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View Full Version : Domain for tamora pierces circle of magic.

2009-07-02, 06:40 AM
I'm working on creating a list of domains and alignments for the gods from
Now for most gods i have 3 domains.
For the firegods I have 5 (though truth and inquistion are almost the same)

But for Mila of the Grain - Earth goddess of cultivated lands and crops, spinner and weaver.
Earth isn't suitable (It actually matches on of the firegods perfectly, however that's not related, they could both have it.

Currently i have alignment: LG
and domains: Plant, Craft*
*Must chose Weaving skill

I need one to do with farming.
I don't know.

Here is a great list of domains (towards the bottom) (http://www.imarvintpa.com/dndlive/Index_LevDom.php)

2009-07-02, 06:41 AM
Community might work.

Creation and Feast could also work.

2009-07-02, 06:45 AM
Maybe use the Family, Protection, or Trade domain.

2009-07-02, 06:46 AM
thanks there great

2009-07-02, 06:47 AM
Yes Plant, Creation and Feast works really well.

Thanks for that link btw.

2009-07-02, 06:54 AM
They do indead. i'm stickingh community in to cos farmwork requires community
However i think I'll add fabricate (http://www.imarvintpa.com/dndlive/spells.php?ID=3183) at lvl 5
to the creation list.
It's very appropriate.

I love that website.
It's in my sig.

2009-07-02, 07:30 AM
Heres the list for the living circle.
I've still got the other pathenons to go.
Name -god of
Domains Alignment
gods of the Living Circle: NG
Mila of the Grain - Earth goddess of cultivated lands and crops, spinner and weaver Plant, Craft*, community, creation+fabricate(5), feast.
*Must chose Weaving skill LG
Green Man - Earth god of vigorous, chaotic, sometimes destructive growth Plant, chaos (?), destruction CN
Asaia - Bird-Winged Air goddess of birds, intellect, achievement, striving Competition, Sky, Knowledge, Air LN
Tuhengri Stormlord - Air god of storms, winds, weather Storm, weather, winter, Wrath (?) CN
Shurri Firesword - Fire goddess of war, defense, law, justice, martial arts War, protection, inquisition, truth, Law, fire LN
Hakkoi the Smith - Fire god of smiths, volcanoes, earthquakes Earth, Creation, artifice, Craft, Metal, L/C-N (Depending on aspect worshiped )
Yanna Healtouch - Water goddess of healing and love Healing, joy, family, water NG
Runog of the Deep - Water god of the oceans, rivers, and streams Water, watery death, ocean NN

2009-07-02, 08:45 AM
For a real mystical feel you could also add Dream to Runog.
He would be like a Celtic feeling God of the sea and death then.

Other than that, they look cool. :)

Got any Evil Gods to balance things?

2009-07-02, 08:58 AM
There are a few ambiguous gods, like those of the far east, but for the most part there aren't any known ones in the books.

2009-07-02, 09:18 AM
There are a few ambiguous gods, like those of the far east, but for the most part there aren't any known ones in the books.
I believe I have those. they're less evil that morally questionable; they get some of the sin domains, but none of the corruption or viledarkness or necromancy domains.
Here is the full list: (http://www.tamora-pierce.com/gods.htm)
Stop when you reach "The Song of the Lioness/The Immortals/The Protector of the Small quartets, and TRICKSTER'S CHOICE/TRICKSTER'S QUEEN" that's from a different series.

(thoughts, in no particular order)

I was thinking of using devils and demons for the evil gods.
there is already a domain list for them, on the website i'm using.
Thing is that there is no innate evil in the world that circle of magic is set in.
It's aimed at young children.
Luckly i'm copying the gods, and not the whole world.

thing is that most of these gods are more or less neutral towards humans - they're forces of nature almost.

I really need to create from scratch a debt domain. multiple gods in this universe are gods of debt, (gods know why).

I like the idea of giving him the dream domain. it fits. he's missing something that isn't pure water. watery death is a nice domain.
Like the Water and healing for the other one. i've always ascoiated water with healing.

I have a problem with the death domain - it's almost purely necromancy.
I want i Good/neutral god of death, so he would have spells for thing like "Last rites" and maybe some benefits from your ancestors.

where can i steal some evil gods from...
Maybe once I finish creating alignments/domains for all of Eddings gods from sparhawk i'll have found some... even the troll gods are just barbaric not evil.
WHo honestly has gods how what to destroy or corupt humanity?
It's like the anthropomorphic principal from physics
- there universe is suitable for life, because otherwise we wouldn't be asking this question.
(that's pretty rough...) ininite universe exist, but most don't hav\e life so no one asks why they arn't suitable for life ... (I know what i'm try to say even if noone else does)
If there were god whop were hostile to humanity then humanity wouldn't exist, so it wouldn't be suitable campaign world.

2009-07-02, 08:15 PM
I have a problem with the death domain - it's almost purely necromancy.

There was a thread here somewhere where we discussed this issue.
HERE: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6348364#post6348364

Use Repose Domain and remove the evil tag from deathwatch (as it makes no sense anyway). Or the Domain I put in there.


http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=116574 <- My Campaign with my evil Gods are there.