View Full Version : Ghostbusters

2009-06-25, 02:01 PM
Anyone go out get it?

I got it about a week after release for PC. Took some tweaking to get it to run smoothly, but it's working out now in general. I'm having lots of fun with it. Only complaint is that the PC version doesn't have multiplayer...but I'll live.

2009-06-26, 08:11 AM
I bought it for my Wii. Due to my work schedule, I've only been able to play it enough to get past the first mission.

It's been pretty fun. The voice acting is spot-on, though Bill Murray's lines are a little subdued and difficult to hear compared to the other actors (although you may quickly grow tired of hearing Dr. Stanz tell you "Use the Boson Darts!"). The Wii controls are OK; having to constantly keep the Wiimote (you look/turn where it's pointed) constantly pointed at the screen makes it very tiring, though.

Definitely worth the money.

2009-06-29, 03:48 PM
PS3 version here. I liked it, the writing was great. They really care about the characters, even if the second movie turned out so bad.... After getting through the game and all the plot exposition that went with it, though, it did do a decent job at making GBII make more sense. That points to a case of bad, bad, bad, bad editing on that movie.

There are some excellent fights, and lots of lame jokes, the kind of thing that made the original movie so great. Singleplayer felt kind of short, but I think there's some room for replay, due to the amazing level of destructability of the environment. There's something satisfying about frying something in the museum and seeing $10000 added to the city's insurance claim.

There is one event that is really hard, even on casual. It's almost to the point of frustrating. It's late in the game, and it felt a bit out of place difficulty wise due to how forgiving the game could be up to that point.

@#%$ stone angels. It's obvious what you're supposed to do, but getting the details right is maddening.

The Stay-Puft part of the game really captured something, though it's hard to really get the bigger picture on the first playthrough because so much is going on. The scale of that chain of events is enormous. I really enjoyed getting a coherent backstory on certain characters.

It *felt* like Ghostbusters. I was 13 when the original movie came out, it's my childhood, and it held up.

The only real issue I had was how hard it was to move objects around with the grappling beam. It was actually easier to handle things that fought back.

Oh, and don't miss checking the answering machine. By the time I found it I already had 11 messages.

2009-09-17, 04:48 PM
I rented it for my 360 and all I can say is, I MISS IT SO MUCH!

Green-Shirt Q
2009-09-18, 06:20 AM
That's funny. I heard it was horrible.

Then again, I heard that from Yahtzee of Zero Punctuation. So I guess that really isn't saying much. :smalltongue: