View Full Version : Asassin's assassination - revenge of the touched ghoul

2009-06-29, 06:47 PM
It's a dark night (clouded). normal vision is limited to light radius...

the pain of you recent undeath is most destructive - for the others, that is. it has been less then a week ago that you were hunted down by a pack of ghouls, one of the General's special forces.

it was not difficult to find their camp in the middle of the jungle - the wagons that carry the suplies must have a way cleared open by the sword. The Empire is expansive and organized - at the moment, they are trying to breach the borders of the "known" world.

when you get closer to the camp, you can see the lights from the torches in a clearing... it's better to law low now, and aproach quietly - you have no idea of how many and how powerfull your foes might be, much less where the general is.

you're in a tick undergrowth area, closing in to the camp but still some 80 feet away. (do you have darkvision?)

http://lh4.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SklS0yG3tfI/AAAAAAAAESg/Og-MXEHbXxc/s720/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%202962009%20204743.j pg

2009-06-29, 07:28 PM
Tanthalas moves silently through the underbrush towards the light of the torches. He keeps his yellow eyes peeled for any movement by the edge of the camp.

I have Darkvision 60 ft.
Hide [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]
Spot [roll2]
What are the chances of two nat 20s on my stealth rolls?

2009-06-30, 08:59 PM
you aproch more silent then vacuum.

you can see some troppers at the edge of the camp. they are all humans and equiped like it's writen on the picture (same color's have same equipment). they seem to be operating/repairing and cleaning a set of heavy balistas, wich you can see that are not loaded, but the bolts are on the ground just close to their wheels. the two "green" ones closer to you and the left archer are attentive to the surroundings, but the others are distracted and with wepons sheated.

a circular fence/barricade blocks the way for a clean, direct charge. you can atempt to hide behind it and then start a surprise round, jump over it (5 feet tall) as your surprise round and roll inititive in the middle of them or you can attempt a DC 20 tumble check for a partial charge (you will pass by difficult terrain and a blocking object, during charge) and strike the closest soldier.

you can also just fall back and try to aproach from a different angle. you can keep making hide checks while in light or heavy undergrowth, under the torches low-light area, or even in clear light bedind a obstacle that blocks the foes line of sight.

http://lh4.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/Skq-mZkUYCI/AAAAAAAAES8/tJMIun5b3uo/s576/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%203062009%20223943.j pg

2009-06-30, 10:49 PM
Tanthalas charges the soldiers, tumbling past the fence and striking out at the nearest one. His fist lashes out towards the jaw of the closest soldier, as he continues moving forwards.

Tumble [roll0]
Attack (Add 2 for charging, if applicable) [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

HP 72/72
AC 27 (For charging) 29 standard.

2009-07-01, 08:05 AM
You sucessfuly avoid the fence and strike your enemy - he's down already, never saw what hit him. end of surprise round. the other soldiers (all of them) turn their head to you direction, in a reflex manner. their eyes get wide open when they realize what just happened.

you won innitiative and can act again.

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SktfrGuSv_I/AAAAAAAAEUI/RmjXdIWdU48/s576/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%20172009%20100640.jp g

2009-07-01, 12:22 PM
Tanthalas sidesteps towards the next guard right next to the one he just took down. His foot flies up and strikes the temple of the guard, while at the same time his fist strikes him in the gut. As soon as his foot comes down, his knee rises and lands in the guard's crotch. Tanthalas drops down, ready for any attacks that may be imminent.

5ft step, then a Flurry of Blow attack on the second guard. Charge penalty (AC) and bonus (Attack rolls) only last till your next action, so they are gone now. I also probably have cover behind the ballista from the other guards.

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack 3 [roll4] Damage [roll5]

That probably dropped him.

HP 72/72
AC 29/25/22

2009-07-01, 01:16 PM
the leggionaries STARE at you "A monster!", with no hesitation, they pack in to hunt you.

the two archers quickly grab their bows as they get into position - both shoot you once
[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3]

the heavily armored one looks at the other soldier close to him and says "surround!". both move closer, but only the low-rank one is melle (jsut closed in, dosen't strike).

"lets teach those jungle beasts a lesson." says the other guy in the back. he aproaches and casts a spell in himself(you have no idea of what it was). the other low-rank soldier grabs his gear and aproaches too.

by some reason they didin't shout a lot or anything. if there is any alarm system, you're not sure they activated it or not.
http://lh3.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SkuojYfuxfI/AAAAAAAAEXk/XE_tdmSQpcc/s400/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%20172009%20151814.jp g

2009-07-01, 01:22 PM
Tanthalas dodges the arrows coming at him from the archers, and strikes at the soldier next to him. He leaps in the air, swinging his leg around behind him and striking the soldier in the head with his heel. He continues the spin, whipping his other leg around and striking him in the gut. At the same time, his fist lashes into the guard's face, smashing his nose.

5ft step closer to the ballista, and a Flurry of Blows on the 'green' soldier.

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack 3 [roll4] Damage [roll5]

HP 72/72
AC 29/25/22

2009-07-01, 03:10 PM
The green soldier manages to put his shield betwwen you foot and his head, but BANG! the shield smashes his own head and he gets a bit "whoa". the other strikes hit him as if he was a motionless sack of potatos (he went to 0 hp an then died. "green" goes for his color on the grid and for his experience as a legionarie:smallbiggrin:)

the arches move a little more, to get in PBS range: "fire!" and the soldier in front of them bend his kness just in time to avoid getting arrows in his back. a coordinated professional soldier move, no doubt. (no cover for the ghoul. coordinated archery feat)
[roll0], for [roll1]
[roll2], for [roll3]

the guy who cast a spell before do so again, but this time over YOU, and gets closer. you feel the ground slippery, and must keep yourself in ballance ( grease (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/grease.htm), DC 14)

fullplated guy: [impressed] "what?? you monster!" he advances and thrusts his pillum on what is left of your body, with all his might.
[roll4], for [roll5] (charging)
the other green soldier in the back got close to you now.

http://lh3.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SkvENDVjP1I/AAAAAAAAEYc/F94ZkXVOL5U/s400/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%20172009%20171549.jp g

2009-07-01, 03:26 PM
Tanthalas grunts as an arrow strikes his shoulder, but he breaks it off and doesn't give it another thought. He nearly slips as the ground becomes covered in some slippery substance, but he quickly regains his balance. He lashes out at the veteran soldier with three successive punches to the abdomen.

Reflex Save [roll0]

Flurry of Blows on the 'Yellow' Soldier.

Attack 1 [roll1] Damage [roll2]
Attack 2 [roll3] Damage [roll4]
Attack 3 [roll5] Damage [roll6]

HP 60/72
AC 29/25/22

Wow....Crappy rolls....

2009-07-01, 04:01 PM
you're kind of just bruising the man's armor, but the oportuniry presented by his offensive atacks are "rewarded". you hit the 1º atack.

"fire!" - the arrows fly
[roll0], for[roll1]
[roll2], for [roll3]

"UFF!" - yellow is hit. more pillum in your face.
[roll4], for[roll5]
the low-rank soldier also atacks you - possibly in the greatest emotion of his life [roll6], for [roll7]

the dark green soldier with the polearm atacks you too "For the empire!" his glavie becomes a little ghostly as he quickly say some unknow words. (this is a touch atack)
[roll8], for[roll9]

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SkvP2Lx9kdI/AAAAAAAAEZU/_1RQ8trkbW8/s512/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%20172009%20180520.jp g

2009-07-01, 04:25 PM
Tanthalas growls as another arrow strikes him, but he manages to dodge the rest of the attacks directed at him, and he lashes out yet again at the veteran soldier, sending three kicks directed at his sternum.

Stunning fist attempt on the first attack. If it hits and he fails a DC 19 Fort Save, he is stunned till my next turn. No Dex to AC and -2 more AC.

Reflex Save vs Grease
Attack 1 [roll]1d20+11 Damage
Attack 2 [roll]1d20+11 Damage
Attack 3 [roll]1d20+6 Damage [roll3]

HP 50/72
AC 29/25/22

2009-07-01, 05:01 PM
you miss the first strike, but the others hit him with force. enought force to crack open his skull and drop his brain. yellow is dead.

[scared]"fire!!! FIRE!!"
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]

dark green polearm-man: "damm it! private, go for reinforcements!" the low-ranking soldier withdraws (no AoO) to outside the fenced space. he's scared to his death, and it's unable to really shout - he bablbes and grasps "atack! under atack!". anyway, this fight is lasting quite a bit and should have raised someone suspicious.

the spellcaster then repeats the ghostly wepon trick: [roll4], [roll5] (touch atack) moves a bit and blocks your way in, toward the private or the archers. (remember: he has reach, but dosen't treath the 5-foot area right around him)

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SkvdSzgyQiI/AAAAAAAAEaI/KJolqNLwMTA/s512/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%20172009%20190316.jp g

2009-07-01, 05:12 PM
Tanthalas dodges the attack, and follows him, moving in for a strikes at him with his fist, attempting to crush his windpipe.

Auto-succeed on a Tumble check with a +16. Moving adjacent to the Dark Green guy. Standard attack.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2009-07-01, 05:20 PM
(sounds like a solid hit, but you must roll reflex for grease DC 14 and balance check DC 10 to walk in a area with grease. if you fail you reflex you're prone, if you fail your balance you can't move.)

2009-07-01, 05:38 PM
Reflex [roll0]
Balance [roll1]

2009-07-01, 05:53 PM
you back the legionnarie pretty hard, he's bleeding form the blow. and angry. yet another time he cast that strange spell and strikes [roll0], [roll1] (touch)

"fire!". one of the arches gets to another position - anything to avoid you full atack!
[roll2], [roll3]
[roll4], [roll5]

you can see more soldiers aproaching. the green aone finaly gets his voice out of his mouth:


http://lh4.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SkvpPboXYsI/AAAAAAAAEbA/OZhLDTQFIv8/s640/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%20172009%20194941.jp g

2009-07-01, 06:14 PM
Realizing that things are getting a bit hot, Tanthalas withdraws back over the fence, sprinting away from the guards, to attempt to find a better way in.

I can move double my speed, correct? That means I move 100ft away from the combat, towards the jungle. I'm gonna look for a lone guard as I move around the perimeter, so I can kill and eat him.

Hide at the end of my movement (If allowed) [roll0]

HP 31/72 Dang, that dude hits hard!

2009-07-02, 04:28 PM
the soldiers barely see the "monster" dashing out like thunder. one or two arrows flight againt him again, but for nothing. he's gone. a few more soldiers arive at the balista spot, some of them checking the losses.

(well, soon they will all be in full alert. if you still plan in getting someone distracted/alone, you will have to hurry. in a cuple of rounds, higher command should arive and set things straight with the guard routine, leting everyone pretty edgy. you're SW of the camp border, wich way you want to go? the camp is about 300 feet x 300 feet so you could cover most of it in few rounds. wich way will you go? N or E?)

2009-07-02, 10:15 PM
Tanthalas turns and heads north along the edge of the camp, looking for an unsuspecting soldier that he can devour.

A couple Hide and Move Silently checks.

Hide [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]

Hide [roll2]
Move Silently [roll3]

Hide [roll4]
Move Silently [roll5]

Hide [roll6]
Move Silently [roll7]

2009-07-03, 10:53 PM
seconds later, you're far awya from the balistas. as you keep going noth, you can see a dense pack os soldiers coming out of some tent (and into the balistas). it has several wooden pillars in the outer border, and covers several kinds of crates, ladders, and sacks. seems like a field warehouse with no walls.

it's possible that the soldiers were working in that warehouse, organizing, picking, opening, whatever. a pair of them is left behind, hastely closing a crate. as you get them in range, they pick their wepons from the ground and start to move.

(you can't reach them with a partial charge - diagonal movement in undergrowth is tricky. you can use your surprise round to get closer, then roll initiative, and charge or even move and atack.

in this particular situation, I will roll their initiatives - it will be more intense and undeath-treathening.)

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/Sk7QVaN2MBI/AAAAAAAAEcs/_RQXH2oIiN8/s400/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%20472009%20004438.jp g

2009-07-04, 12:37 AM
Tanthalas bolts from the undergrowth, sprinting towards the pair of soldiers, readying himself for conflict.

Can I just move double speed towards them? That would be 100ft. I can sneak closer to them in the undergrowth if I have to, to where I can reach them in 50 ft. I would like to get a Full Attack on them before they act...

Here is a Hide and Move Silently, if the second option is a go.

Hide [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]

2009-07-04, 11:38 AM
as you aproach them, they sort of realize something is coming - but too fast! they are completly out of action and reaction.

(sweet 31 on initiative. in they way you wanted to act, that is, making you surprise round later, the soldiers would move away from there. but, since you got an initiative over 6 times higher, le'ts forget them. go get them.)

2009-07-04, 01:25 PM
Tanthalas explodes on the soldiers, overwhelming them with a hail of kicks and punches.

No sure what you mean, exactly. I'll just include a couple attacks here, just in case. Regardless, as soon as one soldier falls, the rest of the attacks go for the second. If I get a standard action before my full attack, take the first roll from the second set and add one for that.

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack 3 [roll4] Damage [roll5]

Attack 1 [roll6] Damage [roll7]
Attack 2 [roll8] Damage [roll9]
Attack 3 [roll10] Damage [roll11]

2009-07-04, 03:59 PM
somehow the soldiers managed to keep harmless from your atacks. "oh no!" they say, trying to stab you a bit.
[roll0], for [roll1]
[roll2], for [roll3]

realizing their strikes didn't help much, they fall back (each generates 1 AoO) "capitan, *it* is here! help us!"

http://lh3.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/Sk_BpqWVOsI/AAAAAAAAEeY/eg6gNNSQEHc/s400/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%20472009%20175428.jp g

2009-07-05, 01:10 AM
Tanthalas lashes out at the soldiers as they attempt to flee, and follows them with a second blow.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Follow the soldiers and attack again, either one.
Attack [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

Actually, on second thought, hit whichever one is the more injured with the second strike (the one from the standard action).

2009-07-05, 03:27 PM
you hit one of the soldiers as they turn teirs back on you. you keep up on him and bring him to the ground. the other one tries the same trick again - hit and run [roll0],[roll1]. generates AoO. you are 2 squares NW of the toch in the right

the other pack of soldiers who where in the warehouse before almost twists their necks as they see the enemy behind them "onward man, slay the beast!" a medium-armored, shielded, longsowrdsman says. he has a dark red cape cape and fluffly dark red feathers on his helmet. as he moves closer, he unsheats his blade, with radiates a huge light (60 feet +60 feet of shady light). they are all close to the SE tree and will reach in the next round

2009-07-06, 12:36 PM
Tanthalas lashes at the man as he retreats yet again, and follows him as he moves away.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Move Action to follow him, and a Standard to attack him.
Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2009-07-08, 03:03 PM
you finish off the second soldier as that souther pack starts to advance.

the man in dark red cape points his sowrd to you and shouts "onward man! slay the beast for the glory of The Empire! MOVE!". somehow that inspiration actually affects the soldiers who have a brust of speed and quickly get close to you.

its your turn. the corsses are the fallen soldiers. they weight 160 pounds+ equipment, that is aditional 50 lb.
http://lh5.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SlT6o-qFVRI/AAAAAAAAEgw/2LXOzYVO9VU/s576/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%20872009%20125836.jp g

2009-07-08, 08:25 PM
Tanthalas once again retreats into the forest.

Just to make sure I heard you right, there are a limited number of soldiers in the camp, correct? So I can eventually kill them all? Or at least thin them out? I'm gonna keep sneaking around the camp, looking for solo or pairs of soldiers, especially greenies, and yellows if I have to.

Hide [roll0]
Move Silently[roll1]

Hide [roll2]
Move Silently[roll3]

Hide [roll4]
Move Silently[roll5]

Hide [roll6]
Move Silently[roll7]

2009-07-23, 08:33 PM
you rush back to the woods, leaving your foes actionless. there is LOUD shouting this time, from the same voice. someone is getting anoyed with you.

(youre back to the "safety" of the woods. you cna keep on moving to find easy prey. since everyone is coming this way, hopefully the other side of the camp is quite deserted)

2009-07-27, 01:52 PM
Tanthalas moves into the forest, creeping around the edge of the camp, sneaking towards the opposite side of the encampment.

I am on the West side, correct? I am going around the North to the East side. If I see one or two 'greens' near the edge of the jungle, I will attempt to take them down and eat them. I really need some HP.

Hide [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]

Hide [roll2]
Move Silently [roll3]

Hide [roll4]
Move Silently [roll5]

Hide [roll6]
Move Silently [roll7]

Hide [roll8]
Move Silently [roll9]

Hide [roll10]
Move Silently [roll11]

That should be enough sneaking...

2009-07-30, 08:17 PM
the beast vanishes in shadows as the legionaries attempt to find it. such stealth and speed are beyond their spy-searching protocols...

you reach the northen edge of the camp. near the currals you can see some buckets with something (milk?), and one of the wagons (blocks in the middle) has a wheel under repair. all the soldiers that would be working on those everyday tasks are now armed and steady, anxiously trying to figure out what happened. (spot and lsiten check for more background information, nothing vital)

you stand before some pairs of soldiers, their equipment denoucing their ranks. you can charge any of the two northenmost yellow-green pairs (and then roll initiative). you can keep sneaking to find more prey or jsut move to the east to aporach the east corral trio.

the green soldiers and their equipment weight about 220 pounds (for dragging issues)

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SnJE0JdX-gI/AAAAAAAAEr4/vhKLKrALtAc/s720/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%203172009%20220721.j pg

2009-07-30, 10:44 PM
Listen and Spot first: [roll0] [roll1]

Now. I am going for the pair that is closest to the jungle. The one in the middle, between the other pair and the trio. I'm gonna sneak as close as I can and then attack the yellow one first. Then take out the greenie and drag him into the forest.

More stealth:



Tanthalas sneaks closer to the duo of soldiers standing near the edge of the forest. As soon as reaches a distance from which he can strike, he explodes out of the undergrowth, charging the unsuspecting pair, striking before they have a chance to react.

So here is my attack vs the yellow. If I can't get close enough to reach him with a single Move Action and I have to charge, add 2 to the attack roll. It also makes my AC 2 lower.

Attack Roll: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

AC 29/25/22

2009-07-30, 11:21 PM
Before they even have a chance to recover, Tanthalas unleashes another flurry of blows on them, lashing with fist and foot, elbow and knee.

Targeting the green. As soon as he drops, I'm turning on the yellow. Just in case I kill him before I use all my attacks. To eliminate the threat of multiple opponents.

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack 3 [roll4] Damage [roll5]

2009-07-31, 03:53 PM
The surprise flying kick hits the sargent hard... but for your surprise, he was not so unready. in the most natural way, he thursts his pillum at you when you charge at him, even if he was not even thinking about doing that. it was a combat relfex.
[roll0] for [roll1] damage

the green soldiers drops to his knees, staggered from the force of the 1º atack. even thought his armor protecs him from the seconD blow, that's enought to make him harmelss. hes still countious, at 0hp, but helpless.

the third atack hits the yellow soldiers too, who now bleeds a lot, but he's able to fight back and shout for reinforcements "GHAAA!! A MOSNTER! HELP!" [roll2] for [roll3] damage

you're in front of yelow, who is pretty hurt. green is droped and may be dragged. all the other soldiers around turn their heads at you - they act next round.

you may attempt a single atack and then drag a soldier (even both if you have the strenght) in the same round. the yellow sargent weights 250 lb

2009-08-01, 01:34 AM
Tanthalas lashes out a final time at the sergeant, and grabs both bodies and sprints towards the jungle.

I have 12 Str, which means I can push/drag 650 lbs. That should be enough. So I will attempt to take down the sergeant and then take both bodies into the woods.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Hide is applicable(For when I am back in the jungle): [roll2]

2009-08-01, 10:57 AM
you're unable to hit the sargent hard enought. he's standing...

you grab the fallen green soldier by his feet, and he starts to weakly struggle and moan ("aaahh!! help! help!!!"), scared to his death. the sargent strikes at you as soon as you turn your back on him [roll0] for [roll1]
"damm you! get off! him"

you make your way to the jungle, slowed by you cargo and by the undergrowth. the sargent pursuits you (you're still too close to hide), tryin toss his pilliun in you again walking throught the bushes (since he can't charge)
[roll2] for [roll3], 20% miss chance (1-20) [roll4]

(dragging rules are extremely unclear. i supose you're with a heavy load, moving only 35ft per round, and your max dex bonus to ac is just +1. do you have deflect arrows? if can sue that on his pillum. you mey effectvely hide on the next turn, if you just move away)
http://lh6.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SnRwDFxRvnI/AAAAAAAAEtg/lFFhdUPzMqA/s720/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%20282009%20133945.jp g

2009-08-01, 01:23 PM
Okay, I do have deflect arrows. It is a DC 20 Reflex Save, no? Gah, used the wrong save bonus. I will roll OOC.
So I'm gonna drop the body and try again to take down the sergeant. After that I'm gonna take just the greenie body and sneak further in and attempt to hide/eat him.

As the man flings his Pilum at the Ghoul, Tanthalas whirls around and tries to bat it out of the air. He then advances on the soldier and attempts to knock him to the ground.

Trip attempt with the Imp Trip feat from the Monk. Touch attack, Str Check, and Melee attack if it succeeds. I make the Touch, if it hits, he makes an opposed Str or Dex (Whichever is higher), if I win he is prone and I get a free attack at +4 (Because he is prone).

Touch [roll1]
Strength [roll2] (+4 for the feat)
Attack [roll3] (+4 for prone) Damage [roll4]

2009-08-01, 07:12 PM
soldier strenght check: [roll0]

his atack (if needed) [roll1], miss [roll2]

the sargent is dropped and then destroyed. he's dead.
the other soldiers start coming for you, getting closer and shouting. yet, you're able to outrun them even while carrying both the soldiers.

(I'm assuming you're picking both bodies and moving away to safety. i'm sure i'm assuming right)

at first they are still able to see you, and some spear flies your way. but once you get deep in the jungle, not a single ray of moonlight is present. they lost the track of you, and now you're alone with one dead sargent and a diabled greenie who is paralized with fear (but alive!)

you find youserlf in a good spot for a meal. lunchtime.

2009-08-01, 08:12 PM
Tanthalas rips into the corpses in front of him, feasting on the flesh of his fallen adversaries. Even as he devours them, he feels his wounds closing and his strength returning.

I'm gonna eat both of 'em. That is a total of seven minutes. Two of healing from the first, three in between, and two healing on the second one. So seven total. I'm gonna make a bunch of Hide checks to remain hidden during this time. Hopefully that is even enough time to put them off their guard a little. Maybe they think that I just came for a couple bodies and now that I have them, I will leave. Whatever. Afterward I'm gonna head back in and take 'em down. Oh, also gonna kill the greenie.

Hide [roll0]

Hide [roll1]

Hide [roll2]

Hide [roll3]

Hide [roll4]

Hide [roll5]

Hide [roll6]

2009-08-01, 09:12 PM
once you're done with the lunch, you quietly return to the camp. it seems they have moved all the cattle to the same corral. those wagons that bloked the way have been pushed closer to the camp. a long line of soldiers stands around, while another pack works hard with the wagons or the cattle.

you can keep skulking around to find some breach. no need for stelah as long as you're some 30 feet away from the border of the clearing - the odds are of impossible spot checks

http://lh3.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SnT2nuN08KI/AAAAAAAAEuA/BOFEznCchz8/s720/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%20282009%20231417.jp g

2009-08-01, 10:38 PM
Tanthalas runs out of the jungle and quietly jumps the fence into the corral. He moves silently through the cattle and attacks the privates stationed there.

Entering the corral.
Tumble over the fence [roll0]
Hide [roll1]
Move Silently while inside the corral to sneak up on the Privates [roll2]

And for the Surprise Round I will move and attack the nearest greenie.
Attack [roll3]
Damage [roll4]

And then I will full attack if he is still alive, or move and attack the next private if he is dead and I win Initiative.
Initiative....Aaannnddd I used the wrong value there. Sorry. I will roll in the OOC for that. Man, twice in the same day?

Full Attack. If the first greenie is dead, simply take the first attack and add 1 and apply it to the second greenie. Sorry to make it so complicated, I just want to cover every alternative.

Attack [roll6]
Damage [roll7]

Attack [roll8]
Damage [roll9]

Attack [roll10]
Damage [roll11]

HP 61/72
AC 29/25/22

Okay, I just realized it was a bit further than I thought, but I should be able to sneak to the edge of the fence. And then I if I tumble over I can get to the greenie with a Move Action. So the plan still works. And that first attack should have dropped him, so move action to the next and single attack if I win Initiative.

2009-08-02, 10:20 AM
this times things are a little more... difficult. I forgot addint the light radius of those torches - in most of the time they give a straight line of clear light, where you can't hide (you need cover or concealment). since there are lots of atentive soldiers around, you would be atumaticly spoted if you entered the clear light area. he's the map with the lights:
http://lh3.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SnWvJ8KWjGI/AAAAAAAAEu0/tRo3Pez2y2g/s720/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%20382009%20122131.jp g

as you can see, there is a hole in this "wall of light", SE. you could sneak in there and do excatly as you proposed before, making use of all those rolls you made. your call.

2009-08-02, 11:38 AM
Sure, we'll do that. I'm just gonna try and avoid that Red dude for a bit, till I take down a couple more people.

2009-08-02, 05:15 PM

initiative... darn it, those guys can't beat 22.

in the initial assault, you hit the private but is unable to truly drop him. he's disabled at 0 hp... wich greenie did you hit? from wich square?

then you have you full round. you can either go for the other soldiers or you can finish off the diabled soldier ahead of you. if you finish him off, you can still pick him up and move your (dragging) speed. just confirm what exactly you want to do before I post the soldiers actions

2009-08-03, 06:19 PM
Okay, I hit the bottom leftish greenie. I'm gonna drop him and then move on to the one near the center of the corral. That is all I can do for this round. Next round I will try to drop him and the other green, then get the heck out of Dodge. So that is the plan....here is my attack against the greenie. If he doesn't go down, I will still run towards the other soldier. I will provoke an AoO, and he will probably take it, but if he does he is at -1 an is on the ground. He wouldn't really know that, though. But rolls:

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Tanthalas strikes at the soldier a final time, then sprints towards the other soldier, near the center of the corral.

2009-08-03, 07:49 PM
you finish slaying the soldier you atacked... his jawbone is tossed away.
in develish speed you get to the middle of the corral. the other green soldiers shout for warning, as a sargent starts leaping the fence and the heavyly armored, shielded swordsman casts a spell "By the emperor!" and moves to the corral

other soldiers nearby spot you and start turnig your direction (they act only next round).

the greenie just ahead of you screams "AHHH! A MONSTER!!"

as the other attemps to hit you lunching wis wepon (you can deflect this)
[roll2][roll3] (forgot adding miss cahnce, but it's no use for now)

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SneHFFTFANI/AAAAAAAAEwE/NG1ZMHfySKY/s720/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%20482009%20215503.jp g

2009-08-03, 08:30 PM
Tanthalas dodges the attacks made against him and unleashes a rain of blows on the soldier in front of him.

Gonna use a Flurry on the greenie. If the first attack drops him, though, I am moving on to the Sergeant.

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack 3 [roll4] Damage [roll5]

Looks like it will take all the attacks, since 8 damage probably won't drop him...so after the Sergeant next round.

2009-08-07, 02:11 PM
the soldiers keep advancing and shouting at you... one of them gets close and tries to hit you [roll0], damage [roll1]

the "red" swordsman casts a spell and keeps marching for you

http://lh4.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/Snx84Lxjy4I/AAAAAAAAEwg/UyWi06nU4W8/s720/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%20882009%20161307.jp g

2009-08-07, 06:54 PM
Tanthalas turns and lashes with his fist at the soldier approaching him from behind. Before the blow is even landed his knee rams up into the private's gut and his elbow smashes into his cheek.

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack 3 [roll4] Damage [roll5]

Umm....wow. That's all I can say....wow. :smallfrown:

2009-08-08, 10:16 AM
for some reason, your atacks just didn't even anoyed them this time...
the cattle are now awaken (not as per the spell) and slowly move away from the conflict.
the soldiers in front of you pack in and strike
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]
[roll4], [roll5]
the red sowrdsman casts another spell and moves closer. there are others aproaching
Red stares you for a moment, as he realized an important factor "this is no beast... it's a ghoul! we're dealing with undead!"

2009-08-08, 01:46 PM
Undaunted, Tanthalas unleashes yet another flurry on the guard standing in front of him.

Okay, 5ft step to where I threaten both of the greenies, unless the other one stepped closer to me. Flurry of Blows, and if the first dude fall before the all the attacks are used, I will target the rest on the other greenie.

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack 3 [roll4] Damage [roll5]

2009-08-09, 04:06 PM
one of the greenies is hit twice in a row, and it's flat dead... the last part of you flurry misses.

the two other keep on striking, as well as the red spellcasting swordsman who just came in contact. his hadas shine with magic, as he tries to touch you

[roll0], for [roll1], miss [roll2]
[roll3], for [roll4], miss [roll5]

concentration check (def casting): automatic succes
(touch)[roll6], for [roll7], Will save for half damage (positive energy), miss [roll8]

they are pretty much angry at you, shouting and bashing and cursing.

you notice small drops in your back. it's about to rain.
http://lh6.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/Sn86i5qHAmI/AAAAAAAAEyE/sQty5_ZLFnA/s720/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%201082009%20180648.j pg

2009-08-10, 02:56 PM
As the spellcasting soldier approaches, Tanthalas unleashes a hail of blows on him, all aimed at his face.

Targeting the 'Red' with a Flurry.

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack 3 [roll4] Damage [roll5]

2009-08-10, 03:19 PM
you hit the swordsman twice, delaing 26 hp damage. he dosen't seem to have apreciated that.

the sarget at your side look at his back and sees the aproching fellow - "manuever 17!" he shouts, preparing to strike

the greenie sidesteps 5 feet tp the north. he's now flanking with the sargent who just shouted.

the red swordsman sidesteps like the green, and prepares another touch atack... as soon as the second sargent comes rushing at you with his spear - "initiate quadruple flaking charging touching Imperial atack!"

grennie: [roll0],[roll1] for [roll2] (miss due to concealment)
standing yellow: [roll3],[roll4] for [roll5]
charging yellow*: [roll6], [roll7] for [roll8]
red (touch): [roll9], [roll10] for [roll11] (will for half damage) (miss due to concealment)

(*yes, that's a 3º lv fighter strking at +17. with no spells on him.)

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SoCBmq_SoLI/AAAAAAAAEzw/8IerUy8WF_A/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%201182009%20172226.j pg

2009-08-10, 03:36 PM
Tanthalas grunts as the sergeant strikes him with the Pilum, but he manages to dodge the rest of the attacks, and unleashes yet another flurry of strikes on the spellcaster.

Still targeting the gish with another Flurry. If he drops before I use them all, switch to the sergeant that is flanking with the greenie.

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack 3 [roll4] Damage [roll5]

Ooh, a natural 1! :smallbiggrin: er...I mean....:smallfurious:

2009-08-10, 03:54 PM
you finish off the swordsman (bleeding to death) and hit the green soldier who is alive and kicking.

the green soldier who just jumped over the fence shouts "manuever 16!" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLfTkkpZnhw)

both yellow who were side-by-side move to flank you, while the green you jsut stroke takes the place of the fallen swordsman and flanks with the charging collegue.

"initiate quadruple flanking charging hearth-piercing imperial atack!"

standing green: miss [roll0], atack [roll1] damage [roll2]
charging green: miss [roll3], atack [roll4] damage [roll5]
"old" yellow: miss [roll6], atack [roll7] damage [roll8]
"new" yellow miss [roll9], atack [roll10] damage [roll11]

(edit: ouch)

Old yelow strikes twice in a row. he seems happy about it.

http://lh3.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SoCKIAXWFAI/AAAAAAAAE0M/I3wfu_ufxwg/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%201182009%20175849.j pg

2009-08-10, 04:13 PM
When I dropped the 'red' I was supposed to target Old Yellow, not the private....

Tanthalas grimaces in pain as the Pilum strikes him again, digging deeper. He lashes out blindly at the man who is attacking him, striking with his hands, feet, elbows, and knees.

Targeting Old Yellow. If he drops turn to New Yellow.

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack 3 [roll4] Damage [roll5]

Oh, and I have taken 23 points of damage so far. That puts me at 38/72 HP.
AC 29/25(T)/22(FF)

2009-08-10, 08:14 PM
(right, my bad. those 10 damage got "trasnfered" and now old yellow has taken another hit and lost total 26 hp. he's in a damm bad shape)

you keep up your flurry of strikes. it's remarcable how the ghoul is daring, as he keeps himself flanked during all the fight instead of puting his back against a tree or something.

the soldiers seem to take all the advantage they can get from it... they keep stabing you in the same fashion, except that the very wounded old yellow takes a 5 foot step back after he atacks.. a new green joined in, charging, and an archer showed up to annoy you.

old yellow:[roll0], [roll1]
new yellow:[roll2], [roll3]
very old green:[roll4],[roll5]
just green:[roll6],[roll7]
new green (charging):[roll8],[roll9]
archer:[roll10], [roll11], [roll12], ref DC 21 to deflect

the rain that started a few seconds ago starts getting a real real. you can hear a thunder far away... cattle now is bigtime scared, and star move away at any cost

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SoDGzl5Tf3I/AAAAAAAAE1c/oQWV_Nnxgh4/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%201182009%20221714.j pg

2009-08-10, 10:50 PM
Tanthalas hisses as the sword slices his flesh, and he moves away from most of the soldiers, lashing several times at the sergeant.

5ft Step NW, towards the tree in between the greenie and the yellow. Flurry on the yellow, and if he drops transferring to the greenie.

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack 3 [roll4] Damage [roll5]

HP: 26/72
AC: 29/25(T)/22(FF)

2009-08-11, 02:12 PM
the sargent manages to defend all your atacks. his shield is a little bent by the strikes however...

as you move to the tree, the soldiers keep on surounding you...

...with a single one shooting [roll0], [roll1], damage [roll2]...

but now a new yellow just came up, and the very wounded yellow aprochaes again, commanding. "innitiate bindind piramid imperial atack! now!"

the soldiers drop jump at you, all 6 of them tries to initiate a grapple...

(well, you will have a lot of AoO's. but if you get grappled, you don't treathen an area and can't make any more AoO's. get's go by order..)

very old green: [roll3], AoO, (touch) [roll4], grapple [roll5]. nonlethal damage dosen't hurt you.
old green: [roll6], AoO, (touch) [roll7], grapple [roll8]. nonlethal damage dosen't hurt you.
new green:[roll9], AoO, (touch) [roll10], grapple [roll11]. nonlethal damage dosen't hurt you.
very old yellow (took 26 damage):[roll12], AoO, (touch) [roll13], grapple [roll14]. nonlethal damage dosen't hurt you.
old yellow:[roll15], AoO, (touch) [roll16], grapple [roll17]. nonlethal damage dosen't hurt you.
new yellow:[roll18], AoO, (touch) [roll19], grapple [roll20]. nonlethal damage dosen't hurt you.

(you do get an AoO if they miss due to concealment. if anyone succed on graplign you, the others after him autosucced on touching you, not even subject to miss chance. they still have to make succesfull graple checks to join the graple, and no more then 4 soldiers may graple you)

http://picasaweb.google.com.br/pedro201/Rpg?authkey=Gv1sRgCNy918ikidm7MQ#53687874507126470 42

2009-08-11, 06:40 PM
Okay, since I don't have Combat Reflexes I only get an AoO against the first, since I wouldn't really wait. So even though the first one missed the Touch Attack, I will take the AoO against that one. Then I will make the two Grapple Checks vs the two Touch Attacks that actually hit.

Tanthalas lashes out as the first soldier approaches, and wrestles against them as they try to grab hold of him. He struggles and avoids most of them, but two grab on and attempt to establish a hold.

AoO: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Grapple 1: [roll2]
Grapple 2: [roll3]

When I see the results, I will make another post detailing my actions on my turn.

2009-08-11, 06:47 PM
As he avoids the attempts to hold on to him, Tanthalas strikes at the wounded sergeant, striking his face and chest.

Nice rolling! ^^

Flurry on the wounded Yellow, and switching to another yellow if/when he falls. Preferably switching to one that is flanking me. So I can remove that problem...

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack 3 [roll4] Damage [roll5]

Not so good, this time...

2009-08-14, 11:16 AM
the wounded sargent falls down and start bleeding to death due to massive cranial damage, but the other atacks are denied by the sargent's massive fullplate. the legionaries keep on you, again trying to grab and hold you, after the archer's arrow arives. rain is still light, besides the faraway thunders.

arrowfire: [roll0], [roll1], damage[roll2].
very old green: [roll3], AoO, (touch) [roll4], grapple [roll5].
old green: [roll6], (touch) [roll7], grapple [roll8].
new green (not flanking):[roll9], (touch) [roll10], grapple [roll11].
old yellow:[roll12], (touch) [roll13], grapple [roll14].
new yellow:[roll15], (touch) [roll16], grapple [roll17].

stupid picasa: http://picasaweb.google.com.br/pedro201/Rpg?authkey=Gv1sRgCNy918ikidm7MQ#53698558377094829 14

http://lh4.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SoWPbwW7O6I/AAAAAAAAE3g/ku4-Wv-ftmM/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%201582009%20131934.j pg

2009-08-29, 12:04 PM
As the soldiers yet again try to latch on to Tanthalas, he struggles against their hold, striking the first private to reach for him.

Once again I will post again after I see the results here. I get one AoO, and I have to make two Grapple Checks, since two of the Touch Attacks hit:

AoO Attack [roll0]
AoO Damage [roll1]

Grapple 1: [roll2]
Grapple 2: [roll3]

2009-08-29, 12:10 PM
Crap! The second one grappled me. The 'New Yellow'. So I am grappled. I know that I can attack with a light weapon when grappled, but can I make a Full Attack? If so, here are the rolls. He is denied his Dex bonus, as am I if I don't drop him. If I only get one attack, take the first one and add one to the attack roll.

Oops...looked at the wrong sheet and used the wrong attacks. My bad. I'll roll OOC.

Tanthalas struggles and strikes at the man holding him, smashing his head backwards towards the sergeant's face, and striking backwards with his feet and hands.

2009-08-30, 10:01 PM
the monster manages to hit one of the atackers before is overwhelmed. while strugling against the massive human, he deals some damage, but it to few do rop his foe out.

"HA!" shouts your grapler, moving at you and strugling to hold you still

(pin atempt: [roll0]. you must beat this grapple check or be pinned. if you get pinned, you take -4 to AC)

the grapllign sargetn gets overwhelmed by your elusiveness ion close combat. you take him down and his own game with several strikes and finishes him up twisting his neck

all the other soldiers aorund try to kill you in any possible fashing, caring little for their sargent. due to this grapple, you're unable to defend yousef properly. (you are flat-footed to all those atacks)

south archer: (1-20% miss) [roll1],(1-50% to hit the sargent) [roll2], [roll3] [roll4]
west archer:(1-20% miss) [roll5],(1-50% to hit the sargent) [roll6], [roll7] [roll8]

very old green, -9hp: [roll9],[roll10] [roll11]
old green: [roll12],[roll13] [roll14]
new green: [roll15],[roll16] [roll17]
old yellow: [roll18],[roll19] [roll20]

to add to you torment, a green soldier comes in, charching at you
charging green: (not flanking): [roll21],[roll22] [roll23]

there are more soldiers in their way...
http://picasaweb.google.com.br/pedro201/Rpg?authkey=Gv1sRgCNy918ikidm7MQ#53759592519747406 90

2009-09-03, 09:50 PM
As the sergeant drops, Tanthalas twists and turns and manages to dodge all the attacks directed at him. He turns and delivers a hail of blows on the other sergeant on the other side. His feet flash in the torchlight, striking for gut and face.

Sorry again for the confusion. If you wish, I can remain grappled...:smallredface: But anyways, here are my attacks:

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack [roll4] Damage [roll5]

Why does this roller hate me? :smallconfused:

2009-09-04, 07:16 PM
sticking on the sheer number tatic, the soldiers keep striking at you

[roll0][roll1], damage [roll2]
[roll3][roll4], damage [roll5]

"grab him! for your emperor!" the soldiers atempt to hold you again. since all of them act at the same time, you can chose wich to make an AoO

very old green, -7hp: [roll6](touch)[roll7], grapple [roll8]
old green: [roll9](touch)[roll10], grapple [roll11]
new green: [roll12](touch)[roll13], grapple [roll14]
old yellow, -17hp: [roll15](touch)[roll16], grapple [roll17]

3 more yellow, 1 green and 1 dark green just passed over the curral fence, and are about 30 feet from you.

2009-09-04, 07:33 PM
Deflect Arrows Ref Save: [roll0]

Tanthalas attempts to deflect the arrow coming towards his face, while striking one final time at the sergeant and fleeing towards the woods.

Standard action to attack the same sergeant as the last round. Move Action to flee towards the woods, moving 50' from the combat.

Attack Roll vs Sergeant: [roll1] Damage: [roll2]
Tumble Check to avoid AoOs: [roll3]

If I keep rolling like this, I will die eventually. Anyway:

HP: 15/72
AC: 29/25(T)/22(FF)

2009-09-08, 05:38 PM
the legionaries atempt to hold and grab the monster at no success. he quickly leaves the range of their spears. but not of their arrows! you're in apretty clear area when the archers make a final shot against you


all the soildiers around starts to follow you. one of the sargents is giving some orders (not shouting), make a listen check to understand those. you still have a round to act (mostly to see if you don't roll "1" twice on the stealth thing)

2009-09-09, 01:58 PM
Deflect Arrows: [roll0]
Listen Check: [roll1]
Hide: [roll2]
Move Silently: [roll3]

A '3' and a '4'. I hate you too, forum roller!

Tanthalas sprints the rest of the way into the woods, and attempts to hide in the undergrowth.

2009-09-09, 03:02 PM
(arrow deflected)

"private! call all awaken personal! this time we won't let him rest!"

you run thought the jungle with speed, and even if a bit unstealth, the distance and the darkness helps you a lot. the archers fire two more times to the dark, faaar away from you. in few secods, several (around 12 soldiers) come on scene, picking torches and heading to the jungle, wating few or no time.

2009-09-10, 11:54 AM
Tanthalas grins as the soldiers move into the jungle. He moves silently through the trees, searching for one or two soldiers alone.

Just looking for a solo or a pair of soldiers. Take them down, extinguish the torch, and eat them. Because I have very few HP.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

Hide: [roll2]
Move Silently: [roll3]

Hide: [roll4]
Move Silently: [roll5]

Hide: [roll6]
Move Silently: [roll7]

Hide: [roll8]
Move Silently: [roll9]

2009-09-10, 12:06 PM
the soldiers who were at the corral work fast to "produce" more torches, while *several* soldiers arrive. about 10 of them start moving to within the jungle, while there are at least more 20 on the scene, getting info and preparing to get inside.

those firts 10 guys are pretty packed, forming a line. give them time and they will eventually have to spread out. they move very slowly...

the rain start's getting a little more "real". little torches won't last long.

(just confirm that you keep in ambush or if you move around. they should never find you)

2009-09-12, 10:14 AM
Tanthalas stalks the soldiers as they move through the jungle, simply waiting for them to make a mistake.

Basically I'll sit still till I have to move to stay hidden or keep up with them. I'll make a couple more stealth checks, and that should last me till I kill 'em.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

Hide: [roll2]
Move Silently: [roll3]

Hide: [roll4]
Move Silently: [roll5]

Hide: [roll6]
Move Silently: [roll7]

*jaw drops open* Double ones, and a 1 and a 2 later? What the CRAP!!??

2009-09-12, 11:57 AM
even by making some noise and not covering yourself right, the conditions you are in for hiding are way too helpfull: the distance, the darkness, the jungle, the soldier's stress... they should not find you unless they trample over you.

several aditional soldiers arive. if before they were in full alert, now they are in war scale! they keep on stabing the plants, as if trying to find "something" by touch. some of them are shouting a lot. you've pissed them off.

(they are moving very slowly, only 5 ft per round. no one is wheareing shields, only torches and spears. eveyone in the jungle has 20% concealment due to the foliage)

http://lh4.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SqvScN7oMBI/AAAAAAAAFSk/zeK9yNNoUdU/s512/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%201392009%20135443.j pg

2009-09-14, 02:35 PM
Tanthalas moves towards the SE, heading for the end of the line of soldiers, advancing on the privates that are standing there. As he draws close enough, he springs from hiding and attacks! He attempts to sweep the feet out from under the green soldier, lashing with his feet.

Hide and Move Silently checks to get me close. I need to be within 50' for this to work effectively.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

Hide: [roll2]
Move Silently: [roll3]

Hide: [roll4]
Move Silently: [roll5]

Trip Touch Attack: [roll6]

Strength Check: [roll7]

If that succeeds, melee attack vs Prone. I get +4 on this for him being on the ground.

Attack: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

2009-09-15, 07:33 PM
as you were moving to your target, the line of troppers advances and lightly spreads out. by the point you reach the last soldier, there are very few who could bother you.

it's quite easy to touch the soldier (that was your surprise round). too bad you rolled a two, sucker. but he stands somewhat firm [roll0] and even "strikes backs" in a reflex [roll1] (to trip you)

"AAAHHHH!" he screams in terror as you hold his foot
[roll2] (your target)

https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?passive=true&go=true&continue=http%3A%2F%2Fpicasaweb.google.com.br%2Flh %2Fsredir%3Funame%3Dpedro201%26target%3DPHOTO%26id %3D5381855254405264530&service=lh2

2009-09-15, 08:48 PM
((Initiative here. I will re-post if(read as: when) I win: [roll0]

Also, that Url for the map is no good...))

2009-09-15, 08:52 PM
Tanthalas adjusts his position so that he can reach multiple opponents and explodes into motion, lashing out with blows in every direction.

If I can take a 5ft Step and threaten more than one I will do so. Otherwise I will just attack the one dude. If the original target (same one from the trip attempt) drops, I will transfer the rest of the attacks to the other dude that I threaten.

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack 3 [roll4] Damage [roll5]

2009-09-22, 09:34 PM
With no shield to protect them, the soldiers become easy prey... (your target is down!)

"NO! Mauricius!" the nearby green soldier strugles around the bushes and atacks you as hard as he can [roll0], damage [roll1]

the others have noticed you. they shot and run to your direction, but on a slooooow pace due to their heavy armor and the jungle

this is the same map as before. erase the guy at your south. the other green is now on melle with you. at this pace, there should be one addition foe in melle per round. next round, a red will get close to youhttp://lh4.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SrAw1u9lNJI/AAAAAAAAFT0/oZzzIQ94u2I/s512/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%201692009%20212610.j pg

2009-09-23, 10:17 AM
Tanthalas chuckles as the mans skull splits, and turns on his companion. A feral grin spreads across his face as he stares at the other private hungrily. He smashes his forehead into the face of the young man, and follows it with two savage blows to his liver.

Full Attack on the Greenie.

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack 3 [roll4] Damage [roll5]

Very nice....:xykon:

2009-09-27, 10:53 AM
Just how can someone cleave the entire body at the liver's height is unknown to the soldiers, but they are eighter willing to find out or not impressed at all. they keep coming.

for this moment, a Red comes for you, chanelling positive energy to burn away your rotten carcass
concentration to cast defensevely DC 17[roll0]
touch [roll1]
damage [roll2], Will for half DC 15

just neraby, one archer fires away [roll3] , damage [roll4]

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/Sr-KcVP06KI/AAAAAAAAFV0/RCR8nD0HrQI/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%202892009%20125247.j pg

2009-09-27, 08:48 PM
Tanthalas chuckles maniacally as the soldier tries unsuccessfully to hit him. He lashes out with several blows, attempting to drop the soldier where he stands.

Full attack on the Red.

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack 3 [roll4] Damage [roll5]

2009-09-27, 09:43 PM
The hail of blows act like a greathammer, the plate of the armor just makes the pain go everywhere, shatering most of his bones. your final strike bends his neck in a unatural fashion. the last desperete efforts from this leggionarie were almost poetic in their futility.

still unimpressed, yet another green charges at you - surelly dreaming of impossible dreams of glory and heroic deeds. [roll0], damage [roll1]

from a safer position, the same archer fires at you again [roll2], damage [roll3]

you realizer that after this private is *gone* you will have a few seconds to grab the corpses and fall back, given the distance from the closest melee soldiers

2009-09-28, 10:55 AM
Tanthalas chuckle rises to a loud laugh as the final soldier approaches. He sees the fear behind his eyes, and silences his laughter. He suppresses a grin and whispers to the soldier, "Come here, child. I wish to speak with you." Suddenly he can hold it in no longer, and a feral grin spreads across his face. Suddenly, his feet strike at the man's groin and chest, landing several blows before he can react.

Full Attack.

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack 3 [roll4] Damage [roll5]

2009-09-28, 08:35 PM
The green soldier *DIES*, as he should. arrows keep on flying, but since all the torchwilders have fallen, you're on the edge of the low light

miss 1-20[roll0] atack [roll1], damage [roll2] (a 20! ref save DC21 to reflect it)

four corpses (or semi-corpses:xykon:) are piled on front of you. it will take about 4 turns for the next melle soldier to reach you.

each green (two) weights 200 lb, the yellow 220 lv and the red 210 lb. they are with no shield or wepons for this weight. remember that dense jungle requires 4 squares of movement (20 feet)

2009-09-28, 09:55 PM
((Reflex Save [roll0] And can I have a link to the map, before I make up my mind what to do?))

Edit: Ha! 21 even! No damage!

2009-09-29, 06:05 PM
http://lh4.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SsKTR6iOixI/AAAAAAAAFWs/Ysvwj9dgJWc/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%203092009%20200720.j pg no damage indeed:smallwink:

2009-09-29, 09:10 PM
Tanthalas grabs the body that looks lightest, and drags it as quickly as he can into the jungle.

I have 50' of movement per Move Action, so 100' in a round. That should be five squares, but 200 lbs is more than my max load, so that may slow me down a bit. Regardless, I move as quickly as possible, away from the soldiers, till I can hide and eat the soldier.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

Hide: [roll2]
Move Silently: [roll3]

Hide: [roll4]
Move Silently: [roll5]

Hide: [roll6]
Move Silently: [roll7]

Hide: [roll8]
Move Silently: [roll9]

2009-10-01, 07:11 PM
(you can actually manage to cary two soldiers. remember that it's raning? the wet soil and foliage allows the metal plates to slide, and the "claws" of your feet act as an anchor to pull the weight)

taking the "spoils", the beast return to the darkness... the mass of soldiers is to clumsy and slow to keep up, and as soon as it stops atacking, they can no more see it.

you can find a safe spot with ease. it's actually quite close to the place you ate the other guys before (who many did you ate already again?). it should take about 5 minutes to eat them..

but for your surprise, one of them is still alive... but just barely. he silently moans and cries, staring at you when he's actually able to open his bloodied eyes.

2009-10-04, 09:28 PM
Tanthalas quickly silences the soldier that survived, striking his head with his elbow. He begins feasting on the corpses of the soldiers.

I don't even know if I need an Attack roll, but here it is: [roll0] and damage [roll1].

And the %-die [roll2]


2009-10-04, 11:00 PM
once you finish feasting on the soldiers, you can sense a raping of the air around you. as you quickly turn your head, you can see a hole in reality, quickily shaping a dark and unstable portal. moans echo from the other side, as you see a skulking creature coming out of it...

it seems like a ghoul... a bat-winged one, with all sorts of heavy cloathing and rings and bracelets wiht it. the creature is most malevolent, with a look so malicious you could only imagine in the worst of nightmares. it steps out of the portal, wich quickly closes once it has both foots in the ground.

"Thantalas..." - he looks deep at your wicked soul - "Doresain has sent me for you..." the creature streachs it's wings as it calmly circles around you. this monster surely has much power, as it emanates outward in the form of a black blight on the vegetation.

he sudenly turns and poits at you, wings high, in a most remakable pose "I AM HELLRAISER! NEON KNIGHT OF THE KING OF GHOULS, AND I COMMAND YOU TO BE IN AWE!" dark energy dominates the area, as the creature await your reaction. it seems that he expecting obidience and fear (if that is possible for a ghoul), with an arrogance matched (maybe) only by the vilest of demons,

you have never heard of neon knights or this "hellraiser" figure, but the king of ghouls never gave you any attention after you've been trasnformed. This creature may be either an avatar or an impostor, but is surely a mighty one.

2009-10-05, 10:43 AM
Tanthalas stares at the creature, unimpressed. He looks around in an exaggerated fashion, then looks back to the strange being. He speaks in a voice barely louder than a whisper, "If Lord Doresain did indeed send you," He says, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "You can return to him and tell him to boil his face in a pool of lava! He's done nothing for me, and I owe him no allegiance! No flee, fiend, before I unleash my anger on your sorry hide, you son of a whore!"

If you haven't guessed yet, Tanthalas is *slightly* cracked, up top. Being a ghoul'll do that to ya...

Also, HP at 52/72. I only need to eat one more person.

2009-10-05, 11:25 AM
the monter frowns, and sighs, deeply disapointed. he drops all that "pose" to the ground and puts a hand on his forehead

"oh, damm it, why it's never easy... Look, kid, I know you feel pissed with that gravetouched thing, but, really, just listen me. I have few time to spend here and must visit many warlords yet today, so let me get straight"

his voice and tone changes a lot, as if he was telliing this story for the bilioneth time, but it's pretty close to a mockery "your actions atracted the attention of the mighty Doresein due to exceptional use of your sobrenatural skills, blablabla, stuff like that. so i'm here to bless you with unholy strenght and allies and yadayadayada. we are not charging anything from you, just rewarding now. the ghoul king has days like that, don't ask me why"

he snaps his fingers and say whatever magical word. Then the corpses of the 2 soldiers you ate (plus the other 2 soldiers you ate before and where pretty close) start having spasms and emit moans. their flesh quickly decays, theet enlarge, armor brusts, and bones re-shape. soon they rise themselves as ghasts.

(when they come into unlife, two of them are in melle range to you, and should you wish to strike, you have the surprise round. the creature is about 10 feet from you. that's preety much the creature's "round")

2009-10-05, 02:51 PM
Tanthalas steps back from the creatures rising from the ground, preparing to strike should they appear aggressive. He addresses the Knight without looking at him, "Allies? Are they friendly? And what's this about Unholy Strength? I feel no different."

5ft step, readying an action against approach. If they move next to me, I will hit them.

2009-10-05, 03:30 PM
"A-ham", he beast clears it's troath, or what left of it. no doubt he's a ghoul, possibly gravetouched. "GOD finds you amusing, and decided to intervine with the oods of your fight"

The surruionding creatures finish rising up, and although they seem confused, they seem hungry - "command undead! worship!", the ghoul speaks as casts a spell. the ghasts shake and scream (maybe louder then their should) but can't resist falling in their knees, bowing to the winged ghoul.

"I'm one of his favorite souls, half time slave, half time free. ...(bitter, biting it's toungue) this century I'm a slave... he commanded me to reach and aid you with divine magic as I see fit"

"Therefore, I could't care less if you hate Doresein half as I do, but, right NOW, I demmand respect. (streachs wings again) Otherwise I'll just cast some minor guidence on you, filling my duties, and leave you to those ghasts"

from the parcel of ghouls and other undead you've seen, those ghasts are a bit different. Maybe it's just the effect of the recent undeath, but they seem more "vivid" then they should. (roll knowledge (religion), if you have it, otherwise spot DC 20 for the details of the ghasts)

2009-10-05, 05:39 PM
Knowledge (Religion) [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

Will Save vs Control Undead [roll2]

Tanthalas sighs and bows his head slightly in the direction of the ghoul, "Forgive my impertinence, Lord. I do humbly ask that you grant me your blessing."

2009-10-05, 06:11 PM
(those ghasts have a thin layer of frost over them... their arms and legs have way too long bones, and their built looks quite compact. they were raised by a "common" mild-power necromancy undead-raising spell, but they came with an extra you are unable to divine.)

(forgot to mention - you were not a target of the control undead spell. but if would makes you happy, get knowing that you would have passed)

"Better now Thantalas. you do well to accept power, even if it hurts your pride."

he aproches you, quite in a rush "ANYTHING.... for power... now, get decent!"

the vilest of negative energy fills your body, as a pillar of red light falls upon you as Hellraiser touches you. you are now filled with... un-vitality. he adresses the newly risen undead: "command: follow this ghoul, and obey all his comands as he were me. (back at you) As you know, these are inteligent undead, not mindless zombies. use that."

"besides that, I can share a couple os spells... on you or in those ghasts, I'll give you the honor and let you name it. ( Hellraiser get pretty face-to-face with you, streaching his finger) but no miracles."

2009-10-05, 06:45 PM
Tanthalas thinks for a moment, before responding, "Thank you for your assistance, but I have little knowledge in the Divine Arts. Whatever you think best. Preferably that which will last me through the night, and that which improves my speed, agility, and durability."

2009-10-06, 07:20 PM
"FINE!" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeSiG0rwg3A), hellraiser screams, his voice echoing in otherworldly mannaer...

"LET THE BLESSINGS BEGIN! HA HA HA!!" wind sotorms our of him, making the trees bounce and leaves fly away.

"MAY YOU STRIKE AS A WORTHY UNHOLY MONSTER!" he casts a spell and you feel your entire body, wich is ouyr wepon, harder and faster. pulsing with energy, your fists rage with energy

(hellraiser casts extended greater magic wepon on you, giving your unarmed strikes a +4 bonus (+4 as wepon) for 36 hours)

"MAY YOUR HANDS BECOME BOLDERS SQUASHING BUGS!" before you can fully recover from the power of the last spell, Hellraiser casts another one. this time, it hurts a lot! you feel as if your bones on hasds and feet were more dense, eager to smash skulls

(hellraiser casts extended wepon of impact on your unarmed strikes, giving your unarmed strikes doble critical treath range (as keen wepons) for 36 hours)

"MAY THE BLOWS OF YOUR ENEMIES DON'T EVEN TOUCH YOU!!" you're still recovering from those spells when he comes wiht another. you and the gasts get surrounded by some force field. you notive that the blowqing leaves coming at your diferction readly deflect away

(extended mass shield of faith. that is +5 deflection AC on you and the ghasts, for 36 minutes)

"AND NOW, BECOME A DEMON!!" (you can try to resist this if you want) if there was any trace left of your soul, now it's gone. gone and taken by some sort of demon, who instantly corrupts you

(he casts vile death. you gain the fiendish template. permanent until dispeled)

"now take this ghasts... and let the beast within take over..." as he says those words, he snaps his fingers and the portal opens again...

2009-10-13, 08:56 PM
"My thanks, lord," Tanthalas says with a bow. He then turns to his new minions and speaks, "Now go, my creatures. Feast on the flesh of the humans, and feed on their fear!" He sprints off into the jungle, headed back towards the scantily guarded camp with his ghasts trailing behind.

2009-10-18, 06:02 PM
You head back to the point you were before... none of the soldiers is still in the jungle.

exalted shouts call your attention... next to the corral, the man in red cape rages over a formed line of soldiers, his words almost unheareable in frustation and anger.

(succeding on a hide/move silently check, you and any ghast may leap out of the jungle, in a partial charge, as a surprise action. those who eventually get spoted roll initiative normaly on the next round. soldiers who spot you act still in the surprise round. they have spot penalities due to poor light, distance, and not being atentive to you)

but surely, those aint the last soldiers of the camp. skulking around will reveal more.

Unless you have a better idea, I'm nicknaming your ghasts: CS (cian square), CC (cian circle), PS (purple square) and PC (purple circle)
http://lh6.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/StugXZbBc_I/AAAAAAAAFXg/5kCKQHskOrs/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%2018102009%20204535. jpg

2009-10-24, 01:19 PM
Tanthalas gestures for his ghouls to follow him, and heads around the southeast corner of the camp.

Looking for anything less than 5 soldiers standing alone. 1-4, no matter what color, really. We'll hit them hard and fast, and take 'em down.

2009-10-25, 04:44 PM
you move with ease to the other side. You find out that your pack of hunters is quite efficient at moving around.

you reach the souther side of the camp. there are quite few soldiers "on the scene", but inside the large tent there is quite some noise - talking and weight lifting, aparently. you can still hear the drill the dark red guy is giving to those poor lined up soldiers to the north of the camp.

http://lh4.ggpht.com/_E4NKciGA1aA/SuTHgn0xsMI/AAAAAAAAFaA/qIC1h57CgUw/Captura%20de%20tela%20inteira%2025102009%20194723. jpg

you can keep sneaking around betwwen the tents and trees as long as you're not on clear light (red line) or a tree acts as a line-of-sight bloker. those will require hide/move silently from everyone, however.