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2009-07-06, 04:35 AM
"I do not understand all the chaotic games of the Spider Queen - I doubt that even the evil high priestesses know the foul creature's true designs..."

- Drizzt Do'Urden, on the relative strength of his sister Vierna - having apparently regained Lolth's favor...

The night the lights went out in Menzoberranzan

Johess, a servant of house Horlbar, hurried along the edge of the bazaar, the high priestess's threats of what would happen to the last one to complete his task serving as ample motivation. He moved from light to light, extinguishing one after another with a wand he had been entrusted with - one that would allow him to complete his task without encumbering himself with the large assortment of ladders and climbing gear necessary to reach all the hateful things. Normally he would have had no such assistance, but the candles, torches, and other assorted light-emitting objects had been strung throughout Menzoberranzan for a long time leading up to the assault on Mithral Hall, and now, a solid two months later, the ruling council had finally given permission for them to be put out - a task which the high priestesses and mages were only too happy to comply with.

So Johess was surprised when a figure in splendid armor cut him off from extinguishing the final one - a relatively easy to reach one, resting on a small cart at the end of the Bazaar.

"There is no need. I will take care of this one," the figure - a female, Johess noted with some trepidation - reached over and picked up the innocuous candle, "your task is complete."

"High Priestess Dissani said I was to extinguish every one on this street - every single one. Her orders were explicit." Johess winced, expecting outrage that he had attempted to contradict her, but the thought of his punishment the last time his orders had not been precisely carried out was even worse, and he did not regret his decision.

To his surprise, the female - he wasn't quite sure what to make of her, dressed as a warrior, but carrying herself as a noble priestess - grinned humorlessly. "I will take this far away, and if necessary support your claim to the High Priestess that you extinguished all of them with great zeal. You may go back to your High Priestess now and tell her you have finished."

Johess considered. It did make sense. He bowed to the interloper and ran back to his house to report for duty.

The female smiled. She added the candle to her bag - an extradimensional space already half full with the discarded things, and went on to go accost the next servant.

And as it turned out, Johess was the last one back anyway.


Matron Triel Baenre sat upon the marvelous Baenre throne - a throne of the purest black stone, which reputedly held the trapped souls of the late Matron Baenre's unluckiest victims. In addition, the throne sported two massive diamonds set into the arms of the throne, as well as gold and mithral filigree and other precious gemstones.

It was on the two massive diamonds that Triel Baenre's hands rested as she contemplated the future. Specifically, Menzoberranzan's future. The attack on Mithral Hall had been a disaster. A disaster bad enough to kill Matron Baenre, one of the best protected beings in the realms. A disaster bad enough to obliterate a full fifth of House Baenre's troops - or a tenth of their troops, counting all of them, not to mention two high priestesses as well. A disaster bad enough to eliminate two Matron Mothers on the ruling council besides Matron Baenre. A disaster bad enough to critically injure El-Viddenvulp, a powerful illithid.

Not that there wasn't good news. The surface dwellers said that there is a silver lining in every cloud, and while Triel Baenre wasn't too familiar with either, she could certainly recognize opportunity when it came to her. She quickly assumed control of House Baenre - installing her sister as matron mistress of Arach-Tinilith. Gromph let it be known that he supported this change, and between the two of them any other intra-house power plays at that level died before they began.

Also good news was the state of Menzoberranzan below the exalted rank of first house. Two houses, Faen Tlabbar and Agrach-Deyr were missing a Matron Mother, of all things, and others had had their resources sharply reduced. With spots three through eight on the ruling council up for grabs to one degree or another, House Baenre was relatively secure, as it always had been.

Not that Triel Baenre ever relaxed her guard. Hence today's meeting. "Send him in," she said to the door guards, "quickly."

Her visitor arrived with a too-loud click of boots, and then bowed very low, sweeping his large plumed hat off his head to sweep the floor, and exposing a bald head in the process...


Ilianuth, a longtime master at Sorcere, did not wince when the lit candle was brought into the room, although his guard did. "Did she have to keep it burning?" The irritable drow asked.

Ilianuth did not respond, this meeting was too important to let such things distract him - besides, his eyes were some of the least light-sensitive in Menzoberranzan, accustomed as they were to the reading magic texts and scrolls, tasks that could not be accomplished in infravision.

"Menzoberranzan, the greatest city of the drow, demands your name." The code phrase slipped easily from Ilianuth's lips. He'd had to give his dissertation in infernal, and compared to that, most other linguistics came easily to him. Bad prose gave him no trouble with delivery - only a sour taste in his mouth.

"I am Menzoberranzan, and I am doomed." The correct counterphrase came back to him, and the female finally seemed visible, as she moved the light down in front of her face. "How does your task fare, Ilianuth?"

The wizard scowled. Did they have to converse like spies from a badly-made intrigue play as well? "I have begun preparations for distribution. They are on schedule. How do your tasks fare?"

"You dare to question me, male?" The words were not spoken harshly, however - the grin the female flashed him was more amused - even mischevious - than anything else.

"Yes, I do, though I'll assume for the moment that you and your cohorts have encountered no trouble. Do you have anything else to add?"

"Only for your friend." The female leaned closer to Ilianuth's guard. "How do you feel about light?"

"Light? It burns. I'm glad we're putting all the damn things out, mistress."

She laughed easily. "I wouldn't get too comfortable, if I were you..."

Chapter 1
Open House


The throne room of House Xorlarrin was crowded for the first time since the attack on Mithral Hall. All the nobles and any chosen attendants were there. Between the Matron Mother, her daughters (including Akylea), the house wizard division (including Jallorn, T'Jin, and Vishra), and a female drow dressed for combat more than any formal rites (Velshar), and all the priestesses of every other rank, the normally spacious audience portion of the hall has standing room only.

All the better to receive Matron Zeerith's news. "The open days are not to be attended or openly celebrated by House Xorlarrin. Not by any member, nor any servant of any member, nor anything else that could conceivably fall under our domain."

A stunned silence greets that announcment. Not that the house's elite are crushed by being denied access to what amounted to a party and trade fair, but just due to the unorthadoxy of the decision.

The Open Days have nearly arrived, a time when Menzoberranzan's normally ultratight borders are opened and beings of all sorts allowed in under the watchful eyes of several thousand heavily armed ambassadors of friendship and fun. Creatures of all sorts are allowed to walk about, even into the houses, and receive and provide entertainment of all sorts. Trade, of course, is also a big part of the eight day festival, which was coming up the next day. The opportunities were immense for any drow house, and Zeerith's announcement catches the house by surprise.

In some houses, any dissent - even verbal - is swatted down instantly. Not so in house Xorlarrin. One of the High Priestesses, Kiriy, speaks up. "May we at least know why, matron?"

Zeerith - Matron Zeerith to you - calmly nods. "It is too soon after our losses in the Mithral Hall assualt. We cannot afford the lapses in security that would result - it would be an ideal time to strike us down."

Archmage Horroodissimoth frowns, an action that somehow manages to make his face even more lined and wrinkled than it already is. "This seems unlikely. We did not lose more than a handful of soldiers in the attack, and only a double handful of slaves. House Barrison Del'Armgo has made no such decision that I know of, though their weakening was much greater. Caution is good, paranoia is constricting, Matron Zeerith."

Zeerith narrows her eyes and considers. Ever since the disaster beneath Mithril Hall, her normally edgy and cautious personality had, as Horoodissimoth noted - turned more toward active paranoia. There is a lull early in the debate, until Velshar speaks up.

"It could be used as an opportunity."

Heads turn, many of them engaged in trying to figure out where they've seen her before. Her features are not well known...

"House security can be brought up to acceptable levels, even with the Open Days in full force."

Zeerith glances over at her wizards, and Horoodissimoth nods. She motions for Velshar to continue. "While the Open Days are going on, we can ourselves begin to gather information on the other houses - as is customary for such a time. The real benefit will be our attempt to gain contacts outside Menzoberranzan."

There is a collective intake of breath from some of the newer priestesses and mages. While inherently sensical, such activities were generally the sole domain of House Baenre.

A mage - and one known for fighting dirty - Vishra speaks up as well. "We should also seek more knowledge of our current alliances and understandings with the other houses. House Mizzrym in particular worries me."

"House Fey-Branche should be easy enough to scout. They can't resist an opportunity to throw a big celebration." Jearth puts in. Other confirmations from the group follow. Each drow leader offering assurances that no stone would be left unturned.

"I can manage our defenses here. I am too old for revelry." Horoodissimoth states with a small smile.

"Contacts with groups outside Menzoberranzan can be arranged. But we should be careful what we ask for, who we ask it from, and who we offer anything in return to. The incautious words of a svirfneblin might doom the house if we do this badly." The warning comes from Jallorn, who has sufficient elbow room despite the crowding - the only drow within a few feet of him is T'Jin, writing down information and requests for future reference in stoic silence.

"And of course, some of us should go out and have a good time, meet with the outsiders, trade and so forth - lest the other houses suspect we were up to something and take action." Akylea mentions, eyes sparkling.

Zeerith leans back, more at ease - thinking clearly again no doubt, her bout of suspicion and paranoia past for the moment. "Perhaps. Very well, your arguments are sound. I leave it to you, Horodissimoth, to see to the house's magical defenses, and I don't need to tell you what should happen if an intruder breaks in!"

Horodissimoth only gives a slight smile - not because he doubts that Zeerith would punish him, but because of the extemely low probability that anyone will get past his wards.

Zeerith turns to Jearth. "I look to you to organize the rest of the defenses here. I want guards alert and ready in case of trouble." She turns to her daughters. "I leave it to you to organize the details of the contacts, and those who will be joining the Open Days. I shall pray to Lolth for guidance, and then add my input to the plans." She looks out over the room, if no one answers, then she adds, "Dismissed."


Aktoneld Ayr comes to a stop on the bridgeway leading to House Mizzrym, the fantastic walkway leading to the ceiling-supported dwelling, and thinks about spiders.

It isn't his usual line of thought, but he can't help but think that a spider would make less noise than the spy - or whatever he was - that was trying to sneak past him on the underside of the bridge. Aktoneld moves quickly to the obverse spot on the walkway from the thief, gets on his hands and knees and looks over the edge at the underside of the walkway, right into the face of the startled intruder - he can see no gear to allow for this prodigious climbing feat, and thus Aktoneld reasons that he has magical assitance.

"You seem to be lost."

The intruder starts and snaps his left arm out - the hand crossbow there spitting out a tiny and probably poisoned dart. Anticipating the move, Aktoneld rolls back onto the walkway and onto his feet, hearing the intruder move quickly beneath the walkway - toward the house Mizzrym compound.

The Mizzrym weapons master gives him some credit - not only did the spy bypass the bridge's usual guardians, but he's persistent as well. Aktoneld reaches a point ahead of the spy, leans over to one side, weapon readied, and then quickly straightens and lashes out straight backwards with an elbow. The spy, falling for the feint, runs straight into the attack as he flips up and around the bridge, the impact dislodging him completely from the bridge to hurtle more than a thousand feet to the spires below, except that his fall is interrupted by the arm of Aktoneld, roughly grabbing his hand and holding him dangling over the edge like that.

"I offer you a deal - your life for your name, task, and master."

"Go ahead and drop me! It's better than my fate for failing."

"Then I'll make you a counter-offer. Tell me what I want to know and I won't drag you to the drider pits."

"I am Tobel, of Bregan D'aerthe! I was ordered here on the instructions of Jarlaxle himself!"

"Jarlaxle?" The surprise in your voice is genuine. Not because it's a shocking revalation, but because you know that the spy is lying - an operative of Jarlaxle's, so the rumors went, wouldn't have failed in their task, and certainly wouldn't have admitted to it - but because you're somewhat put off by his willingness to continue trying to deceive you in the face of horrible death.

You pull him back up after divesting him of his weapons. "There, that wasn't so hard, was it? You might even keep your freedom, if you will share the particulars with me..." You guide him toward house Mizzrym, toward either a quick death or an interrogation session that he'll never forget, and certainly won't survive. The drow grins, thinking he has you fooled. He is good, but this is Mizzrym, the where betrayal and double dealing come as easily as drawing breath, and there is no comparison.

You are free to act. Unless you run into a High Priestess or the Matron Mother, the intruder's life is basically in your hands.


"The Open Days are approaching."

Karoth Kal'Daka says nothing. He has work to do, and the high priestess Jurlee hadn't given him leave to speak - this was her favorite game, after all.

"I'm not sure what I like the most about them. The revelry, the amusing sights, the opportunity to aquire wealth..." She pauses and looks at you deliberately and maliciously. "...or the fact that at some point, probably over the next tenday, you're going to lose enough slaves that executing you becomes justified in the eyes of our matron mother. What do you say to that, miserable Karoth?"

That *is* an invitation, even if she doesn't realize it. "I would say that I hope they find a more competent executioner this time." It is not the wisest thing to say, but it does fulfill the needs of Karoth's remaining shreds of pride, to snipe back at her once in a while.

Her eyes flash, and in typical fashion, her hand shoots to her multi-headed whip, each head a writhing snake. Karoth wonders if perhaps that comment went a little too far - his ego is tattered, but hers is positively delicate - when a similarly commanding voice sounds from the house proper, out into the slaveholding area. "Halt! Matron Kyrnill Kenafin orders the presence of Karoth Kal'Daka. You will come at once." The voice is revealed as belonging to Gori'hey Kenafin, the sister who halted your beating at the hands of Jurlee those years ago. The enmity between the two is well known, and the smile on Gori'hey's face is genuine, if not for your benefit. As you accompany her, she turns to you and states calmly, "This could be the opportunity you've been waiting for. Do try to behave." With that, she leaves you alone with the Matron Mother.

As the door shuts, Matron Kyrnill looks at you closely. She asks a simple question.

"Are you broken, male?"

You are free to respond.


In another part of Menzoberranzan, Shiryl Eilsval walks through the Bazaar, trailing her latest target - a prospective employer. This is not the normal state of affairs - normally there would be no shortage of work, assuming House Kenafin ran out of people for her to kill - but for some reason Shiryl has been unable to find a soul willing to hire her. She sincerely doubts that Menzoberranzan has run out of targets, so the odd blacklisting is a mystery - and a problem. She begins to close when she notices an odd sight - a single candle, lighting up the visible spectrum toward the edge of the city, near a great sloping wall. She files that data away for later, and finishes closing with a longtime contact of yours - Ro'defey Fey-Branche, talking to none other than Draxann, a necromancer that her house deals with frequently.

You are free to act, either initiating conversation, heading back to the house, or whatever else strikes your fancy.


Draxann, meanwhile, has problems of his own. "I cannot provide that many. I can supply a great number of undead, yes, but not armies to rival those of house Baenre."

"How disappointing." The customer is a nasty house noble associated with House Fey-Branche, Ro'defey, who apparently thinks that undead animate themselves and march to your doorstep in great numbers, offering their loyalty. "I had heard you were quite good at the craft. It should be a simple matter to provide a few thousand undead. House Oblodra was rumored to have eighty thousand kobolds at its service at its peak."

Shriyl walks up on the conversation as Draxann responds:

"House Oblodra did not aquire eighty thousand kobolds in half a month. It took centuries of effort and constant supervision on the part of the house to manage that slave force, and you can see what good that did them." The argument is only heated on the side of Ro'defey - Draxann manages to keep calm and nonplussed.

Independant Operators

Dante sits near a small cart in the Bazaar, at the other end from Shriyl, taking a break from his labors of subjugating abominations of nature. The stop is nearly routine, until a group of Baenre House soldiers approach. You eye them warily, and grow even more concerned when you spot still more approaching from other directions. In seconds, the cart you had just bought a drink at is surrounded. A lizard rider steers his mount through the ranks and pulls to a stop right in front of the cart. Dante wonders if even his special resources can effect his escape, when the rider - recognizable as Berg'inyon, Weapons Master of House Baenre, calls out, "Jacoseth Devic, you are under arrest of House Baenre, pending further investigations into the disappearances and subsequent mutilations of several drow nobles. Come quietly, and your innocence may yet be proven."

The drow at the cart looks stunned. "What? No! I have done nothing wrong!"

"Then you have nothing to fear."

The drow is still sputtering his denials when they drag him away. Berg'inyon is the last to leave. He offers you a polite smile.

"Enjoy your drink."

A near miss. While you have no doubt that your masters have more operatives than just you, the fact is that you don't really think that poor Jacoseth is one of them. The idea that the authorities of House Baenre came within four feet of you and then arrested the wrong drow is too ridiculous to be pure circumstance.

You are free to act.


Jegd Esclav plays merrily for the amusement of the priestesses and other nobles at a small gathering of House Fey-Branche. While nothing new or unusual, there's an odd air of tension above and beyond what the rest of the city is experiencing that seems to have no source. During a break, you find something else amiss - a drow female in armor comes to you and asks, "How do you feel about light?"

2009-07-06, 10:22 AM

"Light...?" Jegd looks down for a moment, building his answer. Finding his flute at his side, he speaks up with utmost politeness and care. "I much prefer sound, but in small doses, treated with care, it can be almost pleasurable to behold."

2009-07-06, 10:34 AM
Karoth Kal'daka

Karoth followed swiftly in Gori'hey's wake. He has not been before Matron Kyrnill in many months since his failure to the wretched dwarves.

He has been preparing for this moment, practicing the bow and signs of sincerity before polished silver mirrors. He has even commissioned the bard Jegd to draft the proper prose for any circumstance. So caught in mental preparations, he hardly heard Gori'hey's comments and so he simply bowed respectfully to her before entering the chamber.

Karoth keeps his eyes low as he enters the room, these scripts had better work bard, is his last though before the Matron speaks and he yields before her.

"I am but a tool of the House Matron. But a broken tool is a useless thing." this exact question he had not prepared, but he reworked other prepared responses from the bard that would fit nicely. "So long as you would wield this tool, this weapon, you will find I will never shatter in your service."

2009-07-06, 12:31 PM

The female smiles. "Excellent. We need open-minded drow, you see. The light question is a test - mostly. Would you like to know more? To know about an opportunity unparalleled in the last thousand years?"

She doesn't wait for you to respond. "Of course you do. So I want you to meet with me again, on the second of the Open Days, at the east end of the Bazaar." She presses a used candle into your hand. "Bring this. If you don't show up, there will be no recriminations - other than that you'll have missed a grand chance for true, unfettered freedom."

She whirls gracefully and turns to leave. You do have time to try and accost her, yell at her, etc. She doesn't vanish into thin air - she's just moving fast. Or you can let her go. You are free to act.


Kyrnill's eyes narrow. "A practiced response - but not taught to you by any of my daughters." She considers a long moment. "You may look up at me. Listen carefully, Karoth Kal'Daka, for the moment has come that I'm sure you've been dreaming of for the last few months of your miserable life. We need you to find a way to subvert or eliminate - preferably subvert - the slave forces of House Fey-Branche. Find a way into their compound, come up with a plan, and return to me with it before you execute it. I understand that you are not the greatest of those of a stealthy persuasion, and I do not care. Aquire whatever resources you need - your old equipment is available, as well as some considerable house funding. Use it wisely, don't disappoint me, and you will rise in station within the house - not to what it once was, but better than it is now, and you will notice the difference, this I promise - and your name won't be synonymous with total failure! I do not have to tell you what will happen if you fail."

The priestesses frequently made promises such as this to taunt you, but to your knowledge the Matron Mother had never done so - and certainly had never entrusted you with a task of such importance before. Subverting or eliminating the slave forces of Fey-Branche could only be the prelude to an attack, an attack that, if carried out successfully, could place House Kenafin within spitting distance of the ruling council, and could push you out of the dark hole of your current situation.

The Matron Mother's statement is purely rhetorical, and so you know better than to respond. Finally she adds, "You have from now until the end of the Open Days to come up with your plan. It's execution will depend on what you tell me. Dismissed."

2009-07-06, 12:35 PM
Aktoneld Aiyr

Aktoneld jovially puts his arm around the intruder's shoulders as he leads him towards the interrogation chambers. There, he'll find either an experienced torturer or a low-ranking priestess who will be able to get information out of the fool much quicker than Aktoneld will be able to. But that's no reason to not start finding things out right away. In the most uncomprehending and vexed tone of voice he can muster, Aktoneld starts to weave a web around the spy. "This is most unusual, Tobel. I worked for Jarlaxle a few decades ago, and we've been on good terms since. He wouldn't move against my house for no reason. So someone must have hired him, someone with quite a lot of money. You're quite a good spy. Surely you overheard something about his contractor?"

Diplomacy check: [roll0]

2009-07-06, 12:39 PM

Velshar moves slowly and calmly away from the main crowd as tasks are given out. She makes to be near both her mother and the Matron Mother at the same time, so that she'll be able to set up arcane communication between whichever of them can get involved in a whispered conversation first.

She won't be using a readied action, meerly watching. She can't fit a full round action into the space of time neccesary, which is precisely how much effort a Still Silent Message takes.

2009-07-06, 01:24 PM
As the men begin to approach, Dante keeps his cool smile. He yanks the thin, ineffective-looking chain leash around Anya's neck and hisses to her, tapping his cane behind her knees. She falls down to her knees, making her short form even more miniscule, and palms a small blade attatched to a similar chain. Dante then looks out for the man who seems to be in charge, and hits him with a little power of his. He steps forwards to the man, and begins to speak. "Excuse me, sir, but I must speak with you for a moment. Is this a good time?"
Greater endowed psionic charm lasting for 1 day/level and also affecting aberrations, dragons, elementals, or outsiders with bonuses making it a DC 29 will save.

2009-07-06, 03:03 PM
As the group disperses, Jallorn approaches the matron, signing his brother to stay back, and bows. "Matron," he says in his gravely voice, "I have many magics that would enable me to go unnoticed or unrecognized. So to is my," here he pauses to give the illusion of disdain, "brother capable of stealth. I would like to propose our use of these abilities in discovering secrets or other information. We are at your command, as always." He bows again, signaling his brother to do so as well.

2009-07-06, 07:41 PM
T'Jin smirks on the inside as he bows low, bending his knees slightly and sweeping out his arms. It would be wholly inappropriate to speak now, while his talented, chosen brother addresses the very matron of his house. So instead he lowers his eyes to the ground and thinks.

Will I be sent to infiltrate Mizzrym? Mingling at Fey-Branche should be more my brother's suit than that of his lowly servant. My, this is interesting. I wonder if anyone will need to be killed. With how nervous some seem, there is likely more to be known than is revealed. When will this veiled information be made manifest?

2009-07-06, 09:54 PM

The man blinks and raises an eyebrow at your pronouncement of knowing Jarlaxle. His face betrays nothing else, though. "Oh, you must know that most of his real work is done in service to House Baenre. He and the late matron of that house had quite the cozy business relationship - which I can only guess Matron Triel took over when she came into power. I can't guess at her motivations. Maybe Lolth told her to do it in a dream." He gives a nervous little laugh. You do seem to be approaching a regular house priestess, although if you want to continue your personal interrogation you can proceed deeper into the compound and look for a real interrogator.


Your maneuvering takes you past the High Priestesses, and finally your mother manages to catch your eye and bypasses magical communication by subtly but rapidly signing to you, <Meet me in my chambers when Narbondel is completely dark. Come unseen.>, while simultaneously engaged in verbal conversation with the others. The High Priestesses move off to a private adjoining room, apparently to stay there until the end of the day, if your mother's message is any hint. Zeerith is busy talking to the Lolth-empowered mage and his aide. You may stick around and talk to the priestesses or mages, wait on Zeerith, leave, or formulate your own agenda.

You are free to act.


Berg'inyon rocks almost imperceptibly in his saddle, and then straightens. The lizard he's riding hisses angrily at you, but he brings it in line and looks over to you. "I suppose I could," he says easily. "What do you need to know?"

I saw that you put a thumbs down on your post. Is there something you're trying to tell me? Something I'm doing wrong?

Jallorn and T'Jin

Matron Zeerith leans back and smiles easily. She steeples her fingers and asks, "I know. But what exactly shall I do with you? Everyone seems to be offering their services, but no one has a solid plan." She glances at the door, and rises. "My daughters and I will hopefully take care of that, but if you have a course of action - a specific one - to offer, I will consider it. Males do, occasionally, come up with something positively devious, and I won't miss the opportunity if this is one of those times."

2009-07-06, 10:06 PM
"Well now, I don't know about devious, matron, but I do have an idea for my skills. Agrach Dyrr, their fortress is strong, and they are much feared for their battle prowess. I would propose my exploring their house and searching for any... weaknesses." Here Jallorn leaned in conspiratorially, "And if someone manages to sneak a little poison into their food supplies, perhaps another house might be able to defeat them. Of course, pitching our troops into the battle would be a bad idea, I suggest we trick one of the lesser houses into attacking, and if they survive, they won't be able to complain as we'll be able to take them out. If they fall, Agrach Dyrr will be much weakened."

2009-07-06, 10:24 PM
Eheh. I accidentally clicked that as my computer started freezing up. It was unintentional.
Dante grins...
Time to kill two birds with one stone, he thinks, as he manifests a psionic dominate. He regains focus, uses his psionic endowment, then hits him and two of his guards with the dominate, modified to last several days. (Total of DC 31.) He asks the man, out loud, to follow him to his home, then has him look back to the others and say "Go ahead and take this scum, I'll see what the man wants." He has him motion to the two he also dominated to follow him, and brings the man back to his home.
One there, he has his servants lock the two guards in the farm, and following them, sets the man on a chair and begins a mind probe on the man.
1st question: Tell me what you know about the man you just arrested.

2009-07-06, 10:27 PM

Velshar perks a brow as she hears Jallorn's proposed plan, as she had given the Matron Mother her undivided attention after receiving her orders. She then glances about warily, looking to see if the conversation had caught anyone else's interest. It was always good to know who was privy to the agenda of who in the Underdark.


2009-07-06, 11:40 PM
Karoth Kal'daka

The Wolf stalks quickly back to his old room, collecting his House relics once lost to him. Incredible, months of scouring and scheming, and here it just falls into my lap, he ponders his next move while equipping.

{{{Zaqh, to me}}} He sends out empathic vibrations of excitement and nervousness to the familiar. He sweeps the room, double-checking each hidden cache, before heading to the door. He takes on last look inside the room fit for a noble before moving deeper into the compound.

Karoth makes his way to the dwelling of Shiryl Eilsval. Annoyance at her absence does not even register through the Slavers turning mind. He makes a mark upon her door-frame. In their time working together since his fall, the two developed a simple signal note to tell the other they are sought.

Hope you're OK with the liberty. I assumed that since we are in the same House and had talked OOC about working together in some capacity this seemed appropriate

From there he makes his way to the slave warrens and seeks out the Goblin of highest status within the House ranks.

As a Slaver I am assuming Karoth is very familiar with the House Slave population and has at least an inkling about who to start with. Also being a Slaver once involved in Noble Affairs and that Fey-Branche compound is right near mine I also assumed he would know that Fey-Branche Slaves are almost entirely Goblins - if going by the Menzo pdf.

Please correct me if either of these assumptions are overstepping or wrong.


The beast wakes with a snort. Long has the Howler enjoyed an exalted status among the House hounds and prime napping locations near the kitchen fires. It lumbers up and stretches - sending its cascading spines quivering along its mane.

Finally some happenings with this elfling, Zaqh shakes of the last vestiges of sleep and pads along the Kenafin halls waiting to catch the familiar sent of Karoth.

2009-07-07, 02:39 AM
Jallorn and T'Jin

Matron Zeerith taps her chin thoughtfully while she muses. "House Agrach Dyr is missing its Matron Mother - she was killed in the attack on the Hall, apparently by some sort of large pincer weapon. The plan is not the first one to involve sabatoge of a lower house, but poison comes with a unique set of problems. For one thing, its almost certain to kill some of the guests - and if they start dying horribly for no reason then the Open Days celebrations will fall off sharply, cutting into trade all over the city, and then there will be... inquiries."

She frowns. "Worse still, their archmage is a lich, an undead thing of great power that will still be standing no matter how much poison he imbibes."

"Still, the plan is not wholly unworkable. The main problem besides that of the poison is the risk-to-reward turnover. It means nothing to our rank if Agrach Dyrr is destroyed - other than the minimal gain in security *if* our agreement with Mizzrym holds. Only if we do it personally will we reap material reward, and even then we will gain only what House Baenre permits us to take."

She looks over at the door the High Priestesses have disappeared to. "Refine your plans, Jallorn, and return to me with them complete. I look forward to the result." With that, she joins her daughters in the planning chamber and the door shuts. You are, for all intents and purposes, dismissed and free to act, with basically the same options Velshar has.


Nearby, Velshar manages to overhear the salient points of the plan and Zeerith's objections - and her instructions. Looking about the room, you spot only one indication of undue interest - Horoodissimoth's left eye is twitching in a manner that has less to do with old age and more to do with a spying spell being in effect, though what he's looking for you cannot guess at this time.

You have time to accost the Matron Mother before she disappears, if you choose to do so. Otherwise, she vanishes into the planning chamber with your mother and aunts, as stated above.

You are free to act.


It looks like you're going for the award for most spoiler tags. :smalltongue:

I would like to make it clear that this, your main prisoner, is none other than Berg'inyon Baenre, and while he can't generally make 30+ will saves, it may not be a good idea to try for a domination effect, as he will almost certainly be found out quickly and fixed, at which point you will very likely die - he quite literally has friends in all the right places. Also, should he somehow break free of the domination, he is still a very well equipped level 14 fighter. I don't know if you can wipe his memory or not, but if you intend to follow through with psionic interrogation of the House Baenre weapons master, be *very* careful - what you're doing is the drow equivalent of shaking your rear at Sauron and making catcalls.


I'm sorry, I can't finish the post right now. I'll post for you tomorrow.

2009-07-07, 02:41 AM
DM:Memory modification (or whatever), my friend. He'll be released. The others, however, are going to be illithid snacks.

2009-07-07, 10:42 AM

"House Baenre. Huh. Well, if they're behind your presence here, there's not much we can do to retaliate." Aktoneld catches the approaching priestess's eye, then turns back to his prisoner and continues in a much colder tone. "Assuming they are behind your presence, that is."
Aktoneld adresses the priestess before the intruder can open his mouth to answer. "Revered one, I met this man on the bridge, attempting to sneak in here. He has been telling me a quite interesting story, a story in which Jarlaxle sends spies against us on Triel Baenre's orders. If you have a whip handy, I believe you could make him tell an even more interesting story, and certainly a more truthful one. Shall I fetch an interrogator, or do you want to question him on your own?"

2009-07-07, 10:53 AM
Jallorn heads towards his quarters in order to make plans with T'Jin in private.

2009-07-07, 11:58 AM
Velshar smiles. Something of interest, of intrigue. She hadn't even left the room, and she was already in her element. She closes her eyes, focusing her mind on magic unbound by word and deed.

Still Silent Message targetting the Matron Mother. A simple message: "Horoodissimoth seems to be scrying. Assuming no objection on your part, I plan to look into what."

After that, she'll make a Spellcraft check to identify his spell after it's been cast.


2009-07-07, 12:04 PM
"I can offer you a long term plan, over the next 9 years if that would be more satisfactory."
Draxann makes a small motion with his hand, and the invisible presence at his side move away and opens a liquer cabnet.
"Could I interest you in something sparkling while we find exactly what you want?"

The undead drow steeples his hands and casts a sidelong glance at the wight by the doorway, who shrugs and raises one eyebrow.

2009-07-07, 03:22 PM

It doesn't sound wrong, and you're definitely not overstepping to fill in details and use them like that - the setting is complex enough that I have to trust the players on keeping a lot of the details that relate to them straight, or else I'll go nuts and have Matron Triel arrested by the Spanish Inquision or something. At least you'd never expect it...

The goblins you encounter confer among themselves and eventually bring you to Tugget, by their account a particularly smart goblin. The goblin does manage to grind out passable drow, albeit with some odd tenses and associations.

"Your need somewhat, masterworked drow?"


"Only the arrest information. There was evidence found linking the man to the disappearences of several nobles of house Faen Tlabbar, House Horlbarl, and House Barrison Del'Armgo. Some of them were later found, mostly headless, and identified. I was provided with his description, name, and approximate whereabouts, and told to arrest him, assuming that he was armed, magic-capable, and dangerous."


Did you change your name? :smallconfused:

The priestess nods. "Both, I think, weapons master." Your friend "Tobel" starts to protest, and is silenced as the priestess quickly casts a spell, paralyzing him. "Would you be so kind as to move him into the first chamber in the next hall? I will fetch Sodaro and we shall begin. You may join us, if you wish."

Jallorn & T'Jin

You are not interrupted on the way back to your quarters, the others figuring out that you are now on an assignment from Zeerith.

You are free to act.


You tentatively identify the spell as a variation on Wizard's Eye, of the Archmage's own make - probably improved to let him see here and with his extra senses at the same time.

Zeerith shows no reaction to your spell, but you do see her hand flick into a drow sign language position - one with multiple meanings based on context. Had this been a combat zone, it would mean "Standing by" but as it is she simply signs <Go Ahead>.


"A long term plan might be acceptable," says Ro'defey, even as Vishra comes up behind him, "but nine years is too long. You must realize that."

2009-07-07, 03:30 PM
"She has the impatience of a woman that matron. There go our hopes of her being a man in disguise," Jallorn jokes. Getting serious, he adds, "She made the mistake of assuming I meant fatal poisons, but I was thinking something that operates slowly. Like a degenerative disease. Do you know of any such poisons?"

2009-07-07, 03:37 PM
Elaborate. What was his name, appearance, location? What else were you told about him? What do you know about his magic? Who told you this and had you arrest him?

2009-07-07, 03:42 PM

Dah. Ainariel was the name of the last elven character I played, and I just typed it in without thinking. My characters name is and continues to be Aktoneld. I'll fix that in the last post.

Aktoneld grins. "Certainly, priestess." Hooking his arms under Tobel's shoulders, Aktoneld drags him off to the room in question and waits for the priestess and Sodaro to meet him.

Once there, I'll take 10 on a Use Rope check (for a total of 22) to tie Tobel up.

2009-07-07, 03:47 PM

She smiles to herself, a bit wider now. She makes to lean against a nearby wall before bending reality to her will once more. Her eyes will casually scan the room on occasion, and examine her nails on other occasions. However, the direction her head is pointed, and thus her mind's eye, is always at the Archmage.

Still Silent Detect Thoughts, maintaining concentration to try to get into his head.

2009-07-07, 04:36 PM
"She has the impatience of a woman that matron. There go our hopes of her being a man in disguise," Jallorn jokes. Getting serious, he adds, "She made the mistake of assuming I meant fatal poisons, but I was thinking something that operates slowly. Like a degenerative disease. Do you know of any such poisons?"

"I'm admittedly not as well versed in poisons as I should be," says T'Jin, rubbing his chin in thought. "Plus, most poisons work their way out of the system fairly quickly without repeat doses. A more effective method of doing what you suggest may be to actually attempt to plague their house."

"Perhaps some sort of arcane machine that creates diseases in those close to it. We could disguise it as nonmagical and have a sophisticated magical intelligence controlling it. If we make its motivating factor to plague our adversaries and advance the political status of our house, it should serve well. This plan does seem fairly contrived, though. What do you think, brother?"

2009-07-07, 05:17 PM

Jegd simply nods as he hides the candle in one of his cloak's pockets and watches the strange drow leave. He briefly considers going or sending a friend of his after her, but decides against it. Why seem desperate? She contacted him. He simply follows her with his gaze and brings his instrument to his mouth. {{{I think you'll find my mind is plenty open. I'm not one to miss chances my lady, you set high expectations by calling it the greatest in the millenia though... I'll judge it myself. Until the second day then.}}} He watches for a reaction and simply smiles if she looks back.

The small rat that rests curled up in a ball in one of his pockets snickers. Jegd begins playing a simple tune to warm up. {{{Anything special about the candle, Izzert?}}} The rat uncurls and begins inspecting it.

{{{A second if you will 'master'}}} Izzert should still have access to Detect Magic in an alternate form, so he'll give the candle a look over with it.

2009-07-07, 05:23 PM
"We have got the mages to pull it off, but it is a little contrived, yes. Maybe it doesn't need to be intelligent. With the houses open, anyone unrecognized could 'accidentally' leave something somewhere hidden. I suggest leaving some easily overlooked item in a few houses, set to go off at different times. Maybe even a weak one among our own slaves. Give the illusion of a pandemic brought by some outsider. Or leave one of the houses clean of the disease so that others might blame them. We can claim that our powerful mages managed to find a cure some time after our house is 'hit,' and it'll allude suspicions of why we'll be hit so lightly. Worst case scenario we're discovered. Not a problem for us, nobody knows what we look like. Second worst case, someone else is blamed, the source is discovered, and most of the other houses will be weakened, best case, no one discovers the cause, we make a killing selling the 'cure,' and the other houses are weakened. What do you think, did I miss anything? Does it sound workable?"

2009-07-07, 09:26 PM
"We have got the mages to pull it off, but it is a little contrived, yes. Maybe it doesn't need to be intelligent. With the houses open, anyone unrecognized could 'accidentally' leave something somewhere hidden. I suggest leaving some easily overlooked item in a few houses, set to go off at different times. Maybe even a weak one among our own slaves. Give the illusion of a pandemic brought by some outsider. Or leave one of the houses clean of the disease so that others might blame them. We can claim that our powerful mages managed to find a cure some time after our house is 'hit,' and it'll allude suspicions of why we'll be hit so lightly. Worst case scenario we're discovered. Not a problem for us, nobody knows what we look like. Second worst case, someone else is blamed, the source is discovered, and most of the other houses will be weakened, best case, no one discovers the cause, we make a killing selling the 'cure,' and the other houses are weakened. What do you think, did I miss anything? Does it sound workable?"

"I think that we should release the disease among our slaves if this scenario is used. If the illness is one that is easily survived, it would free us from blame while freeing us from guilt. Now, which house above us would you suggest is in the direst position? If we infect them, some of our slaves, and a few houses below us while inciting one of the higher houses against them, our clan could rise more easily in the ranks, weakening those above us with infighting. An assassination done in a trademark style, with a special crested weapon, or a rare poison could spark off the chaos nicely."

T'Jin sits, eyes closed and rubbing his forehead as he says all of this. It seems he is thinking deeply about the different options presented before them.

2009-07-07, 10:29 PM

"His name was Jacoseth Devic. He was described as a drow male of approximately 5 feet, 3 inches in height, with long hair and rose colored eyes, posing as a vendor at the edge of the Bazaar. I was told nothing of the specifics of his magic, and gave my soldiers instructions to fire on him if he appeared to work any. I was informed that Aida Baenre, one of the High Priestesses of the house, had ordered his arrest by a messenger whose name I cannot recall, and he provided the message with the appropriate seal from Aida. I then destroyed the written copy of the message, according to procedure."


You finish roping him to the chair, and head back out into the hall just in time to meet the priestess and Sodaro, who is carrying a variety of odd or sharp objects and grinning wickedly. The priestess stops the two of you from heading into the room with the prisoner, speaking quietly. "Your presence could be fortuitous, Aktoneld. Sodaro projects all the friendliness and personal warmth of a hook horror, but you can be the nice weapons master that saved our friend Tobel from certain doom."

Sodaro nods eagerly. "I was just telling Priestess Belua that we've found that prisoners are more likely to open up if they believe they have at least one ally in the room. Hope is a more useful emotion to instill than despair. I am, however, none too good at inspiring hope in my subjects."

Belua smiles and strokes Sodaro's cheek lightly. "We don't expect you to be, dear Sodaro. But with the two of you offering threats and promises, and myself channeling Lolth's power, we should be able to interrogate him properly."

Do you want to roleplay the interrogation, or jump to the information gained? I'm set up for either.


You receive the very strong impression of an onyx wall. Horoodissimoth, Archmage of a house best known for paranoia, appears to have prepared for mental intrusions.


The female looks back and smiles back at you.

Upon being offered the candle for study, Izzert detects nothing but the rapidly fading presence of a long since expended evocation spell - based on what you've seen earlier, it's probably an indication that the candle was snuffed magically.

2009-07-07, 10:45 PM
My spoilers will be labeled if there's anyone not supposed to read it.
knowledge (Nob.+Roy.) check to determine "house above in direst position: [roll0]

As he considered all he knew of the three higher houses, Jallorn voiced a quick idea, "I would propose infesting everyone. Although I think some of the infestations should be weaker than others, if only to justify the weakness of ours. Here's my plan: a weak infestation in a lower house, then, maybe a couple weeks later, it gets worse, and another infestation emerges in another house. Over the next week after that, a couple more houses are infected, and by the end of the next week nearly everyone should be effected. We can work up a more detailed plan later, including opportunities to take during the process, including any assassinations."

2009-07-07, 11:49 PM
Karoth Kal'daka

The Drow pursed his lips and stares at the wretched beast a moment. Decades of hunting and working around these creatures has not yet accustomed Karoth to their blatant futility of life. With a sigh he starts into what will be a trying conversation.

"Do you know the Goblins of House Fey-Branche?"

Karoth will do his best to get the following out of the goblin if it knows 1) Do Kenafin Goblins have contact with the Goblins of Fey-Branche?, 2) Who is the head Goblin of the Fey-Branche Goblins?

For that matter -to Jade_Tarem- how do the Slaves get organized in this game? Are they mostly independent sub-cultures expected to simply be subservient under the eye of a few Drow->bugbears, or is there active direction like in a prison system with lots of Drow oversight?


Blood. Drow. Drow. Female Drow. Food. Goblin. Karoth, the Howler centers on that smell among many. Ugh, and more Goblins too. Slave pens then.

He slinks along the edge of the Goblin quarters. The little snacks find his presence overly terrifying, and so Zaqh stays at the outer edge awaiting his master.

2009-07-07, 11:57 PM
My spoilers will be labeled if there's anyone not supposed to read it.
knowledge (Nob.+Roy.) check to determine "house above in direst position: [roll0]

As he considered all he knew of the three higher houses, Jallorn voiced a quick idea, "I would propose infesting everyone. Although I think some of the infestations should be weaker than others, if only to justify the weakness of ours. Here's my plan: a weak infestation in a lower house, then, maybe a couple weeks later, it gets worse, and another infestation emerges in another house. Over the next week after that, a couple more houses are infected, and by the end of the next week nearly everyone should be effected. We can work up a more detailed plan later, including opportunities to take during the process, including any assassinations."

"That sounds like a workable idea. It could help tip the current precarious balance into a profitable chaos. You should present it to the matron when you have a chance, if you have nothing else to change about the plan."

2009-07-08, 12:07 AM
Jallorn nods in agreement, then his face suddenly breaks out into a slight grin. "Say T'Jin, how would you like to search for a phylactery? Matron said that House Agrach Dyrr's archmage is a lich. I think our mages could beat him if we can find his phylactery."

2009-07-08, 12:11 AM

I'll RP it.

When Tobel is mobile again, Aktoneld speaks to him. "It took some effort, but I've gotten Sodaro here to agree that he won't kill you if you start telling the truth. I don't want to waste a spy like you, especially if your true employer still trusts you. But if you won't tell us who your employer really is, there's nothing I can do to help you. Make the right choice here, Tobel. Just tell us the truth and you get both your life and a nice new job."

2009-07-08, 12:25 AM

Velshar maintains concentration on the spell, her attention turning to those engaging the Archmage in conversation. Perhaps, if they were privy to his behavior...

2009-07-08, 01:56 AM
Dante, for the first time in years, begins to feel the inklings of stress. It is quickly subdued, but nevertheless.
What... exactly... did the message say? Describe in more detail these killings- their heads were missing? Doesthis Aida Baenre happen to carry items or use enchantments that make her immune to things like psionic domination and charming? If you were to kill or abduct her, how would you go about it?
So... these people mentioned- does Dante remember abducting any of them?

2009-07-08, 06:51 AM
Jallorn nods in agreement, then his face suddenly breaks out into a slight grin. "Say T'Jin, how would you like to search for a phylactery? Matron said that House Agrach Dyrr's archmage is a lich. I think our mages could beat him if we can find his phylactery."

"Of a house archmage? I would need at least a general idea first of where to find it. Even then, I would need to know what it looks like or have some sort of magic vision. I would be willing to if we could get that information," says T'Jin, a smile creeping across his face, one of his eyebrows raising.

2009-07-08, 10:33 AM

Hmm, looks like the Open Days will be rather interesting then. He'll muse over the possibilities for a moment, wondering if the snuffed candle could have any significance. When the time comes though, he'll resume his duties as the gathering's musicians and continue playing. After playing a small introduction for inspiration, he'll give it his all on the performance, playing always helped him concentrate.

He'll cast Improvisation (Spell Compendium, pg 21) before he starts playing, this will let spread out +20 luck bonus on most rolls limiting me to Caster Level / 2 per roll. I'll use it to give the following rolls the boost.

Knowledge Local on the dame to see if Jegd can recognize her from anywhere. [roll0]
Knowledge Nobility as above, in case she can be recognized as a member of a Noble House [roll1]
Knowledge Local on the Open Days Jegd would probably know, but I'd rather know too [roll2]
Perform, to leave a good impression [roll3]

2009-07-08, 11:39 AM
"We should ask the matron if she knows anything." Jallorn sits down, gazing at the floor in thought. "Perhaps our archmage could work up a spell similar to analyze dweomer that can identify a phylactery."

2009-07-08, 08:18 PM
"We should ask the matron if she knows anything." Jallorn sits down, gazing at the floor in thought. "Perhaps our archmage could work up a spell similar to analyze dweomer that can identify a phylactery."

"I assume that may work. It seems that both the plague and the lich must be handled with aid from the archmage. Perhaps we should see if he would be willing to aid us in this endeavour before we entreat the approval of the matron again. We can only have our ideas disapproved of so many times before we'll lose clout," says T'Jin.

2009-07-08, 08:26 PM

"Oh! Oh yes! Those goblins for at of Baruggagug Tribes. Nasties one and all! Even more that Rognog! Stupid goblins make stupid chief!"

Pretty much your first thought is correct - slaves form subcultures based on whatever they were before, with some oversight from drow slavers. The fact that a small group of drow elite soldiers is powerful enough to put down most slave revolts in a hurry keeps them in line. Besides, being enslaved by the drow isn't so terrible - compared to lots of things in the Underdark, anyway.


The priestess works a spell as Tobel begins to speak.

"As I said, I was told by Jarla-"

"Lies." Says the priestess, matter-of-factly.

"Let me tell you how this is going to work, Tobel," says Sodaro, leaning in menacingly. "For every lie you tell, I'm going to make a mark - in your flesh. When we're done, I will complete the design I have in mind, and it will fill in the spaces between the marks."

"Sodaro is something of an amateur artist." Belua adds, deadpan.

"Indeed. And while it's said that artists suffer for their art, I prefer to let others do the suffering. Others like you. But I have no shortage of canvas, and our friend, the good weapons master, appears to have taken a liking to you. So if you stop this silly game and tell us what we want to know, then I'll just have to obey the command of Aktoneld and practice somewhere else."

Belua nods. "So let us try one more time, keeping in mind that I am listening with the ears of Lolth, and you cannot lie to me."

Tobel looks at the faces around him, and swallows nervously. "I don't know who it was."

Belua opens her mouth, "L-"

"Not really!" He interjects.

"But you can guess." Belua questions.

"Yes! I can guess. I think whoever it was was from somewhere other than Menzoberranzan. They wore a mask and enough clothing that I couldn't determine gender, but the way they talked and moved, I don't think they were from around here."


I'm assuming you keep shifting your focus until you find something interesting.

...wish his eye would stop twitching, it's distracting...

...by now. I wonder if the Matron Mother knows who the female over there is. She sure has a creepy stare, it's as though she's reading my mind. Can you hear me? Hello?...

...blah blah. Will he never shut up? We all know he's just going to put me on potion duty again...

...spying again, Horoodissimoth? I wonder who it is this time...

...and if I combine the lightning seed with the web particulars, it could start a cascade of...

You back up to the previous one.

...spies, spies everywhere, and not a stone unturned. Still, I wonder if he's spying on me. Surely not. If he could go digging around in my effects I'd likely be executed. Besides, that nasty hag claimed I was protected from the magics of every male and priestess in the house. The thoughts belong to none other than the house elderboy.


"I do not recall the exact contents of the message. The bodies, as I understand it, were missing heads and sometimes other parts. When recovered, the missing parts had usually been badly mutilated.

Aida Baenre is heavily protected from mental and physical assault, as are all the high priestesses of House Baenre. The fastest way to kill her that might succeed would be to bribe or convince another high priestess to arrange her death - the most likely way to succeed would be if it could somehow be arranged for her to fall out of Lolth's favor - Matron Triel Baenre would likely kill her for you after that.

If I were to attempt it, I would wait for the High Ceremony and attempt to run her through with my lance. She would be unlikely to see it coming, and only slightly more likely to survive."

It's possible that you've abducted maybe one or two nobles, by accident, but this sudden rash of royal disappearances is not your fault.


You do not recognize her - more importantly, you're certain that you haven't seen her before, rather than simply not remembering. She seems to act like a noble, but if she is one it's not from any house that you know of - and you know of just about all the houses in Menzoberranzan.

The Open Days could be likened to a giant, eight day, Menzoberranzan-wide Open House/Trade Fair/Festival. The outer barriers are opened and any creature - even some of the nasty horrors of the Underdark, are allowed to wander the city, trading, visiting noble houses, etc. This provides entertainment for the drow, entertainment for the horrors, and most importantly, huge trade revenues and awesome parties for everyone. Your character is well aquainted with the Open Days - his performance profits usually triple for those eight days. They quintupled one year when you played your cards particularly well and received a command performance from House Baenre.

Your performance is stellar. You make it all through the night without so much as a sour note or a rushed measure, and receive several complements from various nobles, which increase in volume and decrease in clarity as the night goes on and more wine is passed around.

2009-07-08, 08:26 PM
"That's true... I think I'll try and get one of the mages to make us a variation on the item. I'm thinking a ring that infects anyone who wears it." Jallorn stops for a while, considering the myriad of uses. He grins somewhat evilly at one thought, then stands, saying, "Let's go speak to the archmage, assuming he's not busy. We should consider the merits of keeping this for the matron. And the disadvantages of course."

what about my knowledge check?

2009-07-08, 09:43 PM
Dante thinks... ponders... and decides he has no further questions.
He manifests modify memory several times to change the following things:
He dismissed the two fellows halfway through going to Dante's home, deciding he didn't need them with him.
Going to Dante's home, it turned out Dante brought him there because he wanted him to bring a shipment of insectiles and arachnoids to his matron, and of course pay for them.
His Matron desired a large order of Insectiles and Arachnoids, and told him to get them from Dante. (Dante has done business with the house before, so it's not too outlandish.)
He modifies several times for the man to have suffered slights by Aida, always with her not in person so he doesn't have to act her out in memory- enough to make him really mad.
He has him remember seriously thinking about running the woman through with a lance during the High Ceremony (during and after the slights so as to not waste energy) or possibly arranging for her to fall out of favor with the High Priestesses and such.
He has him remember his time with Dante as a series of fleeting images (once again so as to save energy), with Dante being very professional, businesslike, affable and intelligent, and definitely someone he'd like to do business with again.
Finally, he releases the man from his domination while ending a tour through the farm, the other two drow safely out of sight. "Now, as you can see, my insectiles are hardy, clean, easy to maintain, quite deft and quick learners, obedient, and unlike most of my competitors' products, highly intelligent. So, just what did you intend on buying, and how many?"

2009-07-08, 09:51 PM

Every male and priestess? It's as though I was born to ruin the traitor. Velshar stops focusing on the spell, turning to make toward one of the doors to the hallway(s.) Once she's out of the room, she'll get the steel mirror out of her haversack as she makes down the hall, using it to look behind her to see if she's being followed.

2009-07-08, 10:12 PM

Aktoneld smiles benevolently at Tobel. "I'm glad that you see reason. Tell me more. What kind of clothing, and what did the mask look like? Are you sure this person was even a drow? And, most importantly, what exactly were your orders?"

2009-07-08, 11:07 PM
Karoth Kal'daka

"Rognog of Baruggagug," the Drow rolled the brutish syllables. "You then, Tugget, you may get to show those Baruggagug Goblins a real Chief. Next time I call you, I want you to gather ten of your cleverest goblins and meet me here."

Karoth dismisses the thing. He makes his way back through the pens to Zaqh. They fall into step toward the Male-quarters. "This may be our chance."

Korath seeks out the House Archmage.

I am seeking the Mage in charge of crafting or with the most experiencing crafting of magical items within our House. The matron promised house wealth and support for my task so I am hoping to have the items acquired or made in-house if possible.


The Howler followed in silence. It could feel the radiating emotions of pride/determination/anticipation flowing off its master.

2009-07-09, 10:49 AM
"That's true... I think I'll try and get one of the mages to make us a variation on the item. I'm thinking a ring that infects anyone who wears it." Jallorn stops for a while, considering the myriad of uses. He grins somewhat evilly at one thought, then stands, saying, "Let's go speak to the archmage, assuming he's not busy. We should consider the merits of keeping this for the matron. And the disadvantages of course."

what about my knowledge check?

"Are you sure that a cursed ring would see enough of a spread of the illness? Shouldn't it be something that works at a range?" asks T'Jin, frowning.

2009-07-09, 12:36 PM
"Oh, no no no, you misunderstand me, the rings would be our personal variations. Not the primary ones."

2009-07-09, 02:13 PM
"Oh, no no no, you misunderstand me, the rings would be our personal variations. Not the primary ones."

"Well, let's be off, then," says T'Jin with a smirk, standing and heading out. "We have an archmage to meet with."

2009-07-09, 03:02 PM

"A long term plan might be acceptable," says Ro'defey, even as Vishra comes up behind him, "but nine years is too long. You must realize that."

"That is how long it would take for me to acquire and animate enough corpses to make an army."
Draxann closes his eyes and lets out a rasping sigh, bringing his right hand up in a illusion of a scale.
"I once saw an undead kraken animated more than ten centuries ago emerge from the sands and smash the walls of a dwarven fort aside like a child scatters wooden blocks. I have seen a single shade devastate a human city in half a day, turning the entire population into lifeless husks and emerging from the other side with a tidal wave of brethren at its back. I have seen undead masons create pyramids in less than a quarter of the time it would take mortal workers to even set the foundation."
He then brings his opposite hand into the equation, raising his left to the level of his right.
"On the other hand, I have seen countless lesser undead shattered at force of hammers and the blades of swords. I have seen skeletons carve through the villagers they were meant to protect because of stupidity and poor planning. I have seen zombies dig straight through a dam and flood an entire valley because their creators were to busy to look after them."
He returns his hands to their original position, looking over his fingers at the living in front of him.
"It is up to you to decide what you want from this contract. I can provide you with undead assassins and spies, creatures that can enter your enemies strongholds and poison them from the inside like a plant destroys stone."
He takes a glass from the floating plate next to him, which swiftly glides next to the two drow.
"I could create siege engines, made from the bones of long dead beasts interred into the earth countless eons ago."
He takes a single sip of the wine.
"I could make undead shock troopers, creatures who burst into flame and burn the living into cinders when they are damaged."
He slowly swirls the clear liquid around in an almost hypnotic motion, as though the wine will absorb his words and be all the sweeter for it.
"Or I could make you a horde of zombies, who would be cut down in their first skirmish."

Bluff, seeing as he can't yet create a fair number of these things:[roll0]

2009-07-09, 04:09 PM
"Indeed. Just, give me a moment." Jallorn stops a moment, closes his eyes, and spends a few seconds chanting in a language unknown, even to him, through instinct. "Alright," he said after he was done, "let's go find the archmage." And he headed towards the last place they saw the archmage.
for DM
Invoked Beguiling Influence and Entropic Warding.

2009-07-09, 06:51 PM

Berg'inyon frowns, as though trying to remember something. He finally clears his throat and says, "A single large order of venomous spiders will do for now. I think Matron Baenre will be pleased, and will do business with you again. Payment will be shipped during the next cycle of Narbondel."

If you have nothing else for him, he will find his lizard mount and ride off.


You are not followed on your way out. In fact, it seems as though your presence was barely noticed or remembered.


"The clothing was all in black - black hooded cloak, black mask, what half the damn drow in the city wear when they don't want to be identified!"

He starts to sweat. "But there was something... right, the eyeholes and the cloak had silver lining, I remember that now. Silver or mithral. The eyes were the only flesh showing - the eyes were orange. Red-orange"

He calms down a bit and thinks. "I am... fairly sure it was a drow. I've heard others speaking the drow tongue through magic or as a second language, and it's always got that odd twist in the phrasings. This drow didn't have that. I think it was really a drow."

Belua opens her eyes. "Truth... as far as he knows."

He nods. "And I was told to deliver a message to the Matron Mother."

Belua shakes her head. "Lies again."

Sodaro grins and makes a mark high on the shoulder. To his credit Tobel only cringes a little, and does not scream.

He revises: "I was told to deliver a message in the figurative sense. The gear - look through my gear!"

Belua frowns. "I... cannot tell."

A search of his gear reveals an assortment of lightly enchanted items, some boots and gloves of spider climbing, and a small sheet covered in advanced explosive runes, which Belua manages to discern without setting them off. The four drow in the room avoid looking directly at it after that, for fear of setting them off. Eventually Belua manages to cover it thoroughly.


"Yes, masterworked master! Eeeeeeeeheheheheheehee...." Tugget goes running off, presumably in search of clever goblins.

You find the archmage Varolom exactly where you expect him - in his study, working with the other two house wizards on yet more wax composites for the priestesses' pet project. Varolom looks up as you enter. "Oh, back on the fast track again, Karoth? What do you need?"

Jallorn and T'Jin

So noted, Jallorn. :smallwink:

You walk back into the throne room, high in the spelltower, right as Horoodissimoth dismisses the rest of the house mage staff. Soon, the three of you are the only ones left in the room.

Horoodissimoth notices as you enter, and as soon as the rest of the mages are gone, he raises an eyebrow - at least you think he does; the wrinkles on his face shift in a manner suggesting a raised eyebrow - and asks one of his trademark simple-but-loaded questions. "Haaahhh, Jallorn. How goes the Matron's business?"


Ro'defey looks impressed in spite of himself. He leans forward, showing interest and a shred of respect for the first time. "Tell me about... siege engines."

At this indication that the conversation will take a while, Shryil leaves, vanishing out the door and into the crowd outside. You do notice that she left a note, however, tucked into the frame of your door.

I guess you have a semipermanent shop building on the Bazaar, now. :smalltongue:

2009-07-09, 07:51 PM

"So, just a run-of-the-mill assassination attempt. Lets keep those runes around, they'll come in handy eventually. Tobel, since you've been so helpful, I'm going to let you go. With one condition. You're going to find the one who hired you. When you find him or her, you will report back to me. Then I'll deliver an answer to that message."

I'll ask our house spellcasters they can put a Geas on Tobel to find his employer. If we can give him an item of Sending or something similar, that'd be good, though it's not critical.
If Tobel has a pre-arranged way to meet with his employer, Aktoneld will just follow him to it.

2009-07-09, 08:00 PM
"Well now, that's the question no one ever stops asking, now isn't it?" Jallorn makes sure the room is empty before saying, "I have concocted a plan that could, at best, cripple the other houses and bring in a lot of money for us." He then proceeds to tell Horoodissimoth the basics of his and T'Jin's plan. Namely, about the disease spreading magic items, the pattern of starting slow and growing into an epidemic, and about selling the 'cure'.

2009-07-09, 08:20 PM

Velshar smiles and stows her mirror, whispered words and subtle gestures drawing a veil of magic over her person. Her eyes narrow slightly as she makes her way through the halls toward her destination: The elderboy's quarters.

I'll use the Conceal Casting skill trick with Zone of Silence to keep the verbal components from drawing the guards, then follow up with Glibness and Silence (centered on myself) before leaving the emanation. Once I'm out, dismiss the Zone of Silence and then Silent Invisibility until I get to the elderboy's quarters. A single casting should last long enough, unless it's more than ten minutes away.


2009-07-10, 12:06 AM
Karoth Kal'daka

Karoth flashes a deep grin, "Indeed Varolom, Archmage Varolom," the slaver slips too easily into old habits, and corrects himself, "perhaps we will all be gaining pace soon enough."

The Slaver explains the task set before him, and the Matrons promise of House support in the manner. He quickly summarizes the basics as he produces a short list of goods each outlines with detailed explinations.

"During my time in the Sorcere, I once say an artificer craft a necklace of explosive beads - each delicate pellet containing the power of a fireball but in a form so easily used a Goblin could employ the device." Karoth hands over the list, "and what I envision is the same principle used with other spells, each in its own bead accessible to those without your tremendous mastery of the Arts."

The List

3x Beads of Mass Suggestion
Three of the Beads Suggest, "When you see the Goblin Hero Thaco OneEar, take up arms and follow him to battle. Join his Revolt!"
The last Bead Suggests, "The Goblins are revolting! Kill them all before it spreads to the other Houses!"

3x Beads of Mind Fog

1x Bead of Persistent Image
This one must be specifically tailored to suite. When the bead breaks, there must walk out of the Goblin crowds a savage and imposing Goblin - a head taller than most Goblins and clad in red dragon scale armor. He must have an orange hue skin and be missing his right ear. He will turn and shout for all to hear, "I am Thaco, and today I fight for the Baruggagug Clan and freeeeedooooom," As he charges towards a Drow male in a Fey-Branche uniform also crafted by the image. The Thaco image will slay the Drow image which will slump dead.
At that point tens, scores, and then a many scores of Goblins will rush out of the Goblin Pens and seem to run riot around the courtyard. Have them attack and drag down other Drow Male illusions also wearing Fey-Branche guard uniforms.
Have some of the crafted Goblins carry torches and seem to set the Goblin Pens and other Structures ablaze. I want them all to feel the heat as if it was real and think the Goblins are burning down their very House. From there have the image continue with a sea of Goblins running amok, revolting, and destroying buildings for as long as the image will hold.

5x Potions of Disguise Self
Making the drinker look like a goblin slave of Fey-Branche for at least half an hour or more.

As many Beads of Fireball as we can muster. They need not be exceedingly potent.

"I may not have the training necessary to make such things myself, but I believe they are within the means of this House. I would rather not have to leave a trail purchasing them elsewhere. And, I believe, we can make them here much cheaper, yes."

Karoth looks over the Archmage as he scans the list, "And before you raise concerns let me state this: if this succeeds, if I succeed, then you can stand and receive the credit you are due for supplying the means to severely weaken Fey-Branche. And should this all fail, then your involvement is nothing more than a few shards of broken glass, untraceable and unlinkable to you in any way."

2009-07-10, 12:38 AM
Dante sighs. He takes the two prisoners in tow, as well as an orc from his kennels (and of course Anya), and even though it isn't that time of the month goes to visit his patrons.

2009-07-10, 10:04 PM

"I'm supposed to meet him - or her - at Narbondel, at least fifteen minutes after Archmage Gromph re-ignites it, but no later than thirty. I'm supposed to get another task then."

Belua nods. "Truth. Some of it, at least."

Since this applies to your second condition, do you want to ask for a different Geas?

Jallorn and T'Jin

"Hrm... creating our own opportunities? Very nice... very nice... And there need only be one change to it - a change in general focus. I have been in communication with the Matron Mother, and she feels that we might need to return to form - allowing the upper houses to guard against threats from below while we do likewise. We can't supplant house Baenre, and all other seats on the ruling council are more or less equal."

He tilts his head, as though considering. "But house Faen Tlabbar is weak and will likely fall soon, and the same goes for House Agrach Dyrr, although they are not in such a dire position. The third - or, if Baenre sees fit to install us in that position, fourth seat on the house will be the prize. My suggestion is that we let those two houses weaken all contenders, possibly fall to one of them, arrange to stay right where we are, and prepare for attacks from any quarter. Your plan will do wonders to make the timing all wrong for any number of interesting plots, but the other houses will try anyway, afraid that the opportunity will be taken from them by a rival, and they will fail. Whoever is left will be no stronger than Faen Tlabbar is now, and then we can strike for the third seat on the council, hopefully having scooped up the entirety of everything that is left from several successive attacks."

He pauses. "My apologies. I have a tendency to ramble when not talking about the arcane arts, and I'm mixing some of my plans up with your own, although if you tell anyone I said that I'll have you both killed. Suffice to say, your plan can be implemented as is - but we will not strike at House Faen Tlabbar or Agrach Dyrr ourselves, just as you have said. Not yet. Not until virtually all other threats have taken care of themselves - and they will, soon."

He considers. "I like it. Have you given any consideration to how you will create these plague-bearing devices?"


Your spell of invisiblity takes you to the elderboy's quarters with five and a half minutes to spare. The door is not guarded, though it is locked and probably heavily trapped.


Valorom looks over your list. His eyes widen toward the end. "Mass suggestions? I don't believe we have the components for those on hand. I wish you every success, of course, but we're completely out of honeycomb. It is easier to obtain on the surface... ah, but the Open Days begin tomorrow. Perhaps you could obtain some there. It would be a shame if your plan didn't work due to a honeycomb shortage."

He hands the list back to you. "If you are worried about traceability, then I would suggest buying it under a different name. I will begin work on those items I can tonight, and the beads can be completed quickly. We already have the fireball necklaces and potions in our armory. The rest should be simple enough."


You quickly manage to locate your "patrons."

{{{You are early.}}}
{{{The deadline has not come to pass.}}}
{{{You have used much power today.}}}
{{{Is there a complication with your routine?}}}
{{{An enemy has appeared?}}}
{{{Will there be a coming shortage of minds?}}}

2009-07-10, 10:22 PM

Tilting her head as she examines the door, Velshar weighs her options. Only attacks end an invisibility spell, so a little arcane probing wouldn't drop her cover. She'll move to a spot so that she's not obstructing potential foot traffic, and begins investigating.

She'll cast Silent Detect Magic. If she doesn't detect anything in the immediate area of the door, she'll then Take 20 on a Search check with her +23 modifier.

2009-07-10, 10:28 PM
"I had hoped that you, the greatest wizard of our house, might create the magics to enchant the items, that they may be stronger than they would otherwise be. Of course, the actual crafting and enchanting would be below you, but if you taught the spell to the next greatest among your wizards, they could do the enchanting."
For DM
persuasion check:[roll0]
"I was also thinking that we would be more... believable, if none but those involved in producing this plot were to know of it."

2009-07-10, 10:34 PM
Dante nods, sending the two drow and the orc forwards (all dominated) and holding Anya behind him. He relates the story of what happened to him, and what the Weapons Master told him. It seems rather uncanny that it should happen so near myself... naturally, you understand my suspicions- perhaps it is a voidmind from another Illithid city. As a serendipitous aside, however, I happened to obtain these two prisoners- they're yours, as well as this orc as an apology for disturbing you. Unless you have something to say...

2009-07-10, 10:54 PM

By the end of the event, when the atmosphere had died and the only ones still listening to the music where those guarding the party goers, Jegd's fingers burned and his hair was wet with sweat. He felt how each dry breath went in and out effortlessly, as if his own throat were the instrument in his hand. He'd never played or felt better.

As he walks along the audience he takes a discarded bottle from a lonely table. Its owners probably wouldn't miss it. He takes a single large swig parching his thirst, and tosses it aside carelessly. If no one confronts him he'll simply be on his way. There were things to be looked over in the laboratory and it would be best to get some rest.

Things looked good, they'd certainly remember his name for the open days. They would be something to look forward to.

If he doesn't have to do anything else with regards to the performance, he'll return wherever his home would be. I'm guessing somewhere close to House Kenafin's compound.

2009-07-10, 11:46 PM

You sense three wards of moderate abjurative power on the door, the space behind the door, and the locking mechanism, respectively. There is also a sequence of minor evocations set to go off around the hall. Your search, meanwhile, reveals contact poison on the handle, blades around the frame, cleverly hidden in the traditional artwork, as well as a dart launcher in the far wall, the beginnings of a trap door under the doorway, and no fewer than five unidentified alchemical substances in the hinges. Your mother's door isn't trapped this well...

Jallorn and T'Jin

"Hehahh..." Horoodissimoth's laugh sounds more like a wheeze. "I'd love to, but it's hit or miss whether or not I can teach the rapid crafting techniques to the other mages in a hurry. I have to set up house defenses, teach at Sorcere, and see to the Matron's... special business, all in the next couple of days. I might be an archmage, but I haven't yet discovered a spell that puts fifty hours into a cycle of Narbondel. I just don't have enough time. Unless..."

He looks squarely at Jallorn. "How would you like to be a master at Sorcere for a day?"


{{{We will investigate.}}}
{{{We will find out if there are others like you operating in the dark city.}}}
{{{And we will inform you of the outcome.}}}
{{{You will investigate.}}}
{{{The answers we find may not be what we seek.}}}
{{{And you should know if there is another, with a different dark secret.}}}


You successfully make your way to your quarters near House Kenafin's compound.


You are reaching for the door to your home when you are physically grabbed and pushed up against the wall. You find yourself staring into the furious eyes of High Priestess Jurlee.

"Where is Karoth, male? I sent for him an hour ago!" She has apparently forgotten that:

a) She hasn't spoken to you all day.


b) You aren't technically part of House Kenafin, and though you know Karoth, you can't be expected to know where he might be.

It doesn't take you long to remember that Jurlee is not the most balanced and mentally healthy of drow females, standing out as the ur-example of a megalomaniacal, petty, and vengeful priestess in a city where megalomania, pettiness, and revenge frequently take place over breakfast.

Unfortunately, expressing any rude sentiments toward her or taking any aggressive act can result in immediate execution. Legally.

You are "free to act."

2009-07-10, 11:51 PM

The business at hand completed, Draxann has his Imp invisibly take up the note left behind by Shryil, bringing it back to Draxann to read while Netsevrotsis takes to the job of getting a permanent shop together.

2009-07-10, 11:57 PM
"It would be quite an honor sir, although I'm uncertain as to... the exact duties, I would certainly do them to the best of my abilities." Jallorn bows deeply, adding, "If it benefit's my house, I would do... anything."

2009-07-11, 12:19 AM

The note reads:


I'd like to speak with you tonight, when Narbondel is empty, about house business. Anywhere in the Kenafin complex will do - I'll leave a word with the guards to let you in.


Looking up from the note, you see two drow walk in. The first is a male with long white hair and blue-green eyes, and the other is a female with longer white hair and red-orange eyes. The female is fully armored, whereas the male is wearing a large, voluminous cloak, covering everything but his head, and that would be hidden too, if the hood was up. They are talking as they enter, the female speaking first.

"Look, they even sell surplus undead here! We have to come back sometime."

"I don't know, I think we should check the quality before we buy anything."

They come up to your desk, and the male smiles pleasantly and asks, "Greetings. I am Veldrin, of Ched Nasad. Do you know of a female named Shiryl Eilsval?"

Jallorn and T'Jin

"The exact duties? Hah, that's a laugh. I have a bit of a reputation there. You really just need to deliver three or four lectures on topics far over the heads of the dimwits they give me for students. You may have to attend a meeting of the directors, too. If anyone asks you a question that you don't know the answer to, just look at them hard and say, 'That's a stupid question.' You'd be surprised how well it works. Oh, and you can give whatever snide, sarcastic, derogatory, or insulting remark you want to anyone except Gromph, since it's all males over there."

He looks over to T'Jin. "And don't think I've forgotten about you, there. I think you should go with him. You can be 'my' lab assistant, or some such, for the day. No one's going to call you out on it, and your skills - yes, I know all about them - could come in handy."

He considers the both of you. "I know it's probably a bit demeaning to be asked to teach for a day. It's not part of your normal duties, after all, but trust me - this will give me the time I need to get your plague production on schedule."

2009-07-11, 12:20 AM

It's a pity Velshar is invisible. Her smile would be worth a small fortune. So much effort to ward the room against intrusion... So much potential for it to go wrong. No sources of divination, so she shouldn't have to worry about being seen. All the defenses were focused on the door itself, or the exterior thereof. With the exception of the pit trip, there didn't seem to be anything inside. Still, it never hurt to be cautious...

Stepping back a safe distance, both from the magical and mundane surrounding the door, Velshar decides to investigate further into the nature of the wards.Silent Dispel Magic, used as an area spell centered on the door. I don't know how many dispel checks that would entail, since the location and number of evocation effects weren't specified, so I'll let you roll them.

2009-07-11, 12:31 AM
"I can fix any of the... aesthetic differences between us. The few that show anyway, but I cannot change my voice. I'm sure one as powerful as you could fix such a thing though."

2009-07-11, 01:11 AM

"Mistress, I-..." Jegd tries to remain perfectly still, his arms at his sides. Jurlee expected to see a frightened servant, it was best to show her what she wanted. "I mus- please forgive me. I have been away for hours now, I have not seen Karoth."

He waits for her to speak, but if she does not he'll add the following. "Were I allowed to be of some use I will gladly look for him, mistress."

2009-07-11, 02:48 AM
T'Jin just raises an eyebrow and smirks. This has the potential to get very interesting very fast.

2009-07-11, 03:33 AM

Yep, I think I'll change the Geas to "Incapacitate your employer."

"Right then. Go to the meeting. I'll follow you, and stay hidden. When your employer shows up, distract him or her. I think I can handle the rest."

2009-07-11, 05:06 PM

Your spell causes the three wards on the door and all but three of the evocations to quietly dissipate. The three evocations remaining seem to be

Jallorn and T'Jin

"Of course. I will equip you with a disguise that will have you looking and speaking like me for an entire day. It won't be too hard."


She does interrupt. "That's no excuse! What is your name, male?"


The meeting time is hours from now, since he's supposed to meet his contact a bit after midnight, and it is currently just approaching what is considered "nighttime." Is there anything you want to do before then?

2009-07-11, 08:32 PM
I don't want to do anything special, just everyday tasks like training the house's other soldiers.

2009-07-11, 10:16 PM

The note reads:


I'd like to speak with you tonight, when Narbondel is empty, about house business. Anywhere in the Kenafin complex will do - I'll leave a word with the guards to let you in.


Looking up from the note, you see two drow walk in. The first is a male with long white hair and blue-green eyes, and the other is a female with longer white hair and red-orange eyes. The female is fully armored, whereas the male is wearing a large, voluminous cloak, covering everything but his head, and that would be hidden too, if the hood was up. They are talking as they enter, the female speaking first.

"Look, they even sell surplus undead here! We have to come back sometime."

"I don't know, I think we should check the quality before we buy anything."

They come up to your desk, and the male smiles pleasantly and asks, "Greetings. I am Veldrin, of Ched Nasad. Do you know of a female named Shiryl Eilsval?"

"I can assure you, all of my undead are of impeccable quality.
And as to your question, yes I do know Ms. Eilsval, at least in passing. I have been away for a number of years, so my knowledge of the current crop is somewhat lacking, I apologize."

2009-07-11, 10:38 PM

You spend the rest of the evening fulfilling your duties as house weapons master, while Tobel spends his time being Geas'd to incapacitate his former contact, to not adversely influence House Mizzrym in any way if he can avoid it, and to provide aid if he can (priestess Belua had a few ideas of her own). Then the appointed time arrives and Tobel, still looking a little uncomfortable with the knowledge that he's under heavy magical compulsion, comes to get you.

You follow him out of the house, down the magnificent bridge conncecting House Mizzrym's entrance stalactite to the opposing stalagmite, and descend into Menzoberranzan, the streets and buildings glittering with faerie fire. During your final descent, you see a bright flash from the direction of the darkened Narbondel as Archmage Gromph restarts the cycle for another day.

You reach Narbondel within a matter of mintues, the heat from the base glowing against your infravision, and the faerie fire around the base glittering in the visible spectrum. Against this background, everything on the circular street around it appears as a blackish purple shadow. Tobel is barely recognizable.

You have a few minutes before Tobel's contact arrives. What, if anything, do you do? You are free to act.


The female smiles easily - sort of like a predator smiles easily when it sees its favorite prey wander by. "And what had your relationship been with Shiryl Eilsval, of House Kenafin, before your departure and after your return?"

2009-07-11, 10:48 PM
"Before? I think she, you, and the majority of the current generation were still in school. After? Business."
The undead drow smiles right back at her, looking straight in her eyes and not bothering to blink like he usually does, so as to keep people comfortable.
A predator only 5 letters away from prey.

2009-07-11, 10:55 PM

They look at each other. This time, the Veldrin speaks first.

"What do you think?"

"It is... close."

"Err on the side of caution?"


The male whips his hand out of the fold of his cloak, and fires a hand crossbow. The dart lodges solidly in your throat and begins pumping poison into your body - you think. It doesn't bother you at all.

The two of them hesitate for a moment. This is usually the part where their target rolls over and dies.

You are free to act. If you plan to fight (as opposed to bluffing or continued speech), then roll initiative.

2009-07-11, 11:08 PM
Jallorn bows once more. "Good, when should I report to you for these duties?"

2009-07-11, 11:09 PM
Jallorn and T'Jin

"Tomorrow, when Narbondel is still relatively low. I'll be in my study."

2009-07-11, 11:14 PM
"I will be there." Jallorn departs, planning to return to his room until tomorrow. Of course, if someone approaches him, or T'Jin stops him, he will stop.

Just want to mention a little concern about even timeflow. It seems that if not watched, not to say you aren't, I honestly don't know if you are, it could get out of hand.

2009-07-11, 11:18 PM

Velshar slowly approaches the door, making one last check for trouble after dismissing the Silence spell. Time to commit.

Move action up to the door, standard action to dismiss Silence, free actions for Spot and Listen checks thanks to Quick Reconnoiter.


2009-07-12, 01:12 AM

"Alright, Tobel. Keep the contact occupied. Say whatever you have to to keep him or her talking, and try to circle around so the contact is between us. If you don't fail me, you could have a bright future with House Mizzrym."
With that, Aktoneld crouches down in the glaring infrared light, trying to wedge himself into the least conspicuous possible place. He unsheathes his sword and axe, pressing them against the ground to minimize the reflection off their blades.

I'll take 10 or 20 on a Hide check, if I'm allowed. Assuming the area around the base gives concealment, that is. If not, I'll look for cover on the opposite side of the street and do the same there.

2009-07-12, 08:39 AM
Draxann sighs deeply, pulling out the arrow with a rasping 'pop'.
"Well, thank you at least for not shooting my robe. You wouldn't believe how many people automatically try to shoot you in the heart and end up tearing a gaping hole in you clothes."
Seeing their astonishment, he looks up and shrugs. "Would you feel better if I burst into sand with a villainous 'NOOO!'?"

2009-07-12, 10:43 AM
T'Jin follows Jallorn back to his room. In front of his door, T'Jin pulls out a rope and gives it a whip-snap. It rises into the air and hangs there. T'Jin climbs it, entering into his rope-trick room, and pulls the rope up behind him, sequestered away in his extra-dimensional room for the night.

2009-07-12, 11:26 AM

Jegd closes his eyes for a second, apparently gathering himself, before speaking. He felt the dagger hidden in his shirt calling to him and wanted nothing more but to drive it into her throat. Nevertheless... "My name is Jegd mistress, I'm a simple craftsman working under the House... If I may be of use to you mistress."

{{{Get down and don't let her see you...}}} Izzert follows orders, going invisible and crawling down his leg.

2009-07-12, 02:42 PM
Jallorn & T'Jin

You are not disturbed on your way back to your room, nor are you interrupted during your rest, whether it be sleep or the reverie. You awaken fully the next morning, early, and ready to get to work.


You spot a tiny glimmer on the frame of the door, enough to let you know that the room is lit and occupied. The room's soundproofing is excellent, though, stifling all sound coming out through either architectural expertise, or magic that somehow escaped your unravelling spell.

Examination of the evocation positions shows that they are all aimed high, and set to go off if a living creature passes through the door at that height.


You manage to wedge yourself into the base of Narbondel. The heat is nearly overpowering, but you realize that this is a good thing - as your body temperature rises, you will look more and more like your surroundings in the infrared. The sparkly faerie fire that you're hiding behind will diguise you in the visible spectrum as well. Tobel looks at your hiding position - even though he watched you tuck yourself away there he seems to have trouble finding you - and nods affirmatively. He then begins slowly pacing, until his contact finally arrives - a figure in a black overcloak with silver lining around the eyes and hem. There is an addition to the outfit beyond what Tobel described in interrogation, though - a long, curving, and wicked looking blade hangs from the figure's back.

The figure communicates in sign language, just barely visible enough for you to make out as you sweat in the crevice of Narbondel.

<I recieved no report of Mizzrym. What went wrong?>

Tobel's answer is partially hidden from your view, but becomes clearer as he begins pacing around to the other side of the street.

<-but I found a platoon of guards at your chosen entrance, apparently on maneuvers.>

The figure slowly turns to continue to face Tobel, eventually taking the responding hand code out of your view. <Why did you not persist? We have a deadline that cannot->

Tobel reaches the nadir point of the circle he's making. He looks over the figure's shoulder to you, watching for a signal. <My position was tenuous. It still is.>

Tobel has successfully maneuvered the figure to stand between himself and you, although you are some ten feet away while he's right next to the contact.


The two look at each other, then back at you. The female speaks first, and their sentences follow off of one another, as though spoken by one meta-being.

"It would make our job easier."

"Yes, less stressful."

"But we're willing to concede that this may not be in your best interests."

"We're willing to let it go for now."

"But try not to interfere."

"Our work is very important."

"Let us know if you see Shiryl again."

They turn to leave, although you can try to stop them if you want.


"I'll tell you how to be of service, Jebbit! Kneel! And remove your..." She freezes, and her features go from total outrage to minor annoyance in about half a second. "Bah. I have other matters to attend to. Stay there until I get back." She leaves, with you apparently totally forgotten, and stalks back toward the House Kenafin compound.

You are free to act.

2009-07-12, 03:20 PM

Aktoneld slowly rises to his feet, looking in both directions to see if anyone else is coming. With careful steps, he approaches the figure. Upon reaching it, he quickly brings his sword in front of the humanoid's throat, and presses the sharp blade of his axe between its shoulder blades. "Seems you have something against House Mizzrym." Aktoneld whispers into the figure's ear. "Talk or die. And be grateful I'm giving you a choice. If you try to get your sword, you'll be in the Abyss before your hand touches the hilt."

Move Silently: [roll0]
Reading an action to cut the contact's throat if s/he tries to escape or resist.
Attack (if s/he tries to resist): [roll1]
Weapon damage: [roll2]
Sneak attack damage: [roll3]

2009-07-12, 08:16 PM
Karoth Kal'daka

His shoulders fall a moment. "Very good then Archmage. I will do what I can about the reagents," Karoth tries to remain focused, "I will be back to you with further details I'm sure. Good day Archmage Varolom."

{{Damnations!}} He kicks at a door-frame once well away from the mage quarters. {{Honeycomb, blasted foolish dogmatism. That is exactly why I never stayed long within the Sorcere. All the power of the underdark and they're still tied to mere tokens.}} His empathetic stream of frustration reaches Zaqh.

Karoth pauses in a hallway to collect himself. He checks over his options and realizes it is far too late to attend the merchant bazaars with any great success. Tomorrow can begin the search for reagents, Karoth turns at the next junction and heads to find a meal. This day has run past without him getting to look after his rumbling hunger. Perhaps I should find that bard as well. His mere words might be able to suffice if honeycomb is scarce.

I am OK with wandering the compound for a bit in search of Jegd after I eat.

2009-07-12, 09:00 PM
Jallorn waits for T'Jin to awake, wondering if he'd have time to get food before heading out.

2009-07-12, 11:36 PM

Occupied? Vith! Velshar narrowed her eyes, weighing her options. She had taken the quickest route here from the chamber, there was no way the elderboy beat her hear short of an inane use of teleportation. Which meant... His contact! In person? What if it's just a slave?

After a few moments of preperation, Velshar reaches out and knocks on the door. "Delivery for the elderboy."

The preperations involved being dismissing the Invisibility spell, casting Silent Disguise Self to change Velshar's appearance to that of a hireling servant, and Silent Silent Image (hah!) to make a sealed scroll appear in her hand. The below Bluff check for Delivery! doesn't factor in subject belief modifiers.


2009-07-13, 10:25 AM
Jallorn waits for T'Jin to awake, wondering if he'd have time to get food before heading out.

Jallorn is made aware of T'Jin's rising by a rope descending out of the air in front of his face. T'Jin slides down it fireman-pole style, grabs it, gives a hand-sign, and puts the now-limp rope back into his pack. "Ready to go?" asks T'Jin, rolling his shoulders and causing his back to make popping sounds.

The command word for the rope is actually a hand-sign in T'Jin and Jallorn's secret sign language.

2009-07-13, 01:22 PM
"I'd really rather go get some food first. Do you think the archmage will mind?"

2009-07-13, 04:05 PM

The figure freezes, and finally speaks - in a female voice, revealing a gender at last. "What do you want to talk about?"


You eat, and commence wandering around, looking for Jegd. You search the compound but cannot find him, nor do you find him anywhere nearby outside of House Kenafin.

How long do you plan to search for him? By timeline, he's still halfway across the city for the next couple of hours.


The door opens from the inside, and you are greeted by an actual servant - a female commoner in the employ if the house. There is no accusation in her tone, but she does say, "I was not told to expect any deliveries. Should it not be taken to Elderboy Brak'Thal?"

2009-07-13, 04:31 PM

Velshar glances downward, seemingly in thought, before she looks up. "My orders were to deliver the message to him in his chambers, nothing more."

Still Silent Detect Thoughts. I'm in yur brain, readin yur thoughts! Concentrate on Silent Image instead.


2009-07-13, 05:33 PM

Once the pair leave, the Necromancer summons one of his shadows, sending it after the two drow to watch over them and try and figure out what they were getting at.
He also orders it to return in 48 hours or if it loses them for more than 30 minutes.

2009-07-13, 05:46 PM

"House Mizzrym. And why you wanted its matron mother dead. And we're going to talk somewhere more private."
Aktoneld puts away his axe, then pulls the woman's sword off her back and hands it to Tobel. "You can keep it, you've earned a little something. Do you know any inns nearby, anywhere we can get a room with no questions asked? In the poor area where the outsiders live might be better, but anywhere we can get without too many people seeing us will do."

2009-07-13, 08:49 PM

Jegd takes a deep breath. There were times he truly missed the surface, no one would think twice before acting against such a waste of flesh. Truly a shame. Once Junlee's out of sight, he enters his home.

{{{Izzert, I'm going to rest for a bit, keep an eye on things}}} He leaves his pack by his center table and starts emptying out his pockets. When reaches the candle, he stops. {{{Actually, make me a sunrod}}} He Looks over it carefully, his mind going back to the strange woman at the Fey-Branche event. {{{You should find everything you need in the lab, we're well stocked. Anything odd happens come and get me.}}}

He sits down on a large wooden chair and relaxes. He closes his eyes and without thinking, without straining, begins to finger a simple tune on his flute.

The sunrod shouldn't take long to make, using the lab Izzert can take 10 for 25, the DC for the check. He can make the needed 100 cp easily.

Hopefully, it should be done by the time Jegd is done trancing.

2009-07-13, 09:55 PM
Dante grimaces, knowing this would probably displease his patrons. How would you suggest going about such an investigation? I must admit, my skills as such have been... rather out of practice for some time now.

2009-07-14, 12:08 AM
Karoth Kal'daka

The Slaver stalks the hallways. Determination gives way to annoyance which in turn melts into fatigue. He makes one last pass by Shiryl room, noting the marks he left remain undisturbed.

Must be quite a busy night for all. From the assassin's quarters he winds his way back to his own. It has been many weeks since he last had access to his old lodgings. A thick layer of cave-dust rims most of the room save for his footprints from the hours before and a new set of clawed pawprints.

"Already settled in have we Demonkin?"

"Better than your useless pacing Elfspawn," Zaqh stretches out a paw from its relaxed position on the rooms back bench. "Finished your preening and strutting for the evening it seems?"

"Indeed," Karoth tosses his cloak over the bedspread and prepares to settle for the evening. "And since you seem so smug, I take it your evening has been more productive. Pondering the multiverse?"

"Only things to pass the time." which draws a smirk from Karoth as he settles into trance. A few minutes later he is deeply out and the extraplanar fiend returns to deciding on the perfect meal.

2009-07-14, 10:58 AM
"I'd really rather go get some food first. Do you think the archmage will mind?"

"I think that he would actually be disappointed if we did not. He seems the pragmatic sort, and I don't suspect that he would be pleased at all if we showed up malnourished," said T'Jin, starting his trek to the kitchen to have an expeditious meal instead of waiting in a dining hall for food.

2009-07-14, 12:41 PM
"I wonder what the cooks have planned for today." Jallorn started to head towards the dining hall before realizing T'Jin's intent. "Oh... ok then," Jallorn trailed off sounding disappointed, but he followed T'Jin anyway.

2009-07-14, 01:54 PM

"Oh, ok... I suppose you could wait in here, then." She backs out of the doorway to allow you to enter, if you wish.


Your agent departs, following your orders.

So what are *you* doing?


Tobel begins to answer, but then blackness fills the area. The orb of darkness lasts only a moment during which your figure still does not make a move that you can discern, but when it clears, a figure in a voluminous cloak - this one without silver lining - is standing near you, a hand crossbow pointed at your head. Tobel has reacted by placing his blade at the newcomer's throat, and your captive is pointing her hidden hand crossbow at Tobel.

The new figure speaks. "That did not go as well as I had hoped."

The old cloaked drow states calmly. "It did improve the situation, though. Perhaps we'll be here all night."


Your trance is undisturbed, save by strange dreams of Jurlee morphing into a chaos beast and eating Narbondel. When you emerge from your meditation, Izzert has your sunrod ready. You hear the sound of revelry and alien voices in the streets outside the compound, the Open Days have arrived.


{{{Gain new allies.}}}
{{{Sharpen old skills.}}}
{{{We do not care how you go about it.}}}


Your trance is likewise undisturbed. You awaken the next morning to the sound of revelry and alien voices and tongues in the streets outside the compound, the Open Days have arrived.

2009-07-14, 03:19 PM
Karoth Kal'daka

Eyes crack and then fly open. Karoth is quickly up, making a flurry around the room as he dresses and preens. The elf kicks out at Zaqh's bench while braiding his bolas round his hips.

The grumbling familiar shakes itself, "Zwwhaa! You do nothing for hours every night, yet now you jostle me like I'm the one wasting time."

"Rest is not optional for me, Outsider. Now, get this saddlepack in place." The elf throws the straps in place and heaves.


A few minutes later Karoth is winding through the compound with Zaqh in tow. He seeks out Jegd the Bard over breakfast.

2009-07-14, 03:49 PM

Velshar smiles at the servant and nods, being mindful of her footing and surroundings as she enters the room. Her mind, however, remained focused on the illusionary scroll in her hand, which still allowed her some mental freedom to judge the servant's character. Would Brak'thal really trust something that could get him executed to an ignorant servant? "Any idea how long he'll be?"


2009-07-14, 04:15 PM

Aktoneld's eyes flicker between the figures, analyzing the situation. He speaks pleasantly to the old cloaked drow, as if they were discussing wine rather than holding each other at sword- and crossbow-point.

"All night? That's not likely, my good lady. Now that the Open Days have started, the city is full enough that someone will surely stumble across us soon. As a high-ranking noble, I will be able to order them to assist me - and since I am recognizable, they'll know that they're offending a strong House if they do not.
"Speaking of which, I really am curious why you thought your little attack was a good idea. Having House Mizzrym as an enemy will slow your advancement, not improve it."

As he speaks, Aktoneld moves his free hand back towards the handle of his axe as slowly as he can.
"Of course, we could forgive you, for a price..."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2009-07-15, 10:51 AM

You begin to eat, but see no sign of Jegd - yet. It is possible that he is merely late getting up, having spent most of the night working.


You enter the room, and it is everything you expected from an Elderboy's quarters - opulent furnishings, including a bed, desk, several chairs, a window overlooking Menzoberranzan, multiple bookshelves, a full-length mirror, cabinets, regular shelves, closets, and so forth and so on. The bookshelves are packed with various arcane tomes - a large black book stands out on one, possibly his spellbook. His desk is cluttered with papers of various sizes and descriptions, and a quill floats over one, quickly and accurately working on scribing a new spell. A massive scrying orb sits in one corner of the room, a flawless crystal sphere easily weighing half a ton. You can't guess at the contents of the drawers in other parts of the room - several of them feature large and impressive looking locks.

"I do not know. I think he never meant to leave, but was interrupted doing... something for someone by the matron's summons. He should be back any minute."


Figure one laughs easily. "This assumes that I am not also a noble, Weapons Master. But for the sake of argument we shall assume that I am not." She sighs. "The Open Days, of course. Have they begun already? I had heard they were postponed following the... unfotunate events at a certain dwarven kingdom. I take it this is not the case?"

Figure two picks up. "It would appear not, my lady. However, might it not be better to tell them a little of our plan?"

Figure one thinks for a moment, and then nods sharply. "It just might. But that all depends on who Tobel is really working for. Why are you helping him, Tobel?"

Tobel gives a most un-drowlike snort. "They made me an offer I couldn't refuse."

"Of course." Figure one thinks on it further. "Very well, Weapons Master, we shall accompany you to a public place nearby, put away our weapons, and talk - but only on the condition that we leave afterward, and not with you."

2009-07-15, 11:05 AM
T'Jin grabs something of whatever is already made in the kitchen, eating it hurriedly and not bothering to savour anything. "Ready to go?" he asks as soon as he finishes his mouthful of food.

2009-07-15, 12:34 PM
Jallorn swallowed hard at the words, grabbed himself a piece of bread and a hunk of cheese, and nodded, heading towards their destination.

2009-07-15, 02:49 PM
Jallorn & T'Jin

You come upon Horoodissimoth in his study, a spacious, hexagonal, cluttered affair with all sorts of oddities lining the shelves, and several tomes open on pedestels designed to hold them open to a particular page. A glimmering silver circle seems to be inlaid into the floor in one corner of the large room, and a recognizeable but extremely complex summoning circle is set up in another. Candles burn throughout the room, some in holders and others floating in midair. The light stings only a moment, though, as you are both more accustomed to it than most drow.

Horoodissimoth beckons as you enter. "Come in! You're just in time. I have just finished my meditations, and I am ready to give you your disguise."

He points to a rack in a third corner of the room, holding what appears to be a spare set of his robes, as well as a bulky equipment belt, a large book on a strap designed to hang over the shoulder. Also hanging from the rack is an extremely wicked-looking dagger, in a sleeve sheathe. "Don it!"

2009-07-15, 03:02 PM

Aktoneld slowly nods. "I can accept that. But if you continue to move against House Mizzrym, we will meet again." Aktoneld lowers his hand from the handle of axe. After a moment, he sheathes his sword as well. Though his instincts scream at him to keep a weapon in hand, Aktoneld reassures himself that he can move quickly enough to stop anything the cloaked drow might try. He is a Weapon Master, after all.

Sense motive check: [roll0]

2009-07-15, 03:03 PM

She knows! Time was against her. Any minute now... Time to act. She points toward the scribing quill, perking a brow. "Someone commisioned a scroll?"

Move action to feint, standard action to cast Dominate Person, using Conceal Spellcasting to try to hide it in case that doesn't work. If her spell resistance is up, I'll take 10 on the check to overcome for a result of 20, 22 if she's flat-footed thanks to cloaked casting.


2009-07-15, 03:20 PM
Jallorn does as he is commanded, donning the clothes carefully. As he does so however, he takes a glance around Horoodissimoth's chambers for anything it might be useful to know about. He also makes a rather inconspicuous glance at the summoning circle and tries to comprehend it's purpose. Knowledge (Arcana):[roll0]

2009-07-15, 03:29 PM
Dante sulks back home, practically groaning on the way. This intrigue left the mental equivalent of a bad taste in the mouth.
Getting there, he feeds Anya and himself, tends to the livestock, looks up his contacts, and waits for something to happen.

2009-07-15, 10:26 PM

She looks over at the scroll. "It would ap-" She freezes, locked into your mental dominion as your spell blasts through her resistance.


Figure one nods slowly, and she and figure two put their hand crossbows away, as does Tobel.

Figure two states matter-of-factly, "A rare occurrence. Normally there would be blood by now."

Figure one laughs softly and easily. "Now, to show that this is not another trick, we will go to a semi-public place of your choice nearby. Where do we go?"

Jallorn and T'Jin

The summoning circle is beyond you, Jallorn, at least without further study. You note that the tomes have all flipped to a series of related pages, none of them illusion...

Also, as of now, your equipment is replaced by the following:

Robe of the Neutral Archmagi
Belt of Many Pockets
Wand of the Underdark
Wand of Lolth
Wand of Ray of Enfeeblement (Adv.)
Wand of Orb of Acid
Horoodissimoth's Spellbook
+6 Dancing Adamantine Dagger

You may also take with you any small items in your possession, but they cannot take the same space as those listed above (in other words, you can't wear your own armor because the robe is taking that spot).


You arrive at your home and begin your search by proxy contacts. Hours pass with no indication of activity. Finally, you hear a loud rapping on your door.

2009-07-15, 10:32 PM

Velshar smiles, dismissing the illusionary scroll as she begins to examine the interior of the room in greater detail than before. "Secure the door. While you do so, tell me what you can about what the elderboy has been hiding here."

Take 10 on the Search check for a result of 33. Let's toss in another Spot check while we're at it, it's a free action.


2009-07-15, 10:40 PM

"I do not know, exactly." The servant girl moves to the door and begins locking it, her actions and words mechanical. "He was talking to somone named Retene or Go'Derril - or maybe her name was Retene Go'Derril - in the mirror not too long ago. She seemed very upset when he left so abruptly. I have not been assisting him long, but he sometimes pulls out a device that he opens, but refuses to look into. He works on it with a variety of tools and spells, but I don't know their purpose. The device is kept in that drawer there, and the tools in the one above it." She points to what is probably the most heavily locked chest.

You can see a faint shimmer on the drawer, the mirror, and within the crystal ball, indicative of recent use. Out the window, you see a small light climbing the outer wall - not of the Xorlarrin Spelltower, but of Menzoberranzan itself.

2009-07-15, 10:54 PM

Velshar nods, narrowing her eyes as she looks out the window, trying to ascertain the source of the light. She makes a mental note of which way the light is headed, and tries to think what sort of locations could be reached by that route. "Would he have left the key in the room? Are there any secret passages into the room, or traps beyond those at the door?"

No ranks in any appropriate Knowledge skill, so just an Int check. Not to belittle the modifer.


2009-07-15, 11:11 PM

The necromancer spends the next several hours getting a more permanent set up, as well as seeing his neighbors and the sights as well.

When the time comes, he heads off to meet Shiryl, his shadow following him like the broken dog it is.

2009-07-15, 11:16 PM

Aktoneld smirks slightly. "I don't plan to kill any drow today. With the outsiders pouring in for the Open Days, there'll be plenty of lesser things to kill should I get bored. In any case, let's go to a street on the edge of the nearest market. I find that people pay less attention to conversations when they have the prospect of buying things to distract them, but its difficult to notice eavesdroppers in the center of a crowd."
"And since I've shown you such good faith in sheathing my arms first, I think that you should walk in front, my lady." Aktoneld waits for the cloaked drow to proceed, and then follows them, gesturing at Tobel to walk at his side.

2009-07-15, 11:38 PM
"M'lord," Jallorn says deferentially, "do you have the lectures you desire me to give written down?" Jallorn also signs to T'Jin at the same time, saying, "See if you can figure out that circle or the books."

2009-07-16, 12:32 AM
Dante yanks lightly on Anya's chain, and fluidly steps over to the door, having her wait to the side. He calms himself, then opens it, surveying the person before him before he does anything.

2009-07-16, 09:58 AM
"I've never learned any kind of spellcraft," signs T'Jin to Jallorn. He still surveys the scene, finding it awe-inspiring and impressive.

2009-07-16, 10:20 AM
"Can you try and memorize the circle so you can draw it later?" Jallorn signs. As he does so, he glances at the various books to see if any of them are in a language he can read.

2009-07-16, 12:02 PM
"I'll try to," T'Jin signs back.

What type of roll would that even be, Mr. Nice DM?

2009-07-16, 02:53 PM

Jegd shakes his head as he leaves his trance, there were times he missed the surface. The odds of running into someone like Junlee there were slightly slimmer. He nods at Izzert as he receives the sunrod. The woman from before seemed interested in light, he didn't mind it much himself, but there were certain limits...

He gathers his things, hiding his dagger, loaded misters and vials of poison within reach and out of sight. There was a certain item from the surface though, he'd seen traders wearing them and he'd used a pair before. Black lenses supposedly of kobold make. It might be smart to get a pair, just as a precaution. {{{The streets are ideal, aren't they Izzert? Come. Well get something to eat then there's something I need to find.}}}

{{{And here I thought you were going to light the rod, since you love light so much 'master'}}}

{{{I love it so much as you love silver... Now unless you want to go shopping in a city of demons alone, I suggest we leave.}}}

{{{Of course, of course.}}} The devil shrinks down to a rat and dives into one of Jegd's pockets.

I'm talking about a pair of Sundark Goggles from Races of Stone, I'll be looking for a pair once done.

Sorry about the slow posting, I lost access the the computer I usually use, so now I'm on much less.

2009-07-16, 02:54 PM
Karoth Kal'daka

As the meal grew cold, Karoth realized he would likely not catch the bard this meal. Which only left one task.

He stared into his half-eaten meal, well then, presenting all this to the Matron seems the thing to do. But to life is to Serve. He offers a small prayer to Kiaransali.

The last of the plate-scraps are offered up to Zaqh. The Slaver straightens and slowly makes his way to the back doors, his mind elsewhere. If only I had more to show in progress. I don't even have the honeycomb for the....Honeycomb!

The report is quickly postponed as he focuses on obtainable goals at hand. He turns and begins weaving his way back toward the front gates.

He's going to begin at the front gate Kenafin traders and work on leads from there looking for Honeycomb sources.

Gather Information [roll0]

Hopefully he can bump into the Bard on the way out or about the town?

2009-07-16, 03:39 PM
Jallorn & T'Jin

"I don't have time to write down all my lectures. They're apprentices, teach them something way over their heads - it's what I usually do."

Horoodissimoth steps forward after finishing whatever he was working on in the back. He walks over to stand among the books on the pedestals. "Are you ready?"

That thar's an intelligence check, or, if you prefer, a profession: Artist check.


The drow nods and leads the way to the near edge of the Bazaar. Even from this distant spot - and it is not a good vantage point - it's obvious that the Open Days have arrived, even at this early hour. The gates of Menzoberranzan had opened at midnight, and the first trade caravans - mostly Duregar - are pulling in and setting up shop. Opportunistic or impatient drow are beginning to crowd the area, not content to wait for "morning" to begin their activities.


The light is not headed toward anything significant that you can think of.

"He always has the key on him. He may have a spare, but if he does I have never seen it. He told me that all of the drawers are trapped, and that the closets are trapped when he is out of the room, but I have never seen any of the traps myself."


You open the door, to find yourself looking into the red eyes of Mez'Barris Armgo, Matron Mother of the Second House.

You would be wise to kneel.


You arrive at House Kenafin, and are let through by the guards. Wander the first floor, you are grabbed and pulled into a side room by Shiryl herself.

She looks disheveled and dirty. "Are they still out there?"

Karoth & Jegd

Karoth manages to spot Jegd on his way out of the Kenafin compound, as Jegd's residence is very close by, and the timing has finally worked out in Karoth's favor...

2009-07-16, 03:50 PM
Dante bows low, and taps behind Anya's knees to have her drop into a kneel, but does not kneel himself, standing tall after his token gesture of respect. "Greetings, Armgo. What business do you have in my home?" Dante has made it clear in the past that he does not belong to any house, nor to drow culture at all; his manse is off the beaten path, just outside of the boundaries of the area. Only his excellent services, decent bodyguards and connections have kept him alive. He has also made it clear that while he respects the Matron's power, he does not respect their authority to an utmost degree. It's a dangerous life, but he enjoys it, in that he makes sure not to give anyone cause to kill him aside from trifling disrespects. Essentially, he's a hermit who enjoys a healthy trade of business with the other peoples.

2009-07-16, 04:08 PM

Nodding, Velshar points toward the light out the window. "Keep an eye on the light." After giving the chest a more focused lookover, she'll cast another divination to look into both possible traps and the contents of the chest.

Casting detect magic again after a Search check. In addition to looking for traps, I'd like details on design: What's it made of, how are the different pieces held together, that sort of thing.


2009-07-16, 04:37 PM

Aktoneld slows to a halt and looks around the area. When he's satisfied that no one is observing their group too closely, he turns to the cloaked drow woman. "Here we are then, my lady. Now, speak of that plan your friend mentioned."

Spot check to see if anyone's eavesdropping on use: [roll0]

Sense Motive check to determine the truth of whatever she says next: [roll1]

2009-07-16, 04:54 PM
"Yes archmage," says Jallorn.
what about the books, can I understand any of them?

2009-07-18, 12:14 AM

Mez'Barris smiles. "I understand you have developed a rather professional relationship with a certain Elderboy of late, and I wondered if you would consider doing business with another customer?"


It isn't so much a chest as a nightstand complete with drawers, all of which have locks. The drawers themselves are all fire trapped, but alchemically rather than magically. Some sort of trap runes - abjuration, evocation, and divination, reside inside each drawer, on the bottom of the drawer and the inner edges. There also is a point of evocation, abjuration, and transmutation magic that seems to hover inside the top drawer - probably the Elderboy's project. The drawer is constructed of onyx and mithral in spiderweb, spider, and weapon motifs - beautiful work, if you're into those things. In fact, the nightstand is better defended than the drawer - failure to disarm the appropriate traps may very well alert Brak'Thal to the intrusion; or if a thief was sloppy enough, it may inform everyone of the intrusion when the explosions start going off.


Figure one turns to face you. "We did not expect Matron Miz'ri to die. We merely wanted her attention to be drawn to our benefactors and their plot, and if she did happen to die, then she would have been unsuitable for our purposes anyway. We seek a destabilization of the upper houses that will benefit our masters, and any drow sharp enough to take advantage. We do not care which of the upper houses is destroyed, so long as enough are to generate the requisite level of chaos."

The recitation is smooth and practiced, but you can detect no deception.

Jallorn & T'Jin

You can indeed determine some of what the tomes say - they are, collectively, a transmutation spell of the polymorph subschool, although you have never seen this particular incantation before.

Horoodissimoth clears his throat and begins his casting. It takes longer than most spells, but when he's done you feel your very frame and features shift nauseatingly, your hair fall out, and your sense of self temporarily distorted, followed by a sense of finality before you remember who you are and what you're doing.

Horoodissimoth looks at you and smiles semi-pleasantly. "Good. It worked. You'll notice that your body has changed but not weakened as mine has, nor do you believe that you actually are me. It took me weeks to get that part right." Looking into one of the room's mirrors, you see that your body is a perfect copy of Horoodissimoth's - with you wearing his clothing and equipment, you can no longer see a trace of anyone but the Archmage in your features.

He continues, "The other parts of the spell were those that would protect this spell from any potential dispelling efforts - it would be embarrassing to be revealed by a student with good study habits but poor aim - and a component to hide the effect of the spell on you. You may end the spell by speaking your own name three times in a row. You have a schedule there in your pocket -" he points to one of the belt pouches, "- and my equipment should all be fully charged and functional, although it is doubtful that you will need it in the heart of Sorcere. You have a class to teach in..." He checks Narbondel out the window, "...about half an hour. Remember that the students are a group of worthless know-nothings, and be sure to treat them that way. I can't have you damage my reputation by going soft on them, can I?"

He smiles. "I'll have your planned plague production on schedule by the end of the day. When you are ready, the silver circle over there will teleport you to Sorcere. The word to activate it is 'substitute.' Not very creative, perhaps, but I never am before noon. Questions?"

2009-07-18, 12:23 AM
"Just one sir, should we leave now, or return here in half an hour?"

goodness you're on late Jade ;)

2009-07-18, 12:32 AM
Jallorn & T'Jin

"I would go now, just to make use of the accomodations and get oriented and prepared."

I know, but my friends talked me into a MagicTG tournament, and I played with a deck I threw together in 20 minutes. I didn't do too bad (considering the deck), but the tournament took until 11:30, and then it was almost midnight before I was home, and I realized I hadn't posted today. I probably could have skipped a day, but whatever.

2009-07-18, 12:42 AM

"Somebody seems to be well funded..."Arcane Sight, followed by an area Dispel Magic, making sure to move both myself and the servant so as to stay out of the radius. And avoid traps noted by myself or the servant.

2009-07-18, 12:47 AM
"As you say sir. T'Jin!" Jallorn stepped into the silver circle, and said, "Substitute," as soon as T'Jin joined him.
Is it the circle I wanted T'Jin to memorize?

2009-07-18, 12:48 AM

You watch as the divination traps vanish, along with one of the explosives. Four explosive rune traps remain, along with the auras in the object, of course. An abjuration rune remains over the entire nightstand, presumably to keep people from dimensionally grabbing whatever is inside.

2009-07-18, 12:56 AM

"Move a safe distance from the drawer..." Velshar proceeds to cast a few more spells.Silence centered on the drawer, Knock to bust the lock, then Open to get it open from a safe distance. Namely, as far away from the drawer as I can get without leaving the room or setting off a trap. Huzzah, cantrips are useful!

2009-07-18, 01:01 AM
Dante's curtness vanishes into a grin. "Why yes of course, My lady- I am always open to more business. What are you looking for? Bodyguards, handservants, bloodhounds, pets- I have them all. For the more religious sort, I have a small arachnoid stock- sadly, I've been incapable of mixing in the arachnid features in humanoids, but my arachnoid felines have become quite popular amongst the priestesses of a certain house. Would you like to see the barn?"

2009-07-18, 01:03 AM

"I'll need to consult the Matron Mother, but I doubt that she will refuse an opportunity to reduce the number of competitors we face. May I ask what resources your group has for such a cause?"

2009-07-18, 09:26 AM
Karoth Kal'daka

"Ah, Jegd, just the Drow I was hoping for," Karoth motions him over to a private conversation, "Would you be interested in some work? I would hope to commission a song and performance."

2009-07-18, 10:20 AM

You arrive at House Kenafin, and are let through by the guards. Wander the first floor, you are grabbed and pulled into a side room by Shiryl herself.

She looks disheveled and dirty. "Are they still out there?"

"Do you mean Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee? I don't recall seeing them, no, though I can check if you really want."
He gently removes her hands from him, lightly brushing off his robes.

2009-07-18, 09:41 PM

The drawer opens, quietly, and the traps silently explode, although the concussion lets off a loud, cracking pop against the walls, and cracks appear in Brak'Thal's window. The detonation throws the servant to the floor, and she does not get up. The source of the glows falls out - a smoldering, complicated looking sphere rolls across the room and stops near your feet. Smoke begins to billow around the ceiling. Fortunately, the remains of the nightstand, while still burning, appear to be burning out - surprisingly, there was enough combustable material for it to catch fire in the first place.


"Yes, I believe I would like to see the barn. Lead on."


"You might, but I would rather not discuss those kinds of details with anyone but a matron mother."


Shiryl shakes off her hands and begins dusting herself off. "I'd forgotten how cold you are. You ran into them earlier?"

2009-07-18, 10:55 PM

Velshar removes her pack, using the tip of her sword to roll the strange device into the extradimensional space. Putting both away, she casts Invisibility before checking to see if the servant is dead.

2009-07-19, 12:17 AM

Aktoneld sighs, looking slightly annoyed. The woman was a bit presumptuous, even for a noble.

"Are you suggesting that you wish to meet with our matron mother? She wouldn't agree to that so soon after an assasination attempt, if ever. If you want to meet with her, you'll have to prove that you can be useful to House Mizzrym. We'll need to have a working relationship before we can join in anything so grandiose as what you propose. And to do that, my lady, you'll have to tell me more about yourself and more about your plan. Mizzrym didn't become the Sixth House by lending a hand to every drow who came up the street thinking they knew how to topple a house."

Aktoneld glares directly into the cloaked drow's eyes, both to gauge her reaction and to get a response from her. Normally he wouldn't be so disrespectful towards a female, but he has his house's reputation to uphold. Better to seem strong and rebellious than weak and pliable. Then he continues.

"Giving me your name would be a good place to start. Or, if this is too sensitive a venue for your ladyship to risk revealing her identity, at least a name under which I can find you, so that we can discuss your organization's plans in privacy later."

2009-07-19, 12:22 AM

"Karoth... I must assume you didn't run into Junlee last night, lucky man. It would depend on what you have in mind. It's the Open Days after all, plenty of offers already." He turns to the streets admiring their new life. "I'd prefer to hear of it as we walk, there's something I need to look for. Or would you prefer to speak in private?"

2009-07-19, 09:52 AM
Karoth Kal'daka

The Drow is thrown but a moment by the mention of the cleric, though raw determination quickly gets him focused, "Ah, of course." He walks with the Bard into the streets.

"What we seek is a particular themed performance. One that gets the blood pumping, so to speak." Karoth keeps his eyes open for surfacers or surface-pillaged goods in the markets as they walk. In public the Slaver remains somewhat diffuse on potentially incriminating details during his conversation, "I have even heard Bards of skill could be said to offer subtle suggestions within a tune. And there is the matter of language as well. You see, I am hoping to offer something to the lesser races serving around our House."

Karoth stops his casual perusing of the market for a moment, "Simply put Bard, my House is very interested in the outcome and your involvement in this little festivity. It will not be easy, and it likely involves moderate danger when all is said and done. But, you will be well equipped, compensated, and we have the backing of my Matron - and thus the House itself. It could prove to be very beneficial to us both."

2009-07-19, 11:53 AM
T'Jin quickly joins Jallorn on the circle, still smirking and a little in awe of the transformation that took place. It really was simply uncanny. He tries to hold the specifics of the magical inscriptions in his mind as they go.


2009-07-19, 12:53 PM
Dante takes her to the barn, in which there are a myriad of breeders; orcs, goblins, kobolds, monstrous centipedes, some giant spiders and wasps, ankhegs.... the list goes on. Aside from this, there are also various cross breeds between the vermin and the others. "What are you interested in?"

2009-07-19, 01:41 PM

"My, that does sound interesting, Matron Kenafin must be quite the visionary to see to it that the slaves join in the festivities... and there's always some danger in such events when dealing when savages... I'll have to check my schedule, there I believe I have a meeting tomorrow night" Jegd nods at Karoth's words. He liked what he heard. There was promise, if there really was a chance to get some favor from high up.

He nudges the rat in his pocket.

{{{Izzert, take a look at the nearby shops and try to find someone selling sundark goggles, be subtle and come back when you're done.}}}

It obeys and very keen ears may here a silent flutter in the air.

"Now..." He turns to the nearby shops.

{{{Karoth... I think you'll find I'm subtle enough. If you care to tell me the finer details, you can do it through here with little worry. It may be too early to tell, but I like were you're going.}}}

2009-07-20, 12:48 AM

The servant is not dead, merely unconcious and slightly burned. The device settles into your pack. No drow have poked their heads in the door yet, but it is only a matter of time...


The figure considers. She finally responds, clearly amused, "When you want to meet me again, simply announce to your guards that you wish to speak with a female named Fidelity. I'll find you after that."

Figure two finally speaks up. "We apologize for being this cryptic, such as it is, but the very nature of this plan makes us enemies of some of the most powerful drow in the realms. If we could be contacted easily, the consequences would become fatal very quickly."


You manage only to devote the basic patterns to memory, although you realize that you will likely come back to the Spelltower through this room, and will get another chance at memorizing it in full then.


"Nobles. I'm curious as to how you managed to convince the Elderboy of Baenre to give you the time of day, let alone a sojourn to this place and a business dealing that servants could have handled. Oh yes, we watch him, and he knows it - all the more reason why this is a curious arrangement. After all, what you don't know *can* hurt you."

2009-07-20, 12:57 AM
"My dear, I don't know if you've heard me correctly. I've dealt with high priestesses- though, as you have pointed out, indirectly. In all truth, I don't know why he specifically came here- I happened upon him as he was making an arrest, it was going smoothly so I spoke to him, told him I had some contracts with mistress Baenre, and he came with me back to my humble home to pick it up. I suppose you would have to ask him if you want some decisive information- after all, it wasn't as if I forced him to follow me here."

2009-07-20, 02:40 AM

Aktoneld nods. "I understand the need for caution, though I do not understand how my guards would know how to find you. But I suppose I'll find out. I'll see you before long, Fidelity."
Aktoneld gestures for Tobel to come with him. If the drow don't try to start further conversation, Aktoneld will head into the market.

2009-07-20, 09:54 AM

Castin Expeditious Retreat before lifting her carefully, Velshar quickly carries the servant over to the door and tosses her body at where she estimates the trap door she found earlier would trigger. No witnesses.

2009-07-20, 10:12 AM

"Being dead tends to do that to one." He raises an eyebrow, as though he made a particularly unfunny joke.
"Yes, they asked about you then shot me in the throat."

2009-07-20, 04:35 PM
Karoth Kal'daka

{{{Indeed. Hmmm, what I am seeking is to sow the seeds of revolt among Goblin slaves. Not mine of course.}}}

Karoth has always been uncomfortable with other in his head, but he adjusts as well as he can to focus on walking and perusing the festivities at the same time.

{{{I am hoping for a song, a good one, in Goblin and written specifically for Goblins. An epic about the glories and rise of a Goblin hero - named Thaco.}}} Karoth repeats the same description of the Goblin as those given to the Archmage. Thaco. A savage and imposing Goblin - a head taller than most Goblins and clad in red dragon scale armor. He must have an orange hue skin and be missing his right ear.

{{{And I aim to get you to presenting it before a Goblin Tribe to help influence, even suggest, that the Chief join with Thaco's Revolution when the hero appears. And he will appear, our House Archmage is seeing to that. I will provide agents to infiltrate the Tribe along-side you and numerous spell effects through carefully constructed trinkets. After the performance, we will sow confusion and chaos around the compound, where you and my agents will convince as many goblins as possible to join in the fight, and release the spell-effect trinkets. During the following melee you can slip away and loose your disguise, returning as a Drow to 'rally' our brethren to massacre the revolting vermin. I will be among the Drow to help distract attention away from you and keep the Drow counter-attack off of your position.}}}

Karoth stops to admire some silk cloth. {{{And as the revolt is squashed, not only have we greatly weakened the forces of another House, but you and I are among the many valiant Drow recognized as stopping a great Goblin Revolt before it could spread across the city.}}}

2009-07-20, 11:50 PM

"Of course not." Mez'Barris's eyes narrow. Then she smiles. "I will have a servant stop by later with the order. I've found out what I need to know for now." She turns to go.


Your route carries you into the bazaar, as Fidelity and her friend wander off. The bazaar is beginning to buzz with activity - and it will only escalate from here.


Harsh. I approve. :smallamused:

You dump the still-breathing body into the trapdoor. You hear no noise for several seconds, and then you hear, faintly, the wet/crunchy *SPLAT* of a body that has fallen a great distance. You wince invisibly - extradimensional spaces could be funny like that.

You hear the beginnings of drow out in the hall - curious about the smoke coming from the door, no doubt.


"They've been doing that to all of my contacts, no matter how obscure they are or how infrequently I've been visiting them. I'm glad you lived through their attack - or, ah, I'm glad you didn't die... again... you understand, yes? At this rate, I'm going to starve before too long."

She looks at you, and while not desperate, she is worried. "I don't know what I can do about it, they seem to be everywhere before I am and my network is dying around me. If you could do anything to assist - well, I don't have tremendous stores of monetary resources, but I am a top-rate assassin, and this would be worth more than one favor."

2009-07-20, 11:59 PM
Dante smiles and nods, then shuts the door behind him. He pats Anya on the head, a bit pale, and sits down for a warm drink.
(Unless something happens, Dante will be hunkering down the rest of the day.)

2009-07-21, 12:03 AM
"Elliya Lolthu." This is a drow campaign, isn't it? I didn't mark Velshar as CE for ****s and giggles.Velshar

With a flick of the wrist and a murmered word, Velshar is gone from the Material Plane. She floats through the still visible door, setting down at a spot that would be out of the way before she returns from her brief jaunt.I'll cast swift etherealness, then double move someplace that won't be in the way of curious eyes for when the spell ends. In the hallway, of course.

2009-07-21, 12:26 AM

You remain in your dwelling for the rest of the day.

And rest, I'm guessing?

The following day is the first day of the Open Days Festival, and you awaken from your meditations/sleep to the sound of Dueregar caravans passing by your residence. A look outside shows a representative from one of these coming to your door, as well as one of your contacts. You may receive either of them first, neither, or both at the same time.


You rejoin the Material Plane behind the gathering crowd in the hallway. Brak'Thal brushes past you without paying you any attention (you *are* invisible) and then pushes his way through the crowd. He heads through his doorway and into his room and then lets out a roar of anger. He quickly comes back out into the hall and begins demanding that the one who raided his quarters be caught.

You may depart, or stick around. You are free to act.

Jallorn & T'Jin

I apologize again for missing that post. Also, no, the circle you're standing in now is a Teleportation Circle, while the one T'Jin is trying to memorize is in a different part of the room.

A moment of disorientation later, you find yourself in one of the upper levels of Sorcere. The room you are standing in is a simple one, consisting of eight walls, a door, and the circle - nothing more. Heading through the door takes you into a lounge/recreation style area, complete with common wizard supplies and various edible treats, as well as a variety of beverages. The lounge is empty of people, but not of furniture - a large table, with eight seats around it, dominates the room, and a number of stains and scorch marks mar its once-perfect obsidian surface. The walls are shored up with exotic woods from the surface that must have cost a fortune to install. Shelving lines all of the walls and is crammed with the aforementioned goodies. Glowing fungus grows in neat, even, perfectly trimmed rows at the juncture where the walls meet the ceiling, providing enough illumination to read by, but not enough to be painful to the eyes of wizards accustomed to it.

A large, moss-covered board has been affixed to one wall with some sort of resin. The moss is sticky enough to hold papers to it, but not gooey enough that the papers cannot be removed easily. There is only one paper attached to it, showing a general calendar of major events that may involve Sorcere. Nothing terribly important is happening today that should involve Horoodissimoth - probably why he chose this day to have an imposter show up in his place.

2009-07-21, 12:36 AM
Jallorn pulls out the schedule Horoodisimoth gave him and looks it over.

2009-07-21, 12:41 AM
Dante groans as the visitors wake him up from his rest, beginning to think something derrogatory but stopping himself. It had been a long time since he had dwelt on such negativity, and he wasn't about to begin again. He has his insectile orcish butler greet his contact and see him in, and, slipping on a robe and spectacles, greets the duergar.

2009-07-21, 12:42 AM
Jallorn & T'Jin

Half past eight: Summoning Theory in the North Hall
Quarter past ten: Participate in Divination debate in Grand Audience Chamber *Note: Try to remember that I favor heavy use of Divinations, Jallorn
Noon: Quick Lunch
Half Past Noon: Research in Office, available for student questions
Three: Head to laboratories, check student progress on alchemical solutions. They should be green by now, and powerful enough to kill the test fungus.
Half past four: Return to Spelltower

2009-07-21, 01:07 AM

While Karoth explains, Jegd looks among the shops, paying special attention to any stalls with alchemical goods. {{{Thaco the goblin hero... Now that's something, I could work with that. I must admit Karoth, it sounds solid, sounds promising. Congratulations, you have my support.}}}

{{{When are you planning on acting?}}}

2009-07-21, 01:28 AM

Silent Silence centered on self, then depart with a rather toothy invisible grin. Once she's clear, she'll go someplace secluded (ideally her chambers) so she can dismiss the sustained spells on her (save Glibness) and inform the Matron of the results of her search:"Tried Detect Thoughts, failed there. Found Brak'thal hid something that he thought worth execution. Found device he was making for Retene Go'Derril. I secured it." The following message brought to you by: Sending.

2009-07-21, 01:58 AM
"Know enough about those things to lie your way through any questions?" signs T'Jin, specifically worried about the divinations debate. "Do you think that there's anything that I could scope out while you're busy at those events?"

2009-07-21, 10:02 AM
"I'm mostly worried about the summoning lecture, although I've got an idea. I know you're perfectly capable on your own initiative, but maybe try and see what the other archmages are up to."

2009-07-21, 01:15 PM

Aktoneld turns to his new servant as they walk through the bazaar."I've been thinking about how that went, Tobel, and I've decided that things would have proceeded much more smoothly if we had just knocked her unconscious and carried her off for interrogation. Her friend wouldn't have been much trouble to deal with, and we would have been able to confirm her identity and the truth of what she was saying."
"So we're going to buy saps and sleeping poison. I'll buy two saps and four doses, since I prefer to fight with two weapons. You buy whatever amount you want."

2009-07-21, 01:38 PM
Karoth Kal'daka

{{{Will of the Matron.}}}

{{{But there are still supplies to be compiled and final pieces to be set, so at least a day or two to work on your lyrics. I will send Zaqh here to fetch you when we are prepared.}}} The Slaver motions to the Howler following the pair through the market.

{{{Now, unless you need any more details at the moment, I am getting quite the sweet-tooth and might seek out a honeycomb seller.}}}

2009-07-21, 03:18 PM

"They've been doing that to all of my contacts, no matter how obscure they are or how infrequently I've been visiting them. I'm glad you lived through their attack - or, ah, I'm glad you didn't die... again... you understand, yes? At this rate, I'm going to starve before too long."

She looks at you, and while not desperate, she is worried. "I don't know what I can do about it, they seem to be everywhere before I am and my network is dying around me. If you could do anything to assist - well, I don't have tremendous stores of monetary resources, but I am a top-rate assassin, and this would be worth more than one favor."

"We could just kill them. I could use more shadows."

2009-07-21, 04:24 PM

Jegd catches a quick glimps at the beast following them. A trained abyssal, that should be their place. {{{Of course, no, that will be enough for now. Thank you. Best of luck with the preparations, I'll have the epic ready in time. If there's anything else I could aid you with, you know where I live.}}} Nodding at Karoth, he severs the link. He'll spend his time wandering the streets, trying to find something to eat and aiding Izzert in looking for a merchant dealing in alchemical items.

2009-07-21, 08:24 PM
Karoth will also return to trying to find honeycomb leads.

Earlier I rolled a 22 on Gather Information before running into Jegd, so hopefully I pick back up that angle to begin with my search for surface merchants or merchants seen with surface goods.

2009-07-21, 08:59 PM

The merchant turns out to be a bust - he was confused, and thought you were selling mining equipment. He's not interested in your stock, and leaves.

Your contact is much more helpful. As you enter the room with him you note that this particular contact is another Deuregar merchant - a certain Forgom of clan Gruzzkin. His first words on seeing you are, in halting Drow, "There have been disappearances, alright. If it's not illithids, it sure looks like them."


A moment passes, and you receive an pair of messages in return.

Retene who? You will find this person, and uncover her connection to Brak'Thal. Do not harm Brak'Thal... yet. If the plot goes no father than - *long pause* - this Retene, kill her. If it does, get what information you can from her and bring her to me. I am pleased with your efforts, if not your news.


Tobel's eyebrows raise. "You don't do anything by halves, do you, Weapons Master? I will return to the Mizzrym compound prepared - assuming I can cross the bridge this time," he jokes.

Tobel heads deeper into the Bazaar, away from you.


She blows a lock of hair out of her eyes, and pushes it back. "I'm sure it will come to that, eventually. But if we kill them now, whoever convinced them to do this will just send others."


Before too long, Zaqh manages to smell the honeycomb, and leads you through the Bazaar from one end of the other, finally coming to a rare human merchant, selling his wizard supplies, seemingly oblivious to the fact that his harshly lit setup is driving away drow customers.

"(Common): ...finest in the realms! Come get your components, devices, and other assorted goods! Best prices in the Underdark!"


Izzert locates his alchemy shop, a drow-run affair that has been around a while.

2009-07-21, 09:05 PM
Dante looks at him blankly. "Well, what a pity. Was there anything else?"
He opens a mindlink with the man. Please, in the future, use more discretion. Yes, I've heard about it, but it seems a bit grotesque for the work of an illithid... do you have any other information for me?
(So... this is under the assumption the man knows about my patrons.)

2009-07-21, 10:20 PM

Aktoneld shops around to buy two saps and four doses of Drow sleeping poison. Once that's done, he'll wander around the market for a while, scowling at the outlanders and seeing if anything interesting is going on.

Which is 302 gp, which I'll gladly spend.

It might be interesting to run into one of the other characters, but whatever you come up with is good.

2009-07-22, 09:10 AM
"I'm mostly worried about the summoning lecture, although I've got an idea. I know you're perfectly capable on your own initiative, but maybe try and see what the other archmages are up to."

"I'm not sure how good of an idea that is. Even with my equipment, I doubt that they wouldn't have methods of alarm or scrying that I would be quite incapable of passing without the help of a powerful wizard. After all, these are archmages that we're talking about.," signs back T'Jin, an eyebrow raised sarcastically.

2009-07-22, 09:13 AM

Yes, he does indeed know about your masters. He works for them as well, though not as a voidmind.
He sounds abashed, mentally speaking. {{{Apologies. There is more. This is not the first man to be accused and dragged away for this. Five others have also been quietly arrested and taken to the Baenre compound. There has been no connection between them that I am yet aware of, other than that they are all male, and not nobles.}}}


If you happen to be in the Bazaar eight and a half hours from now, it is not unlikely that you could run into either Karoth, a slave handler you remember from the attack on Mithral Hall, or Jegd, a performer who has entertained in your house before. Other than that, you're on your own.

2009-07-22, 10:01 AM
"Maybe see if there are any... overlyambitious students we could take advantage of. Hand me some of that food, will ya? I'm still starving."

2009-07-22, 11:11 AM
"That seems far more reasonable," signs T'Jin, tossing Jallorn some food. "You could tag one or two during your lecture. I could then snoop around afterwards. Oh, and be careful about using our sign language here. I'm sure that there are spells that could be cast to glean the meaning even from that."

2009-07-22, 03:28 PM
Karoth Kal'daka

The Slaver squints and makes his way into the shop's halo of light. He stands a moment, as his eyes adjust and his jaw works through the brutish Common syllables he learned at the Academy.

"(common) Long way you come, seller. Sweet-treats I want. The honeyed combs."

2009-07-22, 03:29 PM
"Then what do you have in mind?"

2009-07-22, 08:30 PM

Good point. I'll head back to House Mizzrym to tell the priestess Belua about what happened at the meeting, spend a while attending to House responsibilities, then head back to the market around that time.

2009-07-23, 10:53 PM
"True enough. Shall we wander, or wait here?"

2009-07-23, 10:56 PM
Dante sighs. Well, do you know anything else of use? I'm sick of useless information and leads that don't actually tell me anything.

2009-07-24, 08:41 AM
"True enough. Shall we wander, or wait here?"

"Well, how soon until your first lecture? We should probably try to find the hall where you are to instruct if it is soon. Otherwise, this place is comfortable, we may as well relax."

2009-07-24, 09:13 AM
"here," says Jallorn, handing T'Jin the sheet, "What do you think?"

2009-07-24, 11:36 AM
"Well, where's the North Hall relative to here?" asks T'Jin, looking over the sheet.

2009-07-26, 07:29 PM
"North? I dunno. Why don't you go find it?"

2009-07-26, 09:54 PM
T'Jin just grins, shrugs, and flicks on his cloak's invisibility. He makes a quick about-face and trots out of the room, heading northward. May as well explore.

2009-07-28, 10:03 AM
Jallorn & T'Jin

I couldn't find a decent map of Sorcere itself. Perhaps I could find one if I looked harder, but at this point I'd rather make stuff up based on what I know about fancy-pants drow architecture.

T'Jin heads northward. Sorcere is a curious place, full of oddities, as you would expect from a school for drow wizards.

Sorcere has many floors, connected by both winding staircases and small shafts with levitation effects working inside them. You find that you are able to control your ascent/descent through force of will inside these shafts. You further find that certain floors are barred from access by these paths - an approach to such a floor will cause a dimensional door to appear, and attempting to bypass it or push through it causes you to "skip" a floor. Illusionary walls, dimensional doors, and secret doors are common, and you realize that anyone with a sufficiently good grasp of where they all lead could move about Sorcere with great ease and speed without ever using a spell.

Only the central section of Sorcere seems divided by floors - with each floor having a different purpose. As you move outward, what floor you happen to be on matters less, and what area of Sorcere you are in matters more - the north area seems to be devoted to classrooms, lecture halls, and laboratories. The east areas seem to be dedicated to student living areas, practice fields and rooms, and the like - with an opening out into the main field and the steps of the combined schools, along with Arach-Tinilith and Melee Magthere. The western areas are set into quarters, temporary and otherwise, for the masters of Sorcere, and you opt not to go in there - the area shimmers with wards and traps, although Horoodissimoth apparently felt that his double could make it to his office (also in this area) without trouble. The south areas appear to be alterable based on current projects - as of right now, they are set up so that masters and students alike can practice anti-siege wards, and siege engines of various types, as well as a few huge creatures, lay about, ready for another day's use.

The Grand Audience Chamber sits atop Sorcere, with a large seating capacity as well as a commanding view of Menzoberranzan to the south.

You locate the North Hall quickly, as well.

You are free to act.

Aktoneld and Karoth

Karoth is able to purchase a large amount of honeycomb for a low price - the merchant seems to be unaware of the relative scarcity of some of his goods here. You suspect that he won't last all the way through the Open Days.

Aktoneld returns in time to see Karoth Kal'daka purchase a gratuitous amount of honeycomb.


She doesn't hesitate. "I need to be able to purge the entire thing at once. These two idiots, their masters, maybe even their masters' masters."


{{{Apologies, master Dante, but there was one other thing. Despite publicly going after the perpetrators of these crimes, House Baenre has not employed any of their considerable divine power in tracking them down. They are investigating the old-fashioned way. What that means is anyone's guess, but it is curious.}}}

2009-07-28, 08:16 PM

Having received orders from the Matron, Velshar decides that the best way to go about those orders was to refresh herself magically. She should still have time before she had to meet with her mother, too. Sitting on the floor in a meditative position, Velshar immerses herself in Reverie.

Once she's rested, her spells restored, and her aura cover recast, she'll make her way to meet with her mother under the cover of Invisibility and Silence, always keeping alert for someone who might be able to see her.

2009-07-28, 10:30 PM

Aktoneld recognizes Karoth, and approaches him. "You're that Kenafin slaver from Mithral Hall, no? It's good to see another veteran here. And I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one here who could kill every damn surfacer in this market if they forget their place."

2009-07-28, 10:37 PM
Knowledge: Arcane[roll0]
Knowledge: Dungeoneering:[roll1]
Why wouldn't they use divination? Would that be related in any way to mindflayers?

2009-07-29, 12:43 PM
Karoth Kal'daka

Karoth turns from the merchant, retched fool won't last the week at that rate, he feels the weight of the combs within the small satchel, but all the better I suppose.

Hearing his title within the busy market crashes through all thoughts and sends the Slaver into high alert.

"Their place is really in my pens whether they know it or not,," he tries to keep a calm nonchalant tone as he turns to face the Drow, "but who is this veteran brother-in-arms of mine?"

2009-07-29, 05:23 PM

Aktoneld smiles at Karoth. "Aktoneld Aiyr, weapon master of House Mizzrym. Your slaves proved a very useful distraction when I was sneaking into the Hall. Perhaps the forces of our two houses could cooperate again at some point soon, on a closer battlefield this time. Do you have enough stature in your house to propose such a thing to your Matron Mother, or should I approach her myself?"

2009-07-29, 06:08 PM

As you enter your mother's chambers, she sniffs the air gently and smiles wickedly. "Busy evening?"


The lack of divination efforts is curious. House Baenre should have enough magical power on a bad day to steamroll any defense you mind flayer overseers could put up. Either another, greater force has intervened, or House Baenre has fallen out of Lolth's favor, or else House Baenre has their own cryptic reasons for putting on a big show of investigating while not putting their full effort into it.

2009-07-29, 09:46 PM

"Am I the only one who finds it odd that the elderboy's chambers are more heavily trapped than yours?" Velshar gives the area a quick glance around to make sure it's secure before removing her pack and setting it down, making it visible to her mother. "Given what he was hiding, though, I can understand his caution."

2009-07-29, 10:11 PM
Karoth Kal'daka

"Aktoneld Aiyr," Karoth supplies the proper depth of bow for status, "One will find males never hold much stature before my Matron."

He motions in the direction of the Kenafin compound, "However, I will be traveling to her this very day. In the spirit of the Open Days, I am sure you could find welcome at our door... and an audience may indeed be possible."

Karoth turns to lead the Weapon Master - scanning for other Mizzrym forces tailing them.

Spot [roll0]

Karoth transmits empathetic intentions to Zaqh: {{{Stay Close and Alert}}}


The howler detects strange emanations of anxiety from his master and weaves between merchants to view the pair. A strange Drow of rank seems to be speaking with the Slaver, and now they head to ward Kenafin.

Zaqh trails the pair staying on edge.

Spot [roll1]

2009-07-29, 10:13 PM
"I can only think that you know at least some of this chain, correct?"

2009-07-30, 12:32 AM

Aktoneld follows Karoth. "I have a good reputation among many priestesses. Should she ignore my entreaties, I will ask one of them to put in a word for me."

2009-07-30, 01:07 PM
Karoth Kal'daka

As they reach the Kenafin compound, Karoth approaches the guards and relays Aktoneld's intentions, sending a runner in to contact the Matron.

"If you excuse me but a moment, Weapon Master, I must attend to an immanent task for the ArchMage. I hope we can converse again soon."

Karoth will leave Aktoneld in the appropriate lounge/waiting area and sprint over to the ArchMage to get the Honeycomb to him freshly. Once the Mages have what they need Karoth will try to reconvene with Aktoneld either still in waiting or in the Matron's Chambers.

2009-07-30, 03:05 PM

"Of course. I will not hold you back from doing the archmage's will."

2009-07-31, 12:16 AM

OOC: Apologies for the slightly late post. I'll try to step it up.


Your mother smirks. "Typical male insecurity?" She asks, jokingly. She picks up your pack and opens it, and removes the device from within. Her smile vanishes. "Or not. Do you know what this is?"


"No, and that's what scares me. I can't find a connection between them and any drow of Menzoberranzan that I can think of - and I've checked, believe you me! The only trace of a connection to anyone that I could find was to a drow, apparently female, called Retene Go'Derril, but that name doesn't match any of the noble houses. The only thing I could think of was that she might be part of Bregan D'aerth, and I couldn't follow that lead any further."

Aktoneld and Karoth

Karoth delivers his honeycomb and returns to Aktoneld before Matron Kyrnill is ready to receive him. You are informed that the busy matron will take both of your concerns at once, which could be good or very bad. You are shown into her chamber, and she stares at you (either of you) malevolently from her throne.

"Make it quick, Mizzrym. And you, Karoth, I trust you have a plan for me by now?"

2009-07-31, 12:55 AM
Dante makes a distant, wry look, then gives his contact a second look. "Well then, uless you're going to buy something or tell me anything more, get out of here."
That day, he pays a visit to house Baenre and tries to find someone to talk to about the arrests, using charms to get to the person if necessary.

2009-07-31, 12:58 AM

Velshar invisibly tilts her head and perks a brow. "He thinks it could get him executed, but the Matron Mother wants me to investigate his contact before bringing any harm to him. Other than that... I sensed evocation, abjuration, and transmutation on it. How bad is it?"

2009-07-31, 05:18 PM

Aktoneld kneels before the Matron Mother. As she sounds annoyed, he decides not to draw out the formalities. "Most revered Matron Kyrnill, I propose a closer alliance between our two houses. The Open Days present us with a unique opportunity to strike against certain higher-ranking houses, as their security is lowered, they suffered losses during the war against the dwarves, and there are plenty of foreigners around to serve as mercenaries, cover, or scapegoats should they be necessary. Interested?

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2009-07-31, 05:25 PM
"I wonder what's taking T'Jin."

2009-07-31, 09:20 PM
Jallorn & T'jin

If jagadaishio hasn't posted by tomorrow, I'll NPC him so that you can move on, Jallorn.


The contact clears out without a fuss.

You approach the gates of House Baenre - the gates have been set permanently open for the Open Days, but you are challenged by the guards nonetheless.

As you reach the gate, you realize that Baenre decided to force the gates open and increase security at the same time - they have set up null psionics/antimagic fields at each gate point. You feel your connection to your masters and your powers suppressed as you arrive.

One of Baenre's guards steps forward. "Who are you?"


"I don't know - and that's very distressing. I will try to have Horoodissimoth decipher it's workings - however much Brak'Thal might hate it, Horoodissimoth is far and away the better wizard."

She puts the device down on her desk and sits back, relaxing. "But let's not worry about that right now - I'm sure the matron is working you on this already. I want to talk about the house plans. Did you manage to listen in on any of our discussion, or were you too busy digging about the elderboy's quarters?"


Kyrnill seems unimpressed. "Perhaps, male. But Mizzrym is the very model of a modern drow house, and alliances with your kind are to be undertaken with extreme caution. Do you have anything to offer as a gesture of good faith?"

2009-07-31, 09:37 PM

"Certainly, revered Matron. I am willing to personally make an attack on a target of your choice before asking for assistance from your forces. While my House will not move as a whole before we have surer support, I and a few of my associates can take quiet action as soon as you wish."

2009-08-01, 12:04 AM
Karoth Kal'daka

"Given my current task Matron, I had thought you may wish to weigh his offer in person." Karoth remains kneeling, "And yes, the plans you wished for are prepared. They Weapon Master's proposal could easily be a part of them."

Karoth glances to the Weapon Master, ill-at-ease speaking openly of House schemes in front of the foreigner at the moment, "Er, whenever you are ready for them, of course.

2009-08-01, 02:02 AM

Velshar lets out a brief laugh before speaking. "Ah... The twins. They proposed a plot to poison Agrach Dyr during the Open Days, but their concept was quickly picked apart. Their archmage is a lich, the gain wouldn't be worth the risk of investigation, third party casualties would end the Open Days prematurely, all sorts of fun stuff nobody wants to deal with. They were encouraged to refine their plans, though... Oh, and Horoodissimoth was spying on something using a customized Wizard's Eye spell, but I couldn't tell what."

2009-08-01, 08:57 PM
Aktoneld & Karoth

"Any target of my choice? You should be careful what you offer, male."

Kyrnill nods to Karoth. "I will hear of your plans later, but tell me first, Karoth, what you think of Aktoneld's offer of service?"


"Horoodissimoth is constantly spying," she says dismissively, "magically and with his web of dupes, and at the moment, I actually have nothing to hide from him. That was rather bold of the twins, though - Jallorn and... what was the other one's name? No matter. Agrach Dyrr is their problem now. You should know that my sisters and I had quite the council with our dear matron while you were setting things on fire." She brandishes the singed device, her tone more amused than angry. "Much was discussed. Are your duties to the matron going to take up all your time for the forseeable future, or can you do something for me, as well?"

Jallorn & T'Jin

More than 48 hours have passed since jagadaishio's last post, and he's holding Jallorn up. T'Jin is now an NPC until jagadaishio posts again.

T'Jin returns full of news on the layout. He shares this with you, finishing with "...and the North Hall itself is one floor under the Grand Audience Chamber, in the north part of the tower."

Jallorn now knows all of what I posted about Sorcere earlier.

2009-08-01, 09:08 PM
"Hmm, that's very interesting... How much time do we... I guess it's really just me though, so, how much time do I have before I should head over there?"

2009-08-01, 09:12 PM
Dante bows, grimacing inside. Let's just hope they aren't so incredibly extravagant as to have a null psionics field over the whole place...
"I am Dante, breeder of many fine animals. I come for two reasons; 1st, I recently made a deal regarding a shipment of creatures to House Baenre. I desire payment, and a delivery date. Second, your elderboy recently arrested someone I have a specific interest in... I would like to speak with him."

2009-08-01, 10:23 PM
Karoth Kal'daka

"Unexpected, and so somewhat troubling."

"However, support of a ranking House such as there's, even if fleeting, could easily serve our interests well."

2009-08-01, 10:50 PM

"She'll want me to find Retene sooner rather than latter, but multiple tasks haven't been beyond me before. What would you have me do?"

2009-08-02, 12:03 PM
Sorry for holding you up. It's been a weird few days. I should be back to regular posting again.

"I don't know, I lost track of time," replies T'Jin, looking for a window to check for the glow in the centre of the city.

2009-08-02, 11:02 PM

One of the four guards at the gate moves briskly toward the Baenre compound. The original speaker narrows his eyes and asks, "Do you wish to speak with the elderboy, or the prisoner? This may seem a bit ridiculous, but I really need to be absolutely clear on your intentions. Matron's orders."

Aktoneld and Karoth

Kyrnill sits back and offers a rare - if not pleasant - smile. "I see. Very well, Aktoneld," she says, for once not using her dismissive "male," "Eliminate Hinkutes'nat Alar, Matron Mother of House Shobalar. Do that, and we will work out an agreement with House Mizzrym." She doesn't have to add the unspoken but we will not even think about trusting you.

You aren't certain whether or not you've just been insulted. Hinkutes'nat Alar, and House Shobalar in general, could easily be described as a less successful Matron Miz'ri and House Mizzrym - they are well known for double dealing and backstabbing, and few houses will have anything to do with them, as opposed to House Mizzrym and its alliances with every house ranked in the single digits. Whether she's dismissing your offer with some obscure political slap, or has actually considered your offer and chosen the best target she thinks you can handle on your own is anyone's guess.


Kiriy grins again. "We had a busy, lively planning session. I can't tell you everything that went on, but the matron seems to have recovered from her post-Mithral Hall depression, and has come back with a vengeance. I get the feeling she would have invited the boys in, but they all had things to do."

The "boys" in question are Horoodissimoth, Jearth, and Brak'Thal, who are all frequently included in House business. "Zeerith took your idea and ran with it. She plans to approach Bregan D'aerthe and make them an offer they won't refuse. What that offer would be, she left open to us. There will be some sort of unofficial-official offer, of course, but for my part in this, I plan to offer dear Jarlaxle... you."

Jallorn and T'Jin

There's no need to apologize. I know very well that real life comes before the PbP game. I just also feel that the player should know unambiguously when the DM hijacks his character. :smallwink:

Narbondel clearly marks that the eighth hour has arrived. If Jallorn/Horoodissimoth leaves now, he will arrive early, but there's not really time for him to do anything else.

2009-08-02, 11:12 PM
"Well, I may as well go now. Might as well get there early." Saying thusly, Jallorn heads for the door, planning to then move to the north hall. There is, however, time for T'Jin to say something to Jallorn.

2009-08-02, 11:19 PM

Velshar tilts her head, perking a brow. Unfortunately, the visual reaction will be lost if her mother can't see invisibility. "I'd make a boastful quip, but curiousity has caught my tongue. How is it that you plan on presenting me?"

2009-08-03, 12:11 AM
Dante laughs meaninglessly. "My dear sir, I care nothing for your elderboy. In any case, I'd like to speak with two people, not just the one; first, whoever handles your finances for the shipment of creatures, and second, the prisoner himself."

2009-08-03, 01:12 PM
"I'll be following along," says T'Jin, activating his cloak's invisibility. "I'm going to watch from the back for any potentially-exploitable students."

2009-08-03, 02:16 PM

Well, I didn't come all the way out here to ignore her.

Suppressing a grimace, Aktoneld bows low. "I would be honored, Matron Mother. I shall return to continue our discussion once Hinkutes'nat Alar is dead."

If not impeded, Aktoneld will head back to House Mizzrym, and try to find out what information is available on House Shobalar's defenses.

2009-08-04, 08:27 AM

Ok, I was totally planning to post yesterday around nine or so, and then I fell asleep at eight and didn't wake up until today. That never happens. So... two posts today.


"That's largely up to you, dear." Kiriy has no trouble following your facial expressions. "I should let you know that Jarlaxle is like no target you have ever assessed or worked with before. He's very sharp, and wields more power in Menzoberranzan than some matron mothers. He, a male, built an elite mercenary company in a city where women rule and independent mercenary groups don't stay that way for long, and he didn't do it by being careless or repeating what few mistakes he did make."

She gets up and moves over to her desk, beckoning you over. She unrolls a large map and and hands you a scroll case. "You can look that over later. For now, take a look at the map. You will notice that Bregan D'aerthe is not shown on it. That is because Jarlaxle's headquarters change at least every tenday, or if he does have a more permanent base of operations, he had the sense to make it largely extraplanar in nature. Oh, we could find it, of course, if we put all of our mages and high priestesses on it, but Zeerith would never be so crass as that, and such a powerful magical scrutiny would just make Bregan D'aerthe move, anyway. No, we're going to get you into Bregan D'aerthe the only way anyone ever gets in - by making you into the kind of agent Jarlaxle loves to recruit."

There is a break in the conversation, if you wish to say something.


The guard you're talking to nods. You wait for the other guard to return, and he does within a couple of minutes. "You may speak to our accountant... we're still checking on the prisoner."

The guard leads you through the massive outer grounds - you note that the antimagic/nullpsi field stops some thirty feet beyond the gate - and into the compound. You pass a quartet of minotaur guardians at each door, as well as the occasional wall alcove with some other, more esoteric defense installed. You suspect that there may be layers of security that you are not aware of. You ride the central levitation effect up three levels to the scribe's quarters, and are shown to the door of a male's chambers. You enter and the drow within gestures for you to sit. "What can I do for you?"

Jallorn & T'Jin

You arrive somewhat early in the North Hall - an impressive room, to say the least. The floor is divided into higher and higher seating, to allow everyone a clear view of the speaker up front. The room itself is a segment of a squared-off torus, with the front and back walls, as well as the divisions in the floor, being slightly curved, the walls angled in toward the front. Also, a well-established and well-used summoning circle rests on the floor in the front.

Best of all, there is a small wand of prestidigitation, with which one can simply write on the front wall from anywhere in the room, or produce a number of curious noises.

The apprentices file in as the time draws closer, some of them catch T'Jin's eye. The female is certainly a curiosity - those that don't attend Arach-Tinilith tend to enrole in Melee Magthere, if they can get in to Tier Breiche at all. There is a mage with a rather impressive staff, for an apprentice. Perhaps most impressive of all is the drow that walks in with a small dragon riding on his shoulder.

The appointed time arrives.

Do you wish to roleplay it, or skip to the end?

Aktoneld & Karoth

Kyrnill nods and allows Aktoneld to depart. Once he is gone, she turns to Karoth. "Now, tell me of this plan."

Aktoneld is free to act.

2009-08-04, 09:49 AM
Except for my start, just skip through it. Jallorn is keeping an ear out for particularly bright students.

"I have changed my plans for today's lesson. I'm sure none of you idiots have noticed it, but the recent climate has changed, so today, we will be discussing war and strategy in conjunction with magic."

(Knowledge (history) check just in case [roll0])

2009-08-04, 11:20 AM

Aktoneld returns to House Mizzrym. He asks a few members of his house what they know about House Shobalar's defenses, noting that his curiosity is of course entirely academic.

2009-08-04, 11:58 AM

Velshar takes the scroll case, giving the map a quick once-over. "Easiest way into any stronghold is an open invitation, although this is sounding less like an offer and more like infiltration."

Velshar's smile makes it clear her comment isn't a complaint.

2009-08-04, 12:30 PM
T'Jin sits at the back of the room, trying to get a good gauge on the personality and skills of the three... interesting students that he marked. He smirks when he hears Jallorn's big plan - change the lesson to something that he knows more about. Should be interesting enough.

2009-08-04, 12:34 PM
Ok, I lied. Three posts, although the last one will be *late.*


"The two terms are synonymous where Bregan D'aerthe is concerned." Your mother smiles easily. "That goes for any 'gifts' from them, as well. They know this as well as anyone, of course, which is why there is so much to be done to get you ready for this particular assignment." She sits in a chair near the desk, resting her arm on the desk and using the other hand to gesture to emphasize her remarks. "Jarlaxle has a reputation as a man of mystery - it is an image that he strives to maintain both conciously and unconciously, and he is quite good at it. Little information escapes from his organization. But some things are known about him to those who have been around long enough to see him at work, and rumors abound about the rest. Particularly observant drow will notice little things, and piece them together into larger truths."

She crosses her legs and continues. "For instance, it is more or less established by now that Jarlaxle's primary patron is House Baenre - which means that a disproportional amount of Bregan D'aerthe's activity is known to Matron Triel Baenre and, perhaps, Archmage Gromph. It is also known that Bregan D'aerthe is heavily active in politics - and by that I mean that they have had an influence on the fall of every house that has been destroyed in the last two centuries, except House Oblodra, of course."

She leans forward. "But the most relevant knowledge for your purposes is that Jarlaxle primarily recruits highly talented individuals who are, for lack of a better word, desperate. I suspect he sometimes engineers their respective downfalls himself to create the right situation, and he certainly pounces quickly on any opportunities that appear outside of his plans. Certainly a fair percentage of drow who simply disappear during the destruction of their house end up in his employ. In any case, we're going to make it look as though you need him to stay alive. We suspect he'll show up quickly once your pariah status has been firmly established."

There is another break when she leans back.


You learn nothing new, other than that your soldiers actually have a passable grasp of drow politics.

Shobalar is ready to fall. The situation isn't news to you. House Shobalar has decent material defenses for a house outside the top eight. The late Matron Baenre saw to it that the houses of rank nine through twenty have similar numbers of units, and while Shobalar's defenses are nothing to laugh at, they are fairly light compared to House Mizzrym's - and of course, they're absolutely pathetic compared to Baenre's. Still, solid training and good fortifications make Shobalar a difficult tactical proposition, even for an assassination mission.

No, Shobalar's primary weakness is that they have no friends. While any true son of House Mizzrym such as yourself knows that a drow alliance is a shaky thing at best, a third party assault on one member of an alliance actually stands a decent chance of inviting retaliation from the other members. For instance, if one of the top eight houses (all of whom have alliances with your own) were attacked, House Mizzrym would probably intervene. The agreements between your house and theirs mean as little to Mizzrym as the ink they were scribed with, but Mizzrym would attack the weakened third group's forces for the plunder opportunities and good PR. One of Mizzrym's most formidable defenses is its network of alliances - anyone seeking to attack has to do so knowing that any or all of the other top eight houses might join in on Mizzrym's side, for the same reasons Mizzrym might aid them.

So while backstabbing among allies is common in Menzoberranzan, and particularly among the top houses, having allies is still some measure of security as long as you don't drop your guard.

Shobalar has no such security, and no such defense. Any attack on Shobalar will commence with absolutely no fear that another house will come charging to Shobalar's rescue. More importantly, you can start your mission without having to worry about another house finding the killer out and hunting you down for diplomacy "points." The High Priestesses of Shobalar certainly aren't going to track you down - you're doing them a favor, all of which leaves you free to concentrate on the tactical aspects of the assassination.

Jallorn & T'Jin

The class perks up at your news, and you spend the rest of the session hammering magical strategy into their skulls. By the end of the class, you begin to think that Horoodissimoth isn't being entirely fair to them - there are certainly some rather thick students, but several of them, including T'Jin's "favorites," are pretty sharp.

The last of the students file out, discussing some of the high points of the class, leaving Jallorn alone with T'Jin.

2009-08-04, 12:38 PM
Dante sighs, and puts his hands on his hips. "Your elderboy came by recently to order some exotic creatures. I am here to collect payment and a shipping date."

2009-08-04, 01:20 PM

Velshar nods in thought, her mind abuzz as she calculates things. "Has my downfall already been planned?"

2009-08-04, 01:30 PM

Aktoneld realizes that his soldiers and going to know much more than he's already learned. At the tail end of his last conversation, he asks "Alright then. By the way, there's something else I need to know. Are you familiar with a female named Fidelity? I met her recently, and wish to speak with her, but I'm not sure where to find her."

2009-08-04, 03:23 PM
Karoth Kal'daka

"Of course Matron," he bows once more until the Weapon Master's footfalls fade, "I hope to subvert the goblin slaves of the House into an open revolt, wherein the slave forces are decimated by their own House guard. Although the rabble would be of little threat to Drow warriors directly, the Guard will be worn and tired by the slaughter. I have set in motion assurances that the revolt will have some teeth however, and many of their House Guard will be injured, even killed."

"At your whim, here is how the task would work. An entourage of our House will visit the target during the Open Days to discuss trade and other terms. We can proceed with any mere merchant of our House." he pauses, "Although, as the plan unfolds it may be in our best interest to send along a House Noble for this role. The Bard, Jegd, will accompany us to ensure the tone of festivity and celebration follows with our arrival. A small squabble of our Goblins will carry in our goods of trade and pull our representative in on a slave-pulled chariot. I will be along to 'keep the servants in line' as House Slaver"

"As we arrive and drop off our representative and goods, I will see to parking the chariot, and slaves, near the target's slave pens along with Jegd. Our Goblins will infiltrate the local horde along with Jegd who will serve as a distraction and focal point. He is currently writing a song to inflame the Goblin clans and cloud their judgment. All to implant the seeds of dissent. I will quickly return to our representative side - as suspicious eyes will choose to follow me as the visible threat."

"Once that stage is complete, we can pause for as long as you wish Matron, should you wish to coordinate this strike with other plans. I had hoped to employ the assassin Shiryl Eilsval in this quiet period to eliminate or distract the Fey-Branche Slavers. I have not been able to contact her. Regardless, the signal for the revolt will be a carefully constructed ruse of illusion to sow chaos among the Fey-Branche slave pens. Our mages have the means to supply disposable trinkets capable of this along with other single-use arcana to cloud the judgment leading to many to fall for the ruse and others still to ensure the Goblins masses are influenced to join the revolt. Simple fire-beads will also be among our disguised Goblins to throw about and burn down the slave-pens and injure Fey-Branche slaves and Guard indiscriminately."

"Finally, our entourage will ensure that we are caught in the either the illusion or the real fighting - as if it appears we are attacked by Fey-Branche Slaves then is would be a solid validation of our actions to retaliate against those Goblins. We will then be free to help the Drow crush the Goblin upstarts and escalate the entire conflict as we make our escape in the chaos. If our representative included a House Noble who is attacked by Fey-Branche Slaves, it may even justify a more formal conflict and legitimize future actions. I am also prepared to stage a smaller Goblin revolt among our own pens a few days later, if necessary, which we can further blame on the Fey-Branche for allowing such an uprising to spread."

2009-08-05, 12:50 AM

"I see. I have heard of this, but I only heard what the order was in broad strokes. A box of something, wasn't it?"

We can roleplay the entire discussion, or I can fast forward to the end so you can talk to the prisoner, whichever you prefer.


"No, not yet. It wouldn't work if over-planned by anyone but yourself. You see, you're actually going to commit an act of treason against the house - what I don't know, but other than the fact that it will fail, it should be a genuine attempt to disrupt or destroy Xorlarrin in some fashion. Matron Zeerith will know that it isn't genuine, of course, as will Horoodissimoth and myself, but we won't know what it will be, and no one else will be aware that it's a fake. Try not to kill too many of our own troops, but if a few soldiers die we can replace them easily enough. This way, everyone can act genuinely surprised, and if Jarlaxle gets suspicious he can investigate as thoroughly as he wants - and he will check this out - but he won't find that anything is amiss. All but four people will truly believe that you've gone rogue."

She ponders momentarily. "I don't know how long it will take him to approach you - maybe a few days, maybe only a few minutes. Jearth will try to catch you, but Zeerith, Horoodissimoth, and I can make sure that he doesn't have the support he needs to succeed. If Jarlaxle hasn't made an irresistable offer, at least to a cornered ex-operative, by halfway through the open days, then we can probably say with some certainty that he's not interested, but I think he'll come to you long before that."


The last soldier frowns. "No sir, I have not. But I'll put the word out that we should look for her, if you wish."


Kyrnill listens disinterestedly at first, but then she perks up partway through. By the end of your little speech she seems genuinely impressed.

"Very good, Karoth. This is a plan of quality - every bit as good as the ones you came up with before Mithral Hall. We shall incorporate it into our larger-scale schemes. Consider yourself off probation. If you can maintain this level of performance you may yet live a long and fruitful life. Dismissed, but stay close - I may ask for further details in a few hours, and I want you nearby."

2009-08-05, 01:24 AM

Velshar suddenly has a wicked grin, drawing her shortsword. "Hmm... A dispel for the sword's magic and a healing for the injuries should provide you enough of a stall to facilitate my immediate escape, since my attempt to dispatch you in your sleep has failed due to your divining my arrival."

Assuming floors and ceilings aren't a barrier, how far is Velshar from leaving the tower?

2009-08-05, 12:37 PM
T'Jin moves to the front of the class, still invisible, and whispers to Jallorn, "I'm going to check out three of the students - the female, the dragon-bearer, and the one with the staff. I'll wait in the lounge where we first entered once I finish." T'Jin then departs, following the students to wherever they're headed next. If forced to pick between which to follow, he favors the dragon-bearer, then the female, then the staff-bearer.

2009-08-05, 02:48 PM

Both surprised and reassured, Aktoneld maintains a neutral expression. "Do so. In the meantime, I will search for her elsewhere."

Aktoneld heads down the staircase and walks in the general direction of Narbondel.

2009-08-05, 02:57 PM
Optomistic, Jallorn heads to the Grand Audience Chamber.

2009-08-05, 08:45 PM
Packing for college tonight. Updates resume tomorrow.

2009-08-05, 09:13 PM
Karoth Kal'daka

Karoth bows, his throat parched. The slaver leaves the chamber for the mess hall. Only after a few gulp of House ale does he sigh. {{{Success Zaqh....}}}

Both Zaqh and Karoth lounge for the next hour.

If left undisturbed Karoth will start to check in with the Mages and Jegd to ensure the plans are proceeding.

2009-08-06, 08:09 PM

"I *wondered* if you would be attacking me. I assure you that I haven't forgotten about the Mizzrym mission either." Your mother doesn't appear panicked. "If you are going to stab me, do try to avoid hitting anything vital. I'll need to scream properly."

Fifteen feet or several hundred, depending on how you feel about upper-story window exits.

Jallorn & T'Jin

Jallorn makes it to the Grand Audience Chamber a bit early. The arena-like space is empty of others, displaying a grand view of Tier Breiche and Menzoberranzan beyond it.

T'Jin is able to follow the dragon-bearer only as far as the young drow's classroom, which for some reason won't allow T'Jin inside. Quickly backtracking, you find that the female has returned to her quarters and begun digging out a great many tomes, searching through them rapidly.


You head toward Narbondel, the streets abuzz with the activity of the Open Days.

Are you looking for anything in particular?


The mages are doing fine. On your way to see Jegd, you overhear what you think is Shiryl's voice coming from an unused storage room. A raspy male voice answers her.

You are free to act.

2009-08-06, 08:29 PM
Yeah, let's just skip that stuff and go on to what matters.

2009-08-06, 08:30 PM
Jallorn settles down to wait.

2009-08-06, 10:12 PM

"You're just lucky you rolled to avoid the stab at your heart." Velshar nods, and her invisibility unravels as she makes a stab for her mother's left arm. She'll then vanish once more with a quick word and a gesture, falling through several floors to the nearest hallway below.

Attack, swift etherealness, and move down to someplace where I can pop in. Since she's basically letting me land the blow, do I need to bother rolling the attack?

2009-08-07, 12:34 PM
Karoth Kal'daka

Karoth moves toward the Bard, intent on confirming details. However, Shiryl's voice cuts through his intentions.

{{{Zaqh. Closet. Listen}}}

As the Howler takes up a quiet position near the closet, Karoth continues over to the Jegd, "A good day for us both Bard. My Matron has given us the blessing to proceed. Found your inspiration, or should we go visit the slave pens?"


The hound takes on a nonchalant position near the closet - stopping as if to groom itself. There, he listens in.

((Move Silently [roll0], Listen [roll1] ))

2009-08-07, 01:50 PM
Aktoneld continues to wander through the streets.

If I see Fidelity or her male companion, I'll talk to them.
If I see anyone that I know is from House Shobalar, I'll talk to them in a friendly manner and propose going to an inn or tavern to discuss relations between our houses.
On the off chance that I see a poison merchant from the surface who might have something obscure, I'll ask if they have positoxins (poisons that affect the undead).

2009-08-07, 02:48 PM
T'Jin tries to get a look at what she's reading from a distance. If he can't, he moves up slowly.

If he must move forward, he takes 10 for a result of 27

2009-08-07, 06:44 PM

"...and so we are agreed. One crate of high quality spiders for five hundred gold pieces."

The fifteen minute haggle sesssion with the accountant concluded, you step outside to find a guard waiting for you. "I have been sent to escort you to the prisoner. Understand that he is in the custody of House Baenre - you will do nothing to harm the prisoner, and you will certainly not attempt to aid in his escape. Violation of either of these terms will result in your immediate death."

He takes you down the levitation tube, to the dungeons of the compound. Several twists and turns later, he takes you into an unmarked room - implements of torture, as well as potion bottles, lie about.

"You do not have a specific time limit, but the priestess will return before too long, and she does not like to be kept waiting."

The guard closes the door, leaving you alone in the room with the prisoner.


Before too long, another archmage enters, a middle-aged drow with long grey hair and black, unadorned robes. "Ah, Horoodissimoth. I had been hoping to talk to you about the wand project!"


No, you can auto-hit.

You inflict a convincing enough wound, and drop through several floors to land in the Spelltower's grand foyer. When you rematerialize, you hear a bloodcurdling scream and loud ranting from upstairs. There is a protracted silence, and then all hell breaks loose.

Horoodissimoth's defenses snap to active status, slamming doors shut throughout the tower and wreathing open entrances in violet flames. Several statues and other decorations spring to life, seeking intruders. The grounds outside the tower lurch sickeningly and form into an odd grid/web pattern full of traps and obstacles. A loud, nasty ringing fills every hallway. Horoodissimoth's voice, calm but impossibly loud, booms out of every corner. "INTRUDER ALERT. ALL MAGES ARE TO READY FOR COMBAT IMMEDIATELY. ALL HOUSE GUARDS TO YOUR POSTS."

Jearth's guards immediately begin rushing to their defensive posture, looking for a non-Xorlarrin to kill. Their response time is impressive - faster that you would have given them credit for.


Ryuuk and Draxann seem to both be MIA. If niether has responded by tomorrow, I'll NPC them so you can continue.


You don't see Fidelity anywhere, or her friend. At least, you don't think you do - you have no idea what either of them look like under their outfits, so you might have passed right by them and not known it.

You do, however, find a Shobalar steward near Narbondel. She seems interested enough in talking to you, and follows you readily into the nearest tavern.

"So, you said you wanted to talk about houses?"


You manage to creep close enough to see what she's reading. Your knowledge of the subject is shaky, but from context clues you figure out that she appears to be looking through illusion spells and how to defeat them.

2009-08-07, 07:02 PM
Assuming that there aren't any null psionics fields set up...
Dante walks up to the prisoner, grabbing a chair and straddling it. "Hello there. You may not know me very well, but I'm your best friend right now. If, that is, you're lucky."
Mind Probe, DC 31.