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The Vorpal Tribble
2006-02-12, 03:32 PM


Large Plant
Hit Dice: 7d8+28 (59 hp)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
Armor Class: 19 (+2 dex, +8 natural, -1 size), touch 11, flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+13
Attack: Tentacle +8 melee (1d6+4 plus vendew)
Full attack: 4 tentacles +8 melee (1d6+4 plus vendew)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./20 ft.
Special Attacks: Blood drain, constrict, improved grab, trample, vendew
Special Qualities: Glide, low-light vision, moss mimickery, plant traits, resistance to acid and cold 10, tenacious
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +0
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 1, Wis 6, Cha 1
Skills: Climb +17, Spot +6, Swim +8
Feats: Improved Initiative, Improved Overrun, Lightening Reflexes
Environment: Any forest or mountains
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 7
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 8-17 HD (Large), 18-29 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: -

Dewmoss is a great menace bred into being by a small group of druids who were not, strictly speaking, sane. For this moss was intended only to be used in areas of dying woodland where unnaturally long and chilly winters had begun to kill off the plants. The moss would literally climb and eventually grow over every square inch of the trees, forming a symbiotic relationship by acting as its foliage. Gathering the weak arctic sun, they would feed the tree, and the tree in turn would provide it with plenty of water from below. For this moss not only fed it, but also introduced a special substance that kept the tree from ever freezing. These trees could live on almost solid ice without death.

Dewmoss loves moisture and is most often found clinging to sides of waterfalls, or along rocky rapids and rivers, preferably in heavily glaciated areas. Here they are comparatively harmless, grabbing fish or creatures that come to drink. However, if forests grow very near these locales the true danger of the dewmoss becomes apparent as it find an appropriate trunks and begins to bond.

A forest produces only several mobile dewmoss a year. As one they 'bloom', releasing thousands of tiny spores that are capable of limited flight. These spores release a pheremone that attracts other spores. The spores cling to one another, and once enough have formed their weight causes them to flutter to the ground. The scent is magnified ten fold as more and more form until nearly every spore in the area has become as one. Individual spores that do not join eventually die. The result is a great slimy mess that quickly bonds together and forms a protective coat. Within a week it has matured into a mobile dewmoss.

Dewmoss appears as a huge, irregular clump of lumpy moss with pin-thin tendrils sprouting out several feet and glistening with poisonous dew. Furry green and yellow fin-like protrusions and tentacles branch out all along the sides of the mass. On its underside are innumberable cilia covered in hooks which gives it its mobility on land, and its ability to climb.

Dewmoss are infintely patient hunters, draping down tree trunks or moist mountainsides, waiting for a creature of sufficient size to pass by. It then drops down and attempts to wrap around its victim and drain it dry.

Blood Drain (Ex): A dewmoss drains blood when it constricts, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution damage. It attempts to remain attached as long as possible, draining all the mineral rich fluids from its foe. When reduced to a constitution of 0 the victim dies.

Constrict (Ex): A dewmoss deals 1d8+6 points of damage with a successful grapple check.

Glide (Ex):
A dewmoss can spread itself extremely thin, effecitvely increasing its size by one level for the purpose of its size modifier to AC. However, this allows it to catch the wind and glide, negating any damage from a fall of any height and allowing travel 20 feet horizontally for every 5 feet of descent. A dewmoss glides at a speed of 50 feet (poor maneuverability). A dewmoss may not attack while gliding.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a dewmoss must hit an opponent of any size with a tentacle attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict.

Moss Mimickery (Ex):
A dewmoss in its waiting or docile position appears as only an abnormally large ammount of moss. A DC 15 Knowledge (nature) check reveals it to be something other than what it appears.

Vendew (Ex):
The mere touch of dewmoss injects dozens of tendrils filled with a horribly irritating poison. The victim must succeed on a DC 17 fortitude save or take 1d6 points of dexterity damage as the wounds swell and go numb. Dexterity damage from multiple stings stack. If the first save fails they must make a second save a minute later or become paralyzed.
Where the swelling spreads the skin grows hot and red, and an intense aching itch begins. The victim takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saves, and skills checks. If he tries to cast a spell he must must make a Concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) or lose the spell. These penalties do not stack if multiply stung, though last until the poison is nulled or it runs its course. The save DC is Constitution based.

Tenacious (Ex):
A dewmoss's underside is covered with thousands of tiny hooks. When climbing any surface with the hardness of stone or softer it digs these hooks directly into the substance. This allows it to move across walls and even ceilings as if it was under the effects of a Spider Climb spell. It ignores penalties imposed by slippery conditions, even those caused by a Grease spell, and cannot be tripped. It also gains a +4 bonus to resist bull rush attacks.

A dewmoss may attack while clinging and in all ways treats a wall or ceiling as a floor without penalty.

Trample (Ex):
If a demoss performs a successful overrun attack it deals 1d6+4 damage as the gripping hooks beneath tear into the flesh of its victim.

Skills: Dewmoss have a +8 racial bonus on Spot and Climb checks and can always choose to take 20 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.

Yuki Akuma
2006-02-12, 03:43 PM
This is all you do, isn't it?

I like it. Although I have to ask, why is it a will save to resist the effects of vendew? You'd think it would be a fort save, as it reminds me of poison more than anything else.

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-02-12, 03:50 PM
This is all you do, isn't it?
I do maybe one or two a week, and they rarely take much more than half an hour. So yeah, I got time for other things ::)

Although I have to ask, why is it a will save to resist the effects of vendew?
Err... dunno why I had it as a Will save. Will adjust.

2006-02-12, 04:47 PM
That's pretty cool. Insane Druids have always interested me.

2006-02-12, 05:26 PM
Very cool.

2006-02-12, 10:56 PM
Hah, saying Dewmoss is like saying Dumas, the corruption of dumbass.

2006-02-12, 11:07 PM
Why blood though, why not just all the moisture in a body?

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-02-12, 11:10 PM
Most of the moisture in the human body IS in its blood. I guess I could have had it do dessication damage, but this thing can get plain water anywhere. Its going for the mineral-rich blood as it can't eat anything solid.

2006-02-12, 11:12 PM
More arctic stuff. Big surprise from VT

Anyway, why would you call the druids insane? Other than the fact that they are chenging the ecosystem, which should deprive them of druid powers, it seems like it's no worse than a shambling mound (a natural being, used in Summon Nature's ally). The druids seem like they were quite sane enough, since it is not really designed to harm humanoids more than any other food. It's a very natural thing.

Also, Vendew makes no sense. It seems its method of hunting is constricting, not paralyzing. True that it might be helpful against people with character levels, it seems like it would never have come about since it hunts mainly animals, which would get trapped and killed with or without the poison. The poison is simply added Spellcraft DC to the epic spell to create it. Consider eliminating that (thus reducing its CR by 1).

P.S. How do you get your name to show as "the furball of love" when looking at posts when replying? I want to do something like that too. Then everyone could do it and the message boards would be as confusing as Limbo. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-02-12, 11:23 PM
More arctic stuff.
Thats not what its Enviroment entry says.

Anyway, why would you call the druids insane? Other than the fact that they are chenging the ecosystem, which should deprive them of druid powers, it seems like it's no worse than a shambling mound (a natural being, used in Summon Nature's ally). The druids seem like they were quite sane enough, since it is not really designed to harm humanoids more than any other food. It's a very natural thing.
Because if it spreads farther than its original area it'll soon be stripping every tree in sight even if the tree is healthy and taking over entire forests. With all vegetation gone, it kills entire ecosystems. These forests then produce more dewmoss which kill anything big enough to supply them with blood.

Also, Vendew makes no sense. It seems its method of hunting is constricting, not paralyzing.
Creatures it catches can use their dexterity modifiers to escape. If it lowers their dexterity once it gets a hold it is much more likely to keep a steady hold on them.

Also, when these go and meld with trees, animals might come and try to take a bite out of these now immobile mosses. It can then sting hungry beasts and protect itself and therefore the trees.

How do you get your name to show as "the furball of love" when looking at posts when replying?
Pretty easy. Go to Profile up above. Scroll down just a tad to where it says:

This is the displayed name that people will see.

Just put what name you wanna be and push the Change Profile button.

2006-02-12, 11:34 PM
Not for the arctic? So, you just put the ice stuff in for no reason, right? Riiighhht. I gotcha. Yeap. Okay, then. Right.

Oh, and it never said anything about it harming the trees. Something about sharing nutrients, but...

And as for the immobility, you never even hint at that. The melding is only toughed upon in the flavor text, and mentioned nowhere else. Perhaps, more detail on that?

It sounds like the thing is still partially in your head. I think you should put those things in the entry.


P.S. Thank you. I shall now fool with my profile to screw with the heads of all. I will keep my unique avatar to avoid confusion.

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-02-12, 11:44 PM
Not for the arctic? So, you just put the ice stuff in for no reason, right?
Its mainly found in arctic areas, but as it is spreading rampantly who knows where it might be found.

Oh, and it never said anything about it harming the trees. Something about sharing nutrients, but...
It doesn't harm the trees. It just harms anything that may have lived on that tree.

It sounds like the thing is still partially in your head. I think you should put those things in the entry.
"The moss would literally climb and eventually grow over every square inch of the trees, forming a symbiotic relationship by acting as its foliage. Gathering the weak arctic sun, they would feed the tree, and the tree in turn would provide it with plenty of water from below."

Is that not enough for one to figure that the tree has no more leaves?

2006-02-12, 11:51 PM
I think that your skills text might be wrong. The ability to take 20 when rushed or threatened (or, IIRC, on climb checks) is unprecedented; don't you mean take 10?

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-02-13, 01:05 AM
The ability to take 20 when rushed or threatened (or, IIRC, on climb checks) is unprecedented; don't you mean take 10?
Well, with it moving across wall and floor as easily as ground, I thought 'Why not?'.

2006-02-13, 01:09 AM
Its mainly found in arctic areas, but as it is spreading rampantly who knows where it might be found.

So, maybe the environment entry needs fixage?

It doesn't harm the trees. It just harms anything that may have lived on that tree.

"The moss would literally climb and eventually grow over every square inch of the trees, forming a symbiotic relationship by acting as its foliage. Gathering the weak arctic sun, they would feed the tree, and the tree in turn would provide it with plenty of water from below."

Is that not enough for one to figure that the tree has no more leaves?

Deforestation to me usually means the death of the plants,though it is specifically stated the trees are well-noruished.

The whole immobility/meld thing confuses me still. Perhaps it is fatigue, for I have had a long, restless day, but I would definitely like to see more on that

2006-02-13, 05:00 AM
VT's mission is to make all PC's nervous about everything. It could be a moss covered tree, but it is likely some paralyzing plant creature. It could be a babbling brook, but it is likely a collosal fey assasin elemental. It could be a rock, but it is likely a giant burrowing psionic earth demon... ad infinitum.

2006-02-13, 11:22 AM
Most of the moisture in the human body IS in its blood.

Not true, actually. It may be a bit more concentrated in the blood, but it is actually spread pretty evenly through the fat, organ, and muscular tissue.

Not a really big issue, but if you've got a PC who somehow has no blood (however the heck that works. A warforged?) the DM is going to have an issue on his hands.

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-02-13, 01:08 PM
Not true, actually. It may be a bit more concentrated in the blood, but it is actually spread pretty evenly through the fat, organ, and muscular tissue.
Ok, let me rephrase, 'accessible' moisture. ::)

VT's mission is to make all PC's nervous about everything.
Heh, I don't have to do anything for them to be like that ;)

Heres from my current game...

(Scenario: Two of the players have met on a rainy, foggy day on a road as they both came out of a town...)

Me: As you converse the mist thickens into a peasoup a man could drown in if he took too deep a breath. The world around you shrinks to a personal space that hardly extends twenty feet in any direction. Several minutes into your talk a *clunk* comes from overhead nearby, easily heard though out of sight in the fog, followed by some random thumps and clankings.

Player #1: "Whoa," Chesae whispers sharply, gesturing the dogs to halt but at the same time cautioning Kramus. Chesae lifts his bow from around his shoulders and stares hard into the thick mist, trying hard to discern the source of the noise.

Player #2: Kramus stretches his arm towards the crossbow secured to his backpack, which now rides the horse in his place. Damn! Won’t be much use if I can’t see beyond my own nose, he thinks to himself hesitating. With a frown he makes up his mind and arms himself with the crossbow, keeping his staff close at hand. At least I’ll get one shot off, ”Hopefully I hit something,” he mutters quietly as he trains his crossbow towards the noise.

Me: There is a creaking, and a moment later a *clink* *flash* *clink* *flash* *clink* *flash* of light up within in the mists from where the sound is originating.

Player #1: "What...? What the hell is going on?" Chesae whispers to Kramus. "Have you seen anything like this before?" Chesae nocks an arrow then ducks low, aiming his bow upward and awaiting the cause of this strange display.

Player #2: Not taking his eyes from the strange sight ahead, Kramus replies, ”That a fog would so hastily concentrate about us seems unnatural. I know of magic that could produce such an effect.” He thinks for a moment before continuing, ”Generally the area of such magic is limited, which would allow us to simply walk from the fog. However, at the moment we are equally hidden from them as they are from us. I rather like it that way.”

Me: The spark flares up and light spreads out to partially illuminate the wall surrounding Chaunelfiel upon which the flickering foglamp sets. A shadowy figure on the other side closes the lantern with a familiar squeak of hinges. It then climbs down whatever it is he was standing upon.

Grax Hellfire
2008-08-25, 05:35 PM
Me: The spark flares up and light spreads out to partially illuminate the wall surrounding Chaunelfiel upon which the flickering foglamp sets. A shadowy figure on the other side closes the lantern with a familiar squeak of hinges. It then climbs down whatever it is he was standing upon.

Hehehe, my first thought was that someone had invented the lighter, and was leaning out a window for a smoke (so as not to stink up the apartment/house)

Guyr Adamantine
2008-08-25, 05:58 PM
Hehehe, my first thought was that someone had invented the lighter, and was leaning out a window for a smoke (so as not to stink up the apartment/house)

Dude... Its been two years! Talk about strong necromancy...

Grax Hellfire
2008-08-25, 06:08 PM
Not exactly...saw it in the Tribbletastic Compendium, or something like that.

Oh, Vorpal Tribble Monstravaganza.

So you could consider that the Wish spell to restore the lost body, and I just performed the Ressurrection!

Zeta Kai
2008-08-25, 06:57 PM
Dude... Its been two years! Talk about strong necromancy...

Two & a half, but who's counting. Besides, VT himself is behind this recent spate of threadomancy, & we would all do well to thank him for his most awesome efforts.

2008-08-26, 05:52 AM
I've read this before but it just occurred to me, how long does it take for the vendew poison to run its course? I would guess it is the standard 2d6 minutes for the paralyzation but how long does the itch last?
