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2009-07-06, 12:21 PM
Korath and the Duke

True. I'm thinking one of the things we should include is a sense of mystery. Humans should see them and wonder. Anyways, we are agreed? Sister is getting rather popular, so perhaps we should get started.

2009-07-06, 12:47 PM
The Duke and Korath:
I leaped from the chair, flipping up onto the table - not spilling my glass of wine, of course. "Certainly! Let us create these men of the gloaming, brother!" I whispered to Mir as I let my body be a conduit to The Land - Come, sister. Let it begin.

I howled at the sky as I began to form their mortal bodies from The Land's endless possibilities and forms - beautiful and wonderous fair, almost perfect in their attractiveness. Tall and well-proportioned, strong and enduring, quick and slim. The best possibilities of humanity, all gathered in one enchanting form.

1 Ceremony - Create Elves

2009-07-06, 02:00 PM
The Awakening

As the bodies formed, Korath pulled part of himself and placed it into the newborn vessels. Art, Joy, Compassion: All of these were woven deep into the newborn beings. A love of life, a steady hand, a gift for creating, and eye for beauty: the newborn would have an innate ability to craft things that were more of what they should be, more of the ideal.

Yes! May our children prosper and compliment the races of man!

1 Ceremony spent to empower.
1 major act spent to gain Item Creation as an ability
1 Major act spent to gain Crafting as a domain

1 major, 3 minor acts left

2009-07-06, 03:48 PM
The Awakening Part II

As Mir appeared at the side of her brothers Korath and Duke, she closed her eyes and dove deep within the realm around her. Thousands of glyphs surrounded the new vessels as she wrote a myriad of shimmering symbols. Into these new beings she poured as much of herself as she would dare. To these newborn she gave the knowledge of life: of love and sorrow, the courage to experience and accept with resolve those things that life can throw. Patience and pity, yet steadfastness and tenacity; Loyalty and friendship. She gave to them eyes sharp and discerning, and minds appreciating the subtle and mysterious ways of the world. A love of writing and those arts which she held dear. To this new race Mir gave the longest lifespan so that they might come to experience the fullness of existence and from this gleam knowledge and do more good. But the most precious gift Mir gave was the deepest of wisdom; to know right from wrong more clearly; to seek prudence and virtue more surely, and the earnesty to pursue just lives of good.

With this final act complete, Mir reached out to her brothers and gave a mirthful smile, more genuine than any of them had seen in a long time.

"And it is done. May their lives be long and blessed."

Use 1 Ceremony to conclude the creation of the Elves
2 Minor acts remaining

Jair Barik
2009-07-06, 03:55 PM
The ceremony reached its climax and the Snake glowed with the energy of a Demi-God. Ravarthis smiled "It is done. Go serpent, return to the Underworld to judge the souls, decide their fates." The serpent swam off leaving a wake of rippling waves.

"If you will excuse us brothers we have much work to do, things are happening, things of importance, and we must return to the Underworld ourselves." With that Ravarthis flew apart in a cloud of thorns and was gone.

"You do not speak to us brother. We can already tell that you are one of thos who does not sit idly by as the world changes about them. Meet us within the Underworld, come alone, we have much to discuss brother, oh so very much."

2009-07-06, 04:20 PM
Kysis turned to Tz'Aren, then opened his mind, connecting it to Wraught, Illindri and Savage, and calling back to Ravarthis. Then stretching further still he brushed Ahmua's mind, almost gently.
I have a proposition for you all. As each of you have no doubt felt, our siblings have invested time and power into magic, seeking to teach their worshipers in this way. In itself this is not wrong, however one brand of humans should never be allowed to become too powerful. I suggest we create an opposing force, a 'Void Magic' if you will, in combating this, available only to our followers. It will take as many of us as possible, for it must be able to match any creation but that of another god.

2009-07-06, 04:54 PM
After combining her skills with those of her brothers, the three had seen to the blessing and spread of the Elves as they would.
Korath & The Duke

ooc: if you two want to do anything else/special with them please go ahead... for now I'm writing this as if assuming some conclusion has come to their present affairs. Right, and Amhua is looking for you Duke.

No sooner had she finished her previous labors and seen her brothers off that Mir sensed yet another visitor to her sanctum. As she met the God at the entrance to her sanctuary, she bowed in greeting
"Garland, it has been a long time since we have last met, I trust you have been well?"

She motions for him to follow her inside the Athenaeum, and up to a spacious cloistered chamber permeated with soft silence, save for the occasional swishing of the leaves in the wind. She offered him a seat at a beautifully engraved marble table.

"Your visit here is not entirely unexpected brother, yet I gather there is much you wish to discuss."

2009-07-06, 05:01 PM
As garland came to the peak of the mountain, Ahmua was still there basking in the sun in her more or less human form. She cracked one eye open an looked garland over before closing it again and stretching her head back.

Popular, isn't she? I didn't come here specifically on her behalf, but still...

She rolled over onto her stomach, her elbows propping her up and her hands under her chin.

So, what brings you here, oh Wizard? The others are still busy making her pretty-people. I'm in no hurry.

She suddenly opened her eyes as the summons from Kysis reached her.

Hold that thought...

With surprising dexterity, she hopped up and slid into the shadows cast by a large boulder, seemingly disappearing.

2009-07-06, 05:01 PM
No sooner had she finished her previous labors and seen her brothers off that Mir sensed yet another visitor to her sanctum. As she met the God at the entrance to her sanctuary, she bowed in greeting
"Garland, it has been a long time since we have last met, I trust you have been well?"

She motions for him to follow her inside the Athenaeum, and up to a spacious cloistered chamber permeated with soft silence, save for the occasional swishing of the leaves in the wind. She offered him a seat at a beautifully engraved marble table.

"Your visit here is not entirely unexpected brother, yet I gather there is much you wish to discuss."

Mir, I have been thinking about you for a while, and I couldn't have helped but notice that I respect you above all other of our figurative "siblings". I wish to have a partnership with you, as well as Rilcar, as I have noticed that wisdom is intrinsically linked with magical powers and spells.

I have also noticed that you highly respect the "inferior", and I use that term loosely, below. I too, want to protect them from unpleasant fortune as well.

2009-07-06, 05:27 PM
Mir smiled at the compliment.

"Brother, I thank you for your kind words. I do agree that the power which mortals deem 'magic' is of vast ability, and surely none know more of it than Ril-cer and yourself. It is a power that, without wisdom, can cause more suffering than good. This of course, you well know. I would believe your earnestness in helping our human brothers and sisters, and yet you call them inferior. Please know that their strengths are tied intimately to our own. Should we hold them in contempt, we limit only our expectations, as they may still surpass them alone. If we favor them highly then with our aid they may excel perhaps beyond even the dreams brother Duke can see."

As she speaks, Mir holds The Ledger of the Dawning Age and casts a glance at it in silence. When she looks back at Garland, she is her young adult form.

"Ever am I prone to lecture. Even though I do welcome your aid and offer my own, you speak of a partnership Garland...yet of what kind and what terms you offer are still hidden. If you would, I would hear more."

2009-07-06, 05:32 PM
Ever am I prone to lecture. Even though I do welcome your aid and offer my own, you speak of a partnership Garland...yet of what kind and what terms you offer are still hidden. If you would, I would hear more."

"I feel as if our mortals below are their own men and women, and I know they are no worse or inferior than us. Hence my emphasis on the word inferior that I spoke earlier."

"I think that we should go to Rilcar and create our own Triparte alliance. A mortal organization inspired by Rilcar, you, Mir, and I, Garland. Wisdom is linked obviously with teachers, and magic without ambition lacks the kick it should have with it."

"Perhaps a city created by all three of us, when the time comes, where all three of our countries may go to for influence, and a headquarters for the entire world's wizards."

2009-07-06, 05:43 PM
@ kysis

we will have to wait until my powers have recharged some brother, but once they have i will gladly aid you in this

2009-07-06, 05:45 PM
Mir's response is a while in coming as she considers the proposition.

"...Then I will aid with your endeavors as I can. Though the afffairs of wizards lies more within the domains of Ril-cer and yourself, often they too are scholars and to those whom would turn to me, I will give my help."

She stands and looks wistfully out over the landscape for a moment before returning her gaze to Garland.

"I will be ready to depart, when Ril-cer and yourself are ready to continue this discussion."

2009-07-06, 05:55 PM
Kysis shook his head. "Come anyway, sister. Think of this as a show of solidarity. This new type of magic is only the begining. What I truly intend is to form an aliance, and to do that I will need your assistence."

Kysis walked over and sat on a rock, watching the waves lap the shore, resting his chin on his left fist, the mark of his sin still dripping from his right. Tz'Aren had remained behind him, and Ravarthis had stopped moving, apparently considering his proposition.
"Who will be brave enough to come?" He pondered briefly. "And who to fearful?"


A raven flew along the mountainside, past the point that Ahmura had left, until it stopped next to Garland and Mir. Landing awkwardly it hopped over to Mir, where it stared at her feet glassily. "Kysis would like a word with you." It croaked, and she felt a dark and brooding pressence brush her mind.

"Sister, I have a request. Please hear me out." It growled, and when she made no mve to stop him he continued. "I am working on creating a new brand of magic, one which I call 'Void Magic,' or 'Null Magic.' I do this to restore equality, for one brand of power should not rise to dominate all things. I beg of you, join us and dispense your wisdom, whether you deem this wise or foolish."

2009-07-06, 06:11 PM

Brother, Sister: I feel this will benefit all involved. Thank you for your help. I wish to reiterate that both of you are always welcome in my domain.

*glancing at Mir*

When we have both rested, we will discuss further protections. I bid you both farewell.

*at that, Korath leaves. When he returns to his temple, he begins work on a new totem.*

1 major act, create a new totem. I will discribe the totem in a later post.

3 minor acts remaining.

2009-07-06, 06:16 PM

Ahmua strode forth from the shadows before looking around and dipping a toe in the water

It is quite vain of you to assume that you command that much fear among your siblings.

She turned, playfully kicking some water at Kysis.

So, what is this about not wanting one group of humans to become more powerful than the others? More powerful than what, I ask? Your own humans?

2009-07-06, 06:18 PM
The ground frosts over, and lightning begins to strike, Wraght appears before kysis, as the winds still blow around her, cutting into the stone. She appears very tired, how can i help you brother?

2009-07-06, 06:26 PM
Mir appears in her young adult form, holding The Ledger of the Dawning Age at her side. She regards the gathering with an unsurpised expression, and nods to them.
"Kysis....You asked for my aid by pleading to my domain, and I have come to hear your proposal, though I reserve my own council presently."

2009-07-06, 06:28 PM
(looks to mir)

Long time no see

2009-07-06, 06:55 PM
Mir turns to Wraght with her hands together in greeting.
"Elder sister. It has been a long time since we last met. I see you have been busy of late."

2009-07-06, 07:19 PM
"Fear? It is not I they fear, but loosing their own power, their authority. Though I suspect, if I wish, I could put the fear of me in them." Kysis replied to the lady of poisons, his tone less graverly then usual. She suspected he was almost smiling. He always did enjoy their little banter.
Then he inclined his head to Mir. "Thank you for coming, sister. Your wisdom is, as always, appreciated."He nodded at Wraght, conveying little emotion, but enough to convey concern and interest in equal parts, then stood up, glaring baelfully around at all those preasent. "Brothers and Sisters, you know why I have called you here. Each of us has carved a portion of the world for their own, and there is always another unclaimed shore, another unexplored land. And yet we have responsobilities, to our worshipers and to the world, and to our father. We must keep the ballance." He surveyed them, his one eye narrowing and his right fist clenching. "Magic cannot, and should not, be given free reign. Mages should not bestride the world unchallenged bar our intervention. Their must be an opposite force. Just as ice is the atithesis of fire, so shall 'Void magic' oppose all magic, from any source. None of us will have direct juristiction over it, instead it will be ours to distribute as we wish, a final safeguard."
with that he was silent, allowing the others time to speak.

2009-07-06, 08:15 PM
"So you want us to create something that is not opposed by anything. Even so few humans have so far even heard the word magic you are ready to take them out. I believe this an unnecessary step at the moment but a precaution for later. I'm still working on my own magic so even though I do support support this ... somewhat ... I cannot help you at this time."

2009-07-06, 08:28 PM
"No, I want to create a ballencing agent. No matter how powerful or subtle the wizard, he can be killed like any other man, that I can guarantee you. What I am attempting to do is create a controlling agent, something that can be used to rectify what can be caused by magic." Kysis replied.
"I am not prepared to create this myself. What I want is to understand the reasonings of my siblings."

2009-07-06, 08:31 PM
"Fear? It is not I they fear, but loosing their own power, their authority. Though I suspect, if I wish, I could put the fear of me in them." Kysis replied to the lady of poisons, his tone less graverly then usual. She suspected he was almost smiling. He always did enjoy their little banter.
Then he inclined his head to Mir. "Thank you for coming, sister. Your wisdom is, as always, appreciated."
He nodded at Wraght, conveying little emotion, but enough to convey concern and interest in equal parts, then stood up, glaring baelfully around at all those preasent. "Brothers and Sisters, you know why I have called you here. Each of us has carved a portion of the world for their own, and there is always another unclaimed shore, another unexplored land. And yet we have responsobilities, to our worshipers and to the world, and to our father. We must keep the ballance." He surveyed them, his one eye narrowing and his right fist clenching. "Magic cannot, and should not, be given free reign. Mages should not bestride the world unchallenged bar our intervention. Their must be an opposite force. Just as ice is the atithesis of fire, so shall 'Void magic' oppose all magic, from any source. None of us will have direct juristiction over it, instead it will be ours to distribute as we wish, a final safeguard." with that he was silent, allowing the others time to speak.

"I respectfully disagree. I believe that wizards should be used as our agents. . Just like anyone with great power. I do not believe that we should create this new art. It sounds more dangerous even than magic itself. Why cure a disease with such a painful remedy?"

2009-07-06, 08:45 PM
"Ey, brother I understand."

"When I have finished creating my own magic we can discuss this matter further"

2009-07-06, 08:53 PM
Kysis stared at his brother and for a moment his hand strayed to the Hilt of his blade and Garland feared he would loose control. But the moment vannished so quickly Garland could not be sure he hadn't imagined it, and Kysis straightened, his tone was less feral, almost submissive. "Of course they should. Why should we not use power where it is?" Kysis replied. "But it would be foolish to give anyone a power that cannot be suppressed without our direct intervention. This magic's one ability is the suppression of powers, and would be unable to have any influence on the world beyond that. Why cure magic? Well now the world is young and sturdy, so perhaps there is no need for it. But would you allow a disease to run rampant without searching for a cure? This need not be used today, or ever, but it would be the height of narrow-mindedness to protest against it's existence due to it's current lack of use. I am simply planning ahead. Magic has advanced at a rate beyond anything else, as your servants search for secrets herefore known only to us. Would you see the world rebuilt in their image?"

2009-07-06, 08:54 PM
Kysis stared at his brother and for a moment his hand strayed to the Hilt of his blade and Garland feared he would loose control. But the moment vannished so quickly Garland could not be sure he hadn't imagined it, and Kysis straightened, his tone was less feral, almost submissive. "Of course they should. Why should we not use power where it is?" Kysis replied. "But it would be foolish to give anyone a power that cannot be suppressed without our direct intervention. This magic's one ability is the suppression of powers, and would be unable to have any influence on the world beyond that. Why cure magic? Well now the world is young and sturdy, so perhaps there is no need for it. But would you allow a disease to run rampant without searching for a cure? This need not be used today, or ever, but it would be the height of narrow-mindedness to protest against it's existence due to it's current lack of use. I am simply planning ahead. Magic has advanced at a rate beyond anything else, as your servants search for secrets herefore known only to us. Would you see the world rebuilt in their image?"

"I would see us making the world better. I see no problem watching them making the world as it is now in their image."

2009-07-06, 08:58 PM
As the discussion continued, Mir stood silently, holding her artifact in her arms and gazing with neutral eyes at the others gathered there. So far in the discussion that had come following Kysis' words, she had said nothing.

2009-07-06, 09:05 PM
"Then so be it brother. But I for one wish to see this world prosper and triumph, and I believe that this can only happen if ballence is reached to an extent. While we may certainly entrust the world to our followers, we should never forget that they require our guidence and wisdom. We should never simply give them power to do as they will."Kysis turned from Garland too look at the rest of those that had gathered. Wraught had followed him, as had Tz'Aren, but the rest remained undecided.
"People must earn their achievements through labors, not knowledge. Magic must have it's limits set, defined. And I suggest this is the way to do it."

2009-07-06, 09:17 PM
"I have already made a plan with Mir and hope to plan with Rilcar on another."

2009-07-06, 09:20 PM
Kysis turned back to him. "I have said my piece, if you feel it is not necessary then luck to you." He replied calmly, then turned away again. taking a few steps back he lowered himself back on to the rock and watched the other gods.

2009-07-06, 09:25 PM
Magic, a powerful tool that takes wisdom to use correctly, and something that can make mere mortals supermen among their kind.

Ahmua was now sitting in the water, looking surprisingly happy as she splashed around.

Of course, the problem does arise when an imbecile wields considerable power. Strength of will and personality does not always translate into purity of intent and restraint when necessary...

She stood up, shaking the water from her breeches.

Of course, you can throw another wizard at the problem, but then more problems arise. And what should happen should this person wield more power than his opponent? In any case, you end up with only one source of potential escape, and that happens to be more of the same.

I don't intend to insult Mr. Wizard, here, but I think alternatives are a good thing to have.

Her blood-red eyes seemed to glimmer as she winked at Garland and smiled in a manner that seemed to be sincere, inadvertently showing off her oversized canines.

2009-07-06, 09:33 PM
The Duke

I paced among these new beings, looking, searching, trying to find what I was looking for. A spark in the eye, perhaps, or a carefully tilted chin. I needed to find that one among these that was closest to my heart.

Then, I saw it - a wry smirk quickly-hidden in the corners of the mouth, the vixen looking out at me from the emerald eyes, the poise in her stance and the whimsy in her face. I made my way to her, caught her chin, kissed her on the forehead, whispered in her ear. The kiss burned silver on her forehead before shifting to mimic the moon's shape, and the words in her ear made their way into the heart.

Chose those who will walk with you. Serve The Duke wherever you dwell, you and yours. You are the keepers of the gloaming, the masters of the heart's inner desire, the storytellers and the storykeepers. I name you... The Maiden. Seek me in Al-Makid, seek me in the lands of the Antarans. Hunt the dream, Maiden.

And with that, I turned the world a half-twist and entered into The Land once more. The Maiden would lead a tithe of the creations to Antara, I had no doubt. She... would be the fourth of my chosen.

Minor Act - Empower The Maiden.

"Oh, I'll be there soon. Give me but a short time to compose myself, and I'll arrive at your sanctum."

2009-07-06, 09:37 PM
Kysis cocked his head. "As sister has so eloquently put it, of course you want your followers to be all powerful. You are hardly a fair example." Kysis added, his voice deepening slightly until it sounded like rocks bashing together.

2009-07-06, 09:59 PM
At last, Mir spoke softly, and yet with such grace and clarity that it was heard by all whom had gathered.

"Brothers and sisters, these are the words of warning in my heart. As you spoke your words to me upon Mount Arratth, Kysis- You said then that you are doing this to restore equality, for in your words, one brand of power should not rise to dominate all things. Again here you have repeated these words, as if they should be the truth of this world."

"And yet it is not the true nature of all existence, for one power does dominate, and that power is the creator: Eunok, our Father. Ill is the thought that should strive to break that which is."

Mir pauses once to look around and then at her book, before returning her gaze to Kysis.

"The benefits of such a creation you have suggested does little to fair the advance of those under us. You have suggested that this 'Void' shall lie outside of jurisdiction of any one Diety, yet this is dangerous for it means the responsibility is no one's. Further, the 'Void' provides no benefit in itself, except to oppose magic, whether for ill or good. The 'Void' does not help crops to grow, nor heal wounds. Yet it is able to prevent such things that would."

Foresight is always important, and of this I know much. Yet the dangers inherit in the creation of this 'Void' now far outweighs the use. The danger I fear in the future does not come from mortal hands, but from those of our family."

She finishes ominously, looking at each of her brethren in the eyes. Turning back to her child form, she looks back at Kysis and continues.

"However you have raised an important point with which I have no contention. Indeed magic must be guided, both with wisdom and knowledge. While the current nature of 'magic' lies scattered and varied amongst the Gods whom have invested their works into mortals, this as suggested, will not stand long before conflict occurs. Yet it is not within our power to bind the actions of a brother or sister without ill will generating therewith, as this new creation stands to do, for it serves to directly undermine the works of our brothers and sisters. To rectify this dilemma, my proposal is thus:

The use of magic should be ordered under the authority of those Gods whom have so taught their followers the subtleties of their craft. Magic taught properly and carefully is not a disease, but a boon to creation, for it gives them their voice beyond the pleas and request which we hear. As such it is not in itself Evil, only the ill use of it. Furthermore while there is danger inherent within the improper use of magic, it is the responsibility of those Gods whom have given those gifts to their peoples to see to the proper use. Should there be quarrel about trouble between kind, then together we will reach a Just conclusion through mediation and intervention. Together we can do this, each with our own strengths, and for the moment at least, set aside this call for a most dangerous tool."

Pausing at last, she bows respectfully and steps back.

"You have asked graciously for my advice, and this is what council I will offer."

2009-07-06, 10:48 PM
"It pains me to disagree with you sister, but here I must. My father is ruler, but did he not create us for the very purpose of maintaining ballence? He does not require we think of him, only that we think. Only that we seek to improve the world, that we strive to keep it equilibrium. As my brothers will no doubt attest, making crops grow is not an ends to itself. Life is beautiful, death is beautiful, and the moment where the two stretch into one is ectasy." He stopped, then began again. "Advancement for the sake of advancement is the very thing I protest against. Which man is a fool, the one who does not comprehend the storms of my sister, or the man who does but cannot appreciate their beauty or power. No, what you propose is perhaps worse. We have a responsobility to act. Humans can use magic to circumvent that which they should earn. The void does not actively further advancement? Well why should it? Our sisters bring blight and drought. If I were to kill them would that not benefit humans equally? Perhaps more so? I bring death, murder and chaos. Should I fall on my own sword for no reason other then progress? But then, your argument is do not change what is, remain as it has been. I protest that doing nothing would be a greater crime then the greatest excess they can invent. Passion governs us, sister, not laws, not rules, not simple mathematics. We should always seek to do what we believe is best."

2009-07-06, 11:54 PM
Mir stirred once more and met Kysis' stare openly, the tiniest hint at sadness and regret present in her otherwise stoic gaze.

"I will speak in answer of your claims, lest my council be deemed unwise."

She paused for the tiniest of seconds, and then opened The Ledger of the Dawning Age to the first page.

"When we first arrived here, there was already an existence that lay in and of itself. This is the world that our Father lay out before our coming out of Afu.
What you suggest is that this land had always been maintained in equilibrium of all forms. Of joy and sorrow, of love and hate, of life and death. Of Good and of Evil.
Yet this is not the case, for mortals have suffered greatly, and others have lived blissfully, but never are their lives so simply ordered by our machinations alone. There is a greater force at work in this land than ourselves, and that is Eunok, our Father who surpasses all these things. Though none of us can know the true thoughts of our Father, it is He who's Divinity conceived of this place and has ordered it's habitation, and it is He whom, if any holds governorship, it is. Never has our purpose bid by him be one to bring balance, rather instead we have brought what talents we each can bring and for the benefit of those whom are our charges, we are to do our works. This much is clear - through each of us a myriad of deeds have been done, of numbers nearly uncountable, and many more which shall come."

With a single motion, Mir moved to the last page of the artifact and stared at the page, her mandala alight behind her small form.
"Though you were not present with us in Afu at the closing of the First Age when Father spoke his final sacred words to us, I will repeat to you here at risk of His displeasure, for they bade us to continue to aid the mortals."

The light around her increased in glare as the circlet upon her forehead gleamed in the evening light. Her voice altered, with more authority and power than it had before.
"Do good, my children. I have great hopes for you."

As she finished, she closed the book and returned it to her side. The light faded back to normal, and she looked earnestly at her sister Wraght, and then at Kysis before she continued.

"It is these words that make me disagree with you, elder brother, for I see no good coming from this proposal."

"I suggested that we have a responsibility to act, and I gave council to the rules with which we should so as not to interfere with the works of a brother or sister. My proposal was misunderstood, it seems, because you have twisted it to mean we do nothing. This is not so. I proposed that we continue to act, as we all have, and that we have no need of this 'void' at the present time. You furthermore did not address the misgivings I had before, and so you have yet to offer a satisfactory solution in my eyes. As troubling as this 'magic' may be in your eyes, this view is not shared by myself.

Mir let out a sigh, her own weariness weighing heavily on her young form.

Passion may govern you, elder brother, but I am governed by wisdom and prudence, and it is because of that you called me here. I repeat to you your own words: We should always seek to do what we believe is best... I have said what is required of me, and no more."

2009-07-07, 12:33 AM
Kysis did not reply for a long time. he had not seen his father in centuries, not since his sin, not since he submitted to his passion for the first time, when he gave in and became what he had always been. His father had not forgiven him, and never would, but he had understood. He knew what Kysis was, and the reasons Kysis had acted as he did, for he had made him.
When he looked up, he was shaking with some deep emotion. "You call that wisdom, sister? You twist our father's words to your own benefit. Do good, he says, and you claim that is grounds to refuse my work for it is of no benefit to you. You confuse your own welfare with the world's sister. You delude yourself to your own importance, and hide behind our father's authority to give yourself credence. Because magic is your slave, you refuse to see beyond your own petty self importance."
He got up in a single smooth movement, his hand flying to the hilt of his blade like a sprung steel trap. Suddenly he seemed very tall, and his eye burned with a volcanic, feral light. A wind sprang up behind him, that smelt of copper and salt and steel, his robes billowed around him and his voice thinned, loosing it's pain and darkness to become loud and clear as a bell.
"This world itself is beyond our jurisdiction, sister. Our very lives, hopes and dreams are little more then pawns on our fathers chessboard. You talk of the benefit of magic, but you only address one side, the side that benefits you. For every wizard who uses his powers for the common good of his fellow man there are four that are selfish and try to use it for their own power. A wizard may bestride the world as a god, for there is nothing but we ourselves to oppose them. You do not trust my creation? Well manage it yourself if you don't trust your siblings. But don't play high and mighty with me. You fear your family? Well I recognise the danger myself. Why do you think I brought so many of you here? To create trust, and the beginnings of a future where we all work in concord to shape the fate of this world, by crushing it's dangers together. You fear it? You sister? Tools a dangerous. It is there nature."
He drew Widowmaker with a sharp movement. He did not flourish it. He knew exactly what swords were for, and it was not flourishing. The shadowy blade hissed as it swept through the air. "Widowmaker is dangerous. It's name defines it's use. In my hands it is a weapon, an extension of my will, and my hunger. But no matter who's hands I put it in, it is equally dangerous. Yet times call for such a tool, and when they do you are grateful for it. If you have misgivings about my proposition, I will do what I can to convince you, but if you will not listen and address the rest of us as you equal, or if you are simply craven, then you have nothing further to say."

2009-07-07, 12:37 AM
Bear Savage walked in the forest, he knew his path. His steel fur, his huge claws, his tusked face, and his massive size all spoke of his power. Savage knew the other gods had moved on already, passed their quests, proven their worth. But he did not look upon his own slowness as a lack of potential or power, but an example of his patience and fortitude. Where others had gone, certain in their own godhood of their victories, glorying in the strength of their arms and their abilities, he had not used the pure power of his divine abilities. He had taken the potential granted by his divine shifting, and applied it to a very real test of survival. He was the bloodhunter, the ruthless king, the brutal god, and he would prove his worth.

Finally, he came to the place he had sought. A vast cave rose behind a magnificent waterfall, glittering in the many colors of the world. As Savage approached, he roared challenge to the thundering of the water. But it was not the falls that answered his cry, but the peels of a truly magnificent and terrifying creature. Stalking from the cave, water cascading off of it's shimmering ruby scales, it's soulless black eyes fixed on Savage. It had a huge tail that ended in a knotted club, like Savage's own, and it had four heads. One was that of a lizard, huge fangs glittering from it's open mouth, snakes tongue slithering from it's mouth. Another was large and beaked like a raptor, it shrieked a battle cry. The third was a great scaled mountain lions head, slitted feline eyes studied him coldly. The last was a sharks head, jagged teeth snapping as it smelled the blood in his veins.

Savage roared again, and charged the creature before it could react. Though it was huge, the size of the bear he had devoured was truly impressive, and he smashed it backward, bones breaking beneath him. But it was not defenseless, huge claws rose up and raked him away, leaving bloody marks through his steel fur. It's beaked head snapped at him, but he batted it away, it's other claw came rushing in, and left another bloody trail on his body. He whipped around, clawing at the things gem-like scales, and several fell away, keeping his momentum he smashed his gnarled bony tail into its chest, smashing more ribs. He leapt upon it, his fang filled mouth tore great chunks from the lizard head, and all four heads shrieked in agony. The lion head reached over and nipped at him, cutting him with it's teeth, but unable to ease his relentless attack. Clawing at it, he sought a grip on it's back, but it swung backward, trying to smash him against the wall of the cliff. Savage leaped off of it, raking it with his claws, and it smashed in it's futile attempt on the stone. It's blood frothed in the water, as if the falls had spread, it stood, foam in it's mouth. It was weak. Savage leaped one final time, ripping into it's chest, He tore at it, again and again. His previous attacks had cracked open the bones in it's chest, and he finally rested from it his prize. The heart of the great beast, a pure ruby, a perfect orb.

Savage swallowed the orb, and knew his task was complete. He knelt, and begin to devour the scaled creature. When he was done, a figure like a man stood next to the water. It's legs were bent backwards, ending in huge clawed feet. He had ruby scales, and a long lizard tail swished behind him. His face was a feline muzzle, with a hawks eyes and a snakes tongue. His hands were clawed like his feet, and fangs grew in his mouth. He opened his jaws and hissed the first words he had spoken. Ssssavage... isss born

2009-07-07, 12:52 AM
This argument has stopped being interesting for some time.

Ahmua picked herself up and brushed the sand off herself. She decided to interject herself before things got messy.

Look, you asked Mir her opinion and she is convinced that Magic is a tool that can be used either incorrectly or correctly. However, she does not see the void as the same thing. She sees it as a means to create stagnation of development. Seems to me that magic can be used for grand creation and for the betterment of mortals the world over, but it can still be far more destructive than this void magic kysis is suggesting. Just ask the Thunder Tart over there.

She held up a hand before anyone could speak

But... But it seems to be that Mir thinks Kysis is determined to scrub magic off the face of this planet. in any case, there will be no way to fully contain the powers that have already been released onto the world, so it's a moot point. It's another type of magic, just another tool that I'm sure even Mr. Wizard can come to use. A tool that will need Wisdom and Clarity of intent to use just like any other... ahem... Magic

She paused for a moment before continuing.

Now listen Kysis, you asked Mir to make her point and give her opinion, and she did so. She has a goal, you have a goal, we all have goals and we all have different views as to how to get there. If you wanted to bring here here just to get her to agree with you, you're wasting your time. If it's so important to you, than get on with it. It was unwise of you to call this little pow-wow in the first place. Of course not everyone will agree with you, but you don't need everyone's permission. Just make the damned thing and be done with it. I like the aspect of an alternative to magic to fall back upon so I will help you, but that is my choice for my own reasons.

She faced Mir and Garland, looking them over.

I hold no grudge against these two for speaking their own minds and making their own choices for their own reasons. That would just be stupid.

2009-07-07, 12:53 AM
A raven fluttered near him, just out of reach. "Kysis is coming." It croaked, "He wants to speak to you."
Savage felt a thick, liquid pressence scrape his mind for a second, for all the world like liquid pain and corruption and blood. An island appeared in his head, his siblings standing around talking.

Savage "Brother, it is good to see you again. Our siblings are gathered, discussing what they veiw should be the future of the world. I ask you to join us, brother. It is your right as much as any of us."

Kysis nodded. He relaxed with some difficulty. "You are right of course, sister." He growled, seeming almost embarrased. "I apologize, Mir. I was out of line." He said, then sat back down.

2009-07-07, 01:28 AM
Mir looked at Ahmua with what could be described as a rueful smile only sisters could share.

"Elder sister, your words are correct, and you have pierced the veil of misunderstanding. Thank you."

She turned her gaze back to Kysis and put her hands together in a symbol of peace.

"I understand elder brother, and do not hold anything against you for your words.."

Mir looked like she would say more, and then she earnestly looked at her brother.

"...I am prone to lecture, forgive me. I will hold my words here, out of respect and love for all my brothers and sisters who are gathered."

She bowed in a polite and humble gesture of farewell.

"I will be in touch if I am needed. Likewise I have no intention of interfering. For now though, I am in need of rest. Farewell, dear brothers and sisters."

...As she reentered the her sanctuary, she sat and thought for a long time on what had happened, sharing her deepest thoughts with no one.

Jair Barik
2009-07-07, 02:30 AM
Ravrthis reclined on the throne and let his mind wander. There was a meeting of Gods somewhere far off, Kysis arguing once more it would seem, he smiled. He stretched further. He saw the forest. Brother savage had achieved God hood it seemed, another interesting turn of events...

He turned and stretched once more, searching in his mind the bottoms of the Oceans, the highest peaks, the beaches, plains and deserts, frozen wastes and baking sea. But he couldn't find it. he frowned. What game was he playing then, what was he up to? Where they just his toys, an amusing game, a past time to watch and observe as he himself now observed his brothers. He was disturbed. Something would have to be done about this, something beautiful, something amazing, something... cataclysmic.

2009-07-07, 06:32 AM
So, you wish to use a void brother, to make the magic of the world defeatable? No mere man deserves to be a god. Power comes in many forms, light and dark appose each other, As do the sun and moon, as the dusk and dawn. There are many powers in the world, even those of life and death. The power to dillude another power, giving mortality to these wizards. I am all for it, Should i stop making it rain because it takes water from another place, and may kill an animal? Should i stop discharging my lightning, making the brush in the forest burn and allowing fertile soil? Im not saying this void shall be absolute. Let me divulge a little to you brothers and sisters. You know how i gained my throne? Through power! I killed my mother with this fang on my side, took her kingdom for my own and now do good and evil. I could leave death unproteceted should i choose, but who does that benefit, all i have to say is if any of you should cross Kysis in this matter and try to stop him, your people might have some bad harvests. If an of you trys to fight him in one on one combat because you believe he is a scourge on the land, you will face razor sharp winds and a storm powerful enough to kill a god. * As she gets angrier the winds start whipping around her, lightning builds through her body, hail starts raining, the temperature rises to 200o farehenheit, and water starts whipping around her. I am not in a mood to tolerate ignorance today.
You notice its been quite awhile since she has rested

I stand by kysis through life and death, do any of you have a problem with that?

2009-07-07, 08:06 AM
I arrived at Ravarthis's domain in the form of a dark-haired maiden garbed in black, stepping from the dream of the underworld into his throneroom. I curtsied to my brother with a smile. "Ah, brother. I believe you wished to speak with me?"

Jair Barik
2009-07-07, 08:36 AM
"As we both know there is a lot of deals going on between the Gods, defensive alliances, magic monopolies, the creation of realms and weapons. There already seems to be a divide between the Gods, the faction of Kysis opposed to the faction of Garland. What we wish to know is your thoughts on these matters. Your allegiances, your desires, what we can do that may be of interest to you. We do not wish to alienate anyone at this time and we have made it abundantly clear that the defese of the Underworld is our primary concern. Having not spoken of any matters to you yet brother we felt it important to get in touch. We may not see eye to eye with your more flamboyant lifestyle but we realise that behind the way you act there is more, such power, such ambition...

2009-07-07, 08:41 AM
@ rav mentally

when will we have that meeting?
*you can feel the storms brewing in my mind

2009-07-07, 09:00 AM

Korath works feverishly on his new Totem. Soon it emerges. A single Gemstone rose. A ruby forms the actual flower with the stem being emerald. Diamonds make up the dew. When it was finally finished, Korath was pleased. THe flower was incredibly lifelike. It even had the smell of a rose.

Resting for a moment, Korath considered what to do.

Then he acted. Sending the Rose to the outer ring, Korath looked for a good place to place it. Upon finding a suitable valley by the sea, he placed it in the center. Using his divine power, he altered the valley. It went from barren and cold to being warm and lush. A spring appeared in the center and plants of all kinds flourished. Medicinal herbs were found growing in great quantities. In the center stood a stand with the Rose.

Sent the Rose to the Outer ring, created a Garden valley (1 minor).

2 Minor acts left

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-07, 09:31 AM
Soon, a tribe of neanderthals inhabited the fertile valley. They began worshiping the Rose, as it radiated divine power and possessed an inspiring presence.

OOC: The totems are not only gates, but also "conducts" for prayer energy. Korath gains a few followers in the Outer Ring.

Jair Barik
2009-07-07, 09:46 AM

"At the moment I am in a meeting with the Duke. If you wish to talk though we can do it through telepathy. What do you need sister?"

2009-07-07, 12:54 PM
Ril-Cer suddenly appeared in the middle of the crowd of Demigods, looking thoughtful.

Hmm. I see some of you seek to create a magic that would stop other magics, and make wizards mortal. I would agree it was a noble cause, if wizards were actually immortal. Magic has not yet caused anybody, even the strongest of archmages, to even approach the power of a god.

Mages are still vulnerable to being killed, like everybody else. Even you should have realized that. We can see the writing on the wall, Kysis. You are simply trying to further your own agenda; without magic, your physical and violent followers will have no opposition.

I am not going to say I have no stake in this; attempting to remove magic from the world is obviously important to me. But I honestly can't believe anybody would consider your reasoning for why magic needs to be banned as logical. Mages can die just as easily as everybody else in the world, and attempting to remove them from the world is only useful for furthering your agendas, and not for making the world a more balanced place.

2009-07-07, 01:05 PM
"Indeed, Rilcar, I have just discussed a triparte council between us and Mir as stewards of the mortals below."Garland appeared optimistic. "I have a plan to make a world wide organization of magicians with us as the inspiration for magic."

"Of course, I could make the Triparte Council a Quadrilateral, if he so prefers."

2009-07-07, 01:15 PM
I chuckled, moving closer to the throne. "How interesting, brother. I know nothing of petty alliances and friendships of convenience; I befriend those who are worthy and ignore those who are not. If someone asks my help, he will receive it, though perhaps not in the fashion he wished. The desires of the Lord of Dream... well, there are dreams and there are dreams, brother, and how can one know another's deepest desires truly?" I checked myself, grinning slyly at Ravarthis. "Well, this seems to be a one-sided give and take. Perhaps you should explain to yourself further before I tell you what I desire from you..."

Jair Barik
2009-07-07, 01:49 PM
Ravarthis shifted his form to that of a man, the man he seemed to be before he claimed death. The man smiled. "We have said what we wish brother the defense of our realm and nothing more. I am sure you would not suggest we had any ulterior motives" A great crocodile smile spreads across Ravarthis face, it is clear why he has changed to a form that can show emotion. "The God's are on the verge of war already. We have used Kysis once and may do so again, he is a useful ally. Wraght too is useful but hard to control and highly erratic. Ril cer and the Duke have begun creating magic together which appears to be either a defensive move or an attack on Kysis and Korath has fled to the Outer ring. You are a liar and a cheat, but a liar we can work with. The others put on fake smiles, they grin and bear pretending to have no ulterior motives in helping one another. We wish to help you in exchange for help from you, we do so in the knowledge that the help we each give the other may not be what we believe it to be. In short we wish for a highly cynical treaty based on the idea that we will help one another so long as it benefits ourselves"

2009-07-07, 01:56 PM

When the tribe of neanderthals moved into the valley, Korath was intrigued. He kept a close eye on them and pondered over their actions. Eventually, he decided to take action. Using a little of his influence, he inspired the neanderthals to make a leap: The Rose itself was not divine, it represented the divine, the concept of beauty and art, of joy and life.

1 minor act to inspire the neanderthals to make a leap of intelligence. Specifically, the Rose is merely a symbol of something greater, I.E. Korath. They won't get his name from that, but they will get a vague idea of who he is and what he stands for.
1 minor act remaining.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-07, 02:04 PM
Life has become much simplier for the neanderthal tribe since they settled in the valley. They now have time to think about Korath's message and make art of their own. The tribe starts to paint animals and craft small figurines.

OOC: Most neanderthals in the Outer Ring are now in the Neolithic period.

2009-07-07, 05:50 PM
Kysis raises his eyebrow at Ril-Cer, his confidence not even shaken. "Brother, don't insult us both. If I wanted you dead, I would kill you, and your pretty tricks wouldn't even slow me down. Magic can be powerful, brother, but I am violence, I am slaughter. Your power is no threat to me."The sky seemed to darken as Kysis spoke, his voice lowering in pitch and tone, full of hatred and darkness and black fury.
"While you followers seek to understand the world, mine perfect the art of killing. While yours read on ancient knowledge mine reap souls with every heartbeat. Do not pretend any different, your powers do not impress me. You have nothing to threaten me with."

He stopped and glared at them all. "I have given my reasons. Make of them what you will."

2009-07-07, 06:06 PM
Somewhat stunned that she had actually been acknowledged by Mir and Kysis, Ahmua took a while to regain her composure.

Ril-Cer... I don't think anyone has actually brought up banning magic at all, except you and maybe Garland. Of course it could benefit his followers, just like your magics could benefit your own.

As I said, magic is already a force in this world and it would take more than some petty nullifying art to even come close to eradicating it entirely.

She turned away, making her way away from the shore.

We all have agendas. It's only natural to wish to promote them, so I fail to see why we are still talking on the matter.

2009-07-07, 06:31 PM
"Again, you ere right, sister." Kysis snarled. "I have no wish to end magic, despite my own inability to manipulate it. I see the wonders it may one day create, and the truths and enlightenment it may bring. But I also see the danger, and perhaps my one eye see's clearer then yours ever did. I predict that those who do not look ahead to see the culmination of the path where magic leads will regret it. All I ask is you think on what I have said." With that he spread his arms and faded, as though he had never been.

For the second time that day, Kysis appeared in the streets of the Chimdrith, above the gate to the underworld. "I do not appreciate being ignored, brother." He snarled, his eye burning with a terrible light. "We still have much to discuss."

2009-07-07, 06:32 PM
Ahmua, dear sister, you must not have been paying attention during Kysis's rant. He suggested creating "void magic", which would supress and destroy magic. I never stated that he would ban magic, but that he wanted it destroyed. I know we all seek to further our own agendas. However, this is, no matter how unlikely to work, is something so obviously beneficial to Kysis and to no other god or to humanity I am shocked at how many are endorsing him. He states that it would restore balance; but all void magic would do is tip the scale in his favor. He says it would help humanity, but all it would do is destroy something that can.

Ril-Cer turns to Kysis.
As for you, you seem very arrogant for somebody who can't even choose an adequate weapon. The sword is a poor weapon for any form of combat; it has less range than the spear, less utility than the axe, is stopped by armor more easily than the mace, is less subtle than poison, has less range than the bow, can be destroyed by magic, and takes more resources to make than any of the above. For somebody who has "perfected" the art of killing, you surely must know these things? You also must know that magic is far more than petty tricks, for one who knows so much about killing.

But really, all you know about is brutality. You pick up a weapon, and beat somebody with it until they die. You do not even know what others are capable of, being so wrapped up in your own arrogance. You think that being a god of violence makes you the best at causing death. But it just makes you the best at being violent. Feel free to continue down that path; you will not be happy where it ends.

2009-07-07, 06:47 PM
"A sword's primary strength is it's versatility. An axe has more power, but less finesse. A spear is of no use at close range. A mace is crude, and easily turned aside, a knife is only of use if the other person is not armed, and poison is the domain of our dear sister. You were always arrogant, brother, but you also show yourself to be a fool. Any one can fight with those weapons, but a sword must be mastered. To wield one take discipline, hard work and drive. Rather then simply choosing the easiest tool for a job I have chosen to take one that must be earned. Magic can destroy it? I invite you to try, brother.

Magic is more then pretty tricks, why would I have gone to such effort if I thought so? But you are weak beyond weak. Your powers can be used by any novice to kill a man who has spent years mastering his weapon. They circumvent hard work, allowing people to take what they can never earn. You call me brutal, but death is death, brother, whether in the ecstasy of combat or the thrum of magic. You say you are better then me, but you are a hypocrite, all the more tragic in that you don't realise it.

If you are so powerful, perhaps you should show me. Convince me I'm wrong."

2009-07-07, 07:35 PM

I am simply amazed at how stubborn you can be. The sword may be versatile, but it still falls short of other weapons in other situations. A spear may not be able to be used close up, but it doesn't matter if you can kill the target before it reaches you. A sword still cannot penetrate armor, so it does not matter if you can turn aside a mace. Even if the sword could kill an archer easily, a person with a sword would never reach him. You believe that just because you can master a sword to make up for it's inherent weakness, it makes you stronger. That is wrong. It makes you a fool for wasting your effort. You think that because you teach your men how to use something that will always be outclassed, you are stronger? No, you are weaker and more foolish.

Wasted effort is not strength. If it takes you years to master the sword, and you can be killed by a novice as you say, then you were never strong. You were always weak, and were just kidding yourself. Hard work has no inherent value. Work is a means to an end; if you are using work as an end unto itself, you will never get anywhere. And you claim that a mage can take things he would never earn. He earns them by taking them. You don't earn things by working for a lifetime until you are strong enough to take them; you earn them simply by taking them. It's that simple.

You also claim I am a hypocrite. However, that is not so. You use death as an end unto itself; you kill because killing is something that brings you joy. If I kill somebody, I do it to achieve a greater purpose; if the only reason to kill somebody is because it seems fun, then it's a waste of effort. Then again, you seem to support wasting your effort, so I can see why you enjoy it.

Jair Barik
2009-07-08, 02:04 AM
"Our sincerest apologies Kysis but we have been busy making deals with other Gods and haven't had time to discuss this void magic you speak of. We are a mage of sorts and almost find it hurtful that you should wish to reduce our power... The power we wield is that of Evocation, try it it is indeed a savage, and brutal magic if its owner wills it to be. We can't meet in person at the moment as we are currently in meeting but should you worry about the Gods attacking you we have a number of plans you could use to avoid them. Mainly the idea of spreading to other rings as Korath has done. The outer most ring is all but devoid of magic, a perfect place to set up a base of operations for you we think, somewhere where you have a natural advantage."

2009-07-08, 01:44 PM
After some time, Mir called forth an assembly of the Corithatians and Elves who dwelt in her favor. Out of those whom lived in the sacred city, Mir gathered the twelve ablest for a meeting - six elves and six of the humans. After prostrating themselves in humility before her, Mir spoke, her voice soft, yet determined and pleased.

"Of all whom are gathered here at my domain, you twelve have proven to be wise beyond your years. I have endowed you with the knowledge to know both right and wrong, and the wisdom to know the difference between them. Wisdom and knowledge when put to correct use brings relief to suffering, joy to sorrow, rejuvenation to the weary, and fullness of life to all who walk this land. It is with my blessings that I send you now on an important task.
Far off across the seas lies a land full of the unknown, and yet while brethren by human blood, those who dwell so far have not seen the light nor are learned in such ways as of here.
Thus I name thee twelve Sages, and task you two travel out to those farthest reaches. It is not an easy journey, and peril may lead before your footsteps, but you will succeed with your faith. I task you to spread words of wisdom to your brothers and sisters who live so far from here. Give them gentle guidance when they go astray. Teach them that what they are ignorant of. Fear not, for I will always be with you."

The Twelve Sages prostrated themselves once more, and she bid them to lay hands upon the Marble Stones which flanked the entrance to the sacred city.
"With you I send these words of wisdom, so that you will never falter in your path. Ever in my thoughts you shall be, and always in my will you find comfort and aid in times of need."

And thus she sent them out with 3 helpers each, to a quiet and serene vale that guarded a river of purest waters, and shaded by tall, strong redwood trees. After they arrived, the sages gave thanks and named the place Sophii, before scattering to search for the natives...

...After all this had been done, Mir gathered Elves numbering nearly 1,000 strong and blessed them with her words, sending them to settle at Sophii.

<Create Small number of servants of moderate power (12 Sages) - Minor Act
<Send Totem: Mirilisi along with the Sages & assistants to the Outer Plane> - Free Action
<Move a population of up to 1,000: Elves - Minor Act

ooc: That's it for Mir this round, excluding possible conversation and such)

2009-07-08, 03:27 PM
The One Hundred Children of the Karond that had been blessed by Tz'Aren ,as he said, grew up faster then any other. Each blessed the town with unique gifts such as Smithery, Hunting, Gathering, Farming, Archery and so much more. One child ,Kiene, was gifted with holiness. Kiene influenced the Karond through Disciples which eventually evolved into a clergy. Tz'Aren's deal meant that those who worship him go to him and therefor give him some amount of power. To make sure he would have a ready supply of souls he bestowed the people his spirit spreading the philosophy his clergy were spreading. He even Bestowed upon the clergy gifts of power which gave them even more influence. Tz'Aren's plan was slow moving but he knew that he would need devout followers in the mortal realm for it to succeed.

2 Minor Acts, Influence Population & Bestow Power on Small Group

Earl of Purple
2009-07-08, 04:45 PM
Surga decided that his followers in Alsa probably needed some more divine help, so he taught some of his worshippers the arts of the Witchdoctor. Designed to help the community in any way possible, Witchdoctors were taught some basic medical techniques.
1 minor act used to create a divine class-Witchdoctor. Largely healing spells and group spells such as Bless.

2009-07-08, 09:16 PM
People are scum. It is the same now as it was when I could call myself one. Moghoth advocates restraint, but I know we all have our doubts. We feed ourselves on murderers and thugs off the streets, and still, the city is as disgusting and lawless as before. The only difference is that, from our level, we can see the accumulated scum at the bottom of the barrel all the more clearly. Even the comparative paradise of

There are new humans, beautiful humans, superior humans, walking among the others. They are new. They call themselves elves and they hope to educate the humans. Bah! What a waste. They'll eventually destroy themselves through their own destructive and wasteful nature.

Moghoth says to avoid the elves. I don't see They are more numerous than us, yes, and they are unnaturally long lived like ourselves, but they are little more than pretty humans. I wonder what we could make from one of them, though.

They don't scare me. We own the empire, Sal Yamir, Antara, all of it. We can nourish it or topple it at a whim, but still Moghoth stays cautious. I am wondering if he hasn't grown soft.
-From the writings of Hruma, Kwahim Matron

Though Hruma's outlook was not entirely correct, it was true that the Kwahim had become so ingrained into the underbelly of both Sal-Yamir and Antara that, even if they were discovered, removing them would not be an easy task. In Antara, there were at least two lords overseeing separate criminal guilds that warred with each other under the noses of the more sophisticated middle class. There was a handful of slayers, but initiates were few and far between, as Moghoth did not wish to draw too much attention from the elves.

Sal-Yamir was, however, in complete controll of the Kwahim. The city, with a shaky monarchy at best, was in truth in the control of a twisted syndicate controlled by several lords and, at the top (or bottom depending on how you looked at it), the Kwahim Prime, hidden from sight under layers of subservient layers.

2 minor acts. Empowered to achieve greater things, the Kwahim rise to create ingrained Kwahim nests in both Sal-Yamir and Antara.

2009-07-09, 08:25 AM
The Duke and Ravarthis:
I snorted in disdain at Ravarthis's description. "Well, you seem to have an accurate description of me in mind. Certainly, neither of us can truly trust the other." I flashed him a sharp, fanged grin. "The only problem I can see, other than that, is that I need no help - at least not now. However, if you need my help, just call for it. You'll know the price, and you'll know the cost."

And with that, I blew him a kiss and retreated from reality to dream once more, planning to head back to Antara.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-09, 11:50 AM
The Second Age: Age of Wonders

Word reaches the gods that the Smith in Orara Volcano is willing to give them a hand. If they want, he can teach their followers a thing or two about sculpting, wood carving or any other technique. The mere presence of the Smith inspires greatness in mortal artisans.
His forge is always open.

New action:

* Create a wonder (2 major acts)
Wonders are exceptional works of art and architecture. They are built by mortals, with your assistance or the assistance of the Smith, over a long period of time (the turn when you spend the major acts and the turn following that). At the beginning of the third turn, the wonder is finished. A wonder must be built in a region where you already have a mortal population. Once it is completed, you gain a new domain at Rank 2 or increase the rank of one or more already possessed domains - either increase one domain by 2 or two by 1 (this doesn't count toward the normal limit). As long as the wonder stands, you may also increase your population or inspire mortals for free once per turn. The wonder can sustain a lot of damage.

Special: Wonders may not be created with ceremonies.

2009-07-09, 12:35 PM
Tz'Aren was so close he simply needed that push that would make it work. He could raise the skeletal remains of the dead however the ability to use them was time and was therefore more of a spell then a magic in itself. Then he remembered the ceremony. The Ancient Language of Giants that was the missing key, something already magical to empower the magic itself. It all came together so smoothly, so beautifully. Something so simple and right infront of his face the whole time.

2 Major Acts Create Necromancy

Earl of Purple
2009-07-09, 02:31 PM
Surga's worshippers were beginning to leave their hunter-gatherer lifestyle and move to a more agricultural lifestyle. Surga welcomed this move as farmers move around less, so there were less clashes between the tribes, so he decided to become an agricultural god.

1 major act-Farming domain.

2009-07-09, 02:41 PM
Dear Sister, May I speak with you?

2009-07-09, 02:45 PM
Ahmua telepathically, responded to Tz'aren

Speak, then.

She wrapped the shadows around her mind, concealing it from prying eyes.

2009-07-09, 03:07 PM
Tz'Aren's plan was complex and not one that could be done alone.

You are the only one I know more secretive then I , so I feel I trust you. I wish to do a ceremony to create a secret underwater inner ring for both of us to use in our own ways protected from prying eyes by your poison and my Magic.

2009-07-09, 06:17 PM
The Second Age: Age of Wonders

* Create a wonder (2 major acts)
Wonders are exceptional works of art and architecture. They are built by mortals, with your assistance or the assistance of the Smith, over a long period of time (the turn when you spend the major acts and the turn following that). At the beginning of the third turn, the wonder is finished. A wonder must be built in a region where you already have a mortal population. Once it is completed, you gain a new domain at Rank 2 or increase the rank of one or more already possessed domains - either increase one domain by 2 or two by 1 (this doesn't count toward the normal limit). As long as the wonder stands, you may also increase your population or inspire mortals for free once per turn. The wonder can sustain a lot of damage.

Special: Wonders may not be created with ceremonies.

Garland was busily working somewhere in his capital of Dragon Grave. Many of the demon bones that Garland was crafting didn't turn out so well. But eventually he got it right, and began creating truely magical works of art. "Look at this sword. . . " Garland presented to the magicians. "It looks like steel, but it dispels good enchantments that it comes into contact with. It even temporarily strips away the soul from animals, killing most non-sapient creatures in one blow. I don't advocate its use. . . and I will destroy it right away, but now I know how to use this, so I can use other, greater things."

Create Wonder:
Grand Academy:
The Grand Academy is a source of education meant to attract wizards from abroad. It is made of enchanted material, through which Garland also created mystical pillars called the Orihalcon foundations. Throughout the Grand Academy, Bleached dragon bones were not noticed as the main building material of the architectural masterpiece, but it was everywhere. Those who were taught, or meditated, or learned magics from there would be much more succesful than other wizards. Even dunces would find that their caps were pointed for a new reason after emerging from a course of magic from that school.

1 Gain New skill: Item Crafting, 2 Acts, Create Wonder

Jair Barik
2009-07-10, 04:27 AM
Ravarthis turned upon his throne as he felt power return to himself. Power to change. Drawing upon this power he strengthened himself. Where before he had shielded the Underworld now he shielded both through his own betterment. The walls of the city above became unnaturally strong just from Ravarthis presence. Outside the waves of the sea became harsher and rippled outwards, crashing upon the ocean rocks, another powerful defence.

Gain domain Protection/Abjuration 1 Major act
Gain ability Elemental Mastery Water 1 Major Act

Next he looked upon the city itself, it would need better guards. He empowered those among the city creating his high priest, the Necril, and to spread the divine magic of healing through the populace, his people would know death as the great balancer and be able to both cause it and stop it.

Create 1 servant of greater power (1 minor act)
Inspire population with divine magic (1 minor act)

Then Ravarthis performed one last act of power for the day. Taking a beautiful ring made of gold he pried the diamonds from its surface. then he placed it upon his finger and dipped it into the waters of the river f lost souls. When it emerged he had commanded the water to freeze within the holes and now a shimmering crystal like substance adorned the rings surface. This would be his artifact, the Ring of Life and Death.

@ Omnik
Create Ring of Life and Death (1 major act)
The rings powers (if you allow them) are to grant a mortal that wears the ring unnatural fortitude and strength. If however worn by a God it grants control over life and death. The God can heal those who are sick or dying and create plagues and sicknesses. If these abilities are allowed I would then also like to use a minor act to send a chest of fine fruits to the Outer ring, but the chest will also contain plagues and sicknesses (basically Pandora's box). I would also like to spread a few diseases to the inner ring but not let the other God's know that i am the cause of them. This may seem to be slightly OOC but it is actually a means of restoring balance. At the moment as nobody seems to have created disease the new power of the Gods is shifting the balance between life and death as people are being created but not dying

2009-07-10, 05:32 AM
to rav

brother i come to ask a favor, in place of the protection i have provided.

Jair Barik
2009-07-10, 06:00 AM
to Wraght
"Oh? What would this favour be? Ask and we shall determine if it is fitting."

2009-07-10, 06:48 AM
I need to raise a plane above this one, to balance the skies, for they are reckless and ful of hate..

I need to make a sky ring plane=)

Jair Barik
2009-07-10, 07:08 AM
To wraght
"A perfectly valid request and one that is mutually beneficial. We will join you in a ritual to create this plane and as a part of the ritual we will create another totem to be place in this ring. What will you do with your other power in the ritual and what attributes do you have in mind? We have gained dominion of water recently so torrential rain is well within my power"

2009-07-10, 07:13 AM

I plan on a bright purple sky, but i have many things planned for the taiming of the skies, i my extra power will be to create a race, of creatures that treat life and death equally, and no that there is an end.

spend 1 ceremony, 1 major act to make a sky ring and create the winged black skinned "elves"

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-10, 07:47 AM
@ Omnik
Create Ring of Life and Death (1 major act)
The rings powers (if you allow them) are to grant a mortal that wears the ring unnatural fortitude and strength. If however worn by a God it grants control over life and death. The God can heal those who are sick or dying and create plagues and sicknesses. If these abilities are allowed I would then also like to use a minor act to send a chest of fine fruits to the Outer ring, but the chest will also contain plagues and sicknesses (basically Pandora's box). I would also like to spread a few diseases to the inner ring but not let the other God's know that i am the cause of them. This may seem to be slightly OOC but it is actually a means of restoring balance. At the moment as nobody seems to have created disease the new power of the Gods is shifting the balance between life and death as people are being created but not dying

Jair Barik only
The artifact is fine. The chest will work if you spend a minor act. However, I'd need you to use another minor act to spread disease in the Inner ring (the Isles of Dawn), since diseases don't exist yet and you don't have the Pestilence domain yourself.

Jair Barik
2009-07-10, 08:50 AM
@Wraght and Omnik
Ravarthis joined Wraght in the Ceremony contributing heavy rainclouds to the sky that were more than what they appeared. Each cloud was laced with the magics of protection and evocation, they would defend the skies denizens as shields and weapons capable of releasing arcane thunder in defence. Floating amongst these clouds Ravarthis left a skull made of silver, that was pierced with Javelins made of thunder, the dragons skull.

OOC:Ritual to create new ring with Wraght, as my free action I create a totem, the dragons skull, from what was left in the Underworld, no prizes for guessing what my 3rd totem would likely be :smallbiggrin:

OOC: That is fine, I will only spread disease across the inner ring for now then.

2009-07-10, 09:03 AM

Korath spent much of his time watching the new tribe in the outer ring. They needed so much help just to survive....ao he helped them. Never anything overt, just the little things. A lost child being found alive, a sick parent recovering....soon the tribe was growing, expanding...and spreading Korath's message.

In the meantime, Korath studied the plants that had grown in the valley. During those studies, and his watching over the small tribe, he learned much about healing and medicine.

1 minor act to increase population.
1 major act to gain the healing domain

2 major, 3 minor, 1 ceremony left

2009-07-10, 03:17 PM
Thank you brother, now i only have one small thing left to do, after several minutes of building lightning in her arms, she unleashes a fury on the dusklight stairs, the stairs shatter. Now one small thing left to do,

Wraght pulls the castle from the clouds to the ring above it, (move totem free action, move sanctum one minor)

Now My people are unlearned, i will create a flying city she thought. She formed a city of clouds, and they solidified, and she sent her new race there. spend 1 minor action

You shall be know as the sheshna, she says, i have created you for several purposes.

One of the new sheshna walked up and said what plans do you have for us my queen?

Wraght smiled you are now Alhona her black wings turning gold, and red tipped you shall be the one in charge. 1 minor action, make a level 18 npc.

You need weapons, she weaves bows and swords from the clouds, the cloud bows discharging small amounts of lightning, you are the protectors. one minor action create cloud craft

This should work out just fine, begin hunting the birds of this world.

2009-07-10, 03:32 PM
The wizard Garland continued to inspire his people, as the magnificent structure was being built, Garland made books (Scrolls) that they could read during their time of rest as they built the magnificent Grand Academy. These books were called the Grimorum Historium (Faux Latin?) the Grimorum Ecclesiasticus, and the Grimorum Invictus. These books would be read throughout the generations as an inspiration to all who would just obey the tenants of Garland.

Inspire People 3 minor acts

Earl of Purple
2009-07-10, 05:10 PM
Surga looked at Alsa, and saw that the Abatwa which he created as guardians were outnumbered by the humans they were to guard. This worried him, for although none of his siblings had yet shown an interest in his lands, or even visited them, for good or ill, they might. The Abatwa were supposed to help prevent that, so he created more and boosted their fertility temporarily.
1 major act to make the Abatwa much more numerous and a minor act to increase their population further.

Jair Barik
2009-07-10, 05:12 PM
A black cloud approached the city in the sky.

As it got nearer it became clearer and Wraght could tell it was her brother Ravarthis. Around him flying amongst the clouds were a group of creatures that hid amongst the shadows.

"Sister, I see you make good use of the power we have placed within these clouds. But now we bring a gift of sorts. More creatures to inhabit this ring. My chimeras. A small number have flown here from the lower ring to inhabit these clouds. They will not bother you and will away from your own believers. But should you ever require aid from us in your defence they are a small contingent of our own forces that will help you. They will breed here safely out of the way of the other Gods."

2009-07-10, 07:14 PM
Garland To Mir
"Dear Beloved. . . " Garland began. "Please accept a proposal of marriage from me."

"I desire to spend eternity with you, oh great Mir. You have enchanted me beyond my magical powers to resist. You, oh Wise One have enchanted me with the strength of which only a goddess as beautiful as you ever could. As I meditate on your sweetness, I grow more enamored with you. Please, oh goddess, join me in a grand Ceremony so that we may be happy forever."

Garland proposes marriage(Ceremony) To Mir.

2009-07-10, 07:55 PM
@ rav

thank you for this gift, but i have one more act to perform this day.

Wraghts eyes glow bright red, you can feel the world below around death start rumbling, you notice the hurricane starts moving much faster in circles, the lightning is flashing more frequently, and the temperature raises by another 100 degrees Celsius.

One good act deserves another

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-10, 10:01 PM
The other gods are aware that one of their brothers, Iorus, has died. His fiery blood spilled all over Dragonheart Mountain. Soon after, creatures known as Flameborn arose from his remains. They are a race of ferocious humanoids who wear armors of bronze to conceal their hideous, deeply burned skin. They are rebuilding the hounds forged of rock and the strange clockwork creatures destroyed by Iorus. They seem to be a tormented people, for reasons still unknown to you.

The City-State of Alurion, on one of the westernmost islands, has been taken by a powerful cabal of hags. Although they are ugly and hateful, the people of Alurion admire them.

Mir's settlers in the Outer ring find a mostly barren land. There is one warm forest, and in that forest live a tribe of homo sapiens that worship the Snake Aspect. They hunt at night and are especially cunning.

2009-07-10, 11:54 PM

Watching his people, Korath saw they were still incrediably primitive. Thinking about how to solve this, he went to his uncle the Smith. Arriving at the forge, he looked around. When he found him, Korath hail him.

Greetings uncle. I was wondering if you might be able to help me with a task. I've taken a liking to a group of mortals in the outer ring, but they need a lot of help.

I was hoping you could show me some building techniques I could pass along to them? I'd really like to get them out of caves and hide tents.

2009-07-11, 12:46 AM
Ahmua had staunchly refused to travel anywhere except by her own power. After decades of running everywhere instead of warping directly had made her blindingly fast and almost impossibly energetic, with a fortitude unseen among her siblings.

In the meantime, she had been waiting on word from Kysis. She was ready for the ceremony to be completed before anyone sought to whine about it more.

1 Major act to gain Athletics/Endurance

2 Major acts
4 minor acts
2 ceremonies

Jair Barik
2009-07-11, 03:30 AM
Raising his ring to the sky Ravarthis sent forth a cloud of beetles and insects out in to the inner most ring. Each carried some plague, disease or sickness to spread in order to restore balance between life and death.

2009-07-11, 03:48 AM
There was a crack like thunder and a thrumming in the air like the beating of a drum. On the great mountain where Kysis made his claim a figure appeared, dressed in white and clutching a flickering, insubstantial seeming longsword in his right hand. Kysis had returned, at last it was time.
In a great voice that smote the heavens, Kysis spoke, letting all his siblings hear him.
"I am ready. Come, brothers and sisters! It is time! Come, let us create what we promised, and so return balance to this world. It begins." He spread his arms, and ravens spiraled into the skies, cawing darkly.

Spend ceremony
Void magic
Void magic is a type of power that feeds of regular magic. It cannot be used to alter the world, but it may be used by particularly gifted users to alter magic's effects to suit the user. For instance, a wizard who casts a fireball at a Void magic user, the fireball would vanish, as would it's effects. A master in it's use could turn the fireball back at it's caster. No magic can counter it, but magic inherent to the world is not effected. Magic that creates permanent or intangible effects is just as effected as temporary ones.

Kysis had spent the time watching his followers. Brandt had done as he'd asked, and Kysis decided to reward him in kind. The man ad always impressed him in his sheer single mindedness. Even if he had never met Kysis, he would have been great one day, taking for himself what the world would not give him. Brandt is made into an Excarch (One major act)
They had impressed him, but they were yet to have much impact on the world or his siblings schemes. Kysis didn't care. He cared neither who or why blood was shed, only that it was.

He was becoming stronger all the time. His followers would be enough. As long as people lived by their passions, by their rage, he would be powerful in the minds of men, no matter who they claimed to worship.
major act, gain chaos domain. (ability)

His sword keened slightly, and he nodded at. They had grown close, so close he was no longer certain where he ended and the blade began. When he swung it, he wondered who willed it. They had been terrible together when he had appeared on the slopes of Dragonheart and slaughtered the Flameborn, reaping souls with every heartbeat until he'd lost interest. The blade had urged him to stay and continue the bloodlust, and for a moment he almost had, until he reasserted himself. He wondered at this, then grinned briefly, his scars transforming his face into something out of nightmare. It didn't matter.
He had spoken to the Smith, and the being had been amiable, examining the blade and explaining it's abilities. He'd offered to improve it fo a price, which Kysis was still considering.
gain combat expertise - longsword

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-11, 07:31 AM

Watching his people, Korath saw they were still incrediably primitive. Thinking about how to solve this, he went to his uncle the Smith. Arriving at the forge, he looked around. When he found him, Korath hail him.

Greetings uncle. I was wondering if you might be able to help me with a task. I've taken a liking to a group of mortals in the outer ring, but they need a lot of help.

I was hoping you could show me some building techniques I could pass along to them? I'd really like to get them out of caves and hide tents.

The Smith was a little smaller than Eunok, but he was considered a Giant too. He had rock-like skin, long copper hair which he kept tied back and fists capable of breaking a mountain in two. His face was concealed at all time by a steel mask.

"Ha, my dear Korath! Eunok doesn't want me to tell you, but you make me proud like no other god! You are like me at heart. A builder! A creator! Now, about those skills...I will gladly show you some techniques. Perhaps you would like them to have houses of clay? They should be able to master the art of brickmaking fairly easily. What about materials? In what sort of climate do they live? ..."

And the two discussed for a lengthy period of time. The Smith gave him a few tools and taught him what he knew. After their meeting, Korath had the means to help the neanderthals of the Outer ring develop much quicker.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-11, 07:45 AM
The gods learn of the slaughter of the Flameborn. It is believed that a few survived the massacre.

This year is marked by the sudden appearance of various epidemics in all the city-states of the Dawn Isles.

Finally, all the gods receive a telepathic message from a mysterious being. No one is able to locate him or sense anything about him. Nobody is aware that the others received the same message. Here it is:

"You don't know me. I am no one. If I had to have a name, it would be the Dark One. This is how you shall address me. I wish to make you an offer. Tell me your heart's greatest desire. I will provide you the means to achieve your dearest goal....at a small price."

2009-07-11, 11:09 AM
A murder has happened. Although death was seen as a release it was not well liked when you were released before your time. The women was a Clerical Maiden. Her position was religious and ceremonial. She was a member of the 'Wives of Tz'Aren' a group of women who give their lives in service to Tz'Aren and a vow of virginity. This women ,named Eris, was the only member to truly live up to her vows. In honor of Eris, Tz'Aren got The Smith to help him create a wonder known forever as 'The Temple of the Virgin'.

2 Major Acts , create a Wonder. 4 Minor acts left

Tz'Aren also went to Dragonheart Mountain in search of the remaining Flameborn to offer then sanctuary in the Temple of the Virgin.

Free Action, Claim Flameborn

He ignored 'The Dark One' as he could accomplish his goals on his own. believing it may have something to do with the Hags in the West he stayed clear of the situation all together.

[Ooc: I am going camping for a week so I will be MIA]

2009-07-11, 12:40 PM
Ahmua, also came to wheer Kysis appeared, launching a dark sphere above the ravens that swelled and finally burst (The sphere, not the ravens. Sorry:smalltongue:) . As it did so, shadows were cast every which way as a lantern would give light.

There was enough power to complete the ceremony, but Ahmua waited to see if anyone else would claim this magic as their own.

1 ceremony to compliment the actons of Kysis.

2 Major
4 minor
1 ceremony

2009-07-11, 12:53 PM
To The Dark One:

So what is your price, and what can you offer?I need to know if I am to work with you.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-11, 01:38 PM
Ril-Cer only

"I will offer you a powerful artifact designed for your use only. It will serve any purpose you wish. It will be extremely effective, as I know a way to pour some of my essence in my magical creations. The price is a small amount of your power, paid over a long period of time."

OOC: What you get is an artifact slightly superior than one worth 1 major act. You sacrifice one minor act each turn that you have it in your possession, until it is destroyed or you decide to throw it away. You need only define vaguely what you need. For example, "an artifact that lets me control shadows". The exact attributes of the artifact, as well as its shape, will be chosen by the Dark One.
There may or may not be other conditions.

2009-07-11, 02:34 PM
Arriving at Eunok's Realm
"Mir, please think about this, I must go now."
Garland earnestly seeks out the great Eunok! "Oh Father, where are you!" He asks sincerely. "I need your council oh great one! Please, come to my aid. Something strange has happened."

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-11, 02:37 PM
Eunok and Garland, on Afu

Eunok greeted his son.

"Garland. What kind of advice do you need, young god?"

2009-07-11, 02:40 PM
Garland showed his wand, with the crystal gem on the tip to Eunok and a dark aura came from within the wand, with the voice, as Garland heard it, was heard audibly for Eunok to hear.

"You don't know me. I am no one. If I had to have a name, it would be the Dark One. This is how you shall address me. I wish to make you an offer. Tell me your heart's greatest desire. I will provide you the means to achieve your dearest goal....at a small price."

"This is the Dark One, as he said, and I want to know about him. Should I take his offer? He sounds suspiciously dangerous to me."

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-11, 02:49 PM
Eunok and Garland, on Afu

Now Eunok surprised Garland. He did what he never needed to do before. He paused and pondered the question.

"He may be one of your siblings in disguise, a demon or another being. You need to be careful, but no more than usual. I let my children forge their own destiny. I won't tell you if you should ally with the Dark One or not. If you are suspicious of him, then do what you must. If you find out something that could endanger us all, return with that information.

Still, I am pleased that you came to me Garland. Go in peace."

2009-07-11, 02:51 PM
"Thank you, my lord." Garland simply returned to Issaniel. (Sarumion)

2009-07-11, 04:04 PM
Behind her impassive face, Mir was deeply moved by all that had occurred. Silently she had watched the world through her stoic eyes as the ever-changing rhythm of turmoil and harmony continued it's beat.

Though troubling to her was the proposal by Garland, but even that difficult issue did not match the news of the death of Iorus, or more severe - the message from The Dark One.

Her own premonitions of the future matched well her thoughts and fears from ages past, and to these events her mind ever returned.

She did not respond to Garland immediately, for reasons she kept to herself, but took leave to go directly to Afu, for she had need of wisdom beyond her own, and to only one could she turn - Eunok, the Father of all creation.
As she arrived at the familiar gates, she presented herself in humility in her child form, as one of the youngest of the children of Eunok.

"O Father, it has been long since I have last been here in your presence. Please, grace me with your wisdom."

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-11, 04:16 PM
Eunok and Mir, on Afu

Eunok stopped his work and smiled at Mir.

"Mir, my dearest daughter. I will gladly share my wisdom with you. What troubles you?"

Earl of Purple
2009-07-11, 04:46 PM
Surga was worried about the disease afflicting his faithful, and Inspired the population so his Witchdoctors had more effect and could cure more. He ignored the Dark One for now, partially because he had other things to worry about and partially because all Surga wants and wishes for are things that cannot be given by others and he requires no help in getting them.

2009-07-11, 04:59 PM
Mir and Eunok, on Afu

Earnestly she looked up at her Father, dropping her impassive mask, and presenting features more swallowed by sadness and pain than any had ever seen.

"Of all of the things I have bore witness to, and of all the things that may be wisdom, ever present my thoughts have been on events to come.

When I was first sent from your presence, my whole being was devoted to witnessing the world, and by considering its existence, I began to understand what wisdom was. From there I have strived ever to put that knowledge to use to the betterment of humanity, and the world, for that is what I hold dearest of your commands to us, your children.

Yet Wisdom in light of mortality isn't as logical as I might have expected it to be. No matter how much one asks what is right, or what is wrong... There is never to be found an absolute answer. After all, the concepts of right and wrong only hold because the other exists. Only in you, Father, is there such absolution - for it is your plan, I believe, that we all will so play our parts.

Yet my own wisdom cannot see the fullness of your plan. Not every ill can be overcome, nor can every life end in happiness, for tragedy follows divine plan just as often. I fear for my brothers and sisters, who drift farther apart, and especially for those whom have disobeyed you. Ever closer does our family seem to drift towards strife and conflict...and in the end everything as it has been will be forever changed...Yet I realize this, and feel powerless to alter such a course, though I have tried."

With tears in her eyes, Mir looked up at Eunok.
"...Father...I dread to ask, but I must know. Why am I to bear this burden? What is it you would have me do?"

2009-07-11, 05:52 PM
What feels like ages pass, Wraght looks up from her mother's scrolls, so if what you tell me is true mother, that means that with a little concentration, i should be able to gain control, *the skies begin to rain fire, it is only for a several hours, before wraght realizes the destruction she rained down.

(gain domain fire, gain elemental mastery fire)

Her appearance changes slightly, she now seems to be a little more radiant, and occasionaly fire flashes within her eyes.

spend 2 major acts

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-11, 06:32 PM
Eunok and Mir, on Afu

Eunok sighed and put his hand on Mir's shoulder. He was now the size of a normal human.

"It is the hardest for me, young Mir. I may have had a hand in the creation of the world around you, but it is not at my mercy. Fate is not the product of one man's or one god's actions, you see; it is at the same time a force greater than us and a force within us. I am no more free than you are. I must follow the primordial laws. All my energies go to the preservation of Creation. I cannot experience new things; it is up to you to take initiative, to judge the potential of mortals, to...come to a greater understanding of human nature...as well as your own.

It is hard to speak of justice. There is no good reason why you were chosen to bear this burden. Just like I can't explain why Kysis was put in a position where he would kill his brother and sister. You must learn to accept Fate. What I ask of you is not to become an automaton, a simple tool of Faith; far from it. Your compassion, your kindness make you special. What you need to do is show your siblings and your mortal worshipers how to make the best of their lives. Fate predicts the outcome of events, it does not control people. They are free to embrace their destiny or to deny it. I believe you are the best person to help them.

Seek to make the world into what it should be. Be true to what you are. It may be painful, but it it the path you chose for yourself, and that makes it worthwhile. In the end, it may seem like not much has changed, but that's not true; you'll have changed."

2009-07-11, 07:00 PM
Savage appears from a bloody hole next to Kysis, his hawk eyes studying his brother. "I'm ssso sssorry brother, I wasss busssy finishing my quessst, you called me?" Savage's snake tongue slithered from between his fanged muzzle, tasting the air, and tasting the world around him. His nose flared as he took in the smell of the world.

2009-07-11, 09:02 PM
Tz'Aren appeared near Kysis. And stretched. "So we doin' this?"

2009-07-11, 09:28 PM

To the Smith

Thank you Uncle! This should help my people greatly. I for some reason you need my assistance, please don't hesitate to let me know.

After that, Korath went back to the Outer Ring and studies his people again. Studying the landscape, he picked a spot near the current valley. It was in the plains, near a river. There was a mountain range a few days travel from this spot.

Korath changed the soil so that it was perfect for building: Several kinds of clay in large patches near the river, and the rest became fertile. Then he appeared in the dreams of his followers. Many of them gathered supplies and headed to the prepared spot. There he shared the techniques the smith had taught him though dreams, hints, and inspiration. Soon a city rose above the plain. In the middle, a great wonder started to take form. Hanging Gardens, full of life, full of all manner of plants, was taking shape. Elsewhere in the out ring, 1,000 of the Elves were transported to a forested area. There they would build lives for themselves and watch over the humans nearby. Only a handful of Elves that follow Korath remain in the Inner Ring.

1 minor act to prepare the area for a city. The people will actually build the city themselves using the techniques from the Smith. 2 major acts to start construction of the Hanging Gardens (wonder). Transport 1,000 Elves to the outer ring near an ancient forest where they can make their homes.
0 major, 1 minor, 1 ceremony left

2009-07-12, 01:51 AM
Mir and Eunok... Conclusion

The words of wisdom and comfort that Eunok had given to Mir moved her entirely to tears. But at the end of the tears, as she rubbed her eyes, she smiled, a warm smile that shone like the multitude of the stars at night.

"Thank you Father...I will remember your words forever in my heart."

And surprisingly, in a human-esque action perhaps committed unconsciously, she buried her face in his chest and hugged Eunok - briefly, a childish hug of love and warmth - before bowing again. The aura that surrounded Mir, though still nothing in comparison to Eunok's presence, glowed more radiantly than it ever had before...

...After returning from Afu to the Isles of Dawn, Mir traveled through the lands again as she had long ago during the First Age, spreading compassion and wisdom amongst the humans and elves alike. She at last returned to her Athenaeum, with renewed energy and focus. New dangers and troubles now spread through the lands unchecked, and Mir devoted herself to these new tasks as best she could.

Still she treasured away the words her father had spoken to her at that time, and never spoke of them to anyone, yet would offer her council more openly than before, and was more gracious and friendly to those who would seek her aid.

<Major Act: Gain Domain - Foresight - Rank 1>
<Major Act: Improve Domain - Wisdom - Rank 2>
<Minor Act: Inspire People of Antaran

1 Major Act
2 Minor Acts
1 Ceremony

Jair Barik
2009-07-12, 04:05 AM
Ravarthis sat and pondered the question of the Dark one. It could well be one of his brothers but which one? He let his mind wander the ring searching for the divine spark, searching for something he had not found before

2009-07-12, 05:46 AM
@ dark one

come show yourself to me, if i am to trust this artifact you are promising, you must meet in person.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-12, 07:57 AM

The god of death didn't find any divine spark he hadn't sensed before.

Wraght only

"Meet me at the Maw of Oblivion."

Wraght learns that this so-called Maw of Oblivion is a land that has been fissured by a great earthquake, full of knife-sharp mountain crags. It is located near the city of Set.

2009-07-12, 02:00 PM
I will meet you, i depart for the maw of oblivion, after a several hour long journey i arrive.

Jair Barik
2009-07-12, 02:18 PM
@ Dark One
"What are you? What do you intend and desire? What is this power you offer? When other Gods have died we have known but your existence... you are an enigma and it intrigues me. The other Gods think they have power but they are fools. Garland makes magic but can be stopped by other magic or the void. Kysis makes the void but can be stopped by cunningly implemented magic or brute force and clever thinking. We wish to know of you but we are not fools. We will not meet you but wil happily converse with you."

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-12, 10:40 PM

Jair and nysisobli, check your PMs.

2009-07-13, 09:25 AM

The rabbit crept forward. The mound was...odd somehow. True, it was covered in plants, sitting in the middle of a meadow, but it still seemed strange. The rabbit crept right up to the mound, but still nothing. As the rabbit began nibbling on one of the creepers covering the mound, a hand reached out and gently stroked the creature's head. Startled, it bounded away, followed by deep, throaty chuckle.

The mound moved, revealing itself to be a man. Or at least, it appeared to be a man. Covered in vines and creepers, the man glanced about, sighing in content. "If only I could stay here forever. But alas, duty calls." The man begins to walk, moving into the treeline. The underbrush seems to move out of his way as he goes, humming quietly to himself.

Eventually the forest changes into a swamp. The man continues moving, seeming unafraid of any risks. Walking on the surface of the many ponds, creeks, and rivers, he continues moving in a straight line. Often various insects or animals would approach the man, seeking an easy meal. Always the man would shake his finger at them, causing said animal to turn away.

Soon the swamp turned into a desolate wasteland. Barren rock and sand stretched on for as far as the eye could see. Still the man walked on, seeming oblivious to the scorching heat and searing wind. Soon a large cave appeared ahead of the man. Walking directly into it, the man heard something growling and rumbling. Something large. Entering into a cavern, the man was confronted by a giant creatures. Covered in sores and hanging flaps of skin and muscle, bone was often visible. And yet the creature lived. Resembling a large reptile, it turned its massive head towards the man as he entered.

"What isss thisss? A tidy morsel come to me willingly?" A deep chuckle sounded from the reptile, sounding like an avalanche.

The man chuckled with it. "I'm afraid your days of eating whatever you want are over, beast. I've heard the spirits of the world cry out in torment. You don't even have the decency to let them die!" He gestures at the strange fungal growths covering the walls and ceiling. "You keep them trapped here for your amusement, listening to their screams and begging. That ends now."

The reptile roars in anger and springs at the man, faster than a snake. But somehow the reptile only manages to snap empty air. Looking about, he spies the man standing at the back of the cave, cutting down one of the growths. Several more already stood at his feet. "NOOOOOO!" the reptile roars as he charges.

And stops.

The man looks over at the reptile, shaking his head. "My father killed yours, long ago."

"So what? You will kill me now, godling?"

The man shakes his head. Somehow he's cut down all the growths. "No. They will." The growths begin to change. Soon the room appears to be a forest, dozens of objects appearing to be trees filling the room. Soon one grows above the others. After taking a moment to look over the tree-like creatures, it focuses on the reptile. "You have torn them from the world; they can never go back to how they were. So now they will work with me, to defend nature against predations such as yours. Say hello to your destruction beast, created by your own hand. Say hello to the Treants." The creatures rush the reptile with a roar. The beast roars in pain, the only thing he's capable of doing.

Braerildn watches as his new servants rip the beast to pieces. When its all over, they leave the cave. Standing at the entrance, the godling turns and raises a hand towards the cave. The earth rumbles and quakes a moment before the cave collapses, sealed forever. Looking at the skull of the beast, Braerildn smiles. Turning to his treants, Braerildn smiles. "Come children. Its time to find a new home, where your brothers and sisters are already gathering, to begin our work."

Hope that qualifies. Take Nature as domain. Branded 100 servants, special treants. More treants exist in the world. I'm hoping to claim the upside-down V shaped island that's on the map. The beast's skull is his first totem.

Jair Barik
2009-07-13, 09:32 AM
@ Braerildn

A voice buzzes in your ear. The sound of another God seeking to communicate by telepathy. The voice you hear is metallic, grating, cold. "Kudos brother, we feel your ascent to Godhood. You have done this world a great service by destroying one of the old beasts and you have freed the spirits trapped by it. Our name is Ravarthis, we are death, we are balance. We do not seek the ending of things but the balance of life and death, something we are sure you must understand Braerildn. If there is anything you wish to know of politics or the world then speak with us we will gladly answer your questions in exchange for the gift of friendship."

2009-07-13, 09:47 AM
@ Ravarthis

"Thank you brother. While I appreciate your offer, and may very well take you up on it in the near future, for now I still must find a home for myself and my followers. So unless there is some dire threat I should be aware of, I will hold off on asking questions. But yes, I do understand the value of balance, and hope that we may work together in the future."

Braerildn; Alurion

Braerildn made himself invisible and entered the city, attempting to discover what kinds of people his new neighbors were, and what kind of rulers these 'hags' were.

Jair Barik
2009-07-13, 10:04 AM
@ Braerildn
"Dire threat? We do not believe there is any immediately dire threat but we must warn you that war seems to be upon the horizon already. The God's are already splitting into two main factions. Kysis leads one faction. Tz'Aren and Wraght show him some allegiance and he seeks to gain Savage as an ally. The other seems to be lead by both Garland and Ril-Cer with Mir and Korath showing some allegiance to them. Kysis seems concerned with war and Garland with peace. Whether this is truly a dire threat is unclear but I warn you know that you should chose your allegiances carefully."

2009-07-13, 10:41 AM


A message on the wend appears from Korath"
Greetings Brother. Welcome to the world. You will probably encounter some of my Children in your domain. Please, treat them well. I spend most of my time in the outer ring, but feel free to send a message. If you wish, I can travel back to talk to you in person.

ooc:The message can arrive at any time you want. Feel free to complete whatever you need before responding, if you do.

Dark One

Hello, Dark One. While I don not require anything at this time, I will keep your offer in mind.

2009-07-13, 01:42 PM
@ the Dark One

Huh... I don't know who you are or what you are capable of, even less what price you would be able to exact from me. However, your offer intrigues me. Prove to me that this interaction will be worth my trouble.

2009-07-13, 02:02 PM

Garland constructs a mystic fortress in Sarumion on the island of Issaniel. The walls are being fortified by the wishes of the peoplle who live there. The Branded consistently build walls and weapons from the bones crafted from Dragon Grave city. Meanwhile, Garland continues to hone his craftsmanship on the towers, and outer walls of Sarumion. Wards are constantly fortified over the years in order that the nation of Issaniel will last.

Jair Barik
2009-07-14, 03:34 AM
Ravarthis keeps his people ready, making them run defensive drills and practice combat. They are well trained in the defence of their city, each is willing to die in the act of protecting the Underworld.

2009-07-14, 04:55 AM
"Welcome." Kysis hissed, his eye sweeping over his siblings. "I am almost prepared, but we are not all here yet." He seemed totally relaxed, as though discussing a mortal war with a group of lesser gods, not his equals. "But it is good to see you all. It would be best if we were all to prepare. Power, after all, is for those who seize it."

Brandt Cain came to the isle of Alurion alone, his companions the wind, the stars and the steel blade on his hip. He had little to fear from anyone anymore, and he delighted in the power Kysis had gifted him to spread his will. Brandt was a man unlike any other. He had not sold his soul. He had given it, let Kysis have it with nothing expected. But the rewards had come none the less, and he reveled in them. Soon it would be time to return home, and take what was promised. But now, now was time for slaughter.

Brandt marched into the centre of the city, his odd looks drawing nothing more then a few odd stares. He drank them up, but ignored the people. They were not his problem.
"My name is Brandt. I am here to kill you all." He said, throwing his cape over his shoulder and drawing his sword in one smooth motion. He heard the hags laughing and he smiled a killers smile. "Blood and souls for Kysis." He whispered.

Around the rings, the call was echoed as the followers of the god of slaughter took up arms and spilled blood in Kysis's name, their devotion, faith and offerings feeding him as he swelled with power. Kysis smiled as his followers devotion filled him. He was almost ready.

2009-07-14, 05:35 AM

The nature god watched the bloodshed with horror. Finally, unable to take it any more, he moved forward, striking down the murderers wherever he could find them as he made his way towards the apparent leader with the cape and sword. After all, why should he, a god, fear a mortal?

So, I'm assuming Brandt doesn't set my god senses tingling. If I'm wrong, someone let me know and I'll change it.

Jair Barik
2009-07-14, 05:56 AM
"We would desire that you create an artifact that gives us complete control over this storm that surrounds our domain. In exchange for it we would give you that which you desire most"

"you make your stand against Kysis? You possess a bravery we have not seen in our more cowardly brothers who sit back making mutual defense pacts. We send you some gifts to help you in your fight. A sword and shield forged of the deadly ironwood found in the Underworld."

Ravarthis quickly teleports to the island appearing in front of the Nature God and dropping the sword and shield, then just as quickly teleports back to his own domain, leaving no sign of his passage.

While Ravarthis is in the midst of the battle he uses the ring of life and death to strengthen the hags and release a fever into the air that only effects humans. I assume that as these effects are incredibly localized they don't require me to expend any acts?

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-14, 06:00 AM
@Jair Barik

Yeah, it shouldn't cost any acts.

2009-07-14, 06:03 AM

Braerildn looks at the weapons a moment before taking them up. He sends back a reply, since his brother doesn't give him time to speak personally.

"Kysis? Is he one of our brothers? Funny, I don't sense that about him like I do yourself and others. It seems as though just a powerful mortal stood there. I only wanted to stop him from trying to slaughter the innocents here before I had to chance to investigate them myself."

2009-07-14, 06:27 AM
I appear in a burst of flames and lightning in kysis' abode. The Floor is a little wet as well. Hello brother.Im here to assist in giving you my blessing.

@ new gods

I am the goddess of storms, your sister Wraght I have just sensed your accent to godhood, should you seek council you may seek it with me. Should you threaten me though, my power will crush your own.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-14, 06:31 AM
Brandt Cain suddenly felt sick. He shivered and coughed. But he could keep fighting. He was Kysis' Chosen, after all.

Most surprisingly, the hags regenerated. It seemed like a divine protection was cast upon them. They prepare to retreat.

2009-07-14, 06:34 AM

Braerildn nods to himself as he sees the hags return to health. He strides forward and calls out to Brandt. "These people are under my protection at the moment. Leave now." His branches bristle as he grips the giant sword and shield tight, ready to defend himself if necessary.


"Greetings sister! I am Braerildn, god of nature. I am pleased to meet a fellow goddess concerned with the natural world. I am a little busy at the moment, but I look forward to speaking to you personally in the future."

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-14, 06:36 AM
"- Is a big tree defending us?" said one hag.

"- I believe so, unless my old eyes are playing tricks on me, sister!" replied another hag.

"- This is a much welcome surprise. Yes, much welcome", said the third hag.

2009-07-14, 06:38 AM

The 'big tree' glances at the hags and smiles. "My name is Braerildn, god of nature. We'll talk more once this matter is settled." With that he turns back towards Brandt.

2009-07-14, 08:16 AM

I awoke in anger. In my sleep I felt it coursing through me. Finally when my anger reached its peak I woke up. I wandered in a daze, my vision red and my body steaming in the cool air of the morning. After some time I came upon a village. Giant farmers, their wives, and children were working and playing. They saw me and grabbed whatever weapon they had at hand. The whole village threw itself upon me at once and broke upon me like a wave. The same happened in every village I happened upon until I came upon a lone giantess weeping in the woods.

I flung myself upon her before she could attack me, but when I struck her she did not strike me back. “Why do you not strike me?” I roared. She looked up at me and her tears stopped flowing. She leapt up and embraced me and I felt the white hot rage inside of me cool and melt away. “Who are you?” I whispered into her ear.

“I am Gerd, the outcast of Geirrot’s realm. Who are you, stranger?” She said pulling away and looking at me more closely.

“I am Skadi.”

“Well, Skadi, you have a great power inside of you, if you choose to accept it, you will become a great ruler of our people, the half-giants.”

“How do you know what is inside of me?”

“I felt it inside of you when we embraced. It is an awesome power, but you must be careful to remain calm. If you rage you will lose control of it and your people will suffer as they have under Geirrot.”

“This Geirrot, he has made the people so hateful?”

“Yes. And he must be stopped! I have tried to kill him and failed, but you, you are the one who can finally end his reign of hatred. Please do this for our people, if not for me.”

I look up to the mountain. I can see the hatred radiating from it. I know that is where Geirrot sits upon his throne. “Fine, I will see that Gierrot is dead by morning.B]

“Wait, there is something you must know. His daughters are as powerful as he is, because they have the belt and the hammer. If you take these from them your victory over Geirrot is assured.”

I smile at Gerd. [B]“Thank you, I will return victorious or not at all.”

To be continued...

2009-07-14, 10:16 AM
While waiting for the others to get in position and throw in their lots to the ceremony, Ahmua sent a somewhat veiled message to Duke.

I am unsure if Mir gave you my offer, but I am still willing to make the magic of light and trickery with your assistance.

It is unnecessary, of course, but I thought you might like to have a part in its creation so that your followers could learn it without further intervention.

2009-07-14, 10:57 AM

A man garbed in gray ambled up to Kysis, a walking stick in one hand and an apple in the other. There was the barest hint of divinity around him, but one wouldn't think it watching him munch contentedly on the apple.

He coughed politely, waiting patiently until he had Kysis's attention.

Ahuma and the Duke

I sat in Al-Makid, basking in the sun, when dear sister Ahuma's message reached me. I mulled over the options I had, before sighing and changing my form on a whim.

I walked into the Land, wandering down snaking passages and through verdant labyrinths, padding up towards the light to where dear sister was.

Ahuma was probably surprised when a red-furred coyote started rubbing up against her legs, grinning widely and wagging its tail, before sitting down next to her.
"Tell me more, sis. I'm listening."

2009-07-14, 11:49 AM

“Follow the river,” she had said, “it will lead you to Geirrot’s hall.”

I follow the river into a great canyon at the base of Geirrot’s mountain. The sides are so steep I am forced to wade through the water though it comes up to my chest. Great fish swim beside me baring their toothy maws. Jagged rocks cut at my feet and legs. When a great tree falls from the cliffs to smite me I yell, “Is everything in this realm poisoned by Geirrot’s hatred?” I receive an answer sooner than expect.

The waters rush up around me. Suddenly I am caught under water, unable to breathe. I push my head above the waves and see a towering figure ahead. I breathe in as much air as I can and go bellow. The jagged rocks cut my hands but I am able to pull myself along the bottom of the river. When I reach the giantess straddling the river I see her that she is causing the river to overflow and in her hands is an enormous hammer.

“My name is Gjalp, and you will never reach my father’s hall alive!” she roars over the sound of the rushing river.

“I am Skadi, and you will never poison this land again!” I yell. Tearing into the riverbed I grab the most jagged rock and leap at her. She is slow to react with the hammer and I mortally wound her, but she hits me and runs back to her father’s hall leaving her hammer behind.

Now at the base of the great mountain I begin to climb up towards Geirrot’s hall. The hammer is heavy, much too heavy to wield with one hand and it slows me down. Suddenly I hear a shout and it feels as if the mountain is coming down around me. Boulders crash into me knocking me down to the ground below.

More boulders fall and threaten to crush me. “Geirrot, face me!” I yell towards the mountain top.

“I am not my father!” yells a giantess high above the clouds. “My name is Greip and you will never reach the top of this mountain!”

More boulders fall and I crush them with my hammer. It is tiring work and I know I will soon be forced to quit this pointless fight.

“Gjalp is dead, and you will join her in the afterlife where she will have her revenge!” yelled Greip.

“You’re wrong,” I yell back, “you’ll join her in the afterlife where she will rend you apart for not avenging her death!” Harnessing my anger I strike at the mountain. Greip rains more boulders on my head but I do not stop until the mountain begins to crack. It shears in half and falls to the ground. I hear Greip shriek as she falls and then all is silent as she is crushed by the rocks. I find her body and take from her the belt. Putting it on I feel my strength increase twenty-fold.

I unleash a battle cry, venting my anger and celebrating my victory over the giant sisters, but I know that Geirrot still lives, I can feel his hatred radiating from somewhere near.

To be continued...

2009-07-14, 12:37 PM
Looks like Kysis is trying something stupid again; might as well ruin his day.

Ril-Cer muttered to him self. But first, he prepared himself. He was going to need something new to fight off the Void magic. He focused his energies, and created a dragon out of pure magic.

That will do nicely. Yes, that will do very nicely.

Two major acts: Create summoning magic (I assume if I create the magic, I can use it as well? If not, I'll just make it my domain and add it later.)

Ril-Cer suddenly appears in front of Brandt.

Hey, over here!

Another Ril-Cer appears behind Brandt.

No, over here!

Another appears above him.

No, over here!

More and more Ril-Cers keep appearing, taunting Brandt to fight him.

In the end, there are about 20 Ril-Cers, surrounding Brandt in a circle and/or floating above him.

Suddenly, 20 golden dragons all flew in, each landing or floating in front of a Ril-Cer. Together, the Ril-Cers all say

And now, my mount has arrived!

Jair Barik
2009-07-14, 12:41 PM

"Hello brother. We have someone who you may be interested in talking too. She was once our sister but has died a tragic death at the hands of one of the Gods for refusing their advances. I believe they were cast down by Eunok himself for her murder Kysis and for the murder of her lover. Have you heard of her?"

2009-07-14, 01:44 PM
Ahmua unceremoniously flopped down and began scratching the coyote behind the ears.

You're a tricky one, and as of yet, I don't know what to make of you, so I'll be blunt. This magic that I was thinking of making with you would allow mortals to goad others to perceive what isn't there, or to not see what is right in front of them. It would take a tricky and creative mind to fully utilize it. As the god of dreams, I doubt it would be a stretch to assume that you have these qualities.

You may not be interested but if you are, I thought it best to work together on this matter. Of course, you could simply decline to spite me and let me do the legwork, but you would still have to take it for your own whereas, if we worked together, it would already be yours to use and teach as you will.

2009-07-14, 02:24 PM
Savage, with Kysis

It was not Kysis who first turned their attentions upon the old man however. Savage was being ignored by the other divinities here, and he didn't like it. He stepped forward, his hawk eyes studying every inch of his prey. "Who are you?"

2009-07-14, 02:36 PM
Welcome brother, long time no see.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-14, 03:07 PM
Before going to confront Brandt, Ril-Cer discovered an ancient tablet in the area around Sarumion. The text is incomplete; it is only a fraction of the original tablet. It is written in a unknown language, but Ril-Cer's magic allowed him to deceipher the mysterious script. It appears to be a mythological tale, originating from a race that preceeded even the Dragons in this region.

"At the beginning, the world was violent and chaotic. A torrent of pure, undiluted energy flowed in the otherwise desolate, dead and broken land. There was nothing of interest in the primitive universe, except for an egg. And from that primordial egg were born the two first beings; two brothers. The oldest brother believed there was nothing to do with this empty world. The younger brother, however, set out to find traces of another life form, anything to give them hope."

2009-07-14, 03:27 PM
The Duke and Ahuma

I whined in the back of my throat, my eyes filled with sadness. "You wound me, sister of mine! You seem to think that I'd be the kind of man - well, god - to deny someone one of their dreams out of spite. I'm not brother Tz'Aren, after all.
My own talents lie in that general direction, and I would be more than happy to help one of my little sisters. Of course, it might have a slight twist to it, but hey. Them's the breaks when it comes to working with me."

Savage and Kysis

The man wasn't truly old - rather, he seemed middle-aged, but somehow timeless. This was a man that had seen age, but not in a while.

"Some call me the Wanderer - I'm an old friend of The Duke. I'm here to speak on The Duke's behalf."

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-14, 03:41 PM

Just as Ril-Cer made his entrance, another being appeared. It was a great boar with skin made of iron and tusks as sharp as blades, leaving burned marked with each step. There was a spark of intelligence in his eyes, but also malice.

"Exarch of Kysis, your work is admirable. You have a true purpose in life. Let me help you complete your task."

Brandt saw his skin turn to metal, just like the boar's. He felt his blood boiling. The Rage would give him even more strength.

(OOC: Equivalent of one major act to empower Brandt further.)

Minion only
Kysis received a telepathic message.

"Ingenious, ruthless and clear-minded. You are truly the Bloodfather's son."

2009-07-14, 03:56 PM
Damn, this might actually make the fight sporting. Damn again. I was hoping to piss Kysis off without having to put in much effort. Ah well.

2009-07-14, 04:52 PM

“Come out and let me finish you, Geirrot!”

The earth trembled and I lost my footing as the ground swelled beneath me. The air was suddenly as hot as a furnace and I was forced back. Have I unleashed a volcano? I asked myself, but the truth was much worse.
“You have murdered my daughters. You have ruined my hall and you have stolen my belt and my hammer!” roared Geirrot, shaking off the last of the dirt and rubble. “You have also stolen the heart of my eldest daughter, who has tried to kill me since the day she was born! I will kill you just to see her cry!”

I haven’t the time to prepare for battle as he rushes towards me. Geirrot is so large that even if I stood he would tower over me. His skin is like red hot metal and it smolders. The heat is unbearable. He slams his fists where I once lay but I am faster and I have already rolled between his legs. He whirls around in time for me to regain my footing and slam the hammer into his face. He doesn’t falter, but cracks a blackened grin.

Again and again my hammer does nothing but bounce off of his metal hide. Eventually it becomes red hot as well and difficult for me to handle. Just when I think nothing can pierce his flesh I see massive iron columns sticking out of the remains of Geirrot’s hall. Their tips are sharp so they could be driven into the mountain. I rush for them and Geirrot blindly follows me.

He has grown tired and is just slow enough for me to reach the columns first. Use the strength gifted to me by the belt I lift one of them and toss it between Geirrot’s legs. His bloodthirsty cry becomes a shriek as he trips over the column and hits the ground. Grabbing another column I leap on top of him and drive it between his shoulder blades with my hammer. He roars in anger and pain until the massive column pierces his heart and then pins him to the ground.

“May your daughters feast on you in Hel.” I spit on Geirrot’s corpse and find that is has turned cold. I rip out the column and cast his leaden corpse into the sky along with his daughters.

Later I carve into the iron column the events of that fateful day. When I am done, Gerd enters our forge to inspect my work. "Its lovely," she says.

“This will be my totem, Gerd. Our children will read it and remember how I became the new god of the half-giants.”

"And what about your people?"

"They all bare the mark of the hammer now. I know where their allegiance lies."

"Wait," Gerd asks, "what children?"

End, Act 1

2009-07-14, 05:37 PM

Feh!... That's to be expected, but I stand by my words. Forgive me for not being as trusting as many of my siblings, but I will remain wary of you until I get a better undertstanding of just what you are.

Of course, I doubt Ril-Cer would be happy if we do it on our own, or on my own should you find yourself called elsewhere in an untimely fashion. However, if he takes too long with his own personal tiffs, I may continue just to rub him the wrong way.

She grinned mischievously.

2009-07-14, 07:37 PM
Savage, Kysis and friends

Savage looked at the man coldly. "The Duke hmmm? Itsss been awhile sssince I've ssseen my sssiblingssss, what issss he about then?"

2009-07-14, 08:00 PM

The 'big tree' watches as the pale-skinned humanoids and their dragons appear. He can sense the divinity surrounding them. Just as he moves forward to introduce himself to his apparent ally, the boar appears. Frowning, he glances at the hags. "Unless you intend to help, I suggest you flee for now. Take your people with you into the forest; my servants shall aid you there."

Turning back to the dragonriders, he calls out to them. "You need not stand alone brother! I am Braerildn, god of nature. I think we have a mutual enemy in this murderer here."

2009-07-14, 08:33 PM
I look upon the land I won from Geirrot. It was once twisted and dessicated but now life is returning in haste. I hear Gerd walking up behind me.

"It needs a name."

"What about Skadiheim?"

"No, its too self serving. I'm leaning towards Mothirheim."

"Interesting, and why this sudden change of demeanor?"

"Focus, I need it to control the power that rages inside of me. If there are no enemies to smite I must focus on helping my people."

"That explains why you lock yourself away in the forge for weeks at a time. What have you been working on?"

"An artifact of great power. It will help bring life back to this barren land. Half-giant, animal, and plant alike will benefit from it. And we will too."

Placing my hand on Gerd's stomach I force a piece of my spirit to merge with hers. "Miraculous conception. When Geirrot killed most of the men of this land he thought the women would come to him, but none did. Now they have no need to go to any man."

1 major act: create artifact fertility icon
1 major act: gain domain motherhood

2009-07-14, 09:09 PM
Kysis raised his eyes. The peak seemed to be getting crowded, and he was getting irritated at all the distractions. "Welcome, then." He said to the wanderer, if that's who he was. "I regret to say that we are in the midst of something as of now. If you have anything you wist to offer us, there will be a time for that in a moment. It is time." He said, with the dread finality of an executioners swing. "Ildari has not come, but we shall begin without him. It is time." Slowly he began to channel his energy into the ancient monolithic stone at the peak, which sageed and drooped like hot wax, cracks forming along the surface that wept blood and tears.

One ceremony, void magic is now to be created.

Brandt was glaring at Ril-Cer, his metalic skin gleaming like copper from the heat of the boar beside him and the spilled blood. The hags had fled him, to lick their wounds and nurse their spite. But now he had an enemy before him worthy as even they had not been. He sensed something in the great being beside him, something that seemed oddly fammiliar, and comforting to the terrible fire that burned in his veins.
A raven landed on his shoulder, smelling of salt and copper and carrion. "Who are you?" It croaked at the great boar. "And why do you seem so..." Then it fell silent, cocking it's head to look at him.
Finnaly it turned to Ril-Cer. "Brother, I suggest you leave, unless you really want to force a confrontation. My buisness is not with you." Brandt's shadow seemed to twist and flicker, forming a shape that seemed more like a great, ravenous ogre then inhuman. "Of course if you are unable to abandon your irritating denial of reality in the face of your own ego then I will be more then willing to put you in your place." The raven hissed, and then fell apart, it's feathers and bones disolving into a steamilg pile of gore.

A hissing voise, totally devoid of anything resembling compassion, mercy or kindness sounded in Ravanis's head, bubbling darkly like the death rattle of a universe. "Is it that you wish me your enemy? Or is it that you have simply found cruelty to your liking? Either way, do not ever presume to try that again, or I will find a way to make you suffer as my sin tormented me. I did what I did, and it is passed."

2009-07-14, 09:16 PM
Kysis, I believe that words aren't needed for me to express my feelings.

All the Ril Cers glowed brightly, and from each of them lightning spurted forth, electrocuting everything between them. The dragons all roared, and pitched in by breathing white hot fire, scorching the earth.

Come and get me, murderer.

2009-07-14, 09:24 PM
Kysis glares momentarily at the god of nature as he forms out of the blood, is robes glowing pristine despite the gore that drips from his left hand. The lightning flashes around him, but none touches him. His eye glows with malign fury, and the very air thrums with tension. The dragon's fury scorches the sky, but Kysis's flesh isn't so much as redened.
"Stay out of this." He hisses at the god of nature "I have no quarrel with you. Lets keep it that way." Kysis stares at the god of magic, then slams his sword into the ground. As he does so, the very land dies, a blight spreading as the soil looses all consistency, all nutrients and the lifeforms that cling crying out as their souls are exstinguished. Then he turns to Ril-Cer. "Good to hear you finnaly talking like a warrior. Of course, talk is easy..." Taking widow maker he lept, at the first of the illusionary dragons, his blade flickering through harmlessly. The dragon winked out of existence, and each of the illusionary dragons reared towards him. But something wasn't right, and a moment later Ril-cer noticed a gleaming cut oozing corruption runing down his mounts belly.
Kysis turned to stare at each of them in turn. "Show me your tricks brother. Let's see how they work out for you..."

2009-07-14, 09:32 PM

The god of nature studies this newcomer, not sure what to make of him. He seems reluctant to act, until he corrupts the very ground beneath them. Roaring in rage and pain, he sends his roots deep into the earth, fighting back the corruption and restoring it. He glares at Kysis. "Oh, but I now have quarrels with you."

Vines and roots burst forth from the earth, enveloping Kysis, Brandt, and the boar. Braerildn glances at Ril-Cer. "I don't know who you are, but for now I shall call you ally if you help me defeat this bastard."

2009-07-14, 09:42 PM
Kysis stared at him, condescendingly. "Fool. Creation is on the same side of the coin as both destruction and corruption. Some god's create. You preserve. I destroy, to leave the ground clear once more for creation. But if you must fight me, then so be it. Reap what you sow." With that he threw himself at the advancing nature god, the vines unable to restrain him. "I do not care if the very land itself stregnthens you, in time death itself will die. I will teach you to tremble before me!"Kysis growled as he swung Widowmaker in a display of swordsmanship so fast and brutal it was strangely hypnotic. "Do not presume to judge me, boy. You began this, and you shall suffer as a concequence."

2009-07-14, 10:12 PM

"Skadi, love, word has come from the people that there is war elsewhere in these islands."

"I am aware, darling. I have been speaking with another godling. He says there is land elsewhere that we can move to where our people, and child, can live in peace."

"Is it wise to leave this land? You fought so hard for it..."

"Gerd, do you love this land?"

"No, it holds too many bitter memories."

"Very well, conscider it a marriage gift. We shall leave as soon as the villages gather around the totem. We will have to move the icon as well or we risk losing all of the unborn children."

free action: teleport totem, artifact, and people to the outer ring.

When we arrive in the outer ring I create for my people several towns and rename this land Mothirheim. I also create a temple for myfertility icon and initiate priestesses to oversee the population.

1 minor act: create Mothirheim.
1 minor act: create fertility cult


This land is as good as ou said it was. Please come meet with me and mine so we may know each other better.

2009-07-14, 11:27 PM
Wraght begins to scorch the trees away that appeared, and begins to call forth a storm mighter then she has ever done, her earrings begin to glow, and a gust hits that clears the entire peak, If you challange kysis then your doom is at hand brother. 12 demons appear at her side, each with a divine spark. This is the power i was given by a true god! Unlike father. The demons easily cut through everything within there path. All that can sense them sense a divine spark in each. The storm begins to build, now reaching beyond hurricane proportions. Your powers are still weak brother! If you wish this god of nature i will make nature weep the blood kysis will saturate your land with.

2009-07-14, 11:46 PM

Savage barked out a rough laugh, his feline jaws opening to reveal row upon row of sharp predatory teeth. "Hahaha, dear ssisster you ssspeak of Kyssisss asss if he were YOUR god, like sssome mortal creature. Have you no pride that you ssstack sssuch praisse upon him merely for thissss." he waves his hand at the demons "They are potent creatures, and I believe Kysssiss is ssstrong and worthy of ressspect, but you sssound like sssome mewling mortal worshiper. You are beyond ssuch patronage, or you should be."

2009-07-14, 11:52 PM
Great Eunok, how many of you are going to show up! This is ridiculous! I'm starting to be unsure which of you I should start blasting!

2009-07-14, 11:59 PM

The humanoid monster shrugs. "I'm jussst an observer here while I wait for Kyssiss, he invited me to partake in ssomething, sso I'm keeping an ear to the wall while I wait for him." Figuratively of course. Also, I'm confused. I assume this place is not where Kysis is right now.

2009-07-15, 12:02 AM
OOC: I'm also not sure if you appeared where Kysis is or not; I'm guessing not, but still, it's a 2v2 now. Annoying, to say the least.

2009-07-15, 12:05 AM
OOC: Well, I already was where Kysis is, and I thought Wraght was as well, but I'm beginning to think otherwise...

2009-07-15, 12:18 AM
OOC: Well apparently they teleported to where I was, which was where Kysis was using his Exarch to attack somebody. It's confusing when everybody can teleport at the speed of plot.

2009-07-15, 12:26 AM

Braerildn backs away once Wraght and her demons appear, shaking his head. "And here I hoped you'd be reasonable sister. As for you, Kysis, you and yours are the ones who began murdering whoever crossed your path. I gave your scion time to leave in peace. I guess that's not going to happen now though, is it?"

The god of nature once more sent his roots deep into the earth, only to have them burst forth again to try and stop Kysis. Twelve treants almost as large as himself also appear standing slightly behind him.

Spent 1 Major act to gain Plants domain.
Spent 1 Minor act to create 12 minor servants.

2009-07-15, 12:54 AM
Ahmua breathed deeply, savoring the smell. Her siblings were all about in a scuffle, a misunderstanding that swelled into an all out conflict. Ill fortune and spilled blood, that was what she gleefully observed from afar.

The world had suddenly changed, with the world, so did Ahmua. She took the domain of blood, both a symbol of life, passion and calamity.

With that change, Ahmua aquired a mastery of her own body and blood that allowed her to create poisonous humours in her body far more potent than anything she could have before managed.

1 major act: gain blood domnain
1 major act: Item Creation: Poisons (both creation and neutralization)

2009-07-15, 01:19 AM
ooc: i was there
ooc: i was talking about the dark one being a true god

Ic: Kysis, you take care of garland. I will see to this nature god, his powers are nothing compared to the power the dark one grants me. The storm demons begin cutting through the treants like nothing, you can still sense the power of the gods within them, the roots begin to burn away, Black lightning at the nature god, the force causes him to shoot back several hundred feet, but he gets up after only a moment. I have much more power then that! the storm continues to grow in intensity as it begins deteriorating the peak of the mountain.

Speaking to savage, i do not worship brother like a god, he is the one person i have grown to depend on, I owe him a favor i can never repay

2009-07-15, 02:17 AM

The humanoid thing sneered his scaled feline face turning it into a fierce snarl. "Sssilly little thing, you sssay one thing, and then sssay the opposssite in the sssame sssentence. You claim you do not think of him a god, but you claim to depend upon him, that you owe him sssome great favor. He might asss well be your god in name, for he ssseemss to be sssuch in all but that." Savage looks at the fighting going on and snarls. He looks down at his hands and scowls. His body hunches and grows, his eyes recede into his skull and his snout elongates. His fangs grow by section, so that his fangs scale downward in size the further into his mouth they go. His eyes remain a hawks, and his arms grow longer, his legs more powerful. Fur sprouts from between his scales like weeds from broken rock until golden thickets of fur cover his body in an even coat. "I change my form, but I cannot achieve my goals merely by shifting my body. I must become more..."

1 Major Act to gain the War God ability.

2009-07-15, 02:50 AM
oweing someone a favor and making them your god is 2 different things, should you show me any assistance i will repay it just remember that

Jair Barik
2009-07-15, 02:52 AM
"Restrain yourself sister, we do not want to see this God die, If he dies then we will take our team in allowing you to meet your old love. We do not mean to be cruel but Kysis must learn here that he is not as powerful as he presumes, he needs humility Wraght or he will seek the destruction of everything, yourself included"

"What reason do you have to be angry with us brother? We wish for what is best for the world you realize. We do not show our hand yet but if you continue down this path we will be forced to act in defense of balance."

2009-07-15, 03:10 AM

this new god is meddling in affairs which he has no idea of.
Should he be convinced to back down, i will allow this fight to stay between garland and kysis, should he not, i alone wield the powers of the dark one, i have been given his favor. I will use them to put an end to his existance should he continue

Jair Barik
2009-07-15, 03:32 AM
"He told you that you alone possess his powers? And did you really believe him? At least one other God also has the powers of the dark one sister. Besides the young God is not meddling in the affairs of Kysis, it is the other way round. He was here searching for allies in the hags and Kysis attacked them. It is just as if he attacked your elves orour people. He has every right to defend these hags who he would wish as allies."

2009-07-15, 03:37 AM

I had assumed that kysis had been attacked, if these words you speak are true, then i will back down, but should you deceive me know i will be most displeased, who amongst the gods also has the dark ones blessing?

and i have an idea you may find interesting.

Jair Barik
2009-07-15, 03:45 AM
"As it stands things are like this. The nature God approached the Hags and while doing so Kysis opened his attack on them, the God seeking an ally attacked the Exarch not knowing who it belonged too. Then Ril-Cer got involved and things have escalated from there. We are curious as to what your plans are sister and hope you realize that at this time the identity of the other God whith the Dark ones power must remain secret, I am promised to secrecy."

2009-07-15, 03:51 AM
@ rav only

as you wish, now you have a totem within the sky, but because of the display of magic we have made, everyone knows where death is, i could study with you, help you protect death itself, and we could move it to the sky ring between both our powers, but keep the protection down there. So if someone decides to invade death, all they will find is an empty cave. Should this deception work, death will be more protected then it is currently.

Also if kysis' is about to be struck down, i will step in to help him. But i will keep him busy, while garland and kysis duel it out. You have my word i won't kill this new god, just explain to him whats going on. I dare not envoke kysis' wrath

Jair Barik
2009-07-15, 04:00 AM
"We have informed him of most of the politics already, especially regarding the two factions that are forming. A mock fight would indeed be a useful deception though. As it stands we have other plans on the protection of the Underworld. We will gain control of the water element to command the waves in our defense as well. Also when the time comes we intend to craft an illusion to make our island disappear from mortal sight. This will require research though as it is not our own field. We dare not move the Underworld as such an act may be taken negatively by Kysis and the God of undeath, both having invested in the creation of the demi-God who lives here"

2009-07-15, 04:03 AM
@ rav

well i would like to form a pact with you, as long as both of us live the underworld will be protected. And as long as one of us lives, the life of the other is insured. Should one threaten the other, we shall rise up to the challenge and defeat the god who is threatening the other. I would have your powers at my disposal, and you could call upon me to grant you the boon of mine. One favor in place of the others. I would grant you in this case a gift should you accept.

also, should you ever find a soul that is a little to unruly, or tries to break the balance of the underworld, send it to my residence and i will deal with it.

Jair Barik
2009-07-15, 04:08 AM
"Such an alliance appears mutually beneficial. I will agree to it but remember that under the terms of this alliance neither of us are obligated to join the other if they go to war, only to defend one another. We are wary that you are close to Kysis and we have no desire to go to war on his behalf. We hope you understand sister."

2009-07-15, 04:16 AM
@ rav

completely understandably, but i may make sure my allegiance with him is less known, i have a feeling it may cause me some problems later.

2009-07-15, 08:47 AM

Korath was overseeing the building of his peoples city and the Great Wonder within when he heard his sisters message.


Welcome Sister! I hope you find these lands as good as I do. Give me a moment to get things settled here and I will be by shortly.

After making sure things were progressing smoothly, he moves to where Skadi is.

Well, the city is doing fine. So, what can I do for you and yours?

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-15, 08:56 AM
The fight

The boar watches but doesn't do anything.

2009-07-15, 09:00 AM

The nature god climbs back to his feet, scowling fiercely at Wraght. He yells out, "Enough of this! I shall end this here and now!" With that he stabs his sword down into the middle of the plaza, and an invisible wall of force spreads out like a ripple that covers the city. As Kysis, Wraght, and their servants are hit by it, they are banished back to wherever they came from. Every god then receives a message from Braerildn. "Alurion is mine now. I'll have no one threatening it. I make each of you the same proposal: you leave me and mine alone, and I'll grant you the same courtesy."

Spend 2 majors to make Alurion (and the surrounding forest?) my divine sanctum and banish the two warmongers :smallbiggrin:

Nodding to himself, Braerildn seeks out the hags. "Now, ladies, I believe we need to talk."

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-15, 09:04 AM

The boar is banished as well. As he vanishes, he says:

"Filthy nature god!"

The three hags came out of hiding.

"- There is divine energy all over the place."
"- Yes, gods like to act like they own the world..."
"- So, what is your wish, O mighty tree? That we become your servants, your heralds? I'm not so certain you approve of our politics."

2009-07-15, 09:06 AM

Braerildn frowns. "That's what I wish to speak to you about. In order to save your city, I claimed it as my own. Which leaves us in a bit of bind I think. Tell me about yourselves and these politics of yours. Perhaps a compromise can be reached."

2009-07-15, 09:15 AM

*glancing up from his work, he replies to the message*

Well, hello there Brother. Welcome to the family. I'm assuming you've had a bit of a run in with the others? In any event, if you mean no harm to me and mine, you are welcome in my domain.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-15, 09:23 AM
Interview with the Hags

The hags grinned.

"- Perhaps a compromise, yes."
"- See...when we arrived in Alurion, the people here were avaricious and materialistic. A wealthy, commercial town it may have been, but devoid of..."
"- ...a soul. So we intervened."
"- We took the city with the help of our troll friends. They are living in a grove just outside Alurion when not on the job, if you wish to meet with them. Not too bright, but they make for perfect tools...errh, workers."
"- Anyway...we took the city and imposed some rules. We outlawed many activities and made the people of the city erect shrines. They began to worship again, after centuries of living only for the trade."
"- Worship Creation and Eunok, of course, not us... Although they did see us as Eunok's envoys and showered us with gifts."
"- Our charming personnalities may have had something to do with it."
"- But now they are a spiritual people. They live under strict rules, but many are quite pleased with the changs. And that's not the effect of a charm. Criminals are made an example of. We are ruthless. The way of Eunok is the only good way to live our lives."
"- Shall we tell him about the...you know..."
"- He would have found out anyway. Each month a citizen of Alurion gives himself in sacrifice to us. But it's for a good cause! To fuel our protective spells."

OOC: In other words, Alurion has become a Lawful-Evil theocracy where there is almost no crime, but a cult of personality dedicated to the hags in addition to the religion of Creation.

Ipphli, your portfolios are now Freedom and Guardians.)

2009-07-15, 09:31 AM

Braerildn glances around the town, then back at the hags. "You say you worship creation? This is good. From now on you will proclaim that you serve Eunok's will through me. You may continue as you have, with one change: give the criminals a chance to redeem themselves by offering to be the sacrifice instead of working citizens. Since they would die anyways, it is no great loss. Other than that, I leave the city in your hands."

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-15, 09:34 AM

"- Ah, the tree god is most understanding."
"- We will tell them."
"- Our administration will be as good as it has always been."

2009-07-15, 09:37 AM

Braerildn frowns. "Oh, and one more thing. My servants here will aid you in policing the city. After all, if this is to be my home, I want it kept safe and orderly."

Going to use the ancient treants to police the town and try and see if the hags are lying or otherwise deceiving me.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-15, 09:56 AM

Garland found a tablet buried in the Dragon Graveyard. It is written in the same language as Ril-Cer's stone. No god had ever came across the story of the tablet.

"The younger brother came back to Eunok with a seed he had discovered buried under a pile of dust and dirt. Eunok took the seed to examine it. He blew on it and then something miraculous happened. The breath of the Giant infused it with life. Now it could grow, or so they thought. But something was missing. The younger brother believed that it could be planted in the river of Muna, but Eunok told him it was impossible, for the waters of the sacred river were much too turbulent. The brother told him he would try anyway. Eunok let him go and started a fire to warm himself. The younger brother went to Muna and with much effort succeeded in changing the course of the river. He created a tranquil lake where the seed could be grown. But to his surprise, the seed still wouldn't grow. He returned to Eunok who was sitting by the fire and explained the problem. Eunok thought about it and came to the conclusion that the plant was cold, like them. So he blew in the fire, which became bigger and bigger. He shaped it into a ball and threw it in the sky, sharing the heat and the light with the rest of the universe. Now that all the ingredients were there, the life contained in the seed could blossom. From the seed grew a colossal tree, which would be known as the Cosmic Tree."

Jair Barik
2009-07-15, 11:35 AM
Ravarthis laughed. He laughed like no other God, his voice metallic, grating, a cacophony of sound that spread far and wide both telepathically and for mortals to hear. How ironic. All his work, all his achievements and now the truth was laid bare before his eyes. He looked across the world at the seeds of trees beggining to grow, at new born babies and hatching eggs, and he held them with a sort of contempt. Then he looked to Afu and glared. His laughter continued, maddening to those who were to close and frightful to others. Nobody could know the truth, nobody. The truth would have to be changed. He didn't know how but it would be changed somehow, somehow...

2009-07-15, 11:54 AM
Garland was awaiting in his ceremonial chambers in Sarumion on the island of Issaniel. Anyone entering the island would be impeded by the wards, while the wizards, Garland included, was empowered. With his Totem Wand, he stood and awaited the great danger he sensed after reading the tablet of Eunok. The entire city was fortified with wards, making the city even more dangerously gaurded against intruders. Garland also stood in his ceremonial circle, receiving ritual strength from the Branded, who gave him their strength,and fled with their servants, through teleportation to secret locations throughout the Island.

2009-07-15, 12:24 PM
@ garland

brother i seek an audience with you

2009-07-15, 12:38 PM
Garland was understandably on gaurd. His name was spoken in irreverance somewhere in the world, he could feel it. Wraght spoke his name in a suspicious tone, suggesting that he be 'taken care of'. "Enter ye who speaketh my name." Wraght would find his power dampened, as it were, by stepping on the shore of Issaniel, as his power was harder to maintain when he stepped inside the city, he found his powers the weakest ever when he was within the Ceremonial Chambers. Servants were waiting to buttle for Wraght with fine foods and ceremonial theatre with actors, and dancing. Being weaker than usual made their performances much more enjoyable. Chanting was heard throughout the entire Ceremonial Palace when not in the theatre or hospitality center, yet no wizard was there. Wraght, if he chose to enter the Chamber, would discover a peaceful welcome. However, Garland had high defensive powers within this palace, even so, this was only a Mortal's Sanctum, not a true Sanctum Sanctorum. Garland was dealing with his brethren, they were all threats.

2009-07-15, 01:00 PM
wraght enters

Brother i would like to apologize what had happened at the mountain top the other day. It was foolish of me to make assumptions, i had thought that Kysis was attacked unfairly and rose to defend him

2009-07-15, 01:08 PM

Garland nodded in cooperation. "Apology accepted. Wraght. . . If you would be so inclined to cooperate in ceremony with me, I will happily forget about your slight as well as forgiving you." He thought for a moment.

What about a ceremony that creates an exarch with Garland/Wraght powers?An inbetweener of almost demigodlike power? Let's call him the Inbetweener!
IC: Sit and enjoy the Theatre while I meditate on how I can protect my ally Rilcar. Will you return to him instead of being here and attempt to change sides?"

2009-07-15, 01:18 PM
@ garland

I have to say that im on neither side in this conflict, and my powers are rather weak right now, otherwise i would assist in making an exarch. I am merely the neutral party who made a bad call. Should you wait until my powers are not such strained i will more then likely assist you. Interesting play also.

2009-07-15, 01:31 PM
Should you be interested in learning mundane magical arts from me, I would wish to be reciprocated in kind from some sort of teaching you have to offer, Wraght. Or perhaps you and Mir could speak with one another, and you can put in a good word for me. Do consider for a moment that I would be delighted in her company . . . Perhaps the goddess of wisdom could benefit from an apprenticeship from the god of archmagic?

2009-07-15, 01:42 PM

I will see what i can do, although the youngest of Eunoks children has never been to found of me, im sure i can be of assistance. I will also speak to kysis for you, and see if i can end this conflict.

Earl of Purple
2009-07-15, 04:43 PM
Skadi should hear this in her mind as it is divine telepathy. Greetings, sister. I am Surga, and I have similar interests to your own. Feel free to visit me on Alsa in the Dawn Isles whenever you wish; I would visit you but there is a lot on my bread at the moment and I lack the time to travel.

Jair Barik
2009-07-15, 04:46 PM
Ravarthis shut the doors to the Underworld from mortals. Within the Underworld he shut himself even further away. He maintained a cursory watch over his domain to protect it from attack but otherwise he was alone, secluded. In this seclusion he studied everything he could find on the past. The old order of things, his father the great Eunok, life and death before the new Gods, he studied it searching for the vital clues to his questions...

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-15, 05:00 PM
The souls that currently inhabit the Underworld do not know of the time before the Isles of Dawn. To them, Eunok has always been the same. Even if it took longer to reincarnate for some souls before Ravarthis arrived, the Underworld functioned in a similar fashion.

However, the god of death learns two interesting things. First, some souls speak of a very advanced race of beings that have not been seen in the Underworld for a long time. They don't remember much about this race, since it's been so many years since they met them. They believe the people were called the Orlans. Also, Ravarthis learns that Denteria was not the only god not to reach the world of the Dead. There are hints that Denteria may not have been a true goddess, at least not the same type as Ravarthis and the others.

2009-07-15, 05:26 PM

I look up from a rough map of the land with my plans to change it scribbled in the margins.

Another god, and with similar interests to my own. This is intriguing!

@ Surga
Hello brother, Surga. I am also busy at the moment, but perhaps we can meet soon enough. I recently left the Dawn Isles and I am trying to settle my people. I'm sure you understand responsibility.

2009-07-15, 11:01 PM
Mir had busied herself with her portfolio since her return from Afu, and had poured much energy into her efforts at bringing the people of the outer ring into the light. The elves at Sophii had multiplied greatly under her guidance, and she was pleased to see that the humans they had contacted had benefited well with their friendship.

Yet, the recent events that had unfolded in the Isles of Dawn mandated that she return her attention back home. The discord had erupted with bitterness, and Mir had no doubt that, though small and transient the actual strife was, more elements were at work.

First of these was the coming of more of her brethren, Skadi and Braerildn to their Godly status. To both of them she sent along a message of welcoming.


Elder sister, I am happy that the day of your ascension has finally come, and welcome you with joy amongst us who dwell here outside of Afu. If there is some way I can assist you, please call upon me. I look forward from hearing and seeing you in the future!


Elder brother, I welcome you among us here outside of Afu, though I fear that you have already become involved in the growing rift that threatens this world. I would like to speak with you at a time convenient. You have traveled and know much of this land that even I do not, and together I hope we can create something which will be of benefit to all things of creation.


<Minor Act: Improve Population of a mortal land - Sophii/surrounding area. >

2009-07-15, 11:12 PM

@ MirKorath told me about you. I look forward to working with you here on the Outer Ring. Right now I have no need of assistance, but can I help you at all?

Jair Barik
2009-07-16, 07:38 AM
Ravarthis began preparations for a great structure that he would build over the Underworld's gate. A monolith that would stand across the river of lost souls damming it from flowing out into the mortal realm permanently. He formulated his plans but would need the help of the smith to construct it. Then he looked through the river itself searching for the souls that he needed.

Are the souls of the God's that Kysis killed still in the Underworld? I need one of them as part of a deal with Wraght

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-16, 07:38 AM

Yes they are there.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-16, 08:02 AM
Passing of an Age - We are now on Turn 4

A great tidal wave hits the Isles of Dawn, destroying much of the coastal areas in the process. Alurion is protected as its god can simply decide to make it vanish before the wave reaches its shore. Other heavily warded areas have relative protection. Afu is unaffected. At first Eunok's children are puzzled, but then they become aware of a region of the great ocean that had remained concealed from them. It seems the wave originated from there. This new underwater ring is called the Sea of Black Waters. Its surface is constantly swept by violent, magical storms. The water below is, not too surprisingly, black, but it is not devoid of life.

2009-07-16, 08:09 AM

As the old age passess I feel the urge to reshape Mothirheim. My mind is filled with images of a bright land where giants roam over grassy hills, climb massive cliffs, swim in pristine rivers and hunt through fertile swamps and forests (all giant scale).

When I open my eyes this is what has become of my realm:


1 Major Act: Worldbuilding, major

2009-07-16, 08:11 AM

Resting in a grove of majestic oaks that he had planted and raised in the middle of the city, Braerildn smiles as he sends back a message to Mir. "Of course sister, although I believe you may be the elder. You are welcome in my abode of Alurion; I can assure you none will both us here."

When the tidal wave hits, Braerildn clutches his chest, frowning as he stares out at the water.

2009-07-16, 08:33 AM

The loss of life in the Inner Ring had been tremendous. Fortunately for his followers, most of them lived inland. Still, the sheer number of injured was staggering.

In the Outer Ring, Korath's followers had been busy. The city was almost complete and the garden was coming along nicely. He watched with pleasure as the mortals lived their lives. They seemed to acomplish more in their short lives than the Gods have in the last three ages. He pondered how to encourage them.

Jair Barik
2009-07-16, 08:49 AM
Ravarthis began construction of his Wonder using the knowledge passed on to him by the Smith. The great Monolith would be a monument to his greatness and a protection for the river with which he now grew an affinity with. Holding the talisman of the Chimera to the river he drew out the soul he had been seeking binding it within a ring, yet as he did this he felt his power sapped and a small portion left him.

Soon everything would be done. With the completion of this mighty Wonder he would be safe from such a natural disaster as this tidal wave in the future. He had managed to limit the majority of the damage with protective wards but some damage had still occurred on the cities mighty walls, he set his men to repairing it.

2 major acts to build wonder, the Monolith (water domain). 1 minor act 1 major act create artefact

Finally he decided it was time to approach his sister once more.

minor act is the penalty for having a dark one artefact, the new artefact is actually me binding the soul of the dead God Ordale to a ring

"Between us we could gain control of the elements themselves sister. Already I begin building a monument to our growing mastery of water and I intend to seek the domain of Earth. You yourself have control of air and fire. We propose a ceremony to achieve one of two things. Firstly to try and gain the abilities needed for control of the elements or secondly to forge a new school of magic, elementalism, for our followers. Also we have something that may interest yo sister, the soul of Ordale bound within a ring" OOC: So mechanic wise this translates as either we each gain a new ability from the elemental mastery section, or we make a type of magic Wu Jen style.

2009-07-16, 09:09 AM

As he watched, Korath noticed something amazing about his people. The children were being born different than the parents! Fair of face and hair, long of limb and life, they were indeed special. Possessing wisdom and vision, they soon took over the construction. The people flourished. The parents were at first confused, but quickly came to realize that this was a blessing from Korath! The children were being born to those that had dwelt in the Valley of the Rose. It soon became customary for children to be born in they valley if at all possible. Within three generations, the racial change was complete. Only the new race remained.

Changed the Neanderthals that followed Korath into Dunedain (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%BAnedain). (1 major)
2 major, 4 minor, 2 ceremonies left

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-16, 09:27 AM
Korath and the Dunedain

One of Korath's followers donated a stone tablet he had dug out recently to the priesthood. He was aware that the symbols were words, but he couldn't read. Some of these symbols were used by the neanderthals in their paintings. They are quite ancient.

Korath can deceipher the writing.

"...And the day the god-king Karmoth arrived, everything changed. He seduced the Orlans, he seeded dark thoughts in their minds. He convinced them to do things that are contrary to Eunok's teachings. He led them down a terrible path... One day, they ripped out their heart for him, a heart of ash and brimstone, renouncing their humanity forever. Not all did. The others, the Survivors, hid from the dark lord. But he never came for them, because he believed he already had what he needed to accomplish his goal. He sought to steal immortality and their powers from the titan creators. After the ceremony, Karmoth disappeared forever from the island, leaving a demon in his place to rule Sarumion. With the dragon clans slaughtered, there was no one to oppose him. And the Survivors fled, crossing the eternal ocean..."

Jair Barik
2009-07-16, 10:01 AM
Ravarthis sat on his throwns, thinking through his various thoughts trying to solve the problem before him, then he made the decision to act.

Ravarthis set out to the island of the hags, stopping short of the sanctums walls he hid himself from sight and tried to contact the hags themselves by telepathy. "Hags, we know you are now bound to the nature God's service but we require your assistance in secret. We aided you in your battle by giving you health and the enemy sickness, and giving your new ruler a shield and sword, you owe us a favour. You seem to have been here before us so send an emissary, one of your number, to the shore just outside the divine sanctum to speak with us, we wish to know of the Orlans, and of a creature we call the Dark One"

2009-07-16, 10:05 AM

After translating the fragment, Korath thought about it long and hard. He decided to let Mir know what it said. As goddess of wisdom, perhaps she could tell more.

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-16, 10:49 AM
One of the hags left the sanctum for the meeting place.
"- So many gods watching out for us. It's almost as if we were special." She laughed. It is true that we have been in this world for a long time. We do not know of any being calling himself the Dark One. It sounds like he could be one of your siblings or a demon. Is he intelligent? Most demons are only savage beasts.

As for your other question, I remember hearing about the Orlans. They were ancestors to Men or perhaps a different, yet very similar race. They inhabited one of the eastern islands. That was before the Desert of Tears even existed. Dragonheart Mountain was a most sacred place. All I know is that they were pretty advanced but got corrupted by a guy named Karmoth. The Orlans were not seen in hundreds of years. It is believed that they left the Islands, but we have no proof of that. That Karmoth has apparently been slain by one of your own. Garland..."

2009-07-16, 11:28 AM

The half-giants did well in the new land. Everything was calm and beautiful and I made sure my people knew it was to remain that way.

I was proud of them and decided to gift them with a token of my affection. I searched the forests and the fields for a creature to love, defend, and work with them. After some time I found it.

"Giant size!" I shouted, and the panserbadgers were born. Not yet sentient, but loyal and intelligent the panserbadgers were to be the friends of the half-giants (think of them as a combination of a horse and a dog).

Create Panserbadgers using my Domain (Giants) to cast a spell that makes them larger.

2009-07-16, 12:15 PM

Garland looked over his long, hard work, creating a mage's sanctum. He thought for a moment. Garland cared for his people much. So much, in fact, that he had been improving the lot of Issalynian scholar magicians (takes the place of the cleric)for many years. He thought that yes, in time, his Sanctum Sanctorum would match the gods without him having to weaken himself, but on the other hand, he could inspire the scholar magicians to become even more powerful around the island. Ominous chanting took place for hours with Garland in his creation of his Sanctum.

After Garland was finished with his Sanctum, Garland decided to take a new hobby in his magical career. Studying ancient tomes in Dragon Grave Fortress, he learned how to harness magic in an opposite manner than Evocation. Now, Garland could cast healing spells.

Garland creates a Divine Sanctum around the unfinished Grand Academy. Garland learns Thaumaturgy: healing, Garland inspires scholar magician : creating a new divine class. . . Garland inspires divine magic twice

All acts used. One ceremony left

2009-07-16, 03:08 PM
The tidal wave had caused much damage along the coastal regions of the Isles of Dawn, but Mir's domain lay higher up in the mountains, safely removed from the area. Long she toiled however, providing aid and comfort to those whom had suffered. Under her wisdom and guidance the cities that had been ravaged were soon growing anew, and the damage slowly erased.


(ooc: sorry for the late response) Thank you, but my work goes smoothly, for now. Though the recent calamity that struck has been dealt with for the time being, at some point in the near future I hope we can meet, perhaps with Korath as well to discuss what we can do for the Outer Ring to make it more hospitable.

Yet Mir thought more the tidal wave, and her vision gave her insight into the works around. First however, she needed to respond to Braerildn's hospitality.

In a shimmering spiral of runes Mir appeared in her child form near the entrance of Braerildn's domain at Alurion. She looked around and smiled, for the sight was magnificent to behold, and she had not traveled to visit another deity in a long time...


Greetings Brother. I have arrived at your domain and ask humbly for permission to enter. Have you considered my suggestion?


Elder brother, the message you have sent me fills me with grave concern. Though much time has passed with the closing of this age, there lies also much more work to do both here and on the outer ring. I will meet with you to discuss these important matters soon.


<Minor Act: Improve Population>
4 Major Acts, 3 Minor Acts, 2 Ceremonies remaining

2009-07-16, 03:42 PM

@ Mir
The tidal wave, yes, I heard about that. My people the half-giants are more suited to the mountainous regions of the outer ring. We escape this catastrophe, but our luck will run out. I am glad to hear that things are returning to normal.

I have time on my hands at the moment if you and Korath would like to discuss the situation in the outer ring. Where should we meet?

2009-07-16, 03:42 PM
@ rav

i think we should create a new type of magic brother the elementism would be a grand design

Jair Barik
2009-07-16, 04:00 PM

"Very well then sister. Let us begin... Where The seas ripple and the Earth meets the sky we are here, we command you Earth and Sea to obey our servants, you will conform to their demands and they will hold dominion over you, this is the word of Ravarthis, God of death, speak now Goddess of the sun and skies and bind the elements to our wills"

OOC: Expend 1 Ceremony to create school of magic, elementalism, assuming that Wraght is okay with this I see elementalism as a cross type school that features protective, offensive and utility magic but manipulates the basic elements to create these effects and so isn't quite as powerful as a school that specialises purely in one thing, you okay with this summary nysisobli or is there anything you want to add?.

2009-07-16, 04:06 PM

"The light flickers around the winded flame, and the darkness envolps the emptiness. To hold forth the things one holds dear To gain the earth and the ocean"

[spend one ceremony to do this, spend one minor act to empower Alhona]

After the ceremony you notice that wraght has grown black feathery wings.

2009-07-16, 04:12 PM
The tidal wave had caused much damage along the coastal regions of the Isles of Dawn, but Mir's domain lay higher up in the mountains, safely removed from the area. Long she toiled however, providing aid and comfort to those whom had suffered. Under her wisdom and guidance the cities that had been ravaged were soon growing anew, and the damage slowly erased.


(ooc: sorry for the late response) Thank you, but my work goes smoothly, for now. Though the recent calamity that struck has been dealt with for the time being, at some point in the near future I hope we can meet, perhaps with Korath as well to discuss what we can do for the Outer Ring to make it more hospitable.

Yet Mir thought more the tidal wave, and her vision gave her insight into the works around. First however, she needed to respond to Braerildn's hospitality.

In a shimmering spiral of runes Mir appeared in her child form near the entrance of Braerildn's domain at Alurion. She looked around and smiled, for the sight was magnificent to behold, and she had not traveled to visit another deity in a long time...


Greetings Brother. I have arrived at your domain and ask humbly for permission to enter. Have you considered my suggestion?


Elder brother, the message you have sent me fills me with grave concern. Though much time has passed with the closing of this age, there lies also much more work to do both here and on the outer ring. I will meet with you to discuss these important matters soon.


<Minor Act: Improve Population>
4 Major Acts, 3 Minor Acts, 2 Ceremonies remaining

Garland, Mir, Korath, Rilcar

Garland goes unto Mir for her beauty, wisdom, and cooperation. "Mir, dear creature, would you be interested in partaking in a ritual with Rilcar, Korath, and I? Doing so will make your wisemen much more safe. I plan making a countermagic to void magic.As for the others, a mystical owl is seen flying in their lands delivering messages to their preist's.

2009-07-16, 04:48 PM

When Garland arrived before Mir, she had welcomed him into her sanctum, with grace and humility that all had come to expect of her. Though her presence was much to Garland's remembrance, he did detect a hint of shyness bleeding through her normally neutral demeanor.
"Garland, you know that I do not want more strife between our family, and yet I find I have little choice but to help in this effort. I will not contribute to such magics that can cause wanton destruction. I will however, provide my wisdom and knowledge to assist in the creation of those that can benefit and aid the mortals who inhabit this world."

(ooc: Did you need to quote my whole post? =p)

Earl of Purple
2009-07-16, 04:52 PM
@ Skadi:Indeed, it seems rather busy all round.

The wave has a rather large impact on the Alsans, especially the coastal villages. The villagers who managed to escape are living alongside tribes further inland. Due to the Nation idea Surga had, there is no violence or discrimination against them, and most people are sympathetic. In order to help, Surga created Alsanea in the Inner Ring; it is complete with a Totem-the Stone Hut. He then moved as many people as he could there, starting with the refugees.

2 major acts-create Alsanea, a basic inner ring with totem. The largest island is a duplicate Alsa and the totem is a lifesize statue of a hut complete with inhabitants. All minor acts used to transfer refugees-3,000 humans and 3,000 Abatwa. 2 major acts and 3 ceremonies left

2009-07-16, 04:58 PM

I will not contribute to such magics that can cause wanton destruction. I will however, provide my wisdom and knowledge to assist in the creation of those that can benefit and aid the mortals who inhabit this world."[/COLOR][/I][/FONT]

(ooc: Did you need to quote my whole post? =p)

Garland and Mir

"Oh Mir, you are so helpful." He responded. "Please if you should ever find our mutual talents in a need for excersize, please come to Sarumion city on Issaniel island."

"Mir, I have also been thinking, that perhaps it would be wise of us to consider a permanent partnership. Both of us are neutral in the affairs of the gods. I consider that teaching and wisdom are nearly the same thing, and your followers could benefit greatly from arcane magic even more than other peoples."

2009-07-16, 04:58 PM

Brother, i seek an audience

2009-07-16, 05:09 PM
Garland bid Mir farewell, receiving a message from his island owls. . .

Garland, Wraght
"What is your business here, Wraght?"

2009-07-16, 05:19 PM

I have bestowed much power into my follower alhona, you stated that you would teach us the arcane arts, sadly my knowledge fails past the elements
could you grant us this boon?

2009-07-16, 05:26 PM
Garland and Wraght

Yes. . .It will take a little while to teach the arts.

2009-07-16, 05:29 PM

"Perhaps I shall find time soon to come and visit, and if this ceremony is to take place, perhaps it should be there in your domain that it happens." She said agreeably. As Garland continued with his words, her demeanor became more reserved, and yet to Garland she seemed more shy.
"I...received your earlier message concerning this arrangement. I apologize for not having responded at that time. I do think that scholarship and wisdom are affairs that are related, yet wisdom is not concerned with the scholar alone, but also the shepherd and the mason. With my eyes I can see many things that fate has stored, and I know well that which pertains to myself. It may be what you hope for could come to pass, but it cannot be at this moment. I am sorry." She said, sincerely. As she rose from the table at which they had been sitting, her form shifted to her adult, still holding in her arms The Ledger of the Dawning Age. She showed him out, and gave him what Garland perceived as a rueful smile.

2009-07-16, 05:48 PM

@ Surga I am sorry to hear about the destruction of the Alsans' villages.

All of use have been busier than usual. I have began to reshape my land, exploring new possibilities. Its rather fun, you should try it sometime.

After speaking to Surga I turn my mind back to reshaping Mothirheim. I learned a lot from the first experience and I enjoyed it a lot.

"Gerd, I think I will do this kind of stuff more often." *

"I won't mind. Atleast your not in the forge, and the things you make you are so pretty, accept for those panserbadgers." She makes a disgusted face.

"I disagree. They are as attractive as they need to be. Haha-ha!"

I close my eyes and again focus on the land. I imagine a mountain so tall it would take a giant a year to climb to the top.

"I'll call it Jokulmordr, the "glacier killer", because no ice will ever reach this land as long as it stands."

I also imagine darker places within this idealic setting. Swamps where no light penetrates the murky gloom. Forests that are old and creak in the wind. Grassland that is dry and brittle. Mountains that are craggy and broken. Rivers infested with things that slither more than they swim. These places shall also be fertile, but...

"They can have no place here! I must lock them away and guard them! No, I must guard my people against them."

Harnessing my power I gather the new lands, the dark lands, and create the Shadowheim where the dark things dwell.

"Gerd, I must leave for a time. I'll be back, I promise."

"Do you have to go, Skadi? What about your people? What about the family we were going to have together? Why can't I come with you?"

"It wouldn't be safe for you, or the child. Just know that I will keep my promise."

"I believe you," she said, but her eyes said, I don't know how long I can wait.

"There is one thing I want to know before I leave, and I must do so in haste so please, my love, answer quickly. Whatever happened to your mother?"

*1 Major Act: Gained Ability (World Alteration)
2 Major Acts: Created Divine Sanctum (Shadowheim)
1 Minor Act: Created the mountain Jokulmordr and the lands that became Shadowheim

2009-07-16, 06:32 PM


Yes, it troubled me as well. Especially the part about the Survivors fleeing across the endless ocean. To my mind, that would equate with the outer ring. If I find out any more, I will let you know. In the meantime, I would recommend us trying to find out more information. Until next time, good luck.

2009-07-16, 07:42 PM

"She might be on this ring. Go and look for her. I can keep an eye on our people while you are gone. Before I go, and I must go quickly, I give you this...."

I raise my hammer and "knight" her.

"You are now blessed with my power. I will tell you more later, but for now know that you are more powerful than any half-giant. You can do great things with the power I have given you."

Wither Gerd looking on I dissappear into my sanctum, Shadowheim, and leave behind only dolmen to mark my passage.

Before I left I cast my senses into the void to see if I could find the soul of Gerd's mother...

1 Minor Act: Create Gerd, Divine Servant of Skadi

Kaiser Omnik
2009-07-16, 07:49 PM
You cannot sense her soul anywhere, but you have heard of a god who could lend you a hand.


2009-07-16, 08:08 PM

Braerildn strides forward from the city to meet Mir himself. Smiling at her, he beckons her towards the center of the city. "Welcome sister. Of course you may enter. Only those who seek to do harm will find themselves barred from this place." Once they enter his grove, he gestures and a seat grows up out of the ground for Mir. He continues to stand. "I must say I am a little surprised by the amount of attention I've received lately. Tell me more of this idea you had of us working together."

2009-07-16, 08:34 PM

@ Korath, Mir, and Surga
I have created a sanctum, Shadowheim. I would however, like to meet at one of your own, unless you like dark, creepy, and haunted. I have a matter to attend to as I'm sure you do too, we can meet later.

@ Ravarthis
We have not met. I am Skadi, goddess of Giants and Mothers. I was told you could help me with something, but first I suggest we meet and get aquainted. If its alright with you, I will meet with you in my sanctum, Shadowheim.

2009-07-16, 08:58 PM
Mir, to Braerildn

"Brother, truly these times are of interest to all. Yet I believe the attention has come because it has been long since another of our family has risen to status among us. It is a joy for me to know that still more persevere, and that your success has brought more good to this world."

Mir held her hands together in a symbol of gratitude as Braerildn offered her a seat and composed herself before continuing.

"Braerildn, you are more knowledgeable about the way the natural world works than I. Who else can say they know what wisdom the forests hide, but you? I have traveled far under the sun in this vast world, yet I have not been as far as you, nor have I seen all of that which you have. However, I too have a love for the things that live here, and desire to see them flourish. Together, it is my hope that the many hidden and nameless things in the world shall through our effort become named, and of those things that have names known to us, we record. There is a language with which to speak the words of the wind, and to mimic the slithering of the brook, and yet so much of it I do not know. Through our combined effort I hope that we may know well the words with which to understand existence, and from that draw wisdom. "

"Though it, as all creation brings the danger of misuse should such learning fall into the wrong hands, I believe it has much to offer in aiding those who suffer most in this world."

Mir paused as a wistful, mournful expression crossed her face.

"It may perhaps be even more dangerous for those of your ward, for often mortals and nature have lived in strife. It is my hope that this act on our parts could help heal that rift and bring both humanity and nature closer together. By learning to understand the living world, they might better find their own roles. This is my request: that the two of us preform a ceremony of naming, and create a new 'magical' trade to be known as True Naming. "

She looked up at Braerildn, awaiting his response.

Skadi, Korath & Surga

"I would be honored to host such a gathering of brethren at my Sanctum at Arratth."

2009-07-16, 09:17 PM

The nature god stared at Mir for a long moment before looking out into his grove, saying nothing, eyes half closed. Just when it seems he might have fallen asleep, he opens his eyes and looks at Mir, smiling and nodding. "It is true that the mortals of this world have often abused and mistreated it, taking it for granted. And while I share your concerns for what such magic might cause, I agree that the benefits outweigh the risks. Now, as you said, I am new to godhood. I will follow your lead in this ritual."

2009-07-16, 09:40 PM
Mir smiled and closed her eyes, assuming her young adult form.

"Then let us begin."

She brought her hands together into the mudra of wisdom, and behind her head, a beautiful mandala began to glow. A swirl of letters appeared as she wrote various characters into the air with her hand at a feverish pace. In less than a minute she finished and thousands of these characters spun around her quivering and writhing, sending her hair fluttering about gently. With half lidded eyes Mir chanted a mantra of incredible length and speed, and she commanded the characters downwards where they hit the earth and expanded out like a wave of water disturbed. Yet a group of letters remained, quivering the air until she brought her hands back to her side. The letters halted, and at last Mir breathed deeply and opened her eyes, looking at Braerildn.

"I have written all the characters with which to express this world and have named all that which I know. I now acquiesce the rest to you."

Her last words carried a heavy weight, and a faint trace of fatigue crossed Mir's face, as she watched Braerildn in respectful silence.


<Ceremony: Combined with Braerildn's to create a new 'Magic'- True Naming>
4 Major Acts, 3 Minor Acts, 1 Ceremony Remaining

2009-07-17, 02:16 AM
The demon ran. Around it the crags reached for the sky like skeletal fingers, no signs of life anywhere. Once this had been it's masters kingdom, its home. Now? Now it was something else entirely.
"You are the last, you realize." Said a voice that swept towards it on the wind. "You almost evaded me. But nothing can run forever." The demon turned to see the being that had killed it's master standing in front of it. Kysis grinned as he watched it's horror.
"I can feel your blood curdling here. Your cowardice is indeed bitter. Your master at least had the courage to die well."
The demon snarled, it's humanoid jaw disintending to reveal rows and rows of serrated teeth, sharp as razors. It's eyes narrowed, and it's fingers extended until they were as long and sharp as those of a great bird of prey.
Kysis didn't even flinch. Reaching past it's grasping claws he picked it up by the throat and threw it into the spire behind it. It flew through the air until it impacted with a dull thump, the rock cracking slightly. It slid to the ground in a broken tangle.
"You could be more, you know." Kysis said as he stepped over to the beings prostate form. "You are a wreck, the most tragic of beings, a creature without purpose. Your master is dead, and your power is gone. But you could be more."
Kysis stopped over to the fallen monster, then planted his boot on his chest. "If you deny me, I will carve out your heart and take your strength, little though it may be. Or you can be the father of a new race, serve only your passions and purpose. You can be a legend, brought up until only the gods are above you."
The demon narrowed it's eyes, then slowly nodded its head.

Gain new power - Demon summoning.
Create new race, fiends, monstrous beings with demonic blood in their veins. Immune to the ravages of time and non divine diseases, have a decent proficiency with magic and are far stronger and faster then any normal being. Reproduction rate is slow, as they are for the most part infertile, and most of the children they do conceive are stillborn. They are mostly evil and sadistic, and have chaos running in their veins.