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2009-07-05, 08:01 AM
Iron Knight
For centuries, the Iron Knights have defended their lands with honour, pride and valour. However, even to this day, the faces and names of many Iron Knights remain anonymous. Most choose only describe an Iron Knight as a "Metalman", for they alone possess the power to encase part of, or even all of, their forms in a biological metal, which imbues them not only with immense stamina, but also great strength. This however, is not their only advantage over their foes, for each Iron Knight is a master of combat tactics, and many are military geniuses in disguise.

Hit Dice: d12
Alignment: Any Non-Evil
Skill points at 1st level: 4 x (3 + Int modifier)
Skill points at each level after 1st: 3 + Int Modifier
Class Skills: Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Ride, Spot and Swim.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack<br>Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+2|Metalskin (+1)

+4|Bonus feat


+5|Bonus feat, Metalskin (+2, DR 1/-)

+6|Metalform (1/day)

+7|Bonus feat

+7|Metalskin (+3, DR 2/-)

+9|Bonus feat, Metalform (2/day)


+10|Bonus feat, Metalskin (+4, DR 3/-)

+11|Metalform (3/day)

+12|Bonus feat

+12|Metalskin (+5, DR 4/-)

+14|Bonus feat, Metalform (4/day)

+14|Greater Metalform

+15|Bonus feat, Metalskin (+6, DR 5/-)

+16|Metalform (6/day)

+17|Bonus feat

+17|Metalskin (+7, DR 6/-)

+18|Bonus feat, Ultimate Metalform (7/day)[/table]

Weapon and Armor Profiencies: The Iron Knight is proficient with all Simple and Martial weapons, and is proficient with all types of armor including shields.

Force of Mind: At level 2, the Iron Knight gains a +1 bonus to Will Saves, this bonus increases by 1 for every three levels beyond 2, up to a total bonus of +6.

Force of Body: At level 3, the Iron Knight gains a +1 bonus to Fortitude Saves, this bonus increases by 1 for every three levels beyond 2, up to a total bonus of +6.

Bonus feats: Starting at Level 2 the Iron Knight gains bonus feats at each level divisable by two. Iron Knight level count as Fighter levels when qualifying for feats that require levels in Fighter, e.g. Weapon Specialization.

Metalskin: The Iron Knight gains a bonus to Natural Armor equal to the indicated number (e.g. At level 1, the Iron Knight's natural armor is 1 point higher than normal). At level 4, the Iron Knight gains Damage Reduction.

Metalform (Su): The Iron Knight's can encase their entire body in metal as a Standard Action, increasing their Natural Armor bonus and Damage Reduction by 2 points. The Iron Knight also gains +4 strength and +4 Constitution. While in this form, the Iron Knight is immune to fire, cold, poison, disease, stunning and drowning. This form lasts a number of rounds equal to 1 + the Iron Knight's new constitution modifier.
While in this form, the Iron Knight's speed is slowed by 10ft and their ACP increases by 6. Even dwarves cannot avoid this penalty to speed.

The extra Hit Points that the Iron Knight gains work exactly like the extra Hit Points a Barbarian gains while Raging.

After using Metalform, the Iron Knight is unnaccustomed to the sudden loss of weight, and retains the speed penalty for 1 round per 2 rounds spent in Metalform. The Iron Knight also suffers 1 point of temporary Strength damage.

Greater Metalform: The bonuses to Natural Armor and Damage reduction while in Metalform increase to 4. The bonuses to Strength and Constitution increase to +6. The Iron Knight also becomes immune to electricity, deafness, blindness, critical hits and precision damage while in Metalform. The penalty to speed decreases to 5ft and the ACP increase decreases to 4.

Ultimate Metalform: The bonuses to Natural Armor and Damage Reduction while in Metalform increase to 6. The bonuses to Strength and Constitution increase to +8. The Iron Knight also becomes immune to death effects and polymorph while in metal form. The Iron Knight as no speed penalty while in Metalform and the ACP increase is now only 2.

Critique please? I have the feeling that it might be slightly overpowered, but that might just be me.

2009-07-05, 09:50 AM
A template for classes, including the table-age involve there-in can be found by scrolling down a bit in THIS (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1183222&postcount=1) post, which is in the larger, and very helpful (at least for formatting and possibly for other things), "Guide to Homebrewing" thread.

Ok, so you rammed together the combat aspects of the fighter and barbarian, gave good will saves, replaced the barbarians fatigue, and AC penalty with speed reduction and ACP, and then pumped the Fort and Will from "Good" to "Excellent"... I like the concept... a brute force approach to making the PHB martial classes keep up better with the full casters. Brute force, is, of course, an entirely logical and thematically appropriate approach to that problem in my opinion.

I would CONSIDER getting rid of Force of Body and Force of Mind and just putting the boosts directly into the table.

You forgot to give them any reason why they can't spam metal-form in long battles, only droping out of it for an instant on their turn. Although as written, since you didn't include the rest of the barbarian's boiler-plate text, it is a standard action rather than swift, which does put a more significant cost to it.

Odd spell skill points are highly non-traditional, but I have no objection at all.

2009-07-05, 10:08 AM
A template for classes, including the table-age involve there-in can be found by scrolling down a bit in THIS (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1183222&postcount=1) post, which is in the larger, and very helpful (at least for formatting and possibly for other things), "Guide to Homebrewing" thread.

Ok, so you rammed together the combat aspects of the fighter and barbarian, gave good will saves, replaced the barbarians fatigue, and AC penalty with speed reduction and ACP, and then pumped the Fort and Will from "Good" to "Excellent"... I like the concept... a brute force approach to making the PHB martial classes keep up better with the full casters. Brute force, is, of course, an entirely logical and thematically appropriate approach to that problem in my opinion.

I would CONSIDER getting rid of Force of Body and Force of Mind and just putting the boosts directly into the table.

You forgot to give them any reason why they can't spam metal-form in long battles, only droping out of it for an instant on their turn. Although as written, since you didn't include the rest of the barbarian's boiler-plate text, it is a standard action rather than swift, which does put a more significant cost to it.

Odd spell points are highly non-traditional, but I have no objection at all.

Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. And I didn't put spell points into there.

Ah yes, no fatigue like rage.

Thankyou for your comments.

2009-07-05, 10:20 AM
:smalleek: I mean SKILLpoints... a most annoying typo on my part.

2009-07-05, 10:48 AM
:smalleek: I mean SKILLpoints... a most annoying typo on my part.


Also, I added a penalty for using Metalform.

After using Metalform, the Iron Knight is unnaccustomed to the sudden loss of weight, and retains the speed penalty and increase in ACP for 1 round per 2 rounds spent in Metalform. The Iron Knight also suffers two points of Strength damage.

So a 20th level Iron Knight with a +6 Amulet of Health has a Metalform that lasts 12 rounds. So they continue to suffer the loss of speed and maneuvrability for 6 rounds and take 2 points of strength damage.

2009-07-05, 11:04 AM
Ok, so the party cleric now pretty much has to have a wand of Lesser Restoration with this character in the party... unless they save it for the BBEG. I THINK 1 point of strength damage MIGHT do it but I am far from sure.

Also, you need to decide if you want to use the Barbarian's boiler-plate about how the hitpoints from the extra CON work.

A third point is that fighters and barbarians don't start loosing out to the Wizards and CoDzillas until about level 5 or so if I remember what I have heard (never actually seen it in a game). Thus you might want to drop some of the low-level bonus feats.

2009-07-05, 11:14 AM
Ok, so the party cleric now pretty much has to have a wand of Lesser Restoration with this character in the party... unless they save it for the BBEG. I THINK 1 point of strength damage MIGHT do it but I am far from sure.

Also, you need to decide if you want to use the Barbarian's boiler-plate about how the hitpoints from the extra CON work.

A third point is that fighters and barbarians don't start loosing out to the Wizards and CoDzillas until about level 5 or so if I remember what I have heard (never actually seen it in a game). Thus you might want to drop some of the low-level bonus feats.

So pretty much, have bonus feats like this:
Level 4: Bonus
Level 6: Bonus
Level 8: Bonus
Level 10: Bonus
Etc, etc.

You're right about strength damage though. I was thinking along the lines of a level 20 then for some reason. Thanks.

And the extra hit points will probably work like a Barbarian.

2009-07-05, 11:29 AM
I think Greater and Ultimate Metalform should be more powerful.

Greater Metalform is gained at level 15, where casters are getting 8th level spells. Even though I would suggest adding in an ability that gives them this much earlier, their Metalform should at least be giving them resistances or immunities by level 15. Poison, disease, stunning, electricity, drowning, blindness, deafness, and critical hits are all sensible things off the top of my head that might fit thematically.

Ultimate Metalform should be something spectacular. As it is now, it gives you a total of 12 less damage from physical attacks, +4 attack and damage, and 80 more hit points. At level 20. At the very least, make those hit points and damage reduction actually worth something by giving them immunity to instant death effects. Doesn't stop you from being Plane Shifted to Hell or Baleful Polymorphed, but its a start.

2009-07-05, 11:32 AM
I think Greater and Ultimate Metalform should be more powerful.

Greater Metalform is gained at level 15, where casters are getting 8th level spells. Even though I would suggest adding in an ability that gives them this much earlier, their Metalform should at least be giving them resistances or immunities by level 15. Poison, disease, stunning, electricity, drowning, blindness, deafness, and critical hits are all sensible things off the top of my head that might fit thematically.

Ultimate Metalform should be something spectacular. As it is now, it gives you a total of 12 less damage from physical attacks, +4 attack and damage, and 80 more hit points. At level 20. At the very least, make those hit points and damage reduction actually worth something by giving them immunity to instant death effects. Doesn't stop you from being Plane Shifted to Hell or Baleful Polymorphed, but its a start.

Hmmm, you have a point. I just considered the immediate benefits of being covered in an organic suit of metal. Rather than other things that it would offer.

How about this:
Metalform: All other benefits + Immunity to fire, cold, poison, disease, stunning and drowning.
Greater Metalform: All other benefits + Immunity to electricity, deafness, blindness, critical hits and precision damage.
Ultimate Metalform: Immunity to death effects and polymorph.

A level 20 Iron Knight in Metal form would have:
+13 Natural Armor
12 DR/-
+8 Str and Con
-2 ACP.
Immunity to: fire, cold, poison, disease, stunning, drowning, electricity, deafness, blindness, critical hits, precision damage, death effects and polymorph.

2009-07-05, 12:19 PM
I've changed the Strength damage from coming out of Metalform to temporary rather than permanent (just in case it wasn't already noticed).

I may have to use this in a future game.


Hmmm, how does Paralysis Immunity on Ultimate Metalform sound?

2009-07-05, 12:23 PM
I don't think granting immunities at level 1 is at all balanced, even for an ability with a sharply limited duration.m Oops, they don't get that until level 5. On that same note... those first few levels now look pretty empty... give them back their bonus feat at level 2. Also explicitly state that they qualify for weapon specialization as if their Iron Knight levels were fighter levels.

2009-07-05, 12:28 PM
I don't think granting immunities at level 1 is at all balanced, even for an ability with a sharply limited duration.m Oops, they don't get that until level 5. On that same note... those first few levels now look pretty empty... give them back their bonus feat at level 2. Also explicitly state that they qualify for weapon specialization as if their Iron Knight levels were fighter levels.

Gotcha. Thanks again.


2009-07-05, 01:04 PM
I'm thinking of doing another homebrew, another base class (based on Rogue), but with more emphasis on Bluff, Disguise and Intimidate and the real subtleties of being a Rogue (with a few mind-affecting abilities possibly).

I was going to call it Rouge (as a pun on the common mispelling of the word). With the main class feature being something called "Alluring Disguise".

Another idea I had was the Rainger (Rain of Arrows), which would be the Ranger with more emphasis on ranged combat (with some neat little trick arrows I designed).

2009-07-05, 05:55 PM
Looks good, it's a cool kind of fighter/barbarian hybrid without really being either.
But one thing:
How long does it take to go into metalform? Standard action? Free action? Full-Round?

2009-07-05, 06:02 PM
How long does it take to go into metalform? Standard action? Free action? Full-Round?

I believe the rule is that if it isn't stated, its a standard action. Though, that reminds me:

Is Metalform an Extraordinary, Supernatural, or Spell-like Ability? I was thinking Supernatural, but I don't think its ever stated (with the little "(Su)" sign).

2009-07-06, 03:26 AM
I believe the rule is that if it isn't stated, its a standard action. Though, that reminds me:

Is Metalform an Extraordinary, Supernatural, or Spell-like Ability? I was thinking Supernatural, but I don't think its ever stated (with the little "(Su)" sign).

Well, I'm sure that it's not a Spell-like Ability, although I'm torn between whether it is a Supernatural or Extraordinary ability.
Hmmm, I think I'll go with Supernatural.

And as for how long it takes to go into Metalform, I'd say a standard action would suffice.

2009-07-06, 06:16 AM
May I suggest some feats?

Astral Knight
Suffused with the energies of the Astral Plane, your normally iron body has become composed of Astral Driftmetal.
Prerequisites: Metalform 1/day
Benefits: All of your equipment, while in Metalform, gain the Ghost Touch property, effecting incorporeal creatures as if they were corporeal.

Aurorum Knight
Blessed by an exalted metal from the Upper Planes, your body transforms into Aurorum instead of Iron, gaining its regenerative properties.
Prerequisites: Metalform 2/day, Any Good Alignment
Benefits: You gain Fast Healing 2 while in your Metalform.

Starmetal Knight
The mysterious powers that lurk in the night sky have augmented the properties of your Metalform.
Prerequisites: Metalform 1/day
Benefits: While in Metalform, weapons you wield count as Adamantine for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction and hardness.

Mithral Knight
The essence of your Metalform has been tainted by Fey energies, becoming like Mithral in appearance and function.
Prerequisites: Metalform 3/day
Benefits: You may activate Metalform as a move action.
Normal: Activating Metalform is a standard action.

Solarian Knight
Holy light from the Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia have imbued you with the power of Solarian Truesteel.
Prerequisites: Metalform 3/day, Lawful Good Alignment
Benefits: While in Metalform, your weapon is treated as Good-aligned and Lawful-Aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction, and you gain a +4 bonus on rolls to confirm critical hits on Evil creatures, and a +4 bonus on rolls to confirm critical hits on Chaotic creatures (these stacks, so a threat on a Chaotic Evil creature would grant a +8 bonus).

Heartwire Knight
The Heroic Domains of Ysgard is a plane of constant battle and unwavering honor. You have been blessed by the powers of the plane to sow battle in the mortal realm, transforming your metal body into Ysgardian Heartwire.
Prerequisites: Metalform 1/day, Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Good Alignment
Benefits: While in Metalform, you gain immunity to fear effects.

Bloodiron Knight
Vicious demonic entities from the Infinite Abyss have empowered you to be a champion of Chaos and Evil, reforging your iron body as Abyssal Bloodiron.
Prerequisites: Metalform 3/day, Chaotic Evil Alignment
Benefits: While in Metalform, your weapon is treated as Chaos-aligned and Good-aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. In addition, wounds you deal to Lawful or Good creatures are particularly grievous. Damage you deal to them with a melee weapon while in Metalform cannot be healed naturally or by Fast Healing.

Pandemonic Knight
The unfathomable plane of the Windswept Depths of Pandemonium has chosen to empower you with the madness of its form and the properties of its Pandemonic Silver.
Prerequisites: Metalform 1/day, Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Evil Alignment
Benefits: While in Metalform, you project an aura of fear out to 30 feet. Enemies who enter this area must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Charisma modifier) or become shaken for 1 minute. A creature who has successfully saved is immune to your aura for 24 hours.

Morguth Knight
Your Metalform has become like Gehennan Morguth-Iron, naturally poisonous, yet not as physically deadly.
Prerequisites: Metalform 3/day, Neutral Evil or Lawful Evil alignment
Benefits: While in Metalform, you may choose to secrete a numbing poison from your weapon as a swift action that lasts until it strikes a living creature, your Metalform ends, or you use another swift action to dissipate it. Should you strike a living creature with the poisoned weapon, you deal half as much damage as you normally wound, but deal 2 points of automatic Dexterity damage.

Greensteel Knight
You have obtained the good graces of one of the Archdukes of the Nine Hells of Baator, who have befouled your iron body into Baatorian Greensteel.
Prerequisites: Metalform 3/day, Lawful Evil Alignment
Benefits: While in Metalform, your weapon is treated as Evil-aligned and Lawful-aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. In addition, every time you strike a Chaotic or Good aligned creature, their spell resistance and any energy resistances they have are lowered by 2 for 1 round (these stack, so a Chaotic Good creature would have their resistances lowered by 4 for each hit).

2009-07-06, 06:48 AM
I would think most, if not all of those would be mutually exclusive or at least that you could only have one active at a time and switching between them is the same action as activating Metal-form in the first place. Speaking of which, you need to explicitly state you can drop out of metal-form early. It won't come up much, but if the character (for instance) falls into water over their head they might care (although with the way the drowning rules work it STILL probably won't matter).

Also, I would have the Mithral thing just reduce the ACP and speed reduction (and maybe give +2 dex while in metal-form at 20th level since the speed reduction is gone, and by that time the only time ACP really matters for them is when they are in a Antimagic Field. Of course what it currently does is perfectly good, it just needs a different name to my way of thinking, and shouldn't be mutually exclusive with the others.

2009-07-06, 02:15 PM
May I suggest some feats?

Astral Knight
Suffused with the energies of the Astral Plane, your normally iron body has become composed of Astral Driftmetal.
Prerequisites: Metalform 1/day
Benefits: All of your equipment, while in Metalform, gain the Ghost Touch property, effecting incorporeal creatures as if they were corporeal.

Aurorum Knight
Blessed by an exalted metal from the Upper Planes, your body transforms into Aurorum instead of Iron, gaining its regenerative properties.
Prerequisites: Metalform 2/day, Any Good Alignment
Benefits: You gain Fast Healing 2 while in your Metalform.

Starmetal Knight
The mysterious powers that lurk in the night sky have augmented the properties of your Metalform.
Prerequisites: Metalform 1/day
Benefits: While in Metalform, weapons you wield count as Adamantine for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction and hardness.

Mithral Knight
The essence of your Metalform has been tainted by Fey energies, becoming like Mithral in appearance and function.
Prerequisites: Metalform 3/day
Benefits: You may activate Metalform as a move action.
Normal: Activating Metalform is a standard action.

Solarian Knight
Holy light from the Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia have imbued you with the power of Solarian Truesteel.
Prerequisites: Metalform 3/day, Lawful Good Alignment
Benefits: While in Metalform, your weapon is treated as Good-aligned and Lawful-Aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction, and you gain a +4 bonus on rolls to confirm critical hits on Evil creatures, and a +4 bonus on rolls to confirm critical hits on Chaotic creatures (these stacks, so a threat on a Chaotic Evil creature would grant a +8 bonus).

Heartwire Knight
The Heroic Domains of Ysgard is a plane of constant battle and unwavering honor. You have been blessed by the powers of the plane to sow battle in the mortal realm, transforming your metal body into Ysgardian Heartwire.
Prerequisites: Metalform 1/day, Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Good Alignment
Benefits: While in Metalform, you gain immunity to fear effects.

Bloodiron Knight
Vicious demonic entities from the Infinite Abyss have empowered you to be a champion of Chaos and Evil, reforging your iron body as Abyssal Bloodiron.
Prerequisites: Metalform 3/day, Chaotic Evil Alignment
Benefits: While in Metalform, your weapon is treated as Chaos-aligned and Good-aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. In addition, wounds you deal to Lawful or Good creatures are particularly grievous. Damage you deal to them with a melee weapon while in Metalform cannot be healed naturally or by Fast Healing.

Pandemonic Knight
The unfathomable plane of the Windswept Depths of Pandemonium has chosen to empower you with the madness of its form and the properties of its Pandemonic Silver.
Prerequisites: Metalform 1/day, Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Evil Alignment
Benefits: While in Metalform, you project an aura of fear out to 30 feet. Enemies who enter this area must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Charisma modifier) or become shaken for 1 minute. A creature who has successfully saved is immune to your aura for 24 hours.

Morguth Knight
Your Metalform has become like Gehennan Morguth-Iron, naturally poisonous, yet not as physically deadly.
Prerequisites: Metalform 3/day, Neutral Evil or Lawful Evil alignment
Benefits: While in Metalform, you may choose to secrete a numbing poison from your weapon as a swift action that lasts until it strikes a living creature, your Metalform ends, or you use another swift action to dissipate it. Should you strike a living creature with the poisoned weapon, you deal half as much damage as you normally wound, but deal 2 points of automatic Dexterity damage.

Greensteel Knight
You have obtained the good graces of one of the Archdukes of the Nine Hells of Baator, who have befouled your iron body into Baatorian Greensteel.
Prerequisites: Metalform 3/day, Lawful Evil Alignment
Benefits: While in Metalform, your weapon is treated as Evil-aligned and Lawful-aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. In addition, every time you strike a Chaotic or Good aligned creature, their spell resistance and any energy resistances they have are lowered by 2 for 1 round (these stack, so a Chaotic Good creature would have their resistances lowered by 4 for each hit).

Iron Knights can only currently be of Good alignment, so Greensteel Knight, Morguth Knight, Bloodiron Knight and Pandemonic Knight are all gone (for now).

Although I do like the feats there.

And Metalform doesn't reduce max dex. So a 20th level Iron Knight (with +5 Full-Plate for example) can take advantage of up to a +6 Dex Modifier. And the ACP (in total) would only be -3. Not exactly a big difference. Albeit, at lower levels, say level 5 (+1 Full-Plate, +1 Heavy Steel Shield) (where the total ACP is -12) so at lower levels, the reduction of the ACP would be good, but by later levels, it would become less and less useful as Armor and Shields gain enhancement bonuses and the ACP increase of Metalform decreases.

2009-07-06, 05:01 PM
Unless it is mithril or Of Ease (or whatever the D&D name is...) all full-plate has the same Max. Dexterity regardless of pluses, and it is NOT +6... actually Adaminitine MIGHT have less than the +1 that standard Full-Plate does.

2009-07-06, 05:17 PM
I'm curious about why the Fort and Will saves are so high. I mean, it's not exactly against the rules, but they're very high compared to all the rest of the classes(on top of there being two). Also curious about why you doubled up on +5, +7, +15 and +17 but there are no +6's or +16's.

2009-07-06, 09:19 PM
Because he was giving untyped bonuses to those two saves in the table until I suggested he might want to neaten thing up by just including it in the saves columns of the chart.

2009-07-07, 12:14 AM
Hit Dice: d12Ok. First things first. HD ok. Obviously you want him to be toughest of the tough.

Alignment: Any goodWhy? you dont explain why an iron knight HAS to be good. This isnt a problem, just explain why one has to be good.

Skill points at 1st level: 4 x (3 + Int modifier)
Skill points at each level after 1st: 3 + Int ModifierI for one dont have a problem with odd skill points, but how did you decide on 3?

Class Skills: Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Ride, Spot and Swim.Ok, why Handle Animal, ride, and swim? I dont see someone who becomes metal as wanting to swim. let alone ride or handle an animal.

SAVES: I would stick with the standard save increases. If you want an ability that increases a save, stick to one that only increases it against certain types of saves (such as +4 bonus to Will saves vs mind affecting spells)
Also when it comes to extra bonuses, its ok to put it in the table, but also explain where its coming from. you said that the iron knight gets bonuses to his fort and will which is reflected in your table. but WHERE are those bonuses coming from. At least mention the ability name, and add the phrase 'as shown in the table'

Weapon and Armor Profiencies: The Iron Knight is proficient with all Simple and Martial weapons, and is proficient with all types of armor including shields.No problems here

Bonus feats: Starting at Level 2 the Iron Knight gains bonus feats at each level divisable by two. Iron Knight level count as Fighter levels when qualifying for feats that require levels in Fighter, e.g. Weapon Specialization.I would reduce the number of feats to say 1 every 4 levels. With 10 bonus feats, its basically a fighter. plus you dont limit it to any specific feats, like a fighter's bonus feats.

Metalskin: The Iron Knight gains a bonus to Natural Armor equal to the indicated number (e.g. At level 1, the Iron Knight's natural armor is 1 point higher than normal). At level 4, the Iron Knight gains Damage Reduction.I would reduce the amount of natural armor he gains, or the Damage reduction. Perhaps a progression like this.{table=head]Level|Metalskin

1st|+1 Nat armor

4th|+1 Nat armor, DR 1/-

7th|+2 Nat armor, DR 1/-

10th|+2 Nat armor, DR 2/-

13th|+3 Nat armor, DR 2/-

16th|+3 Nat armor, DR 3/-

19th|+4 Nat armor, DR 3/-[/table]

Metalform (Su): The Iron Knight's can encase their entire body in metal as a Standard Action, increasing their Natural Armor bonus and Damage Reduction by 2 points. The Iron Knight also gains +4 strength and +4 Constitution. While in this form, the Iron Knight is immune to fire, cold, poison, disease, stunning and drowning. This form lasts a number of rounds equal to 1 + the Iron Knight's new constitution modifier.
While in this form, the Iron Knight's speed is slowed by 10ft and their ACP increases by 6. Even dwarves cannot avoid this penalty to speed.I would change this to work similar to a druid's wild shape. What i mean is provide different types of metal that he can encase his body in. Each one having different bonuses and penalties. If you do this however, i would have its progression simmilar to that of the druid's wild shape.

The extra Hit Points that the Iron Knight gains work like this:

Stanley is a level 6 Human Iron Knight with a Constitution score of 16 and uses Metalform, his Constitution increases to 20, giving 2 extra HP per level, so he gains 12 extra HP. He usually has 63 HP, and Metalform raises his HP to 75. While in Metalform, Stanley takes 10 damage, dropping his HP to 65, when Metalform ends, he loses the bonus 4 points to Constitution and as such loses 12 HP, dropping his HP down to 53.I would have these work just like the barbarian's bonus HP from rage.

After using Metalform, the Iron Knight is unnaccustomed to the sudden loss of weight, and retains the speed penalty and increase in ACP for 1 round per 2 rounds spent in Metalform. The Iron Knight also suffers 1 point of temporary Strength damage.If you are going to have him suffer any kinds of ill effects after metalform, just have him suffer the same ill effects of a barbarian's rage. otherwise you have a lot of things that have to be continually recounted.

Greater Metalform: The bonuses to Natural Armor and Damage reduction while in Metalform increase to 4. The bonuses to Strength and Constitution increase to +6. The Iron Knight also becomes immune to electricity, deafness, blindness, critical hits and precision damage while in Metalform. The penalty to speed decreases to 5ft and the ACP increase decreases to 4. Again, i wouldnt bother with this and instead have the different types of metal.

Ultimate Metalform: The bonuses to Natural Armor and Damage Reduction while in Metalform increase to 6. The bonuses to Strength and Constitution increase to +8. The Iron Knight also becomes immune to death effects and polymorph while in metal form. The Iron Knight as no speed penalty while in Metalform and the ACP increase is now only 2.same response as Greater Metalform.

2009-07-07, 04:16 AM
Unless it is mithril or Of Ease (or whatever the D&D name is...) all full-plate has the same Max. Dexterity regardless of pluses, and it is NOT +6... actually Adaminitine MIGHT have less than the +1 that standard Full-Plate does.

I thought enhancement bonuses applied to Max Dex as well, aww well.

Alignment - I can see the problem, possibly extended it down to Any Non-Evil, as the Iron Knight is meant to be slightly paladin-esque in morals, as in, the Knight stands for good, truth, honour, etc, etc. Although an explanation might be better.
Skill Points - I thought that the Iron Knight would be a little smarter than the average fighter, so I gave the Iron Knight the means to have an extra skill at 1st level.
Skills - Since the class is similar to fighter, I took their skill list and added listen and spot. As Knights, they are going to ride horses when out of Metalform, and therefore need to be able to handle their horses, and since they can't be metal all the time, they need to be able to swim, so there are the reasons.
Saves - Indeed. The idea was that by level 20, the Iron Knight as an extra +6 to their Fortitude and Will saves.
Feats - Sorry, but that's staying the same.
Metalskin - Well, considering that other than this and metalform, the Iron Knight has no other unique abilities, Metalskin is staying the same as well.
Metalform - Hmmm, Xefas, did suggest some feats and it does sound like a good idea.
Metalform 2 - It does work in the same way as barbarian. The HP are lost just as normal HP, and then they go at the end of Metalform.
Metalform 3 - I didn't want it to be too similar to Rage, so that's staying the same as well, also, it fits in with the fluff. As the loss of the extra weight would make you feel disoriented and slightly weak. So 1 point of temporary strength damage is staying. However, I will cut out the remaining increase in ACP after leaving Metalform.
Greater Metalform - Staying the same.
Ultimate Metalform - Staying the same.

Extra Metals
Adamantine - The Iron Knight gains an extra 3 points of Damage Reduction while in Metalform. The Iron Knight's attacks become Adamantine and ignore the corresponding damage reduction and ignore hardness less than 20.

Mithral - The Iron Knight's ACP while in Metalform is reduced by 3, their maximum dex bonus increases by 2, and the reduction in speed drops by 5ft.

Cold Iron - The Iron Knight's attacks count as Cold Iron for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction while in Metalform. In addition, any creature with a weakness to cold iron who makes a melee attack against the Iron Knight, suffers 1d8 untyped damage.

Alchemical Silver - The Iron Knight's attacks count as Alchemical Silver for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction while in Metalform. Also, any creature with a weakness to silver who makes a melee attack against the Iron Knight suffers 1d8 untyped damage.

Krimm: At level 2, the Iron Knight gains an extra +1 to Will Saves, this bonus increases by 1 every 3 levels until level 17 (5, 8, 11, 14, 17)
At level 3, the Iron Knight gains an extra +1 to Fortitude Saves, this bonus increases by 1 every 3 levels until level 18, (6, 9, 12, 15, 18). Effectively giving the Iron Knight a +6 bonus to Fortitude and Will Saves.

2009-07-07, 10:03 AM
What I was trying to get at was the way it stands, Its twice as good as a fighter. Which imho, is overpowering. Looking at it from this standpoint.

A fighter, hmmm extra 11 feats, high BAB, good fort.
Iron knight, hmm extra 10 feats, high BAB good fort AND will, PLUS metalskin and metalform.

So unless your looking for something like this that is overpowered, then its fine, otherwise who would wanna be a fighter when an Iron Knight is twice as good?

2009-07-07, 10:26 AM
I would think most, if not all of those would be mutually exclusive or at least that you could only have one active at a time and switching between them is the same action as activating Metal-form in the first place.

Well, I could see an argument for having more than one up at a time. You're basically an alloy of multiple metals. However, if that isn't appropriate, you could even do a [Metal] feat type. Say that when you go into Metalform, you choose one (and only one) of your [Metal] feats to use during that transformation. Not to mention it would save space, because you wouldn't have to write "While in Metalform..." at the beginning of all the feat descriptions.

Also, I would have the Mithral thing just reduce the ACP and speed reduction (and maybe give +2 dex while in metal-form at 20th level since the speed reduction is gone, and by that time the only time ACP really matters for them is when they are in a Antimagic Field. Of course what it currently does is perfectly good, it just needs a different name to my way of thinking, and shouldn't be mutually exclusive with the others.

I'm fine with Mithral doing something like that, but honestly I don't know of any other special metals that increase speed, and I think the whole move action thing is pretty cool. Any ideas for other metals to use?

Iron Knights can only currently be of Good alignment, so Greensteel Knight, Morguth Knight, Bloodiron Knight and Pandemonic Knight are all gone (for now).

Have there ever been Iron Knights who changed their minds? Deserted service? Put on a Helm of Opposite Alignment? Hit with an Evil Atonement spell? Mindrape? That Other Spell Whose Name I Forget That Changes Alignment to Evil? Became corrupted by their power or authority? Taught students who weren't ready for the responsibility? Got Plane Shifted to a Lower Plane by an enemy cleric, and while there were killed by fiends and resurrected with all powers intact as an Evil mockery of their former self? Killed and raised as an intelligent undead with class levels (Vampire)?

Its twice as good as a fighter. Which imho, is overpowering.

Depends where you balance to. The fighter is pretty low on the totem pole. By that logic, most of the classes in the Player's Handbook are overpowered and should be scrapped.

2009-07-07, 12:50 PM
Have there ever been Iron Knights who changed their minds? Deserted service? Put on a Helm of Opposite Alignment? Hit with an Evil Atonement spell? Mindrape? That Other Spell Whose Name I Forget That Changes Alignment to Evil? Became corrupted by their power or authority? Taught students who weren't ready for the responsibility? Got Plane Shifted to a Lower Plane by an enemy cleric, and while there were killed by fiends and resurrected with all powers intact as an Evil mockery of their former self? Killed and raised as an intelligent undead with class levels (Vampire)?

It does leave some interesting fluff bits and room for roleplay. But I have edited it to allow for LN, N and CN Iron Knights.

Depends where you balance to. The fighter is pretty low on the totem pole. By that logic, most of the classes in the Player's Handbook are overpowered and should be scrapped.

Despite being a big lover of Martial classes (especially Fighters), I still agree that Martial classes (especially Fighters) are low on the totem pole, so I designed this class to be quite a strong Martial class. A lot of things are twice as good as/better than Fighters:

Druids - A good list of spells with the ability to Wild-Shape into a large host of beasts and elementals.

Clerics - Can become vicious melee machines with a little bit of cheesy magic. *Cough* Righteous Might, Persist Spell (Divine Metamagic, etc, etc *Cough*

Wizards and Sorcerors - You should already know.

2009-07-08, 01:33 PM
This is an amazing class. *stares in awe*

2009-07-08, 01:38 PM
This is an amazing class. *stares in awe*

Thankyou. I try my best.