View Full Version : Haley's hair : foreshadowing? (Speculation)

2009-07-04, 10:31 AM
Well, I just went back through the archives a little, and I arrived to that specific comic (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0319.html).

And the third persona looks like present Haley.

Does that mean that Haley went through more personal growth than we expect with that unfortunate cutting off of her hair?

Edit : And there is more along the way to discover. Just rereading Durkon's prophecy, I noticed he asked how he will "finally" return to his homeland. Is there any implication that he might go back before (and die outside and be brought back dead)?

2009-07-04, 01:37 PM
In order:
Possibly, though that's neither necessary nor clear (many of her better moments in the arc came before the hair-cutting, after all)
Certainly possible, and something upon which many (including but by no means limited to myself) have speculated. More oracular obfuscation despite his inerrant 100% rating on predictions, good fun. :smallbiggrin:

And, you might want to put "speculation, possible spoiler" in the subject line; the Giant prefers that speculation be spoilered so he can plausibly deny having encountered it, as his tendency to be contrary might otherwise cause him to uproot a planned story line out of spite.
Well, I'm pretty sure he doesn't put it in those specific terms, but I calls 'em as I sees 'em. :)

2009-07-04, 02:37 PM
In order:
Possibly, though that's neither necessary nor clear (many of her better moments in the arc came before the hair-cutting, after all)

Indeed, however, the similarity stroke me when rereading the comic.

Certainly possible, and something upon which many (including but by no means limited to myself) have speculated. More oracular obfuscation despite his inerrant 100% rating on predictions, good fun. :smallbiggrin:

The Oracle seems to play on words a lot. Which is highly annoying, but very Oracle-like style. I wondered if any implication could be taken by his use of "finally".

And, you might want to put "speculation, possible spoiler" in the subject line; the Giant prefers that speculation be spoilered so he can plausibly deny having encountered it, as his tendency to be contrary might otherwise cause him to uproot a planned story line out of spite.
Well, I'm pretty sure he doesn't put it in those specific terms, but I calls 'em as I sees 'em. :)

Done :)

2009-07-04, 02:40 PM
Edit : And there is more along the way to discover. Just rereading Durkon's prophecy, I noticed he asked how he will "finally" return to his homeland. Is there any implication that he might go back before (and die outside and be brought back dead)?

I had that very same thought as my fatigue addled brain was shutting down last night. Incoming spoilers per Fangthane's request.

The hint of the Odin Prophecy in OtOPCs is that when Durkon returns, death and destruction will follow. The Oracle also says that Durkon's final return will be postumously. This hints at Durkon dying, the Order delivering his body to his home, and heading to Kragar's Gate nearby to stop Xykon. The battle will result in the dwarven homelands being ravaged. But how the Oracle, and the Giant through him, likes to mess with interpretation it just as if not more likely that Durkon will return home as part of the Kragar's Gate defense, Xykon being death and destruction right behind them, then leave and return as a corpse. It's entirely possible that Durkon will survive to the end of the story and beyond.

2009-07-06, 06:22 PM
hmm.. INteresting theory, but honestly, what does it matter..? It does not seem to have any effects on what she is or who she will be, and cannot possibly influence anything, even dialogue. It may have been planned, but it still doesn't effect anything, except perhaps to waste people's time thinking about it. :smallmad: