View Full Version : Let's Play Paranoid Delusions! (a.k.a Let's Play Fallout 2)

2009-06-29, 06:24 AM

War. War never changes.

We find ourselves around one hundred years after the fall of mankind. Nuclear war has ravaged the earth and spread mutation and disease across the vast plains of dust and bones. Humanity is starting to rebuild itself to live in this changed world and adapting to the horrors that have grown. Amidst all this stands the impenetrable Vaults, the last vestiges of man as it was and the only places to survive in something resembling comfort.

Fallout 2 is the sequel to the very successful first game improving on every aspect by adding a hundred more options. It also takes a much more varied approach to the morality and setting, incorporating more mature situations and creating a game world unparalleled in depth and diversity. The game is still heralded as one of the greatest examples of open world gameplay and with the amount there is to do its hard to disagree.

The game also possesses one of the worst fanbases ever, but we'll ignore them as much as possible. :smalltongue:

So, of course, the ground rules for this Let's Play:

The Diary
We're playing as the Chosen One, and each post is an excerpt from the recordings made of them by the Pip-Boy 2000, our personal computer.

Fallout 2 is a big game. Really big. As such, there is a lot of things I could be doing at any one time. I'll be taking suggestions after every update where to go next, which quests I should pick up and what items I should use. Though I may make the final decisions not to pursue a particular quest or decide in favour of a different set of items, almost everything about this experience will be decided by you.

The Chosen One
And this is where everything begins.


This is the character creation screen.
It's... complicated.
I don't know all the specifics of it and the way it effects everything and I doubt most of you do either, so we're not aiming for any particular build just yet.
If you do want to know the intricacies of the SPECIAL system, well, God help you. (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/SPECIAL)
This is where the decisions needs to be made:
What's my Name?
How Old am I and what Sex am I?
How should I invest my Character Points?
What Skills should I tag?
What Traits should I take?
When we've decided on these, we'll get this show started and I'll talk more about the SPECIAL system.

Feedback appreciated by the way.

Thanatos 51-50
2009-06-29, 06:43 AM
What's my Name?
How Old am I and what Sex am I?
How should I invest my Character Points?
What Skills should I tag?
What Traits should I take?

Your name is Banana-nut, named after the famed muffins of years past the apparently, the Holy Vaults had in droves. Your people worship the idea of Banana-nut muffins as a sign of a rich, complete society, full of praise for everything. You were named, wise woman knowing that you would be the Chosen One.
That was twenty-one years ago.
You've trained your whole life in the arts of melee combat, and have acquired some skill with light, compact firearms and talking your way out of dangerous situations.

Your are particulalrly, alert, agile and strong, but most of all, you've been blessed with an extraordinary charisma, although Luck does seem to have it's wicked way with you on occasion, it's nothing too awful.
(Oh, and you're a Guy with Sex Appeal)

2009-06-29, 10:53 AM
Yay for a LP of one of the few real RPGs.
As for stats you're losing out on a lot of stuff in Fallout if you don't have at least decent Intellect and Charisma. So I vote for raising them both to at least 7.

The Rose Dragon
2009-06-29, 11:11 AM
You should have an Intelligence or Charisma of at least 8 (so you can bring them up to 10 later).

OR you should drop both of them to 3, for a very... interesting experience.

Either way, you should have Gifted. It's almost like cheating, but starting with 12 starting points instead of 5 is a very good deal.

2009-06-29, 12:28 PM
Do a melee playthrough. Without gifted.
Giifted is unanimously considered the best trait, but it is way too good. This is a lets play, it should be doing interesting things.

To that end then... I say take Jinxed. That should throw up some interesting results.

2009-06-29, 01:55 PM
Chosen J Oneington, scientific rationalist of the most inarticulately stereotyped variety (IE no belief in ghosts, aliens, psychic powers, chosen ones...)

Int 10, other stats solid but unremarkable. Good science, repair, and energy weapons.

2009-06-29, 03:12 PM
Chosen J Oneington, scientific rationalist of the most inarticulately stereotyped variety (IE no belief in ghosts, aliens, psychic powers, chosen ones...)

Int 10, other stats solid but unremarkable. Good science, repair, and energy weapons.

Yep, that's going to make the first three quarters of the game very easy indeed...

So, why not?

Take all the most useless skills! Throwing, Gambling and Outdoorsman! Pyromaniac grenadier!

2009-06-29, 03:56 PM
I'll opt for a pretty straightforward character, just because I love it. It's not min-maxed or anything, but it's pretty fun to play.

Name: Felix
Sex: Male
Age: 25

Stat distribution:
S: 4(-1)
P: 7(+2)
E: 4(-1)
C: 5
I: 8(+3)
A: 8(+3)
L: 4(-1)

Tagged skills:
Small guns, science, speech

One hander, fast shot

You'll be a little gimped by one hander, but the idea of this char is a (relatively) smooth talking, intelligent revolverman. Duh :smalltongue: Prefers to keep out of fights, but can hold his own when he gets in one. Hopefully we'll pick up some decent companions to help out along the way.

2009-06-29, 04:19 PM
What's my Name? Veggie Girl

How Old am I and what Sex am I? Your 16 and Female.

How should I invest my Character Points?
S: 4 (-1)
P: 7 (+2)
E: 5 (+0)
C: 5 (+0)
I: 6 (+1)
A: 7 (+2)
L: 6 (+1)

What Skills should I tag?
Small guns, speach, steal.

What Traits should I take?

Jinx and Gifted.

I think Jinx will make the game very interesting :smallbiggrin:

2009-06-29, 04:22 PM
A fallout playthrough is not complete without bloody mess.

2009-06-29, 04:52 PM
A fallout playthrough is not complete without bloody mess.

Isn't that just a severe pain when looting? Body parts all over. My goodness.

2009-06-29, 05:00 PM
Will be watching this, naturally.

As for character decisions, I second the idea that choices should be interesting in a Let's Play game, hence, Jinxed and Finesse. More criticals means more mess, so no need for Bloody Mess.

I'm not sure about melee/ranged preference. I've played both, and although you can do some very nice things with those power fists, the classiness of a close range combat shotgun burst or .223 pistol aimed to the eyes is hard to give up.

I'd say ranged.

2009-06-29, 05:20 PM
Name: Rincewind
ST: 4
PE: 5
EN: 9 (so you don't die of lung failure during running away)
CH: 4
IN: 7
AG: 10 (so you run away faster)
LK: 1
Bloody Mess
Better Running Away doesn't exist, but Outdoorsman for an imitation, Speech for fun, and Small Guns for convenience. You might want Doctor to fix many broken limbs that await you.
Bonus Move (infinity)
Cautious Nature (although it sucks)
Why should you do that?
Because you will be voiced by Eric Idle.

2009-06-29, 05:24 PM
so no need for Bloody Mess.

This is a lie, you can never have too many corpses exploding.

2009-06-29, 05:30 PM
Go with 7S, 4P, 8E, 9C, 3I, 8A, 1L, Jinxed and Bloody Mess OR Sex Appeal. Hilarity ensues :smalltongue:

2009-06-29, 08:31 PM
Name: Sue
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Tagged Skills: Unarmed, First Aid, Melee Weapons
Traits: Bruiser

2009-06-30, 12:47 AM
This is a lie, you can never have too many corpses exploding.

Gratuitous blood should be a happy surprise, not an everyday routine. It will lose its meaning that way. :smallfrown: :smalltongue:

Thanatos 51-50
2009-06-30, 03:36 AM
Name: Sue
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Tagged Skills: Unarmed, First Aid, Melee Weapons
Traits: Bruiser

Sue carried a revolver, you know. He had one in the <Censored> that named him Sue's face.

2009-06-30, 04:07 AM


Perks: Skilled. finesse
Skills: energy weapons, speaking, science.

2009-06-30, 05:31 AM
Name, sex and age are up to you, for everything else I can give you my favorite character:


Traits: Finesse, Gifted
Tags: Small Guns, Big Guns, Lockpick

Companions: Sulik, Cassidy, Marcus

2009-06-30, 05:41 AM
All the other suggestions are good; I personally propose Sally for the name; pick the gender you like.

I'd suggest either Small Guns or Unarmed for your combat skills. Unarmed makes you less reliant on stuff and ammo and you start off with few weapons anyway, and there will be fun training opportunities. Small Guns generally just useful.

2009-06-30, 08:53 AM
I still say we should go for the dumb, yet strangely charismatic and hopelessly unlucky thug. Melee and/or Unarmed, with Speech and possibly small arms/big guns/outdoorsman.

2009-06-30, 09:24 AM
Heads up: Incoming crap loads of images.

So general agreement was that I needed to be intelligent, reasonably charismatic and some skill in speech and science with jinxed as one my traits.
Oi. This is gonna be fun. Chances are I'll actually die less than when I usually play anyway.
So let's dive into:

Character Creation

So we start off by...

...by what is apparently going to be a wonderful trend for this Let's Play of technical eras. In this case upon loading all the screenshots online discovering that for one thing, I'm missing all my shots of the character creation, but also all the cinematic shots are just black screens with subtitles.
This after spending 30 minutes yesterday trying to get Fraps working, only to then discover this game already has its own screenshot function I never knew off.



Here's the finished character sheet.


As you can see, I boosted Intelligence and Charisma which make me great in dialogue. The high intelligence will also give me more skills points to spend each level, something will be a necessity later on.
I took a point out of Strength and popped it in Agility as well, to give myself a higher armour class and more action point at the expense of hit points and carrying capacity. These action points will let me run away faster, something that will happen a lot.
I tagged Speech and Science as well. This means I am craaaaap in combat. Science doesn't show up too much in the game, but occurs way more often than it did in the first Fallout. Speech will be used in dialogue for fun rewards. Tagging the skills means when we spend skill points we'll get a 2% increase for spending 1 point on these skills, until we reach 100%.
Some of you were voting for melee character, but I decided to side with the gun nuts. With our speech based character I want to keep a gap between me and my enemies.
I also went with Jinxed as heavily requested, and Finesse. We're pretty much relying on dealing really big hits to enemies who are doing big hits to themselves as well. Maybe their guns will shoot them in the crotch or something.
Oh, and in case you hadn't noticed, I'm a 24 year old Male named Banana-Nut. I love muffins too much to ignore that suggestion.

And now, let's get going with our first proper update:
(I'll include comments on the mechanics and technical bullcrap of certain sections in separate spoiler boxes)

Pip-Boy 2000 Electronic Diary - Windowed Automatic Reference Diary - Part 0

"Accessing Memory Banks - 'The Chosen One'.
Playing History file." (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SxRNua0TGY)


Okay. So, Mummy said when I get through the temple I'll find myself an ancient computer I can type all this on but until then I'll write down everything on these pieces of paper randomly sitting in front of the temple.
This place doesn't look so friendly.


Fortunately, I brought Mr Pointy with me. The other kids had stuffed toys and brahmin calfs when they were growing up. Me? I got given a deadly weapon.

This is the inventory screen. We can arm ourselves with two weapons at a time, switching between them via the big red button on the left. We don't have any armour yet, and there's nothing but this spear in my inventory, but still it will be filled with utterly pointless crap.


As I enter the temple I am sure now more than ever that Mummy is trying to kill me. I can hear something scuttling in the distance. I clutch Mr Pointy close to me and write all the more furiously.
Actually it doesn't look so


What the Hell are those? Ants? Ants are small tiny little things my friend Whipped Vanilla used to burn with his dad's Flamer before he got eaten by that Gecko. Ants are not 2 feet high with pincers that could go straight through my leg.


One of them came charging at me so I flailed wildly with Mr Pointy and missed completely. I needed more tact. I needed to aim. One quick thrust, that was what my Daddy told me I needed to do with my spear. But he was talking about girls, not Giant Ants!

This is the VATS screen. It's how we target specific areas of the body. You may notice I can stab this guy in abdomen, metathorax and feelers. On human targets, it's stuff like eyes and crotch. Remember this. We'll be aiming for them a lot in the future.


The bug sank its teeth into my leg and I instinctively jabbed it with my spear. It went through its back and I had to pull Mr Pointy out with my feet. It was covered in gross ant blood. Thanks Mummy. Thanks for making me do this.


I killed the other one before it could get a bite in. Now I'm starting to feel like a man. I've just killed two otherwise harmless creatures. Oh yeaaaah.


As I walked further into the temple, I couldn't help but notice there were side passages. Side passages with loud bugs down them. The Hell was I messing with that. I'm going straight for that ancient computer and dissecting it.


The door out of here appeared to be locked. On a whim I decided to have a go at the lock like Whipped Vanilla taught me way back. Strangely it worked. Drunk on my own sense of power at having made it through the trials so easily, I charged fragrantly through the door to claim my prize.


Oh damn it there's more.


The floor is covered in these raised plates which do not encourage me in the slightest. Knowing this village, I shouldn't be surprised that our temple of trials is filled with death traps and giant insects.


As I stop to ponder on my use of the word fragrantly I accidentally step on a plate and an arrow shoots me in the back. Seriously? We can't give me a spare spear to go hunting with but we've got enough wood lying around to stock these temple death traps? Typical, just typical.


And what the Hell is that!? Why is that in here!?


I slaughtered my way through even more insects and found a curious clay pot. No way that was put here as decoration. No way. Mummy is crafty like that. Obviously there's something inside the pot I need if I'm to get that super advanced computer and finally get out of this crazy village.


Oh Mummy you whore.


I take them, well aware of my bad luck with anything more dangerous than dirt and naturally find a giant door. My attempts to pick the lock are met with frustration and constipation. Only one thing for it.


Let's blow this mother sky high.
Just like I'll do to you someday Mummy.


Unfortunately I blink when it actually explodes and miss the cool boom.
Literally 1 second after it explodes here. Really want a screenshot of that boom.


Ow. God dammit Mummy.


After heading through the door I got torn to shreds by some ants who committed suicide in front of me. This is traumatising on several levels. I also found this central room that seemed very ceremonial. Obviously, this is the end and this guy is to congratulate me. Right? You wouldn't hate me that much would you Mummy?
Would you?



So here's our first choice:
Fight the guy in unarmed combat?
Talk him out of it?

Feedback and suggestions for where to head next are appreciated!

2009-06-30, 10:05 AM
Talk him out of it, that's supposed to be your thing. That being said, your character's inner thoughts don't sound like those of an Intelligence 8 person. Maybe I'm just nitpicky.

2009-06-30, 10:42 AM
Talk him out of it, that's supposed to be your thing. That being said, your character's inner thoughts don't sound like those of an Intelligence 8 person. Maybe I'm just nitpicky.

Sign. He's intelligent enough - and mature enough, being 24 - not to talk like a 16 year old kid.

2009-06-30, 10:45 AM
Boy that character really had a tragic infancy:smalleek:

Vote for talking out of it of course.

2009-06-30, 10:56 AM
Talk him out of it. And just because someone's smart, doesn't mean they will act smart if they lack the appropriate education.

2009-06-30, 11:24 AM
With int 8 you should sound a bit smarter. Also talk him out. It is sorta your shtick.

2009-06-30, 12:33 PM
Yeah, I say talk him out of it, then when he isn't looking: sneak attack...just kidding.

2009-06-30, 12:50 PM
If you still had the explosives, I'd recommend the shady sands shuffle.

As is: Yeah. Talk him out of it. You're in no shape for a fight anyway, and he wasn't the &(&%^ who built the place.

2009-06-30, 12:58 PM
So, a couple things.

1. I'll smarten up the dialogue a bit but I've been raised in a post apocolyptic world by a group of tribal people. We have a freaking village Elder. Do you except me to have a degree in nuclear physics or something?

2. That last screenshots makes me regret naming him Banana-Nut, yet for the life of me I don't want to change it.

3. I'll do another update later as people obviously want me to talk him out of it and frankly there ain't that much to do right now.

2009-06-30, 01:16 PM
Talk him out of this. Using other means than brawl (like stealing the key for example or persuading him) gains you 300 more exp than simply beating him. Which is weird because he's a tough opponent.

If you still had the explosives, I'd recommend the shady sands shuffle.

You are about 80 years late. :smalltongue:

2009-06-30, 01:32 PM
Talk him out of this. Using other means than brawl (like stealing the key for example or persuading him) gains you 300 more exp than simply beating him

Honestly, I wouldn't factor xp into things. Do what seems fun, not what is the quickest way to level up. By the end of the game it'll all be the same anyway.

But still, we tagged speech so talking to him does seem more reasonable.

2009-06-30, 01:43 PM
Talk him out of this. Using other means than brawl (like stealing the key for example or persuading him) gains you 300 more exp than simply beating him. Which is weird because he's a tough opponent.

You are about 80 years late. :smalltongue:

Hey, the Shuffle's still famous in DC in Fallout 3.

The name is unrelated to the fact the Sands became the NCR.

2009-06-30, 04:29 PM
Fun fact, if I attempt to upload more than 30 picture to Photobucket it crashes my internet.

Pip-Boy 2000 Electronic Diary - Windowed Automatic Reference Diary - Part 2


I realised that frankly I have neither the disposition nor the constitution for this battle and instead decided to distract him with some questions. After some meaningless small talk, discussing the local architecture, the intricacies of brahmin farming and the insanity of this whole freaking temple. I then put it to him straight: Why do we have to fight?


He gives me some spiel about knowing what it is to kill. Considering I had already murdered a good number of otherwise pacifistic insects on my way here, I had to stop, briefly consider the philosophical ramifications of this stated difference between insects and man before deciding none of this matters and I just want my super computer. So I instead brought up the idea of a peaceful solution. We're from the same hell hole, surely we should get along?


He dismissed this silly, silly, silly notion. I then pointed out accidents happen. People die. It could be either one of us.
Either one.


Visibly shaken, he stutters through a hasty goodbye. I may not be the best hunter or warrior the village has, but I certainly can act.


Finally, after almost an hour of toil and with blood everywhere I get to claim the super computer promised to me. My ancestors clothes stand draped before me and as I slowly don them I find it in a place of rest beneath it. I raise it up, face twisted into a smile as my ardurous quest is completed. I look at the screen.




In the village I found that things were different now. Mummy had spread word of this destiny malarkey and the villagers now referred to me as "The Chosen One". Most of all they now respected me. 24 years of mockery, of name calling, of pushing me around, of setting Geckos on me and now they shove me into a freaking death temple and NOW I GET SOME RESPECT!?
Pfft. Whatever. While they brought home the Gecko meat and tended to the Brahmin I had poured over the magazines and pieces of book the Vault Dweller had brought with him to the north. And who had the destiny now? Me baby, me.
The clothes fit snugly at least, and I found a guide to the Pip-Boy in the back pocket. Apparently it was solar powered, unlike most uranium based computers of the time so as long as I stuck outdoors for a while it would power up. It had some functioning systems, a map program and the Diary which I transcribed my previous notes onto. There was a small scanner now to apparently give me information on my enemies' condition. I wondered what kind of mad man programmed this thing and for who.


Feargus' whining forced its way into my ears and I realised I had best deal with him first. The runt could run fast and was growing up to be a good hunter but he was as thick as brahmin's behind. Apparently the well was broken.
I gave it a quick once over and realised the well wasn't broken. The rope wasn't where it usually was. Feargus just couldn't find. I moved it, gritted my teeth and walked away.
I guess I'd best see my mother.


Mummy had been referring to me as "Chosen One" since birth, and my name was for the other villager's use. I'm told it comes from before the bombs, though I've never come across it.
I want to get uppidty at her. I want to finally out her for trying to kill me since birth. The spear, the Gecko traps, the pet Deathclaw and now this crazy temple but I frankly couldn't be bothered. I was still alive and I'll be damned if I'll give her the satisfaction.
I told her I'd do her crazy quest and retrieve this G.E.C.K.


How... a flask and some money? That's... yes. Yes.
Thank you you crazy old woman. Thank you very much.
Thank you for ensuring my destruction in the desert.
Mummy would soon be out of my hair though. In the east lay Klamanth and my freedom from this village and its simple folk.
I cannot make a decent enough mockery for you to understand how ridiculously she says money. She pronounces it "mo-ney" and makes it sound like a disease of some kind.


This giant head has always baffled me. Nobody will tell me where it comes from, but nothing I've ever read suggests this head was created before the bombs. I suspect it was crafted by some of the villagers to mark the centre of the village and nobody would tell me as part of some cruel joke.
Whatever. I decided to pop by the local top dogs and flout my destiny in their faces. They were surprisingly chipper and offered to teach me some unarmed combat and how to wield my spear better. I can't help but feel it was some last mockery of my feeble state before I left forever. The gits.


We were training for a last time during which the sun went down. Subsequently my Pip-Boy still wasn't functioning properly. Apparently VATS was up and operating again, so maybe it was time I tried these new combat skills of mine out. But first, first I was still bleeding heavily from my legs where the ants had ripped through me. Which meant I had to go see...


He smelt worse than the garbled language he attempted to pass off as mysticism. He was the village healer which meant he made home made drugs and got high off them. It was an envied position.
However, he wanted me to deal with some weeds in his garden, in return for some healing powders for my journey. At such a trade, it was hard to resist such an easy job so I went behind his tent to his garden.


Of course Hakunin. Of course the plants are 5 feet tall and carnivorous.
Well, nothing for it. I jabbed it with my spear to the obvious effect of nothing at all. It proceeded to start chewing on my shoulder.


Luck however was on my side for once. The plant wiggled around for a bit and then suddenly snapped backwards suddenly. The Pip-Boy informed me that it had crippled its right arm. Very bad luck indeed considering it had no visible arms.


Curious, I pulled up the VATS and noticed that the Pip-Boy didn't think it had any arms either.
I tried my best to ignore it and killed both plants. I have no idea how but by stabbing them repeatedly with Mr Pointy, they both eventually feel to pieces.


I returned to Hakunin and got my healing powder and had him repair my bloody chunk that passed for a shoulder. It was quickly becoming clear that Mummy was only the tip of the iceberg that was this world.


The Pip-Boy appeared to be functioning in this half light, well enough for me to use its map at the least. Klamanth was at least a day's walk away, provided I didn't rest for the night. I went there was as a little boy, but I don't remember much of it.


As I crossed the bridge and faced the wasteland in front of me, I had to wonder what I was leaving behind.
These people had tortured me and tried to kill me on many occasions, but did I not deserve it in some way? The world was a cruel place now, and people like me with a thirst for knowledge weren't what were needed. People who were strong, who could survive out there was what we needed now. The weight of my destiny came crashing down upon me.
Then I remembered the Gecko trap.
I couldn't cross the desert fast enough.


As I strode down the main street and approached the town proper, the dilapidated buildings providing cooling shade under the blaring sun, the possibilities stretched in front of me. Vic was here somewhere if I cared enough, but surely it was time to start my life proper, away from Mummy.
Note to self: Make sure life proper does not involve giant insects.

By the way?

Our first level.


I improved our tagged skills while also investing some skill points in Doctor and Melee weapons, just in case. I doubt we'll get there anytime soon, but I'd like the combat options to be available later.

And if you're wondering, I did go save the dog but the only interesting part was when the dog accidentally crippled itself. This Jinxed trait is the only thing keeping me alive guys.
I also ran into some Radscorpions as a random encounter on my way to Klamanth. I decided to try and take them on after saving and see how I fare. Killed two of them thanks to Jinxed and then died after leaving the map due to poisoning. Kind of anticlimatic, so we're pretending that didn't happen.

So next set of choices, and ones that will actually be interesting and probably not unanimous!
Do we:
Focus on Vic?
Rescue Smiley the Trapper from a cave filled with Geckos?
Help a guy with his brewery or sell him out?
Guard or rustle some Brahmin?
This is where we'll start affecting our karma and thus leaning towards good or evil. This won't have an effect until later in the game but it's the small steps that matter.
We can also go kill a Rat God, but we're going to need companions and guns if we're to hope to do that, so we'll wait until we've been to the Den before we hunt him down.
I'll also say that I hate Arroyo and intend on never returning there ever. It's a really boring town in comparison to places like the Den or San Francisco.

2009-06-30, 05:04 PM
I say go good, but not too good.

Of course I haven't played this game so I don't have any other opinions.

2009-06-30, 05:08 PM
I say go good, but not too good.

Of course I haven't played this game so I don't have any other opinions.

I generally agree, but I, knowing the alignment system of the game would extend it slightly.

Go reasonably but not irritatingly good in general, even if it is with reluctance, but pick one city to be hated and feared in.

The Rose Dragon
2009-06-30, 05:33 PM
Be the Dunton Brothers' bitch. Screw up with the idiot half-naked guy.

2009-06-30, 05:56 PM
Be the Dunton Brothers' bitch. Screw up with the idiot half-naked guy.

But that's not fun evil, like selling out all humanity or tricking said village idiot into burning down an orphanage, that's lame evil. Remember, if it's someone else's bad idea, it's not as fun as your own bad ideas. And if I had bad karma, I'd want it to be from something I could look back on and say "it was totally worth it."

2009-06-30, 05:58 PM
Go crazy and kill the would-be cattle rustlers. Loot! KILL! MAIM!

edit- and I do mean loot.

The Rose Dragon
2009-06-30, 06:16 PM
But that's not fun evil, like selling out all humanity or tricking said village idiot into burning down an orphanage, that's lame evil. Remember, if it's someone else's bad idea, it's not as fun as your own bad ideas. And if I had bad karma, I'd want it to be from something I could look back on and say "it was totally worth it."

That's not "lame evil" - that's not evil at all. That's being a thug.

Which is exactly why it's so fun.

2009-06-30, 06:58 PM
Go crazy and kill the would-be cattle rustlers. Loot! KILL! MAIM!

With the kynxed trait, it doesn't seem like he has a lot of choices in this particular matter. He'll leave a trail of crippled living beings wherever he passes, will he want it or not:smalltongue:

2009-07-01, 01:19 AM
Good update =)

I'd vote for this order:
Guard Brahmin
Help out with the Brewery
Find the Trapper
Vic time

2009-07-01, 02:55 AM
Banana-nut is an awesome chosen one. Just saying that I'll be hanging around this thread too.

as much as I always play good guys and kinda want to know what happen if we played a jerk, banana-nut sounds too much like a deadpan-snarker with a heart of gold, annoyed with the world but still liking it. So I second Shikton.

2009-07-01, 03:12 AM
Hey, a Fallout 2 LP :smallsmile:

Good writing so far. As for the next course of action, I'll second Shikton, with the exception that you rescue Smiley before refueling the still. This way you'll be able to skin/sell hides of any geckos you kill while trying to reach the shack.

Or you could always drop into Vic's first and snag the pipe rifle there. Shame about your perception being so low. I usually max it, grab the pipe rifle, head into the rat caves, find the 10mm pistol there, and blow out the Rat God's brain with a couple bullets.

2009-07-01, 05:43 AM
Hey, a Fallout 2 LP :smallsmile:

Good writing so far. As for the next course of action, I'll second Shikton, with the exception that you rescue Smiley before refueling the still. This way you'll be able to skin/sell hides of any geckos you kill while trying to reach the shack.

Actually, yes. I agree. Totally forgot about the skinning part. Mucho dinero, por favor!

2009-07-01, 06:30 AM
Question: How often will Banana-Nut steal and pickpocket from passerby and random houses?

2009-07-01, 07:04 AM
Okay loved chapter 2 much more. His dialog makes him sound like he is fundemantaly a good person, but understands that sometimes he will have to do bad things.

2009-07-01, 09:31 AM
I'd vote for this order:
Find the Trapper
Rustle some Brahmin
Help out with the Brewery
Vic time

2009-07-01, 01:40 PM
I'm going to go play some more now to get the next update done. Edit: Which will be tomorrow because a Golden Gecko killed me and I forgot to save. :smallyuk:
Just as a fun fact for 3 hours odd getting the updates and technical stuff sorted, I've only played for 50 minutes odd. :smalltongue:
Just thought I'd mention:

Question: How often will Banana-Nut steal and pickpocket from passerby and random houses?

I'm looting everything I see right now for gameplay reasons, but I'm not likely to mention it in the main posts.
I got 100 gold off of my stupid aunt though, which was a welcome surprise.

2009-07-02, 02:50 AM
Yikes, that blows...but looking forward to the next update!

2009-07-02, 11:02 AM
I'd say to wait on heading to the Den until you have enough explosives to deal with the pesky pickpocketing problem there. :smallamused:

2009-07-02, 11:07 AM
I'd say to wait on heading to the Den until you have enough explosives to deal with the pesky pickpocketing problem there. :smallamused:

Just pass by them in combat mode.

2009-07-02, 11:16 AM
I'd say to wait on heading to the Den until you have enough explosives to deal with the pesky pickpocketing problem there. :smallamused:

Are the pickpockets really that bad for other people? I think in the dozen or so times I've played through the game, they only ever managed to steal two items off of me, none of them terribly useful (a box of Cheezy Puffs and a crowbar). And each kid only ever gets one attempt anyway, I think.

2009-07-02, 11:18 AM
Someone freakin stole my customized plasma rifle. I had to kill the fence to get it back.

2009-07-02, 11:22 AM
Someone freakin stole my customized plasma rifle. I had to kill the fence to get it back.

With what? :smalltongue:

2009-07-02, 11:25 AM
Yep, the kids really are that horrible. They stole my best weapons at the time. That's just a horrible thing to do! :(

2009-07-02, 11:35 AM
It's also funny to watch them blow up. Best way to do it (to make sure it gets done) is arm a pack of explosives and pickpocket them to plant it. Walk away and watch as hilarity ensues.

2009-07-02, 11:54 AM
With what? :smalltongue:

Bear hands.

2009-07-02, 12:15 PM
Bear hands.

Where did you get bear hands? I haven't seen any bears in F2 :smallconfused:

2009-07-02, 12:32 PM
Where did you get bear hands? I haven't seen any bears in F2 :smallconfused:

If you're serious, I think he means "bare" =P

The Rose Dragon
2009-07-02, 12:38 PM
Wait, who? Which kids? Why did I never cross any pickpockets?

2009-07-02, 12:44 PM
Where did you get bear hands? I haven't seen any bears in F2 :smallconfused:

Of course I haven't played this game so I don't have any other opinions.

Its a MTG pun.

2009-07-02, 12:53 PM
Wait, who? Which kids? Why did I never cross any pickpockets?

They are that good.

2009-07-02, 12:54 PM
Wait, who? Which kids? Why did I never cross any pickpockets?

They were removed in the European version because it's ya know, one of the few games where you can open up a full SMG round on a kid's face.
Don't worry, I only play the American version. Because, seriously, bang bang no more pickpocket.

2009-07-02, 12:57 PM
They're also in the UK version actually. But I never kill the kids. I'm too much of a saint ;)

The Rose Dragon
2009-07-02, 12:58 PM
They were removed in the European version because it's ya know, one of the few games where you can open up a full SMG round on a kid's face.
Don't worry, I only play the American version. Because, seriously, bang bang no more pickpocket.

I had the Childkiller perk. The count was over 30, I think. Including all the Wright family children.

I still didn't cross any pickpockets. No one ever picked my pockets.

Damn these kids.

2009-07-02, 01:07 PM
The children outside the buildings in the Den will attempt to pickpocket you when you walk by them (if you're paying attention, you'll see them lean over and do the same animation your sprite does when you open a lock/pick a pocket/interact with things.) They're not very good at it, at least not at picking the stat arrays I usually choose. If they end up grabbing something, I think they take it and deliver it to Flick. They'll stop picking if you kill Flick, IIRC.

The European 'childless' versions just had the images blanked out; the game entities are actually still there and still perform pickpockets, but could not (I think) interact with anything else. This was.. something of a poor decision, as it meant items could simply disappear from the player's inventory, but they could not be re-picked from the ghost-kid or delivered to Flick to be recovered normally.

revolver kobold
2009-07-02, 08:56 PM
I had one of the brats in The Den steal a plasma grenade from me, then suffer a critical failure when he tried to throw it at me. It was the greatest thing I have seen in a Fallout game.

As for Banana-Nut, I say just go where the humor leads you. But I'd start by helping out Torr with his bugmen problem. Torr is such a lovable oaf (even more so if you chat to him with a low intelligence score).

2009-07-03, 05:30 AM
Pip-Boy 2000 Electronic Diary - Windowed Automatic Reference Diary - Part 3


Klamanth wasn't much better than the village really. In place of the tents were the ruins of old buildings and Geckos and Brahmins still formed the key to survival. It smelt about the same as well. It was good a place as any to start my life anew really.


The populace didn't seem all that different either. Waiting by the entrance to the town was an old drunk and what looked like a tribal. Big, brawny and wearing scraps of leather for clothes. Yeah. He had to be a tribal. I ignored him, wanting to get my past behind me and move on.


So I hit the local inn. Seemed as good a place as any to find out what was going on. This place smelt even worse.


I introduced myself to the landlady who seemed to stifle a laugh when I told her my name. A little bemused, she asked me if I'd spotted her fiancé, Smiley. Apparently he was a trapper and had left on a quest. Well, I could sympathise with him if he was on a dangerous and life threatening quest for no real reason when all was needed was a little more deliberation about farming techniques or the local soil type when it was organised by his scheming mother to finally get rid of...

I asked her about this quest.


Oh **** no.
I wasn't going anywhere near any Golden Geckos.
Poor bastard can rot for all I care.


Instead I went to Ardin's daughter to organise a room so I could sleep after the long journey here. Apparently she also did some trade here so I thought I'd have a look over what she had.


Wow. A crowbar. I'd read about those. Scientists were said to use them before the bombs as their main form of self defence. Though Mr Pointy had been with me many years, I couldn't resist the call of Science!
And that's when I learnt that if I wanted something I was gonna have to work for it.
Ugh. I wasn't willing to spend any money right now until I'd established just what I was going to do now. There was no point investing in a weapon if I ended up working here in the inn or something. A crowbar though... there was something in me just screaming for it.


In the corner stood what was very obviously a tribal. Rather than sitting outside looking plaintive this guy seemed to be doing okay for himself here in the inn. Maybe he had some tips for tribals getting started.


He introduced himself as Sulik and Grampy Bone. It didn't take any real deduction to guess that... interesting decoraction was Grampy Bone. The name Sulik wasn't new to me though. Didn't one of the Buckner's mention him?
At any rate. I asked him what he was doing in Klamanth.


Ah. Vic. Apparently I wasn't the only one searching for him. And apparently fate was on my side and Vic wasn't here giving me all the more time to ignore my supposed quest to find him. Sulik wasn't so happy about this though.


Ugh. Spirits. Another superstitious tribal. This was what I was trying to get away from. I made my quick goodbyes and went outside the inn quick as possible.


Klamanth wasn't so bad really, it looked like it was getting by just fine but this wasn't the place for me. Too many tribals and too close to Arroyo. I resolved to get out of here fast and went back towards the entrance to town.


On my way out of town I noticed the sign however. For all his illiteracy, Vic obviously dealt in antiques, pre-war items. For all my want to avoid him, if he wasn't in town that meant his shop was probably empty. A quick look around wouldn't hurt.


It was a rundown place, but that could be forgiven if it wasn't his permanent abode. The door was open and I just couldn't resist. My mind was racing with ideas of what could be behind inside.
Turned out, not much. Of course Vic would take everything with him, he was looking to sell it of course. But then I saw the backroom. This door too was open. Just a peek, that's all I would have. If there was nothing out here there wouldn't be anything in there, would there?


Wow. A gun. This was... this was good. What better way to seperate myself from those tribals than by using this piece of explosive based artillery that they would never even dream of posessing. I looked down the barrel of the gun and thought to myself "Yeah... yeah... who's feeling lucky now?"
Well, not me of course. But I was liking my chances in the world more and more with some firepower behind me.
I felt bad about taking it though. Maybe it was time to rack up some good karma. I'd heard that someone named Torr was looking for help with some Brahmin. I could do that. Torr... Torr... now who could be Torr?


Of course you're Torr. How could you not be? Well, he didn't seem so bad. A little lacking in the mental functions, but he was harmless enough. I asked him what I could help with.


Bugmen? It seemed kind of silly for such a big guy to be scared but after Sulik I got the feeling that this town could be a bit superstitious at times. I agreed to help anyway and Torr led me out of town to a Brahmin grazing ground.


Ah. Radscorpions. These were his bugmen. Well, I felt confident and immediately struck at the mutated creature, landing a very very luck blow. A rush of adrenaline went through me and I charged at the rest of the scorpions clackering away in the trees. This... did not go so well.
Many many times my weapon slipped through my grasp as I tried to defend myself and grabbing it again left me vulnerable. By the time I was finished I had more holes in me that Lost's plot.
I... don't entirely understand that, but my gut tells me it's true.


When they were all dead I limped over to Torr who thanked me for my absent minded carnage. He gave me no reward, but I didn't feel I deserved one after stealing from Vic. Torr went back to his Brahmin as I made my way back to town. If I learnt anything from this venture, it was that poison really really hurts and that I was not suited for this fighting business.


Night had fallen when I got back to town so I rented a room and bunkered down for the night. I guess the poison worked its way through my system while I slept because I woke up feeling like a new man. My victory over the radscorpions inspired me and the good feeling from helping Torr decided for me that Smiley needed help, Geckos or no Geckos. I grabbed my spear and rifle and waved goodbye to the Buckners as I set out once again across the desert to where Ardin had told me Smiley had gone. It was a small cave in the middle of nowhere but it looked too... artificial to be a cave. Less like a naturally occurring geological feature and more like a clever attempt at one.


As I crawled inside, I got the drop on a Gecko and knocked to the floor. Quickly pulling the rifle off my back I put a bullet in its head to finish it off. Well, this was going well.


I peeked round the corner and...
Euuuuggghhh. This wouldn't end well. A Golden Gecko, a much larger, more fierce version of an already nasty lizard strode confidently through some kind of greenish sludge. There was no way I could take that on by myself. Those teeth would rip through me as though it was nothing. It was obvious Smiley needed help, if he was still alive, and to help him I needed help.
Torr briefly flashed through my mind, being a big guy, but he was too child-like to be able to fight. Plus, if he was afraid of the radscorpions these Geckos could scare him to death. Frankly, I was terrified of them as well and it was only my moral obligation to Smiley that brought me here. I hadn't met anyone in town who would be strong enough to fight against these things though. Apart from...


Damn it.

I was intending on finish this update after saving Smiley but, after ignoring the Brewery and helping Torr as people seemed to want, I've arrived at this predicament. The Golden Geckos rip me apart, and no amount of reloading and jinxed will get me through them.
We could help Sulik, but 350 is all the money we have right now and while Smiley could be rescued, we'd be broke.
Give Sulik all our money so we can go save Smiley?
Give up on Smiley and move on to the Den/go do the Brewery?
Take a Third Option (if anyone can think of one)?

The Rose Dragon
2009-07-03, 05:38 AM
Rescue Sulik. He's surprisingly smart for a superstitious tribal.

2009-07-03, 06:21 AM
Feh. Easy come easy go. Being brought up in a village where they can't even say the word money probably hasn't instilled that much concern about having it. Grab Sullik.

2009-07-03, 06:37 AM
Stimpaks are what, $100 a pop? Sulik's like a free Stimpak that regenerates over time -- and also like having an extra gun to shoot at the same time. At the very least, if you take him, you'll have an edge on those slavers.

Something tells me you'll need every advantage you can get.

2009-07-03, 10:04 AM
Incidentally, how likely are the companions to die over this LP? Are you going to be making sure they survive? Because that could become a mite tricky with jinxed in play...

2009-07-03, 10:27 AM
Oh bugger. I hadn't thought of that...
Well, if we end up recruiting Vic I wasn't going to make any effort for him after the man many many many many times he has shot me in the back of the head.
Uhhh... we'll decide as they come.

2009-07-03, 10:55 AM
Give Sulik all our money so we can go save Smiley: How's our stealing skill? If we "find" in our people's backpacks valuable stuff and return them for money....
If our stealing ability is too low, then guess we pay Sulik or do the Brewery first.

What is Sulik proficient in? (spears, knifes, small guns?)

2009-07-03, 12:05 PM
IIRC, Sulik's at his best with a melee weapon (he comes with a sledgehammer), and he's good at (very) indiscriminate killing with an SMG. He can't actually wield rifles or pistols, since his sprite isn't set to use them.

I'll say yeah, take Sulik along, but then head into trapper town first and clear the rat tunnels. The extra ammo and weapons you find there should be useful when assaulting the gecko caves.

2009-07-03, 04:16 PM
Let Sulik tag along. He's awesome with a sledgehammer, and will be well worth it when you're actually able to finish off those damn geckos.

2009-07-03, 04:49 PM
In my opinion, don't bring Sulik along to the Smiley quest. The rubber boots there are only enough for one person, and Sulik would probably waste HPs passing through the toxic waste.

My choice would be doing the brewery thing first, selling some gecko pelt to maybe get a better weapon/armor/something and primarily some xp (hopefully a level), then solo the Smiley quest, and then get Sulik to blaze through the Rat God mission.

Edit: Ah, wait. Better would be bringing Sulik to the brewery quest to help, and then leave him in the town while soloing Smiley.

2009-07-03, 09:26 PM
There are at least 2-3 pairs of rubber boots you can pick up to head into the cave to save Smiley.
As for not having enough money... thats not something a little pickpocketting or guns won't fix. I tend to love to kill the Duntons just because I've always found them annoying.

I don't see the point in saving our money, its not like we have any driving need for it right now and it doesn't take too long before you have piles of things to sell and trade.

The Rose Dragon
2009-07-04, 05:44 AM
My choice would be doing the brewery thing first, selling some gecko pelt to maybe get a better weapon/armor/something and primarily some xp (hopefully a level), then solo the Smiley quest, and then get Sulik to blaze through the Rat God mission.

And how exactly are we gonna sell gecko pelts without rescuing Smiley?

2009-07-04, 07:06 AM
Some trappers have Gecko pelts in their disposal. Save13LMBLoad13LMBLoad13LMBLoad13LMB and you should get them. :smalltongue:

2009-07-04, 02:27 PM
And how exactly are we gonna sell gecko pelts without rescuing Smiley?

You're right, I got my quests mixed up. It's Smiley, brewery, Rat God.

Actually, now to think of it, you can do them in any order. That extra gold from the pelts really doesn't make such a difference, as you find most of the better weapons as loot or in unattended containers, not vendors.

2009-07-06, 11:05 AM
I wonder what's next for our little protagonist...looking forward to the next update!

2009-07-06, 12:29 PM
Well we could always sell gecko pelts to finance our visit to the whorehouse... Or our impending jet addiction. :smallbiggrin:

2009-07-06, 12:33 PM
The actual update will come tomorrow, I'm going to play tonight and get all the screenshots done and what not.
Right now I'm trying to decide just how frequently I should update, and I also had some real life stuff like panicy friends on phones and one of the Radio team being hospitalised, again, delaying my other Let's Play project even mooooore.
In other words, I freaking hate reloading so often in battle and I'm making excuses.

2009-07-06, 12:57 PM
The actual update will come tomorrow, I'm going to play tonight and get all the screenshots done and what not.
Right now I'm trying to decide just how frequently I should update, and I also had some real life stuff like panicy friends on phones and one of the Radio team being hospitalised, again, delaying my other Let's Play project even mooooore.
In other words, I freaking hate reloading so often in battle and I'm making excuses.

Gaming > real life :smallcool:

2009-07-06, 02:06 PM
I forget - can you steal the money back after you buy Sulik's freedom, or is it gone forever? Been too long...

2009-07-06, 02:52 PM
I think Sulik's payment just disappears, but I'm not certain; it's been a few playthroughs since I actually paid for him to join me. I usually approach Klamath by helping the Duntons scare Tor (steal the Spiked Knuckles they carry while you're at it; they're the best Unarmed-type weapon you'll see for quite a while, and they're worth a good bit as well.) He'll run away to the Klamath Canyon where the crashed vertibird is after that. Go over there, beat up the Mr. Handy, and bring him back; you can ask for Sulik to be freed as your reward for 'helping' Tor. The net change is like -5 Karma and Klamath dislikes you a little, but it's worth it to save the money and have Sulik with you to help clear the rat caves (although there seems to be an AI bug or something regarding the Rat God- Sulik almost never attacks it. Doesn't recognize it as an enemy or can't figure out how to path to it or something.) Thankfully the Rat God uses the highly lethal Rat critical hit tables, so if you have a decent combat skill you have pretty good chances of instant killing it with a knife/bullet/fist/whatever through its brain.

2009-07-06, 04:45 PM
Maybe a stupid question, but did you remember to loot the entire town? I think you can find Guns&Ammo somewhere, and that should still help you quite a bit with your Small Arms skill. Plus, one of the houses has a couple of throwing knives in a locker, and those sell for quite a bit.

2009-07-12, 06:01 AM
No new updates? :(

2009-07-18, 06:33 PM
It's been good enough so far to be worth a bump.

If it's over, oh well, but if there's a chance of another update I'd like to see it.

2009-08-02, 02:34 AM
Hey Jibar! You still doing this? Don't make me hunt down your cat-muffin hide and eat it!