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2009-07-05, 01:25 PM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=117244)

All of you guys wake up in the Lemian Treasure Hunter's Guild headquarters in the town of Lupinshire. You've returned from your last mission to retrieve a goblet for a local minor Lord and have been off for about a week. The Guild is not very big, only housing about twelve people, and the other team is out on a mission. At about seven in the morning, you hear rather loud "YEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!! We finally did it. Get up you lazy bums and get down here, we've got a job.

2009-07-05, 02:05 PM
As soon as the voice sounds a massive body gets up. His green eyes are glittering in excitement. With a jump he gets out of his bed then jumping from bunk to bunk he taps his companions rather enthusiastically to wake them up

"C'mon guys. Get up! Rise and shine! We have a job! JOB!!!!!

Lion, Rook, Thomas, Clyde, Beth! Let's go, let's go, let's go!"

However before any of them even gets up he's already on his way to the room from where the voice came...

2009-07-05, 02:52 PM

Zarabeth stretches languidly, and makes sure that all of her muscles are responding before she goes anywhere. She follows a precise routine of getting herself going. Once she is sure she is ready, she pulls on her silks, and makes ready to depart.

Sometimes his...enthusiam...can be overwhelming. But we'd better follow him, or he'll eat the snack table clean and we'll be left with scraps.

2009-07-05, 03:24 PM
Thomas has been up for some time now, meditating and praying to St. Cuthbert to help him to be fair in his judgements and strong in his punishments when he hears the guild leader's exclamation.

After Zarabeth's comment, he says,
Yes, haste is in order. I couldn't prepare enough Create Food spells to keep that man's belly full.

2009-07-05, 04:13 PM
As you three come down the stairs, you see the Goliath sitting at the table, already digging into the bread and jam. Sitting at the head of the table, you see a beautiful gnome woman, your guild master. She is chewing thoughtfully on a piece of bacon and looking at a parchment in her hand.

Well, it is about time you lot woke up, she says without looking up from the paper, but where are the rest of you?

2009-07-05, 04:19 PM
Between a chunk of cheese and a slice of bread with jam the massine Goliath manages to say a few words, but not without some of the jam flying out of his mouth and into the table.

"I woke them up before coming down... they should be on their way Mistress"

I assume she has a name and we know it no?

2009-07-05, 04:29 PM
She looks up at the Goliath and says, how many times do I have to tell you to just call me Glenda. She then turns to the other two who have made there way downstairs and to the table and says Well, dig in, I'll brief everyone at the same time.

2009-07-05, 04:33 PM
The goliath stops chewing for a momment as if embarassed.

"Sorry Mistress... er.. Glenda"

And then resumes eating.

2009-07-05, 04:51 PM

Zarabeth takes a light amount of food for herself, mostly fruits and vegetables. She picks lightly at it, watching the Goliath with fond amusement, and then back to Glenda.

So, something important has come up for us? Profitable yes? and dangerous?

2009-07-05, 05:10 PM
Thomas gets a heaping plate of food, and begins to eat, if not with quite as much gusto as Neamaeli.

Let me guess, you've finally gotten a lead on the Cudgel That Never Forgets.

2009-07-05, 06:09 PM
No Thomas, I'm afraid we're still lookin for it, she smiles at the Cleric as she says it, a slight sadness in her voice. She then turns toward Zerabeth, it is definitely dangerous and may lead to something rather lucrative. Apparently the king is looking for some treasure hunters and is having a contest of sorts.

2009-07-05, 06:14 PM
"A conftest? I loof conftests!"

Says the Goliath with a mouthfull that you can barelly understand what he's saying. He's obviously (even more) exicted after hearing this.

2009-07-05, 06:19 PM
Clyde stretches and rolls over on his side. He hears noises downstairs and then remembers that he'd fallen back asleep after being called. He contemplates donning his armor.

They'll complain about my tardiness if I don't get down there soon... And I doubt there would be a need for it anyways.

Clyde grabs his axe as he heads downstairs and leans it against a wall. He grabs himself a large plateful of food. He sits down silently, nodding hello to the guild head and listens carefully for clues about the current topic of conversation.

2009-07-05, 06:22 PM

A contest? And just how many people are we competing against? So, if we win this contest, then we get to be ones who are picked to go on the hunt?

2009-07-05, 06:25 PM
Clyde, you're late Glenda says, not looking up from the paper in her hand, is everyone else coming downstairs?

No plot continuation until every player gets to wake up. It's because I want to brief all the characters at the same time, as in I can't have you guys reacting to the big news before other people get to make an opening post

2009-07-05, 06:32 PM
I did not see them getting ready, nor did I hear them. I could investigate their delay in getting ready if you're interested.

2009-07-05, 06:47 PM
That would be much appreciated Clyde Glenda says as she gets up from her seat and heads towards a bookcase full of scrolls

2009-07-05, 06:49 PM
"I couf infestigate they delay in geffing heady'f u intefrested."

The goliath is obviously moking fellow barbarian Clyde speech, but doesn't bother actually emptying his mouth before doing so.

He then gulps the food down and adds:

"Why go there?



He looks at Glendas less then amused face and adds:


With that he smiles and grabs a watermelon and sinks his face in it, gorging the fruit with juice running down his face, oblivious to the reactions of those on the table.

2009-07-05, 06:50 PM
After Clyde wakes him Lee walks comes over to the group. "Sorry all I guess I am getting my power from the sloth today."

He does not bother with food for now as he focuses on his soulmelds and as time goes by he gain 4 ghostly arms with claws on them, A gray aura surrounds him making him seem more bestial, A shirt forms made of brown fur and seems more solid at the top then at the bottom were is seems like mist and finally he form claws like a cat that he extends and retracts with ease.

"ta da" He says

Only after this does he go over and grab a piece of fruit with his claws.

2009-07-05, 08:02 PM

Oh, before I forget, I picked up a fresh wand of Lesser Vigor to help keep us all in top condition. You guys can give me your shares after our briefing.

2009-07-05, 08:14 PM
"What? Already? Our wand still had power after our last job in that kobold cave-thingy. What are you doing with it? Are you healing street-kids again?"

2009-07-05, 08:18 PM
Well, if you wouldnt let yourself keep getting hit by the kobold children, he wouldnt have had to use so much of it. That, and complaining about every mosquito bite you get.

2009-07-05, 08:19 PM
"Hey! That mosquito was an half-stirge!"

2009-07-05, 09:57 PM
Right, just like that lizard that gave you that nasty bite on your bum must've been half-dragon.

Thomas attempts the last line at a deadpan, but can't help cracking a smile.

2009-07-06, 01:31 AM
"Damn straight!" he goliath says, with a serious face.

He stares atThomas for a few seconds with the most indignant face he can muster but after a few moments he can hold it any longer and bursts into laugher.

2009-07-06, 11:55 AM
The front door bursts open and Rook enters the room with a florish of his cape. It appears I was out galavanting a little late last night, he says with a grin and a wink.

He walks over to the table and bows deeply to everyone seated, the large feather on his hat almost touching the floor. He gestrures dramatically in front of the guild master and produces a rose, seemingly out of thin air.

For you my dear. Always a pleasure to see your smiling face. It appears I have committed a bit of a faux pas and arrived late to an early breakfast gathering. I assure you, once I am presented with the strongest cup of coffee availiable, you shall have my full attention.

He then plops himself in an unoccupied chair and grins around the table to everyone seated.

2009-07-06, 01:08 PM

Ah, glad you could make it, Rook. Glenda was just about to brief us on some new, dangerous, lucrative opportunity. So far all we know is that it's not a lead on The Cudgel That Never Forgets, although that still leaves the possibility that we are searching for the Deity's Mace itself. Oh, and you can give me your share of our new Wand of Lesser Vigor any time.

2009-07-06, 01:21 PM

Zarabeth hands over a small pouch that tinkles a bit as it passes into Thomas's hands.
That should take care of things she says with a smile You'll never give up on that Cudgel will you? Silly stick of wood. She flashes one of her blades Give me something sharp and pointy any time over one of those. So Glenda, whats the big deal

2009-07-06, 01:57 PM
Rook flashes a huge smile to Thomas as he helps himself to a mug full of caffinated beverage. My friend, I understand and admire your frugality... but alas... I seem to be a little short on funds at the moment. If this mission is as lucrative as you make it sound, then I will be able to pay you for my share soon- just let me know what I owe. You can take me at my word, I know faith is something you have no short supply of.

Rook surpresses a yawn and waves to Zarabeth. A pleasure to see you as well this fine morning. This will be an enjoyable mission indeed if you are to be traveling with us once more!

2009-07-06, 02:24 PM

Forgive me, Thomas. You know that I am no thief, but I will not pay you for "my share" since I will not benefit from it myself.

He takes a long drink from his mug before wiping his mouth and continuing.

I am always happy to be of service to a friend, but I prefer not to finance any endeavors involving the arcane... I am certain you understand my feelings.

Clyde downs the rest of his drink and finishes his meal, pushing aside his plate and silently takes out his tobacco and pipe. He regards Glenda, awaiting further instruction whilst smoking and tapping his finger against the bowl of his pipe.

2009-07-06, 03:01 PM

How many times must I tell you, Clyde? I have nothing to do with the arcane. My abilities are gifts from St. Cuthbert himself, due to my devotion. They have nothing to do with... Ah, rather that start that old debate again, let's listen to Glenda explain our next mission.

2009-07-06, 05:31 PM
Glenda takes the rose from Rook and tosses it over her shoulder and it lands gracefully in a vase with water Now that everyone is here, I guess we can get started. Glenda walks around the table to a large map of Lemia on the wall and she places a pin in the map, right on the capital, it appears that we have been invited to partake in a contest put on by our dear king. He is searching for a guild to hire as his own personal treasure hunters.

Glenda turns back around, letting the news sink in, then she continues, we're up against 8 other guilds and the contest is to bring the most interesting/valuable artifact we can, and we have one month to retrieve it and make our way to the capital to present it at the summer festival. Luckily, I've come into possesion of the location of a rather interesting piece of parchment with the location of an ancient, abandoned Dwarven forge roughly one week away from here. There is bound to be something interesting there, especially because it has been abandoned and unopened for around 1000 years. So, your job is to explore it. Worse comes to worse, you can at least map it for us.

Glenda marks the spot where the forge is on the map, and then walks back to her seat. From the forge to the capital is around one and a half weeks by foot, so you've got 1 week to explore the forge and find something good! So, what do you think, you game?

2009-07-06, 06:35 PM
This sounds good to me, at least we have a fair chance at it. Ready for a new game, Neamaeli? But this time, dont hog all the kills to yourself.

2009-07-06, 07:32 PM
I am up for it. How can the king pick anyone but us! We will loot that site better then a dwarf drinks a beer, hell we will empty it faster then Neamaeli will a empty a dinner table.

2009-07-06, 08:05 PM

Hmm, I do know of several dwarven chapters of the church. I don't know if many were around that long ago, but it's possible there will be some relics. Let's move out!

2009-07-06, 10:42 PM
I don't see why not... I'll go with what everybody else thinks to be best.

Clyde reaches into his pocket and pulls out a piece of paper and begins to scribble notes onto it while still looking at the group.

2009-07-07, 03:59 AM
"Sure thing Beth. 10 gold, as always*? Anyone else in?"

*This is an "ongoing" bet for every mission to see who gets more kills. Whoever wants to join in the bet just state so. :smallbiggrin:

2009-07-07, 06:23 AM

Ha...I'll take a piece of that action any day of the week.
Zarabeth starts polishing and sharpening her blades. Hear that, girls? Neamaeli over there thinks he can outcut us, looks like you and I will be getting some new bling at the end of this.

2009-07-07, 09:22 AM
You know I can never resist a good bet, Neamaeli. Rook frowns at the slim pickings left on the table and sighs dramatically. As long as we are not betting on who can eat the most...

Rook picks at what remains of the food, humming slightly to himself as he always does when the prospect of treasure and adventure comes up. After a few forkfuls of food, he casually turns to Glenda and asks, Just out of curiosity, what is the the reward for presenting such a rarefied relic to his royal highness? And if what of the rest of the potential plunder we are pinpointing? Can we keep what we find, or does it all come back here? In other words... what's our share?

2009-07-07, 09:45 AM
The goliath takes a purse from his belt and grabs a few coins and starts counting them very slowly:

"One... two... three... "

When Rook mentions the "share" he adds without taking his eyes off the coin counting:

"yes.. seven... eight... what's... nine... our... ten.... share?... eleven... twelve.."

2009-07-07, 11:27 AM
Your share is the same as always. Ten percent to the guild plus a return of this. Glenda throws a bag of coins on the table, I've got the wagons and horses ready. There's 500 gold there for you to stock up on supplies. As for what we get for this, is a steady source of income. The guild that brings back the most valuable or unique item gets to become the kings personal treasure hunters. That means a real guildhouse in the capital and steady paychecks. I'd say that is worth it. Glenda looks at the group, almost as if she is expecting something.

2009-07-07, 11:42 AM

That sounds like a fair reward to me. And just think of the glory, Neamaeli, to be able to call yourself the Kings personal treasure hunter. No one could top that. I, for one, am ready for this.

Zarabeth heads back upstairs to pick up the rest of her gear, and then returns to the main room, ready to head out.

Anyone have any ideas of what sort of things we might need? Other than the basics like food, tents and stuff?

2009-07-07, 11:46 AM
Don't forget climbing gear this time. I don't want to hear of another "totem pole" of guild members falling into a pit and getting nothing done for three days. Glenda says, a wry grin on her face.

I can make up past adventures for you too:smalltongue:

2009-07-07, 12:11 PM

Thomas also heads upstairs, dons his armor and gets his things situated in his pack before coming back downstairs to confer with the group.

I still have some useful scrolls left over from our last mission. Did anybody pick up some climbing gear or do we still need to pick it up?

2009-07-07, 12:17 PM
"Ha that was a funny day watching you guys try that." Lee says "I would think it better next time to throw one of us. With 500 gold maybe we should finally get some riding animals? I am getting tried of walking places and it would be faster."

2009-07-07, 12:20 PM
Rook, oblivious to all other conversation for the moment, rises from his seat, and makes a mock salute towards the guild master. You're the best Glenda, as always! As long as your information is accurate, as it normally is, we shall find your treasure and deliver it post-haste!

Here the nimble man leaps upon the table and starts stabbing at the air with two daggers that suddenly appear in his hands. Anything that gets in our way will be killed, any obstacle that tries to slow us shall be bypassed with ease. And in one month's time you will be dancing around us, lavishing praises upon the five greatest-and richest- treasure hunters the world has ever known! Thus swears... ROOK- Adventurer Extraordinaire!

He ends this boast with a neat back flip off the table and quick spin of his two knives before they disappear back into his jacket.

Taking 10, Rook has a 25 to both tumble and slight of hand, so he probably is able to pull off all these acrobatics pretty easily

2009-07-07, 12:24 PM
Geez, a guy takes a few minutes to go find an exotic goliath word and get's triple ninja'ed

"Forty-three... fourty-four... king's... fourty-five... personal... fourty-six... treasure hunter... fourty-seven... does indeed... fourty-eight... sounds good..." - replys the goliath to Zarabeth., again without deviating attention from the coin couting, but at the reference of the totem pole "incident" he stops and slams his fist on the table

"For the love of Kord, how many times I have to say: it's not my fault that everyone else was too light for the pressure trigger of that pit trap."

His pointing fist seemingly paralized in the air he realizes that his slam made his carefull piled pile of coins fell to the ground.

"Thaaval*, now I have to start again.

Rook, stop stepping on my coins!"

*bonus points for whoever gets this one

2009-07-07, 04:27 PM
You counted to forty-eight my friend but try to count it as we spend it. We have such little time, let us head off! Jack says with excitement.

2009-07-07, 08:27 PM
Clyde glances over at the Goliath and slips his left hand into his coin purse. He pulls out a platinum piece and slides it into the betting pool. He gives a blank stare at the Goliath and then as he tilts his head down to his paper he tries to hide a wry smile.

2009-07-07, 08:49 PM
Rook holds his pose for a few seconds as if waiting for applause. He visibly sags as he realizes his traveling companions have already gotten used to his flamboyant stunts and are going about their way without so much as a glance at him. He shrugs at the Goliath in a way of half apology.

"No one appreciates theatrics anymore..." he mutters to himself.

He starts to head upstairs to grab his traveling gear, but curiosity stops him short. Moving swiftly, he inches his way around the table until he is behind the man hunched over his paper. "Say, Clyde. Whatcha writing?" Rook asks as he tries to snatch a glimpse of the parchment.

2009-07-07, 10:06 PM
Clyde clears the smile from his face after a moment of concentration and then turns to Rook.

My dear Rook, I would think that you would know that it is impolite to read over another person's shoulder. Especially when it is my personal Journal.

Folds the piece of paper up and places it into his pocket.

Containing my personal thoughts, I generally prefer it if others don't read it... perhaps when I am dead you can look at it. Although, in the business that we are in, that is not entirely unlikely.

He gets up and walks over to a corner, where he produces the paper once more and wraps up his entry.

2009-07-07, 10:26 PM
"Okay, okay... no need to get all morbid on us," Rook says with a chuckle to Clyde. "I suppose I better not ask what you have to say about me in there," he adds walking towards the stairs, making exaggerated steps to avoid going anywhere near the corner Clyde is writing in. He ascends the steps without another word..

In a few minutes, he is back down with a backpack slung over his shoulders, and his rapier and poniard belted to his side. "Well then," he says rubbing his gloved hands together. "Let the games begin."

2009-07-08, 09:20 PM
Glenda will follow you out to the wagons and wait while you go purchase your necessary gear. Before you ride out, she will call Thomas over and tell him she wishes to tell him something before you leave. She whispers something in his ear.

She will wave goodbye as your group sets out.

You've been provided with a wagon pulled by four horses and two extra horses. Two people drive the wagon, two get horses, and two ride in the wagon/walk.

2009-07-08, 09:32 PM
Glenda will follow you out to the wagons and wait while you go purchase your necessary gear. Before you ride out, she will call Thomas over and tell him she wishes to tell him something before you leave. She whispers something in his ear.

She will wave goodbye as your group sets out.

[spoiler]You've been provided with a wagon pulled by four horses and two extra horses. Two people drive the wagon, two get horses, and two ride in the wagon/walk.[spoiler]

You forgot to backslash your end spoiler


Zarabeth, having no skill at driving wagons, and not the greatest rider in the world, takes a spot in the wagon and settles in to enjoy the ride
Whenever anyone gets tired of riding, I'll take a turn on the back of a horse, Im not the greatest rider, but I can probably stay up on it.

2009-07-08, 09:40 PM
You forgot to backslash your end spoiler


Zarabeth, having no skill at driving wagons, and not the greatest rider in the world, takes a spot in the wagon and settles in to enjoy the ride
Whenever anyone gets tired of riding, I'll take a turn on the back of a horse, Im not the greatest rider, but I can probably stay up on it.

No I didn't:smallamused:

Also, remember my "rule" aka, the fact that I will try to wait for everyone to post/catch up before plot continuation (aka, probably no more plot till tomorrow, expect an encounter though:smallwink:

2009-07-09, 06:55 AM

That was... unexpected, Thomas says quietly. He seems lost in his head for a few moments before visibly shaking himself out of it. I'm not particularly skilled with horses but there's a reason I keep my armor light. I can ride if need be.

2009-07-09, 01:31 PM
After getting his remaining weapons and a few last minute supplys Neamaeli rejoins the group. He chooses the strongest steed for himself, not so much for it's combat potential, or pride or any such thing, but purely for carrying capacity purposes. Still the weight the massive goliath puts on the poor creature is obvious a bit too much.

"I'll never understand why so many races choose such puny animals as steeds of choice...."

2009-07-09, 11:05 PM
Rook eyes Thomas suspiciously, but says nothing. Though Rook has worked with each member of this group at least once in the past, it occurs to him how little he really knows about any of them- and how little they know about him. After all, we all do have our own secrets to keep in this line of work. But as I was taught early on, some secrets can get you killed...

Shrugging off his paranoia for the moment, he turns to the spectacle of the goliath climbing onto a horse. Everything from saddle to horse looks way too small, and Rook is torn between wincing in sympathy pain or laughing at the poor horse's obvious discomfort. "I share your confusion, Neamaeli. The guild clearly should have invested in some majestic dire gryphons for this trip. They could carry much more than the horses, and we could simply fly our carriage over any obstacles," he says without any overtones of sarcasm.

He leaps up on the front of the wagon and grabs hold of the reins, doing his best to pretend that this is definitely not the first time he has ever driven a wagon in his life.

2009-07-10, 01:29 AM
"I say, when we become the King's treasure hunters we all demand dragons as mounts."

2009-07-10, 11:17 AM

Dragons as mounts, are you crazy? Do you know how much one of those things eats in a day? And what they eat as well. Virgins, so I'm told
Zarabeth smirks.
At least, Im safe in that regard. Thomas, and Neamaeli, them Im not so sure of

2009-07-10, 12:10 PM
Clyde strides up to a horse and pats it. He then swings himself up to a horse and sits atop it.

It feels rather interesting to be so high above the rest of the world, but why do those come with saddles and these two don't? Feels a bit uncomfortable...

He waits up on one of the horses tied to the carriage unawares.

2009-07-10, 12:10 PM

...Well, I... uh, that is... Thomas tries to defend himself, when suddenly a thought comes into his head and his pale skin shows a fierce blush. Dragons do not eat virgins. Besides, Neamaeli and I would only be in danger if they preferred to risk their own lives for their dinner. Thomas touches his mace and smiles.

Uh, Clyde, those are for pulling the wagon. You can ride with Zarabeth for now.

2009-07-10, 12:17 PM
He remains there for a couple minutes then he silently gets off it and creeps into the carriage with Zarabeth. He lets out a gentle cough and shuts himself off to conversation by taking out his whetstone to sharpen his blade.

2009-07-10, 02:04 PM
Rook laughs long and merrily at Clyde and Thomas' expense. "Looks like you're up front with me, Lee. Don't be shy! I am in the habit of bathing regularly, and i make it my policy not to randomly stab coworkers."

2009-07-10, 05:20 PM
"That's good to hear. So what to do to pass the time?"

2009-07-11, 10:45 AM
With supplies in hand and seating arrangements decided, the wagon of Lemian Treasure Hunters sets off towards the abandoned forge. The drive is a pleasant one for the first three days with pleasant weather and little problem with traffic on the road.

Day four brings a dark and dreary, rainy day. The rain is not enough to be a hindrance, but it does make you all miserable and damp.

Look if you want
Listen Checks
Lee [roll0]
Neamaeli [roll1]
Zarabeth [roll2]
Rook [roll3]
Thomas [roll4]
Clyde [roll5]

2009-07-11, 12:17 PM
Naemeli and Rook both hear something in the bushes next to the road. The bushes are roughly 5 ft from the edge of the wagon. It sounds almost like growling.

2009-07-11, 01:55 PM
Rook says in a casually conversational tone while keeping his eyes straight ahead, "There's something in the bushes next to the road. Don't look. Just be aware." He then casually reaches into his haversack, doing his best to pretend that he is stretching and draws out an alchemist's fire.

Slight of Hand:[roll0]

If nothing happens before he has the fire in hand, he will toss the alchemist fire into the bushes.

Alchemist Fire: touch attack- [roll1]
damage: [roll2]

2009-07-11, 02:53 PM
Dragons as mounts, are you crazy? Do you know how much one of those things eats in a day? And what they eat as well. Virgins, so I'm toldZarabeth smirks.
At least, Im safe in that regard. Thomas, and Neamaeli, them Im not so sure of

"Very funny Beth... good thing there's no monster that feeds on "oldest profession" or you'de be done for! HAHAHAHA!" the goliath stikes the horses reigns as he finishes the joke, trying to get some distance between him and Zarabeth.

As the days pass by the goliath continues to show his goffy behavior all around stopped only by meal times.

deducting rations

2009-07-11, 02:56 PM
As the flask of Alchemist fire is flying through the air, both Rook and Lee are both hit by two magic missiles a piece


Rook [roll0]
Lee [roll1]

Naemeli notices a javelin flying through the air at him

Attack Roll (Naemeli is not flat footed because he heard them earlier)
Damage if hit

As the flask of Alchemist's Fire hits the bushes, you hear yells in common Oh, many gods, it burns!


Lee 27
Rook 26
Zarabeth 16
Bad Guys 15
Clyde 14
Thomas 8
Neamaeli 6

2009-07-11, 03:16 PM

Zarabeth leaps from the wagon, casting her Shield spell as she does so Now AC:23

You think that burns, do you? Come closer and feel how having a blade rammed into you feels.

2009-07-11, 03:58 PM

Thomas prepares to dismount his horse. Only bandits would be hiding in bushes near the road, and Thomas knew of only one way to deal with lawless scum like them. He begins to murmur a soft prayer to St. Cuthbert to protect him and his allies.

Actions when my turn comes up
Thomas will dismount from his horse and cast Prayer, using Divine Metamagic(Extend) to make it last 12 rounds. Gives all allies +1 Luck bonus to attacks, weapon dmg, saves, and skills and all allies -1 to same.

2009-07-11, 08:58 PM
"NOT COOL" lee yells "SOME ONE IS DEAD" Lee will shift, look for the enemy that hit him, and charge him. If he cant find him he will attack any enemy and failing that he will hide behind a tree till he spots one.


[roll0]Attack Unarmed
[roll1]Attack Claw
[roll2]Attack Claw
[roll3]Attack Claw
[roll4]Attack Claw
[roll5]Attack Claw
[roll6]Attack Claw
[roll7] Attack bite


[roll8] Bite
[roll9] Claw
[roll10] Claw
[roll11] Claw
[roll12] Claw
[roll13] Claw
[roll14] Claw
[roll15] Bite

2009-07-11, 09:02 PM
Lee charges from the wagon, finding an Human on fire yelling. He looks at the monstrosity flying at him, his last words being Why did I answ... as Lee rips him to flaming shreds.

Those outside the forest no longer hear screaming

Waiting on Rook, then bad guys, then everyone else

2009-07-11, 10:22 PM
Rook grunts as the magical attack hits him, leaps off the wagon, and draws his rapier. He will move towards and stab the caster if Rook can find him. If no enemies are visible, or if Rook cannot reach the enemy, he will move in that direction and take a defensive pose giving him +6 to AC.

rapier: [roll0] damage:[roll1] No sneak attack since he got an action first i guess...

2009-07-11, 10:26 PM
Clyde taps the ash out of his pipe.

Hm...? Some people outside? What is that ruckus?

He draws his greatsword, works out the kinks in his neck, and exits the cart.

2009-07-11, 10:53 PM
Rook sees an Elf in Robes as soon as he breaches the treeline next to the road, and Rook lunges at the man with a haughty Have at thee! stabbing him in the ribs, he cringes at the pain.

2009-07-13, 02:51 AM
The goliath jumps out of his horse and position himself so that the bandits (or whoever they are) are in good position to charge him and draws his guisarme while he does so.

"Come and get me cowards!"

Sorry for the delay.

Like I said in the ooc, I'm trying to force them to come to me so I can aoo-trip them.

2009-07-13, 04:13 PM
Round 1 Recap
Rook and Lee were blindsided by magic missiles, an unknown person caught fire

Lee ripped the flaming man to shreds

Thomas called upon the power of St. Cuthbert to bless the team

Zerabeth goaded the people in the bushes and dismounted her horse

Rook entered the bushes and stabbed a man in robes

Naemali dismounted and got set for an attack

Clyde drew his weapon and left the wagon

Rook will get hit by two more missiles from another robed man in the woods, the elf he stabbed will try and fail to cast a spell

[roll0] Damage to Rook

Next round, everyone post and I'll do it recap style with some commentary in between

2009-07-13, 05:23 PM
"If the rest of you can find the other miscreant, I'll finish my dance with this one." He jabs again at the elf with his rapier, but this time follows it up by drawing and stabbing with his shorter off hand blade in a single fluid motion. The strain of multiple magical attacks is beginning to show on his features, but the prayer of Thomas helps to guide his blades.

Rapier:[roll0] damage:[roll1]
Short Sword:[roll2]damage:[roll3]

2009-07-13, 05:29 PM
Rooks blows connect, but there seems to be a field of energy preventing them from piercing the Elf

2009-07-13, 08:25 PM

Thomas sees Rook blasted again, and he rushes over to aid his companion."I will send you to the Judge, although I think I know what his verdict will be", Thomas says as he charges the elf.

Thomas will attempt to get behind the elf that Rook is fighting so that they can flank. If that is not possible, Thomas will simply move adjacent to that same elf and attack.


2009-07-13, 08:27 PM

Zarabeth closes on a random opponent, who is totally baffled by the vision of a half-naked woman dancing towards him. His appreciation of her talent is suddenly cut short by the twin short swords that stab at him.

[roll0] attack
[roll1] attack

[roll2] damage on first
[roll3] damage on second

2009-07-13, 08:29 PM
and since I see a critical threat on that second attack

[roll0] confirmation
[roll1] extra damage on confirm

Edit: the roller giveth, the roller taketh away

2009-07-13, 08:54 PM
Zarabeth dances beautifully towards a young human in robes who seems to in awe to try dodging the swords he doesn't see coming. He doesn't realize until the two swords are sticking out of his stomach. He coughs up some blood onto Zarabeth, saying You're more gorgeous than I was told as he falls to the forest floor bleeding.

2009-07-13, 08:56 PM
Lee will turn towards a robed enemy and charges him. Again if there are no robed enemy he will attack a random enemy unit.



2009-07-13, 09:00 PM
Rook, his sword and rapier still resting on the invisible field surrounding the elf, has barely enough time to react to the blur that tackles the elf full on, sending him into a tree. The Elf doesn't even make it to the tree, as Lee's claws rip him into an unrecognizable red cloud.

You guys don't see any other targets at this time except for the human bleeding on the forest floor.

2009-07-13, 09:11 PM
Is the human still alive? If so:

Thomas turns to Lee and Rook and says, "One of them mentioned being told about Zarabeth, and those two" he motions at the two that Lee eviscerated "are not going to be doing any talking. Hold this one and let's see if he has anything useful to tell us."

Thomas will bend down over the bleeding human and say a short prayer to his god, then touch the human with a glowing hand.


As the human becomes conscious, Thomas leans down into his face and says, "Your little ambush failed. If you tell us why you were waiting for us and who sent you, you will be handed over to the authorities to await a tribunal. If you don't talk, you'll probably end up like your two elf companions" Thomas motions towards the remains of the elves with a nasty grin.

2009-07-13, 09:12 PM

Zarabeth hauls her opponent to his feet and drags him over to Thomas.

Give him one cure to keep him alive.

She turns to face the young man

You said I was more beautiful than you were told. That means you were told about our group. This man points at Thomas can arrange for you to stay alive. Or you can just bleed to death. Its your choice. Answer truthfully and completely and you get the first option.

EDIT: ninja'd

2009-07-13, 09:31 PM
No, please! I was just hired to slow you down. Please don't kill me. We were just going to rough you up then go away. the Human looks to be around eighteen years old and scared out of his mind

2009-07-13, 09:33 PM
Because he didn't actually get an attack off himself, Clyde walks over to one of the fallen foes (while being sure to stay out of the boy's sight) and dips his greatsword in the ever-increasing pool of blood. He then walks behind Thomas and Zarabeth and stands silently holding his sword.

Intimidate: 1d20 + 10 [roll0] for a total of 25 then.

P.S. I'm going to need to learn how to roll with proper bonuses added

2009-07-13, 09:33 PM
Awwww You mean I no get eat human? Lee acts trying to play up the boys fear.

2009-07-13, 09:35 PM
Thomas can feel the boy's weight shift, and as he looks down, he sees a rapidly dampening spot in the now crying boy's robes.

2009-07-14, 12:55 AM
Rook walks over to the prisoner taps his bloodied rapier against the boy's cheek. Though Rook is visibly unscratched, he walks as if he he has been beaten all over by a hammer. "Good job." he says, leering at the young mage. "You roughed us up- now go away."

The rapier darts to the boys throat, and presses hard enough to draw a thin red line on the neck. Rook does not follow through with the cut, though he looks as if he badly wants to.

"Better start using that windpipe, kid. You may never have another chance."

2009-07-14, 06:14 AM

Zarabeth delibarately places herself between the boy and the rest of the party. She speaks softly and warmly to him.

Look, I know you really didnt mean to kill us, youre a good person, not some sort of roughneck killer. You just got into something that was way over your head. But my friends here, they dont understand you the way I do. Because Ive been where you are, right now. All we want is a name, whoever set you up to do this. You give me that, and I will make sure they dont harm you. You can do that for me, cant you?

She gives him her biggest smile as she finishes.

[roll0] CHA check

2009-07-14, 06:24 AM
Sheeting his weapon the goliath approched the boy too craking his fists, saying nothing but just looking like he could actually get some action...


Lol... guess a 7 feet tall guy cracking his fists and looking at you is not THAT scary...

2009-07-14, 07:25 AM

While he waits for the boy to give the name of his employer, Thomas notices that Rook is hurt. He pulls out the wand of Lesser Vigor and activates his, and watches Rook improve slowly over the next minute.

Rook gains 1 HP per round for the next 11 rounds. Naemeali must've tripped as he walked over to crack his knuckles. :smalltongue:

2009-07-14, 09:44 AM
Rook wipes his long blade on whatever part of the boy's robe that is not already covered in blood or excrement, and reluctantly backs away as Zarabeth approaches. He puts the Rapier away, but starts playing with a dagger, spinning and flipping it.

As the swagger comes back to Rook's step, he tosses a small jingling bag of 130 gold to Thomas.

2009-07-14, 10:11 AM
Rook is going to search the boy, making sure he takes away any spell components or weapons, and then check the remains of the other two for possessions or gold.

Taking 10 on a Search check for 22 total.

2009-07-14, 04:47 PM
Smiling back at Zarabeth, the boy will say Okay, okay, I was hired by the Stone-

Reflex Save from Zarabeth
Zarabeth is blinded for 4 hours unless she spends one minute flushing out her eyes.

Suddenly, Zarabeth sees a world in red as the boy chokes and spit blood into her eyes. The boys head falls down, no longer being supported by his neck. An arrow is sticking out of the back of the boys head, its point visible through his open mouth. A note is attached to the arrow.

2009-07-14, 05:08 PM
Clyde quickly grabs Zarabeth by the arm and leads her to the ground so he doesn't hurt himself while stumbling around in surprise. He takes out his waterskin and helps her to flush out the blood from her eyes while the others investigate the note and read its contents.

2009-07-14, 05:09 PM
"Son of a bitch" Lee says as he runs off after the shooter. He will go in the direction opposite of the kids head and run a good 600 feet before turning back if he can't find the shooter.

2009-07-14, 05:12 PM
Clyde successfully helps Zarabeth wash the blood from her eyes (no more blindness). Lee doesn't see anything in the direction the arrow came from

More waiting, I want everyone to be able to make a reactionary post before moving on.

2009-07-14, 07:34 PM

What the hell...
Zarabeth stumbles and falls to the ground. She accepts the aid from Clyde in flushing her eyes out.
What just happened here?
She looks to the body of the dead boy, with sympathy. After all, he was only a dupe in this.
Treasure hunting for the king must be a lot more profitable than we thought, if they are willing to kill without even knowing if we are going to find something good.

2009-07-14, 10:10 PM
"Saved me the trouble of removing that pawn from the board myself... would have liked to know who was the hand moving the pieces, but..." Rook looks up suddenly, as if surprised he was talking aloud. He clears his throat and says to the group,

"You won't catch him, a good assassin will always have a getaway planned and an arrow can come from over 500 feet away if the archer is skilled." Lee is already gone, so he sighs and adds, "we should collect what clues we have, and be on our way. Quickly if possible. We are now playing a whole new type of game- what was a simple race has become a match of cat-and-mouse, and for the moment we are the rodents in the dark."

The excitement over, the rogue goes back to searching the remains of the other two bodies for any hints to their identities or valuable possessions.

2009-07-15, 03:46 AM
Neamaeli tries to figure out where the arrow came from and as fast as he can bolts in that direction.

spot [roll0]
listen [roll1]

Move 40 FTW! hopefully....

2009-07-15, 07:13 AM

Thomas jerks back from the boy as the blood flies into Zarabeth's face. When Clyde steps in to help her, Thomas decides to examine the note since it's not likely that he will be able to chase down the assassin.

2009-07-15, 09:46 AM
"I said, you won't catch him!" Rook yells after Neamaeli. He watches the shifter and goliath race across the countryside until they are lost to his eyes and shakes his head sadly. "I would swear those two did not understand common sometimes," he exclaims as he goes back to digging through pieces of elf and cloth.

2009-07-15, 11:15 AM
Oh, they understand you alright...they just get an idea into their heads and its no stopping them. And besides, who knows, an assassin always plans an escape route, but might not count on their speed.
Zarabeth stands on her tip-toes to peek over Thomas shoulder at the note.
The boy did manage to say "stone" before he got shot. Anyone know of a treasure hunting group whose name starts with stone?

2009-07-16, 12:39 AM
This might not be from a rival adventuring group in the king's contest but it could possibly be just another group aware of our intentions in investigating the dwarven ruins and they're simply interested in acquiring the treasure before we do. Then again, they might be...

Clyde wipes the blood off his hands and then wipes his sword off in the grass.

2009-07-16, 05:11 PM
Thomas grabs the scroll off of the arrow jutting from the boy's neck. He unfolds it carefully, it reads as follows:

Lemian Treasure Hunters,
Greetings and well met. If you're reading this note, it means I have succeeded in getting your attention. I also assume you know of the King's little contest. Well, as I'm sure you know, Glenda's information is rarely wrong, and you're likely to find the winning artifact. FOR ME!

You will bring the object you find to the festival and give it to my group, and we shall win the contest. But not all is lost, as I am willing to trade you. You're beloved Glenda, in exchange for the artifact. It seems to be a fair trade to me. One object of great beauty for another. I await my prize winner at the festival.

You also find 100 platinum pieces in the piles of bloody clothing.

2009-07-16, 07:22 PM
Clearly, I was wrong. But only 1000 GP? That's only twice what the guild loaned us.

He picks his sword up and sheathes it again, then walks back into the wagon to write while the others make their decisions.

2009-07-16, 07:30 PM
How did Glenda manage to let herself get captured? She seemed pretty able to keep care of herself. Do we even know for sure that they do have her?

2009-07-16, 09:47 PM
Carefully, Rook drops the last of the blood soaked coins into a pouch. He brushes off a pointed ear that got on his boot during the search with distaste then looks over at the note.

"I do NOT appreciate being made a pawn of," he says fingering the hilt of his sword.

"These stoned treasure hunters... whoever they are, have quite a few chips on the table and probably lots more in reserve. If they say they have Glenda, I would put every coin we just found on the fact that they do."

2009-07-16, 10:03 PM
Lee returns as Thomas reads the message. He grabs a tree as his rage build.

"GAH I WILL DESTROY THEM!" lee yells as he punches a tree. "The first time I see them they are dead!"

2009-07-17, 05:39 AM
I´m assumig out little persuit resulted in nothingness...

After hearing what the note said the goliath remaindssilent for a few moments and then adds:

"Well... as of right now, this changes nothing. Thiscan be a bluff or it can be a real threat, either way we need to get the artifact anyway. We´ll worry about getting Glenda back when we know for sure that she is indeed, captured."

2009-07-17, 07:24 AM

Thomas' face takes on a very worried look as he reads the part about Glenda being captured. As the rest of the group processes the note and talks among themselves, his face darkens until his vaunted self control looks to be wearing thin. "Yes, we still need to go explore the cave, if only so we can force a meeting with the filth who have Glenda." Under his breath, he says, "Great Judge, keep her safe until I can deliver your justice to her captors."

2009-07-17, 09:54 AM

Zarabeth swings her way back up into position on the wagon.

Yes, lets move and with more haste hopefully. We need to get this part of the hunt over faster than originally planned for, if only to give us extra time when we get back to the city. Glenda said we would need a little over a week to get there, a little over a week to get back, giving us about a week to explore. We need to do that faster so we can get back to the city in less than a month, so we can look around

2009-07-17, 09:58 AM
The goliath nods and gets up on the horse, ready to ride again.

2009-07-17, 10:30 AM
Rook jumps back up front on the wagon and gets the horses moving at a fast pace (once everyone else is on). He keeps his rage at being toyed with beneath the surface, but he keeps touching the hilt of his sword as if eager for more violence.

Knowing they now have a powerful enemy, Rook watches the sides of the road as he drives, alert for any more ambushes.

2009-07-17, 11:45 AM

Thomas agrees with Zarabeth, but at Rook's comment he says, "If hey want us to recover an artifact for them, then I doubt they're going to ambush us before we get there. It seems we were supposed to defeat this bunch with ease. We should still be watchful, but I don't think we have anything to fear from our would-be patron until our return trip." With that, he hops on his horse.

2009-07-17, 03:30 PM
The group sets off, and the next three days pass rather uneventfully. You arrive in Green Falls, a small hamlet at the base of a large cliff. According to the map Glenda gave you, there is a small path about an hour outside of the town that leads up to a secret entrance to the forge. The path is too small for the wagon and likely the horses as well.

You arrive at about 5 in the evening and it is starting to become dark.

2009-07-17, 04:25 PM
"At last, we can stop bouncing around on our bums for a little while," Rook says rubbing his backside. "Adventuring would not be nearly so bad if there were less traveling. As soon as we find a spot to stow our sturdy steeds, I am going to search for whatever passes for a nice inn in this small settlement. Who's with me?"

2009-07-17, 04:29 PM

I'll come with you. Unless the rest of the party thinks we should head up the trail right away. I dont know about the rest of you, but riding doesnt take much out of me....and some of my best work is done at night (the last part of that was said with a suggestive smirk on her face)

2009-07-17, 04:40 PM
Unlike himself the goliath kept to himself during the voyage. Beth's comment makes him let out a chuckle. Then with a small cough he adds:

"Yes, we should call it a night... maybe you more talkative people should try to gather the local rumors..."

2009-07-17, 10:38 PM
There seems to be a rather sturdy inn in town, which also has a small stable nearby. The slightly weathered sign pictures a once Bright Red Pig, and underneath is written Red Pig Inn

2009-07-17, 11:26 PM
"Much like you, Zara, I do enjoy the occasional night job," Rook responds with an exaggerated wink and grin. "But traveling up a large cliff face in the dark does not sound like my idea of a good time. Much better to tackle in the morning, methinks."

2009-07-18, 04:47 AM

Zarabeth heads into the Inn, taking a look at the common room as she does so, and then heads over to the innkeeper.

My companions and I are looking for rooms for ourselves and our mounts, plus a hot meal tonight. The rest of them are outside dealing with your stablehands, while we are inside. We need 6 rooms and 6 meals.

Zarabeth looks to see if there is a stage and/or musicians playing at the moment.

And is there any entertainment that plays here at this time of the evening?

2009-07-18, 10:42 AM
I'm afraid we only have four rooms miss. Also, we're light on entertainment lately. To tell you the truth, you lot are the first travelers I've had in about a month. But, I can provide you with hot meals and a place for your mounts, as well as four rooms for ten gold for everything. That will get you the rooms and stables for as long as you'd like, though only tonight's meal. the older gentleman behind the bar says smiling at Zarabeth in a kindly manner

2009-07-18, 12:00 PM

We'll take them.
Turning to Rook, she says
You boys work out how you want to split up the rest of the 3 rooms. I would have one of you in my room, but it wouldnt be seemly
She turns back to the innkeeper
So you dont even have some musicians that play here at night? Thats really too bad.

2009-07-18, 12:17 PM
Neamaeli takes one of the room keys and heads for the corresponding room, not really caring who will be on the same room as him.

2009-07-18, 12:46 PM
Rook gives Zarabeth an innocent look, then says to the barkeeper,"Too bad indeed, about the music." He plops a single platinum coin on the table to pay for the rooms. "I'll take my meal now with a glass of your finest wine, my good man." He wanders over to a table at random and plops down in a chair, awaiting his food.

2009-07-18, 12:54 PM
Thomas walks into the inn and sees Rook and Zarabeth apparently waiting to eat. He says, "I will take mine upstairs. I need to meditate and pray tonight." As he heads for his room, he murmurs, "I pray that they haven't harmed her."

2009-07-18, 01:17 PM
Of course sir! the bartender pockets the platinum coin and opens up a door to the cellar and comes back up with a bottle of wine. He grabs two wine glasses and carries them over to the table along with a bottle of Elven Ice Wine. One glass for you, and one for your lovely lady friend the bartender says with a wink. I will go retrieve your food now the bartender says, walking back to the kitchen

2009-07-18, 05:32 PM
Clyde enters the inn and sees the keeper entering the kitchen. He quietly approaches the front desk and drops down the eight copper pieces and a platinum piece that he had in his pocket. He then walks over to sit down with Rook and deliberately stares at a wall to ignore any looks he might be getting.

The necessary checks, I presume:

2009-07-18, 07:39 PM
Lee is still fuming about the killing of the boy and the capture of his boss. He does not even say a word as he goes to one of the rooms not taken and starts to do push ups and other work outs. He only stops when some one come's in or an hour has passed, then falls asleep.

2009-07-19, 09:36 AM

Zarabeth eats her meal with Rook, discussing nothing of importance, while keeping an eye out for anyone else in the room who might be taking more than a passing interest in what they are doing and saying. After the meal is done, she will retire to her room, telling Rook to wake her when the party is ready to depart.

2009-07-19, 03:37 PM
After bidding Zarabeth a fond goodnight, Rook slowly sips at the Elven wine for a little while, lost in old memories. He lets Clyde sit in silence, but pushes the bottle of wine towards the somber man wordlessly. Seeing the common room empty out, and the barkeeper start to yawn, the hat wearing one pushes his chair back and walks to the rooms, flipping the serving man a silver coin as he passes.

He hears Neamaeli's snoring from down the hall, and decides that the goliath will get his own room, once again. He peeks into Thomas' room, and hears the cleric fervently muttering prayers. Closing the door back softly, he finally settles on the room with Lee since the shifter is sound asleep by this point. Rook closes his eyes and drifts off with his boots still on and a sheathed dagger under his pillow.

2009-07-20, 12:08 AM
Clyde finishes up all the wine left and stumbles up to the room he's sharing. When he gets up there he realizes he still has his armor on. He starts removing it, then gives up when he figures out his fingers are fumbling around too much.

2009-07-23, 02:05 PM
The next morning comes softly, as the night passed uneventfully. Your dreams were plagued by visions though. Some of you dreamed of the young man who was killed in front of you, some of you dreamed of Glenda, though the dreams didn't disturb you enough to hinder your sleep.

2009-07-23, 02:42 PM
An eye half opens and glances surreptitiously around the small room. Once Rook is satisfied that it is morning, and everything remains unchanged from the night before, both eyes spring open and he gets up. Stealthily, he changes his clothing and puts all of his weapons in their proper place. Then he quietly exits the room and heads downstairs. Quite possibly, Lee never notices the rogue was in the room with him at all.

Taking 10 on Move silently- 21

Once downstairs he will sit by the fire and wait for the others to come while musing about how painful a death he can give to those that abducted Glenda.

2009-07-23, 03:07 PM

Zarabeth awakes, and goes through her stretching and warm up routines, Once she is satisfied that she is fully limber and ready for action, she heads downstairs. Spotting Rook already downstairs, she heads for his table.

A quick breakfast? And then head off to find that forge and the artifact.

2009-07-23, 04:06 PM
Rook's vengeful face breaks into a welcoming smile when she comes down. "A pleasant morning, Zara. Looks like you didn't need anyone to wake you after all. I hope the rest don't decide to sleep until noon."

2009-07-23, 06:48 PM
Neamaeli's belly cant go that long between fillings

2009-07-23, 09:47 PM
Thomas has been up for quite some time now. His sleep wasn't as restful as he'd hoped, and he rose even earlier than usual to pray, meditate, and prepare his spells. Once he is finished, he goes downstairs to find Rook and Zarabeth already there. He gives a half-hearted smile, but seems preoccupied about something as he waits for his breakfast.

2009-07-23, 11:29 PM
Clyde wakes up, quite groggy. He checks the journal entry he wrote last night while drinking, then rips up the page and tosses it out the window. He starts to head downstairs to join the others, but he decides his footsteps are way too loud and goes back to bed.

2009-07-24, 09:36 PM
Lee who had been awake for half the night thinking decides to not change his soul melds. He walks down stairs and orders an ale and starts to drink silently.

2009-07-25, 06:20 AM
Neamaeli eventually wakes up. He doesn't feel as energetic as before. He slowly picks his stuff up and slowly goes to the main hall to eat.

2009-07-25, 10:04 AM
Each person who comes down is greeted energetically by Rook, who seems to completely miss the glum mood most of the party is in. He jokes around with the party, and speculates on "what fortune awaits us today!" and generally makes a nuisance of himself.

After a little while, he realizes the silent Clyde still hasn't come down, so he heads upstairs calling, "Come, come, come on down, Sir Clyde! There is treasure that awaits our finding! Vengence that awaits our doing! Adventure is knocking at our door like a lonely harlot screaming, 'Take me please!' and we must hasten to answer her call!!" Rook starts banging loudly on the door to Clyde's room. If there was anyone still asleep this fine morning, the are probably now awake thanks to Rook's ruckus.

2009-07-25, 12:28 PM
Is one of you named "Thomas Stoutheart"? the bartender will ask as he approaches the group sitting at one of only two tables with people at it. I've got a letter here for him

2009-07-25, 12:56 PM
Clyde manages to fall off the bed onto his pack. He removes his last, remaining travel rations and then opens them up. He regains his composure and opens up the door. Because of the full plate he never took off, the only way to tell he's not completely well is because of his inability to stand upright.

Good morning, how are you... Rook? I am sorry if I worried you, I was just enjoying a private meal up in the room. I will be down as soon as I have finished and am ready.

Clyde then closes the door on Rook's face and returns to his bed.

2009-07-25, 04:44 PM

Zarabeth joins with Rook on the job of rousing Clyde. However, unlike him, her approach is far more pragmatic

Clyde, there is a young woman whose safety is dependant on how quickly we get this job done. We need to get to the forge, retrieve the artifact and get back to the city several days BEFORE the festival so we can rescue Glenda. We cannot afford to lag around. Get ready, get downstairs, we are leaving in a few minutes. With or without you.

2009-07-25, 08:00 PM
At the mention of his name, Thomas perks up. "Yes, I'm Thomas Stoutheart. Do you know who left the letter for me here? I'm just not sure who might have known I was going to be at this inn."

2009-07-25, 08:15 PM
Clyde sighs, then picks up the trail rations from the side of his bed and opens the door.

As I mentioned, I will be getting ready up here. Please, do not even consider that I would be lax in my duties and my loyalty to Glenda! Now, if you will allow me to finish my meal in peace, I shall be down post-haste.

He closes the door to go lie down again but sees he won't be given a moment's peace. He opens it up again and shoves the trail rations into Zarabeth's hands.

Alright then, I have lost my appetite, it seems, so I have gathered my gear and am ready.

From behind his helmet's visor, he scowls at Rook and Zarabeth. Then he walks past them and heads downstairs to join the others.

2009-07-26, 12:13 AM
"Some people just aren't made for mornings," Rook says happily to Zarabeth, as he goes back down with her.

2009-07-26, 01:31 PM
I'm not sure who left it, I just found it lying on the floor this morning. It seems there's something in here besides just a letter too. A gift perhaps he says handing the letter to Thomas. Feeling the letter, it does seem there is something else in the envelope.

2009-07-27, 07:22 AM
Thomas glances at his fellows, wordlessly checking to be sure they are ready for anything, and then opens the envelope. If nothing happens, he will empty it onto the table.

2009-07-27, 02:44 PM
Those around the table hear a soft thump as a small, feminine finger falls out of the envelope, still wearing a ring identifying the bearer as Head of the Lemian Treasure Hunter's Guild. It is easily identifiable as Glenda's ring.

The letter, For Thomas only, unless he shows it to you IC

The letter reads:
I just wanted to write to make sure you realize the gravity of your situation. It seems as though our gnomish friend has taken quite a liking to you, as evidenced by my mind reading. This is just some proof that I do indeed have Glenda and maybe some motivation for your rag-tag group to hurry.

See you soon,

A small spot of blood, most likely Glenda's, blotches out the senders name

2009-07-27, 04:36 PM
Thomas' face is shocked when Glenda's finger drops out of the envelope. As he reads the letter, his expression changes to one of hate. He holds his holy symbol in the air and makes a fist with his other hand, crumpling the letter. He says, "I solemnly swear before St. Cuthbert and these witnesses that this filth will be brought to justice. They have harmed the innocent and aim to use coercion to obtain something that rightfully belongs to another, and for that their sentence will be death." He carefully, almost lovingly, slides Glenda's ring off of her finger. Then he turns, lets the wrinkled paper drop to the ground and strides out of the room to the stable. He finds his horse, mounts up, and sets out for the forge.

2009-07-27, 04:54 PM
Upon seeing the finger the Goliath realizes immediatly what is going on. Unable to contain himself the massive man just explodes. The roar that comes out of his mouth sounds more like that of a beast then that of a man. As he does so he raises his arms and his whole body seems to grow. No. It doesn't SEEM to grow. It actually does so! And then he brings his massive hands down together on the table. .

Roleplaying... just for kicks... I'm raging and power attacking the table!

to hit [roll0]
damage [roll1]

It's enough to break a simple woode door so I assume it' enough to brake the table :smalltongue:

2009-07-27, 05:56 PM

We no longer have time to tarry. Clyde will just have to catch up to us. If someone wants to wait for him, they are welcome to, but I am setting off as well.

Zarabeth settles her gear as well, and heads out to the stable along with Thomas, heading for the forge.

2009-07-27, 08:14 PM
Lee runs up to Clyde's room and bangs on the door then heads to his room and gathers his things "We are heading out man get your things ready fast"

2009-07-27, 09:39 PM
With deliberately calm motions, Rook picks up the crumpled letter forgotten on the floor and scans it carefully. After a moment he snorts, "Rag-tag group? RAG-TAG GROUP? I'll have that conniving son-of-dragon bastard know that we happen to be the most competent professionals this side of the continent. (I would not work for anyone less, after all.) Bad enough that he kidnaps our beautiful patron and blackmails us with her life, bad enough that he had to send armatures to rough us up just for giggles, but insulting our livelihood is going too far! Rag-tag group indeed!"

He tosses the letter back to the floor with distaste and hastens to the wagon.

2009-07-27, 10:01 PM
"Hay my uncles brother in law or somethingorantoher was a dragon or a shape changer or was he a imp and grandmother Jones was a dragon? She shure looked like one." says lee as he runs past rook gathering with the others.

2009-07-28, 02:07 PM
The group begins to mount their horses when they remember that they're about to climb a mountain. They decide to leave the horses and wagon and walk the half-hour to the path up to the forge.

After one half-hour of walking, the group sees a tree like the one on the map. That means the path should be nearby.

2009-07-28, 02:23 PM
Rook will stay to the back of the group, alert for any possible dangers or ambushes.


2009-07-28, 02:29 PM

Zarabeth moves to the front of the group, alone if the path is only wide enough for one, and with a partner if it is wider. She unsheaths one of her swords, holding it ready in the attack position, while her other hand is ready to flick through the arcane symbols of her shield spell.

2009-07-28, 02:37 PM
Neamaeli takes point after getting his guisarme ready to strike.

What? No angry owner complaining about the broken table? I say we sack the town! :smallbiggrin::smalltongue:

spot [roll0]
listen [roll1]

2009-07-28, 03:20 PM
Thomas has calmed somewhat in the 30 minutes of walking, but he still moves with a purpose, completely focused on finding an artifact so that they can return to rescue Glenda. He begins to search intently for the path.


2009-07-28, 04:34 PM
The combined efforts of Thomas and Rook reveal a path overgrown with wild roses at the beginning. With a bit of effort and some minor scratches, the group makes it past the roses and onto a fairly steep mountain path.

2009-07-28, 08:16 PM
Thomas looks at the others and says, "It seems that we will need to be in single file. What order should we be in?"

2009-07-28, 08:36 PM

I consider myself a primary combatant. I am used to being in the front of most parties I am involved with. However, if you chose to place me into a second or third row, I will use the time to place even more spells on myself, to aid my skills. I defer to your leadership.

2009-07-28, 09:06 PM
"I am fine staying in the back as a rear guard for now... but once we are inside the ruins I would recommend you allow me to go first so we can avoid another pit trap incident. We are ALL melee combatants to some degree or another, so our order should not give us much of a strategic advantage if we are ambushed here. It matters not to me."

2009-07-28, 09:50 PM
I will take the middle then, I suppose.

Clyde takes out Glenda's finger and fumbles it in his hands for a bit.

Thomas, for someone who speaks a great deal about divine justice and the like I find it surprising that you would not use this finger in some ironic way before we exact our revenge.

Clyde slips the finger back into his coin purse.

2009-07-28, 10:12 PM
"That... is just disgusting. And a little creepy."

2009-07-28, 10:17 PM
"Ummm Maybe I should go first so I dont er run some one over in a fight?" Lee stutters.

2009-07-29, 08:58 AM
Thomas decides to make a decision so that they don't stand around dithering all day. "Yes, I think Lee should be in front. Zarabeth shall be second, Clyde third, then me, Neamaeli, and Rook has requested the rear guard. Let's not waste any more time."

He turns to Clyde and says, "As much as I hate to admit it, I lost my wits back there. Glenda's finger may indeed be useful, although I pray it won't be necessary for a Resurrection." He shudders, and a pained look comes to his face momentarily. He swiftly regains his composure and begins gathering the others into their line to move up the path.

2009-07-29, 02:30 PM
The treasure hunters begin to make their way up the rocky path, all but the Goliath struggling at first as they test their footing. The path seems as if it will make the journey that much more difficult, but it's better than climbing the cliff face.

After about an hour of zigzagging up the face of the cliff, the path widens to form a small outcropping in front of a cave. According to the map, this cave leads farther up the cliff to the entrance to the forge. As you glance inside the cave, you see inky blackness and those with keen ears can hear a low rumbling, as if the earth itself was hungry, begging the adventurers to enter its mouth and satiate its hunger.


2009-07-29, 10:54 PM
"Well, no sense in waiting for something to come out and eat us. Let us see how inviting this cave appears." Rook will pull a sunrod out of his pack and bang it sharply on the ground, causing the stick to give off a bright light. He then will toss the sunrod as far into the cave as he can and take a good look at what is inside.

If all seems safe, he will draw his rapier and walk into the cave.

The sunrod gives off 30 ft of clear light, and shadow illumination from 30 ft past that.

2009-07-30, 06:14 AM

That cave appears to be big enough for two. And seeing as I cant see in the dark, maybe Naemaeli should be up front with you. Lee and I can be the second line, and seeing as Na can see things farther away, we can be ready by the time they get to us. Lets move in then.

2009-07-30, 07:44 AM
The goliath nods in aproval of the plan and steps foward.

2009-07-30, 11:01 AM
Thomas simply nods and enters when it's his turn.

2009-07-30, 02:17 PM
With the sunrod's help, you see that the cave opens into a large, cathedral like opening chamber. Neamaeli can see two paths, much smaller than the opening room, one heading towards the top of the cliff and, if the map is correct, the Forge. The other path seems to be heading deeper underground and into the cliff.

2009-07-30, 03:37 PM
Rook will pick up his sunrod and head towards the path that should lead to the Forge. He sticks the sunrod into the brim of his hat, somewhat comically, so he can keep his other hand free. "This way then?" he asks pointing to the path that leads up.

2009-07-30, 09:24 PM

As a fashion statement, it leaves a lot to be desired. But I applaud your ingenuity.

Zarabeth continues to hold her place in the second row, her blade ready in one hand and arcane magic waiting to be unleashed in the other.

2009-07-30, 11:24 PM
Lee follows along every once in a while chanting things like "Punch em, Kick em, Slug em, Hit em". He stops if the others tell him to but other wise is having a good time exploring the cave with the others.

2009-07-31, 05:26 AM
Neamaeli follows Rook side-by-side keeping an eye and an ear out for anything out there.

"Lee.... be quiet. No need to alert whoever or whatever is out there, that we are here."

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

2009-07-31, 10:05 AM
"Dwarves are known for jealously guarding their secrets. If the entrance to the forge is close, we had best start watching our toes for mousetraps."

Rook will reach into his pack and pull out strange looking glasses. The lenses appear to be made of crystal. He puts them over his eyes and starts methodically scanning the ground in front of him and Neamaeli for tell tale signs of pitfalls, tripwires, and other nasty traps.

Taking 10 on a Search check all the way down this hallway. Search-27

2009-07-31, 12:06 PM
Thomas says, "Excellent idea, Rook. Much as it pains me to move slowly, it will do Glenda no good for us to get ourselves killed in our haste."

2009-07-31, 06:09 PM
As you continue up the path, you marvel at how pretty this cave is, how nature could create a place so elegant, so pristine, so....useful?

Rook interrupts the group, raising his hand and saying Why, I do believe our caution was worthwhile. So, how much do I get for being right? He then proceeds to get down on his haunches and begins to sweep dirt away from what looks like a large metal trap door.

I need 2 Disable Device Checks (or one rolled search check and one disable device check, your choice) from Rook (one to find the mechanism, one to disable it) and listen checks from everyone (I'm letting you guys roll these because it helps me keep pace with posting.)

2009-07-31, 06:27 PM
Here, obligatory ten character minimum: [roll0]

2009-07-31, 07:48 PM
Rook will lay down his weapon in favor of his thieves tools and start poking around on the trap mechanism. "If I could just have everyone's silence for a moment..." he says, even though no one was talking. "These things can be a little... devious."



2009-07-31, 08:09 PM
Thomas stays completely still to allow Rook to work. He strains his ears for signs of anything else in the tunnel with them.


KnightofV, the dice roller giveth and the dice roller taketh away. In another PbP game I just failed a DC 15 check when I had a +11 bonus...

2009-07-31, 08:18 PM
As everyone else gets quiet and begins to watch Rook work, you're amazed at how fast he finds the traps mechanism. See, no trap stands a chance against me he says, as the trap door opens beneath his feet.

Reflex Save

2009-07-31, 08:32 PM

While Rook works on the trap door, Zarabeth stands still and listens. Rather, she tries to stand still and listen, but she gets bored easily, and starts to fidget. Shes not the most attentive person in the world.


EDIT: I set myself up for a crappy result and pull a nat20

2009-07-31, 09:26 PM
A split second too late Rook realizes his mistake and takes evasive action.
IIf this is another 1 I might cry... three at once is just a little TOO terrible.

2009-07-31, 10:38 PM
Clyde is fiddling around with his papers when Rook trips the trap.


Edit: See, that's how you properly set yourself up for a bad roll.

2009-07-31, 10:41 PM
Rook dives away from the trap door, landing on the distracted Clyde. They collapse in a pile on the cave floor. There is now a ten foot wide pit spanning most of the hallway, an inch wide ledge on both the sides.

The pit is too deep for even the Goliath to see the bottom.

2009-07-31, 11:27 PM
Lee walks back a bit and starts a running jump to the other side and whistles "Wow that was nice."

Spot listen reflex and Jump checks

[roll0] Spot
[roll1] Listen
[roll2] Reflex
[roll3] Jump

2009-08-01, 06:04 AM
First my missed Jump Listen check (damn, being on a different part of the planet then anyone else in the party sucks sometimes...)


The goliath peeks down.... "Bottomless?"

Then without much effort makes a small run and jumps over the pit. Then he motions for the ones who are on the other side to throw him a rope so they can jump with a "safety net".

With a +18 to jump I think I don't have to roll...

We shoud also specify who's carrying all thos shovels and stuff.... due to my str I assume most of it is me?

2009-08-01, 09:58 AM
Rook will stand, and somewhat sheepishly brush himself off while muttering to himself: "Those Dwarves are tricky bastards... a fake pressure plate that triggers the real one... much more difficult than the usual kobold garbage that I could disable with only a paperclip and my eyes closed..."

He will straighten his hat, pick up his sword and after getting a good running start, leap across the pit with ease.

The usually talkative rogue will be uncharacteristically silent and sulky for a while.

Arkol, you don't have to roll if you're that skilled. :smalltongue: As long as you are "not being threatened or distracted, you may choose to take 10" with a skill check. Which speaking of, I need a DM call, can I elect to take a ten on future disable device checks? I'm a little paranoid about the rollers now...

2009-08-01, 10:22 AM
Thomas waits until Neamaeli is ready on the other side with the rope, then wraps it around his wrist a few times before he attempts his jump. "I'm not particularly good at this, so get ready."


Wow it's a good thing I did that with the rope...

Thomas leaps across the pit with a running start, but misses the edge by a good 6 inches. He slams into the side of the pit, clinging to the rope for dear life.

2009-08-01, 12:16 PM
Lee bends down to garb Thomas and help him up. "Next time jumper harder" He grunts.

2009-08-01, 12:26 PM
My mod is actually 17 because of ACP. But to jump a 10ft gap with a running start (which we have I belive) you only need a 10. So even if I roll a 1 I make it. Don't even need to take 10.

On the other hand if we really needed to each one could make the jump on their own as long as their combined ACP and str mod was at least 0. You can always take your armor off if you really need too... but the rope trick is faste I belive....

Neamaeli grinds his teeth as he sees the cleric missing the jump preparing himself for the pull that is about to come. Fortunelly the giant man can easily stop the 250 something pounds the pious man ad his equipement weight and with Lee's help they can easily bring him back up.

"This is getting old Thomas.... when will you be able to cast some spell that will allow you to do this by yourself?"

then to Lee he adds:

"At least he doesn't wear a full plate like most battle priests I know..."

2009-08-01, 12:48 PM
Yes , the taking ten rules will still apply for disable device checks, aka no threat, you can take ten

2009-08-01, 02:05 PM
Clyde backs off a dozen feet. He starts to run at the pit and slows down just before it.

I... was not moving fast enough. Just a moment.

He backs up a bit more and then gives himself a moment to breathe. He charges towards the pit once more, but he becomes nervous and closes his eyes while flinching just before he jumps.


2009-08-01, 02:07 PM
Reflex save to grab the rope before you fall Clyde

2009-08-01, 04:43 PM

Zarabeth waits to see what will happen with Clyde. Assuming they pull him to safety, she will then tie the rope to herself, back off far enough to get a good running start and then leap across the chasm.


2009-08-01, 10:46 PM
If I can just grab that...!


2009-08-01, 10:53 PM
Clyde's jump causes everyone to collectively hold their breath, his jump looking like it will make it, , but he comes about two feet short of the other side. He is falling down, and he makes one last grab for the rope before he disappears from view and into the pit. He reaches out, his fingers brush the rope and.....

2009-08-01, 11:33 PM
Um, I guess I'm going to assume that means success...?

Clyde lets out a sigh of relief as he grabs onto the rope.

Goliath! Pull me up!

Clyde hangs onto the rope for dear life and shuts his eyes tight.

2009-08-01, 11:49 PM
I was trying to build dramatic tension, but yes, you did grab the rope in time:smalltongue:

2009-08-02, 04:57 AM
"Goliath pull me up?"

"Human climb!"

2009-08-02, 07:55 AM
Thomas grabs the rope in order to help hold the 230+ pounds of man and equipment. As he grunts with exertion, he says, "I'm with Neamaeli, I'm not sure we can pull you up."

2009-08-02, 12:20 PM
Clyde grits his teeth and looks up at the ledge.

This is a very possible task. The ledge is right there, I can do this. No problem at all...


2009-08-02, 12:32 PM
Thomas begins to attempt the task of hauling Clyde up, since he's having quite a bit of trouble climbing up by himself. "I think... you need to... go on a diet... after this... adventure," he says, straining.

2009-08-02, 02:33 PM
:smalleek: Umm, uh-oh
Neamaeli and Thomas jerk on the rope right as Clydes had slipped from the rope, his scream echoing up the pit as he falls. Thomas and Neamaeli collapse backward, the weight disappearing from the rope.

Clyde's eyes only
Boomerang, we'll do your character stuff in PM's

2009-08-02, 03:15 PM
Thomas scrambles to the edge, a look of horror on his face. "Clyde! NOO!!!" This loss on top of the situation with Glenda is too much for him, and he breaks down into sobs. "Where is the justice here? Clyde was a good man, and my friend, and he has met his end in an attempt to rescue a woman that I love!" He lets loose with a scream of pain and frustration and anger, before collapsing to the ground in a heap.

2009-08-02, 03:29 PM
"Shut up thomas. Listen!"

The goliath kneels down by the pit trying to hear anything (maybe the body slamming into something or whatever). If there's no sound he'll try to call for his companion.

2009-08-02, 03:45 PM
Forgot the listen roll


2009-08-02, 04:16 PM
The Goliath hears a soft thud, barely audible without him straining his ears, but he does hear it.

2009-08-02, 04:56 PM
Rook swears violently and looks over the edge with the rest of them. He will pull another sunrod from his bag and strike it violently on the floor before tossing it down the pit after Clyde. He will peer down into the darkness with the rest of them, hoping the sunrod will provide enough illumination to at least determine how deep the drop is and if Clyde could be alive at the bottom.

2009-08-02, 05:23 PM
"The rope. How much rope we have? We can tie it all together and me and Lee could lower someone there? Maybe you Beth? Or you Rook?"

2009-08-02, 05:49 PM
The sunrod falls about fifty feet before disappearing, as if smothered by darkness.

2009-08-02, 08:15 PM
Thomas appears to gather himself and he says, "You're right Neamaeli. Perhaps Clyde is not beyond our help." He begins to take off his backpack, lay down his shield, and sheath his mace. "Lower me down. If Clyde is still alive, then he will need healing. He will just have to forgive me this once." With that, he ties the rope around his waist and goes to the edge of the pit. He casts Light on his mace and says, "I'm ready. We have no time to lose. Clyde may be dying down there."

2009-08-02, 08:58 PM

Mindful of what just happened to Clyde, Zarabeth ties a rope around her waist, and hangs on to it with one hand. She backs off far enough to get a good run speed up, and leaps across the chasm to the other side.


2009-08-02, 09:14 PM
With the rope tied securely around Zarabeth's waist, she runs and jumps, clearing the pit by a good foot, landing gracefully on the other side.

2009-08-02, 09:20 PM

While anyone of us can make a good case for being the one to go down to Clyde, the only one of us that can heal him is Thomas, and so he should be the one to go. And time may be short to get it taken care of.

2009-08-02, 11:16 PM
Rook pulls out the 50 ft of silk rope he carries and ties it to whatever rope is already out. "Please take your time climbing down Thomas! If you slip and fall on top of the the poor chap we do not have anyone who can come down and heal you. Be sure to use the climbing kit too- there should be something in it to help with the descent, we bought it for a reason you know!"

He will pat Thomas on the shoulder and give him a thumbs up. "Be sure to give us a yell when you make it down safely to let us know if you are alive. If there is something ELSE down there besides you, let us know about that and we shall attempt to aid. If that SOMETHING proves to be a humongous dragon and it immediate starts to eviscerate you, just scream bloody murder and we will be sure to get a good head start running. Oh, and if you think about it, try to bring back my sunrod..."

2009-08-03, 04:33 PM
Neamaeli waits for the dextereous ones to tie the ropes and then to tie the big rope on to Thomas and then takes out his backpack and flexes his arms readying himself for the exercise to come.

"Ready when you are." he says rolling a couple feet of the empty end of the rope around his arms.

2009-08-03, 04:41 PM
Rook helps Zarabeth untie the rope that was around her and then adds that length to the rest of the line that ends with Thomas. After giving the rope a good tug to test the knots, he nods and hands the length to the Goliath.

"I'll give you a hand if the weight proves too much for you, oh Large One."

Use Rope-16 on all the knots, and preparing help the Goliath lift if he needs it.

2009-08-03, 04:44 PM
"Grab my belt while I lower him" - the Goliath instructs him - "I'll be standing very near the edge..."

2009-08-03, 05:04 PM
Lee walks over and puts all 6 hands around the Goliath's belt.

2009-08-03, 05:09 PM

Zarabeth is neither strong enough to be a big help on the rope, nor heavy enough to keep the Goliath from going over if he loses his balance.
She turns her attention to the tunnel beyond them, ready to take on anything that might try to sneak up on them while they are working to free Clyde.

2009-08-03, 05:15 PM

Zarabeth is neither strong enough to be a big help on the rope, nor heavy enough to keep the Goliath from going over if he loses his balance.
She turns her attention to the tunnel beyond them, ready to take on anything that might try to sneak up on them while they are working to free Clyde.

That's a good idea :smallamused:

2009-08-03, 06:06 PM
The group at the top begins lowering Thomas down on the rope, making sure not to let out too much rope at once. Thomas disappears into the blackness after 90 ft. The rest of the rope quickly comes to an end, a weight still felt at the other end.

2009-08-03, 09:49 PM
After about one minute, the group has yet to hear anything from Thomas, the rope still taught as it was earlier.

Bedtime for me guys. More to come tomorrow, though my parents are coming down, so I might not post until evening time.

2009-08-04, 09:29 AM
"Thomas, what do you see? THOMAS!!" If there is no response Rook will turn to the Goliath and say. "Something is wrong. Pull him up."

2009-08-04, 03:33 PM
The group feels three sharp tugs on the rope, spaced out by about one second each

2009-08-04, 04:20 PM
"I think that means "pull me up""

The goliath starts pulling the rope back up.

2009-08-04, 04:34 PM

Zarabeth continues to stare into the inky blackness of the tunnel to make sure nothing sneaks up on them.

Darn this lack of light, it makes things hard

[roll0] spot
[roll1] listen

2009-08-04, 05:11 PM
Neamaeli pulls on the rope with the help of Rook and the totemist, and they manage to pull Thomas out of the pit safely.

2009-08-04, 05:12 PM
"So?" says the moutain of a man.

2009-08-04, 08:31 PM
"Did you see anything?" Rook adds.

2009-08-04, 08:44 PM
Thomas looks at them, realization dawning on his face. "Ah, I suspected you couldn't hear me. I shouted to pull me up but then nothing happened so I tugged. There must be some magic silencing that whole and producing the incredible darkness. I couldn't even hardly see my lit mace in front of my face. I dropped another sunrod when I was at the bottom of the rope, and it sounded like it went another 40-90 feet down. Frankly I'm not sure what to do now since anybody dropping down will get hurt and won't be able to reach the rope to come back up. Any ideas?" Thomas takes on a frustrated look, trying hard to think of anything that could help save Clyde.

2009-08-04, 09:10 PM
Rook will take the hat from his head and hold it over his heart while staring solemnly down the pit for a moment. "Alas! The poor chap. He brought it on himself... just before we left Glenda's he told me his death would be 'not entirely unlikely.' Who knew Clyde would be prophetic?"

He will stand there a few seconds longer, before turning about and placing the hat back on his head. "Well, onward then."

2009-08-04, 09:43 PM
Suddenly, the group hears the sound of stone sliding against stone behind them. The stone moves aside slowly, and the glint of steel can be seen.

Behind you=
*Sound* You guys Pit Where you came from

2009-08-04, 10:40 PM
Out walks Clyde with his lantern out, despite the obviously lit torches behind him, with an entirely unfamiliar sword being held out in front of him. Clyde closes the secret door after he exits and he sheathes his new blade upon seeing the rest of the group. He walks over to the pit and looks down, then places his right hand over his heart.

We vow to avenge your death, Clyde, for this is no less directly the fault of those kidnappers of Glenda. Were it not for their meddling you would not have felt such urgency as to leap over the pit in haste and without first taking the proper precautions. You shall be sorely missed as a valued and beloved member of our team, even if your phobia of magic could be a bit of a nuisance at times. A tear is shed for our loss, nonetheless we must trudge onward.

He turns around and faces the hallway they have yet to explore after delivering the lengthiest, uninterrupted input he has ever given in a conversation during his stay in the group.

It is not hard to imagine that you had just finished delivering such a grand eulogy for me, judging by your silence. I appreciate your tears of sadness now turned to joy, useless though they may be due to my survival of the incident. Let us continue our journey; Glenda remains still in peril, possibly.

2009-08-05, 06:06 AM

Zarabeth stares, and shakes her head in total puzzlement

You appear to be Clyde, you speak as Clyde, yet you say Clyde is dead but then in next breath say you survived the incident. Forgive the confusion of a simple dancer like myself, but please enlighten me as to what is the truth of this matter. And how you manage to be here, when you fell down there.

2009-08-05, 07:24 AM
Thomas stares dumbfounded at Clyde as he finishes his speech. "Clyde! How did you survive the fall? How did you get back up here? I had them lower me down on a rope to attempt to get to you and we didn't have enough rope. Are you hurt? I'm sure I have some medicine somewhere..." He trails off and is clearly trying not to rush at Clyde and magically heal him of all his wounds.