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2009-06-28, 10:07 AM
it is early in the morning, and sunny. and the sun is starting to shine brightly through the windows of Alcazar.

(OOC: Also finally up! :smallbiggrin: you guys can start doing whatever you like, dragon slaying ect.)

2009-06-28, 10:23 AM
Daken heads to the meeting room to discuss the days plans/events/crimes with his fellows, he carries his bow with him

2009-06-28, 10:44 AM
Cargean and Zephyr make there way from their room to the conference room. "So, you up for some fun today Zeph?" Cargean said to Zeph. "Always!" The air elemental said, with an odd whispy voice.

2009-06-28, 10:49 AM
Leaving his study, Gray Tom walks to the meeting room as well. Azazel flies out of his shrine/bedroom and perches on Tom's shoulder.

2009-06-28, 11:08 AM

Eshalyn, as her habit, had been outside, on a rock, basking in the warm sun to get her going. When she hears the sound of people up and about in the castle, she lifts one eye lazily to look into the conference room. It is not yet, full, so she adjusts herself to take in as many more rays as she can, waiting until most of the crew is there, until uncoiling and strolling in.
Sssssso, doessss anyone have any really interesssssting ideassss up for today?

2009-06-28, 11:36 AM
I motion that we slay dragons, especially metallic ones, we can donate to the town, which would give us credibility in their eyes, and make it more fun to wreck later As Daken says this, he stands before the pool of scrying (bottom right corner) and commands it "Pool, Show me nearby metallic dragons and their lair, if they have young so much the better"

2009-06-28, 11:46 AM
(not really sure how a pool would respond....) but it shows an image of a family of copper dragons consisting of a very old looking dragon, and two younger looking ones just 3 miles west of here.

2009-06-28, 12:02 PM
Firstly, Cargean insures he is close to Eshalyn in the circle around the scrying pool and smiles at her.

Responding to the picture, "Perfect, they lack the immunity to Electricity that spits in the face of The Elemental Eye" Cargean says, grinning maniacally.

2009-06-28, 12:23 PM
"And let us not forget that dragons can be reanimated into flying shock troops."

Azazel smirks at Cargean, giving him a knowing look.

Vox Clamantis
2009-06-28, 01:25 PM
Cluverius appears between one moment and the next, a book open in one hand, spectacles on the tip of his nose, reading intently. His two familiar devils are, as always, at his elbows, haviong materialized in the same instant. Gormengast, the male, looks like nothing so much as a bored young nobleman. Fierna, the female, sports the distinctive horns of a tiefling...but all of you are wise enough to recognize that she is something much more dangerous. The old man looks up, unruffled, and coughs to clear his throat. He has the look of a man who's been up all night.

Hem, hem. Pardon my absence. One does get caught up in research.

The pool catches his eyes, and he stares into it over his tiny reading lenses.

Ah, copper metallic. Judging from the greenish hue, I'd say that one's getting on in years. Still, it's generally known that copper dragons don't cause problems for nearby sentients unless provoked. If we're to gain anything from destroying this one - and I assume that was the plan - perhaps we ought to engage in rumor-mongering first. Build up local fear...perhaps destroy a few herds of livestock under the guise of that dragon? Now that we've seen it, of course, we can mimic its exact appearance...

2009-06-28, 04:07 PM
"Cluverius, that is brilliant. Maybe the image we make could even attract some dragon hunters who we could kill and reanimate, or even convert to our side" Cargean said, lightning appearing in his hand, "I can be fairly convincing"

2009-06-28, 04:36 PM

Eshalyn returns Cargean's smile before turning her attention to the pool.
Copper dragons...who knows what sort of breath weapons they have? Best to prepare ourselves with that sort of immunity, and also not waste time using energy attacks they themselves are immune to.
Eshalyn considers the plan of mimicing the dragons for a moment.
I also like the plan of perhaps luring dragon hunters to deal with it. However, I do ask that in this, or any future endeavor, that if we capture a bard or druid, that I get first crack to make a deal with him or her.

2009-06-28, 07:00 PM
Cargean grins slyly at the snake woman, "and I suppose 'first crack at' is a cleverly disguised innuendo?"

2009-06-28, 07:12 PM
"Copper dragons are immune to acid. They can also breathe a gas that slows the movement of it's victims, but I doubt that would help it against us. Does anyone have an illusion spell to mimic a dragon?"

2009-06-28, 07:19 PM

No innuendo implied actually. Bards and druids both can cast a spell that I desire. When I catch one of them, I will force him or her to help me create it as a spell of sorcery.

2009-06-28, 07:30 PM
Cargean smiles slyly, "Suuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrreee," he says to Eshalyn, nudging her playfully. He then turns to the group, waiting for an illusionist to speak up

2009-06-28, 09:14 PM

Lazarus appeared with little in the way of fanfare. Despite the wizard's occasionally showy predilictions, he knew that there was a time and a place for pomp and circumstance, and neither of those were here or now.

Either adventurers or dragons would be more than welcome. I can always use a few hardy souls. He said with a sly grin, accepting a mug of hot tea from the ever-present Giles.

Personally, I don't think type really matters for my purposes, other than that Golds and Reds are the most powerful - therefore the most desirable for my creative endeavours and incidentally the most likely to have large sums of gold. My own magical arsenal does not rely on any particular element, so I am able to deal with whatever type we might encounter...

he coughed. Although we should probably avoid the Force and Prismatic varieties. Even a Wyrmling of those species is a terrible foe, and their elders are nigh-on godlike.

He gave an evil little grin. Personally, I say we find a dragon, then pay a few minstrels to start spreading stories about it. That sort of thing always gets adventureous idiots ready to go do a righteous deed or simply have a legitimate excuse to metaphorically kick down the door and swipe someone else's property. We wait until they're engaged, then swoop in ourselves, not only making both parties easier targets, but increasing the wealth we gain from the experience.

2009-06-28, 09:31 PM
"I knew there was something I liked about you Laz," the gnome said to the man drinking his tea. Cargean's wings of flying activated so he could fly up to pat Lazarus approvingly on the soldier

Vox Clamantis
2009-06-28, 11:42 PM
Noting Lazarus' tea with approval, Cluverius mutters something to Gormengast without turning his head. A look of bored disinterest crosses the devil's face, and he teleports away without so much as a word. The old man takes off his reading spectacles and slips them into his robe.

I could create the necessary illusion, but I would prefer to program the requisite memories into a number of locals. One never can tell how the subjects will respond to an illusion, but an implanted memory can be formed entirely to specification. The disgruntled devil reappears with a snifter of brandy, which his lovely counterpart passes to Cluverius. He accepts the crystal absentmindedly. Thank you, my dear. Anyway, I am prepared to enact whichever option is agreed upon by the majority. Passing his book off to one of his devils, he notices the alcohol in his hand and swirls it around, sniffing it with the air of a connoisseur.

2009-06-29, 12:18 AM
"I believe i could arrange for some rumor mongering, i can easily pose as an old dragon hunter and spread rumors of the terrible crimes the metallic dragons commit, making it easy for the "Society for the benefit of misunderstood people and creatures" to finance a small party of adventurers to go and take the dragons on. As to destroying livestock, if you cloak me in the guise of that dragon, i can arrange for that easily, and as a bonus, i bet if we take a moment to pinpoint anyone in town smart enough to identify this as out of character for a Bronze dragon i can eliminate them too" As Daken Says this, he pats Blood singer lightly, and telepathically alerts blood singer, Soon we may hunt the flesh of those who bleed once more, we shall make their blood flow

2009-06-29, 12:53 AM

Lazarus sipped at the tea. He did so enjoy the finer things in life, and Giles' personal blend certainl qualified. Impeccable, as always. He savored the aroma for a few moments before speaking up.

As you will. Though the metallics, with their reputation for good-hearted, soppy-eyed nobility of spirit might prove a tough sell in that department. The Chromatic breeds have more of an infamous reputation. Still, a dragon is a dragon, and the promise of enough wealth will generally make most folk overlook questions of morality.

Personally, I couldn't care less. All that matters to me is the wealth of the horde and the strength of the soul. If I can gather enough souls of sufficient power, it will put us well on our way to acquiring even more significant power - that is, I'll be able to create enough magical arms, armor, and acoutraments to outfit a fighting force. With such an advantage, even a relatively small military would be able to carve out a decent kingdom. Magical artillery will be of particular importance - wands and so forth will provide the ideal way for even inexperienced spellcasters to decimate whole regiments.

2009-06-29, 01:06 AM
Indeed it will, with magical artillery small bands of skirmishers can easily overpower larger armies, especially if we manage to take out any leaders in advance, leaving disorganized blocks of soldiers milling around

Vox Clamantis
2009-06-29, 01:12 AM

Nodding throughout, Cluverius taps the snifter against his lips meditatively before responding.

Hm. There is also the problem of other such dragons. The destruction of so antique a wyrm would not go unnoticed by its own kind. Perhaps if we could trick the dragon into being the aggressor? In that way we might present ourselves as the victims...

2009-06-29, 01:23 AM

Lazarus made a little "hmmm"-ing noise as he spoke. Good point. But are the dragons really so organized that it would be a problem? And how do you suggest we trick said dragon into acting as the aggressor? Frankly, knowing the nature of dragons, I have a feeling that if they're inclined to care that we killed on of their number, any excuse we may offer won't placate them. I understand they tend to see anything non-draconic rather dimly.

2009-06-29, 01:29 AM
That was my understanding too, instead, if we get however a group of adventurers to front, then kill the dragon and mind blank the adventurers or something, make them unaware it was us, then perhaps we could trick the dragons into attacking the adventuring group, giving us a reason to step in as the "Society for the benefit of misunderstood people and creatures" and stop the dragons, preferably fatally and place the adventurers under our protection, that is take them to the Prison cell for whenever we want to use them

Vox Clamantis
2009-06-29, 02:27 AM

The devils have begun a muttered conversation, ultimately requiring that Cluverius shoot them a stern, silencing look before answering.

The tendency of my kindred to underestimate mortal cleverness may work to our advantage. A rare admission that Cluverius is himself partially descended from silver dragons. Dragons are not natural detectives. They, like the townspeople, will be easily fooled if the lie is a likely one. The lines of his face look particularly deep as he furrows his forehead in focusing on the discussion. I propose a double deception, worthy of our combined power. First, to convince the townspeople that the proximate dragon is an enemy despite its coloration. The means for this we have already discussed. Second, to displace the immediate blame for the death of the dragon while still reaping the appreciation of the locals for bringing it about. For that, let us publicly advertise that we shall pay adventurers to negotiate with the dragon, and then pose as applicants and, under said guise, destroy the beast. In such a way, all of our talents are best employed.

Is that acceptable?

2009-06-29, 02:29 AM

Lazarus stroked his chin. A good plan, overall. The only flaw that I can see is that it leaves us no one to throw to the dragons as a scapegoat, should they seek vengeance.

Vox Clamantis
2009-06-29, 02:45 AM

Having publicly established our good intentions, we can provide any dragons pursuant of justice with the bodies of a few adventurers and the suggestion that we caught the culprits in order to make up for whatever part we played in the unfortunate slaying. It is the sort of thing just and well-meaning defenders of the people might do, is it not?

But no plan is ever perfect. I will not be offended by corrections or improvements...

2009-06-29, 02:49 AM

Lazarus nodded thoughtfully. Indeed, that might work... I suppose I think it might be a bit more neat if we had some adventurers with implated memories, so that the Dragons could have something to take out their vengance on, but your plan doesn't leave open the possibility of the spell failing or being broken. In either case, the first step is to put out the call for adventurers and learn as much as we can about our target - their habits, their personality, and especially their resources, mundane and magical, and the layout of their lair.

2009-06-29, 09:11 AM

Eshalyn listened to the conversation with eyes hooded, her tongue occasionally flicking out to taste the air. One with lesser experience with her or lesser training might have thought her asleep. Wiser ones knew better. Those eyes saw everything that happened around her and those ears heard everything. She displayed all the patience of a snake, that waited until its prey wandered too close.
So we stage false attacks as a dragon, put out a call for adventurers to negotiate with the 'dragon', show up in disguise as these adventurers and then kill the dragon. Im not sure I like the part about having adventurers with memories implanted, as I dont know of any spell that can do that, and even if there was, spells can be dispelled. It will just be clear that negotiations went badly and the adventurers killed and looted the dragon, and any that seek vengeance will be off looking for those 'others', not us

2009-06-29, 10:04 AM
"We also have an ace in the hole. Nobody knows of my involvement with our 'Society'; only with the terrible and mysterious 'Concordium'. I can hunt down scapegoat adventurers and kill meddling dragons without drawing suspicion.

Vox Clamantis
2009-06-29, 01:11 PM

Coughing politely into his fist, Cluverius nods to Eshalyn.

Fortunately for our plans, you are mistaken. I would not have suggested its use had I not possessed the spell in question. To answer your other concern, it cannot be dispelled or tampered with once it is cast. And he pauses and furrows his brow slightly it is nearly impossible that my spell should fail. My life's work has been the magic that bends the mind, after all.

The spell in question is Programmed Amnesia. It's a ninth level Enchantment, and I chose it because it's freakin' awesome. :smallbiggrin:

It does allow a save, but Cluverius can force a reroll on the rare occurrence that someone resists the (very high) Will save. That amounts to...3,990 successes out of 4,000 castings unless the target has an absurdly high Will save.

2009-06-29, 03:11 PM

Lazarus nodded. And a good thing, too, for it is the one area of magic I have been forced to negelect in my pursuit of... other specialties. I'm sure I could replicate it by some means, but having your expertise on hand makes things much simpler.

So, if we are all agreed with the basic outline of the plan, we need to pick a target. I believe someone mentioned something about a likely candidate nearby? or was that speculation? In either case, if we can decide on a target, I can begin attempting to do a bit of magical reconnaissance. I've got a few spells that should do the trick, and if they don't, I can always nip out to one of the planar metropoli for a little shopping expedition.

2009-06-29, 03:29 PM
"Perfect. You can spread rumors and put out the call for heroes while I locate a party of adventurers to implant the memories in."

"Pool, show me the nearest adventuring party capable of slaying an adult dragon."

2009-06-29, 03:35 PM
the pool's surface goes murky, and you realize any adventuring party that strong would have an anti scry spell....

2009-06-29, 03:39 PM
the pool's surface goes murky, and you realize any adventuring party that strong would have an anti scry spell....

There are a number of them, so the result of the scrying would depend which one they're using.

And seriously, they'd have it on all the time? They're exceptionally paranoid, then.

2009-06-29, 03:44 PM
I guess we'll just have to venture out and hunt them down then. Perhaps we post a wanted poster for fighting a berserk golem, or something here at the Alcazar, where we can take them and reprogram them to our advantage, eh? As Daken says this, he glances around to check approval of his plan

2009-06-29, 04:12 PM
Azazel speaks up for the first time. "Or perhaps we could travel to a major city and hunt some heroes down. My master can't teleport, so he would at least need a partner to get them back here quickly."

"I'd prefer a proactive solution myself. We don't know how long it would take for adventurers to answer our call. Every day we sit here in the lap of luxury weakens us."

Tom never takes off his anti-scrying belt, but then again he is a villainous lich. But hey, their magical protection is obviously working as intended.

2009-06-29, 04:15 PM

Lazarus grinned, taking another mug of tea from Giles" Really? Because I've lived in luxury for the vast majority of my life, and it never seemed to soften me one whit. he shrugged. ""But in any case, I agree with the sentiment that we need to get moving. I've got teleportation spells prepared, so I can go with you any time you wish."

His grin widened. "And if you want to hunt down heroes, just put your hood up and sit in the dark corner of a convenient tavern. They'll be lining up."

2009-06-29, 05:13 PM
"Great, then we go now. I'm going to pack spell components and find a hood that covers my skull. Azazel, tell the guards to prepare the cells and bring the cell keys up to this room. Nobody but the six of us and our familiars are going to touch the keys while we keep prisoners.

"You never say please..." Azazel flies off to deliver the instructions to the guards.

Tom walks away to retrieve some black onyx and a hood.

He's going to pack 2500 gp worth of black onyx in his Handy Haversack. Presumably he has a sufficiently shady hood somewhere.

2009-06-29, 05:30 PM

"Giles, could you-"

"Get one of your gem bags, sir? Black Sapphires, I believe. Shall I also fetch the special writing utensils and parchment?"

"Indeed. Thank you, Giles" said Lazarus, amused. Giles' habit of completing his sentences used to annoy him, but it had ceased to do so once he got used to it. Actually, it was rather convenient, having a servant who did not merely respond to one's request, but anticipate it. During the time when he'd been running the Tower, he'd come to realize just how hard it was to find good help.

His butler reappeared with his usual uncanny speed, handing Lazarus a small bag full of the dark, glittering gems. Most who dealt in souls had to use far more expensive gems than these, but through a long study, Lazarus had found that an inferior gem worked just as well, no matter how powerful the soul - so long as one knew what they were doing. He didn't really expect to need them, but one never knew when an opportunity might come up to... make a deal.

His black robe was already hooded, and his voluminous cape gave him the appropriate air of mystery. His robe was dotted with tiny sigils wrought in silver, and a pair of rings adorned his hands. He waited patiently for Tom to return, and when he did, he would teleport them to the nearest metropolitan center that met their needs.

2009-06-29, 05:59 PM
Tom walks back into the room with a matching gray hood pulled over his skeletal face. He lifts it enough to see Lazarus. "I will try to keep my body covered entirely. In case someone attempts a divination on us, I will obscure our alignments."

He casts a spell once on Lazarus and once on himself.

"I just hope I'm not recognized. The last time I was in that city, I burned down the Temple of Pelor and got fourteen guards fired."

Azazel flies in, tosses a key ring onto the table, and perches on Tom's shoulder.

The spell was Undetectable Alignment, it lasts 24 hours.

2009-06-29, 06:10 PM

Lazarus nodded quietly, and, with Giles behind his right shoulder, began to chant.

For a moment, the world was a blur of motion and color. When it resolved itself again, they were standing in a hidden spot just outside the city. He nodded towards the nearby road.

"Shall we?"

Greater Teleport.

2009-06-29, 06:14 PM
as you begin to enter the city, no one really notices you and most people are either rushing around, or talking to a street vendor. nearby you can see several shops ranging from a tavern to a shop claiming to sell magic items beyond your wildest dreams.

2009-06-29, 06:27 PM
Daken twists one of his rings, causing him to change, almost imperceptibly, but he seems to be a different person entirely, and says "I'm going to go listen to the rumors in town, maybe find an old dragon hunter i could replace at the same time" with this, he jumps out the window.

Ring of chameleon power is used for disguise self ability, landing ability of armor prevents falling damage,
style must be used on occasion, though i shouldve saved it for something especially interesting)

2009-06-29, 06:38 PM
Azazel is invisible and flying several feet overhead. Tom ensures that his hood covers his face entirely.

"How convenient. A tavern right over there. You going to do the talking, or should I?"

2009-06-29, 06:45 PM

Lazarus smiled in response, walking into the tavern with an air of irrepressible confidence. He was the sort of man who filled up every inch of metaphorical space in the room, and he took full advantage of it.

"I am looking" he said, with as much gravitas as he could muster, For a group of hardy souls to undertake a perilous quest. I must warn you that there are grave dangers involved, but the rewards for the task are as grand as the quest is deadly. I seek only the most potent and experienced of adventurers, for I would not send unprepared men and women to their dooms. Any takers?

Though nothing he said was an outright lie that could probably still use a [roll0]

2009-06-29, 07:20 PM
Cargean turns to Eshalyn, bowing and kissing her hand. "I take my leave, my comrades, as I need to prepare my own call for adventurers, I am hoping to come into the possession of some shocker lizards. They are wonderful little creatures." With that, Cargean uses his wings of flying so he and Zephyr fly up to their bedroom/study in the tower.

Cargean is trying to make posters asking for adventurers to capture shocker lizards alive, saying he wishes to study them to find out how to prevent their extinction if it ever happens

2009-06-29, 07:43 PM
the bartender, a rather "large" (around the waist) man walks over to you and says, "if it's that sorta help ye be need'en then I suggest you head over to the magic shop across the way there, and tell the man at the counter Bruno sent ye." he then returns to his bar and begins cleaning a dirty glass with an even dirtier rag.

EDIT: changed text color, that will now be the "random npc" color.

2009-06-29, 07:50 PM
"I suppose we should. This is an awfully dingy tavern to find heroes-to-be in."

Tom steps out the door.

2009-06-29, 07:53 PM
Upon hitting the ground, Daken steps forwards, finds the road, and begins to walk down the street towards the town. Once he reaches the town, Daken hunts down the nearest bar, bartender, can I get some ale? he flicks a silver to the barkeep, are there any Dragon hunters in the area, i'm looking for someone to teach me the ways of dragon hunting.

remember, Daken looks to be about 20 years old

2009-06-29, 08:18 PM

After apologizing for his associate's lack of manners, Lazarus followed him out, repeating what was essentially the same speech to the proprietor of the magic shop, after repeating Bruno's name.

2009-06-29, 08:34 PM
the mage mutters something uninteligable under his breath before sighing and says "fine, follow me" as he walks out from behind the counter and into a back room.

2009-06-29, 08:34 PM
Alone in the castle for the moment, Eshalyn turns back to the pool.
Pool, show me the copper dragons again, the ones that you just showed to us.
When the picture materializes, Eshalyn settles down to study the dragons carefully, getting to know their routine. If the dragons move out of the area they are currently resting in, Eshalyn studies the caves that they move through, getting an idea of how they are set out.

2009-06-29, 08:35 PM
"I suppose we should follow him."

2009-06-29, 08:42 PM
the pool brings up the image of the copper dragons. make a spot check.

2009-06-29, 08:57 PM

Lazarus nodded in agreement. With Giles following faithfully behind, he headed into the back room.

2009-06-29, 09:15 PM
as you enter the back room you see 7 people each behind diffrent desks and they all are busy, and don't really notice you. the guy who was behind the counter then turns to you and says "so, what can we do for ya?"

EDIT: @sissyphus. wellllllll then. this is what happens. "well, I'm afriad I don't know anyone in this town in the art of dragon slaying. why this town hasn't seen a dragon in well.... centurys!"

2009-06-29, 10:30 PM

Lazarus smiled. Put simply, I need a group of experienced adventurers to embark on a dangerous, but potentially very rewarding task. Do you know anyone who would be interested?

2009-06-29, 10:33 PM
"that'd be us. now this lucrative problem? go on..." he says with a smile

2009-06-29, 10:51 PM

Lazarus smiled, nodding politely. Excellent. Now, before I divulge the full details, may I ask your names and your skills? I do not mean to give offense or imply that you can't handle yourselves, I merely wish to make sure I'm hiring the right people before I give out some somewhat sensitive information.

2009-06-30, 12:41 AM
Daken starts back to the castle to await Lazarus and Gray tom

2009-06-30, 06:26 AM

Eshalyn allows her fingers to swirl the waters of the pool, dispelling the image of the dragons. When the water settles
Pool, show me the nearest adventuring party, of any kind

Vox Clamantis
2009-06-30, 07:35 AM

Whilst the others are off recruiting adventurers and otherwise enacting the plan, Cluverius returns to his room and prepares to cast the very complicated enchantments that will be required. The remainder of his day is spent in study and consultation with his books while Gormengast stands guard outside his room and Fierna lounges around his room trying to distract him.

In point of fact, I'm just having him rest and change his spells memorized.

Programmed Amnesia costs 500 gp per casting, but that's a price we can easily split amongst ourselves. Unless we settle on a very large group of heroes, it shouldn't cost each of us more than a few hundred gold (which is nothing at this level).

2009-06-30, 09:35 AM
the pool pauses for a moment before bringing up an image of Lazarus, Tom, and several other people talking you don't know.

White knight: "well lets see, We've got your druid over there, three men of the sword, and two weilders of magic, one of them being myself." he says with the gusto of a long practiced speech.

2009-06-30, 09:38 AM
"And how experienced are you? We wouldn't want to send you into certain death."

2009-06-30, 09:46 AM
"heh heh heh, we can handle ourselves. Right boy?!" the group responds with a bawdy laghing "now" he continues "we've been around for 17 years."
(ooc you can gestimate that he's at least 1 level per year.)

2009-06-30, 10:37 AM

Eshalyn stares at the pool with totally undisguised interest. As she hears the conversation, she quickly casts a "sending" spell to Lazarus
Make sure the druid comes above all

2009-06-30, 10:52 AM
Tom leans closer to Lazarus and whispers "Can we disable them all without killing them? I can only stun one at a time."

2009-06-30, 01:07 PM
"you mind explainin, about this job now?" he says with a amused look on his face

2009-06-30, 01:12 PM
"I think my associate can explain more eloquently than I would be able to."

2009-06-30, 02:00 PM

Lazarus smiled and began to explain that a dangerous and unpredictable dragon had made a lair near the home of him and his associates. In return for destroying the beast, the spellcaster and his party would, of course, be given free pick of the treasure.


2009-06-30, 02:58 PM
"sounds good. where is this dragon lair? we can get right on that" he says with exitment.

Vox Clamantis
2009-06-30, 03:37 PM
Cluverius can now cast Programmed Amnesia 5 times. It takes 10 minutes per casting, so we'll need to either get them to submit to the spell or otherwise subdue them.

2009-06-30, 03:42 PM
"My associate and I will take you personally to the lair. Follow us."

Tom steps towards the door.

2009-06-30, 05:18 PM
"right, c'mon boys, we've got some dragons to slay!" the entire group looks like they've been wanting to fight for some time.

2009-06-30, 05:51 PM

Lazarus merely smiled, following Tom to see exactly where he was leading, while acting as if all this was part of the plan.

2009-06-30, 06:21 PM
Tom keeps walking, leading the adventuring party out of the city gate. When they are half a mile north of the city, Tom stops walking and turns to Lazarus. He whispers in his ear again "When Azazel freezes the druid, drop the mage who spoke to us. Feel free to kill him; we don't need them all alive. Also, if you have a way to get out of their melee range I suggest you do so."

Aloud he says "It's still a day's walk to the lair. I'm getting a little too old for walking the whole way."

He casts a spell, then activates his wings of flying and flies up 15 feet. The whole routine is designed to make it appear like the flight is a result of the spell.

He actually cast an Empowered and Maximized shivering touch, which is a 9th level spell after adjustment. Azazel, still invisible, is going to deliver the touch spell targeting the druid as soon as Lazarus acknowledges the suggestion. Tom readies an action to target the spellcaster who did not speak to us with a finger of death when the action occurs.

Edit: Oh, just a minor rules point; the spellcasters only get to take 10 on the Spellcraft check to recognize my spell unless they were already studying me carefully. Just throwing that out there so you don't start rolling checks by accident.

2009-06-30, 06:25 PM
(ooc So, you gonna do that? or what?)

2009-06-30, 06:26 PM
Daken is going to take a moment to become psionically focused (using 10 minutes in his mediation room instead of a concentration check) and head over to the meeting hall again

2009-06-30, 06:28 PM
I'm waiting for Lazarus to nod in agreement or something so we can get this surprise round-party started.

2009-06-30, 06:33 PM

Lazarus smiled, walking some way ahead. When he turned with a sudden flourish, his hands moved with blinding speed, pulling raw arcane energies from the air with the ease of a master spellcaster. Channeling raw destructive force into a nigh-unstoppable sphere of transparent energy, he sent it hurtling towards the unfortunate spellcaster like the wrath of an angry god.

OOC: Using Signature Spell to convert a 8th level slot into an Enhanced, (+2) Twinned, (+1) Empowered (+1) Orb of Force, which I then Maximize using my metamagic rod.

Both orbs (It's been twinned), hit the same target - the spellcaster we spoke to. No save, no magic resistance, so he's pretty much screwed. Each orb does 180 damage, and it's Force damage, so it goes through pretty much everything.

Touch attack rolls:


And let me know if either he or the spellcaster we didn't talk to or still alive when that's done, I can still cast a quickened spell with my metamagic rod this round.

Oh, and Initiative, for after the surprise round.


2009-06-30, 06:42 PM
Umm...... the magic user explodes..... alot.... Tom, your suprise round if you please?

2009-06-30, 06:47 PM
Azazel drops his invisibility and unleashes Tom's spell on the unsuspecting druid. An icy chill permeates the area. Tom points his phalanges at the other mage, and necrotic energy surges over his body. Tom hovers up another ten feet, throwing back his hood as he does so.

"If I still had lungs and vocal chords, I'd be cackling right now."

Azazel's touch attack is [roll0] on a flat-footed druid. Unless he has a godly deflection bonus or Azazel rolls a 1, I think he hits. The spell is 3d6 points of DEX damage, maximized 18, empowered 27.

Finger of Death requires no attack roll and is 7th level. The Fort save DC is 34 once you factor in Tom's Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus in Necromancy. If the mage beats his save, he still takes [roll1] damage.

Tom's initiative: [roll2]
Azazel's initiative: [roll3]

2009-06-30, 06:52 PM
okay..... GOD FRICKING ME ROLLING GOOD! the druids limb seace to move.... Tom roll inative.

2009-06-30, 06:55 PM
So is the second spellcaster still alive, or do I need to throw down a Quickened spell on him?

2009-06-30, 06:56 PM
I did. How's mage #2? Did he die?

Edit: Ninja'd.

Vox Clamantis
2009-06-30, 06:57 PM
In the War Room, Eshalyn is joined in her scrying by Fierna. The infernal Arch-Duchess appears out of thin air and folds her arms angrily, staring at the pool with lidded red eyes. That old fool told me I was being a nuisance and sent me up here to keep an eye on things for him. Her pert lips form a predatory grin that would nevertheless be more alluring than intimidating if her teeth weren't quite so pointed. But he'll pay for it. It's only a matter of time.

She gestures disinterestedly at the pool. Why are they killing those people?

2009-06-30, 07:04 PM
oh, right.... Crap! he drops to. the dm is a sad panda. okay inative. is... Azael, Tom, Fighter1, Fighter2, Lazarus, and with a natural1 fighter3. go Ahead and take your turns.

2009-06-30, 07:15 PM
Azazel vanishes once again and floats invisibly up to his master."Nice shot, Laz!" the little demon yelps.

Tom maneuvers to the side, where he can hit the three fighters in a line. He casts another spell, and waves of negative energy assault the startled mortals."Take these three alive."

That's a waves of exhaustion, a 6th level spell that exhausts all living creatures in a 60-ft cone with no save of any kind. Just for reference they all get a -6 to Str and Dex, and they move at half speed.

2009-06-30, 07:17 PM

Eshalyn smiles at the fiend
I believe they are part one of our plan. I had thought they would have to be taken alive, but it sssseemsss like I wasss wrong. I do hope the druid ssssurvivessss, dead he issss of no usssse to me.
Eshalyn continues to divide her attention between the fiend and the pool, however the one-sided nature of the battle (so far) is beginning to lose interest for her.

2009-06-30, 07:35 PM
Tom is floating? then fighter1 attacks... and misses, fighter 2 attacks.... and FRICKIN MISSES! thats it I'm changing dice..... Lazarus your move.. *grumbles*

2009-06-30, 07:39 PM
Lazarus simply laughed aloud, gesturing with another of his enchanted rods as his form blurred and swelled into something... horrible. Leering, he surged forward, grabbing one of the fighters in his gargantuan hands and starting to squeeze the life out of him.

Quickened Shapechange into a Dusk Giant (Heroes of Horror). Then I grapple... oh, fighter 2, I suppose.

Touch Attack:[roll0]

Grapple check:[roll1]

Vox Clamantis
2009-06-30, 07:40 PM
Fierna sniffs, spreading her fingers to admire her nails and paying only nominal attention to the scrying pool. Hmph. I'll never understand why Cluverius bothers with his home plane. He could have a seat at my father's court in Abriymoch and a retinue of devils to command, but instead he languishes here, pursuing goals that he won't even tell me about. She glances at the pool as a mage crumples to the ground, two holes blasted through his chest. Your friends must be using an alternate definition of 'capture'. I do hope they bring back at least one alive. The old man really is a joy to watch when he's at play in their minds. I'd swear he has fiendish blood in him somewhere...

2009-06-30, 07:49 PM
Cargean, finishing his posters asking for Shocker lizards, hands them to Zephyr. "Take these to the local town and leave them around, I hope they get me some responses." "Sure thing" Zephyr says in his whispy voice, as he turns into a whirlwind of flyers and heads toward town.

Cargean decides he'd like to find Eshalyn. She interests him a great deal. He flies out of his window and sees her and the demon standing by the pool. "Hello ladies," Cargean says as smoothly as possible as he lands next to the women, "what are we watching?

2009-06-30, 07:55 PM

Eshalyn smiles at Cargean as he enters
We ssseem to be watching the annhilation of a random adventuring party that Lazarusssss and Tom came acrossssss. I had asssssumed that we would have needed them alive, but they sssseem to have a different idea. There issss one druid that I would have liked to talk to....but it sssseemsss not to be.
Eshalyn glances sideways at Fierna
And even if they did, they might not let me usssse him.

2009-06-30, 08:02 PM
um, fighter 3.... RUNAWAY! he runs 80 ft. away... screaming.... and maybe peeing his pants...

2009-06-30, 08:02 PM
Cargean looks into the pool, hoping to get a better look of what is happening.

Spot check

Vox Clamantis
2009-06-30, 08:04 PM
I'll be using the terms in their specific senses, so it's probably better to just remind everyone once and then never again: :smallwink:

Demon refers to one of the tanar'ri, who are Chaotic Evil and reside in the Abyss.

Devil refers to one of the baatezu, who are Lawful Evil and reside in the Nine Hells. Both of Cluverius' bound fiends are devils.

Fiend can refer to a member of either group.

2009-06-30, 08:11 PM
0 dex druid still alive just parlazed. perfect.

2009-06-30, 08:14 PM
I'll be using the terms in their specific senses, so it's probably better to just remind everyone once and then never again: :smallwink:

Demon refers to one of the tanar'ri, who are Chaotic Evil and reside in the Abyss.

Devil refers to one of the baatezu, who are Lawful Evil and reside in the Nine Hells. Both of Cluverius' bound fiends are devils.

Fiend can refer to a member of either group.

ooc: Glad to see at least one person remembers the real and exact meaning of the terms, demon/devil/fiend has become totally interchangeable of late, and this board (cough Sabine cough) doesnt help.

2009-06-30, 08:24 PM
Azazel remains invisible while Tom swoops down after the fleeing fighter. "Gee, I bet you're having trouble running after my spell exhausted you." Ice crackles in an aura around his hand, and he strikes at the fighter.

Sorry if I wasn't clear, but exhaustion halves their speed as well. He traveled 40 feet, not 80. Poor guy.

Anyway, touch attack [roll0] for [roll1] Dex damage, no save.

2009-06-30, 08:41 PM

Lazarus continued to squeeze the fighter he held in his hands, choking him down into unconciousness.

So I assume this would be a Pin check. Basically, Lazarus is just going to deprive him of oxygen 'till he passes out.


2009-06-30, 08:48 PM
crap yeah 40 ft. sorry. yeah, he passes out.... fighters get screwed.... BUT theres one who hasn't run away. he also runs away 40 ft. and pees his pants....

2009-06-30, 08:50 PM

Shrinking back down to his normal form - for now - Lazarus took the bag of gems from the ever-present Giles and began to capture the souls of the dead into the glittering black sapphires. So many times had he used this spell that it had become part of his very essence, and the gems sparked with pale violet balefires as the terrified souls were pulled screaming into their depths.

Mind taking care of that last one, Tom? I want to make sure I catch the little bastards before they flee off to whatever their eternal fates might be.

2009-06-30, 08:55 PM
"I've got the little pest. I hope you have some way of getting them back to Alcazar." Tom dive-bombs the last one, trailing icy vapors from his skeletal hand.

You know the drill by now. [roll0] touch attack, [roll1] Dex damage, no save.

2009-06-30, 09:16 PM
fighters continue there 40ft. run. although the one you touch looks pretty uncowrdanated.

2009-06-30, 09:28 PM
"Damn it, still not down yet." More frost gathers around his hand, and he tries to slap the fighter again.

[roll0] touch attack, [roll1] Dex damage.

2009-06-30, 09:31 PM
Umm.... his limbs also stop working...

2009-06-30, 09:32 PM

Lazarus smiled as he finished stuffing the last soul into a gem, dropping the filled gems unceremoniously in a seperate bag. "The same way we got here, of course. Being unconcious makes it difficult to resist being teleported."

2009-06-30, 09:38 PM
DAken enters the room just in time to watch the action, well i guess we've lost some of the adventurers, but i think they'll still work for our purpose, even if we have to reanimate them, after the bronze dragons would attack on sight if they saw undead, a perfect reason for combat, especilly if the bodies show no sign of being undead, eh?

2009-06-30, 09:48 PM

Eshalyn looks away from the battle and strolls around the room for a moment. As she comes back to the pool, she is now standing beside Cargean, and casually links an arm in his.
Did the druid manage to ssssurvive the battle? I kind of lossst track. I wonder how long it takesss to resssearch a new sssspell, itssss ssssomething Ive never done.

2009-06-30, 09:49 PM
Sorry about the demon comment. I'm pretty sure Cargean would have known they were devils as he has met demons before. CE that he is. I as a player didn't know which you had bound. My bad:smallredface:

"Those two do very good work," Cargean said smiling, "this is likely one of the most enjoyable things I've ever seen." Cargean does nothing to stop Eshalyn from linking arms with him, and turns and answers her, "Aye, the nature linked one is still alive from what I saw. As for researching spells, I wish I could help you. Any time I can spend with a beautiful woman is a good use of time in my book, but my spells are just sort of innate. You might want to talk to the devil binder."

2009-06-30, 09:54 PM
survivors are: druid, 3 fighters.

2009-06-30, 09:54 PM
Azazel drops his invisibility, coming down to perch on Tom's shoulder again. He casts spells to prevent the two bodies from decaying before heaving them into his Portable Hole. Folding up the hole, he grabs the nearest incapacitated adventurers and piles them up for teleportation. "I hope to raise those two as intelligent undead. They have far too much experience to waste."

2009-06-30, 10:03 PM

Half of my sssspellssss are innate as well. Ssssorcery isss one of my talentssss, and those sssspellssss are jussst a part of me. I dont even know if I can 'ressssearch' a sssspell of that nature, or if I can convert a druid sssspell to work in that way. But I can alwaysss try.
She smirks at Cargean
But then, ssssorcery issss only one of my talentssss

2009-06-30, 10:23 PM

Half of my sssspellssss are innate as well. Ssssorcery isss one of my talentssss, and those sssspellssss are jussst a part of me. I dont even know if I can 'ressssearch' a sssspell of that nature, or if I can convert a druid sssspell to work in that way. But I can alwaysss try.
She smirks at Cargean
But then, ssssorcery issss only one of my talentssss

I would love to learn of some of your *ahem* other talents sometime, though we should probably wait until we figure out what we're going to do with these adventurers first," Cargean blushes ever so slightly, but he can't help but hide a grin, "If you don't mind me asking, what Druidic magic were you hoping to learn? I've always been partial to Faerie Fire myself."

2009-06-30, 10:39 PM

Druidsss have a ssspell. They call it Sssirinesss grace. Bardsss can cassst it too, which isss why I hope to be able to make it. It ssseemsss to boossst a perssssonssss appearance and through thisss beauty, they become sssso dissstracting, they become near impossssible to hit in battle. My own battle ssskillsss are weak asss it isss, sssso I need every advantage I can get.

2009-06-30, 10:57 PM
Well, if it makes you feel any better, I believe you are fairly distractingly beautiful as you are

2009-06-30, 11:19 PM

"That will be rather difficult when I've got their souls in my pocket, I'm afraid. Still, no fear - I'll be putting them to very good use. They have enough energy for all sorts of things... perhaps even golems. We shall have to see."

As he spoke, he cast another Teleportation spell, Lazarus, Tom, and the bodies appeared in a flash of light in the middle of the room with the others. He looked around and grinned.

"We're back, and we brought party favors." Announced Lazarus cheerfully.

"I shall just go and fetch some chains for when our guests wake up, shall I sir?" asked Giles in his usual unflappable tone. Lazarus nodded, and the Butler disappeared down one of the passageways.

Lazarus plopped down onto a divan, idly plucking a grape from a bowl. "So... we've got a few patsies now. Did you manage to find anything about the dragon or dragons we're planning to annihilate?"

He looked at the snake priestess with a grin, having caught her last pronouncement. "He's quite right, by the way. You're quite possibly the most ravishing vision of loveliness I've ever laid eyes on, and considering the... extensive size of my old harem, that's quite a statement to make. Besides, I've got more than enough arcane wrath for the both of us."

Vox Clamantis
2009-06-30, 11:56 PM
Fierna smirks a little and disappears, reappearing less than ten seconds later with her master at her side. His red velvet robes are pristine, as though they've just been cleaned - most likely by spell. He appears unusually well-rested and alert.

You've got them? He comes over, eyes bright as he pulls an small device with a sequence of crystal lenses out of his pocket. Excellent, excellent. Eshalyn, I believe you wanted the druid, yes? Take your time and be thorough. Once I'm done with him, there will be nothing left of the original personality. He looks around at his gathered colleagues. We must keep them until we have disposed of the dragon, so that the implanted memories will be credible.

Satisfied, the old man gestures to Fierna. Remove their magical gear and then enslave them, my dear. Now and here he speaks for the benefit of the others we may be sure of having their cooperation until such time as we need cast the spell.

The Arch-Duchess seems to resent being given such a menial task, but does as she's bidden. Any magical equipment on the prisoners forms a small pile, after which she binds the three warriors' minds.

Fierna using her three daily uses of Dominate Person, DC 28 Will, on the fighters. If any of them passes the save, she'll know, and Cluverius will hit them with Feeblemind (DC 35, Will). In either event, they will be completely subdued and obedient until we need to alter their memories.

He had her remove their gear in order to drop their saving throws - in the event they had Cloaks of Resistance or something similar.

2009-07-01, 12:10 AM

Lazarus smirked. "By the way, I should ask... did anyone have any magical items that they have a particular need for? The souls I acquired are most are most useful for that sort of thing, and frankly the prices one gets for them in gold tend not to be worth it when compared to the magical power one can harness from them." He glanced at Fierna. "I'm afraid that your subjects and kin are rather a bunch of skinflints, your Grace."

Vox Clamantis
2009-07-01, 12:25 AM
The she-devil meets his eyes without expression for several moments, before she smiles viciously. I'm sure they abide by whatever bargain you strike with them. Perhaps you simply lack the necessary stomach for negotiation?

Cluverius, preoccupied with the prisoners, turns and glares at her in turn. Fierna. He doesn't blink as he stares her down. Take the prisoners to the dungeon and secure them there. Command them to wait patiently until your return. His eyes follow her closely as she obeys.

When she's left, the old man turns back to Lazarus and catches his eye. I must apologize. The binding commands obedience, not civility. Remember that Fierna herself is not truly here, and thus cannot be threatened or punished for her behavior. Were she not so beautiful he muses almost to himself I think I should have long since bound a more docile fiend in her place.

2009-07-01, 12:41 AM

Lazarus just smirked, watching Fierna as she departed. "Mmmm? Oh, I understand perfectly. Binding an Archduchess, even if it is only her shadow, is an impressive thing... If you can really call it binding. I rather doubt she'd have let even an avatar be caught so easily if she didn't want to, and Hell always has alternate agendas. I can only recall three instances of a Fiendish lord being bound unwillingly on the Prime, and never one of the rulers of the Nine. Demon Lords all, and though cunning and powerful... well, they don't have the resources of one of the Lords Infernal."

He shrugged. "Feh, but you don't need me lecturing you on your craft. You know your business well enough... and I agree, she's a delectable thing, isn't she? Though one does hear... well, no, never mind. I'm sure you've heard all about that, too."

Vox Clamantis
2009-07-01, 12:56 AM
Cluverius' eyes narrow a little, then he smiles one of the first genuine smiles you've seen on his long face. To the contrary, I'm gratified that you are so knowledgeable. I find so few mortals with whom to share my insights. To answer your implication, she assures me that the stories are fabrications of Levistus. He shrugs slightly. But the truth is that she was nothing to me but a test of my power, an experiment if you will. Keeping her has been dangerous but he smirks again satisfying in its own way.

An odd look comes over him, of intensity and focus that belies his advanced years. Soon I think the Duke of Avernus will succumb to my bargaining. He is young, and needs allies wherever he can find them. That is the secret to binding, you know: to be the devil to their devil, to offer what they need most and then entrap them with their true name. The irony does not escape them, I think, and that is why even the Arch-Dukes will submit for a time.

2009-07-01, 01:16 AM

Lazarus smiled grimly. "Bel, eh? It might be hard to convince him to spare his attention from the Blood War, though you're right in that he needs allies... and as for binding the Lords of the Nine... well, perhaps. Mammon I can see, greedy as he is... but Dis will be a hard sell indeed, paranoid as he is. And as for Asmodeus himself..." Lazarus let out a long, soft chuckle. "Well, suffice it to say that he defeated all eight of his own with ease. There's one being I'd rather avoid crossing. The only thing more dangerous I can think of off the top of my head would be trying to challenge the supremacy of the Bladed Lady herself."

Lazarus shook his head. "But in any case, a most impressive feat. And as to my own knowledge... well, I've invested a great deal of time into researching both Planar lore and religious knowledge, two subjects which involve studying fiendish creatures. It's dangerous knowledge, as you well know, but extremely useful when one deals heavily in souls. It's even given me insight into the devil's infamous contracts. They're actually not all that difficult to create, once you know how to work the clauses of the Pact Primeval."

Lazarus grinned wider. "I've even managed to improve the standard methods a bit... if I can get someone to agree to a contract, as opposed to simply tearing the soul out of their freshly-killed corpse, I not only get their soul, but their body as well. And the best part is that it retains all the skills it had in life - though unfortunately such a creature requires instructions to do anything more than sit there and drool on itself. So it's still a step up from orcs, mind you."

Vox Clamantis
2009-07-01, 01:57 AM
Cluverius nods knowingly. The preservation of intelligence is an imperative. I admit that there's a certain laziness to my own methods. An enchanted mortal and a bound fiend are both capable of problem solving and creative thinking. When I've done my job best, I make my own skills almost redundant.

As if remembering that they're not alone, he turns to the others.

It's no secret that I am ill-suited for social maneuvering. Who shall handle the spread of rumor? And perhaps more importantly, who shall be our ambassador to the townspeople?

2009-07-01, 09:28 AM

Eshalyn smiles at all the compliments and addresses the topic of spreading rumours and speaking to the people.
If you wish, I can speak to the townspeople. When I want to, I can very convincing.
You notice when she said that last, she did not drag her S at all
Eshalyn stops Fierna from taking the druid downstairs just yet. She sits him in a chair, and asks for someone to revive him. When he is awake, she sits opposite him in another chair.
Letss talk about death. There are two kindss of death. Theress the quick, clean, sstab to the heart, no pain, no ssuffering and 10 ssecondss later youre partying with the nymphss and the dryadss in whatever happy forest land your deity providess for.
Then there iss the other kind. Thatss the one where you get tortured to death, raissed, tortured to death yet again, and repeated over and over until you are driven totally inssane, at which point your ssoul is bound as an undead, and you never ssee your deity or your paradisse.

Eshalyn takes a sip of her tea.
Perfect ass alwayss, Giless. Now, where wass I? Oh yess, I wass talking about death. My comradess here, they sspecialize in the ssecond kind of death. And theyre very good at it. And mysself, well, Im just a weak woman, I couldnt even hope to sstop them. But I can bargain with them, but to do that, I need ssomething. That ssomething would be a sspell. Ssirine'ss Grace, itss called. You can casst it. I cannot. Yet. You help me ressearch it ass a ssorceressss, I bargain you to get that firsst death. You dont, you get the ssecond one. Itss your choice.

Eshalyn sits back, waiting patiently.

2009-07-01, 10:09 AM
n"B-but I c-can't teach you the spell! I-I would't know how! Pl-Please! Sp-Spare me!" he then proceeds to whimper and continue to beg for his life. or at least his after life :smallamused:

2009-07-01, 10:17 AM
"This isn't even necessary. I'll just place a geas on him. He will either figure out a way to teach you the spell, craft an item to do the same, or... die slowly. There's no way he can escape a geas unless someone breaks it. It takes ten minutes to complete the spell, and I need to stay here the entire time."

He begins the spell, pulling energy from the air and channeling it into the hapless druid's brain.

He has to follow the instructions until complete, he gets no save. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/geasQuest.htm)

2009-07-01, 11:06 AM
Once you finish with that, why don't we just go kill the dragons, if anyone comes around then we can say we took the heroes into custody or something, after all Lazarus and Gray Tom shouldn't get all the fun eh? As he says this, Daken Accepts a mug of tea from the butler.

2009-07-01, 11:32 AM

Eshalyn sits while Tom casts his spell, sometimes flirting with Cargean. Once he finishes with it
Ssso you sssay you cant teach me. That isss unfortunate. Can you at least craft magic itemsss?
She looks up to the rest of her group
Can any of you? Asss I underssstand the crafting of itemsss, one perssson can craft the item, and a different perssson can cassst the ssspell that goesss into it. That would work. Otherwissse.... She shrugs her shoulders helplessly.

2009-07-01, 11:36 AM
"I have some skill in crafting; I needed to learn when I first became a lich. Lazarus can likely contribute his trapped souls."

2009-07-01, 11:55 AM

Lazarus grinned broadly, nodding. Oh, indeed I can. Weapons, miscellaneous items of power, all that sort of thing are well within my ability to craft. He looked at the druid with an evil grin. I'm sure our friend here would be willing to provide the necessary spell, after all.

2009-07-01, 12:10 PM

Eshalyn beams as she looks back to the druid.
Then we're all ssset. We can get ssstarted right away, we have a crafter, a ssspell cassster and sssomeone to power the whole deal. That wasssnt ssso bad, wasss it?

2009-07-01, 12:39 PM
"Are the keys to the cells still in this room? I would prefer them to be physically on one of our persons at all times."

Vox Clamantis
2009-07-01, 01:34 PM
Cluverius shrugs, as though the idea hadn't occurred to him. Keys? I suppose Fierna will have them. Honestly, does it matter? We could leave them in this very room and they wouldn't so much as move until Fierna told them to.

To Daken:

I would prefer to spread word of the dragon among the locals first. If we're to destroy this dragon anyway, I should prefer to gain as much as possible from doing so.

2009-07-01, 01:54 PM
"You'd be surprised how may villains are laid low by adventurers who pickpocket the cell key, or trick a guard into opening the door."

2009-07-01, 02:11 PM
I'll carry the cell keys until we need them, can do that easily as i doubt anyone would stand a chance of stealing them from me, especially if i hook them to the bottom of blood singers strings, I doubt he'd mind watching over the keys, and he's pretty hard to distract or put to sleep to. So saying, Daken grabs the keys and swiftly unstrings his bow, hooks the keys through it's bowstring and restrings it. That should keep them safe for now, i guess some rumor mongering could be in order, should i go down disguised as a Dragon hunter and tell them of the horrors bronze dragons perpetrate?

Vox Clamantis
2009-07-01, 02:27 PM
At being questioned a second time, the old wizard looks positively out of sorts. Apparently he's not accustomed to this sort of back-and-forth.

My dear man, they're enchanted. Dominated. They will remain in the dungeon precisely where Fierna tells them to, and be incapable of picking locks or anything else, for at least the next several weeks.

2009-07-01, 02:27 PM
"That's copper dragons, and yes."

2009-07-01, 02:35 PM

Lazarus looked up from where he was idly examining one of his stolen souls, the light within the gem fluttering like the heart of a bird. "Speaking of which, how many dragons were there, and do we know how potent they were?"

2009-07-01, 02:50 PM
There were three. One old, two probably adult."

2009-07-01, 04:31 PM

I am willing to ssstagger in ssshortly after Daken arrivesss, posssing asss a 'victim' of a dragon attack. One of you will have to work me over, do enough of job to make the ssstory believable. One thing however, both of usss will need to have a ssspell cassst on usss to conceal our alignment or at least give a falssse reading. It wouldnt do for our true leaningsss to be magically revealed, or elssse people will jussst sssay we are getting what we dessserve.
Either that, or I will go on the dragon ssslaying misssssion. I have a truely nasssty ssspell to unleassssh on that dragon.

2009-07-01, 04:39 PM
"I do have both a spell to conceal alignment and a spell capable of inflicting acid burns. My acid spell creates a cloud of acid, so we'd best not do that indoors."

Tom's hand glows a faint blue, and he touches Daken and Eshalyn. "That will stay in effect for twenty-four hours."

2009-07-01, 04:44 PM

Eshalyn turns to Daken
You go ahead, and ssstart telling the ssstory. I will follow in a few hoursss.
She then addresses Tom.
Letsss go outdoorsss and do thisss. Make sssure itsss convincing, but pleassse do leave me alive. She appears to steel herself, preparing for the pain to come, as she walks outside.

2009-07-01, 04:53 PM
"I can take care of my own disguise, though the aid of a faked alignment would be useful, perhaps Lazarous might be able to whip up a necklace or something of concealed or faked aura for us to use when were going covert" As daken says this, he twists one of his rings, and mutters a command word, his armor changes from spiked crystal to something little more usual looking, and he appears older and indefinably experienced, as if he's been doing whatever he does for hundreds of years.
A telepathic voice rings in your heads (blood singer)
I can alert you when we are ready to have a victim show up, and when were ready to move out too

As time is of the essence, I shall be going And with the calm air of practice, still holding his tea Daken jumps through the window and activates his boots of levitation (with very little friction and a lot of momentum he figures it's a quicker way to get to town)

used a chameleon ring and glamored armor

2009-07-01, 04:57 PM
"I'm going to create a large cloud of acid. Step in, count to ten, and then step out. Stay in any longer and the acid might eat past your dermis."

Tom curls his phalanges into claws as an acidic mist gathers around them, then spreads his arms as a greenish cloud billows out.

Assuming she follows my instructions and only stays in for 10 seconds, that'll be [roll0] points of acid damage.

2009-07-01, 05:03 PM

Eshalyn steps out of acid, her face a mask of pain.
Do I look convincing enough, or do I need ssssome more damage? Sssword marksss look like claw marksss after all, and I would probably have a few of thossse.

2009-07-01, 05:16 PM

Having seen the beasts in the pool, Lazarus tapped his chin, sipping gently at yet another mug of tea.

"Hmmm... One looks like a rather fearsome beasts, an ancient of its kind. The other two are relatively young. Frankly, I could probably annihilate them all just by teleporting in and unleashing a full-out magical assault, but my most... extreme methods wouldn't leave any corpses, and a dragon's body is a cornucopia of rare magical supplies - it'd be a crime to waste them. My more subdued spells should be enough to take care of the elder one, though, if the rest of you will be so good as to handle the younger ones - I'm sure your more than capable."

Looking around, he realized that half the group had already left to put the second part of the plan into motion. He smiled a little, shaking his head at his ability to get lost in his own head.

2009-07-01, 05:35 PM
a telepathic message comes floating in "I think any of us could take on a single ancient dragon, even me, and i'm not even a dancing weapon, Daken notes that it would be useful to have small claw or cut marks, he says there should be a few swords in the armory (unless someone remedies the situation, there are only 3 +1 longswords in our armory, but as we currently don't have 300 minions, we probably can get by on a vastly reduced armory) I think it's foolishness we should simply kill the lot of them, another note we'llbe out of my contact range soo-" the voice fades into a little bit of fuzz then disappears entirely

2009-07-01, 05:44 PM
Aye Lazarus, I'm fairly certain I coul take a young Dragon. Not many of my spells destroy bodies. so there will be enough of them left to use as you see fit. I would like to wait for Zephyr's return before we attack. He is passing out some fliers for me. Cargean begins to head towards his tower, but turns back to Lazarus, One more thing. My knowledge of dragons is not nearly as encyclopedic as yours, are Copper Dragons one with Chaos?

The fliers are offering 100 gp per Live shocker lizard brought to the castle.

Cargean is also trying to find out if the dragon's have the chaotic type or subtype

2009-07-01, 05:45 PM
"You look like you've been on the bad end of his breath weapon. As for the claw marks, I don't actually carry a weapon. Looks like we're paying a visit to the armory."

Tom turns and walks back into Alcazar.

Vox Clamantis
2009-07-01, 06:11 PM
Cluverius frowns slightly at this talk of how to kill the dragons. If we intend to dissect their corpses, I believe the method of killing shouldn't matter very much. Just limit yourselves to common magics. It must seem as though one nature priest and three burly warriors had done the deed.

2009-07-01, 07:01 PM
I have the power of the storm at my fingertips, something that nature priest wishes he did. Anything I do to the dragons will greatly resemble a Druid's attack, especially to the untrained eye.

2009-07-01, 07:27 PM
Now in the armory, Tom grabs the nearest longsword. "I'm very weak physically, so I don't think I'll hurt you too badly. Just tell me when you're ready."

Might as well roll damage now. Willing target means no attack rolls, so Tom is going to hit on all four swings. [roll0] slashing damage.

2009-07-01, 07:52 PM
When Daken reaches the village, he's going to pull up his hood (glamored helmet) and step into the bar he takes a seat by the bar, puts his head in his hand, and seems to fade in with the rest of the people he orders a beer, his bow not really concealed, he says to the barkeep, " 'ou got yerselfs any dragons hereabouts? (if the bartender got a really good look at my face last time, he needs to make a spot check against my +21 disguise check, other wise, he fails to recognize me) Or anyother dangerous monsters fo that mattah, a proffesional dragon slayer I be but i kin hunt ye any monster ye need removed ifin ye be needin that kind o service

my apologies for the atrocious accent but hey it's what every good out of town person speaks in isn't it?

Vox Clamantis
2009-07-01, 08:13 PM
Fierna returns to the meeting room with Gormengast in tow, the male devil walking a few steps behind with an ugly look on his face. She comes to stand at the old wizard's side and loops her arm through his. They're in the dungeons; I told them to wait until I came to get them. On the way back I noticed that Gormie was looking bored, so I invited him up here in case you needed us. I hope you don't mind?

Cluverius frowns and shakes his head distractedly. What? Oh, yes. Fine. His gaze falls on the male devil, who is staring at him with undisguised jealousy and loathing. Good grief, you really don't have the brains you were born with, do you? Keep looking at me like that and I'll wipe your mind and drop you at the gates of Celestia instead of setting you free. Now, we're going to kill some dragons. Do either of you need anything?

The two devils shake their heads, Gormengaust settling his features in a fixedly neutral position.

Right. Ordinary magical fire is acceptable, but don't go using hellfire on them. And Gormengast, shield our minds before we leave.

Gormengast will use Mind Blank on the three of them before we go dragon hunting...whenever that is.

2009-07-01, 08:50 PM
Tom returns from injuring Eshalyn, seemingly in a hurry. "I am going to prepare spell components from the bodies of the mages. I will return shortly."

He's making evil spell components, as detailed on p46 of the Book of Vile Darkness. Everything was preserved for 21 days by his castings of Gentle Repose on the bodies. To be specific, he will get 20 humanoid fingers, 2 humanoid hearts, and 2 humanoid brains. Those'll be in his Handy Haversack.

2009-07-02, 06:53 AM

Eshalyn staggers back into the scrying pool room, and drops to the floor in front of Lazarus
Dragons...in the countryside *cough, cough*...blood from her mouth one of them...attacked me and my group...barely got away from them smears the blood on her face we hadnt even done anything....must have been in their 'territory'...didnt even get a look at their color

She looks up at him and now could you arrange for a teleport for me...thats one spell thats missing from my collection

2009-07-02, 11:11 AM

Eshalyn staggers back into the scrying pool room, and drops to the floor in front of Lazarus
Dragons...in the countryside *cough, cough*...blood from her mouth one of them...attacked me and my group...barely got away from them smears the blood on her face we hadnt even done anything....must have been in their 'territory'...didnt even get a look at their color

She looks up at him and now could you arrange for a teleport for me...thats one spell thats missing from my collection

I believe I could take care of that my lady, Cargean says as sparks begin to fly from his fingertips.

Greater Teleport to the outskirts of the town

2009-07-02, 11:25 AM
Tom appears in the doorway once again, his sleeves smeared with blood."So when will we be doing the actual slaying?"

Vox Clamantis
2009-07-02, 12:16 PM
Cluverius glances at the devils, both of whom are rather obviously taking joy in Eshalyn's condition. In a day or two, I should think. Let's give the locals some time to really start worrying.

2009-07-02, 12:34 PM
"Might as well get that item crafting over with. Lazarus, let's go get that druid."

2009-07-02, 12:44 PM
See if you can get him to make me something that'll let me cast Faerie Fire as well. That spell is always good for a few laughs, Cargean yells to Tom and Lazarus as they head to where the Druid is.

2009-07-02, 03:04 PM

Lazarus nodded. Before they went to go fetch the prisoners, though, he looked at the others. "Good idea. Oh, and when I'm done, did anyone want to keep him for anything? If not, I was going to pull out his soul to replace the one I'm using up. Might see if I can get him to sign a contract, or perhaps I'll just kill him and tear it out. Either way."

2009-07-02, 03:33 PM
"We were going to frame them for the slaying. Otherwise, there's nobody to blame when the dragons come calling. Copper dragons don't usually kill prisoners, so we can still kill them ourselves after they've outlived their purpose. And I'd prefer to keep two of the fighters' souls intact; intelligent yet weak-willed undead make perfect bodyguards. So no, you cannot harvest his soul yet."

2009-07-02, 03:56 PM

Lazarus blinked for a moment. "Mmmm? ah, yes, the deception. I'd almost forgotten." He sighed. "Yes, I suppose it shall have to wait." He shrugged a little, then moved off to begin the process of turning a handful of raw components into an item of magical power.

2009-07-02, 05:09 PM

Eshalyn moves around the outskirts of the town so that she enters from a different direction than Daken did. She moves into the town, finding an establishment that has a good number of people in it, but hopefully not the same one that Daken is in. She staggers in, clearly in mortal distress.
Dragons...in the countryside *cough, cough*...blood from her mouth one of them...attacked me and my group...barely got away from them smears the blood on her face we hadnt even done anything....must have been in their 'territory'...didnt even get a look at their color

[roll0] Bluff check for the "performance"

2009-07-02, 05:29 PM
Getting no response from the bartender, Daken picks up his Liquor and steps outside, To look around the streets for Another bar (he doesn't pay for the beer)
listen check for the commotion stirred up by Eshalyns arrival:
not much to hear there, hopefully it's a very loud noise then, eh?
Hide check, so the barkeep doesn't know I'm ripping him off
Well I don't think he'll notice, with the hubub of a full bar to distract him.

2009-07-02, 05:43 PM
Cargean hurries quickly to the scrying pool as soon as Eshalyn disappears Pool, I need you to show me the beautiful Eshalyn and waits until her image appears. I hope nothing happens to her

Cargean is readying an action that at the first sign of trouble, he is going to teleport to Eshalyn and then teleport them both away.

2009-07-02, 08:13 PM
While Lazarus and the druid work to craft the item, Tom chatters animatedly. "...and they were all staring in awe, they couldn't believe I'd killed the high priest-no, channel it into the item, you twit-but they were so sure of themselves, they attacked me after I dismissed the spell. See they wanted to believe I killed him, just because it was their first thought. They find out everything they-okay, you can stop that now-thought was true really wasn't they way it seems, and they can't deal with it. So I made them deal with it. And that's when I realized..."

Azazel, hovering not far away, whispers to Lazarus "Yeah, he gets like this sometimes. Few days from now, he's going to give a totally different version of this anecdote with a different personality. I'd follow him to Elysium and back, but he's completely insane. Except, you know, when he's the sensible one and I'm babbling like an allip."

2009-07-02, 10:30 PM
at ehayln's apperans, there are screams of "OH MY GOD!" and "GET THAT GIRL SOME HELP!" also "DAMN, THOSE LOOK LIKE DRAGON WOUNDS! seconds later priests rush in and start fussing and healing and asking questions ect. one asks you what happened?

Vox Clamantis
2009-07-03, 03:36 AM
Cluverius is still in the meeting room, watching Eshalyn's performance in the scrying pool. As the priests come running over, he begins to mutter to nobody in particular. Priests. Damn. We can't leave the situation too long, or one of them might try to contact the coppers directly. That wouldn't be good at all. We'll have to accelerate our plans. Send in our spokesman tomorrow, announce that we've found good-hearted champions to parlay with the beastie. That should stop the priests from thinking they need to get involved. He raises his voice slightly. Did we decide who was going to be our spokesperson?

2009-07-03, 03:41 AM

Lazarus merely nodded as he worked. Giles stood nearby, impassive as always, handing him tools. In point of fact, Giles had been the one to to the mundane shaping - the man was a genius when it came to craftsmanship, his supreme competence as evident there as in all his other endeavors. Lazarus simply let Tom talk, interjecting a small question or noise of agreement here and there to make it clear he was listening, but not bothering to contribute much to the conversation, focused as his attention was.

2009-07-03, 06:46 AM

As people rush in to help, Eshalyn promptly swoons and pretends to faint.
[roll0] Bluff check
When they 'revive' her
it was awful...we never had a chance...they came without warning...no threats, no challenges, no warnings to retreat from wherever we were...they didnt even try to talk to us...some people say some dragons are good, but its not true...when it comes right down to it, all dragons think of us as worthless for anything other than food
Eshalyn continues to wince and flinch whenever a priest touches her to apply healing, turning a 'pain-ravaged' face to each in turn
my comrades...they were eaten...i saw it happen...blood and... she shudders at the 'memory' they deserve to be avenged...they cant be saved now, nothing left in the dragons belly...the dragons need to pay

2009-07-03, 05:13 PM
the priests look worried, and several return to the church to converse...

2009-07-03, 10:57 PM
Daken steps out, upon finding the crowd he works his way to the center, with his hood still pulled up, doing his best to look slightly mysterious, When he sees the wounds, he Says, Weel, eem uh trained Dragon huntah, and I'd haf to say det dat looks like the wounds of them Bronze Dragons, nasty beasties dey are, just strike wi'out warnin and they kin soitantly do a numbah on the unprepahed. (again, the accent is part of his disguise, neither i nor The character actually approve of the brogue)
my bluff check, if i need one, after all Bronze dragons do swoop out of nowhere to strike those they believe are evil, so I'm only leaving some information out, not outright lying
wow, natural 20

2009-07-03, 11:29 PM
Cargean, watching the scene unfold, realizes what just happened, Oh no, he said Bronze Dragon, those were Copper Dragon's we saw. He either ruined his dragon hunter credibility or now we have to find a bronze dragon to kill. Damnit! Cargean yells, firing off a small bit of lightning at a fly in the room, destroying it utterly.

2009-07-03, 11:57 PM
Daken, Catching his own istake immediatly stammers out Crap, ever since dat dragon nailed me in de head i've been wandering in me own thoughts, ya know, jus sorta drifitin off and sayin the wrong things, wounds like that are Copper dragon work, not bronze (He's going to use the Chamelon ring to add a massive scar to the side of his face) Both are vicious little buggahs, but the copper dragons are even worse, they attack anyone and anything for any reason, as he does this, daken whips off his hood revealing the scar

2009-07-04, 12:34 AM
Thank goodness Cargean says, breathing a sigh of relief, I knew he was smarter than that, he meant to say Bronze. It lends credence with a knock to the head.

2009-07-04, 12:48 AM

Eshalyn looks up to the person speaking to her.

It all happened so quickly, I really didnt get a good look at their coloring. It could have been copper, it could have been bronze. Please, do you know of any hunters that could come and aid with the problem these good folk are about to have? We werent looking for trouble and those dragons attacked for no reason. This town will be their next target for sure. They will need protection.

Vox Clamantis
2009-07-04, 12:49 AM
Cluverius is still in the main room, but he's getting frustrated by his lack of control. Waiting for someone else to do a job doesn't seem to sit well with him. The old wizard is fidgeting with the crystal device he'd brought with him, and he keeps polishing its spotless lenses unnecessarily. Damn. Since things seem to be in hand, I'll be in my chambers. Gormengast, stay here and monitor the plan. If anything goes awry, come and inform me. The devil manages to extinguish a frown before it forms, and nods. Fierna, take me to my chambers!

The she-devil surreptitiously wraps her tail around his ankle, and the two disappear with a slight pop of sudden vacuum.

2009-07-04, 09:23 AM
the priests turns away with a grave look on his face. "oh god, what are we going to do! oh god, a dragon!"

2009-07-04, 10:09 AM
Not just any adventurers can take on a dragon, but i've heard that recently a group of adventurers had shown up at the Citadel of the righteous path, perhaps they could be enlisted to help us, the gods know i'm getting to old for this kind of endavour now As he says this, Daken directs the crowd towards the Alcazr

2009-07-04, 12:37 PM
the entire crowd led by several preists walks to alcazar and knocks on the door.

Vox Clamantis
2009-07-04, 09:22 PM
Cluverius has barely settled himself down to a good book - Fierna having seated herself in a chair in the corner and looking displeased at being ignored once again - when Gormengaust pops into the center of the room, a mean-spirited smirk on his face.

There's a mob outside the gates. Cluverius slams his book shut, but the devil continues before he can say anything. It seems that one of your 'allies' has lead them here. Best look to your hide, master, before the riffraff singe it from your back.

Oh, be silent. Hm. Is this a double-cross? Why would they make their move now, before they have anything to gain from it? In the corner of the room, still draped over a chair, Fierna chuckles to herself. No point in worrying over it now, I suppose. Gormengast, take on the appearance of the druid. Fierna, bring the three prisoners from the dungeon to the front gate. If my colleagues seek to test us, we'll have to prove just how resourceful we can be.

Having said as much, Cluverius speaks two words in the langues of magic and becomes totally undetectable by any sense, no longer even making sound as he breathes. A moment later a perfect illusion of the adventuring mage so recently murdered by Lazarus wavers into being and marches out of the room and down towards the gate. Gormengast follows behind, bearing now the face and shape of the druid.

Gormengast is using Polymorph Self to become the druid.

Fierna's going to Greater Teleport to the dungeons and then Greater Teleport herself and the three prisoners to the main gate, still under her domination.

Cluverius just cast Superior Invisibility and Permanent Image, allowing him to concentrate on maintaining the illusion of the mage without being detected.

To the mob (and anyone else witnessing), it will appear exactly as though the mage, druid, and three fighters from the adventuring party are answering the summons.

2009-07-04, 09:43 PM
(ooc they coming out now, or what?)

2009-07-04, 10:03 PM
As Cargean sees the "Adventurers" Leaving the castle, he will begin calling on the winds and lightning itself to disperse these troublesome townsfolk. Let me show you why the storm should be feared! Cargean says softly, as sparks begin to gather around his hands.

Cargean is using his call storm power. It's like Control Weather cast by a druid of my level (19) and can only summon a windstorm, thunderstorm, or hurricane force winds. Casting time ten minutes

2009-07-04, 10:04 PM
Storm's duration
[roll0] hours doubled. Storm effects a three mile radius

Vox Clamantis
2009-07-04, 10:09 PM
Inside the main entrance, Fierna, Cluverius, Gormengast, the three warriors, and the illusory mage convene. The invisible wizard's voice orders the devils quickly in preparation for their performance.

Gormengast, keep silent. If you're asked a question, play your part and volunteer nothing.

Fierna, command the men to stay behind and follow my lead, agreeing with whatever I say. Then go back to the main room and remain there until I come for you.

Cluverius, invisible, pulls the door open and has the illusory mage appear to answer it, Gormengast and the rest behind. Yes, hello? What's this? Can we help you with something?

2009-07-04, 10:28 PM
"we heard you could handle a problem with dragons? they just attacked this one. we REALLY need your help." he looks worried...

Vox Clamantis
2009-07-04, 10:55 PM
The illusory mage holds up his hands to quiet the crowd, who were muttering quietly. Yes, we know. We have in fact already been contracted by the Society whose castle this is to seek out the dragon and speak with it on behalf of the townspeople. Behind him, Gormengast is looking surly as the druid, but nods anyway. The three fighters wag their heads more enthusiastically, still obeying Fierna. We will set out tomorrow. Don't worry; we've handled dragons before. And even if we should fall, the Society has promised to lend you their protection. One way or another, this problem will be dealt with!

2009-07-04, 11:06 PM
"thank the heavons" (gain 2 xp, for using correct colloring. Just vox) a look of relief falls over the crowd and they slowly disperse.

Vox Clamantis
2009-07-04, 11:14 PM
The illusory mage stands in the doorway, looking confident and nodding agreeably at anyone who meets his eye. When the crowd has completely dispersed, Cluverius has the illusion walk back inside and then closes the door and bolts it. With a thought he dispels the illusion and his invisibility.

Bah. Foolishness. Gormengast, get Fierna down here to lead these idiots back to their cells. And resume your normal disguise, damn you.

Completely irritable, he casts a spell and teleports to the war room. Upon seeing Cargean's storm appearing outside the window, he grunts approvingly. Good. That should keep those morons in their houses, stop them from asking questions. Now, I told the people that the adventurers would set out tomorrow. It would be incredible, but not impossible, for them to find the dragon on the first day. Therefore I say we should destroy the dragon the day after tomorrow at the very latest. Cargean, what say you?

Yay, 2 xp. :smallamused:

2009-07-04, 11:15 PM

Now cured of her "injuries" Eshalyn pushes her way to the front of the mob.
I was the one who was attacked by the dragons. I can provide you with the information you need as to where and when they attacked me and my group.
Eshalyn proceeds to walk up the steps to be with the group.
I just hope my information can be of help as she walks by.

As she walks deeper into the castle. she passes by Fierna, and smirks at the devil, sticking out her tongue as well.
So sorry to spoil your fun, but I got better.

2009-07-04, 11:28 PM
Cargean finishes casting his spell and looks at Cluverius, I think your plan sounds just fine. I'm just glad I got to bring the storm around. By my calculations it will last for around 45 hours, giving us time to kill the dragon without anyone from the town really being able to do anything.

Cargean then walks over to Eshalyn, Are you ok my dear? I hope those fool priests were able to heal you without too much idiocy and carrying on about gods and such. I was a little worried about you and ready to get you out of the town at a moments notice, but it is good to know you can take care of yourself.

2009-07-04, 11:55 PM

Eshalyn smiles at Cargean.
They barely said a word about deities as they were healing me. The stupid fools were probably too busy falling over themselves to be the first to touch me. But its good to know that you were watching out for me. I like having a knight protector that will rescue me.

2009-07-05, 12:02 AM
I don't know if Knight is the right word, but I like to keep an eye on those I care about Cargean said, blushing slightly,

2009-07-05, 12:42 AM

Lazarus emerged at last from his tower, having just finished the laborious process of enchantment, and left the druid with Tom for safekeeping. Giles followed bearing a small white box, tied with gold ribbon, which he gave Eshalyn. Inside was a diaphanous, shimmering shirt, cunningly woven of fine silk, but as strong as steel - though it would provide neither the protective properties of armor (at least, not directly, though the enchantment upon it certainly would.) nor its hindrance to a spellcaster. The shirt itself appeared almost as snakeskin, and a small embroidered snake above the right breast had an eye of black sapphire, which held the gem used to power the enchantment

Lazarus smiled wryly at both of them. "Good afternoon. Or whatever time it is. I tend to lose track when I work. In any case, you two are just precious. Reminds me rather of my brother and his wife, the Princess. Though obviously, less wretchedly wholesome." He grinned wider. "I hope this little trifle is to your liking, my dear." he added.

2009-07-05, 12:52 AM
Cargean looks at Lazarus wit a wry grin,from anyone else, I would take that as an insult Lazarus. Eyeing the shirt in Eshalyn's hands, Cargean says, You do very good work my friend, perhaps you would be the one to ask about perhaps helping me procure a glove that would allow me to cast the druid spell faerie fire. Tis a delightful little spell. Cargean then turns back to Eshalyn, they seem to be talking quietly to one another.

Vox Clamantis
2009-07-05, 01:56 AM
Cluverius, partly - but not completely - over his irritation, acknowledges Lazarus and his omnipresent butler with a curt nod. Lazarus. Fine work there. He's not a man who's free with his compliments. Eshalyn, Lazarus: what do you say to killing the dragon the day after tomorrow? Any one of us would be sufficient to the task, but I thought we might make a day of it. Bring a picnic, perhaps? The briefest ironic smile curls the corners of his lips.

Does anyone have anything they're planning to do before then? If the answer is no, I'll just update Cluverius' spells memorized and be ready for the outing.

2009-07-05, 09:04 AM
Tom comes walking in, leading the druid. "Did anyone else want the druid for anything?"

2009-07-05, 11:19 AM
Daken is going to slip by the crowd, and walk through the castle wall before heading up into the meeting room (he carries alot of magic items, dosen't he). I hope i did'nt do to badly, that was a stupid slip, messing up lke that, but it seems to me they didn't even notice iI slipped out of character, when did we plan to do the actual killing?

2009-07-05, 12:40 PM

Eshalyn shakes out the shirt to completely display the completed item, and beams with a wide smile. You can tell she is very impressed with the workmanship, and the nice detail of the snake sigil. Without a second thought to the number of people present, she casually strips off her current upper robes, and slips into the new shirt. It fits over her like a glove, displaying her curves perfectly, as she turns this way and back to model it.

Thisss isss exactly what I wassss looking for, thank you ssso much Lazarusss. It will make me that much harder to deal with in a pitched battle.

She turns to Cluverious as she hears him mention the dragon.

Dont you dare cut me out of that fun with a laugh I have a nice potent combo ssspell that Im itching to unleasssh on one of them. Im presssuming you want the biggessst one for your componentsss, ssso I will concentrate my attacksss on one of the lessssser beassstsss....because there wont be much left of it after it tearsss through it. Day after tomorrow isss fine with me for the hunt.

She turns back to Cargean after that, and the two of them seem to drift off together.

2009-07-05, 05:14 PM

Lazarus looked at his creation with a critical eye as Eshalyn donned it, then smiled approvingly. "Good... yes, it looks good. Of course, I daresay anything would, given whose wearing it." He laughed a warm, wicked little laugh, and his fingers twitched, sparks of green and violet dancing between them like the harbingers of a storm. "Indeed... I look forward to it. It shall be... interesting."

Vox Clamantis
2009-07-05, 07:06 PM
Cluverius looks at the druid sternly for a moment - the druid withers a little beneath this heartless glare - before seeming to make up his mind. You. Come here. When the druid cringes back, the old wizard points ominously at his forehead and begins to mutter in Infernal. After a moment, the druids eyes glaze slightly, as though he were distracted. Cluverius stops moving, simply staring into the druid's eyes for a little over a minute before tearing his eyes away.

Alright, I have what I need. A few words complete another spell, and all fear leaves the druid's face, leaving him looking contented and at peace. Somebody get our friend here to the dungeon.

First, he cast Probe Thoughts (6th level, Spell Compendium, DC 33). If the druid fails (I assume he will), Cluverius gets complete access to all of his memories and thoughts. Technically he should get 21 questions, but I'll summarize what he wants to know:

- the names of the adventurers (including the dead mage) (five questions)
- each of their professions (five questions)
- where each is from (five questions)
- why they came to this town (five questions)

You don't have to tell me all of the details. If you want to save time, just say that Cluverius knows the answers and we can go from there. :smalltongue:

Also, that last spell was just Charm Monster (DC 34).

2009-07-05, 07:49 PM
"Cluverius, is gathering components going to leave the corpse intact? A zombified dragon makes an excellent siege weapon, or a mount for that matter. The souls are not necessary for a zombie, so that means you can feel free to bind them, Lazarus."

Tom prods Azazel to get his attention. "Stare any longer and your eyeballs are going to fall out of your skull."

"No idea what you're talking about. None whatsoever.

"Do me a favor and fetch enough black onyx to reanimate the other dragons; I'm only carrying enough for one, and I have to show our friend here to his room."

Tom hands Azazel his Handy Haversack, and he flies off. Tom proceeds to the dungeon, druid in tow.

2009-07-05, 08:47 PM
FYI, Eshalyn and Cargean aren't in the room anymore

2009-07-05, 09:53 PM
(OOC culveris knows the ansewers :smalltongue:)

2009-07-06, 10:49 AM
(the day is gonna draw to a close.... tell me if you guys have anything to do that night. I'll wait a little then post the sunrise.)

2009-07-06, 11:39 AM
Daken commands the pool to show the dragons once more, and peruses the cave for interesting features (runes, weaponizable stalactites, illusions, precariously balanced boulder etc...)
will save, for illusions is

Vox Clamantis
2009-07-06, 12:47 PM
Cluverius is done for the day. But remember, we're going to give it one more day before we go and fight the dragons. Just in case you want to skip right to then, Cluverius isn't going to do much until then, anyway (except maintain the spells on the prisoners).

2009-07-06, 03:43 PM
Tom's not going to do anything either. He'll stand guard over the prisoners overnight, "resting" for eight hours because it is in no way a demanding job. Azazel gave him back his Handy Haversack with another 500 gp of onyx, and he is now sleeping in his shrine.

2009-07-06, 04:11 PM

Eshalyn as well is done for the day

2009-07-06, 04:24 PM
As is Lazarus. Any reason we're using spoilers? :smalltongue:

2009-07-06, 05:20 PM
Cargean is also finished with what he wanted to do today

2009-07-06, 09:04 PM
soo can Daken see invisible things?

2009-07-07, 03:22 PM
No, but as an elf he has much better vision in low light than humans do (he can see normally in low light, torch light, or starlight)

2009-07-07, 03:24 PM
the dragons are an illusion. there are no dragons.

2009-07-07, 03:40 PM
The next morning When Daken Arises still shooting coloumns of fire, he immediately makes his way over to the meeting room to wait for everyone else, he seems slightly impatient

Vox Clamantis
2009-07-07, 03:47 PM
Cluverius is already in the meeting room when the others awaken, seated in a large chair that he seems to have teleported in from his own chambers. Fierna is seated on his lap, but all of his attention seems to be focused on the rather large, arcane tome that he holds with his free hand. Gormengast stands behind the chair, looking typically disgusted with the world.

The old wizard looks up as Daken enters. Ah, good morning. You seem overly troubled for a man whose agenda is so well advanced. Is there something wrong?

2009-07-07, 03:56 PM
I was studying the pool last night, and i have come to the conclusion that the dragons are illusions, someone or something created an image, i just barley noticed it, but this changes all our plans, we should probably still go, but be ready for actual heavy combat with something when we get there, perhaps we could attempt to work a true seeing through the scrying pool to confirm my conclusion and see if the illusions creator is still there As he says this, Daken, Clearly agitated drops into his seat and says this could put a crimp in our plans, unless we do some good spinning, it could be that whatever is there could be killed anyways, for treasure, which was the original goal, but we'll need a good reason.

2009-07-07, 04:00 PM

If it is sunny when Eshalyn awakes, she will be out on her favourite rock, sunning herself. However, I believe Cargean was raising a storm that was going to last for some time. If that is the case, she will be standing by the window, looking out at her favourite rock, not impressed with the fact that she cannot be sunning herself.
She looks up at Daken as he enters.
Summon up the images of the dragons then. I have the ability to cast "True Seeing" on myself or someone else. Lets see what illusions and invisible tricks our dragon friends have planned for us.

2009-07-07, 04:08 PM
Daken commands the pool "Show me the cavern that housed the illusory dragons

2009-07-07, 05:23 PM
Tom comes up from the dungeons, his ridiculous mood seemingly intact."The druid talks in his sleep, and has some very interesting dreams. Anyway, I heard talk of illusions. What's going on?

Vox Clamantis
2009-07-07, 05:29 PM
Cluverius has closed his book and is trying desperately to glower at the lovely devil draped across his lap. For some reason he can't seem to look convincingly displeased. It would seem that we've been hoodwinked. I should have been more specific in my instructions to these two he clearly means the two smiling devils since I'm sure they spotted the illusion instantly.

The surprisingly robust old scholar pushes Fierna off of him and stands, moving over to the scrying pool. Weaving a symbol in the air with one finger, he casts a spell and then stares into the pool, seeing now through all deceptions.

He just cast True Seeing on himself.

2009-07-07, 05:41 PM
"Wonderful. What do you see?"

2009-07-07, 06:06 PM

As usual, Lazarus remained unsurprised by this turn of events. He simply waited for his comrade to discover what the nature of the deception was, so that they could resolve the situation appropriately.

2009-07-07, 06:53 PM
you see the same number of dragons and same ages. but they are translucent. (if you have knowledge roles, (LAZARUS!) role em.)

2009-07-07, 07:05 PM
"Describe what you see. I can probably identify it."
[roll0] Knowledge: Arcana

Vox Clamantis
2009-07-07, 07:37 PM
Cluverius studies the pool without speaking for several interminable moments.

Knowledge Checks:

Unsure which applies.

2009-07-07, 07:52 PM

Lazarus pondered the information he'd been given, attempting to discern what sort of creatures they might be facing.

Edit: So... what are they?

2009-07-07, 08:41 PM
(sorry for delay) you can dicern them to be Force dragons. you do not dicern how or why they had the illusion they were copper dragons, when they are invisible.

2009-07-07, 08:45 PM
Assuming Lazarous is telling us this stuff:

Force dragons? Crap those things are dangerous little suckers, meet up with one and you'll be out of commission for weeks at a time, i say we act to remove them now, or soon, their usually solitary so we eliminate them, and claim they were a great threat to everyone nearby. We should probably rest up, prepare our spells and take them out real soon

2009-07-07, 09:03 PM

I am not familiar with Force Dragonsss, what can you tell me about them. What sssort of immunitiesss do they have, are there any ssspellsss that will not affect them at all? I can ussse a ssspell that will lower their resssissstance to ssspellsss, but sssometimesss thatsss not enough.

Eshalyn waits for the information, while she does so, she casts her own true seeing on himself and looks at the dragons.

Vox Clamantis
2009-07-07, 09:03 PM
Cluverius continues to stare, unblinking, at the scrying pool.

Hmm. This changes things. That appears to be an very antique force dragon. Notice the sheer size of the beast. I expect it's lived several millenia by now. He seems to have forgotten that many of his companions can't see the dragons. There are demigods who would cower before such a terrible adversary.

He shakes his head, eyes still fixed.

But we do have the advantage of preparation.

Hearing Eshalyn's question, he coughs to clear his throat and then answers.

Magical force effects are useless, as you might have guessed. Only the most powerful weapons in existence do much more than scratch its hide. That dragon will also be, I suspect, more practiced in the arts of magic than any of us. But as I said; we have as much time as we require.

2009-07-07, 09:21 PM
"Well, near as I can tell, it's a sort of trap. Aspiring dragonslayers would go in there with acid immunity and such, and be taken by surprise. Also, Good-aligned adventurers would probably avoid them altogether. I've been around for quite a while now, and I think I've seen enough traps to know how to work them in my favor."

Tom begins to pace, lecturing with the tone of a strategist instructing the army's officers.

"The trick to stopping a trap is never to try and neutralize it. Most folks plan that as the worst case scenario. It's not. The real worst case for them is us springing a trap that we know is there. If we walk in there looking clueless, they'll pounce on what they expect to be helpless foes. When we're prepared, the joke's on them!" He punctuates his last line by slamming his fist into the palm of his hand, but his lack of flesh leaves the effect underwhelming at best.

"So for us, that means we just walk in and fight. I can disable anything ambulatory, and kill anything that can die. I'm sure the rest of us can do the same."

Vox Clamantis
2009-07-07, 10:05 PM
Cluverius catches Fierna's eye and shakes his head. The temptress smiles broadly. No. This is not an enemy we can face head-on. I've bound a Demon Lord of the Abyss so thoroughly that he obeys my summons in an instant, but I tell you that I'm no match for a dragon of that species and such an advanced age. He rubs his curly white beard thoughtfully. We must use cunning. Coordination is our only chance.

2009-07-07, 10:17 PM
"Impressive. Both on your part and the dragon's. Strange that these Force dragons don't make use of their power. I'd expect something as powerful as you say to rule planes, not squat in caves."

He turns away, taking a seat. "Again, I've led a lot of battles. When you're shockingly outclassed by an enemy, you do something unexpectable."

"I meant to say "unexpectable", by the way. We need to come up with something that nobody would even consider. Unfortunately, we're somebody considering it."

2009-07-07, 11:07 PM

Lazarus sat silently, pondering the problem. He was having trouble seeing any way to defeat the creatures that didn't leave them dead, but he wasn't about to abandon the problem so easily...

2009-07-08, 11:12 AM
not clear are you guys watching the pool?

EDIT: and if so what is the pool watching?

2009-07-08, 11:21 AM

Eshalyn continues to watch the dragons in the pool, her true seeing still active.

2009-07-08, 11:44 AM
Ahh, well then the largest of the dragons is now going out to get food. now that she ( I should have siad this earlier, but with Lazarus's ungodly knowledge check you can now know that one of of the younger is male the other female, with the ancient being female also.) you now see that it is a small you room cave. as I siad the ancient now leaves the cave.

2009-07-08, 11:53 AM

Tear yourssselvesss away from your musssingsss...or ssstaring at Fierna, however nice that may be...the mother dragon isss on the move, foraging for whatever it isss that force dragonsss eat

2009-07-08, 11:58 AM
(ooc what are you gonna watch the mother or the kids?)

2009-07-08, 12:11 PM
"Focus on the ancient one. If we learn when and where she hunts, we can kidnap her young while she's out!"

2009-07-08, 12:21 PM

Lazarus rolled his eyes. Yes, because kidnapping the dragon's young will make our task much easier. No... I say we simply ambush her while she's out. I'll prepare a series of spells designed to reduce her brain to a quivering bowl of pudding. After she's neutralized, we'll have an easier time dealing with her young ones.

2009-07-08, 12:29 PM
"Can you bypass her resistance to magic?"

2009-07-08, 12:35 PM

Lazarus smiled. "Of course. I've a spell that, with a few successive castings, will allow me to bypass it completely,"