View Full Version : Imperial Sins (Good)

2009-07-06, 12:29 AM
The messenger leads onwards to the Imperial Residence. You enter through the main gates past several burly Hagola in the uniform of the Imperial Guard. The Imperial Residence is just one building in the massive complex known collectively as the Imperial Palace.

The courier seems to know the way by heart as he leads through opulent gardens, and eventually the gilded, maze-like halls of the Imperial Residence. He halts in front of a door that would be identical to any of the others, if it weren't for the stony faced Imperial Guards at the door and the motley group waiting outside for entrance.

(Feel free to role play your first meeting before entering Petronas' study.)

After a few minutes of waiting, a call of "Let them in" can be heard from the other side of the door.

The room is small and spartan compared to the opulence of the rest of the palace, and would not be out of place in the residence of a country noble or a high ranking church official.

Petronas, who is unmistakable since his image and name grace one side of almost every imperial coin, sits behind a desk. As the party enters he looks up from his papers and studies the group with an appraising eye. He seems to be content as his eyes peruse the group, a small smile curls the edge of his lips. The smile fades as it passes over Arandar, but he shakes his head as if remembering or maybe trying to forget something.

"Your probably wondering why I gathered you all here." He sighs leaning back in his chair. He then recites what seems like a rehearsed speech. "I've called you all here because the empire needs you. For more than one reason. The empire needs men like you to do the things that the empire can't be seen doing. To remove the threats to the empire and her people.

The empire also needs men like you to stand in front, and be seen by the people of the empire. To serve as a shining example for others to follow. A rallying cry for the people." Sir Erec whispers quietly in Aslan's ear. "Ach, now I know why he want's you, you've got a pretty face." Petronas continues, if he heard Sir Erec he is doing an amiable job of ignoring him. "What do you say, will you be my trouble shooters? Hero's for the empire?"

(for quick reference)
Aslan Towerlock (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=135531) (Gambler) Paladin, Blackknight
Kallstrom 'Strom' Helslander (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6685) Gambler Cleric, Cull
Vimak Farsky (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=136628) Half Giant Ex Imperial Guard, Coldsepp
Argal Overit (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=33679) Half-Orc Barbairan, JettWilderbeast
Arandar Darkblade (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=137726), Wild Half-Elf fighter, Elvenblade

2009-07-06, 12:42 AM
Arandar lifts his magical scimitar from its sheath and brandishes it above his head; the blade gleams like burnished silver; the ancient elven steel seems to sing with cold fire as it slices through the air.
"Hail, Lord! I am Arandar Brightblade, Elf of the Wild; and whatever deed you would have of me, ask it, for I seek nothing but to serve the mighty Empire of Videssos that you rule; and through this path of servitude I purpose to prove the innocence of my people that were wronged by the Elves of old that now are lost. Send me hither upon thy errand, that I might perform your will."

2009-07-06, 12:46 AM
It was a motley band indeed called to the Emperor's chambers. After a few short words of small talk, Aslan introduced himself. Surely these men were worth knowing.


Aslan gave a smirk to Erec's comment. "If that's all he wants, I'm sure he could have found a suitiable whore, eh?" he whispered back to the grizzled old man.

Petronas' question still hung in the air. Heroes? Troubleshooters? Of course he had only one answer. Aslan stepped forward, drew his blade, and took a knee.

"My lord, I humbly accept your offer. I hereby vow to server both you and the Empire to the best of my ability. In the name of Phos, the God of Light."

2009-07-06, 12:57 AM
Vimak Farsky AC: 18 HP: 30/30

Vimak listens to the Petronas avidly, though he fingers his weapon watching the elf. When it draws the scimitar, he reaches for his own blade in case this is an assassination attempt. When none comes, however, he relaxes slightly, though remaining watchful.

"As I pledged with I joined the guard, so I pledge now." He responds to Petronas. "What does the Empire need?"

2009-07-06, 02:08 AM
Petronas blanches noticeably when Arandar flourishes his sword. A lopsided grin spreads across his face when the pledges of allegiance are made from the various members of the party.

He climbs out of his chair and begins pounding the backs, and shaking hands of those assembled. No longer seated Petronas seems shorter than you would have expected, but is stocky, and from the strength of his hand shake in fine physical condition despite his advancing age.

"I'm glad to hear it. And now back to business." Petronas returns to his desk and produces a sketch of a severe looking man of middle years. "This business at hand in rather... sensitive. This is Petre Thanos,a cobbler turned holy man, known to many as the "Shoemaker Prophet." He's been preaching that the end is nigh, that the final battle is at hand and the empire is about to crumble. His preaching has been stirring up the people, and so far two riots have started. We think he might also be connected with the death of ambassador Abbadi of Marukan. He's almost always surrounded by his followers, and any attempt to apprehend him has been met with violence."

"We need to apprehend him quietly so the church can do a full inquiry. We also can't let him die, certainly not in public. His followers are bothersome now, but if he's made into a maytr, they could become more fanatical.

That's where you come in. Do you think your up to it?"

2009-07-06, 03:37 AM
Aslan frowned visably. Such a man was a danger to the populous, that was clear as day. A holyman that wouldn't obey the church was no holyman at all. It was these kind of mission that the Order of Light was created for.

"Lord," Aslan began, I believe that we will be more than a match for this false prophet. Indeed, allow me to lead this endevour. For this is the very thing the Order of Light was made for. I promise, I will not fail you.

2009-07-06, 06:32 AM
Vimak Farsky AC: 18 HP: 30/30

Vimek doesn't look to concerned regarding the spread of heresy, considering his own beliefs, but any threat to the Empire needs putting down. "Were is he located at the time?" He asks.

2009-07-06, 10:37 AM
The Half Orc still reeling from all the long words and the shaking of hands takes a step towards the picture and seems to take in for a moment before looking around and profoundly stating; This man trouble for everyone! We kill him and make good friends together! Argal seems pretty excited by this and stands grinning at everyone before leaning in towards Petronas and asking in a rather hoarse whisper; Can I have picture? Argal smiles before remembering his manners and saying Please? It turns out that dirty half orcs can't smile all that well.

2009-07-06, 01:23 PM
"I admit that I was not raised to worship the gods of Videssos..." Arandar shifts uncomfortably. "But... nonetheless, this 'Holy Man' sounds like nothing but trouble. Yes....Yes, I will aid my Lord in this mission. Now where can I find this Petre Thanos? Tell me all I must know, Lord, and swiftly shall you see this task performed."

2009-07-06, 01:48 PM
Petronas smiles. "That means much coming from one of your order. During the day he usually preaches in the Red Plaza, but retires to a flophouse which as been commandeered by his followers near the docks, on this side of the cattle crossing." (The description of he location is sufficient for those with a passing familiarity of the city to have a good idea of the exact area. Which includes the majority of the party)

As Argal leans in with his inquiry, Petronas' brow furrows. "Uh, okay sure." He then hands the large half orc the sketch. That matter resolved he addresses the group once more.

"He should be back at his lair by now, if your going to strike I recommend tonight, or tomorrow night so as to avoid the majority of his 'congregation'. I can provide a guide, to the house if you'd like."

2009-07-06, 02:08 PM
Momentarily scanning the mismatched party, Arandar turns back to Petronas.
"I'm sure I speak for the rest of us when I say that we'd be happy to take your guide. We'll perform this task tonight, and you'll have Thanos by tomorrow."

2009-07-06, 02:08 PM
Vimak Farsky AC: 18 HP: 30/30

"A guide would be welcome. Minimizing the chances of mistakes are always the best path." Vimak says, glancing down at the silent Strom.

2009-07-06, 02:11 PM
"Come now, Companions; for I suppose that we are companions in this venture. Let us seek Petre Thanos and bring him to justice in the name of Videssos. Hail the Empire and may the Light of Phos shine ever upon it!"

2009-07-06, 03:26 PM
Petronas calls for a messenger and in a few short minutes, a guide, a small shifty looking fellow appears.

As the party prepares to depart, Sir Erec takes his leave. Before going, he wishes Sir Aslan luck and gives a bit of advice, "Keep an eye on that one, you never can tell with their kind." Noding at Arandar

(Assuming no one has anything else they want to do in Petronas' study or in the Imperial Residence, we'll skip to the departure.)

The guide leads you out of the palace and into the streets of Videssos. What was a chill autumn evening has turned into a cold clear night. A full moon shines down illuminating the narrow streets. The journey takes the better part of an hour, but is uneventful.

At night thieves and other undesirables roam the streets, but the sight of an well armed man is usually more than enough to keep them at bay. The menacing aspects of your party are sufficient to generate a veritable cone of lawfulness around the group.

The guide leads the group to a dilapidated two story building a couple of blocks from the docks. He quickly departs not wanting to get involved any more than he already has. The building is quiet, but a light is burning in one of the windows on the upper floor.

2009-07-06, 03:42 PM
Aslan thanks Sir Erec, taking his advice. "Worry not. He will be kept in line. I'll make sure of that, my friend."


So, this is the place is it? Looks like they're only on the top floor. The front door seems to be the best way to get in."

2009-07-06, 03:49 PM
Vimak Farsky AC: 18 HP: 30/30

Vimak surveys the area, looking for any lookouts, his hand on his blade. "Aye. Front door is the most direct route." He says, grinning. Clearly looking forward to spilling the blood of the Empires foes.

Darkvision 60 feet.
Spot [roll0]

2009-07-06, 04:11 PM
Kallstrom "Strom" Helslander

In odd contrast to the large stony man a very short, very stocky one stood adjacent to the Guardsman turned Hero. He wore a perfectly manicured beard and his banded mail was beautifully crafted and adorned with symbols of Phos at the center of the chest and upon the pauldrons.

The dwarf stoically listened to the various professions of fealty and allegiance. He looked over Aslan with a keen eye, wondering as to the man's leanings in regards to Phos, especially given Strom's own near-heretical faith.

He kept his silence until they were shown their destination, merely nodding or shaking his head to inquiries.

At this moment he shakes his head and whispers in a low voice to the goliath in a language the two shared.

Slightly louder and in the common speech of the Empire, he offers, "Phos bless and guide us to a quick and successful venture. I suggest we avoid the front door. Most likely, he'll have more followers in the front area than any other."

OOC: If you speak Giant, then: "Aye, the front door has its uses, but it's not likely to be conducive to capturing our quarry without rousing too many of his followers, don't you think?"

2009-07-06, 04:12 PM
There don't appear to be any lookouts. The light in the second floor is dim, probably no more than a solitary candle. The window the light is coming from is about 15 feet up.

The front door is what you might expect on a house with no real valuables to protect. It seems to be hobbled together out of various pieces of drift wood. A swift kick(DC 10 strength check) should leave nothing but splinters. Several of the windows look similarly breakable.

It occurs to you that you haven't checked the reverse side ofo the building for a backdoor.

2009-07-06, 04:15 PM
Vimak Farsky AC: 18 HP: 30/30

Vimak gives the priest a pat on the head, grinning, then says something in the guttural giant tongue. He then looks at the paladin, drawing his weapon. "It's your call."

If you speak giant:
"I'll let you do the praying, and you let me do the slaying, friend Strom"

2009-07-06, 04:27 PM
Aslan put on his thinking cap. "Well...they probably won't expect anything. Little guard, and most of the house asleep. By the time we would reach the top, some might be awake. Nothing we couldn't deal with, I'm certain. So, gentlemen....shall we?"

2009-07-06, 04:35 PM
Vimak Farsky AC: 18 HP: 30/30

Vimak draws his sword. "Lets." He says, moving up tot he door. When the others join him, he'll kick it open.

Strength Check [roll0]

2009-07-06, 04:36 PM
Argal Pulls the sketch from his pack, by now its a bit crumpled and smudged; Remember we kill this man! He is the shoe devil! Argal stuffs the picture in his bag again before patting the battering ram strapped to his back; Who wants fun with me?

2009-07-06, 04:36 PM
Kallstrom "Strom" Helslander AC:20; HP:23/23

With a shrug, the short man nods, readying a finely crafted waraxe in one hand and a heavy wooden shield in the other. "I suppose so, since you are our nominal leader. Under protest. However we should consider how best to refrain from killing anyone within, until their true loyalties and natures are revealed. Martyrs of any level are bad news and some of the souls may be merely misguided by a charismatic man."

He turns to Vimak and speaks in the same language once more, chuckling afterwards.

Strom's eyes widen at the orc's words. "No! We were told to capture him, and at least make sure if he does die that it is not public!"

OOC: If you speak Giant, then: "How many times have my prayers aided us both, friend? Do you really want to tally them up?"

2009-07-06, 04:45 PM
Aslan Towerlock

"Nay, Argal, he need to capture this man, not kill him. However, if we are attacked...you can kill those men." he said with a smirk. "But I agree. Death should be avoided, but I think it's naive to belevie anyone will come quietly. I fear our blade will be red before the night is out. Some men will come to their senses if we name our purpose. Most my not."

2009-07-06, 04:51 PM

Argal looks rather blankly at Aslan and Strom before saying; You right, maybe best to keep him well enough! We all need shoes sometime! I have big feet... need big shoes. Argal looks at the other's shoes; You wear nice shoes. Argal grins and then readies himself with his halberd looking forward to a fight.

2009-07-06, 04:54 PM
Vimak Farsky AC: 18 HP: 30/30

"Aye, we will take the... " he glances at the orc, then continues " heretic alive. Anyone else, though, is far game."

Door is down, I assume, what do we see through it?

2009-07-06, 05:19 PM
"Agreed. We will not kill this Thanos. Now, friends, let us enter."
Arandar will look into the building; what can I see?

2009-07-06, 06:11 PM
The door bursts in with a resounding crash revealing, the interior of the flop house. He bottom floor consists of a single large room. On the far side of the room

On the floor their are a little less than a dozen men lie on the floor in various makeshift beds. The sound has woken the buildings residents, hands grope for weapons or clothes.

A open staircase on the right side of the building leading up to the second story. The base of the stairs are about fifteen feet away.

((You've got a surprise round to act before any of Petre's followers, go ahead and roll initiative for the following round. I'll put up a map if wee still need it next round.))

2009-07-06, 06:23 PM

Aslan in his Initiaive

"By the order of the Emperor, we come for Thanos! Thrown down your weapons and surrender him, and no one will be harmed. Surrender!"

(OOC: Diplomacy I assume? If so...)


2009-07-06, 06:26 PM
(It's worth a try. You might want to retry those rolls.)

2009-07-06, 06:28 PM
(Bah, sorry. Let's try again.)

Initiative- [roll0]

Diplomacy- [roll1]

2009-07-06, 06:37 PM
Vimak Farsky AC: 18 HP: 30/30

Initiative: [roll0] If I beat Aslan, I'll delay until just after him.

If the diplomatic route fails, Vimak lets out a battle cry and attacks the closest foe.

2009-07-06, 06:57 PM

Arandar will run in and slash at two of the men with his scimitars!

2009-07-06, 07:21 PM
The men on the bottom floor continue to reach for clothing and stand, but they no longer are reaching for weapons.

One of them shouts, "Suck an egg, pig. Petre isn't here."

Did you still want to got through with your attack despite Aslan's diplomacy attempt?

2009-07-06, 07:24 PM
(If Elvenblade doesn't attack)

Aslan Towerlock

"Not here? What do you mean, not here? Where is he?"

2009-07-06, 07:26 PM
Unfortunately, Arandar, being as he is rather overzealous, will still proceed to attack two of the men.
"Where is your wicked compatriot, villains? Tell us if you wish to see the next dawn!"

2009-07-06, 08:20 PM
Vimak Farsky AC: 18 HP: 30/30

"As expected, the Elf cares little for others... even unarmed men." Vimak mutters "Not surprising, considering what their forefathers did."

Since Arandar has decided to attack, it seems we have no choice but to do likewise.

Vimak moved to the closest living foe, and attacks.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-07-06, 08:36 PM
Vimak's attack cleaves into a man still trying to stand, slaying him instantly.

Argal and Strom are still outside.
Aslan, Arandar, and Vimak have all already acted, in the surprise round.

Map (It's craptastic, you've been warned.)


X- unoccupied square
S- Stair
D- Door
T- Aslan Towerlock
K-Kallstrom 'Strom' Helslander
V-Vimak Farsky
O- Argal Overit
A-Arandar Darkblade

@ & Elvenblade
Can you give me some spoilered attack rolls. It should be pretty easy since most of them are flatfooted and prone.

2009-07-06, 08:40 PM
"Vimak, you show as much intelligence as a weasel. I am an Elf, yes; but not that breed which fell in the War of the Gods that you Men call that of Retribution... I serve only the interests of Videssos. Do you think, even for a moment, that these men would hesitate to slay us if the opportunity arose...or are you naive enough to suppose that they would give their master's true location? We will take prisoners, but only once the men are no longer a threat.
Now die, mongrels!"
Arandar cleaves through the air, bringing Dawnstar down upon one of the men and his off-hand scimitar upon another.

2009-07-06, 09:56 PM
Both of Arandar's swords strike true. Both of his victims don't even have a chance two stand before they are cut down.

2009-07-07, 12:52 AM
Argal, seeing a fight brewing and never one to miss it, Runs into the building brandishing his halberd and swings it towards the nearest man growling threateningly.

Attack; [roll0]
If hit; [roll1]

2009-07-07, 01:58 PM
Arandar growls at the remaining men:
"Unless you wish to taste the cold bite of Dawnstar as your companions have, tell us where Petre Thanos is!"
Once it's his initiative again, Arandar will proceed to slash at two more men.


Mwk Scimitar:

2009-07-07, 02:43 PM
Argal's halberd cleaves into the chest of a man struggling to stand, he lets out a gurgle before falling back down.

The first men to stand up run headlong for the back door. The first man didn't even stop to open the door, he charged through it and the others followed into the alley way.

Sounds of scraping chairs and slamming doors can be heard from upstairs.

The other followers of Petre are standing, but none of them are holding weapons, they seem shocked and appalled by the carnage.

Initiative (I still need rolls for Argal and Strom)
Round 2
Enemy 1-Ran for his life
Enemy 2-Ran for his life
Enemy 3-Ran for his life
Enemy 4-Fleeing for his life
Enemy 5- Collapsed



E-Dead or enemy
X- unoccupied square
S- Stair
D- Door
T- Aslan Towerlock
K-Kallstrom 'Strom' Helslander
V-Vimak Farsky
O- Argal Overit
A-Arandar Darkblade

2009-07-07, 02:50 PM
Vimak Farsky AC: 18 HP: 30/30

Vimak steps up to the closest foe and attacks again!

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2009-07-07, 02:51 PM
Changed it to Arandar Dawnblade

2009-07-07, 04:41 PM
(OOC:Well, in case no one is before me.)

Aslan Towerlock AC: 19(-2) 33/33 HP

"Skotos take you, Elf! You don't attack unarmed men, and you don't start fights that don't need to be fought!"

Aslan charges toward there nearest enemy, his blade held high.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2009-07-07, 11:34 PM
Vimak's strike cleaves through his opponent, fully separating his top and bottom halves, blood and viscera fill the air. The man doesn't even have time to scream, he dies with a shocked expression on his face. (You where just a hair short of dealing 6 times the guy's hit points)

Another follower of Thanos flees through the back door. A man splattered with the blood of his comrade collapses in terror, soiling himself. Leaving just one unarmed man in the room.

More sounds of shifting furniture can be heard upstairs. From the back alley behind the flophouse there is a resounding crash followed by a screamed "Phos damn it!".

(Strom's up. Arandar won't get to go until after Aslan's admonishment, did you still want to attack the last follower?

Also wik, from now on to streamline things please post all your actions with at least on if. IE "I attack the nearest follower, if their all dead I charge up the stairs, if the stairs are full or obstructed I chase down the fleeing men." That way we don't have to wait until the person's who's initiative it is posts.)

2009-07-08, 11:09 AM
Argal looks around for any threats and starts to head up the stairs holding his Halberd in front of him; The Shoe Devil must be up!

2009-07-08, 05:57 PM
Since there's only one man left, Arandar will attempt to grapple him instead of attack.


2009-07-08, 06:19 PM
(Since there are no enemies left on the bottom floor, we can end the combat unless you want to pursue the fleeing men through the backdoor.)

Arandar successfully grapples the last man. He doesn't resist much, he seems chocked by the recent turn of events.

As Argal climbs the stairs he sees that the top of the flight is blocked by another door, this one of the same poor quality as the front door. Through the poorly cobbled together construction Argal can see that the other side of the door has been reinforced by furniture.

2009-07-08, 06:21 PM
Vimak Farsky AC: 18 HP: 30/30

Vimak follows the Paladin up the stairs, sword ready. "That could have gone better. Damn elves." He mutters, just loud enough to be heard. "Is the door locked?"

2009-07-08, 06:23 PM
A quick check reveals that the door is latched from the other side.

2009-07-08, 06:30 PM
Arandar drags the man up the stairs with him, questioning the man about the whereabouts of Petre Thanos.

2009-07-08, 10:26 PM
The man in Arandar's grip babels but Arandar gets the general idea that Petre Thanos is upstairs where he stays up every night studying scripture.

2009-07-08, 10:59 PM
Hearing this, Arandar will let go of the man before proceeding to try to bash down the first door he can see upstairs.

Strength check:

If that's to no avail, he'll try again, after which he'll ready an action to rush in and grapple anyone inside.

Strength check 2:

2009-07-08, 11:02 PM
Strength check 2:

2009-07-08, 11:10 PM
Arandar's pounding doesn't damage the door, it does however gain the attention of the occupants of the second floor.

They start hurling abuse at those on the floor below, cursing them as murderers pagans, heretics, animal lovers and just about every other insult that they can think of occasionally laced with applicable pieces of scripture.

2009-07-08, 11:14 PM
Vimak Farsky AC: 18 HP: 30/30

Vimak calls out, "Surrender in the name of the Empire!"

If they don't agree, or offer a deal, but keep cursing us, he'll try to break the door down.

2009-07-08, 11:31 PM
A shout echos back. "Bullsh*t, like you let our friends surrender?! We heard the screams!" The insults redouble, and become more violent and provocative.

Vimak slams bodily into the door and the door splinters and sags, but remains obstructing the path.

2009-07-09, 12:56 AM
Argal looks confused at some of the insults; I am animal lover! Why bad?!
Seeing his team mates attempts are unfruitful Argal gets his battering ram of his back;Help me and we get the shoe devil!

Argal will try and smash the door in with the battering ram hopefully with some help!
If someone helps Argal increase the roll by 2; [roll0]

If it doesn't suceed Argal will try again, Add 2 if someone helps!

2009-07-09, 01:21 AM
Argal's ram splinters the weakened door along with the furniture bracing it. Some of the defenders bracing the door with their bodies, recoil as well stunned by the ram and flying woods splinters.

There are three men at the top of the stair are all armed with swords, one of them is wearing leather armor. All three of them have been stunned, and cannot act for one round.

Roll initiative

2009-07-09, 01:44 AM
When Alsan gets in the room, regardless of who went before him, he's going to look for Petre Thanos.

Initiative [roll0]

2009-07-09, 09:23 AM
Vimak Farsky AC: 18 HP: 30/30


We want to head of the cult alive, right?

2009-07-09, 12:38 PM
Arandar's going to charge in and attack two of the guards!



2009-07-10, 12:15 PM
I kind of wanted to wait for other players to post initiative, but I'm not sure that they are going to.

So far:

Vimak and Arandar tied, but Arandar posted an action so I'm going to let him go first. Additionally, Vimak your going to take a -2 on attack rolls with your large great sword, because of the low ceiling and confined conditions. No one bearing a resemblance to Petre Thanos' portrait is in the room.

The three followers of Thanos are all stunned, the two of them have dropped their swords, the third still has his attached via a leather thong around his wrist. They all take a -2 on their AC because of their condition.

The room at the top of the stairs is small, just a little over 10x10, with a low ceiling. There are two doors one straight ahead of the stair cases opening, the other is off to the right and probably leads to the rest of the second floor.

Arandar's strike at the man in armor misses, but the blow to the unarmored, unarmed man succeeds gouging a slice of his unprotected arm.

2009-07-10, 12:19 PM
Vimak Farsky AC: 18 HP: 30/30

I was waiting for the others to roll and post, but since they haven't, I'll go ahead. Attacking the man in armor, since he is likely the largest threat.


"You had your chance, heretics" Vimak shouts, attacking.

2009-07-10, 12:25 PM
Vimak's blow slices through the man's armor and gouges into his chest cutting all the way to the hip. It's hard to tell how just how deep the slice is, but the man staggers in shock and dismay.

2009-07-10, 03:08 PM
Aslan Towerlock AC 19 33/33

Aslan points to the unwounded man. "Surrender now, or face the fate of your friends."


2009-07-10, 04:24 PM
You won't know if you succeeded until the uninjured man acts next round.

If I could get everybody to roll initiative for the next round. From now on go ahead and put a couple of extra 1d20 rolls in a spoiler at the bottom of you post. I'll use them for spot checks, listen checks, initiative and stuff like that.

2009-07-10, 06:29 PM

2009-07-12, 03:14 PM
Intiative in order:
All three enemies

ColdSepp: You're up

2009-07-12, 03:19 PM
Vimak yanks his weapon free of the man, then strikes the closest foe. "You should have yielded when you had the chance!"

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Extra D20s....
[roll2]; [roll3]; [roll4]; [roll5]

2009-07-12, 04:02 PM
The already wounded and disarmed man howls in pain as Vimak's sword enters his flesh. A fiery light enters his eyes and his howl of pain changes to one of rage. Not even bothering to pick up his fallen sword, the man tackles (bull rushes) Vimak back down the stairs. Both Vimak and his wounded assailant are now prone at the base of the stairs. During the tumble Vimak lost hold of his sword. (Your first two extra rolls were an opposed strength check and a reflex save to hold onto your sword while falling.)

Aslan and Arandar can both make attacks of opportunity on Vimak's assailant as he falls past, but any attack has a 25% chance of targeting Vimak instead.

The man in armor strikes at Arandar, but misses. The attempt was half hearted and all of his energies seemed aimed at defense. Despite being wounded he still has enough curage or hate to spit in the face of his enemies. "Phos damn you! You'll burn in Skotos' ice for eternity for what you've done this day!"

The third man looks down at his sword and visibly thinks about picking it up. Instead he decides that discretion is the better part of valor and flees through the door on the right. Those still at the top of the stairs can hear a voice say, "Leave it unlocked." once the man slams the door behind him.

Blacknight & Elvenblade your up.

2009-07-13, 03:08 PM

Aslan sighs. "This has gone all to hell..." he remarks outloud.

If the man in the armour is still standing, Aslan will attack him, and move closer to the door. If not, he'll make a double move through the door.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2009-07-14, 10:31 PM
Viciously, Arandar slashes his twin scimitars at one of the men, calling out fiercely.
"Taste the cold blade of Dawnstar and join your companions in hell!"

Mwk Scimitar:[roll2]

2009-07-15, 04:08 PM
:smallfurious: My internet is giving me problems, I'll update things as soon as possible.

2009-07-16, 03:59 PM
Despite an almost perfectly executed defensive posture, Arandar's blades whiz past the man's defenses an bite into flesh. The man stumbles back and falls bleeding profusely. His eye's begin to glaze over and he croaks "May Phos have mercy on your souls" before passing out from blood loss.

Aslan pushes past the dead man and through the door without impediment. The room beyond takes up the rest of the second floor, there is a desk and some chairs along with a half dozen more sleeping mats. Homemade rugs cover the rough hewn floors, and the smell of smoke, from a poorly ventilated fireplace, fills the air. A single man in a rough spun tunic kneels before the fire, holding a wooden holy symbol in a white knuckled grasp and praying quietly and rocking back and forth. The window facing the street is closed, but the back one, facing the back ally is open. The man who ran into the room earlier is beginning to lower himself through it, on a rope to the alley below.

Berserk unarmed man-[roll2]
Fleeing man-[roll3]

You all get to go before any of the other combatants.

2009-07-19, 02:03 PM

Aslan calmly walks up behind the man, sword drawn. "Are you Petre? I must ask you to come with me, in the name of the Emperor."

Sorry for the jump in intiative, I just don't want see this die. Here;s a dipolmacy check, if i need it.


2009-07-19, 02:21 PM
OOCI know what you mean. Speaking of dying...

The man stops praying and sighs deeply. "I apologize for the actions of my followers. I told them what was going to happen, but they refused to run." He stares into Alsan's eyes. "He's the reason for the coming destruction. The emperor I mean, him and his conniving manipulative uncle. The dark one is coming and they did nothing to stop it. "

With a grunt Petre rises to his feet. His face is a mask of sadness and despair. "I'm sorry. Forgive me. " Petre sticks out his tongue at Aslan, in what at first appears to be a childish gesture. He open's his mouth and closes it with a snap, biting into his tongue, his jaw clenches severing his tongue completely and releasing a font of blood.

2009-07-19, 02:53 PM

All hell indeed. With out is tongue, the man was indeed useless, however just leaving him to die, he would no doubt seen as a martyr. Aslan really only had one idea. "Someone get in here! I'm going to need help!" he calls out the door.


Aslan with make a touch attack to heal one HP with his Lay on Hands, in hopes to stop the bleeding.
