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2009-06-28, 02:14 PM
A sickness has come unto the simple mining community
of Duvik’s Pass, poisoning their wells and blighting
their crops. With the pestilence leaving the strongest
men of the town’s guard a few short days away from
death, the burden of descending into the mines and
purging the wellspring of whatever evil has settled there
falls to an intrepid band of adventurers. Can these noble
heroes prevail within the depths of Duvik’s Pass, or will
they too fall victim to the perils of The Burning Plague?

2009-07-01, 07:44 AM
(OOC: A smaller, though incredibly rough and burly, armored dwarf approaches you, the greatsword on his back seeming almost too big for someone of his height. He's about 4'2" and unconventionally bald with not even a beard. He looks friendly enough, yet still has a wild sense about him.)

Greetins fellow adventurers! I am Xjremon, dwarven barbarian of the forests and marshes somewhere northeast of Baldur's Gate, where I grew to be the package of fury that I am today. I was abandoned long ago, long fore I knew me head from arse, and since then I learned to survive on me own. I won't be needin any help from the likes of ye, no more than to be watchin me back and expectin to do the same for ye. And don't go gettin any ideas on turnin on me anytime soon, else you'll soon have me sword sheathed in yer gut. Me height aint me strongest quality, yet nobody seems to have much of a problem with it more than once.

I hear Duvik's Pass is needin some sort of help with their water or somethin of that nature. Who's up for some mine divin? I do recall them havin some nice stones down that way. (OOC: Typical dwarf, huh?)

Now what in the blazes are ye comin from? (OOC: You're pretty sure that he's asking 'how are you' or 'what are we going to do' in his seemingly outlandish dwarven dialect.)

2009-07-01, 08:15 AM
(OCC: A dwarf walks into view. He is 4'5" and adorned with an unfortunate amount of hair on his head and face. The beard wraps it's way all the way down to his belt in a messy line. It can be clearly seen that tucking it in has proven to be of almost no use. The curly hairs are tangled within themselves like a thick wall of ivy. His eyes are a deep blue, his face is scarred from battle, and his disposition is that of any other typical dwarf. Brazen, gruff, and ready to kill something.)

"Aye, ye be lookin fer a helpin hand I hear? I be the one ye want. Me name's Orthros, of clan Stoneblood. Ye tell me where to go, and I go. I kill it. And I be done. Plain and simple. Course ye can't kill water now can ye? BAHAHAHAHA!!!"

(Points towards Xjremon.)

"Ye seem to be a wee bit wild. And ye smell like the arse of a dragon! I like it!"

2009-07-01, 09:05 AM
(OOC: In utter bewilderment of Orthos' straightforward comments, Xjremon takes quite the gander at this other dwarf. A bit taller than he, but still no match for Xjremon in his own regard. He turns to the other adventurer, unsure of what to think, waiting for this foreigner's reply.)

*... in the forest...* (The beginning and end of this muttering is unheard by anybody, most definitely because neither was spoken.)

Well aint that somethin! Yer from that Stoneblood clan, ye? I came in acquaintance to one of yer own years ago in the forest. Saved 'er life, I did. I don't take too kindly to nobody that lets their kindred out from their eye, but ye seem to serve rightly, so I'll be overlookin that fact and be givin ye a fresh start in me eye. She was one of a kind, she was, and she served me rightly for several moons for savin 'er life. (OOC: Xjremon looks up, thinking of the possibility of having his own lineage running around with the female dwarf he saved.)

(Xjremon turns to the third adventurer, still yet to speak.)
So, what be yer likings?

2009-07-02, 04:59 AM
OOC: Saige stands before the two dwarves and casually speaks.

"My name is Saige and I was orphaned at a young age. My parents were both killed by vampires, but they didnt kill me. Instead they dragged me off back to their fortress where they were keeping the other children, whose parents they slayed< to raise them as thrall and slave to them and their overlord. I was able to escape when a group of adventurers infiltrated their fortress and caused enough pandemonium that I could get out unnoticed. I wandered the wilderness until i was picked up by a squad of guards on patrol. They took me to the city and i was left to grow up in and orphanage. during the two years I was there I discovered I had an affinity for magic. From then on I vowed I would grow stronger in this magic and one day I would use it to find the monsters responsible for stealing my childhood, and send them all to hell."

2009-07-02, 11:10 AM
(OOC: Xjremon gazes at Saige, unsure of exactly what Saige is. He seems to believe Saige is human, however he has seen some disastrously ugly looking elves before... Nevertheless, Saige's sob story causes Xjremon to do just that. He wipes a tear from his eye.)

Well me thinks we were put off in the same problem, Saige. If it be yer wishes, ye have me sword if I have yer... yer... what be it ye actually DO? Do ye dance for yer enemies and then whack 'em with yer sap? Me eye has seen some of yer kind in the eastern parts, and I don't take too kindly to 'em. Ye had better start explainin yerself, robed person.

And ye! What are ye doin over there just starin at we three?

2009-07-02, 11:54 AM
(OCC: To Xjremon)
"Aye, she was a fine lass. But the Stonebloods be a mighty large clan. Keepin me eye out for er would'a been like tryin ter count the stars. Well, in a manner of speakin o' course."

(OCC: To Saige)
"Ye look a wee bit comfy there me friend, aye. What with ye restin on yer walkin stick and yer robes all flutterin about."

*Looks towards the third person in the clearing*

"Indeed. What be yer business me friend?"

2009-07-02, 03:23 PM
OOC: Looking ready for adventure in his long red tunic and his pocketed travelers pants; Saige looks to Xjremon and gives him a casual smile

" Well met then friends. In turn for your lending me your sword in my vengence, so shall I lend you the power of my magics." (He says as he waves his hand causing tiny little balls of flame to dance around in his palm.)
"And I assure you that I am a human, but I've only ever heard stories of people who could use magic, I never thought I would manifest the ability to do so. So I guess if you were to call me anything, I suppose itt would be a sorcerer. But my powers arent all that strong yet, so what I cant do with magic, Ill do with my shortspear and my crossbow." (He says as he juts a thumb in a pointing gesture towards the two weapons crossed in an X on his back and thumbs tthe hilt of the dagger hanging from his belt.)

2009-07-03, 10:35 PM
Orthos, me thinks ye and I need to get our sight checked out rightly soon! Surely there was a person standin right here with us, but alas, we be standin here in the presence of no others! Come. Me thinks a round o' ale should help.

(OOC: Xjremon motions for Orthos and Saige to come to the bar with him and pays for a round of drinks, waiting for the next lead to this adventure.)

2009-07-04, 09:15 AM
On your way to the bar you notice the town is unusally quiet and seems deserted. One soul is seen on the road, he appears to be a human beggar with dirty, ragged clothing. The man is sitting in the dirt, leaning against a building--taking a nap so it seems. Hearing your approach, he lifts his head and rasps a greeting. You notice he is not that much older than a boy, but the sweat soaking him through even on this mild day and the sound of this throat scratching voice says there is something not right with him. "Are you here to help?" the lad says with desperation clear in his tone. "Surely you are sent as a boon of the Gods. Please heroes, save us." Gasping for breath now, he points down the road where you can see a cave entrance in the mountain with mining equipment strewn about.

2009-07-04, 10:33 AM
Thank ye lad, we wont let ye down!

(OOC: Xjremon offers the boy some water from his waterskin and runs on down to the mine to see what disasters lay ahead.)

2009-07-04, 05:19 PM
OOC: Saige calls out to his dwarf companions

"Hold friends!"

OOC: He runs his fingers through his short black hair for a moment as he looks around, then bends do and picks up pretty hefty looking stick. He pulls out his dagger and cuts a good size groove in the top. He looks around once more and then bends to find a good medium-size rock. Forcing the rock into the groove as he continues walking towards his companions.

"We are going to need something that will allow us to see"

OOC: He tells them as he places a hand on the rock embedded in the sitck. His hand lingers for a moment and as he draws his hand away the rock can be seen now glowing with bright white light.

"Now that is taken care of, I think my freinds that we should proceed with caution, as we don't know what lies ahead for us inside. So, who wants to take the lead?"

2009-07-04, 06:18 PM
Finally me eye found what yer used for, Saige! Keep up that quick thinkin, and ye may be kept round longer'n originally intended. (OOC: Xjremon gives a quick wink and a pat on the back to Saige, reaching for the makeshift torch the sorcerer just created.)

I'll gladly take front and center on the way down this mine. We wouldn't want Orthos shakin in his boots, now would we!

2009-07-04, 08:08 PM
A cool breeze drifts down from the towering peaks of the Serpentcoil Mountains as you behold the entrance to the caverns. The frost-rimed
ground is littered with tools, picks and shovels, some of which protrude from soft banks of snow. A single darkened shaft leads into the depths of
the mine ahead. The dirt path beneath its wooden support structure is covered with stone debris, a few pieces of which occasionally glint with the
slightest hint of ore. No light issues forth from the tunnel. Burnt-out torches are strewn across the floor, their brackets torn from the shaft walls.
Behind you, the worn road leads back through the crags to the valley below. Aside from the quiet whistling of the wind, complete silence fills the
small clearing within the mountains.

2009-07-04, 10:27 PM
Well here we go. (OOC: Xjremon heads into the cave, makeshift torch held high, peering into the darkness, greatsword drawn, intent on any changes in sight or sound.)

2009-07-05, 06:59 AM
You see the wooden supports to the tunnel are chipped and torn as well as being stained with blood, as if having been damaged in recent battle.The mineshaft heads north into the mountain and slants downward at a gradual incline.
The tunnel opens into a small, roughly rectangular chamber. Scattered chunks of silver ore surround an overturned pair of wooden carts. The
lower half of what appears to be a human body juts out from beneath one of the cart’s edges. It shows no signs of movement. Dried blood is smeared across the northern wall in several places. Exits lead to the west and the east.
The west exit is a tunnel. The east exit is a gradually sloping ramp that leads downward.

2009-07-05, 12:19 PM
(OOC: Xjremon approaches the mining cart that is overturned onto the body and attempts to push the cart back to its normal position--strength check: 18-- and then checks the body for signs of life. Looking between the east and west exits, he motions the party to the east exit that leads farther down the mine.)

2009-07-05, 03:08 PM
OOC: Saige silently watches as Xjremon overturns the minecar and checks the body on the ground. He then starts to approach the exit towards where the dwaf nodded. He pauses and looks the body over to see if any markings were left on the body that might indicate how this person died. He glimpses up at Xjremon and Orthos and sends them a telepathic message, before examining the body further.

"Stay alert! We dont yet know what kind of foe these people faced. So we must be ready for anything."

2009-07-05, 03:34 PM
(OOC: Never having been introduced to such magics before, Xjremon drops the makeshift torch and runs back towards the entrance of the mine, screaming like a little dwarven girl.)

Aaaaarhhhhhhhhh!!! Me head is speakin to me! Orthos, Saige! Ye've got to help me! I don't know what be down in this mine, but it's not by the likes ever seen by me eye!

2009-07-05, 03:51 PM
OOC: Saige jumps up from examining the dead body, startled by the dwarves piercing scream. Realizing what scared the dwarf, Saige frowns and his face falls into his and as stands for a second and shakes his head. He than starts chasing after dwarf to try and calm his terror.

"No no, it was me! Wait! Stop! I sent you that message in your head!"

2009-07-05, 06:12 PM
Oh ye and yer magics! I oughta have yer arm for that one, witch! Ye coulda had me killed like that! Now don't be botherin me with the likes of yer fancy doodles anymore!

(OOC: Xjremon, ashamed that his party heard his girlish scream, heads back down to where he dropped the makeshift torch, picks it up, and keeps moving.)

2009-07-05, 09:18 PM
The man's body is obviously the victim of foul play, having suffered several puncture wounds to the chest and neck area.
Once you turn the cart over, a small object falls from the ground and creates a deafening bang.
[Rolling Fort save: Xjremon:17, Saige: 15, Orthos:26]
Luck is with you today, you shrug off the ringing in your ears and continue on.
Not far down the tunnel, the incline becomes much steeper. A soft blue luminescence glows in the distance farther down the ramp.
[Dwarven Stonecunning Search:Xjremon:16, Orthos:4]
Before you get to the next cavern, a pit opens up beneath your feet.
[Reflex save:Xjremon:19(9 damage), Saige:8(5 damage), Orthos:14(7 damage)]
You are all in the bottom of a feshly dug pit 20 feet deep.

2009-07-05, 10:16 PM
Well it seems we be in quite a mess, eh? Me mind says it be a good thing there are pitons in me pack to clim out of this hole. Might anybody have some rope to climb with?

2009-07-05, 10:20 PM
"Aye, I have some rope here in me pack."

*Pulls out 100 ft. of silk rope*

"Take what ye need. There also be some Pitons there, if ye be needin the extra supply."

2009-07-05, 10:38 PM
Ah! Here stands a good companion! I have three pitons and ye have four, plus a good length of rope, me eye tells me!

(OOC: Xjremon takes the pitons and rope in order to hammer the pitons into the wall for makeshift steps. He hammers the first piton three feet above ground, with each sequential piton two feet above and offset of the one below it. He then climbs back down to the bottom of the pit.)

Saige, with me height lacking as it does, me thinks ye should take the rope to the top and climb on up to the top, then ye throw us the rope so me and Orthos can get ourselves out of this mess likewise.

2009-07-06, 11:37 AM
OOC: Saige takes the rope and starts to climb. (climb check roll of 9)

2009-07-07, 12:02 PM
(OOC: Xjremon grabs the rope that Saige drops down and climbs up the piton steps--climb check 20--; once out of the pit, Xjremon regains his composure and begins walking down the hallway to the east... again.)

2009-07-07, 09:41 PM
Once you are all together out of the pit, the east tunnel take you to an enormous cavern extending upward for at least 100 feet, climbing high into the bowels of the mountain. Glowing blue-green lichens creep across the rough walls and man-sized stalagmites protruding from the ground in this area, their faint light growing and then diminishing again every few seconds. The illumination occasionally highlights small flecks of silver, which glitter in the face of the great western wall of the cave. Several cables hang down from the edge of a wide hollow within that wall. The hollow penetrates deep into the west face of the cavern and begins about 20 feet above where you stand. The air here feels cool and damp.

2009-07-07, 11:24 PM
Me thinks I'll be comin back down this way to be minin in these walls when I have me chance! Just take yer looks at the speckles in this wall! It be mighty convenient for these cables to be hangin down like they be here.

(OOC: Xjremon grabs hold of several of the cables, giving them a nice good tug to make sure they are held in place securely. When that is taken care of, Xjremon proceeds to climb up one of the cables--climb check 14--and check out the hollow.)

2009-07-08, 03:46 AM
As you test out the cables, you hear skittering above in the hollow as small pebbles fall down on you, the familiar twang of multiple bowstrings being released followed by a volley of crossbowbolts raining down on you. Most of these are far from accurate while a few are narrowly missing you, or bouncing off of your armor. Illuminated by the blue-green lichen, a band of kobolds can be seen above.
(OOC: roll initiative and your first action since these guys can't hit a brick wall it seems)

2009-07-08, 03:09 PM
OOC: Saige pulls out his crossw bow and opens fire at one of the Kobolds (initiative roll--23)

2009-07-08, 04:45 PM
(OOC: go ahead an make attack and damage rolls. i'll let you know about hit and miss.)

2009-07-08, 05:12 PM
(OOC: Since Xjremon has no ranged weapons, he will just bullheadedly continue to climb up the cables and melee attack the kobolds. --climb check 14, initiative check 10, attack roll 22, 11 damage, targeting the closest kobold to Xjremon--)

2009-07-08, 05:49 PM
(OCC: Orthros will climb up a different cable and proceed to make his way towards the Kobolds. When there, he will attack the nearest to him.)

(Initiative check 22 - Climb check 17 - Attack roll 19 - Damage from attack is 6.)

2009-07-09, 06:57 AM
OOC: (attack roll--9, damage--5)

2009-07-09, 08:09 AM
Xjremon: Your sword slices cleanly through the kobold. It lies at your feet pooling blood no longer breathing.

Orthos: Your axe fells the kobold. It breathes ony shallow breathes.

Saige: Your shot misses the target and bounces harmlessly off the cave wall.

A ray of freezing air and ice speeds past Xjremon. Coming from a kobold behind the others looking an dd mix of frustrated and terrified. In fact, the others are starting to look scared seeing two of their comrades slain so swiftly and completely. Slowly backing up, the kobolds still shoot at the drawven facing them. Again crossbow bolts fly off wildly and bounce off everything but dwarf flesh.

2009-07-09, 10:57 AM
(OOC: At the sight of the kobolds obviously becoming very scared that they, too, will soon become chopping blocks for our blades, Xjremon will further escalate their fears by grabbing the kobold he just killed by the head/hair and holding it up for the others to see and letting out a menacing roar--intimidate check 19--, specifically pointing his blade towards whatever caused this ray of cold to speed past him.)

2009-07-09, 11:09 PM
The kobold in the back who cast the ray seems to be in charge and starts yapping to the others, who then nervously put their weapons down--even those still sheathed. Looking incredibly nervous now, the kobolds all hold their arms crossed in front of their chests looking at you with what seems to be a pleading look.

2009-07-10, 08:53 AM
(OOC: Seeing the kobolds drop their weapons in forfeiture, Xjremon is struck with a playful idea. He, too, drops his weapon.)

So ye wanna have yerselfs a little fist fight with me, eh?! Well me thinks this could be fun! (Xjremon motions for Orthos to do the same, and charges one of the kobolds, grappling it into submission--grapple check 14--)

2009-07-10, 11:17 AM
(OCC: Orthros glances at Xjremon, puts down his axe and shield, and charges the nearest Kobold. Grabbing it by the neck with one hand, he uses his other to grab it's legs and throws it into the leader of the pack.)

(Grapple check 17)

2009-07-10, 04:56 PM
The kobolds offer no resistance to your brutish attacks. The leader gets jumbled with the one thrown into him, gets up to its knees and starts frantically yapping before you, shaking it head "no". The others do the same for they're all now cowering. You start to recognize their words as being Draconic.
Slowly and carefully, the leader pulls out his belt pouch and slids it towards your feet. You hear the jingle of coins.

2009-07-10, 07:48 PM
(OOC: In response to their continued cries for mercy, Xjremon lets go of the kobold in his grasp with a hearty laugh. He gently nudges the pouch of coins back at the kobolds with a kind smile and gentle shake of the head "no". Xjremon then steps back and to the side, giving the kobolds a sweep of his arm with a gentle shooing motion of his hand to show them they can leave.)

2009-07-10, 09:20 PM
With a sigh of relief, the kobolds begin to gather their weapons and a few head to the back of the hollow. A secret door opens and higher pitched yappings can be heard. After a moment, they come back out with supplies and two young kobolds in tow looking terribly skitish. As a group, the kobolds make their way down the cave wall making great use of the cables when lowering their supplies. Last to descend, the leader bows low to you.

2009-07-11, 02:32 AM
OOC: Saige, a great deal surprised by the whole encounter, tries to think of a way to communicate with the creatures.

"I think they are offering us their servitude, but I don't speak draconic."

OOC: Thinks a bit more before he gets an idea.

"I still don't know much about what my powers can do or how strong they are, but I have an idea that might work."

OOC: He says to his comrades as he approaches the leader and waves his hand over the air in between them. (cast comprehend languages). Saige then attempts to get the leader to speak again.

"Can you repeat what you said again?"

2009-07-11, 02:47 AM
(OOC: Good call, Jason.)

2009-07-12, 09:32 AM
the lead kobold starts yapping again, though this time Saige hears Draconic but understands the meaning of the words. It seems he was hoping to offer you the wealth of the “demon” farther down within the mountain in exchange for leaving the group unmolested. He denies that his band had anything to do with the deaths of the miners but consents to leaving the mines if doing so will spare him and his fellows.

2009-07-12, 12:36 PM
OOC: Saige turns and reays the message to the others

2009-07-12, 04:01 PM
Well if they wanna stay, they're alright in me eye. Tell 'em to keep their weapons stayed next time if they don't want their blood to be spilled. Now come on, we've got a mine t'be scouring!

2009-07-12, 06:29 PM
(OCC: Picks up his axe and shield, then follows Xjremon down the path further into the mountain.)

2009-07-13, 12:45 AM
The kobolds get that terrified look again when asked about staying. They say they will leave now and leave you all the ore and gems. They offer advice and warnings: If you really want to continue, the "demon" is farther down the tunnel. Beware the pit of bodies, there is an evil there the villagers and miners have succumb to.

2009-07-13, 02:41 PM
(OOC: Regardless of what the kobolds' retort is, Xjremon continues on his way down the tunnel, leading the way deeper into the mine.)

2009-07-13, 07:19 PM
(OOC: level up guys)
You trek through the tunnel and soon you come to a room where waves of heat wash through the cave, thickening the air and making breathing difficult. This small, bowl-shaped cavern’s floor is littered with humanoid corpses. Rats skitter through the sea of bodies within the sunken floor, pausing occasionally to nibble at a choice morsel. A host of their brethren lie nearby on their backs, some of them still twitching with a few remnants of life. A tunnel’s opening is visible in the eastern wall of this chamber about 40 feet away and, in the distance, the sound of rushing water can be heard.

2009-07-14, 12:51 AM
(OOC: Xjremon ventures to both tunnels' openings to see which one travels down farther into the mine, staying away from the piles of skeletons as much as possible.)

Come lads, me thinks we should be gettin ourselves from this grave.

2009-07-14, 07:53 PM
(OOC: please note edit in previous post. oops. also, bad calculations, you can stay leveled up but it'll be a while before you level again)
As you enter the cavern 4 human zombies and 4 kobolds zombies rise up and attack you.
(OOC:Init, atk, & dmg rolls again)

2009-07-14, 07:57 PM
(OOC: Oooooooooooooooooh Edits!!)

2009-07-14, 08:05 PM
Oh ye want to taste the steel of me blade, eh?! Rid ye to the grave whence ye came!

(OOC: Xjremon attacks the nearest kobold zombie to him--initiative check 8, attack roll 18, damage roll 9--)

2009-07-14, 08:08 PM
*Orthos swings at the closest zombie, while keeping a close eye on Saige in case he needs help*

(OCC: Initiative 17, Attack roll 13, Damage 11.)

2009-07-16, 03:14 AM
OOC: Init.--10 (Cast Mage armor on self = +4 to AC) stands ready with shortspear

2009-07-16, 06:08 PM
(OOC: oh if only zombies could charge...)

Miner Zombie (1): was quickest to the draw--for a zombie--but was mercilessly sliced to ribbons by Orthos' axe.

Orthos: the nearest zombie lumbers right into your axe swing, dropping to the floor. you feel what seems to be a soft touch on his armor.

Miner Zombie (2): shuffling towards Orthos seems to be the most this zombie can muster.

Miner Zombie (3): walks to Xjremon.

Miner Zombie (4): sets his sights on Saige despite the pointy shortspear.

Kobold Zombie (1): swings its fist futilely at Xjremon.

Saige: dodges and bats away zombie fists.

Xjremon: cuts into the zombie, now more tattered than before.

Kobold Zombie (2): lands a rather soft blow on orthos

Kobold Zombie (3): makes Orthos its target.

Kobold Zombie (4): slams its fist right into Xjremon's shoulder, hand now even more mangled.

2009-07-16, 10:47 PM
(OOC: Xjremon swings at his original target again--attack roll 19, damage roll 9--)

Eh, ye'll have to do better than that to rid me, ye walkin pile of bones!

2009-07-17, 01:55 PM
It falls. completely destroyed.

2009-07-21, 01:35 AM
"Bah, me thinks ye want to see an early grave. Or least be it yer second time. BAHAHAHAHA!!!"

*Swings at zombie #2*

(OCC: Attack check 16, Damage roll 8.)

2009-07-21, 10:13 PM
Saige charges zombie 4 and thrusts his spear towards the remains of his skull.....(attack roll = 16, damage = 6

2009-07-22, 08:23 AM
Orthos: your axe slices away chunks of what remains of this rotting heap, but still it comes.

Miner Zombie (2): a swing and a miss to Orthos!

Miner Zombie (3): the lumbering creature can't hid the broad side of a ... well, a dwarf.

Miner Zombie (4): hesitates for a moment after losing sight of its intended victim.

Kobold Zombie (1): its fist connects with Xjremon, barely (2 damage)

Saige: you shatter part of the zombie's skull jaw bone now gone. heh, like it needed that.

Xjremon: considers his next target.

Kobold Zombie (2): cannot touch this skilled dwarf

Kobold Zombie (3): hits a shield, possibly ruining its hand (doubt that matters)

Kobold Zombie (4): forgets that dwarves are not stone, so misses the moving target.

2009-07-23, 10:16 AM
(OOC: I just realized that I haven't been adding the proper strength modifier to my damage rolls. My strength is 16/+3, and I have only been adding a +3 strength modifier to my swings, but since I use a 2-handed weapon, I should be adding 1.5xstrength to my damage rolls, which would be +4 strength modifier [rounded down, of course].

Xjremon swings at Kobold Zombie 4--attack roll 20, damage roll 10--

2009-07-23, 05:12 PM
*Swings once again at the torn zombie (2)*

(Attack check 12, damage roll 7)

2009-07-24, 08:11 PM
OOC: Keeps attacking zombie number 4. attack roll = 6, damage = 4)

2009-07-25, 10:31 PM
Orthos: the zombie falls limp at your feet... with parts still on your axe.

Miner Zombie (3): continues its pointless attack routine on Xjremon.

Miner Zombie (4): begins "chasing" Saige

Kobold Zombie (1): doesn't even make contact with Xjremon's armor.

Saige: misses intended victim, slicing cleanly through the air though!

Xjremon: target victim is neutralized

Kobold Zombie (2): if it had anymore thoughts, "damn" would be his. MISS!

Kobold Zombie (3): seriously, practice ended and he still sucks: FAIL!

2009-07-26, 10:54 PM
(OOC: Xjremon turns to Miner Zombie 3 and swings a mighty swing--attack roll 7, damage roll 11--)

2009-07-27, 11:34 PM
*Swings at zombie #4*

(OCC: attack roll 18, damage 5)

2009-07-29, 03:29 AM
OOC: (Saige keeps attaing zomebie #4 with his shortspear) attack = critical, comfirm = no, damage = 7

2009-07-30, 01:22 AM
Orthos: your axe slices through zombie flesh.

Miner Zombie (3): if it had a functional brain, it would give up.

Miner Zombie (4): taking two hits, the zombie continues swinging with no luck

Kobold Zombie (1): is a broken record.

Saige: your spear bursts through the zombie's ribcage.

Xjremon: your sword swings too high, but giving the zombie more stylish hair.

Kobold Zombie (2): all it's hitting is imaginary.

Kobold Zombie (3): missing more than its marbles.

2009-07-30, 11:11 AM

(OOC: Xjremon continues his attack on Miner Zombie 3--attack roll 24 [19+5/critical threat], critical confirm roll 16; if critical damage is successful damage roll 21, if critical damage is not successful damage roll 12-- I seem to recall that undead are unable to be critically hit because of their lack of vital organs and such. Correct me if I am wrong.)

2009-07-31, 02:23 AM
(you are aboslutely correct. good job. have a cookie.)
zombie brains everywhere, Xjremon.
(clean up aisle 12!)

2009-08-03, 05:25 PM
*bump* Cmon chaps... I was on a damn cruise for about two days, and I see no new posts....


2009-08-04, 09:53 AM
*swings once again at zombie #4*

(Attack roll 14, damage 4)

2009-08-07, 08:41 PM
OOC: Suddenly an idea springs to Saige's mind! He rushes away from the zombies and turn back around

"Xjremon! Orthos! Come stand behind me! Quick!"

OOC: He lifts his hands ready to cast

2009-08-07, 09:29 PM
(OOC: Giving a puzzled look to Saige, Xjremon runs back behind Saige and gives a hopeful look to him as he begins his magical casting.

Jason, you better hope I didn't provoke an attack of opportunity, and if I did, you better hope this zombie doesn't actually hit me!!)

Ye'll do well to be aimin them hands with precision, or ye'll be havin me sword in yer gut!

2009-08-07, 09:59 PM
*Rushes to stand behind Saige*

2009-08-09, 09:35 AM
(ooc: the caster isn't in melee?! omg there's something new.)
the last 5 zombies try swiping at your disengagement. alas, they strike merely air, not even stray strands of hair or cloak.

2009-08-11, 02:26 PM
OOC: (sorry everyone its been crazy on my end, first sara went to the hospital and then a couple days ago her mom went to the hospital, plus ive been working til 5 in the morning, so ive had it kinda rough.)

Saige thrusts his hands forward toward the group of approaching zombies and a cone of fire erupts from his fingertips. (damage = 5, spell was burning hands)

2009-08-13, 01:15 AM
(ooc: it's ok, we understand)
of the 3 remaining kobold zombies, one immediatly crumbles. the other 2 are fully engulfed by flames. as they shuffle toward you. another burns up on it's way to what it's thinks its lunch and the last raises its fist only to become ash the next moment.
they way.... is now clear so it seems.

2009-08-16, 10:52 AM
(OOC: And what of the two miner zombies that were there before Saige's spellcast?)

2009-08-16, 07:53 PM
(ooc: ah. i seem to have miscounted. nonetheless, the way is clear)

2009-08-17, 11:56 PM
(OOC: haha, no problemo. Xjremon takes a moment to regain his composure and his bearings. Once he recalls his original direction of travel, he once again takes stride, leading the group to the next area of the cave.)

Bah! Ye'll have to be doin better 'an that to get me down with ye!

2009-08-19, 06:26 PM
You travel along a several dozen feet and come to another room. A single, jagged pillar of rock lined with glowing blue-green moss emerges from the depths of the pool within the center of this cavern. Water courses down its side from a font near its tip, cascading into the pool below. The pool feeds a wide stream that flows rapidly along the length of the room and then under the rock wall at the southern end of the cave. Several glyphs are carved deep into the stone face of the pillar, their outlines just visible beneath the light of the moss. An eerie sense of discomfort pervades this place.

2009-08-21, 04:34 AM
OOC: Saige take a step into the room and is taken aback by what sees. As he takes in the eerie view, he tries to stabilize the gnawing, sickening feeling in his gut.

"Oohhh........I've got a bad feeling about this....." He says as he turn to the dwarves with a wide eyed look on his face."

2009-08-21, 01:42 PM
What ye blabberin about ye little hand-wavin ninny?

(OOC: You've probably realized by now that Xjremon isn't too keen on magic users, as he has absolutely no idea how magic works and what it is capable of. He isn't really making fun of you or being mean to you, rather he is being somewhat defensive of his ignorance.)

Me eyes caught glimpse of some sort of symbols over that way. When ye going to make yerself useful and tell us what they be meanin?

2009-08-21, 02:48 PM
The cavern is about 70 feet wide by 120 feet long. The pillar in the center is fairly massive, having a 10-foot radius and stretching 20 feet up into the air. You notice a narrow trail about 2 ft wide looping around, leading up the pillar.

2009-08-21, 02:49 PM
(ooc: also, that last fight took far longer than i prefer. i will see what i can about that.)

2009-08-22, 02:32 AM
(OOC: Xjremon nudges Saige in attempt to further aid his previous suggestion.)

2009-08-26, 09:59 PM
OOC: Saige moves to the strange writings. He runs his hands delicately over them as he attempts to use his read magic abilities.

"Hmmm......let me see......"

OOC: He turns back to the dwarves to speak

"Hey watch my back, I don't know how long this is gonna take."

OOC: He then turns back to his work

2009-08-27, 11:41 AM
you notice the runes are dwarven, but not the dwarven language, nor are they magical. you do notice, however, traces of some faint magic affect the water.

2009-09-05, 10:49 PM
a gutteral shout cuts through the cavern as an orc wearing chainmail, with a shield and mace, on the opposite side of the pillar begins chanting, staring at Saige. (Saige will save: 19) Saige, your entire body grows stiff and hard to move, but you shake it off forcing yourself to action faced with the hostile orc.

2009-09-06, 05:23 PM
Oh no ye don't ye mangy little orc! We be seein' what ye got to say after me sword pierces yer gut!

(OOC: Xjremon rushes to help Saige with the new enemy, but was too far away to make an attack this round.)

2009-09-06, 08:04 PM
OOC: Saige grunts and steps back, forcing his eyes open as he shakes off the magical effects. He stares across the room into the orcs eyes as he begins casting. With a shout he thrusts his palm forward and fires off a magic missle straight towards the orc.

2009-09-07, 02:30 AM
Orthos rushes to engage the Orc.

(Attack roll 19, Damage roll 7)

2009-09-07, 04:10 PM
While Saige's missiles of magic sting the orc, whose name is Jakk though you'd probably never know that, or that this is the "demon" the kobolds had previously warned of. Anyway, while the orc gets magically stung, Orthos slashes a bloody line across Jakk's torso. Jakk steels himself against the worldly pains he is currently under siege from and chants out another magical barrage onto Saige. Reaching out to "touch somebody" Jakk's hand, now glowing with magical energy connects with Saige. (Saige: fort save success)
Saige, while you are under considerable stress at the time, i feel that i should inform you that when attacked by whatever spell Jakk attempted to cause you harm with, you felt this intense desire to spew forth whatever contents are currently in your stomach; however, you are not one of weak or cowardly innards.
Xjremon, meanwhile, is most likely yerning to feel orc flesh split under his sword.

2009-09-07, 11:32 PM
(OOC: Yearning to feel this orc's soft flesh slice open under the keen edge of his greatsword, Xjremon frenzies at the mere thought of such an event. Something inside of Xjremon snaps, almost at an audible level to his surrounding allies. He gnashes his teeth, takes out a tiny blade from his side pouch and gives a clean, shallow laceration high on his cheek bone, and then begins his charge at Jakk the demon orc as a small drop of blood travels down to his chin. A sound is emitted from Xjremon's mouth, most likely unbeknownst to his party members before now, as he charges after the orc as he raises his greatsword high above his head to ready the blade for its downward strike aimed at Jakk the demon orc's body. *Rage effects= +4 STR, +4 CON, +2 Will saves, -2 AC for 3+new CON modifier rounds*)


(OOC: Initiative roll--15; Attack roll--28 critical threat, 18 critical attempt; Damage roll (critical)--24; Damage roll (non-crit)--9.)

2009-09-08, 07:28 PM
(ooc: first of all, fantastic role playing. i could see this all very well in my mind. secondly, thank you for the reminder as to what happens to you when you rage. i nearly forgot :smallannoyed:)

Jakk, though clearly terrified and suprised, does not lose his focus as his shield is split nearly in two and a terrible gash is clear on his left arm. He snatches a small vial of clear liquid from a pouch on a bandoleer across his chest and vanishes. The only evidence the orc was even there is his broken shield, now lying at Xjremon's feet.

2009-09-08, 10:30 PM
(OOC: Hmmm, quick question: would our characters be able to intuitively see that Jakk is still holding his shield, or has he dropped it?)

2009-09-10, 10:56 AM
(ooc: ok perhaps i wasn't clear earlier. i have edited my previous post. yes, he dropped it.)

2009-09-11, 09:37 AM
(OOC: To Jason and Devan-- as players you should know that drinking a potion,as Jakk has just done, is a standard action. Standard actions can not take place in the same round as a move action, but a 5-foot step could be taken with a standard action. Therefor, Jakk is still within a 5-foot radius of where he stood before he quaffed the potion. I don't think this applies to Devan's character or mine, but if Jason's character has an area of effect spell to cast, now would be a good time to use it :D
Hopefully that wasn't too much out-of-character knowledge, hehe.)

Aaaaggh!! Now where'd that jelly-spined orc go?! Don't ye taunt me and then just run away like you're some sort of sissy! Come back and feel the chill of my blade ye wimp!

(OOC: Xjremon takes a wide-arced swing in the general area that Jakk was standing in. Attack roll--19, Damage roll--12)

2009-09-14, 08:26 AM
"What?! Where's it gone off ter!? Bah..."

*Orthos takes another swing in the general direction of where the orc was standing*

(Attack roll 15, Damage roll 6.)

2009-09-17, 04:12 PM
OOC: (sorry guys, i got nothing til i can cast 2nd-level spells) Saige keeps his hands ready to cast as soon as the orc indicates his whereabouts

2009-09-21, 07:40 PM
You hear a series of rapid clicking behind you where now stands a darkly colored scorpion the size of a large dog, the cruely barbed stinger on it's long tail dripping with what can only be poison. Behind the scorpion stands the orc Jakk with a look of renewed hope and conviction in his eyes--also looking better than a moment before. With a thundering roar from Jakk, the menacing duo rush toward you. The scorpion gets to Orthos first with a stab from its barb, briefly covered in a dark haze, pumping its venom into flesh. Jakk focuses on Xjremon with a mighty swing into the dwarf's shoulder, apparently attempting retribution on his lost shield.

2009-10-03, 10:34 PM
Saige screams out at seeing his dwarven friend stabbed and poisoned.


With rage in his eyes and hate in his heart, his hands light up with magical fire as he thrusts his hands forward shooting searing flames at the scorpion that would seek to rob him of a friend.

(OOC: cast burning hands-- 2d4= 7 damage)

2009-10-06, 08:32 PM
The raging fires of Saige's mystical incantation devour the fiendish creature.
As its body goes slack, the beast fades away, disintegrating from existance.

2009-10-07, 08:32 PM
(OOC: Still embraced within his furious rage, Xjremon charges at Jakk again, this time without his sword readied for a strike. Rather, Xjremon has flexed every muscle in his body in preparation for a deadly grapple as Jakk as his target. Jakk gets an attack of opportunity against me; if it fails, Xjremon's melee attack roll=21; if it hits, Xjremon's grapple check=24, and Jakk needs to make an opposed grapple check.)

2009-10-07, 10:52 PM
Jakk finds the amazing strength of the raging dwarf too much for him to escape. After several long moments of fruitless struggles, Jakk sems to give up.

2009-10-08, 09:30 AM
(OOC: Xjremon deals damage to Jakk as he would with an unarmed attack, which would be 1D6+str subdual since he's definitely a monk. 6 subdual damage dealt to Jakk.)

AH, ye be givin' up on me that quickly, eh? Well me thinks we be seein' how much of a yellow belly ye truly be!

(OOC: Using every ounce of force he can muster, Xjremon attempts to trip Jakk, pulling him prone onto the ground to prevent any unnecessary spellcasting that could injure the adventurers further. Melee touch attack roll=17 to trip Jakk. Also, to maintain the grapple, grapple check=18.)

2009-10-09, 09:37 AM
With shining rage in his eyes barely held in check, Jakk growls and grunts and finally sighs heavily once on the ground, pinned. After a moment of thought, and in very broken Common with some Orcish mixed in, the orc asks for an honorable death. He has failed his god and wishes for a measure of peace--whether or not he deserves it.

ooc: saige, i don't know what languages you speak. common and 2 others please.

2009-10-09, 02:42 PM
(OOC: At the moment--because of his concurrent rage--Xjremon finds it difficult to believe the orc's words. Sense motive check=9.)

Ah, ye be wishin' fer a death of kings' worth, eh? What ye be thinkin' men? Should this yellow belly be deservin' of such royal treatin'?

2009-10-10, 08:27 AM
Saige: Go ahead and finish him off Xjremon, his god will see that he suffers an eternity for his failure.

2009-10-12, 09:08 AM
"Aye, he be deservin the death of any other Orc. Quick and to the point."

*Orthos reiterates this by running his finger across the blade of his axe*

2009-10-12, 09:20 AM
(OOC: Xjremon winces from the suggestions of his fellow adventurers and shakes himself from his rage. Just out of curiosity, what are the alignments of Orthos and Saige?)

Ay, but what of his plea of honor? Be he orc or be he man, what be we if we do not honor this plea? (OOC: Damn, just like poetry...)

(OOC: Maintaining grapple check: 16)

2009-10-12, 09:49 AM
"But what do ye call an honorable death? I say ye end it quickly. That be as honorable an end as any by my reckoning."

(OCC: I believe my alignment is Chaotic Good.)

2009-10-12, 08:54 PM
(OOC: Saige's alignment is neutral good. And speaks orcish and abyssal.)

Saige: A quick death is an honorable death, as he will not suffer.

2009-10-12, 10:18 PM
Jakk asks you something you don't know if you have the stomach for. He has surrendered and thus angered He Who Watches, but perhaps a measure of peace could still be found. Jakk begins to explain a ritual that elders have when they are about to die outside battle. Basically a mock battle, one of you will impale him when he charges at you. Sounding to you like ceremonial suicide, Jakk lays still under Xjremon awaiting your decision.

2009-10-13, 01:08 AM
Well, if ye be wanting such a death, me thinks it'll do rightly.

(OOC: Xjremon releases Jakk, gets on his feet and tells the orc to rise and prepare for this so-called ceremony.)

2009-10-14, 01:20 PM
Jakk rises to his feet watching the group, still unsure how honorable these creatures are. With ceremonial but hesitant purpose he removes his armor and mace. Then, kneeling, begins what sounds to be a prayer. Unlike Jakk's earlier chants, no tingles of magic follow. Next, he stands, an inner peace visible in his face. "Allow me to share my story with you. Ten years ago, I watched my clan slain by the humans of this valley. I watched as the riches that should have been my clan's go to the weak ones. Gruumsh One-Eye showed me the secret of the Burning Plague, I used this to infect the water of the town for revenge. This cavern has become my temple. I have failed. I am sick too. You three are too I think. Rest will heal you. Whatever gods you worship may help too. " At this mention of disease, you notice now the rush of battle is gone, you do actually feel weaker. "Now, I am ready to die. It was a good battle! You have bested me. Now, Dwarf!" And with a final roar Jakk lunges at Xjremon's ready blade. Impailed through his chest, dead.

2009-10-14, 02:34 PM
(OOC: Somewhat brought down by this said disease, Xjremon slumps as the weight of the orc befalls him on his blade. Xjremon reaches a hand around the backside of the orc, softening his fall to the ground, and then slides the steel from the orc's chest slowly, gently and kneels before the dead orc.)

Ay, ye poor miserable soul. Ye might have just given yer story before we had to sacrifice ye... by me measure ye might have kept yer life that way.

(OOC: Xjremon stands and turns to the other adventurers, weary from battle.)

What be yer thoughts now? Elf? Kindred?

2009-10-24, 07:09 AM
As Saige looks down at the fallen body of the orc, a pang of sorrow fills his heart.

Saige: "It is as you say xjremon. Maybe if he had told us before we could have done something for him."

At that point Saige begins to feel sick, thouigh he unsure if it is because the disease or the pain of guilt.

2009-10-25, 09:07 PM
"Seemed ter be a fine an honorable Orc if that can be said."

*Orthos also seems to feel a draw within himself as if something is sucking all the strength that he has away*

"Aye.. I feel weak. Damn ye one eyed pig."

2009-10-25, 09:21 PM
Me thinks an investigation be in order...

(OOC: With sudden excitement, Xjremon begins scanning the room. Search check: 6)

What ye think this here orc be hiding in here?

2009-10-26, 09:40 PM
Upon your investigation, you find his camp near the top of the pillar. A bedroll, small firepit complete with finished meals, hidden deep within his bags you find a small sack of coins, a blue sapphire, several scrolls, a light crossbow and a quiver of bolts. Jakk's mace and chain mail lay next to his body, holy symbol of stone proudly displayed on his bloodied chest. Most notably is the spring water. It has been cleared of the muck of the plague.

2009-10-27, 08:10 AM
Saige notices the waters and leans down to take a sip

2009-10-29, 09:08 AM
Ah ye be getting what ye asked for by drinking that orc's water. Ye really be trusting on that water to be clean, eh? Ah... well that water does have quite the shimmer. (OOC: Break me off a piece of that kitkat bar!)

What should we do with all of this junk? (OOC: Xjremon begins sifting through Jakk's belongings, stressing the word "junk" as he comes to the scrolls.)

2009-10-29, 10:10 PM
The fresh spring water tastes mighty fine and refreshing to Saige.

2009-10-30, 09:04 AM
(OOC: Xjremon sips at the water as well. Maybe we should drink all of this before Orthos can get any!)

2009-10-31, 07:08 PM
(ooc: oh this is going to be fun if i say something specfic about anything. starting to feel parched after all the battling and speaking?.... or lack thereof for some)

as you all drink from the spring you all feel graciously refreshed.

2009-11-02, 06:14 PM
Saige lifts his head from the fountain and wipes his face with his sleeve.

"Whew, I feel so much better. how bout you guys?"

He looks towards Xjremon

"What did you find in the orcs stuff?"

2009-11-09, 10:03 AM
(OOC: As Xjremon sifts through Jakk's possessions, he begins handing the items to Saige as I point to post #126 to tell Jason what was found in the orc's stuff.)

Me thinks it be time to be heading back to Duvik's Pass.

2009-11-12, 11:25 PM
Saige's stomach starts to growl very loudly...

"I agree, apparantly i need to get some hot food in my belly."

2009-11-14, 12:33 AM
"Aye me belly be a growlin. Maybe we need ter be headin back."

(OOC: Hey guys sorry for the lack of posts. My internet is down and I was sick most of last week. I should be able to post more often now.)

2009-11-16, 09:11 AM
As you leave the mine, breathing the fresh cool night air, the dim lights of the town come into view as well as the twinkling stars. Feeling much more sickly and weary than moments before, you stumble down the dusty trail toward the town--finding that focusing your sight to be much work. Just before you enter the door to the tavern, you collapse from the amount of energy it took just to travel this far.
You awaken to a sunshine filled day. Birds chirping, children running and playing, a town busily and happily going along it's business. Through a groggy memory, you remember that a young human woman found you and called together other villagers to come get you out of the cold night and into their warm beds at the inn. Soon after you awaken and peice together your memories, a human girl child peeks into your room visibly excited to see you awake. She runs back out, slamming the door, and you can hear her excited screams of "They're awake!" from down the hall.

2009-11-25, 10:14 AM
(OOC: Xjremon skyrockets out of the bed he wakes up in to make sure all of the party's belongings are still in their possession..... I'm really not sure what else can be done at this point?)

2009-11-27, 01:14 AM
"Eh? Wha? Aww hell!"

2009-11-27, 04:20 PM
Saige, still snoring away in bed, just happens to roll over and fall to the floor. He jumps up quickly and acts as if he is going to cast s pell when he suddenly realizes his surroundings...

"Huh? What in the blue hell is going on?"

2009-11-29, 08:46 PM
After a few moments of being startled into consciousness, you find all of your possessions are setting along the walls, small piles nearby your respective beds. Your armor and weapons are mended, your supplies are refreshed. The room is far more than your basic inn room. Lush, soft linens, ornate bed carvings, homey decorations cover the walls, from outside the only windows on the left of the door out the room, you see the town you've recently saved from certain death. A mountain town with dusty roads from lack of recent rains, townsfolk meandering about their business.
Soon after taking in your surroundings and orientating yourselves, a human woman of about 30 winters quietly and gracefully enters the room, "oh!" she exlaims quite shocked, "I thought Sarah was confused again. So sorry for barging in, I was merely checking in on our most honored guests." Bowing, the lady begins to leave the room, "I shall leave you to gather your things. If you need anything at all, just ask. When you are feeling up to it, the mayor would like to speak to you all."

2009-12-06, 06:27 PM
Me thinks we be owin' yer people many thanks for yer efforts to be savin' we three. We shall be seein' yer mayor now.

2010-01-07, 11:39 PM
OOC: wow, a month. i really didn't think i'd do that to you guys. ok here we go again...

The lady nods in acknowledgement, "I shall send word right away for you to meet down the hall on your left. He shall wait for you there." She closes the door, leaving you to ready yourself for your meeting.

2010-01-10, 12:24 PM
Saige: "hmm...i wonder what the mayor wants with us. Any opinions?"

2010-01-27, 08:12 PM
As you collectively ponder your own suspisions for the meeting with the mayor, it's decided that the only way you'll find out is to go see for yourself. Down the hall of the inn, you find that you have THE best room in the house, you see plaques hung on the walls depicting such events as the town founding, inaugural openings of town hall and the temple of Chauntea.
Entering the main room of the inn, the tavern is filled with square tables, a bar-like counter on the opposite wall, entrance door to the left, and what appears to be kitchen doors on the right. Being a tavern, you find it strangely empty save for the staff, busily tidying up, and a man sitting near the middle of the room. Perhaps just reaching middle age with the look of a laborer-perhaps of the mine, with dark hair and a rugged appearance but bright shining eyes, he notices you enter. Standing with arms outstretched and an ear to ear smile, "Our heroes! At long last, I had begun to fear you would not recover before winter." Moving toward you he continues, "Forgive our humble appearances, we do not entertain often. Surely if we could we would line the walls, road and you yourselves in gold to honor you!" Standing before you, you notice he wears a holy symbol of Chauntea around his neck. Meeting each of your gazes, "Oh where are my manners?! I am William Buckman. Mayor of Duvik’s Pass. Feel free to call me Will, most of the town does. "
After exchanging pleasantries and introductions Will continues his rant as an excited child, "Please, sit. Are you hungry? Surely, after such a lengthy rest you must be." Will motions for the same woman you met earlier, "Millie, would you bring our guests a hearty meal and a round of ale? Thank you my dear. Oh, and nothing for me right now, though I wish I had the time." Mildred nods with a smile hinting at a hidden pain and goes into the kitchen. Will's gaze lingers on Millie for a moment before turning back to you. His demeanor drastically saddened for a moment, "I can see the questions etched in your faces. Mildred is my wife you see. We lost one of our children recently to the sickness you saved us from. Please say nothing to my wife, it has been so hard these last few weeks, she's doing all she can to face each day." Will continues, forcing a smile back on his face, but the pain shows through clearly. At the same time, the girl from when you awoke runs and jumps into Will's arms. "I believe you've already met Sarah. Turning to the young girl, "Sweetheart, why don't you go play with the other children outside? Once the snows come you won't be able to until the spring thaw." With an almost infectious giggle, Sarah jumps off her father's lap and runs outside toward the cries of other children in play. Will, composed again with a jovial attitude, "Noble heroes, I do not know what you intend and I would not dare deny you three your wishes. I merely invite you to our Midsummer celebration in two days. Know that you will be recognized by all, so I believe, and if it is ok with you, be guests of honor at the evening feast. Think it over amongst yourselves if need be, and if you would, let me know whatever you decide..." he checks outside the window, noting the sunlight is still strong, "Perhaps by tonight? I shall be next door in town hall helping along the celebration plans. Feel free to go about the town. We have mended your armor and weapons, I do hope they are to your liking. The shopkeeper, Harold, has told me he will stock your supplies and packs with whatever he can offer, no charge."
Just then, a mouth-watering meal of fresh bread, juicy meat, and foam covered ale arrives at your table. "Ah, I see I've occupied your time enough. Enjoy, good sirs." Standing to leave, Will kisses Mildred softly on the cheek and walks out the door.
"If there's anything I can do for you, I'll be in the kitchen," Mildred tells you as she finishes setting your table and takes her leave.

2010-02-04, 11:00 PM
Me thinks a little celebration in our honor may be to our likin'! What ye fellas have on yer mind? Me thinks we be deservin' of this, might we be humble with it.

2010-02-18, 10:34 PM
Saige thinks about all the food that will no doubt be at the festival.


2010-03-28, 12:33 PM
<{[(OOC: sorry for the delay guys. computer died along with everything i had written for the game. re-writing and hopefully back on track.)]}>

Stuffed full from your meal and thanking very gratefully the generosity of your hostess, you walk out into the warmth of the midday sun. Roaming around the town, you find the townsfolk busy about their business. There don't seem to be any actual roads in town, just hard packed dirt as the foundation of the place. This being a mining town, not much in the way of flora is about. From the inn, being the "beginning" of town as travelers would see it, a sort of lane continues south with the town buildings lining it. Near the "end" of town you find the Midsummer celebration being set up. Upon further investigation of the area, murmurings are heard spreading through the crowd that has gathered. All attention seems to be focused on a spot reserved for a booth, but the only one left empty. After another few moments, the mayor comes from the crowd to stand in the empty spot to address the people.
"Alright, settle down everyone! I'm sure everything's all right." He pauses and flashes a calming smile, "Andolyn and Gendrew have never disappointed us in the past, so there is no reason to be alarmed at the lateness of their arrival."
Protests arise from the crowd indicating the recent plague and what-ifs concerning the condition of the two expected guests.
William speaks again, trying to be heard above the clamor, "Good people! Please! Perhaps i have a solution to calm your worried hearts!" He looks over at you three with nervousness in his eyes. "Noble Heroes, Honored Guests, we beseech thee for a small favor. Come. We shall talk." He motions for you to follow him into town hall.
Closing the door behind you, Will sighs heavily, "I apologize for this. You probably have no idea what is going on to make the people uproar as such. There is a couple, Andolyn and Gendrew, who have come to our Midsummer celebration for a few years now. They sell the most delicious baked and brewed goods i have known! Well, from their enormous success, they made the towns people promise never to bother them at home. Their cottage is about a quarter-mile from town nestled in a grove of maple trees. I have no doubt there is nothing amiss, but people are sometimes harder to convince when gathered as a pack. Panic is not something i wish to see happen here, especially at this time. If you were to go and check up on them, just to calm the crowd, i would be personally gratefully."