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2009-06-26, 01:37 PM
Will a Cleric (of the laser beam variety) feel put-out by an Invoker in the same party?

Will their ranged, wisdom-based powers, similar skills and divine RP make one feel redundant?

2009-06-26, 01:42 PM
I dunno, Clerics are the voices of their god, whereas Invokers are their wrath.

That said, it has the potential for either working out horribly, like you said they can have similar feel, or wonderfully, especially if they have the same deity. Then it has potential for a very "We both agree, Pelor doesn't like you, time to burn." kinda thing.

2009-06-26, 01:47 PM
Do they walk into a bar?

Their RP might overlap some, depending on the player, but they'll always be unique in combat. A cleric might be more likely to emphasize the healing aspect of his class, an invoker the damage.

2009-06-26, 01:50 PM
"A Cleric and an Invoker"

...walk into a bar.

2009-06-26, 02:06 PM
I also am making a comment about the old "walking into the bar" joke. Good Times with the Ninja'd.

Anyways, mechanically, they will not step on each other's toes. Rather, I believe they would work as quite a decent combination of divine keywords.
Imagine the carnage of a Turn Undead and Rebuke Undead being available each encounter. Whenever our cleric Turned, I just wished she could do it again.
But, it all depends on the build. They are seperate roles, and they could overlap, but you'd kinda hafta try to do it. The Invoker just has too many good attacks with multiple targets, and the Cleric's best attacks are one enemy at a time.

2009-06-26, 02:21 PM
Beam cleric prayers provide buffs to allies.

Invoker prayers hit multiple targets, and debuff enemies.

So... no? yes?

2009-06-26, 04:12 PM
For your question, I think they could actually have a lot of fun with it.

The better question is, what happens when you put together a Cleric, an Invoker, an Avenger and a Paladin?

2009-06-26, 04:28 PM
For your question, I think they could actually have a lot of fun with it.

The better question is, what happens when you put together a Cleric, an Invoker, an Avenger and a Paladin?

You get a balanced party.

Mando Knight
2009-06-26, 04:48 PM
You get a balanced party.

That has a 50% chance of annihilating any undead that comes within 100' of them, depending on the builds.

2009-06-26, 05:26 PM
"A Cleric and an Invoker"

...walk into a bar.

They take 2d4+4 damage and are dazed (save ends)

2009-06-26, 05:59 PM
For your question, I think they could actually have a lot of fun with it.

The better question is, what happens when you put together a Cleric, an Invoker, an Avenger and a Paladin?

The PCs strangely see nor hear of any undead, as the DM has suddenly decided the undead do not exist in this world. Instead: dragons. Lots of them :P

What's funnier is if they each worship a different god, none of which rarely ever see eye to eye. I smell a sitcom!

2009-06-26, 06:07 PM
They take 2d4+4 damage and are dazed (save ends)

The Halfling Rogue laughs at them both as he walks under it.

2009-06-26, 07:30 PM
Will a Cleric (of the laser beam variety) feel put-out by an Invoker in the same party?

Will their ranged, wisdom-based powers, similar skills and divine RP make one feel redundant?

Shouldn't be a problem. The RP aspect might need a bit of watching on the GM's part, but as long as both get some spotlight time, it's fine. If they're both devoted to the same deity, there are some great possibilities for roleplay. If they're different deities, who are somewhat opposed in nature (say, Melora and the Raven Queen, or Pelor and Sehanine), there are also some great possibilities.

The situations you want to avoid:

1. Both are devoted to deities who oppose each other, and they use that opposition as an excuse for party infighting.

2. Both are devoted to similar deities, but one hogs the spotlight when it comes to the divine-related RP. Especially bad if both worship the same deity, but never good in any case.

3. The two create good roleplay (either cooperating or bickering without violent infighting) -- but, as a pair, they hog the spotlight, "crowding out" other characters' roleplay opportunities. Too much of a good thing, in other words.

2009-06-26, 08:32 PM
These two classes have completely different focuses - for starters, invokers can't heal (their controller elements focus on buffs and sometimes grant temporarily hp). Nobody should feel redundant. It might create interesting roleplaying opportunities, too, especially if they worship the same god.

2009-06-26, 09:51 PM
The better question is, what happens when you put together a Cleric, an Invoker, an Avenger and a Paladin?
I love the full power source parties, they seem like they'd work so well together. Though it only works for a few sources right now :/.

Bard/Swordmage/Wizard/Sorceror, for example.

2009-06-26, 09:56 PM
I love the full power source parties, they seem like they'd work so well together. Though it only works for a few sources right now :/.

Bard/Swordmage/Wizard/Sorceror, for example.

Don't forget the Warlock!

If I was to do an all Divine Party, I'd have one of each and a second Invoker (Preserving and Wrath are different enough to make it work)

2009-06-26, 10:08 PM
I love the full power source parties, they seem like they'd work so well together. Though it only works for a few sources right now :/.

Bard/Swordmage/Wizard/Sorceror, for example.

I'm playing in a Warden/Druid/Shaman/Barbarian party right now over PbP (plus a battlerager fighter). We're just getting started really, but it seems like it could be very fun. Rolling Ball of Tree-Hugging Melee Death!

2009-06-26, 11:18 PM
I love the full power source parties, they seem like they'd work so well together. Though it only works for a few sources right now :/.

Bard/Swordmage/Wizard/Sorceror, for example.

Doesn't it work for all sources but Martial, which only lacks a Controller?

Mando Knight
2009-06-26, 11:23 PM
Doesn't it work for all sources but Martial, which only lacks a Controller?

Which makes up for it with an Archer Ranger and sniper-Rogue providing fire support to the Fighter, Warlord, and TWF Ranger... essentially annihilating a target each round... with at-wills.

2009-06-26, 11:49 PM
After all, isn't death the most crippling status effect? :smallbiggrin:

2009-06-27, 01:57 AM
Important Note: Read the fluff.

Clerics are ordained by Churches. Invokers are not.

The RP implications of this fact alone should calm any fears about redundancy; if not, everyone else's points about differing powers and roles should do it :smallbiggrin: