View Full Version : Eurodyne Takeover(ZAIBATSU!!!)

2009-07-06, 03:59 PM
Pre-mission info
Since your recruitment, you have been tentatively assigned to the 4th Security Division. After a night's stay in a capsule hotel, you were briefed quickly that your main responsibilities will be to strain relations between Haruna Biotech and Makita Genetics, two naturally opposed Zaibatsu. Your trial mission is simple: Eliminate several Makita recruiters from a known location and pin the blame on Haruna. Adele has made it clear that the Makita/Haruna project is her brainchild, and that this is the first step toward strengthening Eurodyne's grip on the genetics and drugs market currently held by the pair of Zaibatsu.

The opening scenes of this game will begin on a rail line bound for Shinjuku district. Adele will accompany you to meet with a driver who will then take you to the front of a bar known to house Makita recruiters. You will be equipped in the car with weapons and radios, which will be used to contact the getaway driver once the mission is complete. The mission will be scrapped if it takes longer than 2 minutes from the time you step out of the car.

This is it. The last three days have been leading up to this. The rushed training and briefings have hopefully prepared you for this moment.
Your metro car skids to a halt. Scores of busy workers dash in and out. The doors slide shut a moment after the warning ding. Listen. Adele spits out the phrase in a hushed tone. To any onlookers, you're just another group of business people discussing some office policy around an open briefcase. You were lucky enough to grab a set of seats among the hundreds standing. The next stop is ours. I'll accompany you as far as the car. That's it. She gazes around slowly. It's three in the afternoon and already the bright lights of Shinjuku are flashing. I hate this sector. Your handler's cool eyes conceal her razor sharp mind. It's anyone's guess as to what she's thinking. Everynow and again, a native will give her a funny look. Being a European here is like that. The curious onlookers quickly turn their gaze as Adele curses them in their own language....This lady doesn't mess around.


Up. Out. Followinging in the wake of the purposeful German. A thousand others are packed into the station. An intercom continuously calls out the schedule interrupted only by an advertisement every minute. This one is for a new beauty product manufactured by....you don't hear it. Adele is shoving you through the sliding doors that rarely have time to shut. She spots the dark black sedan and rushes you all toward it. Remember...take out all 5 of the targets. Sharp eye out for additional intel. The doors of the car open. 3 of you get crammed in the backseat. the lady amongst you gets to ride shotgun.

A fit, young man with a waxed head and mirror shades is driving. He points to a bag on the floorboard by Mikoto's feet. "There are 4 SIG P7K autopistols and 4 stun grenades. 4 hand radios as well. Pass those out. Use them to call me to pick you up. Get in. Do the job. Get out. 2 minutes. No more." He drives quickly and says nothing more. The drive itself lasts maybe five minutes. Traffic isn't so bad at this hour. The towering buildings swirl with activity. Hovercars land and takeoff from the roofs of classy hotels and high dollar brothels. This is the red-light district after all.

He parks at the end of the block and hands you each a sheet with 5 photos on it...your targets. He points to the ground level walk-in bar at the other end. You all recognize it from pictures in your briefing. The "Johnny Wayne". It has the classic hitching post outside and the swinging doors. The nameless driver mutters to get out and speeds off around the next turn.

It's game time. The clock is ticking.

2009-07-06, 08:48 PM
Once we enter, I grab hold of the nearest ally, which I shall determine by roll of a d3 as follows:

1) Helinon
2) Tomomasu
3) Masamune


So then, I grab Masmune and try to drag her to the bar, muttering in her ear: "Come here, I have a plan..."

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-06, 09:19 PM
I scan the bar as I remove my shoes, checking for the locations of the five targets said to be in the bar.

2009-07-06, 09:50 PM
Helinon enters the bar and sits down at the nearest free table, looking around for anyone who matches the photos we were given.

2009-07-07, 02:12 AM
Mikoto was surprised when the big guy in black grabbed her suddenly, the smell of cigarettes overpowering. She let herself be dragged to the bar without making a fuss when he whispered into her ear that he had a plan. She groaned slightly.

"I'm not going to like this, am I?" she muttered under her breath.

2009-07-07, 03:04 PM
Upon entering, you can see that the bar is pretty small and considering its size, almost full. In the back left corner you see the bar and its respective tender. A pretty young waitress in a plain white dress shirt and a black skirt moves about delivering drinks to those at the tables. Sitting at the bar are two of your targets, as well as a pair of night-ladies and contruction workers. Two more of the Makita rectruiters sit at a table surrounded by business men, while one more sits in the back right booth with two college aged kids. All are clearly identified by their briefcases with Makita lotus logos.

The bar itself is kind of funny. It's supposed to be styled after an old west saloon, but ended up being business mens bar with stock prices flashing everywhere mixed in with some cheesy cowboy stuff.

Upon seeing more people enter, the waitress points to the corner booth.


2009-07-07, 05:31 PM
Helinon gets up from the table to go wait by the door and acts like hes waiting for someone while keeping an eye on the targets.

2009-07-07, 08:23 PM
Jin mutters in response to Masamune, "I don't really like it either, but it's the best chance."

Jin breezes past the waitress and walks up to one of the Makita recruiters, Masamune in tow. After pushing through the crowded bar, he reaches the man and begins to speak in a slightly too-loud manner, making sure those around him hear him.

"Hey! You're that Makita man I met a while back, right? It's me, Okuda, from Haruna! You guys helped us out a little while ago, and I just wanted to come here and say thanks for what you did."

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-07, 10:31 PM
I walk over to the table indicated by the waitress and sit down at it. Once I'm seated I begin to draw my gun, trying to keep it hidden under the table as I do so.

2009-07-08, 08:59 AM
Tomomasu takes a seat without incident and draws his autopisol without anyone noticing. The waitress walks shuffles over quickly and asks what you would like.

Helinon non-chalantly minds the door. He attracts no great deal of attention either.

However, there is a slight pause in conversation as all five recruiters give the pair who approached the "Makita Man" in the corner booth a good look up and down. With a raised eyebrow, he begins to nod slowly. " Haruna you say? I'm not remembering what you are refering to nor do I think that I know you. Perhaps you can remind me...some other time. I'm a little busy with some clients." He looks obviously annoyed. The two students have stopped asking their questions about the wonderful benefits offered by the Makita Genetics Research Department.

2009-07-08, 07:12 PM
Watanabe Jin

"Ahh, you don't remember? Well, there was a lot of beer being passed around back then, so maybe it's just that kind of forgetfulness. There are some things I forgot that night, too, hahahaha..."

Jin glances around and leans in, speaking in a much quieter tone. "Actually, I'm here because I was told to give you guys something really good, as thanks for what you did. Of course, because that info was a bit sensitive, I was told to explain this to you discreetly as well. So if it's okay, let's step outside for a moment so I can explain it without someone overhearing. Of course, even given our companies' relationship, I wouldn't blame you for being uncomfortable with this. I'm sure you have a couple friends around here you could have come as lookouts, though this won't take long enough for that to be necessary...

As he speaks this last sentence, Jin looks around as though looking for these assumed friends, though he's actually looking for his own compatriots.

2009-07-09, 01:29 PM
The recruiter looks even more annoyed now. "Ah...I see your game now. I think that perhaps you are here to persuade these fine young students to join your company instead of mine." He pulls back the jacket of his business suit and shows that he is carrying a gold pistol..." Are you forgetting that this is our bar? We may be at a truce now, but barging in on our territory is unwise." He flicks at you with his hand, indicating that you should leave him be. The other Makita men are taking a bit more interest in Jin now.

The man you were speaking to begins to ignore you. " Where were we? Ah yes, our constant education policy for our science deparment...."

2009-07-09, 03:56 PM

Mikoto decided to jump in now and try and play along a little. She tapped Watanabe's arm and said, in a hushed voice that was nevertheless just loud enough for their targets to hear her, "It's no good, it doesn't look like they're interested in the biotech breakthrough the Doctor made. We'll have to try somewhere else. Perhaps Parkfield? They know a good deal when they see it..."

(OOC - decided to go with blue for my characters speech, since blue is her colour and all, hope that's ok. Hope I'm not treading on Jin's plan either, but I though I should do something other than just standing there)

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-09, 04:20 PM

"No, thank you. I'm just waiting for some friends." I reply to the waitress, nodding in the direction of Jin and Mikoto.

2009-07-09, 08:23 PM
The man raises his eyebrow. " A deal you say? Maybe we can talk."

Over at the bar, you can see the construction workers getting a little handsy with the street ladies. The bartender leans over and smacks one on the head. " Not in here."

2009-07-10, 12:37 PM
"Yes, I'm sorry I was not direct with my intentions." Jin bows quickly. As I said, I was told to be very discreet. Of course, we had no intention of stealing your valuable recruits. Please do not think ill of me. So, that settled, if you wish to conduct this transaction quickly, let us go outside for a few minutes, so we can discuss the details where nobody can spy on us."

Jin sweeps his vision around again, as though looking for eavesdroppers, though he's actually looking once more to see where his allies are. "The alley right next to this building should be unoccupied at the moment."

2009-07-10, 01:22 PM
Greed is obviously getting the best of this man. He smiles wickedly and stands as though to follow you. He apologizes to those at his table for the interruption.


2009-07-10, 03:49 PM

"Great, let's go then. Don't forget your friends, the details are complicated and I don't want to have to repeat myself. Time is an issue in this matter."

With that she turned and strode towards the exit, her back to the targets and the rest of the bar. As she approached Helinon she winked at him, and as she reached him she whispered so only he could hear, "Wait here, make sure they all come, then follow us out. If any stay behind...", she trailed off, hoping he would catch her meaning.

She glanced back briefly, then strode out of the bar.

2009-07-10, 04:13 PM
Helinon smiles and nods at her. "Of course, miss," Helinon whispers back.
( He refers to her as miss so that if anyone heard him they would think that he was like a bodyguard or friend.)

2009-07-10, 05:23 PM
The man stands and walks over to the table where two more of his peers sit. "Come now...I think we have some big business to attend to." They stand as well and and follow him to the door. The two recruiters at the bar wave them on...they both have tall glasses of something strong that they would rather do business with.

2009-07-10, 05:36 PM
"Aren't you two going to acompany them? It may benefit you if you go," Helinon states uncaringly to the two who stay behind.. He is acting like he doesn't care if they go or not.

2009-07-11, 07:03 AM
Jin leads the party out to the alley on the side of the building. After going in a short distance, he stops and turns around to see how many people followed him.

"Anybody want a cigarette?", he asks to nobody in particular as he reaches into his pocket.

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-11, 10:28 PM

I watch as three of the five recruiters leave the bar with Jin and Mikoto. Once the doors are closed I pull my autopistol from beneath the table and fire at the nearest recruiter. "Haruna sends their regards!"

2009-07-11, 11:00 PM
Three of the recruiters follow Jin outside, while the two sitting at the bar....remain there.

As Tomomasu pulls his gun, the waitress inside screams. As he pulls the trigger, the gun makes a devastating noise. CLICK!

Outside in the alley, you can hear the waitress's high-high pitch scream. The Makita men all turn their heads to the side. "What was that?" One asks to no-one in particular and laughs.

2009-07-12, 12:21 AM
Helinon Rushes over to the other recruiter in the bar, pulls out his gun and shoots him point blank

2009-07-12, 12:31 AM
Jin Watanabe

"Who knows? Maybe some drunken idiot pulled his sausage out in the bar. At any rate, I'll let my techie friend here explain the details. In the meantime, I'll watch to make sure nobody tries to come back here."

Saying this, Jin withdraws a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and takes one into his mouth. While doing so, he walks back toward the entrance to the alleyway a few feet, putting both himself and Masamune between the men and the exit to the alleyway. When he gets there, he reaches into another pocket, then gets a look on his face as though the thing he was looking for wasn't there. He begins patting himself over, then puts his hand into his coat, reaching ostensibly for the inner pocket...

2009-07-12, 02:14 AM
[OOC - I think we just missed the perfect distraction to shoot those guys - they were all looking away from us, we could have both drawn and sprayed the three of them. As it is, with them sandwiched between us, if we start shooting there's a chance we might hit each other]


"I've got the details right here," she said, backing up a few steps. She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a stun grenade, which she dropped at their feet with a wicked smile ...

Ok, first of all I haven't armed the grenade, so it shouldn't actually do anything. My plan is that with us being in a dark alleyway, our targets will not realise this, nor will they realise it is only a stun grenade. The most natural reaction to having a grenade dropped at your feet is to dive for safety or run away. At the very least it should distract them long enough for me to pull out my gun. If they do dive for cover, I'll spray them on the ground. If they try to rush me and shove me out of the way, I'll spray them point-blank. If they do none of the above, I drop into a crouch and fire at one of them.

2009-07-12, 08:11 AM
[Well, that's why I took that "turn" to move over there. I said I entered the alley first, and since you stopped to say something to Helinon on the way out, I assumed they started out between us. I moved so that we'd both be in the same area, so we wouldn't accidentally hit each other on a miss. The description of my action was meant to convey the fact that we are now cutting off their escape.]

Jin Watanabe

As soon as he sees the stun grenade hit the ground, Jin averts his eyes, waiting for the flash to subside. He then whips his hand out of his jacket. In it is his autopistol, which he points at the Makita businessmen. As he starts shooting, he says only one thing.

"Actually, Makita is of no more use to us. Good-bye."

2009-07-12, 12:19 PM
Inside the bar, the waitress has just started to run. The bartender ducks behind the bar as Helinon rushes over and fires a burst of metal into the back of an oblivious man's head. His corpse slumps off his stool to the floor. The other recruiter's mouth drops open as he fumbles in his jacket.

Outside, the plan for the grenade hits a hitch. One of the Makita men shrewdly and quickly kicks it back toward his attackers. All three pull out large, golden pistols. They match...how cute. Jin riddles one of their chests with bullets.

(OOC-It's been a little hectic, but I'm saying that a new combat round begins now. Also, an autopistol gets two attacks. I've been concentrating your fire, but if you want to spread out your shots you can.)

2009-07-12, 12:31 PM
Helinon gets closer to the other recruiter and shoots him. As he is shooting at him Helinon shouts,"Eat this!"(If his gun jams or he misses he will toss his grenade at the recruiter and get the heck out of there)

2009-07-12, 01:43 PM
[OOC - Wait, so does that mean we're both standing at the mouth of the alley? I thought that since I left the building first I was in front. Nevermind, I'll just go with us both now being at the mouth of the alley, blocking off their retreat just as Taran says]


Well, she reflected, it was a good thing she hadn't armed the grenade after all, or else this would have been a very short fight. Gunfights weren't really her style, and truth be told she hadn't even fired a gun until the crash training course Jurgen had given her.

Drawing her autopistol, she sidestepped out of the alley, using the corner of the building as cover, and opened up with her weapon, spraying at the two targets she could best see.

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-12, 03:18 PM

Tomomasu swears under his breath before flipping the table so that the top is between him and the other recruiter, then attempts to fire at the recruiter again.

2009-07-12, 11:41 PM
Jin Watanabe

Following Mikoto's lead, Jin does a sort of backwards gallop for the mouth of the alleyway while firing off a round each at the men before him. Once he reaches the end, he ducks behind the wall as well.

[Or if the rules on combat are more structured, like in D&D, I'll just say that I fire, then move. If, somehow, I manage to drop them both, I won't back off, but rather, will approach to put another round in their three heads.]

2009-07-13, 12:00 AM
Outside, the alleyway turns into a storm of bullets. The crossfire of bullets makes one of the men drop to the ground, a bright red patch forms on his collar. He gurgles as he hits the ground. His partner however, catches Jin with a bullet in his side, causing him to collapse just around the corner. The wound doesn't look life threating, but the bloodstain appearing below his ribs looks like it will need some attention soon.

Inside, it's chaos. People go diving for cover. The lone Makita agent draws and exchanges fire with Helinon. It's a miracle that Helinon's head isn't blown off from the large golden gun the man produces. The Makita man is knocked out of his stool by Helinon's bullets. He groans, but isn't dead. Tomomasu's gun clicks once more. He fiddles with it for a second and then blasts his target. He won't be getting up ever again.

2009-07-13, 12:49 AM
Helinon runs out of the building and gets Jin a good 4ft from the corner of the alley and says, "Watanabe, give me your pistol! I'll give them hell for you. Tomomasu! Get over here and stabilize Watanabe's condition!
(If Jin Decindes to give me his pistol i will be dual wielding them with the -3 penalty for the off hand. If not, then ill just fire with one.)

2009-07-13, 05:04 AM

One of the targets went down with a round to the throat, but Jin took a bullet and fell. She couldn't see how serious it was, as she was concentrating on the firefight. She heard gunfire from inside, and one of the team burst out of the bar and approached, asking Watanabe for his gun.

The only thing she could do was continue firing, and she sprayed fire from her autopistol at the two remaining targets in the alleyway.

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-13, 08:31 AM

Tomomasu runs out of the bar, only stopping to slip his shoes back on before he leaves. He rushes over to Jin and attempts to stabilize the shot man.

2009-07-13, 02:09 PM
Jin Watanabe

Jin clutches his side with his right hand, pistol in his left. Grimacing in pain, he uses his feet to push himself the rest of the way around the corner as fast as he can. Through grit teeth he mutters, "Damn, I knew I was too careless..."

He then says in Helinon's general direction "I can't move very fast in this condition, so I might need this gun soon. Let's just finish these guys off. You made sure both men in the bar were dead, right?"

2009-07-13, 02:37 PM
Helinon nods at Jin."Yeah they're both dead. One has a couple of rounds in his head, and the other has more holes than I can count. I'll take the others out for you. Be safe, and try not to die." Helinon then goes over to the corner to assist Mikoto. "Mikoto, how many guys are left? Did any escape?" Helinon asks while firing at the two remaining men.

2009-07-13, 03:11 PM

Ducking back behind cover after firing, Mikoto glanced over at Helinon. "Three guys, one down, two left I think," she said, although she wasn't sure if her last burst of fire had got any of them. Helinon wasted no time in getting stuck in however, and was firing into the alley as she spoke.

2009-07-13, 03:27 PM
"Good. That means that these two are the only ones left." Helinon says. "We need to take these guys out fast. We're running out of time!" (Helinon is spraying at bothmen in case i didnt make that clear in my last post)

2009-07-14, 05:53 PM
Jin Watanabe

As Tomomasu works to patch his wound, Jin reaches over to his removed longcoat and withdraws his communicator. He calls Adele, his voice straining to keep level against the pain in his side.

"It's Watanabe. We're nearly finished here. How soon can you pick us up? I want us to be able to get out of here as soon as we take care of the last two."

2009-07-16, 01:40 AM
A light mist begins to fall from the hazy afternoon sky. Upwards from the alley, steam rises from flashes of light. Chunks of brick are torn from the walls. A neon sign explodes from a ricochet. There is a lull in the battle. The remaining two men are effectively puddles of meat.

A voice comes across all of your radios. "This is Wheelman. Confirm all objectives achieved...Over."


2009-07-16, 02:08 AM
"Watanabe!" Helinon calls out,"These guys are finished! Lets get the hell out of here!"

2009-07-16, 02:22 AM

-- If I have time and it looks safe enough, I want to quickly rifle through the dead targets pockets for their ID cards and any pottential valuables. I'll leave any cash cards they have, because they are too much trouble, but pre-existing ID cards can be reforged easier than forging a brand new one. If I still have enough time before the pickup car arrives, I'll grab their guns as well. If the car arrives before I'm finished, I'll go straight for it. If possible, I'll grab at least one of their guns as I make a break for the car --

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-16, 07:54 AM

Tomomasu puts an arm around Watanabe's shoulders and helps him to his feet. He uses his free hand to grab his own radio to reply. "All targets eliminated. Need pick up. No casualties. Watabe's wounded though."

2009-07-16, 05:09 PM
Helinon walks back into the bar and grabs a bottle of liquor that wasn't shattered. He also takes the two recruiters' guns. He then walks back out and opens the bottle. "Anyone want some?" He asks the rest of them. If they give him some stares then he'll say "What?"
OOC) I hope its whisky :)
Edit: I rolled in real life to see what i got, it was Vodka. If anyone was wondering why i did this its because i figure to the winner go the spoils and seeing as we wrecked the place it wouldn't matter if i took a drink.

2009-07-16, 10:51 PM
"...be there in twenty...over"

Outside, Mikoto finds two sets of ID cards on each body. She grabs the three guns as well. Her clothes get soaked in the dead men's blood as she performs this grim task.

Inside, Helinon gets an extremely dirty look from the barkeep, who now holds a riotgun. " No more trouble scumbag." He does nothing as Helinon grabs the guns and swipes the liquor. He hears a mumbled curse as he exits the bar.

A screech of sliding tires signals the getaway vehicles arrival. People on the street stare with open mouths as four successful Eurodyne agents pile in and the car zooms off. The driver says only one thing to you. "Good work. Keep quiet...I'm in the zone." He speeds up and begins to swerve around in the traffic. A few hair-raising minutes later, he deposits you in an underground parking lot...owned of course by your beloved Eurodyne.


2009-07-20, 05:28 PM
Shortly after arriving at the Eurodyne facility. Adele greets you and gets a brief description of what all happened before she rushes you all into the bioresearch department. She casually informs you that you've all been promoted and gives you the appropriate forms to fill out to get some retrogenic...enhancements. The paperwork involved gives you all migraines and hand cramps.

The next few week are spent recovering and training with some of the best Eurodyne has to offer. You feel like brand new people almost. Cooler, more bad A, people.

Adele summons you all into a meeting room. Chairs surround a rectangular table. Outside the window, you see a flock of hovercars flying by. So...we have some new members to your team. Introductions can wait...I want an official statement from all of you about the last mission. Feel free to speak your mind.

2009-07-20, 06:22 PM
"Could you tell us if we were successful in fooling the Makita?" Helinon asked, "Do they think that Haruna offed their recruiters?"

2009-07-21, 02:40 AM

Mikoto waited until Helinon had recieved and answer before speaking herself.

"I think the mission was sloppy. True, we got the job done, but we were lucky none of us got killed. We didn't plan anything, everyone just went straight in without even taking twenty seconds outside to talk it over. If we had, I would have suggested using the stun grenades you supplied us with to blind and knock out the bar, move in, ID our targets and take them out. We could have planted evidence to implicate Haruna and been gone inside of a minute, without anyone ever having seen us. It would have been quick, clean and efficient."

She folded her arms and sighed, the frantic images of the gunbattle in the alley playing through her head. One stray bullet could have nailed her, just like that. She supressed a shudder. "Instead, the rest of the team just marched straight in, and I had no choice but to follow them. Look, I don't want to sound like I'm whining, but ... I am. I'm not cut out for being in the middle of a big hairy furball, I'm not some crack commando or streetwise punk. I'm just a kid. In this line of work, you play the odds, and the odds were against us. I'll bet they usually are, so it's up to us to tip the scales in our favour. That's the smart thing to do. If we don't, sooner or later we won't be so lucky, and we'll wind up dead. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread."

2009-07-21, 06:44 AM

After Mikoto has said her piece, Jin, who had been smoking in silent introspection, looked up and began to speak in the sort of half-mumble that one tends toward when they have a cigarette in their mouths.

"That was my fault, I think. I spent the lead-up time to the mission thinking about how I wanted to act, but didn't bother to ask anybody else's opinion. I took action too hastily, without filling anyone in, and I paid the price for it. Actually, if we'd talked it out, I think I would have taken your plan instead, Masamune-san. I like the idea of completing our future missions without allowing ourselves to be noticed..."

2009-07-21, 11:52 AM
'Well, as Watanabe and Masamune said, it was a sloppy job." Helinon said. "I personally am quite surprised that I managed to get out of it without getting hurt. I feel somewhat responsible for your wound Watanabe. If I had waited and talked with even one of us to make a plan, we could have avoided any one of us getting hurt. The missions will only keep getting harder and we cant just charge into the enemies den with no strategy."

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-21, 01:13 PM
Osamu glanced at the other three team members before quietly speaking. "I agree with you all. The mission could have gone much better with planning and communication of that planning... If we don't work together to utilize the strengths of each individual on this team, then our next mission could be our last."

2009-07-21, 06:38 PM
Adele smiles grimly. A lesson well learned I see. I had a bit of a rant prepared but can clearly see that isn't necessary. The smile fades. Her usual frosy, calculated voice continues. ...Haruna and Makita are back at odds, both are extremely angry about what you've done. Fortunately, no one can prove who you where as of yet, and of course, the police will be keeping out of this.

She pulls out copies of an arial photo of...a hospital wing? Your next target will require you to use what you've learned so far. The mission must be extremely well planned, even then there is no guarantee of success or your safety. We'll dive into that in a second though. As you've noticed, there are two new faces here. I'd like them to inform everyone of what they can add to our little cub scouts group.

2009-07-21, 07:23 PM

"But you were to be having such a charming moment, da? Well, its no matter. I'm Akalina Belyakova and I'm a..." she frowns in consternation for a moment. "I'm a people person. Forgive me to be rude, but I do not wish to speak much more of myself amongst those I do not know." Akalina turns to Watanabe and smiles apologetically. "Black fedora... don't tell me, Jin, da? Do you suppose I could take vienas cigaretė, um, a cigarette from you? My girlfriend, she told me Japanese cigarettes taste awful, but I hadn't much time to get ready to leave home."

2009-07-21, 08:15 PM

With his usual cold stare, looks Akalina a quick look-over, mentally evaluating her. He then reaches into his pocket and withdraws a pack of cigarettes.

"No, I don't mind. Here. Also, I would prefer it if you referred to me as Watanabe."

After handing her the cigarette, Jin asks, "So, what kind of skills do you add to our team?"

2009-07-21, 09:13 PM

"Well, I defied your cultural, ahh... customs and was insulting your brand, yet you still would give me a cigarette." Extracting a well worn Zippo from her purse, Akalina lights up and takes a deep drag. "Sorry draugas Watanabe, but you seemed to be with slickness in you, so I made use of you to prove a point. Imagine what yra idiot would do for a pretty woman, even a gaijin." She bats an invisible strand of hair from in front of her face. "Also, during my, ah, life I've learned to move with stealthiness and a sure foot. Say, these aren't bad," she remarks softly, taking another puff. "Trade you with a Soviet domestic blend, slickster Watanabe." Waggling the cigarette thoughtfully between her lips, Akalina digs through her purse once again and extracts a handrolled from a metal case. "Be opening your mouth, please. Trust me, I'm good at this, too," she purrs, and deftly flicks it towards Watanabe's face.

Cpt. Soup
2009-07-22, 01:00 AM

The person resembling a dully dressed Eurodyne sarariman waited politely until he believed that the foreign woman had finished saying her piece. Feeling the flicked cigarette at one of his co-worker's faces was a symbol of this, He cleared his throat and began to introduce himself.

My Name is Kawazu, I was a private detective previous to now. I preformed tasks for small companies similar in degrees to our current benefactor.

Kawazu looked down at his suit and was slightly embarrassed to discover a pattering of crumbs had escaped his notice. He quickly brushed it with a hand before continuing.

While it would be inappropriate for me to disclose the specifics of some of my work.. I am well acquainted with the bureaucratic proceedings of various Zaibatsu, am an adequate combatant and have a smattering of experience in interrogation and intimidation tactics. I also have a talent for deception disguise and "smooth talkery," these last skills have been augmented due to the generosity of Eurdyne.

Kawazu sat alittle straighter.

I shall give a demonstration..

His hair abruptly changed colour from black to brown and from thin to thick, it also turned curly. He felt that was enough as further alterations could be quite unpleasant to watch..

2009-07-22, 06:57 AM

Jin reaches up and catches the flicked cigarette in the palm of his hand, then places it into his pocket. A look of annoyance crossed his face as he found that she had purposefully called him by his first name without permission.

"Well, femininity will only get you so far with me. At any rate, don't be offended, but I make it a point not to accept cigarettes from others, particularly not from those who aren't smoking their own."

With this, Jin turns his attention to the now-speaking Kawazu. He paid only cursory attention to this slightly pudgy businessman, until Kawazu gave a demonstration of his transformative powers. With this, Jin's look changed from one of disinterest to a slight grin.

"Well, that's certainly a useful ability to have. We just might find a good use for you after all."

2009-07-22, 09:51 AM

At some point the young gearhead had pulled out one of her manga comics, which she was flipping through with a contented sigh. It was an old issue of Ghost in the Shell.

"It's a pity they don't have any Tachikomas here," she said to herself, "We could sure use one on our next mission. Well, give me a couple million Yen and I bet I could build one ... oh yeah, you don't mess with the Major! Ouch, that'll sting in the morning." So went her quiet running commentary as she flipped through the pages.

2009-07-22, 10:12 AM
Adele clears her throat as a clear indication to stop the chatter and listen up. As you may or may not know, Eurodyne competes with Makita and Haruna in the medical research field. So far we've been filling the niche of cancer cures, with limited success I might add. She stops and hands out another paper of blueprints.(I'll put this in the OOC thread in a bit.) If you'll look to the fourth floor, you can see a small research lab. Inside it, we believe, is an animal testing facility for anti-flu wonderdrug. She points to a number further down the paper. That-is how much, in billions, Eurodyne would save per year if all our workers were given a working vaccination of this drug. The potential sales are still being figured out.

She pauses and gives you another wicked smile. It always appears as a knowing leer. Like she's making fun of you.
The mission is simple. Steal the research.

2009-07-22, 10:38 AM
"What would we need to bring back? Formulas, test results,the product itself? Or would you need all of those?" Helinon asked.

2009-07-22, 12:11 PM

The comic vanished and she perked up as their next mission was outlined. "Sounds like a challenge! Hmm ... maybe we could set off a biohazard or fire alarm to get the place evacuated, then move in as either HAZMAT teams or fire control teams to snatch and grab the stuff. Or we could do it the old classic way; wait until the place closes for the night, then crack the security. That'll be one tough nut to crack though. A major Zaibatsu is going to pull out all the stops, we're talking the best security money can buy I'll bet ..."

She glanced around at the rest of the team. "I'm just spitballing here. Obviously we'll need to check out the exact specs and layout of the place, but I'd just like to point out right now that I seriously doubt I can hack whatever security network they have set up. That'd take more Icebreakers than you can shake our collective credit at."

2009-07-22, 01:56 PM
Actually, due to Mikoto's smart thinking, you'll be able to pose as staff with these company IDs. She slides 5 shiny ID cards out onto the table. Of couse it is only a matter of time before that cover is blown.

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-22, 02:03 PM

"But Adele-san, there are five IDs and six of us." Osamu stated calmly. "I assume one of us will have to simply sneak around?"

2009-07-22, 02:04 PM

"But tik-Kawazu does not need to be having an ID. If his demonstration proves anything, maybe he can become a man of too much importance to show his papers, perhaps? At any rate, I would like to know, dama Schaefer, whom we are lifting this cure from, because it would be a nice thing for us to leave behind a memento from a rival."

Cpt. Soup
2009-07-22, 02:25 PM

Should we in anyway attempt to implicate another Zaibatsu as the culprit during the mission? Or concentrate on discretion? If Eurodyne is to market this stolen product, I assume this would eventually get back to it's creators.

Kawazu follows along with with Akalina line of thought.

Do you have information on existing staff in the building? pictures? habits? Perhaps areas they frequent outside of work?

2009-07-22, 02:48 PM

"Kawazu, my friend, if you can find and make friends with one of them well enough to steal his face, I can maybe give to you his identification. Perhaps I even can come across some female IDs for me and jaunas Mikoto- would it be okay for you if I called you by the name you were given? I would like very much for us to be friendly and, ah, cool." Her eyes flick towards Watanabe before she addresses the room once again. "At any rate, from the little I know of your last assignment, every of these IDs belonged to men. I have no illusions that any ID will be lasting very long, but something that will pass at a glance would be very good."

2009-07-22, 03:09 PM

"Mikoto is fine," she said with a grin, "But I might not need an ID. Things come and go into a building all day long, there must be a dozen ways for me to sneak in if I have to. Even if we do get in with fake ID's and cover persona's though, how are we supposed to get the research out of the building?"

She frowned for a moment, then her eyes lit up. "Oh! I have an idea - what if the research and all the materials need to be transferred to another location? Perhaps the building suffers structural problems, or a security official (one of us) demands that it be moved to a more secure place. Then we hit the transports in transit, ambush the vehicles and take the stuff while it's in the open, away from heavily alarmed and secured buildings? Heck, if we could get one of the team a job in the motor pool or as a security guard in advance, then one of us might be driving the van or truck they use!"

2009-07-22, 03:17 PM
"Good idea Mikito, but there is a flaw in that. How would we get a job as a security official?" Helinon asked, "Even if we were to infiltrate it, i doubt that new recruits would be trusted with guarding the research. The guards are most likely some of their best trained Security officers and are probably armed to the teeth.

2009-07-22, 03:38 PM
Adele listens with a raised eyebrow.

My my, I never dreamed we'd have so many capable tacticians. You are indeed correct that one of you will not have an ID. Kawazu is the natural choice for going in completely...well left to his own devices.

She points to one of the IDs more closely. The picture on it is of Mikoto. As you can see, they have been tailored to each of you specifically. The only problem would come from a detailed scan of these cards. Which, with what I have in mind will not be necessary.

She points to the arial photo once again. As you can see, there is a helipad there for emergency situations. I believe that will be the easiest entry point. Perhaps a medical emergency could be arranged?

She points to the fourth of four floors in the blueprints. Security is here and so is the research area. You'll need to divert security's attention away from this floor somehow.

2009-07-22, 04:01 PM

Mikoto frowned at Helinon's words. "We've got a master of disguise who can alter his appearance at will, and you think we'll have a problem with one of our team posing as a security official? They've already been talking about stealing the identity of someone from the company. Besides which we can still engineer problems with the building that could force them to relocate the research on their own orders."

She listened to Adele's words. "Divert? Well a divertion would be easy to arrange. As for the helipad, would not it be better to use the medical emergency as cover to escape the building with the research? If we can get the materials and data, and then have one of us become ill or injured, we could hide the research with them. Perhaps we could bribe some medical personel to ensure there are no problems with the medivac. Getting in will be the easy part, but getting out with the stolen research without being caught or searched will not be so easy. A medivac doesn't get searched though, and it's designed to vacate the building as quickly as possible. It's perfect for getting the data out."

2009-07-22, 04:32 PM
"Yes, I see your point Mikito, for both the security and the medivac," Helinon replied, "I have an idea for the diversion but it would put one of us at a risk, and would like to avoid that. However, if successful it would allow a medivac emergency to happen and get that one person out of there. Are you willing to listen?"

2009-07-22, 04:43 PM

"Okay, so I was thinking Kawazu assumes the identity of a, ah, big company man. We arrange for the man to have an avarija and not come in to work. Kawazu goes in and someone lobs a stunner into the front door. I am to nominate Helinon for this, as it looks like he has the best arm as well as the best chance to slip off before he is gunned down. Kawazu flips his latke and orders that security swarm on the ground floor while he calls to be rescued. For this next part, I am hoping we are to be supplied use of a chopper, da? So the other four of us land, steal the research if Kawazu has not so far, and make our way out."

Akalina then nods towards Helinon, "but of course I would to listen to your alternative, as I am not even sure if we are to have a heli, and my idea puts you at risk of the lead poisoning. To tell the truth, I would rather play doctor as our friend Mikoto is saying, but I don't think it will be enough to get the security men away from the lab."

2009-07-22, 05:08 PM
"Well, I have some LAW's leftover from my days in the Special Forces," Helinon explained, "If i fire one at the building and then chuck a D-gas grenade then most of the security of the building would go to my location to capture or kill me. Imagine the chaos that would occur when my LAW hits. Thanks to Eurodyne, I have the ability to take gunshots as well as a person with bulletproof armor. I would be able to lose them in the streets and if not ill give them a fight to remember. It is risky so another plan of mine depends on what we need to acquire from the lab. If it is just the formulas and test results that are down on paper then I will enter the lab put my gas mask on toss mt D-gas grenade and just look over the papers. Another resource Eurodyne has given me is Eidetic Memory, or Photographic Memory as it is more commonly known. Instead of taking the actual papers and risking capture i would hold all the secrets in my head and be able to perfectly imitate them."

2009-07-22, 05:33 PM

"But how would you get into the building if they make the scan on your ID? What if there's metal detectors? What if there's samples to be taking as well? Ne, there's too many ifs. You would still make the most sense to carry the research be it in your head or hand, as your skin is with stiprybė, but we need a solid way in and out"

2009-07-22, 08:57 PM

Jin had been sitting deep in thought, listening to everyone's plans thus far. Finally, he raised his eyes and spoke.

"Well, so far, let us summarize our options. They seem to be as follows:

First, sneak into the facility after-hours and hope not to get caught. This seems to be the riskiest and most time-consuming plan, as it would require time to be spent analyzing the building's security routes and other preparations. Also, there is the possibility that our surveillance could be noticed, and it would be useless if the guards moved on irregularly changing patrol patterns, so that plan is no good.

Second, we could try to use fake IDs to slip inside, while one of us sneaks in by another route. This would still require analysis of the building's security preparations, though the chance of discovery during infiltration would be much less, since only one person would be sneaking through. Of course, if the IDs are put under scrutiny, the ruse would be discovered, and to make matters worse, we'd be somewhat split up. However, if we made ourselves out to be security personnel, we could gain access to the security room and temporarily shut down security measures, which would allow our infiltrator to get in, as well as give us a clear path out.

Third, we could try to use the helipad to fake a medical emergency, and allow our person without an ID to gain entrance that way. If we had our shapeshifting comrade here create the illusion of having an injury, it would be much more convincing. Those of us with IDs could pose as lab personnel, and when our comrade gets transported there, we could just happen to be near the emergency ward. If we blend ourselves in with the surgeons, we could knock them out and have our comrade change his appearance to that of one of the doctors, allowing him to take his ID. That way, we could presumably all access the lab area. Our escape could be made via the helipad, using a hired helicopter, or we could brazenly slip out the front door.

Finally, we could create some kind of emergency within the building that could potentially cause them to move their important projects via secure car. If we ambush this vehicle, we could possibly take it en route, and all of the research contained within, not merely what we are after. However, I find it very likely that there will be escort cars, as well as several armed guards within the main vehicle, and the possibility exists that the research could be damaged if our attack goes poorly. Our best chance would be to ambush the armored car's driver, then have our shape-shifting comrade disguise himself as the driver. That would allow him to move in a way that helps us take the car with minimal risk. Of course, if he's discovered, the whole plan could be ruined, and they might lock the research up even tighter."

Having finished this summary, Jin sits back and takes a long pull at his cigarette.

"Well, I can't say I'm too pleased with any of our options, but if we had to choose, I think the third would be best, using a prepared ground vehicle to get away, and a hired helicopter as a backup, in case we can't escape via the ground. It's difficult to escape helicopters on the ground, but it's possible. However, a helicopter is difficult to hide in general, and it can be shot down easily. Therefore, there's a great risk no matter which escape route we take. What do you think, everyone?"

2009-07-23, 12:48 AM
"Well," Helinon says, "there are many ifs with all of the options we have. I would have to choose option 2. As long as our IDs aren't scanned we should be able to infiltrate. I would nominate myself as the one to find another entrance as that is the position with the most risk and i have the best chance of escaping a firefight unharmed. I have stealth and counter-security training as well as some tools to help me move around undetected. I would be the second best suited to do this the first being Kawazu. However, if you can secure some security outfits then I'm sure that Kawazu would be able to get you in with relative ease on account of his ability. Provided that you are able to get in, you could then divert all the security on a ruse of your making, allowing me to encounter much less security.

2009-07-23, 03:41 AM

"Wait a second, I've also recieved stealth training, have skills in counter security, tools, and I'm small and flexible. I can fit into places you lot wouldn't give a second glance, like air vents and such.

"There's still another option we haven't talked over yet - one I suggested at the start. This building houses a medical research lab. In such places the risk of biological and chemical contamination are great, and there will surely be protocols in place for biohazardous situations. Normally, in the event of a biohazard, the affected area is locked down and only HAZMAT crews are permitted into and out of the area. They are tasked with containing an outbreak, isolating the people within the area and decontaminating them. The first thing researchers and guards trapped in a locked down hot zone must do, is go directly to special decon showers, ditch all their clothing, and scrub down. While they are doing that, the HAZMAT team finds the source of the contamination and deals with it.

"What I'm suggesting is that we find out the buildings protocols, and if it's anything like I'm saying we can deal with the designated HAZMAT crew and replace them. We manufacture a biohazard, the alarms go off, the lab area gets locked down, and the building calls for the cleanup crew. We show up, they let us in, and while everyone in the area is scrubbing down, we steal the research. We declare either a false alarm or some botched chemical leak, and leave the area with the research in hand. If it seems likely that we'd encounter trouble on the way out, one of us fakes a seizure and we tell security to call in a medical chopper. The faker has the research and gets loaded onto the chopper with another of us, and when they're in the air the two hijack the thing and fly to a drop off point. In the meantime the rest of the team leaves the way they came in, empty handed and thus with no worry about being found trying to remove sensitive research materials.

"Need I mention as an added bonus that we'll be wearing HAZMAT suits the entire time, meaning no one will get a good look at us?"

She sat back in her chair and let out a deep breath. "It sounds complicated, I know, but it's really quite simple, and I think it's worth considering. It's the least likely scenario to result in any of us getting into a firefight, and if we pull it off we'll be long gone before they realise what's happened."

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-23, 06:27 AM

"That last plan seems fine except for one thing. How are we to get the hazmat suits without damaging them? We can't exactly shoot up the people in them, then walk into the facility wearing hazmat suits with bullet holes in them."

2009-07-23, 06:52 AM

She rolled her eyes. "Good grief. Do you really think the people that wear those suits go around in the things 24/7? They only wear them when there is a reason to wear them, and there will not be a reason to wear them until we make a reason. I wasn't suggesting we jump them outside the building with the sirens blaring - they'll be at their desks or computers or drinking coffee until they get the call, and that call will come only when we decide to set off the hazard alarm. Before that happens, we will have found them, gassed them unconscious, tied them up and stolen their gear and ride. Even if by some chance they happen to be wearing the things when we come knocking on their door, it's hardly like there's only one suit per person kept on the premises - suppose one gets a tear, or has a faulty air valve? What, do they leave the guy behind? Of course not - he grabs a spare suit! And when we're talking about a major medical research Zaibatsu, you can be damn sure they're going to stock a decent number of containment suits. They'd be idiots not to."

2009-07-23, 07:41 AM

Jin smiles. It's somehow disconcerting, giving him a look of malicious intent.

"I like that. You seem to come up with good plans, Masamune-san. I'll be sure to keep that in mind. The only thing I can really add is this: If you can create an ID for me that would allow me to gain access to the lab, I can trigger the alarm by planting a device that emits poison gas. I recently acquired some of my own enhancements, courtesy of our generous sponsors, and as one of them, I had myself engineered to be immune to poison. A gas emission could be blamed on just about anything and anyone, and even if they suspect me, they would probably want me alive, to find out what I know.

This ties in nicely with the escape plan, as once we have the necessary research, you can find me "barely alive" inside the affected area, and take me out via medevac helicopter. After that much unprotected exposure, I should be registering with lethal or near-lethal levels of the poison gas if they decide to investigate the "victim", which would make the plan that much more convincing than a simple faked seizure. Of course, I would be wearing a disguise, instead of dressing in this rather eye-catching outfit. How does that sound?"

Cpt. Soup
2009-07-23, 09:47 AM
((Maybe we should wait for the map to show up before we plan any further))

2009-07-25, 07:25 PM
Helinon slowly looks over the plans everyone has been ignoring up to this point.
"Well. Mikito your plan could work granted we are able to get into the lab. By the looks of it we will need to hack through the lab door to get in. The only problem I see is the potential of us getting caught. The Security HQ is right next to the lab and if their recruiters are anything to go bay in terms of weaponry and training, we do not want to be caught. We wont be able to win or possibly survive a firefight of that magnitude. We will need to be very careful and avoid suspicion. I have a plan for eliminating the HQ. Instead of making the poison leak in the lab or hall. we make it in the HQ. We take out the guards there with the poison and we gain access to the lab because of protocol."

2009-07-26, 03:09 AM

"Yeah, that plan could also work. Actually, I don't like the idea of going in alone, so if we can do it all together, I'd like that better. I'm sure at least one person inside the security HQ must have a card that can access the lab, so that could work nicely. All that remains is to discuss the hows. The stairs probably lead to the roof, so a helicopter would probably be the fastest way to escape."

2009-07-26, 04:42 AM

"Um, the whole point behind my plan is that we won't have to hack anything - I think you are all missing the point completely. A biohazard is about the worst possible emergency they can have - a virus or chemical leak can kill everyone in the building and potentially spread beyond to create a pandemic. The security and containment protocols for a medical research lab has to be the strictest and most efficient possible, or they will be screwed the second anything goes wrong.

"Think about it, if your lab or even your entire building is locked down because of a virus outbreak, you can't afford to waste any time. HAZMAT teams will either be granted immediate access or will have full authorization and security clearance to enter and leave the hot zone, in order to do their jobs as swiftly and efficiently as possible. If we are stealing the gear and ID of an authorized containment team, we will be able to walk right into and out of the damn place, no questions asked, if there's an emergency going on. And there will be. Depending on how we handle our faked outbreak, we could have anywhere between the fourth floor to the entire building locked into quarantine, and will have the authority to order everyone, security included, to go through decontamination. That's how it works, unless they are morons who don't follow proper safety protocols, and don't mind the risk of letting some random security guard go home for the night whilst carrying Ebola in his bloodstream."

Mikoto sighed wearily and threw her hands into the air in a hopeless gesture. "But hey, you guys are so intent on either picking nonsensical faults with the plan, or completely misunderstanding it, or just doing something else altogether, I think I'll just shut up now and let the rest of you handle it. I'll wait in the car as backup or something." She slumped back into her chair and pulled out her manga comic again.

2009-07-26, 09:15 AM
Adele listens to you all very quietly.

I do believe that Mikoto's plan has some very good merits. It is highly unlikely that anyone will be checking out the HAZMAT team in great detail. As for the suits and equipment, do you really think a corporation as big and successful as Eurodyne doesn't keep any of that in stock? The sole problem I can see with it is how are you going to manage an outbreak like that, without alerting the guards?

2009-07-26, 12:23 PM

She lowered her comic onto her lap and rubbed her eyes. "There are any number of ways to do it. We could inject an employee with a poison or virus timed for him to collapse, frothing at the mouth, when he's in the building. They'd have to lockdown the whole building at least, as they'd have no way of knowing at that time just what the problem is or how far spread it is. Everyone would go through decon the reduce the risk of further spreading whatever it is, and the containment team would have to find out what the problem is. That would clear the security room and the lab for us, something none of the other plans accomplishes.

"We could even have one of us pose as patient x, and have him evacuated with the stolen research in a self-contained quarantine gurney that no one would think of opening. Patient x in an outbreak is commonly airlifted to a secure quarantine facility for proper diagnosis and treatment, which gives that person the perfect excuse to take the medical chopper away from the building.

"Really though, it sounds like the team isn't keen on the idea. I certainly don't want the blame if we go with my plan and it goes wrong. I would like some more detail on the other plans though - so far they sound a bit vague. Even if we use the fake ID's to get into the building, how are we going to take out the security without raising the alarm? And how are we supposed to steal the research from a lab full of scientists and doctors? And then how are we all supposed to escape alive? Details, especially ones like that last one, are very important. Especially if I'm expected to risk my life on a mission. I like to know we have a solid means of escape, preferably one that doesn't involve fleeing in a hail of gunfire."

2009-07-26, 02:33 PM
Helinon looks up from the plans and looks at Mikito. "It's true that we don't have the details planned out but if we planned out every conceivable angle and something went wrong then the plan would be useless. We need a small margin for improvisation. Also, if we don't succeed, it wont be your burden to bear. We all share the blame, just as we would share the glory."

2009-07-27, 02:55 AM

"Every plan, regardless of how little or well detailed, can go wrong. The ability to survive the plan going wrong is down to the skills and improvisation of the team, meaning us. As long as we can cope with something going wrong, we'll be okay. But the less we plan out, the more vague a plan is, the greater the chance that something will go wrong.

"If the team doesn't want to use my plan, that's fine. But if we're going to go with a different plan, I would like it to be, you know, an actual plan, not some fuzzy 'Oh we'll sneak in and take out the guards and steal the stuff and escape.' That is not a plan."

2009-07-27, 03:50 AM
"I don't think there has really been a stiff objection to your plan so far. It's the most thought-out and detailed, and it makes sense as well, so it's the one that strikes me as the safest. Also, my suggestion earlier, that I enter the lab disguised as a lab worker and release a toxin, taking advantage of my poison immunity, could be used as the way to get the rest of you there, and also to provide a "victim" that would need to be evacuated in that sealed container you mentioned.

At any rate, I think we need to at least clarify things right now. Do you all think we should use Masamune-san's plan, and focus our discussion now on refining the last remaining details, or shall keep what we have thus far in mind and discuss other options?

I favor her plan right now, as it seems to bear the least amount of direct risk. But if somebody can suggest something just as good, I'd consider that as well."

2009-07-27, 11:16 AM
Adele sighs and begins to leave you. I'll be fixing myself a martini. I expect a plan of action when I get back.

She walks away briskly and leaves you all alone.

2009-07-27, 11:34 AM
"I would have to choose Mikito's plan," Helinon replied, "Because it is quite detailed and, as Watanabe said, has the least amount of direct risk. Out of all the plans we have come up with so far, Mikito's plan is the best choice for this in my eyes."

2009-07-27, 01:01 PM

"If this is the way we are to be deciding this, ah, matter. Mikoto has my ballot as well. It seems the comic books are doing well by her mind. The only matter still left uncertain to me is how we are to extract. By helicopter seems to me to be the best way, so I must ask if our benefactor will be providing us to use one, or if we are taking the genuine article?

2009-07-27, 08:03 PM
"They'll probably expect us to use that expense account card they gave us to purchase or rent the things we'll need, such as a helicopter, the toxin we use, and unless Masamune-san takes care of it herself, to have the IDs altered. Also, if we go with my idea, for me to infiltrate as a lab worker and release toxic gas, I'd have to rent a car, since I'm sure there are security cameras in the parking lot, and it'd look suspicious for me to be dropped off there by a vehicle that is not, itself, going to the laboratory.

At any rate, Masamune-san, if you're confident in your skills, I'd like to you to try and break into their security camera feed and make a few quick screen captures of the lab during business hours. I want to see what kinds of things their people in their wear and carry, so that if we go with my idea, I won't look out-of-place."

Squid Thingy!
2009-07-27, 09:09 PM

Osamu merely nods and looks at the other five members of the group. "I must say, Masamune-san's plan sounds the best. Lowest chance for error as far as I can tell."

2009-07-28, 02:41 AM
OOC - sorry again guys for tying up the game with my inane planning frenzy. I watch too much Mission Impossible for my own good. We can go with that plan if you like, and I know I argued strongly for it, but keeping in mind that this is a game and not a story, I'm just worried the idea might play out a bit dull. If you want to go with a more exciting plan, I won't complain.

2009-07-28, 08:57 PM
Your handler re-enters the room complete with olive garnished glass. Have we reached a decision? If so, I'll need a summary and a list of equipment that you will need. I hope of course, you won't mind any additions I might have...I've been in this business for quite some time.

She grins. Two reddish patches appear on her cheekbones. I do like to keep my worker bees alive and well...

Cpt. Soup
2009-07-29, 02:31 PM

Feeling that the spontaneous planning committee wouldn't suffer from his lack of participation, Kawazu spent most of the discussion eating a protein bar he liberated from a vending machine sever floors down. He tucked it away as Adele reentered the room.

Support for Masamune-san's plan appears unanimous. Ah.. Before I submit my own material needs for the mission, I require information relating to employees within the target building to operate efficiently.. I can select appropriate identities to be worked into the operation from there.

2009-07-29, 04:27 PM

She tucked away her comic once again, plucked her cap off and ran a hand through her hair before replacing it. "Okay then. Well I think before we put anything into motion the first thing we're going to have to do is intel. There's a lot of things we need to know for this plan to work. For containment protocols to work, HAZMAT teams have to be kept off site. Obviously it'd be no good if your containment team gets stuck inside a hot zone, infected along with everyone else. When we make our emergency, they'll place a call to bring in their team, and we need to know where that call goes to and where the team can be found during normal working hours.

"On top of that, Kawazu also needs information, as does Watanabe. I think we've probably all got things we need to know to pull this off, so I guess that's what we should concentrate on. I may know a thing or two about plans, but division of labour is another thing altogether, so someone else should decide who is doing what."

2009-07-30, 07:10 AM

"Since we're going to be going with this plan, I imagine we'll need a helicopter. In particular, one that looks like that kind they use at the facility. We can paint it up to look like one of theirs and use it to get away in the confusion. That way, we'll have a bit of a head-start on them if they realize something's up.

Also, if Masamune-san or another person within the organization doesn't use one of those IDs to create a fake for me to use to gain access to the lab, we'll have to hire somebody on the outside to do it. I don't like that idea though, as it's one more person who could potentially find out what we have in mind, and there's always the chance that an outsider could inform Makita about what they were asked to do, for some reason or other.

At any rate, the escape route stands out most in my mind as a necessary expense. What do the rest of you think?"

2009-07-30, 10:10 AM

"Well as to the ID, it depends on where you release the gas. If you plan on releasing it inside the lab, that means you'll have to get past their best security with deadly poison, without raising suspicion. That won't be easy. The ID's we've been given have already been redone to give us access to the building, but I don't think they'll give access to the lab itself. We'd either need to steal a valid ID with lab access, which is risky, or have one made, which costs a lot.

"Also, if you release it in the lab, depending on the technology they have installed, the lab area itself might be a negative pressure zone that allows air to flow in, but not out. In such a case releasing contaminants or gas in the lab will get us the lab locked down, but not the rest of the building. That could still work, but it means we won't clear the security room, and the guards will be watching everything we do in the lab via their security monitors. We'd have to be very careful about stealing the research without them noticing.

"As far as the helicopter goes, the way I see it we have two choices; One, we purchase the use of a chopper and disguise it, so we can have it fly us out. Or two - we have them call in one of their own medical helicopters, and hijack it in mid flight. The second option is cheaper but riskier, though the first option might not work at all. Any situation that requires a medical chopper will have them calling one in, and the last thing we need is our fake chopper fighting for the right to land over their legitimate chopper. That'd mess everything up. The only way to prevent that is to either intercept their communications, which I doubt we could do, or incapacitate the entire building and call in a medivac ourselves, thereby allowing us to call in our own chopper. But as I mentioned earlier, that all depends on how we deploy the gas.

"On top of all that, I'm not sure gas is the best way to go. Gas is much easier contained and dispersed than biological hazards like a virus. Any idiot can stick on a gas mask and catch us doing something we're not meant to, and generally speaking even poison gas isn't likely to force people to go through decontamination showers, which is key to the plan as we need time and freedom from the buildings inhabitants to steal the stuff without getting caught.

"A virus on the other hand ... say an employee comes to work one morning and suddenly collapses, spewing blood from all his orifices. Not a pretty image, I know, but the point is such a situation is much scarier than a gas attack. Gas can be detected quite easily, locked down, dispersed and protected against. But in the situation I just described, do you know what the guy was carrying? Do you know if it's infectious? Airborne? Lethal? Maybe he's already infected half the building, and they just don't know it yet.

"In a case like that, there are a lot of unknowns. That's exactly the situation that requires full containment and HAZMAT protocols. Until the first few hours’ worth of testing is done, no one has any idea what they're dealing with, how far spread it is or how contagious it is. Everyone has to be contained in case they're carrying a virus, and everyone needs to strip and scrub down in case someone sneezed on someone's sleeve or coughed on someone’s jacket. That takes time, and the only people walking around the building while that's happening is the HAZMAT team - us.

"With gas, none of that happens. Everyone evacuates the building, security sticks on gas masks, and anyone not dead within minutes is likely in no danger. I'd go so far as to say that they could probably deal with a gas release all on their own, but there's no way they would be allowed to brush off a possible viral outbreak. Virus' can spread across a city and kill millions. Gas can't. Hence the more stringent safety protocols when dealing with infectious hazards.

"Now this is an animal testing facility, right? Animals, especially the kind used for experiments, are notorious throughout history for carrying all kinds of nasty bugs. In 1967, thirty one people contracted the marbug virus as the result of lab staff doing experiments on monkeys that carried the virus. On top of that, the primary means of contracting Ebola, that little bug we all know and love, is through infected animals, and in the past a good many animal handlers caught it. It's entirely plausible that one of Makita's animal handlers might contract something, and that would definitely require the lab to be cleared and the animals tested. That gives us the perfect excuse to get in there and steal the research, and it raises less suspicion than some random person walking in and releasing poison gas."

Mikoto had pulled a soda from her bag on the floor and took a long drink from it. "Yeah, I could talk for Japan. We've gotta think this through though. Our lives are on the line, not to mention a lot of money and power between rival Zaibatsu."

2009-07-30, 06:37 PM
Adele smiles. Again, it is not something you really want to see. I had no idea you where all so capable...Especially you young Mikoto. To be honest, Eurodyne had little interest in the mission succeeding but perhaps you can pull it off. I can pull the strings on my end to get you things like a medical hoverwagon...no one uses helicopters these days...and perhaps a strain of a deadly virus or at least one that mimicks one. It seems as though you have some missions to accomplish before the lab raid...We should focus on that first. We'll need to learn about the HAZMAT team used for such events. We need to study the hospital's defenses and security measures. I'm leaving you to it now. Good luck. Call me when you've accomplished something.

She walks out. You feel simultaneously praised and scolded.

2009-07-30, 07:07 PM

Jin stares rather blankly through Mikoto's long lecture.

"I... Didn't really think of all of that. You know a lot about containment and laboratories, don't you? At any rate, I guess you're right. We'll need to either create or fake a virus attack instead. I guess that means that I'll be part of the HAZMAT team, instead of a fake victim."

2009-07-30, 11:20 PM
I like the idea about using a virus. It would cause quite a panic. However if we decide to still use the gas then i have an idea for how to use it to incapacitate the entire building. What if we used the D-Gas grenandes in the ventilation shafts? if we used 4 or 5 it would probably spread through the entire building, knocking most of the people out, including security. Then we could just take an ID form a person who was uncoscious and enter the lab and take the research. How does that sound? Im not as good a strategist as you are Mikito, I was in charge of getting in the building and taking out armored vehicals in the Special forces so im not really used to planning like this.

2009-07-31, 02:23 AM

"The reason I know so much about containment procedures is that we did a study on the technology used in medical research at college. It was about the only remotely interesting subject they gave us. I actually thought up an idea similar to this as a possible prank, but I don't know enough about drugs and bugs to fake such a thing myself, so I never got to try it out.

"As to trying to knockout the building with gas, I doubt it'd work. There are sensors and alarms that detect gas, and they probably have a system set up to shut down the building ventilation if they detect a harmful substance. Even if they didn't, all it would take is for one person to notice his colleagues collapsing, hit the panic button, and the next thing we know everyone's wearing gas masks, and an army of Zaibatsu thugs are tearing towards the building with gunship support. If you want to try that, by all means, but I'll wait in the car."

She finished off the last of her drink, stood and tossed it in a wastebasket. "Our boss is right, we've got a lot of stuff to find out and do before we start our mission. I still don't know who is doing what, but we should probably do something rather than sit here and listen to me babble all day."

2009-08-01, 12:07 AM

"Alright, so we are agreed on a viral katastrofa, yes? I know a surgeon of the questionable ethics who may be able to find or make us a mimicry virus. This I shall go and be doing presently.
I should suggest that as far as getting the protokolas as regarding the HAZMAT and medical, the personnel will be found together out of work. This is the code of the zaibatsu culture, da? So if Kawazu were to make himself a duplicate of an unimportant coworker and join the rest of them at the bar while being needling them sneakily as to their regulations, or perhaps if Slickster Watanabe could to try his hand. Even I could ask nicely.
Alas, first thing is the, ah, first. I'm going to get on seeing what I can see of Li. I am sure you clever katėms can figure out the rest of the preparatory while I am going. Good luck!" With that, Akalina springs up and strides out the door.

2009-08-01, 07:29 AM
Gin glares after Katalina as she leaves. A few moments after she's left the room, he murmurs to the others.

"I don't trust her. I think we should keep an eye on what she does when she's around. Well, but that might just be me. At any rate, as long as she's getting busy, we should do the same. For now, I should probably stay away from that Makita bar. This soon after our attack there, they'll certainly remember the face of the person who walked loudly into the bar and lured three men outside, only for them to turn up dead minutes later.

I at least agree that a viable method for learning their procedures might be to have Kawazu-san disguise himself as one of them, then try to work some of their procedures out of them. I could help take the man to be replaced, then arrange for him to commit "suicide" after Kawazu-san is done in the bar. At any rate, that's assuming we have him do such risky information gathering. If you do want to do that though, I would recommend saying that you've been very tired lately, and feel like you've been forgetting to do something in the lab lately.

If they hear that, they'd probably agree to give you a quick overview of the lab policy. Of course, after hearing it all, affirm that you've been doing all that, and express relief to have not forgotten anything. That should allay any fears or suspicions toward you. After you've gotten the information you think we need, if you excuse yourself, saying you had to take care of some things, you should be able to get away with a minimum of suspicion.

What do you think about that?"

2009-08-02, 05:01 PM

Akalina slowly opens the door and peeks around it. Realizing that everyone is still in their seats, she steps in and chides, "It is the early bird that catches the grub, is it not?" She grins and takes her seat, rolling a cigarette as she speaks, "But not to worry, my draugai, for I have these to spare. Firstly, I was talking to my associate and he can to create our fake ailment, but it will take some time as well as five thousand in cash for expenses. To this, I can contribute only my last 1000 yen, and pasitikėti me, I wanted so badly to spend some of it on the bus. It's no matter, though; my legs are crafted by the grit of Stalin's own mustache!" Giggling at her own jest, Akalina lights her cigarette and continues. "Looking in our interests, I was also poking around for information. Nawamasu used to doctor in the didelis hospitals for a long time. When I asked him about the viral outbreaks, he told me that in this sort of, ah, event, the first thing the staff must do is to phone out to the superiors for the HAZMAT parama. This, I think, would be perfect time for our dear Mikoto to intervene from the Net, da? She works the magic and redirects the cleanup task to the best cleanup crew around, us!" She grins around the room before her face falls slightly. "Sadly, that is all the good news I can dalytis; no more grubs. Its a good start though, yes?"

2009-08-02, 06:13 PM
After hearing Akalina's information Helinon looks over to Mikito. "Well that all depends if Mikito feels that her hacking skills are advanced enough to intercept the message, though i would think it would be fairly easy for her. As for the cost of the virus wouldn't the finance card we were given be able to pay this virus?"

2009-08-02, 07:49 PM

"Sorry, friend Helinon, Li has made it perfectly opaque. He will be accepting cash tik. Something about his, ah, occupation. Extra icebreakers for our Mikoto, however, would be a puikus expense for the card. And as to her capableness to this task, I have no doubt."

2009-08-02, 08:20 PM
Helinon nods towards Akalina. "Ok, i guess we will have to pay him with cash. However i may have someone who can manufacture the virus for a lower price. An old freind of mine in a reasearch and develpment lab from my Special Forces days quit a liitle after I did. Turns out he got a new job in the area. He might be able to get us that virus faster and/or cheaper." Helinon then takes out his cell phone and calls Kimura. "Excuse me for a minute." He then gets up and leaves the room.

2009-08-02, 09:04 PM
Helinon re-enters the room.On his face you see a very small, what looks to be,smile on his face. however the next instant it disappears. "I just got off the phone with my friend. He should be able to get a virus going. We'll know in 24 hours how the process went and if he was able to create a virus that we could use."

2009-08-02, 11:09 PM
Jin nods his head at this news. "Well, just remember. We want something that looks like a virus, but isn't. The last thing I want is for one of us to contract a dangerous virus and get everyone killed over a simple decontamination error.

That said, if we can get it cheaper, that's all well and good. I just don't want to take too long waiting. We'll certainly need some time to gather information, but if we take too long, we risk becoming suspicious entities, or having protocols change on us. I believe that as soon as we have the information we need, and have made the necessary arrangements, we should enact our plan.

Well, either way, if we have to pay cash for this, I'd be willing to help cover part of it. Maybe they'll let us turn the bill in to the accounting department and get reimbursed for it, if we're forced to pay cash..."

2009-08-02, 11:14 PM
"If we needed a lethal virus then we would have to wait much less time since that is what my freind was used to making. It would be harder for him to create a non-lethal virus that has ailments that are bad enough to enable a building lockdown than one that simply kills people."

2009-08-03, 02:24 AM

"Well we don't want a lethal virus - one of us is going to be the victim remember! If we infect one of them, the guy might decide not to to go to work because he doesn't feel well, or maybe to have his fit in the bathroom where no one can see him and raise the alarm. If one of us plays the patient x part, that person can make sure they're in a crowded area like the mess hall or office, so that everyone can see them and start a panic. I seriously doubt any of us would be willing to get infected with something lethal for this.

"Don't forget as well that patient x gets an express ticket out of the building for shipment to a secure facility - containment has to diagnose the virus as soon as possible, and the only confirmed case is the first guy to collapse from it. If that's one of us, that person can be shipped out via the roof, and we can stash the research in whatever we're carrying him or her on. Instant exit strategy for two or three of us and the stuff we're after.

"As far as paying for this fake virus goes, well that shouldn't be a problem. Haven't any of you laundered money before? There's a simple trick I picked up from the Yakuza - if you've only got credit and you want cash, you go out and buy goods to the value of however much cash you need, then sell the goods on to convert your credit into hard cash. One of us could do that no problem, right?

"As for me, I better look into their communications systems, see if I can hack it. I may not need to - if we can find out where the top brass will forward their call to, we can get there in advance, take out their actual teams and be waiting by the telephone for the call to come through. If we can do that, no need to hack anything. I'm not sure it'll be that easy though, so I'll have to go and see. I'll call on one of your cell phones when I know more."

With that she got up and left, determined to find out what they needed to know.

2009-08-05, 08:24 PM

Jin stands up to leave as well.

"Well, since we all seem to be splitting up to get to work now, I nominate myself for going and turning our credit into cash. It's just as Masamune-san suggests, that is a good way to do so. Actually, I've done similar things before, so I think I might be best for this. Also, I have to purchase some small things I will be needing to assist in gathering information on the lab procedures, so I'll have to do some shopping anyhow. If there are any small things any of you will need for the mission, now is the time to tell me."

[[I'm a little confused, too. I just thought about it a bit, and I have to ask, did Akalina mean 5000 dollars or 5000 yen? Because 5000 yen would only be a bit more than 50 dollars US, going by today's exchange rates. Well, I say today, but actually I mean about six or seven years ago. I forget exactly what the rate I saw was, but it was something like 87 yen to the dollar, or something like that. Just wondering.]]

2009-08-05, 08:56 PM
[[I'm a little confused, too. I just thought about it a bit, and I have to ask, did Akalina mean 5000 dollars or 5000 yen? Because 5000 yen would only be a bit more than 50 dollars US, going by today's exchange rates. Well, I say today, but actually I mean about six or seven years ago. I forget exactly what the rate I saw was, but it was something like 87 yen to the dollar, or something like that. Just wondering.]]
OOC] I think that she meant 5000 dollars but in this universe 1 yen is the eqivilent of 1 dollar

IC] Helinon looks at Jin as he begins to leave "Yes, if you could, get me some frag grenades so that ill be prepared if something goes wrong." Gets up to leave as well. " Actually i think I'll go with you. I've got little else to provide the plan, so the least i could do is help you do your part."

Squid Thingy!
2009-08-05, 09:54 PM

Osamu looks from person to person. "I think I'll go with Jin-san and Helinon-san. I have little to contribute to this current mission. The least I can do is assist the two of you. Unless of course anyone else needs me for something?"

2009-08-05, 09:57 PM
Helinon nudges Tomomasu and whispers, "He prefers to be called Watanabe."

Squid Thingy!
2009-08-05, 10:12 PM

Osamu remains silent for a few seconds. "I thought I said Watanabe-san... Hm, my sincerest apologies, it was a slip of the tongue. I asure you it shall not happen again."

2009-08-06, 09:54 AM
[[Ah, so the exchange rate is like that, then. Good to know.]]

"Hmph. Very well then. I must just be old-fashioned, since it seems like only I mind. At any rate, I guess it's okay having you two along. Actually, it will makes this go faster, so that's fine."

2009-08-06, 04:00 PM
(Since you three are staying together, I can just run your stuff here...where exactly are you going? You should let me know that kinda thing...it helps :) )

You all realize that you've been inside the meeting room for quite some time. It's starting to get dark again. 7:32PM by the clock on the wall. Outside, the glow of the lights in twilight is almost nauseating...It makes things a little hard to focus on. Can't be good for the eyes.

Both Akalina and Helinon's phones begin to ring/vibrate...whatever.

2009-08-06, 04:08 PM
Akalina grins sheepishly at Helinon and answers her phone. "Li?"
"That would be good, but my associates and myself may be able to be getting this at cheaper than our agreed upon mokestis, the fee. Listen, I'll call you back when I am aware, da? Right now, everything is too scattered."

2009-08-06, 07:31 PM
Helinon looks at Akalina and nods, then answers his phone, "Hello? Hey Kimura. Hows it going?"

2009-08-08, 06:53 PM

After Jin, Helinon, and Tomomasu have been out shopping for a few hours, Jin suddenly breaks from them as they leave a store, mumbling something about having to see somebody. Whatever he was saying, he doesn't stay to hear their responses, but instead shuffles into the crowd as quickly as he can, heading for the nearest subway access.

2009-08-16, 08:37 PM
Jin Watanabe

"Well, now that we're all together, let's go over the final plans for the operation once more. First, let's start with what resources we have on hand, and how we'll make use of them. Of course, we have the fake virus. Just to review, how will we introduce it? I assume one of us will be planted as a fake victim inside the lab? If so, whom shall we use?"

2009-08-16, 09:09 PM
"We could pay off a person to be infected for it. Or one of us could volunteer. I wish there were more options but that's all we have left."

2009-08-17, 11:02 PM
Jin Watanabe

"The problem is, if we were to pay a lab technician to take the fake virus, how would we get him to do so? It would be really suspicious to me if someone suddenly wanted me to take something or be injected with something I couldn't identify, and he'd be sure to tell somebody about it when he got to the lab.

Of course, it'd be easier if the fake virus is an inhaled substance. How is it delivered?"

2009-08-17, 11:25 PM
"I.......am not sure. Let me call up Kimura for this." Helinon then takes out his cell phone and calls Kimura. "Hello Kimura. I've got a question about the virus."

2009-08-21, 11:32 PM
Jin Watanabe

"Well then, in the meantime, let us review the plan. We will enter the laboratory disguised as Makita's decontamination team after a person there is found to have fallen to a mysterious ailment. We will enter the lab, secure the research documents and materials we have been ordered to get, and then exit the building with patient zero via the helipad. We can use one of their own medevac helicopters for that. If we act quickly, we can hijack it when it lands on the helipad and escape before anybody even knows what happened.

I also happened to think of something very interesting yesterday. If we play our cards right, we could probably make out with more than just this little bit of research material. If we can get one of their people with the fake virus, what we could do is sedate them once we have them on the stretcher, so that they don't see us hijack the helicopter. Then, we could isolate them within our own containment facility and keep them in a confused state. Let them think they're still sick. By doing this, our researchers could probably coax everything that person knows about the research they were doing, under pretenses of needing to know it to effectively treat them. That would be a nice little bonus, wouldn't it?

Hmm... I think that's about it. Is there anything I've forgotten?"

2009-08-21, 11:59 PM

"Well, unless Kawazu is to impersonate a Makita superior, we will need our Mikoto to be intercepting the avarinis, the emergency transmission. I do like the idea of taking some extra information while we can, as long as our sponsor is willing."

"Say Kawazu, would you be opposed to paying this Makita baras a visit? Together, I believe there is a benefit for us both to go."

2009-08-22, 04:12 PM
"How would the virus be delivered? Is it an airborne strain or a bloodstream infection?.......Aeriel delivery please. I don't think any of us are going to take the risk of getting infected or hiring someone to be infected. Also how long until the symptoms go into effect?..........Excellent. When can you get it here?........See you then." Helinon then hangs up and looks over the the group. "So. Kimura can get the virus here tomorrow in an aeriel delivery form. That means we don't have to hire anyone to get infected. The initial symptoms occur in about fifteen minutes, and is at maximum in about an hour."

Cpt. Soup
2009-08-23, 10:13 AM

Kawazu smiled at Akalina. Not in the slightest. I'll look forward to this opportunity to make myself useful.

2009-08-23, 11:11 PM
"Puikiai! I propose we are to assume the guise of the Internal Affairs and stage a, how do you say, loyalty test. I go in first and try to locate the more senior security asmuo present. Saying I am a reporter, I will to get him alone outside somewhere and talk some intel from him. Then you, Kawazu, sprogimas in, we both flash our company IDs, we claim to be IA, to be grilling him on anything and everything useful, you study him, and when we finish we kriauklė him in the Bay. Easy money, da?"

"But of course I can't be going in looking like some gaijin ištvirkimas off the street, so I'll be a minute." Akalina promptly stands and strides out the door.

Returning with a paler complexion and a drastically more Asiatic face, she grabs Kawazu's arm and heads for the Makita watering hole. "Of course you can be welcome to siūlyti a different plan, but please to be quick about it. I want to be in place when the virus comes, and this mask itches like the fire."

"So how do you say and accent on 'Hello! I am a žurnalistas for the Tokyo Tribune. May I please be having your time..."

2009-08-24, 03:45 AM
Jin Watanabe

Jin stands up to go as well.

"I'll be going with you. If we can't get any information that way, I'll just have to pick one of them off and have Tomomasu-san replace him for a bit, using my information-gathering plan. I'll be near the bar. Call me if something goes wrong, and then I'll take one of them.

That is, of course, assuming you feel like coming along as part of my plan, Tomomasu-san. Will you do it?"

Squid Thingy!
2009-08-24, 05:03 PM

Osamu nods and stands as well. "Of course Watanabe-san. Anything I can do to be of use."

2009-08-24, 09:46 PM
Helinon gets up after Jin. "I will go meet with Kimura to get the virus. Have your cells ready. I'll contact all of you when I get it." With that Helinon walks out to the meeting point to get the virus.

2009-08-25, 09:51 AM
[[As Perducci said, we're now at the information gathering point. Let's say we're just arriving on-site now, so we can have our characters take their respective positions.]]

Jin Watanabe

Jin lights up another cigarette once they get on-site. He seems a bit on-edge this close to a Makita bar. He glances all around, looking for signs of recognition on the faces of the passers-by.

"Well then, let's get this started. Tomomasu-san and I will be nearby, in case the original plan fails. If it does, I'll take one of the men out in secret, and we'll have Tomomasu-san replace him. Well, give me a call once you're done. We'll need an inconspicuous code phrase for failure and for success, so that we can act accordingly.

If we succeed, I'd recommend all going separate ways, and then meeting up at HQ later. If it's a failure, we'll have to meet up outside the bar and plan our next action based on how successful the original plan was.

Anyone have anything to add? Any phrases to suggest?"

Cpt. Soup
2009-08-25, 11:15 AM

Kawazu had taken a short moment to alter his appearance to more suitably reflect his role (obviously not here, possibly in a car). Looking older and several degrees more serious, Kawazu replied in a low grating voice.

I can think of little to add.. Lets say the signal for failure is putting out our cigarettes where as success is indicated by continued smoking, replacement or otherwise.

Kawazu seemed very certain that everyone on the team smoked, he he directed his next words to Akalina.

Akalina, You should take the lead as you have a better chance at.. disarming him, I suspect I'll be more likely to put him on his guard then off it. I'll follow along with your character.

((Just an OOC request for clarification.. What are our basic goals in the bar? It's a little muddled for me under the rping))

2009-08-25, 08:41 PM
[[The mission is this: Kalina and Kawazu will visit the Makita bar and try to get one of their lab guys outside, ostensibly as part of a loyalty test. If they can get him outside, they'll try to get him to tell us the lab procedures. If that works, great. We bug out with what we know.

If that fails though, we'll have to take out one of their lab guys and have Tomomasu replace him, then pretend that he might have forgotten to do something and ask for a review of the policy. After they go through everything, he should just act relieved to have not forgotten anything, then after he feels an appropriate amount of time has passed, make an excuse to leave and get out.

It'll be a lot easier if we can get lucky and nab a senior lab worker. Then Tomomasu could instead pose it as a test, to make sure everybody remembers. Say maybe that the boss has been on his ass to make sure everyone's operating safely.]]

Jin Watanabe

"Hmm. Well, that sounds like a good code. I know that each team has at least one member who smokes, so we can go with that. Well then, if there's nothing further to add then good luck, you two. Tomomasu and I will be hanging out over here." As he says this, Jin indicates a spot in visual range of the bar.

Squid Thingy!
2009-08-25, 09:13 PM
((Ok, so um. Stupid question here, but how exactly am I going to replace someone? The extent of my retrogenics is retractable claws, ambidexterity, and macro-vision. Do you mean Kawazu replace someone?))

2009-08-26, 09:37 AM

"All right, Kawazu. Let us do this. If you would be so mielas to post somewhere inside with line of sight to me. I am unsure whether I can flush one out on my own, and even if I am to succeed, I may need you to šiurkštus the target up some. I am hoping this is easy pudding." With that, Akalina dons a winning smile and steps inside. From the doorway, she scans around, looking for prey.

2009-08-30, 03:20 PM
(Little confusion on my part...I was waiting on the others to act. My bad...from now on its either keep up or die!)

Inside the bar is smoking...that is, everyone inside the bar seems to be. A thick haze dances around the lights. The bartender is telling some wild story about shark fighting they have off the coast of Puerto Rico these days. There are about 10 businessmen listening to this story and laughing drunkenly while slapping each other on the backs.

One of the men stands and sways over toward Akalina. " Hey there good lookin'. Can I (hic) buy you a drink?" The others at the bar shout some insulting catcalls and whistle.

2009-09-03, 01:06 PM

Akalina flutters her eyelashes demurely, "why I'd love to have a drink, handsome, but I'm actually here to be writing a story. You would be one of the important employees that guide the grand Makita to success, d- yes?" Without waiting for a reply, she takes a seat at the bar and gestures for him to join her. "I would be very grateful for a vodka."

2009-09-03, 04:23 PM
At the word "story" his drunken smile disappers, but like a rabbit in a hat, it pops back up when the flattery begins. You bet. He slides up next to her and winks(or blinks) at his fellows. They all raise their glasses and cheer.
A vodka for our media friend here! Within seconds, a tumber of vodka appears in front of Akalina.

2009-09-04, 10:07 AM

"A toast to my new fellows, may you all find what you seek." With this, Akalina raises her glass and takes a pull. "Now which one of you good gentlemen would chat with me about keeping Makita secure? The Constant Guardian wants a feature piece on the most tightly guarded zaibatsu, and so... I came here!" She smiles warmly about her new compatriots and takes out a notebook.

2009-09-04, 03:54 PM
The man you've wrangled into this begins to open his mouth, but one of his co-workers holds his hand up. I'm sorry, but you'd have to get in touch with our public relations department to get that kind of info. We have strict policies on insider information.

He raises his glass to her. I'm sure you understand.

2009-09-05, 02:50 PM

Akalina tips her own drink and finishes it. "Well, that sounds fair," she says as she discreetly scrawls 5 minutes on a page of her notebook. "Of course I am disappointed that we could not handle these interviews in a casual manner-," she pulls the page out and begins to fold it, "but it is true that we all must play by the rules. In the meantime, may I simply know your names, and perhaps another drink?"

2009-09-07, 03:08 PM
The man smiles lewdly and nods. You may call me Zip. He looks to the bartender and slams his fist down on the bar. More vodka for our lady freind.

Another tumbler of clear liquid is quickly passes to Akalina. Zip's companions are now in a debate amongst themselves about some sort of interdepartmental rivalry or somthing.

2009-09-09, 09:31 AM

With a gracious nod, Akalina raises her glass to Zip and downs it. "Wow, this little lady is in need of a cigarette." Stepping in close to him, she stuffs the folded piece of paper into his shirt pocket and whispers in his ear, "Don't be late, Zip." Then, more loudly, "I'll be back, friends." She steps out the door and sparks a handrolled.

2009-09-09, 10:23 AM
(Quick check in of other players. Where are you? What are you doing? Just something to let me know you and your character haven't been winked out of existance.)

2009-09-09, 03:03 PM
Just waiting for the infiltration of the lab. I'm still here.

2009-09-10, 07:05 AM
Jin Watanabe

Jin stands off in an area that allows him to see the bar (if there's some kind of pedestrian overpass near the entrance to the bar, he'll be standing up there). To the casual observer, he seems to be relaxing with a cigarette while waiting for somebody. In reality, he is impatiently watching the entrance to the bar for any of the prepared signs.

Every minute or so he glances about, making sure nobody nearby has taken undue interest in him. His left hand, which he keeps in one of his deep coat pockets, casually fingers the autopistol he's always kept stashed in there, ever since he was awarded it for his first mission [[I make it sound like such a long time, don't I...? =P]]. Glancing around once more to make sure his planned escape routes are still unblocked, he resumes his vigilant observance of the bar...

2009-09-10, 01:33 PM
Zip reads the paper and jumps out of his barstool. He rushes to the doorway with a pitiful look on his face. Please, miss...you must understand. There is a new policy about staying within sight of your co-workers. Things have gotten a little out of hand recently. Please come back and join us. Perhaps there are some things we could talk about...in private. I mean, out of earshot of my fellows.

He gives a smile and extends his hand to her. Pl..hic...Please.

2009-09-10, 02:18 PM

"Zip, I'm not completely interested in what you say," Akalina purrs, stepping in close to Zip. "Is this not obvious to you? Make like you're going to the bathroom and sneak out. Meet me here, and we don't need to talk." With this, Akalina leans in close and strokes his chin before turning around and slinks out.

2009-09-11, 03:18 PM
A minute and forty-three seconds later, a drunken Zip stumbles out of the bar and begins to look around for Akalina. He almost steps into traffic once. He peers out into the distance...apparently his vision is a bit blurry.

2009-09-11, 05:51 PM
Helinon leans over to Jin. "Watanabe, I think that is a Makita employee. Soon we will ambush him and have Kawazu replace him. Be on your guard."

2009-09-11, 08:20 PM
Jin Watanabe

Jin fixes his gaze on the man in front of the bar.

"I see. That person, huh? I'll get closer then, in preparation. Expect me to have a different face the next time we meet."

With that, Jin slips off to a nearby alleyway and removes the masking cream from his pocket. Taking it from the container, he applies it to his face and rubs it blindly about by feel. Because he is working blindly, he creates a horrifying visage that makes him appear as though he's had the bones in his face destroyed at some point in his life. On the plus side, his face is now completely different in appearance, and in a minimum of time.

This task complete, he steps out of the alleyway and draws nearer to the bar, until he finds another alley from which he can observe his target.

2009-09-12, 01:50 PM
The man begins to wonder where his russian beauty has gotten off to. He begins to wander along the sidewalk. Unfortunately, the direction he takes is opposite of Jin.

Cpt. Soup
2009-09-12, 07:19 PM

((sorry for the absence but I couldn't think of much to do, what with my lack of feminine wiles..))

Kawazu kept to himself in the bar, doing little other then slowly drinking away his personal credits and keeping an eye on the man Akalina had been working on. Witnessing Zip leave, Kawazu initiates his own exit strategy. He orders another beer and pretends to be short on credits. When the bartender refuses him, Kawazu makes a grab for it and escalates the situation until he manages to himself kicked out. (Not too far mind you, he doesn't want to get pummeled)

Outside, Kawazu glances around for the their target and stumbles off in the same direction.

Squid Thingy!
2009-09-12, 07:50 PM

Osamu stands idly by Helinon, apparently texting on his cellphone, but not really doing anything other than keeping an eye on the drunken Makita employee, that and awaiting orders from either Helinon or Watanabe.

2009-09-13, 10:18 AM
Jin Watanabe

Jin makes his way toward an alleyway near the bar, keeping an eye on the Makita employee as he goes. Suddenly, he sees the man begin heading away from where Jin is going! Jin casually shifts his direction toward the nearest crosswalk, to get to the employee's side of the street and pursue him. As he does so, he pulls out his cell phone and calls Akalina.

"Hey, it's Watanabe. Was that your interviewee just leaving the bar? Do you want me to request a follow-up?"

2009-09-14, 05:12 PM

"No worries, Watanabe. All is peach. See if you can not find a nearby ah, love hotel, yes? We are to require a discreet place." Akalina hangs up her phone and hurries after Zip, scowl spreading across her face. "Zip! Where are you going? And you're early! Can you not read?" When she draws alongside him, her anger subsides, and she wraps her arm around his. "So where are you taking me, Zip?"

2009-09-14, 07:00 PM
"So?" Helinon asks. "What did Akalina say?"

2009-09-15, 07:38 AM
Jin Watanabe

"We need to prepare a discreet hotel for her. Well, this is an effective means of getting information as well, I suppose. I'll leave it to you, since I can't do anything too noticeable with this kind of face. Let me know when you have something picked out. We'll meet up ahead of time outside the place, so we can be in place in case she gets into trouble.

With that, Jin places a call to Tomomasu.

"Hey, it's Watanabe. Some friends and I were about to play Mah-Jong, and we need a fourth. Do you feel like coming?"

2009-09-15, 06:29 PM
Helinon looks around and goes to the nearest phone booth. As he walks towards it he says, "I'll be back as soon as i find a good place. I haven't gotten Akalina's number yet, so I'll tell you so you can call her." When he reaches the phone booth he then searches through any directory that might be there for an address of a hotel.

2009-09-16, 03:05 PM
Zip reels and looks a bit frigtened at Akalina's sudden(to him everything is happening suddenly) appearance. He then smiles and stumbles a little. A look of shock and confusions spreads across his face.

Where am I taking you? He struggles to comprehend. Waita minute...I thought I was going with you? I can't (hic) even walk hardly. How'm I s'posed to take you somewhere? He asks this with much conviction.

2009-09-17, 01:42 PM

"Well, you do know of a nearby quiet place we could... get to know each other better, yes? I'd be thinking such a handsome gentleman would need to know many such places."

Squid Thingy!
2009-09-19, 08:42 AM

Osamu quickly answers the vibrating phone. "Hm, yes. Of course Watanabe-san. Where shall we meet?"

2009-09-19, 08:46 AM
Zip shrugs his shoulders and nods. Then shakes his head. Well, I suppose any place would do really. I guess I could use one of the company penthouses. It'll be worth the bonus I'm sure to lose though...maybe.

He calls for a cab. He fails to get one and almost falls into the street. Whup! Maybe you can have little more better luck than me?

2009-09-19, 03:46 PM

"Let us to wait and see, Zip-san. It will only be a matter of time before my friends can find us somewhere to go. Until then, would you like to do down a speedball?" Akalina runs her finger around her teeth and steps in close, "I hear sex on it is incredible."

2009-09-20, 09:03 AM
Zip's eyes grow wide. Friends? You mean there are more than one of you? Wow...this is my lucky night.

He shakes his head no about the "enhancement". We get kept under a pretty tight lock and key. Testing is outta control.

2009-09-20, 06:30 PM
[[Sorry about the slow response. I got hooked on a game and forgot to check back here the last couple days. I finished it though, so I'll try to pay better attention in the future.]]

Jin Watanabe

"Well, we're still discussing that. You're in that bar you like, right? We figured you might be, so we're waiting outside. Come join us and we'll talk about the location some more."

2009-09-20, 07:01 PM
Helinon was close enough to hear Zip's last comment. "You know i kinda feel sorry for this guy. He's going to get screwed, and not the way he thinks."

2009-09-24, 08:22 AM

As Akalina and Zip keep walking, they find themselves standing before The Pleasure Bucket. She texts a quick update to the team before taking Zip inside.

2009-09-24, 02:31 PM
Helinon checks his phone for the message. "Okay, Akalina has the guy at a place called The Pleasure Bucket. I think i saw that places address in the phone book i was looking through. Does anyone here know the streets better than me? I might get us lost." (I don't have Streetwise skill.)

2009-09-24, 08:34 PM
[[Yay for taking Urban Survival! =D]]

Jin Watanabe

"Oh, I think I know where that block is. We'll go there and look for the building. It shouldn't take too long, since she was on foot as well."

Once Tomomasu joins up with the others, Jin will lead them to the area so they can look for the Pleasure Bucket.

Squid Thingy!
2009-09-28, 09:36 PM

"Of course, of course. I'm on my way..." Tomomasu makes his way out of the bar calmly and slowly, trying to not draw any attention to himself, and meets with Jin and the others outside.

2009-09-28, 09:40 PM
"Ok, lets go." Helinon just follows Jin the whole way there.

2009-09-29, 08:30 PM
Jin Watanabe

Upon finding the building Akalina mentioned, Jin begins looking around for any potential tails.

"We'll keep an eye on the main entrance for now. Let's pick somewhere out of the way, where we can watch it without drawing too much attention. We'll stand by in case Akalina needs help.

Also, I think that two of us should take a look around the building and make sure there aren't any exits we don't know about. Places like this usually have one or two. We'll keep watch on as much of the building as we can, in case Akalina's man decides to run away. Which brings me to my last point.

I want to know what you guys think about us grabbing him once he's left and pretending to be from Makita's internal security department, to confirm the legitimacy of what he's told her. He looked to me like he was very drunk, so he'll probably believe us. After that, what do you all think about disposing of him? If we let him go, he might let slip to his colleagues that he blabbed about procedure. What do you think?"

2009-09-29, 09:02 PM
"We could just give him a couple of hard hits to the head with our guns and leave him in an alleyway. Take all his valuables too. make it look like he was mugged. Keep in mind, he's drunk as hell right now. If we hit him hard enough he'll have some memory loss, and even if its temporary, he'll remember it too late or just be too ashamed to tell."

2009-09-30, 07:00 PM
Jin Watanabe

"Would that really work? We'd have to hit him pretty hard to make him lose his memory, wouldn't we? On the other hand, the dead don't speak, which is why I think we should just kill him. We could do that, and take the money to make it look like a mugging gone bad, right? What do you say?"

2009-09-30, 07:10 PM
Helinon nods at Jin. "That would work too. And it's safer. we do need to make sure the body looks like it was mugged. No weapon marks, just a split open skull. That would be the mark of a mugging gone wrong, I would think."

Squid Thingy!
2009-09-30, 09:47 PM

Tomomasu glances between the other to men an thinks silently for a second before nodding in agreement. "Mugging gone wrong seems the best option. Kill the man, and steal all his valuables, unless of course any of them have anything that could be used to track us..."

2009-09-30, 10:11 PM
"Yeah in that case we take it and either burn it or hide it in the sewer."

2009-10-02, 11:45 AM
"Okay, then it sounds like we have a plan for when he comes out."