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View Full Version : [3.5]Need combat roleplaying advice (Gorgondantess' Hero players, please don't read)

2009-07-02, 08:58 PM

Alright, so for Gorgondantess' Heroes vs Villains Pbp game, I'm playing as a villain, a powerful Psion. I'm pretty new to Psionics, and it's also the first time that I'm roleplaying a character with an Intelligence score of 30, so I'd really like some advice on how to effectively roleplay my Psion in a combat situation.

The character sheet is here (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6543), but before you read it I need to tell you some background info...

1) The character is physically a human but mentally a gnoll and a gnome. FYI, gnolls and gnomes have homebrewed racial bonuses in Gorgondantess' game:

Gnomes get -2 to dex and +2 to int
Gnolls get +2 to wis, cha, con, and str, but -2 to dex

Only the mental adjustments to stats apply to my character. Long story short, two psions (the gnome and the gnoll) get screwed over by an eldritch evil creature, so their minds got shoved into a single body. The gnoll is scholarly and dour, while the gnome is adventurous and boisterous. It may help you if you went and read the entire backstory, but that may take up the better part of your free time.

2) My character gets two separate lists of powers and two separate pools of power points. I went Telepath + Shaper since I felt that those two disciplines fit my character better. However, I don't get any extra feats and stuff.

At the bottom of the character sheet is my powers list. The one labeled "Ackbragrr list" is the power list for the Telepath, while the one labeled "Breul list" is the power list for the Shaper. Note that not all powers were chosen for sheer effectiveness or awesomeness.

3) I really don't think I'll be able to switch out powers and feats, and I'm not all that interested in multiclassing or taking another PrC outside of Thrallherd. Recommendations for later powers and feats are appreciated, however. As for sources...I'm technically allowed to use anything I want, even homebrew, but no cheese, please. I don't want to break my DM's trust.

4) The game hasn't progressed much on my end, so I have no idea what I'll be facing or when. My forces are:

1 level 12 Psion (me)
1 level 11 Cleric (I'm still figuring out what domains to pick for her), thrall
1 level 5 Rogue, believer
1 level 4 Paladin, believer

The rest of my believers are non-combatants or level 1 mook guards and such.

As I said, I don't know when, where, or even if I'll be facing the Heroes (who are PCs) in direct combat. The Heroes start off at level 10, and I think they are organized into parties of three. I don't know what classes they are, sadly, but like me they were not restricted to any sources as long as the DM okayed it.

5) As you can see on my character sheet, my access to items, magical or psionic or otherwise, is fairly limited. I was toying with the idea of picking up a crafting feat, but I'm wondering if it fits the character. As for the "metapsionic" rods, they're simply metamagic rods that are designed to boost psionic powers rather than magic 3/day. The Hat and Ring stat boosting items are just a Headband of Intellect +8, a Periapt of Wisdom +2, and Cloaks of Charisma +2 in the form of a hat and two rings, respectively.

Now, you're all probably wondering, "13_CBS you idiot! We can't tell you how to fight if you don't even know what, who, when, and where you'll be fighting!" And you'd be correct, mostly, but what I'm looking for is this:

Given my character's personality(s), intellect, and powers, what sort of general battle strategies should he use? Note: I'm not entirely sure how Schism will work for my character, but for now assume that the Shaper is the "primary" mind while the Telepath is the Schismed mind (only has 1 standard action, can only do purely mental things like manifesting a non-meta boosted power)

I'd appreciate it if you advised me on how to roleplay the character in tactical combat more than recommending me the most uberpwning power combos out there.

2009-07-03, 04:33 AM
Now, you're all probably wondering, "13_CBS you idiot! We can't tell you how to fight if you don't even know what, who, when, and where you'll be fighting!" And you'd be correct, mostly, but what I'm looking for is this:

Given my character's personality(s), intellect, and powers, what sort of general battle strategies should he use? Note: I'm not entirely sure how Schism will work for my character, but for now assume that the Shaper is the "primary" mind while the Telepath is the Schismed mind (only has 1 standard action, can only do purely mental things like manifesting a non-meta boosted power)

Well, this is also kinda hard since so much depends on the character's personality and such. Definitely use contingent effects as much as possible though. With Int 30, you should really be preparing for all eventualities and have a plan; the exact plan depends on your goals and personality traits.

In combat, you obviously decipher opponents' weaknesses and strengths and aim your powers to any possible weak saves your opponents have and start with the ones that have the potential to yield the highest payback; Dominating anyone with weakish Will-save is great as not only does it remove an adversary but it also adds a pawn to your ranks. And of course, you'll target the ones with largest chance of piercing your defenses (opposing Psions, Arcanists and Clerics mostly) with your most potent offense first.

If badly outnumbered by opposition of equivalent power, you try and hightail the hell out of there or strive to split the opposition up to deal with them in smaller crops. You'll obviously also use your Astral Constructs to even the odds as possible.