View Full Version : WK v. Niezck

2009-06-27, 01:43 PM
Any particular preferences on battle setup?

2009-06-27, 01:46 PM
200x200x200 cube of impenetrable, undispellable force?

I'm good for prep, but I'm happy to have a round or two if you need them. Spells with a duration of 20 hours+ can be assumed to be already active, stances already in place etc etc

Initiative - [roll0]


A large angelic figure stands before you in full battle armour, wielding a large bastard sword and holding a large glowing steel shield infront of him. Shall we dance?

2009-06-27, 01:54 PM

Gilgeam grins, his form already twisted into that of a huge, hulking Dusk Giant as he gives a roar of battle-lust

2009-06-27, 01:57 PM
What's your alignment btw? Your sheet doesn't say ... (Some of my abilities & whatnot are very much alignment-specific.)

Within a matter of seconds, the angel disappears before your eyes, and you are left standing in the arena alone. [[Unless you have True Seeing or some such.]]

Invisibility Sphere SLA, followed by flying 100' directly upwards.

2009-06-27, 02:14 PM
What's your alignment btw? Your sheet doesn't say ... (Some of my abilities & whatnot are very much alignment-specific.)

Within a matter of seconds, the angel disappears before your eyes, and you are left standing in the arena alone. [[Unless you have True Seeing or some such.]]

Invisibility Sphere SLA, followed by flying 100' directly upwards.

(Chaotic Neutral)

Gilgeam will simply stay still and wait to react if you attack. He's also going to ready an action to change form if you cast a spell at him.

2009-06-27, 02:20 PM
(Change form to what exactly? Perhaps spoiler it?)

Without a moment notice, a circle of floating, slicing, chopping blades appears before you, surrounding you in a 30ft raidus.

Blade Barrier (CL 12) 30ft radius with you as the centre.
I then fly 100ft forward, still invisibile, as you're not included in the area of the blade barrier and haven't been targetted.

2009-06-27, 02:26 PM
(Do I actually have to declare what I'm changing to? I would assume I can pick when I actually activate the ability. Also, what's the save DC for your blade barrier?)

2009-06-27, 02:31 PM
(I'd presume so, as a readied action is something you have to prepare precisely so you can do it almost immediately. *shrug* Up to you. The reflex DC is 25.)

2009-06-27, 02:36 PM
(I'd presume so, as a readied action is something you have to prepare precisely so you can do it almost immediately. *shrug* Up to you. The reflex DC is 25.)

(I looked at it in the PHB, and the actual description is pretty vague, frankly. I mean, it really doesn't specify what you need to ready, just that you can ready an action, which for me is activating my ability. I'm really not sure exactly how that would work, and it's probably a DM call. In this case, though, it doesn't matter because I already knew what I was going to change into: Kuo-Toa Leviathan Form!)

With a laugh, Gilgeam turns from a hulking dusk giant into a massive, slime-coated fish creature. With your spell cast, he rushes through the barrier, his body curiously agile despite the gangle aquatic horror that he's become.

(In game terms, being a Leviathan grants me Improved Evasion. Hurrah!)

Reflex Save: [roll0]

Edit: Almost forgot... readying another action to change shape if you try to cast another spell...

2009-06-27, 03:28 PM
(How big are you right now & how far have you moved?)

2009-06-27, 03:33 PM
(How big are you right now & how far have you moved?)

(Just outside the circle, and I'm Huge.)

2009-06-27, 03:40 PM
Move 100ft forwards, then 50ft down to the ground, ending up directly next to you.

You're up.

2009-06-27, 03:48 PM
Right. Well, as I don't know you're there, I'm just going to turn into a bone ooze and move in a random direction. I'll roll a d4, and on a 4, it's the direction you happen to be in. Sound fair? If not, let me know and I'll change actions.


Edit: Guess not. Moving, say, 40ft. Obviously not into the blades, though.

2009-06-27, 03:55 PM
Well, which direction? And I was kinda hoping you wouldn't read the spoilers ...

2009-06-27, 04:03 PM
Ah, I see. Well, in any case, it doesn't really matter. Call it north, I suppose.

2009-06-27, 04:14 PM

Move 40ft north, so I'm next to you again.

The otherwordly angel appears directly before you, lunging forward at you with one decisive strike, before recovering and unleashing a hail of attacks.


Diamond Nightmare Blade - [roll0] vs your AC.
Attack for it - [roll1]
Damage (X4 if the concentration beat your AC) - [roll2]
Crit confirm - [roll3]

Then, I burn 3 charges on the belt of battle to get a full-round action. I then use Time Stands Still to take 2 full attacks against you.

[roll4] Attack 1.1 Miss
[roll5] Attack 1.2
[roll6] Attack 1.3 - Potential crit
[roll7] Attack 1.4
[roll8] Attack 1.5

[roll9] Damage 1.1
[roll10] Damage 1.2
[roll11] Damage 1.3
[roll12] Damage 1.4
[roll13] Damage 1.5

[roll14] Attack 2.1
[roll15] Attack 2.2
[roll16] Attack 1.3
[roll17] Attack 2.4
[roll18] Attack 2.5

[roll19] Damage 2.1
[roll20] Damage 2.2
[roll21] Damage 2.3
[roll22] Damage 2.4
[roll23] Damage 2.5


And some crit confirms, threatening on a 17-20 ...

[roll24] 1.1
[roll25] 1.2
[roll26] 1.3
[roll27] 1.4
[roll28] 1.5

[roll29] 2.1
[roll30] 2.2
[roll31] 2.3
[roll32] 2.4
[roll33] 2.5

2009-06-27, 04:22 PM
(You don't need to bother rolling for Criticals. I'm immune. Also... Crap, I'm not sure how to handle the Bone Ooze's DR, since they're 3.0 and have a 30/+5 DR type.)

2009-06-27, 04:25 PM
Well, what's your AC? (I wanna calculate my damage :D)

Also, my weapons is +5, so I believe it negates your DR. (Well, the Astral Deva monster class I've taken gives DR 10/+5, so we're both out of date! ^^)

2009-06-27, 04:26 PM
Actually, no. I looked up the Bone Ooze official update. It's now got DR 15/magic and bludgeoning, so it's still effective, just less so. also, my AC is 42.

2009-06-27, 04:28 PM
Right, I do believe that's 276 damage. Also, next round my weapon overcomes your DR, so it's all good. ^^

Your turn.

2009-06-27, 04:33 PM
Making an Engulf attack. You need to make a DC 40 Reflex save.

2009-06-27, 04:36 PM
I use diamond defence to add my initiator level to my roll ...


*hopes it's not a 1*

2009-06-27, 04:37 PM
Wow. That's a ridiculously high save. No need to do the next round, then. I'm dead.

Good test of that tactic, though. Next time I'll just use my Dusk Giant form. Much better base damage.

Also, the Ooze has blindsight, which I didn't realize until I reread the entry. My bad.

2009-06-27, 04:41 PM
Yeah, next round I just recover Time Stands Still and make another double full attack against you ...

(I'm lucky I did use Diamond Defence to be honest, I rolled a 7 and without my +20 I'd have been engulfed.)

2009-06-27, 04:56 PM
Same arena & whatnot? 200ft apart?


Let's rock!

(Incidently, I'll use the 3.5 Astral Deva DR, if that's OK with you? Still waiting on a reply from Kentma regarding what to do ...)

2009-06-27, 05:00 PM
Sure. Let's do this. In Dusk Giant shape again.


2009-06-27, 05:07 PM
Gliding just above the ground, the angelic figure closes on you, before standing upon the ground once more and raising his shield.

Come and get me, foul creature!

(100ft move directly forwards, and then total defence action.)

2009-06-27, 05:16 PM
Works for me. I move charge just enough to get you in range (about 80ft) then use my 20ft reach to attack you from beyond your own reach. Using Pouncing Charge, I get to make a full attack.

Also, what's your AC, and are you immune to crits?

Main Hand Attacks:
1 [roll0]
2 [roll1]
3 [roll2]
4 [roll3] - This is a mistake. actual result is 41.

Off Hand Attacks:
1 [roll4]
2 [roll5]
3 [roll6] - possible crit.

Main Hand Critical Confirms:
1 [roll7]
2 [roll8]
3 [roll9]
4 [roll10]

Off Hand Critical Confirms:
1 [roll11]
2 [roll12]
3 [roll13]

Main Hand Damage:
1 [roll14]
2 [roll15]
3 [roll16]
4 [roll17]

Off Hand Damage
1 [roll18]
2 [roll19]
3 [roll20]

2009-06-27, 05:19 PM
AC is currently 51. I am immune to crits, yes. Also, I have DR 10/evil.

2009-06-27, 05:22 PM
Cool. You take 229 damage after DR. My current AC is 58, and still immune to crits. Also, keep in mind that if you move in for an attack, I get an AOO.

2009-06-27, 05:29 PM
I calculated 219? Either way, one more round and I'm a goner.

Casting Heal as an SLA (Defensively - [roll0] DC 21)

I then 5' step so you're withing reach (Dancing Blade Form gives me +5' reach on my turn)

I then burn 3 charges on the belt of battle to use Time Stands Still.


[roll1] 1.1
[roll2] 1.2
[roll3] 1.3
[roll4] 1.4
[roll5] 1.5

[roll6] 1.1
[roll7] 1.2
[roll8] 1.3
[roll9] 1.4
[roll10] 1.5

[roll11] 2.1
[roll12] 2.2
[roll13] 2.3
[roll14] 2.4
[roll15] 2.5

[roll16] 2.1
[roll17] 2.2
[roll18] 2.3
[roll19] 2.4
[roll20] 2.5

Your up, and I'm most likely dead.

2009-06-27, 05:44 PM
You realize I have an AC of 58, right? You only hit with like 3 attacks. And even if you hit with all of 'em, I'm still alive at 1 HP after my fast healing. :P

I'm an idiot and misread, thought you said that I was most likely dead.

Full attack, Time Stands Still after using Raging Mongoose... Do you really want me to roll all 22 attacks? :P

2009-06-27, 05:49 PM
Oh, I never had a chance against another heavy melee. I'm not even nearly optimized (12 HD of astral deva, which has +8 LA generally does that to you :smalltongue:)

2009-06-27, 05:50 PM
Oh, I never had a chance against another heavy melee. I'm not even nearly optimized (12 HD of astral deva, which has +8 LA generally does that to you :smalltongue:)

Eh, I'm not either, really. I've got very little in the way of buffs, no true sight, no dispel... I just have huge AC and do boatloads of damage.

2009-06-27, 05:54 PM
Eh, I'm not either, really. I've got very little in the way of buffs, no true sight, no dispel... I just have huge AC and do boatloads of damage.

I've no true sight, dispel magic at will (yay SLAs), comparatively low AC and comparatively low damage :smalltongue:

Time to change back to Half-Celestial I think, and grab me some class levels.