform. As Satoshi and Kambei speak, she steps adjacent to Maeda and points her eyes behind them. Releasing Kambei so he can bow uninhibited, of course. "You notice?"

2009-06-25, 09:48 PM
"Yes, yes, and this would be the perfect time!" Kambei grins. "I really would like to be part of your squad, sir. Again, in any capacity. Any. You and Taniko have treated me like friends and with more patience than I ever deserved. I'd like to pay that back through service."

Surprisingly, he then ducks his head and bows as well as he can, since he's still being held by Taniko.

Satoshi raises an eyebrow. Really, it seems odd. But, hey, he's in a good mood.

"Tell you what. We'll get you set up for at least a temporary assignment to my division. I'd say with how things have gone recently, we'll slot you in as a seated officer. With recent events, my...5th seat...is open. Would that be sufficient? We'll give it a month or two, and see where you want to go from there. It gives you some responsibility, but not so much you're overwhelmed."

(OOC:If someone is already my 5th seat, let me know. My division seems popular, so it's hard to keep track sometimes. >.<)

2009-06-25, 10:01 PM
"That would be wonderfu!" Kambei says. His grin practically splits his face, and he actually begins to hum.

2009-06-25, 10:03 PM
Taniko nods and tucks the paperwork into the Hammerspace of her uniform. As Satoshi and Kambei speak, she steps adjacent to Maeda and points her eyes behind them. Releasing Kambei so he can bow uninhibited, of course. "You notice?"

Notice what? he says plainly, perhaps plainly enough for the other captains to notice that Maeda was talking during their own conversation.

2009-06-25, 10:05 PM
"I'm not sure." Taniko raises her voice to conversation level, then covers her mouth as Kambei starts humming. "I'm pretty sure Curving Light is involved, though."

OOC: The invisibility kido!

2009-06-25, 10:11 PM
Satoshi, not directly looking at them, says, "Oh, that's just my 6th Seat. He's hanging back at pretty much standard observation distance. Either you're really good, Taniko, or he needs practice. Probably a little of both. Don't worry about him, though."

Satoshi seems utterly unconcerned.

2009-06-25, 10:11 PM
"I'm not sure." Taniko raises her voice to conversation level, then covers her mouth as Kambei starts humming. "I'm pretty sure Curving Light is involved, though."

OOC: The invisibility kido!

He had noticed it now that they had stopped. Yea... After the exchange between Kambei and Satoshi was over, Maeda still hadn't forgotten he needed to get to the commander general. They all needed to.

We should get to the commander general now. To authorize this. and begins to walk again.

2009-06-25, 10:13 PM
Kambei follows. "Let's go! <3"

((OOC: He Said It With Hearts.))

2009-06-25, 10:14 PM
"If it weren't for my personality, I'd be in the Kido Corps." Taniko then starts to walk after Maeda, glancing over her shoulder and waving for the other three to follow.

2009-06-25, 10:14 PM
Satoshi nodded. "Right."

He put a comforting hand on Maeda's shoulder. "Don't worry, Maeda. I mean, I beat my Hollow. Surely you can beat yours."

2009-06-25, 10:16 PM
"And if you can't beat it, we're all here to help you! <3" Kambei said. He smiles, and continues humming.

Behind him, a slightly fuzzy nine-foot tall giant manifests. It's the spirit of his zanpakutou, and it is humming too.

Even Taniko has got to be weirded out by this.

2009-06-25, 10:18 PM
Satoshi nodded. "Right."

He put a comforting hand on Maeda's shoulder. "Don't worry, Maeda. I mean, I beat my Hollow. Surely you can beat yours."

He looks at the hand on his shoulder, then up at the face it belongs to. He gives it the "what-the-hell-are-you-doing?" glare. He turns back to direction of the first division headquarters and says without looking at anyone, Yea... he sure did hope so. If he didn't, he was at least glad to know that no one liked him enough to do anything stupid in response to his death.

2009-06-25, 10:21 PM
Taniko raises an eyebrow, then gently places a hand on Kambei's shoulder. "Turn it down, Kambei. You have a fight coming up. Forethought, remember? Start making tactical plans."

2009-06-25, 10:24 PM
"I am, I am. <3" He replies. The spirit flickers, and disappears. But the mellifluous humming that is an octave higher than Kambei's remains. He smiles and his eyes narrow, and Taniko suddenly realizes that the humming is simply a facade, and that Kambei's sharp mind, the one that once made him a powerful captain, was already hard at work.

2009-06-25, 10:26 PM
Well darn it. Seems I'm not quite as good as I thought. They've seen me. Of course my captain is here after all. I suppose it was too much to hope for to go unnoticed. Well since he already knows what is going on here. Perhaps I will get a bit of shut eye.
He releases his Kido, his spiritual pressure no longer masked, and it's weaker then usual. Probably for the best anyways, that last assignment was brutal.

2009-06-25, 10:27 PM
Satoshi stopped for a moment at Maeda's glare.

'Note to self: Punch him in the face once or twice when he's gone partly Hollow.' he thought.

'Duly noted.' his weapon spirit responded.

2009-06-25, 10:33 PM
Kambei continues to hum. In his mind, Devotion contacted him.

"Shikai first, and try to modulate the damage with my shields and your bakudo? Or do you want me to stay sealed and just use bakudo until it's required that you use shikai?"

"The first option. Maeda's a captain, and all that entails. I'm wary of letting him get over me at all. I'm also going to use kido, since I've mastered almost all of them up to #90. But we'll play it defensively first."

"As you command."

2009-06-25, 10:59 PM
((I guess I'll godmod, though I can't say I'm entirely comfortable with it

Sorry for text wall.))

Arriving at the first squad HQ, Maeda, along with the other shinigami, approach the Commander General. Sotaicho-sama he says bowing, Of late, my abilities have not been entirely useful to the whole of Soul Society and today I intend to rectify that. With your permission and perhaps your support, I would like to ask that several shinigami of Captain level assist me in suppressing my inner hollow. These he says, motioning to the other Captains, Captains have already given their support. I simply need your permission now.

Go ahead. Though, I won't be joining you due to certain preoccupations at the moment.

He looks at the three captains.

Although you do seem short on manpower. Shall I request the assistance of other captain level shinigami?

Erm... yes... that would be optimal.

The Commander General promptly sends hell butterflies to all those shinigami who are of captain calibur.

2009-06-25, 11:00 PM
Kambei raises an eyebrow. "Probably a good call. <3"

Sir Shadow
2009-06-25, 11:02 PM
Akako appeared shortly, frowning at Katsuhito, "Trying to avoid me, Captain?"

2009-06-25, 11:10 PM
((When do the actions in this thread take place in relation to the Soul Society thread? I'll happily have Sigmund jump in if the timing is right.))

2009-06-25, 11:12 PM
Taniko bows her head in embarassment at being called a Captain-level shinigami. Apparently Captain Sigmund wasn't the only one noticing she held herself back. She then glances toward Captain Maeda, then to the Captain-Commander. "I'm willing to go first when we're ready to begin."

2009-06-25, 11:15 PM
Kambei speaks up. "I can secure the area with bakudo. Just say the word. <3"

2009-06-25, 11:20 PM
Taniko flashes a smile at Kambei for his eagerness. "The Captain-Commander already has the area secured, Kambei. We've gotten formal procedures for Vizard training since you left."

2009-06-25, 11:22 PM
And Linai walks back to the barracks to get some rest he'll be no use in a fight.

2009-06-25, 11:27 PM
Taniko flashes a smile at Kambei for his eagerness. "The Captain-Commander already has the area secured, Kambei. We've gotten formal procedures for Vizard training since you left."

"Oh. <3" Kambei grins. "Brilliant. Save me some effort. <3"

2009-06-25, 11:32 PM
Akako appeared shortly, frowning at Katsuhito, "Trying to avoid me, Captain?"

Wha-um... no I am not trying to avoid you How does she keep finding me? As per your request, we were going to include you in the group of fighters that will contain me. I suppose you will be organizing an order. I guess we can continue to wherever it is that we do this vizard training.

After they arrive at the area (they will have already had some talk of who fights when on the way down), Maeda sits down cross-legged and shuts his eyes. Come out, it's time to die for all the blood you've shed. he says inwardly.

He opens his eyes and the plane of existence is different, a familiar forest, but dark and twisted. Making it seem dead and grey rather than the usual green. He also noticed the waterfall stopped falling. What are you doing... baka?

Outside on his face, the white material of a hollow mask begins to form...

((Tell me if this is too fast and I'll delete the "start of inner battle" part))

2009-06-25, 11:34 PM
Kambei looks at Taniko. "It's yours. Just call if you need anything." He draws Devotion on principle and leans it on his shoulder.

2009-06-25, 11:36 PM
Taniko stands in front of Adeam, drawing her zanpaktou. As the white material starts to crawl across his face, she releases her zanpaktou. "Hibike, Kagekyoku!"

Taniko settles into the crouching, tight neko-dachi stance as she awaits her opponent's first move. "We're helping with Vizard training? Well done, Taniko!"

Sir Shadow
2009-06-25, 11:40 PM
"I'll just take some... precautions. Kakere, Tobu Ryuu. Bankai." Her sword disintegrated and Ryu, her reptilian spirit companion, appeared in the air above them. Armor enfolded her body and she was ready. Ryu... try to absorb any energy attacks he lets loose. We need to make sure everything is safe as possible...

"He's going under..." Akako grimaced as the mask began to form.

2009-06-25, 11:42 PM
Kambei raises an eyebrow and pulls a face upon seeing Akako use her bankai. He lifts up Devotion.

"Spread your wings, Devotion."

To great wings unfurl themselves from the captain's back, but he furls them back on quickly and once again leaves his zanpakutou on his shoulder.

2009-06-25, 11:49 PM
Captain Nobel appears in a flash step looking no less sullen then usual, but just as armed. With a furrowed brow, it soaks in that his fouth seat is already squaring off with the vizard. "What the hell?"

2009-06-25, 11:49 PM
The hollow mask completely forms over, the seemingly porcelain mask, contains etchings of eyes, dissordered, randomly placed, all over it. Maeda's eyes are now black and a crystal-like yellow iris dominates its center. He keens the noise a wounded hollow makes, as the froth from a hollow hole forms on his chest.

The hollow's eyes narrow as it blinks out of existence. Its fist appears in front of Taniko's face. Though Katsuhito wasn't particularly strong in zanjutsu, this hollow punch is still going to hurt.

2009-06-25, 11:50 PM
"She insisted, sir." Kambei told him. He makes a slight gesture with his sword. "It's under control. She can protect herself, and the moment it gets out of control I'll step in. Not even cero can break through my newest shields."

2009-06-25, 11:55 PM
It would, if not for two mitigating factors. One is that Kagekyoku would wield himself during bankai training, and thus Taniko is very much used to incoming punches. The second is that neko-dachi is ideal for jumping out of the way. Still, the punch grazes Taniko's cheek, and she retorts with an upward diagonal slash with Kagekyoku, her free hand held up in front of her chest as though anticipating an attack.

"Hello, Captain!"

2009-06-26, 12:04 AM
It shrieks again, as if in annoyance to being called "captain". The sound of steel scraping it's sheath breaks the sound of the greeting. The hollow pulls the blade half way out, in a reverse grip, as he takes a short backstep to block the attack. The hollow's eyes narrow as it makes better retreat, yanking the blade back, the sword's "teeth" scraping against Kagekyoku's edge. It switches it's grip and uses shuunpo again to rush it's opponent. Shuunpo? No, sonido. A sideways arc is coming towards Taniko's abdomen.

2009-06-26, 12:09 AM
Taniko rotates the wrist of her free hand, which is already there to intercept the attack. She pushes her hand outward to meet the blow as she incants. "Bakudo sanjuku: Enkosen!"

The shield of reiatsu forms to block the strike, and Taniko uses it to push off her opponent's blade and she pushes away from Adeam. Rolling her wrist, she points Kagekyoku at her foe, her legs bending in preperation to jump. "Bakudo Ichi: Sai!"

OOC: References! (http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Kido)

2009-06-26, 12:10 AM
Kambei takes a deep breath. His wings unfold and fold slightly as he twitches. He resists the urge to jump into the battle and save Taniko, and satisfies himself with imagining horrible things to do to the Hollow.

2009-06-26, 12:11 AM
Still somewhat taken aback by the sight, Sigmund replies to Kambei. "Glad to hear it. That one never ceases to surprise me, but this is just rediculous." Then, upon hearing Taniko's greeting, he shouts with a mix of anger and concern. "Take this seriously Idiot!"

2009-06-26, 12:40 AM
Taniko rotates the wrist of her free hand, which is already there to intercept the attack. She pushes her hand outward to meet the blow as she incants. "Bakudo sanjuku: Enkosen!"

The shield of reiatsu forms to block the strike, and Taniko uses it to push off her opponent's blade and she pushes away from Adeam. Rolling her wrist, she points Kagekyoku at her foe, her legs bending in preperation to jump. "Bakudo Ichi: Sai!"

OOC: References! (http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Kido)

The blade is held back by the shield produced by the former bakudo. Adeam's arms struggle against the latter bakudo and after several seconds break free of of its grasp. Extending its arm up, the hollow screeches again and all are awed when lightning comes crashing down. Passing through the ceiling without breaking it, the lightning will fall where the 4th seat is standing.

Where's Raikiba? Maeda said, standing.

The hollow facepalms as it shakes its head and lets out a staticky laugh, I don't get what the hell you're talking about! The hollow rushed forward at Maeda, an blade, rising out of its sheath. Bakudo 62: Hyapporankan! nothing happened. Or rather the Kido didn't happen, the hollow continued its destructive course, and, as it was already upon him, sinks it's blade into Maeda's side. What a F***ING MORON! I'm so ecstatic I won't be serving you any longer! What the hell happened he thought. A wild look in his eye he continues to slash, finally met by steel, You had't figured it out? Tche! baka! What makes you think Kido will work in here?

Maeda repeated darkly, Where's Raikiba.

I told you- I don't- get- what you're talking about! accentuating each point with a slash.

2009-06-26, 12:46 AM
Taniko shunpoes from where she was standing back a safe distance as the hollow calls forth his attack, the lightning crashing down between them. Taking the opporunity, she responds to her Captain's criticism, point her weapon downward. "Hai! Kagekyoku!"

"Bakudo Nijuichi: Sekienton!" A red plume of smoke bursts from the tips of Kagekyoku in a blast that surrounds Taniko. From within, those watching can feel a sudden surge of spiritual pressure.


2009-06-26, 12:48 AM
Kambei's mouth curls up in a strange smile, and he begins to hum again. "Taniko, I'm proud of you. <3" He mutters.

2009-06-26, 01:02 AM
Still rather dumbfounded by the show, Captain Nobel scratches his head when Taniko unleashes her bankai. "I never should have let her step down from Vice-Captain..."

2009-06-26, 01:18 AM
((Sorry Ganurath, just read your PM, I was getting a cup of tea

And I just had to switch computers due to odd router issues, sorry for the major delay))

Adeam's violet electric reiatsu flares to match his foe. Frustrated from its miss, It sonido's once in the direction of Taniko, just enough to remain a good ten feet away. Then rapidly swings its blade vertically. Calling down volley of several lightning bolts.

What do you mean, you don't know?! he struggled to say, as steel scraped against steel.

I said, I don't know what you're talking about, baka. Not I don't know where he is.

Alarmed he shouted, What's the difference?!

Their swords separated as the hollow jumped back Tche... how stupid... he said shaking his head, then shouted, I'M RAIKIBA, BAKA!

A shocking revelation, What do you mean...? You can't be. he said, shaken.

He and I are one, I just happen to have more leverage this time around!

Then... he said, his eyes dark again, I will again banish you to the deep recesses of my mind!

The hollow grins, Finally! I'm sick of all this talking! They both speak the same words, in unison, Sora wo Ware, Arashi no Tore, RAIKIBA! Lightning charges their blades.

2009-06-26, 01:31 AM
((No problem, PM was actually from earlier.))

Echoing voices resound from within the cloud. "Bakudo Sanjuku: Enkosen!"

As the lightning clears the smoke, a cross pattern of five shields float in front of the 4th seat, behind each of which floats a copy of Kagekyoku. Taniko's arms are spread out, her hands providing centerpoints for similiar cross patterns. All in all, she now has thirteen Kagekyokus at her disposal. "Kagegasshou."

Her wrists roll, and the side cross patterns fan out to form a cube around her upper body with meter-long sides. She draws her arms back, and the shields disperse as the center cross shifts into a forward-pointing V formation. She thrusts her fists forward, and the outer wings of the V fan out as the center goes for Adeam's head and the inner wings each shoot toward a shin.

2009-06-26, 01:58 AM
Quite simply, Adeam ducks and is on his way to deflecting the two flying blades coming for his legs. The sword deflects one shield and cleaves it in two, but he missed the other, lodging itself painfully in its shin, and cutting the lower part of his haori. Adeam gripped the shield and cast it away, the flesh seems to reknit itself. The hollow roared and raised its blade again. However, the blade didn't come down. Lightning did, however, but on Raikiba's tip instead of at Taniko, charging the sword with electricity. It zoomed in a circle around Taniko. Fast enough to create images. The hollow lunges at Taniko with its blade charged with electricity.

In Maeda's mind, lightning spikes everywhere. The two blades meet again, electricity threatening to touch its foe. Katsu moves swiftly, pivoting on his right foot, letting his foe overreach. Though this was only a split second window, it was all he needed. He did a backhand slash. His blade struck steel and more lightning. Surprised, he was beginning to backstep when the hollow was behind him in a flash, and stabbed. Maeda was lucky and flash stepped forward to avoid the attack, but the electricity still found its target. He found it was painful to be at this end of the attack. He turned to meet his foe's grin.

Just like I thought... alone, and without that damn cat's help, you're useless. That's why I should be ruling this body, not you!

2009-06-26, 02:13 AM
Taniko smirks as she sees the wound stitch itself up. Kagegasshou's power over sound prevents anyone from hearing her, but those that can read lips will note her telling her bankai to go full out. She thrusts a fist forward as Adeam charges the zanpaktou, causing her cube to shift into an eight point star around her, which spins like a buzzsaw to block the incoming strike when she opens her fist and fans her hand to point at her incoming foe. All thirteen blades incant as the outward five reforms the V and points toward Adeam.

Buzzsaw Formation, as blades clatter against Adeam's sword: "Hado Juichi: Tsuzuri Raiden!"

V Formation, flying toward Adeam: "Hado Shi: Byakurai!"

2009-06-26, 03:09 AM
The hollow shrieks but does nothing. It seems to have been screaming with delight because it grabs a blade with a bare hand, and absorbs the lightning. The second kido following the first onslaught, are only responded to with shrieks of ecstacy as the hollow begins to absorb the lightning. The blades other blades, seem to be pushed out by his regeneration. Though it cuts his skin, the hollow still grips the wrist blade and throws it back at its original owner at an alarming velocity, the violent hollow reiatsu tainting it with electricity.

Bringing his blade high, Maeda strikes down, lightning follows. He repeats it two more times. The Adeam dodges every one, getting closer each time. You're so slow! he taunts, and copies the movements but several times faster. The fleet-footed Captain only barely dodges the lightning. The edges of his haori are burned to a crisp. You can't fight me when you're distracted like that! Give up now!

I'm not distracted! he shouts back.

How can you say that when your eyes look like that? You're not paying attention to the fight, Katsu! the hollow retorts, Let me show you... how to wield this baby! the lightning from the blade discharges as he swings it forward. Dark, purple energy flies towards Maeda at an alarming rate. He's forced to stand his ground and resist it the best he can.

How did you... he said, his words struggled, do that?

You could've done it just as easily. You're just too afraid to draw your zanpakuto, and now you're weak!

((Switch now could be good?))

2009-06-26, 05:13 AM
Appearing next to the others in line, Honoka stands, her haori moving gently from a weak breeze, the shadow cast on her face by her rice hat is mild to her, the sun is rather harsh today.

She walks over to where the others are standing, "How long has she been at him for?" she asks, looking at Taniko, she is worried for the girl, Maeda's zan has never been one of the more preserving ones, and now, when wielded by such a creature, it can't possibly be easy to face for a shinigami with relatively low experience.

2009-06-26, 10:40 AM
"Bakudo Nijuroku: Kyakko!" Kagekyoku's power of sound mimics Taniko's voice as the blade approaches. In reality, however, Taniko shunpos away from the flying blade upon completion of the false incantation. Now a safe distance away, she reaches out and yanks with both hands, sending all thirteen blades flying at Adeam in a mess of a wall as she reasserts control of the tainted Kagekyoku.

She glances over her shoulder at Kambei, and nods toward the fight to signal she was tagging out. She can be godmodded as removing herself and her blades from the battle once Kambei gets involved, on the reasoning that she intends to act as healing support now that enough Captains are present to assist.

2009-06-26, 10:48 AM
"Right." Kambei says. He nods to the other captains. "'Cuse me. <3"

Kambei blurs in, and shields appear where blades once were. The hollow is pinned by golden handcuffs attached to a kind of yoke-like device on his head, and five shields orbit around him. Kambei raises a hand.

"Bakudo #61, Rikujokoro!"

Six bars of light slam into the hollow, locking him in place. The former captain smiles just slightly, and readies Devotion. "Come on, Hollow. <3"

2009-06-26, 03:50 PM
The hollow wails once more and struggles to be free. The electric field around him continues to dance, threatening to shock any who come close. The kido breaks first. The hollow's momentum isn't stopped by the manacles. Those break too. It's still roaring. Its hands charge with dark energy and then in a flurry of movement, launches about a dozen bala within a second. It will then grab up it's sword as it dashes forward.

The fight in his mind continued. Maeda was loosing leverage, but he still had a trumph card. Time to end this, hollow! he holds Raikiba out in front of him horizontally.

The hollow smirks, Finally, lets get serious then... he holds his blade out in a mimicry of Katsuhito.

He falters for a second and then grimaces as he squints. Ban... kai... The blade shimmers and begins to evaporate, coating him in a suit of electricity. BANKAI! the process repeats itself on the hollow. The instant explosion of reiatsu required for bankai causes dirt and trees to to fly, and the ground below begins to break as the sky turns grey.

2009-06-26, 03:54 PM
The hollow is instantly held within the five shields Kambei had previously summoned, prevented from getting anywhere near him.

"Bakudo #63, Sajo Sabaku!" Kambei snaps. A thick golden chain wraps itself around the hollow.

"Bakudo #75, Gochūtekkan!" The former captain snaps again. Five huge pillars appear out of nowhere and pin the hollow to the ground, right through the golden chain.

"Break out of that." He growls.

2009-06-26, 04:00 PM
A moment after Captain Honoka, Siegfried flash steps in.

"The Commander General said that you might want some backup. I'm here to help."

2009-06-26, 04:18 PM
The former kido breaks just as easily as Rikujokoro but five pillars fall on him and prevent him from moving. The hollow lay there face down. The raging electricity spikes once more. The hollow mask begins to cover his entire head. The eyes on the mask start to... blink? The hollow makes a loud keening sound as its head rises making the pillar go up with it.

Two lean, muscular beasts glare at eachother, finally, a staticky noise comes from the yellow one, How did you learn bankai!?

A loud cackling erupts from the hollow, then it speaks, its voice cracking with more giggling, What do you mean "How did you learn bankai?" more laughter, then his voice cooled, It's as obvious as how I learned how to wield this sword. The simple answer is... I AM RAIKIBA! faster than any eye could see, the hollow was upon Maeda, his fangs bearing down on the shinigami's neck.

The image vanished though, and Katsu was already away from the hollow. They danced around the sky, as fast as the light itself. If it weren't for the amount of raw blinding light produced by their reiatsus, they would've been completely invisible due to the speed they moved at.

2009-06-26, 04:23 PM
Kambei surrounded himself in shields, and carefully pushed five shields down on top of the hollow, to make sure it was harder for him to move. He readies several hado in his mind, as well as more bakudo. No sense in revealing his bankai unless it was required.

2009-06-26, 05:03 PM
((I should have been spoilering these things from the beginning))

Mindscape: The incredible speeds the two are moving at make it nigh impossible for either to land a hit. Once hit, the image would vanish to reveal the fighter wasn't really there. But this couldn't last... it wouldn't.

Finnally, Katsu was caught. The hollow had his neck in his mouth, like a wounded gazelle, he dragged him then threw him far off. Then dashed towards him, fangs sinking in again, ripping away the reiatsu coating like flesh, devouring it. Katsu groaned in pain, but still had energy to speed away.

You're weak, Katsu! You're nothing without me! I won't stand it... fighting for someone who is weaker than me. I will take what's rightfully mine! The hollow was upon him again, draining away the reiatsu untill the bankai vanished. No, shattered. His blade evaporated.

Raikiba... broke?

The hollow's bankai also dissappeared, using his hand to grab him up by his collar. The blade grabbed onto the electricity surrounding themI told you, I'm Raikiba. pulling Maeda to his face, he said, Do you know what the difference between you and me is? Both of us, equal strength, equal power. How is it that I defeated you? You're weak, Katsu, he continued, you try to fight without fighting, with your blade sheathed, quite literally, even. You lack that murderous intent, instead, you fight alone, but depend on another's power. What kind of a joke is that?! You are alone and you're going to die alone. Anything you want me to tell Akako? he laughs again.

((Don't worry he's not gonna die :smallamused:))

The hollow screams with pure ecstacy, the hollow reiatsu begins to shift into greater proportions. Adeam stands, the pillars slide off of his back like water. Energy forms infront of each eye, charging up. All at once, purple ceros blast in all directions.

((EDIT: deadtiming to watch Transformers 2))

Sir Shadow
2009-06-26, 08:33 PM
"Now Ryu!" The dragon opens its mouth and a permeating red glow comes from its gullet. The purple ceroes curved upwards and into the beasts mouth. The ground beneath Akako shatters from the pressure of her reiatsu as the energy from the ceros joins her own. However, her dragon's butterfly wings are nearly half-filled with grey. Frowning, she thought, 'Maybe I should be next...'

2009-06-26, 09:06 PM
Kambei's shields effortlessly absorb the cero.

2009-06-26, 10:52 PM
Adeam puts the blade out in front of him, the blade begins to evaporate and reform as electricity, coating his body. He begins to drop to all fours. The hollow's reiatsu erupts and increases exponentially. A beast formed of pure electricity is all that's seen.

A leopard.

The hollow remains standing there, seeming to growl. Kambei is bitten by the bankai. The both images evaporate, and he is stricken again. The hollow speeds around the former captain, takes another strike, and retreats. And continues to take bites at Kambei. At the same time.

((Essentially, the strength of each attack would only be on the level of a regular hit from his zanpakuto, but he can hit him several times per second. So eventually it's going to start hurting because he can move at light speed. Bankai info in there (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6199516&posted=1#post6199516)))

Mindscape: Memories pass through his mind.

His life in Rukogai with Shintaro and Kiku, laughing with them. Kiku's face passes before him. Friends from the academy and 3rd division. Gaining Captaincy, less pride there than he had expected. Faces begin to cycle through his mind, eyes. Akako. The other shinigami, those who believed in him. Shintaro. Kiku.

"...don't give up on life... for me..."

He white light explodes from his being, Adeam retreats, a confused expresion lining his face. Turning to worry and fear.

Maeda's reiatsu brings light back to where he touches. He looks at his palm and says out loud, I won't give up, he says with more conviction, for you! her eyes pass before him. Their eyes were watching him standing behind him, propelling him forward.

His expression changes back to a smirkYou're still leaning on someone else! and he rushes to meet his unnarmed foe.

2009-06-26, 10:55 PM
Kambei staggers back. He had managed to put up small golden shields to absorb the attacks, but he couldn't keep it up forever. Too bad.

Cut his wings, Devotion.

Two more wings ripped out of Kambei's back, lifting him into the air. His four wings beat slightly, and his eyes were covered in a golden blindfold. His skin seemed to shimmer, and the hollow suddenly found itself bound in a huge orb of nearly forty shields layered together.

2009-06-26, 11:41 PM
Adeam's reiatsu shrinks back, then like a spring coil, it bursts forth again, and the sword bursts through the shields, flying through the ceiling. Some of the Captains would realize the danger, he was activating one of his zanpakuto's last ditch attacks. A lightning storm would soon begin unless the wielder called it off.

As the hollow struck, it was like trying to cut through a wall of steel. Maeda's hand wrapped itself around the blade. The electricity began charging with a new yellow light. The hollow was shocked, literally and expression-wise. He was forced to retreat again. Katsu grabbed the hilt with his other hand, comforted by the familiarity. He rushed towards the hollow and made a final cut, cleaving it from its legs. It spoke again, Tche... guess it was rightfully yours after all... it looked down at its wound, light restoring color to its form, I'll stay for now, but if for one second you become weaker than me, I'll drag you back... and you won't make it out ali-! He had dissappeared.

The deadly storm that had been brewing stopped, the clouds ceased to stir and the thunder no longer rolled. The hollow reiatsu dissapeared, and after a while, his sword would soon hit the ground, fallen from the sky.

2009-06-26, 11:52 PM
Siegfried watches.

"Or... perhaps not. Wait a moment. When did Former Captain Kambei come back?"

He seems to be asking the world at large.

2009-06-26, 11:57 PM
Kambei's wings grew larger, until they covered him and most of the area. The shields around the hollow grew slightly thinner, but not enough for him to break free. The shields around the hollow regenerated, and he was still paralyzed.

"Hopefully we can finish this without involving anyone else." Kambei notes. "My bankai is certainly stronger than before. <3"

He looks at everyone else. "Should I release him? <3"

2009-06-27, 12:04 AM
Taniko glances toward Siegfried, her bankai floating close to her in a halo orbit in case she needs the increased healing output. Seeing that things are winding down, though, she quietly seals. "From what he told me, it was about the time 12th Squad finished securing an Arrancar prisoner."

Inwardly, Taniko hopes Captain Sigmund will wait until they're someplace less public to discuss her big reveal.

2009-06-27, 12:08 AM
"Eh? We have a prisoner now?"

Siegfried asks.

"Sorry; I've been on a long assignment."

2009-06-27, 11:35 AM
Satoshi had been watching the battle with great interest. Captain Maeda's bankai was faster than him, even with his mask on. A masked Captain would be difficult indeed. But...

"Captain Maeda! Can you hear me? Are you over there?"

2009-06-27, 01:37 PM
Assuming the shields are down...

His robes are in shreds as Maeda falls over, the entire mask shatters like porcelain and his face remains in the floor. After a moment he looks up at Satoshi. He grins and says Yea... and then he falls asleep again.

2009-06-27, 01:39 PM
Kambei floats, his four wings beating occasionally. He extends his left hand and bathes Maeda in light. Any wounds the brave captain would have had were on the mend now.

"Good job, Captain Maeda! <3"

2009-06-27, 03:28 PM
To be continued! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEl6rrghIGY)

--To the Soul Society thread!--


2009-06-27, 07:03 PM
((If the main aspect of this thread is done, does that leave it free for RP between Sigmund and his fouth seat?))

2009-06-28, 12:23 AM
((Yes it does :smallbiggrin:))