View Full Version : Evil OOTSiverse

2009-07-03, 11:42 AM
You walk through the dark streets of Greysky. Tall, ominous buildings cast long shadows over the rutted roads that wind through the city, and large, hulking clouds cover the night sky in a blanket of smoke. Crowds swarm around you, slouching, hunchbacked, eyepatched, many with missing limbs or grotesque scars.
Though it was not twelve hours ago that first you met at the inn, already you feel like the only friends in this desolate city, plagued with murder and rife with crime.
But at last you come to the city's edge; no walls surround Greysky, only a gradually thinning sprawl of buildings until you're out in the open, cold plains within the shadows of the Southern Mountains.
Yes, you have made good time; for the mountains are indeed where you are headed, seeking the fabled Meduseld, the crown wrought by Rat himself, flowing with dark power, and placed upon the head of a great tyrant king in the South-east.
But it was not long before the mighty Azure City waged war against this villain, and came out of the fray victorious, the black towers of the tyrant cast down, crumbled.
Yet bearing the Meduseld a lone servant of the King escaped the ruin of his land, and fled in secret to the mountains, and nothing was heard of him again. Yet if you could find this artefact, you might wield enormous power, and to this end you have sought Greysky out from which to begin your searches.
For now though, you make camp beneath the starless sky, buffeted by cold winds, but at last you drift off to sleep.

The morning comes, grey and chill, the cold sun pale, rising in the east; you make a meager breakfast beneath the wavering rays of the sun.

But enough of me dictating your actions; what do you do?

2009-07-03, 11:56 AM
i awake with a yawn, the first thing my character does is check and make sure all his things are still there,he then rests his hand on his blade and says rulgen this will be a good day. (rulgen is his sword) He brandishes his balde and practices with it for several minutes. We should probably gather some information.

The Guardian
2009-07-03, 12:13 PM
Where? We already left the city.

Nomar has very few possessions but he obsessive-compulsively checks them after every meal.

2009-07-03, 12:19 PM
ooc:oops misread that

2009-07-03, 12:33 PM
Within the city you found out that there are tales of a fabulous crown hidde somewhere in the mountains between Greysky and Blueriver Fort, however those lands are plagued by tribes of hobgoblins.

Roland Deschain
2009-07-03, 12:34 PM
Bango awakens 20 feet up in the tree he slept in last night. He carefully checks his pouches for any missing items, Manifests and Charges his mindblade with his Psychic Strike, Becomes Psionicly Focused, and drops his blade as he drops to the ground.Well then. Lets get us a crown. Since it will be nearly useless to me, I call dibbs in Perpetuity on anything that can make me faster than I already am! I want to be able to catch a paladin on his mount!

The Guardian
2009-07-03, 12:43 PM
Well, those hobbos won't have any paladins, but they might have some wizards! We should get moving.

2009-07-03, 12:44 PM
I agree, my blade will be quite angry if it doesn't get a drink today

2009-07-03, 12:46 PM
You set off toward the mountains.

It takes only an hour or two before you're at the base of the mountains, strewn with boulders; a stony path winds its way up the steep slope- the road to Azure City.

Roland Deschain
2009-07-03, 01:07 PM
Lets get up there guys! last one gets to give me a gp! Bango states as he begins hustling up the path!

The Guardian
2009-07-03, 01:08 PM
Nomar follows 20' behind and keeps an eye out for trouble.

2009-07-03, 01:09 PM
I watch closely, almost as if im expecting an ambush

2009-07-03, 02:03 PM
The day passes without incident, spent marching through goatpaths twisting through the mountains; however dusk comes and you find yourself in a narrow pass.

Make Listen checks.

The Guardian
2009-07-03, 02:06 PM
Nomar: [roll0]

Roland Deschain
2009-07-03, 02:27 PM
[roll0] (26)

here goes nothing!

Bango stops for a second and sniffs the air with his ears!

2009-07-03, 02:36 PM

begins listening

2009-07-03, 04:39 PM
You hear nothing, but as you make your way through the pass a horde of orange-skinned, cruelly grinning creatures holding wickedly sharp longswords jump out before you, swords catching the last rays of the sun and gleaming with a burnished glow. several have dran bows pulled taut, trained on your faces, and one of the monsters steps out.
"I am Aarak," he says," Warlord, commander of this Legion. Surrender yourselves, or we will slay you one and all."

What do you do?

2009-07-03, 05:02 PM
umm sorry posted in the ooc i rolled a 26 to hit him in the throat after called shot penalties, for 29 damage

2009-07-03, 05:09 PM
Your arrow flies from the string, splitting the air and piercing the leader's throat. With a soft gurgle, he falls to the ground in a cloud of dust, his weapons clanging on the stone and skittering away.

The other creatures stare at him for a moment, then turns toward you and raise their weapns in salute.
"Hail, Commander! Our Legion is now yours!" they cry out in harsh voices.
The hobgoblins bow, lowering their blades and bows.

NOTE: Don't worry, I'm not going to turn this into OOTS.

The Guardian
2009-07-03, 05:11 PM
I'm confused... did we skip initiative and stuff?

Anyway I will Magic Missile whichever guy is pointing an arrow at me.


Oh and in case I get hit or something, here's my concentration check.


umm ok skip that I guess :p

2009-07-03, 05:54 PM
The hobgoblins- there are around a hundred and fifty of them- lead you through the mountains, until you find yourselves looking down a cliff face to a rocky, sparsely forested valley below. In the center of the valley is a crudely built wooden fort, with walls built of sharpened logs and guard towers of timber.
You follow the hobgoblins down a path carved into the cliffside, until you're at the gate of the fort. After a short tour in which you learn that there are about 300 hobgoblin warriors in residence here, and that this fort holds all of their storerooms, barracks, training grounds, and smithies, you are given your quarters. They're furnished kingl, at least by hobgoblin standards- which is to say, not very. But on the bright side, you at least have crude cots, instead of raggety bedrolls or piles of straw.
What do you do?

The Guardian
2009-07-03, 06:02 PM
Nomar starts using Detect Magic in a few likely places (quarters, storerooms throne room thingy). Just to see :) (4 minute duration each, and I can use up to 7 of them)

2009-07-03, 06:16 PM
There's no magic here.
And by the way its around midnight by now.

The Guardian
2009-07-03, 06:18 PM
Oh well, that's what 0th level spells are for (wasting).

Nomar will rest.

Roland Deschain
2009-07-03, 06:21 PM
"Ok then Soldiers. We need The best Tracker, Swordsman, Archer, and Healer to go forward! Everyone else go watch for enemies that may be following us!

2009-07-03, 07:05 PM
All of the hobgoblins disperse except for three.
"I am Zurak Blackfinger", says the first, "cleric of the Dark One."
The second, a hobgoblin wielding a bow, speaks next. "I am Korthir Keenarrow, ranger of the mountains; I am skilled with the bow but a better tracker."
"And I am Ridiriox Ironhand," growls the last, brandishing a mighty axe. "Five paladins have I slain of the Azure City, more than any other in our legion."

The Guardian
2009-07-03, 07:31 PM
Plenty of time for hunting in the morning! ZZzzzzzzzzz

2009-07-03, 07:38 PM
"How may we be of service, Commander?" says the cleric. "We will do whatever you ask if it within our means."

2009-07-03, 07:47 PM
ooc:for future reference it was a greatsword :p not an arrow

2009-07-03, 07:53 PM
Sorry, the "aim for the neck" bit threw me off.

2009-07-03, 07:54 PM
Sorry my sword was thirsty, and that is the best place for a drink =)

Roland Deschain
2009-07-03, 07:58 PM
"Korthir, I would like you to tell me all the interesting things you can think of around these parts. Ridiriox, I like you already. Take your 5 best orcs and train them into an elite fighting unit, yourself included. Zurak, accompany this unit, as we shall crush our enemies more swiftly with your help!

2009-07-03, 07:59 PM
I want some to start a ittle farm land, mountain farms can be rewarding

2009-07-03, 08:46 PM
"Yes, sir." Ridiriox and Zurak march off to the barracks, and you can hear them brutally awakening various hobgoblins .
"Well," says Korthir slowly, "the mountains hold many interests; what exactly do you want to know? And as for the farm, we'll get to it come dawn."

Roland Deschain
2009-07-03, 09:45 PM
"Return To me in the morning with reports of any strange movements through the mountains. as well as your enemies on all sides and any strange places in your domain. Bango then lies down to rest If the fighters and cleric come back Bango Declares the 5 fighters the Bloodguard and uses his burning dagger to cut them all on the back of the hand or something. He also tells the Cleric that his first priority is leveling the 2 clerics under his command!

2009-07-03, 09:54 PM
Korthir walks out, stringing his bow.

"The Bloodguard are proud to serve you, Commander." growls Ridiriox. "Come men, rest, we shall begin our training at the first light of dawn."
Nodding, Zurak departs as well.

Dawn breaks.
The grey sun's wavering light casts a ghostly pallor over the fort. As you enter the main courtyard, you see that hobgoblins are already driling, the Bloodguard off to one side. Zurak wlks up to you, informing you that Korthir has already left with his rangers, and thirty hobgoblins had been commisioned to try to create a farm.

"Would you care to have some breakfast, Commanders?" asks the cleric, and on cue two hobgoblins come out of a building, handing you plates of some sort of roasted meat.
"What would you have us do, Commanders? The Bloodguard shall train the rest of the day, and the farmers will continue their work, but that still leaves you with nearly 300 soldiers to command."

The Guardian
2009-07-03, 10:46 PM
Nomar eats his food.

(quietly, to the other two PCs) We should make sure there is a watch kept on the way we came, but I think most of the rest should be preparing. Other hobgoblin tribes might oppose us or even band together to protect what we seek.

Roland Deschain
2009-07-04, 12:07 AM
yep. lets get em all packed up and on their way. Then to the Hobgoblins they should be packing and preparing to leave. We will set out as soon as the scouts return with news! then also eats, but his own rations.

The Guardian
2009-07-04, 12:41 AM
I figure leave 100 here, for defense, maintaining the village and the new farms, and we take the other 200 with us. We'll probably (maybe) be back at some point anyway.

2009-07-04, 12:48 AM
"Very well, commanders. But perhaps while the hobgoblins search you might consider staying here, laying back while giving the good guys time to catch up."

Soon Korthir returns, leading his two apprentices.
"Commanders, the area is clear, no enemies are in sight. What are your orders?"

The Guardian
2009-07-04, 12:56 AM
There are tales in the human lands of a fabled crown hidden somewhere in these mountains. What can you tell me of this?

2009-07-04, 06:18 AM
Fighting techniques i could show you some fighting techniques, i smile

2009-07-04, 03:04 PM
"I have not heard of such a thing; however, we shall get to work at once."
Korthir turns to the drilling hobgoblins.
"We have work to do! Scour the mountains in parties of five! If you find anything of interest, bring it back; otherwise, return at dusk. Work s quickly as you can; we shall continue the search until a certain prize is found! Bloodguard, train! Farmers, farm! Now get to it!"
Like a well-oiled machine, the hobgoblins break up immediately, pickng up rations and forming search parties. Within twenty minutes of the orders, the search is underway.

The day passes; you supervise the Bloodguard and the farming project, lie back and relax, eat. At sundown the parties return empty-handed, but of what consequence? You have all the time in the world.....

The Guardian
2009-07-04, 03:28 PM
How far does our territory extend? Are there other hobgoblin tribes in these mountains?

2009-07-04, 03:42 PM
Ok, if ywou see anyw w'sw in swtrange placesw it'sw cuz myw computer isw swpouting them randomlyw, and I might not catch all of them.

The territory has a radius of about fifty miles; this Legion is the northernmost of the 84 that dwell in the Southern Mountains. And if you don't mind I'd like to pause this game for a couple hours to give the good guyws a chance to catch up.

2009-07-04, 03:43 PM
no problem, im going to work on training several soldiers.

The Guardian
2009-07-04, 03:47 PM
Oh, are you trying to keep both groups on the same timeline or something?

At first I thought you meant catch up, literally, and I was like YEAH bring them on even if there are what like 16 of them? (Since we have 3 and 19 people signed up hehe).

2009-07-04, 03:47 PM
they must no know who i am lol, i took a level in badass

2009-07-04, 03:49 PM
Yea, just to warn you the good guys are going to come and try to take the Meduseld.

2009-07-04, 03:50 PM
im the main commander of 300 hobos lol let them try

The Guardian
2009-07-04, 05:58 PM
Pretty sure the DM wouldn't let the two parties meet so early if one could be easily wiped out...

2009-07-04, 06:15 PM
Pretty sure the DM wouldn't let the two parties meet so early if one could be easily wiped out...

The Guardian
2009-07-04, 11:50 PM
so.... are we unpaused yet?

2009-07-05, 04:10 PM

The sun, perched atop the rim of vibrant blue sky, beats down upon the nearly empty fort, quiet but for the cries of the Bloodguard drilling in the barracks.

"Intruders approaching!"
The call echoes through the stony valley, and involuntarily you jerk your heads toward the guard who uttered the alert.
"Around half a dozen of them, headed towards us!"
In a matter of seconds Zurak sprints out of his quarters, accompanied by his two apprentices. Running towards you, he yells out desperately,
"Commanders, what should we do? Almost all our men are out searching; we have twenty farmers in the valley, ten soldiers in the fort, as well as myself and the Bloodguard, but the intruders look to be strong warriors, armed to the teeth!"

2009-07-05, 04:14 PM
Tell the fort soldiers. to notch their bows, the blood guard to ride out and rally the farmers to use there gardening tools as weapons, and we will decide what we will do

2009-07-05, 04:35 PM
"Yes, Commander."
Zurak turns toward the gate and calls out a swift stream of Goblin to the guards, then relays your orders to the Bloodguard before running to his quarters to arm himself.
"Commander!" Zurak yells, turning his head back at you. "The intruders are a ways away up the mountain. We have maybe as many as two hours before they reach the valley. Use the time wisely, and if you require my services I will be in the temple."

The Guardian
2009-07-05, 04:37 PM
Just to clarify, the 4th guy (not a commander hehe) is here now right?

I go into one of the towers to watch the path.

2009-07-05, 04:38 PM
I draw my blade

The Guardian
2009-07-05, 04:45 PM
I carve a tiny hole in the wall that allows me to see the path from total concealment.

2009-07-05, 05:37 PM
As you disperse, you feel a rush of wind behind you. Immediately turning around you see a hulking man, dark and swarthy. He's clad all in black leather, and his greasy, stringy hair hangs about his face, dark as pitch.
"Well well well..." the man drolls lazily. "What have we here?"

The Guardian
2009-07-05, 06:25 PM
What we have here is a *Ray of Enfeeblement!*

[roll0] (ranged touch attack)

If it hits,

[roll1] (STR penalty for 4 minutes)

2009-07-05, 06:34 PM
The ray of dark energy flies at the man, but as it nears him bounces off some invisible force, fading into the air.
"Well now, that wasn't very nice, was it? And did you really think I'd come here without a Globe of Invulnerability? Trust me. I've come to help you; I have information pertaining to those travelers approaching... I have some... old scores to settle with them.
But I'm getting ahead of myself." The stranger smiles coldly. "Your names I know, but let me introduce myself. They call me Viper." He reaches out his hand; you can see that the skin is eerily pale, leached of colour, white.

The Guardian
2009-07-05, 06:37 PM
Maybe if you knocked, I would have been nicer!

ooc: Way to ruin my awesome rolls too :smallfrown: and I messed up should have been d20+7 too hehe.

2009-07-05, 07:27 PM
Sorry, but I'd already decided what buffs he'd have given himself.
Seeing your hesitation to take his hand, Viper shakes his head in mock weariness. "Oh, come on. I wish to do nothing at all but help. Don't be so foolish; take my help. Frankly, you can't afford not to. Heh, what a dump this place is.", he sneers. "Joking, joking.....heh..." his voice lowers. "But in all seriousness, let me aid you. I know what it is you seek; it is for this reason also that I come here." Viper's gaze darts around the courtyard. "Perhaps we should find somewhere more...private?"

2009-07-05, 07:38 PM
not a problem, come join us in the tower

Roland Deschain
2009-07-05, 07:47 PM
Perhaps we should. Bango says as he gestures towards our tower O' power

2009-07-05, 07:50 PM
Viper follows you into the tower, and once inside seems much more at ease (though just as icily tempered).
"Both of us seek the Meduseld. This, I know. However, perhaps you are not aware of the power it wields... but the Kor is."

2009-07-05, 07:53 PM
who are the kor?

2009-07-05, 07:58 PM
"The Kor... it is not important now. Trust me, for I know all. For now all you must know is that the Kor are the Renewers." As Viper says this, he looks down and makes an odd gesture- with his index finger, he traces a crescent over his chest, briefly muttering something before looking back up at you. "Yess...we are the Renewers."

The Guardian
2009-07-05, 08:06 PM
What exactly do you propose, what's in it for us, and what's in it for you?

2009-07-05, 08:15 PM
"Hahaha, getting strait to the chase, are we... I suppose we are in a bit of a time crunch...well then, I suppose I'll get right to it. The Meduseld holds power far beyond your imaginings. The Kor could use this power, harness it...first, we would storm Cliffport to take out the threat of the Wizard's Academy there, but afterward anything is possible...Azure City, Greysky, the North...even the West! But the Kor could use fresh blood, and fresh minions. That is why I propose that you join us, and help us Renew the world so that it recalls the glory even of the elder days long past! As for what's in it for you- you'd have all our resources to draw upon, the aid of all our members, and, as a bonus, I'll help you kill these invaders." He chuckles cruelly.
"So...what say you?"

This is where the railroading stops.

Roland Deschain
2009-07-05, 08:17 PM
If I can lead the attack on the paladins than we have a deal

The Guardian
2009-07-05, 08:18 PM
There are only six coming... why would we need help against so few?

2009-07-05, 08:22 PM
"It is not they whom you must fear. It is the sword they bear. Shadow-rist it is named, Bane of Darkness. None of evil heart who feel its sting live to see the next dawn." A tone of urgency now swims through his words.
"Let us hurry, we do not have much time. I ask again, what say you to my offer?"

The Guardian
2009-07-05, 08:24 PM
ooc: ok neutral-boy, you're up front and center! lol

And you have the means to defeat them even with this sword?

Roland Deschain
2009-07-05, 08:26 PM
I will take care of the sword wielder. I fear no Dudley Do-right types

2009-07-05, 08:34 PM
"You are being foolish. Yes, I have the means to defeat them." Viper reaches under his armour and takes out a small glass vial filled with amber liquid and stoppered with lead.
"This potion took me months to find...but it will protect me from the Shadowrist for long enough to defeat them. I will go out, before the gate, and slay the intruders. And, if we defeat them, we might be able to destroy the Shadowrist- however, it is of the utmost importance that no-one touches it, or immediately they will crumble into ash!
So do you wish to take my deal?"

The Guardian
2009-07-05, 08:36 PM
SO, you want to slay them, yourself, in front of our gates. Why do you need us?

2009-07-05, 08:40 PM
"As I said, the Kor wishes to have your aid. I could just render myself invisible and fly away, leaving you to fall; but this way I can get rid of the Shadowrist AND gain your aid. Come, the worst that can happen is that I slay them and you don't have to expend any resources or energy to destroy the threat. My time grows short; will you take my offer?"

The Guardian
2009-07-05, 08:43 PM
I see no reason to refuse your offer. What do you want us to do?

Roland Deschain
2009-07-05, 08:43 PM
As long as I am killing paladins it matters not a whit what you do with this sword. I accept your agreement...for now

2009-07-05, 08:47 PM
Viper smiles.
"Very good....come, let us begin the game." He marches out into the courtyard, not waiting for you to follow, a thin, cruel smile playing across his face. As you enter the courtyard you see him lift the potion to his mouth, flash a nexus of dark energy about himself, and leap into the air.

The Guardian
2009-07-05, 08:49 PM
Nomar goes back to his spot in the guard tower.

The Guardian
2009-07-05, 09:01 PM
Nomar yells at the Hobgoblin soldiers Hey, one of you bring me a bow and some arrows so I look like just an archer.

Roland Deschain
2009-07-05, 09:03 PM
Bango goes to the front gate and calls out Are you sure you need no aid old man? I fear not the sting of the Shadowrist

then calls out to the bloodguard to mass the troops just inside the gate out of view, so the compound looks near deserted!

2009-07-05, 11:39 PM
It's at this point that Levin finally arrives, escorted by two hobgoblins. "Alright, can someone tell me what the hell's going on? We leave Greysky, I stay to clear up a couple of parking tickets, and I catch up with you and you're all commanders of a hobgoblin army? Who the hell came up with that plan?"

The Guardian
2009-07-06, 12:15 AM
The former commander of the hobgoblins, of course! :amused:

2009-07-06, 05:46 AM
my blade was thirsty, and had a drink at the commanders neck * Scoffs you paying parking tickets?

The Guardian
2009-07-06, 06:17 AM
He never actually said he paid them...

2009-07-06, 06:25 AM
ahh touche

Roland Deschain
2009-07-06, 07:50 AM
Good call my man. It appears we are about to be under attack from some goody two shoes types. One of em has a sword that would put you guys in ashey form. Evil guy outside the gates gonna stop em and then we get help finding the crown. That just about covers it!

2009-07-06, 01:30 PM
Good guys going really slow, and for obvious reasons I can't tell you the results of the battle without them fighting it. They started a little behind, so unfortunately I'll probably have to pause this game today. Again, sorry, and as soon as they catch up we won't have to have any more pauses.

2009-07-06, 02:45 PM
i work in 5 hours so.....

The Guardian
2009-07-06, 09:30 PM
... so um... we can't even see them yet?

2009-07-07, 08:35 PM
3... 2... 1... Unpaused!
Sorry everyone.

Blasts echo through the mountains, fire sprays in torrents, screams resound off the granite cliffs.
You see arrows fly wild, and the guards at the gate fall dead with bolts between the eyes.

But soon the wild noises quiet down, and Viper comes flying over the fort, a grin spread across his cruel face. He's bruised, battered, but victorious; and in his hands, wrapped in cloth, he holds a longsword with a silver hilt and a topaz in its pommel.
He lands before you, swooping like a bat down upon the ground.
"Well, glad that business is done with... now our search may begin in earnest. The Meduseld shall be ours. Now come, we have planning to attend to."
Viper strides off to the tower, not waiting for you to follow.

The Guardian
2009-07-07, 08:45 PM
OH I thought he was going to do the fight right in front of the gate. Ok Nomar follows.

Roland Deschain
2009-07-07, 09:09 PM
and here I thought I was going to get to gut at least one person today D: Bango says as he walks back to the barracks.

2009-07-09, 01:20 AM
"Well... that was interesting, I suppose." Levin shakes off the hobgoblins holding him. "So, where to now?"

2009-07-09, 12:48 PM
Hello everyone. You don't know me, as I've been playing in the Good thread, but Elvenblade has asked me to take over as DM. He's over-stretched himself between too many different projects at once, and he's started to feel that they're all suffering for it, so I'll be taking this one off his hands.

I've not been following your progress, and I don't know your characters... but I'll be reading through this thread a couple of times to catch up, then when the time difference between the groups is resolved we can move on!

The Guardian
2009-07-09, 07:00 PM
oh, I thought we were already all caught up.

He should have just let us kill the good group instead of letting that NPC get in the way.

2009-07-09, 07:06 PM
I apologise, the evil team's thread was especially lacking. Don't worry, Pulsecode will do a much better job DMing than me.
Enjoy the game,


2009-07-10, 07:31 AM
Bango!!! I have an idea, calls a hobgoblin farmer to his hut.

Attack with greatsword



2009-07-10, 01:47 PM
I'm sorry, just to clarify... you're calling a hobgoblin into your hut, then attacking him?

2009-07-10, 02:58 PM
yep, a farmer.... EVIL!!! lol i am the supreme commander =)

2009-07-10, 03:54 PM
The hobgoblin starts with shock when you call out to him, looking around with an odd mix of fear and pride. Singled out by the Warlord! It was probably only a mundane task that needed fulfilling, but it was a way to get noticed. And it was no shame to run errands for the Warlord, come to it. Perhaps now he could finally escape the farm, and join the warbands, like the rest of his friends.

He stands upright, his shoulders setting back in pride, and he hurries over. The Warlord's hut! This was an honour, even the warband troops didn't see the inside of the Warlord's hut. He suppressed a smile, and resisted the urge to look around, keeping his eyes fixed forwards, reverentially.

"Ug'tha, Warlord. What is it you need, Warlord?"

The blade of the greatsword took him utterly by surprise, gouging deeply into his unprotected flesh. He screamed in alarm, clutching at his chest even as he staggered backwards, falling to the floor. Betrayal and fear flashed across his eyes, as he groped for something he could use as a weapon.

2009-07-10, 04:25 PM
take another swing



=) happy now bango? lol calls for 2 guard he was convicted of treason, get the body out of here.

2009-07-10, 04:35 PM
Blood sprays across the inside of your hut as Ug'tha is silenced.

The guards arrive seconds after your call, and although they glance at each other uncertainly, they do not dare to question your order. They gather up the body, and carry it carefully out of the hut, being careful not to meet your eye, and not saying a word.

It is not long before the smell of a pyre reaches you, tainted with the smell of scorched flesh.

What was that in aid of...?

2009-07-10, 04:37 PM
ooc he was sad he didn't get to gut anything lol

2009-07-10, 04:44 PM
Alrighty then... 0 XP, incidentally. He had a challenge rating of 1/4, being a non-combatant.

2009-07-10, 04:47 PM
ooc if you want to call it as it didn't happen its fine lol just bored waiting for the good party ;) my character probably wouldnt have done that anyway

2009-07-10, 04:49 PM

Given that we just played through it, it happened. In future, if there's something you character wouldn't do, I'd advise just... not do it.

I'm not complaining, everything that happens rolls into the plot in some way. But I won't be taking back anything we've played through, just so you know for the future. What happens stays happened.

2009-07-10, 04:53 PM
OOC: completely understandable lol , the good party needs to get here, my blade is thirsty for the blood of pc's.

2009-07-15, 02:19 PM
For a month, each dusk has been accompanied by the hopeless trudging of iron-shod hobgoblin feet returning from an unproductive search.

This evening, it is not so.

As the sun sinks, you hear a great cheer erupt from outside the fortress,.
Victoriously, the orange-skinned hobgoblins march in boisterously, toothy grins upon their faces.
One comes up to your party, and after bowing produces an oilcloth.
"Masters", the hobgoblin says as he unwraps it, "much loss of life did we endure to bring this to you, but we have brought it nonetheless."
You catch glitters from within the oilcloth, and at last the final fold drapes away.
In the hobgoblin's hands is a circlet, wrought of beaten gold and inlaid with jets and diamonds. Intricate carvings adorn it, abstract swirls and stylized beasts.
Hearing the commotion, Viper runs out from the tower and looks at the circlet.
He looks breathtaken, in awe, and slowly speaks.
"Verily, it is the Meduseld."

The Guardian
2009-07-15, 04:14 PM
Nomar casts Detect Magic.

Assuming it's magical, Nomar also casts Identify on it.

2009-07-15, 04:18 PM
We have it =)

2009-07-15, 04:42 PM
Nomar senses a powerful magical aura surrounding the circlet, and the second spell identifies it as the Meduseld, Crown of the South.

Viper, after a moment of silence, addresses Nomar.
"May I... might I hold it? This is truly amazing... might I hold it, just for a minute?"

The Guardian
2009-07-15, 04:56 PM
First of all,
The spell determines all magic properties of a single magic item, including how to activate those functions (if appropriate), and how many charges are left (if any).

Any functions? :)

2009-07-15, 05:04 PM
The spell identified this item as the Meduseld, but other than that all you felt was an extremely powerful aura of magic (basically, you got no reception; something was blocking it).
And let's keep further ooc in spoilers.

The Guardian
2009-07-15, 06:05 PM
In a moment.

Nomar tries it on.

2009-07-15, 06:37 PM
Nomar feels flooded with magical energy, more powerful than he's ever felt. Auras of power dance around him, magical energy sprays from his fingers.

The Guardian
2009-07-15, 06:42 PM
cool! do I feel any urges or anything?

2009-07-15, 06:43 PM
What do you do?

The Guardian
2009-07-18, 09:42 PM
sorry I was kinda expecting someone else to do something there. Guess not.

Interesting. So, what can you tell me about the Meduseld?

2009-07-18, 09:56 PM
"It is a crown of potent power, crafted many ages ago in dark smithies hidden from the eyes of the sun at the behest of Garath Ironhand, ruler of a small nation on the Western Continent. A brutal tyrant, Garath bore this crown and with it achieved total arcane power. Soon, he had conquered all the neighboring lands with his iron-fisted armies. None could resist him.
At length, he had established dominion over all the West save the Elven Homelands which he as of yet dared not invade, even with the power he now wielded.
Now Garath made a fatal mistake: he constructed a great navy, and with it crossed the sea to the Southern Lands. He came now to the realm of Azure City, his largest opponent. Brimming with confidence, Garath led his troops in a direct assault on the city.
The battle was long and hard, but in the end even the might of the Ironhand was not enough to overcome the Azurites, and he was slain, drowned in a sea of blood with his armies. The day was won.
Now a great sage of that time found the Meduseld upon Garath, and knew it was an artefact of great power, and could be used for many evil purposes. This sage sought to protect the Meduseld, and to this end he sent it to a hidden vault in the Southern Mountains, which in those days long ago were ruled strongly by the Azurites.
But three score years after the sage's death, hobgoblin tribes captured the mountains, burning down the proud Azurite towers. And thus the Ring, err, Meduseld was lost, and passed out of living memory.
But even the smallest have the power to...
Oops, wrong monolouge.
Anyhoo, the Meduseld has not yet released a fraction of its potency. I can unleash this power, but I shall need to hold the crown for a moment."
Viper reaches his hand out expectantly.

The Guardian
2009-07-19, 02:05 PM
I'm not so sure that's a great idea. Why don't you explain who the Kor are and what your interest in all of this is.

2009-07-21, 10:34 PM
"We are the Renewers; we have been appointed to Renew the world that it recalls the glory of the Elder Days. We shall rule it, and it shall be great again beneath our power.
I care not if you are the possessor of the Meduseld; I wish merely that its full powers might be unleashed. Imagine the power you would wield as its bearer; you would have the power to destroy the Azure City, to ravage Cliffport, to rule all lands North and South and West. All this can be yours; but I shall need a moment in which to unlock the crown's full power."

The Guardian
2009-07-22, 05:28 PM
My friends and I have discussed this ahead of time. We have no real reason to trust you with anything, much less the Meduseld. So the answer would be "No." Of course, you could always tell me how to unlock it...

2009-07-23, 12:40 PM
"I see. This, you must understand, puts me in a rather difficult situation. Now, I tried this the easy way, so it appears I only have one option left."
Viper smiles coldly and raises his hand, and fire swirls around it before bursting in a great torrent of flame in all directions.
Make reflex saves and roll for initiative.

The Guardian
2009-07-23, 04:00 PM
Reflex save: [roll0]

Initiative: [roll1]

2009-07-23, 04:24 PM
The fire blasts you backwards for 29 points of damage.
Viper smirks, and speaks icily, his voice tinted with malice.
"Give. Me. The. Crown. Now."
You have initiative.

The Guardian
2009-07-23, 05:08 PM
Oww. Um, doesn't everyone else have to roll initiative also? Including the hobgoblins?

2009-07-23, 05:30 PM
The hobgoblins draw their weapons and charge towards the two of you, but recoil at the great burst of flame and tentatively retreat to the edges of the courtyard.

Roland Deschain
2009-07-24, 12:04 AM
Bango manifests his mindblade and moves as close as possible to the evil evil man, readying an action to strike if another spell is cast!

The Guardian
2009-07-24, 05:31 AM
I yell at the hobgoblins: Kill the traitor!


To hit: [roll0] (ranged touch attack)
If I miss I use a ranged recall (let me know so I can tick it off): [roll1]

Negative levels for 9 hours: [roll2]

(Here's the spell: http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Enervation .. basically he loses the 1d4 levels, for each level lost he gets -1 to basically everything and for each level lost he loses his best remaining spell)

After firing that off I move over to the highest level cleric and request healing.

2009-07-24, 12:21 PM
The hobgoblins hear your orders, but you see Ridiriox nod, and they keep their places. The clerics stare coldly at you, but do not move.

Viper is blasted backward, and crumples on the ground, smoking. Shaking, he lifts himself, his jaw shaking in fury.
"You fool. I'm going to kill you for this."
He aims his finger at you, and a missile of dark energy shoots at you, sparks flying as it catches you in the chest.

Maximized magic missile for 20 points.

Darn, now you know what level he is.

The Guardian
2009-07-24, 03:53 PM
Wow... Maximized Magic Missile was NOT one of his top 3 spells? How does THAT happen?

2009-07-24, 04:07 PM
You really did yourself a favor with that enervation- his top 3 spells were 2 cones of cold and a disintegrate.

The Guardian
2009-07-24, 04:13 PM
Nice... incidentally, he used Metamagic, so I now know if he's a Wizard or a Sorceror.


nm I figured it out, he's obviously a Wizard.

2009-07-24, 04:52 PM
Good work. What level is he?

The Guardian
2009-07-24, 04:59 PM
He was Level 11, but now he's Level 8. I know this because of you saying what spells he had. If I didn't know that I would still know he's between 10-11 originally and 7-8 now due to the 4 magic missiles.

Hey if I ever took a level of Ranger would you let me do Favored Enemy: Wizards? lol

2009-07-25, 05:09 PM
Yes, in my campaigns Favored Enemy can also apply to specific classes, or followers of a certain deity or organization.

The Guardian
2009-07-25, 06:39 PM
more of an idle question anyway since I doubt I'll take any Ranger. Maybe a couple levels of Rogue. If I live :smalleek: