View Full Version : paper mario

2009-07-05, 05:09 AM
is anyone else a fan of paper mario games?
ever since i had the old nintendo64 i loved it. it is also now my favorite wii game.
i havent played the gamecube one though. is it any good?

2009-07-05, 07:10 AM
The Paper Mario series is my favourite Japanese RPG series, mostly because it doesn't take itself too seriously and the fight mechanics, while simple, remain fun. I thought the Wii one, Super Paper Mario, wasn't quite as tight a game as the first two, but was still good. Paper Mario and Thousand Year Door though were extremely fun. If you own a Wii then Paper Mario is one of the best downloadable games you can get - it still stands up extremely well today.

The Gamecube game Thousand Year Door is the first I played and my favourite. They tightened up the production values so it's a very slick game. It is a bit similar to the original - they didn't mix up the mechanics much at all and the basic premise of collecting an assortment of MacGuffins from different areas remains, but that's not a bad thing if you liked it the first time.

Jesse Drake
2009-07-05, 11:03 AM
Paper Mario Thousand Year Door has a secret character... That's awesome, and makes me look forward to future Paper Mario games. I love mario rpgs, none better than the Super Nintendo one. But in the GC Paper Mario, you get a yoshi, custom named, and random colored. As I said, it'll make you want another game.

2009-07-05, 02:28 PM
I loved all three of them. While Super Paper Mario was weaker as a whole than the other two, I loved the plot, and I strongly believe Dimentio was one of the best nintendo villains ever.

2009-07-05, 02:38 PM
I agree. I loved the series, but I wish that Super Paper Mario was closer to The Thousand Year Door. I think it would have been better if they had stuck with its mostly traditional RPG style instead of trying to make an RPG/Platformer hybrid.

Green-Shirt Q
2009-07-05, 02:39 PM
Oh yes, Mario RPGs are certainly great. There is no doubt about that.

The only one of the Paper Mario series I didn't like was the first one. I don't know why, but it was the only one that didn't interest me enough to play past a certain point. I finished the other two games and enjoyed them immensely.

Super Paper Mario might not have been the best one, but I do respect Nintendo for trying to put a spin on the series and not just make money remaking the same game over and over again untill it sucks (or at least not with Mario games, POKEMON!) and try to mix it up a little. They have tried to mix the excitement of platformers with the great story-telling of RPGs. It might not have been the best, but it was certainly worth a shot and I look forward to when the Mario games achieve the perfect, most fun combination of RPG and platformer.

I hear they are doing the same thing with Paper Mario's sister series, Mario & Luigi, with their newest game "Bowser's Inside Story". I hear it will contain a different kind of blend of Platforming and RPG. Good job, Nintendo! Keep on experimenting! :smallsmile:

Also, Dimentio and Count Bleck. Great villains, or the GREATEST VILLAINS?!

2009-07-05, 05:39 PM
Oh, Paper Mario...

I'm getting a Wii sometime this month and hopefully within an hour or so of opening it, I will have the original downloaded onto the hard drive.

Other experience with the game: I stayed at a friends house for a week and pretty much the only two games we played were Paper Mario and Mariokart 64. We got, let me see, to the snow chapter before I had to go home.:smallfrown: And then, about two years later, he'd gotten a Gamecube and we played the first chapter of Thousand Year Door. Good Times...

2009-07-05, 05:47 PM
I beat all three, paper mario was good, thousand year door was better, but I think that Super Paper Mario was the best yet-I actually liked the shift to live action platforming/rpg hybrid to me it made it feel more real and fluid, to me it was great combination and think that more games should be made that way.

2009-07-05, 05:51 PM
Booo! I hated the switch to platforming

Green-Shirt Q
2009-07-05, 05:54 PM
Booo! I hated the switch to platforming

I loved it and encourage it.

I'm having trouble understanding how anybody could dislike it at all! Let alone hate it. :smallconfused:

2009-07-05, 06:29 PM
i used to play the first one when i was younger and got to just a little past the snow level. ooh and this downloading sounds interesting, a little info on that would be good please.
does it cost money?
do you need the internet?
and do yo need a special controller?

2009-07-05, 06:34 PM
i used to play the first one when i was younger and got to just a little past the snow level. ooh and this downloading sounds interesting, a little info on that would be good please.
does it cost money?
do you need the internet?
and do yo need a special controller?

They're referring to the Wii Shop channel, so, to answer your questions:

Yes (Gamecube or Classic Controller, and a Wii, of course.)


2009-07-05, 06:35 PM
Selected N64 and GC games are available for download on the Wii. It costs a small amount (about the price of a used game) and does require an internet connection. You can use old N64 or GC controllers, I believe.

Also, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is possibly my favorite JRPG ever. If only for Rawk Hawk.


2009-07-05, 06:36 PM
Selected N64 games are available for download on the Wii. It costs a small amount (about the price of a used game) and does require an internet connection. You can use old N64 controllers, I believe.

Also, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is possibly my favorite JRPG ever. If only for Rawk Hawk.


The N64 controllers aren't compatible with the Wii. And, to clarify, the price is $10. :smallsmile:

Also, RAWK ON!!!

2009-07-05, 06:37 PM
Ah. Well, GC controllers then.

And $10 is about what I'd expect to pay for a good used N64 or GC game from Gamestop.

2009-07-05, 06:49 PM
I'm personally hoping for a new Super Mario RPG as Square Enix and Intelligent Systems are working together right now. They just released their first collaboration, Dragon Quest Wars, in Japan and there's apparently five more games that have yet to be announced.

2009-07-05, 07:10 PM
with the internet, can you just connect the wii to the computer or modem that the computer is connected to, and does it take long to set up?

if i have to i will save up for a year to get these.
(if i can convince mum to let me connect to the internet mumblemumble)

2009-07-05, 07:29 PM
with the internet, can you just connect the wii to the computer or modem that the computer is connected to, and does it take long to set up?

if i have to i will save up for a year to get these.
(if i can convince mum to let me connect to the internet mumblemumble)

It doesn't have an ethernet port but you can buy an accessary to do it or you can get a Nintendo Wifi USB accessary that you plug into your computer that work slike a router but only for the Wii and DS or if you have a router it can just connect to that network.

2009-07-05, 07:37 PM
thanks, i'll look into that.

2009-07-05, 07:49 PM
The Thousand Year Door was an excellent game. Quite possibly my favorite RPG ever (though, admittedly, I don't play a whole lot of RPGs). I haven't played either of the other games. Super Paper Mario looked interesting, but I don't have Wii and don't plan on getting one.

I loved it and encourage it.

I'm having trouble understanding how anybody could dislike it at all! Let alone hate it. :smallconfused:

I'd imagine some people just would've rather had another RPG. Nothing wrong with that, really.

Green-Shirt Q
2009-07-05, 07:56 PM
I'd imagine some people just would've rather had another RPG. Nothing wrong with that, really.

I suppose. But still, hate? I would guess that's a little strong. :smallconfused::smalleek:

I guess there are some people who just don't like genre switchs. I guess I've always liked them, based on which ones I've played (admittably few). I guess I can imagine how some would favour consistency.

Although I would rather they mix it up a little then just remake the original Paper Mario again and again. That would really be bad in my opinion. :smallsigh:

2009-07-05, 08:09 PM
I loved it and encourage it.

I'm having trouble understanding how anybody could dislike it at all! Let alone hate it. :smallconfused:

agreed, me, I don't understand traditionalists in general, don't they get bored with the same thing happening over and over again?

2009-07-05, 08:44 PM
I liked the platformer elements in Super Paper Mario, but the 3D "twist" didn't gel as well as I'd hoped. The 2D platformer view looked really snazzy, but switching to 3D broke the feel and felt odd. And unfortunately I felt I had to keep switching to 3D constantly otherwise I'd miss some interesting secrets. I think it would have worked better if it was designed purely around 2D, or if the 3D was handled like how Fez is doing it (in case you haven't heard of it, Fez is another 2D platformer with 3D world manipulation - the teaser video on Youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrVVIVyLx-Y) is probably best to explain it).

There were also a few challenges in the game that seems a bit too much like drudgery than fun. Also it's hard to put my finger on exactly why, but the different sections didn't click together as well as the first two Paper Marios did. Don't get me wrong - there were some great moments - but there were also some rather drab ones too. It's why I'd probably rate the whole game a "good", while Paper Mario and Thousand Year Door would be "great" or "superb".

2009-07-05, 08:46 PM
i love rpg's (never played a non-computerised one but i want to. grrr.)
and i love platformers. one thing i hate about some rpg's though (like lord of the rings, the third age) is that even if the game is great, which it is, there are way to many random encounters. paper mario helps you avoid that, simply by avoiding visible enemies. if you feel like making calamari out of a blooper, then you can. if not, avoid them. it's that simple. some games the enemies just jump out of nowhere in the middle of an open field. really annoying.

2009-07-05, 10:59 PM
I liked the platformer elements in Super Paper Mario, but the 3D "twist" didn't gel as well as I'd hoped. The 2D platformer view looked really snazzy, but switching to 3D broke the feel and felt odd. And unfortunately I felt I had to keep switching to 3D constantly otherwise I'd miss some interesting secrets. I think it would have worked better if it was designed purely around 2D, or if the 3D was handled like how Fez is doing it (in case you haven't heard of it, Fez is another 2D platformer with 3D world manipulation - the teaser video on Youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrVVIVyLx-Y) is probably best to explain it).

There were also a few challenges in the game that seems a bit too much like drudgery than fun. Also it's hard to put my finger on exactly why, but the different sections didn't click together as well as the first two Paper Marios did. Don't get me wrong - there were some great moments - but there were also some rather drab ones too. It's why I'd probably rate the whole game a "good", while Paper Mario and Thousand Year Door would be "great" or "superb".

I'd like to contrast this, as I'm in the opinion that Thousand Year Door and Original Paper Mario are merely "good" while Super paper mario is "great" because it means its not just another platformer, that its unique and refreshing because of 3-D mechanic, I liked how they handled it all it very intelligent to me yet also had fast-paced combat that wasn't boringly turned based and artifical, I could puzzle-solve, kick ass, go through an obstacle course and look at cool art and funny dialogue all at the same time, it all fit together to me, sure world 2-3 was bad, but who DOESN'T dislike that level? even then it was still amusing because of the legend of zelda reference.

to me, it all fit together, even 2-3 but it was an early level so the rest of the game was better cause they decided to put it in an early part rather than a late part.

2009-07-06, 12:09 AM
Chapter 2-2 of SPM (I believe that was the one... its the one where you have to get the rupees for Mimi before you Mario realizes shes evil) was a bit of a crap-fest, but the game as a whole I loved.

Dimentio had some great lines "And so I strike! Like an unseen dodgeball in an echoing gymnasium!" and the twist at the end where he proves to be the real final boss made him a better villain than Bowser could ever claim to be. Bleck was a tragic villain through and through. He wanted the end of the world, but only because of the suffering he had gone through, and in the end he was redeemed. Dimentio on the other hand was pure evil, every move calculated to fit his desired end. If it hadn't been for the schmultzy way they recharged the MacGuffins (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThePowerOfLove), that no villain could've seen coming, but a genre savy player would've seen a mile away, he would've been unbeatable... However... as much as I'd love another game with him in it, I really think he'd be less... impressive as a villain if he appeared in another game.

Edit: Happy?

Yuki Akuma
2009-07-06, 04:20 AM
Welp you just spoiled the ending twist for everyone who hasn't beaten the game. Good job there!

My favourite part of Super Paper Mario was the fight against the Cerberus reference. So as you can probably guess, I much preferred the RPGs, although Super Paper Mario was okay.

2009-07-06, 11:38 AM
I enjoyed all three games. In fact, I still have an Nintendo64 and a copy of the first paper mario.

One of my favorite moment in Super Paper Mario was in Chapter 1-4 due to the error messages.

Rawk Hawk is also funny.

2009-07-06, 02:37 PM
Selected N64 and GC games are available for download on the Wii. It costs a small amount (about the price of a used game) and does require an internet connection. You can use old N64 or GC controllers, I believe.

Also, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is possibly my favorite JRPG ever. If only for Rawk Hawk.


Actually, you can't download GC games for Wii. Their file sizes are too big, plus the Wii is already backwards-compatible with them. Only problem is you can't save on the hard drive, you still need the save pak-thingies.