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View Full Version : [3.5]The Shifter (Base Class)

2009-07-01, 03:23 AM


“But I was drawn into the pack and before long
They allowed me to join in and sing their song
So from the cliffs and highest hill, yeah
We would gladly get our fill
Howling endlessly and shrilly at the dawn
And I lost the taste for judging right from wrong
For my flesh had turned to fur”

An escape into nature, a true convergence of human life with the natural world, a shifter has mastered his animal instincts and used them to his advantage. A shifter has the unique ability to transform into a being of their creation. This alternate form looks like no other in existence, it is a creation of the shifter's imagination. As the shifter's power grows, so does his alternate form's. And with his increase in power, his alternate form improves and changes into a new, more powerful creature.

BAB(Str/Other)|Fort Save (Con/Other)|Ref Save (Dex/Other)|Will Save|Special

+1 (+0)|
+0|Archetype, shifting, minor aspect (1st)

+2 (+1)|
+0|Minor aspect (1st)

+3 (+2)|
+1|Minor aspect (1st)

+4 (+3)|
+1|Lesser aspect (1st)

+5 (+3)|
+1|Lesser aspect (1st)

+6/+1 (+4)|
+2|Lesser aspect (1st)

+7/+2 (+5)|
+2|Moderate aspect (1st)

+8/+3 (+6/+1)|
+2|Moderate aspect (1st)

+9/+4 (+6/+1)|
+3|Moderate aspect (1st)

+10/+5 (+7/+2)2|
+3|Archetype, minor aspect (2nd)

+11/+6/+1 (+8/+3)|
+3|Improved aspect (1st)

+12/+7/+2 (+9/+4)|
+4|Minor aspect (2nd)

+13/+8/+3 (+9/+4)|
+4|Improved aspect (1st)

+14/+9/+4 (+10/+5)|
+4|Lesser aspect (2nd)

+15/+10/+5 (+11/+6/+1)|
+5|Improved aspect (1st)

+16/+11/+6/+1 (+12/+7/+2)|
+5|Moderate aspect (2nd)

+17/+12/+7/+2 (+12/+7/+2)|
+5|Greater aspect (1st)

+18/+13/+8/+3 (+13/+8/+4)|
+6|Improved aspect (2nd)

+19/+14/+9/+4 (+14/+9/+4)|
+6|Greater aspect (1st)

+20/+15/+10/+5 (+15/+10/+5)|
+6|Archetype mastery[/table]

Alignment: Any Chaotic
Hit Die: d8 (Dex), d10 (Str), d12 (Con)
Class Skills: Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Survival (Wis)
Skill Points at 1st Level: (2 + Int modifier) × 4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Shifters are proficient with all simple weapons and light armor.

At first level, a shifter chooses a certain path to follow. These paths are known as archetypes. There are three archetypes: Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. Those of an archetype must choose aspects from that archetypes list. At level 10, a shifter gains an additional archetype. Aspects from this new archetype, though chosen from a different list, do not grant the Shifter a new alternate form, but merely add a different kind of ability to the pre-existing form. A shifter's abilities are innate, they cannot be gained at any level other than level 1.

Strength archetypes are brutish and strong. Those of this archetype use a full base attack bonus and receive no good saves. In addition, a strength archetype gains an inherent +2 bonus to his alternate form's Strength score by selecting this archetype.

Dexterity archetypes are sly and swift. Those of this archetype use a 3/4 base attack bonus and receive a good Reflex save, and a bad Fortitude and Will save. In addition, a dexterity archetype gains an inherent +2 bonus to his alternate form's Dexterity score by selecting this archetype.

Constitution archetypes are hardy and vigilant. Those of this archetype use a 3/4 base attack bonus and receive a good Fortitude save, and a bad Reflex and Will save. In addition, a constitution archetype gains an inherent +2 bonus to his alternate form's Constitution score by selecting this archetype.

The shifter's base attack bonus and saves never change, even if he gains a new archetype that would improve them. The shifter does, however, gain the +2 inherent bonus from his second archetype.

The shifter's alternate form's ability scores continue to improve with level. At level 4, and every 4 levels after that until level 16 (4, 8, 12, 16) the shifter gains an additional +2 points to his chosen archetype's ability score. If the shifter has two archetypes, he gains a bonus to both scores, but only +1 for his secondary archetype. These additional bonuses differ from the base bonus in that they are only counted when the shifter is in his alternate form.


Shifters gain the ability to shift at level one. The form they shift into is one of their creation, their visualization of their chosen archetype. For example, a constitution archetype might choose something akin to a bear. The shifters alternate form is always the same (except when its form enhances through use of the Shifter class). Additionally, a shifter may change his alternate form whenever he gains a level. Once able to shift, the shifter gains the Shapechanger subtype.

When shifted, the shifter is treated as a Magical Beast, and gains all traits associated with Magical Beasts. All armor and items meld into the shifter's new form, and are negated completely. The shifter is unable to use items in his alternate form. Items that are not worn on the shifter's body, such as ioun stones, may continue to be in effect after shifting if the shifter chooses. A shifter is unable to shift in anything higher than light armor (regardless of any proficiency feats he takes), and wearing armor that is made of mostly metal interferes with the shifting process.

A shifter may become his alternate form at will, using a standard action to do so. A shifter may only shift once per round. The alternate form does not have to be an existing monster, nor can it have any special movements or abilities, unless gained from the Shifter class Aspects. However, it does gain a natural attack. This attack may be of any kind (bite, claw or talon, gore, slap or slam, sting, or tentacle, etc.), and can be reassigned any time the shifter gains a level.

The shifter's alternate form gains natural armor equal to shifter level/2 (this number is always at least 1, rounded down).

The natural attack does damage according to the table below, and has a x2 crit multiplier. This is a supernatural ability. At level 4, the shifter's natural attacks gain in power, and are counted as +1 weapons for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction. This increases by 1 every 4 levels after level 4 (+2 at 8, +3 at 12, +4 at 16, +5 at 20). At level 8, the shifter's weapons are counted as being aligned with his current alignment for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction.

{table=head]Level|Natural Attack Damage


The shifter's alternate form becomes more versatile at level 10, allowing it to be up to one size larger than the shifter, or one size smaller.

Aspects (Ex)

As a shifter grows in level, its alternate form “evolves.” It gains aspects, or abilities, that are added on to the alternate forms base abilities. When a shifter gains a new archetype, it begins to accumulate abilities from the new archetypes list as well. Aspects may only be taken once unless specified otherwise. A shifter gains a new aspect on every class level where it does not otherwise gain a special ability (however, on a level where the shifter gains a first, or second archetype, he must take an aspect from his newly learned archetype), including size increase or special abilities outside of aspects (such as Archetype Mastery). When selecting an aspect, be sure to meet all requirements. All aspect's effects are only active in the shifter's alternate form.

When the shifter gains a new aspect, he may apply it to an aspect of that level or one of a lower level. For example, when the shifter gains a Moderate Aspect, he may use it to instead gain a Lesser Aspect if he chooses to do so. The level of the aspect taken must always be less than or equal to the aspect type awarded from shifter levels. All aspects are extraordinary abilities unless noted otherwise.

Archetype Mastery

At level 20, a shifter becomes the master of his first archetype. The initial ability bonus from his first archetype (+2 Str, +2 Dex, etc.) improves and increases by +4 (to a total of +6). Also, the shifter’s shift ability is faster and decreases to a move action (or a swift action if the shifter has the feat Fast Shifting).

Strength Archetype Aspects
Minor Aspects
Aspect Level: Minor
Requirements: None

The shifter gains a +5 bonus to Grapple checks. This aspect may be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.

Improved Strength
Aspect Level: Minor
Requirements: None

The shifter gains an additional +1 Strength while in his alternate form. This aspect may be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.

Aspect Level: Minor
Requirements: None

The shifter gains a +10 bonus to Intimidate checks.

Improved Charge
Aspect Level: Minor
Requirements: None

The shifter negates the armor class penalty from charging, and improves the attack bonus by +2.

Lesser Aspects
Improved Grab
Aspect Level: Lesser
Requirements: Wrestler

If the shifter succeeds on a natural attack, he may attempt a grapple check as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Fearful Strength
Aspect Level: Lesser
Requirements: Feared

The shifter may use his strength modifier as opposed to his charisma modifier for intimidate checks. Additionally, the shifter may cast fear as a spell-like ability 3/day (CL 5).

Powerful Attacks
Aspect Level: Lesser
Requirements: None

The shifter gains a +5 competence bonus to all natural attacks.

Improved Bull Rush
Aspect Level: Lesser
Requirements: Improved Charge

Your Strength check when making a bull rush is increased by +5. Additionally, you push the defender back 10 feet instead of 5.

Moderate Aspects
Fear Tactics
Aspect Level: Moderate
Requirements: Fearful Strength

The shifter gains a +5 bonus on attack and damage rolls when fighting an opponent that has been demoralized (see Intimidate description), frightened, or feared by the shifter.

Improved Fear
Aspect Level: Moderate
Requirements: Fearful Strength

The shifter adds his Strength bonus to the penalty incurred by Intimidate, fear, or frightful presence.

Aspect Level: Moderate
Requirements: Improved Grab

The shifter gains a rake attack. A shifter with this special attack gains extra natural attacks when he grapples its foe. Normally, a shifter can attack with only one of its natural weapons while grappling, but a shifter with the rake ability gains two additional claw or bite attacks that he can use only against a grappled foe. Rake attacks are not subject to the usual -4 penalty for attacking with a natural weapon in a grapple.

A shifter with the rake ability must begin his turn grappling to use its rake—he can’t begin a grapple and rake in the same turn.

Deadly Attacks
Aspect Level: Moderate
Requirements: Powerful Attacks

The shifter’s natural attack is improved by one step, as if the shifter had taken the Improved Natural Attack feat. This aspect stacks with the Improved Natural Attack feat. This aspect may be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.

Great Charge
Aspect Level: Moderate
Requirements: Improved Bull Rush

When making a bull rush, you do not lose your opportunity to attack the target, as with a normal charge. Calculate the bull rush before this attack. If the bull rush is successful, the shifter receives a +5 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls on the attack. The shifter can never use a full attack when using this aspect’s abilities.

Improved Aspects
Swallow Whole
Aspect Level: Improved
Requirements: Improved Grab

If a shifter with this special attack begins its turn with an opponent held in its mouth (see Improved Grab), it can attempt a new grapple check (as though attempting to pin the opponent). If it succeeds, he swallows his prey, and the opponent takes bite damage. Unless otherwise noted, the opponent can be up to one size category smaller than the shifter. A swallowed creature is considered to be grappled, while the shifter is not. A swallowed creature can try to cut its way free with any light slashing or piercing weapon, or it can just try to escape the grapple. The Armor Class of the interior of the shifter is 10 + his natural armor bonus, with no modifiers for size or Dexterity. If the swallowed creature escapes the grapple, success puts it back in the attacker’s mouth, where it may be bitten or swallowed again.

Every round spent in a shifter’s stomach, the swallowed creature takes natural attack damage (base damage, no ability score modifiers apply), and if the creature has a poison attack it affects the swallowed creature in addition to normal damage. The swallowed creature must deal damage equal to 1/5 of the shifter’s health to break free.

Feared By All
Aspect Level: Improved
Requirements: Fear Tactics

The shifter gains a frightful presence. This ability is activated whenever the shifter scores a critical strike on a target, charges, or performs a successful intimidate. Opponents within range who witness the action become frightened. The range is 30 feet, and the duration is 5d6 rounds. This ability affects only opponents with fewer Hit Dice or levels than the shifter has. An affected opponent can resist the effects with a successful Will save (DC 10 + ½ shifter level + strength modifier. An opponent that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to that same creature’s frightful presence for 24 hours.

Improved Rake
Aspect Level: Improved
Requirements: Rake

The shifter gains a +5 bonus to grapple checks when attempting an improved grab. Additionally, the shifter gains an extra natural attack while raking.

Awesome Blow
Aspect Level: Improved
Requirements: Powerful Attacks

As a standard action, the shifter may choose to subtract 4 from its melee attack roll and deliver an awesome blow. If the shifter hits a corporeal opponent smaller than himself with an awesome blow, his opponent must succeed on a Reflex save (DC = damage dealt) or be knocked flying 10 feet in a direction of the shifter’s choice and fall prone. The shifter can only push the opponent in a straight line, and the opponent can’t move closer to the shifter than the square it started in. If an obstacle prevents the completion of the opponent’s move, the opponent and the obstacle each take 1d6 points of damage, and the opponent stops in the space adjacent to the obstacle.

Greater Charge
Aspect Level: Improved
Requirements: Great Charge

When making a bull rush/charge attempt, the shifter gains an additional attack at a -5 penalty to attack roll. The shifter can never use a full attack when using this aspect’s abilities, unless the shifter’s full attack is equal to the amount of attacks gained through this aspect.

Powerful Charge
Aspect Level: Improved
Requirements: Great Charge

The shifter slams into the opponent before making his attack. The shifter deals additional damage equal to strength modifier(x2 if larger than the opponent, /2 if smaller) + shifter level when making a bull rush.

Greater Aspects
Fearful Superiority
Aspect Level: Greater
Requirements: Feared By All

The shifter is adept at frightening his opponents, and exploiting their current weakness. Whenever the shifter attacks a creature that has been demoralized (see Intimidate description), frightened, or feared by the shifter, the attack receives a +10 circumstantial bonus to both attack bonus and damage rolls.

Deep Rake
Aspect Level: Greater
Requirements: Improved Rake

For all rake attacks, extra strength damage is added twice instead of once. An additional natural attack is also gained when raking (to a total of 4).

Improved Awesome Blow
Aspect Level: Greater
Requirements: Awesome Blow

The shifter may deal an awesome blow as a move action, the penalty to attack roll is removed, natural attack damage dealt while performing an awesome blow is increased by 50% (after all rolls are made, not before), and the amount of feet the opponent is knocked back can be modified by the shifter’s strength bonus.

Improved Powerful Charge
Aspect Level: Greater
Requirements: Powerful Charge

When making a bull rush/charge, the shifter gains an additional attack

Aspect Level: Greater
Requirements: Powerful Attacks

The shifter’s natural attacks deal 1 Constitution damage per successful hit. This affects every natural attack the shifter has.

Dexterity Archetype Aspects
Minor Aspects
Aspect Level: Minor
Requirements: None

The shifter gains a +5 bonus on all Balance and Jump checks. In addition, the shifter gains feather fall as a supernatural ability. This ability is usable 3/day.

Aspect Level: Minor
Requirements: None

The shifter gains a bonus to his speed (all, including flight, swim, etc.) equal to 10 feet. For example, if a shifter has a 30 foot speed, this increases to 40 feet. This aspect also grants a +5 bonus to Tumble and Bluff (but only when used to feint) checks.

Aspect Level: Minor
Requirements: None

The shifter gains a +5 bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks. In addition, the shifter can cast pass without trace as a spell-like ability at will (CL 3).

Dextrous Attacks
Aspect Level: Minor
Requirements: None

The shifter may use his Dexterity modifier instead of his strength modifier for all of his natural attacks (as Weapon Finesse).

Aspect Level: Minor
Requirements: None

The shifter gains a +4 bonus to Initiative checks. This aspect may be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.

Improved Dexterity
Aspect Level: Minor
Requirements: None

The shifter gains an additional +1 Dexterity while in his alternate form. This aspect may be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.

Critical Adept
Aspect Level: Minor
Requirements: None

The shifter gains a +5 bonus to attack rolls used to confirm a critical strike threat.

Lesser Aspects
Aspect Level: Lesser
Requirements: Buoyant

The shifter is granted wings (of any type befitting the shifter’s alternate form) with a flight speed of 50 (good). In addition, the benefits of feather fall are doubled if the shifter’s wings are able to be spread.

Supernatural Speed
Aspect Level: Lesser
Requirements: Fast

The shifter’s speeds increases by an additional 15 feet. This aspect may be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.

Aspect Level: Lesser
Requirements: Stealthy

The shifter gains the Scent and Track abilities.

Aspect Level: Lesser
Requirements: Buoyant

The shifter gains an additional +10 bonus to Balance and Jump checks.

Improved Stealth
Aspect Level: Lesser
Requirements: Stealthy

The shifter gains an additional +5 to Hide and Move Silently checks. In addition, the shifter can use invisibility as a spell-like ability 3/day (CL 5).

Aspect Level: Lesser
Requirements: None

The shifter gains Evasion as the rogue class feature.

Uncanny Dodge
Aspect Level: Lesser
Requirements: None

The shifter gains Uncanny Dodge as the rogue class feature.

Keen Attacks
Aspect Level: Lesser
Requirements: Critical Adept

The shifter’s critical threat chance with his natural attacks improves by 2 (from 20/x2 to 18-20/x2). If the shifter has the improved critical feat, the feat is always counted before any aspect for critical threat calculations.

Moderate Aspects
Dextrous Flight
Aspect Level: Moderate
Requirements: Flight

A shifter gains the use of the Hover feat and Wingover.

Serrated Wings
Aspect Level: Moderate
Requirements: Flight

The shifter’s wings grow hard and sharp. When making an attack with his natural weapon, a shifter may add an extra attack using his wings. This attack deals half of the damage of a shifter’s base natural attack, and incurs a -5 penalty on attack rolls (for the extra attack only).

Dextrous Charge
Aspect Level: Moderate
Requirements: Stalker and Supernatural Speed

The shifter may make pounce attacks.

Fast Strikes
Aspect Level: Moderate
Requirements: Supernatural Speed

The shifter may make an additional attack whenever he attacks (during a standard action attack and a full round attack). This extra attack incurs a -5 penalty to the attack roll. This aspect may be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.

Aspect Level: Moderate
Requirements: Supernatural Speed

The shifter can sprint (speed x10) once per hour when making a charge.

Extraordinary Speed
Aspect Level: Moderate
Requirements: Supernatural Speed

The shifter gains an additional +10 bonus to speed. This aspect may be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.

Flight Boost
Aspect Level: Moderate
Requirements: Flight

The shifter increases his flight speed by 50% when using two move actions in one round.

Fly-by Attack
Aspect Level: Moderate
Requirements: Serrated Wings

The shifter gains use of the fly-by attack feat. When using this feat, the shifter may make a single natural attack along with a serrated wings attack.

Improved Evasion
Aspect Level: Moderate
Requirements: Evasion

The shifter gains Improved Evasion as the rogue class feature.

Improved Uncanny Dodge
Aspect Level: Moderate
Requirements: Uncanny Dodge

The shifter gains Improved Uncanny Dodge as the rogue class feature.

Improved Keen Attacks
Aspect Level: Moderate
Requirements: Keen Attacks

The shifters critical threat chance improves by an additional 2. This stacks with the improved critical feat. If the shifter has the improved critical feat, the feat is always counted before any aspect for critical threat calculations.

Improved Aspects
Midair Pounce
Aspect Level: Improved
Requirements: Fly-by Attack, Dextrous Charge

The shifter may make a pounce while flying. In addition to moving their flight speed, the shifter may make a full attack on a single target. If their full flight speed is not used up completely, they may continue to move after the attack. Additionally, if making a pounce while flying, the shifter gains a +5 circumstantial bonus to all attack rolls.

Midair Snatch
Aspect Level: Improved
Requirements: Snatch, Fly-by Attack

The shifter may grapple an opponent as part of a full round action while flying. The shifter may move as if he had taken a single move action, and make a grapple check. If the check is successful, the creature is snatched. The shifter can only snatch opponents of a smaller size than him. The shifter may continue to move after snatching if he did not use up all of his movement speed before the grapple check.

The shifter can drop a creature it has snatched as a free action or use a standard action to fling it aside. A flung creature travels 1d6 × 10 feet, and takes 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet traveled. If the shifter flings a snatched opponent while flying, the opponent takes this amount or falling damage, whichever is greater.

Aspect Level: Improved
Requirements: Fast Strikes

The shifter may add his Dexterity modifier to damage rolls in addition to his Strength modifier to one attack per round. The shifter may choose which attack this benefits. The attack chosen must be announced beforehand, and if the attack misses Rip fails and cannot be used again that round.

Improved Flight Boost
Aspect Level: Improved
Requirements: Sprint, Flight Boost

The shifter may sprint while flying.

Greater Stealth
Aspect Level: Improved
Requirements: Improved Stealth

The shifter gains an additional +5 to Hide and Move Silently checks.

Greater Aspects
Aspect Level: Greater
Requirements: Rip

Rend may be used once every 2 rounds. A shifter must declare a rend attempt before his attack roll for whichever attack he chooses to use rend on. If the attack fails, rend is wasted and is considered used. When using rend, the shifter rips out a portion of the target’s flesh and causes a bleed effect. The target takes 1/3 of the damage of the rend attack every successive round for 5 rounds. If the shifter succeeds on an additional rend while the first is still active, the effects stack and the time resets to 5 rounds for all rends. The shifter may have no more than 3 rends active at any given time.

Aspect Level: Greater
Requirements: Improved Flight Boost, Midair Pounce

The shifter drops directly downward, slamming into their foe with tremendous force. If the shifter moves at least half of his base flight speed in his turn moving downwards while making a pounce, their attacks receive a +5 bonus to hit and the shifter deals additional damage on each attack equal to 1d6+strength modifier. The shifter may make a full attack as normal for a pounce.

Aspect Level: Greater
Requirements: Stalker, Greater Stealth, Dextrous Charge

A shifter can decide to Hunt a target any time when he is not currently in combat. The target cannot be aware of the shifter’s presence when the shifter starts hunting. The shifter gains a +5 bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks against the hunted creature only. The shifter follows the target, tracking him and watching his every move. Every minute the shifter hunts the target, his critical threat chance increases by 2. For example, if the shifter’s current critical threat chance with his natural weapon was 19-20, it would increase to 17-20. This number cannot be reduced past 1-20 (if the number reaches this point, the shifter does not automatically miss on a 1). The shifter gains the same bonus (+2) to his attack rolls used to confirm a critical. Whenever he wants, the shifter may decide to pounce his target. He may use the bonuses from hunting during his entire full attack. The target must be considered flat-footed for the shifter to be able to pounce. The shifter must remain within 30 feet of the hunted creature at all times or the benefits are lost.

Stealth Mastery
Aspect Level: Greater
Requirements: Improved Stealth

The shifter may use superior invisibility at will (CL 16).

Flight Mastery
Aspect Level: Greater
Requirements: Improved Flight Boost

The shifter’s flight speed is increased by 50% in all cases. This overrides and negates the bonus from Improved Flight Boost.

Constitution Archetype Aspects
Minor Aspects
Improved Constitution
Aspect Level: Minor
Requirements: None

The shifter gains an additional +1 Constitution while in his alternate form. This aspect may be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.

Improved Natural Armor
Aspect Level: Minor
Requirements: None

The shifter’s natural armor improves by 2 while in his alternate form. This aspect may be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.

Aspect Level: Minor
Requirements: None

The shifter gains a +4 bonus on his Strength check when defending against a bull rush, a +3 bonus on his armor class when defending against a charge, and a +5 bonus on his roll to avoid being intimidated.

Iron Charge
Aspect Level: Minor
Requirements: None

When charging, the shifter gains a +3 bonus to armor class instead of the -2 penalty.

Aspect Level: Minor
Requirements: None

The shifter lets loose a powerful roar and increases the chance that his target will attack him. This only affects one creature. The target must succeed on a Constitution-based Will save or stop attacking its current target to attack the shifter.

Lesser Aspects
Aspect Level: Lesser
Requirements: Steadfast

The shifter gains the benefits of the Endurance and Diehard feats.

Armored Charge
Aspect Level: Lesser
Requirements: Iron Charge

The shifter gains DR 5/- when charging, trampling, or bull rushing. This DR improves any DR that the shifter already has, and if the DR is vulnerable to a specific type of damage this DR becomes vulnerable to that type of damage as well.

Ferocious Roar
Aspect Level: Lesser
Requirements: Uproar

Ferocious Roar acts in the same way as Uproar, except it affects an amount of targets equal to the shifter’s Constitution modifier. All targets must be within 30 feet of the shifter.

Moderate Aspects
Reduce Damage
Aspect Level: Moderate
Requirements: None

The shifter gains damage reduction 2/-.

Fast Healing
Aspect Level: Moderate
Requirements: None

The shifter gains fast healing 3.

Aspect Level: Moderate
Requirements: Hardy

The shifter cannot become fatigued or exhausted while in his alternate form. The shifter still requires sleep.

Body Slam
Aspect Level: Moderate
Requirements: Armored Charge

The shifter deals extra damage equal to his Constitution modifier whenever charging or trampling. This affects each target damaged during either type of attack.

Strength of Blood
Aspect Level: Moderate
Requirements: Ferocious Roar

Every time an attack is avoided through armor class or damage reduction, the shifter gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls. This bonus dissipates if combat ends or if the bonus does not increase by at least one after 2 rounds. This bonus cannot exceed the shifter’s Constitution modifier. Any attack that would raise the bonus, but cannot because it would exceed the maximum bonus, increases the time left on the bonus regardless.

Improved Aspects
Improved Reduce Damage
Aspect Level: Improved
Requirements: Reduce Damage

The shifter’s damage reduction improves to 4/-.

Improved Fast Healing
Aspect Level: Improved
Requirements: Fast Healing

The shifter's fast healing improves to fast healing 6.

Iron Skin
Aspect Level: Improved
Requirements: Resilient

Any opponent attacking the shifter is treated as having their critical threat chance reduced by 2 for all attacks made against the shifter directly. For example, a creature with a 17-20 critical threat chance would instead be considered to have a 19-20 critical threat chance when attacking the shifter. The penalty is lost if the creature chooses another target.

Aspect Level: Improved
Requirements: Body Slam

The shifter gains a trample attack (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#trample). Whenever the trample effect requires the use of the shifter’s Strength modifier, instead use Constitution.

Aspect Level: Improved
Requirements: Strength of Blood

Whenever the shifter is struck in combat he rages as a 1st-level barbarian (see Barbarian class feature), or grants a +1 effective level for any class that grants a rage class feature, but only for the purpose of determining the benefits of rage. The rage ends after a number of rounds equal to the shifter’s Constitution modifier or if combat ends. The shifter cannot prematurely end his rage. After a rage ends, the shifter is fatigued. This aspect cannot be affected by any feats that improve upon the rage ability of the barbarian class, not does it count as a prerequisite for any feat or prestige class that requires a rage ability. The benefits of rage do not increase with the shifter’s level, as a barbarian.

Greater Aspects
Greater Reduced Damage
Aspect Level: Greater
Requirements: Improved Reduced Damage

The shifter’s damage reduction improves to 6/-.

Greater Fast Healing
Aspect Level: Greater
Requirements: Improved Fast Healing

The shifter improves to fast healing 10.

Defensive Expert
Aspect Level: Greater
Requirements: Iron Skin

The shifter, instead of taking 100% increased damage from critical hits instead takes 50% increased damage. For instance, if an opponent’s weapon deals 2d6+2 damage, and it lands a critical hit against the shifter, instead of dealing 4d6+4 damage, it would deal 3d6+3 damage. In addition, the shifter can cast iron body as a spell-like ability 3/day (CL 17).

Trample Mastery
Aspect Level: Greater
Requirements: Trample

The shifter may make a single attack against each opponent he tramples when performing a trample attack.

Aspect Level: Greater
Requirements: Enrage

Every attack made while raged deals 1 Strength damage. This affects every successful natural attack.

Miscellaneous Aspects
Minor Aspects
Energy Resistance
Aspect Level: Minor
Requirements: None

The shifter gains a +10 bonus to any energy resistance. This aspect may be taken multiple times. Its effects stack. Each time the shifter takes this aspect, he may choose the same energy resistance or a new one.

Aspect Level: Minor
Requirements: None

The shifter gains a +10 bonus to Swim checks.

Aspect Level: Minor
Requirements: None

The shifter gains a +5 bonus to Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Nature), and Survival checks. Additionally, the shifter can cast soften earth and stone as a spell-like ability 3/day (CL 5).

Aspect Level: Minor
Requirements: None

The shifter gains a +10 bonus on climb checks.

Lesser Aspects
Aspect Level: Lesser
Requirements: None

The shifter gains a web ability. A single strand is strong enough to support the shifter and one creature of the same size or lower. Shifters can throw a web eight times per day. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a maximum range of 50 feet, with a range increment of 10 feet, and is effective against targets up to one size category larger than the shifter. An entangled creature can escape with a successful Escape Artist check or burst it with a Strength check. Both are standard actions whose DCs are equal to 10+1/2 shifter level+first archetype’s ability score modifier.

Shifters can create sheets of sticky webbing from 30 to 50 feet square, depending on the size of the shifter (30 small, 40 medium, 50 large). Approaching creatures must succeed on a DC 20 Spot check to notice a web; otherwise they stumble into it and become trapped as though by a successful web attack. Attempts to escape or burst the webbing gain a +5 bonus if the trapped creature has something to walk on or grab while pulling free. Each 5-foot section has the hit points based on size (4 small, 6 medium, 10 large), and sheet webs have damage reduction 5/—.

Creature of the Waves
Aspect Level: Lesser
Requirements: Waterborn

The shifter can breath underwater and gains a swim speed equal to 40 feet.

Creature of the Earth
Aspect Level: Lesser
Requirements: Earthborn

The shifter gains a burrow speed of 20 feet. When burrowing the shifter does not need to breathe, and does not make a tunnel that other creatures can follow.

Creature of the Cliffs
Aspect Level: Lesser
Requirements: Mountainborn

The shifter gains a climb speed of 30 feet.

Moderate Aspects
Poisonous Attack
Aspect Level: Moderate
Requirements: None

The shifter’s attacks gain a poisonous effect. For a single attack each round, the shifter may choose to inject his foe with poison. A poisonous attack must be announced before the attack roll is made, and if it fails the poison attempt is lost and cannot be used until the next turn. If a poisonous attack is successful, the target must succeed on a DC 10+1/2 shifter level+first archetype’s ability score modifier Fortitude check or be poisoned. The poison deals damage to any ability score the shifter chooses (or he may choose hit point loss instead of ability score damage; in this case the poison deals damage equal to the shifter’s natural attack). The poison only has an initial damage. The poison deals damage based on size (1d3 small, 1d4 medium, 1d6 large).

Aspect Level: Moderate
Requirements: Bite attack

If a shifter hits with a bite attack, it uses its powerful jaws to latch onto the opponent’s body and automatically deals bite damage each round it remains attached. An attached shifter loses its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class while attached. An attached shifter can be struck with a weapon or grappled itself. To remove an attached shifter through grappling, the opponent must achieve a pin against the shifter.

Improved Aspects

Breath Weapon
Aspect Level: Improved
Requirements: None

Once every 1d4 rounds, the shifter may use a breath weapon. This can be of any type of damage (fire/acid/cold/sonic/electricity), and can be in a line or a cone (60 ft./30 ft. if medium, 80 ft./40 ft. if large, and 40 ft./20 ft. if small). The breath weapon deals double natural attack damage. The save DC is 10+1/2 shifter level+first archetype’s ability score modifier.

Spell Resistance
Aspect Level: Improved
Requirements: None

The shifter gains spell resistance equal to 10+shifter level.

Aspect Level: Improved
Requirements: None

A shifter with tremorsense automatically senses the location of anything that is in contact with the ground and within range. If no straight path exists through the ground from the shifter to those that he’s sensing, then the range defines the maximum distance of the shortest indirect path. It must itself be in contact with the ground, and the creatures must be moving.

As long as the other creatures are taking physical actions, including casting spells with somatic components, they’re considered moving; they don’t have to move from place to place for a shifter with tremorsense to detect them. The shifter’s tremorsense has a range based on size: 20 feet (small); 30 feet (medium); and 40 feet (large).

Greater Aspects

Extra Aspect
Prerequisite: Ability to gain lesser aspects
Benefit: You learn one additional aspect from the list available to you, choosing an aspect of one grade lower than the highest grade of aspect you have. Gaining aspects for an additional archetype does not count the other archetype for purposes of aspects available to you. For example, a 14th level shifter who originally chose dexterity as his first aspect and strength as his second could learn a minor, lesser or moderate dexterity aspect, or a minor strength aspect.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take this feat, you gain an extra aspect of any grade up to one lower than the highest grade of aspect you can currently use.

Fast Shifting
Prerequisite: Shifting class feature
Benefit: You are adept at changing your form. Your shifts now only require a move action.
Normal: Shifting requires a standard action.

Wildcrafted Armor: Wildcrafted Armor allows the shifter to wear his armor while in his alternate form. The shifter is still restricted to light armor that is not primarily made of metal even when shifted.
Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Create Magic Arms and Armor, ironwood; Price +3 bonus

Well there it is. All 21 pages of it. The basis of this class is versatility, I want a shifter to be able to create any monster imaginable. If you guys have any ideas for new aspects, please, let me know, I'd like to give as many options for aspects as possible.

2009-07-01, 04:12 PM
Anyone? Is it that terrible, or that uninteresting? (too long?)

2009-07-01, 04:16 PM
I, for one, think it's a pretty awesome class. Very well balanced. I'd definitely play it.:smalltongue:

2009-07-01, 04:18 PM
I, for one, think it's a pretty awesome class. Very well balanced. I'd definitely play it.:smalltongue:

I'd like an opinion from someone who isn't actually about to play it. :smalltongue:

2009-07-01, 04:21 PM
Looks good. Well balanced. I'll try to see if I can get my DM to let me play it.

2009-07-01, 04:27 PM
Looks good. Well balanced. I'll try to see if I can get my DM to let me play it.

Thanks! It was an attempt to get a melee class somewhat up to par with casters. I think it gets pretty close.

2009-07-01, 05:00 PM
Well, playing a Strength Archetype with bear shifting will certainly match a melee warrior.

2009-07-01, 06:39 PM
How'd you post at 3:30 am or so?
Get some sleep, 'K?

Also, how about a varient with more natural attacks?

{table=head]Normal damage|2 attacks|4 attacks|8 attacks|1 attack/2 attacks|2 attacks/4 attacks

2009-07-01, 07:06 PM
How'd you post at 3:30 am or so/
Get some sleep, 'K?

Also, how about a varient with more natural attacks?

{table=head]Normal damage|2 attacks|4 attacks|8 attacks|1 attack/2 attacks

Well it was only 1:30 my time. :smalltongue:

Hmm, good idea. I'll add that in. My previous idea was to say that however many attacks they had, it would do the same total damage. For instance, if they had a 3d6 natural attack, they could split it to a bite and a claw, 1d6 and 2d6 respectively. But I think yours might be a better distribution.

Karma Guard
2009-07-01, 07:33 PM
Man, this is awesome!

I can take a dip-level in this class and automagically get +2 to a stat! AND a fairly decent bonus to a thing! :smallcool:

To be short: I don't think the class is balanced. It's a fun as all get-out class, and does fill an aspect the druid never really has (for me, anyway- I wanna be a big scary monster >:Uc) , but it's not really balanced very well.

Because I can dip this class for one level and get at will feather fall. Sure, it ain't much when you're higher level, but when you're a Rogue in the city who happens to be in touch with his spiritual side (hey, it happens!), Feather Fall and +2 Dex can be your very best friend.

Classes shouldn't pass out stat boosts like candy, especially at first level. I'd move the stat boosts to 3rd or higher level, just to prevent Mssrs Rogue & Company from elbowing in too easily.

On a more balance note- Armor is heavier, not higher (although, that's grammar, not balance). I'm sure there's an Enhancement you can tape onto armor for a Druid's wildshifting- you could use that instead and just say 'hay guyz if it works for wildshifting it works for shifter-shifting!'.

You might want to give the Strength aspect good Fort; even fighters get good fort. It also seems to get not quite as many aspects to choose from. :C

For Uproar, you could phrase it like a Knight's Challenge.

The Misc. aspect Earthborn is hilarious. I could dip for that and make swaths of difficult terrain because I totes felt like it. :Vc

These bonuses to skills and stuff are untyped, which makes them perfectly stackable. Did you mean that, or do you want to add a type name to them? None of these abilities are labeled as (Ex) or (Su) or so on, which is also very important.

The class is fun, don't get me wrong, but it's not balanced.

2009-07-01, 07:47 PM
Man, this is awesome!

I can take a dip-level in this class and automagically get +2 to a stat! AND a fairly decent bonus to a thing! :smallcool:

To be short: I don't think the class is balanced. It's a fun as all get-out class, and does fill an aspect the druid never really has (for me, anyway- I wanna be a big scary monster >:Uc) , but it's not really balanced very well.

Because I can dip this class for one level and get at will feather fall. Sure, it ain't much when you're higher level, but when you're a Rogue in the city who happens to be in touch with his spiritual side (hey, it happens!), Feather Fall and +2 Dex can be your very best friend.

Classes shouldn't pass out stat boosts like candy, especially at first level. I'd move the stat boosts to 3rd or higher level, just to prevent Mssrs Rogue & Company from elbowing in too easily.

On a more balance note- Armor is heavier, not higher (although, that's grammar, not balance). I'm sure there's an Enhancement you can tape onto armor for a Druid's wildshifting- you could use that instead and just say 'hay guyz if it works for wildshifting it works for shifter-shifting!'.

You might want to give the Strength aspect good Fort; even fighters get good fort. It also seems to get not quite as many aspects to choose from. :C

For Uproar, you could phrase it like a Knight's Challenge.

The Misc. aspect Earthborn is hilarious. I could dip for that and make swaths of difficult terrain because I totes felt like it. :Vc

These bonuses to skills and stuff are untyped, which makes them perfectly stackable. Did you mean that, or do you want to add a type name to them? None of these abilities are labeled as (Ex) or (Su) or so on, which is also very important.

The class is fun, don't get me wrong, but it's not balanced.

You're forgetting that every single bonus you get is only usable in shifted form. And they can't use most magic items in shifter form. I also forgot to add that it's an innate ability to shift - you can't drop a level into it. You have to start as a shifter (like a sorcerer, although that specific rule is widely ignored). They get a lot of stat bonuses largely because of this. Think of them as an animal. I've also been thinking about reducing the stat benefits for a while now, but I was waiting for some responses first. I'd like to keep the stat bonus at first level (because if the class is innate this isn't too breakable).

The reason I gave them no good saves is because of the outright benefit of having a higher BAB than the other two.

Thanks for the input.

I also made this class for a game I'm running - hopefully playtesting will let me see if it's too powerful or not. I think it could easily be broken, you're right, but I think it's possibly fairly balanced as well. I'll just have to wait until I see it in action.

Edit: They're all extraordinary unless listed otherwise (such as spell-like abilities).

2009-07-01, 09:01 PM
Well it was only 1:30 my time.
AM or PM?

Hmm, good idea. I'll add that in. My previous idea was to say that however many attacks they had, it would do the same total damage. For instance, if they had a 3d6 natural attack, they could split it to a bite and a claw, 1d6 and 2d6 respectively. But I think yours might be a better distribution.
Glad to hear it!

2009-07-01, 09:20 PM
I dunno, I'd be sort of leery of the +18(+2 base, +12 from levels, +4 from archetype mastery), +8(+2 secondary base, +4 from levels, +4 from archetype mastery) to two stats that the character is getting instead of the usual +5 to one stat in addition to the manuals and stat-boosting items that the character is going to be getting. I'm-a read-over it more closely now but... that really stood out to me.

If you want this to mean "Only gain X stat-gains While Shifted" then you need to change the wording in the description of getting the ability boosts.

Hmm, probably make taking the class give the shapechanger or whathaveyou subtype that changelings/shifters have...

I'd recommend also that the Strength form gets a good save and that maybe the Constitution form grants 2 good saves(fort and will) or sommat.

"And with his increase in power his shift changes form and shape into a new creature constantly."

That just sounds weird. Try rephrasing it as something along the lines of, "And with his increase in power, his alternate form improves and changes into a new, more perfect creature." or sommat. Using "shift" as a noun in this sense just... doesn't strike me as a good aesthetic choice.

Multiple Attacks, GWG:
Also, how about a varient with more natural attacks?

{table=head]Normal damage|2 attacks|4 attacks|8 attacks|1 attack/2 attacks

I dunno, I think it should be something that reflects how natural weapons usually are. Like one primary and then a class of secondary. So, every time his BAB would allow him to make an additional iterative attack, he gains a new class of secondary natural weapons when shifted and can choose the strength of it by how many of them he gets. Sort of like a dragon in that regards. 1 primary and then 2 secondary (claws) and then 2 secondary(wings) and then 1 secondary (tail) Y'see what I'm getting at? Maybe the idea of this table might be a good jumping off point for what sort of damage to give to the classes of secondary attacks depending upon how many of them one gets per class.

2009-07-01, 09:40 PM
I dunno, I'd be sort of leery of the +18(+2 base, +12 from levels, +4 from archetype mastery), +8(+2 secondary base, +4 from levels, +4 from archetype mastery) to two stats that the character is getting instead of the usual +5 to one stat in addition to the manuals and stat-boosting items that the character is going to be getting. I'm-a read-over it more closely now but... that really stood out to me.

If you want this to mean "Only gain X stat-gains While Shifted" then you need to change the wording in the description of getting the ability boosts.

That just sounds weird. Try rephrasing it as something along the lines of, "And with his increase in power, his alternate form improves and changes into a new, more perfect creature." or sommat. Using "shift" as a noun in this sense just... doesn't strike me as a good aesthetic choice.

I changed it to +13 and +5. Also, archetype mastery only buffs the first archetype's ability score. What stat boosting items? Magical items are useless in shifted form. That's why they have so many stat boosts.

I changed the wording so its more clear.

Also for the introduction thing... yeah. I wrote that in about 20 seconds because I realized I needed a rough summary of the class. I'll make it more clear momentarily.

Think of them as animals. High stats and good natural attacks. Pretty good armor. Not much else. Hell, a CR 2 animal gets +10 to Dex.

Karma Guard
2009-07-01, 10:45 PM
Stuff about stat bonuses and Sorcs

That wasn't there when I read it first. Changing the wording helps, yes. I don't think it was ever a rule that you had to start with Sorcerer. Was that in an older edition?

The reason I gave them no good saves is because of the outright benefit of having a higher BAB than the other two.

I'd still give them at least one good Save; Full BAB isn't as awesome as it looks at first. Try it out.

Edit: They're all extraordinary unless listed otherwise (such as spell-like abilities).

This needs to be noted in the description of the abilities.

Think of them as animals. High stats and good natural attacks. Pretty good armor. Not much else. Hell, a CR 2 animal gets +10 to Dex.

This is because they have INT =< 3 and are stupid animals. A character, with his (usually) 8 or better INT knows how to put that +10 Dex to use. You can't think of them as animals. You have to factor in that these are (semi-)intelligent people turning into things, or work a mechanic into place that keeps them from using those really nice stat boosts in abusive ways.

What stat boosting items? Magical items are useless in shifted form.
I've seen this in Druids: They'll remove their gear and put them back on after Wildshaping into a gorilla or whatever. Or they can get pretty magic collars :3c. You might want to cover your base on those.

Also are the skill bonuses typed or what seriously.

That, and 'interfere'? What does that mean? DM gets to lol heartily and pick if it works, or?

2009-07-01, 10:49 PM
All in all, in my opinion don't think of them as animals- think of them as natural lycanthropes; I don't think +18 to a stat after 20 levels is so outlandish when you compare it to +14 to a stat after a mere 9 ECL.

2009-07-01, 10:56 PM
That wasn't there when I read it first. Changing the wording helps, yes. I don't think it was ever a rule that you had to start with Sorcerer. Was that in an older edition?

I know it wasn't there, I just added it. I meant it to be there but I forgot to write it down. And I just looked it up and apparently it isn't a rule but powers are developed at puberty for a sorcerer, so while not being technically against RAW to multiclass into sorcerer it wouldn't make much sense.

I'd still give them at least one good Save; Full BAB isn't as awesome as it looks at first. Try it out.

I think I will.

This needs to be noted in the description of the abilities.

I've already added it.

This is because they have INT =< 3 and are stupid animals. A character, with his (usually) 8 or better INT knows how to put that +10 Dex to use. You can't think of them as animals. You have to factor in that these are (semi-)intelligent people turning into things, or work a mechanic into place that keeps them from using those really nice stat boosts in abusive ways.

I meant as far as combat abilities goes. You make it sound like no one else has stats as high as these. It's quite easy to get stats much higher than this with templates and such, and with much, much less cost.

Also are the skill bonuses typed or what seriously.

Dude, calm down. I realize it's a problem, I just haven't had time to fix it yet. Patience.

That, and 'interfere'? What does that mean? DM gets to lol heartily and pick if it works, or?

I honestly have no idea what you're talking about here. If you could reference something it might help me to answer.

All in all, in my opinion don't think of them as animals- think of them as natural lycanthropes; I don't think +18 to a stat after 20 levels is so outlandish when you compare it to +14 to a stat after a mere 9 ECL.

Much better explanation of it. It's probably not even as good, seeing as you are unable to use magical items in this form (barring armor that requires a +3 bonus). A natural lycanthrope can use items and such in his hybrid form.

Edit: All in all, just ask yourself one question. Is it more powerful than a well-optimized wizard?

Hmm, probably make taking the class give the shapechanger or whathaveyou subtype that changelings/shifters have...

I'd recommend also that the Strength form gets a good save and that maybe the Constitution form grants 2 good saves(fort and will) or sommat.

It does, read it again. :smallwink:

That's what I'm thinking, actually. No good saves at all is kinda crappy.

2009-07-01, 11:09 PM
Heh. Well, just for the nay-sayers, let's compare 9 levels of this class to a werewolf lord with just the 3 LA for natural lycanthrope and the 6 wolf HD.

+15 str
+10 str

+4 dex
+0 dex

+6 con
+0 con

+2 wis
+0 wis

6d8 HD
9d10 HD

+5 ref, +5 will, +5 fort
+3 ref, +3 will, +6 fort

+4 BAB
+9/4 BAB

a handful of nifty abilities
a handful of nifty abilities

limited magic items
enhancement bonus to attacks from levels

Werewolf has way better saves, constitution and dexterity makes up for worse HD, strength makes up for worse BAB. All in all, is a werewolf lord flat out better? Noooo. Is it a bit better? I happen to think so. Of course, I'm probably biased, but nevertheless.:smallcool: